Ézfi/Srlnivasanw Company Secretary
TVS MOTOR COMPANY YV$ wee TVS Motor Company Limited Regd Ol:f JayalakslimiEslzles 29 (O'xl No8) Haddows Road, Chennai 600 006 India Tel: +910“) 28212233 Fax: +910“) 28257121 12th September 2018 BSE Limited, National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, Dalal Street, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Mumbai 400 001. Bandra (E), Mumbai 400 051. Scrip code: 532343 Scrip code: TVSMOTOR Dear Sir, Reg : Press Release - Company launches its 125cc scooter, TVS NTORQ 125 at NADA Auto Show 2018 in Nepal We enclose a Press Release regarding launch of Company’s 125cc scooter, TVS NTORQ 125 at NADA Auto Show 2018 in Nepal, for dissemination. Thanking you, Yours truly, For TVS MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED ézfi/SrlnivasanW Company Secretary Encl : a/a llosu: Factory: RBT Moo 4, llama, Hosur - 635 i053, Tamil Nadia, indie, Telephone: +91(4344)276?80 Fax: +91l4344)27601112?6016/2768781277423 Mysore Faclory: PB. No, l, Byalhahalll, Kadakola Post, Mysore ~ 5H 3H, ,Kamalaka, lndia. Telephone: f91l821i2598560/563 Fax: +91l821)2596530/533 Himachal Pradesh Factory: Bhalian Village, Nalagarh Post & Taluk. Soian Dislrlcl- 3'14 101, Himachal Pracesh, indie. Telephone: +9l(l795)220tl94 Fax: +91(1795)220496 Website : wwwllvsrnolorjn Email : coniaclus@lvgmolor.com ClN : L35921TN1992PLCO22845 PRESS RELEASE TVS Motor Company launches its 125cc scooter, TVS NTORQ 125 at NADA Auto Show 2018 in Nepal TVS NTORQ 125 boasts of TVS SmartXonnect* – making it a connected scooter Kathmandu, September 12, 2018: TVS Motor Company, a reputed manufacturer of two- wheelers and three-wheelers in the world, today, launched their 125cc connected scooter TVS NTORQ 125 at the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) Auto Show 2018 held in Kathmandu, Nepal.
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