COMMENTARY COMMENTARY New evidence on the origin of carnivorous Thomas J. Givnish1 plants to open, infertile, moist sites, however, Department of , University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 remained unexplained until modern cost- benefit models showed that are likely to obtain an advantage in growth rela- Carnivorous plants have fascinated scientists carnivorous plants in 20 genera, 12 families, tive to noncarnivores only on such sites, and the general public since the pioneering and 5 orders of flowering plants (Table 1). where nutrients and nutrients alone limit studies of (1). No doubt Based on DNA sequence phylogenies, these growth, and where carnivory can accelerate part of their wide appeal is that carnivorous represent at least nine independent plants have turned the evolutionary tables origins of the carnivorous habit per se, and and the conversion of photo- on , consuming them as prey, with at least six independent origins of pitfall synthate to new tissue while decreasing the green predators often equipped with re- traps, five of sticky traps, two of snap traps, allocation to tissue (2, 3, 5, 6). Wet markable lures, traps, stomachs, and—in and one of lobster-pot traps. To the extent and fire can favor carnivorous plants, by mak- a few cases—extraordinary speed of move- to which molecular phylogenies have been ing N more limiting for growth while making ment. To be considered carnivorous, a plant calibrated against the ages of of other light and water less limiting (3). The wet, must be able to absorb nutrients from dead plants, these origins of carnivory appear to sandy, fireswept sites in fynbos occupied by bodies adjacent to its surfaces, obtain some have occurred between roughly 8 and 72 (6) should thus favor carnivory, advantage in growth or reproduction, and million years ago (Mya). In PNAS, Sadowski and indeed Roridula often grows in association have unequivocal adaptations for active et al. (4) contribute to our understanding with large numbers of carnivorous sundews. prey attraction, capture, and (2, of the origins of plant carnivory by describ- Roridula, however, is in other respects 3). Some carnivorous species [e.g., ing the first fossilized trap of a carnivorous highly unusual as a . Al- (butterworts), ]lackobviousattrac- plant, a fragment of a tentacled leaf pre- though its glistening, glandular tentacles tants; some rely on passive pitfalls [e.g., served in Baltic from 35 to 47 do trap large numbers of , the secre- (Australian ), Sarra- Mya, and allied to modern-day Roridula of tions are resinous rather than aqueous, and cenia (American pitcher plants)] rather than monogeneric Roridulaceae () from so cannot support the activities of digestive active traps based on sticky tentacles [e.g., South Africa. . It does not secrete proteolytic en- , (sundews)] or snap traps As with most carnivorous plants, the two zymes; several authors thus argued that [e.g., Dionaea (Venus fly-trap), living species of Roridula today grow on Roridula could not be carnivorous because (bladderworts)]; and some lack digestive open, extremely infertile, moist sites. The it could not digest prey or absorb the min- enzymes and instead depend on commensal occurrence of carnivorous plants on nutrient- erals released (7, 8). The resinous nature of microbes or larvae to break down poor substrates has been understood since Roridula secretions may be an adaptation to prey (e.g., , Darlingtonia,some Darwin showed that such plants augment the summer drought in the Mediterranean species of ). Based on these crite- their supply of mineral nutrients through climate it now occupies, in that they do not ria, today we recognize at least 583 species of prey capture. The restriction of carnivorous lose volume or stickiness during long periods of drought; the secretions also do not dissolve during winter rains (9). It turns out that cer- Table 1. Currently recognized groups of carnivorous plants tain hemipterans (Pameridea)arecapableof Family or /genera* No. of taxa negotiating the glandular of Roridula without becoming entangled; they eat the I BrocchiniaP 2 P prey immobilized by the plant, and then Bromeliaceae II 1 N from