Programme List of participants

Table of Contents

The 53rd ERSA Congress Palermo, August 27-31, 2013

Table of Contents

Welcome to ERSA Palermo 2013 3 My Presidency at ERSA from 2008 to 2013 7

Programme Overview 11 Congress Venue 15

Committees and Teams 28 Themes 30 Social Programme Overview 36 Technical Visits 37 Accompanying Persons’ Programme 40 Post-Congress Tours 42 Plenary Sessions 44

Congress Programme Tuesday, August 27 49 Wednesday, August 28 50 Thursday, August 29 77 Friday, August 30 105

List of Participants 131 Welcome to ERSA Palermo 2013

Welcome to ERSA Palermo 2013

ear Delegates and Guests, on behalf of the Local Organising Committee, I would like to welcome you to the 53rd European Congress of the Regional Science Association. For me, my colleagues and the University of PalermoD it is a great honour to be part of such an important event.

When the final decision was taken, three years ago in Jonkoeping, we felt both the excitement and the responsibility to host such an important moment in the life of the European Regional Science Association. Since then, we have tried to carefully prepare for the event which is now ready to be celebrated.

For the third time, the ERSA congress takes place in Italy and, after Rome in 1984 and Milan in 1997, it now reaches the south, landing in Palermo, the capital of Sicily and the fifth largest city in Italy.

Beyond the attractiveness of the city and the region, which I hope you will enjoy, I believe the location of this year ERSA Congress has a special meaning. Italy, with its asymmetric regional development, has often been considered as a typical case-study in regional science, capturing the attention of international researchers and stimulating an extensive debate on regional development policies, such as investment in infrastructures, firm incentives, and institutional frameworks. In addition, given its location at the periphery of Europe and at the center of the Mediterranean, Sicily seems like the ideal location to discuss about regional integration, and to address the new regional, urban and spatial challenges emerged in the last few years.

In a rapidly changing global environment, researchers and policy makers have been forced to tackle new interesting questions and puzzles and search for solutions which have to be, at the same time, forward-looking, sustainable and feasible, given the current financial constraints.

Indeed, the spatial shift of the current world economy, as will be addressed by Prof. Danny Quah in the keynote opening lecture, is one of the main themes of the Congress.

A second important theme is the increased role of culture for regional development in the age of knowledge accumulation. This second theme will be analysed in the other two keynote addresses of the Congress, by

3 Welcome to ERSA Palermo 2013 Welcome to ERSA Palermo 2013

Remi Jacob, President of the European Investment Bank Institute and by I would like to express my gratitude to the many who made all this Prof. Masahisa Fujita, who shaped my personal regional science scientific possible. In particular, the President of ERSA, Charlie Karlsson and the profile during the doctoral years spent at the University of Pennsylvania. ERSA administrative staff, namely Maristella Angotzi and Richard Kelly, who supported the Local Organising Committee and accompanied it Beyond the keynote addresses, the Congress will deal with other important in overcoming the difficulties along the way. I also must thank Andrés policy themes in three plenary sessions focusing on the relationship Rodriguez-Pose, vice-President of ERSA and future President of RSAI between nation-wide policies and regional growth, the importance International for the help in the organization of plenary sessions. The of regional and spatial issues in the Mediterranean and the role of Italian Regional Science section also strongly supported the Palermo infrastructure financing for regional development in the same area. The candidacy and organised a special plenary session to mark its thirty years Local Organising Committee made great effort to bring researchers and of existence. analysts from the most important international institutions to discuss such themes with the most prominent regional scientists from Europe and I must acknowledge the support of all the institutions and companies the rest of the world. which have financially assisted the preparation and the realisation of the Congress, particularly for their determination in assuring me of the quality The 53rd edition of the ERSA Congress will bring the international of the event despite their financial restrictions. community to discuss, develop and refine new ideas about regional development. I am sure that the almost 850 papers presented by more We also strongly benefited from the great support of our institution, than 900 participants from more than 50 countries will contribute the University of Palermo, and of its Rector, prof. Roberto Lagalla who considerably to the enhancement of our disciplines and will succeed in closely followed all the steps in the preparation of the event. I must suggesting new insights to solve practical policy problems. I believe that also give a special thanks to the administrative support team of the the Palermo Congress will also have an important impact outside the Faculty of Economics as well as to the University personnel in charge scientific community of regional scientists by hosting, besides the regular of organizational matters. In addition, I would like to give credit to the sessions, 45 special sessions on different topics, often situated at the students of the Graduate Program in Economics and Financial Sciences frontier of the discipline. The Congress will also host the 3rd European who helped in contributing to the success of the initiative. Last but not Meeting of the Urban Economics Association and, from an institutional least, I must acknowledge the enthusiasm of my younger colleagues of the point of view, will improve the fruitful collaboration of ERSA with the Local Organization Committee, in particular of those who shared with me European Investment Bank as well as contribute to the development of coordination tasks, who assisted me in this adventure, always proud to regional science in the world, by favouring the constitution of new sections bring such an important event to Palermo. in the African continent. Welcome to the 53rd ERSA Congress. I hope you will enjoy Palermo and will I hope that you, Delegates and Guests, will enjoy the Social Events Program, come back for other fruitful scientific events in the future. centered on the Welcome Reception in the magnificent Palazzo Steri, the Rector’s Building of the University of Palermo, the Get-together event in the beautiful beach of Mondello and the Gala Dinner in the pleasant Villa Fabio Mazzola Malfitano in downtown Palermo. You will certainly enjoy walking around Chairman of the Local Organising Committee, the city, by looking at monuments and nice spots to be impressed in ERSA Palermo 2013 your memory while tasting the delicious Sicilian food. We also prepared Dean, Faculty of Economics a diversified Technical Visit Program which includes a visit to two agro- Professor of Economics industrial plants in Western Sicily, the tour of two ancient building of University of Palermo Palermo recently gone under restoration and the business incubator of the University of Palermo. Post-Congress tours offer various trips to admire the beauty of the island, going from its archeological sites to its spectacular beaches and sea locations.

4 5 My Presidency at ERSA from 2008 to 2013

My Presidency at ERSA from 2008 to 2013 uring the ERSA Congress held in Liverpool in August 2008, I was elected to be the new President of ERSA.

The autumn 2008 was an interesting time in the history of ERSA. CriticalD decisions had been taken that ERSA should become a professional scientific organization. In addition, I started my presidency on January 1, 2009, by committing myself to implement efficient professionalism for ERSA. Firstly, Louvain-la-Neuve at CORE/UCL was chosen as the headquarters of the ERSA office. A licence for a professional Congress software was taken and a Congress Manager hired. On a legal point of view, the convention signed with the local organising committees, was revised legally. Many efforts were also made to develop ERSA corporate communication.

My years’ congresses include Lodz, Jönköping, Barcelona, Bratislava and this year Palermo, not to mention the preliminary work for next year’s congress in Saint Petersburg, and the kick-off planning for Lisbon Congress in 2015, due to take place in September.

I am very satisfied of the evolution of the organisation of our landmarks events. Following the conservative financial management of them and due the large number of participants in Jönköping and Barcelona, I am now proud to tell you that compared to 2009, ERSA will be in a better financial situation when I leave as president by the end of this year.

Congresses are the main ERSA events, but ERSA summer schools are also very important. Around 150 promising young regional scientists, mostly from Europe, participated the last five years. Moreover, we are proud of the good recognition of the high quality of the programme proposed to participants.

One ambition during the last five years has been to increase the cooperation between ERSA and other organizations with an interest in regional and urban research and policies. Since several years, we have a very good cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB), which among other things, has been involved in several summer schools and finances the EIB- ERSA prize in regional science.

Cooperation with the European Union and the OECD is progressing. We

7 My Presidency at ERSA from 2008 to 2013

have also tried to develop the ERSA congress to an umbrella for other related organizations including publishers to organize special sessions, events and exhibitions during the ERSA congresses. One positive example of this is the special sessions on urban economics within the ERSA congresses organised by the Urban Economics Association. Work is in progress here and I expect that we will see more of this at future congresses.

Another important ambition has been to strengthen the financial foundation for ERSA and in particular to find new partners (sponsors) willing to support a Europe-wide scientific organization. Although many steps forward have been made, we have not yet succeeded in reaching tangible results. I believe we should go on searching new forms of funding and hope that my successor will continue this difficult but crucial task for the future of the organization.

When my presidency for ERSA goes towards its end, I think I without hesitation can claim that ERSA today is a professional scientific organization with a well- functioning office at CORE/UCL. I expect ERSA and regional science research in Europe to grow stronger in coming years and that the footprint of ERSA in regional policy making in Europe will grow in coming years.

Finally, I want to thank my colleagues in the European regional science community, the EOC and ERSAC members and the staff at the ERSA office for trusting and supporting me as president of ERSA. I wish you all and ERSA in particular and its incoming president all the best for the future.

I also would like to thank Fabio Mazzola, chair of the LOC and his team for their two years of careful planning for the current Congress of which we are now enjoying the results. Viva ERSA Palermo 2013!

Charlie Karlsson ERSA President

8 Programme Overview

11 Programme Overview Programme Overview

Time Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st August August August August August

08.00 Registration LRPC Registration Registration 08.30-17:30 Meeting 08.30-17:30 08.30-17:30 08:00-09:00

09.00 - 10.30 Policy Plenary Session 1 Keynote Lecture EIB Round Table: Post-Congress Tours Nation-wide policies Masahisa Fujita Infrastructure financing and regional growth and regional development in the Mediterranean (Prakash Loungani, Joaquim Oliveira-Martins, (Saki Aciman, Salvatore D’Alfonso, Giovanni Somik V. Lall, Manuela D’Onofrio) Longo, Bruno Macedo, Gianfranco Sansone)

10.30 - 11.00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break ERSAC Meeting (By invitation only) 11.00 - 12.30 Registration 11.00-17.00 Parallel Sessions Young Scientists’ Sessions Parallel sessions 10.30-12:30 (at Palazzo Chiaramonte-Steri) 11.00-12:30 12.30 - 14.00 EOC Meeting Lunch Lunch (12:30 - 13:30) Lunch (By invitation only) 14.00 - 15.30 Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions Parallel sessions RSAI Council 13.30-14:30 (By invitation only) 13:00-16:00 Policy Plenary Session 2 (14:30-16:00) 15.30 - 16.00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Regional and spatial issues in the Mediterranean area (Jamel Eddine Gharbi, Fouad Chaatit, Gregory DePaepe) 16.00 - 17.30 Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions Technical Coffee Break Visits 17.30 - 19.30 Opening Ceremony Excursion to (16:00-16:30) Plenary Session (17.00-19.30) Mondello (17.30-18.30) Keynote Speech Thirty years of the Italian Regional Remy Jacob Parallel Sessions Science Section (16:30-18:00) (Roberto Camagni, Roberta Capello) Keynote Lecture Closing Ceremony Danny Quah Parallel Sessions (18.30 - 19.00) (18:00-19:30) Hand over of the ERSA flag to St Petersburg 19:30 - 21.30 Welcome Reception Get-together party Free evening Gala Dinner Palazzo Chiaramonte (Steri) Hotel La Torre Terrace Villa Malfitano Rectorate - University of Palermo Mondello Beach EIB-ERSA Prize and Speech -Epainos Prize (20.30 - 22.30)

12 13 Congress Venue

15 Congress Venue Congress Venue

Congress Venue 28-30 August: University of Palermo, Faculty of Economics University Campus, Viale delle Scienze, Edificio 13 (Building E) and Edificio 19 (Building P)

Opening Ceremony - August 27th: Palazzo Chiaramonte (Steri), Rectorate, Piazza Marina No shuttle service is arranged for the Opening Ceremony.

Opening Ceremony

Build. P and E

16 17 Congress Venue Congress Venue

Building P (Edificio 19)_ Piano Terra/ Ground Floor

VIALE DELLE SCIENZE How to reach the Congress Venue By Congress Shuttle: From the 28th to the 30th of August, the LOC has organized a shuttle service to and from the congress venue. The buses will lift congress participants at the given pick-up points located next to the congress hotels (transfer points to the Congress are indicated in the Congress map.) in time for the first session in the morning. The shuttle bus arrangement can be done through the official travel agency (in case of hotel booking through the agency) or directly at the hotel (at a cost of 7 € for three days). No shuttle buses will be arranged for the opening VIA ERNESTO BASILE ceremony (its location is at a few minutes distance from many hotels). By Public Transportation: The Congress venue can also be reached by the city bus provided by AMAT. A Building P (Edificio 19)_ Primo Piano/ First Floor 90 minute ticket costs € 1.30. Metro service is available from very limited locations and is provided by Ferrovie dello Stato (metro station for the Con- gress Venue: Palazzo Reale - Orleans) P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 Computer Details of the service are in the Congress map. Please be aware that the bus Room and metro service may be reduced during the summer period. P P PP PP

By car EXHIBITORS REGISTRATION AND INFO DESKS CATERING AREA There is a car parking reserved for the Faculty of Economics (100 places). During the congress period it will also be possible to park in other parking PP P P P P places nearby. All parking is located in the University area. By train and bus from Palermo Falcone-Borsellino airport The Trinacria Express service connects in about 50 minutes the Airport of Building P (Edificio 19)_ Secondo Piano/ Second Floor Punta Raisi with Palazzo Reale - Orleans station (1-2 trains for hour, ticket € 5.80, schedule on Shuttle buses connect the airport to the city centre in about 40 minutes (€ 6.10) and run every 30 minutes from 06.30 to 24.00 (Prestia e Coman- dè, P P P P P P Taxi and car rental services are also available at the airport.

By bus from Trapani Birgi airport CATERING AREA CATERING AREA


Shuttle bus services are available at the cost of € 10.60 one way. CATERING P P P P P P

18 19 Congress Venue Congress Venue

AULE SERVIZI IGIENICI Building E (Edificio 13)_ Seminterrato/ Basement Building E (Edificio 13)_ Piano Terra/ Ground Floor SERVIZI IGIENICI




AULE Building E (Edificio 13)_ Aula Magna AULE SERVIZI IGIENICI Building E (Edificio 13)_ Primo Piano/ First Floor SERVIZI IGIENICI PRESIDENZA



AULA Dean’s E5 Office

20 21 Congress Venue

ERSA Networking Area It is located in the Building P (Edificio 19) at the University Campus (Viale delle Scienze).

Registration and Information Desks The Registration Desk will be located in the main hall of the Building 19 (Edificio 19). All delegates are invited to go to the Registration Desk to sign in and receive their badge and congress bag.

Should you have any queries about the congress and other practical in- formation (computer room, map of the city, touristic information, taxis, restaurants, etc.), the team at the Registration and Information Desks is there to assist you.

RSAI-ERSA stand Richard Kelly – ERSA Executive Director Maristella Angotzi – ERSA Conference Manager

Presentation All rooms are equipped with a computer and a video projector. Delegates are required to bring their presentation slides on a USB stick.

Internet Access to the Unipa wi-fi network is available in all areas of the university campus. In the main bulding there is also a computer room (aula multimediale C) with LAN connection. Access to the wi-fi network is personal and it is permitted with any ope- rating system. Participants will receive the login credentials at the registration desk.

23 Congress Venue

Stands for exhibitors

Edward Elgar Publishing Laura Mann, Editor Email: [email protected]

Wiley Ann Phun, Conference & Exhibition Co-ordinator Email: [email protected]

Springer Barbara Fess, Senior Editor, Economics & Political Science Email: [email protected]

Inomics Christopher Nash, Operations Manager Email: [email protected]

ROUTLEDGE, Taylor & Francis Group Jodie Tollet, Exhibitions & Marketing Services Co-ordinator Email: [email protected]

Monomax llC For the University of St Petersburg Local organiser of the ERSA Congress 2014 Asiya Gilmanova [email protected]

24 Congress Venue

Just In Case; Useful Emergency Numbers

General emergencies: 113 Carabinieri (police): 112 Ambulance: 118 Fire department: 115

Hospitals: • Ospedale Civico: 091 6061111 • University Hospital (Policlinico): 091 238 60779 • Ingrassia: 0917033731 • Buccheri La Ferla: 091 479325 • Villa Sofia e C.T.O.: 091516915

Airport (Falcone Borsellino Airport) services • Switchboard: 0917020111 • Ticket Office: 0917020410 • Domestic flights: 0916019250 • International flights: 147 865643 • Luggage assistance: 091 7020209

Public transports • Public buses (AMAT): 848800817 (free number) 199.240.800 (from mobile) • Trains Ferrovie dello Stato (Trenitalia): call centre 199 892021

Taxi • Autoradio taxi: 091513311

Emergency numbers for credit cards: • Visa tel.: 800-819 • MasterCard: 800-870-866 • American Express: 06/7220-348 (collect call)

26 Committees and Teams Committees and Teams

Students Committees and Teams Giovanni Barrafato Dario Bennardo Giuseppe Blandi The Local Organising Committee Thru Trang Bui Alessia Catanese Fabio Mazzola, Chair Francesco Catania Rosalia Epifanio (Group Coordinator) Carlo Citro Giorgio Fazio (Group Coordinator) Salvatore Di Novo Vincenzo Provenzano Domenico Faraci Luca Agnello Giuseppe Gambino Maria Francesca Cracolici Robert Messina Alessandro Cusimano Carmen Morreale Iolanda Lo Cascio Alessandro Muratore Giuseppe Notarstefano Nicolò Muratore Davide Piacentino Federica Noto Erasmo Vassallo Maria Provino Pietro Riccobono Claudia Sardina ERSA Office Team Caterina Sucameli Vincenzo Tulone Richard Kelly Maristlella Angotzi Scientific Committee Dimitris Ballas Support Team Edward Bergman Roberta Capello Paul Cheshire Juan Cuadrado Roura Support to the LOC Daniel Czamanski Tomaz Dentihno Aurelio Anselmo Alessandra Faggian Davide Furceri Giorgio Fazio Giovanni Ruggieri Manfred Fischer Henri Folmer Administrative University Staff Henri de Groot Geoffrey Hewings Augusta Troccoli Michael Lahr Massimo Tartamella Gunther Maier Fabio Mazzola Peter Nijkamp Administrative Faculty Staff Henry Overman Eleonora Patacchini Antonio Marinaro Yannis Psycharis Salvatore Bruno Laura Resmini Alice Calafiore Andrés Rodriguez Pose Giuseppe Catalano Jens Suedekum Angelo Misuraca André Torre Massimiliano Scaccia Jouke van Dijk Hans Westlund

28 29 Themes Themes

R_T. Regional cooperation and integration Themes R_U. Spatial analysis in welfare and social issues R_V. The future of cohesion and regional policies R_W. Great recession, regional growth and resilience Main theme of the congress R_Z. Geographical information systems and spatial analysis “Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy” R_ZA. Institutions and multilevel governance R_ZB. Banking and finance in the Mediterranean regions Types of Sessions

Sessions for 2013 Special Sessions’ Themes 1- Refereed R-session Papers addressed to these sessions will be refereed by the theme convenors for each thematic topic. . S_AAA. Casino Royale: Double Minds on Future Cities 2 - Refereed Y-session Papers are for Young Scientists. For these sessions, all Roberto Camagni, Karima Kourtit, Peter Nijkamp and Jacques Poot co-authors of the paper should be less than 33 years old on 1st September 2013. The full papers will be refereed by the convener of the Young Scientists’ S_AA. The Mediterranean in Flux Sessions. All authors will compete for the Epainos Award, which is awarded to Lidia Diappi the best paper presented in these sessions. S.A Graduates, entrepreneurship and regional labour markets 3 - Ordinary O-session Papers addressed to these sessions are not refereed, Sjerdjan Koster, Maria Abreu, Viktor Venhorst but they will be included in the Conference USB stick / Pen drive, unless the authors choose otherwise. S.B Using microdata to uncover spatial dynamics in local labour and 4 - Special S-session Papers for these special sessions may be refereed by the housing markets special session organiser, if he/she decides to do so. Henri De Groot, Viktor Venhorst, Arjen Edzes

S.C Spatial distribution of economic activity General Themes Katarzyna Kopczewska

R_A. Agglomeration, districts, clusters and networks S.D Regional specialization R_B. Climate change and Environment, sustainability issues Katarzyna Kopczewska R_C. Demography, migration and population S.E Valuing the Mediterranean coast: natural and economic processes R_D. Entrepreneurship and innovation Daniel Felsenstein, Aliza Fleisher R_E. Private and public finance for regional development R_F. Globalisation and regional competitiveness S.F Arctic Mediterranean R_G. Housing markets, land use and real estate Alexander Pelyasov R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications S.G Complexity and regional science R_I. Knowledge economy and learning regions Dan Czamanski, Isabelle Thomas R_J. Social capital and regional development R_K. Regional labour market and labour mobility S.H Agent based models for regional economies: challenges and R_L. New frontiers in regional science: Theory and Methodology milestones R_M. Peripheral and rural regions Federico Pablo-Mati, Juan Luis Santos R_N. Regional strategies and policies S.I Regional integration and Japan-EU Economy R_O. Spatial Econometrics and analysis Kenji Kondo R_P. Tourism, cultural and creative industries and regional development R_Q. Urban economy and governance S.L Frontiers of spatial CGE models R_R. Location theory and studies Katarzyna Zawalinska R_S. Regional economic modeling

30 31 Themes Themes

S.M Territorial Governance, Rural Areas and Agro-Food Systems S.ZD Knowledge bases, innovation modes and cluster life cycles Andrè Torre, Jean-Baptiste Traversac Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver

S.N Land Use Planning and Regional Science S.ZE The role of universities in regional development Michael L. Lahr Donato Iacobucci, Giulio Cainelli

S.O Regional CGE modeling S.ZF New tools for regional innovation policy Michael L. Lahr Manuela Korber

S.Q Universities and the economic crisis: triple helix, local entrepre- S.ZH Electricity markets and regional integration neurship and endogenous growth Alessandro Sapio Chrysanthi Balomenou S.ZI The spatial dimension of entrepreneurship S.R Technological activities and diffusion in the EU and neighbou- Davide Piacentino, Giuseppe Espa ring countries Raffaele Paci S.ZJ Mobility, knowledge and Innovation Davide Piacentino, Riccardo Crescenzi S.S Young people, education and labor markets: a regional and com- parative perspective S.ZK Evaluating regional science research Laura Resmini, Enrico Marelli, Marcello Signorelli Gunther Maier

S.T The impact of regional policies S.ZL The spatial trace of the Real Estate Crisis Raffaello Bronzini (Jointly organised with ERES) Gunther Maier S.U Frontiers of spatial econometric modelling Iolanda Lo Cascio, Maria Francesca Cracolici S.ZP Forecasting regional labour markets Roberto Patuelli, Matias Mayor S.W Social and spatial interaction in the accumulation of civic and human capital S.ZR Advances in tourism analysis. Theory and practice Giorgio Fazio, Eleonora Patacchini, Roberto Patuelli, Marco Percoco Maria Francesca Cracolici, Iolanda Lo Cascio

S.X The effect of regional social capital and entrepreneurship culture S.ZS Well-being and living conditions in the European Regions on new business formation Miranda Cuffaro, Maria Francesca Cracolici Michael Fritsch, Michael Wyrwich S.ZT Institutions, labour markets, ethnic diversities and regional S.Y Rural development policies. Challenges and opportunities disparities in the EU (wwwforeurope team) Agata Spaziante, Carlo Rega Peter Huber

S.Z Regional development and innovation clusters in two Mediterra- S.ZU Competitiveness, Firms and Global Value Chains nean countries: Spain and Italy (Competitiveness Research Network) Massimo Cermelli Filippo Di Mauro

S.ZA Session in honor of Giacomo Becattini S.ZV Trade flows, location choices and economic interaction between Fabio Sforzi, Raphael Boix-Domenech the EU and its neighboring countries George Petrakos, Ageliki Anagnostou, Dimitris Kallioras S.ZB Firms relocation: spatial and technological determinants Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod S.ZW Regional upgrading in Southern Europe: spatial disparities and human capital S.ZC The spatial dimension of the Arab Spring Ugo Fratesi, Madalena Fonseca Ferdinando Trapani, Ahmed I. Rashed

32 33 Themes

S.ZX Financial crisis, policy and income distributions across regions Luca Agnello

S.ZY New Advances in Regional Growth Modelling Roberta Capello, Andrea Caragliu and Ugo Fratesi

S.ZZ Highly educated workers and urban development Jan Rouwendal

3rd European Meeting of the Urban Economics Association (Session S_K) Henri Overman, Eleonora Patacchini, Jens Suedekum

Epainos Themes

Graduates, entrepreneurship and innovation Spatial dimensions in education and health Planning and local development Infrastructure and transport Efficiency and regional development Public finance and political economy Empirical spatial economics Crime and regional development Urban Economics Association - Young Scientists

34 35 Social Programme Overview Technical Visits

Social Programme Overview Technical Visits Four technical visits that take place on Thursday August 29th, starting from Please notice that accreditation for evening Social Events must be collec- either 3.30 pm (visits 3 and 4) or 4 pm (visits 1 and 2). Attendance to tech- ted at the Reception desk. nical visits is reserved to registered participants only. Transportation has been organized to leave the Congress Venue. Tuesday 27th of August: Opening Ceremony and Welcome reception Palazzo Chiaramonte (Steri), University of Palermo Rectorate, Piazza Mari- na 61, Palermo Technical Visit 1 20.30 Welcome reception Restoration of ancient buildings: Palazzo Ajutamicristo and Palazzo Bonagia No transfer shuttle is arranged. The venue is very close to Hotel Palazzo Sitano transfer point (shown in the Congress map). Palazzo Ajutamicristo takes its name after Guglielmo Ajutamicristo. A ban- Amat public bus lines 103, 105, 139, 225 stop nearby (Corso Vittorio Emanuele). ker of Pisan origins, who had grown wealthy over a few decades trading in Sicilian cheese and cereals. Tired of his castle in Misilmeri, he had long wanted to build a “Domus Magna”, which would reflect his wealth and which would serve as an ornament for the city of Palermo. The Palazzo, which originally dates back to the late 15th century, has been Wednesday 28th of August: Get-together Party continuously expanded and modified throughout the centuries. Of particu- Splendid Hotel La Torre, Terrace lar interest is the frescoed ballroom ceiling representing “The Glory of the Via Piano Gallo, 11, Mondello Virtuous Prince”, painted by Giuseppe Crestadoro, which crowns the 200 sq. Tel. +39 091450222 m. room leading to the flowered terrace. Palazzo Ajutamicristo is listed as a National Monument and belongs to the Italian Historic Houses Association. Transfer shuttle will be arranged by the LOC from the Congress Venue and from transfer points. Palazzo Bonagia, a Duke of Castelmirto’s property, is located in the old town To reach Mondello, otherwise, it is possible to go from the city centre by centre of Palermo. Though damaged, it is considered as one of the most re- Amat public buses (806 and others, allow about 45 minutes) or by taxi (20 markable demonstrations of the 18th century civil architecture in Palermo. minutes). In the 18th century Antonino Stella, Duke of Castelmirto, started the re- newal and the enlargement of his 15th century palace, that was located between Monroy’s Palace, princes of Pandolfina, and the no-more existing Santa Barbara La Soprana church. The front was built based on Nicolò Palma’s drawings. The great stairway was built by Andrea Giganti with a Friday 30th of August: Gala dinner precious red marble coming from Castellammare del Golfo and it is con- Villa Malfitano sidered an authentic masterpiece because of its architectural and scenic Via Dante 167, Palermo refinement. It has been damaged after the second world war bombings but currently it has been restored thanks to the remediation works lau- Transfer shuttle will be arranged by the LOC from the Congress Venue and nched under the direction of the Palermo Authority for cultural sites. from transfer points. Visitors will be informed about the characteristics of the restoration in- Villa Malfitano is located at the west end of Via Dante, at a walking distan- tervention and about the recent use of the Palace as a stage for artistic ce of about 1.5 km from the Politeama Theatre. Bus line 106 reaches Villa events. The restoration of the building started in 2009 and benefited of EU Malfitano from Dowtown. support through Structural Funds. The main intervention will restore the original façade and the connection with the magnificent marble stairway.

36 37 Technical Visits Technical Visits

Date & Time: August 29, 4 p.m Technical Visit 3 Duration: 3-4 hours Place: Palermo city centre Tomasello Pasta plant Mode of Transportation: by coach from the congress venue Maximum number of participants: 50 The Molino e Pastificio Tomasello S.p.A. is a company operating in the field of Technical visit 2 production of pasta since 1910 when the founder built a durum wheat mill. It is located in Casteldaccia, few kilometers from Palermo on a promontory facing the sea. It covers an area of about 20,000 sq. m. along Casteldaccia seafront. Nowadays the production process involves 6 production lines and its productive capacity is 2,500 quintals per day. The company has more Technical Visit 2 than 60 employees. Tomasello pasta is a product achieved through conti- nuous investment in technology. The Company achieved various quality con- ARCA incubator trol certificates and has defined its environmental policies with the aim of achieving the certificate of environmental management. The visit will consi- Together with the University of Palermo, the ARCA Consortium has set up a st in a short presentation and in a tour of the mill and the pasta production business incubator inside the University campus (Parco d’Orlèans) in order plant so to observe the production process starting from the grinding stage. to assist innovative business initiatives in the start-up phase. ARCA is a business incubator designed to boost the development of innova- Date & Time: August 29, 3.30 p.m. tive business initiatives located in Palermo, through an integrated system of Duration: about 4 hours resources and services. The main objective of ARCA is to generate successful Place: Palermo surroundings business which can come out of the support programme achieving inde- Mode of Transportation: by coach from the congress venue pendence and economic and financial soundness. The access to incubation Maximum number of participants: 50 services is reserved to new high-tech enterprises. In addition to hosting newly established companies in fully equipped premi- ses, ARCA provides a structured set of support services including strategic planning, marketing and administrative and fiscal assistance. The incuba- tor is structured around a system consisting of shared rooms hosting staff Technical Visit 4 (consultants, tutors, etc.), meeting rooms, training classrooms and laborato- ries for product development and prototyping. Anchovy and Tuna Packaging Plant The visit will include a tour of the Incubator–Consorzio Arca and a presen- tation of the entrepreneurial educational platform of the University of Pa- The Girolamo Balistreri & C. is a company operating in the field of anchovy lermo. and tuna packaging, since 1947. The Company is located in Aspra, a maritime village just few kilometers from Palermo. The Company has obtained the UE Date & Time: August 29, 4 p.m. acknowledgment for the excellent quality of its products and is present both Duration: about 3 hours in the national and international markets. Inside the establishment, there is Place: Palermo University Campus, bulding 16 a unique “Anchovy Museum” and a photo exhibition on the history of Aspra Mode of Transportation: walking distance and its maritime traditions. Every year the small museum is visited by people Maximum number of participants: 50 from all over the world. The entrepreneur will head the technical visit to the plant and the museum. He will overview old traditional and modern techni- ques of fishing and processing of anchovies. The visit will end up with a free tasting of the Company’s products.

Date & Time: August 29, 3.30 p.m. Duration: 3-4 hours Place: Palermo surroundings Mode of Transportation: by coach from the congress venue Maximum number of participants: 40

38 39 Accompanying Persons’ Programme Accompanying Persons’ Programme

Accompanying Person Visit 4 Accompanying Persons’ A Taste of Palermo, culinary walking tour Date: Friday, 30 August 2013 Programme Time: 9,00-12,00 Duration: 3 hours Starting Point: Congress Venue Accompanying Person Visit 1 Price includes: English speaking guide, tasting, tasting of local products, Walking tour of Palermo downtown bottled water. Recommended: bring sun protection cream and a hat Date: Wednesday, 28 August 2013 Time: 9,00-12,00 Duration: 3 hours Starting Point: Congress Venue Price includes: English speaking guide, headset, bottled water Recommended: some sun protection and a hat are advisable. Social Events by invitation

New Urban World Celebration Wednesday, 28, at 17.30, Aula Magna Accompanying Person Visit 2 Walking tour of the Royal Palace Urban Economics Association Reception Wednesday, 28, 18.00, Mondello and Palatine chapel RSAI Fellows Lunch Date: Wednesday, 28 August 2013 Thursday, 29, 13.00, Palazzo Asmundo Time: 09,00-12,00 (tbc) Duration: 3 hours Starting Point: Congress Venue Price includes: English speaking guide, headset, admissions, bottled water Recommended: some sun protection and a hat are advisable.

Accompanying Person Visit 3 The breath taking Monreale Cathedral and the lush Botanical gardens of Palermo

Date: Thursday, 29 August 2013 Time: 9,00-17,00 Duration: 8 hours Starting Point: Congress Venue Price includes: English speaking guide, transportation, admissions, lunch, bottled water Recommended: some sun protection and a hat are advisable

40 41 Post-Congress Tours Post-Congress Tours

Visit 4 Post-Congress Tours The Mosaics of the Roman Villa del Casale (for Delegates and Accompanying persons) and the fishermen’s town of Cefalù

Visit 1 Date: Saturday 31 August 2013 Ancient Archeological sites of Selinunte and Segesta Time: 8.30 -17.00 and blue waters of Scopello Duration: 8,5 hours Starting Point: Congress Venue Date: Saturday August 31, 2013 Price includes: English speaking guide, transportation, admission, lunch, Time: 08.30-17.30 bottled water. Duration: 9 hours Recommended: bring a towel, swimsuit, sun protection cream and a hat. Starting Point: Congress Venue Price includes: English speaking guide, transportation, admissions, lunch, bottled water Recommended: bring a towel, swimsuit, sun protection cream and a hat Visit 5 Taormina and the stunning Etna mountain

Date: Saturday 31 August and 1 September 2013 Visit 2 Time: 8,30-17.30 and 9,00- 18,00 The medieval town of Erice, Duration: 2 days the spectacular sight of the salt pans and Mozia island Starting Point: Congress Venue Price includes: Accommodation in agriturismo (1 night in double room), En- Date: Saturday, 31 August 2013 glish speaking guide, transportation, lunch, dinner, admissions, bottled water Time: 08.30-16.30 Single room supplement: € 30. Duration: 8 hours Recommended: bring a towel, swimsuit, sun protection cream and a hat. Starting Point: Congress Venue Price includes: English speaking guide, transportation, boat tour, lunch, bot- tled water Recommended: bring a towel, swimsuit, sun protection cream and a hat.

