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WARGAMER's NEWSLETTER NO 187 35 P OCTOBER 1977 WARGAMER'S NEWSLETTER NO 187 35 p OCTOBER 1977 A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR THOSE WHO FIGHT BATTLES WITH MODEL SOLDIERS WARGAMER'S NEWSLETTER!!! The NEWSPAPER of the hobby! ■ ws /--%? ^ ■ IB/ m. ii^/ I'^i liiyM m IM ll! ^1' MINIATURE FIGURISES LTD 28-32 NORIHAM RO, SOUTHAMPTON. Tel:208S5 OUR SUPERB QUALITY FIGURES * * NOW AVAILABLE AT * * FULL STOCK ALL OF ALL WARGAMERS,COLLECTORS MINIFIGS AND ENTHUSIASTS WILL AND RECEIVE A WARM WELCOME SKYTREX FROM THE MANAGER PRODUCTS DAVE ROTOR PLUS AT 13 GILLINGHAM STREET BOOKS LONDON S.W.I RULES Gillingham Street GAMES P/ease note AND PERSONAL SERVICE ONLY ACCESSORIES AT THIS ADDRESS NEW! Modern AFV's: USA LVTP-7; UK FV 180 CET; FRANCE AMX-30 ARV, Heroics & Ros Figures Savieur VAB 4x4 ARC; specialists in i/300th scale GERMANy Leopard ARV; SWEDEN VK155 SPG, Pbv 302 ARC. Heroics & Ros Figures are manufactured in high-quality tin-lead alloy- NEW! Pre-coloured card cut-out Landing Craft(LCT4). Pack of 5 for 60p WORLD WAR II MICRO-AFV's German OstwindAA separately(5p) JSII locomotive {30p) ACV Dorchester M18 Hellcat PaQz«?r II B WirbelwindAA Rommel personality set JSIII Armoured wagon with ACVAEC M4A3 Sherman P:-?n2erll F Opel Blitz with Rommel, staff ISU122 T34 turret(20p) Crusader AA Mk 1 M4A3E2 Panz'jr II Flamm Opel Blitz with office body officer, despatch riders ISU152ISU 152 Flat car (10p) Crusader AA Mk2 M4A3E8 Wespe Opel Maultier softskin andandhal half-track (25p) T-26B Straight track (Bp) 2 pdr portee on Chevrolet M4A1 dozer Lynx Kubelwagen (6p) MeMel09G(12p) 10 BA-10 Curved track (8p) 6 pdr + crew M10 Panzer I IIJ Schwimmwagen (Bp) Fw190D(12p)Fw 1 9< BA-32 2 pdr+ crew M36 Panzer III M BMW + sidecar(6p) Ju87B(15p)Ju 87 £ BA-64 UNITEDKINGDOM 1 7 pdr + crew M26 Pershing Panzer I II N Bussing Nag truck Hs12£Ms 129(15p) T-70 Tetrarch 25 pdr. limber & crew M7B1 Priest StuG I I I G Raupenschlepper Ost MeBfMeBfl 110(15p) GAZ-AAA Honey 5.5 in howitzer + crew M12 155mm SP Panzer IV D SdKfz222 Me410(15p)Me 41 1 GAZ-60 Grant 7.2 in howitzer + crew M3 half track Panzer IV F1 SdKfz231 FwFw181 189(15p) JAG-12 Sherman M4A1 Bofors 40mm AA gun Tie 105mmGMC Panzer[VF2 SdKfz 234/1 DFS2:DFS230glider(15p) GAZ-67 (6p) Sherman Firefly Morris6 x4 Bofors tractor M3 75mm GMC Panzer IV H SdKfz 234/2 Puma GothaGotha' glider(25p) Katyusha on Studebaker Matilda Quad tractor Jeep (Bp) StuG IV Protz tractor MeMe163(12p) 16: Katyusha on GAZ Valentine I I Scammel tractor LVT Buffalo Jagdpanzer IV Kettenkrad (Bp) BR57BR57/ Armoured M42 45mm AT + crew Valentine IX Bedford QL Greyhound M8 Hummel SdKfz 10 LocomLocomotive (30p) M41 57mm AT + crew Archer Fbrd (Canada) 1 5cwt Studebaker 2y ton truck Nashorn SdKfz 11 ArmouredArmou wagon with M44 100 mm AT + crew Bishop truck Sherman Calliope Pan2er38(t} SdKfz 7 10.510.5CI cm in turret and 3.7 M39 76.2mm field gun + Churchill I II Chevrolet 15 cwt Weasel MarderlllSd 139 3.7 Flak on SdKfz 7 Flak(2Flak (25p) crew Churchill SBG bridgelayer Chevrolet 3 ton M4 High SpeedTractor Marder II H Flakvierling on Sd 7 Panzer 38(t> on flat car M31/37 122mm field gun Churchill AVRE (12p)(1 Zp^Bedford QL with office Dodge Weapons Carrier Hetzer