Potter Valley REMINISCE hosts SUNDAY ‘Ukiah’s Unique Urban Forest’ Mendocino ..........Page A-8 Jan. 15, 2006 ..................................Page A-3 World briefs .......Page A-2 Mendocino County’s The Ukiah local newspaper Monday: Mostly cloudy Tuesday: Sunshine followed by clouds $1 tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 54 pages, Volume 147 Number 281 email:
[email protected] Flood sewage situation not as PAIN at the pump bad as feared Ukiah fuel prices By BEN BROWN The Daily Journal among the highest HOPLAND – It didn’t get as bad as it could have in N. California when the sewage pump station near Feliz Creek was damaged during the flooding New Year’s weekend, By LAURA CLARK said Evert Jacobson, general manager of Hopland The Daily Journal Public Utilities. The yo-yo effect of gaso- “By accident, we had a good thing happen,” said line prices has people at the Jacobson, referring to the overflow at the pump sta- pumps perturbed, to say the tion that pushed most of the sewage downstream least. before floodwaters destroyed the electric generator “It seems like we are being that provided power to the pump. gouged,” Debra Phenicie, of If the pump had not been shut-down by flood Redwood Valley, said waters, Jacobson said, the sewer plant would have Saturday as she filled up her wound up processing half the river. vehicle’s gas tank at Express When the homes around Feliz Creek flooded, Mart on South State Street -- river water began to pour down toilets and bathtub one of the cheapest places in drains, flooding the sewer system with river water, town, with regular unleaded pushing raw sewage in the pump down the line and priced at $2.48 a gallon.