Visit 3 The Valley of the Temples, Agrigento and Mediterranean beach

Date: Saturday 31 August 2013 Time: 08.30-17.00 Duration: 8,5 hours Starting Point: Congress Venue Price includes: English speaking guide, transportation, admission, lunch, bottled water. Recommended: bring a towel, swimsuit, sun protection cream and a hat.

42 43 Plenary Sessions Plenary Sessions

Thursday, 29th August, at 9.00 Plenary Sessions Chair: Fabio Mazzola th Tuesday, 27 August, at 17.00 Keynote Lecture

Keynote Speech Masahisa Fujita Rémy Jacob Professor at Konan University and President of RIETI Director - General Dean of the EIB Institute Regional integration and culture in the age of knowledge creation Cultural identity and regional development

Keynote Lecture Danny Quah Thursday, 29th August, at 14.30 Kuwait Professor of Economics and International Development, London School of Economics A spatially shifting global economy Plenary Policy Session 2 Regional and Spatial Issues in the Mediterranean area Chair: Tomaz Dentinho, André Torre

Jamel Eddine Gharbi Wednesday, 28th August, at 9.00 University of Jendouba, former Minister of Regional Development and Planning, Tunisia Plenary Policy Session 1 Fouad Chaatit Nation-wide policies and regional growth Assistant Vice President for Strategic Plan, Al Akhwayn University, Morocco Chair: Andrés Rodriguez-Pose Gregory DePaepe Policy Analyst for Europe, Middle East and Africa, OECD Development Center Somik V. Lall Lead Economist at the Finance, Economics and Urban Development Department, World Bank Connecting people with prosperity. Prioritising and sequencing policies Prakash Loungani Advisor in the Research Department, International Monetary Fund Regional labour adjustment in currency union: evidence from Europe and the U.S. during the Great Recession Joaquim Oliveira-Martins Head of the Regional Development Division, OECD The impact of structural and macroeconomic factors on regional growth Manuela D’Onofrio Head of Global Investment Strategy, Unicredit Group Globalisation and regional competitiveness

44 45 Plenary Sessions

Friday, 30th August, at 9.00

EIB Round Table Infrastructure Financing and Regional Development in the Mediterranean Chair: Flavia Palanza, European Investment Bank

Saki Aciman Director, CETMO (Research Center for Transportation in Western Mediterranean) Salvatore D’Alfonso Deputy Director, Union for the Mediterranean Giovanni Longo University of Trieste Bruno Macedo European Commission, DG DEVCO Gianfranco Sansone Head of Infrastructure and Power Project Finance, Unicredit Group

Friday, 30th August, at 17.30 Plenary Session Thirty Years of the Italian Regional Science Section Chair and Introduction: Riccardo Cappellin, President of the Italian Regional Science Section

Roberto Camagni, Roberta Capello The contribution of the Italian Section to Regional Science

46 Tuesday, August 27, 2013

17:00 - 19:30 Rectorate, University of Palermo

Opening Ceremony

Welcome to Palermo Fabio Mazzola, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Chair of the Local Organising Committee

Opening Speeches Roberto Lagalla, Rector of the University of Palermo Leoluca Orlando, Mayor of Palermo Carlo Trigilia, Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Italy Charlie Karlsson, President of ERSA

Keynote Speech Rémy Jacob, Director - General Dean of the EIB Institute Cultural identity and regional development

Keynote Lecture Danny Quah, Kuwait Professor of Economics and International Development, London School of Economics A spatially shifting global economy

19:30 - 21:30 Rectorate, University of Palermo

Welcome Reception Congress For Delegates and Accompanying persons Programme

48 49 Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Wednesday, August 28, 2013

09:00 - 10:30 Wed_1_Aula Magna, Faculty of Economics - Building E (Edificio 13) 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P2

Plenary Policy Session 1 Nation-wide policies and regional growth Refereed Session R_C. Demography, migration and population Chair: Andrés Rodríguez-Pose Chair: Laurence Brown Joaquim Oliveira-Martins, OECD William Sander, William Testa The impact of structural and macroeconomic factors on regional growth Parent’s Education, School-Age Children, and Household Location in American Cities 54 Somik V. Lall, World Bank Lawrence Brown, Tamar Mott Forrest Connecting people with prosperity. Prioritising and sequencing policies Organizationally-Led Migration, Individual Choice, and Conventional Models: Refugees to the US 80 Prakash Loungani, IMF Regional labour adjustment in currency union: evidence from Europe and the U.S. during the Elif Berna Var, Vedia Dokmeci Great Recession Age and cohort effects on regional migration in Turkey 233 Manuela D’Onofrio, Unicredit Group Rafael Gonzalez-Val, Luis Lanaspa Globalisation and regional competitiveness Patterns in US Urban Growth 1790–2000 254

10:30 - 11:00 Buildings E and P 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P3

Coffee break Ordinary Session R_D. Entrepreneurship and innovation Chair: Henri De Groot Mikaela Backman 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula Magna, Faculty of Economics - Building E Who says life is over after 55?- New firm formation and an ageing population 58 Felix Modrego, Philip McCann, William Foster, Rose Olfert Special Session S_AAA. Casino Royale: Double Minds on Future Cities Entrepreneurship and local inventive activity: Testing the knowledge filter across Chilean Part I: Cities of the future: Scenarios and Governance comunas 177 Chair: Karima Kourtit Heike Delfmann, Sierdjan Koster Contributors: Masahisa Fujita, Roberta Capello, Peter Batey, Geoffrey Hewings, Michael Carroll, New firm formation and its long and short term impact on employment in declining regions 323 Dimitris Ballas Discussion and Concluding Remarks: Peter Nijkamp 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P4

11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P1 Refereed Session R_E. Private and public finance for regional development Chair: Jose M. Pastor Refereed Session R_B. Climate change and Environment, sustainability issues Sameer Rege, Mario Fortuna Chair: Eduardo Haddad Welfare Impacts of Road Construction Using a Public -Private Partnership: A CGE Analysis Yuzuru Miyata, Hiroyuki Shibusawa, Nahid Hossain of a Project 89 An Economic Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Management of Toyohashi City, Japan: Laura Varela-Candamio, Jesús López-Rodríguez, Andrés Faíña Evidences from Environmental Kuznets Curve 137 Introducing increasing personal allowances in the Personal Income Tax. Eduardo Haddad, Eliane Teixeira An analysis in terms of social welfare for the Spanish regions 170 Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters in Megacities: Carlotta Rossi, Giorgia Barboni The Case of Floods in São Paulo, Brazil 409 Does your neighbour know you better? Local banks and credit tightening in the financial crisis 798 Sevil Acar, Burhan Can Karahasan Jose M. Pastor, Carlos Peraita, Francisco Pérez Uncovering Norway’s regional disparities with respect to natural riches 723 Estimating the Long-Term Economic Impacts of the Spanish Universities on the Trond Husby, Henri L.F. de Groot, Marjan W. Hofkes, Martijn I. Dröes National Economy 1347 The Great North Sea Flood of 1953, The Deltaworks and the spatial distribution of people 909

50 51 Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Wednesday, August 28, 2013

11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P5 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_ Aula P8

Refereed Session R_F. Globalisation and regional competitiveness Refereed Session R_K. Regional labour market and labour mobility Chair: Valentina Meliciani Chair: Alessandra Faggian Luisa Gagliardi, Andrea Ascani Joan Daouli, Michael Demoussis, Nicholas Giannakopoulos, Ioannis Laliotis ‘No man is an island’. Inward FDI and Local Innovative Performance 125 Searching for the wage curve in 38 Valentina Meliciani, Davide Castellani, Loredana Mirra Alpay Filiztekin The determinants of inward foreign direct investment in business services across Local labor markets and crimes by non-residents 129 European regions 861 Wolfgang Nagl Michael Moritz, Johannes Schäffler, Veronika Hecht Better safe than sorry? The effects of income risk, unemployment risk Regional Determinants of German FDI in the Czech Republic - Evidence from a and the interaction of these risks on wages 237 Gravity Model Approach 877 Antonio Pesce Is decoupling in action? 1252 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P9

Ordinary Session R_N. Regional strategies and policies 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P6 Chair: Raffaella Santolini Dany Nguyen-Luong Ordinary Session R_G. Housing markets, land use and real estate The european ECOTALE project: Chair: Gunther Maier Exchanges on best practices for internalizing external costs of transports 49 Michiel Daams Santolini Raffaella How green do we want to live in 2100? Lessons learned from present day millionaires. 36 Local electoral rules and public expenditure composition: The case of Italian regions 492 Elias Oikarinen Larisa Melnikova Regional differences in housing market adjustment: The case of user cost shocks 389 Analysis of consistency of subfederal long-term strategies of socio-economic development 507 Mehmet Küçükmehmetoglu, Ali Büyükgöz Ana Louro, Nuno Marques da Costa Consensus building via cooperative game theory in the process of urban redevelopment 565 Transport and sustainable development strategies in low density areas - dilemmas Aliye Ahu Akgun, Eren kürkçüoglu, Tüzin Baycan between equity and efficiency in Alentejo, a Portuguese convergence region 1318 Spatial transformative effects of gated communities on land use: Case of Gokturk, Istanbul 1316

11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P10 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_ Aula P7 Ordinary Session R_O. Spatial Econometrics and Analysis Refereed Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Chair: Manfred Fischer Chair: Paul Koster Ines Moussa, Thibault Laurent Dirk Stelder Using indirect and feedbacks effects to measure geographic knowledge spillovers Regional accessibility in Europe: changes in road infrastructure 1955-2012 800 in French regions 153 Kristoffer Moeller, Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Nicolai Wendland Thomas Scherngell, Martin Borowiecki, Yuanjia Hu Chicken or egg? Transport and urban development in Berlin 874 Effects of knowledge production and knowledge spillovers on total factor productivity in China: A spatial econometric perspective. 232 Paul Koster, Hans Koster Analysing Heterogeneity in the Value of Travel Time and Reliability: Tom Broekel, Nicky Rogge, Thomas Brenner A Semiparametric Estimation Approach 1032 The innovation efficiency of German regions – a shared input DEA approach 935 Marco Alderighi Aurelien Fichet de Clairfontaine, Rafael Lata, Manfred Fischer, Manfred Paier Air accessibility and the export of Italian manufacture in Europe: Strong scientific collaboration among European regions: Evidence from a Poisson spatial Evidence at regional level 1304 interaction model 887

52 53 Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Wednesday, August 28, 2013

11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P11 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P14

Ordinary Session R_Q. Urban Economy and Governance Refereed Session R_W. Great recession, Regional Growth and Resilience Chair: Maciej Turala Chair: Davide Furceri Maciej Turala, Dorota Sikora-Fernandez, Danuta Stawasz Robert Lehmann, Klaus Wohlrabe Smart cities in crisis - case of Poland 145 Forecasting GDP at the regional level with many predictors 15 Giulio Pedrini, Dorel Nicolae Manitiu Sérgio Nunes, Raul Lopes Smart and sustainable cities in the European Union. A tentative set of indicators 698 Firm’s strategies of innovation and the effect of economic crisis 143 Simón Sánchez-Moral, Ricardo Méndez, Alfonso Arellano Marcello Pagnini, Silvia Del Prete, Paola Rossi, Valerio Vacca Uncertainties about the creative industries discourse: evidences from the quality Lending Organization and Credit Supply During the Crisis 673 of employment in the Spanish metropolis in times of crisis. 701 Argentino Pessoa Sabrina Auci, Luigi Mundula Regional integration and the euro crisis: problems and solutions 1153 A New Definition of Smart Mobility Characteristic within a Smart City Analysis 1156

11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P15 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P12 Ordinary Session R_Z. Geographical Information Systems and Spatial Analysis Refereed Session R_R. Location Theory and Studies Chair: Dimitris Ballas Chair: Isabelle Thomas Sebastiaan van Bemmel, Rob Folkert, Ruud van den Wijngaart Isabelle Thomas, Eric Delmelle, Dominique Peeters, Jean-Claude Thill Spatial energy model for the CO2-reduction of the built environment by Optimal school locations: controlling excess travel and assignment switches in a spatially district heating in the Netherlands 81 dynamic urban growth context 92 Melanie Tomintz, Bernhard Kosar, Victor Garcia-Barrios Rüdiger Hamm simSALUD – a Web-based Spatial Microsimulation Application to Support Regional Health Location Requirements of Energy-intensive Enterprises 144 Planning in Austria 329 Chinchih Chen Vasco Diogo, Eric Koomen, Tom Kuhlman Transportation and Locations Choices of Foreign Direct Investment: the Impacts of Cross-Strait Explaining and simulating current patterns of agricultural land use in the Netherlands 1056 Direct Flight Policy on Taiwan’s FDI in China 771 Turgay Kerem Koramaz, A dualistic manner in spatial analysis: location and sector based investigations for housing price determinants 1062 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P13

Refereed Session R_S. Regional Economic Modeling 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P16 Chair: Ana-Isabel Guerra Sebastien Bourdin Ordinary Session R_ZA. Institutions and Multilevel Governance Local convergences and divergences in the European Union: Chair: Luis Diaz-Serrano An analysis of the process of integration 34 Hiroshi Sakamoto Vicente Rios Ibáñez, Roberto Ezcurra Intra-regional Disparity and Municipal Merger: Case Study in Fukuoka Prefecture 110 Volatility and regional growth in Europe: Does space matter? 133 Luis Diaz-Serrano, Enric Meix-Llop Ana-Isabel Guerra, Ferran Sancho Is there a link between decentralization and students outcomes? A linear price model with extractions 281 A cross-country analysis 261 Guilherme Resende, Tulio Cravo Gonçalo Santinha, Teresa Marques, Paula Guerra What about regions in regional science? Integrating the concept of territorial cohesion in Member States policy agenda: An exercise of convergence using different geographic scales of European Union 772 the case of the Portuguese regional level 769 Regina Grajewski, Barbara Fährmann Between innovation and error prevention: How regional administrations deal with conflicting requirements deriving from the EU-level 1054

54 55 Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Wednesday, August 28, 2013

11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula P17 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula E3

Special Session S_W Social and spatial interaction in the accumulation of civic and human capital Special Session S_ZD Knowledge bases, innovation modes and cluster life cycles Chair: Giorgio Fazio Chair: Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Viola von Berlepsch Jesús M. Valdaliso, Aitziber Elola, Susana Franco, Santiago López European migration, national origin and long-term economic development in the US 568 Do clusters follow the industry life cycle? An exploratory meta-study of Basque Daniel Montolio, Simón Planells-Struse clusters from the 1970s to 2008 56 When police patrols matter. Franz Tödtling, Alexander Auer, Tanja Sinozic The effect of police proximity on citizens’ crime risk perception 846 Emergence, growth and transformation in local clusters – The case of the environmental Matthias Buerker, Gaetano Alfredo Minerva technology industry in Upper Austria 162 Civic Capital and the Vertical Integration of Service Provision: Evidence from Italy 1209 Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver, jose Albors-Garrigos How do clusters evolve? Disentangling types of knowledge, antecedents and performance consequences 217 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula E1 Renato Garcia, Daniela Gorayeb, Adriana Nunes Ferreira Ceramic Tiles industrial clusters in Brazil: an analysis based the cluster life cycle framework 753 Special Session S_U Frontiers of spatial econometric modelling Chair: Iolanda Lo Cascio Asep Saefuddin, Aji Hamim Wigena, Nunung Nuryartono, Dian Kusumaningrum 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula E4 Development and application of Bayesian spatial analysis on poverty data in East Java, Indonesia 1043 Special Session S_ZY New Advances in Regional Growth Modelling Asep Saefuddin, Didin Saepudin, Dian Kusumaningrum Chair: Roberta Capello Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression GWPR for analyzing the malnutrition Julian Ramajo, Miguel A. Marquez, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings data in Java-Indonesia 1142 Spatio-temporal Analysis of Regional Systems: Marusca de Castris, Guido Pellegrini A Multiregional Spatial Vector Autoregressive Model for Spain 159 A counterfactual evaluation of the spatial effects of public subsidies using a spatial Andrea Caragliu, Roberta Capello, Ugo Fratesi propensity score matching approach 1263 Modelling the economic crisis, innovation, and urban growth in a macro-econometric regional growth model: The MASST3 model 171 D’Artis Kancs, Andries Brandsma, Damiaan Persyn 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula E2 Modelling migration and regional labour markets: An application of the new economic geography model RHOMOLO 262 Special Session S_A Graduates, entrepreneurship and regional labour markets Chair: Sierdjan Koster Kristinn Hermannsson, Patrizio Lecca, Kim Swales 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula E5 How much does a single graduation cohort from further education colleges contribute to the economy? 718 Refereed Session R_I. Knowledge economy and learning regions Lina Ahlin, Martin Andersson, Per Thulin Chair: Bart Los Who Goes Where? - an inquiry into spatial sorting of human capital through the lens of Bart Los, Carolina Castaldi, Koen Frenken university graduates 1277 Related variety, unrelated variety and technological breakthroughs: An analysis of U.S. Angelika Jaeger, Johannes Kopper state-level patenting 524 Measuring the Regional “Third-Mission-Potential” of Different Types of Universities 1307 Valter Di Giacinto The dynamics of knowledge production in European regions 543 Kristin Kronenberg, Kati Volgmann Knowledge-intensive employment growth in the Dutch Randstad and the German Rhine-Ruhr area: the impact of centrality and peripherality 624

56 57 Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Wednesday, August 28, 2013

11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula E6 Elisa Montresor, Francesco Pecci, Nicola Pontarollo, Juan Ramon Cuardaro-Roura Structural Funds, spatial spillovers and economic convergence in Spain: Special Session S_ZV Trade flows, location choices and economic interaction between the a spatial panel approach 750 EU and its neighboring countries Chair: Daniel Felsenstein Selim Çagatay, Murat Genç, Onur Koska 12:30 - 14:00 Building P The impact of immigration on international trade in europe: The case of the EU-Mediterranean-Eastern Europe Zone 376 Lunch Daniel Felsenstein, Michael Beenstock Spatial effects in migration flows from neighboring countries to the EU 665 Anna Maria Pinna, Fabiano Schivardi, Vania Licio 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula Magna, Faculty of Economics - Building E Measuring insularity as a state of nature. Is there a case of bad geography 706 Vassilis Monastiriotis, Mireia Borrell Special Session S_AAA. Casino Royale: Double Minds on Future Cities Origin of FDI and domestic productivity spillovers: does European FDI have a ‘productivity Part II: Cities in the Mediterranean advantage’ in the ENP countries? 1029 Chair:Roberto Camagni Contributors: Ahmed El Hassani, André Torre, Lidia Diappi, Tomaz Dentinho, Abdellatif Khattabi Discussion and Concluding Remarks: Peter Nijkamp 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula E7

Ordinary Session R_U. Spatial Analysis in Welfare and Social Issues Chair: Rachel Franklin 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P1 Andre Chagas, Alex Almeida, Carlos Azzoni Sugar Cane Burning and Human Health: An Analysis Using Spatial Propensity Ordinary Session R_B. Climate Change and Environment, Sustainability Issues Score Matching 668 Chair: Joaquim Guilhoto Blanca Gutiérrez Valdivia, Adriana Ciocoletto, Pilar García Almirall Kazunori Nakajima, Naoki Sakamoto Spatial analysis of coexistence: the socio-spatial integration of immigrant General Equilibrium Approach consistent with Travel Cost Method for Economic population in Barcelona 957 Evaluation of Beach Erosion by Climate Change 479 Elif Kýsar Koramaz Sergio Castelani, Joaquim Guilhoto, Danilo Igliori An Assessment for “Quality of Life” through “Urban Poverty” Perspective 1147 The impacts of local demands, urbanization and amazonian metropolitan regions over Thiago Castro e Silva, Luiza Campos deforestation on Brazilian Amazon 1213 How does local violence impact the student’s academic performance? Anping Chen, Nicolaas Groenewold An analysis for Brazilian neighborhoods 1264 Regional Effects in China of an Emissions-Reduction Policy: Tax v. Subsidy 1275 Matthias Ruth, Andrew Blohm, Rebecca Gasper, Onur Ozgun, Nana Karlstetter, Jakob Wachsmuth, Marina Beermann, Tobias Eickemeier, Marion Akamp 11:00 - 12:30 Wed_2_Aula E8 Using dynamic modeling to identify climate change impacts and adaptation options: application to Germany’s Northwest metropolitan region 1339 Ordinary Session R_V. The future of cohesion and regional policies Chair: Riccardo Crescenzi Liudmila Voronina 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P2 Development of regional cluster initiatives as an instrument of innovation policy in Russia 207 Refereed Session R_B. Climate change and Environment, Sustainability Issues Nicola Francesco Dotti Chair: Patrizio Lecca Non-Written Factors Affecting Structural Funds: Regional Political Behaviours in the Olga Kiuila Implementation of the Cohesion Policy 402 Regional economic effects of differentiated climate action 334 Riccardo Crescenzi, Mara Giua Patrizio Lecca, Grant Allan, Peter McGregor, Kim Swales Cohesion and Economic Growth: how contextual conditions and other EU policies shape The Impact of the Introduction of a Carbon Tax for Scotland 501 the impact of the EU Regional Policy 526

58 59 Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Soushi Suzuki, Peter Nijkamp, Piet Rietveld 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P6 A Target-Oriented Data Envelopment Analysis for Energy-Environment Efficiency Improvement in Japan 535 Ordinary Session R_E. Private and public finance for regional development Chair: Ioannis Psycharis Zoltan Gal 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P3 The role of banking in regional and local economic development; The case of Central and Eastern Europe 169 Refereed Session R_C. Demography, Migration and Population Aleksandra Poproch, Janusz Zaleski , Zbigniew Mogila Chair: Dimitris Ballas Model of financing regional development; Polish versus Western European regions 949 Albrecht Kauffmann Dubravka Jurlina Alibegovic, Suncana Slijepcevic, Zeljka Kordej-De Villa The Russian Urban System in Transition: The View of New Economic Geography 280 Regional Development and Decentralization – Two Options to Overcome Lack of Funding 1027 Tatiana Blinova, Svetlana Bylina Ioannis Psycharis, Maria Zoi, Stavroula Iliopoulou Typological analysis of factors reducing rural mortality in Russian regions 306 The political economy of intergovernmental grants in Greece 1132 Johannes Ludsteck, Florian Lehmer Downward drifting Sticky Floors? - Evidence on the Development of Wage Inequality Among Foreigners in Germany 652 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_ Aula P7

Ordinary Session R_F. Globalisation and Regional Competitiveness 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P4 Chair: Laura Resmini Vladimir Okrepilov Ordinary Session R_C. Demography, Migration and Population Quality problem in the context of globalization 115 Chair: Alessandra Faggian Georg Hirte Carmen Ródenas, Monica Martì, Mirostava Kostova Trade and Interregional Inequality 154 Immigration in times of crisis: to go or to stay? 26 Humberto Spolador, Terry Roe Bianca Biagi, Alessandra Faggian, Marco Percoco The effect of composite of capital on the Brazilian economy - a multisector growth analysis 167 Interregional migration and territorial identity 120 Knut Ingar Westeren Simonetta Longhi Internationalization, Competition and Transfer of Knowledge - Efforts by Companies in Cultural Diversity and Subjective Wellbeing 174 BRIC Countries to Enter Markets in USA and Europe 168 Secil Pacaci Elitok, Henning Siegert Turkey’s New Draft Law on Asylum: What to Make of it? A Game Theoretical Approach 277 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P8

14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P5 Refereed Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Chair: Edward Bergman Refereed Session R_D. Entrepreneurship and innovation Mercedes Castro-Nuno, Jose I. Castillo-Manzano, Xavier Fageda Chair: Michael Wyrwich The “Europeanization” of the common road safety policy: an econometric analysis. 50 Julia Korosteleva, Maksim Belitski Daniel Albalate Entrepreneurial dynamics and higher education institutions: evidence from the post- The Road against Fatalities: Infrastructure Spending vs. Regulation? 221 communist world 114 Volodymyr Bilotkach, Xavier Fageda, Ricardo Flores-Fillol Michael Wyrwich, Michael Fritsch, Elisabeth Bublitz Airline Consolidation and the Distribution of Traffic between Primary and Secondary Hubs 284 Balanced Skills and the City: An Analysis of the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Marta Gonzalez-Aregall, Xavier Fageda Skill Balance, Thickness and Innovation 341 Regulation of Port Charges in Spain: Global versus Local Competition 581 Thomas De Graaff, Ceren Ozgen Sorting out the impact of cultural diversity on innovative firms. An empirical analysis of Dutch micro-data 429 Dmitry Pokrovsky Market Size, Productivity and Entrepreneurship in a Model a’la Melitz 1292

60 61 Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Wednesday, August 28, 2013

14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P9 Egle Tafenau, Helmut Herwartz A MIMIC model with a spatial adjustment of the indicators 1060 Special Session S_K Urban Economics Association Davide Fiaschi, Angela Parenti Chair: Jeffrey Brinkman An Estimate of the Degree of Interconnectedness between European Regions 1092 Jeffrey Brinkman Transportation Technologies, Agglomeration, and the Structure of Cities 45 Adelheid Holl 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P13 Highways and productivity in urban and rural locations 370 Jeffrey Zax, Ryan Hall Ordinary Session R_Q. Urban Economy and Governance The effects of congestion on the propensities to telecommute and to commute off-peak 1218 Chair:Paul Cheshire Boris Zhikharevich The salary of municipal officials in Russian urban settlements: 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P10 who is not close to the people? 430 Jens Dietrichson, Lina Maria Ellegård Special Session S_K Urban Economics Association Assist or desist? Conditional bailouts and fiscal discipline in local governments 598 Chair: Gerald Carlino Grzegorz Kula, Piotr Modzelewski Kristian Behrens How to measure the efficiency of local public administration? 799 Unweaving textile clusters: International trade and industrial localization 165 Gerlinde Gutheil, Johann Bröthaler, Peter Mayerhofer, Stefan Schönfelder Jens Suedekum, Wolfgang Dauth Measuring Fiscal Efficiency of Urban Development Projects 1168 Profiles of local growth and industrial change: Facts and an explanation 247 Se-il Mun, Yoko Konishi, Yoshihiko Nishiyama, Ji-eun Sung Determinants of Transport Costs for Inter-regional Trade 361 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P14 Gerald Carlino, Robert M. Hunt, Jake K. Carr, Tony E. Smith The agglomeration of R&D labs 1311 Ordinary Session R_T. Regional Cooperation and Integration Chair: Yiannis Saratsis Ilaria Greco 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P11 Decentralised European cooperation towards the Mediterranean: an analysis on a regional basis of the “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme’ 155 Refereed Session R_K. Regional Labour Market and Labour Mobility Yiannis Saratsis, Angelos Kotios Chair: Matthias Wrede Evaluating the EU territorial co-operation policy and programmes in the Wei Xiao Mediterranean Basin 450 Labor Market Institutions and Labor Mobility in Developing Countries 269 Irina Antonova Annie Tubadji, Peter Nijkamp The Phenomenon of Partially Recognized States as a Problem of Regional Security and Cultural Distance and Gravity Effects among Migrants 484 Development: a Comparison Study of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Kosovo Republic. 727 Matthias Wrede Wages, Rents, Unemployment, and the Quality of Life 548 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P15

Ordinary Session R_W. Great recession, Regional Growth and Resilience 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P12 Chair: Michael Steiner

Ordinary Session R_O. Spatial Econometrics and Analysis Stefania Sabatino, Francesca Bodano, Luisa Ingaramo Chair: Egle Tafenau A multi dimensional analysis on the competitiveness factors to be enhanced in Sicily and Sardinia 184 Alicja Olejnik, Jakub Olejnik Assessing the space-time structure with a multidimensional perspective 315 Jaroslav Koutsky, Pavel Raska, Martin Balej, Jiri Andel Territorial differentiation of regional resilience to the economic crisis in the Czech Jaime Martinez-Martin, Enrique Lopez-Bazo Republic Regions 316 On the Scope of Regional Spillovers in Spanish Housing Prices 826

62 63 Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Michael Steiner, Michael Wagner-Pinter Ana Barufi, Monica Haddad Firm growth during stretches of recession 328 Spatial Municipal Analysis of Education Inequality in Brazil, 2008-2010 659 Dario Diodato, Anet Weterings Marcello Signorelli, Olga Demidova, Enrico Marelli Unemployment and regional resilience 983 Youth Labour Market Performance in the Russian and Italian Regions 682 Olga Demidova, Enrico Marelli , Marcello Signorelli Spatial Effects on Youth Unemployment Rate: The Case of Eastern and Western 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P16 Russian Regions 773

Ordinary Session R_ZA. Institutions and Multilevel Governance Chair: Riccardo Cappellin 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula E2 Maciej Turala, Justyna Danielewicz Political fragmentation and external sources of funding in local governments. Special Session S_A Graduates, Entrepreneurship and Regional Labour Markets Do power struggles matter? 583 Chair: Viktor Venhorst Marek Furmankiewicz Viktor Venhorst, Jouke van Dijk Bottom up initiatives under government control? LEADER Axis and multi-level Please, stand on the right: are Dutch recent graduates stepping off the escalator faster? 736 governance in Poland. 660 Tuomo Suhonen Emmanouil Marios Lazaros Economou, Nicholas Kyriazis, Theodore Metaxas The field-of-study choice of Finnish university students: Does distance matter? 967 The institutional and economic foundations of regional proto-federations 739 Rachel Franklin Tomas Cernenko The Centrifugal Force of Decline: Shrinking Cities and the Migration of the College Educated 1191 Institutional Capacity of Slovak Local Governments 1189

14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula E3 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula P17 Special Session S_ZD Knowledge bases, Innovation Modes and Cluster Life Cycles Special Session Chair: Rafael Boix Domenech S_W Social and Spatial Interaction In the Accumulation Of Civic and Human Capital Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver, Ronald Rojas, Jose Albors Chair: Eleonora Patacchini Understanding evolution: a capabilities-based approach of knowledge recombination 234 Simone Schüller, Tanika Chakraborty, Olga Nottmeyer, Klaus F. Zimmermann Sérgio Nunes, Raul Lopes, José Dias Do Parents learn from their Neighbors? Evidence on Educational Externalities Innovation Modes and Firm’s Performance: Evidence from Portugal 252 from a Unique Policy experiment 130 Rafael Boix Domenech, José Luis Hervás Oliver, Blanca DeMiguel Molina Nadezhda Zamyatina, Alexey Yashunsky Micro-geographies of creative industries clusters in Europe 293 How do strong social ties shape youth migration trajectories using data from Bjorn Asheim the Russian on-line social network 372 Smart specialisation - Old wine in new bottles or new wine in old bottles? 476 Kohei Kubota, Akiko Kamesaka, Masao Ogaki, Fumio Ohtake Cultures, Worldviews, and Intergenerational Altruism 758 Onur Ozgur, Alberto Bisin 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula E4 Dynamic Linear Economies with Social Interactions 1306 Special Session S_B Using microdata to Uncover Spatial Dynamics in Local Labour Market Chair: Arjen Edzes 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula E1 Arjen Edzes, Marten Middeldorp, Jouke Van Dijk Measuring regional labour market dynamics using micro-data 406 Special Session S_S Young people, Education and Labor Markets: A Regional Approach Chair: Marcello Signorelli Stefan Groot, Henri De Groot Estimating the skill bias in agglomeration externalities and the social returns to Begoña Cueto, Patricia Suárez, Matías Mayor education: evidence from Dutch micro data 691 The effect of accessibility to public employment services on transitions to employment. Vassilis Monastiriotis A case of study in Spain. 456 Beyond rising unemployment: exploring demand and supply determinants of shifting unemployment risks across the Greek regions during the crisis 993

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14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula E5 Balz Reto Bodenmann, Italo Vecchi, Alexandra Zeiler, Kay Werner Axhausen, Basil Janis Vitins Jeremy Keith Hackney Refereed Session R_I. Knowledge Economy and Learning Regions An integrated land-use and transport model for Switzerland 1059 Chair: Hans Lööf Ricardo Biscaia, Paula Sarmento Renato Garcia, Veneziano Araújo, Suelene Mascarini, Emerson Santos, Ariana Costa Location Decisions in a Natural Resource Model of Cournot Competition 1146 The role of the geographical proximity and the quality of academic research to Patrick M. Schirmer, Christof Zöllig Renner, Kirill M. Müller, Balz R. Bodenmann, Kay W. Axhausen university-industry linkages 118 Integrated LandUse Transport Simulation in Zurich- The Zurich case study with UrbanSim 1181 Rune Fitjar, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose The geographical dimension of innovation collaboration: Collaboration and innovation in Norway 878 Hans Lööf 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula E9 Creation and Exploitation of Knowledge in Multinationals The Importance of Local and Global Spillovers for Domestic and Foreign Exporters 1067 Special Session S_ZY New Advances in Regional Growth Modelling Chair: Geoffrey Hewings Renato Paniccià, Giuseppe Gori 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula E6 REMI-IRPET model: a multisectoral dynamic NEG based model for the italian regions 126 Geoffrey Hewings, Kijin Kim, Sangyup Chung, Euijune Kim Ordinary Session R_S. Regional Economic Modeling Quarterly Provincial Gross Product Forecasting Model for Indonesia: Chair: Michael Lahr Forecasting with Spatial Panel Data 180 Michael Lahr, Umed Temurshoev Attila Varga Marginal multipliers: Hirschmann Revisited 193 Economic impact evaluation of the new European Union Cohesion policy: Domenica Panzera, Ana Vinuela The case of the GMR-approach 1206 A Bayesian interpolation method to estimate per capita gdp at local labor markets level: a comparison between Italy and Spain 1090 Sunggoan Choi 15:30 - 16:00 Buildings P and E Revealing the Growth Potentials with Input-Output Model at Sub-national Level 73 Coffee break