their excretions is absorbed by PaepalanthusP 1 DNDD clade Roridula (Fig. 1). This process substantially AldrovandaS, DionaeaS, DroseraT 115 augments the N supply to the plants, with Nepenthaceae NepenthesP 90 the plants obtaining 70% or more of their Drosophyllaceae DrosophyllumT 1 supply in this fashion (7, 10). The TriphyophyllumT 1 appears stabilized by nonlinear Cephalotaceae CephalotusP 1 interactions: excess densities of Pameridea Ericales RS- clade turn counterproductive as the bugs switch DarlingtoniaP, HeliamphoraP, SarraceniaP 32 to sap-sucking in the absence of prey, leading Roridulaceae RoridulaT 2 to negative impacts on Roridula and, ulti- T Byblidaceae Byblis 6 mately, on the bugs themselves (11). GenliseaL, PinguiculaT, UtriculariaS 330 PhilcoxiaT 1 Author contributions: T.J.G. wrote the paper. Taxa include all members of each genus, except for the monocot genera in order Poales, where the number of The author declares no conflict of interest. carnivorous species within the genus is listed. Independent origins of carnivory per se are indicated by boldface entries in the family/clade column. See companion article 10.1073/pnas.1414777111. *Trap types indicated by superscript: L, lobster-pot trap; P, pitfall; S, snap trap; T, sticky trap. 1Email: [email protected]. PNAS Early Edition | 1of2 been a insect egg (18). The remaining fossils considered legitimate remains of carniv- orous plants include one (now destroyed) of Byblis (Byblidaceae) from (19), and palynomorphs possibly allied with Nepenthaceae (20). The last two fragments, however, do not demonstrate that the plants to which they belonged were, in fact, carniv- orous, which makes the find by Sadowski et al. (4) particularly important. The age of the am- ber Roridula,35–47 Mya, nicely brackets the divergence between Roridula and noncarnivo- rous Actinidiaceae roughly 39 Mya, as esti- mated from a calibrated DNA phylogeny (21). This result lends credence to the age estimates based on molecular data, and to the inference from phylogenetic reconstruc- tion that early Roridulaceae were carnivorous. The identity of the fossil Roridula appears to be beyond doubt. The former occurrence of Roridula around the Baltic—whereas its pres- ent-day distribution is restricted to the Cape Fig. 1. Growth form of at Fernkloof Nature Reserve near Hermanus, showing glandular ten- FloristicProvinceofsouthwestSouthAfrica— tacles that immobilize insect prey. Close-up of leaves, showing a Pameridea bug (center) that eats immobilized prey impliesthatthisgroupwasoncefarmore and delivers nutrients to the plant via excreta. widespread. The distributions of families in the -Sarraceniaceae-Roridulaceae- Although the Roridula system is truly re- “apparent carnivorous plants,” in homage to Actinidiaceaecladesuggestthatitoriginated markable, similar kinds of complex digestive Holt’s concept of apparent (16). in southeastern or northern mutualisms may occur in other carnivorous The new fossil Roridula not only is the first South America. In the next few years, further plants. For example, bicalcarata fossil trap leaf uncovered, it is one of the very investigations of the Baltic amber might tell us provides domatia for ants, despite ants being few undoubted fossils of carnivorous plants what other plants grew in association with themostfrequentpreyofmanyNepenthes. of any kind. Archaeamphora from Chinese fossil Roridula, and thus the nature of the Givnish (5) and Hölldobler and Wilson (12) sediments 112 Mya was originally described vegetation in which fossil Roridula grew. proposed that the resident ants and plants as Sarraceniaceae, but now there is strong Based on cost-benefit models, the distribution might have a mutualistic relationship of some doubt that it was a member of that family of present-day Roridula, and the current dis- kind. In fact, the resident ant Camponotus or even a carnivorous plant; the unusual tributions of almost all other carnivorous schmitzi protects N. bicalcarata from weevils leaves may simply not have been traps (17). plants,itseemsmostunlikelythatfossil that attack their , and in addition Paleoaldrovanda, putatively a member of Dro- Roridula grew below a dense canopy of the facilitates the plant’s uptake of nutrients seraceae based on a “seed,” may actually have conifer forests that produced amber! (13).Theantscanswiminthepitcherfluid without adverse effect, retrieve large prey items, and excrete wastes into the pitcher, 1 Darwin C (1875) Insectivorous Plants (Appleton and Co., London). 