Appendix 6 Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Wealden

The following list is an extract from the Register of Scheduled Ancient Monuments prepared by English Heritage. These sites are shown on the Proposals Map. Ancient monuments are protected under the Ancient Monument and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 and the Secretary of State has responsibility for compiling and maintaining the Schedule. The sites are therefore reproduced for information purposes only and are neither the responsibility nor the proposal of Council. All information is understood to be correct at the time of printing.

For the purposes of this Revised Draft Plan, the sites are shown in Plans 1-55 in this Appendix, in Parish order.

Parish Monument Title Grid Ref. Plan No. No.

Alciston 273 Two groups of round barrows south-east of TQ 490 055 1 Firle Beacon TQ 491 054 TQ 490 057 TQ 490 054 TQ 487 054

Alciston 274 Three round barrows west of Bopeep chalk pit TQ 491 052 1 TQ 490 053 TQ 491 054

Alciston 275 Round barrow south-west of Bopeep Bostal TQ 494 051 1

Alciston 278 Two round barrows south-west of Bostal TQ 486 043 1 Bottom TQ 486 044

Alciston 368 Three round barrows south-west of Loose TQ 491 053 1 Plantation TQ 491 053 TQ 490 052

Alciston 27040 Platform barrow, the north-westernmost barrow TQ 4956 0490 1 of a linear round barrow group on Bostal Hill

Alciston 27041 Bowl barrow forming part of a linear round TQ 4961 0482 1 barrow group on Bostal Hill

Alciston 27042 A barrow field, a bowl and a dewpond on TQ 4973 0475 1 Bostal Hill

Alciston 27043 Pair of bowl barrows 490m east south east of TQ 4991 0442 1 Jerry’s Pond, forming part of a round barrow cemetery south-east of Bostal Hill

Alciston 27045 Bowl barrow 545m east of Jerry’s Pond, TQ 4997 0447 1 forming part of a round barrow cemetery south- east of Bostal Hill

Alciston 27046 Pair of bowl barrows 600m east south east of TQ 5001 0438 1 Jerry’s Pond, forming part of a round barrow cemetery south-east of Bostal Hill

Alciston 27047 Bowl barrow 650m east south east of Jerry’s TQ 5007 0436 1 Pond, forming part of a round barrow cemetery south-east of Bostal Hill

Appendix 6 Wealden Local Plan Review: Revised Draft November 2004 381 Appendix 6 – Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Wealden

Parish Monument Title Grid Ref. Plan No. No.

Alciston 27048 Bowl barrow 840m east south east of Jerry’s TQ 5023 0427 1 Pond, forming part of a round barrow cemetery south-east of Bostal Hill

Alciston 279 Five Lord’s Burghs round barrow TQ 487 037 2

Alfriston 282 Two round barrows south east of Berwick TQ 506 041 3 chalk

Alfriston 300 Two round barrows 180m west of Winton chalk TQ 508 037 3 pit TQ 508 038

Alfriston 369 180m west of Winton chalk pit TQ 509 036 3

Alfriston 12774 Long burgh long barrow TQ 5102 0340 3

Alfriston 302 Round barrow 822m north north east of TQ 488 028 4 Blackstone Barn

Arlington 31385 Michelham Priory TQ 530 043 5

Arlington 31421 Medieval earthworks south and west of church TQ 542 074 6 (Revised 25.5.99)

Arlington 12744 Medieval moated site with flanking ditches and TQ 5368 0910 6 associated fishpond, Claverham Manor

Berwick 475 Deserted medieval settlement north of Church TQ 520 052 7 Farm

Buxted 389 Iron plat furnace TQ 499 242 8

Buxted 395 Little forge TQ 513 259 9

Buxted 412 Medieval site in Buxted Park TQ 485 231 10

Crowborough 12732 Medieval moated site with adjacent late TQ 5247 2860 11 medieval pond bay, Walsh Manor,

Cuckmere 32270 Dovecote and remains of manor house, TV 525 996 12 Valley Westdean Valley

Cuckmere 32279 Remains of Exceat Church, 690m south-west TV 5236 9890 12 Valley of Westdean Manor

Cuckmere 31419 Round barrow at Newbarn Bottom TV 526 983 12 Valley

Cuckmere 435 Barracks at Cuckmere Haven TV 520 980 12 Valley

Cuckmere 12791 Oval barrow 200m north-east of Exceat Park TV 5204 9965 12 Valley Centre

Cuckmere 321 Round barrow south-west of Winchester’s TQ5371 0178 13 Valley Pond, Cuckmere Valley, Lullington.