14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula E7

Ordinary Session R_U. Spatial Analysis in Welfare and Social Issues 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula Magna, Faculty of Economics E Chair: Amnon Frenkel Special Session S_AAA. Casino Royale: Double Minds on Future Cities Daniel Rauhut, Svante Lingarde Part III: Urbanisation and Migration Child Poverty in a Regional Perspective: A Study of Sweden 1990 and 2010 190 Chair: Jacques Poot Amnon Frenkel Contributors: Alessandra Faggian, Vicente Royuela, Simonetta Longhi, Jens Sudekum, Andrés Social Space under Urban Sprawl—The Measurement of Spatial Justice in the Context Rodriguez-Pose, Stefan Brunow of City-Suburb Cleavages 470 Discussion and Concluding Remarks: Peter Nijkamp Susana Suárez Reconfiguration of space, and territorial and human development in the Metropolitan Region of Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico 761 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P1

Ordinary Session R_B. Climate change and Environment, Sustainability issues 14:00 - 15:30 Wed_3_Aula E8 Chair: Valery Mitko Valery Mitko Ordinary Session R_R. Location Theory and Studies Concept of the international programme for monitoring systems trans-border Chair: Tomaz Dentinho transfer of sea water pollution on the Black Sea shelf 432 Cristiano Cechella, Gustavo Franco, Joaquim Silva, Tomaz Dentinho The Brazilian economy internationalization: Portugal as embraer investment motivations 641

66 67 Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Oxana Klimanova, Nina Alexeeva Stefano Usai, Francesco Quatraro Challenges of Environmental Changes for Sustainability: The Case of Russia 555 Knowledge Flows across European regions: Estimating the border effect 515 E.Umran Topcu Falk Strotebeck How can a city be more sustainable: The Case of Istanbul 591 Knowledge transfer via cooperative research – How Universities and Universities of Melachroini Aristiadou Applied Science are positioned in the German research network 544 Climate change should become one of our initial priorities if we want to continue Laurent Bergé to exist on the planet 671 Randomness and closure in knowledge networks: An application to the European co-authorship network 1249

16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P2 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P5 Ordinary Session R_G. Housing Markets, Land Use and Real Estate Chair: John Carruthers Refereed Session R_B. Climate Change and Environment, Sustainability Issues Dani Broitman, Eric Koomen, Bart Rijken Chair: Carmen Echebarria Built-in or build-out: Exploring residential density dynamics in the Netherlands 458 Svetlana Ratner Sebastian Brun, Axel Schaffer Off-grid renewable energy as a chance for sustainable development of the south of Russia 273 Growing and shrinking cities: Relation of house prices and social indicators in Germany 626 Masafumi Morisugi, Hiroshi Sao, Eiji Ohno John Carruthers, David Clark Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk Reduction and Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis 541 The Value of Environmental Quality: Estimates From Space-time Analysis 1266 Masakazu Maezuru Elena Irwin, Douglas Wrenn International Trade in Environmental Goods and Environmental Regulation Evaluating the Impact of Alternative Land Use Policies on Residential Land Development 1350 in the presence of Lobbying 875 Carmen Echebarria, Jose M. Barrutia Factors Affecting the Attitude of Local Authorities towards Local Agenda 21 1082 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P3

Ordinary Session R_D. Entrepreneurship and Innovation 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P6 Chair: Attila Varga Camilla Costa, Margherita Turvani Ordinary Session R_E. Private and Public Finance for Regional Development New industrial spaces as sustainable communities: the case of digital incubators 413 Chair: Vincenzo Provenzano Arne Vorderwülbecke Luca Cocconcelli, Francesca Medda Decoupling or intense ties - The relationship between spin-off firms and their Land value finance as a tool to diminish municipality bond risk 503 university of origin 941 Nadezhda Lvova, Ivan Darushin Robert Huggins, Hiro Izushi, Daniel Prokop Russian Securities Market: Prospects for Regional Development 804 The Co-Evolution of Firms and their Networks: A Study of the Dynamics of Theocharis Marinos External Knowledge Sourcing 972 A Post-Opening Transport Infrastructure’s Socio-Economic Evaluation: Attila Varga, Márton Horváth The Case of “Attiki Odos Motorway” 1167 Institutional and regional factors behind university patenting in Europe: Bernardo Furtado An exploratory spatial analysis using EUMIDA data 1207 Balancing investments in public service personnel and its healthcare provision output: an efficiency analysis for Brazilian municipalities 1183 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P4

Ordinary Session R_I. Knowledge Economy and Learning Regions 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_ Aula P7 Chair: Stefano Usai Ordinary Session R_P. Tourism, Cultural and Creative Industries and Regional Development Iris Wanzenböck, Thomas Scherngell, Thomas Brenner Chair: Natalia Zigern-Korn What determines the position of regions in European knowledge networks? A comparative perspective on R&D collaboration, co-patent and co-publication networks 332 Rudolf Pástor, Jana Parízková Creativity in fashion design in Slovakia: the case study of Bratislava region 1192

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Stefan Rehak Sabine D’Costa, Henry Overman Location factors of art based creative industries: case from Bratislava 1236 The urban wage growth premium: evidence from British cities. 516 Natalia Zigern-Korn Assessment of the tourism function in regional development 1313 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P11

Ordinary Session R_N. Regional Strategies and Policies 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P8 Chair: Andreas P. Cornett Refereed Session R_C. Demography, Migration and Population Andreas P. Cornett, Nils Karl Soerensen Chair: Tomaso Pompili Development growth and decline in Europe: New patterns of economic convergence and divergence? 320 Miriam Marcen The role of Culture on Self-Employment 752 Joanna Kudełko, Zbigniew Mogiła, Marta Zaleska Lisbon earmarking in the Polish region of Wielkopolska does it tell Alfred Garloff, Rüdiger Wapler the whole truth about Lisbon-oriented expenditures? 914 Are the Number of Skilled Workers Running Out in Germany? The Non-Consequences of Demographic Change 854 Ilaria De Angelis Ever closer Union? The Effect of EU Regional Policy on citizens life satisfaction 1179 Timo Mitze, Claudia Burgard, Bjoern Alecke The Effect of Tuition Fees on Student Enrollment and Location Choice: Marusca de Castris Interregional Migration, Border Effects and Gender Differences 883 An Empirical Evaluation of the effects of R&D Subsidies in Italy 1255

16:00-17:30 Wed_4_Aula P9 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P12

Special Session S_K Urban Economics Association Ordinary Session R_Q. Urban Economy and Governance Chair: Jan Rouwendal Chair: Paul Cheshire Jan Möhlmann, Mark Van Duijn, Jan Rouwendal Tatiane Menezes, Antonio Paez, Circe Monteiro, José Luiz Ratton, Raul Silveira-Neto A comparison of day and night crime patterns in Recife, Brazil 460 Restricted housing supply, house prices and welfare: Evidence from the Netherlands 651 Jan Rouwendal, Mark van Duijn Christophe Heyndrickx, Stef Proost Language and political power in the urban model: an application to Brussels 994 Diverging house prices 822 Tuukka Saarimaa, Essi Eerola Carlos Augusto Olarte Bacares The criminality sprawl: The ‘Boomerang effect’ of public transport improvements 1085 Is social housing affordable? 927 Teemu Lyytikäinen, Essi Eerola Dominik Cremer-Schulte Residential choices, natural amenities & segregation – Housing allowance and rents: Evidence from a stepwise subsidy scheme 942 the case of an urban mountain context 1105

16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P10 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P13

Special Session S_K Urban Economics Association Ordinary Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Chair: Guido De Blasio Chair: Julieta Llungo Ortíz Nathaniel Baum-Snow, Matthew Freedman, Ronni Pavan Yuri Yegorov Why Has Urban Inequality Increased? 264 About Spatial Interaction between DESERTEC Infrastructure and Involved Economies 350 Wolfgang Dauth João de Abreu e Silva, Jorge Gonçalves, Marcos Correia, Susana Marreiros The Magnitude and Causes of Job Polarization - A Local Labor Market Approach 272 The relation between airport planning and regional planning processes. Samuele Poy, Guido De Blasio The case of the New Airport of Lisbon. 1246 Local Minimum Wages and Economic Development: Italy’s Evidence from the Fifties 303 Julieta Llungo Ortíz Privatization of telecommunications in South America and analysis of its efficiency 1251 Yusuke Teraji, Yu Morimoto The Airport Competition and the Airline Network 1272 70 71 Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Wednesday, August 28, 2013

16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P14 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P17

Ordinary Session R_F. Globalisation and Regional Competitiveness Refereed Session R_K. Regional Labour Market and Labour Mobility Chair: Roberta Rabellotti Chair: Uwe Blien Roberta Rabellotti, Riccardo Crescenzi, Carlo Pietrobelli Uwe Blien, Lutz Eigenhueller, Markus Promberger , Norbert Schanne The Location Decision of FDI at Different Stages of the Value Chain. An Empirical The Shift-Share Regression: An Application to Regional Employment Development 614 Assessment of Emerging MNEs in European Regions 344 Alessandro Porpiglia, Thomas y. Mathä, Michael Ziegelmeyer Maria Stella Chiaruttini Wealth differences across Luxembourg’s borders and the effect of real estate price Features of tertiarisation in the developed economies and worldwide offshoring 399 dynamics: Evidence from two household surveys 620 Oliver Fiala, Dennis Haeckl, Danny Wende Willem Sas A shift-share-approach to measure regional competitiveness in East and West Germany 536 Why commuting matters: Horizontal and vertical tax externalities in the Belgian federation 662 Luca Cherubini, Bart Los Regional Employment Patterns in a Globalizing World: A Tale of Four Italies 589 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula E1

16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P15 Special Session S_S Young people, Education and Labor Markets: A Regional Approach Chair: Enrico Marelli Ordinary Session R_A. Agglomeration, Districts, Clusters and Networks Enrico Marelli, Giovanni Bruno, Marcello Signorelli Chair: Jaume Masip Tresserra Young People in Crisis: NEETs and Unemployed in EU Regions 895 Evgeniya Kolomak Monica Patrizio, Manuela Samek, Federica Origo Spatial inequalities in Russia: dynamic and sectoral analysis 21 Gender differences among the youth in Europe: the role of education and institutions 930 Jaume Masip Tresserra Dariusz Wozniak, Justyna Sokolowska-Wozniak Sub-centres and Urban Inequality: A study on Social Equity in the Barcelona Attitudes toward entrepreneurship among young people. The case of Nowyscz area 1138 Metropolitan Region 64 Simona Comi, Mara Grasseni Vladimir Klimanov The role of apprenticeship in the regional youth labour market: evidence from Italy 1340 Moscow as a Hub of Global Networks 855 Aurelien Fichet de Clairfontaine, Rafael Lata, Manfred Fischer, Manfred Paier Scientific collaboration in European Framework Programmes: a novel way to constructing 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula E2 scientific collaboration networks 223 Special Session S_ZH Electricity Markets and Regional Integration Chair: Alessandro Sapio 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula P16 Eric Guerci, Alessandro Sapio Wind power, bottlenecks, and zonal electricity prices in Italy: Ordinary Session R_W. Great Recession, Regional Growth and Resilience An agent-based simulation analysis. 156 Chair: Fabio Mazzola Federico Boffa, Viswanath Pingali, Francesca Sala Stella Karoulia, Eleni Gaki Strategic Investment in Merchant Transmission: the Impact of Capacity Utilization Rules 312 The impact of economic crisis on Greek regions and the importance of regional resilience 1015 Veit Böckers, Leonie Giessing, Jürgen Rösch Izet Ibreljic, Amra Nuhanovic The Green Game Changer: An empirical assessment of the effects of renewable energies Euro Zone crisis and its impact on the Southeast European countries with special on wholesale prices and the generation mix 841 reference to Bosnia And Herzegovina 1217 Alessandro Rubino Iolanda Lo Cascio, Fabio Mazzola, Giuseppe Di Giacomo, Rosalia Epifanio Will the Interconnection between Italy and Africa apply the European practice? Territorial capital and the economic crisis: The role of spatial effects 1333 And why not? 1321 Alessandro Sapio Regional redistribution effects of support to renewables 1323

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16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula E3 Peter Sandholt Jensen, Torben Dall Schmidt, Amber Naz New crops, local soils and urbanization: How the introduction of potato and clover Special Session S_H Agent Based Models for Regional Economies: influenced regional development in Denmark and Sweden 330 Challenges and Milestones Roderik Ponds, Martijn Burger, Frank Van Oort Chair: Federico Pablo-Martì Amenities, Human Capital and Location Decisions of Multinational Corporations in Moreno Baruffini German Districts 897 An agent-based simulation of the Swiss labour market : an alternative for the labour Tsutomu Suzuki, Yuran Choi market policy evaluation 216 Optimal median locations of multiple unreliable facilities 1293 Federico Pablo-Martí, Juan Luis Santos, Jogada Kaszowska An agent-based model of population dynamics for the European regions 708 Juan Luis Santos, Federico Pablo-Martí, Jogada Kaszowska 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula E7 Agent-based models versus Computable General Equilibrium models and spatial econometrics 712 Ordinary Session R_S. Regional Economic Modeling Alessandro Airaldi Chair: Michael Lahr Firms location choice and their learning process: an agent-based model approach 1035 Ryohei Nakamura A New Approach to the Endogenous Correction of Interregional Income Disparity: Extended Interregional IO by Trading Biomass CO2 Credit 367 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula E4 Joao Pedro Ferreira, Pedro Ramos, Luis Cruz, Eduardo Barata Metropolitan Multiregional Input-Output Modelling Framework 938 Special Session S_ZI The spatial Dimension of Entrepreneurship Yoshifumi Ishikawa Chair: Giuseppe Espa Risk Analysis of Supply Chain using Interregional Input-Output Table 1009 Diego Giuliani, Giuseppe Espa, Davide Piacentino Kim Swales, Patrizio Lecca Agglomeration and new firm formation. Evidence from Italy 410 A Computable New Economic Geography General Equilibrium Model 1117 Federico Pablo-Martí, Antonio García-Tabuenca, Tomás Mancha AMOEBA: An Agent-based Model Of Entrepreneurship and Business Activities 717 Paolo Postiglione, M. Simona Andreano, Roberto Benedetti 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula E8 Heterogeneity in firms location modeling 842 Marcus Dejardin, Martin Carree Special Session S_E Valuing the Mediterranean Coast: Natural and Economic Processes Testing the linear relation between the population and the number of firms with Chair: Aliza Fleischer Salop’s lenses 1064 Adriana Ressurreição, Tomasz Zarzycki, Melanie Austen, Jonathan Atkins, Michael Kaiser, Ricardo Santos, Tomaz Dentinho Spatial patterns of the economic value of marine biodiversity 17 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula E5 Aliza Fleischer A room with a view – Valuing the Mediterranean 435 Ordinary Session R_V. The future of Cohesion and Regional Policies Daniel Felsenstein, Michal Lichter Chair: Johannes Riegler Social and Economic Vulnerability of Coastal Communities in the Eastern Mediterranean Enrico Orru to Sea Level Rise and Extreme Flooding 645 Why do they return? A mixed methods sequential explanatory design on the determinants Carlo Tesauro, Ferdinando Iannuzzi, Salvatore Patrizio of highly skilled return migration to Sardinia 637 Sustainable development of the coastal towns in Southern Campania Region 996 Johannes Riegler, Klaus Kubeczko, Wolfgang Loibl,Mario Köstl JPI Urban Europe – Urban Megatrends & Challenges 2050 886 Agita Livina, Visvaldis Valtenbergs Territorial Cohesion Indicators for Sustainability and Economic Breakthrough 1061 16:00 - 17:30 Wed_4_Aula E6

Ordinary Session R_R. Location Theory and Studies Chair: Torben Dall Schmidt

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19:30 - 21:30 Hotel La Torre Terrace, Mondello Beach 9:00 - 10:30 Thu_1_Aula Magna, Faculty of Economics - Building E

Get-together Party Keynote Lecture For Delegates and Accompanying persons Chair: Fabio Mazzola

Masahisa Fujita, Konan University and President of RIETI Regional integration and cultures in the age of knowledge creation

10:30 - 11:00 Buildings E and P

Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30 Thu_2_Aula P1

Refereed Young Scientists’ Session - EPAINOS PRIZE R_ZC. Graduates, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Chair: Alessandra Faggian Alessandra Scandura The role of scientific and market knowledge in the inventive process: evidence from a survey of industrial inventors 128 Mohammad Tavassoli, Viroj Jienwatcharamongkhol Closing the Gap: An Empirical Evidence on Firm’s Innovation, Productivity, and Export 531 Nora Hesse Longer is not necessarily better - University Career Level and Job Creation of Academic Entrepreneurs in Germany 960

11:00 - 12:30 Thu_2_Aula P2

Refereed Young Scientists’ Session - EPAINOS PRIZE R_ZD. Spatial Dimensions in Education and Health Chair: Jouke Van Dijk Laia Maynou Pujolras Health convergence analysis of the EU regions: 1995 and 2009 88 Ana Barufi Expansion of undergraduate courses positions impacting the migration of students in Brazil: an analysis with the Demographic Census of 2010 1157 Yolanda Pena-Boquete, Manuel Flores Earnings returns to education, experience and health: Evidence from EU-SILC 1169

76 77 Thursday, August 29, 2013 Thursday, August 29, 2013

11:00 - 12:30 Thu_2_Aula P3 11:00 - 12:30 Thu_2_Aula P6

Refereed Young Scientists’ Session - EPAINOS PRIZE Refereed Young Scientists’ Session - EPAINOS PRIZE R_ZE. Planning and Local Development R_ZH. Public Finance and Political Economy Chair: Andrés Rodríguez-Pose Chair: Paul Cheshire Elena Vasilyeva Luca Salvadori, José María Durán-Cabré, Alejandro Esteller-Moré Efficiency Assessment of Regional Social and Demographic Process Management: Empirical evidence on tax information sharing among sub-central administrations 461 Global Trends and Regional Specifics 380 Mallick Jagannath Zühal Çelebi Deniz Regional Private Investment and Sustainability of Economic Growth in India 1338 Rank-size distribution of Turkey and TRC2 NUTS-2 (Diyarbakir-S,Anliurfa) region 505 Diana Perez-Dacal, Yolanda Pena-Boquete A regional analysis of Tourism Specialization in Spain 1238 11:00 - 12:30 Thu_2_Aula P7 Stepan Zemtsov, Vera Kidyaeva, Maxim Fadeev Socio-economic risk assessment of flooding for Russian coastal regions 1271 Refereed Young Scientists’ Session - EPAINOS PRIZE R_ZI. Empirical Spatial Economics Chair: Uwe Blien 11:00 - 12:30 Thu_2_Aula P4 Rodolfo Metulini Spatial gravity models for international trade: a panel analysis among OECD countries 522 Refereed Young Scientists’ Session - EPAINOS PRIZE Mara Giua R_ZF. Infrastructure and Transport Spatial discontinuity for the impact assessment of the EU Regional Policy. Chair: Georg Hirte The case of Italian Objective 1 regions. 527 Zhenhua Chen Özge Öner Spatial impact of transportation infrastructure: A spatial econometric CGE approach 241 Retail Sector Productivity 1102 Apostolos Lagarias Dynamics of urban sprawl: Applying a CA-based Model to explore future development scenarios in Thessaloniki 304 11:00 - 12:30 Thu_2_Aula P8 Carlos Augusto Olarte Bacares Do public transport improvements increase employment and income in a city? 1040 Refereed Young Scientists’ Session - EPAINOS PRIZE S_K2 Urban Economics Association Young Scientists Chair:Jens Suedekum 11:00 - 12:30 Thu_2_Aula P5 Philippe Bracke House Prices and Rents: Micro Evidence from a Matched Dataset in Central London 112 Refereed Young Scientists’ Session - EPAINOS PRIZE Luisa Gagliardi R_ZG. Efficiency and Regional Development On the Link between Employment and Technological change: has it been properly uncovered? 414 Chair: Henri De Groot Vincent Boitier Antonio Bubbico Endogenous city size in urban search models: the case of high reallocation costs 590 Administrative Continuity: Enhancer or Constraint for Regional Governments’ Efficiency? 493 Daniel Da Mata Willem Sas Disentangling the Causes of Informal Housing 1242 Bailouts in a federation: A cooperative legislature at work 658 Davide Luca Regional development goals and distributive politics in the allocation of Turkey’s central 11:00 - 12:30 Thu_2_Aula P9

investments: socioeconomic criteria, parties and legislators’ personal networks 981 Refereed Young Scientists’ Session - EPAINOS PRIZE R_ZJ. Crime and Regional Development Chair: Dimitris Ballas Alexey Naydenov Heuristic model of taxpayer behaviour: application to Russian experience with regard to tax evasion 781

78 79 Thursday, August 29, 2013 Thursday, August 29, 2013

Maria Paola Rana, Kyriakos Neanidis Chrysanthi Balomenou, Konstantinos Kolovos Organized crime and corruption: Growth implications for Italy 1051 Universities´ funding in the the current global financial crisis: Stuart McIntyre Threat or opportunity for the implementation of Triple Helix Theory? 839 Personal indebtedness, community characteristics and theft crime 1176 Javier Garcia-Estevez, Elvira Uyarra, Fumi Kitagawa Whither the University Third Mission? Evidence from the UK higher education business and community interaction (HE-BCI) survey 1221 12:30 - 13:30 Building P

Lunch 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P4

Ordinary Session 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P1 R_P. Tourism, cultural and Creative Industries and Regional Development Chair: Bianca Biagi Special Session Eleni Gaki, Stella Kostopoulou, Dimitris Lagos S_M Territorial Governance, Rural Areas and Agro-Food Systems Regional inequalities in Greek tourism development 729 Chair: Jean-Baptiste Traversac Bianca Biagi, Maria Gabriella Ladu, Vicente Royuela Leila Kebir, Crevoisier Olivier, Costa Pedro, Véronique Peyrache-Gadeau Human development, urbanisation and tourism specialization. Evidences from a panel of Sustainability, Innovation and regional development: towards new forms of developed and developing countries 963 territorialisation of economic activities? 830 Marianna Elmi, Manfred Perlik Mikael Akimowicz, Harry Cummings, Karen Landman From tourism to multilocal residence. The transformation of the Dolomites region 1070 What is the impact of greenbelt policies? An illustration with the greenbelt policy of Toronto, Canada 835 Nathalie Bertrand, Carole Barthès 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P5 Inter-communities development and land management projects : Agreement charters on local governance and land use 850 Ordinary Session R_K. Regional Labour Market and Labour Mobility Chair: Hannu Tervo Hannu Tervo 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P2 Regional employment and population growth: Granger causality tests using panel data 132 Juho Jokinen Special Session S_ZP Forecasting Regional Labour Markets Regional attributes and the earnings-unemployment relationship 1226 Chair: Roberto Patuelli Nuno Marques da Costa, Eduarda Marques da Costa Matías Mayor, Roberto Patuelli Polycentrism, functional urban regions and labour mobility in Portugal – contradictions Spatial Panel Data Forecasting over Different Horizons, Cross-Sectional and Temporal Dimensions 815 between sustainable development objectives and unsustainable patterns of mobility 1297 Timo Mitze, Torben Dall Schmidt, Aki Kangasharju, Daniel Rauhut Ioannis Kaplanis, Andreas Georgiadis Future employment patterns in the regions of the Nordic countries: Human capital externalities: evidence from local labor markets 1141 Forecasting and testing regional employment 819 Ana Angulo, Jesús Mur, Javier Trívez Forecasting heterogeneous regional data: the case of European employment 953 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P6

13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P3 Ordinary Session R_T. Regional cooperation and integration Chair: Ewa Bojar Special Session S_Q Universities and the Economic Crisis: Triple Helix, Local Ewa Bojar, Jan Stachowicz Entrepreneurship and Endogenous Growth Network forms of organization of implementation of innovative regional development Chair: Chrysanthi Balomenou strategies: Selected Examples of Polish Regions 22 Magdalena Wisniewska Irina Zeleneva Knowledge transfer between university and academia in Lodzkie Region 282 New approaches to energy security in the Baltic Sea Region: Russian viewpoint 338

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Dagmara Kociuba 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P10 Polish-Ukrainian cooperation in the scope of spatial planning – new challenges and achievements 1109 Ordinary Session R_U. Spatial Analysis in Welfare and Social Issues Chair: Carlos Azzoni Alexandra Zamani, Alexandros Grigoriadis 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P7 Planning objectives for the centre of Athens 55 Luis Galvis, Adolfo Meisel Ordinary Session Regional inequalities and regional policies in Colombia: R_B. Climate change and Environment, Sustainability Issues the experience of the last two decades 182 Chair: Rainald Borck Carlos Azzoni, Alex Almeida Agata Mesjasz-Lech, Wioletta M. Bajdur Estimating cost of living levels for Brazilian metropolitan areas 669 Assessment and analysis of the application of sewage treatment technologies in Poland 348 WenLan Ke, JingHua Sha, JingJing Yan Study of System Dynamics on the Equilibrium Development of Ecological and 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P11 Economic System in Ordos of Inner Mongolia in China 375 Rainald Borck, Michael Pflüger Special Session S_O Regional CGE Modeling Green cities? Urbanization, trade and the environment 1194 Chair: Michael Lahr Michael Lahr, Maria Alvarez Tortoise and the Hare Revisited? A CGE Analysis of Gaming and State Tax Revenues 191 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P8 Toon Vandyck Efficiency and equity aspects of energy taxation 945 Special Session S_Z Regional development and innovation clusters in two Mediterranean countries: Spain Harvey Cutler, Terry Iverson, David Keyser, Justin Martinez and Italy Environmental Policy and Tax Structure at the State Level 1039 Chair: Massimo Cermelli Ricardo Aguado, Jabier Martinez, Massimo Cermelli 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P12 A dynamic analysis of regional R&D efficiency. The case of Italian and Spanish regions 423 Mikel Larreina Special Session S_N Land Use Planning and Regional Science Analyzing the regional economic impact of a leading Wine cluster, and how it has adapted Chair: John Carruthers to the global economic crisis 642 Paul Gottlieb Massimo Cermelli, Pier Francesco Asso, Vito Pipitone Agricultural preservation, large-lot zoning, and real estate development in New Jersey, Strategies to innovate in SMEs: analyzing the key factors of internationalization and USA 513 interaction in Basque and Sicilian firms 649 John Carruthers, Ralph B. McLaughlin, Gordon F. Mulligan Prometheus unbound:’ A spatial and economic analysis of the contemporary american megalopolis 1336 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P9 Giuseppe Carta Ordinary Session R_L. New frontiers in reg. science: Theory and Methodology Planning in theory, planning against poverty 1360 Chair: André Torre Kenmei Tsubota,Kiyoyasu Tanaka Agglomeration and directional imbalance of transport 109 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P13 Lise Bourdeau-Lepage, Elisabeth Tovar A new perspective on metropolization in the Region. Ordinary Session R_G. Housing markets, land use and real estate Chair: Frederic Gaschet Firm functions and sustainable development 267 André Torre, Fréderic Wallet Frederic Gaschet, Aurelien Decamps, Ghislaine Deymier, Guillaume Pouyanne, Stéphane Virol The role of proximity relations in regional and territorial development processes 792 The Impact of Urban Subcenters on Housing Values 288

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Oskari Harjunen, Mika Kortelainen, Tuukka Saarimaa 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P17 Valuing Elementary Schools in Helsinki Using Boundary Discontinuity Design 866 João Marques, Miguel Viegas, Monique Borges, Eduardo Anselmo Special Session S_T The impact of Regional Policies Designing the housing market for 2030 – a foresight and econometric approach 1124 Chair: Raffaello Bronzini Raffaello Bronzini, Guido de Blasio, Simone Martelli The short term impact of eu cohesion policy: Evidence from italy 977 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P14 Salima Bouayad-Agha, Nadine Turpin, Lionel Vedrine Using intra-regional variations and spatial correlations to estimate the effect Special Session S_X The effect of Regional Social Capital and Entrepreneurs of the cohesion policy: new evidence from NUTS3 1007 Chair: Michael Wyrwich Gianluigi Coppola, Sergio Destefanis Michael Fritsch, David Storey The Impact of EU Funds on the economies of the Italian regions 1210 Entrepreneurship in Regional Context – Recent Developments 104 Hans Westlund, Johan Larsson, Amy Rader Olsson Political entrepreneurship and local development in Swedish municipalities 151 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula E1 Michael Wyrwich, Michael Stuetzer, Rolf Sternberg Fear of Failure: Individual and Institutional Explanations 434 Special Session S_ZK Evaluating Regional Science Research Chair: Gunther Maier Gunther Maier, Tanja Sinozic, Harvey Goldstein 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P15 Topics and Actors: An analysis of twelve years of ERSA conference papers 179 Vicente Royuela Ordinary Session R_P. Tourism, Cultural and Creative industries and Regional Development The h index in Regional Science 844 Chair: Juan Cuadrado-Roura Aliye Ahu Akgun, lker Akgün, Peter Nijkamp Paula Remoaldo, José Santos, Laurentina Vareiro, José Cadima Ribeiro Journals in Regional Science: Their Self-Sufficiency for the Field in the Last Decade 1315 Evaluating the Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture: a tourist perception approach 523 Harvey Goldstein, Gunther Maier Margarita Trikka, Georgia Charitoudi Tests of Robustness of Impact Factor Scores of Regional Science Journals 1317 Social Economy, Entrepreneurship and local development: the case of ‘Arcturos’ environmental centre 710 Isabel Mendes 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula E2 The Economic Value of Mine Rehabilitation Projects for Mining Industrial Tourism: A Contingent Valuation Approach 1324 Special Session S_ZS Well-being and Living Conditions In The European Regions Chair: Miranda Cuffaro Sabine Sedlacek, Ivo Ponocny, Christian Weismayer, Stefan Dressler, Bernadette Stross 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula P16 Space and subjective well-being - how important is the quality of the residential location for individuals in different regions? 554 Ordinary Session R_I. Knowledge Economy and Learning Regions Robert Knippschild Chair: Ioannis Psycharis Cross-border interrelations - A factor to enhance quality of life in border regions? 851 Lisa De Propris, Carlo Corradini Eva Psatha, Alex Deffner Technological platforms and global opportunities 867 Methods for measuring the quality of urban life: A comparative evaluation 1298 Petra Staufer-Steinnocher Spatio-Temporal Patterns in China’s Patenting Activities 1974- 2011: An Advanced Hotspot Analysis 1069 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula E3 Ioannis Psycharis, Antonios Rovolis, Panagiotis Pantazis Regional inequalities in higher education entry exams: a human capabilities perspective 1113 Special Session S_A Graduates, Entrepreneurship and Regional Labour Markets Chair: Maria Abreu Hannu Karhunen, Mika Haapanen Working while in a university: Does it mean greater attachment to the regional labour market? 790

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Sierdjan Koster, Viktor Venhorst 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula E7 Moving shop. Residential and business location of self-employed graduates. 845 Maria Abreu Special Session S_ZJ Mobility, knowledge and Innovation Spatial determinants of social entrepreneurship in the UK 1025 Chair: Riccardo Crescenzi Riccardo Crescenzi, Luisa Gagliardi, Enrico Orru’ Can mobility grants improve the quality of skills matching in lagging regions? 256 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula E4 Martin Srholec, Pavla Žížalová Does the local milieu matter for innovation? Multilevel evidence from the Czech Republic 540 Special Session S_ZL The spatial trace of the Real Estate Crisis Marco Di Cataldo, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose Chair: Ramiro Gil-Serrate Quality of governance and innovative performance in the EU Regions 759 Jan Reinert Optimal Portfolio Allocation during the Real Estate Crisis: Solid German Oaks or Dead Wood? 495 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula E8 Ramiro Gil-Serrate, Jesús Mur Structural breaks in the Spanish housing markets: evidence from a spatial panel Special Session S_ZB Firms Relocation: Spatial and Technological Determinas for the period 1995-2010 533 Chair: Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod Ann Hartell Anne Risselada The Concept of Locational Affordability: What is the Relationship Between Transport Destination choices of intra-municipal relocating firms 200 Costs and Foreclosure? 585 Amélia Branco, João Lopes, Francisco Parejo José Preciado Regional integration and business location: Evidence from the cork industry in the Iberian Pensinsula 419 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula E5 Miguel Manjón-Antolín, Oscar Martinez-Ibañez, Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod A Smooth Gravity Model for the Origin-Destination Flows of French Firms 519 Special Session S_ZT Institutions, Labour Markets, Ethnic Diversities and Regional Disparities In The EU Chair: Peter Huber 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula E9 Peter Huber Labour Market Institutions and Regional Unemployment Disparities 998 Special Session S_ZX Financial Crisis, Policy and Income Distribution across Regions Peter Huber, Doris Oberdabernig Chair: Luca Agnello Do migrants contribute to the welfare state 1016 George Petrakos, Panagiotis Artelaris, Dimitris Kallioras Thomas Horvath, Peter Huber Debt-led convergence in Europe 321 Network effects, regional segregation and migrants’ success in labor market integration 1020 Mário Vale, Andy Pike, Gianpiero Torrisi Is there a global link between spatial disparities and devolution? A Portuguese contribution to the debate 814 13:30 - 14:30 Thu_3_Aula E6 Luca Agnello, Giorgio Fazio, Ricardo Sousa Fiscal Policy and Regional Income Inequality 1041 Special Session S_ZA Session in Honor of Giacomo Becattini Chair: Fabio Sforzi Fabio Sforzi, Rafael Boix Domenech What about industrial districts in Regional Science? 719 Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver, Maria Lleo, Roberto Cervello Organizational reproduction in industrial districts: something more than just a spinoff process 218 Lisa De Propris Industrial districts 2.0 1048