Pak 35/36 + crew (20p) +crew Churchill Crocodile (12p) body DUKW Panther D Pak 38 + crew FlatcaFlat car for mine defence M38 1 52 mm howitzer + Churchill ARK (12p) Bedford OY 3 ton GS Studebaker Gasoline Panther G Pak38+crew (lOp) crew Ram Kangaroo(12p) Chevrolet PetrolTanker Truck Jagdpanther Pak 40 +crew PanzerPanzerdraisine rail patrol M31 203mm tracked Churchill Carpet Layer ScammetTank White Scout Car Tiger I E early Pak 43/41 + crew trolleytrolley howitzer + crew Deacon (12p) Transporter 3 in AT gun + crew Tiger I E late Pak 43 on cruciform trail StraighStraigf t track {8p) Russian standing artillery Scorpion Flail British kneeling 75mm Pack howitzer + Tiger II Porsche + crew CurvedCurvec track (Bp) crew separately(Bp) A9 artillerymen separately crew Tiger I I Henschal 7.62 Pak 36 (r) + crew Russian kneeling artillery AIDA10 (8p) 105mm howitzer + crew Jagdtlger 10.5 cm howitzer + crew crew separately (Bp) A13 British standing 155mm Long Tom + crew Elefant 15 cm howitzer + crew 57mm AT on Komsomlets Crusader II artillerymen separately M16SPAA Brummbaer 17 cm howitzer + crew SU76 Crusader III (Bp) American artillery crew Sturmtiger 8.8 Flak 37 + crew SU-37-1 AA Cromwell Spitfire IX (12p} standing separately (8p) Hanomag Sd 251/1B 7.5 cm G36 mountain gun USSR Komsomlets Comet Hurricane II (12p) P51D Mustang (12p) Hanomag Sd 251/1 D - BT-7 Stalinets Challenger Mosquito FB VI (15p) P47 D Thunderbolt(12p) late version 7.5 cm infantry gun T34/76B GAZ-AAA + quad AA Sherman Crab Typhoon IB (12p) P40E Kittyhawk(12p) Sd 251/10 + 3.7Pak 1 5cm inf, gun + crew T34/760 MGs Sherman DD Sd 251/16 Flamm Nebelwerfer + crew T34/85 Poltkarpov 1 -16(12p) Marmon Harrington ITALIAN Sd 251 rocket launcher Karl tracked mortar ( 1 5p) KV1 ll-2Sturmovik(12p) Humber Armoured car M13/40 Arm'd Maultier Rocket German standing gun KV2 PPe-2 Daimler Scout Car Semovente 75 Launcher crew separately (Bp) SU85 YYak-9{12p) Daimler Armoured Car USA CV L6/40 Sd250 German kneeling gun SU 100 La-5(12p)L Universal Carrier M3 Stuart Semovente 47/32 Sd 250/9 a/c crew separately (Bp) T28(12p) ^MiG-3(12p) Sexton M5 Stuart 47/32 AT gun & crew BIV Funklenpanzer Mountain gun crew T35|15p) PRussian Armoured Wasp flame-thrower M24Chaffee Fiat G50 Bis(12p) Ros Micro-AFV's and modern period micro-tanks are all NEW WWII; Hungarian Turan 1,Turan2, 10p except where marked. Italian: Ml 1/39, Fiat 626truck, Heroics Figures in 1/300th scale are 70 pence Russian:T40, T50 Light tanks per pack of 50 infantry, 20 cavalry or 6 guns. 1/300th SCALE FIGU RES 70 pence packs. MAR 10 La te Period Legionaires MODERN PERIOD MICRO-TANKS NAPOLEONIC PERIOD RUSSIAN NAPOLEONIC UNITS MFNI7 Napoleon Maisnals MRN1 Grenadiers MAR 11 Late Period Heavy Cavalry MAR12 RomanGeneralS.Tfibunes SOVIET i.et of thfpe Jaguar 11 5p) FRENCH NAPOLEONIC GUARD MRN5 Pavlov Guard MiG 23l30pi BYZANTINES T-72 Tank WiG-25Foxbai(30p) Huev Cobra gunship Harrier i 1 5pl UNITS MRN2 Jagers skirmishing Buccaneer 130p) MAS 1 Byzantine Heavy Infantry T-62 Tank S.i 7(15i)l (15pl MFN6 GienaOiers of irie Old Guard MRN3. Cuirassiers MRN6 Cossacks MA62 Byzantine Armoured Cavalry T-55Tank Su 0 i30pl Bell Iroriuois (1 5p) MFN20 Chasseurs .i Pieil o' the Guard MFN7 Horse Grenadleis MRN4 Artillery MAB3 Byzantine Heavy Cavalry T-55dojer Su t5(30p) Skyhawk 11 5p) MAB4 Byzantine Light Cavalry MFNl l Chasseui» jChPvaloMhc Guard BAVARIAN UNITS T-55 mine clearer Yak-28 l30p) F 104 Slurfighter (15p) MAB5 Byzantine Horse Archers GERMAN MFNZ Polir.h Idnrersot ih., G.iarri MGN 1 Bavarian Infantry T- lOM tank Ml 8 Hip i30pl fit Ph.