z 01- OUtl:.NSLANO L\SRARl - JNIVfiR ·ny ,:2014- MAIN �JeaH'., \lready published in Victorian Fiction Research Guides:

1 P4-f3 I Sarah Grand

Jq�1 II Jessie Fothergill

III Edmund Yates

IV Indexes to Fiction in Time (1879-91), Murray's Magazine (1887-91), and The Quarto (1896-98)

v Indexes to Fiction in The Lady's Realm

VI Mary Cholmondeley

VII Indexes to Fiction in Tinsley's Magazine, later The Novel Review (1867-1892)

VIII Frances Cashel Hoey

IX Indexes to Fiction in Pall Mall Magazine (1893-1914)

X Indexes to Fiction in The Harmsworth Magazine, later The Magazine (1898-1915)

XI Margaret Oliphant

XII Indexes to Fiction in Cassell's Family Magazine, later Cassell's Magazine (1874-1910)

XIII Mrs Humphry Ward


Rosa Praed

Indexes to Fiction in Chambers's Edinburgh Journal

Eliza Lynn Linton

Beatrice Harraden

The Rosa Praed Papers in the Oxley Memorial Library

Ada cambridge Indexes to Fiction in Belgravia

(1867-1899) compiled by

P D Edwards, I G Sibley, and Margaret Versteeg


Victorian Viction Research Guides XIV

Department of English

University of Queensland copyright P D Edwards, I G Sibley, and Margaret Versteeg

ISBN 0 86776 235 7

ISSN 0 15 3921 !)7e,o­ Af' 4- ·�lf t1��

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Published by

Victorian Fiction Research Unit

Department of English

University of Queensland

St Lucia


Victorian Fiction Research Guides are issued by the Victorian Fiction Research Unit within the Department of English, University of Queensland.

The Unit concentrates on minor novelists active during the period from about 1860 to 1910, and on fiction published in journals during the same period. Among the writers on whom Guides are being prepared are G. D. Brown, Victoria Cross, Mary Linskill, Ethel M. Dell, Rosa N. Carey, and Sara Jeannette Duncan.

We would be interested to hear from anyone else working on any of these writers, and any information about the location of manuscript and other material would be most welcome. Since there will inevitably be gaps and errors in our published bibliographies, we would also be grateful for information about these.

The subscription for the fourth series of Victorian Fiction Research Guides (XIII-XVI) is $30 (Australian). Individual volumes cost $8. Copies of previous Guides are available at $25 per series of four titles or $7 for individual volumes.

Orders should be sent to Barbara Garlick, Department of English, and correspondence on other matters to Professor P.D. Edwards, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities), University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia 4067.


Illustration to Birds of Prey by ME Braddon (Vol 1) CONTENTS

Indexes to Fiction in Belqravia

Belqravia: Publishers and Editors iii

Introduction· l

Author Index

A Identified Authors 5

B Unidentified Authors 37

Chronological Index

A Monthly Issues 40

B Belqravia Annuals (Christmas) 77

C Belqravia Holiday Numbers (Summer) 86

Addenda and Corrigenda 92 THE SQUIRE'S VJSJT.

Illustration to Joshua Haqqard's Dauqhter by M E Braddon (Vol 29) BELGRAVIA: PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS

98 volumes Volume 1: November 1866-February 1867 Volume 98: January-April 1899


November 1866-April 1876 John Maxwell May 1876-September 1889 Chatto and Windus October 1889-March 1897 F V White and Co. April 1897-0ctober, November or December 1897 Biggs and Co. November or December 1897, or January 1898-0ctober 1898 May, Wyatt and Co. November 1898-June 1899 A F May and Co.


November 1866-Apri1 1876 M E Braddon May 1876-September 1889 (?) Andrew Chatto October 1889-June 1899 (?)


In the early 1860s the most popular and notorious new literary phenomenon was the sensation novel and its archetype was Lady Audley's Secret, by Mary Elizabeth Braddon.l First as 'The Author of Lady Audley's Secret' and later under her own name or initials (M E B), Braddon went from success to success, outraging conventional morality with her lurid tales of bigamy, murder, and arson - often perpetrated by beautiful young ladies in the politest social circles - yet also winning a measure of critical respect. It was in order to provide an additional, perhaps even more profitable channel for Braddon's copious outpourings that the publisher John Maxwell established a new monthly magazine, Belgravia, in 1867.

Braddon and Maxwell had been living in sin together since 1861, the year before Lady Audley's Secret was first published in book form,2 and Braddon had become the cornerstone of Maxwell's business as well as of his hearth. Before the beginning of their liaison he had founded a number of journals, including a weekly, The. Welcome Guest, and a monthly, Temple Bar, both of which had attracted some quite distinguished contributors and maintained quite good literary standards. Much of Braddon's earliest fiction originally appeared in these two journals, or in other Maxwell publications: the shortlived Robin Goodfellow (1861) - in which Lady Audley's Secret began, but did not complete, its first serial publication - the Halfpenny Journal (1861-5), and St. James's Magazine (1861-82). Early in 1866 Maxwell sold Temple Bar, the best and presumably the most valuable of his magazines,3 with the intention of launching a new monthly, Belgravia.

Unlike any of its predecessors Belgravia was to have Braddon not only as a contributor - its most frequent contributor - but also as editor. In 1865 Braddon and Maxwell had paid several thousand pounds for Lichfield House, Richmond, which remained their home for the rest of their lives, and this extravagance apparently necessitated the mortgaging and subsequent sale of Temple Bar to Richard Bentley and Sons. The depletion of their funds may also have had something to do with the decision to install Braddon herself as editor of Belgravia: journalists of the calibre of George Augustus Sala, Edmund Yates. and Mrs S C Hall - editors of previous Maxwell publications - didn't come cheap. 4 But Brad don and Maxwell would also have appreciated that the words 'Conducted by M.E. Braddon' on the cover of the new magazine would in themselves do much to ensure its success.

1 Belgravia does in fact seem to have achieved its highest sales during the period when it was edited by Braddon and owned by Maxwell. The records of Chatto and Windus, who bought it from Maxwell in April 1876, show that the print-run of the first issue produced by the new owners was 12,000: this presumably would have been not much more or less than the number Maxwell had been having printed just before he sold the magazine. It soon proved to be too high. After only a few months - in August 1876 - the print-run was reduced to 10,000 and thereafter it continued to fall throughout Chatto's regime: to 8,000 in June 1879, to 5,000 in August 1882, and to 4,250 in November 1884. By July 1887 it had dropped to 3,500 and it remained at between 3,000 and 3,500 until September 1889, when Chatto sold the magazine to F V White and Co.5 Sales are unlikely to have risen significantly after this date, during the last ten years of the magazine's existence.

In terms of literary quality Belgravia probably reached its peak during the first five years or so after it was acquired by Chatto and Windus. Prior to this, under Braddon's editorship (1867-76), its most notable contributors apart from Braddon herself had been writers like George Augustus Sala, Percy Fitzgerald, and Justin McCarthy: none of these is nowadays remembered as more than an interesting minor figure. But as soon as Chatto and Windus took control the works of famous Chatto authors like Charles Reade, Wilkie Collins, and Mark Twain began to appear in its pages. W H Mallock's The New Republic, one of the best social satires of the nineteenth century, was among the first novels to be serialized in Belgravia under Andrew Chatto's editorship,6 and the magazine later ran another well-known novel by Mallock, A Romance of the Nineteenth Century. 7 The best and best-known novel ever to be published in Belgravia, Hardy's The Return of the Native, was also serialized in the early years of Chatto's regime.8 James Payn, one of Chatto and Windus's stalwarts and a very popular novelist in his day, was one of the most prolific contributors during this period. Another was Nathaniel Hawthorne's son, Julian. A little later, in the first half of the 1880s, Ouida, Bret Harte, and Conan Doyle all contributed stories, and Sir and James Rice, authors of such bestsellers as Ready-Money Mortiboy and The Golden Butterfly, contributed a novel. In 1885-6 two stories by M E Braddon's son William Babington Maxwell were published, and Braddon herself made a belated appearance when her novel Mohawks was serialized in 1886-7, more than ten years after she relinquished the editorship and ceased contributing to the magazine.

Recalling Braddon may have been part of the final desperate effort by Chatto to arrest the decline in Belgravia's fortunes. At any rate, in the intervening period of two years before the sale of the magazine to F V White and Co., there were noticeably fewer contributions from famous or even well-established authors, even though sales had fallen to and stayed at their lowest level since Chatto had become editor and proprietor. Interesting new contributors around this time included Eden Phillpotts, Grant Allen, Sabine Baring-Gould, W H Stackpoole, William Le Queux, 'Q' (Arthur Quiller-Couch), and E W Hornung (the creator of Raffles): most of these still had their major successes ahead of them.

In 1886, the year in which Braddon's Mohawks began its serial run in Belgravia, Chatto also introduced a new policy of publishing only fiction in the magazine. No doubt this, too, was part of his vain attempt to increase its circulation.

Just after the sale to White, Belgravia ran a two-part story by Fergus Hume, who had already published his enormously popular novel, The Mystery of a Hansom Cab (1886), but he too was a Chatto author and contributed nothing more to Belgravia under its new ownership.9

2 During its last ten years, under the proprietorship first of White (1889-97), then, in quick succession, of Biggs and Co., May, Wyatt and Co., and A F May and Co. (1897-9),10 the magazine attracted few new contributors of note, and its literary quality deteriorated even further.

Belgravia lasted longer than nearly all the other magazines that proliferated in the 1860s as publishers strove to emulate the popularity of Smith, Elder's Cornhill Magazine. Although it rarely managed to attract the very biggest names (as the Cornhill did, and as Blackwood's, the Fortnightly, and even Tinsley's did), and although it generally fell a long way short of Blackwood's and the Cornhill in the average quality of the fiction (and verse and non-fictional prose) which it ran, it nevertheless succeeded, at least for fifteen years or so, in mustering a passable assortment of lively and readable fiction.

P D Edwards.


1 on Braddon and the sensation novel see Winifred Hughes, The Maniac in the Cellar (Princeton University Press, 1980); P D Edwards, Some Mid-Victorian Thrillers (University of Queensland Press, 1970); Sally Mitchell, The Fallen Angel (Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1981), Ch 4; Jeanne Fahnestock, 'Bigamy: the Rise and Fall of a Convention', Nineteenth-Century Fiction, 36 (June 1981): 47-71. 2 The best source of information about Braddon and Maxwell, and about the founding of Belgravia, is Robert Lee Wolff's Sensational Victorian: the Life and Fiction of Mary Elizabeth Braddon (NY: Garland, 1979). Braddon and Maxwell married in 1874, after the death of Maxwell's first wife. 3 The purchaser, Richard Bentley, paid£2,750 for Temple Bar. See Wolff, Sensational Victorian, p 453. 4 Sala and Yates had edited Temple Bar, Mrs Hall St. James's Magazine. 5 These figures, taken from a ledger in the Chatto and Windus archives, have been found for me by Mr Michael Bott, Keeper of Archives and Manuscripts, University of Reading Library (where the archives are housed). My information about the dates of purchase and disposal of Belgravia by Chatto and Windus comes from the same source. Mr Bott's assistance is gratefully acknowledged. 6 My assumption that Andrew Chatto himself edited Belgravia is based on the fact that regular contributors sent their contributions and related correspondence to him personally. A number of letters from the Chatto and Windus archives, including several about contributions to Belgravia, are held in the Australian Manuscripts Collection of the La Trobe Library, Melbourne. I thank Mr Tony Marshall, the Manuscripts Librarian, for supplying me with photocopies.

7The New Republic was serialized in volumes 29-31 (1876) and A Romance of the Nineteenth Century in volumes 43-4 (1880-1).

8The Return of the Native was serialized in volume 37 (1878-9). 9 Both Fergus Hume and E W Hornung lived for a time in Australia and began their writing careers with novels set in Australia: Hume's The Mystery of a Hansom Cab, and Hornung's A Bride from the Bush (1890) and The Boss of Taroomba (1894). 10 My authority for the magazine's changes of ownership during the period 1897-9 is J R Tye, Periodicals of the Nineties: a Checklist of Literary Periodicals Published in the British Isles at Longer than Fortnightly Intervals, 1890-1899 (Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society, 1974).


Abbreviations: A Be1qravia Annual (published at Christmas, 1867-97). H Belqravia Holiday Number (published at midsummer­ holiday time, 1876-97)


In this section are listed both authors of signed stories and other authors whose identity the editors have succeeded in tracing. The latter category includes some anonymous authors and some identified only by initials, by pseudonyms, or by their authorship of another or other works (as in the designation 'By the Author of ---').

When in doubt as to whether any piece (e.g. a semi-fictional sketch) should be counted as 'fiction' , the compilers have generally chosen to include it in the indexes.

Some non-fictional works by well-known novelists are also included.

Abell, Frank. 'Captain Brandy' s Bet.' A (1884): 120-8. 'A Fine Cellar of Wine.' A (1885): 87-[?94]. 'Her Ladyship' s Housekeeper.' A (1886): 113-22. 'Jackson.' 51 (1883): 335-43. 'Karukaya.' 57 (1885): 324-34. 'That Bore Smith.' 53 (1884): 93-100. Adams, Catherine. "'Caste".' 86 (1895): 163-77. Aide, Hamilton. 'Valerian' s Honeymoon.' 2 (1867): 169-72. Alexander, Mrs [i.e. Annie French Hector]. The Admiral's Ward. 46 (1881/2): 356-86, 481-510. 47 (1882): 100-128, 230-56, 359-84, 480-508. 48 (1882): 98-128, 230-56, 348-84, 477-508. 49 (1882/3): 101-28, 229-56, 353-83, 478-508. 50 (1893): 90-127, 231-56, 352-84. Found Wanting� 80 (1883): 1-26, 113-36, 225-50, 337-72. 81 (1893): 1-23, 113-37, 225-50, 337-74. 82 (1893): 1-23, 113-37, 225-57, 337-72. 'Our Junior Partner.' A (1872): 116-23. Allbutt, Edward. 'The Thirteenth of February.' 90 (1896): 180-97. Alden, W L. 'Roger' s Romance.' 93 (1897): 153-8. 'The Swinton Incident.' 93 (1897): 303-12. 'Zanze' s Festival.' 93 (1897): 369-77. Alexander, T P. 'Patent .No. 59, 188-.' 69 (1889): 502-6. Allan, James w. 'California Jackson.' A (1874): 89-95. Allen, Grant. 'A Family History.' 45 (1881): 158-74. 'In Strict Confidence.' A (1885): 1-[?15]. 'Mr. Pierrepont' s Repentance.' 61 (1886/7): 183-204. 'My Christmas Eve at Marzin.' A (1888): 1-[?10]. 'Professor Milliter' s Dilemma.' 56 (1885): 172-95. Allibone, Arthur. 'A Jerry Builder.' 61 (1886/7): 50-66. Althorp, Annette. 'A Strange Love Letter.' A (1884): 40-50. Andrew, F J. 'Flounder' s Quest.' 69 (1889): 491-6.

5 Anstey, F[?rank]. 'An Undergraduate's Aunt.' 49 (1882/3): 46-53. Arbuthnot, C E. 'Violet; a Story of To-Day.' 84 (1894): 195-205. Arbuthnot, E. 'Babette.' 94 (1897): 502-7. Arden, H I. 'Outwitted.' 65 (1888): 90-9. ''Tis Better to Have Loved and Lost'. 63 (1887): 240-9. Argles, Margaret Wolfe. See Hungerford, Margaret. Arkwright, Richard. 'Lord John's Bargain.' 71 (1890): 164-8. Armitt, Annie. 'Dear Heart.' 78 (1892): 408-22. 'A Difficult Choice.' 77 (1892): 264-80. 'Effie's Lodger.' 74 (1891): 296-309. 'Tenants of My Shanty.' 67 (1888/9): 41-58. Armstrong, Mrs. 'A Hostess by Proxy.' 79 (1892): 190-5. Armstrong, Florence c. 'A Genuine Sheraton.' 63 (1887): 33-47. Armstrong, Lucie H. 'Mrs. Ponsonby's Poodle.' A (1892): 50-61. 'A New Galatea.' 78 (1892): 386-97. 'A Note of Enquiry.' 82 (1893): 270-80. 'A Substitute.' A (1893): 52-8. Arnold, Edwin Lester. 'A Dreadful Night.' 84 (1894): 33-42. Arthur, Louis. 'The White Feather.' 68 (1889): 363-84, 488-508. Bacon, Captain (Royal Welch Fusiliers). '"Me and My Pal".' 14 (1871): 82-8. Baddeley, R w. 'How I Lost the Heiress.' A (1871): 22-32. 'Only a Curate.' 19 (1872/3): 529-66. 'The Stout Skater.' A (1873): 74-80. Baker, H Barton. 'Mildred Blaquaire.' A (1881): 110-28. 'An Odd Tale.' A (1883): 21-30. Baldwin, Astley H. 'An Artist's Model.' 14 (1871): 176-84. 'Brierly Grange.' A (1869): 65-73. 'A Christmas Peal.' 13 (1870/1): 302-12. 'Lost Sight Of.' 4 (1867/8): 188-207, 336-56. 'A Mysterious Lodger.' A (1870): 65-73. 'A Visitor at Sea.' 19 (1872/3): 390-6. Baly, M F. 'The Mystery of the Dover Express.' 90 (1896): 277-96. Banks, Isabella [Mrs G Linnaeus Banks]. 'Larry's Apprenticeship.' A (1872): 48-57. 'The Pride of the Corbyns.' A (1875): 64-80. 'Wraith-Haunted.' A (1868): 71-80. Bardsley, The Rev c w. 'The General.' 57 (1885): 298-313. Baring-Gould, S[abine). 'At the Y.' 53 (1884): 168-87, 291-311. 'The Blue Vase.' 62 (1887): 421-40.

'The Death of Frangois de Senac.' 61 (1886/7): 499-508. 'The Murder in the Bruder Strasse.' 61 (1886/7): 41-9. 'A Night in Hummelstein.' 63 (1887): 432-41. Barker, A E. 'Thorleigh Moat.' 28 (1875/6): 341-52. Barlow-Massicks, cA. 'T'Bonnie Lass o' t' Fells.' 84 (1894): 374-89. Barr, Robert. 'An Invitation.' 93 ( 1897): 114-27. 'A Man Fights Best in His Own Township.' H (1897): 17-37. Basil [Pseudonym of Richard Ashe King). '"For Herself".' A (1885): 59-[?78]. . The Wearing of the Green. 52 (1883/4_): 356-84, 481-508. 53 ( 1884): 101-28' 229-56' 355-84' 481-508. 54 (1884): 99-128, 225-56, 358-84, 481-507. 55 (1884/5): 103-28, 231-56. See also King, Richard Ashe.

6 Bataille, Albert. 'Elsa.' 52 (1883/4): 337-46. Battersby, Captain T Preston. 'Eurypterus Cardinis.' 68 (1889): 410-17. 'How Doctor McKeown Robbed the National Gallery.' A (1888): 24-[?36]. Battersby, Lieut Co1 T Preston. 'Waste Products.' 98 (1899): 162-8. Beattie, Mrs AS [?Beatty]. 'WhenSparrows Build.' 26 (1875): 85-108. Beattie, Flora. 'One Day Too Late!' 83 (1894): 365-92. Beatty, AS [?Mrs AS Beattie]. 'A Blue-Jacket's Peril.' A (1875): 18-23. 'Little Coo-Coo; or the Khitmutgar's Revenge.' 21 (1873): 309-40. Beaumont, Arthur. 'La Petite Blanchisseuse.' 93 (1897): 445-56. Beaumont, Averil [pseudonmym]. See Hunt, Margaret. Bede, Cuthbert. 'The Brave Girl of Glenbarr.' A (1878): 77-92. 'The Fairy-Man and the Lady of the Rock.' 34 (1877/8): 59-69. 'J. and H.; or, Rural Courtship.' A (1879): 18-21. Begbie, A H. 'The Deaf Colonel.' 93 (1897): 78-105. Bell, E H. 'A Duel and a Dupe.' 96 (1898): 71-83. Bennett, Cyril. 'The Black Ghost.' H (1889): 26-[?40]. 'The Writing on the Arm.' 67 (1888/9): 318-30. Bennett, W c. 'TheShriek.' H (1883): 82-8. 'S natched from Niagara.• H (1878): 90-[?]. Berlyn, Annie. 'The Rector's Resource.' 75 (1891): 160-7. Besant, Walter. 'The Humbling of the Memblings.' A (1882): 1-29. Besant, Walter, and Rice, James. A11 Sorts and Conditions of Men. 46 (1881/2): 257-87, 387-421. 47 (1882): 1-31, 129-59, 257-94, 385-419. 48 (1882): 1-33, 129-59, 257-84, 385-410. 49 (1882/3): 1-26, 129-54. Bettany, Jeanie Gwynne. 'Alone on the Goodwins.' H (1887): 118-28. 'Lord Merivale's Wooing.' 74 (1891): 47-60. 'My DresdenShepherdess.' 66 (1888): 323-34. 'A Mystery Indeed.' 63 (1887): 476-85. Bingham, Clifton. 'No Laughing Matter.' 68 (1889): 458-64. Bird, Clement. 'A Bachelor's Bedroom.' 62 (1887): 39-47. 'A Dangerous Friend.' 63 (1887): 360-8. 'A Police Victim.' 64 (1887/8): 332-43. 'The Wild Record of JabezSpeed.' 66 (1888): 216-29. Black, Clementina. 'Caroline.' 59 (1886): 73-99. 'Moonlight and Floods.' 53 (1884): 282-90. Black, William George. 'Presages of Approaching Ill.' 44 (1881): 103-7. Blackburne, E OWens. 'Dean swift's Ghost.• 25 (1874/5): 398-403. Blackwood, Algernon. 'A Mysterious House. • 69 (1889): 98-107. Blanchard, Sidney L. 'The Honeymoons.' 8 (1869): 426-36.

Blindloss, Harold. 'Trouble in Dahomey.' 96 (1898): 175-85. Blissett, Nellie K. 'A Gentleman of the Road.' 94 (1897): 129-36. 'Without Due Authority.' 93 (1897): 241-9. Boddington, H Olivia. 'The Terrible Night.' A (1874): 114-19. Boehm, Lise. 'His First Review.' 64 (1887/8): 188-201. 'Up the Yangtsze.' 86 (1895): 272-88. Bourke, Audrey. 'Led Captive.' 72 (1890): 265-78.

7 Bowden, H Park. 'A Subterranean Mystery.' 87 (1895): 31-46. Bowker, James. 'Eily's Ghost.' A (1875): 34-9. Boyd, Malcolm. 'Susceptible Johnnie.' 75 (1891): 255-78. Boyd, Percy. 'How I Shot My First Snipe.' 27 (1875): 533-46. 'My First Client.' 24 (1874): 230-50. Boyle, C. 'A St. Valentine's Eve.' 19 (1872/3): 485-9. Boyle, F[?rederick]. 'Dr. Gates and the Senoritas.' H (1880): 48-[?61]. 'A Scratcher.' H (1884): 85-94. Boyle, Frederick. 'Albertyne's Wooing.' 54 (1884): 342-57. 'Dream Music.' H (1878): 99-[?111]. 'A Story of the Transvaal.' 33 (1877): 439-50. Braddon, ME. Birds of Prey. 1 (1866/7): 5-33, 131-63, 257-89, 383-414. 2 (1867): 5-33, 131-62, 257-86, 383-408. 3 (1867): 5-31, 192-217, 369-82, 442-59. Bound to John Company. 6 (1868): 5-29, 163-94, 321-53, 479-506. 7 (1868/9): 69-94. [See below, p 42: note to Chronological Index, 6 (July-Oct 1868).] Charlotte's Inheritance. 5 (1868): 244-88, 416-46, 569-600. 6 (1868): 133-62, 303-19, 461-77, 585-617. 7 (1868/9): 128-63, 286-308, 421-44, 569-86. 'Christmas in Possession.' A (1868): 110-23. Circe, or Three Acts in the Life of an Artist. 2 (1867): 113-30, 235-56, 361-82. 3 (1867): 108-30, 240-56, 303-26. 'Colonel Benyon's Entanglement.' 18 (1872): 69-88, 213-27. 'At Daggers Drawn.' 1 (1866/7): 335-45. Dead-Sea Fruit. 3 (1867): 131-57, 257-87, 383-407. 4 (1867/8): 5-31, 131-57, 257-75, 383-409. 5 (1868): 5-29, 131-55, 289-314, 447-70. 6 (1868): 99-116, 265-87, 378-91. 'Dorothy's Rival.' A (1867): 98-107. 'The Dreaded Guest.' A (1871): 112-28. 'Eveline's Visitant.' 1 (1866/7): 351-8. Fenton's Quest. 11 (1870): 5-32, 133-60, 261-92, 389-416. 12 (1870): 5-32, 133-60, 261-91, 389-419. 13 (1870/l): 68-96, 197-223, 357-86, 485-507. 14 (1871): 99-117, 225-48. 'Found in the Muniment Chest.' A (1867): 1-11. 'A Good Hater.' A (1872): 58-80. 'A Great Ball and a Great Bear.' 4 (1867/8): 276-86. 'Her Last Appearance.' A (1876): 61-[?73]. Hostages to Fortune. 25 (1874/5): 5-37, 149-73, 293-316, 437-64. 26 (1875): 5-37, 149-78, 293-321, 437-67. 27 (1875): 5-31, 149-70, 293-315, 437-52. 28 (1875/6): 86-99. 'In Great Waters.' 15 (1871): 229-48. 'John Granger.' A (1870): 1-14. Joshua Haggard's Daughter. 28 (1875/6): 149-80, 293-324, 437-69. 29 (1876): 5-42, 149-73, 410-35, 551-75. 30 (1876): 10-38, 228-55, 290-311, 482-508. 31 (1876/7): 21-45, 163-88. 'Levinson's Victim.' 10 (1869/70): 329-41.

8 Lost for Love. 22 (1873/4): 5-29, 133-65, 261-84, 389-419. 23( 1874): 5-32, 133-64, 261-93, 389-417. 24 ( 1874): 5-29, 133-56, 261-82, 389-410. 25(1874/5): 132-48. The Lovels of Arden. 13 (1870/1): 389-420. 14(1871): 5-33, 131-59, 257-84, 385-408. 15(1871): 5-30, 133-63, 261-91, 481-510. 16 (1871/2): 85-131, 229-56, 357-88, 478-95. Milly Darrell. 13(1870/1): 5-26, 133-56, 261-88. Mohawks. 58 (1885/6): 257-87, 385-412. 59(1886): 1-28, 129-56, 257-89, 385-413. 60(1886): 1-30, 129-60, 257-88, 385-423. 61 (1886/7): 1-31, 129-63, 360-84. 'Mr. and Mrs. de Fontenoy.' 10 (1869/70): 447-60. 'The Mudie Classics, No. 1.' 5 (1868): 41-50, 162-75. 'My Sister Caroline.' ['Edited by M. E. Braddon']. 10 (1869/70): 479-505. 11 (1870): 101-30. 'My Wife's Promise.' A(1868): 1-11. 'My Unlucky Friend.' 10 (1869/70): 84-5.

'Old RudderfordHall.' A(l871): 1-18. ' ' 'On the Brink.' 12(1870): 324- [?356]. 'Prince Ramji Rowdedow.' A(1873): 16-23. 'The Scene-Painter's Wife.' A (1869): 1-7. 'Sebastian.' H (1876): 40- [?59]. 'The Sins of the Fathers.' 12 (1870): 484-507. 'SirHanbury's Bequest.' A(1874): 1-13. 'Sir Luke's Return.' A (1875): 1-17. 'Sir Philip's Wooing.' A (1869): 49-60. Strangers and Pilgrims. 19 (1872/3): 5-38, 149-87, 293-330, 437-75. 20 (1873): 5-35, 149-75, 277-308, 405-41. 21 (1873): 116-48, 245-68, 373-94, 512-37. 'The Splendid Stranger.' 11 (1870): 5-20. 'Too Bright to Last.' A (1870): 97-110. To the Bitter End. 16 (1871/2): 389-421. 17 (1872): 5-37, 133-68, 261-83, 405-39. 18(1872): 5-37, 149-80, 293-327, 437-84. 19 (1872/3): 117-46, 261-92. 'Three Times.' A (1872): 1-15. 'The True Story of Don Juan.' A (1868): 49-55. 'A Very Narrow Escape.' 10 (1869/70): 195-205. Bradshaw, Annie. 'A Noble Vengeance.' 56 (1885): 331-47. Bradwood, Wat. 'Bolingbroke Grinds.' 27 (1875): 130-43. 'The Lych-Gate.' A(1870): 113-9. Breslin, J William. 'The Fourth Pearl.' 95(1898): 245-81. Brodie, H[ilda] S[pottiswoode]. 'A Maori Tangi.' 78 (1892): 63-75. 'Mrs. Westerveldt's Diamonds.' 75(1891): 184-90. 'Romance of aHandsome Cab.' 76(1891): 48-55. Brooke, Geoffrey. 'The Great Jamsetjee Railway.' 54 (1881): 66-84. Brown, H v. 'The Assassin and the Child.' 69 (1889): 345-63. 'Faces in Secret.' A (1888): 107- [?] 'Why Adam Muir KilledHimself.' 68(1889): 153-63. Buckler, Alison. 'A Surgeon's Wife.' 89(1896): 64-81. Budd, Sarah Catherine. 'The Primrose League Party.' 81 (1893): 282-98. 'A Woman Who Did the Right.' 91 (1896): 337-55. Buisson, Ada. 'The Baron's Coffin.' 9 (1869): 351-71. 'The Ghost's Summons.' 4 (1867/8): 359-63. 'My Aunt's Pearl Ring.' 4 (1867/8): 56-66. 'A Story Told in a Church.' A(1867): 56-64. 'Under the Lilies.' 11 (1870): 184-95.

