'The Music Man' Is a Family Affair
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keep this clear for address placement -- delete this box for printing Inserts. Obituaries. • Dorothy A. Hansen, 84, Sports. Linda Darwin (to selected areas) Page 8A Resop named interim • Haferman Water • Jean Marie Holm, 86, volleyball coach • Menards Dassel • The Marketplace Page 10-11A Dassel • Cokato Enterprise Dispatch Serving the communities of Dassel, Cokato and Darwin, Minnesota Friday, July 19, 2019 | Volume 135 | Number 5 | $1.50 www.DasselCokato.com Dassel City Council hears concerns from residents SARA CRONK Correspondent Dassel City Council, dur- ing Monday’s regular meeting, heard from a few members of the public. Elaine Kuester spoke on be- half of herself and her neighbors who live on Circle View Dr. She explained that when their devel- opment was put in, one part was left as a designated wetland, as well as a spot for a park. Kuester said she and her Members of the Wendroth family, in- neighbors are concerned that Dassel resident Chad Ardoff shows the council an area he cluding Kari Wendroth and her two sons, the area isn’t being mowed, and and his neighbors are concerned about during Monday’s Emmy Halstead and her mother, Heather William and Parker, as well as their Aunt that the level of standing water meeting. Pictured are Council Member Tom Weseloh, Halstead, will perform in “The Music Man.” Kathy Nelson, are in the cast of “The Music was breeding mosquitoes and Man.” Chad Ardoff , City Clerk/Treasurer Terri Boese, Mayor Ron SUBMITTED PHOTOS ticks. Chad Ardoff, who lives Hungerford, and council members Drew Carlson and James next to the area, explained to Hallquist. the council what the situation PHOTO BY SARA CRONK ‘The Music Man’ is a was. The council stated that it would have Public Works Di- Soft water at the Dassel Odds and ends rector Mitch Otten take a look at History Center In other business, the council: the water and grass situation. family affair Museum Director Carolyn • approved a revised version of Another resident, Barb Lothe, Holje presented three potential the sign ordinance unanimously expressed concern about the SUBMITTED BY ANDREA KRINKE bids to install a water softener in following a public hearing. No “Thankfully, Emmy has made many friends who deep potholes on CJ Moe Blvd. the Dassel History Center. The public comments were received. Two families from the Dassel-Cokato area are have been helping her out.” While the potholes are fi lled in current lack of softened water • approved the trade-in of a helping to fi ll a multi-generational quota of actors Wendroth family with gravel at the moment, when causes mineral build-up in the Bobcat and tractor from pub- for a production of “The Music Man,” by Buffalo it rains or there is heavy traffi c, Good friends of the Halsteads, members of the toilets and sinks, as well as in lic works for a Toolcat, which Community Theater. the gravel comes out and the pot- Wendroth family, also popped up on the cast list. the appliances. Adding soft wa- takes the place of three pieces The family-friendy musical is about family holes become dangerous, accord- Kari Wendroth plays Mrs. Paroo, Marian’s ter would increase the lifetime of of equipment. The vote was 3-1, members who live in River City, IA in 1912. ing to Lothe. She requested that mother in the show. Her son, William, plays Win- the various appliances, including with Hungerford, Weseloh and Performances will take place in the Perform- the city do something about the throp Paroo, along with son, Parker, and aunt, the dishwasher, as well as keep Hallquist in favor, and Carlson ing Arts Center at Buffalo High School Friday, potholes. Mayor Ron Hungerford Kathy Nelson, as townspeople. toilets and sinks looking cleaner. opposed. July 19; Saturday, July 20; Wednesday, July 24; stated that he would like to go Wendroth, a real estate agent and developer, The council accepted Ki- • approved a $2,436,100 Pub- Thursday, July 25; Friday, July 26; and Saturday, take a look at them himself. is a former elementary music teacher and high netico’s bid of $8,290, with the lic Facilities Authority (PFA) July 27 at 7:30 p.m.; as well as Sunday, July 21 Resident Jack Adams lodged school drama director in Litchfi eld, with exten- Dassel Area Historical Society taxable loan at an interest rate of at 2 p.m. a complaint with the city over sive acting and directing experience. splitting the cost for the instal- 1 percent for the water treatment Tickets are available at www.bctmn.org. an easement. Due to a plugged “Getting to support William and play his lation 50/50. Council mem- plant rehabilitation