Meeting No: 02/16/17

Date: Tuesday 31st May 2016

Venue: Small Hall, Coxheath Village Hall, Stockett Lane, Coxheath

Present: Cllr C Parker (Chairman);Mrs V Page; Mrs C Skinner; Mrs E Potts; K Woollven; Mrs D Taghdissian; Mrs J Webb; R Webb.

In Attendance: A McKinley (KCC Community Warden); Mrs M Walter (Temporary Administrative Assistant) and 1 member of the general public.

Representations were received from one member of the public. The Chairman, therefore, opened the formal Parish Council meeting at 7.40pm.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr R Divall, Cllr B Mortimer ( Borough Council) and T Ketley (Parish Clerk).


There were no requests to film or record all or part of the meeting.


It was noted that there were no items to be taken in private in Part 2 of the meeting, because of the possible disclosure of exempt information.


Cllrs R Webb and Mrs C Skinner declared a potential conflict of interest on any discussion on a grant to the Speedwatch Group because they were volunteers assisting the Group. It was agreed, therefore, that they would take no part in the discussion or the decision on that subject (see Minute 15c).

Cllr Mrs C Skinner also declared a potential conflict of interest on any discussion on financial assistance to the Village Hall Management Committee for upgrading CCTV equipment, because she was a member of that committee, in her capacity as the Lettings Secretary. Again, it was agreed that she would take no part in the discussion or decision on that subject (see Minute 15d).


In the absence of the Police Community Support Officer, there were no updated crime statistics since the Annual Parish Meeting.

The Community Warden tabled his report for the month of May 2016, highlighting the following issues in particular:-

 Details of arrangements for summer programmes covering football, street dance and, hopefully, boxing; 1  Concern over the use of a pellet gun in the Huntington Road area, which had been used to injure a cat on 24th May 2016. Any residents with information on the incident should contact Police on their 101 number;  Damage inflicted upon the structure and fencing at the former car showrooms in Heath Road;  Progress on arrangements for the dog show to be held on 27th August 2016. Posters and press releases were in the course of production.

There was nothing to report from a Neighbourhood Watch perspective.


Cllr Mrs C Skinner proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th May 2016 should be signed as a true and correct record. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Mrs D Taghdissian and carried unanimously.

13. MATTERS ARISING Brick Bus Shelter Repairs and Christmas Tree Pit Cover It was expected that work on these two small projects would be completed during June 2016.

189.173c. Village Hall Committee Cllrs C Parker and Mrs E Potts held discussions with the Village Hall Management Committee on 17th May 2016. A wide range of issues had been covered, including:-

 The successful purchase and installation of a new flag pole, which would be used to commemorate the Queen’s Official Birthday;  An identified cost of £4,908 to upgrade and refurbish the Village Hall CCTV system;  The need to employ contractors to polish the wooden floor of the main hall at some point over the school summer holiday period;  The fact that the new porch door did not pose a fire risk;  Continued support of the Coxheath Preschool Group.

189.173f. Concrete Litter Bin It was noted that the Clerk would be contacting Maidstone Borough Services to provide a likely date for the installation of the new concrete litter bin in the vicinity of the youth shelter on the Village Hall Playing Field.

191b and 191c. Annual Return to PKF Littlejohn It was noted that the paperwork relating to the Annual Return had been prepared and would be despatched to PKF Littlejohn before the deadline date of 13th June 2016.


a. Football Practice Pitch Cllr Mrs D Taghdissian reported that the junior football club had volunteered to cut the practice pitch between the Village Hall Playing Field and the Beacon Field. However, it was noted that this aspect of the practical arrangements would be discussed in more detail when representatives of Coxheath and Farleigh JFC attended the June Parish Council meeting.

b. Village News Cllr Mrs D Taghdissian confirmed that there had been a slight delay in printing the summer edition of the ‘Village News’, which was now expected to be available for distribution in mid-June 2016.

c. Highways/Maintenance Issues Cllr Mrs E Potts pointed out that the traffic priority sign by the build-out at the eastern approach to the village was in need of adjustment and the brick bus shelter should be cleaned.