9 Burnand, R M. 'Life's Episodes. ' H (1893): 90-7. Burne-Jones, Philip. 'Lady Haversham's Butler. ' 93 (1897): 320-40. Burrell, Laura. 'After Much Suffering. ' 80 (1893): 268-82. Bury, Edmund. 'The Clink of Gold.' 51 (1883): 81-98. Butt, Geraldine. 'The Song and the Singer. ' 70 (1889): 80-92. Butt, K. 'Dumbleton's Victoria Cross.' 59 (1886): 56-9. 'The Story of a Button. ' A (1889): 125-8. Butt, L. 'After Five Years. ' 86 (1895): 65-71. 'A Karroo Love Story.' 90 (1896): 297-312. 'Miss Falkiner. ' 86 (1895): 405-14. Byrne, Ulick. 'An Imposter. ' 67 (1888/9): 288-302. Byrrne, E Fairfax. 'Fruit Out of Season. ' 72 (1890): 156-78. Calthorp, Annette. 'A Strange Love Letter. ' A (1884): 40-50. Cameron, Mary Lovett. 'Mrs. Robson. ' H (1886): 90-9. 'A Quakeress. ' A (1884): 106-18. See also Lovett-Cameron, Mrs H. Cane, Bevis. 'The Lifted Veil. ' A (1895): 72-84. Carew, Rachel. 'Our Vagabond Friend. ' H (1886): 72-80. Carlos-Clarke, Charles. 'A Drag-Hunt at Christmas. ' A (1869): 8-15. Carr, Mrs Comyns. 'The Last Day of Carnival. ' H (1879): 99-110. Cartwright, Mrs Edward. 'An Experiment. ' 92 (1897): 418-40. 'A Mission in Life. ' 88 (1895): 277-302. Cassilis, Ina Leon. 'A Crime or an Error?' H (1894): 84-94. 'Dr. Vyron. ' 86 (1895): 390-404. 'V'ronica Mary. ' 91 (1896): 35-58. 'The Wishing Pool. ' H (1895): 73-89. Cecil, Edward. 'The Jet Cross. ' 94 (1897): 411-20. Chalmers, Jessie. 'The Shadowy Third. ' 98 (1899): 473-8. '"Toddles". ' 69 (1889): 293-306. Chambers, Augusta. 'John Everard's Difficulties. ' 66 (1888): 171-86. Chambers, C Haddon. 'In Cold Blood. ' 60 (1886): 304-24. 'In the Night. ' 58 (1885/6): 421-45. 'An Underground Tragedy. ' 61 (1886/7): 205-18. 'The White Cat. ' 63 (1887): 292-8. Chandler, Blanche Wills. 'An Errand By Night. ' 89 (1896): 399-410. Chatterton, G G. 'A Makeshift Atonement. ' H (1894): 95-103. Cheltnam, Charles Smith. 'Christmas-Eve in a Watch-House. ' A (1868): 97-105. 'The Queen of the Realm of a Million Delights. ' 4 (1867/8): 316-26. Chilcott, R v. '"Bachelor Ben".' 29 (1876): 87-97. Childar, Catherine [?Catharine]. 'The Two Professors.' 54 (1884): 469-80. 'My Wedding Journey. ' A (1884): 93-105. Christie, Keith. 'Meg. ' A (1888): 37-[?44]. 'The Tragedy of Life. ' 69 (1889): 24-36 Clarke, Charles. 'The Chances of a Battue. ' A (1868): 82-8. Clarke, HE. 'Highly Recommended. ' 63 (1887): 486-508. Clarke, H Savile. 'The Portrait's warning. ' 4 (1867/8): 429-37. Clarke, Sheldon. 'Cicely Chrystal. ' 61 (1886/7): 32-40. Clark, Georgiana C. 'A Life Watch. ' A (1867): 113-21. Cobban, J Maclaren. 'Bewitched in Mid-Ocean. ' 45 (1881): 39-50. 'The Green Turban. ' 50 (1883): 204-21. 'John Calthorpe's Theft. ' 45 (1881): 310-33. 'The Plague-Smitten Ship. ' 43 (1880/1): 436-54. 'The Reverend James Christison's Adventure. ' 44 (1881): 171-92.

10 Coleborn, Maud. 'An Accident - Nothing More.' 95 (1898): 509-26. Collier, John T. 'My First Resurrection.' 60 (1886): 161-75. Collier, Bon Margaret. 'Poor Janey.' 94 (1897): 235-47. Collins, Wilkie. 'The Captain's Last Love.' 31 (1876/7): 257-74. 'The Duel in Herne Wood.' 34 (1877/8): 304-30. The Haunted Hotel. 35 (1878): 385-412. 36 (1878): 107-28, 129-52, 360-84, 385-411. 37 (1878/9): 110-28. Heart and Science. 48 (1882): 175-99, 312-33, 438-65. 49 (1882/3): 54-80, 168-93, 312-41, 443-74. 50 (1883): 39-69, 160-92, 298-330, 489-508. 'How I Married Him.' 46 (1881/2): 295-316. 'An Old Maid's Husband.' 61 (1886/7): 278-300. 'She Loves and Lies.' 52 (1883/4): 285-302. 'A Shocking Story.' A (1878): 1-28. 'Your Money or Your Life.' A (1881): 1-23. Conan Doyle, A. 'The Great Keinplatz Experiment.' 57 (1885): 52-65. Coniston, John. 'Who's Georgina?' 96 (1898): 84-97. Conney, Mrs. An Old Maid's Mistake. 86 (1895): 1-23, 113-36, 225-43, 337-58. 87 (1895): 1-17, 113-25, 225-47, 337-62. 88 (1895): 1-22, 113-33, 225-61, 337-65. Conway, Cregan. 'Captain Arthur Ashwell's Confession.' 65 (1888): 214-25. Coode, Helen Hoppner. 'By Act of Parliament.' A (1893): 9-51. Cook, Dutton. 'The Case of Hugh Maynard.' H (1880): 71-[?85]. 'The Duke and the Duchess.' H (1881): 38-[?55]. '"Her Last Appearance".' A (1868): 28-36. 'The Late Captain Crackenthorpe.' A (1869): 119-28. 'My Lord Belvidere.' H {1883): 112-28 'The Marquis Pellegrini.' H (1879): 32-46. 'Miss Caramel's Peril.' A {1883): 45-64. 'Monsieur Blaise.' A (1876): 47-[?60]. 'Mrs. and Miss Bellingham.' A (1881): 84-97. 'Mrs. Starkie's Trustee.' A (1882): 112-28. 'On Board the Viper.' A {1875): 40-8. 'Passages in the Life of Colonel Cusack.' H (1882): 39-58. 'The Prima Donna's Husband.' A (1879): 105-19. 'Sir William Wilkins, Knight.' A (1870): 17-28. 'Stage Jewels.' 1 (1866/7): 205-16. 'Stone's Love Affair.' 2 (1867): 82-8. 'The Transactions of the Cato Club.' A (1880): 109-21. Copleston, Mrs F. 'An Autumn Manoeuvre.' 76 (1891): 143-58. 'A Miniature Trouble.' A (1890): 30-42 'A Night of Terror; or, a Search for a Tomb.' 75 (1891): 64-76. 'A Rude Awakening.' 79 (1892): 257-68. Corelli, Marie. 'A Word About "Ouida".' 71 ( 1890): 362-71. Corfield, C s. 'The Haunted Lighthouse.' 28 (1875/6): 406-18. Corkran, Henriette. 'My First Sitter.' 58 (1885/6): 181-91. 'Three Visits.' 61 (1886/7): 449-65. Corrie, Theodora. 'Poor .Mrs. Fraser; or, in a Pirate Stronghold.' 76 (1891): 371-94. Coulton, Irene Trevena. 'Madeleine, the Fisher Girl.' H (1887): 33-44.

11 Courtenay, Edmund. 'Charlie Norman.' 14 (1871): 475-97. 15 (1871): 101-24. Crawford, Penfound. 'Ben Starling.' 85 (1894): 178-95. 'Dance No. Four.' 77 (1892): 74-82. 'A Hereditary Curse.' A (1895): 85-97. 'Sweet Pea.' 79 (1892): 165-78. 'Vanished.' A (1893): 89-98. Crawley-Boevey, sM. 'The Port House Burglary.' 97 (1898): 227-41. Cresswell, B F. 'A Psychical Experiment.' A (1887): 26-33. Cresswell, F. 'A Sacrifice.' 59 (1886): 49-55. Cresswell, M. 'Not for the Money. ' 63 ( 1887): 102-8. Creswicke, Louis. 'Only a Prescription.' 82 (1893): 62-71. 'A Whiff of Hades.' 80 (1893): 176-86. Crichton, Madeline. 'Just a Snub.' 87 (1895): 47-63. Croker, B M. Interference. 74 (1891): 1-32, 113-35, 225-48, 337-57. 75 (1891): 1-23, 113-38, 225-46, 337-54. 76 (1891): 1-16, 113-28, 225-40, 337-52. Crornrnelin, May. 'The Hall i'the Wood.' A (1896}: 70-84. Crowe, Elinor. 'The True Avouch of Mine OWn Eyes.' 91 (1896): 190-8. Crowquill, Alfred. 'Nicodemus.• A (1867): 12-17. Cumming, C F Gordon. See Gordon Cumming, C F. Curtis, E J. 'The Death Cry.' A (1874): 96-106. Cushing, Paul. 'Mary of Barlinghough.' 61 (1886/1887): 81-101. Cuthell, Mrs Edith E. 'By Rule of Thumb.' H (1896): 6-57. 'In the Camp of the Shadow of Death.' 87 (1895): 140-55. Dale, Darley. The Daughters of Job. 83 (1894): 80-112, 201-24, 314-36, 418-44. 84 (1894): 82-112, 210-24, 317-36, 424-44. 85 (1894): 89-112, 209-24, 313-36, 423-44. 'A Fog-Idyl.' 80 (1893): 424-30. 'The Prior's Cell; a Ghost Story.' 77 (1892): 296-303. 'Three Old Maids.' H (1889): 81- [?8]. Dallas, Lieut D. 'The Indiscretion of Lieut. De Montesque, Extra Aide-de-Camp.' 97 (1898): 472-512. 'A Lunch for the General.' 95 (1898): 225-40. 'The Major's Wife's Maiden Aunt.' 96 (1898): 472-92. Dal Vera, M. 'The Author of "Jessica".' A (1887): 1-24. Darcy, Byrne. 'An Episode in an Evening.' H (1883): 21-34. D'Argent, Elise. 'The Lady Maud's Walk.' 81 (1893): 190-8. Dasent, Sir George Webb. Three to one. 15 (1871): 389-431. 16 (1871/2): 5-38, 133-58, 293-322, 449-70. 17 (1872): 69-99, 213-60, 357-403, 501-44. 18 (1872): 101-47, 245-91, 389-426. Davenay, Dorothea. 'Lady Atherton's Sachet.' 64 (1887/8): 218-31. 'Who? Where? Which?.' 67 (1888/9): 209-29. Davidson, Hugh Coleman. 'Andrew Garth's Pilgrimage.' 55 (1884/5): 220-30. 'The Benaaishnee.' 56 (1885): 471-80. ·�Clear Case.' 71 (1890): 183-93. 'Panic-Stricken.' 62 (1887): 361-8. 'The Three Card Trick.' A (1885): 114-[?22]. Davies, C Maurice, MA. 'A Night in a Ghost-Chamber.' 19 (1872/3): 373-85. 'Something like a S�ance.' 24 (1874): 350-6. 'Till Death Us Do Part.' 16 (1871/2 ): 503-ll.

12 Davy, Mrs EM. 'Haunted.' 52 (1883/4): 241-7. 'An Unfortunate Jest.• 77 (1892): 394-404. Dawson, Stewart. 'A Matter of Taste. • 86 (1895): 35-60. 'Missed and Won.• 82 (1893): 154-78. Day, F Somers. • 'Pothecary's Folly.' 65 (1888): 295-302. Deane, Mary (Bathurst). 'A Cabinet Secret.' 85 (1894): 165-77. 'The Malacca Cane.• 64 (1887/8): 351-8. 'The Orange Diamond.' 68 (1889): 236-56. Dell, Reuben. 'How I Became a Novelist.' 66 (1888): 187-92. D'Elmond, Alaricus. See Morland, Charlotte E and D'Elmond, Alaricus. Derrick, Francis [p seudonym of Frances Notley]. 'Another Episode in the Life of Miss Tabitha Trenoodle.' 5 (1868): 489-98. 'The Confession of Zillah the Witch.' A (1868): 13-28. 'Episodes in the Life of Miss Tabitha Trenoodle.• 2 (1867): 305-18. 'Gatherings in Brittany.• 9 (1869): 331-42, 525-37. 'King Esar's Slave.• A (1867): 17-31. 'My Love Amy.• 1 (1866/7): 299-322. Desmond, Denis. 'Julia O'Grady.• 63 (1887): 415-31. 'Nat.' 66 (1888): 193-209, 335-49. D'Esterre-Keeling, Elsa. '"Ach!".' 65 (1888): 303-20. '"Ghastly Doesn't Describe It".' 61 (1886/7): 301-14. '"Now Lithe and Listen, Gentlemen!".' 57 (1885): 174-91. 'The Sort of Thing One Remembers.• 59 (1886): 414-27. 'Within a Stone's Throw.• 64 (1887/8): 202-17. di Christoforo, HIH Eugenie. 'The Stoning to Death of Teodoro Attardo.' 92 (1897): 152-68. Dickinson, E E. 'The Case of the Rev. Benjamin Beardmore.• 67 (1888/9): 475-80. 'An Odd Journey.• 64 (1887/8): 108-16. Dickson, F Thorold. 'Broken China.• 97 (1898): 198-200. 'Dolly Vernon's Birthday.• 98 (1899): 69-73. Ditchfield, PH. 'The Affair of the "Blue Coats".' 96 (1898): 340-6. Dixon, Gerald. 'A Brighton Delilah.' A (1879): 52-70. 'A Literary Siren.• A (1878): 106-20. 'Nipped in the Bud.' A (1877): 31-44. 'That Other Fellow!' H (1878): 75-[?89]. '"That Pretty American".' H (1879): 77-89. Dixon, M Hepworth. 'Beyond Recall.' H (1880): 30-[?47]. Dixon, Willmott. 'Only a Woman's Hand.' 90 (1896): 45-52. Dodson, Ernest. 'Sylvester's Wife.• 56 (1885): 163-71. Dolman, Frederick. 'A Briefless Barrister's Story.• 61 (1886/7): 439-48. Dowling, Richard. 'An "Agony Column" Mystery.• A (1887): 117-28. 'The Daughter of the Dark.' 38 (1879): 85-106. 'The Elba of the Thames.' 36 (1878): 83-98. 'Genius at the Hammer.' 34 (1877/8): 434-49. 'The Ghoul.' 33 (1877): 342-52. 'The Going Out of Alessandro Pozzone.• 36 (1878): 211-26. 'Her Child's Cry.• 35 (1878): 351-65. 'The Marine Binocular.• 35 (1878): 191-203. 'A Midnight Walk.' 62 (1887): 441-52. 'The Mysterious Speculator.' 34 (1877/8): 210-20. '"The Stage Waits".' 51 (1883): 487-93. 'That Night.' 34 (1877/8): 83-97. 'The Toll of Charon.• H (1878): 52-[?73].

13 Doyle, A Conan. See Conan Doyle, A. D'Oyle, Lynne C. 'Paid up to Date.' H (1889): 110-[?20]. Drewry, Edith Stewart. 'The Black Pointer.' A (1892): 29-49. 'A Californian Story.' 75 (1891): 38-48. 'Fred Alford's Partner.' A (1895): 22-7. 'The Last Boat in the Lock.' H (1895): 103-12. '"Once Too Often".' A (1893): 59-77. 'On Information Received.' A (1889): 71-83. 'Ricochet.' A (1894): 59-74. 'The Strange Office of a Pin.' H (1893): 55-90. "'That Odd Red Mark".' A (1890): 53-71. 'A Twin-Identity.' A (1891): 46-56. Drummond, Lester [?Lister]. 'Mrs. Fitzjohnson's Elopement.' 59 (1886): 341-8.

Dutton, Christie. 'Parson's Duty.' 92 (1897): 58-70. Dyan, Meg. 'Grasp the Skirts of Happy Chance.' 79 (1892): 277-97. 'Saved by the Strike.' 77 (1892): 378-94. Dyer, T F Thiselton. 'A Christmas Nightmare.' A (1880): 122-8. Earle, Elliven. 'A Salvation Lass.' 83 (1894): 274-90. Eastwood, M. 'Tzigge. A Russian Sketch.' 54 (1884): 200-9. 'Wild safing.' 55 (1884/5): 352-9. Edersheim, Ella. 'Mrs. Crupper's Diplomacy.' 62 (1887): 307-28. Ederson, Mira. 'A Dilemma on Dartmoor.' 68 (1889): 300-11. Edwardes, Charles. 'Colonel Eva. ' 78 ( 1892): 3 7 5-85. Elgrave, C. 'Estrid's Lied.' 62 (1887): 462-75. Eliot, Felix. 'A Mummy's Bequest.' 69 (1889): 474-83. Elliot, Allen. 'A Unique Instance.' 82 (1893): 392-408. Elliott, Anne. 'One, and Another.' 73 (1890): 162-73. Ellis, G Stanley. 'On Piquet.' 97 (1898): 259-65. 'Sergeant Harding's Grandfather.' 97 (1898): 112-21. Elliston, Marion. 'Father Time.' 95 (1898): 136-47. Errol, Josephine. 'At Villers-la-Montagne in '70.' 76 (1891): 410-20.

'After His Death.' 76 (1891): 395-401. 'The Death Dance.' 76 (1891): 68-82. 'Faces in the Fire.' 79 (1892): 179-90. 'The Story of Prince Ivan Ermolaitch.' 83 (1894): 39-51. 'Unknown.' H (1891): 97-112. Escott, T H S. 'Bob Kennedy's Widow-Hunt.' 12 ( 1870): 104-12. 'A Dinner with the "Jolly Old Bo:,;".' 13 (1871): 337-41. 'How the "Gadfly" Failed.' 17 (1872): 54-·68. 'A !·!adman's Story.' A ( 1867): 92-6. 'Plump for Blinker.' 23 (1874): 222-8. 'Something like a Twelfth-Night Character.' 22 (1873/4): 475-81. 'Warned in a Dream.' A (1869): 27-32. Ethridge, Leslie. 'A Ghost Story Without an End.' A (1886): 123-7. Fairbairn, Archie. 'The Captain's Cigarette Case.' H (1887): 21-32. 'In the Nick of Time.' H (1888): 70-81. Farrer, J A. 'Blue Blood.' 64 (1887/8): 117-28. Fellows, E c. 'Diamonds and Gold.' 37 (1878/9): 456-77. Fenn, George Manville. 'Atlantic Mail - First Class.' A (1870): 74-80. 'Dying by Poison.' 13 (1870/1): 342-4. 'A Lady's Pet.' 13 (1870/1): 190-6.

14 Fenn, W w. 'My Last Night in the Old Country.' A (1872): 110-15. 'Ralph Dayner's Doom.' A (1873): 89-96. 'The Red-Leather Pocket-Book.' A (1874): 65-72. 'The Secret of the Stair.' A (1875): 111-22. Fenton, Verner. '"The Gift of Life".' 96 (1898): 441-71. Ferguson, Robert. 'A Combeshire Heroine.' H (1886): 111-28. Field, Maude. 'Fulfilled.' A (1894): 107-12. Fielder-King, Ada. See King, Ada Fielder. Fiennes, Bon Mrs Nathaniel. 'The Haunted Farm House.' 90 (1896): 382-98. 'A Last Surrender.' H (1895): 6-55. 'A Perplexing Young Woman.' 80 (1893): 95-112, 203-24, 324-36, 432-44. Firth, Mrs J F B. 'Told at Midnight.' 98 (1899): 227-35. Fitzgerald, MM. 'The Home Coming.' 98 (1889): 236-42. Fitzgerald, Percy. 'The Actor's Conquest.' A (1878): 54-65. 'Blades the Clown.' A (1881): 98-109. Diana Gay. 3 (1867): 475-503. 4 (1867/8): 106-30, 236-56, 364-81, 485-505. 5 (1868): 109-30, 206-23, 362-81, 514-36. 6 (1868): 51-76, 225-52, 412-46, 544-58. "'I Cannot Marry You, My Pretty Maid!".' H (1882): 1-10. 'Is She an Heiress?' A (1880): 78-89. 'Keeping His Eyes Open.' A (1869): 85-96. 'Miss Philpotts the Beauty.' A (1879): 23-50. 'My Coal-Black Beard.' A (1877): 71-85. 'The Rideouts.' H (1880): 1-[?15]. 'Scratch the Russian-.' H (1885): 62-[?75]. 'Theodore of Corsica.' 10 (1869/70): 129-46, 259-79, 389-414. Fitz-Gerald, S J Adair. 'Four Wise Virgins.' 86 (1895): 289-96. Fitzjohn, EMTudor. 'The Two Eistedfodds.' H (1892): 43-66. Fleet, Capt Henry Louis. 'A Mystery of the West Coast of Africa.' H (1897): 1-16. Fleming, Albert. 'A Literary Venture.' 68 (1889): 312-23. Fonbanque, Albany de. 'By Cable.' H (1878): 113-[?]. 'The Case of a Pipe.' 7 (1868/9): 414-19. 'Collared.' A (1874): 22-32. 'An Enigma.' H (1881): 103-[?]. 'Fatal Jewels.' 9 (1896): 557-65. 'The Lovers of Tangle Island.' A (1873): 112-21. 'Poor James Wymper.' 17 (1872): 293-305. 'The Red Lancer.' 20 (1873): 341-58. 'Two of a Trade.• 52 (1883/4): 450-61. Forbes, Archibald. 'The American Gentleman with the Moist Eye.' 52 ( 1883/4): 222-30.

'A Costermonger's Club •. ' 10 (1869/70): 355-60. 'Disinherited by a Kilt.' A (1871): 35-41. Fortescue, Randolph. 'Palma.' 58 (1885/6): 288-302. Fowke, Frank Rede. 'Mr. Potter's Private Secretary.' 67 (1888/1889): 409-16. 'Our Water Picnic.' H ( 1888): 34-41. Francillon, R E. 'One by One.' 37 (1878/9): 129-56. Francis, Beata. 'A Drawing-Room Performance.' 28 (1875/6): 425-35. Fraser, Mrs Alexander. 'Captain Fitzroy - Plunger.' 74 (1891): 173-92.

15 ·'A Summer Idyll.' H (1890): 94-101. 'Tregarthon of the Red Hand.' 79 (1892): 150-64. 'Under the Willow.' 78 (1892): 148-58. '"'Tis Woman's Whole Existence".' A (1891): 31-45. Fraser, Fred J. 'Little Number Three.' 91 ( 1896): 356-437. French, Cecil F. 'A Romance of Belgravia.' 82 (1893): 409-15. Freshe, Justin. 'The H-- Street Affair.' 62 (1887): 494-508. Friswell, J Hain. 'A Cooperative Christmas Party.' A (1870): 42-8. Fry, EN Leigh. 'A Case for the Authors' Society.' 89 (1896): 49-63. 'A Fraudulent Authoress.' 80 (1893): 382-93. 'The Other Side of the Wall.' 85 (1894): 407-16. Gardiner, Baron. 'The Gain of Earth.' 69 (1889): 197-203. 'As It Happened.' 68 (1889): 197-203. 'A Story of a Picture.' 65 (1888): 57-64. Gaskell, G Vickars. 'A Story of the Sands.' 75 (1891): 191-200. Gautier, Judith. 'The Serpent-Flower.' 63 (1887): 299-315. Gaye, S. 'The Inkeeper of the Landes.' 96 (1898): 60-70. Geoghegan, Mary. 'Jumping to Conclusion.' 60 (1886): 219-28. 'Signifying Nothing.' 97 (1898): 50-3. Gibbon, Charles. 'All a Green Willow.' H (1897): 1-21. A Heart's Prob1em. 45 (1881): 109-28, 237-56, 367-84, 486-508. 46 (1881/2): 105-28, 235-56.

'Loving a Dream.' 51 (1883): 165-81, 364-84. 'A Man's Love.' 62 (1887): 219-55. 'One of His Inventions.' 50 (1883): 445-77. 51 (1883): 114-28.

'Only a Million.' 44 (1881): 41-62. Queen of the Meadow. 37 (1878/9): 353-84, 385-403. 38 (1879): 107-28, 129-52, 359-84, 385-411. 39 (1879): 101-28, 129-47, 365-84, 385-404. 40 (1879/80): 105-28, 251-6, 320-2.

Gibney, Somerville. 'Honour Among Thieves.' H (1892): 33-42. Gleadhill, W H. 'Love's Ironies.' 91 (1896): 59-74. Glover, Francis. 'Cartis' Folly.' 91 (1896): 155-73. Glyn, Suba1tern, The Kings own Rangers [pseudonym of Panmure Gordon]. 'With His Life.' 84 (1894): 174-88. Glynn, Coralie. 'A Dream of a Wild White Doe.' 80 (1893): 164-75. Godfrey, Elizabeth. 'Awkward for Tabitha.' 85 (1894): 262-78. Goodman, G J. 'Won by an Ear.' 66 (1888): 24-35. Gordon, Quinton. 'For the Second Time.' 81 (1893): 273-81. 'A Story of Engagements.' A (1892): 103-12. Gordon, Lieut Stewart, R N. 'Into the Unknown.' H (1897): 105-24. Gordon Cumming, C F. 'A Night of Horror.' 60 (1886): 467-71. Gordon, Panrnure. See Glyn, Suba1tern. Graeme, Roland. 'An Adventure in Girldom.' 62 (1887): 330-5. Graham, Jeffrey. 'Cui bono? or, the Story of Chloe Tenterden.' A (1877): 45-70. Graham, Winifred. 'Through the Multitude of Business.' H (1894): 52-74.

Grant, James. 'A String of Ghost Stories.' A (1872): 124-8. Grant, Olga. 'Foretold by the Cards.' 65 (1888): 447-74. 66 (1888): 59-78, 160-70.

Grant, Tritton. In the End. 92 (1897): 1-45, 113-43, 225-62, 337-58. 93 (1897): 1-18.

16 Grant, William. 'Mabella's Edith.' A (1888): 11-[?23]. Greene, Millies. 'A Cycling Courtship.' 97 (1898): 86-101. Greenhaw·, H M. 'Just in Time! ' 68 ( 1889): 339-55. Grenville-Murray, E c. 'The Candidature of Mr. Davlish.' 41 (1880): 297-302. 'Max Reineke's Great Book.' A (1880): 48-53. Grete, Stephen. 'The Wretched Rector.' A (1887): 69-81. Greville, Henri. 'The Little Russian Servant.' H (1883): 6-20. Hake, A Egmont. 'So Like the Prince.' A (1880): 102-8. Halkett, C Craigie. '"Fiddle Mad".' H (1893): 24-54. Hall, As Marshall. 'An Alpine Tragedy.' H (1887): 63-78. Hamley, E C. 'Alms and the Man.' 90 (1896): 313-18. Hancock, Marys. 'The Dreams that Fade.' 97 (1898): 513-60. 'Life's Possibilities.' 90 (1896): 198-206. 'Mere Angele.' 86 (1895): 297-304. 'The Mouse-Tower on the Tyne.' 81 (1893): 384-95. 'Phil.' 78 (1892): 271-98. 'Poppies.' 88 (1895): 74-82. 'A Sunset at Lugarno.' 97 (1898): 54-61. 'A White Sister.' 85 (1894): 288-93. Hankin, St John E c. 'The Counsel of Myronides.' 82 (1893): 193-203. Hannan, Charles. 'Moxon's Theatre Royal.' A (1886): 52-66. 'The Secret Society.' 59 (1886): 444-59. Hardcastle, Mark [pseudonym of Mary Cecil Hay]. 'In Sir Rupert's Room.' A (1871): 50-8. 'Mrs. Duncan's Will.' A (1872): 102-9. 'One Summer Month.' 15 (1871): 197-212, 326-41. See also Hay, Mary Cecil. Harcourt, Alfred. 'Lady Hartwell's Jade Ornament.' 63 (1887): 48-60. Hardie, M B. '"Happen and Chance".' 95 (1898): 527-59. Hardy, Iza Duffus [Lady Duffus Hardy]. 'Beatrice Latrobe.' H (1891): 1-29. 'Dr. Kenrick's Great Secret.' H (1890): 48-70. 'For Marjorie's Sake.' 74 (1891): 373-99. 'Her Fate.' 71 (1890): 32-46. 'Jeanne Z�phir's Lovers.' 75 (1891): 366-80. 'A Lost Bride.' A (1890): 15-29. 'One Christmas Eve.' A (1889): 84-109. 'The Schoolmistress of Morton Mills.' A (1891): 83-112. A Woman's Loyalty. 77 (1892): 83-112, 119-24, 316-36, 418-44. 78 (1892): 92-112, 204-24, 317-36, 428-44. 79 (1892): 95-112, 207-24, 317-36, 421-44. Hardy, Lucy. 'That Delightful Stranger.' A (1896): 95-112. Hardy, Thomas. The Return of the Native. 34 (1877/8): 257-87, 481-508. 35 (1878): 1-27, 230-55, 257-81, 480-508. 36 (1878): 1-29, 228-56, 257-81, 484-508. 37 (1878/9): 1-26, 225-56. Harling, E. 'Freddy Elwyn's Wife.' 94 (1897): 209-22. 'The Pitiful History of Gertrude.' 94 (1897): 479-92. 'Red and Black.' 94 (1897): 353-63. 'A Sea-Fish in the River.' 95 (1898): 439-44. Harmer, Ernest C. 'Professor Bommsenn's Germs.' 64 (1887/8): 324-31.

17 L

Harold-Harrison, B. 'Two Clever People.' 76 (1891): 256-88. Harraden, Beatrice. 'Child Ciss.' A (1885): 124-[?9]. 'My Fatal Visit to an Editor.' A (1887): 82-91. 'A Painter's Love.' A (1886): 22-35. 'The Violin's Voice.' 49 (1882/3): 475-7. 'What Was His Motive?' 70 (1889): 177-85. Harris, Ada L. 'The Surrender of Joshua.' 97 (1898): 41-9. Harris, Mary Kernahan. 'The Professor's Problem.' 69 (1889): 179-96. 'The Singular Dilemma of Mr. John Westbrook.' 62 (1887): 275-95. Harte, Bret. 'Found at Blazing Star.' 47 (1882): 46-60, 172-84. 'A Gentleman of La Porte.' 42 (1880): 50-9. 'An Heiress of Red Dog.' 37 (1878/9): 321-33. 'Peter Schroeder.' 40 (1879/80): 42-55. '"A Tourist from Injianny".' 36 (1878): 424-31. Hartley, Mrs. 'Chantry Manor-House.' 28 (1875/6): 368-79. Harwood, John Berwick. 'An Awkward Mistake.' 2 (1867): 443-54. 'Christmas-Eve.' A (1872): 33-41. 'How My Debts Were Paid.' 2 (1867): 182-92. 'The Ice-Gorge.' A (1875): 92-6. 'On Leave.' 5 (1868): 333-49. 'The Servant's Hall.' 19 (1872/3): 331-9. Hatton, Joseph. 'The Hospital Mistletoe.' 13 (1870/1): 289-92. 'A Midnight Adventure.' A (1873): 122-7. 'Village Tyrants.' 21 (1873): 5-24, 196-215. Havilland, Saumarez de. 'A Day and a Night.' 65 (1888): 154-64. 'The Message from the Desert.' 68 (1889): 63-78, 188-206. 'My Luncheon Party.' H (1889): 41-[?64]. 'Strange Clients.' 65 (1888): 409-23. 'A Ten-Rupee Fortune.' 67 (1888/9): 36-40. '"That Heliograph!".' H (1892): 67-93. 'When Doctors Differ ---.• H (1888): 43-60. Haweis, ME [Mrs H R Haweis]. 'Ready Money.' 56 (1885): 80-7. 'Words from the Underworld.' 61 (1886/7): 466-80. Hawthorne, Julian. 'An Automatic Enigma.' 35 (1878): 294-306. The Countess Felicita's Discovery. 44 (1881): 424-45. 45 (1881): 64-89. 'Dr. Carajo's Patient.' A (1882): 81-93. Kildhurm's oak. 41 (1880): 333-53, 454-73. 42 (1880): 75-83, 191-206. Love - or a Name. 56 (1885): 209-23, 316-30, 441-56. 57 (1885): 66-79, 205-17, 335-51, 462-80. 58 (1885/6): 71-85, 197-212. 'A Lover in Spite of Himself.' 40 (1879/80): 299-310, 420-33. Miss Cadogna. 55 (1884/5): 37-61, 159-84, 315-37, 429-46. 'My Friend Paton.' 51 (1883): 294-308. 'Prince Saroni's Wife.' A (1880): 18-47. 'A Strange Friend.' 53 (1884): 326-43, 418-41. Hay, Charles w. 'Told By a Comprador.• A (1872): 97-101. Hay, Mary Cecil. 'By and By.' 29 (1876): 60-7. 'By a Leap.' H (1876): 66-[?75].

