Jacqueline Wilson,Nick Sharratt | 96 pages | 21 Apr 2009 | Random House Children's Publishers UK | 9780440868576 | English | London, United Kingdom The Cat Mummy PDF Book

In she became Dame Jacqueline Wilson. Long before animal were used as religious offerings, animals in were occasionally mummified for a more personal reason—as beloved pets that were to keep the deceased company in the . I have lost my cat Iris very recently and although I have a new one, a ragdoll named Saori, Iris will never be replaced as Mabel will never be replaced by Baby. In this book Verity lives with her grandparents and dad along with their old cat, Mabel. This is my first time reading a book by Jacqueline Wilson and I have to say it was one of my best reads so far. Next, a new symbolic animal was chosen. They were complete with engravings and fluid drainage channels. Wikimedia Commons. When found in extremely large quantities, crocodile mummies, like many other sorts of animal offerings, contained only reeds or random body parts. The language is simple yet powerful whilst reading the book one can feel the emotions and feelings of each character in the book. Verity's mother died when she was a baby and although she is desperate to find out more about her mother she is terrified that the sensitive subject will upset her family. It would then be wrapped in linens. I was crying my eyes out when Verity discovered her dead cat in her wardrobe. Two main types of worship distinguished the cults—the first choosing to worship the god through mass mummified animal offerings and the second selecting a totem animal to represent the god, [4] which was mummified at the time of its . Jacqueline Wilson was born in Bath in , but spent most of her childhood in Kingston-on-Thames. Such a sad book. In , pets were commonly buried with their owners. The body was then dipped in tar and wrapped tightly with linen. Baboons also represented Thoth , the god of the moon as well as the god of wisdom. Showing If you read this in Swedish, why aren't you reviewing this in Swedish? The storyline is very sad but intriguing the more you read on. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. The writer very beautifully shows emotions of the girl and everyone else in the family during this whole process. Ancient Egyptian religion was characterized by polytheism, the belief in multiple deities. She overu As a teacher, I read a lot of children's books. Buddhist mummies . They were either positioned with their limbs folded closely to their bodies or in a sitting, lifelike position. She really doesn't mind too much about not having a mum, apart from when she goes to visit her grave, which makes her think about being in the ground with a head full of worms. This one I read as I was looking for a novel to tie in with my class's Ancient Egyptians project. A simple visual analysis of the mummies suggests that some animal mummies were treated with the same complexity as those of humans. A must- read! However, as mummification gradually became a production process, less effort was exerted in their mummification and eventually consisted simply of cloth wrappings and the application of resin, a preserving agent. The Cat Mummy Writer