d. Commemorative Seat In response to a question from Cllr Mrs J Webb, the Chairman confirmed that an order had now been placed for a suitable seat to commemorate the late Cynthia Webb. Delivery and installation was expected to be completed by the Autumn of 2016 and a meeting would be held with the churchwardens and S W Yorke and Sons to discuss its precise location.

e. Heathfield Meeting Cllr R Webb advised the meeting that he would be attending a site liaison meeting with Countryside Developments to discuss further concerns raised in respect of the Heathfield development site. He would be accompanied by members of Hands Off Coxheath.

f. Prospective Sainsburys Store Cllr R Webb reported that plans for the proposed new Sainsburys convenience store in the village had now been published on the Maidstone Borough Council website. The proposal would be discussed at the next Parish Council Planning Committee meeting on 23rd June 2016, providing Maidstone Borough Council agreed to an extension to the present consultation response period.


a. Financial Performance Against Budget The Financial Performance against Budget report for May 2016 was tabled and the content was noted and agreed.

b. Asset Register It was noted that the updated Asset Register had been agreed at the Parish Council Finance Committee meeting held on 5th May 2016. It was also noted that the revised asset value of £142,330 had been incorporated in the Annual Return and would be the basis for the declared value of assets for the purpose of insurance.

Cllrs R Webb and Mrs C Skinner declared an interest in the following item, since they served as volunteers with the Speedwatch team. They took no part in the discussion or the decision.

c. Funding Assistance for Speedwatch It was noted that an approach had been received from the leader of the Speedwatch volunteer group for a contribution towards the purchase of more up-to-date electronic signage for use in the campaign to control speeding through the village. After some debate over the perceived lack of support from and the fact that despite written warnings, no-one had yet been prosecuted for speeding, Cllr K Woollven proposed that the Parish Council should pledge a sum of £1,600.00 towards the cost of the new equipment. The proposal was seconded by Cllr C Parker and carried by four votes to two, with two abstentions.

Cllr Mrs C Skinner declared an interest in the following item, since she was a member of the Village Hall Management Committee, and took no part in the discussion or the decision.

d. Funding Assistance for Upgrading of Village Hall CCTV Cllr Mrs E Potts proposed that a sum of £650.00 should be paid to Coxheath Residents Village Hall as a contribution towards their project to refurbish and upgrade the CCTV cameras around the village hall. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Mrs V Page and carried with one abstention.

e. Finance Committee Meeting held on 5th May 2016 The Chairman outlined the discussions and recommendations emanating from the Finance Committee meeting held on 5th May 2016, the main points of which were:-

 Following representations from the Head Teacher at Coxheath Primary School, the Finance Committee recommended that a grant of £4,290.00 3 should be made to the school to cover the cost of supplying outdoor equipment to assist in the development of imaginative play, communication and language;  Action would continue to secure the transfer of the redundant play areas in Whitebeam Drive and Fairhurst Drive from Maidstone Borough Council;  The Finance Committee recommended that Section 137 donations should be made to the South East Coast Air Ambulance Service (£300.00) and the Heart of Kent Hospice (£200.00);  When submitting paperwork to Maidstone Borough Council in respect of the Parish Services Grant, a case would be made for more money to support administration costs and likely increases in grounds maintenance/recreation area management;  The budgeted grant of £6,250.00 should be made to the Village Hall Management Committee, once the Parish Council was satisfied that their annual accounts were soundly based;  Negotiations would be conducted with Coxheath and Farleigh JFC over a long term relationship with the Parish Council for the use of football pitches;  Action was in hand to effect improvements to the Parish website, changes to the authorised signatories list with NatWest Bank and the introduction of a workplace pension scheme.

Cllr Mrs D Taghdissian proposed that all actions and recommendations should be ratified by the full Parish Council. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Mrs E Potts and carried unanimously.


It was noted that the following new planning application had been considered since the April 2016 Parish Council meeting:-

a. 16/502945/FULL – Castanea, 55 Heath Road, Coxheath Erection of a new detached side garage and a new tiled lean-to roof over the existing bay window. The planning application had been recommended for approval at the Parish Council Planning Committee meeting on 12th May 2016, subject to the proviso that the building was never used for residential purposes.