18 'A Father's Story.' 26 (1875): 497-515. 'How I Wrote a Novel.' 28 (1875/6): 360-7. 'Kate's Engagement.' 20 (1873): 373-92. 'Notes from a German Band.' 25 (1874/5): 484-500. 'Ploughed by Moments.' A (1875): 104-10. 'Through the Breakers.' 22 (1873/4): 453-64. 'Under Life's Key.' 28 (1875/6): 5-28, 228-40. '"Well Done!"' 23 (1874): 117-32. See also Hardcastle, Mark. Hayes, A A. 'The Denver Express.' 52 (1883/4): 311-30. 'On the Mule-Shoe Curve.' 59 (1886): 157-65. 'A Passenger from Shanghai.' 56 (1885): 461-70. 'Two "Pards". ' 51 (1883): 344-61. Haynes, Lily. '"Dook".' 69 (1889): 232-8. Hayward, R. 'A Queer Patron.' 68 (1889): 418-25. Heathcote, AM. 'A Dark Dress-Wig.' 65: 192-201. '"We Villains".' 64 (1887/8): 38-50. Hector, Annie French. See Alexander, Mrs. Heddle, Ethel F. 'A Month in theLatin Quarter.' 92 (1897): 144-51. Heins, Edward. 'The Ards House Mystery.' A (1888): 83-[?96]. Henderson, Gertrude R[osalie]. 'Chivalry's Pearl.' H (1889): 121-[?]. 'Sally'sLovers.' 63 (1887): 87-101. 'That Awful Cuckoo-Clock.' A (1886): 75-95. Henry, Eva M. 'The Curse of the Vasartas.' H (1889): 1-[?13]. '"Gideon's Fleece".' 71 (1890): 282-9. 'TheLast Links.' 67 (1888/9): 205-8. 'My Secret.' 65 (1888): 185-91. 'Paul and the Trespasser.' 73 (1890): 265-79, 386-408. 'Silence.' 79 (1892): 77-85. 'TooLate!' A (1888): 97-[?106]. Henty, EA. 'Miss Massareene's Ghost.' 64 (1887/8): 453-70. 'My Terrible Night in Malta.' H (1887): 105-16. Herbertson, Mallard. 'The Paraschites. ' 69 (1889) : 77-87. Herries, Violet. 'A Thief in the Night.' 69 (1889): 159-76. Hervey, Charles. 'Wanted - a Tenor.' 65 (1888): 441-6. Hess-Kaye, E. 'Eastward Ho!' 72 (1890): 68-81. Hildyard, D'Arcy. 'The Russian Spy.' 90 (1896): 75-82. 'Verra, the Opera Dancer.' 71 (1890): 290-300. Hills, Katharine F. 'City and Suburban.' 92 (1897): 212-24. 'A Victim of Circumstances.' 88 (1895): 303-22. Hincks, Nellie. 'Dinah's Adventure.' A (1887): 104-16. · Hind, CLewis. 'The Mary Stuart Drawings.' 68 (1889): 115-28. 'Parson Sal.' 66 (1888): 36-48. 'Told by Professor Pearce.' 62 (1887): 345-60. Hine, Charles. 'An Indian Storm.' H (1886): 100-10. Hitchman, J Francis. 'Country Newspapers.' 4 (1868): 178-87. Hoare, Ratcliff. 'What the Moon Revealed.' 96 (1898): 235-44. Hoey, Mrs [Frances] Cashel. 'The Brown Lady.' 8 (1869): 53-69, 197-219. The Lover's Creed. 52 (1883/4): 257-84, 385-411. 53 (1884): 1-33, 129-62, 257-81, 385-409. 54 (1884): 1-24, 129-51, 257-82, 385-416. 55 (1884/5): 1-29, 129-54. Hohler, Venetia. '"Hengler's" or "Prince's"?' 94 (1897): 113-20. Holdsworth, Annie E. 'Faulkner's Inheritance.' 62 (1887): 194-204. 'A Study in Oak.' 60 (1886): 289-303. 'An Unredeemed Pledge.' 64 (1887/8): 163-78.

19 Holland, Clive. 'The Madness of Gabrielle Rousillon.' 80 (1893): 310-23. Holland, Mark. 'The Cad.' 87 (1895) : 370-88. Holmes, George. 'Captain Dawson's Last Love Affair.' 62 (1887): 63-83. '"Miss Unapproachable".' 66 (1888): 289-310. Honnywill, W Keppel. 'Gladys Grey.' 87 (1895): 307-17. 'Hugh Holroyd.' 83 (1894): 300-13. Hood, Tom. 'How I Won Polly and a Postmastership.' 1 (1866/7): 324-31. Hopkins, Annie G. 'Lady Brockden's Niece.' 92 (1897): 97-112. 'My Dead Wife.' 69 (1889): 317-32. 'Stronger than Death.' 76 (1891): 174-99. 'The Woman with the Icy Hand.' 68 (1889): 444-57. Hopper, Nora. 'The Nine Days' Queen.' A (1896): 85-95. Hornung, Ernest w. 'A Spoilt Negative.' 65 (1888): 76-89. 'The Stroke of Five.' 64 (1887/8): 70-81. Howden, FA. 'At the Dawning.' H (1897): 97-104. Hubbard, W F. 'The Last of the Vauriens.' 62 (1887): 153-62. 'That Unscrupulous Pitt.' 64 (1887/8): 414-24. Huddleston, Kathleen. 'The Colonel's Wooing.' 82 (1893): 301-11. Hudson, J. 'The Detective Who Failed.' 87 (1895): 64-70. Hughes, Annie. 'Why?' 71 (1890): 372-82. Hughes, Frances E. 'Storm-Test.' H (1886): 55-71. Hullah, Mary E. 'Dolores.' 55 (1884/5): 307-14. 'He and She.' 63 (1887): 178-87. Hume, Fergus. 'Professor Brankel's Secret.' 70 (1889): 93-112, 202-22. Humphreys, Eliza Margaret, nee Gollan. See Rita. Hungerford, Margaret [nae Margaret Wolfe Argles]. Apri1's Lady. 71 (1890): 1-19, 113-29, 225-42, 337-61. 72 (1890): 1-27, 113-35, 225-47, 337-69. 73 (1890): 1-40, 113-49, 225-55, 337-74. 'The Baby.' A (1878): 29-43. 'The Dilemma.' H (1878): 24-[?39]. 'In an Evil Hour.' 62 (1887): 176-93. Peter's Wife. 83 (1894): 1-24, 113-37, 225-52, 337-57. 84 (1894): 1-21, 113-45, 225-63, 337-68. 85 (1894): 1-26, 113-44, 225-50, 337-78. '"Their Last Resource".' 61 (1886/7): 345-59. Undercurrents. 64 (1887/8): 257-83, 385-413. 65 (1888): 1-23, 129-53, 257-81, 385-407. 66 (1888): 1-23, 129-49, 257-80, 385-407. 67 (1888/9): 1-21, 129-51. '"What a Mad World It Is, My Masters!".' H (1879): 111-24. 'Zara.' A (1883): 102-11. Hunt, Margaret [Mrs Alfred W Hunt]. 'At the "Pothick".' 61 (1886/7): 315-30. The Leaden Casket. 40 (1879/80): 353-84, 476-508. 41 (1880): 100-27, 228-56, 354-84, 483-508. 42 (1880): 94-128, 224-55, 356-84, 478-508. 43 (1880/1): 99-128, 227-55. 'Reading for Honours.• 61 (1886/7): 481-98. "'Rigged with Curses Dark".' 43 (1880/1): 297-310. 'The Shutes of Sheffield.' 51 (1883): 193-202.

20 That Other Person. 58 (1885/6): 357-84, 477-508. 59 (1886): 100-28, 227-56, 356-84, 480-508. 60 (1886): 100-28, 229-56, 355-83, 480-508. 61 (1886/7): 102-23, 227-56. 'Truth Triumphant.' 50 (1883): 423-43. Hunt, Violet. 'My Lady.' H ( 1880): 128-[? ]. Hunting, J D. 'A Summer Hotel "Fate".' 66 (1888): 408-19. Ingersoll, Jack. 'Jack of Diamonds.' 57 (1885): 427-30. Irving, Edward A. 'Afraid of the Dark.' 67 (1888/9): 59-67. Jackson, Henry. 'Sea-Bank Farm.' 27 (1875): 69-99, 261-90.

Jackson, J M. 'A Year and a Day.' H ( 1889): 89-[?97] • Jackson, Lady. 'Lend Me a Florin.' 10 (1869/70): 533-40. Jackson, Louey. 'In Passion's Wake.' 85 (1894): 41-53. 'In the Preacher's Heart.' 90 (1896): 53�63. 'Robin Hood.' 81 (1893): 311-20. Jaques, Mary. 'The Course of True Love.' 67 (1888/9): 364-9. Jameson, William. 'As Before.' 54 (1884): 211-24. 'A Dreadful Case.' 43 (1880/1): 346-60. Jamieson, W J. 'A Terrible Impasse.' H (1895): 90-102. Jay, Harriett. 'An Irish Idyll.' 38 (1879): 199-206. Jenkins, C Carlyon. 'The Use of Friends.' 87 (1895): 156-88. Jerome, J T. 'Mea Culpa!' 58 (1885/6): 319-38. Johnstone, D Lawson. 'The Mystery of Herbert Mylne.' 67 (1888/9): 68-78. Jocelyn, Mrs Robert. Drawn Blank. 74 (1891): 97-112, 203-24, 310-36, 423-44. 75 (1891): 86-112, 201-24, 306-36, 431-44. 76 (1891): 93-112, 200-24, 322-36, 421-44. 'My Princess Naomi.' A (1889): 110-25. 'The Warneford Abbey Ghost.' H (1890): 87-93. Judd, AM. 'A Bitter Expiation.' 88 (1895): 149-68. A Daughter of Lilith. 97 (1898): 131-64, 335-62, 436-71. 98 (1899): 74-105, 183-216, 296-333, 433-64. 'The "Grey Men" of Kunharva.' 97 (1898): 1-40. Keeling, Elsa d'Esterre. See D'Esterre-Kee1ing, Elsa. Keene, John H. 'How I Caught My First Thames Trout.• H (1879): 66-74. Kendrick, Winston. 'Bessie Gray.' 93 (1897): 52-67. 'Bunchie.' A (1895): 28-57. 'Father Time.' 95 (1898): 97-111. 'Little Mrs. Fitz.' 94 (1897): 66-86. 'The Pearl of Pevynsy.' 92 (1897): 80-96. 'Yellow Gold.' 95 (1898): 97-111. Kennard, Mrs Edward. 'A Cruel Problem.' A (1889): 59-70. 'My Christmas Dinner.• A (1892): 21-8. Kent, Philip. 'The Last Feoffee.' 57 (1885): 218-27. Kernahan, Coulson. 'At the Dead Man's Door.' 63 (1887): 117-28. 'In the White Moon's Mystery.' 59 (1886): 290-8. 'A Strange Refusal.' A (1885): 79-[?86]. 'Wrought by a Stranger.' 57 (1885): 97-104. Kersey, Edward. 'A Modern Dilemma, ' 66 (1888): .468-84. 'A Romance of a Public Library.' 68 (1889): 35-49. Kespa, H W. 'An Improbable Story.' 77 ( 1892): 172-85. King, Ada Fielder. '"His OWn Counsel".' 81 (1893): 257-72. 'It Was Too Good to Be.' 79 (1892): 362-74. 'A Retrospect.' 76 Jl891): 35-47.

21 King, Katharine. Hugh Me1ton. 26 (1875): 261-92, 405-36, 545-73. 27 (1875): 117-29. King, Richard Ashe. 'A Coalstrike Romance.' 83 (1894): 148-58. Passion's S1ave. 67 (1888/9): 257-87, 385-408. 68 (1889): 1-23, 129-52, 257-81, 385-409. 69 (1889): 1-23, 129-58, 257-82, 385-414. 70 (1889): 1-26, 113-38. See also under Basil. Kingscote, Evelyn. 'Two Sisters of One Race.' 74 (1891): 148-71. Kingsley, Henry. 'The Mystery of St. Remi.' H (1877): 1-[?21). 'Our suspicious Neighbours.' 29 (1876): 217-37. Kitten, E E. 'His Enemy.' 90 (1896): 399-413. Knatchbull-Hugessen, LK. 'Aunt Dunk.' 20 (1873): 101-36. 'The Dumberdene.' 20 (1873): 513-34. Knollys, B s. '"A Guilded Grief".' 75 (1891): 397-413. 'Jill.' 80 (1893): 48-56. 'The Lion and the Mouse.' 75 (1891): 77-85. Kruger, Charles. 'Granny Moore's Mistake.' 55 (1884/5): 474-83. 'Tim of Royston Village.' H (1884): 118-28. Lacey, W J. 'A Clever Capture.' 67 (1888/9): 481-91. 'A Duplicate Wooing.' A (1887): 92-103. 'A Game of Quits.' 65 (1888): 65-75. Laing-Meason, Malcolm. 'How We "Floated" the Trixie Gold Mine Company (Limited).' 60 (1886): 44-56. Lake, Barbara. A Cornish Maid. 81 (1893): 92-112, 207-24, 321-36, 428-44. 82 (1893): 102-12, 214-24. Lambert, George. St. Phi1ip's-on-the-Sea. 95 (1898): 193-219, 321-57, 449-88. 96 (1898): 1-42, 129-62, 257-98, 385-415. Lamont, EN. 'Old Major Curtis.' 15 (1871): 166-77. Landers, J. 'Old Turcan's Wife.' A (1888): 46-[?76). Lanham, Wm E. 'The Strange Case of Thomas Blakewitch.' 89 (1896): 178-91. Lanyon, Oscar. 'Below the Weir.' 63 (1887): 225-39. 'Knights of the Road.' 67 (1888/9): 185-204. Lawson, J. '"Stop Thief!"' H (1889): 98-[ ?109). Layard, F L. 'Mad Morden.' A (1886): 96-112. Le Fanu, J S. The Haunted Baronet. 12 (1870): 69-88, 229-51, 357-78, 453-75. 13 (1870/1): 102-20. 'The Haunted House in Westminster.' 16 (1871/2): 261-85. 'Laura Silver Bell.' A (1871): 33-40. Leigh, Anthony. 'In Queer Company.' 22 (1873/4): 339-50. Leigh, Cecil. 'Mrs. Fernie's Temptation.' A (1896): 35-46. Le Queux, William. 'Bab-el-Hawiyat.' 94 (1897): 1-8. Lester, H F. 'My Host.' H (1885): 39-[?47). 'London's Peril.' 51 (1883): 29-42. 'A Mysterious Disappearance.• 60 (1886): 437-49. 'Who Cut the Wires?' H (1884): 57-65. Levy, Amy. 'Addenbrooke.' 68 (1889): 24-34. Lewis, Angelo J. 'Little Miss Brown.' H (1876): 104-[?). 'My Big Fish.' 53 (1884): 218-28. 'The Mysteries of Mulberry House.' H (1885): 115-[?). 'Witness Our Hands.' 57 (1885): 352-7. Leyland, John. 'The Great Cryptogram of Mr. Orlando Tappleby.' 64 (1887/8): 425-37. Leys, John K. 'Lord Dunciman's Dilemma.' 66 (1888): 150-9. 'My First Brief.' 69 (1889): 439-73.

22 Lilburn, John. 'A Fast Day.' 52 (1883/4): 231-40. Lindsay, Muriel c. 'The Avenger.' 93 (1897): 37-51. 'Eustace Holte.' 97 (1898): 67-81. Lindsey, Faustina. 'A Terrible Piece of Nonsense.' 77 (1892): 150-71. Lloyd, [Mrs] J Sale. 'From the Coal Mine to the Coal Scuttle.' 79 (1892): 411-20. 'Little Snowflake.' A (1890) 72-86. 'A Strange Little Story.' 74 (1891): 280-3. 'A Tale From St. Maryville.' H (1891): 80-96. 'Written in Golden Sand.' H (1892): 17-32. Lloyd, Mabel Freund. 'The Fourtheenth Guest.' 92 (1897): 297-311. Lockhart, A. 'Our Croquet Campaign.' 27 (1875): 107-14. Lomax, J Acton. 'Miss Poole's Blunder.' 69 (1889): 484-9. Lorinda, C. 'Advertise.' 89 (1896): 411-17. Louis, Arthur. The White Feather. 68 (1889): 363-84, 488-508. 69 (1889): 108-27, 239-55, 364-84. Lovett-Cameron, Mrs H Juliet. 29 (1876): 293-315, 447-72. 30 (1876): 103-28, 153-76, 361-84, 411-33. 31 (1876/7): 105-28, 229-56, 360-84, 484-507. 32 (1877): 105-28, 242-56. A Lover's Secret. 71 (1890): 81-111, 194-224, 306-36, 424-48. 72 (1890): 82-112, 198-224, 317-34, 413-44. 73 (1890): 74-111, 196-223, 303-36, 415-44. See also Cameron, Mary Lovett.

Lucas, Reginald. 'Two Brothers. • 78 ( 1892): 45-58. Lucy, Henry w. 'The Cobledick Tragedy.' A (1881): 67-73. 'The Colonel.' A (1880): 55-67. 'From the Chapel Roof.' 38 (1879): 322-31.

'The Little Smallware Shop. • 41 (1880): 434-40. The Miller's Niece. 45 (1881): 449-71. 46 (1881/2): 75-92. 'Mr. Josiah Smith's Balloon Journey.' 48 (1882): 65-78. 'Mr. Josiah Smith's Cabman.' A (1882): 59-66. 'The Understudier.' H (1881): 24-[?37]. Lushington, C M. 'The Fog Signal.' 66 (1888): 445-52. Luttrell, Hardress. 'A Fair Dynamiter.' 61 (1886/7): 164-73. Lyon, Chaloner. 'A Man's Message.' 98 (1889): 218-26. Lynn Linton, E. 'At Night in a Hospital.' 39 (1879): 31-41. 'Between the Lines.' A (1885): 28-[?57]. From Dreams to Waking. 30 (1876): 75-97, 196-215, 325-41, 450-69. 31 (1876/7): 82-101. 'Medea Fortune.' 56 (1885): 203-8.

'My Compatriot. • 52 (1883/4): 50-67. 'Under the Snow: "In Memoriam".' 40 (1879/80): 410-19. The World Well Lost. 31 (1876/7): 282-313, 385-415. 32 (1877): 1-31, 129-63, 351-84, 385-414. 33 (1877): 99-128, 129-61, 357-415. 34 (1877/8): 105-53. 'The Young Lions.' 40 (1879/80): 56-64. Lys, Christian. 'A Piece of Bric-a-Brac.' H (1896): 88-112. Macaulay, C Trevelyan. 'The Story of a Statue.' 38 (1879): 207-24.

McCarthy, Justin. • The Daimio. ' H ( 1887): 79-90. Donna Quixote. 37 (1878/9): 257-87, 478-508. 38 (1879): 1�30, 225-86, 478-508. 39 (1879): 1-30, 226-56, 257-86, 479-508. 40 (1879/80): 1-29, 129-56.

23 An Enemy's Daughter. 7 (1868/9): 5-34, 165-92, 309-30, 453-77. 8 (1869): 5-33, 149-75, 293-321, 437-67. 9 (1869): 67-89, 226-49, 381-98, 478-92.

'How Jack Harris Became an Aesthetic.' 41 (1880): 61-75. 'Humphrey Haliburton.' A (1884): 59-81. 'Jack Harris's Mummy.' H (1885): 88-[?100). 'Lochinvar at Salt Lake.' 15 (1871): 59-68. 'The Lost Soul.' A (1886): 36-49. Maid of Athens. 49 (1882/3): 257-84, 385-415. 50 (1883): 1-31, 129-59, 257-85, 385-411. 51 (188�): 1-28, 129-56, 257-85, 385-412. 52 (1883/4): 1-30, 129-56.

'Professor Petrus.' H (1884): 67-84. 'Stage Love.' A (1882): 94-111. 'Talbot the Traveller.' 58 (1885/6): 339-56. McCrie, George M. 'Arivivchrurie.' 57 ( 1885): 440-52. 'The Bridal of Sellas.' 54 (1884): 300-14. 'Dr. Wygram's Son.' 62 (1887): 205-18. 'The Five Houses of Cairndubh.' 60 (1886): 325-33. McCullock, Janet A. 'The Soul of the Brahmin.' 97 (1898): 201-26. McDermott, PL. 'A Matrimonial Agent.' 63 (1887): 369-84. Macfarlane, Mary. 'Her Sister Ebba.' H ( 1888) : 113-28. 'A Love Story.' 69 (1889): 497-501. 'A Summer Idyl.' 63 (1887): 316-31. Macintosh, Sophie L. '"A Fenian Memory".' 95 ( 1898): 489-95. Mackenna, Stephen J. 'The Parson's Pupil.' A (1876): 99-[?111). 'Scotching a Snake.' 29 (1876): 380-96, 489-501. Mackintosh, Margaret. 'Patty's Lovers.' 88 ( 1895): 380-9. Maclean, L. 'Baby Jack.' 71 (1890): 269-77. 'Gillian's Child.' 73 (1890): 291-302. Macleod, Jessie. 'Defeated.' A (1887): 34-54. 'Lost!' A (1885): 16-[?25). 'Mark Oldshaw's Revenge.' 62 (1887): 23-38. 'A Musician's Story.' A (1883): 31-41. 'Three Meetings.' 58 (1885/6): 463-76. Macmahon, Ella. 'Black and White.' A (1894): 99-106. Macmanus, J E. 'Scylla and Charybdis.' H (1886): 38-53. 'A Sentimental Solicitor.' 62 (1887): 100-14. 'A Tennis Club Tale.' 57 (1885): 192-204. McQuaid, L. 'A Confession of Crime.' 93 (1897): 457-65. 'The Midnight Express.' 95 (1898): 160-9. 'A Terrible Night.' 97 (1898): 283-92. Macquoid, Katharine S. 'Checco.' 54 (1884): 452-68. 'The Farmer's Wife at St. Fiacre.' H (1881): 65-[?84). 'The Great Kermesse of Antwerp.' 6 (1868): 401-11. 'In an English Country-House.' 59 (1886): 460-73. 'The Light on the Seine.' 56 (1885): 307-15. 'Mary Abbott's Tryst.' 53 (1884): 312-25. 'Merga's Petticoat.' 45 (1881): 186-205. 'The Mill by the Molign�e.' H (1883): 64-81. 'The Rocking-Stone of Tregunc.' A (1876): 74-[?97). 'The Two Neighbours of Quimper.' 35 (1878): 65-86. Macwhirter, Katharine. 'Brother Augustine's Love Story.' H (1888): 1-13.

Madoc, Fayr. 'The Long and the Short of It.' 82 (1893): 281-5.

24 J Mainpraise, W Turley. 'A Short Head.' A (1874): 107-11. Maitland, Edith Alice. 'The Missing of the Stone.' 98 (1899): 273-89.

Maitland, James Alexander. 'Wedded in Death.' 24 (1874): 52-75. Makins, M A. 'Won by a Stratagem.' 68 (1889): 207-26. Mallet, C E. 'The Missing Deed.' 60 (1886): 57-65. Mallock, w H. The New Republic. 29 (1876): 514-43. 30 (1876): 48-73, 133-51, 343-60, 434-49. 31 (1876/7): 46-65, 189-209. A Romance of the Nineteenth Century. 43 (1880/1): 365-84, 485-508. 44 (1881): 108-28, 236-56, 363-84, 485-508.

Mar, Ida. 'The Story of a Widow's Cruise. ' 6.7 (1888/9) : 3 70-84, 492-508.

'Transplanted.' 68 (1889): 324-38. Marchant, Slingsby. 'The Wolverene.' 80 (1893): 194-202. Marryat, Augusta. 'The Major's Diplomacy.' 91 (1896): 438-44. Marryat, Ethel. 'On a Christmas Altar.' 77 (1892): 47-55. 'A Professional Lady-Killer.' 71 (1890): 144-63, 253-68. Marryat, Florence [Mrs Ross Church). '"Butcher'd to Make a Holiday".' A (1894): 34-42. 'Captain Norton's Diary.' 11 (1870): 325-44, 449-65. 12 (1870): 119-32.

'Good-Bye.' H (1890): 1-8. 'Her Ladyship's Lover.' A (1890): 43-52. 'In this World, or the Next.' A (1896): 10-18. 'Jealous Mrs. Benetfink.' A (1889): 8-22. 'The Mistakes of Marriage.' H (1892): 1-9. 'Three Ghosts.' A (1870): 120-8. 'An Utter Impossibility.' 15 (1871): 356-77. Marsh, Richard. 'A Bed for the Night.' H (1889): 70-[?80). 'Payment for a Life.' H (1888): 61-9. 'A Silent Witness.' 69 (1889): 427-37. Marston, Philip B. 'Known at Last.' H (1876): 61-[?65). Martin, ME. 'Prose and Poetry.• 68 (1889): 426-43. Matthews, Brander. 'Waiting.' 60 (1886): 176-82. Maxwell, Sybil. 'A Disgrace to Her Family.' H (1890): 102-12. 'The White Coach.' 74 (1891): 410-22. Maxwell, w Babington. 'The Good St. Anthony.• 59 (1886): 216-26. '"There Is a Tide".' 56 (1885): 430-40. May, J P. 'Those Two.' 67 (1888/9): 346-63. May, Katherine. 'A Novel Collection of Curios.' 82 (1893): 41-61. Mayne, Frank. 'A Reminiscence of Naples.' 77 (1892): 413-17. Meadows, Alice Maud. 'Uncle Richard.' 80 (1893): 394-407. Meadows Taylor, Colonel [Philip). See Taylor, Colonel Meadows. Mennert, Andr�. "'Bon Gar

25 Menke, Tristram K. 'The Traitor of an Hour.' 96 (1898): 163-74. Monro, Dominique. 'My Divinity.' 98 (1899): 334-57. Moore, F Frankfort ('Editor'). 'A Passage from the Life of Mr. A. Plassington.' 27 (1875): 183-98, 338-56. Moore, Henry Charles. 'Remember!' H (1894): 12-51. Morant, L c. 'Because of the Judgment to Corne.' 95 (1898): 282-310. 'On the way to the City of Souls.' 98 (1899): 290-5. 'The Strange Power.' 97 (1898): 316-19. Morland, Charlotte E. 'Church Parade.' 75 (1891): 279-86. 'How We Apples Swim.' 77 (1892): 281-95. 'Sown on Sand.' H (1892): 94-112. 'A Terrible Love.' A (1893): 98-112. 'To the Gates of Hell.' 79 (1892): 56-76. Morland, Charlotte E and D'Elrnard, Alaricus. 'An Idyll of an Idol.' 81 (1893): 69-73. Mounteney, Clifford. 'A Vicarious Atonement.' 96 (1898): 493-512. Muirhead, Findlay. 'Budell's Proposal.' 50 (1883): 32-8. 'Two Plots.' 51 (1883): 55-74. Murray, David Christie. 'The Bishop and Mr. Latazzi.' H (1882): 106-28. 'Cruel Barbara Allen.' 43 (1880/1): 195-216. 'Frighted with False Fire.' 33 (1877): 54-75. Joseph's Coat. 43 (1880/1): 257-82, 385-410. 44 (1881): 1-33, 129-58, 257-84, 385-412. 45 (1881): 1-29, 129-57, 257-83, 385-416. 46 (1881/2): 1-38, 129-55. 'A Silver Wedding.' 47 (1882): 304-28. Murray, Grenville. See Grenville-Murray, E c. Murray, Henry George. 'A Close Shave.' 48 (1882): 298-311. 'For Love's Sake.' A (1881): 74-82. 'Lover and Friend.' H (1883): 36-48. Murray, Kathleen. 'Drift.' 95 (1898): 364-71. 'Its OWn Reward.' 96 (1898): 432-40. 'Sister's Love.' 98 (1899): 257-72. 'A Social Success.' 94 (1897): 103-12. Musgrave, H. 'A Midsummer Madness.' 61 (1886/7): 67-80. Myers, H Violet. 'A Native Genius.' 93 (1897): 415-28. Nepean, Mrs Evan. '"The More Gracious Estate".' 95 (1898): 241-4. Nicholson, Edward Byron. 'The Man with Two Souls.' 47 (1882): 64-78. Nisbet, Hurne. 'Annie.' A (1894): 91-8. 'The Haunted Station.' A (1892): 1-20; Noble, A. 'The Back Attic.' 98 (1899): 415-32. Noble, Walter. 'A Cornedietta.' 64 (1887/8): 51-69. Norris, Cecil Marryat. 'A Lost Chance.' 79 (1892): 28-46. Norris, WE. 'Bianca.' 37 (1878/9): 47-67. 'The Old Maid's Holiday.' 39 (1879): 319-44. North, Henry. 'A Stolen Identity.' 69 (1889): 37-69. Northcott, Marian. 'Bink's Benefaction.' A (1873): 82-9. 'A Joint in the Harness.' 28 (1875/6): 388-97. 'Mrs. Twinkleton's Creed.' A (1874): 81-8. 'Not All Tinsel.' 16 (1871/2): 330-40. 'Splodges "Ben".' A (1872): 89-96. 'Susan's Mistake.' A (1875): 83-91. 'Tim Twinkleton's Twins.' A (1871): 65-76. 'Very Low People Indeed.' 23 (1874): 186-93.

26 O'Donovan, P Daly. 'My First and Last Stroke for Fame.' A (1878): 45-53. O'Hanlon, Alice. 'An Insoluble Mystery.' H (1890): 27-47. Oppenheim, Annie Isabella. 'An Episode in the Life of a New Woman.' 92 ( 1897): 312-36. Ouida. 'At Camaldoli.' 51 (1883): 424-47. 'Birds in the Snow.' 40 (1879/80): 460-75 'Findelkind.' 42 (1880): 320-41. Frescoes. 49 (1882/3): 286-304, 416-33. 50 (1883): 71-89. 'A Hero's Reward.' 39 (1879): 42-59. 'In Pitti.' 51 (1883): 232-56. 'The Little Earl.' 44 (1881): 300-34. 'Resurgo.' 46 (1881/2): 317-41, 430-62. Panton, J E. 'The Master of the House.' 56 (1885): 475-60. Pardepp, R. 'The Creeping Shadow.' 91 (1896): 144-54. Parke, P Grey. 'The Greek Skipper's Story.' 51 (1883): 203-18. 'A Survivor of the Terror.' H (1884): 96-117. Parpped, R. See Pardepp, R. Paslew, John. 'No Robbery.' 68 (1889): 465-80. Paterson, A H. 'Seth Clephton's New Hand.' 58 (1885/6): 449-62. Payn, James. 'An Adventure in a Forest.' 37 (1878/9): 447-55. 'An Aunt by Marriage.' 31 (1876/7): 66-81. By Proxy. 32 (1877): 257-86, 482-508. 33 (1877): 1-30, 224-56, 257-91, 473-508. 34 (1877/8): l-28, 229-55, 356-84, 385-415. 35 (1878): 104-53, 366-84. 'Captain Cole's Passenger.' 38 (1879): 169-75. 'A Change of Views.' 36 (1878): 172-8. 'A Charade and Its Consequences.' A (1879): 71-85. 'A Chronological Error.' H (1877): 97-[?103]. 'A Club Benefactor.' H (1881): 32-8. A Confidential Agent. 40 (1879/80): 257-86, 385-409. 41 (1880): l-40, 129-52, 257-84, 385-410. 42 (1880): 1-35, 129-51, 257-79, 385-412. 43 (1880/1): 1-25, 129-55. 'The Confiscated Weeds.' A (1876): 1-[?8]. 'A Dangerous Virtue.' H (1883): 1-5. 'An Easter Holiday.' H (1878): 40-[?50]. 'An Expensive Derby.' 43 (1880/l): 61-75. 'A Failure of Justice.' 40 (1879/80): 448-52. 'The Fatal Curiosity; or, a Hundred Years Hence.' A (1877): 94-128. 'Finding His Level.' 31 (1876/7): 344-52.

