PTC Planning and Advisory Committee Meeting 25.11.20 PORTLAND TOWN COUNCIL Council Offices Three Yards Close Fortuneswell PORTLAND Dorset DT5 1JN Tel: 01305 821638 E-mail:
[email protected] 19th November 2020 Dear Councillor You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the PLANNING & HIGHWAYS ADVISORY COMMITTEE, to be held remotely by Zoom on WEDNESDAY 25TH NOVEMBER 2020 commencing at 7.00 pm, when the business set out below will be transacted. It is the Council’s intention that all meetings of the Council and its Committees be recorded aurally. Members of the public are cordially invited to join the meeting using the joining instructions below. Alternatively, members of the public can book a conference call via the Portland Town Council Office on 01305 821638. Join Zoom Meeting MkdTcnZjdz09 Meeting ID: 841 9155 6314 Passcode: 916111 One tap mobile +44 203 051 2874,,84191556314#,,,,0#,,916111# Yours faithfully, Kathryn Pearce, Town Clerk 1 PTC Planning and Advisory Committee Meeting 25.11.20 AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Declarations of interest 3. To receive a Presentation on the Housing Development at the former Royal Manor College site. Juliette Jackson from Homes England, accompanied by colleagues from Magna Housing and Dorset Council Enabling Team will give a 10-minute presentation. Councillors’ question-time will follow. 4. Minutes of the previous meeting/s To agree as a true and accurate record, the minutes of the meetings held on: a) 28th October 2020 b) 11th November 2020 5. Chairman’s Report, Minute update and matters arising since the last meeting a) 28th October 2020 b) 11th November 2020 6.