382 Wealden Local Plan Review: Revised Draft November 2004 Appendix 6 Appendix 6 – Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Wealden

Parish Monument Title Grid Ref. Plan No. No.

Cuckmere 12794 Oval barrow above Charleston Bottom, 1080m TQ 5356 0064 13 Valley south-east of Chamber’s Court

Cuckmere 12883 Bowl barrow north of Charleston Bottom, TQ 5355 0061 13 Valley 1100m south-east of Chamber’s Court

Cuckmere 32272 Dovecote at Charleston Manor, Westdean. TQ 5205 0063 14 Valley (proposed monument)

Danehill 443 Stumlett furnace, north-west of Chelwood Gate TQ 399 306 15

East Hoathly 32278 Moated site in Moat Wood, 580m east north TQ 5171 1597 16 and Halland east of Halland Park, East Hoathly.

East Dean and 109 Camp near Belle Tout lighthouse, Birling Gap TV 562 957 17 Friston

East Dean and 344 East Dean Down field system and farmstead TV 564 978 18 Friston (only small area of site in Wealden District)

East Dean and 31420/01 Two round barrows on Baily’s Hill, Friston TV 544 966 19 Friston and /02 (Revised 29.2.99). TV 545 967

East Dean and 414 Dewpond, Friston TV 551 982 19 Friston

Forest Row 105 Brambletye House, Forest Row TQ 418 354 20

Forest Row 12734 Medieval moated site, Brambletye Manor, TQ 4155 3533 20 Forest Row

Forest Row 403 Far Blacklands iron bloomery TQ 448 383 21

Framfield 407 Pounsley iron furnace TQ 529 219 22

Frant 196 High Rocks Camp (also in - KE399) TQ 5609 3823 23

Frant 12804 Premonstratensian abbey at Bayham TQ 6501 3636 24

Hadlow Down 12741 Medieval moated site, Warren Farm, TQ 5187 2252 25 Shepherd’s Hill

Hailsham 31423 Saltmarsh Farm medieval farmstead (Revised TQ 592 078 26 9.7.99)

Hartfield 164 Castle mound, Hartfield TQ 481 361 27

Hartfield 179 Section of Roman road 250m in length south TQ 462 389 28 east of Holtye

Hartfield 402 Iron mine pits in Tugmore Shaw TQ 458 372 28

Hartfield 31418 Bowl barrow 300m east of Tile Lodge (Revised TQ 4677 3120 29 20.3.00)

Hartfield 404 Settlement site 800m north north west of Kings TQ 473 312 29 Standing

Appendix 6 Wealden Local Plan Review: Revised Draft November 2004 383 Appendix 6 – Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Wealden

Parish Monument Title Grid Ref. Plan No. No.

Hartfield 397 Pillow mound and earthwork in Northbank TQ 438 320 30 Wood TQ 438 321

Hartfield 400 Bloomery in the park TQ 446 313 30

Hartfield 27026 Hillfort, Roman villa and iron works on Garden TQ 4447 3195 30 Hill

Hartfield 394 Pippingford blast furnace TQ 450 316 31

Hartfield 399 Newbridge blast furnace TQ 454 325 31 TQ 455 326

Hartfield 409 Pillow mounds on Ashdown Forest TQ 452 313 31 TQ 452 312 TQ 452 311 TQ 454 309 TQ 455 309

Hartfield 398 Cotchford forge, Posingford Wood TQ 471 338 32

Hartfield 31424 Faulkners Farm medieval settlement TQ 477 384 33

Heathfield and 385 Iron furnace site, west of Beckington Bridge TQ 600 187 34 Waldron

Heathfield and 12745 Medieval ringwork in Middle Wood, Waldron TQ 5445 1920 35 Waldron

Herstmonceux 154 Herstmonceux Castle TQ 646 104 36

Isfield 444 Isfield pound, Isfield TQ 449 183 37

Isfield 12776 Motte and bailey castle, fishpond and TQ 4428 1803 37 associated earthworks, south-west of Isfield Church

