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Year: 2012

Brother, brotherhood :

Frey, Jörg

Posted at the Zurich Open Repository and Archive, University of Zurich ZORA URL: https://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-69661 Book Section Published Version

Originally published at: Frey, Jörg (2012). Brother, brotherhood : new testament. In: Allison, D C; Leppin, V; Seow, Choon Leong. Encyclopedia of the and Its Reception : Volume 4 : Birsha – Chariot of Fire. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 550-557. Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, vol. 4 (2012): Birsha – Chariot of Fire

Birsha Boaz and Jachin /Jachin and Boaz Birth Boaz, Booz Birth Narratives Boccaccio, Giovanni Birth of /Birth Narratives; Nativity of Boccherini, Luigi Jesus Bocheru Birth of Mary /James, Protevangelium of Bochim Birthright Bodmer Papyri Birthstool Bodrum /Halicarnassus al-Bı¯ ru¯ nı¯ , Abu¯ al-Raḥ ya¯ n Muḥ ammad ibn Body Aḥmad Body and Blood of Christ /Blood; Body; Bread Birzaith of Life; Corpus Christi; Lord’s Supper Bishlam Body Art /Skin Art Bishop Boëthius Bishops’ Bible /Versions and Translations of Bohairic /Coptic Language the Bible Bohan, Stone of Bisitun Böhme, Jakob Bit Boiardo, Matteo Maria /Orlando Innamorato Bithiah Boils Bithynia Boldness Bitter Herbs Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount Bitumen Böll, Heinrich Bizet, Georges Bomberg, Daniel Biziothiah Bonaventure Biztha Bond, Bondage /Captive, Captivity; Slave, Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne Slavery Black Elk Bondman, Bondwoman, Bondmaid /Captive, Black Hebrew Captivity; Slave, Slavery Black Holiness Church /Holiness Churches Bone Black Madonnas Bonfils (Tov Elem), Joseph ben Eliezer Black Mass /Witches’ Sabbath Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Black Sabbath /Witches’ Sabbath Book Book of Abraham Blake, William Book of Common Prayer Blaspheming Son (Lev 24 : 10–16) Book of Glory (John) /John, Gospel of Blasphemy Book of Hours /Hours, Book of Blasting/Blight /Agriculture Book of Kells /Canon Tables; Illuminated/ Blastus Decorated Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna Book of Life /Life, Book of Blessed Ones Book of Mormon, The Blessing Book of Signs (John) /John, Gospel of Blight /Agriculture Book of the Law /Law, Book of the Blindness Book of the Twelve /Minor Blixen, Karen Christentze Book, People of the /People of the Book Bloch, Ernest Books, Liturgical /Liturgical Books Bloch, Ernst Booth Blood Booths, Feast of Blood and Body of Christ /Blood; Body; Bread Boots /Footwear of Life; Corpus Christi; Lord’s Supper Booty Blood Libel /Jewish-Christian Relations; Bor-Ashan /Ashan Blood Borges, Jorge Luis Blood, Field of /Akeldama Borith /Bukki Bloodguilt Bornkamm, Günther Blow, John Borromini, Francesco Borsippa Bluwstein, Raḥ el (Rachel) Boscath /Bozkath Boanerges (Sons of Thunder) Bosch, Hieronymus Boar Bosheth Boasting Bosom of Abraham /Abraham’s Bosom Boats and Ships Bosom, Breast