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14:30 - 16:00 Thu_3_Aula Magna, Faculty of Economics - Building E 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P3

Plenary Policy Session 2 Refereed Session R_D. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Regional and Spatial issues in the Mediterranean area Chair: Marina Van Geenhuizen Chair: Tomaz Dentinho, André Torre Eleanor Doyle, Damien McGovern, Stephen McCarthy Compliance-Innovation: Supporting Regional Growth 570 Jamel-Eddine Gharbi, University of Jendouba, Tunisia Hannu Karhunen, Janne Huovari Fouad Chaatit, Al Akhwayn University, Morocco Does public R&D subsidy affect firm productivity? Gregory De Paepe, OECD Development Center Conflicting evidence from Finnish regions 791 Marina Van Geenhuizen, Qing Ye Small Responsible Innovators and Open Innovation towards Sustainability: 16:00 - 16:30 Buildings E and P Networks Conditions 1303

Coffee break 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P4

Refereed Session R_O. Spatial Econometrics and Analysis 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P1 Chair: Paul Elhorst

Refereed Session R_J. Social Capital and Regional Development Manfred M. Fischer, James P. LeSage Chair: Adriana Di Liberto A Bayesian space-time approach to identifying and interpreting regional convergence clubs in Europe 39 Antonio Montanes, Lorena Olmos Paul Elhorst, Solmaria Halleck Vega Do the Spanish regions converge? A unit root analysis for the HDI of the Spanish regions 292 On spatial econometric models, spillover effects and W 222 Sauro Mocetti, Guglielmo Barone Rafael Boix Domenech, José Luis Hervás Oliver, Blanca DeMiguel Molina Natural disasters, economic growth and corruption: a tale from two earthquakes 726 I want rich and creative neighbour regions: do wealth spillovers of creative services Adriana Di Liberto industries go beyond the regional boundaries? 297 Past dominations, current informal institutions and the Italian regional economic performance 1033

16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P5 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P2 Refereed Session R_R. Location Theory and Studies Ordinary Session R_A. Agglomeration, Districts, Clusters and Networks Chair: Neil Reid Chair: Mario Biggeri Toshiharu Ishikawa Jordi Catalan, Guillermo Gil-Mugarza An analysis of the effects of the variety of items on the retailers market areas and the urban system 9 The life-cycle of Barcelona and Madrid book-publishing districts in the 20th century 449 João Lopes, Amélia Branco Ching-Mu Chen, Dao-Zhi Zeng, The Home Market Effect: Beyond the Constant Elasticity of Substitution 597 The Clustering of Cork Firms in Santa Maria da Feira: Why History Matters 457 Mario Biggeri, Andrea Ferrannini, Huanhuai Zhou Neil Reid, Ralph McLaughlin, Michael Moore An interpretative framework for internal heterogeneity and dynamics of industrial clusters: The Ubiquity of Good Taste: A Spatial Analysis of the Craft Brewing Industry in the United States 1026 the case of leather cluster in Florence 965 John Hobbs, Michael Walsh, Richard Moloney Industry Clustering: Branding Changes or Substantial Differences 1047

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16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P6 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P9

Ordinary Session R_T. Regional cooperation and integration Special Session S_K Urban Economics Association Chair: Colin Wren Chair: Maarten Bosker Colin Wren, Ilona Serwicka, Jonathan Jones Maarten Bosker, Harry Garretsen, Gerard Marlet, Clemens van Woerkens European Economic Integration and the Timing of FDI Location: Evidence for the A life aquatic: flood risk and the Dutch housing market 94 CEE Countries, 1997-2010 147 Massimiliano Cali, Sami Miaari Natalia Vasilyeva The labour market impact of mobility restrictions: Evidence from the West Bank 99 Correlation between globalization and regionalization within the European Rosa Sanchis-Guarner integrational area 353 First-come first-served: immigration, native displacement and house prices in Spain 502 Suparna Karmakar Kathrine Veie, Toke Panduro New Super-RTAs and the WTO: Implications for China and India 629 An alternative to the standard spatial econometric approaches in hedonic house Carlie Geerdink price models 1087 Economic Integration, Institutional Differences and Regional growth 721

16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P10 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P7 Special Session S_K Urban Economics Association Ordinary Session R_C. Demography, Migration and Population Chair: Kristof Dascher Chair: Tiiu Paas María Sánchez-Vidal, Rafael González-Val, Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal Burge Elvan Erginli, Tuzin Baycan Sequential city growth in the US: Does age matter? 35 Content analysis of the relational approach in migration studies 294 Rafael Gonzalez-Val, David Cuberes Jan Hauke, Barbara Konecka-Szydlowska History and Urban Primacy: The Effect of the Spanish Reconquista on Muslim Cities 60 Differences and changes in the population-settlement domain at the regional Guido De Blasio, Alberto Dalmazzo, Monica Andini and local levels in Poland 415 The Size of Political Jurisdictions: Evidence from a Fascist Consolidation 276 Luisa Alama-Sabater, Maite Alguacil-Mari, Joan Serafi Bernat-Marti, Kristof Dascher Spatial analysis of migrants inflow: Spanish case 425 Climate Change and Urban Contours: Why Countries with Denser City Centers Fight Tiiu Paas, Olga Demidova, Climate Change Harder 744 How people perceive immigrants’ role in their country’s life: a comparative study of Estonia and Russia 569 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P11

16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P8 Ordinary Session R_N. Regional Strategies and Policies Chair: Enrico Marelli Ordinary Session R_S. Regional Economic Modeling Cosmin Sabau Chair: Peter Huber Regional Development In Romania. The North-Western Region Evolution Analysis 260 Per Botolf Maurseth Valeria Szitasiova, Miroslav Sipikal Regional Convergence and Divergence in Europe. Patterns and regularities 412 New Tools for New Regional Policy in Central European Countries 925 Lucian-Liviu Albu Aurea Valerdi, Juan Antonio Rodríguez Trends in Convergence in EU. Differences between EU-10 and EU-15 765 Regional development in the Bajío México from Human Development Index, Peter Huber, Matthias Firgo specially well-being and living conditions 1276 The Bumpy Road to Convergence 987 Henning Kroll, Thomas Stahlecker Lisa Gianmoena, Davide Fiaschi, Angela Parenti Different Forms and Rationales of Smart Specialisation Approaches at the Beginning The Determinants of Growth Volatility in European Regions 1096 of the New Structural Fund Support Period 1309

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16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P12 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P15

Ordinary Session R_M. Peripheral and Rural Regions Special Session S_AA. The Mediterranean in Flux Chair: Daniela - Luminita Constantin Chair: Riccardo Cappellin Mats Johansson Giuseppe Pace The New Rural Economy – Revival, Segmentation and Polarization Swedish Experiences 117 The Mediterranean City and the European Neighbourhood Policy 1355 Olga Kompaniets, Daniel Rauhut Tatjana Ibraimovic, Stephane Hess The Place Marketing Concept of Rural Towns in Northern Sweden: What is the Unique Households’ response to changes in the ethnic composition of neighbourhoods in Selling Point? 195 European cities 1356 Daniela-Luminita Constantin, Tudorel Andrei, Constantin Mitrut, Alina Elena Iosif, Manel Khadraoui Raluca Mariana Grosu, Alina Profiroiu Toward which development model in Tunisia 1358 The accessibility issue for the services of general interest. Tuzin Baycan A case study in the North-East Region of Romania 1182 Comparative analysis of urban and environmental concern in EUROMED region 1354 Richard Rijnks, D. Strijker The image of a less affluent peripheral region - the case of the Veenkolonien 1343 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P16

16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P13 Ordinary Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Chair: Gianluigi Gorla Refereed Session R_A. Agglomeration, Districts, Clusters and Networks Volodymyr Bilotkach, Juergen Mueller, Adel Nemeth Chair: Lucia Piscitello Value of airline networks: case of a hub operator bankruptcy 314 Stefano Elia, Lucia Piscitello, Sergio Mariotti Agata Mesjasz-Lech, Maria Nowicka-Skowron Industrial districts, core cities and ownership strategy of multinational firms investing in Italy 27 Globalization and the development of logistics infrastructure of the freight transport Matthias Duschl, Tobias Scholl, Thomas Brenner, Dennis Luxen, Falk Raschke by road 345 Industry-specific firm growth and agglomeration 134 Héctor Barajas, Vicente German-Soto, Luis Gutierrez-Flores David Martín-Barroso, Juan A. Núñez, Francisco J. Velázquez The temporary effect of infrastructure on regional economic growth in Mexico 352 The effect on firms’ productivity of accessibility. the Spanish manufacturing sector 1123 Senay Oguztimur, Kenan Colak The analysis of Turkey’s freight transport in terms of tranport modes 528

16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P14 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula P17 Ordinary Session R_F. Globalisation and Regional Competitiveness Chair: Kristian Behrens Ordinary Session R_K. Regional Labour Market and Labour Mobility Vladimir Sherov-Ignatyev Chair: Bianca Biagi Russian Regions: Foreign Trade and Economic Development 664 Maria Gabriella Ladu, Bianca Biagi Satoshi Inomata Job destruction or job creation: are there any systematic differences among Evolutionary perspective of international production networks in East Asia 806 regions and sectors in Italy? 83 Gianfranco Battisti Sofia Wixe, Lars Pettersson Offshoring and financial markets 903 Segregation and Employment among Foreign Born: A Regional Approach 116 Attilio Di Battista Terhi Maczulskij The Role of Geography and Institutions in determining FDI flows into Italian Provinces 1185 Public-private sector wage gaps in Finnish regions 593

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16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula E1 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula E4

Special Session S_B Using microdata to Uncover Spatial Dynamics in Local Labour and Special Session S_L Frontiers of spatial CGE Models Housing Market Chair: Katarzyna Zawalinska Chair: Henri de Groot Jouko Kinnunen, Maria Rundberg Henri L.F. de Groot, Stefan P.T. Groot Measuring the importance of voluntary work in the Åland Islands 579 Dynamics in Land Rents: A simple approach 733 Hannu Törmä Bart Rijken, Eric Koomen, Dani Broitman, Barry Zondag How much the target region gains from a mining investment? Simulating Residential Land Use Density 740 - A CGE evaluation of Finnish mining boom 588 Vassilis Tselios, Dionysia Lambiri, Les Dolega Katarzyna Zawalinska Resilience of retail centers within a recession: the UK experience 481 Rural development policy options and their impact on Polish regions 932

16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula E2 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula E5

Special Session S_ZG Retail Development and Sustainable Local Economic Growth Ordinary Session R_I. Knowledge Economy and Learning Regions Chair: Paul Cheshire Chair: Luisa Gagliardi Andy Newing, Graham Clarke, Martin Clarke Inge Thorsen, Kjell Gunnar Salvanes, Helge Sandvig Thorsen Progress in modelling small-area tourist demand for retail location planning 150 The spatial distribution of jobs for highly educated workers 558 Dorota Celinska-Janowicz Klaus Nowotny, Jürgen Jangern Shopping streets transformation in post-socialist city: the Warsaw example 355 Career Choices in Academia 929 Ebru Seckin Riccardo Crescenzi, Luisa Gagliardi, Simona Iammarino The comparison in terms of trust of modern and traditional supply chains in fresh fruit Multinational Enterprises and the Innovative Performance of Local Firms in Britain 1119 and vegetable 388 Paul Cheshire, Christian Hilber, Rosa Sanchis-Guarner Planning policy, the form of the built environment and the carbon footprint of the 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula E6 retail sector 1068 Special Session S_ZA Session in Honor of Giacomo Becattini Chair: Fabio Sforzi 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula E3 Joan Trullén Giacomo Becattini and the Marshall’s Method 1148 Ordinary Session R_U. Spatial Analysis in Welfare and Social Issues Chair: Vicente Royuela Cristina Brasili, Alessandro Lubisco Local Development and Quality of the Institutions in the EU Regions 832 Iveta Stankovicova, Tomas Zelinsky F. Xavier Molina-Morales, Jose Antonio Belso-Martínez, Luis Martínez-Cháfer Spatial Distribution of Poverty in the European Union 228 The effects of brokerage on innovation. The case of the toy valley and ceramic tile Anna Bufetova clusters in Spain 600 Social Inequality in the Russian Federation: Regional Convergence vs. Urban Divergence in Levels of Living 327 Raul Ramos, Vicente Royuela 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula E7 Inequality and economic growth in European regions 1994-2010 686 Special Session S_T The Impact of Regional Policies Chair: Raffaello Bronzini Marco Corsino, Roberto Gabriele, Anna Giunta R&D Incentives: The effectiveness of a place-based policy 131 Augusto Cerqua, Guido Pellegrini Beyond the SUTVA: how industrial policy evaluations change when we allow for interaction among firms 340

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Alessio D’Ignazio, Antonio Accetturo, Francesco Franceschi Angeliki Pardali, Evangelos Kounoupas, Iasonas Lainos Evaluating local development policies in Italy: the case of Contratti d’area 868 Regional Development through port-maritime cluster formulation in the wider Piraeus area: Alessandro Cusimano, Fabio Mazzola Innovation and extroversion as an antidote to crisis 630 Ex-post evaluation of Territorial Integrated Projects in Italy: Ignacio del-Rosal-Fernandez, Fernando Rubiera-Morollon, Alberto Diaz-D­ apena an empirical analysis at firm level 1331 Can large cities explain the aggregate movements of the economies? Contrasting the granular hypothesis for the US large cities 968 Dimitris Kavroudakis, Dimitris Ballas, Vassilis Monastiriotis 16:30 - 18:00 Thu_4_Aula E8 Exploring the geography of closing businesses in the crisis-stricken Athens city centre 1078

Special Session S_I Regional Integration and Japan-EU Economy Chair: Kenji Kondo 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P3 Kenji Kondo Renewable Resources, Environmental Pollution, and International Migration 33 Ordinary Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Yasuhiro Takarada Chair: Tatsuaki Kuroda International Transport and the Environment: Environmental Regulations and Mercedes Gumbau-Albert, Pedro Cantos-Sanchez International Emissions Trading 220 Are transport infrastructures productive? New evidence and “Green Perspective” 42 Takamune Fujii Tatsuaki Kuroda Intra-Regional Intra-Industry Trade Patterns in East Asia and Europe: Production Stratified Production Process and Transportation Network under Spatial Risk 91 Differentiation or Production Fragmentation? 782 Mercedes Castro-Nuno,José I. Castillo-Manzano, Diego J. Pedregal-Tercero Kiyoshi Matsubara The speed limits debate: Is effective a temporary change? The case of Spain. 160 Trading Company and Indirect Exports 793 Thomas Cornier, Yann Alix The port of Le Havre economical influence: a multiscalar vision from local to global 163

18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P1 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P4 Ordinary Session R_J. Social Capital and Regional Development Chair: Giorgio Fazio Ordinary Session R_O. Spatial Econometrics and Analysis Anne Margarian Chair: Julide Yildirim Civil engagement for regional development: Olga Demidova An ecometric application of the collective efficacy approach 401 The Spatial effects for the Eastern and Western regions of Russia: Guido Sechi, Jurgis Skilters, Marta Selecka, Krista Berzina, Liva Brice A comparative econometric analysis 371 The impact of hybrid infrastructure on trust, motivation and knowledge sharing Elisa Montresor, Francesco Pecci, Nicola Pontarollo in an intentional community: A latvian case study 521 Productivity convergence in Italian Provinces: do spatial spillovers matter? 751 Lyndon Murphy, Robert Huggins Pelin Akcagun, Nadir Ocal, Julide Yildirim Social capital, innovation and regional policy: Analyzing the spatial structure of Turkey’s sectoral and regional employment 971 A comparative analysis of their differing forms 1000 Aline Andreotti Denis Herrera, José Parré Luciano Lavecchia, Giorgio Fazio Convergency of per capita income to South America’s administrative subdivisions 1011 The regional dimension of social capital in Europe 1287

18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P2 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P5

Ordinary Session R_A. Agglomeration, Districts, Clusters and Networks Ordinary Session R_D. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Chair: Dimitris Ballas Chair: Rosalia Epifanio Jaume Masip Tresserra, Evert Meijers Anna Golejewska Structure and Synergy: Examining the shifting division of labour in the Barcelona Input-Output analysis of regional innovativeness. The case of the Visegrad Group. 18 Metropolitan Region 186

96 97 Thursday, August 29, 2013 Thursday, August 29, 2013

Koloman Ivanicka Deokho Cho, Gik-Hwan Park Some problems of Slovakia in transforming Europe 496 The Analysis on the Poverty Characteristics of Baby Boomers -Using Models of Panel Data- 766 Nadezhda Lvova, Neli Abramishvili Evaluation of Innovative Companies: Regional Aspect 801 Jonatan Paton, Jaime Del Castillo 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P9 Towards an entrepreneurial discovery process in the Basque Country: the electric car case 1086 Special Session S_K Urban Economics Association Chair: Paul Cheshire 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P6 Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Kristoffer Moeller, Sevrin Waights Nicolai Wendland The economics of conservation area designation 87 Ordinary Session R_T. Regional Cooperation and Integration Gerard Marlet Chair: Ioannis Psycharis Amenities and the Attraction of Dutch Cities 487 Leonid Limonov Mark van Duijn, Jan Rouwendal St. Petersburg Metropolitan Region: Problems of Planning Coordination and Spatial Development 70 Sorting based on amenities and income composition: Evidence on the multiplier effect 619 Robert Knippschild Paul Cheshire, Gerard Dericks Partnership of the metropolitan region, partnership of city regions? Regulation, Rents and ‘Iconic Design’: rent acquisition by design in the tightly constrained Evidence from the Metropolitan Region “Central Germany” 974 London office market 1071 Nikolay Kaledin Societal geography and regionalization of society 1334 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P10

18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P7 Special Session S_K Urban Economics Association Chair: Kristoffer Moeller Ordinary Session R_E. Private and Public Finance for Regional Development Max Nathan Chair: Vincenzo Provenzano Top team demographics, innovation and business performance: Sandro Turina, Giuseppe Confessore, Maurizio Turina Findings from English firms and cities, 2008-9 69 The impact of green finance on the national debt: Kristoffer Moeller model analysis of cdp and evaluation of the intensity of mission 762 Culturally clustered or in the cloud? Location of internet start-ups in Berlin 455 Vincenzo Provenzano, Cristina Demma Corentin Trevien, Thierry Mayer The recourse to trade credit by Italian firms during the crisis 464 Urban public transportation and firm location choice evidence from the Regional Massimo Arnone, Silvio Goglio Express Rail of Paris Metropolitan area 566 The effects of the financial crisis on the credit policies of Italian cooperative banks 882 Jessie Bakens, Peter Mulder, Raymond Florax Vladimir Klimanov, Anna Mikhaylova Living Apart Together: The Economic Value of Ethnic Diversity in Cities 745 Public finance reforms in Russian regions: Lessons and prospects 1155

18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P11 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P8 Ordinary Session R_N. Regional Strategies and Policies Ordinary Session R_C. Demography, migration and population Chair: Lars Westin Chair: Tomaso Pompili Evgeniy Kutsenko Elena Ragazzi, Lisa Sella Cluster policy in Russia: similarity and uniqueness 331 Migration and work: The cohesive role of vocational training policies 582 Nives Biskupic Katia Delbiaggio, Hanspeter Zingre Small and medium size companies competiveness in Croatian regional framework 392 Residential Preferences and Relocation 687 Monica Brezzi, Paolo Veneri Miriam Marcen Identifying and governing polycentric urban systems: experiences from OECD countries 688 Divorce and the birth control pill 755 Lars Westin, Martin Eriksson Nordic Growth-Pole Policies 1965-1980: A Retrospective View 821

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18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P12 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P15

Ordinary Session R_M. Peripheral and Rural Regions Ordinary Session R_B. Climate change and Environment, sustainability issues Chair: Elisa Gatto Chair: Tomaz Dentinho Helen Caraveli, Anastassios Chardas Andre Chagas, Luiza Andrade, Rural Development and Local Governance: The case of Greece 285 Opportunity cost of environmental preservation: the case of the Brazilian Legal Amazon 644 Electra Pitoska Eiji Ohno, Ryuta Mori, Masafumi Morisugi, Hiroshi Sao, Sustainability of the development in the mountain – disadvantaged areas: Measurement of Use and Non-use Values of Shirakami Mountain Range by using the case of Vlasti in Greece 714 CVM Consistent with TCM 920 Elisa Gatto, Alba Marino, Guido Signorino Roberto Del Ciello, Maria Velardi, Cecilia Camporeale, Giovanni Galli Biodiversity and risk management in agriculture: What do we learn from CAP reforms? Environmental and economic accountability tool to assess the effects of plans and A farm-level analysis 805 programs on ghg emissions 978

18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P13 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P16

Ordinary Session R_Q. Urban Economy and Governance Ordinary Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Chair: Roberto Camagni Chair: Frank Bruinsma Theodore Metaxas, Marie Noelle Duquenne Hugo Gordijn Partnerships and development policies in Greece: a firms appreciation using CFA analysis 617 Air Transport and Local Development in Belgium and The Netherlands 357 Eric Nitzsche, Georg Hirte Hiroaki Miyoshi The optimal Level of Public Investment in Adaptation against Flooding and Sea-level Rise: An Incentive Mechanism for the Integration of Probe-Car Information 445 A Spatial CGE Analysis for Hamburg 646 Kazuo Nishii, Kuniaki Sasaki, Jun Tanabe Marta Modelewska, Francesca Medda Empirical analysis of leisure driver decision structures underlying sa/pa choice Maximising value of public interventions: Real Options approach as a framework for behaviors on expressways in Japan 451 analysing strategic opportunities in urban areas 734 Vania Campos, Amilcar Tamayo Any Wahyuni, Miyata Yuzuru A model for assessing the traffic safety level on urban roads 477 The Impact of CO2 Emissions Policy on the Economy of Makassar City: a CGE Analysis 779

18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P17 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula P14 Ordinary Session R_K. Regional Labour Market and Labour Mobility Ordinary Session R_F. Globalisation and Regional Competitiveness Chair: Jacques Poot Chair: Laura Resmini Chiara Mussida, Marco Leonardi Ruili Zhao, Churen Sun, Tao Zhang The persistence of Italian regional unemployment: the role of migration and wages 139 The impact of minimum wage on the spatial distribution of exporting hazard rate using Joao Pereira, Aurora Galego ASIF data in 1998-2007 1008 Intra-regional regional wage inequality in portugal: a quantile based decomposition analisys 158 Mark Thissen, Frank Van Oort, Dario Diodato William Cohrane, Jacques Poot Integration and Convergence in Regional Europe: European Regional Trade Flows from Homeownership and labour market flexibility: new spatial-econometric evidence for 2000 to 2010 1116 New Zealand 206 Miklos Lukovics, Bence Zuti Jaakko Simonen, Rauli Svento, Philip McCann, Successful universities towards the improvement of regional competitiveness: ‘Fourth Regional and industrial mobility of the high technology labour - Multinomial logit analysis 214 Generation’ universities 1348

100 101 Thursday, August 29, 2013 Thursday, August 29, 2013

18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula E1 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula E4

Special Session S_B Using Microdata to Uncover Spatial Dynamics in Local Labour and Special Session S_L Frontiers of Spatial CGE Models Housing Market Chair: Katarzyna Zawalinska Chair: Jouke van Dijk Hiroyuki Shibusawa, Nian LI Carlo Gianelle, Ron Boschma, Laura de Dominicis Economic Assessment of Impacts of Large-Scale Earthquakes in Japan: Worker diversity and firm performance in regional labour markets. A Spatial CGE Application 32 Evidence from linked employer-employee data. 518 Antti Simola, Juha Honkatukia, Jouko Kinnunen, Saara Tamminen Marten Middeldorp, Arjen Edzes, Jouke van Dijk Decentralization and its effects in Finland – a regional AGE modelling analysis 424 The effects of job accessibility and spatial search behaviour on careers of (re)entrants 613 Mark Horridge, Louise Roos Tatjana Ibraimovic, Stephane Hess Assessing development policy using IndoTERM, a dynamic multi-regional CGE A latent class model of residential choice behaviour and ethnic segregation preferences 943 model of Indonesia 532 Uwe Blien, Stephan Brunow, Oliver Ludewig Georg Hirte, Stefan Tscharaktschiew The influence of agglomeration economies on employment in individual establishments 1346 How does labor supply modeling affect findings in transport policy analyses? 817

18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula E2 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula E5

Special Session S_ZG Retail Development and Sustainable Local Economic Growth Ordinary Session R_I. Knowledge Economy and Learning Regions Chair: Graham Clarke Chair: Giulio Cainelli Les Dolega, Neil Wrigley Tina Wallin UK high streets terminal decline or evolutionary reconfiguration 494 Local milieu characteristics and their impact on the development of product varieties 140 Nicholas Hood, Martin Clarke, Graham Clarke, Giulio Cainelli, Donato Iacobucci Exploring the spatial dynamics of uk convenience retailing: Does local related-variety influence firms’ strategic decisions? Evidence from Italian The emergence of major grocery retailers into the market 1325 business groups 789 Özge Öner, Johan P. Larsson, Jerome Stuck Location and co-location in retail 1351 Integrating the network perspective in RIS research 940 Fabiano Compagnucci Manufacturing activities and knowledge-based services in Italian Metropolitan Areas 1097 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula E3

Special Session S_ZZ Highly Educated Workers and Urban Development 18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula E6 Chair: Jan Rouwendal Ruben van Loon Jan Rouwendal, Refereed Session R_K. Regional Labour Market and Labour Mobility Store location behaviour and cultural heritage 901 Chair: Jordi Suriñach Bart Sleutjes Alfred Garloff, Stefan Werth Attracting and retaining knowledge workers: the strengths and weaknesses of Characterizing unemployment duration data with stock sample measures 849 Northern-European cities 970 Enrique López-Bazo, Elisabet Motellón Jan Rouwendal, Or David Levkovich On the geography of unemployment rates and the spatial sorting of workers’ schooling 869 Location choices of highly educated foreign workers: the importance of urban amenities 995 Duncan Roth, John Moffat Jan Rouwendal, Jasper Dekkers, Jaap Boter The cohort size-wage relationship in Europe 950 Modelling the relationship between different typs of urban amenities and knowledge Terry Gregory, Melanie Arntz workers using spatial panel data 1193 Regional age structure and innovation - Does demographic aging weaken knowledge-based economies? 1042

102 103 Thursday, August 29, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula E7 9:00 - 10:30 Fri_1_Aula Magna, Faculty of Economics - Building E

Special Session S_ZJ Mobility, knowledge and Innovation EIB Round Table Chair: Riccardo Crescenzi Infrastructure financing and Regional Development in the Mediterranean Otto Raspe, Stefan Groot, Chair: Flavia Palanza, European Investment Bank International Knowledge Workers: regional attractiveness in The Netherlands? 859 Saki Aciman, CETMO (Reserch Center for Transportation in Western Mediterranean) Giuseppe De Luca, Giorgio Fazio, Davide Piacentino Salvatore D’Alfonso, UFM (Union for the Mediterranean) Knowledge Flows and Innovative Performance. Evidence from Italian firms 1055 Raphael Bar El, Dafna Schwartz Giovanni Longo, University of Trieste Innovation ecosystem in conditions of a less develop region 1294 Bruno Macedo, European Commission, DG DEVCO Gianfranco Sansone, Unicredit Group

18:00 - 19:30 Thu_5_Aula E8 10:30 - 11:00 Buildings P and E Special Session S_ZL The Spatial Trace of the Real Estate Crisis Chair: Gunther Maier Coffee break Blanca Arellano, Josep Roca Land Value Capture for the City: The Case of Guadalajara. 795 Helena Bohman, Gunnar Blomé 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P1 Slum lords - where, when and why 946

Paloma Taltavull de la Paz Refereed Session R_J. Social capital and regional development Housing supply by characteristic 1363 Chair: Christoph Hauser Vinko Muštra, Lena Maleševiæ Peroviæ, Silvia Golem Social attitudes and regional inequalities 678 K. Ali Akkemik, Marcus Dittrich, Koray Göksal, Kristina Leipold, Masao Ogaki Worldviews and Intergenerational Altruism: Empirical Evidence for Germany 823 Tiago Freire, Xiaoye Li How Immigration Reduced Social Capital in the US: 2005-2011 1285 Christoph Hauser Regional Trust in Europe: Distribution, Dynamics and Determinants 1310

11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P2

Ordinary Session R_A. Agglomeration, districts, clusters and networks Chair: David Castells-Quintana Roberto Ercole An Exploratory Discrete-Space Analysis of Two-Digits Manufacturing in Vietnam 506 Valentina Mini Only medium firms. A multilevel analysis of agglomeration economies and firm productivity 810 David Castells-Quintana, Vicente Royuela Agglomeration and Congestion: Different Processes of Urban Concentration and Economic Growth 1115 Michael Carroll Economic Development and the Technology Lifecycle 1187

104 105 Friday, August 30, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P3 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P6

Ordinary Session R_O. Spatial Econometrics and analysis Ordinary Session R_B. Climate change and Environment, sustainability issues Chair: Jean-Baptiste Traversac Chair: Eduardo Haddad Jean-Baptiste Traversac, Elise Maigne Sophie Legras, Lionel Vedrine A demographic-geographic model of agricultural development 780 Urban tolls really help us to breathe easier? Ying Ge, Yingxia Pu, Guohui Zhu, Huachen Wang An econometric evaluation of the impact of urban tolls on air quality 655 Border effect on the spatial evolution of urban system in the Yangtze River Delta of China 794 Alexandre Porsse, Eduardo Haddad, Paula Pereda Uwe Blien, Corinna Kleinert, Alexander Vosseler Territorial Economic Impacts of Climate Anomalies in Brazil 705 Classifying vocational training markets 825 Senem Kozaman Roger Bivand, Tomasz Kossowski, Jan Hauke understanding the geography and dynamics of socio-ecological changes in turkey 973 On the range of values in the APLE statistic 1130 Jinwon Kim Vehicle Fuel-Efficiency Choices, Emission Externalities, and Urban Sprawl 29

11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P4 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P7 Ordinary Session R_D. Entrepreneurship and innovation Chair: Ruth Rama Ordinary Session R_B. Climate change and Environment, sustainability issues Ruth Rama, Adelheid Holl Chair: Vincenzo Provenzano Location of R&D foreign direct investment in Spanish regions 335 Elisabetta Troglio, Tigran Haas Olga Nikulina Sustainable Urban Cells and the Energy Transect Modeling: Reconciling the Green and the Urban 377 Advantages of formation of innovative clusters in modern economy 577 Senay Oguztimur Claudia Capozza, Angela Stefania Bergantino, Angela De Carlo The evaluation of energy efficiency in Turkey 572 The Role of Transport Infrastructures in determining Technical Efficiency in R&D Valeria Bernardo, Joan ramon Borrell, Jordi Perdiguero activity of Italian regions. A double-bootstrapped DEA procedure 1052 Fast charging stations: making network planning economically sustainable 578 Rixt Bijker, Frans Sijtsma Sympathy for the commons: Developing funding & support communities for the cultural 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P5 ecosystem services of individual nature areas 639

Refereed Session R_N. Regional strategies and policies Chair: Geoffrey Hewings 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P8 Dennis Haeckl, Oliver Fiala, Hans Wiesmeth Economic impact of medical schools and teaching hospitals: implications for a region 20 Ordinary Session R_C. Demography, migration and population Teresa Sequeira, Francisco Diniz Chair: Vicente Royuela Planning beyond infrastructures: The third sector in Douro and Alto Trás-Os-Montes 43 Gabriela Dragan Zanda Kalnina-Lukasevica Realities and perspectives in Romanian demography and migration 784 Regional Economic Development: a Synthesized Development Model 188 Simonetta Longhi, Yvonni Markaki Merle Looring How Do Countries Adapt to Immigration? 838 Flood risk management in Spatial Planning of Estonian Coastal regions 354 Vicente Royuela International migrations and agglomeration economies 853 Marcin Gospodarowicz, Danuta Kolodziejczyk Poland and the EU - an empirical assessment of recent demographic trends (2000-2011) 871

106 107 Friday, August 30, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P9 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P12

Special Session S_K Urban Economics Association Refereed Session R_F. Globalisation and regional competitiveness Chair: Stefano Magrini Chair: Laura Resmini Steven Brakman, Charles Van Marrewijk, Harry Garretsen Sergey Kichko, Sergey Kokovin, Evgeny Zhelobodko Geographic Concentration of Cross Border Mergers & Acquisitions in the United States 313 Variable elasticity of substitution and capital price in asymmetric trade 936 Roberto Antonietti, Giulio Cainelli Laura Resmini, Laura Casi Does spatial agglomeration affect firm fixed investments? Spatial complexity and interactions in regions’ FDI attractiveness 1063 Evidence from Italian NUTS 3 regions 364 Fabio Cerina, Tadashi Morita, Kazuhiro Yamamoto Yasusada Murata, Ryo Nakajima, Ryuichi Tamura Integration and welfare in a NEG model with Multinational Firms 1196 Testing for localization using micro-geographic data: A new perspective 538 Stefano Magrini, Margherita Gerolimetto Space and nonlinearities in local multiplier analysis 616 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P13