11 Anderson B, Midgley JJ (2007) Density-dependent accelerating nutrient uptake; ant wastes ac- 2 Givnish TJ, Burkhardt EL, Happel RE, Weintraub JW (1984) outcomes in a digestive mutualism between carnivorous count for 42–76% of total N uptake and ants Carnivory in the bromeliad , with a cost/benefit Roridula plants and their associated hemipterans. Oecologia prolong pitcher lifetimes (13). In other sys- model for the general restriction of carnivorous plants to sunny, 152(1):115–120. moist, nutrient-poor . Am Nat 124(4):479–497. 12 Hölldobler B, Wilson EO (1990) The Ants (Springer, Berlin). tems, the prey processed by a digestive mu- 3 Ellison M, Adamec L (2011) Ecophysiological traits of terrestrial 13 Bazile V, Moran JA, Le Moguédec G, Marshall DJ, Gaume L tualist may not even be captured by the and aquatic carnivorous plants: Are the costs and benefits the same? (2012) A carnivorous plant fed by its ant symbiont: A unique multi- plant’sowntraps.Nepenthes lowii attracts Oikos 120(11):1721–1731. faceted nutritional mutualism. PLoS ONE 7(5):e36179. 14 tree shrews (Tupaia montana) to their excep- 4 Sadowski E-M, et al. (2014) Carnivorous leaves from Baltic amber. Clarke CM, et al. (2009) Tree shrew lavatories: A novel nitrogen Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 10.1073/pnas.1414777111. sequestration strategy in a tropical pitcher plant. Biol Lett 5(5): – tionally large, broad traps with secreted 5 Givnish TJ (1989) Ecology and of carnivorous plants. 632 635. 15 Grafe TU, Schöner CR, Kerth G, Junaidi A, Schöner MG (2011) A rewards, and they defecate into the pitcher Plant– Interactions, ed Abrahamson WG (McGraw-Hill, New novel resource-service mutualism between bats and pitcher plants. York), pp 243–290. while marking it as their territory. Their Biol Lett 7(3):436–439. 6 Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ (2009) Energetics and the evolution of account for 57–100% of all leaf N (14). 16 Holt RD (1977) , apparent competition, and the carnivorous plants—Darwin’s ‘most wonderful plants in the world’ structure of prey communities. Theor Popul Biol 12(2):197–229. var. elongata, with J Exp Bot 60(1):19–42. 17 Brittnacher J (2013) Phylogeny and biogeography of the 7 Ellis AG, Midgley JJ (1996) A new plant-animal mutualism involving smaller but elongate traps, provides a roost Sarraceniaceae. Carniv Plant Newsletter 42(3):99–106. for a small bat and obtains nutrients from a plant with sticky leaves and a resident hemipteran. Oecologia 18 Hermanová Z, Kvacekˇ J (2010) Late Cretaceous – its feces (15). Whether these systems are best 106(4):478 481. Palaeoaldrovanda, not of a carnivorous plant but eggs of an 8 Juniper BE, Robias RJ, Joel DM (1989) The Carnivorous Plants viewed as coprophagy or indirect forms of insect. J Natur Hist Mus (Prague) 179(9):105–118. (McGraw-Hill, New York). 19 Conran J, Christophel D (2004) A fossil Byblidaceae seed from 9 carnivory involving digestive mutualists that Voigt D, Gorb S (2010) Desiccation resistance of adhesive Eocene South Australia. Int J Plant Sci 165(4):691–694. deliver the remains of prey is worth debating. secretion in the protocarnivorous plant Roridula gorgonias as an 20 Kumar M (1995) tetrads from Palaeocene sediments of Clearly, however, both plants benefit from adaptation to periodically dry environment. Planta 232(6): Meghalaya, India: Comments on their morphology, botanical affinity 1511–1515. and geological records. Palaeobot 43(1):68–81. animals whose death results in their acquisi- 10 Anderson B, Midgley JJ (2003) Digestive mutualism, an alternative 21 Ellison AM, et al. (2012) Phylogeny and biogeography of tion of nutrients; we might consider them pathway in plant carnivory. Oikos 102(1):221–223. the carnivorous plant family Sarraceniaceae. PLoS ONE 7(6):e39291.

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