'The G.B.C ••' 30 (1876): 281-5. 'An Independent Opinion.' 38 (1879): 434-42.

'Jebb's Mantlepiece. •· A (1882) : 53-8. 'The Lord of Harpington.' 32 (1877): 227-34. 'A Mayfair Mystery.' 36 (1878): 298-316. 'A Mediaeval Mistake.' A (1878): 66-74. 'A Modern Delilah.' H (1879): 23-31. 'My First Recordership.' 36 (1878): 77-81. 'An Office Secret.' 31 (1876/7): 473-83. 'An Overrated Prescription.' H (1880): 63-[?70]. 'Patient Kitty.' 35 (1878): 432-50. 'The Reduced Dinner Party.' A (1880): 68-77.

27 'Simpson of Bussora.' 36 (1878): 444-9. 'A Social Philosopher.' 40 (1879/80): 225-31. 'Some Tales of White Elephants.' 37 (1878/79): 297-303. 'The Strange Bed.' 44 (1881): 469-75. 'Tasbrook's Testimonial.' 30 (1876): 472-81. 'The Transfused Transformed.' 39 (1879): 180-9. 'Two Delicate Cases.' A (1881) 39-47. 'An Unrequited Attachment.' 38 (1879): 332-7. 'Why He Married Her.' A (1883): 1-9. Peacock, w F. 'Awake and Thinking.' 12 (1870): 476-84. Pechell, M. 'Derelict.' 90 (1896): 66-74. 'Noor Mahomed's Bungalow.• A (1895): 14-22. 'The Thousandth Man.' H (1896): 80-7. Pendered, Mary L. • His Model.• 69 (1889) : 70-6. 'The Simplicity of Susan.' 98 (1899): 108-18. Perrin, A. 'Caulfield's Crime.' A (1892): 72-84. Late in Life. 86 (1895): 91-112, 210-24, 320-36, 421-44. 87 (1895): 92-112, 206-24, 318-36, 430-44. 88 (1895): 94-112, 212-24, 323-36. 'In the Next Room.' H (1893): 13-22. Phillpotts, Eden. 'Aaron Macklehose.' 60 (1886): 66-88. 'Concerning Papadacky.• 62 (1887): 369-83. 'A Dartmoor Picnic.' 60 (1886): 472-9. 'The Equilibrist.• 63 (1887): 188-208. 'Folly Tower.' 69 (1889): 204-31. 'The Hailstone Competition.• 61 (1886/7): 405-11. 'A Sea Dawn.' 64 (1887/8): 471-8. Phillips, Mrs A. 'He, She, and It.• 76 (1891): 159-66. Pireau, Max. Under a Grey Veil. 89 (1896): 211-24, 322-36, 433-44. 90 (1896): 96-112, 207-24, 322-36, 433-44. 91 (1896): 102-12, 214-24, 225-35. Pirkis, Catherine L. 'Jack - a Mendicant.' H (1881): 56-[?64]. Pitman, John. 'Ejected by a Ghost. • A (1869): 113-17. Platts, W Carter. 'An Affair of Dishonour.• 84 (1894): 43-53. 'Too Late!' 81 (1893): 396-406. Pottinger, Sir Henry. 'The King's Bull.' 20 (1873): 197-208. Powell, Alice. 'Two Ideals Realised.' 83 (1894): 52-8. Power, Cecil. Babylon. 55 (1884/5): 360-84, 484-512. 56 (1885): 108-28, 235-56, 361-84, 482-508. 57 (1885): 105-28, 228-55, 358-83, 481-508. 58 (1885/6): 106-28, 232-56. Powlett, N. 'The Earl's Blunder.' 60 (1886): 334-46. Praed, Bulkeley Campbell. 'The Downfall of the House of Denayer.' 83 (1894): 73-9. Preston, George. '"No Choice".' 93 (1897): 354-62. Price, Charlotte A. 'Mors et Vita.• 89 (1896): 386-98. 'The New Resident at Slocombe.' H (1893): 98-111. 'Sir Harry Gray.• 82 (1893): 312-36, 421-44. Price, Mrs. 'Righted at Last.• 22 (1873/4): 325-38. 'A Troubled Night.' A (1873): 39-48. Priest, C M. 'Mr. Dawson.' 92 (1897): 71-9. 'The Willoughby Wedding.' 91 (1896): 75-90. Prothero, Alice. 'A Fellow Traveller.' 79 (1892): 375-82. 'A Little Cockney's Romance.' A (1896): 47-69. Prowse, R o. 'The Wisdom of the Dove.' 67 (1888/9): 152-68.

28 Q [pseudonym of Arthur Quiller-Couch]. 'Dr. Unonius.' 67 {1888/9): 22-35.

Quiller-Couch, Arthur. See under Q. Radwell, Charlotte. 'Effie Drenning's Vengeance.' 58 {1885/6): 303-18.

Raleigh, Mrs Cecil. 'In Daffodil Time.' H {1891): 38-61. Raleigh, Effie. 'A Bunch of Violets.' 74 {1891): 61-83. Ranking, B Montgornerie. 'The Fakeer's Curse.' 59 {1886): 475-9. 'Our Fashionable Boarding-House.' 64 {1887/8): 447-52. Read, EA. 'In the House of Fear.' 98 {1899): 162-82. Read, Ethel. 'Dear Cousin Henry.' 64 {1887/8): 89-107, 234-56. Reade, Mrs C[ornpton]. Dead Sorrow's Kin. 22 {1873/4): 485-509. 23 {1874): 69-98, 197-221, 325-52, 451-68.

'Elspeth.' A {1874): 33-45. Her Master. 21 {1873): 464-90. 22: 69-97. 'How My Grandmother Carne to Marry My Grandfather.' A {1875): 50-61.

A Study in Gray. 25 {1874/5): 213-35, 357-77, 544-69. 26 {1875): 117-38.

'Swift as a Flash.' 21 {1873): 52-80. Reade, Charles. Good Stories of Man and other Animals. 29 {1876): 437-46. 30 {1876): 1-4, 129-32, 257-60, 385-95. 31 {1876-7): 1-3, 129-44, 319-26, 433-6. 32 {1877): 53-67, 180-94, 310-21, 453-62.

Reade, Compton. 'The Academical History of Mr. Chicken.' 24 {1874): 305-16.

'How Mr. Penlake Exercised a Proctor.' 22 {1873/4): 420-8. 'Mr.' Skifter's Pilgrim's Progress.' 28 {1875/6): 50-64. Oxford Raffles. 26 {1875): 38-48, 233-42, 322-34, 516-28. 'The St. Swithin's Junior Proctor.' 25 {1874/5): 56-64. Reade, Mrs G Linnaeus. 'The Pride of the Corbyns.' A {1875): 64-80.

Ready, Arthur. 'Chevalier Legrand and Mr. Blopper.' 65 {1888): 347-53.

'The Groaning Ghost.' H {1886): 81-9. Ready, A w. 'Widow's Weeds.' H {1897): 125-8. Richards, Walter. '"I Require and Charge You Both".' 96 {1898): 197-212.

'Till Death - and After.' 91 {1896): 258-74. Richings, Emily A. 'The Hawk and the Dove.' 87 {1895): 283-94. Rita [pseudonym of Eliza Margaret Humphreys, nee Gollan]. "'Having Kissed the Woman ---".' A {1890): 88-111. Joan and Mrs. Carr. 89 {1896): 1-37, 113-47, 225-59, 337-73. 90 { 1896): 1-32' 113-40' 225-57' 337-58. 91 {1896): 1-24, 113-25.

'A Marriage Dis-arranged.' H {1895): 1-5. 'Princess Nadine.' A {1889): 39-58. 'Richardson.' A {1893): 77-88. "'Though One Rose from the Dead".' A {1892): 85-102. Robeck, G H. 'My Amsterdam Gem.' 40 {1879/80): 235-49. Robertson, A Fraser. 'The New Minister.' 97 {1898): 293-315. Robertson, M J M. 'Love and Greek.' 46 {1881/2): 165-86. Robinson, F W. 'Another Man's Wife.' A {1884): 22-39. 'Bickers the Blower.' A {1882): 30-52.

29 'Brought Back to the World.' A (1881): 48-65. 'A Christmas Soiree.' 7 (1868/9): 380-7. 'Dick Watson's Daughter.' H (1883): 90-lll. 'The Fourth Son of the Earl of Moo.' H (1885): 1-[?21). 'Gigson's Goose Club.' A (1885): 96-[?113). 'In Trust for Sandy.' H (1882): ll-31. 'The Luck of Luke Shands.' H (1884): 2-18. 'Martha Jacobi.' A (1879): 1-17. "'Minions of the Moon".' H (1887): 1-20. 'Miss Anderson's Colours.' H (1881): 1-[?22). 'Mr. Bird's Best Umbrella.' A (1883): 66-89. 'A Night in the Highway.' 38 (1879): 300-12. 'An Odd Fix.' A (1870): 91-6. 'Penprase the Stone-Breaker.' A (1886): 1-21. Stern Necessity. 9 (1869): 5-34, 145-75, 287-313, 429-55. 10 (1869/70): 5-34, 147-75, 281-310, 415-40. ll (1870): 37-65, 231-59, 361-88, 482-511.

'The Story of the Stone Bouquet.' H (1886): 1-21. 'The Young Lady in Grey.' A (1880): 2-16. Robinson, Nugent. 'Mulligan's Poteen.' 22 (1873/4): 228-45. 'Mrs. Marmaduke Millwyn's Sigh.' 26 (1875): 211-28. Rockstro, W S. 'Winks. ' 48 (1882): 285-97.

Roe, A Harcourt. 'A Balloon Story.' H (1889) : 65-[ ?9) • Ross, Charles, H. 'Changing Heads with Captain Copp.' A (1869): 106-12.

Rothwell, Chas c. 'The Chinaman's Spider.' 64 (1887/8): 179-87. 'The Umbrella-Man.' 69 (1889): 333-44. Russell, W Clark. The Frozen Pirate. 63 (1887): 1-32, 129-60, 257-91, 385-414. 64 (1887/8): l-37, 129-62, 292-323. A Strange Voyage. 55 (1884/5): 257-93, 385-422. 56 (1885): l-41, 129-62, 257-94, 385-429. 57 (1885): 1-44, 129-73, 257-97, 385-426. 58 (1885/6): l-43, 129-80.

'Thirst!' 65 (1888): 282-92. Sala, George Augustus. 'At the Bar.' 22 (1873/4): 38-48. 'The Bad Lord Brackenbury.' A (1868): 36-48. 'Brighton out of the Season.' H (1876): 1-[?14). 'Carlo Ponti.' 13 (1870/1): 27-35. 'Carmagnole; the Wickedest Woman in France.' A (1876): 10-[?25).

'The Fair One with the Velvet Mask.' 16 (1871/2): 175-82. 'Hail, Columbia!' A (1871): 41-8. 'The Handsome Housekeeper.' 19 (1872/3): 404-36. Imaginary London. 16 (1871/2): 435-42. 17 (1872): 38-49, 169-76, 306-17, 453-64. 18 (1872): 182-91, 328-35, 486-94. 19 (1872/3): 107-16, 199-208, 476-84. 20 (1873): 36-45, 214-21, 310-20, 442-51. 21 (1873): 25-33.

'A Letter from the Dead.' A (1870): 51-9. 'The Little French Gentleman.' A (1875): 97-104. 'The Lonely Lodger.' A (1873): 98-105. 'Mrs. Mellor's Diamonds.' 14 (1871): 416-32. 'The Mystery of Viscount Bowldout.' A (1872): 81-8. 'My uncle.' 28 (1876): 80-3. 'On the Prowl.' 13 (1870/l): 166-82. 'Our Nice Servant.' ('Communicated to George Augustus Sala' ). 10 (1869/70): 213-25.

30 'The Pink Bonnet.' A (1874): 55-64. 'The Politic Wax-Chandler.' 12 (1870): 50-9. 'The Power of the Keys.' 14 (1871): 321-32. 'Princess Cancrin's Revenge.' 10 (1869/70): 342-54. 'The Serious Ball.' A (1867): 33-41. 'Story of the Three Captains.' H (1878): 1-[?21]. 'The Strange Behaviour of Mr. Apostolo.' A (1877): 1-21. 'That Poor Dear Captain Lambswool.' 22 (1873/4): 185-96. 'The Venus de'Medici's Marriage.' 23 (1874): 438-50. 'Why That Old Gentleman Paid.' 22 (1873/4): 438-47. Salmoni, Edward. 'Mystery on Mystery.' 63 (1887): 332-8. Sandars, Lady Virginia. 'A Story of the People's Palace.' 71 (1890): 47-67.

Sargent, H Garton. '"Guilty or Not Guilty".' 89 (1896): 299-309. Saunders, J. 'Gentle Jack.' A (1869): 98-105. Sawyer, William. 'The Diamond Bullet.' 10 (1869/70): 320-8. 'A Legend of Verity's Court.' A (1867): 78-80. 'Links in a Chain.' 7 (1868/9): 370-9. 'My Christmas Mystery.' A (1868): 60-8. Schlippenbach, Baron K s L. 'The Incumbent of Bagshot.' 10 (1869/70): 185-92.

'A Night With King Pharaoh. • 9 (1869): 196-213. Schmalz, Flora. 'Simpatica.' 91 (1896): 313-36. Scott, G Firth. 'An Australian Andromeda.' 92 (1897): 359-72. 'Fernandey's Feud.' H (1897): 38-96. 'In the Mountains ,of Peru.' 93 (1897): 28-36. Nare11e. 93 (1897): 159-88, 257-92, 378-403. 94 (1897): 26-65, 137-75, 300-44, 423-48.

Scott, J Crawford. 'Dell's Cremona.' 56 (1885): 295-306. 'The "First Folio".' 66 (1888): 281-8. 'In Self-Defence.' 63 (1887): 250-6. 'A Late Confession.' 57 (1885): 314-23. 'The Living of Slopton Wold.' 58 (1885/6): 227-31. 'Mr. Calvert's Frailty.' 67 (1888/9): 331-45. 'My Fellow Traveller.' 62 (1887): 94-9. 'Philpot's Great Picture.• 59 (1886): 209-15. 'The Scare at Rushlight Camp.' 65 (1888): 475-9. 'A Tale of the Flying Scotchman.• A (1887): 57-68. 'Through the Furnace.' 65 (1888): 165-84, 321-46. '"'Tis an Ill Wind".' 61 (1886/1887): 412-27. 'A Trust.• 60 (1886): 89-93. Senior, William. '"Right".• 40 (1879/80): 177-92. Seymour, A Hamilton. 'The Mystery of Fifty Fivers.' 98 (1899): 377-400.

'The Nihilist.' 84 (1894): 279-94. 'The Queen of Spades.' 97 (1898): 387-414. Shairp, Thomas. 'Planty Banton.' 43 (1880/1): 459-84. 'Restored to Life.' 92 (1897): 169-211. 'Sal, a Riverside Romance.' H (1882): 77-105. Sherard, Robert H. 'The Amber Scarf-Pin.' 68 (1889): 79-91. 'Monsieur le cure,' A (1886): 67-73. 'Our Parish Mystery.' 61 (1886/7): 428-38. Sherer, J W. 'The False Surplice.' 66 (1888): 79-92. 'Major Mulliner.' H (1880): 86-[?95]. 'Uncle Andrew.' A (1883): 91-101.

31 ,-, Sherwood, A. 'A Chamber of Horror.' 63 (1887): 457-69. 'The Stirkbridge Mystery.' 67 (1888/9): 169-84. Shiel, M P. 'Orazio Calvo.' A (1895): 97-112. Shindler, Robert. 'All Is Fair in Love.' 67 (1888/9): 417-26. 'A Blue Serge Suit.' H (1888): 100-12. 'The Curate's Mistake.' H (1889): 14-[?25]. 'First for Sandhurst.' 68 (1889): 356-61. 'Mr. Briggs Bicycle.' 64 (1887/8): 82-8. 'Mr. Dangle's Dilemma.' 63 (1887): 161-77. Sidgwick, M C. 'The Power of a Will. ' 98 (1899) : 132-61. Simpson, E Gertrude. 'An Ancient Charm.' A (1884) 51-7. 'A Modern Plato.' 55 (1884/5): 459-73. 'A True Love's Knot.' 63 (1887): 61-75. '"Which Things Are a Mystery".' 58 (1885/6): 86-97. Skene, F M F. 'The Autobiography of a Tramp.' 81 (1893): 167-79. Skottowe, Britiffe. 'The Mystery of King's Bench Walk.' H (1890): 71-86.

Smith, Ada. 'M�re Susanne.' 94 (1897) : 285-9. Smith, Constance. 'The Girl Widow.' 96 (1898): 299-313. Smith, D Wright. 'A Lady Patantee.' 98 (1899): 63-8. Smith, Saqui. 'Desmond's Destiny.' 59 (1886): 166-84. Soames, C. 'A Perilous Ride.' 19 (1872/3): 386-9. Speight, T W. 'The Brahmin's Gift.' H (1890): 9-26. 'The Case of Mr. Van Klugen.' 55 (1884/5): 71-87. 'The Green Phial.' 52 (1883/4): 427-45. 'My Matinee.' 67 (1888/9): 303-17. 'A Simple Maiden.' H (1888): 14-33. 'That Handsome Curate.' 70 (1889): 145-63. Spence, Edward F. "'Advt.".' 59 (1886): 349-55. 'A Slender Clue.' 53 (1884): 470-80. Spencer, F B. 'Jem's Trouble.' 84 (1894): 295-310. Spencer, Maja. 'The Finding of the "Albia".' 64 ( 1887/8): 438-46. 'Fish Lake.' 66 (1888): 420-44. 'Through the Valley of Death.' 65 (1888): 202-13. Spielmann, M H. 'My Only Elopment.' H (1885): 48-[?61]. Stables, Gordon, MD RN. 'The Confessions of an English Chloral-Eater.' 26 (1875): 179-90.

Stackpoole, W H. 'The Eighth Day.' 69 (1889): 417-26. '"Farewell".' 60 (1886): 191-218. 'The Last Ten Thousand.' 66 (1888): 49-58. 'The Manufacturer.' 68 (1889): 282-99. 'Mr. Nipper's Will.' 68 (1889): 92-114. 'Murder or Suicide.' 62 (1887): 48-62. 'Nellie Hales.' 63 (1887): 339-59. 'A Strange Prison.' 66 (1888): 311-22. 'Ups and Downs.' 62 (1887): 476-93. Stevens, G L. 'That Beastly Thermometer.' 65 (1888): 424-40. Stevenson, F V de G. 'The Warlock's Shadow.' 59 (1886): 29-48. Stimpson, H B. 'Valerie.' 91 (1896): 199-209. Stirling, A. Hutchison. 'The Other Half.' 54 ( 1884): 424-38. 'The Third Time.' 53 (1884): 202-9. St John, Percy B. 'The Spectre Ship.' 28 (1875/6): 517-34. St Johnstone, Alfred. 'From Beyond.' 52 (1883/4): 101-11. St Leger, Evelyn. 'Lady Jane's Jam-Pot!' 85 (1894): 53-66. '"Only Jack".' 81 (1893): 83-91.

32 Stocks, GA. 'A Run on Skates.' 60 (1886): 94-9. Stooke, Eleanora H. 'The Failure of Penelope Price.' 98 (1899): 1-11. Strachey, Mrs St Leo. 'The Undying Fire.' 86 (1895): 153-62. Strayler, Alan. 'Chubb Jackson.' 14 (1871): 50-9. Stuart, John. 'By Spin of a Coin.' 68 (1889): 164-87. Stuart-Langford, Mrs. 'Caroline's Aftermath.' ·95 (1898): 372-81. Sylva, Carmen. 'Nine Days.' 70 (1889): 39-55. Taber, W M. 'Dr. Jerrold.' 54 (1884): 185-99. Talbot, Frederick. 'The Breaking of a Shell.' 16 (1871/2): 183-95. 'Fifteen Minutes after Midnight.' A (1874): 120-8. His Second Inheritance. 27 (1875): 213-38, 389-425, 548-75. 28 (1875/6): 117-48, 258-85. 'How I Carne to Be a Manager.' 28 (1875/6): 567-75. 'How I Lost the County.' 22 (1873/4): 220-7. 'An Ill-Conducted Conductor.' 29 (1876): 243-9. 'Jack Pugh's Legacy.' 18 (1872): 517-35. 19 (1872/3): 84-102. 'Joe upon Happiness.' A (1874): 14-16. 'A Maid Forlorn.' 20 (1873): 96-100. 'My Client Upstairs.' A (1872): 42-7. 'My Father's Will.' 25 (1874/5): 325-39. 'My First Commission.' A (1871): 90-5. 'My Uncle in Manchester.' 18 (1872): 192-8. 'Not Just Yet.' A (1872): 29-32. 'The Outside Carriage.' A (1875): 122-7 'The Severed Hand.' H (1876): 15-[?39]. That Eventful Night. 23 (1874): 481-510. 24 (1874): 101-24, 197-219, 357-81, 496-511. Through Fire and Water. 21 (1873): 149-78, 277-303, 405-29. 22 (1873/4): 101-25. ''Twas the Wind.' 23 (1874): 418-20. 'The Wreck of the Firefly.' A (1873): 24-32. See also T, F. Taylor, Ida Ashworth. 'An Ingenue.' 56 (1885): 348-60. 'Joan Carteret.' H (1886): 23-37. Taylor, Colonel [Philip] Meadows. 'The Midnight Search.' A (1869): 73-80. Thomas, Amelia. 'Franklin's Confession.' 10 (1869/70): 377-88. Thomas, Annie [Mrs Pender Cudlip]. 'Bessie Thorne's Revenge.' A (1895): 58-71. The Honourable Jane. 77 (1892): 1-27, 113-34, 225-47, 337-56. 78 (1892): 1-22' 113-40' 225-46' 337-60. 79 (1892): 1-22, 113-31, 225-43, 337-55. 'Judgment Wanted.' A (1868): 89-96. 'Linked! Not United.' H (1892): 10-16. 'A Little Out of the Way.' H (1893): 1-6. 'The Mapleton Mystery.' A (1869): 32-43. 'My Aunt's Legacy.' H (1891): 30-7. 'Pages of the Past.' A (1891): 1-30. Thomas, ,J 0. 'A Border Tragedy.' 67 (1888/9): 79-101. Thomas, Percy w. 'A Night at the "H6tel des Morts".' H (1885): 76- [?87]. Thompson, Alfred. 'An Acting Charade.' A (1876): 122-8. 'Cora, a Psychological Mystery.' A (1867): 48-55. 'The Lady and the Lobster.' 7 (1868/9): 341-5.

33 Thornbury, Walter. 'The Death's Head Club.' A (1867): 83-9. 'Dr. Deadshot and His Little Consignment.' A (1871): 97-108.

'Fire and Snow.' 8 (1869): 87-100. 'Frank Tyrell's Elopement.' A (1869): 16-27. 'The Missing Baronet.' 10 (1869/70): 365-9. 'My Friend's Villa.' 2 (1867): 47-56. 'An Old Peninsular Man.' 12 (1870): 184-95. 'The Old Chapel-Master.' A (1873): 64-73. 'The Slip Carriage.' A (1872): 19-28. 'The Wreck of the Siren.' A (1870): 82-90. Tiddeman, L E. 'By Woman's Wit.' 93 (1897): 341-53. Trent, Philippa. 'And Yet --- !' 93 (1897): 475-88. Trevena, R. 'The Angel in Blue.' 62 (1887): 116-28. Tristram, F J. 'Morning Calls in the West Country.' 57 (1885): 80-8.

Trollope, T Aldolphus. 'A Family Party in the Piazza of St. Peter.' 31 (1877): 210-28, 327-43, 437-53.

'Giulia Varani; or, St. Peter's Day at Belluno.' H (1876): 77-[?87].

Turner, Godfrey. 'Monsieur Anatole.' 13 (1871): 183-9. Twain, Mark. 'Fables and Their Sequels.' 35 (1878): 326-31. 'The Loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and Rosannah Ethelton.' 35 ( 1878): 39-55.

Some Random Notes of an Idle Excursion. 33 (1877): 464-70. 34 (1877/8): 49-58, 183-91, 345-54.

Tytler, Sarah. The Blackall Ghosts. 64 (1887/8): 359-84, 479-507. 65 (1888): 110-27, 226-56, 354-83, 480-507. 66 (1888): 93-126, 230-56, 350-82, 485-508. 67 (1888/9): 102-27, 230-56.

Disappeared. 61 (1886/7): 257-77, 385-404. 62 (1887): 1-22, 129-52, 257-74, 385-408.

Vane, Denzil. 'A Young Man's Fancy.' 70 (1889): 56-68. Vane, Derek. 'The Way of Transgressors.' A (1896): 21-34. Vernon, Maud Venables. 'En Passant.' 90 (1896): 427-32. Villari, Linda. 'The Professor's Declaration.' 40 (1879/80): 65-79, 209-24.

Vizetelly, Edward Henry. 'An Arab's Revenge.' 25 (1874/5): 405-19. Von Bothmer, Countess. 'Glamour.' 8 (1869): 357-80, 545-66. Vye, Birch. 'At the Hands of Time. ' 82 ( 1893): 179-92. 'Beyond the Frontier.' 90 (1896): 414-27. 'The Grave on the Hillside.' A (1894): 75-90. 'The Sound of a Voice.' 87 (1895): 295-306. Vye, Birch and Phelps, Sydney. 'Geordie Blair's Luck.' 92 (1897): 389-98.

Vynne, Nora. 'The Blind Artist's Pictures.' 67 (1888/9): 438-73. 'Generosity.' 70 (1889): 164-76. Honey of Aloes. 71 (1890): 383-403. 72 (1890): 53-67, 179-93, 279-94, 386-99.

'Miss May's Guest.' A (1891): 57-82. Vyvian, Clare. 'The Crimson Poppies.' 79 (1892): 46-55. 'The Noel-Bird.' 78 (1892): 59-62. 'The White Star-Flower.' 76 (1891): 289-304. Waddington, John. "'Judas-Colour".' 64 (1887/8): 344-50.

34 Wallace, Helen. 'Twice Tried.' H (1887): 45-61. 'Where Breakers Foam.' H (1888): 83-99. Wallace, W B. 'Flamboyant's Ring.' 96 (1898): 49-59. 'The Mithridatic Drop.' 97 (1898): 184-97. Walters, F G. 'Ada.' 68 (1889): 227-35. 'My OpalRing.' 66 (1888): 458-67. 'Poor Polly.' 69 (1889): 88-97. 'A Private Detective's Story.' 60 (1886): 347-54. Ward, LouisaE. 'Divided.' H ( 1880): 108- [ ?27]. ward, Marion. 'David Gam, Knight.' 98 (1899): 358-76. Warden, Gertrude. 'TheEnd of an Idyll.' A (1894): 42-58. Ware, JR. 'Abbey House.' A (1867): 65-77. Warren, Arthur. 'TheRomance of Tweezer's Alley.' 59 (1886): 324-40.

Wasserman, Lillias. "'TheRibs of Death".' 59 (1886): 428-36. 'A Twilight Visit.' 58 (1885/6): 44-53. 'Zillah von Ephraim.' 60 (1886): 31-42. Watkins, Rev M G, MA. 'A Life's Love.' 18 (1872): 341-69, 549-71. Watson, AlfredE T. 'Just in Time.' A (1873): 49-60. "'So Unladylike".' 25 (1874/5): 65-72. Watson, Kathleen. 'An Old Man's Garden.' A (1892): 62-71. Watson, T Malcolm. "'Founded on Fact".' A (1884): 83-92. 'Ginger.' H (1885): 22-[?38 ]. 'A MeanRevenge.' 54 (1884): 86-98. '"Noblesse Oblige".' 63 (1887): 470-5. 'A Powerful Ally.' H (1884): 43-56. 'A Transferred Identity.' A (1883): 113-28. Weddle, Isabella. 'As in a Glass Darkly.' 69 (1889) : 283-92. 'Bonny Mary.' 62 (1887): 84-93. 'Madge the Model.' 66 (1888): 453-7. 'A Messenger.' 63 (1887): 76-86. Went, G H. 'The Grave of Iole.' 97 (1898): 102-11. Whelpton, Edwin. 'Cinderella.' 60 (1886): 450-66. 'One Only.' 59 (1886): 186-208. 'An Unconditional Surrender.' 62 (1887): 453-61. White, Babington [ pseudonym ] . See Braddon, ME. White, Percy. 'Abdoolah.' 54 (1884): 315-33. Williams, H L. '"Dolly".' 24 ( 1874): 337-49. Williams, Morris Price. 'The Queen of the May.' 90 (1896): 154-78. Williams, Neil Wynn. 'A Tale of the Fens.' 88 (1895): 431-44. Wills, C J. 'The Wondrous Bath of Bokhara.' 64 (1887/8): 284-91. Wilson, J Arbuthnot. 'Carvalho.' 53 (1884): 34-52. 'The Child of the Phalanstery.' 54 (1884): 163-76. 'The Chinese Play at the Haymarket.' A (1880): 90-100. 'The Empress of Andorra.' 36 (1878): 335-51. 'An Episode in High Life.' H (1882): 59-76. 'Hugh Portledown's Return from Normandy.' H (1884): 19-31. 'Isaline and I.' H (1883): 49-63. 'Lucretia.' A (1879): 87-101. 'Mr. Chung.' A (1882): 67-80. 'My Circular Tour.' H (1880): 16-[?29 ]. 'My New-Year's Eve Among the Mummies.' A (1878): 93-105. 'The Mysterious Occurrence in Piccadilly.' 53 (1884): 344-54.

35 'My Uncle's Will.' A (1883): 10-20. 'Olga Davidoff's Husband.' A (1884): 1-17. 'Our Scientific Observations on a Ghost.' 36 (1878): 45-59. 'Pausodyne.' A (1881): 24-38. 'The Senior Proctor's Wooing.' H (1881): 85-102. Wilson, Mabel F. [See also w, M F.] 'In an Old Garden.' 68 (1889): 50-62. 'Which of Them?' 61 (1886/7): 331-44. Wilson, Mary F. 'In the Best of All Possible Worlds.' 81 (1893): 42-68.

Wilson, Sydney. 'A Game of Hazard.' H (1880): 97-[?107]. Winter, John Strange. 'A Dear Little Woman.' A (1896): 1-9. 'A Fairy on Horseback.' 92 (1897): 407-12. 'The Keystone of the Household.' A (1895): 1-13. 'Ninety-Seven.' A (1890): 1-14. 'Only a Face.' H (1894): 1-11. 'Rose of the World.' A (1893): 1-8. 'Superstition.' A (1889): 1-7. Wolrige, Wilton. 'Madame de Montespan.' 70 (1889): 69-79. Wood, D Gedling. 'The Maharajah's Entry for the Maripoor Cup.' 95 (1898): 501-8.

Wood, H F. 'That Mysterious "Milord".' H (1887): 91-103. Wood, Violet. 'A Plain Girl's Romance.' 96 (1898): 213-34. 'A Week of Happiness.' 93 (1897): 429-36. Woods, Charles F F. 'The Haunted Rock.' 13 (1870/1): 325-36. Woods, M K. 'The Cedar Closet.' A (1873): 106-12. Wren, Jenny. 'A Hum-Drum Girl.' 88 (1895): 179-96. Wright, Madeline. "'No!".' 62 (1887): 296-306. Wylde, Katharine. 'The History of a Suburban Enterprise.' 63 (1887): 442-56.