Ordinary Session R_Q. Urban economy and governance Chair: Daniela-Luminita Constantin 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P10 Oxana Klimanova, Special Session S_K Urban Economics Association Protected Areas in Urban Governance: the Case of Moscow 557 Chair: Amanda Ross Theodore Metaxas, Alex Deffner, Marigianna Chalkiadaki Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Wolfgang Maennig, Felix Richter City Marketing: Development Plan for the Heraklion Municipality in Crete 564 Urban renewal after the Berlin Wall 86 Daniela-Luminita Constantin, Raluca Mariana Grosu, Alina Elena Iosif Amanda Ross, Shawn Rohlin Municipal real property management issues in Romania. lessons from successful experiences 764 State Bankruptcy Law and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Border Analysis 253 M. Jesús Gómez Adillón, M. Angels Cabasés Piqué, Maria Ortiz Pastor Henry Overman, Christian Helmers Study on commercial offer and services offered by non-EU citizens 812 My precious! The location and diffusion of scientifi c research: Evidence from the Synchrotron Diamond Light Source 654 Hans Koster, Jos Van ommeren 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P14 Spatial Externalities and Place-Based Policies: Evidence from the Netherlands 848 Ordinary Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Chair: Frank Bruinsma 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P11 María Henar Salas-Olmedo, Patricia García-Alonso, Javier Gutiérrez Border effects and market potential in the European Union 291 Ordinary Session R_M. Peripheral and rural regions Hidekazu Itoh, David Guerrero Chair: Andrey Zinovyev Port activity and regional economy: Evidence from Japan and 547 Lamara Hadjou, Foued Cheriet Bruno Martina, Algerian diaspora, innovation and international trade: the case of dates 90 The Changes in the Determinants of the Local Public Transport Demand in UK Vito Cistulli, Giovanni Guastella, Stefano Marta, Francesco Timpano Over the Last 30 Years 606 Linkages between Territorial Capital and Food and Nutrition Security. Any Wahyuni, Miyata Yuzuru Evidence from the Al-Ghab Region 607 Public Participation in Selection of The Road Construction by AHP for Supporting of CO2 Kira Morachevskaya, Andrey Zinovyev Emissions Reduction: Maros-Watampone Road Case 632 Frontier and peripherality as factors of socio-economic development of Russian-Belorussian border regions 638

108 109 Friday, August 30, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P15 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula E1

Ordinary Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Special Session S_ZA Session in honor of Giacomo Becattini Chair: Francisco Carballo-Cruz Chair: Fabio Sforzi Dmitrijs Popoks, Sigal Kaplan, Carlo Giacomo, Prato Avishai Avi Ceder Fabio Sforzi Connectivity for all: measuring spatial and vertical equity in transit provision 690 Between theory and practice: Rethinking «The development of light industry in Tuscany: Maximilian Vermorken, Francesca Medda An interpretation» 1170 A Portfolio Perspective on Airport Operators 720 Giuseppe Tattara, Irina Inguanotto Elena Kuznetsova Innovation, networks and skill communication. Elda Cecchele, Roberta di Camerino, Trans-European networks TEN: Future in the past? 785 Salvatore Ferragamo and artisans of Italian countryside 105 Francisco Carballo-Cruz Jose Antonio Belso-Martínez, Manuel Expósito-langa, José Rovira-Jover The growth of low-cost carriers in Portugal: tourism and regional impacts 888 Brokerage profiles and the dynamics of intra-cluster networks. Evidence from a Spanish foodstuffs industry 1295

11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P16 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula E2 Refereed Session R_K. Regional labour market and labour mobility Chair: Damiaan Persyn Special Session S_ZS Well-being and living conditions in the European Regions Chair: Miranda Cuffaro Harminder Battu, Heather Brown Not always for richer or poorer: Pavel Raska, Martin Balej, Jiri Andel, Jaroslav Koutsky Urban environment of selected cities in Czechia between shrinkage and rising bubble: The effects of income shocks and house price changes on marital dissolution 250 long-term trends and relation to living conditions 418 Damiaan Persyn, Wouter Torfs A gravity equation for commuting - with an application to estimating regional and Gianni Betti, Francesca Gagliardi, Achille Lemmi, Vijay Verma Cumulative measures of fuzzy indicators of deprivation in European Regions 525 language border effects in Belgium. 599 Clement Malgouyres Elena Lasarte, Esteban Fernandez-Vazquez , Fernando Rubiera Morollon Cost of Living in Spain 2006-2011: regional differentials and the impact of economic crisis 576 Trade Shocks and Local Employment Multipliers: Evidence from France 667

11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula E3 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula P17 Ordinary Session R_L. New frontiers in reg. science: Theory and Methodology Ordinary Session R_K. Regional labour market and labour mobility Chair: Gunther Maier Chair: Tomaso Pompili Alain Segessemann, Olivier Crevoisier Manfred M. Fischer, Ulrike Schirkonyer Productive economy and residential economy: The Swiss case 640 Modelling university-to-work migration of graduates within the UK 12 Mario Biggeri, Andrea Ferrannini Cassiano Dalberto, Jefferson Staduto An evolutionary conceptual framework for place-based human development 956 Agglomeration and its effects on the Brazilian industrial wages over the last decade 324 Nazmiye Balta-Ozkan, Tom Watson, Elisabetta Mocca Cian Mulligan, Manfred Fischer Where does low carbon energy transition stand in regional science? The Gender Wage Gap in Europe: Evidence from a Bayesian Approach 326 Insights from UK in transition to a smarter grid 1139 Fernanda Puppato The effect of trade specialization and innovation on industrial earning inequality 472

110 111 Friday, August 30, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula E4 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula E7

Special Session Special Session S_ZC The spatial dimension of the Arab Spring S_R Technological activities and diffusion in the EU and Neighbouring Countries Chair: Ferdinando Trapani Chair: Attila Varga Ferdinando Trapani, Jesse Marsh, Francesco Molinari Panagiotis Liargovas The social innovation and the role of technologies in the public visioning 358 Do Business Incubators and Technoparks affect regional development? Adriana Sarro A comparative study in the EU27 and the NC16 counties 366 The space of the Mediterranean city in the Arab Spring: Identity and Diversity 556 Boris Kuznetsov, Victoria Golikova Mostafa Fahmy, Medhat Dorra Participation in domestic and foreign networks as a factor of innovations: Architecture as a catalyst for change in Egypt “Shape of Time: the Egyptian Mirror” 735 empirical analysis of Russian manufacturing firms 1022 Luciano De Bonis Attila Varga, Tamás Sebestyén From protest to collective imagination 1329 Does EU Framework Program participation contribute to regional development? 1215

11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula E5 12:30 - 14:00 Building P

Special Session S_M Territorial Governance, Rural Areas and Agro-Food Syste Lunch Chair: André Torre André Torre, Braine-supkova Marketa How to Feed the Cities: Land Use Conflicts and Urban Agriculture 336 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P1 Theodosia Anthopoulou, Sofia Nikolaidou Municipal garden-allotments in Greece beyond the crisis: Ordinary Session R_J. Social capital and regional development towards a new sustainable vision of cities? 442 Chair: Roberto Antonietti Pierre Alphandery, Agnes Fortier Tuba Inal Cekic Local governance about nature in France : putting NGOs to the test of data transparency 474 Trust and Social Capital in Turkey: An Evaluation According to the Social Structure 275 Isidoro Romero, Zhikun Yu Social capital and entrepreneurship. the influence of ‘GUANXI’ on Chinese migrant 11:00 - 12:30 Fri_2_Aula E6 entrepreneurs in Andalusia Spain 305 Roberto Antonietti, Maria Rosaria Ferrante, Riccardo Leoncini Special Session Trust your neighbour. Spatial agglomeration, social capital and outsourcing 411 S_ZV Trade flows, locational choices and economic interaction countries between. EU Patrizia Riganti Chair: Raffaele Paci Local identity and the perception of safety in disadvantaged neighbourhoods: Raffaele Paci, Maria Chiara Di Guardo, Emanuela Marrocu a survey of the Meadows residents, Nottingham UK 1134 The concurrent impact of cultural, political and spatial distances on international M&As 62 Andrea Ascani, Riccardo Crescenzi, Simona Iammarino Institutions and the geography of foreign investment in European New Member 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P2 States and Neighbouring Countries. 135 Daria Zvirgzde, Daniel Schiller, Javier Revilla Diez Ordinary Session R_A. Agglomeration, districts, clusters and networks Location choices of multinational companies in 219 Chair: Manel Khadraoui Jitendra Parajuli, Kingsley Haynes An Exploratory Analysis of New Firm Formation in New England 274 John Pritchard, Dimitris Ballas, Danny Dorling A new approach to delineating a set of neighbourhoods in England 403 Lidia Diappi, Paola Bolchi, Irina Slepukhina The emerging structure of Russian urban systems: a classification based on Self-Organizing Maps 1135

112 113 Friday, August 30, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

Ramona Tiganasu, Gabriela Carmen Pascariu 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P6 Clustering Process and Foreign Direct Investments: A Regional Approach on the Romanian Economy 1220 Ordinary Session R_B. Climate change and Environment, sustainability issues Chair: Hisayoshi Morisugi Hisayoshi Morisugi 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P3 Mortality risk reduction benefit measurement by overlapping generations model 783 Daniela Nepote, Fiorenzo Ferlaino, Marco Bagliani Alberto Crescimanno Refereed Session R_O. Spatial Econometrics and analysis Environmental disparities at regional level: the evidence of Namea in Italy 847 Chair: Iolanda Lo Cascio Elias Beriatos Tobias Scholl, Thomas Brenner, Martin Wendel Integrated Maritime Policy and Spatial Maritime Planning as a new challenge for sustainable Evolving localization patterns of company foundations Evidence from the German development : The case of Greece in the Mediterranean 1327 MST-industry 85 Myriam Tabasso, Giuseppe Arbia Spatial econometric modelling of massive datasets: the contribution of data mining 1004 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P7 Hanas Cader, John C. Leatherman Spatial Externalities in Rural Economic Growth 1326 Ordinary Session R_B. Climate change and Environment, sustainability issues Chair: Aliza Fleischer Matylda Bojar, Joanna Machnik-Slomka 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P4 Selected Aspects of Ecological Projects Management and Regional Development 72 Aliza Fleischer, Jonathan Kaminski, Iddo Kan Ordinary Session R_D. Entrepreneurship and innovation A Structural Land-Use Analysis of Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: Chair: Donato Iacobucci A Proactive Approach 290 Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Daniel Hardy Axel J. Schaffer, Sebastian Brun Diversity and Entrepreneurship in England and Wales 408 Regional distribution of photovoltaics in Germany 349 Giulio Cainelli, Donato Iacobucci, Alessandra Micozzi Oscar Amerighi, Pasquale Regina, Michele Sansoni, Elisa Bonazzi, Luca Vignoli Determinants of territorial differences in entrepreneurial rates. Assessing CO2 emissions of regional policy programmes: an application of CO2MPARE An empirical analysis of Italian local systems 1173 to Emilia-Romagna 2007-2013 OP 818 Mozhdeh Taheri, Marina van Geenhuizen Firms’ ambidexterity through international networks as an influence on growth 732 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P8

14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P5 Ordinary Session R_C. Demography, migration and population Chair: Bjarne Madsen Special Session S_AA. The Mediterranean in Flux Lasse Sigbjørn Stambøl Chair: Lidia Diappi Student mobility – Recruitment to studies and supply of post-graduates in Ioannis Psycharis a geographical perspective 873 Regional Unemployment in Greece: Spatial patterns and causal factors 1352 Dorel Ailenei, Amalia Cristescu, Andrei Hrebenciuc Riccardo Cappellin The reversal of labor force trends for Romanian immigrants – Italian case. 911 The role of local networks in the regional development of Mediterranean countries. 1353 Björg Langset, Marte Björnsen Jamel-Eddine Gharbi Why do some stay and others move? Differences in migration motives in Norway along Economic Priorities in Tunisia 1357 economic, social and cultural contexts 992 Tuzin Baycan, Meliz Akyol, Ahmet Bas, Hatice Aysun Ozkan, Merve Yilmaz Bjarne Madsen, Irena Stefaniak The Rise of Turkey and the New Mediterranean in Transition 1359 Event based demography - experiments with an integrated interregional economic and event-based demographic model for Denmark 1013

114 115 Friday, August 30, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P9 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P12

Special Session S_K Urban Economics Association Ordinary Session R_F. Globalisation and regional competitiveness Chair: Nicolai Wendland Chair: Daniela-Luminita Constantin Sascha Becker, Stephan Heblich, Daniel Sturm Raul Ramos, Jordi López-Tamayo, Jordi Suriñach The Impact of Public Employment: Evidence from Bonn 731 Has ENP improved the institutional and economic performance of EU neighbouring Nicolai Wendland, Wouter Vermeulen countries? 685 Losers of Modernization: Regional Decline, Selective Migration and the Extreme Right 1091 Mark Thissen, Frank Van Oort, Dario Diodato Giulia Faggio Regional Competitiveness and Smart Specialisation in International Economic Networks 1104 Relocation of Public Sector Workers: The local labour market impact of the Lyons Review 1212 Rossana Rodrigues, João Carlos Lopes, João Dias Antonio Carlos Moretto Christian Dippel, Stephan Heblich, Robert Gold Structural changes and external vulnerabilities in the Brazilian economy in the period Economic Integration and Political Radicalization: Evidence from German Regions 1224 1995-2009 1184 Daniela-Luminita Constantin Bucharest-Ilfov region of Romania as a rising star in the regional competition. 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P10 Some insights in the context of globalisation 1349

Refereed Session R_G. Housing markets, land use and real estate Chair: Frederic Gaschet 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P13 Guillaume Pouyanne, Frederic Gaschet The effect of current and future land use on house prices 249 Ordinary Session R_Q. Urban economy and governance Chair: Dimitris Ballas Kathrine Veie, Daniel Roemer, Alexander Rohlf The Effect of Emission Information on Housing Prices in Germany 1050 Nancy Ruiz Estupiñán, Carlos Marmolejo Duarte, Moira Tornés Fernández Functional polycentricity and its role in the emergence of structural places. Anna Komarova The case of major Spanish metropolitan areas 634 Approaches to the land evaluation and practice of their application in developed countries 964 Katalin Czako, Veronika Poreisz Theory and empirics of horizontal and spatial integration of local communal services 980 Ioannis Chorianopoulos, Alexandros Karvounis, Dimitris Ballas, Nick Phelps 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P11 Suburbanization in Greece: The informal transformation of Maroussi into the economic hub of Athens 1095 Ordinary Session R_N. Regional strategies and policies Chair: Rosalia Epifanio Marioara Iordan, Lucian-liviu Albu, Ion Ghizdeanu, Mihaela Nona Chilian, Tiberiu Diaconescu 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P14 Development Gaps in the Sud Muntenia Region of Romania 446 Ordinary Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Ari Hynynen Chair: Daniel Graham Built Environment as a Part of Regional Innovation Policy: Case Seinäjoki, Finland 922 Luisa Alama-Sabater, Laura Marquez-Ramos, Celestino Suarez-Burguet, Anca Dodescu, Lavinia Chirila Jose Miguel Navarro-Azorin From Ongoing Evaluation of Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013 in North-West Interregional Trade and Transport Connectivity: Evidence based on Spatial Econometric Models 902 Region of Romania to Emerging Challenges 985 Christina Nikolakopoulou, Lamprini Karampekou Ruslan Mochalov Egnatia Motorway: Analysing the impacts on the economic and social sustainability of urban The energy resources of the Arctic region: A view from Russia and Europe 1122 areas in Greece 944 Mariko Futamura, Takamune Fujii Automobile Tax System, Fuel Price, and Preference Shifting: How Does the Green Tax Regime Promote Green Car Consumption in Japan? 955 Daniel Graham, Patricia Melo Quantifying the impact of road network capacity expansion on travel delay via a mixed model generalised propensity score estimator 979

116 117 Friday, August 30, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P15 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula E1

Ordinary Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Special Session S_R Technological Activities and Diffusion in the EU and Neighbouring Chair: Francisco Carballo-Cruz Countries Katalin Czako, Tamas Dusek, Krisztian Koppany, Veronika Poreisz, Eva Szalka Chair: Raffaele Paci Economies of scale in local communal services: a Hungarian case study 988 Ksenia Gonchar, Tatyana Ratnikova Mario Genco, Emanuela Sirtori, Silvia Vignetti Explaining the productivity advantages of manufacturing firms in Russian urban Long term impact of a major infrastructure project: the port of Gioia Tauro 1003 agglomerations 123 Francisco Carballo-Cruz, Rosa-Branca Esteves Victoria Golikova, Paivi Karhunen, Riitta Kosonen Airport competition in a spatial network 1038 Internationalization of Russian firms as institutional arbitrage: The case of Finland. 1144 Ana Martinez-Pardo, Lorena Garcia-Alonso, Ana Viñuela Enrique López-Bazo, Elisabet Motellón, The analysis of port regionalization process: the Spanish ports’ case 1099 Innovation, heterogeneous firms and the region 1265

14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P16 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula E2

Ordinary Session R_P. Tourism, Cultural and Creative Industries and Regional Development Special Session S_C Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity Chair: Peter Nijkamp Chair: Eckhardt Bode Ebru Kerimoglu, Kerem Koramaz, Burcin Yazgi, Ozhan Ertekin Eckhardt Bode, Franz-Josef Bade, Eleonora Cutrini Challenges In tourism development: Can Istanbul survive without a Master Plan? 478 Spatial Fragmentation of Industries by Functions 441 Andrea Omizzolo, Serena Frittoli Liv Osland, Inge Thorsen, Jan Ubøe Brands of protected areas: Best practices for a sustainable Tourism. Rural depopulation, labour market accessibility, and housing prices 567 The case study of the Italian protected areas. 551 Ferhan Gezici, Burçin Yazgi, Sinem Metin Christophe Clivaz Olivier, Crevoisier Darbellay, Frédéric Darvellay, Leila Kebir, Analyzing the determinants of agglomeration for the manufacturing industry in Turkey 808 Nahrath Stéphane Stock Mathis The touristic capital of resorts. Rethinking resort development 904 Vladimir Kaledin 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula E3 Russian Orthodox pilgrimage tourism in the Mediterranean region. 990 Special Session S_X The effect of Regional Social Capital and Entrepreneurs Chair: Michael Fritsch 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula P17 Michael Fritsch, Michael Wyrwich Entrepreneurship and Long-Term Economic Development – Evidence for Germany 103 Ordinary Session R_K. Regional labour market and labour mobility Martin Andersson, Johan P Larsson Chair: Roderik Ponds Local Entrepreneurship Clusters 550 Patrícia Estanislau, Jefferson Staduto, Jose Luis Parré Joachim Moeller, Renata Foxova Wage Convergence of Agricultural Workers of Brazil: 1992 - 2009 611 Cultural Life and Economic Performance - Is there a Causal Effect for German Regions? 1103 Young-chool Choi, Sang-Yup Lee, Sang-Hyeon Ju Analysing Job Creation Policies for the Young People in Korea 612 Roderik Ponds, Gerard Marlet, Clemens van Woerkens 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula E4 Trickling down? The relation between the high-educated inhabitants in cities and labour market chances for lower-educated in the Netherlands 893 Special Session S_M Territorial Governance, Rural Areas and Agro-Food Systems Chair: Jean-Baptiste Traversac Signe Jauhiainen, Jani-Petri Laamanen The role of active labour market policy measures in the employment of immigrants 962 Vito Cistulli, Germán Escobar, Stefano Marta, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Alexander Schejtman Francesco Timpano Territorial approach to food and nutrition security policies: empirical evidence and good practices 563

118 119 Friday, August 30, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

Maryline Filippi Emil Erjavec, Tomàs Coer, Ales Kuhar, Wolfgang Britz Proximity and contractualisation: new issues for French agricultural cooperatives 656 CAP reform 2014-2020: the first evaluation for Slovenia 1288 Daniel Arribas-bel, Eveline Van Leuween Urban-rural interactions in Europe: A spatial assessment at different levels 675 Latifa Benyounes 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula E8 Towards relevance of Collaborative Governance Projects 797 Special Session S_ZU Competitiveness, Firms & global value chains Chair: Filippo Di Mauro 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula E5 Filippo Di Mauro, Carlo Altomonte Micro-based Competitiveness Indicators 24 Special Session S_ZV Trade flows, location choices and economic interaction between the Anna Maria Ferragina, Fernanda Mazzotta, Erol Taymaz, Kamil Yilmalz EU and its neighboring countries The impact of fdi on firm survival and employment: a comparative analysis for Chair: George Petrakos Turkey and Italy 1211 George Petrakos, Dimitris Kallioras, Panagiotis Artelaris, Maria Tsiapa Paloma Lopez-Garcia The geography of trade relations between the EU and the ENP countries: Microfounded analysis of competitiveness: Evidence from 13 European Countries 1362 Emerging patterns and policy recommendations 317 Ageliki Anagnostou, Dimitris Kallioras, George Petrakos the impact of trade relations among the EU and the ENP countries on the growth 15:30 - 16:00 Buildings E and P performance of the ENP countries 318 Dimitris Kallioras, George Petrakos, Panagiotis Artelaris Coffee break The determinants of trade activity among the EU and the ENP countries 319

14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula E6 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P1

Special Session S_F Arctic Mediterranean Special Session S_ZF New Tools for Regional Innovation Policy Chair: Valery Mitko Chair: Manuela Korber Vladimir Didyk, Larissa Riabova Ben Vermeulen, Andreas Pyka, Tobias Buchmann Strategic planning at the municipal level: case of the Russian North 279 Innovation policy experimentation using an agent-based model of technological development by value networks in a multi-region industry 225 Alexander Pelyasov, Nadezhda Zamyatina How institutional factors influence economic diversification of the Russian Matthias Mueller, Benjamin Schrempf Arctic monoprofile towns (the case of two monoprofile cities in Yamal) 368 Simulating demand-side effects on innovation 680 Marina Minina, Valery Mitko, Manuela Korber, Manfred Paier Evolution of geopolitic factors, determining regional spatial planning of Arctic Regions 405 An agent-based simulation study of the austrian competence centres programme: The impact of public funding on knowledge production 915 Nataliya Galtseva, Olga Sharypova, Alexander Pelyasov Private and public finance in regional development of Magadan Oblast 428 Manuela Korber, Manfred Paier Agent-based simulation as a tool for addressing challenges in regional innovation policy? 1012 Elvira Uyarra, Ozge Dilaver Kalkan, Mercedes Bleda Understanding cluster emergence and policy. A contribution using agent based modeling 1250 14:00 - 15:30 Fri_3_Aula E7

Special Session S_O Regional CGE modeling 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P2 Chair: Johannes Bröcker

Christophe Heyndrickx, Natalie Tourdyeva Ordinary Session R_L. New frontiers in Regional Science: Theory and Methodology The impact of the the Russian Accession to the WTO on regional level 975 Chair: Michael Lahr Johannes Bröcker Vasilis Angelis, Athanasios Angelis-Dimakis, Katerina Dimaki Discrete choice in spatial CGE models 1023 The attractiveness of the European South as described by a cusp and a butterfly catastrophe model 768

120 121 Friday, August 30, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

Tamas Dusek Kristinn Hermannsson, Peter Mcgregor, Kim Swales Two modes of spatial economy models: Thünen and Krugman 828 Consumption Expenditures in Economic Impact Studies: Eduardo Castro, Arnab Batthacharjee, Taps Maiti, João Marques An Application to University Students 724 Small area methods in regional science 1257

16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P6 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P3 Ordinary Session R_B. Climate change and Environment, Sustainability Issues Ordinary Session R_O. Spatial Econometrics and Analysis Chair: Vincenzo Provenzano Chair: Manfred Fischer Giulia Pesaro Philipp Piribauer, Manfred M. Fischer Natural hazards and damage mitigation: nature and functions of damage assessment A model averaging approach for spatial growth regressions with an illustration for matrix in an economic perspective 396 exponential spatial specifications 10 Yuri Yegorov Rodolfo Metulini Transition from Oil to Biofuels, Competition for Land and the Role of Water and Forest 465 A structural analysis on Gravity of Trade regarding the possibility to remove distance Aleksey Oshchepkov, Vladimir Gimpelson, Anna Sharunina from the model 520 Effects of temperature shocks on consumer prices and mortality 499 Esteban Fernandez-Vazquez, Rosa Bernardini-Papalia Flavia Bliska, Patricia Turco, Sergio Tosto, Thomaz Fronzaglia, Celso Vegro A Generalized Maximum Entropy approach to Small Area Estimation 657 Impact of technological innovations for coffee production in adverse weather conditions 1188 Matthias Koch Spatial Eigenvector Filtering and Model Interpretation for Spatial Autoregressive Models in a Generalized Linear Framework 1197 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P7

Ordinary Session R_D. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Chair: Rune Fitjar 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P4 Rune Fitjar, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose Ordinary Session R_A. Agglomeration, Districts, Clusters and Networks Cooperation through the policy filter: how regional policies filter the impact Chair: Reinhold Kosfeld of cooperation on innovation in Norway 809 Katja Bringmann, Ann Verhetsel, Thomas Vanoutrive Jo Reynaerts Vera Sharunova, Dmitry Pokrovsky The impact of venture capital linkages on start-ups’ cluster embeddedness 298 Endogenous Choice of Heterogenous Agents in a Two-Dimentional Monopolistic Competition Model 931 Roberto Ercole An Exploratory Space Data Analysis of Manufacturing Co-Localization Patterns in Italy 921 Jose M. Barrutia, Carmen Echebarria Sources of Knowledge and Innovation: An Empirical Text at a Pan-European Regional Level 1075 Reinhold Kosfeld Identifying Clusters in German R&D Intensive Industries 1074 Giuseppe De Luca, Salvatore Di Novo, Giorgio Fazio Estimating the knowledge production function for firms in Latin America 1379

16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P5 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P8 Special Session S_ZE The Role of Universities in Regional Development Chair: Donato Iacobucci Ordinary Session R_C. Demography, Migration and Population Chair: Daniel Arribas-Bel Axel J. Schaffer, Mirja Meyborg Regional and global collaborations for knowledge in German academia 287 Merja Kauhanen, Mari Kangasniemi Returns to return migration: Labour market outcomes of Estonian return migrants from Nicola Francesco Dotti Finland 1073 The Europeanization of Geography of Research: the Role of Brussels compared to other Capital Regions 400 Daniel Arribas-Bel, Jessie Bakens Cultural diversity and the popularity of urban amenities 1152 Tuzin Baycan, Veysi Altintas Commercialization of Knowledge and Technology in Turkey 692 José Martins, João Marques, Carlos Silva Estimating net migrations at regional and age-specific group levels 1159

122 123 Friday, August 30, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

Eduardo Castro, Carlos Silva, Cristina Gomes Monique Borges 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P12 Reversing the depressive dynamics of the Portuguese peripheral areas: DEMOSPIN model 1163 Ordinary Session R_ZA. Institutions and multilevel governance Chair: Adam Asmundo 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P9 Dominik Cremer-Schulte, Nathalie Bertrand The governance of residential development: Refereed Session R_C. Demography, Migration and Population examples of strategic spatial planning in Grenoble & Geneva 991 Chair: Ulrich Zierahn Yusuke Teraji Ulrich Zierahn, Saemin Shim The Political Merger in a City under Alternative Rules 1274 Regional Population Development and Market Access: The Case of Korea 890 Stefano Aragona Mario Reinhold, Stephan Thomsen Which cities, territories, planning after the Government ‘technical’? 1328 Subnational Population Projections by age: An evaluation of combining forecasts 1128 Adam Asmundo Benjamin Wirth Third Sector, Social Enterprises and Local Authorities in a EU Candidate Country. Ranking German regions using interregional migration - The Case of Albania 1337 What does internal migration tells us about regional well-being? 1254

16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P13 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P10 Ordinary Session R_ZB. Banking and finance in the Mediterranean regions Ordinary Session R_G. Housing markets, Land Use and Real Estate Chair: Angela Stefania Bergantino Chair: Sigal Kaplan Katja Neugebauer, Claudia Buch, Christoph Schroeder H. Serdar Kaya, Elif Alkay Changing Forces of Gravity: How the Crisis Affected Cross-Border Banking 210 Spatial integration in explaining the accessibility to residential areas: bandirma case 725 Mariajosé Palacin-Sanchez, Filippo Di Pietro Sigal Kaplan, Amnon Frenkel Are regional institutional factors determinants of the capital structure of smes? 498 Rethinking residential choices: does the housing crisis induce attitudinal changes? 827 Giulio Pedrini Maria Plotnikova, Viggo Nordvik The countercyclical role of Italian local banks during the financial crisis 699 A model of the housing privatization decision in transition economies: Massimo Arnone, Michele Modina An option value approach 1161 The effectiviness of the network theory in improving the contribution to financial Maria Plotnikova, Galina Shaposhnikova innovation of Italian cooperative banks 829 Housing privatization choice in Russia: a cellular automata approach 1180 Claudia Capozza Angela Stefania Bergantino The effect of Bank Concentration on Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern European Transition Countries. 1049 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P11

Ordinary Session R_S. Regional economic modeling 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P14 Chair: Inmaculada Alvarez Inmaculada Alvarez, Javier Barbero Ordinary Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Spatial spillovers and public sector in the context of growth models: Chair: Volker Nitsch an application to Spanish regions 482 Angela De Carlo, Angela Stefania Bergantino, Andrea Morone Nicola Pontarollo, Experiments in transport related choices: the influence of risk and uncertainty in Structural change, productivity growth and Structural Funds in European regions 747 determining workers’ behaviour with respect to parking alternatives. 407 Enrico Fabrizi, Maria Ferrante, Carlo Trivisano Volker Nitsch Small area estimation of labor productivity for the Italian manufacturing Grounded! The Impact of Disrupted Transport Networks on International Trade 1107 SME cross-classified by region, industry and size 894 Christer Persson, Anders Karlström, Marcus Sundberg Karin Freij-Brundell Opening the Öresund bridge: effects on cross-border migration, jobs reallocation and commuting 1133

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Marco Di Cataldo, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Riccardo Crescenzi Mikaela Backman, Pia Nilsson Transport infrastructure investment, government institutions and economic Human capital migration and amenities, A micro-perspective 1101 performance in the regions of Europe 1143

16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula E1 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P15 Special Session Ordinary Session R_H. Infrastructure, Transport and Communications S_R Technological Activities and Diffusion in the EU and Neighbouring Countries Chair: Jean-Claude Thill Chair: Raffaele Paci Marie Delaplace, Francesca Pagliara, Julie Perrin Raffaele Paci, Maria Chiara Di Guardo Does High Speed Rail services influence tourists’choice? Firms’ transactions and knowledge flows in the European Union’s Neighbouring Countries 59 Some concerns from Paris and Roma and other linked cities 13 Stefano Usai, Corinne Autant-Bernard Joachim Moeller, Markus Zierer Knowledge flows between European Neighboring Countries and the European Union 369 The Impact of Transport Infrastructure on Economic Performance - Edward Bergman Slavomir Ondos Identifying a Causal Effect for Germany 1216 Emerging Knowledge Networks: EU-ENC Patent Citation Links 885 Alain Rallet, Amel Attour Innovation within digital territorial ecosystems : the case of smart cities 1229 Mona Kashiha, Jean-Claude Thill 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula E2 A Disaggregated Approach to Inter-port Competition in the Integrated Supply Chain System of the European Shipping Industry 1235 Special Session S_ZW Regional Upgrading in South Europe: Spatial Disparities and Human Capital Chair: Ugo Fratesi 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P16 Alfred Hecht, Regina Salvador Geographic Capital a Challenging Research Frontier: Canadian and EU Comparisons 504 Ordinary Session R_P. Tourism, cultural and creative industries and Regional Development Ugo Fratesi Chair: Bianca Biagi Functional upgrading and economic performance in lagging southern European regions 661 Paula Remoaldo, Mécia Mota, José Cadima Ribeiro Madalena Fonseca, Sara Encarnação Perceptions of residents of the hosting of the ‘GUIMARÃES 2012”, Regional Disparities, Growth, Convergence and Human Capital in southern Europe 1256 European capital of culture: An ´EX-ANTE` Approach 192 Eduarda Marques da Costa, Patricia Abrantes, Ana Louro, Nuno Marques da Costa, Svetlana Khusnutdinova, Paulo Morgado, Jorge Rocha The Way of Extending The City Tourism 497 Coherence and effectiveness of cohesion policy in Portugal – lessons from a Turgay Kerem Koramaz, Ebru Kerimoglu, Ozhan Ertekin Burcin Yazgi “competitiveness and employment region” and a “convergence region” 1278 Tourism in Istanbul with changing scales and geographical variations 1057 Pedro Teixeira V. Rocha, Riccardo R. Biscaia, F. F. Cardoso Elif Gunduz, Rahmi Erdem Higher Education’s role in the formation of Human Capital: Is there a conflict between local communities and tourism? Mardin Sample. 1233 looking at the regional diversification of public and private sectors in Southern Europe 1335

16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula P17 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula E3

Ordinary Session R_K. Regional labour market and labour mobility Special Session S_ZR Advances in tourism analysis. Theory and practice Chair: Carmen Beatrice Pauna Chair: Emanuela Marrocu Carmen Beatrice Pauna, Frank Heins Raffaele Paci, Emanuela Marrocu Perspectives of labour mobility - Case studies of Romania and Italy 986 Tourism and regional growth in Europe 40 Kari Hamalainen, Ulla Hamalainen Andrea Migliardi, Valter Di Giacinto Displacement Effects of Regional Employment Initiatives – Low cost carriers and foreign tourism in Italy: a cointegrated VAR analysis. 47 Evidence from a Finnish Experiment 1001