Isfield 31422 Buckham Hill deserted medieval village TQ 452 206 38 (Revised 25.5.99)

Laughton 12746 Medieval moated site and Tudor ruins, TQ 4832 1140 39 Laughton Place

Long Man 114 Burlough Castle, Alfriston TQ 530 043 40

Long Man 12782 The Rookery, medieval hythe and associated TQ 5275 0393 40 earthworks at Milton Court

Long Man 122 Wilmington Priory, Wilmington TQ 544 043 41

Long Man 124 The Long Man, Wilmington TQ 544 033 41

Long Man 317 The Holt round barrow, Wilmington TQ 550 033 41

Long Man 12772 Hunters Burgh long barrow, Wilmington TQ 5497 0366 41

Long Man 12773 Long barrow on Windover hill, Wilmington TQ 5416 0332 41

384 Wealden Local Plan Review: Revised Draft November 2004 Appendix 6 Appendix 6 – Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Wealden

Parish Monument Title Grid Ref. Plan No. No.

Long Man 12799 Platform barrow 200m east south east of The TQ 5447 0335 41 Long Man of Wilmington

Long Man 12881 Bowl barrow 500m east of The Long Man of TQ 5473 0337 41 Wilmington

Long Man 12882 Bowl barrow 600m east of The Long Man of TQ 5484 0343 41 Wilmington

Long Man 27064 Pair of bowl barrows on Windover Hill, 170m TQ 5423 0326 41 south of The Long Man of Wilmington

Long Man 27065 Flint mines and part of a Romano-British TQ 5442 0338 41 trackway on Windover Hill, 180m east south east of The Long Man

Long Man 27066 Flint mines on Windover Hill, 140m west south TQ 5411 0340 41 west of The Long Man of Wilmington

Long Man 27032 Bowl barrow 140m north-east of Hill Barn, TQ 5539 0293 41 Folkington

Long Man 27033 A saucer barrow and a bowl barrow, 250m TQ 5548 0291 41 north-east of Hill Barn, Folkington

Maresfield 419 Hendall’s furnace, Maresfield TQ 471 259 42

Maresfield 420 Oldlands furnace, Heron’s Ghyll TQ 476 271 42

Mayfield and 401 Mayfield iron furnace, Mayfield TQ 588 284 43 Five Ashes

Mayfield and 470 Woolbridge furnace, Mayfield TQ 571 266 44 Five Ashes

Pevensey 173 Martello towers No’s 60 and 61 at TQ 653 037 45 Bay

Pevensey 27013 Pevensey Castle: a Saxon Shore fort, Norman TQ 6444 0478 45 defences, a medieval enclosure castle, and later associated remains

Pevensey 12743 Medieval moated site and associated TQ 6514 0705 46 earthworks, Pound Piece, Manxey Levels

Polegate 332 Remains of chapel at Otham Court, TQ 587 058 47

Rotherfield 27027 Hillfort and 19th century folly on Saxonbury Hill TQ 5778 3294 48

Selmeston 27009 Part of an Anglo-Saxon inhumation cemetery TQ 5104 0717 49 at Manor Cottages, Selmeston

Wadhurst 388 Riverhall blast furnace TQ 601 335 50

Warbleton 357 Holy Trinity Priory, Warbleton TQ 640 183 51

Willingdon and 309 Field system TQ 569 017 52 Jevington

Appendix 6 Wealden Local Plan Review: Revised Draft November 2004 385 Appendix 6 – Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Wealden

Parish Monument Title Grid Ref. Plan No. No.

Willingdon and 27034 Bowl barrow 470m east of Hill Barn, Folkington TQ 5572 0279 52 Jevington

Withyham 393 Pillow mound, Kings Standing TQ 474 301 53

Withyham 408 Iron furnace in Old Furnace Wood, Marden’s TQ 496 321 54 Hill

Withyham 469 Crowborough forge, Marden’s Hill TQ 499 326 54

Withyham 12735 Medieval moated site and adjoining fishponds, TQ 5011 3779 55 Blackham Court

386 Wealden Local Plan Review: Revised Draft November 2004 Appendix 6