swxc Tzivos Hashem Traditional Crafts & Workshops SHOFAR FACTORY SUPPLIES & RESOURCES - ORDER FORM -

Visit the Shluchim STORE CATALOG for the Traditional Jewish Crafts at JewishChildren.com

Product Price (S&H additional) Quantity Total INSTRUCTORS VIDEO (for training only, not for the public) $36 DVD  SHOFAR FACTORY  & ESROG WORKSHOP  SHOFAR FACTORY STICKERS  LULAV & ESROG $13 per 100 STICKERS POSTERS of ANIMALS WITH HORNS posters for Shofar Factory $150 THE SLIDE SHOW (120 photo slides with script) $180 COMING SOON SOUND THE GREAT SHOFAR SLIDE SHOW (45 photo slides with script) $100 COMING SOON SHOFAR HEADSET – (For volunteers) - $32 VARIABLE SPEED - REVERSIBLE HAND DRILL (0-3000 rpm)- $48

EXTRA LONG HIGH SPEED DRILL BITS 3\16 x 6 in. ( for large long shofars ) $7.50 11/64 x 6 in. ( most popular for medium size shofars ) $7.50 5\32 x 6 in. ( best for small shofars ) $7.50 CONE BIT - Titanium Coated (for making the shofar’s ) $29 EXTRA FINE CONE BIT (for fine-tuning & shaping small shofar’s mouthpiece ) $17 HAND HELD REAMER (for delicate hand adjustment of the mouthpiece ) $18 MINI HAND SAWS $7 ($12 w/4 extra blades ) DRILLING STAND ( for safer free-handed shofar drilling, clampless) $75 SAFETY WORK GLOVES ( all leather covered ) $4.50 SANDING SPONGE BLOCK - (for sanding outer body of shofar ) $3.50 MINI --- TABLE TOP SANDER w/ vacuum port (vacuum not included ) $113.5 RAM WITH RE-INSERTABLE INNER CORE (disinfected) $39 HORN WITH RE-INSERTABLE INNER CORE (disinfected) $25 SMALL GOAT HORNS (6-9 inches) $5.50 SHOFAR TIPS FOR KEY CHAINS $2.50 SURPLUS PRACTICE HORNS 10 pack (for practice only) $25 PRE-DRILLED SMALL GOAT HORNS (5-7.5 inches) $7.50 PRESENTATION QUALITY HORNS (pre-marked) $18 GEMSBOK SHOFAR (Demo : long & straight - easy to blow) $125 COW’S HORN FOR DISPLAY $25 COW’S HORN WITH RE-INSERTABLE INNER CORE (disinfected) $39 DEER HORN (medium size available) $29 EXTRA LARGE GOAT HORN (for display only ) $25 DOUBLE SHEEP HORNS (attached on cores for impressive display ) $87 TOY SHOFAR (plastic, with noisemaker) $2.75 ARMY (brass /copper ) $53 SHOFAR FACTORY LOGO CAR MAGNET $25 OUT OF STOCK Tzivos Hashem T-Shirt (Full color with TH front & Workshops logos on back ) $25 FREE w/ $200+ order

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IMPORTANT: Most orders will be ready to ship or pick up within 24 hrs. For questions visit the STORE CATALOG at JewishChildren.com or e-mail: [email protected] Phone  (718) 613-1000 Fax  718-362-1638 Address: 332 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11213