proposal the Halstead family storm sewer pipe on the property mother on stage in his fi rst major musical produc- bers Tom Weseloh and James city has been working on for the line between the city street and Heather Halstead of Dassel plays the lead role tion has been a gift,” Wendroth explained. “It’s Hallquist voted in favor, while past six months. The city opened his property, the city needs access of Marian Paroo in the production. In a case of been exciting to watch him look me in the eye as Council Member Drew Carlson bids in June and accepted the to his land to repair the pipe. The art imitating life, the mom of fi ve also works his character.” opposed. The bid does not in- low bid for the project. The next exit point of the pipe has eroded, part-time at the Dassel Public Library. One of Wendroth also shared the stage with Nelson, clude plumbing costs. step was to secure the PFA fund- Halstead’s daughters, 9-year-old Emmy, joins her who Wendroth describes as her biggest supporter, and the city would need to repair ing for a 20-year term. that as well. Adams said he was Nuisance ordinance onstage as a townsperson. working offstage in every capacity when she was • approved a $4,000 bid to in- Halstead did a lot of acting in her teens and directing high school productions. unhappy with the current ease- In a special meeting prior to stall an Americans with Disabil- ment, though he stated he would the regular meeting, the council early-20s, but then took a break to focus on fam- Nelson is a retired educator making her theatri- ities Act (ADA)-compliant ramp ily. Relocating to Minnesota three years ago, she cal debut a bit later in life, and she loves watching be willing to work with the city. reviewed potential updates to the to access the city council stage. The other option is for the city to city’s public nuisance ordinance. jumped back into theater, acting in several shows her family perform and making special memo- • approved Thirsty’s Tavern’s for BCT and FungusAmongus. “The Music Man” ries with them. put in a new storm sewer pipe in There will be a public hearing request to block off Atlantic Av- a different location. regarding the ordinance at the is Emmy’s fi rst musical. This production is made possible, in part, enue for Red Rooster events. The mother-daughter dynamic is also chal- through a grant from the Central Minnesota Arts Sewer plant September city council meet- • noted that due to a change ing. Some changes discussed in- lenged. “It’s hard to be both mom and perform- Board, due to legislative appropriation from the Public Works Director Mitch from the Minnesota Department cluded a limit on the number of er, because there are long periods of time I’m Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Otten asked the council for ap- of Health, the annual water ser- vehicles on a property. on stage and have to trust Emmy is going to be proval to buy lab equipment to vice connection fee that the city where she is supposed to be,” Halstead explained. get the 20-year-old sewer plant Agenda management is required to collect from each to a level where it could be used software user increased from $6.36 to this year. The equipment would City Clerk/Treasurer Ter- $9.72, beginning in 2020. cost $6,094. Otten explained ri Boese recently attended a • approved a proposal to re- that when he was hired as pub- webinar run by TownCloud. She pair the fi re suppression system lic works director, there was a recommended getting the agen- at the Dassel History Center at a discussion about using the old da management software to try cost not to exceed $1,655. plant to make sure it was still until December. The software • approved a $1,100 quote to functional. would cost $50/month. She said add pickleball lines to the tennis “This year being an excep- she believes the software would courts. tionally wet year as it has been, improve effi ciency, save paper, • approved a $30/month phone I actually need the space in the and take less employee time. stipend for Museum Director ponds before winter comes,” “The biggest thing would be if Carolyn Holje. Otten said. There would be ap- it makes it more effi cient, we can • was notifi ed of an opening proximately 17 million gallons save some money that way, too,” on the planning commission, fl owing through the sewer plant Hungerford commented. as a member has moved out of if used. The purchase was ap- Carlson asked city attorney Dassel. proved 3 to 1, with Mayor Ron Kurt Greenley to review the ser- • approved the resignation of Hungerford and council mem- vice agreement before the city Jose Almanzen from the Dassel bers Tom Weseloh and James starts using it.