Wyndham, Horace. 'The Bounder.' 95 (1898): 51-64. Yeo, Jerome. 'A Middle-Aged Cherub.' 63 (1887): 109-16. Yelland, E. 'Autumn Clouds.' 88 (1895): 169-78. 'Imposters?' 83 (1894): 393-405. 'In the Days of the Cagots.' 91 (1896): 245-55. 'The Miser's Secret.' 79 (1892): 383-401. 'Only a Smudge!' 81 (1893): 414-27. 'The Secret of the Dead.' 87 (1895): 389-403. Yorke, Curtis. 'Almost!' H (1891): 62-79. '"Between the Silences!".' 80 (1893): 37-47. 'The Brown Portmanteau.' 62 (1887): 164-75. 'Carhilton's Choice.' A (1889): 23-38. 'Diana.' 63 (1887): 209-24. 'Our Expectations.' 65 (1888): 45-56. Young, Carol. '"Blousa-Bella".' 84 ( 1894): 390-412. 'Max Beverley's Model.' 92 (1897): 271-96. 'The Revd. Harry.' 97 (1898): 364-83.



A. '"In Sour Misfortune's Book".' 95 ( 1898): 65-96. A, F G. 'Some Turkish Slave Stories.' 35 (1878): 167-83. A, F w. 'Juggins.' H (1896): 58-73. Author of 'Bitter Sweets', 'The Tallants of Barton', etc. 'Outside the World.' 3 (1867): 225-9. Author of 'Dapple Grey', etc. 'Chance Friends.' A (1875): 23-32. 'Out of the Waters.' A (1874): 46-54. Author of 'A Flight to Florida'. 'Pasteur-al Aid.' 87 (1895): 71-80.

Author of 'Miss Molly', etc. 'Arabia Petraea.' H (1895): 55-72. 'Cathrine.' 54 (1884): 25-52. 'Christine.' 52 (1883/4): 122-8. 'A Coward.' H (1884): 32-41. 'Delphine.' 55 (1884/5): 194-219. 'Helen Churchill's Lover.' 40 (1879/80): 96-103. 'One Christmas Eve.' A (1888): 77-[?81]. 'Two Men and a Woman's Heart.' A (1894): 1-33. 'A War Story.' H (1879): 90-7. 'Zara Vallis.' 65 (1888): 24-44. Author of 'The Lost Dorothy', 'The Last Ride', 'Rivals', etc. 'In the Heart of the Country.' 85 (1894): 78-88. Author of 'Strong Hands and Steadfast Hearts', etc. 'A Court Scandal.' 13 (1870/1): 231-43.

B, J W. 'In Arctic Seas.' 87 (1895): 189-205. C, F H. 'Two "Holiday Meets".' 80 (1893): 294-304. C, M B. 'A Western Mystery.' 78 (1892): 158-69.

Frango. • Dolly.' 94 ( 1897): 223-5. K, K D. 'A Black Sheep.' 88 (1895): 39-65. K, K K. 'A Money-Lender's Love.' 20 (1873): 245-66. L, A J de C. 'A Modern Day Saint.' 85 (1894): 279-87. N, L. 'Jack Layford's Friend, with an Account of How He Laid the Ghost.' 10 (1869/70): 226-47. P, A G. 'The Clerk's Daughter.' 19 (1872/3): 341-64. 'My First Love.' 19 (1872/3): 209-15. P, 'The Irish Court.' 20 (1873): 46-52. R, 'A Birthday Treat.' 27 (1875): 375-81. R, 'Pietro and Giannetta.' H (1879): 48-65. R, 'A Doctor's Outing.' 69 (1889): 307-16. S, 'An Imperial Pardon.' 37 (1878/9): 170-82. T. 'The Major's Luncheon.' 22 (1873/4): 257-60. T, A F. 'A Shadow from the Moor.' 83 (1894): 191-200. T, F [?Frederick Talbot]. 'The Family Ghost.' 26 (1875): 367-72. 'A Revelation from the Sea.' 22 (1873/4): 303-8. 'The Town Clerk of Ludborough'. 'Our George and the Sultan.' 21 (1873): 360-7.

Vida. 'Life's Irony.' 97 (1898): 242-52. 'Warwick St. John.' 91 (1896): 275-93. Weathergage. 'Traders of the Niger.' 94 (1897): 92-102. w, E. 'Haunted.' 80 (1893): 85-94.

37 W, F. 'Camp Life at Wimbledon. ' 3 (1867): 338-50. W, M. '"Newspaper Cuttings".' 83 ( 1894): 159-77. W, M F [? Mabel F Wilson]. 'The Romance of a Store. ' 89 (1896) : 310-21. 'The Sisterhood of Cameron.' 89 (1896): 273-98. 'Sister Kathleen.' 85 (1894): 390-403.


'An Agamist's Holiday. ' 36 (1878): 465-9. 'Anglo-Indian Photographs. ' H (1877): 79-[?94]. 'Annabel Brown. ' 22 (1873/4): 382-8. 'Apollo Flies. ' 84 (1894): 64-74. 'April Fool Redivivus!' 70 (1889): 27-38. 'At Chrighton Abbey.' 14 (1871): 353-77.

'Aunt Lora's Long Ago.' 22 ( 1873/4): 291-7. ,:: 'Befogged in the Channel.' 74 (1891): 255-80. 'Bob Kennedy's Canvass. ' 7 (1868/9): 263-75. 'A Bold Stroke. ' H (1877): 57-[?77]. 'The Bryansfort Spectre. ' 25 (1874/5): 244-55. 'Carpenters' Scenes. ' 2 (1867): 455-60. 'Cheating the Nor' Easter. ' 26 (1875): 139-46. 'Christmas Day. ' 79 (1892): 298-304. 'A Clergyman's Holiday. ' A (1874): 73-80. 'Donald McGregor. ' 75 (1891): 149-59. '"The Echo": after Hans Andersen. ' 72 (1890): 47-52. 'An Episode in Two Lives,' 86 (1895): 369-89. 'The Fatal Tryst. ' A (1871): 80-90. 'Fida. ' 78 (1892): 183-9. 'A Fireside Story. ' 1 (1866/7): 83-91. 'For Dear Life. ' A (1873): 61-4. 'George Lovelace's Temptation. ' 23 (1874): 229-45. 'A Ghostly Adventure on Exmoor. ' 75 (1891): 288-95. 'The Ghost at Laburnum Villa. ' 12 (1870): 213-[?28]. 'The History of Dapple Gray. ' A (1873): 1-13. 'How I Fought My First Duel. ' 29 (1876): 68-80. 'How I Heard My Own Will Read. ' 1 (1866/7): 469-78. 'How I Wronged My Friend. ' 3 (1867): 49-62. 'In Request Rather. ' 8 (1869): 41-8. The Iron Casket: a Tale of the Travaux Froces. 1 (1866-7): 111-29, 238-55, 365-81. 'Kate Sibbert's Aunt. ' 41 (1880): 191-215. 'The Ladies Vane, Spinsters. ' A (1876): 121-[?], 'The Last of the Season. ' 33 (1877): 183-93. 'Le Vert Galant. ' A (1870): 29-32. 'Little Miss Brown. ' H (1876): 104-[?]. 'Love's Phantom. ' 59 (1886): 299-302. 'The Mellingford Bank Failure. ' 91 (1896): 174-89. 'A Million a Minute. ' 5 (1868): 392-9. 'An M. P. Errant. ' 94 (1897): 257-84, 385-410. 'Mr. Earl's Investment. ' 42 (1880): 442-8. 'Mrs. Maycock's Keys. ' 22 (1873/4): 56-9. 'My First Duel. ' 17 (1872): 481-91.

38 'My Grandfather's Ghost-Story.' 17 (1872): 113-21. 'My Namesake and I.' 9 (1869): 43-50. 'My Recollections of Fenton Grammar School.' 23 (1874): 33-51. 'My Uncle Ben.' A (1877): 86-93. 'A Natural Solution.' 89 (1896): 88-112. 'Nelly O'Hara.' A (1876): 112-[?19]. 'A New Ghost Story.' 73 (1890): 186-95. 'A Night of Mystery.' 27 (1875): 316-24. 'A Night of Terror.' H (1877): 123-[?]. 'The Odd Looking Man.' 49 (1882/3): 434-42. 'Only a Nigger.' A (1871): 59-64. 'Outwitted.' 56 (1885): 88-107. 'A Pair of French Beauties.' H (1877): 105-[?21]. 'Paul Lorraine.' 80 (1893): 75-84. 'Plain John Smith.' A (1876): 26-[?46]. 'The Poacher's Story.' 21 (1873): 351-4. 'The Pool of the Dhulock.' 58 (1885/6): 213-26. 'A Prosaic Idyll.' 88 (1895): 390-8. 'Quintette.' 82 (1893): 90-100. 'Rachel's Folly.' 1 (1866/7): 482-503. 'The Rajah.' 28 (1875/6): 329-40. 'The Rector's Second Daughter.' H (1876): 88-[?103]. 'Rival Queens.' 46 (1881/2): 60-73, 202-13. 'Ruth Hayes.' 51 (1883): 456-86. 'The Scarlet Cloak.' H (1877): 48-[?56]. 'Shaun's Sorrow.' A (1870): 60-4. 'The Shoes.' 86 (1895): 190-201. 'The Showman's Ghost.' 44 (1881): 82-102. 'The Skeleton of Queen Anne's Gate.' 53 (1884): 79-91. 'A Smart Woman.' 97 (1898): 122-30. 'Something like a Mystery.' 59 (1886): 60-72. 'Something like a Shareholder.' 37 (1878/9): 419-22. 'The Story of a Broken Life.' 89 (1896): 192-202. 'A Sunstroke.' H (1885): 101-[?14]. 'The Supervisor's Story.' 20 (1873): 486-94. 'That Newspaper Man.' 94 (1897): 226-34. 'To His Own Destruction.' 37 (1878/9): 98-109. 'To the Unknown God.' H (1893): 7-12. 'Told by a Table.' 8 (1869): 251-9. 'Trapped!' 71 (1890): 418-23. 'The Troubles of a Literary Family.' 60 (1886): 432-36. 'Twixt Green and Red. 28 (1875/6): 545-66. 29 (1876): 117-41, 261-84.

'Two Christmas Eves.' 4 (1867/8): 327-35. 'The Two Inquests.' 22 (1873/4): 197-219, 357-72. 'Two Modern Japanese Stories.' 37 (1878/9): 183-9. 'An Unexpected Highlander.' A (1871): 109-11. Ward or Wife? 24 (1874): 437-66. 25 (1874/5): 85-121, 261-86, 424-36.

'What a Ghost-story Did.' 13 (1870/1): 466-77. 'What Would You Do?' 76 (1891): 83-92. 'Winifred's Lovers.' H (1877): 22-[?46]. 'The Witch of Garrowbuie.' 33 (1877): 205-10.



Volumes 1, 3-8, 10-22, 24-31, 33, 37 (part), 38 indexed from copies in the University of Queensland Library. Volumes 2, 9, 37 (part), 50, 60-97 indexed from copies in the Bodleian Library. Volumes 23, 32, 34-6 indexed from copies in the library of the James Cook University of North Queensland. Volumes 39-49, 52-9, 98 indexed from copies in the British Library. Volume 51 indexed from copy in the Bradford Public Library.

1 (Nov 1866-Feb 1867)

Birds of Prey. By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [M E Braddon]. 5-33, 131-63, 257-89, 383-414. 'A Fireside Story.' 83-91. The Iron Casket: a Tale of the Travaux Forc�s.' 111-29, 238-55, 365-81.

'Stage Jewels.' By Dutton Cook. 205-16. 'My Love Amy.' By the author of 'The Kiddle-a-Wink', 'Mildred's Wedding', etc [Francis Derrick, i.e. Frances Notley]. 299-322. 'How I Won Polly and a Postmastership. By Tom Hood. 324-31. 'At Daggers Drawn.' By Babington White [i.e. MEBraddon]. 335-45. 'Eveline's Visitant: a Ghost Story.' By the Editor [M E Braddon]. 351-8.

'How I Heard My Own Will Read.' 469-78. 'Rachel's Folly.' 482-508.

2 (Mar-June 1867)

Birds of Prey (cent). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [M E Braddon]. 5-33, 131-62, 257-86, 383-408. 'My Friend's Villa.' By Walter Thornbury. 47-56. 'Stone's Love Affair.' By Dutton Cook. 82-8. Circe, or Three Acts in the Life of an Artist. By Babington White [i.e. ME Braddon]. 113-30, 235-56, 361-82. 'Valerian's Honeymoon. A Fragment.' By the author of 'Rita', etc [Hamilton Aid�]. 169-72. 'How My Debts Were Paid.' By the author of 'Lady Flavia', etc [John Berwick Harwood]. 182-92. 'Episodes in the Life of Miss Tabitha Trenoodle.' By the author of 'Mildred's Wedding', etc [Francis Derrick, i.e. Frances Notley]. 305-18. 'An Awkward Mistake.' By the author of 'Lady Flavia', etc [John Berwick Harwood]. 443-54. 'Carpenters' Scenes.• 445-60.

40 3 (July-Oct 1867)

Birds of Prey (cent) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-31, 192-217, 369-82, 442-59. 'How I Wronged My Friend. ' 49-62. Circe, or Three Acts in the Life of an Artist (cent) . By Babington White [i. e. ME Braddon]. 108-30, 240-56, 303-26. Dead-Sea Fruit. By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 131-57, 257-87, 383-407. 'Outside the World. ' By the author of 'Bitter Sweets', 'The Tallants of Barton', etc. 225-9. Diana Gay. By the author of 'Bella Donna', 'Never Forgotten', etc [Percy Fitzgerald]. 475-503.

4 (Nov 1867-Feb 1868)

Dead-Sea Fruit (cent) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-31, 131-57, 257-75, 383-409. 'My Aunt's Pearl Ring. ' By Ada Buisson, author of 'Put to the Test', etc. 56-66. Diana Gay (cent) . By the author of 'Bella Donna', 'Never Forgotten', etc [Percy Fitzgerald]. 106-30, 236-56, 364-81, 485-505. 'Lost Sight of: a Tale of Corsica. ' By Astley H Baldwin. 188-207, 336-56. 'A Great Ball and a Great Bear: a Story of Two Birthdays. ' By Babington White, author of 'Circe', 'At Daggers Drawn', etc [ME Braddon]. 276-86. 'The Queen of the Realm of a Million Delights: a Christmas Story.' By Charles Smith Cheltnam. 316-26. 'Two Christmas Eves. ' 327-35. 'The Ghost's Summons. ' By Ada Buisson. 359-63. 'The Portrait's Warning.' By H Savile Clarke. 429-37.

5 (Mar-June 1868)

Dead-Sea Fruit (cent) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-29, 131-55, 289-314, 447-70. 'The Mudie Classics, No. 1: Sir Alk Meyonn, or the Seven against the Elector. ' By Babington White, author of 'Circe', etc [M E Braddon]. 41-50, 162-75. Diana Gay (cent) . By the author of 'Bella Donna', 'Never Forgotten', etc [Percy Fitzgerald]. 109-30, 206-23, 362-81, 514-36. Char1otte's Inheritance. By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 244-88, 416-46, 569-600. 'On Leave. ' By the Author of 'Lady Flavia', 'Lord Lynn's Wife', etc [John Berwick Harwood]. 333-49. 'A Million a Minute. ' 392-9. 'AnotherEpisode in the Life of Miss Tabitha Trenoodle.' By the author of 'Kiddle-a-Wink', 'Mildred's Wedding', etc [Francis Derrick, i. e. Frances Notley]. 489-98.

41 6 (July-Oct 1868)

Bound to John Company: or the Adventures and Misadventures of Robert Ainsleigh. [By ME Braddon*]. 5-29, 163-94, 321-53, 479-506. Diana Gay (cont). By the author of 'Bella Donna', 'Never Forgotten', etc [Percy Fitzgerald]. 51-76, 225-52, 412-46, 544-58.

Dead-Sea Fruit ( cont) • By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 99-116, 265-87, 378-91. Charlotte's Inheritance (cont). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 133-62, 303-19, 461-77, 585-617. 'The Great Kermesse of Antwerp. ' By the author of 'Hester Kirton', 'Wild as a Hawk', etc [Katharine S Macquoid]. 401-11.

*The first five instalments of Bound to John Company (July, August, September, October, and November 1868) were by ME Braddon. After she fell ill in November 1868 the novel was completed by another hand. See Robert Lee Wolff, Sensational Victorian (NY: Garland, 1979), p 229.

7 (Nov 1868-Feb 1869)

My Enemy's Daughter. By Justin McCarthy. 5-34, 165-92, 309-30, 453-77. Bound to John Company: or the Adventures and Misadventures of Robert Ainsleigh (cont). 69-94, 229-58, 389-413, 513-33. Charlotte's Inheritance (cont). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 128-63, 286-308, 421-44, 569-86. 'Bob Kennedy's Canvass. ' 263-75. 'The Lady and the Lobster. ' By Alfred Thompson. 341-5. 'Links in a Chain: a Tale. ' By William Sawyer. 370-9. 'A Christmas Soir�e. ' By F W Robinson. 380-7. 'The Case of a Pipe. ' By Albany de Fonblanque. 414-19.

8 (Mar-June 1869)

My Enemy's Daughter (cont). By Justin McCarthy. 5-33, 149-75, 293-321, 437-67. 'In Request Rather. ' 41-8. 'The Brown Lady. ' By Mrs [Frances] Cashel Hoey. 53-69, 197-219. 'Fire and Snow. ' By Walter Thornbury. 87-100. Bound to John Company: or the Adventures and Misadventures of Robert Ainsleigh (cont). 117-35, 261-74, 405-14, 503-12. 'Told by a Table: an Oxford Sketch. ' 251-9. 'Glamour. ' By The Countess Von Bothmer. 357-80, 545-66. 'The Honeymoons. ' By Sidney L Blanchard. 426-36.

9 (July-Oct 1869)

Stern Necessity. By the author of 'Poor Humanity', 'No Church', 'Mattie, a Stray', etc [Frederick William Robinson]. 5-34, 145-75, 287-313, 429-55.

42 'My Namesake and I.' 43-50. My Enemy's Daughter (cant) . By Justin McCarthy. 67-89, 226-49, 381-98, 478-92. Bound to John Company: or the Adventures and Misadventures of Robert Ainsleigh (cant) . 132-44, 271-86, 407-28, 538-56. 'A Night with King Pharaoh.' By Baron K S L Schlippenback. 196-213. 'Gatherings in Brittany.' By the author of 'Mildred's Wedding', 'Olive Varcoe', etc [Francis Derrick, i.e. Frances Notley]. 331-42, 525-37. 'The Baron's Coffin. ' By Ada Buisson. 351-71. 'Fatal Jewels.' By Albany de Fonblanque. 557-65.

n u 10 (Nov 1869-Feb 1870)

Stern Necessity (cant) . By the author of 'Poor Humanity', 'No Church', 'Mattie, a Stray', etc [F W Robinson]. 5-34, 147-75, 281-310, 415-40. 'My Unlucky Friend.' [By ME Braddon]. 84-95. 'Theodore of Corsica: the Story of a Real Adventurer. ' By Percy Fitzgerald. 129-46, 259-79, 389-414. 'The Incumbent of Bagshot. ' By The Baron K s L Schlippenbach. 185-92. 'A Very NarrowEscape.' [By ME Braddon]. 195-205. 'Our Nice Servant: a Domestic Drama. ' Communicated to George Augustus Sala. 213-25. 'Jack Layford's Friend, with an Account of How He Laid the Ghost: a Christmas Story.' By LN. 226-47. 'The Diamond Bullet.' By William Sawyer. 320-8. 'Levison's Victim. ' [By ME Braddon]. 329-41. 'Princess Cancrin's Revenge.' By George Augustus Sala. 342-54. 'A Costerrnongers Club. ' By Archibald Forbes. 355-60. 'The Missing Baronet: a Strange Trial of the Last Century.' By Walter Thornbury. 365-9. 'Franklin's Confession.' By Amelia Thomas. 377-88. 'Mr. and Mrs. de Fontenoy. ' [By ME Braddon]. 447-60. My Sister Caroline: a Novelette. Edited by M E Braddon. 479-505. 'Lend Me a Florin: a Tale of Hornburg.' By Lady Jackson. 533-40.

11 (Mar-June 1870)

'The Splendid Stranger.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-20. Stern Necessity (cant) . By the author of 'Poor Humanity', 'No Church', 'Mattie, a Stray', etc [F W Robinson]. 37-65, 231-59, 361-88, 482-511. My Sister Caroline: a Novelette (cant) . Edited by ME Braddon. 101-30. Fenton's Quest. By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME ' Braddon]. 133-60, 261-92, 389-416. 'Under the Lilies. ' By Ada Buisson. 184-95. captain Norton's Diary. By Florence Marryat (Mrs Ross Church) . 325-44, 449-65.

43 12 (July-Oct 1870)

Fenton's Quest (cont). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-32, 133-60, 261-91, 389-419. 'The Politic Wax-Chandler: a Legend of Mexico.' By George Augustus Sala. 50-9. The Haunted Baronet. By J s le Fanu. 69-88, 229-51, 357-78, 453-75. 'Bob Kennedy's Widow-Hunt.' By T H SEscott. 104-12. Captain Norton's Diary (cont). By Florence Marryat (Mrs Ross Church). 119-32. 'An Old Peninsular Man.' By Walter Thornbury. 184-95. 'The Ghost at Laburnum Villa.' 213-[?]. 'On the Brink: a Story.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 324-[?] 'Awake and Thinking: a Retrospect.' By W F Peacock. 476-84. 'The Sins of the Fathers: a Tale.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 485-507.

13 (Nov 1870-Feb 1871)

Mil1y Darre11: a Story. By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-26, 133-56, 261-88. 'Carlo Ponti: the Music-Seller of Havana.' By George Augustus Sala. 27-35. Fenton's Quest (cont). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 68-96, 197-223, 357-86, 485-507. The Haunted Baronet (cont). By J S Le Fanu. 102-20. 'On the Prowl: a London Adventure.' By George Augustus Sala. 166-82. 'Monsieur Anatole.' By Godfrey Turner. 183-9. 'A Lady's Pet.' By George Manville Fenn. 190-6. 'A Court Scandal.' By the author of 'Strong Hands and Steadfast Hearts', etc. 231-43. 'The Hospital Mistletoe.' By Joseph Hatton. 289-92. 'A Christmas Peal.' By Astley H Baldwin. 302-12. 'The Haunted Rock.' By Charles F F Woods. 325-36. 'A Dinner with the "Jolly Old Boy".' By T H SEscott. 337-41. 'Dying by Poison.' By George Manville Fenn. 342-4. The Love1s of Arden. By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 389-420. 'What a Ghost-Story Did.' 466-77.

14 (Mar-June 1871)

The Love1s of Arden (cont). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-33, 131-59, 257-84, 385-408. 'Chubb Jackson.' By Alan Strayler. 50-9. '"Me and My Pal": a Tale of the Cuban Rebellion.' By captain Bacon, R W Fusi1iers. 82-8. Fenton's Quest (cont). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 99-117, 225-48.


,__ 'An Artist's Model. ' By Astley H Baldwin. 176-84. 'The Power of the Keys: a Story of West Fourteenth-Street. ' By George Augustus Sala. 321-32. 'At Chrighton Abbey: a Tale. ' 353-77. 'Mrs. Mellor's Diamonds.' By George Augustus Sala. 416-32. 'Charlie Norman. ' ByEdmund Courtenay. 475-97.

15 (July-Oct 1871)

The Lovels of Arden (cant) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-30, 133-63, 261-91, 481-510. 'Lochinvar at Salt Lake. ' By Justin McCarthy. 59-68. 'Charlie Norman' (cant) . ByEdmund Cortenay. 101-24. 'Old Major Curtis.' ByE N Lamont. 166-77. 'One Summer Month. ' By Mark Hardcastle [i.e. Mary Cecil Hay]. 197-212, 326-41. 'In Great Waters. ' [By ME Braddon]. 229-48. 'An Utter Impossibility. ' By Florence Marryat (Mrs Ross Church) . 356-77. Three to One: or Some Passages out of the Life of Amicia Lady SWeetapple. By the author of 'Annals of anEventful Life' [Sir George Webb Dasent]. 389-431.

16 (Nov 1871-Feb 1872)

Three to One: or Some Passages out of the Life of Amicia Lady Sweetapple (cant) . By the author of 'Annals of anEventful Life' [Sir George Webb Dasent]. 5-38, 133-58, 293-322, 449-70. The Lovels of Arden (cant) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 85-131, 229-56, 357-88, 478-95. 'The Fair One with the Velvet Mask: a Passage in the Life of Tintoretto Buonatesta, Portrait-Painter. ' By George Augustus Sala. 175-82. 'The Breaking of a Shell. ' By the author of 'The Winning Hazard' [Frederick Talbot]. 183-95. 'The Haunted House in Westminster.' By J S Le Fanu. 261-85. 'Not All Tinsel. ' By Marian Northcott. 330-40. To the Bitter End. By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 389-421. Imaginary London: a Delusive Directory. By George Augustus Sala. 435-42. '"Till Death Us Do Part". ' By C Maurice Davies, MA. 503-11.

17 (Mar-June 1872)

To the Bitter End (cant) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', [ME Braddon]. 5-37, 133-68, 261-83, 405-39. Imaginary London: a Delusive Directory (cont) . By George Augustus Sala. 38-49, 169-76, 306-17, 453-64. 'How the "Gadfly" Failed: a NewspaperEpisode'. By T H SEscott. 54-68.

45 Three to One: or Some Passages out of the Life of Amicia Lady Sweetapple (cont) . By the author of 'Annals of an Eventful Life' [Sir George Webb Dasent]. 69-99, 213-60, 357-403, 501-44. 'My Grandfather's Ghost-Story.' 113-21. 'Poor James Wymper.' By Albany de Fonblanque. 293-305. 'My First Duel.' 481-91.

18 (July-Oct 1872)

To the Bitter End ( cont) . By the author of '.Lady Audley' s Secret', etc [ME Braddon] 5-37, 149-80, 293-327, 437-84. 'Colonel Benyon'sEntanglement.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 69-88, 213-27. Three to One: or Some Passages out of the Life of Amicia Lady SWeetapple (cont) . By the author of 'Annals of anEventful Life' [Sir George Webb Dasent]. 101-47, 245-91, 389-426. Imaginary London: a Delusive Directory (cont) . By George Augustus Sala. 182-91, 328-35, 486-94. 'My Uncle in Manchester.' By Frederick Talbot. 192-8.

'A Life's Love.' By Rev M G Watkins, MA . 341-69, 549-71. 'Jack Pugh's Legacy: a Tale.' By Frederick Talbot. 517-35.

19 (Nov 1872-Feb 1873)

Strangers and Pilgrims. By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-38, 149-87, 293-330, 437-75. 'Jack Pugh's Legacy: a Tale' (cont) . By Frederick Talbot. 84-102. Imaginary London: a Delusive Directory (cont) . By George Augustus Sala. 107-16, 199-208, 476-84. To the Bitter End (cont) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 117-46, 261-92. 'My First Love.' [By A G P]. 209-15. 'The Servants' Hall.' By the author of 'Lord Lynn's Wife', 'Lady

Flavia', etc [John Berwick Harwood]. 331-9 •. 'The Clerk's Daughter.' By A G P, author of 'My First Love', etc. 341-64.

'A Night in a Ghost-Chamber.' By [C] Maurice Davies, MA . 373-85. 'A Perilous Ride.' By C Soames. 386-9. 'A Visitor at Sea: a Tale for a Winter Fireside.' By Astley H Baldwin. 390-6. 'The Handsome Housekeeper: a Story about a Will.' By George Augustus Sala. 404-36. 'A St. Valentine'sEve.' By c Boyle. 485-9. 'Only a Curate.' By R w Baddeley. 529-66.

20 (Mar-June 1873)

Strangers and Pilgrims (cont) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-35, 149-75, 277-308, 405-41. Imaginary London: a Delusive Directory (cont) . By George Augustus Sala. 36-45, 214-21, 310-20, 442-51. 'The Irish Court.' By M P. 46-52.

46 'A Maid Forlorn.' By Frederick Talbot. 96-100. 'Aunt Dunk: a Story. ' By L K Knatchbull-Hugessen. 101-36. 'The King's Bull. ' By Sir Henry Pottinger. 197-208. 'A Money-Lender's Love: a Story. ' By KKK. 245-66. 'The Red Lancer. ' By Albany de Fonblanque. 341-58. 'Kate'sEngagement. ' By M[ary) Cecil Hay. 373-92. 'The Supervisor's Story. ' 486-94. 'The Dumberdene. ' By L K Knatchbull-Hugessen. 513-34.

21 (July-Oct 1873)

'Village Tyrants: a Dramatic Story. ' By Joseph Hatton. 5-24, 196-215. Imaqinary London: a Delusive Directory (cont) . By George Augustus Sala. 25-33. 'Swift as a Flash.' By Mrs C[ompton) Reade. 52-80. Stranqers and Pilqrims (cont) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon). 116-48, 245-68, 373-94, 512-37. Throuqh Fire and Water: a Tale of City Life. By Frederick Talbot. 149-78, 277-303, 405-29. 'Little Coo-Coo; or the Khitmutgar's Revenge. A Tale of the Indian Mutiny. ' By As B[eatty). 309-40. 'The Poacher's Story. ' 351-4. 'Our George and the Sultan. ' By The Town Clerk of Ludborough. 360-7. Her Master. By Mrs C[ompton) Reade. 464-90.

22 (Nov 1873-Feb 1874)

Lost for Love. By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon). 5-29, 133-65, 261-84, 389-419. 'At the Bar: a Story of a Rapacious Creditor. ' By George Augustus Sala. 38-48. 'Mrs. Maycock's Keys. ' 56-9. Her Master (cont) . By Mrs C[ompton) Reade. 69-97. Throuqh Fire and Water: a Tale of City Life (cont) . By Frederick Talbot. 101-25. 'That Poor Dear Captain Lambswool. ' By George Augustus Sala. 185-96. 'The Two Inquests.' 197-219, 357-72. 'How I Lost the County. ' By Frederick Talbot. 220-7. 'Mulligan's Poteen. ' By Nugent Robinson. 228-45. 'The Major's Luncheon: an Ower True Tale. ' By T. 257-60. 'Aunt Lora's Long Ago. ' 291-7. 'A Revelation from the Sea. ' By F T [?Frederick Talbot). 303-8. 'Righted at Last. ' By Mrs Price. 325-38. 'In Queer Company. ' By Anthony Leigh. 339-50. 'Annabel Brown. ' 382-8. 'How Mr. PenlakeExercised a Proctor. ' By Compton Reade. 420-8. 'Why That Old Gentleman Paid: a Sequel to "At the Bar". ' By George Augustus Sala. 438-47. 'Through the Breakers. ' By Mary Cecil Hay. 453-64. 'Something like a Twelfth-Night Character. ' By T H SEscott. 475-81. Dead Sorrow's Kin. By Mrs C[ompton) Reade. 485-509.