I understand the idea of needing something to help explain the concept of death to them, and that everyone reacts differently, but trust me, The Cat Mummy is not the answer! One day the cat went missing and after searching for days the girl, called Verti, found the cat in her wardrobe, dead. Jul 24, Kana Haya rated it really liked it Recommends it for: mother looking for reading stuff for her kids. Usually, the head and neck of the bird were bent backwards and pressed on the body. Feb 14, Lauren Gilmour rated it did not like it. But sometimes what you see on the outside is not what you get on the inside, he said. Any child could relate to this book since it is about real life situations and feelings. I truly enjoyed reading this book and have given it to my daughter who is in Year 6 to read. I enjoyed this because I love all Jaqueline Wilson's books, I love her writing style and Nick Sharrat's illustrations are the perfect addition to her stories. The Cairo . It's short and simple, but still a lovely little book. This was also the first of her books to be illustrated by Nick Sharratt. A simple visual analysis of the mummies suggests that some animal mummies were treated with the same complexity as those of humans. Hidden categories: Webarchive template wayback links All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from August Articles needing additional references from July All articles needing additional references. In this book Verity lives with her grandparents and dad along with their old cat, Mabel. Although I would advise against reading the book to the whole class in case the subject is too close to home for some pupils, I would definitely recommend it to pupils who enjoy an amusing, down to earth text which involves some real life history facts. From the perspective of a young school girl, Wilson incorporates the raw emotions of a family who are suffering from a death many years ago. Index Major topics Glossary of artifacts. Animal mummification was common in ancient Egypt. This was book i recieved as a gift over ten years ago i think at easter from my mum. Mabel is so sweet and what happens is very sad. Egyptians treated animals with great respect, regarding them both as domestic pets and representatives of the gods. Related Articles. Though the animals were undoubtedly considered sacred, Egyptians did not worship the individual animals themselves, but rather the invisible deity believed to be present within the animal symbolizing the god. An insightful story which handles bereavement from a child's perspective very sensitively. Instead, the mummy held the partial remains of three cats, according to new findings. The crocodile was regarded as an extremely fierce animal, often used to terrify enemies during war. It was a good book for dealing with and is sad and emotional but hopefully no kids get inspired to try out the method Verity does! I love this book but make it longer pizzazz?? Now I wanna read every children's book by this author. The mummified cat is seriously messed up. Egyptians believed that the afterlife would be a continuation of this one, allowing for the transportation of items from this life to the next. Aug 26, Katerina Spinos rated it liked it Shelves: hand-me-a-tissue , 20th-century. The storyline is very sad but intriguing the more you read on. This book is ideal to have in the reading corner of the classroom or then in the school library for children to take and read in their own time. Namespaces Article Talk. Two main types of worship distinguished the cults—the first choosing to worship the god through mass mummified animal offerings and the second selecting a totem animal to represent the god, [4] which was mummified at the time of its death. More importantly, Mabel once belonged to Verity's mum--not that Verity actually ever knew her mum because she died. Understandably, this punishment frightened many Egyptians to the point that if one would happen upon a dead animal, they would flee from it as to avoid the accusation of being its killer. They have a chance to think about life and death as well. Mummification was a key part in the worshipping of these animals. Lists with This Book. My favourite book by Jacqueline Wilson The Cat Mummy Reviews

They have a chance to think about life and death as well. This is still as good as when i first read it, but now i can see the ways that this is brilliant for young readers and helping delicately deal with issues such as parental death and the death of a pet. This section does not cite any sources. The story itself does provides a golden opportunity for parents to know how children interpret complication in the reality. Therefore, votive animal mummies are the animals' souls acted as messengers between people on earth and the gods. Details if other :. Verity really loves Mabel and what she does with her then is disgusting I don't want to say what she did because I don't want to ruin it for other readers! He was relieved from mourn, and shared all the things about his wife, the mother of the little girl with his daughter. While alive, the bull would be housed in a special temple, lavishly pampered for its entire life. Related Articles. Young Adult. More expensive mummies were typically adorned with features drawn in black paint and colored glass, obsidian or rock crystal eyes. It would then be wrapped in linens. Since then Jacqueline has been on countless awards shortlists and has gone on to win many awards. Originally published on Live Science. She actually prepares the corpse by pouring salt to preserve it imagine that, with your child and an ACTUAL pet, and get an idea of how disturbed it is. Instead of worshipping every animal of a particular species, a few animal cults would select one specific animal, chosen because of its special markings, to be the totem of the particular god. The plot here sheds the light of the ability of children in seeking solution to solve problem that is unfamiliar for them. Enlarge cover. View 1 comment. May 16, Beth rated it it was ok Shelves: middle-grade , the-land-before-goodreads. During mummification, the cat bodies would be dried and filled with soil, sand or some other kind of packing material. I'm 23, and honestly? As a result of Verity's anger Mabel runs away and cannot be found anywhere. Verity's old tabby cat Mabel might not be quite as lively as she used to be and yes, she smells a bit and doesn't always make it to the litter tray on time, but she really loves her. The scans revealed that this ancient mummy was filled with some surprises. Additionally my love for cats helps here too. She feels that the only one she can speak to about her mother is her cat Mabel. In no other culture have animals been as influential in so many aspects of life, nor has any culture depicted animals so often in their artwork or writing. At the end of the book Verity comes to terms with the fact that she has to bury her cat. Scans of an ancient cat mummy revealed that the 2,year-old feline supposedly resting within the wrappings wasn't a single animal. As a teenager she started work for a magazine publishing company and then went on to work as a journalist on Jackie magazine which she was told was named after her! It was an enormous part of Egyptian culture, not only in their role as food and pets, but also for religious reasons. The story can relate to many young people who have had pets who have died and it can teach them that even though this is a sad time that they can use different ways of coping with berevement. As a teenager she started work for a magazine publishing company and then went on to work as a journalist on Jackie magazine which she was told was named af Jacqueline Wilson was born in Bath in , but spent most of her childhood in Kingston-on-Thames. Throughout the history of ancient Egypt , animals were highly respected.