126 127 Friday, August 30, 2013 Friday, August 30, 2013

João Romão, Bart Neuts, Peter Nijkamp, Asami Shikida 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula E6 Determinants of trip choice, satisfaction and loyalty in an eco-tourism destination: the case of Shiretoko Peninsula 339 Special Session S_F Arctic Mediterranean Stefano De Cantis, Mauro Ferrante Chair: Alexander Pelyasov Multidestination trip bahaviour: empirical findings on incoming tourism in Sicily 596 Marina Minina Dorel Nicolae Manitiu Underwater collection of methane on East Arctic shelf low-expensive Tourism as possible opportunity to address the crisis in Italy 702 technology of gas extraction 431 Stepan Zemtsov, Vyacheslav Baburin Innovation potential of regions in Northern Eurasia. 546 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula E4 Valentina Zhideleva, Nikolay Bolshakov Economical role of boreal forests of the Russian European North 559 Special Session S_D Regional specialization Nadezhda Kharlampeva Chair: Katarzyna Kopczewska Features of integrative process in formation of the Arctic region 694 Katarzyna Kopczewska Galina Golobokova Countries, regions and local communities: structural business specialization. The development of innovative system of Northern Region, through the Industry coming back. 77 intellectual property rights market 1320 Andres Maroto-Sanchez, Juan Cuadrado-Roura “Tertiarization, overall productivity growth and spatial relationships across European regions” 545 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula E7 Marie Lemarié-Boutry Heritage and vines prices in the Bordeaux wine region. 918 Special Session S_Y Rural Development Policies. Challenges and Opportunities Ben Gardiner, Raffaele Lagravinese, Ron Martin, Pete Tyler, Chair: Carlo Rega Regional evolutions in Italy and the United Kingdom; the role of industrial structure and recessionary shocks 1076 Marek Pieniazek, Robert Buciak Gabriela Carmen Pascariu, Ramona Tiganasu Statistical divisions of rural areas in Poland as a tool for monitoring development 421 Specialization or Diversification in Export Production? Carlo Rega, Francesco Fiermonte An Overview on the EU Regions 1166 The future of Agri-environmental Schemes: increased spatial targeting and quantification of ecosystem services 891 Fabio Bartolini, Gianluca Brunori, Laura Fastelli, Massimo Rovai 16:00 - 17:30 Fri_4_Aula E5 Understanding the participation in agri-environmental schemes: evidence from Tuscany Region 1084 Special Session S_G Complexity and Regional Science Francesco Scorza, Giuseppe Las Casas Chair: Danny Czamanski Rural development in inland areas, the case of Agri Valley 1165 Marco Modica, Aura Reggiani, Peter Nijkamp Are Gibrat and Zipf Monozygotic or Heterozygotic Twins? A Comparative Analysis of Means and Variances in Complex Urban Systems 517 17:30 - 1830 Fri_5_Aula Magna, Faculty of Economics - Building E Danny Czamanski Urban and Regional Planning: Taming or Swinging? 615 Plenary session Thirty years of of the Italian Regional Science section Geoffrey Caruso, Jean Cavailhès, Pierre Frankhauser, Dominique Peeters, Isabelle Thomas, Chair and Introduction: Riccardo Cappellin, President of the Italian Regional Science Section Gilles Vuidel Emergence of scattered urban development: from analytical proof to complex simulation Roberto Camagni, Roberta Capello, Politecnico of Milano outputs with realistic calibration 899 The Italian contribution to Regional Science

Kenichi Ishibashi, Shinichi Tsuburaya Constructing a decision support system fro BCP using the Agent-Based Simulation Model 912 Seiichi Kagaya, Masato Sasaki Development of Multi- Agent Simulation Model to Uncertain Civilian Return Trips during a Hypothetical Earthquake 1093

128 129 Friday, August 30, 2013

18:30 - 19:00

Closing Ceremony Charlie Karlsson, ERSA President Fabio Mazzola, Chair of the Local Organising Committee Handover of the ERSA flag to ST. Petersburg Alexander Pelyasov, Chair of the Local Organising Committee 2014

20:30 - 22:30 Villa Malfitano, Palermo

Gala Dinner For Delegates and Accompanying persons

List of participants

130 131 List of Participants List of Participants

Abramishvili, Neli Akgun, Aliye Ahu Alvarez, Inmaculada Arauzo-Carod, Josep-maria Saint Petersburg State University Istanbul Technical University Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Universitat Rovira i Virgili RUSSIA TURKEY SPAIN SPAIN 801 Thu_5_Aula P5 1316 Wed_2_Aula P6 482 Fri_4_Aula P11 519 Thu_3_Aula E8 1315 Thu_3_Aula E1 Abreu, Maria Amerighi, Oscar Arellano, Alfonso University of Cambridge Akimowicz, Mikael ENEA FEDEA UNITED KINGDOM IEP Toulouse - LEREPS ITALY SPAIN 1025 Thu_3_Aula E3 FRANCE 818 Fri_3_Aula P7 701 Wed_2_Aula P11 835 Thu_3_Aula P1 Acar, Sevil Andersson, Martin Arellano, Blanca Istanbul Kemerburgaz University Akkemik, K. Ali CIRCLE, Lund University Technical University of Catalonia TURKEY Kadir Has University SWEDEN SPAIN 723 Wed_2_Aula P1 TURKEY 1277 Wed_2_Aula E2 795 Thu_5_Aula E8 823 Fri_2_Aula P1 550 Fri_3_Aula E3 Aciman, Saki Aristiadou, Melachroini CETMO Alama-Sabater, Luisa Andreotti, Aline University of Macedonia SPAIN Universitat Jaume I UEM GREECE Plenary Fri_1_Aula Magna SPAIN BRAZIL 671 Wed_4_Aula P1 425 Thu_4_Aula P7 1011 Thu_5_Aula P4 Agnello, Luca 902 Fri_3_Aula P14 Arnone, Massimo University of Palermo, Facoltà di Economia Angelis, Vasilis University Of Palermo ITALY Albalate, Daniel UNIVERSITY OF THE AEGEAN ITALY 1041 Thu_3_Aula E9 University Of Barcelona GREECE 882 Thu_5_Aula P7 SPAIN 768 Fri_4_Aula P2 829 Fri_4_Aula P13 Aguado, Ricardo 221 Wed_3_Aula P8 Arribas-Bel, Daniel Universidad de Deusto. Deusto Business School Angotzi, Maristella VU University SPAIN Albu, Lucian-liviu ERSA NETHERLANDS 423 Thu_3_Aula P8 Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian BELGIUM 675 Fri_3_Aula E4 Academy 1152 Fri_4_Aula P8 Ahlfeldt, Gabriel ROMANIA Angulo, Ana LSE 765 Thu_4_Aula P8 Universidad de Zaragoza Ascani, Andrea UNITED KINGDOM 446 Fri_3_Aula P11 SPAIN London School of Economics 86 Fri_2_Aula P10 953 Thu_3_Aula P2 UNITED KINGDOM 874 Wed_2_ Aula P7 Alderighi, Marco 125 Wed_2_Aula P5 87 Thu_5_Aula P9 Università della Valle d’Aosta Antonietti, Roberto 135 Fri_2_Aula E6 ITALY University of Padova Ahlin, Lina 1304 Wed_2_ Aula P7 ITALY Asheim, Bjorn Lund University 364 Fri_2_Aula P9 Lund University SWEDEN Alkay, Elif 411 Fri_3_Aula P1 SWEDEN 1277 Wed_2_Aula E2 Istanbul Technical University 476 Wed_3_Aula E3 TURKEY Antonova, Irina Ailenei, Dorel 725 Fri_4_Aula P10 Saint-Petersburg State University Asmundo, Adam Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies RUSSIA Fondazione Res ROMANIA Alphandéry, Pierre 727 Wed_3_Aula P14 ITALY 911 Fri_3_Aula P8 National Institute of agronomic research 1337 Fri_4_Aula P12 FRANCE Aragona, Stefano Airaldi, Alessandro 474 Fri_2_Aula E5 Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria Auci, Sabrina Istituto di Ricerche Economiche ITALY University of Palermo SWITZERLAND 1328 Fri_4_Aula P12 ITALY 1035 Wed_4_Aula E3 1156 Wed_2_Aula P11 (3)

132 133 List of Participants List of Participants

Auer, Alexander Barajas, Héctor Baycan, Tuzin Bernardo, Valeria Vienna University of Economics and Business Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila ISTANBUL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Universitat de Barcelona AUSTRIA MEXICO TURKEY SPAIN 162 Wed_2_Aula E3 352 Thu_4_Aula P16 294 Thu_4_Aula P7 578 Fri_2_Aula P7 1354 Thu_4_Aula P15 Azzoni, Carlos Barrutia, Jose M. 1359 Fri_3_Aula P5 Bertrand, Nathalie University of Sao Paulo, Brazil University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) 692 Fri_4_Aula P5 IRSTEA BRAZIL SPAIN 1316 Wed_2_Aula P6 FRANCE 669 Thu_3_Aula P10 1075 Fri_4_Aula P7 850 Thu_3_Aula P1 668 Wed_2_Aula E7 1082 Wed_4_Aula P5 Behrens, Kristian 991 Fri_4_Aula P12 ESG-UQAM Backman, Mikaela Bartolini, Fabio CANADA Betti, Gianni Jönköping University University of Pisa 165 Wed_3_Aula P10 University of Siena SWEDEN ITALY Chair Thu_4_Aula P14 ITALY 58 Wed_2_Aula P3 1084 Fri_4_Aula E7 525 Fri_2_Aula E2 1101 Fri_4_Aula P17 Belso-Martínez, José antonio Baruffini, Moreno Universidad Miguel Hernánde Biagi, Bianca Bakens, Jessie Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) SPAIN University of Sassari VU University Amsterdam SWITZERLAND 1295 Fri_2_Aula E1 ITALY NETHERLANDS 216 Wed_4_Aula E3 600 Thu_4_Aula E6 83 Thu_4_Aula P17 745 Thu_5_Aula P10 120 Wed_3_Aula P4 1152 Fri_4_Aula P8 Barufi, Ana Benatti, Nicola Chair Fri_4_Aula P16 University of São Paulo European Central Bank Ballas, Dimitris BRAZIL GERMANY Biggeri, Mario University of Sheffield 659 Wed_3_Aula E1 University of Florence UNITED KINGDOM 1157 Thu_2_Aula P2 Benyounes, Latifa ITALY 1078 Thu_5_Aula P2 EPAU ecole polytechnique d’architecture t 965 Thu_4_Aula P2 1095 Fri_3_Aula P13 Batey, Peter ALGERIA 956 Fri_2_Aula E3 403 Fri_3_Aula P2 University of Liverpool 797 Fri_3_Aula E4 Chair Wed_3_Aula P3 UNITED KINGDOM Bijker, Rixt Bergantino, Angela stefania Chair Thu_2_Aula P8 Contributor Wed_2_Aula Magna University of Groningen/Faculty of Spatial University of Bari Contributor Wed_2_Aula Magna Sciences/Department of Economic Geogr ITALY Battisti, Gianfranco NETHERLANDS 1052 Fri_3_Aula P4 Balomenou, Chrysanthi University of Trieste 639 Fri_2_Aula P7 1049 Fri_4_Aula P13 Hellenic Open University ITALY 407 Fri_4_Aula P14 GREECE 903 Thu_4_Aula P14 Bilotkach, Volodymyr 839 Thu_3_Aula P3 Bergé, Laurent Newcastle University Battu, Harminder Bordeaux IV UNITED KINGDOM Balta-ozkan, Nazmiye University of Aberdeen FRANCE 314 Thu_4_Aula P16 Policy Studies Institute, University of UNITED KINGDOM 1249 Wed_4_Aula P4 Westminster 250 Fri_2_Aula P16 Biscaia, Ricardo UNITED KINGDOM Bergman, Edward Faculty of Economics of Porto 1139 Fri_2_Aula E3 Baum-Snow, Nathaniel WU PORTUGAL Brown University AUSTRIA 1146 Wed_3_Aula E8 Bar el, Raphael UNITED STATES 885 Fri_4_Aula E1 1335 Fri_4_Aula E2 Ben-Gurion University 264 Wed_4_Aula P10 Chair Wed_3_Aula P8 ISRAEL 1294 Thu_5_Aula E7 Beriatos, Elias University of Thessaly, Greece GREECE 1327 Fri_3_Aula P6

134 135 List of Participants List of Participants

Biskupic, Nives Boffa, Federico Bracke, Philippe Bröthaler, Johann CEPOR - SMEs and Entrepreneurship Policy Macerata London School of Economics University of Technology Vienna Center ITALY UNITED KINGDOM AUSTRIA CROATIA 312 Wed_4_Aula E2 112 Thu_2_Aula P8 1168 Wed_3_Aula P13 392 Thu_5_Aula P11 Bohman, Helena Brakman, Steven Brown, Lawrence Bjørnsen, Marte Malmo University University of Groningen Ohio State University NIBR SWEDEN NETHERLANDS UNITED STATES NORWAY 946 Thu_5_Aula E8 313 Fri_2_Aula P9 80 Wed_2_Aula P2 992 Fri_3_Aula P8 Boitier, Vincent Branco, Amélia Bruinsma, Frank Blien, Uwe University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne ISEG-UTL Department of Spatial Economics, VU IAB Institute for Employment Research FRANCE PORTUGAL Amsterdam GERMANY 590 Thu_2_Aula P8 419 Thu_3_Aula E8 NETHERLANDS 614 Wed_4_Aula P17 Chair Thu_5_Aula P16 1346 Thu_5_Aula E1 Boix Domenech, Rafael Brasili, Cristina Chair Fri_2_Aula P14 825 Fri_2_Aula P3 Universitat de Valencia University of Bologna Chair Thu_2_Aula P7 SPAIN ITALY Brun, Sebastian 293 Wed_3_Aula E3 832 Thu_4_Aula E6 Universität der Bundeswehr München Blinova, Tatiana 297 Thu_4_Aula P4 GERMANY Institute of Agrarian Problems of the Russian 719 Thu_3_Aula E6 Bringmann, Katja 626 Wed_4_Aula P2 Academy of Sciences University of Antwerp 349 Fri_3_Aula P7 RUSSIA Bojar, Ewa BELGIUM 306 Wed_3_Aula P3 Lublin University of Technology 298 Fri_4_Aula P4 Bubbico, Antonio POLAND University of Bologna Bliska, Flavia 22 Thu_3_Aula P6 Brinkman, Jeffrey ITALY Agronomic Institute - IAC Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 493 Thu_2_Aula P5 BRAZIL Bojar, Matylda UNITED STATES 1188 Fri_4_Aula P6 Lublin University of Technology 45 Wed_3_Aula P9 Bucek, Milan POLAND University of Economics Bodano, Francesca 72 Fri_3_Aula P7 Bröcker, Johannes SLOVAKIA SiTI - Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali University of Kiel per l’Innovazione Borck, Rainald GERMANY Bufetova, Anna ITALY University of Potsdam 1023 Fri_3_Aula E7 Novosibirsk State University 184 Wed_3_Aula P15 GERMANY RUSSIA 1194 Thu_3_Aula P7 Broekel, Tom 327 Thu_4_Aula E3 Bode, Eckhardt Leibniz-University of Hanover Kiel Institute for the World Economy Bosker, Maarten GERMANY Burker, Matthias GERMANY Erasmus University Rotterdam 935 Wed_2_Aula P10 Banque de France 441 Fri_3_Aula E2 NETHERLANDS FRANCE 94 Thu_4_Aula P9 Broitman, Dani 1209 Wed_2_Aula P17 Bodenmann, Balz reto VU University Amsterdam regioConcept AG Bourdeau-Lepage, Lise NETHERLANDS Cader, Hanas SWITZERLAND University Lyon 3 458 Wed_4_Aula P2 American University of Kuwait 1059 Wed_3_Aula E8 FRANCE 740 Thu_4_Aula E1 KUWAIT 1181 Wed_3_Aula E8 267 Thu_3_Aula P9 1326 Fri_3_Aula P3 Bronzini, Raffaello Boeckers, Veit Bourdin, Sebastien Bank of Italy Cadima Ribeiro, José Duesseldorf Institute for Competition EM Normandie (Normandy Business School) ITALY University of Minho Economics (DICE) FRANCE 977 Thu_3_Aula P17 PORTUGAL GERMANY 34 Wed_2_Aula P13 523 Thu_3_Aula P15 841 Wed_4_Aula E2 192 Fri_4_Aula P16 136 137 List of Participants List of Participants

Çagatay, Selim Carlino, Gerald Catalan Vidal, Jordi Chagas, Andre Akdeniz University Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Universitat de Barcelona Sao Paolo University TURKEY UNITED STATES SPAIN BRAZIL 376 Wed_2_Aula E6 1311 Wed_3_Aula P10 449 Thu_4_Aula P2 668 Wed_2_Aula E7 644 Thu_5_Aula P15 Cainelli, Giulio Carroll, Michael Çelebi Deniz, Zühal University of Padova Bowling Green State University Istanbul Technical University, Karacadag Chalkiadaki, Marigianna ITALY UNITED STATES Development Agency UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY 789 Thu_5_Aula E5 1187 Fri_2_Aula P2 TURKEY GREECE 364 Fri_2_Aula P9 Contributor Wed_2_Aula Magna 505 Thu_2_Aula P3 564 Fri_2_Aula P13

Calì, Massimiliano Carruthers, John Celinska-Janowicz, Dorota Charitoudi, Georgia World Bank The George Washington University University of Warsaw, Centre for European Shool of Management & Economics UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Regional and Local Studies EUROREG GREECE 99 Thu_4_Aula P9 1266 Wed_4_Aula P2 POLAND 710 Thu_3_Aula P15 1336 Thu_3_Aula P12 355 Thu_4_Aula E2 Camagni, Roberto Chen, Anping Politecnico di Milano Carta, Giuseppe Cerina, Fabio Jinan University, School of Economics ITALY University of Palermo University of Cagliari CHINA Plenary Fri_5_Aula Magna ITALY ITALY 1275 Wed_3_Aula P1 Chair Wed_3_Aula Magna 1360 Thu_3_Aula P12 1196 Fri_2_Aula P12 Chair Thu_5_Aula P13 Chen, Chinchih Campos, Vania Caruso, Geoffrey Cermelli, Massimo London School of Economics and Political IME University of Luxembourg Universidad de Deusto Science BRAZIL LUXEMBOURG SPAIN UNITED KINGDOM 477 Thu_5_Aula P16 899 Fri_4_Aula E5 649 Thu_3_Aula P8 771 Wed_2_Aula P12 Capello, Roberta 423 Thu_3_Aula P8 Politecnico di Milano Castells-Quintana, David Chen, Ching-Mu ITALY Universidad de Barcelona Cernenko, Tomas Tohoku University 171 Wed_2_Aula E4 SPAIN University of Economics in Bratislava JAPAN Plenary Fri_5_Aula Magna 1115 Fri_2_Aula P2 SLOVAKIA 597 Thu_4_Aula P5 Contributor Wed_2_Aula Magna 1189 Wed_3_Aula P16 Castro, Eduardo Chen, Zhenhua Cappellin, Riccardo Universidade de Aveiro Cerqua, Augusto George Mason University University of Rome Tor Vergata PORTUGAL Sapienza University of Rome UNITED STATES ITALY 1163 Fri_4_Aula P8 ITALY 241 Thu_2_Aula P4 1353 Fri_3_Aula P5 340 Thu_4_Aula E7 Chair Wed_3_Aula P16 Castro e Silva, Thiago Cherubini, Luca Chair Thu_4_Aula P15 Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Cervelló-Royo, Roberto Bank of Italy - Firenze Branch Chair Fri_5_Aula Magna BRAZIL Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) ITALY 1264 Wed_2_Aula E7 SPAIN 589 Wed_4_Aula P14 Caraveli, Helen 218 Thu_3_Aula E6 Athens University of Economics and Business Castro-Nuno, Mercedes Cheshire, Paul GREECE University of Seville Chaatit, Fouad London School of Economics 285 Thu_5_Aula P12 SPAIN Al Akhawayn University UNITED KINGDOM 50 Wed_3_Aula P8 MOROCCO 1068 Thu_4_Aula E2 Carballo-Cruz, Francisco 160 Thu_5_Aula P3 Plenary Thu_3_Aula Magna 1071 Thu_5_Aula P9 University of Minho Chair Wed_3_Aula P13 PORTUGAL Chair Wed_4_Aula P12 888 Fri_2_Aula P15 Chair Thu_2_Aula P6 1038 Fri_3_Aula P15 (3)

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Chiaruttini, Maria stella Compagnucci, Fabiano Crescenzi, Riccardo Da Mata, Daniel Zurich IUAV University LSE University of Cambridge SWITZERLAND ITALY UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM 399 Wed_4_Aula P14 1097 Thu_5_Aula E5 526 Wed_2_Aula E8 1242 Thu_2_Aula P8 344 Wed_4_Aula P14 Chilian, Mihaela-nona Constantin, Daniela-luminita 256 Thu_3_Aula E7 D’Alfonso Salvatore Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romanian Bucharest University of Economic Studies 1119 Thu_4_Aula E5 The Secretarian of Union for the Mediterranean Academy ROMANIA 135 Fri_2_Aula E6 SPAIN ROMANIA 1182 Thu_4_Aula P12 1143 Fri_4_Aula P14 Plenary Fri_1_Aula Magna 446 Fri_3_Aula P11 764 Fri_2_Aula P13 Chair Thu_5_Aula E7 1349 Fri_3_Aula P12 D’costa, Sabine Cho, Deokho Cuadrado-Roura, Juan Ramon Queen Mary University Daegu University Coppola, Gianluigi University of Alcala - Madrid UNITED KINGDOM KOREA, SOUTH University of Salerno SPAIN 516 Wed_4_Aula P10 766 Thu_5_Aula P8 ITALY 545 Fri_4_Aula E4 1210 Thu_3_Aula P17 750 Wed_2_Aula E8 D’Onofrio, Manuela Choi, Sunggoan Chair Thu_3_Aula P15 Unicredit Group Andong National University Cornett, Andreas p. ITALY KOREA, SOUTH University of Southern Denmark Cueto, Begoña Plenary Wed_1_Aula Magna 73 Wed_3_Aula E6 DENMARK University of Oviedo 320 Wed_4_Aula P11 SPAIN Daams, Michiel Choi, Young - Chool 456 Wed_3_Aula E1 University of Groningen Chungbuk National University Cornier, Thomas NETHERLANDS KOREA, SOUTH University of Rouen Cuffaro, Miranda 36 Wed_2_Aula P6 Fri_3_Aula P17 FRANCE University of Palermo 163 Thu_5_Aula P3 ITALY Danielewicz, Justyna Cibulskiene, Diana Chair Thu_3_Aula E2 University of Lodz Baltic Region Researchers Association Corradini, Carlo Chair Fri_2_Aula E2 POLAND LITHUANIA University of Birmingham Business School 583 Wed_3_Aula P16 UNITED KINGDOM Cusimano, Alessandro Clarke, Graham 867 Thu_3_Aula P16 Universitá degli Studi di Palermo Darushin, Ivan School of Geography, University of Leeds University of Kent St.Petersburg State University UNITED KINGDOM Costa, Camilla ITALY RUSSIA 150 Thu_4_Aula E2 University Iuav of Venice 1331 Thu_4_Aula E7 804 Wed_4_Aula P6 1325 Thu_5_Aula E2 ITALY 413 Wed_4_Aula P3 Cutler, Harvey Dascher, Kristof Clarke, Martin Colorado State University Touro College Berlin School of Geography, University of Leeds Cracolici, Maria Francesca UNITED STATES GERMANY UNITED KINGDOM University of Palermo 1039 Thu_3_Aula P11 744 Thu_4_Aula P10 150 Thu_4_Aula E2 ITALY 1325 Thu_5_Aula E2 Chair Wed_4_Aula P7 Czakó, Katalin Dauth, Wolfgang Szechenyi István University IAB - Institute for Employment Research Cocconcelli, Luca Cremer-Schulte, Dominik HUNGARY GERMANY University College London Irstea Grenoble 980 Fri_3_Aula P13 272 Wed_4_Aula P10 UNITED KINGDOM FRANCE 247 Wed_3_Aula P10 503 Wed_4_Aula P6 1105 Wed_4_Aula P12 Czamanski, Danny 991 Fri_4_Aula P12 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology De Abreu e Silva, João Comi, Simona ISRAEL Instituto Superior Técnico Milano Bicocca 615 Fri_4_Aula E5 PORTUGAL ITALY 1246 Wed_4_Aula P13 1340 Wed_4_Aula E1

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De Angelis, Ilaria Decamps, Aurélien Dentinho, Tomaz Di Pietro, Filippo Bank of Italy BEM - KEDGE Business School University of the Azores University of Seville ITALY FRANCE PORTUGAL SPAIN 1179 Wed_4_Aula P11 288 Thu_3_Aula P13 641 Wed_3_Aula E8 498 Fri_4_Aula P13 17 Wed_4_Aula E8 De Blasio, Guido Dejardin, Marcus Chair Wed_3_Aula Magna Diappi, Lidia Bank of Italy University of Namur Chair Thu_5_Aula P15 Politecnico di Milano ITALY BELGIUM Chair Fri_2_Aula E8 ITALY 303 Wed_4_Aula P10 1064 Wed_4_Aula E4 Contributor Wed_3_Aula Magna 1135 Fri_3_Aula P2 276 Thu_4_Aula P10 Chair Thu_4_Aula P15 977 Thu_3_Aula P17 Dekkers, Jasper Deymier, Ghislaine Chair Fri_3_Aula P5 VU University Amsterdam IATU, Université Montaigne Bordeaux 3 Contributor Wed_3_Aula Magna De Bonis, Luciano NETHERLANDS FRANCE Università del Molise 1193 Thu_5_Aula E3 288 Thu_3_Aula P13 Diaz-Serrano, Luis ITALY Universitat Rovira i Virgili 1329 Fri_2_Aula E7 Del Castillo, Jaime Di Battista, Attilio SPAIN INFYDE SL International Trade Centre 261 Wed_2_Aula P16 De Carlo, Angela SPAIN SWITZERLAND University of Bari 1086 Thu_5_Aula P5 1185 Thu_4_Aula P14 Didyk, Vladimir ITALY Luzin Institute for Economic Studies of the 407 Fri_4_Aula P14 Del Ciello, Roberto Di Cataldo, Marco Kola Science Centre RAS 1052 Fri_3_Aula P4 ENEA London School of Economics RUSSIA ITALY ITALY 279 Fri_3_Aula E6 De Castris, Marusca 978 Thu_5_Aula P15 759 Thu_3_Aula E7 Roma Tre 1143 Fri_4_Aula P14 Dietrichson, Jens ITALY Delaplace, Marie Lund University 1263 Wed_2_Aula E1 Université de Paris-Est Marne la Vallée IFU Di Giacinto, Valter SWEDEN 1255 Wed_4_Aula P11 Lab’URBA Bank of Italy - L’Aquila Branch 598 Wed_3_Aula P13 FRANCE ITALY De Graaff, Thomas 13 Fri_4_Aula P15 543 Wed_2_Aula E5 D’Ignazio, Alessio VU University Amsterdam 47 Fri_4_Aula E3 Bank of Italy NETHERLANDS Delbiaggio, Katia ITALY 429 Wed_3_Aula P5 University of Applied Sciences Lucerne Di Giacomo, Giuseppe 868 Thu_4_Aula E7 De Groot, Henri l.f. SWITZERLAND Mef VU University Amsterdam 687 Thu_5_Aula P8 ITALY Dimaki, Katerina NETHERLANDS 1333 Wed_4_Aula P16 Athens University of Economics and Business 733 Thu_4_Aula E1 Delfmann, Heike GREECE 909 Wed_2_Aula P1 University of Groningen Di Liberto, Adriana 768 Fri_4_Aula P2 691 Wed_3_Aula E4 NETHERLANDS Università di Cagliari Chair Wed_2_Aula P3 323 Wed_2_Aula P3 ITALY Diniz, Francisco Chair Thu_2_Aula P5 1033 Thu_4_Aula P1 UTAD Demidova, Olga PORTUGAL DePaepe, Gregory National Research University Higher School of Di Mauro, Filippo 43 Fri_2_Aula P5 OECD Economics European Central Bank FRANCE RUSSIA GERMANY Diodato, Dario Plenary Thu_3_Aula Magna 773 Wed_3_Aula E1 24 Fri_3_Aula E8 Utrecht Univesity 371 Thu_5_Aula P4 NETHERLANDS De Propris, Lisa 682 Wed_3_Aula E1 Di Novo, Salvatore 983 Wed_3_Aula P15 BirminghamBusiness School 569 Thu_4_Aula P7 Università di Palermo 1116 Thu_5_Aula P14 UNITED KINGDOM ITALY 1104 Fri_3_Aula P12 1048 Thu_3_Aula E6 1379 Fri_4_Aula P7

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Diogo, Vasco Economou, Emmanouil marios lazaros Erginli, Burge elvan Fazio, Giorgio Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University of Thessaly Istanbul Technical University University of Palermo NETHERLANDS GREECE TURKEY ITALY 1056 Wed_2_Aula P15 739 Wed_3_Aula P16 294 Thu_4_Aula P7 1041 Thu_3_Aula E9 1055 Thu_5_Aula E7 Dippel, Christian Edzes, Arjen Espa, Giuseppe 1287 Thu_5_Aula P1 UCLA University of Goningen University of Trento 1379 Fri_4_Aula P7 UNITED STATES NETHERLANDS ITALY Chair Wed_2_Aula P17 1224 Fri_3_Aula P9 406 Wed_3_Aula E4 410 Wed_4_Aula E4 613 Thu_5_Aula E1 Felsenstein, Daniel Dodescu, Anca Fabrizi, Enrico Hebrew University of Jerusalem University of Oradea El Hassani, Ahmed Università Cattolica del S. Cuore ISRAEL ROMANIA Scientific Institute Rabat ITALY 665 Wed_2_Aula E6 985 Fri_3_Aula P11 MOROCCO 894 Fri_4_Aula P11 645 Wed_4_Aula E8 Contributor Wed_3_Aula Magna Doeksen, Gerald Fageda, Xavier Ferhi, Issam Oklahoma State University Elhorst, Paul University of Barcelona UNIVERSITY O.E.B UNITED STATES University of Groningen SPAIN ALGERIA NETHERLANDS 284 Wed_3_Aula P8 Dolega, Les 222 Thu_4_Aula P4 581 Wed_3_Aula P8 Fernandez-Vazquez, Esteban University of Southampton 50 Wed_3_Aula P8 REGIOlab, University of Oviedo UNITED KINGDOM Elmi, Marianna SPAIN 481 Thu_4_Aula E1 EURAC European Academy Bolzano Faggian, Alessandra 576 Fri_2_Aula E2 494 Thu_5_Aula E2 ITALY The Ohio State University 657 Fri_4_Aula P3 1070 Thu_3_Aula P4 UNITED STATES Dotti, Nicola francesco 120 Wed_3_Aula P4 Ferragina, Anna maria Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Elola, Aitziber Chair Wed_2_Aula P8 University of Salerno BELGIUM Orkestra - Basque Institute of Competitiveness Chair Thu_2_Aula P1 ITALY 402 Wed_2_Aula E8 SPAIN Contributor Wed_4_Aula Magna 1211 Fri_3_Aula E8 400 Fri_4_Aula P5 56 Wed_2_Aula E3 Ferrante, Mauro Dragan, Gabriela Encarnação, Sara Faggio, Giulia Università degli Studi di Palermo European Institute of Romania/Academy of A3ES London School of Economics ITALY Economic Studies PORTUGAL UNITED KINGDOM 596 Fri_4_Aula E3 ROMANIA 1256 Fri_4_Aula E2 1212 Fri_3_Aula P9 784 Fri_2_Aula P8 Ferrara, Antonella Rita Epifanio, Rosalia Fahmy, Mostafa University of Calabria Dusek, Tamas University of Palermo space consultants ITALY Szechenyi Istvan University ITALY EGYPT HUNGARY 1333 Wed_4_Aula P16 735 Fri_2_Aula E7 Ferreira, Joao pedro 988 Fri_3_Aula P15 Chair Thu_5_Aula P5 GEMF, Faculty of Economics of University of 828 Fri_4_Aula P2 Chair Fri_3_Aula P11 Farkov, Andrey Coimbra Biysk Technological Institute (branch off) of PORTUGAL Echebarria, Carmen Ercole, Roberto Altai State Technical University 938 Wed_4_Aula E7 University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). University of Huddersfield RUSSIA Faculty of Economics and Business St UNITED KINGDOM Fiala, Oliver SPAIN 506 Fri_2_Aula P2 TU Dresden 1082 Wed_4_Aula P5 921 Fri_4_Aula P4 GERMANY 1075 Fri_4_Aula P7 536 Wed_4_Aula P14 20 Fri_2_Aula P5