47 23 {Mar-June 1874)

Lost for Love {cant). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-32, 133-64, 261-93, 389-417. 'My Recollections of Fenton Grammar School.' 33-51. Dead Sorrow's Kin {cant). By Mrs C[ompton] Reade. 69-98, 197-221, 325-52, 451-68. '"Well Done!".' By Mary Cecil Hay. 117-32. 'Very Low People Indeed.' By Marian Northcott. 186-93. 'Plump for Blinker. An Election Reminiscence.' By T H S Escott. 222-8. 'George Lovelace's Temptation.' 229-45. ''Twas the Wind.' By Frederick Talbot. 418-20. 'The Venus de'Medici's Marriage. A Story of a Connoisseur's Craze.' By George Augustus Sala. 438-50. That Eventful Night. By Frederick Talbot. 481-510.

24 {July-Oct 1874)

Lost for Love {cant). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-29, 133-56, 261-82, 389-410. 'Wedded in Death: a Tale of the Late American War.' By James Alexander Maitland. 52-75. That Eventful Night {cant). By Frederick Talbot. 101-24, 197-219, 357-81, 496-511. 'My First Client: a Reminiscence of the North-East Circuit.' By Percy Boyd. 230-50. 'The Academical History of Mr. Chicken.' By Compton Reade. 305-16. '"Dolly": a Story of the London "Sans-Souci".' By H L Williams. 337-49. 'Something like a Seance.' By C Maurice Davies, DD. 350-6. Ward or Wife? A Romance. 437-66.

25 {Nov 1874-Feb 1875)

Hostages to Fortune. By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [M E Braddon]. 5-37, 149-73, 293-316, 437-64. 'The St. Swithin's Junior Proctor.' By Compton Reade. 56-64. "'So Unladylike".' By A E T Watson. 65-72. Ward or Wife? A Romance {cant). 85-121, 261-86, 424-36. Lost for Love {cant). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 132-48. A Study in Gray. By Mrs C[ompton] Reade. 213-35, 357-77, 544-69. 'The Bryansfort Spectre: Founded on a Family Legend.' 245-55. 'My Father's Will.' By Frederick Talbot. 325-39. 'Dean Swift's Ghost.' ByE Owens Blackburne. 398-403. 'An Arab's Revenge: a True Story.' By Edward Henry Vizetelly. 405-19. 'Notes from a German Band.' By Mary Cecil Hay. 484-500.

48 26 (Mar-June 1875)

Hostages to Fortune (cont) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [M E Braddon]. 5-37, 149-78, 293-321, 437-67. Oxford Raffles. By Compton Reade. 38-48, 233-42, 322-34, 516-28. '"When Sparrows Build": a Tale, in Two Chapters. ' By Mrs ASBeattie [or Beatty?]. 85-108. A Study in Gray '(cont) . By Mrs C[ompton] Reade. 117-38. 'Cheating the Nor'-Easter.' 139-46. 'The Confessions of an English Chloral-Eater. ' By Gordon Stables, MD, RN. 179-90. 'Mrs. Marmaduke Millwyn's Sigh: a Story of Dublin Life. ' By Nugent Robinson. 211-28. Hugh Melton: A Story. By Katharine King. 261-92, 405-36, 545-73. 'The Family Ghost. ' By F T [?Frederick Talbot]. 367-72. 'A Father's Story. ' By Mary Cecil Hay. 497-515.

27 (July-Oct 1875)

Hostages to Fortune (cont) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [M E Braddon]. 5-31, 149-70, 293-315, 437-52. 'Sea-Bank Farm.' By Henry Jackson. 69-99, 261-90. Hugh Melton: a Story (cont) . By Katharine King. 117-29. 'Bolingbroke Grinds. ' By Wat Bradwood. 130-43. 'A Passage from the Life of Mr. A. Plassington. ' Edited by F Frankfort Moore. 183-98, 338-56. His Second Inheritance. By Frederick Talbot. 213-38, 389-425, 548-75. 'A Night of Mystery. ' 316-24. 'A Birthday Treat. ' By E R. 375-81. 'How I Shot My First Snipe: a Legend of the County Down. ' By Percy Boyd. 533-46.

28 (Nov 1875-Feb 1876)

'Under Life's Key: a Story in Two Parts. ' By Mary Cecil Hay. 5-28, 228-40. 'Mr. Skifter's Pilgrim's Progress.' By Compton Reade. 50-64. Hostages to Fortune (cont) . By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [M E Braddon]. 86-99. His Second Inheritance (cont) . By Frederick Talbot. 117-48, 258-85. Joshua Haggard's Daughter. By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [M E Braddon]. 149-80, 293-324, 437-69. 'The Rajah. ' 329-40. 'Thorleigh Moat: a Grandmother's Tale.' By A E Barker. 341-52. 'How I Wrote a Novel. ' By Mary Cecil Hay. 360-7. 'Chantry Manor-House: a Ghost Story. ' By Mrs Hartley. 368-79. 'A Joint in the Harness.' By Marian Northcott. 388-97. 'The Haunted Lighthouse. ' By C S Corfield. 406-18. 'A Drawing-Room Performance.' By Beata Francis. 425-35. 'The Spectre Ship: a Tale of the Polar Regions.' By Percy B St. John. 517-34. 'Twixt Green and Red. 545-66. 'How I Came to Be a Manager.' By Frederick Talbot. 567-75.

49 29 (Mar-June 1876)

Joshua Haggard's Daughter (cont). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 5-42, 149-73, 410-35, 551-75. 'By and By.' By Mary Cecil Hay. 60-7. 'How I Fought My First Duel.' 68-80. '"Bachelor Ben".' By R V Chilcott. 87-97. 'Twixt Green and Red (cont). 117-41, 261-84. 'Our Suspicious Neighbours.' By Henry Kingsley. 217-37. 'An Ill-Conducted Conductor.' By Frederick Talbot. 243-9. Juliet. By Mrs H Lovett-Cameron. 293-315, 447-72. 'Scotching a Snake.' By Stephen J Mackenna. 380-96, 489-501. Good Stories of Man and other Animals. By Charles Reade. 437-46. The New Republic; or, Culture, Faith, and Philosophy in an English Country House. [By w H Mallock.] 514-43.

30 (July-Oct 1876)

Good Stories of Man and other Animals (cont). By Charles Reade. 1-4, 129-32, 257-60, 385-95. Joshua Haggard's Daughter (cont). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 10-38, 228-55, 290-311, 482-508. The New Republic; or, Culture, Faith, and Philosophy in an English Country House (cont). [By w H Mallock.] 48-73, 133-51, 343-60, 434-49. From Dreams to Waking. ByE Lynn Linton. 75-97, 196-215, 325-41, 450-69. Juliet (cont). By Mrs H Lovett-Cameron. 103-28, 153-76, 361-84, 411-33. 'The G.B.C.: a Tale of a Telegram.' By James Payn. 281-5. 'Tasbrook's Testimonial.' By James Payn. 472-81.

31 (Nov 1876-Feb 1877)

Good Stories of Man and other Animals (cont). By Charles Reade. 1-3, 129-44, 319-26, 433-6. Joshua Haggard's Daughter (cont). By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc [ME Braddon]. 21-45, 163-88. The New Republic; or, Culture, Faith, and Philosophy in an English Country House (cont). [By W H Mallock.] 46-65, 189-209. 'An Aunt By Marriage.' By James Payn. 66-81. From Dreams to Waking (cont). ByE Lynn Linton. 82-101. Juliet (cont). By Mrs H Lovett-Cameron. 105-28, 229-56, 360-84, 484-507. 'A Family Party in the Piazza of St. Peter.' By T Adolphus Trollope. 210-28, 327-43, 437-53. 'The Captain's Last Love.' By Wilkie Collins. 257-74. The World Well Lost. ByE Lynn Linton. 282-313, 385-415. 'Finding His Level.' By James Payn. 344-52. 'An Office Secret.' By James Payn. 473-83.

50 32 (Mar-June 1877)

The World Well Lost (cent). ByE Lynn Linton. 1-31, 129-63, 351-84, 385-414. Good Stories of Man and Other Animals (cent). By Charles Reade. 53-67, 180-94, 310-21, 453-62. Juliet (cent). By Mrs H Lovett-Cameron. 105-28, 242-56. 'The Lord of Harpington.' By James Payn. 227-34. By Proxy. By James Payn. 257-86, 482-508.

33 (July-Oct 1877)

By Proxy (cent). By James Payn. 1-30, 224-56, 257-91, 473-508. 'Frightened with False Fire.' By D Christie Murray. 54-75. The World Well Lost (cent). ByE Lynn Linton. 99-128, 129-61, 357-415. 'The Last of the Season.' 183-93. 'The Witch of Garrowbuie.' 205-10. 'The Ghoul.' By Richard Dowling. 342-52. 'A Story of the Transvaal.' By Frederick Boyle. 439-50. Some Random Notes of an Idle Excursion. By Mark Twain. 464-70.

34 (Nov 1877-Feb 1878)

By Proxy (cent). By James Payn. 1-28, 229-55, 356-84, 385-415. Some Random Notes of an Idle Excursion (cent). By Mark Twain. 49-58, 183-91, 345-54. 'The Fairy-Man and the Lady of the Rock.' By Cuthbert Bede. 59-69. 'That Night.' By Richard Dowling. 83-97. The World Well Lost (cent). ByE Lynn Linton. 105-53. 'The Mysterious Speculator.' By Richard Dowling. 210-20. The Return of the Native. By . 257-87, 481-508. 'The Duel in Herne Wood. Extracted, with Permission, from "The Case of Mr. Lionel Varleigh".' By Wilkie Collins. 304-30. 'Genius at the Hammer.' By Richard Dowling. 434-49.

35 (Mar-June 1878)

The Return of the Native (cent). By Thomas Hardy. 1-27, 230-55, 257-81, 480-508. 'The Loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and RosannahEthelton .' By Mark Twain. 39-55. 'The Two Neighbours of Quimper.' By Katharine S Macquoid. 65-86. By Proxy (cent). By James Payn. 104-53, 366-84. 'Some Turkish Slave Stories. A Slave Who is No Slave.' By F GA. 167-83. 'The Marine Binocular.' By Richard Dowling. 191-203. 'An AutomaticEnigma.' By Julian Hawthorne. 294-306. 'Fables and Their Sequels.' By Mark Twain. 326-31.

51 'Her Child's Cry.' By Richard Dowling. 351-65. The Haunted Hotel: a Mystery of Modern Venice. By Wilkie Collins. 385-412. 'Patient Kitty.' By James Payn. 432-50.

36 (July-Oct 1878)

The Return of the Native (cont). By Thomas Hardy. 1-29, 228-56, 257-81, 484-508. 'Our Scientific Observations on a Ghost.' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 45-59. 'My First Recordership.' By James Payn. 77-81. 'TheElba of the Thames.' By Richard Dowling. 83-98. The Haunted Hotel: a Mystery of Modern Venice (cont). By Wilkie Collins. 107-28, 129-52, 360-84, 385-411. 'A Change of Views.' By James Payn. 172-8. 'The Going Out of Alessandro Pozzone.' By Richard Dowling. 211-26. 'A Mayfair Mystery.' By James Payn. 298-316. 'TheEmpress of Andorra.' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 335-51. '"A Tourist from Injianny".' By Bret Harte. 424-31. 'Simpson of Bussora.' By James Payn. 444-9. 'An Agamist's Holiday.' 465�9.

37 (Nov 1878-Feb 1879)

The Return of the Native (cont). By Thomas Hardy. 1-26, 225-56. 'Bianca.' By WE Norris. 47-67. 'To His Own Destruction.' 98-109. The Haunted Hotel: a Mystery of Modern Venice (cont). By Wilkie Collins. 110-28. 'One by One.' By RE Francillon. 129-56. 'An Imperial Pardon.' By FA s. 170-82. 'Two Modern Japanese Stories.' 183-9. Donna Quixote. By Justin McCarthy. 257-87, 478-508. 'Some Tales of WhiteElephants.' By James Payn. 297-303. 'An Heiress of Red Dog.' By Bret Harte. 321-33. Queen of the Meadow. By Charles Gibbon. 353-84, 385-403. 'Something like a Shareholder. A Fragment in Asterisks.' 419-22. 'An Adventure in a Forest.' By James Payn. 447-55. 'Diamonds and Gold. A Tale of the Far West.' ByE C Fellows. 456-77.

38 (Mar-June 1879)

Donna Quixote (cont). By Justin McCarthy. 1-30, 225-86, 478-508. 'The Daughter of the Dark.' By Richard Dowling. 85-106. Queen of the Meadow (cont). By Charles Gibbon. 107-28, 129-52, 359-84, 385-411. 'Captain Cole's Passenger.' By James Payn. 169-75. 'An Irish Idyll.' By the author of 'The Queen of Connaught' [Harriett Jay). 199-206. 'The Story of a Statue [Adapted from the French of Prosper M�rirn�e).' By C Trevelyan Macaulay. 207-24.

52 'A Night in the Highway. ' By F w Robinson. 300-12. 'From the Chapel Roof. ' By Henry W Lucy. 322-31. 'An Unrequited Attachment. ' By James Payn. 332-7. 'An Independent Opinion. ' By James Payn. 434-42.

39 (July-Oct 1879)

Donna Quixote (cont) . By Justin McCarthy. 1-30, 226-56, 257-86, 479-508. 'At Night in a Hospital. ' ByE Lynn Linton. 31-41. 'A Hero's Reward. A Sketch from Life. ' By Ouida. 42-59. Queen of the Meadow (cont) . By Charles Gibbon. 101-28, 129-47, 365-84, 385-404. 'The Transfused Transformed. A Tale of Blood. ' By James Payn. 180-9. 'The Old Maid's Holiday. ' By wE Norris. 391-44.

40 (Nov 1879-Feb 1880)

Donna Quixote (cont) . By Justin McCarthy. 1-29, 129-56. 'Peter Schroeder. ' By Bret Harte. 42-55. 'The Young Lions. ' ByE Lynn Linton. 56-64. 'The Professor's Declaration. ' By Linda Villari. 65-79, 209-24. 'Helen Churchill's Lover. ' By the author of 'Miss Molly'. 96-103. Queen of the Meadow (cont) . By Charles Gibbon. 105-28, 251-6, 320-2. '"Right" (an Australian Tale) .' By William Senior. 177-92. 'A Social Philosopher. ' By James Payn. 225-31. 'My Amsterdam Gem. ' By G H Robeck [?G de Robeck]. 235-49. A Confidential Agent. By James Payn. 257-86, 384-409. 'A Lover in Spite of Himself. ' By Julian Hawthorne. 229-310, 420-33. The Leaden Casket. By Mrs Alfred W Hunt [Margaret Hunt]. 353-84, 476-508. 'Under the Snow: "In Memoriam". ' ByE Lynn Linton. 410-19. 'A Failure of Justice. ' By James Payn. 448-52. 'Birds in the Snow. ' By Ouida. 460-75.

41 (Mar-June 1880)

A Confidential Agent (cont) . By James Payn. 1-40, 129-52, 257-84, 385-410. The Leaden Casket (cont) . By Mrs Alfred W Hunt [Margaret Hunt]. 100-27, 228-56, 354-84, 483-508. 'Kate Sibbert's Aunt. ' 191-215. 'The Candidature of Mr. Davlish. ' ByE C Grenville-Murray. 297-302. Kildhurm's oak. By Julian Hawthorne. 333-53, 454-73. 'How Jack Harris Became an Aesthetic. ' By Justin H McCarthy. 61-75. 'The Little Smallware Shop. A Very Vulgar Story. ' By Henry W Lucy. 434-40. (Presented as fiction. In volume 42, Lucy admits this is a true tale and thanks readers for donations. )

53 42 (July-Oct 1880)

A Confidential Agent (cont) . By James Payn. 1-35, 129-51, 257-79, 385-412. 'A Gentleman of La Porte. ' By Bret Harte. 50-9. Kildhurm's oak (cont) . By Julian Hawthorne. 75-83, 191-206. The Leaden Casket (cont) . By Mrs Alfred W Hunt [Margaret Hunt]. 94-128, 224-55, 356-84, 478-508. 'Findelkind. A Child's Story. ' By Ouida. 320-41. 'Mr. Earl's Investment. A Tale of Old China. ' 442-8.

43 (Nov 1880-Feb 1881}

A Confidential Agent (cont} . By James Payn. 1-25, 129-55. 'An Expensive Derby. ' By James Payn. 61�75. The Leaden Casket (cont} . By Mrs Alfred W Hunt [Margaret Hunt]. 99-128, 227-55. 'Cruel Barbara Allen. ' By D Christie Murray. 195-216. Joseph's Coat. By David Christie Murray. 257-82, 385-410. '"Rigged with Curses Dark". ' By Margaret Hunt. 297-310. 'A Dreadful Case. ' By William Jameson. 346-60. A Romance of the Nineteenth Century. By W H Mallock. 365-84, 485-508. 'The Plague-Smitten Ship. ' By J Maclaren Cobban. 436-54. 'Planty Banton. ' By Thomas Shairp. 459-84.

44 (Mar-June 1881}

Joseph's Coat (cont) . By David Christie Murray. 1-33, 129-58, 257-84, 385-412. 'Only a Million. ' By Charles Gibbon. 41-62. 'The Showman's Ghost. ' 82-102. 'Presages of Approaching Ill. ' By William George Black. 103-7. A Romance of the Nineteenth Century (cont} . By W H Mallock. 108-28, 236-56, 363-84, 485-508. 'The Reverend James Christison's Adventure. ' By J Maclaren Cobban. 171-92. 'The Little Earl. A Child's Story. ' By Ouida. 300-34. The Countess Felicita's Discovery. By Julian Hawthorne. 424-45. 'The Strange Bed. ' By James Payn. 469-75.

45 (July-Oct 1881)

Joseph's Coat (cont) . By David Christie Murray. 1-29, 129-57, 257-83, 385-416. 'Bewitched in Mid-Ocean. ' By J Maclaren Cobban. 39-50. The Countess Felicita's Discovery (cont} . By Julian Hawthorne. 64-89. A Heart's Problem. By Charles Gibbon. 109-28, 237-56, 367-84, 486-508. 'A Family History. ' By Grant Allen. 158-74. 'Merga's Petticoat. ' By Katharine S Macquoid. 186-205.

54 'John Calthorpe's Theft. ' By J Maclaren Cobban. 310-33. The Miller's Niece. By Henry W Lucy. 449-71.

46 (Nov 1881-Feb 1882)

Joseph's Coat. By David Christie Murray. 1-38, 129-55. 'Rival Queens. ' 60-73, 202-13. The Miller's Niece (cont) . By Henry w Lucy. 75-92. A Heart's Problem (cont) . By Charles Gibbon. 105-28, 235-56. 'Love and Greek. ' By M J M Robertson. 165-86. All Sorts and Conditions of Men: an Impossible Story. By Walter Besant and James Rice. 257-87, 387-421. 'How I Married Him: the Confessions of a Young Lady. ' Edited by Wilkie Collins. 295-316. 'Resurgo. A Comedy. ' By Ouida. 317-41, 430-62. The Admiral's Ward. By Mrs Alexander [Annie French Hector]. 356-86, 481-510.

47 (Mar-June 1882)

All Sorts and Conditions of Men: an Impossible Story (cont) . By Walter Besant and James Rice. 1-31, 129-59, 257-94, 385-419. 'Found at Blazing Star. ' By Bret Harte. 46-60, 172-84. 'The Man with Two Souls. ' By Edward Byron Nicholson. 64-78. The Admiral's Ward (cont) . By Mrs Alexander [Annie French Hector]. 100-28, 230-56, 359-84, 480-508. 'A Silver Wedding. ' By David Christie Murray. 304-28.

48 (July-Oct 1882)

All Sorts and Conditions of Men: an Impossible Story (cont) . By Walter Besant and James Rice. 1-33, 129-59, 257-84, 385-410. 'Mr. Josiah Smith's Balloon Journey. ' By Henry W Lucy. 65-78. The Admiral's Ward (cont) . By Mrs Alexander [Annie French Hector]. 98-128, 230-56, 348-84, 477-508. Heart and Science: a Story of the Present Time. By Wilkie Collins. 175-99, 312-33, 438-65. 'Winks. ' By W s Rockstro. 285-97. 'A Close Shave. ' By Henry George Murray. 298-311.

49 (Nov 1882-Feb 1883)

All Sorts and Conditions of Men: an Impossible Story (cont) . By Walter Besant and James Rice. 1-26, 129-54. 'An Undergraduate's Aunt. ' By F Anstey. 46-53. Heart and Science: a Story of the Present Time (cont) . By Wilkie Collins. 54-80, 168-93, 312-41, 443-74. The Admiral's Ward (cont) . By Mrs Alexander [Annie French Hector]. 101-28, 229-56, 353-83, 478-508. Maid of Athens. By Justin McCarthy. 257-84, 385-415.

55 Frescoes. By Ouida. 286-304, 416-33. 'The Odd-Looking Man. ' 434-42. 'The Violin's Voice. ' By Beatrice Harraden. 475-7.

50 (Mar-June 1883)

Maid of Athens (cent) . By Justin McCarthy. 1-31, 129-59, 257-85, 385-411. 'Budell's Proposal. ' By Findlay Muirhead. 32-8. Heart and Science: a Story of the Present Time (cent) . By Wilkie Collins. 36-69, 160-92, 298-330, 489-508. Frescoes (cent) . By Ouida. 71-89. The Admira1's Ward (cent) . By Mrs Alexander [Annie French Hector). 90-127, 231-56, 352-84. 'The Green Turban: a Mystery. ' By J Maclaren Cobban. 204-21. 'Truth Triumphant. ' By Margaret Hunt [Mrs Alfred W Hunt). 423-43. 'One of His Inventions. ' By Charles Gibbon. 445-77.

51 (July-Oct 1883)

Maid of Athens (cent) . By Justin McCarthy. 1-28, 129-56, 257-85, 385-412. 'London's Peril. The Story of anEscape. ' By H F Lester. 29-42. 'Two Plots. A Confession in Two Chapters. ' By Findlay Muirhead. 55-74. 'The Clink of Gold. ' ByEdmund Bury. 81-98. 'One of His Inventions' (cent) . By Charles Gibbon. 114-28. 'Loving a Dream. ' By Charles Gibbon. 165-81, 364-84. 'The Shutes of Sheffield. ' By Margaret Hunt. 193-202. 'The Greek Skipper's Story. ' By P Grey Parke. 203-18. 'In Pitti. A Scene. (Founded on Fact) .' By Ouida. 232-56. 'My Friend Paton. ' By Julian Hawthorne. 294-308. 'Jackson. ' By Frank Abell. 335-43. 'Two "Pards": an AmericanEngineer's Story. ' By A A Hayes. 344-61. 'At Camaldoli. A Sketch. ' By Ouida. 424-47. 'Ruth Hayes. ' 456-86. '"The Stage Waits". ' By Richard Dowling. 487-93.

52 (Nov 1883-Feb 1884)

Maid of Athens (cent) . By Justin McCarthy. 1-30, 129-56. 'My Compatriot. ' ByE Lynn Linton. 50-67. 'From Beyond. ' By Alfred St Johnstone. 101-11. 'Christine. ' By the Author of 'Miss Molly'. 122-8. 'The American Gentleman with the Moist Eye. ' By Archibald Forbes. 222-30. 'A Fast Day. ' By John Lilburn. 231-40. 'Haunted. A True Story. ' ByE M Davy. 241-7. The Lover's Creed. By Mrs [Frances) Cashel Hoey. 257-84, 385-411. 'She Loves and Lies. ' By Wilkie Collins. 285-302. 'The Denver Express. ' By A A Hayes. 311-30.

56 'Elsa.' By Albert Bataille (translated by Mrs [Henriette] Corkran) . 337-46. The Wearing of the Green. By Basil, author of 'Love the Debt' [Richard Ashe King]. 356-84, 481-508. 'The Green Phial. ' By T W Speight. 427-45. 'Two of a Trade. ' By Albany de Fonblanque. 450-61.

53 (Mar-June 1884)

The Lover's Creed. By Mrs [Frances] Cashel Hoey. 1-33, 129-62, 257-81, 385-409. 'Carvalho. ' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 34-52. 'The Skeleton of Queen Anne's Gate.' 79-91. 'That Bore Smith.' By Frank Abell. 93-100. The Wearing of the Green. By Basil [Richard Ashe King]. 101-28, 229-56, 355-84, 481-508. 'At the Y. ' By the author of 'Mehalah' and 'John Herring' [Sabine Baring Gould]. 168-87, 291-311. 'The Third Time. By A Hutchison Stirling. 202-9. 'My Big Fish.' By Angelo J Lewis. 218-28. 'Moonlight and Floods. ' By Clementina Black. 282-90. 'Mary Abbot's Tryst. ' By Katharine s Macquoid. 312-25. 'A Strange Friend. A Story.' By Julian Hawthorne. 326-43, 418-41. 'The Mysterious Occurrence in Piccadilly. ' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 344-54. 'A Slender Clue.' By E F Spence. 470-80.

54 (July-Oct 1884)

The Lover's Creed (cent) . By Mrs [Frances] Cashel Hoey. 1-24, 129-51, 257-82, 385-416. 'Cathrine. ' By the author of 'Miss Molly'. 25-52. 'The Great Jamsetjee Railway.' By Geoffrey Brooke. 66-84. 'A Mean Revenge.' By T Malcolm Watson. 86-98. The Wearing of the Green (cent) . By Basil [Richard Ashe King]. 99-128, 225-56, 358-84, 481-507. 'The Child of the Phalanstery. ' J Arbuthnot Wilson. 163-76. 'Dr. Jerrold.' By w M Taber. 185-99. 'Tzigge. A Russian Sketch.' By M Eastwood. 200-9. 'As Before. A Shetland Story.' By William Jameson. 211-24. 'The Bridal of Sellas. ' By George M McCrie. 300-14. 'Abdoolah.' By Percy White. 315-33. 'Albertyne's Wooing. ' By F[?rederick] Boyle. 342-57. 'The Other Half.' By A Hutchison Stirling. 424-38. 'Checco. ' By Katharine s Macquoid. 452-68. 'The Two Professors.' By Catharine Childar. 469-80.

55 (Nov 1884-Feb 1885)

The Lover's Creed (cent) . By Mrs [Frances] Cashel Hoey. 1-29, 129-54. Miss Cadogna. A Story. By Julian Hawthorne. 37-61, 159-84, 315-37, 429-46.

57 'The Case of Mr. Van Klugen.' By T W Speight. 71-87. The Wearing of the Green (cont). By Basil [Richard Ashe King]. 103-28, 231-56. 'Delphine. An Episode.' Bythe author of 'Miss Molly'. 194-219. 'Andrew Garth's Pilgrimage.' By Hugh Coleman Davidson. 220-30. A Strange Voyage. By W Clark Russell. 257-93, 385-422. 'Dolores.' ByMary E Hullah. 307-14. 'Wild Safing.' By M Eastwood. 352-9. Babylon. By Cecil Power. 360-84, 484-512. 'A Modern Plato.' By E Gertrude Simpson. 459-73. 'Granny Moore's Mistake.' Charles Kruger. 474-83.

56 (Mar-June 1885)

A Strange Voyage (cont). By w Clark Russell. 1-41, 129-62, 257-94, 385-429. 'Ready Money.' ByH R Haweis. 80-7. 'Outwitted. A Tale of the Abruzzi.' 88-107. Babylon (cont). By Cecil Power. 108-28, 235-56, 361-84, 482-508. 'Sylvester's Wife.' By Ernest Dodson. 163-71. 'Professor Milliter's Dilemma.' By Grant Allen. 172-95. 'Medea Fortune.' ByE Lynn Linton. 203-8. [Drama.] Love - or a Name. By Julian Hawthorne. 209-23, 316-30, 441-56. 'Dell's Cremona.' By J Crawford Scott. 295-306. 'The Light on the Seine.' By Katharine S Macquoid. 307-15. 'A Noble Vengeance.' By Annie Bradshaw. 331-47. 'An Ingenue.' By Ida Ashworth Taylor. 348-60. "'There is a Tide".' By W Babington Maxwell. 430-40. 'The Master of the House.' By J E Panton. 457-60. 'A Passenger from Shanghai.' By A A Hayes. 461-70. 'The Benaaishnee.' By Hugh Coleman Davidson. 471-80.

57 (July-Oct 1885)

A Strange Voyage (cont). By W Clark Russell. 1-44, 129-73, 257-97, 385-426. 'The Great Keinplatz Experiment.' By A Conan Doyle. 52-65. Love - or a Name (cont). By Julian Hawthorne. 66-79, 205-17, 335-51, 462-80. 'Morning Calls in the West Country.' By F J Tristram. 80-8. 'Wrought bya Stranger.' ByCoulson Kernahan. 97-104. Babylon (cont). By Cecil Power. 105-28, 228-55, 358-83, 481-508. '"Now Lithe and Listen, Gentlemen!".' By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling. 174-91. 'A Tennis Club Tale.' ByJ E Macmanus. 192-204. 'The Last Feoffee.' ByPhilip Kent. 218-27. 'The General.' By The Rev C w Bardsley. 298-313. 'A Late Confession.' By J Crawford Scott. 314-23. 'Karukaya. A Story of a Skin Picture.' By Frank Abell. 324-34. 'Witness Our Hands.' By Angelo J Lewis. 352-7. 'Jack of Diamonds.' By Jack Ingersoll. 427-30. 'Arivichrurie.' By Geo. M McCrie. 440-52.

58 58 (Nov 1885-Feb 1886)

A Strange Voyage (cont) . By W Clark Russell. 1-43, 129-80. 'A Twilight Visit.' By Lillias Wasserman. 44-53. Love - or a Name (cont) . By Julian Hawthorne. 71-85, 197-212. '"Which Things are a Mystery".' By E Gertrude Simpson. 86-97. Babylon (cont) . By Cecil Power. 106-28, 232-56. 'My First Sitter.' By Henriette Corkran. 181-91. 'The Pool of the Dhuloch.' 213-26. 'The Living of Slopton Wold.' By J Crawford Scott. 227-31. Mohawks. By ME Braddon. 257-87, 385-412. 'Palma. Three Scenes in a Life.' By Randolph Fortescue. 288-302. 'Effie Drenning's Vengeance.' By Charlotte Radwell. 303-18. 'Mea Culpa!' By J T Jerome. 319-38. 'Talbot the Traveller.' By Justin Huntly McCarthy. 339-56. That other Person. By Averil Beaumont [i.e Margaret Hunt]. 357-84, 477-508. 'In the Night.' By C Haddon Chambers. 421-45. 'Seth Clephton's New Hand.' By A H Paterson. 449-62. 'Three Meetings.' By Jessie Macleod. 463-76.

59 (Mar-June 1886)

Mohawks (cont) . By MEBraddon. 1-28, 129-56, 257-89, 385-413. 'The Warlock's Shadow.' By F V de G Stevenson. 29-48. 'A Sacrifice.' By F Cresswell. 49-55. 'Dumbleton's Victoria Cross.' By K Butt. 56-9. 'Something like a Mystery.' 60-72. 'Caroline.' By Clementina Black. 73-99. That other Person (cont) . By Averil Beaumont [i.e. Margaret Hunt]. 100-28, 227-56, 356-84, 480-508. 'On the Mule-Shoe Curve.' By A A Hayes. 157-65. 'Desmond's Destiny.' By Saqui Smith. 166-84. 'One Only.' By Edwin Whelpton. 186-208. 'Philpot's Great Picture.' By J Crawford Scott. 209-15. 'The Good St. Anthony.' By W Babington Maxwell. 216-26. 'In the White Moon's Mystery.' By Coulson Kernahan. 290-8. 'Love's Phantom.' 299-302. 'The Romance of Tweezer's Alley.' By Arthur Warren. 324-40. 'Mrs. Fitzjohnson's Elopement.' By Lister Drummond. 341-48. (Contents give author's name as Lester Drummond.) '"Advt.".' By Edward F Spence. 349-55. 'The Sort of Thing One Remembers. Being a Page in the Life of Phil Bourke, D.D.' By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling. 414-27. '"The Ribs of Death".' By Lillias Wasserman. 428-36. 'The Secret Society.' By Charles Hannan. 444-59. 'In an English Country-House.' By Katharine S Macquoid. 460-73. 'The Fakeer's Curse.' By B Montgomerie Ranking. 475-9.