The Cat Mummy Read Online

The large scale of production indicates that relatively little care and expense was involved in animal preparation compared to human mummies. These sacred animals were allowed to die a natural death unless they reached the age of 28, at which time they were killed. Most baboons were mummified with the use of plaster and buried in wooden chests. Verity's mother died when she was a baby and although she is desperate to find out more about her mother she is terrified that the sensitive subject will upset her family. In order to determine a person's admittance or denial to the afterlife, the deities would ask a series of judgment questions. As a result of Verity's anger Mabel runs away and cannot be found anywhere. This is a fiction, story book that could be recommended to children in year 5 and 6 to read. Additionally my love for cats helps here too. They have a chance to think about life and death as well. Bastet , the cat goddess, is an example of one such deity. Long before animal mummies were used as religious offerings, animals in Egypt were occasionally mummified for a more personal reason—as beloved pets that were to keep the deceased company in the afterlife. Egyptians believed that the afterlife would be a continuation of this one, allowing for the transportation of items from this life to the next. This was also the first of her books to be illustrated by Nick Sharratt. Sep 28, Shazia Hassan rated it really liked it. The presence of fats, oils, beeswax, sugar gum, petroleum bitumen, and coniferous cedar resins in animal mummies shows that the chemicals used to embalm animals were similar to those used on humans. These animal cults reached the pinnacle of popularity during the Late and Graeco-Roman Periods. In addition, thousands of cat mummies have been found at the catacombs of Saqqara. When an Apis bull died, the entire country went into . Verity feels guilty for not appreciating Mabel enough when she was alive and tries to preserve Mabel as a mummy after learning in school how the Ancient Egyptians did so with their cats. I loved this book and how they put the emotion in. In certain cases, such as the Apis bull, the animal could even be a way to communicate the desires of the god. One day the cat went missing and after searchin I really enjoyed reading this book. Live Science. It was afforded an elaborate and intricate procedures. This is my first time reading a book by Jacqueline Wilson and I have to say it was one of my best reads so far. Adolescence, however, can further build up their understanding towards complication. Artificial eyes and an artistic plaster head would be added, ensuring the bull still looked like itself. Saqqara alone is estimated to contain nearly , of these mummies and is also thought to have produced 10, mummified offerings per year. See also Prosection. Start a Wiki. Aug 26, Katerina Spinos rated it liked it Shelves: hand-me-a-tissue , 20th-century. However, as mummification gradually became a production process, less effort was exerted in their mummification and eventually consisted simply of cloth wrappings and the application of resin, a preserving agent. Want to Read saving…. Important for both adults and children. Around were uncovered at the tombs of Saqqara. That is to say, some animals were, or contained, a ba - a part of the soul that is an active agents in this world and the spiritual world. They were complete with engravings and fluid drainage channels. The group of scientists projected the internal 3D reconstruction onto the 3D-printed model of the mummy. More expensive mummies were typically adorned with features drawn in black paint and colored glass, obsidian or rock crystal eyes. Humans had been mummified consistently since the days of the early conquerors of Lower Egypt , hundreds of years before even the first non-human animal was mummified.