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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE April 15, 1999 Ago 6680 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE April 15, 1999 ago. So this budget resolution does [Rollcall Vote No. 86 Leg.] for the American Government’s ex- comply with the caps, just as the Presi- YEAS—54 penditures. dent and the Democratic congressional Abraham Fitzgerald McConnell This does have a philosophical bent leadership insist it should. Allard Frist Murkowski to it; that is, if you have excess reve- But a fair question would be: how do Ashcroft Gorton Nickles nues, you pay down the debt. We have Bennett Gramm Roberts we fund all the discretionary appro- Bond Grams Roth done that. We have almost paid down priation needs while complying with Brownback Grassley Santorum one-half of the national debt in the the discretionary cap discipline? As al- Bunning Gregg Sessions next decade—rather significant, good Burns Hagel Shelby ways, that will be up to the appropria- Campbell Hatch Smith (NH) for the economy. We believe when you tions process. The budget resolution Chafee Helms Smith (OR) have even more excess than that, some never dictates to the appropriations Cochran Hutchison Snowe of it ought to go back to the American committee how individual programs or Collins Inhofe Specter people by way of tax reductions, tax re- Coverdell Jeffords Stevens bills should be funded. What the budget Craig Kyl Thomas form measures and the like. resolution does do is suggest in broad Crapo Lott Thompson I regret to say that I believe when categories what some spending prior- DeWine Lugar Thurmond the American people have understood Domenici Mack Voinovich all of this, and when they understand ities ought to be, and in some cases, it Enzi McCain Warner suggests, as sort of a menu, some these surpluses are not Social Security spending reductions or other offsets NAYS—44 surpluses, they are over and above that the appropriators could consider Akaka Edwards Levin that, I think they will agree with us Baucus Feingold Lieberman that some of that ought to go back to in constructing the 13 appropriation Bayh Feinstein Lincoln bills. For example, the Senate-passed Biden Graham Mikulski the American taxpayer. I think it is a resolution indicated that repeal of the Bingaman Harkin Murray good balance between the Govern- Boxer Hollings Reed ment’s needs and the taxpayers’ rights Davis-Bacon Act and the Service Con- Breaux Inouye tract Act would save significant con- Reid and the taxpayers’ needs. Bryan Johnson Robb Byrd Kennedy I thank the staff, minority and ma- struction and contract dollars that Rockefeller Cleland Kerrey could be applied to increases in edu- Sarbanes jority, for the very dedicated service in Conrad Kerry Schumer getting this complicated resolution to cation or defense. Other sources of sav- Daschle Kohl ings mentioned include food safety in- Dodd Landrieu Torricelli the floor. Dorgan Lautenberg Wellstone With that, I yield the floor and thank spection fees and spectrum lease fees to Wyden encourage more efficient use of spec- Durbin Leahy everyone for helping. trum by both private and government NOT VOTING—2 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- users. And in certain specific budget Hutchinson Moynihan ator from Georgia. functions, to offset discretionary The conference report was agreed to. f spending, some functions call for the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ORDER OF PROCEDURE sale of certain federal assets and other ator from New Mexico. Mr. COVERDELL. Mr. President, in Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I be- assume specific savings amounts in just a few minutes, in the order of a lieve that completes our work. I want mandatory programs, which include re- previous unanimous consent agree- to thank everyone, whether they were quiring securities registration for five ment, we are going to move to S. 767, with the budget that I prepared or government-sponsored enterprises and but the two distinguished Senators whether they were against it, for their other incentives to encourage competi- from Connecticut have a very impor- cooperation. And I thank our leader- tion and rededication to their missions. tant resolution relating to their State. ship for getting that budget down here, Other functions call for reducing exces- It will take a few minutes. I ask unani- and the minority leader and the major- sive flood insurance subsidies and mous consent that they be allotted up ity leader for helping expedite it. imply reactions in certain grants to to 5 minutes, beginning immediately, local governments that are often mis- This is the 15th. We know it is a very ominous day out there in America. It is to present their resolution. directed to those not the most finan- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tax day. But on a smaller scale, the cial needy. If the appropriations fairly objection, it is so ordered. The Senator Budget Act of the United States says consider these as well as many other from