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Bosor Breviary /Liturgical Books Bosra /Bozrah Brick Botticelli, Sandro (Allessandro Filipepi) Bridal Jewelry /Bride; Jewelry Bottomless Pit /Netherworld Bride Boundaries, Tribal /Tribal Allotment Bride Price /Dowry and Bride Price Boundary Stones /Kudurru Bridegroom Bourgeois, Louis Bridle Bournonville, August Briegel, Wolfgang Carl Bousset, Wilhelm Brier Bouts, Dieric the Elder Briggs, Charles Augustus Bouzignac, Guillaume Bright, John Bow and Arrow /Weaponry Brightman, Thomas Bow, Bow down /Gestures; Kneel, Kneeling; Brimstone Prostration British Institute at Amman for Archaeology and Bowdlerization /Excommunication; History /Institutes of Near Eastern Inquisition; Versions and Translations of Research the Bible British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Box Tree /Institutes of Near Eastern Research Boy, Boys /Family; Child, Children; Gender; Britten, Benjamin Son, Sons Broad Place Boyce, William Broad Wall Bozecco, Benjamin ben Judah Brockelmann, Carl Bozez Brockes, Barthold Heinrich Bozkath Brod, Max Bozrah Brontë, Charlotte Bracelets /Jewelry Brontë, Emily Jane Bra¯ hmo Sama¯ j and A¯ rya Sama¯ j Bronze Brahms, Johannes Bronze Sea /Sea, Molten Bramante, Donato Bronze Serpent /Serpent, Bronze Bramble Bronzino, Agnolo (Agnolo Tori di Cosimo di Branch Mariano) Branch Davidians Brooch /Jewelry Brant, Sebastian Brook of Egypt /Egypt, River of Brazen Sea /Sea, Molten Brook of the Arabah /Arabah, Brook of the Brazier Broom (Object) Breach Broom (Tree) Bread Brother, Brotherhood Bread of Life Brotherly Love /Brother, Brotherhood; Love Bread of the Presence Brown, Francis Bread Stamp Brown, Raymond E. Bread, Breaking of /Last Supper; Lord’s Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Supper Browning, Robert Bread, Unleavened Bruce, Alexander Balmain Breaking of Bread /Last Supper; Lord’s Bruch, Max Supper Brucianus /Codex Breast /Bosom, Breast Bruckner, Anton Breastpiece Brueghel (Family of Artists) Breastplate Brugghen, Hendrick ter Breasts and Womb Brunelleschi, Filippo Breath Bruno, Giordano Brecht, Bertolt Buber, Martin Breeches /Dress Buber-Rosenzweig Hebrew Bible Translation Brenner, Joseph Ḥ ayyim /Buber, Martin; Rosenzweig, Franz; Brentano, Clemens Versions and Translations of the Bible Brenz, Johannes Bucer, Martin Bresson, Robert Buckler /Weaponry Brethren /Brother, Brotherhood Budde, Karl Breuer, Isaac Buddhism Breuer, Mordechai Bugle /Music and Musical Instruments

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Bugs /Insects Cabbon Buhl, Frants Peder William Meyer Cabul Bukarat, Abraham ben ha-Levi Cadbury, Henry Joel Bukki Caddy, Peter Bukkiah Caedmon’s and Bede’s Bible Translation /Bede; Bukrat, Abraham ben Solomon ha-Levi Versions and Translations of the Bible /Bukarat, Abraham ben Solomon ha- Caesar, Appeal to /Appeal to Caesar Levi Caesar, Cult of Julius /Ruler Bul Caesarea Maritima Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasievich Caesarea Philippi Bull Caesarius of Arles Bull Site Cahen, Samuel Bullinger, Heinrich Caiaphas Bullock /Animal Symbolism; Animal Cain (Person) Worship; Bull; Fauna, Biblical; Sacrifice Cain (Place) /Kain (Place) and Sacrificial Offerings Cain and Abel, Story of Bullom Bible Translation /Versions and Cain, Mark of Translations of the Bible Cainan Bultmann, Rudolf Karl Cainites /Gnosis, Gnosticism Bulwark /Fortress, Fortification Cairo Bunah Cairo Codex Bunni Cairo Edition of Qurān /Qura¯ n Buñuel, Luis Cairo Genizah Bunyan, John Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio Burgess, Anthony (John Anthony Burgess Calah Wilson) Calamity, The (Su¯ ra 101) Burglary /Reward and Punishment; Theft Calamolalus Burial Calamus /Perfume Burial of Jesus Calcol and Darda Burkitt, Francis Crawford Caldara, Antonio Burne-Jones, Edward Calderón de la Barca, Pedro Burney, Charles Fox Caleb Burning Bush Caleb-Ephrathah Burns, Robert Calendars Burnt Offering /Sacrifice and Sacrificial Calf Offerings Calf, Golden /Golden Calf Burrows, Millar Caligula Buseirah /Bozrah Caliph Bushel /Weights and Measures Calixtus, Georg Bushnell, Horace Call /Call Stories; Election Bustard /Birds Call of the Disciples /Apostles, The Twelve; Butchering Animals /Sacrifice and Sacrificial Call Stories; Disciple, Discipleship Offerings Call Stories Butler, John Callaway, Joseph Atlee Butler, Joseph Calligraphy, Islamic Butler, Samuel Callisthenes Buttenwieser, Moses Calmet, Dom Augustin Butterfield, William Calneh Buxtehude, Dietrich Calno /Calneh Buxtorf, Johannes Calov, Abraham Buz (Person) Calvary /Golgotha, Calvary Buz (Place) Calvin, John Buzi Calvinism Byblos (Gebal) Cambridge Songs Byrd, William Cambyses Byron, George Gordon (Lord Byron) Camel Byword Camel’s Hair /Camel; Dress; John the Baptist / Byzantine Chant Chant Camp Byzantine Epoch Campbell, Alexander

