Queen’s LawREPORTS Supreme justice Queen's Law celebrates Tom Cromwell, our first Supreme Court appointee Business class Queen’s business law program is on the rise Bala gala Faculty pays tribute to leading scholar and beloved teacher SUMMER 2009 Queen’s LawREPORTS Queen’s law reports is published annually by Queen’s faculty of law macdonald hall CONTENTS Queen’s university Kingston on canada K7l 3n6 tel: (613) 533-6000, ext. 74259 TOMCROMWELL: fax: (613) 533-6611 6 “ALAWYER’SLAWYER…AJUDGE’SJUDGE” email:
[email protected] Queen's law graduate elevated to highest court website: http://law.queensu.ca/ 15 SPOTLIGHTONBUSINESSLAW EDITOR business law is on the rise at Queen’s, with major funding to support a lisa graham, bcom ‘88, artsci ‘92, mPa ‘08 world-class lecture series and a new clinic, and specialized opportunities Manager of Records, Registration and Communications for J.d./mba students ADVISORYEDITOR deanna morash, b.a, ll.b. BALAGALAPAYSTRIBUTETOA Assistant Dean of Administration and Finance 22 RENOWNEDSCHOLARANDGIFTEDTEACHER Queen’s law honours Professor nicholas bala, law ‘77 CONTRIBUTORS georgie binks, artsci ‘75 dianne butler Peter Jeffrey, b.a. (hons.), b.a.a. ALUMNIBOOKS 48 anne Kershaw, b.a. Justice harvey brownstone, law ’80, and mark osbaldeston, law ’94, mindy rose caterina-neufeld, b.a.(hons.), law ‘11 receive widespread acclaim for their first books alexandra manthorpe, b.a., law ‘10 robert b. marks, artsci ‘89 chris missiuna, b.J., law ‘10 ALUMNIPROFILE catherine Perkins, arts ‘58 50 Patricia allard, law ’96, continues the pursuit of social justice gillian ready, b.a.(hons.), law ‘87 alec ross, b.J.