Finally, it was noted that the Planning Committee meeting scheduled to be held on 2nd June 2016 had been cancelled. The next Parish Council Planning Committee meeting would be held, therefore, on 23rd June 2016.


It was noted that there had been no significant developments since the April Parish Council meeting.


There was nothing of further significance to report.


There was nothing of significance to report since the April meeting.


There was nothing of further significance to report.


It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting had been a success with the usual strong representation from village organisations and groups. However, it was felt that in 2017, every effort should be made to identify and secure an appropriate guest speaker.


a. Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan The Kent County Council Director of Environment. Planning and Enforcement had advised Parish Councils and other interested parties that the Planning Inspector’s Report on the Kent Minerals and Waste Plan was now available for public reference. Kent County Council would consider whether to adopt the Plan at meetings in June and July 2016.

b. Publications from Representative Bodies The following publications had been received and were available to Councillors, through the Clerk:-

 Kent County Council ‘Inside Track’ Funding Newsletter – Issue No 237 (18th May 2016);  Maidstone Museum and Bentlif Art Gallery Newsletter – May 2016;  Homeless Care ‘Threshold’ Magazine – Issue No 21;  ‘Clerks and Councils Direct’ Magazine – May 2016;  Involve Digest – 6th May 2016;  Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Introduction – May 2016.

c. Tesco Community Funding The latest round of grant programmes supervised by Groundwork on behalf of Tescos was running from 18th April to 3rd June 2016. The funding scheme was aimed at supporting green space projects from the proceeds of the charges made by Tescos from the sale of carrier bags. It was agreed that details should be forwarded to Coxheath Preschool for future information.

d. Marketing and Sales Material The following marketing and sales material had been received from commercial companies and would be held on file for future reference:-

 Wicksteed Playgrounds regarding the supply of outdoor sports facilities and Multi Use Games Areas;  Playdale Playgrounds Ltd regarding the supply of children’s play area equipment;  Online Playgrounds regarding playground spares and repairs;  Broxap Ltd regarding the supply of post and rail systems and, access control and traffic management equipment;  Liz Norton on the provision of public speaking workshops;  Glasdon UK regarding the supply of street furniture;  Queensbury Shelters regarding the supply of bus shelters;  Kompan Ltd regarding the supply of outdoor sport and fitness equipment;  Creative Play regarding the supply of outdoor play equipment;  Blachere Illuminations regarding the supply of Christmas lights;  HAGS regarding the supply of children’s play area equipment;  Sovereign Play regarding the supply of children’s outdoor play equipment.

e. Correspondence from Residents It was noted that the following correspondence had been received from residents since the last Parish Council meeting:-

 Sharon Hawker regarding the advertising of a local business on the Parish website;  Alison Burnside regarding an open day at Loddington Farm;  Chris Coleman regarding the Coxheath Build-Outs; 5  Stuart Butler regarding the Whitebeam Drive Play Area.

Appropriate responses had been or would be despatched.

f. Relations with Parish Councils The following contact or correspondence had been received from other parish Councils since the April 2016 Parish Council meeting:-

 Marden Parish Council regarding the election of a new Parish Council Chairman and Vice-Chairman;  Parish Council regarding gypsy caravans on Forstal Farm. Following further contact between the Clerks, it had been agreed that the two parish councils would keep each other advised of further developments. d. KALC Consultations and Events The Kent Association of Local Councils had advised details of the following consultations, correspondence and events for the information of, or with a potential input from, Parish Councils, since the April 2016 Parish Council meeting:-