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Filippi, Maryline Franklin, Rachel Furmankiewicz, Marek Garcia, Renato University of Bordeaux Brown University Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Polytechnic School of the University of São FRANCE UNITED STATES Sciences Paulo 656 Fri_3_Aula E4 1191 Wed_3_Aula E2 POLAND BRAZIL Chair Wed_2_Aula E7 660 Wed_3_Aula P16 753 Wed_2_Aula E3 Filiztekin, Alpay 118 Wed_3_Aula E5 Sabanci University Fratesi, Ugo Furtado, Bernardo TURKEY Politecnico di Milano Ipea Garcia-Tabuenca, L. Antonio 129 Wed_2_ Aula P8 ITALY BRAZIL IAES, University of Alcala 661 Fri_4_Aula E2 1183 Wed_4_Aula P6 SPAIN Fischer, Manfred M. 171 Wed_2_Aula E4 717 Wed_4_Aula E4 Vienna University of Economics and Business Futamura, Mariko AUSTRIA Freire, Tiago Tokyo Woman’s Christian University Gardiner, Ben 887 Wed_2_Aula P10 Xi’an JiaoTong-Liverpool University JAPAN Cambridge University 39 Thu_4_Aula P4 CHINA 955 Fri_3_Aula P14 UNITED KINGDOM 12 Fri_2_Aula P17 1285 Fri_2_Aula P1 1076 Fri_4_Aula E4 326 Fri_2_Aula P17 Gabriele, Roberto 223 Wed_4_Aula P15 Frenkel, Amnon University of Trento Garloff, Alfred 10 Fri_4_Aula P3 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology ITALY Institute for employment research (IAB) Chair Wed_2_Aula P10 ISRAEL 131 Thu_4_Aula E7 GERMANY Chair Fri_4_Aula P3 470 Wed_3_Aula E7 854 Wed_4_Aula P8 827 Fri_4_Aula P10 Gagliardi, Luisa 849 Thu_5_Aula E6 Fitjar, Rune London School of Economics International Research Institute of Stavanger Friedrich, Peter UNITED KINGDOM Gaschet, Frederic NORWAY University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and 125 Wed_2_Aula P5 University of Bordeaux 878 Wed_3_Aula E5 Business Administration 414 Thu_2_Aula P8 FRANCE 809 Fri_4_Aula P7 ESTONIA 1119 Thu_4_Aula E5 288 Thu_3_Aula P13 256 Thu_3_Aula E7 249 Fri_3_Aula P10 Fleischer, Aliza Fritsch, Michael Hebrew University of Jerusalem Friedrich Schiller University Gaki, Eleni Gatto, Elisa ISRAEL GERMANY University of the Aegean University of Messina 435 Wed_4_Aula E8 104 Thu_3_Aula P14 GREECE ITALY 290 Fri_3_Aula P7 103 Fri_3_Aula E3 729 Thu_3_Aula P4 805 Thu_5_Aula P12 341 Wed_3_Aula P5 1015 Wed_4_Aula P16 Ge, Ying Foddi, Marta Gal, Zoltan Hohai University University of Cagliari Fujii, Takamune HAS Research Centre for Economic and CHINA ITALY Takasaki City University of Economics Regional Studies, 794 Fri_2_Aula P3 JAPAN HUNGARY Fonseca, Madalena 782 Thu_4_Aula E8 169 Wed_3_Aula P6 Geerdink, Carlie A3ES 955 Fri_3_Aula P14 University of Twente / Saxion University PORTUGAL Galtseva, Natalia NETHERLANDS 1256 Fri_4_Aula E2 Fujita, Masahisa North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific 721 Thu_4_Aula P6 Konan University and President of RIETI Research Institute Fortuna, Mario Keynote Thu_1_Aula Magna RUSSIA Gerolimetto, Margherita University of the Azores Contributor Wed_2_Aula Magna 428 Fri_3_Aula E6 Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia PORTUGAL ITALY 89 Wed_2_Aula P4 Furceri, Davide Galvis, Luis 616 Fri_2_Aula P9 IMF - University of Palermo Banco de la Republica ITALY COLOMBIA Chair Wed_2_Aula P14 182 Thu_3_Aula P10

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Gezici, Ferhan Golejewska, Anna Gospodarowicz, Marcin Guilhoto, Joaquim Ferhan Gezici University of Gdañsk Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - University of Sao Paulo TURKEY POLAND National Research Institute BRAZIL 808 Fri_3_Aula E2 18 Thu_5_Aula P5 POLAND 1213 Wed_3_Aula P1 871 Fri_2_Aula P8 Gharbi, Jamel-Eddine Golikova, Victoria Gumbau-Albert, Mercedes University of Jendouba National Research University -Higher School of Gottlieb, Paul University of Valencia TUNISIA Economics Rutgers University SPAIN Plenary Thu_3_Aula Magna RUSSIA UNITED STATES 42 Thu_5_Aula P3 1357 Fri_3_Aula P5 1144 Fri_3_Aula E1 513 Thu_3_Aula P12 1022 Fri_2_Aula E4 Gunduz, Elif Gianelle, Carlo Graham, Daniel Selcuk University European Commission JCR-IPTS Golobokova, Galina Imperial College London TURKEY SPAIN Apparat of Magadan Regional Administration UNITED KINGDOM 1233 Fri_4_Aula P16 518 Thu_5_Aula E1 RUSSIA 979 Fri_3_Aula P14 Gutiérrez Valdivia, Blanca 1320 Fri_4_Aula E6 Center of Land Policy and Valuations Gianmoena, Lisa Grajewski, Regina SPAIN IMT Gómez Adillón, M.Jesús Thünen Institute of Rural Studies 957 Wed_2_Aula E7 ITALY University of Lleida GERMANY 1096 Thu_4_Aula P8 SPAIN 1054 Wed_2_Aula P16 Haddad, Eduardo 812 Fri_2_Aula P13 USP Gilmanova, Asiya Grasseni, Mara BRAZIL MONOMAX Limited liability Company Gonchar, Ksenia University of Bergamo 409 Wed_2_Aula P1 RUSSIA National Research University Higher School of ITALY 705 Fri_2_Aula P6 Economics 1340 Wed_4_Aula E1 Gil-Mugarza, Guillermo RUSSIA Hadjou, Lamara Universitat de Barcelona 123 Fri_3_Aula E1 Greco, Ilaria Montpellier SPAIN University of Sannio FRANCE 449 Thu_4_Aula P2 Gonzalez-Aregall, Marta ITALY 90 Fri_2_Aula P11 University of Barcelona 155 Wed_3_Aula P14 Gil-Serrate, Ramiro SPAIN Hamalainen, Kari Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú 581 Wed_3_Aula P8 Gregory, Terry Government Institute for Economic Research PERU ZEW Centre for European Economic Research (VATT) 533 Thu_3_Aula E4 Gonzalez-Val, Rafael GERMANY FINLAND Universidad de Zaragoza 1042 Thu_5_Aula E6 1001 Fri_4_Aula P17 Giua, Mara SPAIN Roma Tre 254 Wed_2_Aula P2 Groot, Stefan Hämäläinen, Ulla ITALY 60 Thu_4_Aula P10 Vrije Universiteit Social Insurance Institution, Finland 526 Wed_2_Aula E8 35 Thu_4_Aula P10 NETHERLANDS FINLAND 527 Thu_2_Aula P7 691 Wed_3_Aula E4 1001 Fri_4_Aula P17 Gordijn, Hugo 733 Thu_4_Aula E1 Hamm, Rüdiger Giuliani, Diego Research Inst. Mobility 859 Thu_5_Aula E7 Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, University of Trento NETHERLANDS NIERS ITALY 357 Thu_5_Aula P16 Guerra, Ana-isabel GERMANY 410 Wed_4_Aula E4 Universidad de Granada 144 Wed_2_Aula P12 Gorla, Gianluigi SPAIN Göksal, Koray University of Valle d’Aosta 281 Wed_2_Aula P13 Han, Ungkyu Yildirim Beyazit University ITALY Warwick Business School TURKEY Chair Thu_4_Aula P16 UNITED KINGDOM 823 Fri_2_Aula P1

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Hardy, Daniel Hermannsson, Kristinn Holl, Adelheid Iacobucci, Donato London School of Economics University of Strathclyde CSIC Università Politecnica delle Marche UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM SPAIN ITALY 408 Fri_3_Aula P4 718 Wed_2_Aula E2 370 Wed_3_Aula P9 1173 Fri_3_Aula P4 724 Fri_4_Aula P5 335 Fri_2_Aula P4 789 Thu_5_Aula E5 Harjunen, Oskari Chair Fri_3_Aula P4 Aalto University School of Business Hervás Oliver, José Luis Hood, Nicholas Chair Fri_4_Aula P5 FINLAND Polytechnic University of Valencia University of Leeds 866 Thu_3_Aula P13 SPAIN UNITED KINGDOM Ibraimovic, Tatjana 217 Wed_2_Aula E3 1325 Thu_5_Aula E2 University of Lugano Hartell, Ann 234 Wed_3_Aula E3 SWITZERLAND Wirtschafts Universitat Wien (Vienna 293 Wed_3_Aula E3 Horridge, Mark 1356 Thu_4_Aula P15 University of Economics & Business) 218 Thu_3_Aula E6 Monash University 943 Thu_5_Aula E1 AUSTRIA 297 Thu_4_Aula P4 AUSTRALIA 585 Thu_3_Aula E4 532 Thu_5_Aula E4 Inal Cekic, Tuba Hesse, Nora Yildiz Technical University Hauke, Jan Leibniz Universität Hannover Horvath, Thomas TURKEY Adam Mickiewicz University GERMANY WIFO 275 Fri_3_Aula P1 POLAND 960 Thu_2_Aula P1 AUSTRIA 415 Thu_4_Aula P7 1020 Thu_3_Aula E5 Inomata, Satoshi 1130 Fri_2_Aula P3 Hewings, Geoffrey Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO University of Illinois Huber, Peter JAPAN Hauser, Christoph UNITED STATES Austrian Institute of Economic Research 806 Thu_4_Aula P14 University of Innsbruck 180 Wed_3_Aula E9 AUSTRIA AUSTRIA 159 Wed_2_Aula E4 998 Thu_3_Aula E5 Iordan, Marioara 1310 Fri_2_Aula P1 Chair Fri_2_Aula P5 1016 Thu_3_Aula E5 Institutul de Prognoza Economica(institute for Contributor Wed_2_Aula Magna 987 Thu_4_Aula P8 Economic Forecasting) Hauser, Christoph 1020 Thu_3_Aula E5 ROMANIA IBR / Hochschule Luzern Heyndrickx, Christophe 446 Fri_3_Aula P11 SWITZERLAND Transport & Mobility Leuven Hudec, Oto BELGIUM Technical University of Košice, Irwin, Elena Haynes, Kingsley 994 Wed_4_Aula P12 Faculty of Economics Ohio State University George Mason University 975 Fri_3_Aula E7 SLOVAKIA UNITED STATES UNITED STATES 1350 Wed_4_Aula P2 274 Fri_3_Aula P2 Hirte, Georg Huggins, Robert Technische Universität Dresden Cardiff University Ishibashi, Kenichi Heblich, Stephan GERMANY UNITED KINGDOM Nagoya Sangyo University Stirling University 154 Wed_3_ Aula P7 972 Wed_4_Aula P3 JAPAN UNITED KINGDOM 817 Thu_5_Aula E4 1000 Thu_5_Aula P1 912 Fri_4_Aula E5 731 Fri_3_Aula P9 646 Thu_5_Aula P13 1224 Fri_3_Aula P9 Chair Thu_2_Aula P4 Husby, Trond Ishikawa, Toshiharu VU University Amsterdam Chuo University Hecht, Alfred Hobbs, John NETHERLANDS JAPAN Wilfrid Laurier University Cork Institute of Technology 909 Wed_2_Aula P1 9 Thu_4_Aula P5 CANADA IRELAND 504 Fri_4_Aula E2 1047 Thu_4_Aula P2 Hynynen, Ari Ishikawa, Yoshifumi Tampere University of Technology Nanzan University FINLAND JAPAN 922 Fri_3_Aula P11 1009 Wed_4_Aula E7

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Ito, Hidekazu Johansson, Mats Kaplanis, Ioannis Kebir, Leila Kwansei Gakuin University KTH, Urban and Regional Studies London School of Economics; OECD EIVP JAPAN SWEDEN FRANCE FRANCE 547 Fri_2_Aula P14 117 Thu_4_Aula P12 1141 Thu_3_Aula P5 830 Thu_3_Aula P1 904 Fri_3_Aula P16 Ivanicka, Koloman Jokinen, Juho Karampekou, Lamprini School of Economics nad Management in University of Jyväskylä None Kelly, Richard Public Administration FINLAND GREECE ERSA SLOVAKIA 1226 Thu_3_Aula P5 944 Fri_3_Aula P14 BELGIUM 496 Thu_5_Aula P5 Jurlina Alibegovic, Dubravka Karhunen, Hannu Kerimoglu, Ebru Ivanickova, Alzbeta The Institute of Economics, Zagreb University of Jyväskylä Istanbul Technical University University of Economics in Bratislava CROATIA FINLAND TURKEY SLOVAKIA 1027 Wed_3_Aula P6 790 Thu_3_Aula E3 478 Fri_3_Aula P16 791 Thu_4_Aula P3 1057 Fri_4_Aula P16 Jacob, Remy Kagaya, Seiichi European Investment Bank Muroran Institute of Technology Karlsson, Charlie Khadraoui, Manel LUXEMBOURG JAPAN Jönköping International Business School Ministry of Regional Development, Tunisia Keynote Tue_Rectorate 1093 Fri_4_Aula E5 SWEDEN TUNISIA Opening Tue_Rectorate 1358 Thu_4_Aula P15 Jaeger, Angelika Kaledin, Nikolay Closing Fri_5_Aula Magna Chair Fri_3_Aula P2 Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences Saint Petersburg State University GERMANY RUSSIA Karmakar, Suparna Kharlampeva, Nadezhda 1307 Wed_2_Aula E2 1334 Thu_5_Aula P6 Bruegel Saint-Petersburg State University Kaledin, Vladimir BELGIUM RUSSIA Jagannath, Mallick Saint-Petersburg State University 629 Thu_4_Aula P6 694 Fri_4_Aula E6 University of Pardubice RUSSIA CZECH REPUBLIC 990 Fri_3_Aula P16 Khattabi, Abdellatif 1338 Thu_2_Aula P6 Karoulia, Stella Ecole Nationale Forestière d’Ingégnieurs Kallioras, Dimitris University of the Aegean MOROCCO Jauhiainen, Signe University of Thessaly GREECE Contributor Wed_3_Aula Magna Pellervo Economic Research PTT GREECE 1015 Wed_4_Aula P16 FINLAND 319 Fri_3_Aula E5 Khusnutdinova, Svetlana 962 Fri_3_Aula P17 318 Fri_3_Aula E5 Kauffmann, Albrecht Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University 321 Thu_3_Aula E9 Halle Institute for Economic Research RUSSIA Jienwatcharamongkhol, Viroj 317 Fri_3_Aula E5 GERMANY 497 Fri_4_Aula P16 Lund University 280 Wed_3_Aula P3 SWEDEN Kalnina-Lukasevica, Zanda Kichko, Sergey 531 Thu_2_Aula P1 University of Latvia Kauhanen, Merja National Research University Higher School of LATVIA Labour Institute for Economic Research Economics Johansen, Steinar 188 Fri_2_Aula P5 FINLAND RUSSIA NIBR 1073 Fri_4_Aula P8 936 Fri_2_Aula P12 NORWAY Kanemoto, Yoshitsugu National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies Ke, Wenlan Kinnunen, Jouko Johansen, Ulf JAPAN China University of Geosciences(Beijing) Statistics and Research Åland Sintef CHINA FINLAND NORWAY Kaplan, Sigal 375 Thu_3_Aula P7 579 Thu_4_Aula E4 Technical University of Denmark 424 Thu_5_Aula E4 DENMARK 690 Fri_2_Aula P15 827 Fri_4_Aula P10

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Kisar Koramaz, Elif Komarova, Anna Koster, Hans Kropachev, Nikolai Istanbul Commerce University Novosibirsk State University VU University Amsterdam St. Petersburg State University TURKEY RUSSIA NETHERLANDS RUSSIA 1147 Wed_2_Aula E7 964 Thu_3_Aula P13 1032 Wed_2_ Aula P7 848 Fri_2_Aula P10 Kubota, Kohei Kitsos, Anastasios Kondo, Kenji Yamagata University Plymouth University Business School Chukyo University Koster, Sierdjan JAPAN UNITED KINGDOM JAPAN RUG 758 Wed_3_Aula P17 33 Thu_4_Aula E8 NETHERLANDS Kiuila, Olga 845 Thu_3_Aula E3 Kucukmehmetoglu, Mehmet Uniwersytet Warszawski Kopczewska, Katarzyna 323 Wed_2_Aula P3 Gebze Institute of Technology POLAND University of Warsaw Chair Wed_2_Aula E2 TURKEY 334 Wed_3_Aula P2 POLAND 565 Wed_2_Aula P6 77 Fri_4_Aula E4 Koster, Paul Klimanov, Vladimir Department of Spatial Economics VU University Kuhar, Ales Institute for Public Finance Reform Kopper, Johannes NETHERLANDS University of Ljubljana RUSSIA Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, SLOVENIA 855 Wed_4_Aula P15 NIERS Kourtit, Karima 1288 Thu_4_Aula E4 1155 Thu_5_Aula P7 GERMANY Vu University Amsterdam 1307 Wed_2_Aula E2 NETHERLANDS Kula, Grzegorz Klimanova, Oxana 26 Wed_3_Aula P4 University of Warsaw Moscow State University Koramaz, Turgay kerem Chair Wed_3_Aula Magna POLAND RUSSIA Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of 799 Wed_3_Aula P13 555 Wed_4_Aula P1 Architecture Kostova, Miroslava 557 Fri_2_Aula P13 TURKEY University of Alicante Kuroda, Tatsuaki 1062 Wed_2_Aula P15 SPAIN Nagoya University Knippschild, Robert 1057 Fri_4_Aula P16 26 Wed_3_Aula P4 JAPAN Technische Universität Dresden 478 Fri_3_Aula P16 91 Thu_5_Aula P3 GERMANY Koutsky, Jaroslav 851 Thu_3_Aula E2 Korber, Manuela Jan Evangelista Purkyne University Kutsenko, Evgeny 974 Thu_5_Aula P6 AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH CZECH REPUBLIC Higher School of Economics AUSTRIA 316 Wed_3_Aula P15 (National research university) Koch, Matthias 915 Fri_4_Aula P1 418 Fri_2_Aula E2 RUSSIA WU-Wien 1012 Fri_4_Aula P1 Contributor Wed_3_Aula Magna 331 Thu_5_Aula P11 AUSTRIA 1197 Fri_4_Aula P3 Korosteleva, Julia Kozaman, Senem Kuznetsov, Boris University College London Yildiz Technical University Higher School of Economics Kociuba, Dagmara UNITED KINGDOM TURKEY RUSSIA Maria Curie-Sklodowska University 114 Wed_3_Aula P5 973 Fri_2_Aula P6 1022 Fri_2_Aula E4 POLAND 1109 Thu_3_Aula P6 Kosfeld, Reinhold Kroll, Henning Kuznetsova, Elena University of Kassel Fraunhofer ISI Saint-Petersburg State University Kolodziejczyk, Danuta GERMANY GERMANY RUSSIA Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics 1074 Fri_4_Aula P4 1309 Thu_4_Aula P11 785 Fri_2_Aula P15 - NRI POLAND Kossowski, Tomasz Kronenberg, Kristin Ladu, Maria Gabriella Adam Mickiewicz University Research Institute for Regional and Urban Università di Sassari Kolomak, Evgeniya POLAND Development (ILS) ITALY Novosibirsk State University 1130 Fri_2_Aula P3 GERMANY 963 Thu_3_Aula P4 RUSSIA 624 Wed_2_Aula E5 83 Thu_4_Aula P17 21 Wed_4_Aula P15

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Lagalla, Roberto Larsson, Johan P. Liargovas, Panagiotis Lopes, João Rector of the University of Palermo CEnSE/Jönköping International Business University of Peloponnese & ICBSS ISEG-UTL ITALY School GREECE PORTUGAL Opening Tue_Rectorate SWEDEN 366 Fri_2_Aula E4 457 Thu_4_Aula P2 151 Thu_3_Aula P14 1184 Fri_3_Aula P12 Lagarias, Apostolos 1351 Thu_5_Aula E2 Limonov, Leonid 419 Thu_3_Aula E8 Aristotle Unversity of Thessaloniki ICSER Leontief Centre GREECE Lasarte, Elena RUSSIA Lopez-Bazo, Enrique 304 Thu_2_Aula P4 Universidad de Oviedo 70 Thu_5_Aula P6 AQR-University of Barcelona SPAIN SPAIN Lagos, Dimitris 576 Fri_2_Aula E2 Lithander, Jorgen 869 Thu_5_Aula E6 UNIVERSITY OF THE AEGEAN Growth Analysis 1265 Fri_3_Aula E1 GREECE Lavecchia, Luciano SWEDEN 826 Wed_3_Aula P12 729 Thu_3_Aula P4 Banca d’Italia ITALY Livina, Agita Lopez-Garcia, Paloma Lagravinese, Raffaele 1287 Thu_5_Aula P1 Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences European Central Bank Roma Tre University Lecca, Patrizio LATVIA GERMANY ITALY University of Strathclyde 1061 Wed_4_Aula E5 1362 Fri_3_Aula E8 UNITED KINGDOM Lahr, Michael 718 Wed_2_Aula E2 Llungo ortíz, Julieta Los, Bart Rutgers University 501 Wed_3_Aula P2 University Of Alcala University of Groningen UNITED STATES SPAIN NETHERLANDS 193 Wed_3_Aula E6 Lee, Sang-yup 1251 Wed_4_Aula P13 524 Wed_2_Aula E5 191 Thu_3_Aula P11 Hanseo University 589 Wed_4_Aula P14 Chair Wed_4_Aula E7 KOREA, SOUTH Lo Cascio, Iolanda Chair Fri_4_Aula P2 612 Fri_3_Aula P17 UNIVERSITY OF PALERMO Loungani, Prakash ITALY International Monetary Fund Laliotis, Ioannis Lehmann, Robert 1333 Wed_4_Aula P16 USA University of Patras Ifo Institute - Leibniz-Institute for Economic Chair Wed_2_Aula E1 Plenary Wed_1_Aula Magna GREECE Research at the University of Mun Chair Fri_3_Aula P3 38 Wed_2_ Aula P8 GERMANY Louro, Ana 15 Wed_2_Aula P14 Longhi, Simonetta CEG-IGOT Lall, Somik V. University of Essex PORTUGAL The World Bank Lemarié-Boutry, Marie UNITED KINGDOM 1318 Wed_2_Aula P9 USA Irstea 174 Wed_3_Aula P4 1278 Fri_4_Aula E2 Plenary Wed_1_Aula Magna FRANCE 838 Fri_2_Aula P8 918 Fri_4_Aula E4 Contributor Wed_4_Aula Magna Lubisco, Alessandro Langset, Björg University of Bologna Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Lemmi, Achille Longo, Giovanni ITALY Research University of siena Plenary Fri_1_Aula Magna 832 Thu_4_Aula E6 NORWAY ITALY 992 Fri_3_Aula P8 525 Fri_2_Aula E2 Lööf, Hans Luca, Davide Royal Institute f Technology London School of Economics and Political Larreina, Mikel Levkovich, Or david SWEDEN Science Universidad de Deusto Vrije Universiteit 1067 Wed_3_Aula E5 UNITED KINGDOM SPAIN NETHERLANDS 981 Thu_2_Aula P5 642 Thu_3_Aula P8 Looring, Merle University of Tartu Ludsteck, Johannes ESTONIA Institute for Employment Research (IAB) 354 Fri_2_Aula P5 Nuremberg GERMANY 652 Wed_3_Aula P3 156 157 List of Participants List of Participants

Lukovics, Miklos Maggi, Rico Margarian, Anne Marta, Stefano University of Szeged IRE- USI Thuenen-Institute for Rural Studies Catholic University of Piacenza HUNGARY SWITZERLAND GERMANY ITALY 1348 Thu_5_Aula P14 401 Thu_5_Aula P1 607 Fri_2_Aula P11 Magrini, Stefano 563 Fri_3_Aula E4 Lundberg, Johan Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Marinos, Theocharis Umeå University ITALY National Technical University of Athens Martì, Monica SWEDEN 616 Fri_2_Aula P9 GREECE Universidad de Alicante 1167 Wed_4_Aula P6 SPAIN Lvova, Nadezhda Maier, Gunther 26 Wed_3_Aula P4 St.-Petersburg State University WU Wien Marlet, Gerard RUSSIA AUSTRIA Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Martina, Bruno 804 Wed_4_Aula P6 1317 Thu_3_Aula E1 NETHERLANDS Università degli studi di Genova 801 Thu_5_Aula P5 179 Thu_3_Aula E1 487 Thu_5_Aula P9 ITALY Chair Wed_2_Aula P6 94 Thu_4_Aula P9 606 Fri_2_Aula P14 Lyytikäinen, Teemu Chair Thu_5_Aula E8 893 Fri_3_Aula P17 Government Institute for Economic Research Chair Fri_2_Aula E3 Martín-Barroso, David VATT Marques, João Universidad Complutense de Madrid FINLAND Malgouyres, Clement University of Aveiro SPAIN 942 Wed_4_Aula P9 European University Institute PORTUGAL 1123 Thu_4_Aula P13 ITALY 1124 Thu_3_Aula P13 M. Angels, Cabases Pique 667 Fri_2_Aula P16 1257 Fri_4_Aula P2 Martinez, Oscar UNIVERSITY OF LLEIDA 1159 Fri_4_Aula P8 Universitat Rovira i Virgili SPAIN Malmsten, Peter SPAIN 812 Fri_2_Aula P13 Growth analysis Marques da Costa, Eduarda SWEDEN Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning - Martinez Chafer, Luis Macedo, Bruno University of Lisbon Universitat Jaume I European Commission PORTUGAL SPAIN Manitiu, Dorel Nicolae BELGIUM 1278 Fri_4_Aula E2 600 Thu_4_Aula E6 University of Bologna Plenary Fri_1_Aula Magna 1297 Thu_3_Aula P5 ITALY Martinez-Martin, Jaime 702 Fri_4_Aula E3 Machnik-Slomka, Joanna Marques da Costa, Nuno BBVA Research / AQR-IREA University of 698 Wed_2_Aula P11 Politechnika Slaska (Silesian Univ. of Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning - Barcelona Technology) University of Lisbon SPAIN POLAND Mann, Laura PORTUGAL 826 Wed_3_Aula P12 72 Fri_3_Aula P7 Edward Elgar Publishing 1297 Thu_3_Aula P5 UNITED KINGDOM 1318 Wed_2_Aula P9 Martins, José Maczulskij, Terhi 1278 Fri_4_Aula E2 Universidade de Aveiro University of Jyväskylä Marcen, Miriam PORTUGAL FINLAND UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA Márquez, Miguel 1159 Fri_4_Aula P8 593 Thu_4_Aula P17 SPAIN University of Extremadura 752 Wed_4_Aula P8 SPAIN Masip Tresserra, Jaume Madsen, Bjarne 755 Thu_5_Aula P8 159 Wed_2_Aula E4 Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) Centre for Regional and Tourism Research SPAIN DENMARK Marelli, Enrico Piero Marrocu, Emanuela 64 Wed_4_Aula P15 1013 Fri_3_Aula P8 Università di Brescia University of Cagliari 186 Thu_5_Aula P2 ITALY ITALY Maezuru, Masakazu 895 Wed_4_Aula E1 40 Fri_4_Aula E3 Matsubara, Kiyoshi Osaka University of Economics and Law 773 Wed_3_Aula E1 62 Fri_2_Aula E6 Nihon University JAPAN 682 Wed_3_Aula E1 JAPAN 875 Wed_4_Aula P5 Chair Thu_4_Aula P11 793 Thu_4_Aula E8

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Maudos, Joaquin Mendes, Isabel Mironowicz, Izabela Modrego, Felix University of Valencia SOCIUS,ISEG, School of Economics and AESOP, Wroclaw University of Technology University of Groningen SPAIN Management,Tchnical University of Lisbon POLAND CHILE PORTUGAL 177 Wed_2_Aula P3 Maurseth, Per botolf 1324 Thu_3_Aula P15 Mitko, Valery BI - Norwegian Business School Russian State Hydrometeorological University Moeller, Kristoffer NORWAY Menezes, Tatiane RUSSIA Technical University of Darmstadt 412 Thu_4_Aula P8 Federal University of Pernambuco - Brazil 432 Wed_4_Aula P1 GERMANY BRAZIL 874 Wed_2_ Aula P7 Maynou Pujolras, Laia 460 Wed_4_Aula P12 Mitko, Valery 455 Thu_5_Aula P10 Universitat de Girona Russian State Hydrometeorological University 87 Thu_5_Aula P9 SPAIN Mesjasz-Lech, Agata RUSSIA 88 Thu_2_Aula P2 Czestochowa University of Technology 405 Fri_3_Aula E6 Moeller, Joachim POLAND University of Regensburg and IAB Mayor, Matias 348 Thu_3_Aula P7 Mitze, Timo GERMANY University of Oviedo 345 Thu_4_Aula P16 University of Southern Denmark 1103 Fri_3_Aula E3 SPAIN DENMARK 1216 Fri_4_Aula P15 815 Thu_3_Aula P2 Metaxas, Theodore 883 Wed_4_Aula P8 University of Thessaly 819 Thu_3_Aula P2 Mogila, Zbigniew Mazzola, Fabio GREECE Wroclaw Regional Development Agency S.A. University of Palermo 617 Thu_5_Aula P13 Miyata, Yuzuru POLAND ITALY 739 Wed_3_Aula P16 Toyohashi University of Technology 914 Wed_4_Aula P11 Opening Tue_Rectorate 564 Fri_2_Aula P13 JAPAN 949 Wed_3_Aula P6 Closing Fri_5_Aula Magna 137 Wed_2_Aula P1 1333 Wed_4_Aula P16 Metulini, Rodolfo Möhlmann, Jan 1331 Thu_4_Aula E7 IMT Lucca Miyoshi, Hiroaki VU University Amsterdam Chair Thu_1_Aula Magna ITALY Doshisha University NETHERLANDS 522 Thu_2_Aula P7 JAPAN 651 Wed_4_Aula P9 Mccarthy, Stephen 520 Fri_4_Aula P3 445 Thu_5_Aula P16 University College Cork Monastiriotis, Vassilis IRELAND Middeldorp, Marten Mocetti, Sauro London School of Economics 570 Thu_4_Aula P3 University of Groningen Bank of Italy UNITED KINGDOM NETHERLANDS ITALY 1029 Wed_2_Aula E6 Mcintyre, Stuart 613 Thu_5_Aula E1 726 Thu_4_Aula P1 993 Wed_3_Aula E4 University of Strathclyde 406 Wed_3_Aula E4 1078 Thu_5_Aula P2 UNITED KINGDOM Mochalov, Ruslan 1176 Thu_2_Aula P9 Migliardi, Andrea Novosibirsk State University Montanes, Antonio Banca d’Italia RUSSIA University of Zaragoza Meliciani, Valentina ITALY 1122 Fri_3_Aula P11 SPAIN University of Teramo 47 Fri_4_Aula E3 292 Thu_4_Aula P1 ITALY Modelewska, Marta 861 Wed_2_Aula P5 Mini, Valentina University College London Montolio, Daniel USI UNITED KINGDOM University of Barcelona Melnikova, Larisa SWITZERLAND 734 Thu_5_Aula P13 SPAIN Novosibirsk State University 810 Fri_2_Aula P2 846 Wed_2_Aula P17 RUSSIA Modica, Marco 507 Wed_2_Aula P9 Minina, Marina IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca Morachevskaya, Kira Arctic Public Academy of sciences ITALY Saint-Petersburg State University RUSSIA 517 Fri_4_Aula E5 RUSSIA 405 Fri_3_Aula E6 638 Fri_2_Aula P11 431 Fri_4_Aula E6

160 161 List of Participants List of Participants

Morisugi, Masafumi Mussida, Chiara Newing, Andy Nitsch, Volker Meijo University Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore University of Leeds Darmstadt University of Technology JAPAN ITALY UNITED KINGDOM GERMANY 541 Wed_4_Aula P5 139 Thu_5_Aula P17 150 Thu_4_Aula E2 1107 Fri_4_Aula P14 920 Thu_5_Aula P15 Mustra, Vinko Nguyen-Luong, Dany Nitzsche, Eric Morisugi, Hisayoshi University of Split IAU Technische Universität Dresden; Institut für Nihon University CROATIA FRANCE Wirtschaft und Verkehr JAPAN 678 Fri_2_Aula P1 49 Wed_2_Aula P9 GERMANY 783 Fri_3_Aula P6 646 Thu_5_Aula P13 Nagl, Wolfgang Nijkamp, Peter Moritz, Michael Ifo Institute VU University Amsterdam Norin, Anna Institute for Employment Research (IAB) GERMANY NETHERLANDS Region Västerbotten GERMANY 237 Wed_2_ Aula P8 535 Wed_3_Aula P2 SWEDEN 877 Wed_2_Aula P5 484 Wed_3_Aula P11 Nakajima, Kazunori 1315 Thu_3_Aula E1 Notarstefano, Giuseppe Morkute, Gintare University of Hyogo 339 Fri_4_Aula E3 University Of Palermo University of Groningen JAPAN 517 Fri_4_Aula E5 ITALY NETHERLANDS 479 Wed_3_Aula P1 Chair Wed_2_Aula Magna Chair Wed_3_Aula Magna Nowicka-Skowron, Maria Moussa, Ines Nakamura, Ryohei Chair Wed_4_Aula Magna Czestohowa University of Technology Toulouse University Okayama University Chair Fri_3_Aula P16 POLAND FRANCE JAPAN 153 Wed_2_Aula P10 367 Wed_4_Aula E7 Nikolaidou, Sofia Nowotny, Klaus Panteion University University of Salzburg Mueller, Matthias Nartey, Wisdom GREECE AUSTRIA University of Hohenheim 18 Corners LTD 442 Fri_2_Aula E5 929 Thu_4_Aula E5 GERMANY GHANA 680 Fri_4_Aula P1 Nikolakopoulou, Christina Nuhanovic, Amra Nathan, Max None faculty of economics, university of tuzla Mulligan, Cian London School of Economics GREECE BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Vienna University of Business and Economics UNITED KINGDOM 944 Fri_3_Aula P14 1217 Wed_4_Aula P16 IRELAND 69 Thu_5_Aula P10 326 Fri_2_Aula P17 Nikulina, Olga Nunes, Sérgio Naydenov, Alexey Kuban State University IPT Mun, Se-il Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of RUSSIA PORTUGAL Kyoto University the Russian Academy of Science 577 Fri_2_Aula P4 143 Wed_2_Aula P14 JAPAN RUSSIA 252 Wed_3_Aula E3 361 Wed_3_Aula P10 781 Thu_2_Aula P9 Nilsson, Pia Jönköping International Buisness School Núñez-Serrano, Juan Andrés Murata, Yasusada Naz, Amber SWEDEN Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Nihon University Southern University of Denmark 1101 Fri_4_Aula P17 SPAIN JAPAN DENMARK 1123 Thu_4_Aula P13 538 Fri_2_Aula P9 330 Wed_4_Aula E6 Nishii, Kazuo University of Marketing & Distribution Ogaki, Masao Murphy, Lyndon Nepote, Daniela Sciences Keio University University of Wales Newport Ires Piemonte JAPAN JAPAN UNITED KINGDOM ITALY 451 Thu_5_Aula P16 758 Wed_3_Aula P17 1000 Thu_5_Aula P1 847 Fri_3_Aula P6 823 Fri_2_Aula P1