Connecticut. savings items contemplated in this the budget shall be finished in both budget resolution, they will have op- Houses on this date. I do not think it f portunities to provide the increases de- had anything to do with tax day, but CONGRATULATING THE 1999 UNI- manded by some and avoid the de- they occur together every year. Only VERSITY OF CONNECTICUT creases in vital programs imagined by twice in the 25-year history of the MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM others, while still complying with the Budget Act have we produced budgets Mr. DODD. Mr. President, on behalf caps. in both Houses, the blueprints. of myself and my distinguished col- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The They are congressional in nature. league from Connecticut, Senator question is on agreeing to the con- They are not Presidential budgets, nor LIEBERMAN, I send to the desk S. Res. ference report. The yeas and nays have does he sign them. It is historic and 77 and ask for its consideration. been ordered. significant that as we attempt to get The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The clerk will call the roll. our work done this year and make sure clerk will report. The legislative clerk called the roll. that the American people understand The legislative clerk read as follows: Mr. NICKLES. I announce that the that we are on target for the issues A resolution (S. Res. 77) commending and Senator from Arkansas (Mr. HUTCH- they are concerned about—Social Secu- congratulating the University of Con- INSON) is necessarily absent. rity, Medicare, tax reduction, defense necticut Huskies for winning the 1999 NCAA Mr. REID. I announce that the Sen- spending, education and the like—we Men’s Basketball Championship. ator from New York (Mr. MOYNIHAN) is want them to know that the budget is There being no objection, the Senate absent due to surgery. ready to lead us into a new approach proceeded to consider the resolution. I further announce that, if present for the next millennium. Mr. DODD. Mr. President, it is some- and voting, the Senator from New York Everyone doesn’t agree, but a very what appropriate, I say to my friend (Mr. MOYNIHAN) would vote ‘‘no.’’ large percentage of the Senators here and colleague from Connecticut, that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there have voted in favor of this new ap- the Presiding Officer is from Ohio. But any other Senators in the Chamber proach, which I believe will add signifi- for Ohio, we would not have made it to who desire to vote? cantly to the economic future, eco- the Final Four, the final game. The result was announced, yeas 54, nomic growth and jobs, and at the This is a moment of great joy for my nays 44, as follows: same time set a pretty good priority colleague and I and for the people of VerDate jul 14 2003 09:49 Sep 29, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S15AP9.001 S15AP9 April 15, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 6681 Connecticut. We express our condo- great players not only at the Univer- moments in the modern history of our lences to the delegation from North sity of Connecticut, but also through- State—and I do not say that lightly— Carolina, the home of Duke University. out the Nation. the national championship won by the It is a fine university with a fine bas- Other players like Ricky Moore, University of Connecticut men’s bas- ketball team that led the Nation Kevin Freeman, and Jake Voskuhl did ketball team. ranked number one for a good part of a great job as well, all contributing I think to understand what this the season. But, unfortunately, on that when it counted most. Moore and Free- achievement means to our relatively night of March 29 in St. Petersburg, man, I think, deserve special recogni- small State, my colleagues have to un- FL, the Blue Devils met the Husky tion for proving that defense is valu- derstand what this UCONN team has team from Connecticut in what many able. It is not just who can score the meant for the last decade to the people have described as one of the best na- most points, but who can be a great de- of Connecticut. I don’t think there are tional championship finals in colle- fensive player. Both of them did a ter- many teams in the country that have a giate basketball history. Ultimately, rific job in proving the value of that more rabid following than our Huskies. our team from the University of Con- element of this wonderful, unique game From their home base in Storrs, clear necticut prevailed. To say that there is now played worldwide. Basketball is a across the State to Stamford, from a great sense of pride in Connecticut game that began in Springfield, MA, Stonington in the east to Salisbury in and enthusiasm and joy over this vic- something that we in America take the northwest, every basketball season, the people of Connecticut are gripped tory is to understate the case by a con- pride in as it is a sport that is home- with a delirium known affectionately siderable margin.
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