Estuaries Shire of Albany
ESTUARIES AND COASTAL LAGOONS OF SOUTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA ESTUARIES OF THE SHIRE OF ALBANY - ···--··· -"*- ......... - Environmental Protection Authority, Perth, Western Australia Estuarine Studies Series Number 8 November 1990 -------- - ____________,---- 'A Contribution to the State Conservation Strategy' Other published documents in the Estuarine Studies Series By E.P. Hodgkin and R. Clark Wellstead Estuary No. I Nornalup and Walpole Inlets No. 2 Wilson, Irwin and Parry Inlets No. 3 Beaufort Inlet and Gordon Inlet No. 4 Estuaries of the Shire of Esperance No. 5 Estuaries of the Shire of Manjimup No. 6 Estuaries of the Shire of Ravensthorpe No. 7 ISBN O 7309 3490 X ERRATUM Page 19: phs have been The two photogra reversed. An Inventory of Information on the Estuaries and Coastal Lagoons of South Western Australia ESTUARIES OF THE SHIRE OF ALBANY By Ernest P. Hodgkin and Ruth Clark Oyster Harbour, August 1990. Photo: Alan Murdoch Torbay Inlet, March 1988 (Land Administration, WA) Taylor Inlet, October1978. Photo: Durant Hembree. Environmental Protection Authority Perth, Western Australia Estuarine Studies Series No. 8 November 1990 COMMON ESTUARINE PLANTS AND ANIMALS Approximate sizes in mm. Plants A Rush - Juncus kraussii B Samphire - Sarcocorniaspp. C Paperbark tree - Melaleuca cuticularis D Seagrass - Ruppia megacarpa p E Diatoms 0.01 F Tubeworms - Ficopomatos emgmaticus 20 \1 I '·.. :1 Bivalve molluscs G Estuarine mussel - Xenostrobus securis 30 H Edible mussel Mytilus edulis 100 I Arthritica semen 3 ~ J Sanguinolaria biradiata 50 K Cockle - Kate/ysia 3 spp. 40 L Spisula trigonel/a 20 Gastropod molluscs M Snail - Hydrococcus brazieri 4 Crustacea N Amphipod - Corophium minor 1 5 0 Shrimp - Palaemonetes australis 40 P Copepod - Gladioferens imparipes 2 Q King Prawn • Penaeus latisulcatus 1 00 R Forarninifera 0.02 \ \ 'La ' .
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