 NALC Newsletters dated 27th April, 10th May and 16th May 2016,;  NALC Legal Topic Note 79 on Staff Pensions;  A copy of the Southern Water press release on their ‘Keep it Clear’ campaign;  Copies of the Bulletins on NALC National Developments and Meetings issued on 6th May, 13th May and 20th May 2016;  Details of the opportunity to complete and locally promote the NALC Policy Committee and Parishes Survey 2025 Task and Finish Group;  Highways public consultation on Route Strategies for 2020 – 2025, submissions on which had to be lodged by 1st July 2016;  Notification of Health and Safety Accreditation training to be held on 7th June 2016 at Sevenoaks Town Council;  Details of the KALC Costs Savings Proposals, comments on which are required to be submitted by 1st June 2016;  Details of how to enter NALC’s Star Council 2016 Awards;  Advance notification of the Councillors’ Conference to be held on 7th July 2016;  Details of short NALC Survey on Devolution;  A copy of the 2016 EU Referendum Partner Guide;  Template for Training Development Policy and Plan;  Advance notification of Clerk’s Conference to be held on 14th June 2016;  Notification of the Kent County Council public consultation on Active Travel Strategy, submissions on which had to be completed by 13th July 2016;  Information from Kent Police following the recent raising of the terrorist threat from moderate to substantial;  Details of a promotional campaign launched by the Department of Communities and Local Government on Neighbourhood Planning.

h. Internal Audit Report It was noted that the internal audit report had been received from David Buckett. There were no major concerns but the issues raised would be considered at forthcoming meetings of the Parish Council Finance Committee.

i. Notification of Changes to Bus Routes The Public Transport Department at Kent County Council had advised a further list of changes to timetables and bus routes implemented during April 2016 throughout Kent. There did not appear to be any changes that had a direct impact on Coxheath.

6 j. Relations with Charities and Village Organisations Correspondence and/or publicity material had been received from the following charities and village organisations:-

 RSPB Maidstone illustrated talk on ‘A Woodland Year’ to be held at the Community Hall on 16th June 2016. Copies of posters have been placed on Parish Council notice boards, subject to space availability;  A letter of thanks from Coxheath Preschool Group for the donation of £1,500.00 towards current venue hire costs;  Marie Curie regarding their fundraising initiative ‘ A Blooming Great Tea Party’ between 20th and 29th June 2016;  Kent County Playing Fields Association regarding their Annual General Meeting held at Aylesford Rugby Club on 18th May 2016.

k. Kent Public Health – Mental Health Services The Public Health Programme Manager at Kent County Council had circulated Parish Councils seeking help in supporting an initiative to bring secondary mental health services to the attention of vulnerable members of the community, particularly young men suffering from depression.

l. Fair Care for Kent – A Roundtable Event Action with Communities in Rural Kent (ACRK) had issued invitations to a roundtable event to consider whether collaborative approaches could bring about a better deal for both people needing support as well as those providing care. The event was a collaboration between Kent County Council, Social Enterprise Kent, Red Zebra, ACRK, Co-operative UK, Community Catalysts, Anthony Collins Solicitors, The Centre for Policy on Ageing and Unltd and would be held on 7th June 2016 at The Julie Rose Stadium in Ashford. m. Temporary Road Closures During the period since the April 2016 Parish Council meeting, the following temporary road or footpath closures had been notified by Kent County Council Highways:-

 Emergency road closure at Laceys Lane, Linton from 19th May 2016 for up to 2 days;  Emergency road closure at Lughorse Lane, Hunton, from 6th June 2016 for up to 5 days;  Temporary road closure at Well Street, Loose from 13th June 2016 for up to 5 days;  Temporary road closure at Teston Lane, Teston, on 13th June 2016 for 1 night;  Temporary road closure at Teston Lane, Teston on 17th July 2016 for 1 day;  Temporary road closure at Church Lane, on 5th July 2016 for up to 2 days;  Temporary road closure at The Quarries, Boughton Monchelsea on 4th July 2016 for up to 3 days;  Emergency road closure at Farleigh Hill, on 5th June 2016 for 1 day;  Temporary road closure at Cripple Street, Maidstone, on 18th July 2016 for up to 5 days;  Emergency road closure at Gallants Lane, East Farleigh, on 27th May 2016 for up to 2 days.

n. Maidstone Borough Council – Planning Training Details of forthcoming planning training sessions had been announced by Maidstone Borough Council. The programme would run from 28th June to 25th October 2016. Parish Councils could send up to two delegates to each session. It was agreed that the relevant details would be forwarded to Cllrs K Woollven, Mrs J Webb and Mrs V Page.