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Campbell, Joseph Caritas /Agape Meal; Charity Campra, André Carites Camus, Albert Carkas Cana of Galilee Carlebach, Shlomo Canaan (Person) Carlyle, Thomas Canaan (Place) Carmel Canaan, Conquest of /Conquest of the Land; Carmelite Order , People of Carmi Canaan, Curse of /Ham (Person) Carmina Burana Canaan, Settlement of /Conquest of the Land Carmonians Canaanite Movement Carnaim Canaanite Woman /Syrophoenician Woman Carnelian Canaanites Caro, Isaac ben Joseph /Karo, Isaac Canada /North America Caro, Joseph ben Ephraim /Karo, Joseph ben Cananaeans /Zealots Ephraim Canatha /Decapolis Carol Candace Carolingian Candle, Candlestick /Lamp, Lamps Carpenter Candomblé Carpenter-Heretic, The Canneh Carpocratians Cannibalism Carpus Canon Carpzov, Johann Gottlob Canon Tables Carracci (Family of Artists) Canon, Muratorian /Muratorian Canon Carrhae /Haran (Place) Canonical Criticism Carshena Canopy Cart Canstein, Carl Hildebrand von /Bible Carthage Societies; Pietism Carthusian Order Cantata Cartography /Geography; Maps Cantatorium /Liturgical Books Cartoons Canticle Cartwright, Thomas Canticles, Book of /Song of Solomon Carving /Ivory; Bone Cantigas de Santa Maria Casaubon, Isaac Cantillation Case, Shirley Jackson Cantor /Liturgy Casemate /Fortress, Fortification Caodaism Cash, Johnny Caper-Berry Casiphia Capernaum Casluhim Caphar-Salama Caspar (Gaspar) /Magi Caphtor, Caphtorim Caspi, Joseph ben Abba Mari ibn /Ibn Kaspi, Capital Joseph Capital Punishment Caspin Capitalism, The Bible and Cassia /Perfume Capito, Wolfgang Cassian, John Cappadocia Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cappadocian Texts /Asia Minor; Assyria Cassius Dio Cappellus, Ludwig Cassuto, Umberto (Moses David) Captive, Captivity Castanets /Music and Musical Instruments Caquot, André Castellio, Sebastian Carabasion Castiglioni, Nicolò Caraites /Karaites Castle /Citadel; Fortress, Fortification Caravaggio, Michelangelo (Michelangelo Castor and Pollux Merisi) Castration /Eunuch, Eunuchs Caravan Catacombs Carchemish Çatal Höyük Careah /Elisha Catalogues /Virtues and Vices, Lists of Carey, William Catechesis, Christian Caria Catechisms Carissimi, Giacomo Catechumen

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Catena Ceramics Caterpillar Cereals /Barley (Hordeum Vulgare); Grains; Cathari Wheat Cathedral /Church Ceremonial Law /Law Catherine of Siena Ceres /Demeter Catholic Biblical Association Cerfaux, Lucien Catholic Epistles /Epistles, Catholic Cerinthus Catholic Versions /Versions and Translations Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de of the Bible Ch’ondogyo Catholicism, Roman /Roman Catholicism Chabris Cathua Chadiasans Cattle Chaereas Cattle (Su¯ ra 6) Chaereas and Calirrhoë /Chariton Cauda Chaeremon Cavalieri, Emilio de’ Chaff Cavalli, Pietro Francesco Chagall, Marc Cavalry /Horse Chair of Peter Cave of Machpelah /Machpelah, Cave of Chalcedon (Jewel) Cave of Treasures (Book) Chalcedon, Council of Cave Tombs /Burial Chalcolithic Age /Archaeology Cave, Companions of the /Sleepers of Ephesus Chaldean Sibyl /Sibyl and Sibylline Oracles Cave, The (Su¯ ra 18) Chaldeans Caves Chalkstones /Geography CBA /Catholic Biblical Association Chalkydri Cedar Chalphi Cedron /Kidron Chamberlain Celan, Paul Chammam, Khirbet el- /Ḥammam, Khirbet el- Celestial Beings /Angels and Angel-Like Champions of David /David’s Champions Beings Champollion, Jean-François Celestial Church of Christ /Sub-Saharan Africa Chanson Celibacy Chanson de Roland /Song of Roland Celsus Chansons de geste Celtic Christianity and Literature Chant Celtic Versions of the Bible /Celtic Christianity Chaos and Literature; Versions and Chapel /Church Translations of the Bible Chaphenatha Cenchreae Chaplin, Charlie Cendebeus Characterization Censers Charax Census Charea /Harsha Centurion Chariot Cephas /Peter Chariot of Fire

Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception,vol.4(© Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2012)