60 (July-Oct 1886)

Mohawks (cont) . By ME Braddon. 1-30, 129-60, 257-88, 385-423. 'Zillah von Ephraim.' By Lillias Wasserman. 31-42.

59 'How We "Floated" the Trixie Gold Mine Company (Limited) .' By Malcolm Laing-Meason. 44-56. 'The Missing Deed.' By C E Mallet. 57-65. 'Aaron Macklehose.' By Eden Phillpotts. 66-88. 'A Trust.' By J Crawford Scott. 89-93. 'A Run on Skates.' By G A Stocks. 94-9. That other Person (cont) . By Averil Beaumont [i.e. Margaret Hunt]. 100-28 229-56, 355-83, 480-508. 'My First Resurrection.' By John T Collier. 161-75. 'Waiting.' By Brander Matthews. 176-82. "'Farewell".' By W H Stackpoole. 191-218. 'Jumping to Conclusion.' By Mary Geoghegan. 219-28. 'A Study in Oak.' By Annie E Holdsworth. 289-303. 'In Cold Blood.' By c Haddon Chambers. 304-24. 'The Five Houses of Cairndubh.' By G[eorge] M McCrie. 325-33. 'The Earl's Blunder.• By Major N Powlett. 334-46. 'A Private Detective' s Story.' By F G Walters. 347-54. 'The Troubles of a Literary Family.' By Three of Its Members. 424-36. I 'A Mysterious Disappearance.' By H F Lester. 437-49. 'Cinderella.' By Edwin Whelpton. 450-66. I 'A Night of Horror.' By C F Gordon Cumming. 467-71. I 'A Dartmoor Picnic.' By Eden Phillpotts. 472-9. I 61 (Nov 1886-Feb 1887) I, Mohawks (cont) . By ME Braddon. 1-31, 129-63, 360-84. 'Cicely Chrystal.' By Sheldon Clarke. 32-40. 'The Murder in the Bruder Strasse.' By S[abine] Baring-Gould. 41-9. 'A Jerry Builder.' By Arthur Allibone. 50-66. 'A Midsummer Madness.' By H Musgrave. 67-80. 'Mary of Barlinghough.' By Paul Cushing. 81-101. That other Person (cont) . By Averil Beaumont [i.e. Margaret Hunt]. 102-23, 227-56. 'A Fair Dynamiter.' By Hardress Luttrell. 164-73. 'Mr. Pierrepont' s Repentance.' By Grant Allen. 183-204. 'An Underground Tragedy.' By C Haddon Chambers. 205-18. Disappeared. By Sarah Tytler. 257-77, 385-404. 'An Old Maid' s Husband.' By Wilkie Collins. 278-300. '"Ghastly Doesn' t Describe It". Being a Thing That Happened at Marlow-on-the Thames in the Autumn of 1886.' By Elsa D' Esterre-Keeling. 301-14. 'At the "Pothick".' By Margaret Hunt. 315-30. 'Which of Them?' By Mabel F Wilson. 331-44. 'Their Last Resource.' By the author of 'Phyllis' [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, * nee Margaret Wolfe Argles]. 345-59. 'The Hailstone Competition.' By Eden Phillpotts. 405-11. ""Tis an Ill Wind -".' By J Crawford Scott. 412-27. 'Our Parish Mystery.' By Robert Harborough Sherard. 428-38. 'A Briefless Barrister' s Story.' By Frederick Dolman. 439-48. 'Three Visits.' By Henriette Corkran. 449-65. 'Words from the Underworld.' By MEHaweis. 466-80.

60 'Reading for Honours.' By Margaret Hunt. 481-98. 'The Death of Fran�ois de Senac.' By S[abine] Baring-Gould. 499-508.

*Mrs Hungerford is identified as the 'Author of "Molly Bawn, "Phyllis", etc"' in the list of contents for the July 1890 issue of Belqravia (volume 72).

62 (Mar-June 1887)

Disappeared (cant). By Sarah Tytler. 1-22, 129-52, 257-74, 385-408. 'Mark Oldshaw's Revenge.' By Jessie Macleod. 23-38. 'A Bachelor's Bedroom' By Clement Bird. 39-47. 'Murder or Suicide.' By W H Stackpoole. 48-62. 'Captain Dawson's Last Love Affair.' By George Holmes. 63-83. 'Bonny Mary.' By Isabella Weddle. 84-93. 'My Fellow-Traveller.' By Crawford Scott. 94-9. 'A Sentimental Solicitor.' By J E Macmanus. 100-14. 'The Angel in Blue.' By R Trevena. 116-28. 'The Last of the Vauriens.' By w F Hubbard. 153-62. 'The Brown Portmanteau.' By Curtis Yorke. 164-75. 'In an Evil Hour.' By the author of 'Phyllis' [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, nee Margaret Wolfe Argles]. 176-93. 'Faulkner's Inheritance.' By Annie E Holdsworth. 194-204. 'Dr. Wygram's Son.' By G[eorge] M McCrie. 205-18. 'A Man's Love.' By Charles Gibbon. 219-55. 'The Singular Dilemma of Mr. John Westbrook.' By Mary Kernahan Harris. 275-95. '"No!".' By Madeline Wright. 296-306. 'Mrs. Crupper's Diplomacy.' By Ella Edersheim. 307-28. 'An Adventure in Girldom.' By Roland Graeme. 330-5. 'Told by Professor Pearce.' By C Lewis Hind. 345-60. 'Panic-Stricken.' By Hugh Coleman Davidson. 361-8. 'Concerning Papadacky.' By Eden Phillpotts. 369-83. '"Pikey".' By Major A Moberly. 409-20. 'The Blue Vase.' By S[abine] Baring-Gould. 421-40. 'A Midnight Walk.' By Richard Dowling. 441-52. 'An Unconditional Surrender.' By Edwin Whelpton. 453-61. 'Estrid's Lied.' By C Elgrave. 462-75. 'Ups and Downs.' By W H Stackpoole. 476-93. 'The H-- Street Affair.' By Justin Freshe. 494-508.

63 (July-Oct 1887)

The Frozen Pirate. By W Clark Russell. 1-32, 129-60, 257-91, 385-414. 'A Genuine Sheraton.' By Florence C Armstrong. 33-47. 'Lady Hartwell's Jade Ornament.' By Alfred Harcourt. 48-60. 'A True Love's Knot.' By E Gertrude Simpson. 61-75. 'A Messenger.' By Isabella Weddle. 76-86. 'Sally's Lovers.' By Gertrude Rosalie Henderson. 87-101. 'Not for the Money.' By Margaret Cresswell. 102-8. 'A Middle-Aged Cherub.' By Jerome Yeo. 109-16. 'At the Dead Man's Door.' By Coulson Kernahan. 117-28.

61 'Mr. Dangle's Dilemma.' by Robert Shindler. 161-77. 'He and She.' By Mary E Hullah. 178-87. 'TheEquilibrist.' ByEden Phillpotts. 188-208. 'Diana.' By Curtis Yorke. 209-24. 'Below the Weir.• By Oscar Lanyon. 225-39. '"'Tis Better to have Loved and Lost ---".' By HI Arden. 240-9. 'In Self-Defence.' By J Crawford Scott. 250-6. 'The White Cat.' By C Haddon Chambers. 292-8. 'The Serpent-Flower.' By Judith Gautier (translated by M Tyson). 299-315. 'A Summer Idyl.' By Mary Macfarlane. 316-31. 'Mystery on Mystery.' ByEdward Salmon. 332-8. 'Nellie Hales.• By W H Stackpoole. 339-59. 'A Dangerous Friend.' By Clement Bird. 360-8. 'A Matrimonial Agent.' By P L McDermott. 369-84. 'Julia O'Grady.' By Denis Desmond. 415-31. 'A Night in Humrnelstein.' By S[abine] Baring-Gould. 432-41. 'The History of a Suburban Enterprise.' By Katharine Wylde. 442-56. 'A Chamber of Horror.' By A Sherwood. 457-69. '"Noblesse Oblige".' By T Malcolm Watson. 470-5. 'A Mystery Indeed.' By Jeanie Gwynne Bettany. 476-85. 'Highly Recommended.' By HE Clarke. 486-508.

64 (Nov 1887-Feb 1888)

The Frozen Pirate (cont). By W Clark Russell. 1-37, 129-62, 292-323. '"We Villains".' By AMHeathcote. 38-50. 'A Comedietta.' By Walter Noble. 51-69. 'The Stroke of Five.' ByErnest W Hornung. 70-81. 'Mr. Briggs Bicycle.' By R Shindler. 82-8. 'Dear Cousin Henry.' ByEthel Read. 89-107, 234-56. 'An Odd Journey.' ByEE Dickinson. 108-16. 'Blue Blood.' By J A Farrer. 117-28. 'An Unredeemed Pledge.' By AnnieE Holdsworth. 163-78. 'The Chinaman's Spider.' By Chas C Rothwell. 179-87. 'His First Review.' By Lise Boehm. 188-201. 'Within a Stone's Throw.' ByElsa D'Esterre-Keeling. 202-17. 'Lady Atherton's Sachet.' By Dorothea Davenay. 218-31. Undercurrents. By the author of 'Phyllis', 'Molly Bawn', etc [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, n�e Margaret Wolfe Argles]. 257-83, 385-413. 'The Wondrous Bath of Bokhara.' By C J Wills. 284-91. 'Professor Bommsenn's Germs.' ByErnest C Harmer. 324-31. 'A Police Victim.' By Clement Bird. 332-43. '"Judas-Colour".' By John Waddington. 344-50. 'The Malacca Cane.' By Mary Deane. 351-8. The Blackball Ghosts. By Sarah Tytler. 359-84, 479-507. 'That Unscrupulous Pitt.' By W F Hubbard. 414-24. 'The Great Cryptogram of Mr. Orlando Tappleby.' By John Leyland. 425-37. 'The Finding of the "Albia".' By Maja Spencer. 438-46. 'Our Fashionable Boarding-House.' By B Montgomerie Ranking. 447-52. 'Miss Massareene's Ghost.' ByE A Henty. 453-70. 'A Sea Dawn.' By Eden Phillpotts. 471-8.

62 65 (Mar-June 1888)

Undercurrents (cent). By the author of 'Phyllis', 'Molly Bawn', etc (Mrs Margaret Hungerford, nee Margaret Wolfe Argles]. l-23, 129-53, 257-81, 385-407. 'Zara Vallis.' By the author of 'Miss Molly'. 24-44. 'Our Expectations.' By Curtis Yorke. 45-56. 'A Story of a Picture.' By Baron Gardiner. 57-64. 'A Game of Quits.' By w J Lacey. 65-75. 'A Spoilt Negative.' ByE w Hornung. 76-89. 'Outwitted.' By HI Arden. 90-9. The Blackball Ghosts (cent). By Sarah Tytler. 110-27, 226-56, 354-83, 480-507. 'A Day and a Night.' By Saumarez de Havilland. 154-64. 'Through the Furnace.' By J Crawford Scott. 165-84, 321-46. 'My Secret.' By Eva M Henry. 185-91. 'A Dark Dress-Wig.' By AMHeathcote. 192-201. 'Through the Valley of Death.' By Maja Spencer. 202-13. 'Captain Arthur Ashwell's Confession.' By Cregan Conway. 214-25. 'Thirst! An Ocean Incident.' By w Clark Russell. 282-92. ''Pothecary's Folly.' By F Somers Day. 295-302. '"Ach!" Being an Episode of the Month of Fogs, 1886.' By Elsa D'Esterre-Keeling. 303-20. 'Chevalier Legrand and Mr. Blopper.' By Arthur Ready. 347-53. 'Strange Clients.' By Saumarez de Havilland. 409-23. 'That Beastly Thermometer.' By G L Stevens. 424-40. 'Wanted - a Tenor.' By Charles Hervey. 441-6. Foretold by the Cards. By Olga Grant. 447-74. 'The Scare at Rushlight Camp.' By J Crawford Scott. 475-9.

66 (July-Oct 1888)

Undercurrents (cent). By the author of 'Phyllis', 'Molly Bawn', etc [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, n�e Margaret Wolfe Argles]. l-23, 129-49, 257-80, 385-407. 'Won by anEar.• ByE J Goodman. 24-35. 'Parson Sal.' By C Lewis Hind. 36-48. 'The Last Ten Thousand.' By W H Stackpoole. 49-58. Foretold by the Cards (cent). By Olga Grant. 59-78, 160-70. 'The False Surplice: a Diptych.' By J W Sherer. 79-92. The Blackhall Ghosts (cent). By Sarah Tytler. 93-126, 230-56, 350-82, 485-508. 'Lord Dunciman's Dilemma.' By John K Leys. 150-9. 'John Everard's Difficulties.' By Augusta Chambers. 171-86. 'How I Became a Novelist.' By Reuben Dell. 187-92. 'Nat.' By Denis Desmond. 193-209, 335-49. '"Bon Garson".' By Andr� Mennert. 210-5. 'The Wild Record of Jabez Speed.' By Clement Bird. 216-29. 'The "First Folio".' By J Crawford Scott. 281-8. '"Miss Unapproachable".' By George Holmes. 289-310. 'A Stange Prison.' By W H Stackpoole. 311-22.

63 'My Dresden Shepherdess.' By Jeanie Gwynne Bettany. 323-34. 'A Summer Hotel "Fate". • By J D Hunting. 408-19. 'Fish Lake.• By Maja Spencer. 420-44. • The Fog Signal. A Railway Adventure.• By C M Lushington·. 445-52. 'Madge the Model.' By Isabella Weddle. 453-7. 'My Opal Ring. A Tragedy in Five Acts.• By F G Walters. 458-67. 'A Modern Dilemma.' ByEdward Kersey. 468-84.

67 (Nov 1888-Feb 1889)

Undercurrents (cont). By the author of 'Phyllis', 'Molly Bawn', etc [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, nee Margaret Wolfe Argles]. 1-21, 129-51. 'Dr. Unonius.• By Q, author of 'Dead Man's Rock' [Arthur Quiller Couch]. 22-35. 'A Ten-Rupee Fortune.' By Saurnarez de Havilland. 36-40. 'Tenants of My Shanty. An Incident in the Life of a Zoologist.• By A Armitt. 41-58. 'Afraid of the Dark.' ByEdward A Irving. 59-67. 'The Mystery of Herbert Mylne.• By D Lawson Johnstone. 68-78. 'A Border Tragedy.' By J 0 Thomas. 79-101. The Blackball Ghosts (cont). By Sarah Tytler. 102-27, 230-56. 'The Wisdom of the Dove. • By R 0 Prowse. 152-68. 'The Stirkbridge Mystery.' By A Sherwood. 169-84. 'Knights of the Road.' By Oscar Lanyon. 185-204. 'The Last Links.' By Eva M Henry. 205-8. 'Who? Where? Which?' By Dorothea Davenay. 209-29. Passion's Slave. By Richard Ashe King. 257-87, 385-408. 'An Imposter.• By Ulick Byrne. 288-302. 'My Matinee.• By T w Speight. 303-17. 'The Writing on the Arm.• By Cyril Bennett. 318-30. 'Mr. Calvert's Frailty.• By J Crawford Scott. 331-45. 'Those Two.• By J P May. 346-63. 'The Course of True Love.' By Mary Jaques. 364-9. 'The Story of a Widow's Cruise.• By Ida Mar. 370-84, 492-508. 'Mr. Potter's Private Secretary.' By Frank Rede Fowke. 409-16. 'All is Fair in Love.• By R Shindler. 417-26. 'Only an Incident.' By Leonard Merrick. 427-37.' 'The Blind Artists's Pictures.• By Nora Vynne. 438-73. 'The Case of the Rev. Benjamin Beardmore.' ByEE Dickinson. 475-80. 'A Clever Capture.• By W J Lacey. 481-91.

68 (Mar-June 1889)

Passion's Slave (cont). By Richard Ashe King. 1-23, 129-52, 257-81, 385-409. 'Addenbrooke.' By Amy Levy. 24-34. 'A Romance of a Public Library.' ByEdward Kersey. 35-49. 'In an Old Garden.• By Mabel F Wilson. 50-62. 'The Message from the Desert.' By Saumarez de Havilland. 63-78, 188-206. 'The Amber Scarf-Pin.• By Robert H Sherard. 79-91.

64 'Mr. Nipper's Will.' By w H Stackpoole. 92-114. 'The Mary Stuart Drawings.' By C Lewis Hind. 115-28. 'Why Adam Muir Killed Himself.' By H V Brown. 153-63. 'By Spin of a Coin, a Study in Cynicism.' By John Stuart. 164-87. 'Won by a Stratagem.' By M A Makins. 207-26. 'Ada.' By F G Walters. 227-35. 'The Orange Diamond.' By M Bathurst Deane. 236-56. 'The Manufacturer.' By w H Stackpoole. 282-99. 'A Dilemma on Dartmoor.' By Mira Ederson. 300-11. 'A Literary Venture.' By Albert Fleming. 312-23. 'Transplanted. A Sketch.' By Ida Mar. 324-38. 'Just in Time!' By H M Greenhow. 339-55. 'First for Sandhurst.' By Robert Shindler. 356-61. 'The White Feather.' By Louis Arthur. 363-84, 488-508. 'Eurypterus Cardinis.' By Capt T Preston Battersby. 410-7. 'A Queer Patron.' ByR Hayward. 418-25. 'Prose and Poetry.' By MEMartin. 426-43. 'The Woman with the Icy Hand.' By Annie G Hopkins. 444-57. 'No Laughing Matter.' By Clifton Bingham. 458-64. 'NoRobbery.' By John Paslew. 465-80. 'As It Happened.' By B Gardiner. 481-7.

69 (July-Oct 1889)

Passion's Slave (cont). ByRichard Ashe King. 1-23, 129-58, 257-82, 385-414. 'The Tragedy of a Life.' By Keith Christie. 24-36. 'A Stolen Identity.' By Henry North. 36-69. 'His Model.' By Mary L Pendered. 70-6. 'The Paraschites. By Mallard Herbertson. 77-87. 'Poor Polly.' By F G Walters. 88-97. 'A Mysterious House.' By Algernon Blackwood. 98-107. 'The White Feather.' By Arthur Louis. 108-27, 239-55, 364-84. 'A Thief in the Night.' By Violet Herries. 159-76. 'The Professor's Problem.' By Mary Kernahan Harris. 179-96. 'The Gain of Earth.' By B Gardiner. 197-203. 'Folly Tower.' By Eden Phillpotts. 204-31. '"Dook".' By Lily Haynes. 232-8. 'As in a Glass Darkly.' By Isabella Weddle. 283-92. '"Toddles".' By Jessie Chalmers. 293-306. 'A Doctor's Outing.' By J CR. 307-16. 'My Dead Wife.' By Annie G Hopkins. 317-32. 'The Umbrella-Man.' By Chas C Rothwell 333-44. 'The Assassin and the Child.' By H v Brown. 345-63. 'The Eighth Day.' By w H Stackpoole. 417-26. 'A Silent Witness.' ByRichard Marsh. 427-37. 'My First Brief.' By John K Leys. 439-73. 'A Mummy's Bequest.' By Felix Eliot. 474-83. 'Miss Poole's Blunder.' By J Acton Lomax. 484-9. 'Flounder's Quest.' By F J Andrew. 491-6. 'A Love Story.' By Mary Macfarlane. 497-501. 'Patent No. 59, 188- .' By T P Alexander. 502-6.

65 70 (Nov-Dec 1889*)

Passion's Slave (cont). By Richard Ashe King. 1-26, 113-38. 'April Fool Redivivus!' 27-38. 'Nine Days.' By Carmen Sylva. 39-55. 'A Young Man's Fancy.' By Denzil Vane. 56-68. 'Madame de Montespan.' By Wilton Wolrige. 69-79. 'The Song and the Singer.' By Geraldine Butt. 80-92. 'Professor Brankel's Secret.' By Fergus Hume. 93-112, 202-22. 'That Handsome Curate.' By T W Speight. 145-63. 'Generosity.' By Nora Vynne. 164-76. 'What Was His Motive?' By Beatrice Harraden. 177-85.

71 (Jan-Apr 1890*)

Apri1's Lady. By the author of 'Molly Bawn, 'Phyllis', etc [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, nee Margaret Wolfe Argles]. 1-19, 113-29, 225-42, 337-61. 'Her Fate.' By Lady Duffus Hardy. 32-46. 'A Story of the People's Palace.' By Lady Virginia Sandars. 47-67. A Lover's Secret. By Mrs H Lovett-Cameron. 81-111, 194-224, 306-36, 424-48. 'A Professional Lady-Kil1er. A Story in Two Parts.' By Ethel Marryat. 144-63, 253-68. 'Lord John's Bargain.' By Richard Arkwright. 164-8. 'A Clear Case.' By Hugh Coleman Davidson. 183-93. 'Baby Jack.' By L Maclean. 262-77. '"Gideon's Fleece". A Reminiscence of the May Meetings.' By Eva M Henry. 282-9. 'Verra, the Opera Dancer.' By A D'Arcy Hildyard. 290-300. 'A Word about "Ouida".' By Marie Corelli. 362-71. 'Why?' By Annie Hughes. 372-82. Honey of A1oes: a Story in Three Parts. By Nora Vynne. 383-403. 'Trapped! An Adventure at Clovelly.' 418-23.

*Bound at the front of the BL copy of Be1gravia volumes 70-l (1889-90) is a printed slip: 'Notice/ In future a new volume of Belgravia will commence with the January Number of each year, beginning with the January Number, 1890. There will be three volumes in each year as heretofore.'

72 (May-Aug 1890)

April's Lady (cont). By the author of 'Molly Bawn', etc* [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, nee Margaret Wolfe Argles]. 1-27, 113-5, 225-47, 337-69. '"The Echo": after Hans Andersen.' 47-52. Honey of A1oes: a Story in Three Parts (cont). By Norah Vynne. 53-67, 179-93, 279-94, 386-99. 'Eastward Ho!' By E Hess-Kaye. 68-81. A Lover's Secret (cont). By Mrs H Lovett-Cameron. 82-112, 198-224, 317-34, 413-44.

66 'Fruit Out of Season.' By E Fairfax Byrrne. 156-78. 'Led Captive.' By Audrey Bourke. 265-78.

*Identified as 'Mrs [Margaret) Hungerford' in contents list for July 1890.

73 (Sept-Dec 1890)

April's Lady (cant). By the author of 'Molly Bawn', etc [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, nee Margaret Wolfe Argles.) 1-40, 113-49, 225-55, 337-74. A Lover's Secret (cant). By Mrs H Lovett-Cameron. 74-111, 196-223, 303-36, 415-44. 'One, and Another.' By the author of 'Dr. Edith Romney' and 'Her Own Counsel' [Anne Elliott). 162-73. 'A New Ghost Story.' 186-95. 'Paul the Trespasser. A Sketch in Two Parts.' By Eva M Henry. 265-79, 386-408. 'Gillian's Child.' By the author of 'Baby Jack', etc [L Maclean). 291-302.

74 (Jan-Apr 1891)

Interference. By B M Croker. 1-32, 113-35, 225-48, 337-57. 'Lord Merivale's Wooing.' By Jeanie Gwynne Bettany. 47-60. 'A Bunch of Violets.' By Effie Raleigh. 61-83. Drawn Blank. By Mrs Robert Jocelyn. 97-112, 203-24, 310-36, 423-44. 'Two Sisters of One Race.' By Evelyn Kingscote. 148-71. 'Captain Fitzroy--Plunger.' By Mrs Alexander Fraser. 173-92. 'Befogged in the Channel.' 255-80. 'A Strange Little Story.' By J Sale Lloyd. 280-3. 'Effie's Lodger.' By Annie Armitt. 296-309. 'For Marjorie's Sake. "An Ower True Tale".' By Iza Duffus Hardy. 373-99. 'The White Coach. Quite a Romance.' By Sybil Maxwell. 410-22.

75 (May-Aug 1891)

Interference (cant). By B M Croker. 1-23, 113-38, 225-46, 337-54. 'A Californian Story.' By Edith Stewart Drewry. 38-48. 'A Night of Terror; or, A Search for a Tomb.' By Mrs F Copleston. 64-76. 'The Lion and the Mouse.' By B s Knollys. 77-85. Drawn Blank (cant). By Mrs Robert Jocelyn. 86-112, 201-24, 306-36, 431-44. 'Donald McGregor.' 149-59. 'The Rector's Resource.' By Annie Berlyn. 160-7. 'Mrs. Westerveldt's Diamonds.• By Hilda Spottiswoode Brodie. 184-90. 'A Story of the Sands.' By G Vickars Gaskell. 191-200. 'Susceptible Johnnie.' By Malcolm Boyd. 255-78.

67 'Church Parade. With a Tattoo of Romance.' By Charlotte E Morland. 279-86.

'A Ghostly Adventure on Exmoor.' 288-95. 'Jeanne Z�phir's Lovers.' By Lady Duffus Hardy. 366-80. '"A Gilded Grief".' By B S Knollys. 397-413.

76 (Sept-Dec 1891)

Interference (cont). By B M Croker. 1-16, 113-28, 225-40, 337-52. 'A Retrospect: a Complete Story.' By Ada Fielder-King. 35-47. 'Romance of a Handsome Cab.' By H S Brodie. 48-55. 'The Death Dance.' By Josephine Errol. 68-82. 'What Would You Do?' 83-92. Drawn Blank (cont). By Mrs Robert Jocelyn. 93-112, 200-24, 322-36, 421-44.

'An Autumn Manoeuvre.' By Mrs F Copleston. 143-58. 'He, She, and It: a Startling Fact.' By Mrs A Phillips. 159-66. 'Stronger than Death.' By Annie G Hopkins. 174-99. 'Two Clever People.' By B Harold-Harrison. 256-88. 'The White Star-Flower. A Legend of Life.' By Clare Vyvian. 289-304. 'Poor Mrs. Fraser; or, In a Pirate Stronghold.' By Theodora Corrie. 371-94.

'After His Death.' By Josephine Errol. 395-401. 'At Villers-la-Montagne in '70.' By Josephine Errol. 410-20.

77 (Jan-Apr 1892)

The Honourable Jane. By Annie Thomas.* 1-27, 113-34, 225-47, 337-56. 'On a Christmas Altar.' By Ethel Marryat. 47-55. 'Dance No. Four.' By Penfound Crawford. 74-82. A Woman's Loyalty. By Iza Duffus Hardy. 83-112, 199-224, 316-36, 418-44.

'A Terrible Piece of Nonsense.' By Faustina Lindsey. 150-71. 'An Improbable Story. Founded on Fact.' By H W Kespa. 172-85. 'A Difficult Choice.' By Annie Armitt. 264-80. 'How We Apples Swim.' By Charlotte E Morland. 281-95. 'The Prior's Cell; a Ghost Story.' By Darley Dale. 269-303. 'Saved by the Strike.' By Meg Dyan. 378-94. 'An Unfortunate Jest.' By Mrs EMDavy. 394-404. 'A Reminiscence of Naples.' By Frank Mayne. 413-17.

*A slip bound at the front of the BL copy of volume 77, inside the front cover of the January issue,· reads: 'The Editor begs to announce that the Serial Story entitled "Mrs. Victor", by Annie Thomas (Mrs. Pender Cudlip), which was advertised to commence in this number has been replaced by "The Honble. Jane", by the same author. F.V. White & Co.'

68 78 (May-Aug 1892)

The Honourable Jane (cent). By Annie Thomas. 1-22, 113-40, 225-46, 337-60. 'Two Brothers: a West Country Tale.' By Reginald Lucas. 45-58. 'The Noel-Bird. A Legend of Life.' By Clare Vyvian. 59-62. 'A Maori Tangi. New Zealand "Wake".' By Hilda S Brodie. 63-75. A Woman's Loyalty (cent). By Iza Duffus Hardy. 92-112, 204-24, 317-36, 428-44. 'Under the Willow.' By Mrs Alexander Fraser. 148-58. 'A Western Mystery.' By M B c. 158-69. 'Fida: a Congo Story.' 183-9. 'Phil.' By Mary S Hancock. 271-98. 'ColonelEva.' By CharlesEdwardes. 375-85. 'A New Galatea.' By Lucie H Armstrong. 386-97. 'Dear Heart.' By Annie Armitt. 408-22.

79 (Sep-Dec 1892)

The Honourable Jane (cent). By Annie Thomas. 1-22, 113-31, 225-43, 337-55. 'A Lost Chance.' By Cecil Marryat Norris. 28-46. 'The Crimson Poppies. A Legend of Life.' By Clare Vyvian. 46-55. 'To the Gates of Hell.' By CharlotteE Morland. 56-76. 'Silence.' ByEva M Henry. 77-85. A Woman's Loyalty (cent). By Iza Duffus Hardy. 95-112, 207-24, 317-36, 421-44. 'Tregarthon of the Red Hand.' By Mrs Alexander Fraser. 150-64. 'Sweet Pea.' By Penfound Crawford. 165-78. 'Faces in the Fire.• By JosephineErrol. 179-90. 'A Hostess by Proxy.• By Mrs Armstrong. 190-5. 'A Rude Awakening.' By Mrs F Copleston. 257-68. 'Grasp the Skirts of Happy Chance.' By Me'g Dyan. 277-97. 'Christmas Day.' 298-304. 'It Was too Good to Be.' By Ada Fielder-King. 362-74. 'A Fellow Traveller.• By Alice Prothero. 375-82. 'The Miser's Secret.• ByE Yelland. 383-401. 'From the Coal Mine to the Coal Scuttle.' By J Sale Lloyd. 411-20.

80 (Jan-Apr 1893)

Found Wanting. By Mrs Alexander. l-26, 113-36, 225-50, 337-72. '"Between the Silences!".' By Curtis Yorke. 37-47. 'Jill: a Christmas Box.' By B S Knollys. 48-56. 'Paul Lorraine.' 75-84. 'Haunted.' ByE w. 85-94. 'A Perplexing Young Woman.• By The Bon Mrs Nathaniel Fiennes. 95-112, 203-24, 324-36, 432-44. 'A Dream of a Wild White Doe: the Story of a Soul.' By Coralie Gylnn. 164-75. 'A Whiff of Hades.' By Louis Creswicke. 176-86.

69 'The Wolverene. From the Journal of Xenia de Florae. ' By Slingsby Marchant. 194-202. 'After Much Suffering. ' By Laura Burrell. 268-82. 'Two "Holiday Meets".' By F H c. 294-304. 'The Madness of Gabrielle Rousillon. ' By Clive Holland. 310-23. 'The Fraudulent Authoress. ' By E N Leigh Fry. 382-93. 'Uncle Richard.' By Alice Maud Meadows. 394-407. 'A Fog-Idyl. ' By Darley Dale. 424-30.