-liloill(25Di MAB6 Byzantine Foot Archers Leopard A1 MFN3 FrMiiAri.ilervol ihr>Go>ir1 POLISH UNITS PT-76 licjKt tank Mi 24 Hindi! r>pl f111£t2bp) MFN9 Hcise Ahilliify of "he Guard MWN 1 Polish Infantry BARBARIANS Leopard A2 MA 1 1 Dacian Infantry (includes BMP-76(BMPU F14ATomc3l l25pl FRENCH NAPOLEONIC LINE UNITS MFN2 L.inuers Leopard A4 spearmen, rhomphiae. archers MICV USA Fi5fc,igle(25p) MFN I Line Grenadiers SPANISH NAPOLEONIC UNITS Marder MiCV MSN 1 SD.inish Musketeers etc ) BTR-40P with Swatter M50A1 tank MFN14 Fr bne Fusiliers Gepard SP AA MFN4 Volilgoeis skirmishinq MSN2 Spariish Grenadiers MA 12 Visigoihic infaninr BTR 60PB APC M60A2 tank ISRAEL MA 13 Hun Cavalry Jagdpanzer Rakete MFN16 Pf Cdrabimets MSN3 SntHiibh Musketeers sktrmishing BROM-2 APC M48A2 tank Super Sherman MSN4 Spanish Dragoons MAI4 GolhicCavalry missile carrier MFNIO Cuirassiers MA 15 Sarmaiian Caiaphracts BRDM 2 With Sagger M551 Sheridan light MFNI9 LineOragoons SECOND WORLD WAR Jagdpanzer Kanone SP MAF1 Gaulish Infantry ASU-SSSPgun tank SWEDEN MFN6 Chasseurs a Cheual of trie Line GR1 Geiman Inlamry MAF2 Gaulish Cavalry M60A1 dozer AT gun MFN12 HussJis GR2 German infantry Support UAZ 459 jeep S-iank GREECE Spz ll 2 APC MFNt3 idiiuers of the Line Weapons BM 2 1 Rocket Ml 13 APC Ikv 9 1 light tank MAGI Greek City Hopliies Sp2 l2-3APC MFN3 Fool Aflilieiy GR3 German Paratroops Launcher M113 -r lecuillessritle MAG2 Successor Phalanx MFNIbFi GunTeams GR4 German World War II cavalry 2SU-23-4SPAA Milan light AT miasile MAG 7 PhodianSlingers fVll 13 * TOW AT MFNlS Ft Wagons and Teams GR5 AlttkaXorps set of three MAG6 Cretan Archers ZSU-57 2 SPAA missile UNITED KINGDOM set of three BRITISH NAPOLEONIC UNITS 8R1 British Infantry MAG3 Greek Cavalry D-30 122mm howitzer Ml 63 Vulcan SPAA Chieftain MBN 16 Wellington & Generals BR2 Brilisli Infantry Support MAGS Successor Cavalry M730 Chaparral SPAA Centurion MBNl British infantry Weapons + crew MAG4 War Elephants MBN7 British Line Infantry Light Co. BR3 British Paratroops M55 152mm howitzer missile system Centurion AVRE FRENCH MACS Spartan Hopliies MBN 14 British Light Inlaniry BRA 8th Army M106 mortar carrier FV432APC AMX.30tank MAG9 Pefiasis + crew MBNl 5 British Light Infantry skirgnishing SRI Russsian Infantry M114 recce vehicle FV438 Swinyfire AMX-13 light tank MAG 10 Macedonian Hypaspists M 55 100mm AT gun + MBNb Highlanders Sfl2 Russian Infantry Support launcher AMX-13 + SS11 AT MAG 11 Thracian Light Cavalry crew M728 Combat MBN8 Highlanders skirmishing Weapons PERSIANS BTR-50APC Engineer Vehicle FV432 • mortal missiles M6N4 Riflemen SR4 RuSsianWorld War II cavalry MAPS Persian Immortals MI 10 SP howitzer FV432 ♦Wombat AMX-13 + HOT mis- MBN 1 7 Household Caualry USR1 United Stales Infantry BMP Paratroop APC MAP2 Persian Archers MBN2 Oraguuns USR2 United Stales Infantry Support BM-14towed rocket M107 SP howitzer FV432 -♦ Rarden sites
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