o. Play Area Inspection Report The latest Play Area Inspection Report (dated 3rd May 2016) had been received from the Maidstone Borough Council Safety Inspector. All outstanding work had been completed. The report had been copied to Cllr R Divall.

p. KALC Maidstone Area Committee The Annual General Meeting of the Maidstone Area Committee of the Kent Association of Local Councils would be held on 27th June 2016 at Maidstone Town Hall. It was noted that Cllr K Woollven would represent Coxheath Parish Council at the meeting.

q. Police/Parish Forum Inspector Gagan-Clark had suggested that the Police/Parish Forum should be incorporated with monthly Neighbourhood Watch meetings at Maidstone Police Station but on a quarterly basis. The first such meeting was now scheduled to be held on 20th July 2016. It was noted that Cllr Mrs C Skinner would attend the meeting.

r. Pensions Regulator – Staging Date for Workplace Pension Scheme The Pensions Regulator had now written to the Parish Council advising the steps to be taken to meet the pensions legislation for which the staging date was 1st July 2016.

s. Trading Standards Alerts The following trading standards alerts had been issued since the last Parish Council meeting:-

 Rogue traders offering roof repairs and driveway services to residents in the and Kingswood areas;  Scam telephone calls from people claiming to work for telecommunications companies and government bodies;  Scam telephone calls from people claiming to work for HM Revenue and Customs.

t. Kent Tree and Pond Partnership Details of two free courses on ‘The Tree Warden Scheme, Tree Health and Tree Care’ and ‘Tree Diseases’ had been received from the Kent Tree and Pond Partnership. The events would be held at Hadlow College on 4th June and 25th June 2016 respectively.

u. Kent Mobile Police Station Kent Police had advised that their mobile police station would be deployed in Clockhouse Rise, Coxheath on 6th June and 20th June 2016 respectively. Posters had been displayed on all Parish Council notice boards. It was noted that Cllr C Parker would suggest future deployments at more varied locations around the village, at the next Police/Parishes Forum meeting.

v. Maidstone Borough Council – Clerk’s Lunch Yasmin Gordine, the Parish Liaison Officer at Maidstone Borough Council was holding a Clerk’s Lunch on 28th June 2016. It was noted that the Clerk hoped to attend.


It was noted that the following invoices had been approved for payment since the April 2016 meeting:-

£ 1,194.05 Kent Association of Local Councils – Annual Membership 2016/17 (Cheque No 002216) £ 20.00 Kent County Playing Fields Association – Annual Membership 2016/17 (Cheque No 002217) 8 £ 50.00 Action with Communities in Rural Kent – Annual Membership 2016/17 (Cheque No 002218) £ 3,024.00 Maidstone Borough Council – Village Hall Play Area Equipment Repairs (Cheque No 002219) £ 2,059.89 Came and Company – Annual Insurance Premium 2016/17 (Cheque No 002220) £ 107.52 RIP Cleaning Services – Emptying Dog Waste Bins (April 2016) (Cheque No 002221) £ 44.30 Terry Ketley – Repayment of Petty Cash Expenses (April 2016) (Cheque No 002222) £ 121.35 BT Payment Services Ltd – Quarterly Office Telephone/Internet Charges (Cheque No 002223) £ 400.00 David Buckett – Internal Audit Fee 2016 (Cheque No 002224) £ 82.83 EDF Energy Customers plc – Unmetered Electricity Supply for Christmas Lights (Cheque No 002225)

However, it was agreed that the following invoice should be paid:-

£ 1,093.60 Terry Ketley – Clerk’s Salary (May 2016) (Cheque No 002226) £ 964.40 David Mann – Village Green Grass Cutting and Planting/Maintenance of Hanging Baskets/Planters (Cheque No 002227)

The following information was also noted:-

Receipts: Annual Precept £ 64,050.00 cr Council Tax Support Grant £ 3,887.00 cr Bank Interest £ 28.50 cr Village News Advertising Revenue £ 212.00 cr

Bank Balances: (6th May 2016) Business Reserve Account (Feeder) £ 26,786.96 cr Business Reserve Account (Main) £ 277,242.85 cr


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was closed at 09.15pm.