27 Kislev 5775 Miketz December 19, 2014 For the week of 12/19 - 12/26 Fri 12/19 Sunday Mon - Wed Shacharit - 6:15 am Daf Yomi - 8:00 am Shacharit - 8:15 am Shacharit - 6:15 am Candle Lighting - 4:16 pm Shacharit - 9:00 am Followed by Daf Yomi Mincha - 1:45 pm (with STA) Mincha followed by Mincha - 4:05 pm followed by Mincha/Maariv 4:20 pm Maariv - 8:00 pm Lighting of Menorah & Shalosh Seudos TRACK/Daf Yomi - 8:15 pm Kabbalat Shabbat - 4:16pm Maariv/Shabbat ends - 5:21 pm Tuesday: Women's Tehilim Group: 8:45 pm at the Goldstein's, 49 Twin Rivers Dr. Boys Program - Tues night at 8:15 pm Next Week (Friday) 12/26 Wednesday: Candle Lighting - 4:20 pm Rabbi's Chumash Class - 8:15 pm Mincha/Maariv 4:25pm Mishnayos Class - Following Maariv


IMPORTANT Eruv Information: The Eruv is sponsored by the Family for the month of Kislev in memory of Renee's father Avraham ben Rafuel Halevi. Please make sure to call the Eruv hotline after 3 PM on Friday for updates – 448-7887.

Don’t forget to follow the link & ‘Like’ Twin Rivers Community: Community/487324024744043

Kiddush is sponsored by the Abramov family in honor of the birth of a baby girl.

Woman’s Seuda Shleisheit and Tehilim at the Goldstein home (49 Twin Rivers Drive) @ 4:05 pm.

Still time to get a tax deduction? As we approach the end of the tax year, it is a great time to pay any outstanding shul commitments you have.

Minyan times for Thursday December 25th: Shacharit @ 8:15am, Mincha/Maariv @ 4:25pm

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25th - Relax with a cup of coffee as you listen to an inspiring parenting workshop by Rabbi Jonathan Rietti on the topic “CONNECTING TO OUR CHILDREN IN A DISCONNECTED WORLD” from 10:00 - 11:00 at the shul. Presented by Shalom Torah Academy.

If you are a post-college adult looking to say "Farewell to the Chag" then Come to the CTE Chanukah Party for an enjoyable evening of games, refreshments, and Chanukah insights. Date: Wednesday, December 24th Time: 7:30 PM Location: the Shul basement Cost: $8 per person by Thursday, December 18th. $11 per person after the deadline Optional Chinese auction - If you have anything to contribute, please drop it off with your reservation check to the shul or Chinn mailbox. This will be a Dairy Event featuring food from Capri.

From the office of the Youth Director; Youth of today…

Dear all, “Youth Corner"

Rabbi Chinn, Director What a weekend it's been! Spring regional was a smashing success. We got there Thursday night and

(609) 903-6225 they were given the option to learn CPR, sign language or balloon animal creation. Then program and

skit and finally to the rooms. Friday morning was bubble soccer (insane) and marshmallow archery! [email protected] Pre shabbos ruach, fri night meal, life cycle events program, kumzits and Layla tov. Shabbos day-

Weekly Shabbos Onegs & inspiring Davening, meal, first hand account from survivors of a hijacking! Free time, shalashudis ebbing and NCSY havdala. Sat night MURDER MYSTERY! & kumzits. Sunday closing and busses. Events

What a weekend! Fri night High School Onegs Chanukah parties for all ages and stages this week. Shabbat day: Girls grades 6

and up 2 ½ hours before

Mincha @ the Chinns Shabbat day: Boys grades 6 and up 1 ½ hours before Mincha @ the Chinns

Motzei shabbat

Avos Ubanim & Chill Zone P.S. - if you know of anyone who is not getting the full benefit of all the local programming please

contact me 609-903-6225 or [email protected]. Batya

Assorted Classes T.B.A. Baseball – Winter Siesta has begun early this year.

Boys Learning In order to keep the Shul a safe and welcoming place for all of our families to gather, we need everybody's th th cooperation and assistance. Please make sure that your children are supervised at all times. 7 -12 grade boys: Tue. CTE’s scrip shopping program is being handled by Sharon Gevertzman (443-6618). You can also purchase Nights 8-9pm scrip by contacting any one of our dealers: Clara (448-3158), Joan (448-0254), Arthur Horn (448-9358),

CTE Youth Baseball – on Barbara Jacobi (426-0654) or David Saxe (360-0662) or submit orders with payment in the shul mailbox. Let’s keep the momentum going!!! Note: to see what other scrip is available, that may not be listed on the summer break. order form, you can go to

… Leaders of Tomorrow To place your Etz Chaim leaf order, simply send or deliver your check payable to CTE for $180 to David Goldstein and email your desired inscription to [email protected]. A proof will then be generated for your approval. After approval the leaf will be inscribed and placed on the tree.

CTE, along with Shalom Torah and Shalom Heritage participate in the Life & Legacy Initiative, part of a national movement to encourage planned giving whose goal is to provide a vehicle to help maintain and grow our vibrant TR Jewish community – For many who have grown with CTE over many years, this is a perfect way to pass on our thanks and set an outstanding example of meaningful giving to children. Our collective participation and commitment to our Jewish community will also bring $5,000 incentive grants over two years! Build your Legacy – please speak with Arthur or Nora Horn, or Sam Braun.

Community Resources/Gemachs: Lending & Learning Book Gemach Alan Hoffman 443-6190

Wheelchair/Crutches/Walker Gemach Elkie Gruman 448-7114 Porta-crib & High Chair Gemach Tobi Kern 448-0158

Entertainment & Education: Books, CDs, DVDs, VHS & Audio Tapes for All Ages Bayer Family 448-6826

Remember that…  To sponsor a , please call Perry Simon at 448-8838 ([email protected]) to secure a date. Submit Kiddush form with appropriate fee 14 days prior to Kiddush date.  For a Yahrzeit/Aliyah request, please contact Zecharia (448-9816) [email protected]. A Me’Shebayrach prayer & modest donation are greatly appreciated for an aliyah honor.  To contribute to the Daf Yomi Fund, please contact Zecharia.(448-9816)  Members can order Yahrzeit plaques by contacting Debra Newman and completing the order form available on line or in shul info bin.  Donations to the Rabbi Discretionary Fund or CTE Parnossa Fund helping those in need can be left in Rabbi’s mailbox. Thank you!

If you are not receiving shul e-mails, please let us know by sending an e-mail to the shul at [email protected]

Please e-mail the shul @ [email protected] by noon Wednesday for Shabbos sheet requests. Late requests will not be accepted. Thanks! Have a great Shabbos!!