162 163 List of Participants List of Participants

Oguztimur, Senay Öner, Özge Pablo-Marti, Federico Paniccià, Renato Yildiz Technical University Jönköping International Business School Universidad de Alcalá I.R.P.E.T. TURKEY SWEDEN SPAIN ITALY 528 Thu_4_Aula P16 1102 Thu_2_Aula P7 708 Wed_4_Aula E3 126 Wed_3_Aula E9 572 Fri_2_Aula P7 1351 Thu_5_Aula E2 712 Wed_4_Aula E3 717 Wed_4_Aula E4 Panzera, Domenica Ohno, Eiji Origo, Federica University of Chieti-Pescara Meijo University University of Bergamo. Department of Pacaci Elitok, Secil ITALY JAPAN Management, Economics and Quantitative Meth Sabanci University 1090 Wed_3_Aula E6 920 Thu_5_Aula P15 ITALY TURKEY 541 Wed_4_Aula P5 930 Wed_4_Aula E1 277 Wed_3_Aula P4 Pardali, Angeliki University of Piraeus Oikarinen, Elias Orlando, Leoluca Pace, Giuseppe GREECE University of Turku, School of Economics Mayor of Palermo Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche 630 Thu_5_Aula P2 FINLAND ITALY ITALY Parenti, Angela 389 Wed_2_Aula P6 Opening Tue_Rectorate 1355 Thu_4_Aula P15 Università di Pisa ITALY Okrepilov, Vladimir Orrù, Enrico Paci, Raffaele 1092 Wed_3_Aula P12 State Centre ‘Test-St. Petersburg’ London School of Economics University of Cagliari, CRENoS 1096 Thu_4_Aula P8 RUSSIA ITALY ITALY 115 Wed_3_ Aula P7 637 Wed_4_Aula E5 62 Fri_2_Aula E6 Parízková, Jana 256 Thu_3_Aula E7 59 Fri_4_Aula E1 University of Economics in Bratislava Olarte Bacares, Carlos Augusto 40 Fri_4_Aula E3 SLOVAKIA University Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne Oshchepkov, Aleksey Chair Fri_3_Aula E1 1192 Wed_4_ Aula P7 FRANCE Higher School of Economics 1085 Wed_4_Aula P12 RUSSIA Pagnini, Marcello Pascariu, Gabriela Carmen 1040 Thu_2_Aula P4 499 Fri_4_Aula P6 Bank of Italy ALexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Center ITALY for European Studies Olejnik, Alicja Osland, Liv 673 Wed_2_Aula P14 ROMANIA University of Lodz Stord/Haugesund University College 1220 Fri_3_Aula P2 POLAND NORWAY Paier, Manfred 1166 Fri_4_Aula E4 315 Wed_3_Aula P12 567 Fri_3_Aula E2 AIT Austrian Institute of Technology AUSTRIA Pastor, Jose m. Olejnik, Jakub Overman, Henry 915 Fri_4_Aula P1 Universitat De Valencia University of Lodz London School of Economics 1012 Fri_4_Aula P1 SPAIN POLAND UNITED KINGDOM 223 Wed_4_Aula P15 1347 Wed_2_Aula P4 315 Wed_3_Aula P12 654 Fri_2_Aula P10 887 Wed_2_Aula P10 Oliveira-Martins, Joaquim 516 Wed_4_Aula P10 Pástor, Rudof OECD Palanza, Flavia University of Economics in Bratislava FRANCE Ozgur, Onur European Investment Bank SLOVAKIA Plenary Wed_1_Aula Magna Melbourne Business School LUXEMBOURG 1192 Wed_4_ Aula P7 AUSTRALIA Chair Fri_1_Aula Magna Omizzolo, Andrea 1306 Wed_3_Aula P17 Patacchini, Eleonora Eurac Research 1339 Wed_3_Aula P1 Panduro, Toke Emil Syracuse University ITALY Copenhagen University Università di Roma “La Sapienza” 551 Fri_3_Aula P16 Paas, Tiiu DENMARK USA University of Tartu 1087 Thu_4_Aula P9 Chair Wed_3_ Aula P17 Ondos, Slavomir ESTONIA Comenius University 569 Thu_4_Aula P7 SLOVAKIA 885 Fri_4_Aula E1

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Paton, Jonatan Perez-Dacal, Diana Pieniazek, Marek Pontarollo, Nicola INFYDE University of Santiago de Compostela Central Statistical Office University of Verona SPAIN SPAIN POLAND ITALY 1086 Thu_5_Aula P5 1238 Thu_2_Aula P3 421 Fri_4_Aula E7 750 Wed_2_Aula E8 751 Thu_5_Aula P4 Patrizio, Monica Permana, Indrawan Pinna, Anna Maria 747 Fri_4_Aula P11 IRS - Istituto per la ricerca sociale Palangka Raya University Dipartimento Scienze Economiche ed Aziendali ITALY INDONESIA ITALY 930 Wed_4_Aula E1 706 Wed_2_Aula E6 Poot, Jacques Persson, Christer University of Waikato Patuelli, Roberto Royal Institute of Technology Piribauer, Philipp NEW ZEALAND University of Bologna SWEDEN Vienna University of Economics and Business 206 Thu_5_Aula P17 ITALY 1133 Fri_4_Aula P14 AUSTRIA 815 Thu_3_Aula P2 10 Fri_4_Aula P3 Persyn, Damiaan Poproch, Aleksandra Pauna, Carmen Beatrice European Commission (IPTS/JRC) Piscitello, Lucia Wroclaw Regional Development Agency S.A. Institute for Economic Forecasting SPAIN POlitecnico di Milano POLAND ROMANIA 262 Wed_2_Aula E4 ITALY 949 Wed_3_Aula P6 986 Fri_4_Aula P17 599 Fri_2_Aula P16 27 Thu_4_Aula P13 Poreisz, Veronika Pedrini, Giulio Pesaro, Giulia Pitoska, Electra Szechenyi Istvan University University of Bologna Politecnico di Milano School of Management & Economics, HUNGARY ITALY ITALY Technological Education Institute of Western 980 Fri_3_Aula P13 698 Wed_2_Aula P11 396 Fri_4_Aula P6 GREECE 988 Fri_3_Aula P15 699 Fri_4_Aula P13 714 Thu_5_Aula P12 Pesce, Antonio Porpiglia, Alessandro Pellegrini, Guido University of Milan ‘Cattolica del Sacro Cuore’ Plotnikova, Maria Banque centrale du Luxembourg (BCL) University of Rome “La Sapienza” ITALY Aberystwyth University LUXEMBOURG ITALY 1252 Wed_2_Aula P5 UNITED KINGDOM 620 Wed_4_Aula P17 1263 Wed_2_Aula E1 1161 Fri_4_Aula P10 340 Thu_4_Aula E7 Pessoa, Argentino 1180 Fri_4_Aula P10 Porsse, Alexandre University of Porto UFPR-Brazil Pelyasov, Alexander PORTUGAL Pokrovsky, Dmitry BRAZIL Council for Research for Productive Forces 1153 Wed_2_Aula P14 National Research University Higher School of 705 Fri_2_Aula P6 RUSSIA Economics Closing Fri_5_Aula Magna Petrakos, Georgios RUSSIA Postiglione, Paolo 368 Fri_3_Aula E6 University Of Thessaly 1292 Wed_3_Aula P5 University of Chieti-Pescara 428 Fri_3_Aula E6 GREECE 931 Fri_4_Aula P7 ITALY Chair Fri_4_Aula E5 317 Fri_3_Aula E5 842 Wed_4_Aula E4 319 Fri_3_Aula E5 Pompili, Tomaso Pena-Boquete, Yolanda 318 Fri_3_Aula E5 University of Milan-Bicocca Pouyanne, Guillaume Instituto de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de 321 Thu_3_Aula E9 ITALY University of Bordeaux Galicia (IDEGA) Chair Wed_4_Aula P8 FRANCE SPAIN Piacentino, Davide Chair Thu_5_Aula P8 288 Thu_3_Aula P13 1169 Thu_2_Aula P2 University of Palermo Chair Fri_2_Aula P17 249 Fri_3_Aula P10 1238 Thu_2_Aula P3 ITALY 1055 Thu_5_Aula E7 Ponds, Roderik Pritchard, John Pereira, Joao 410 Wed_4_Aula E4 Atlas voor Gemeenten & Faculty of Economics University of Sheffield University of Evora (NIF: 501201920) and Business, University of Groninge UNITED KINGDOM PORTUGAL NETHERLANDS 403 Fri_3_Aula P2 158 Thu_5_Aula P17 897 Wed_4_Aula E6 893 Fri_3_Aula P17 166 167 List of Participants List of Participants

Provenzano, Vincenzo Ragazzi, Elena Rauhut, Daniel Resende, Guilherme University of Palermo CNR - Ceris University West Institute for Applied Economic Research ITALY ITALY SWEDEN (IPEA)/Government of Brazil 464 Thu_5_Aula P7 582 Thu_5_Aula P8 190 Wed_3_Aula E7 BRAZIL Chair Wed_4_Aula P6 195 Thu_4_Aula P12 772 Wed_2_Aula P13 Chair Fri_2_Aula P7 Raiskaia, Iuliia 819 Thu_3_Aula P2 Chair Fri_4_Aula P6 MONOMAX Limited liability Company Resmini, Laura RUSSIA Rees, Rhiannon University of Milano-Bicocca Psatha, Eva Wiley ITALY University of Thessaly Rallet, Alain UNITED KINGDOM 1063 Fri_2_Aula P12 GREECE Université Paris Sud Chair Wed_3_Aula P7 1298 Thu_3_Aula E2 FRANCE Rega, Carlo Chair Thu_5_Aula P14 1229 Fri_4_Aula P15 Politecnico di Torino Psycharis, Ioannis ITALY Revilla Diez, Javier Panteion University of Social and Political Rama, Ruth 891 Fri_4_Aula E7 University of Hannover Sciences CSIC GERMANY GREECE SPAIN Reggiani, Aura 219 Fri_2_Aula E6 1132 Wed_3_Aula P6 335 Fri_2_Aula P4 University of Bologna 1113 Thu_3_Aula P16 ITALY Riegler, Johannes 1352 Fri_3_Aula P5 Ramajo, Julian 517 Fri_4_Aula E5 AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Chair Thu_5_Aula P6 EXTREMADURA AUSTRIA SPAIN Rehak, Stefan 886 Wed_4_Aula E5 Pu, Yingxia 159 Wed_2_Aula E4 University of Economics in Bratislava Nanjing University SLOVAKIA Riganti, Patrizia CHINA Ramos, Raul 1236 Wed_4_ Aula P7 The University of Nottingham 794 Fri_2_Aula P3 AQR-IREA, Universitat de Barcelona UNITED KINGDOM SPAIN Reid, Neil 1134 Fri_3_Aula P1 Puppato, Fernanda 686 Thu_4_Aula E3 University of Toledo Friedrich Schriller University and the Max 685 Fri_3_Aula P12 UNITED STATES Rijken, Bart Planck Institute of Economics 1026 Thu_4_Aula P5 VU GERMANY Rana, Maria Paola NETHERLANDS 472 Fri_2_Aula P17 University of Manchester Reinert, Jan 740 Thu_4_Aula E1 UNITED KINGDOM Regensburg 458 Wed_4_Aula P2 Quah, Danny 1051 Thu_2_Aula P9 GERMANY London School of economics 495 Thu_3_Aula E4 Rijnks, Richard UNITED KINGDOM Raska, Pavel University of Groningen Keynote Tue_Rectorate Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Reinhold, Mario NETHERLANDS Labem Niedersächsisches Institut für 1343 Thu_4_Aula P12 Rabellotti, Roberta CZECH REPUBLIC Wirtschaftsforschung (Lower Saxony Institute Università di Pavia 418 Fri_2_Aula E2 of E Rios ibáñez, Vicente ITALY 316 Wed_3_Aula P15 GERMANY Public University of Navarra 344 Wed_4_Aula P14 1128 Fri_4_Aula P9 SPAIN Raspe, Otto 133 Wed_2_Aula P13 Rader Olsson, Amy PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessement Remoaldo, Paula KTH Royal Institute of Technology Agency University of Minho Risselada, Anne SWEDEN NETHERLANDS PORTUGAL Utrecht University 151 Thu_3_Aula P14 859 Thu_5_Aula E7 523 Thu_3_Aula P15 NETHERLANDS Ratner, Svetlana 192 Fri_4_Aula P16 200 Thu_3_Aula E8 Institute of Control Science RUSSIA 273 Wed_4_Aula P5

168 169 List of Participants List of Participants

Ródenas, Carmen Rouwendal, Jan Sabau, Cosmin Sansone, Gianfranco Universidad de Alicante VU University west university of timisoara Unicredit Group SPAIN NETHERLANDS ROMANIA ITALY 26 Wed_3_Aula P4 822 Wed_4_Aula P9 260 Thu_4_Aula P11 Plenary Fri_1_Aula Magna 995 Thu_5_Aula E3 Rodriguez Gonzalez, Juan Antonio 651 Wed_4_Aula P9 Saefuddin, Asep Santinha Gonçalo Universidad de Guanajuato 1193 Thu_5_Aula E3 Bogor Agricultural University Department of Social, Political and Territorial MEXICO 901 Thu_5_Aula E3 INDONESIA Sciences, University of Aveiro 1276 Thu_4_Aula P11 619 Thu_5_Aula P9 1043 Wed_2_Aula E1 PORTUGAL 1142 Wed_2_Aula E1 769 Wed_2_Aula P16 Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés Rovolis, Antonios London School of Economics Panteion University of Athens Saez, Marc Santolini, Raffaella UNITED KINGDOM GREECE University of Girona Polytechnic University of Marche 568 Wed_2_Aula P17 SPAIN ITALY 408 Fri_3_Aula P4 Royuela, Vicente 492 Wed_2_Aula P9 563 Fri_3_Aula E4 Universitat de Barcelona Sakamoto, Hiroshi Sapio, Alessandro 878 Wed_3_Aula E5 SPAIN The International Centre for the Study of East Parthenope University of Naples 759 Thu_3_Aula E7 844 Thu_3_Aula E1 Asian Development ITALY 1143 Fri_4_Aula P14 853 Fri_2_Aula P8 JAPAN 1323 Wed_4_Aula E2 809 Fri_4_Aula P7 963 Thu_3_Aula P4 110 Wed_2_Aula P16 Chair Wed_1_Aula Magna 686 Thu_4_Aula E3 156 Wed_4_Aula E2 Contributor Wed_4_Aula Magna 1115 Fri_2_Aula P2 Salas-Olmedo, María henar Saratsis, Yiannis Chair Thu_2_Aula P3 Contributor Wed_4_Aula Magna Complutense University Madrid University of Thessaly SPAIN GREECE 450 Wed_3_Aula P14 Ronald, Rojas Alvarado Rubiera Morollón, Fernando 291 Fri_2_Aula P14 Universidad de San Buenaventura University of Oviedo Sarro, Adriana COLOMBIA SPAIN Salvadori, Luca Università degli Studi di Palermo - Facoltà di 968 Thu_5_Aula P2 University of Barcelona Architettura Romao, Joao 576 Fri_2_Aula E2 SPAIN VU University Amsterdam 461 Thu_2_Aula P6 ITALY 556 Fri_2_Aula E7 NETHERLANDS Rubino, Alessandro Sanchez-Moral, Simon 339 Fri_4_Aula E3 Enel Foundation Complutense University of Madrid Sas, Willem ITALY SPAIN KULeuven Romero, Isidoro 1321 Wed_4_Aula E2 University of Seville 701 Wed_2_Aula P11 BELGIUM SPAIN 662 Wed_4_Aula P17 305 Fri_3_Aula P1 Ruiz Estupiñán, Nancy Sánchez-Vidal, María 658 Thu_2_Aula P5 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya University of Barcelona Ross, Amanda SPAIN SPAIN Scandura, Alessandra West Virginia University 634 Fri_3_Aula P13 35 Thu_4_Aula P10 London School of Economics UNITED STATES UNITED KINGDOM 253 Fri_2_Aula P10 Ruth, Matthias Sanchis-Guarner, Rosa 128 Thu_2_Aula P1 Northeastern University Spatial Economics Research Centre (LSE) Rossi, Carlotta UNITED STATES UNITED KINGDOM Schaffer, Axel J. Banca d’Italia 1339 Wed_3_Aula P1 502 Thu_4_Aula P9 Universität der Bundeswehr ITALY 1068 Thu_4_Aula E2 GERMANY 798 Wed_2_Aula P4 Saarimaa, Tuukka 349 Fri_3_Aula P7 Government Institute for Economic Research Sander, William 287 Fri_4_Aula P5 Roth, Duncan VATT DePaul University 626 Wed_4_Aula P2 Philipps-Universität Marburg FINLAND UNITED STATES GERMANY 927 Wed_4_Aula P9 54 Wed_2_Aula P2 950 Thu_5_Aula E6 866 Thu_3_Aula P13 170 171 List of Participants List of Participants

Scherngell, Thomas Sechi, Guido Sherov-Ignatyev, Vladimir Sleutjes, Bart AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Technical University of Bari St. Petersburg State University Universiteit van Amsterdam AUSTRIA ITALY RUSSIA NETHERLANDS 232 Wed_2_Aula P10 521 Thu_5_Aula P1 664 Thu_4_Aula P14 970 Thu_5_Aula E3 332 Wed_4_Aula P4 Seckin, Ebru Shibusawa, Hiroyuki Sokolowska-Wozniak, Justyna Schiller, Daniel Yildiz Technical University Toyohashi University of Technology Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu - National-Louis Lower Saxony Institute for Economic Research TURKEY JAPAN University GERMANY 388 Thu_4_Aula E2 32 Thu_5_Aula E4 POLAND 137 Wed_2_Aula P1 1138 Wed_4_Aula E1 Schirkonyer, Ulrike Sedlacek, Sabine WU Wien MODUL University Vienna Signorelli, Marcello Spolador, Humberto AUSTRIA AUSTRIA University of Perugia - Department of University of Sao Paulo 12 Fri_2_Aula P17 554 Thu_3_Aula E2 Economics BRAZIL ITALY 167 Wed_3_ Aula P7 Schirmer, Patrick Segessemann, Alain 682 Wed_3_Aula E1 ETH Zürich University of Neuchâtel 773 Wed_3_Aula E1 Srholec, Martin SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND 895 Wed_4_Aula E1 CERGE-EI 1181 Wed_3_Aula E8 640 Fri_2_Aula E3 CZECH REPUBLIC Sikora-Fernandez, Dorota 540 Thu_3_Aula E7 Schmidt, Torben dall Serwicka, Ilona El¿bieta University of Lodz University of Southern Denmark Newcastle University POLAND Stachowicz, Jan DENMARK UNITED KINGDOM 145 Wed_2_Aula P11 Politechnika Slaska (Silesian Univ. of 330 Wed_4_Aula E6 147 Thu_4_Aula P6 Technology) Simola, Antti POLAND Scholl, Tobias Sforzi, Fabio Government Institute for Economic Research Marburg University University of Parma (Finland) Staduto, Jefferson GERMANY ITALY FINLAND Western University of State of the Paraná 134 Thu_4_Aula P13 719 Thu_3_Aula E6 424 Thu_5_Aula E4 BRAZIL 85 Fri_3_Aula P3 1170 Fri_2_Aula E1 324 Fri_2_Aula P17 Chair Thu_4_Aula E6 Simonen, Jaakko 611 Fri_3_Aula P17 Schröder, Christoph Department of Economics Centre of European Economic Research (ZEW) Sha, Jinghua FINLAND Stambøl, Lasse sigbjørn GERMANY China University of Geosciences(Beijing) 214 Thu_5_Aula P17 Statistics Norway 210 Fri_4_Aula P13 CHINA NORWAY 375 Thu_3_Aula P7 Sinozic, Tanja 873 Fri_3_Aula P8 Schüller, Simone WU Vienna IZA Sharunova, Vera AUSTRIA Staufer-Steinnocher, Petra GERMANY National Research University Higher School of 179 Thu_3_Aula E1 WU Vienna 130 Wed_3_Aula P17 Economics 162 Wed_2_Aula E3 AUSTRIA RUSSIA 1069 Thu_3_Aula P16 Scorza, Francesco 931 Fri_4_Aula P7 Sirtori, Emanuela University of Basilicata CSIL Stawasz, Danuta ITALY Shefer, Daniel ITALY University of Lodz 1165 Fri_4_Aula E7 Technion 1003 Fri_3_Aula P15 POLAND ISRAEL 145 Wed_2_Aula P11 Sebestyén, Tamás Slepukhina, Irina University of Pécs Politecnico Steiner, Michael HUNGARY ITALY University of Graz 1215 Fri_2_Aula E4 1135 Fri_3_Aula P2 AUSTRIA 328 Wed_3_Aula P15

172 173 List of Participants List of Participants

Stelder, Dirk Suzuki, Soushi Tattara, Giuseppe Thorsen, Inge University of Groningen Hokkai-Gakuen University university venice Stord/Haugesund University College NETHERLANDS JAPAN ITALY NORWAY 800 Wed_2_ Aula P7 535 Wed_3_Aula P2 105 Fri_2_Aula E1 558 Thu_4_Aula E5 567 Fri_3_Aula E2 Stimson, Robert Suzuki, Tsutomu Tavassoli, Mohammad University of Melbourne University of Tsukuba Blekinge Institute of Technology Tödtling, Franz AUSTRALIA JAPAN SWEDEN Vienna University of Economics and Business 1293 Wed_4_Aula E6 531 Thu_2_Aula P1 AUSTRIA Strotebeck, Falk 162 Wed_2_Aula E3 Ruhr-University Bochum Svento, Rauli Teraji, Yusuke GERMANY University of Onlu Tezukayama University Toger, Marina 544 Wed_4_Aula P4 FINLAND JAPAN Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 1272 Wed_4_Aula P13 ISRAEL Stuck, Jerome Swales, Kim 1274 Fri_4_Aula P12 Leibniz Universität Hannover Fraser of Allander Institute, University of Tomashevskaya, Yulia GERMANY Strathclyde Tervo, Hannu Astrakhan State University 940 Thu_5_Aula E5 UNITED KINGDOM Jyväskylä University School of Business and RUSSIA 718 Wed_2_Aula E2 Economics Suárez, Susana 501 Wed_3_Aula P2 FINLAND Tomintz, Melanie Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, 1117 Wed_4_Aula E7 132 Thu_3_Aula P5 Carinthia University of Applied Sciences Unidad León, UNAM 724 Fri_4_Aula P5 AUSTRIA MEXICO Tesauro, Carlo 329 Wed_2_Aula P15 761 Wed_3_Aula E7 Szitasiova, Valeria CNR IBAF - UO Napoli Topcu, E.Umran University of Economics in Bratislava ITALY Istanbul Bahcesehir University Suedekum, Jens SLOVAKIA 996 Wed_4_Aula E8 TURKEY University of Duisburg-Essen 925 Thu_4_Aula P11 591 Wed_4_Aula P1 GERMANY Testa, William 247 Wed_3_Aula P10 Tabasso, Myriam Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Törmä, Hannu Chair Thu_2_Aula P9 University of Rome Sapienza UNITED STATES University of Helsinki Contributor Wed_4_Aula Magna ITALY 54 Wed_2_Aula P2 FINLAND 1004 Fri_3_Aula P3 588 Thu_4_Aula E4 Suhonen, Tuomo Thill, Jean-claude University of Jyväskylä Tafenau, Egle University of North Carolina at Charlotte Torre, André FINLAND University of Goettingen UNITED STATES INRA 967 Wed_3_Aula E2 GERMANY 1235 Fri_4_Aula P15 FRANCE 1060 Wed_3_Aula P12 92 Wed_2_Aula P12 792 Thu_3_Aula P9 Surinach, Jordi 336 Fri_2_Aula E5 Thissen, Mark University of Barcelona Takarada, Yasuhiro Chair Thu_3_Aula Magna PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment SPAIN Nanzan University Contributor Wed_3_Aula Magna 685 Fri_3_Aula P12 JAPAN Agency Chair Thu_5_Aula E6 220 Thu_4_Aula E8 NETHERLANDS Torrisi, Gianpiero 1116 Thu_5_Aula P14 University of Portsmouth Susiluoto, Ilkka Taltavull de la Paz, Paloma 1104 Fri_3_Aula P12 UNITED KINGDOM City of Helsinki University of Alicante 814 Thu_3_Aula E9 FINLAND SPAIN Thomas, Isabelle 1363 Thu_5_Aula E8 UCL Trapani, Ferdinando BELGIUM University of Palermo 92 Wed_2_Aula P12 ITALY 899 Fri_4_Aula E5 358 Fri_2_Aula E7

174 175 List of Participants List of Participants

Traversac, Jean-Baptiste Turina, Sandro Van Geenhuizen, Marina Vedrine, Lionel INRA Università degli Studi di Roma Delft University of Technology INRA-UMR CESAER FRANCE ITALY NETHERLANDS FRANCE 780 Fri_2_Aula P3 762 Thu_5_Aula P7 732 Fri_3_Aula P4 1007 Thu_3_Aula P17 Chair Thu_3_Aula P1 1303 Thu_4_Aula P3 655 Fri_2_Aula P6 Chair Fri_3_Aula E4 Tyler, Peter Chair Thu_4_Aula P3 Cambridge University Veie, Kathrine Trevien, Corentin UNITED KINGDOM Van Loon, Ruben University of Copenhagen Insee Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam DENMARK FRANCE Usai, Stefano NETHERLANDS 1050 Fri_3_Aula P10 566 Thu_5_Aula P10 University of Cagliari - CRENoS 901 Thu_5_Aula E3 1087 Thu_4_Aula P9 ITALY Trigilia, Carlo 515 Wed_4_Aula P4 Vandyck, Toon Velázquez, Francisco Javier Minister of Territorial Cohesion 369 Fri_4_Aula E1 KULeuven Universidad Complutense de Madrid ITALY BELGIUM SPAIN Opening Tue_Rectorate Uyarra, Elvira 945 Thu_3_Aula P11 1123 Thu_4_Aula P13 University of Manchester Troglio, Elisabetta UNITED KINGDOM Var, Elif berna Veneri, Paolo Royal Institute of Technology 1221 Thu_3_Aula P3 Istanbul Technical University OECD SWEDEN 1250 Fri_4_Aula P1 TURKEY FRANCE 377 Fri_2_Aula P7 233 Wed_2_Aula P2 688 Thu_5_Aula P11 Vaclavkova, Renata Trullén, Joan Technical University of Ostrava Varela-Candamio, Laura Venhorst, Viktor Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona CZECH REPUBLIC University of A Coruña University of Groningen SPAIN SPAIN NETHERLANDS 1148 Thu_4_Aula E6 Valerdi, Aurea 170 Wed_2_Aula P4 736 Wed_3_Aula E2 Universidad de Guanajuato 845 Thu_3_Aula E3 Tselios, Vassilis MEXICO Varga, Attila University of Southampton 1276 Thu_4_Aula P11 University of Pécs Vermeulen, Ben UNITED KINGDOM HUNGARY Hohenheim University, Stuttgart 481 Thu_4_Aula E1 Van Bemmel, Sebastiaan 1206 Wed_3_Aula E9 GERMANY PBL 1207 Wed_4_Aula P3 225 Fri_4_Aula P1 Tsubota, Kenmei NETHERLANDS 1215 Fri_2_Aula E4 Institute of Developing Economies, Japan 81 Wed_2_Aula P15 Vermorken, Maximilian External Trade Organization Vasilyeva, Elena University College London JAPAN Van Dijk, Jouke Russian Academy of Sciences UNITED KINGDOM 109 Thu_3_Aula P9 University of Groningen RUSSIA 720 Fri_2_Aula P15 NETHERLANDS 380 Thu_2_Aula P3 Tubadji, Annie 736 Wed_3_Aula E2 Viñuela, Ana DEXTERA 406 Wed_3_Aula E4 Vasilyeva, Natalia Dpto Economia Aplicada GREECE 613 Thu_5_Aula E1 Saint-Petersburg State University SPAIN 484 Wed_3_Aula P11 Chair Thu_2_Aula P2 RUSSIA 1099 Fri_3_Aula P15 353 Thu_4_Aula P6 Turala, Maciej Van Duijn, Mark Volgmann, Kati University of Lodz VU University Vassallo, Erasmo ILS – Research Institute for Regional and POLAND NETHERLANDS University of Palermo Urban Development 145 Wed_2_Aula P11 619 Thu_5_Aula P9 ITALY GERMANY 583 Wed_3_Aula P16 651 Wed_4_Aula P9 624 Wed_2_Aula E5 822 Wed_4_Aula P9

176 177 List of Participants List of Participants

Vorderwülbecke, Arne Westin, Lars Yegorov, Yuri Zemtsov, Stepan Leibniz Universität Hannover Umeå University University of Vienna Lomonosov Moscow State University GERMANY SWEDEN AUSTRIA RUSSIA 941 Wed_4_Aula P3 821 Thu_5_Aula P11 350 Wed_4_Aula P13 1271 Thu_2_Aula P3 465 Fri_4_Aula P6 546 Fri_4_Aula E6 Voronina, Liudmila Westlund, Hans Kuban State University JIBS & KTH Yildirim Ocal, Julide Zhao, Ruili RUSSIA SWEDEN Ted University Shanghai University Of International Business 207 Wed_2_Aula E8 151 Thu_3_Aula P14 TURKEY and Economics 971 Thu_5_Aula P4 CHINA Wahyuni, Any Wirth, Benjamin 1008 Thu_5_Aula P14 Toyohashi University of Technology. Japan FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg Zaleski, Janusz JAPAN GERMANY Wroclaw Regional Development Agency S.A. Zhideleva, Valentina 779 Thu_5_Aula P13 1254 Fri_4_Aula P9 POLAND Syktyvkar Forest Institute 632 Fri_2_Aula P14 949 Wed_3_Aula P6 RUSSIA Wisniewska, Magdalena 559 Fri_4_Aula E6 Waights, Sevrin University of Lodz Zamani, Alexandra London School of Economics and Political POLAND University of Thessaly Zhikharevich, Boris Science 282 Thu_3_Aula P3 GREECE Leontief Centre UNITED KINGDOM 55 Thu_3_Aula P10 RUSSIA 87 Thu_5_Aula P9 Wixe, Sofia 430 Wed_3_Aula P13 Jönköping International Business School Zamyatina, Nadezhda Wallin, Tina SWEDEN Lomonosov Moscow State univercity Zierahn, Ulrich Jönköping International Business School 116 Thu_4_Aula P17 RUSSIA ZEW Centre for European Economic Research, SWEDEN 372 Wed_3_Aula P17 Mannheim 140 Thu_5_Aula E5 Wozniak, Dariusz 368 Fri_3_Aula E6 GERMANY Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu - National-Louis 890 Fri_4_Aula P9 Wanzenböck, Iris University Zawalinska, Katarzyna Vienna University of Economics and Business POLAND IRWiR, Polish Academy of Sciences and Zigern-korn, Natalia AUSTRIA 1138 Wed_4_Aula E1 EUROREG, University of Warsaw Saint-Petersburg State University 332 Wed_4_Aula P4 POLAND RUSSIA Wrede, Matthias 932 Thu_4_Aula E4 1313 Wed_4_ Aula P7 Wende, Danny FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg Chair Thu_5_Aula E4 TU Dresden GERMANY Zinovyev, Andrey GERMANY 548 Wed_3_Aula P11 Zax, Jeffrey Saint-Petersburg State University 536 Wed_4_Aula P14 University of Colorado Boulder RUSSIA Wren, Colin UNITED STATES 638 Fri_2_Aula P11 Newcastle University Wendland, Nicolai 1218 Wed_3_Aula P9 UNITED KINGDOM Darmstadt University of Technology Zvirgzde, Daria 147 Thu_4_Aula P6 GERMANY Zeleneva, Irina Leibniz University Hanover, Institute of 1091 Fri_3_Aula P9 Wyrwich, Michael Saint Petersburg State University Economic and Cultural Geography 874 Wed_2_ Aula P7 Friedrich Schiller University Jena RUSSIA GERMANY 87 Thu_5_Aula P9 GERMANY 338 Thu_3_Aula P6 219 Fri_2_Aula E6 341 Wed_3_Aula P5 Westeren, Knut ingar 434 Thu_3_Aula P14 Zelinsky, Tomas Nord-Trøndelag University College 103 Fri_3_Aula E3 Technical University of Kosice NORWAY SLOVAKIA 168 Wed_3_ Aula P7 Xiao, Wei 228 Thu_4_Aula E3 Stockholm University SWEDEN 269 Wed_3_Aula P11 178 179

Finito di stampare dalla Officine Grafiche soc. coop. Palermo, agosto 2013