81 (May-Aug 1893}

Found Wanting (cont} . By Mrs Alexander. 1-23, 113-37, 225-50, 337-74. 'In the Best of All Possible Worlds. ' By Mary F Wilson. 42-68. 'An Idyll of an Idol. ' By Charlotte E Morland and Alaricus D'Elmard. 69-73. '"Only Jack". ' By Evelyn St Leger. 83-91. A Cornish Maid. By Barbara Lake. 92-112, 207-24, 321-36, 428-44. 'An Autobiography of a Tramp. ' By F M F Skene. 167-79. 'The Lady Maud's Walk. A Legend. ' By Elise D'Argent. 190-8. '"His OWn Counsel". ' By Ada Fielder-King. 257-72. 'For the Second Time. ' By Quinton Gordon. 273-81. '"The Primrose League Party". ' Sarah Catherine Budd. 282-98. 'Robin Hood. ' By Louey Jackson. 311-20. 'The Mouse-Tower on the Tyne. ' By Marys Hancock 384-95. 'Too Late!'. By W Carter Platts. 396-406. 'Only a Smudge. ' ByE Yelland. 414-27.

82 (Sept-Dec 1893}

Found Wanting (cont} . By Mrs Alexander. 1-23, 113-37, 225-57, 337-72. 'A Novel Collection of Curios. ' By Katherine May. 41-61. 'Only a Prescription.' By L Creswicke. 62-71. 'Quintette. A Story in Five Chapters.' 90-100. A Cornish Maid (cont} . By Barbara Lake. 102-12, 214-24. 'Missed and Won. ' By Stewart Dawson. 154-78. 'At the Hands of Time. ' By Birch Vye. 179-92. 'The Counsel of Myronides.' By St John E C Hankin. 193-203. 'A Note of Enquiry. ' By Lucie H Armstrong. 270-80. 'The Long and the Short of It.' By Fayr Madoc. 281-5. 'The Colonel's Wooing. ' By Kathleen Huddleston. 301-11. 'Sir Harry Gray.' By Charlotte A Price. 312-36, 421-44. 'A Unique Instance. ' By Allen Elliot. 392-408. 'A Romance of Belgravia. ' By Cecil F French. 409-15.

83 (Jan-Apr 1894}

Peter's Wife. By Mrs [Margaret] Hungerford. 1-24, 113-37, 225-52, 337-57. 'The Story of Prince Ivan Ermolaitch.' By J Errol. 39-51.

70 'Two Ideals Realised.' By Alice Powell. 52-8. 'The Downfall of the House of Denayer.' By Bulkeley Campbell Praed. 73-9. The Daughters of Job. By Darley Dale. 80-112, 201-24, 314-36, 418-44. 'A Coalstrike Romance.' By Richard Ashe King ['Basil']. 148-58. '"Newspaper Cuttings".' By M W. 159-77. 'A Shadow from the Moor.' By AFT. 191-200. 'A Salvation Lass.' By EllivenEarle. 274-90. 'Hugh Holroyd. A Sketch.' By w Keppel Honnywill. 300-13. 'One Day too Late!' By Flora Beattie. 365-92. 'Imposters?' ByE Yelland. 393-405.

84 (May-Aug 1894)

Peter's Wife (cent). By Mrs [Margaret] Hungerford. 1-21, 113-45, 225-63, 337-68. 'A Dreadful Night. A Hunter's Tale Retold.' By Edwin Lester Arnold. 33-42. 'An Affair of Dishonour.' By W Carter Platts. 43-53. 'Apollo Flies.' 64-74. The Daughters of Job (cent). By Darley Dale. 82-112, 210-24, 317-36, 424-44. 'With His Life.' By Subaltern Glyn, The King's OWn Rangers [i.e. Panmure Gordon]. 174-88. 'Violet; a Story of To-Day.' By C E Arbuthnot. 195-205. 'The Nihilist.• By A Hamilton Seymour. 279-94. 'Jem's Trouble.' By F B Spencer. 295-310. 'T'Bonnie Lass o' t' Fells.' By C A Barlow-Massies. 374-89. '"Blousa-Bella". A Story of Saint Valentine's Eve.' By Carol Young. 390-412.

85 (Sept-Dec 1894)

Peter's Wife (cent). By Mrs [Margaret] Hungerford. 1-26, 113-44, 225-50, 337-78. 'In Passion's Wake.' By Louey Jackson. 41-53. 'Lady Jane's Jam-Pot!' By Evelyn St Leger. 53-66. 'In the Heart of the Country.' By the author of 'Lost Dorothy', 'The Last Ride', 'Rivals', etc. 78-88. The Daughters of Job (cent). By Darley Dale. 89-112, 209-24, 313-36, 423-44. 'A Cabinet Secret.• By Mary Deane. 165-77. 'Ben Starling: a Hero with Hounds.' By Penfound Crawford. 178-95. 'Awkward for Tabitha.' By Elizabeth Godfrey. 262-78. 'A Modern Day Saint. A Slight Sketch of a Priest and a Woman.' By A J de C L. 279-87. 'A White Sister.' By Marys Hancock. 288-93. 'Sister Kathleen.' By M F W [?Mabel Fitzroy Wilson]. 390-403. 'The Other Side of the Wall.' ByE N Leigh Fry. 407-16.

71 86 (Jan-Apr 1895)

An Old Maid's Mistake. By Mrs Conney. l-23, 113-36, 225-43, 337-58. 'A Matter of Taste.' By Stewart Dawson. 35-60. 'After Five Years.' By L Butt. 65-71. Late in Life. By A Perrin. 91-112, 210-24, 320-36, 421-44. 'The Undying Fire.' By Mrs St Leo Strachey. 153-62. '"Caste". How We Rehearsed and Performed It.' By Catherine Adams. 163-77.

'The Shoes.' 190-201. 'Up the Yangtsze.' By Lise Boehm. 272-88. 'Four Wise Virgins. A Professional Sketch.' By S J Adair Fitz-Gerald. 289-96.

'Mere Angele.' By Marys Hancock. 297-304. 'An Episode in Two Lives.' 369-89. 'Dr. Vyron.' By Ina Leon Cassilis. 390-404. 'Miss Falkiner. A Love Story.' By L Butt. 405-14.

87 (May-Aug 1895)

An 01d Maid's Mistake (cont). By Mrs Conney. 1-17, 113-25, 225-47, 337-62.

'A Subterranean Mystery.' By H Park Bowden. 31-46. 'Just a Sub.' By Madeline Crichton. 47-63. 'The Detective Who Failed.' By J Hudson. 64-70. 'Pasteur-a! Aid.' By the author of 'A Flight to Florida'. 71-80. Late in Life (cont). By A Perrin. 92-112, 206-24, 318-36, 430-44. 'In the Camp of the Shadow of Death.' ByEdith E Cuthell. 140-55. 'The Use of Friends.' By c Carlyon Jenkins. 156-88. 'In Arctic Seas.' By J w B. 189-205. 'The Hawk and the Dove. A True Story of the Scottish Border.' By Emily A Richings. 283-94. 'The Sound of a Voice.' By Birch Vye. 295-306. 'Gladys Grey: a Pastoral.' By W Keppel Honnywill. 307-17. 'The Cad. A Story of Improbabilities.' By Mark Holland. 370-88. 'The Secret of the Dead.' ByE Yolland. 389-403.

88 (Sept-Dec 1895)

An 01d Maid's Mistake (cont). By Mrs Conney. 1-22, 113-33, 225-61, 337-65.

'A Black Sheep.' By K D K. 39-65. 'Poppies.' By Mary S Hancock. 74-82. Late in Life (cont). By A Perrin. 94-112, 212-24, 323-36. 'A Bitter Expiation.' By AM Judd. 149-68. 'Autumn Clouds.' By E Yolland. 169-78. 'A Hum-Drum Girl.' By Jenny Wren. 179-96. 'A Mission in Life.' By MrsEdward Cartwright. 277-302. 'A Victim of Circumstances.' By Katharine F Hills. 303-22. 'Patty's Lovers.' By Margaret Mackintosh. 380-9. 'A Prosaic Idyll.' 390-8. 'A Tale of the Fens.' By Neil Wynn Williams. 431-44.

72 89 (Jan-Apr 1896)

Joan and Mrs. Carr. By Rita [Eliza Margaret Humphreys, nee Gollan] 1-37, 113-47, 225-59, 337-73. 'A Case for the Authors' Society.' By E N Leigh Fry. 49-63. 'A Surgeon's Wife.' By Alison Buckler. 64-81. 'A Natural Solution.' 88-112. 'The Strange Case of Thomas Blakewitch. Related by Antony Marc, Journalist.' By Wm E Lanham. 178-91. 'The Story of a Broken Life.' 192-202. Under the Grey Vei1. By Max Pireau. 211-24, 322-36, 433-44. 'The Romance of a Store.' By M F W [?Mabel Fitzroy Wilson]. 273-98. '"Guilty or Not Guilty".' By H Garton Sargent. 299-309. 'The Sisterhood of Cameron.' By M F W [?Mabel Fitzroy Wilson]. 310-21. 'Mors et Vita.' By Charlotte A Price. 386-98. 'An Errand by Night.' By Blanche Wills Chandler. 399-410. 'Advertise.' By CLorinda. 411-17.

90 (May-Aug 1896)

Joan and Mrs. carr (cont). By Rita [Eliza Margaret Humphreys, nee Gollan]. 1-32, 113-40, 225-57, 337-58. 'Only a Woman's Hand.' By Willmott Dixon. 45-52. 'In the Preacher's Heart.' By Louey Jackson. 53-63. 'Derelict.' By M Pechell. 66-74. 'The Russian Spy.' By D'Arcy Hildyard. 75-82. Under the Grey Vei1 (cont). By Max Pireau. 96-112, 207-24, 322-36, 433-44. 'The Queen of the May. A Tale in Three Chapters.' By Morris Price Williams. 154-78. 'The Thirteenth of February. A Case for the Psychical Research Society.' By Edward Allbutt. 180-97. 'Life's Possibilities.' By Mary S Hancock. 198-206. 'The Mystery of the Dover Express.' By M F Baly. 277-96. 'A Karroo Love Story.' By L Butt. 297-312. 'Alms and the Man.' By E C Hamley. 313-18. 'The Haunted Farm House.' By Hon Mrs Nathaniel Fiennes. 382-98. 'His Enemy.' By E E Kitton. 399-413. 'Beyond the Frontier.' By Birch Vye. 414-27. 'En Passant.' By Maud Venables Vernon. 427-32.

91 (Sept-Dec 1896)

Joan & Mrs. Carr (cont). By Rita [Eliza Margaret Humphreys, n�e Gollan]. 1-24, 113-25. 'V'ronica Mary.' By Ina Leon Cassilis. 35-58. 'Love's Ironies.' By w H Gleadell. 59-74. 'The Willoughby Wedding.' By C M Priest. 75-90. Under a Grey Veil (cont). By Max Pireau. 102-12, 214-24, 225-35.

73 'The Creeping Shadow.' By R Parpped. 144-54. [Author's name spelt 'Pardepp' in Contents list.] 'Cartis' Folly.' By Francis Glover. 155-73. 'The Mellingford Bank Failure.' 174-89. 'The True Avouch of Mine OWnEyes.' ByElinor Crowe. 190-8. 'Valeria.' By H B Stimpson. 199-209. 'In the Days of the Cagots.' ByE Yolland. 245-55. 'Till Death - and After.' By Walter Richards. 258-74. 'Warwick St. John. A Story by Vida.' By Vida. 275-93. 'Simpatica.' By Flora Schmalz. 313-36. 'A Woman Who Did the Right.' By Sarah Catherine Budd. 337-55. 'Little Number Three. A Story of Anglo-Indian Life.' By Fred J Fraser. 356-437. 'The Major's Diplomacy.' By Augusta Marryat. 438-44.

92 (Jan-Apr 1897)

In the End. By Tritton Grant. 1-45, 113-43, 225-62, 337-58. 'Parson's Duty.' By Christie Dutton. 58-70. 'Mr. Dawson. A Sketch.' By C M Priest. 71-9. 'The Pearl of Pevynsy.' By Winston Kendrick. 80-96. 'Lady Brockden's Niece.' By Annie G Hopkins. 97-112. 'A Month in the Latin Quarter.' ByEthel F Heddle. 144-51. 'The Stoning to Death of Teodoro Attardo.' By BIHEugenie di Christoforo. 152-68. 'Restored to Life.' By Thomas Shairp. 169-211. 'City and Suburban.' By Katharine F Hills. 212-24. 'Max Beverley's Model.' By Carol Young. 271-96. 'The Fourteenth Guest.' By Mabel Freund Lloyd. 297-311. 'AnEpisode in the Life of a New Woman.' By Annie Isabella Oppenheim. 312-36. 'An Australian Andromeda.' By G Firth Scott. 359-72. 'Geordie Blair's Luck.' By Birch Vye and Sydney Phelps. 389-98. 'A Fairy on Horseback.' By John Strange Winter. 407-12. 'AnExperiment.' By MrsEdwards Cartwright.' 418-40.

93 (May-Aug 1897)

In the End (cont). By Tritton Grant. 1-18. 'In the Mountains of Peru.' By G Firth Scott. 28-36. 'The Avenger.' By Muriel C Lindsay. 37-51. 'Bessie Gray.' By Winston Kendrick. 52-67. 'The Deaf Colonel.' By A H Begbie. 78-105. 'An Invitation.' By Robert Barr. 114-27. 'Pere Michel.' By L G Moberly. 128-37. 'Roger's Romance.' By W L Alden. 153-8. Nare11e: a Ta1e of an Austra1 Maid. By G Firth Scott. 159-88, 257-92, 378-403. 'Without Due Authority.' By Nellie K Blissett. 241-9. 'The Swinton Incident.' By W L Alden. 303-12. 'Lady Haversham's Butler.' By Philip Burne-Jones. 320-40. 'By Woman's Wit.' By L E Tiddeman. 341-53.

74 '"No Choice".' By George Preston. 354-62. 'Zanze's Festival.' By W L Alden. 369-77. 'A Native Genius.' By H Violet Myers. 415-28. 'A Week of Happines.' By Violet Wood. 429-36. 'La Petite Blanchisseuse.' By Arthur Beaumont. 445-56. 'A Confession of Crime.' By L McQuaid. 457-65. 'And Yet ----!' By Philippa Trent. 475-88.

94 {Sept-Dec 1897)

'Bab-el-Hawiyat.' By William le Queux. 1-8. Narelle: a Tale of an Austral Maid {cent). By G Firth Scott. 26-65, 137-75, 300-44, 423-48. 'Little Mrs. Fitz.' By Winston Kendrick. 66-86. 'Traders of the Niger: a Story of the Niger Swamps.' By Weathergage. 92-102. 'A Social Success: a Sketch in Anglo-India.' By Kathleen Murray. 103-12. '"Hengler's" or "Prince's"?' By Venetia Hohler. 113-20. 'A Gentleman of the Road.' By Nellie K Blissett. 129-36. 'Freddy Elwyn's Wife: a Middle-Class Mystery.' By E Harling. 209-22. 'Dolly: a Character Sketch.' By Frango. 223-5. 'That Newspaper Man.' 226-34. 'Poor Janey.' By Hon Margaret Collier. 235-47. 'An M.P.Errant.' 257-84, 385-410. 'Mere Susanne.' By Ada Smith. 285-9. 'Red and Black.' ByE Harling. 353-63. 'The Jet Cross.' ByEdward Cecil. 411-20. '"His Majesty".' By L G Moberly. 461-78. 'The Pitiful History of Gertrude.' ByE Harling. 479-92. 'Babette.' ByE Arbuthnot. 502-7.

95 {Jan-Apr 1898)*

'A House of Horrors.' By Andrew Merry. 1-50. 'The Bounder.' By Horace Wyndham. 51-64. '"In Sour Misfortune's Book".' By A. 65-96. 'Yellow Gold.' By Winston Kendrick. 97-111. 'Father Time.' By MarionElliston. 136-47. 'The MidnightExpress.' By L McQuaid. 160-9. St. Philip's-on-the-Sea: a Novel. By George Lambert. 193-219, 321-57, 449-88. 'A Lunch for the General. {With the Part Which Private Reilly Took in It).' By Lieut D Dallas. 225-40. '"The More Gracious Estate".' By MrsEvan Nepean. 241-4. 'The Fourth Pearl.' By J William Breslin. 245-81. 'Because of the Judgment to Come.' By L C Morant. 282-310. 'Drift.' By Kathleen Murray. 364-71. 'Caroline's Aftermath.' By Mrs Stuart-Langford. 372-81. 'A Sea-Fish in the River.' ByE Harling. 439-44. '"A Fenian Memory".' By Sophie L Macintosh. 489-95. 'The Maharajah's Entry for the Maripoor Cup.' By D Gedling Wood. 501-8.

75 'An Accident - Nothing More.' By Maud Coleborn. 509-26. '"Happen and Chance".' By M B Hardie. 527-59.

*January issue incorporates Belqravia Annual and runs to 192 pp. See below, Belqravia Annual, 1897.

96 (May-Aug 1898)

St. Philip's-on-the-Sea (cant). By George Lambert. 1-42, 129-62, 257-98, 385-415. 'Flamboyant's Ring.' By w B Wallace. 49-59. 'The Innkeeper of the Landes: a True Story.' By S Gaye. 60-70. 'A Duel and a Dupe: or, The Chateau in the Forest.' By E H Bell. 71-83. 'Who's Georgina?' By John Coniston. 84-97. 'The Traitor of an Hour.' By Tristram K Manke. 163-74. 'Trouble in Dahomey.' By Harold Blindloss. 175-85. '"I Require and Charge You Both".' By Walter Richards. 197-212. 'A Plain Girl's Romance.' By Violet Wood. 213-34. 'What the Moon Revealed.' By Ratcliff Hoare. 235-44. 'The Girl Widow.' By Constance Smith. 299-313. 'The Affair of the "Blue Coats".' By PHDitchfield. 340-6. 'The Taking of Ballynagle Tower.' By Andrew Merry. 347-62. 'Its own Reward.' By Kathleen Murray. 432-40. '"The Gift of Life".' By Verner Fenton. 441-71. 'The Major's Wife's Maiden Aunt.' By D Dallas. 472-92. 'A Vicarious Atonement.' By Clifford Mounteney. 493-512.

97 (Sept-Dec 1898)

'The "Grey Men" of Kunharva.' By AM Judd. 1-40. 'The Surrender of Joshua.' By Ada L Harris. 41-9. 'Signifying Nothing.' By Mary Geoghegan. 50-3. 'A Sunset at Lugarno.' By Mary S Hancock. 54-61. 'Eustace Holte.' By Muriel C Lindsay. 67-81. 'A Cycling Courtship.' By Millie S Greene. 86-101. 'The Grave of role.' By G H Went. 102-11. 'Sergeant Harding's Grandfather.' By G Stanley Ellis. 112-21. 'A Smart Woman.' 122-30. A Dauqher of Lilith. By A M Judd. 131-64, 335-62, 436-71. 'The Man-Eater of Avaghoe.' By Andrew Merry. 165-83. 'The Mithridatic Drop.' By W B Wallace. 184-97. 'Broken China.' By F Thorold Dickson. 198-200. 'The Soul of the Brahmin: a Psychical Problem.' By Janet A McCullock. 201-26. 'The Port House Burglary.' By s M Crawley-Boevey. 227-41. 'Life's Irony.' By Vida. 242-52. 'On Piquet.' By G Stanley Ellis. 259-65. 'A Terrible Night.' By L McQuaid. 283-92. 'The New Minister.' By A Fraser Robertson. 293-315. 'The Strange Power.' By L c Morant. 316-9. 'The Revd. Harry.' By Carol Young. 364-83.

76 'The Queen of Spades.' By Hamilton Seymour. 387-414. 'The Love of Darby Macartney.' By Andrew Merry; 415-35.· 'The Indiscretion of Lieut. De Montesque, Extra Aide-de-Camp.' By Lieut Dallas. 472-512. 'The Dreams That Fade.' By Mary S Hancock. 513-60.

98 (Jan-Apr 1899)

'The Failure of Penelope Price.' ByEleanora H Stooke. 1-11. '"Whom God Hath Joined".' By Andrew Merry. 12-57. 'A Lady Patentee.' By D Wright Smith. 63-8. 'Dolly Vernon's Birthday.' By F Thorold Dickson. 69-73. A Daughter of Lilith (cant). By AMJudd. 74-105, 183-216, 296-333, 433-64. 'The Simplicity of Susan.' By Mary L Pendered. 108-18. 'The Power of a Will.' By M c Sidgwick. 132-61. 'Waste Products.' By Lieut ColT Preston Battersby. 162-8. 'In the House of Fear.' ByE A Read. 169-82. 'A Man's Message.' By Chaloner Lyon. 218-26. 'Told at Midnight. The Nurse's Story.' By Mrs J F B Firth. 227-35. 'The Horne Corning.' By M M Fitzgerald. 236-42. 'Sister's Love.' By Kathleen Murray. 257-72. 'The Missing of the Stone.' ByEdith Alice Maitland. 273-89. 'On the Way to the City of Souls.' By L C Morant. 290-5. 'My Divinity.' By Dominique Monro. 334-57. 'David Gam, Knight.' By Marion Ward. 358-76. 'The Mystery of Fifty Fivers.' By Hamilton Seymour. 377-400. 'The Back Attic.' By A Noble. 415-32. 'The Shadowy Third.' By Jessie Chalmers. 473-8.


Annuals for 1867-70, 1872-4, 1877-84, 1886-7, 1889-96 indexed from copies in the Bodleian Library. Annuals for 1871, 1875 indexed from copies in the University of Queensland Library.

Annuals for 1876, 1885, 1888 not sighted, but indexed from contents lists for volumes 31, 58, and 67 respectively.


'Found in the Muniment Chest. A Tale.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret' [ME Braddon]. 1-11. 'Nicodemus.' By Alfred Crowquill. 12-17. 'King Esar's Slave. A Tale of Babylon.' By the author of 'Kiddle-a-wink', 'Mildred's Wedding', etc [Francis Derrick, i.e. Frances Notley]. 17-31. 'The Serious Ball.' By George Augustus Sala. 33-41.

77 'Cora, a Psychological Mystery.' By Alfred Thompson. 48-55. 'A Story Told in a Church.' By Ada Buisson. 56-64. 'Abbey House. The Story of a Knocker.' By J R Ware. 65-77. 'A Legend of Verity's Court.' By William Sawyer. 78-80. 'The Death's Head Club.' By Walter Thornbury. 83-9. 'A Madman's Story.' By T H s Escott. 92-6. 'Dorothy's Rival.' By Babington White [i.e. ME Braddon]. 98-107. 'A Life Watch.' By Georgiana c Clark. 113-21. 'An Acting Charade.' By Alfred Thompson. 122-8.


'My Wife's Promise. A Tale.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret' [M E Braddon]. 1-11. 'The Confession of Zillah the Witch.' By the author of 'Mildred's Wedding', etc [Francis Derrick, i.e. Frances Notley]. 13-28. '"Her Last Appearance".' By Dutton Cook. 28-36. 'The Bad Lord Brackenbury.' By George Augustus Sala. 36-48. 'The True Story of Don Juan.' By Babington White [i.e. ME Braddon]. 49-55. 'My Christmas Mystery.' By William Sawyer. 60-8. 'Wraith-Haunted.' By Mrs G Linnaeus Banks. 71-80. 'The Chances of a Battue.' By Charles Clarke. 82-8. 'Judgment Wanted.' By Annie Thomas. 89-96. 'Christmas-Eve in a Watch-House.' By Charles Smith Cheltnam. 97-105. 'Christmas in Possession. A Tale by the Editor.' [M E Braddon]. 110-23.

*This Annual includes several cartoon-strip stories of two pages each, including one by Phiz: 'Whiffles' Ride in the Row'.


'The Scene-Painter's Wife. A Tale.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret' [M E Braddon]. 1-7. 'A Drag-Hunt at Christmas.' By Charles Carlos-Clarke. 8-15. 'Frank Tyrell's Elopement.' By Walter Thornbury. 16-27. 'Warned in a Dream.' By T H S Escott. 27-32. 'The Mapleton Mystery.' By Annie Thomas. 32-43. 'Sir Philip's Wooing.' By Babington White [i.e. ME Braddon]. 49-60. 'Brierley Grange.' By Astley H Baldwin. 65-73. 'The Midnight Search.' By Colonel Meadows Taylor. 73-80. 'Keeping His Eyes Open.' By Percy Fitzgerald. 85-96. 'Gentle Jack.' By J Saunders. 98-105. 'Changing Heads with Captain Copp. A Rattle-Brain Story in Prologue and Six Chapters.' By Charles H Ross. 106-12. [Drawings in the text.] 'Ejected by a Ghost.' By John Pitman. 113-17. 'The Late Captain Crackenthorpe.' By Dutton Cook. 119-28.

78 1870

'John Granger. A Ghost Story.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret' [ME Braddon]. 1-14. 'Sir William Wilkins, Knight.' By Dutton Cook. 17-28. 'Le Vert Galant.' 29-32. 'Disinherited by a Kilt.' By Archibald Forbes. 35-41. 'A Cooperative Christmas Party.' By J Hain Friswell. 42-8. 'A Letter from the Dead.' ByGeorge Augustus Sala. 51-9. 'Shaun's Sorrow. A Tale of All- Hallow Eve.' 60-4. 'A Mysterious Lodger.' By Astley H Baldwin. 65-73. 'Atlantic Mail - First Class.' ByGeorge Manville Fenn. 74-80. 'The Wreck of the Siren.• By Walter Thornbury. 82-90. 'An Odd Fix.• By F w Robinson. 91-6. 'Too Bright to Last.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret' [ME Braddon]. 97-110. 'The Lych-Gate: a Sporting Tailor's Story.• By Wat Bradwood. 113-19. 'ThreeGhosts.• By Florence Marryat [Mrs Ross Church]. 120-8.


'Old Rudderford Hall.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret' [ME Braddon]. 1-18. 'How I Lost the Heiress.• By R w Baddeley. 22-32. 'Laura Silver Bell.' By J S Le Fanu. 33-40. 'Hail, Columbia!' By George Augustus Sala. 41-8. 'In Sir Rupert's Room.' By Mark Hardcastle [i.e. Mary Cecil Hay]. 50-8. 'Only a Nigger.• 59-64. 'Tim Twinkleton's Twins.• By Marian Northcott. 65-76. 'The Fatal Tryst.' 80-90. 'My First Commission.• By Frederick Talbot. 90-5. 'Dr. Deadshot and His Little Consignment.• By Walter Thornbury. 97-108.

'An Unexpected Highlander.' 109-11. 'The DreadedGuest.• By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret' [ME Braddon]. 112-28.


'Three Times.• By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret' [ME Braddon]. 1-15.

'The Slip Carriage.' By Walter Thornbury. 19-28. 'Not Just Yet.• By the author of 'Jack Pugh's Legacy' [Frederick Talbot]. 29-32. 'Christmas-Eve.• By the author of 'Lord Lynn's Wife', etc [John Berwick Harwood]. 33-41. 'My Client Upstairs.• By Fred Talbot. 42-7. 'Larry's Apprenticeship. An Irish Fairy Legend.' By MrsG Linnaeus Banks. 48-57. 'AGood Hater.• By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret' [ME Braddon]. 58-80.

'The Mystery of Viscount Bowldout. A West-End Romance.• ByGeorge Augustus Sala. 81-8.

79 'Splodge's "Ben".' By Marian Northcott. 89-96. 'Told by a Comprador.' By Charles w. Hay. 97-101. 'Mrs. Duncan's Will.' By Mark Hardcastle [i.e. Mary Cecil Hay]. 102-9. 'The Last Night in the Old Country.' By W W Fenn. 110-5. 'Our Junior Partner.' By the author of 'The Winning Hazard', etc [Mrs Alexander, i.e. Annie French Hector]. 116-23. 'A String of Ghost Stories.' By James Grant. 124-8.


'The History of Dapple Gray.' 1-13. 'Prince Ramji Rowdedow.' [By ME Braddon.] 16-23. 'The Wreck of the Firefly.' By Frederick Talbot. 24-32. 'A Troubled Night.' By Mrs Price. 39-48. 'Just in Time.' By Alfred E T Watson. 49-60. 'For Dear Life.' 61-4. 'The Old Chapel-Master.' By Walter Thornbury. 64-73. 'The Stout Skater.' By R W Baddeley. 74-80. 'Binks's Benefaction.' By Marian Northcott. 82-9. 'Ralph Dayner's Doom.' By W W Fenn. 89-96. 'The Lonely Lodger: a Daring Liberty Taken with a Noted Public Character.' By George Augustus Sala. 98-105. 'The Cedar Closet.' By M K woods. 106-12. 'The Lovers of Tangle Island.' By Albany de Fonblanque. 112-21. 'A Midnight Adventure.' By Joseph Hatton. 122-7.


'Sir Hanbury's Bequest.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret' [ME Braddon]. 1-13. 'Joe Upon Happiness.' By the author of 'Jack Pugh's Legacy' [Frederick Talbot]. 14-16. 'Collared.' By Albany de Fonblanque. 22-32. 'E lspeth.' By Mrs C Reade. 33-45. 'Out of the Waters.' By the author of 'Dapple Gray'. 46-54. 'The Pink Bonnet. TheEnigma of a Solitary Young Man.' By George Augustus Sala. 55-64. 'The Red-Leather Pocket-Book. A Volunteer's Story, in Three Divisions.' By W W Fenn. 65-72. 'A Clergyman's Holiday.' 73-80. 'Mrs. Twinkleton's Creed.' By Marian Northcott. 81-8. 'California Jackson.' By James W Allan. 89-95. 'The Death Cry. A Tale of the Banshee.' ByE J Curtis. 96-106. 'A Short Head.' By W Turley Mainprise. 107-11. 'The Terrible Night.' By H Olivia Boddington. 114-19. 'Fifteen Minutes after Midnight.' By Federick Talbot. 120-8.


'Sir Luke's Return.' By the author of 'Lady Audley's Secret', etc. [M E Braddon]. 1-17. 'A Blue-Jacket's Peril.' By AS Beatty [or Beattie?]. 18-23.

80 'Chance Friends.' By the author of 'Dapple Grey', etc. 23-32. 'Eily's Ghost.' By James Bowker. 34-9. 'On Board the Viper.' By Dutton Cook. 40-8. 'How My Grandmother Came to Marry My Grandfather.' By Mrs C Reade. 50-61. 'The Pride of the Corbyns.' By Mrs G Linnaeus Banks. 64-80. 'Susan's Mistake.' By Marian Northcott. 83-91. 'The Ice-Gorge.' By the author of 'Lord Lynn's Wife', etc [John Berwick Harwood]. 92-6. 'The Little French Gentleman: a Sketch of the Year 'Fourteen.' By George Augustus Sala. 97-104. 'Ploughed by Moments.' By Mary Cecil Hay. 104-10. 'The Secret of the Stair: a Lawyer's Story.' By w w Fenn. 111-22. 'The Outside Carriage.' By Frederick Talbot. 122-7.


'The Confiscated Weeds.' By James Payn. 1-(?8]. 'Carmagnole1 the Wickedest Woman in France.' By G[eorge] A[ugustus] Sala. 10-[?25]. 'Plain John Smith.' 26-[?46]. 'Monsieur Blaise.' By Dutton Cook. 47-[?59]. 'Her Last Appearance.' By MEBraddon. 61-[?73]. 'The Rocking-Stone of Tregunc.' By K s Macquoid. 74-[?97]. 'The Parson's Pupil.' By S J Mackenna. 99-[?111]. 'Nelly O'Hara1 or, The Half-Brothers.' 112-[?19]. 'The Ladies Vane, Spinsters. 121-(?].


'The Strange Behaviour of Mr. Apostolo.' By George AUgustus Sala. 1-21. 'Peter Stott's Dream.' By Jean Middlemass. 22-9. 'Nipped in the Bud.' By Gerald Dixon. 31-44. 'Cui Bono? or, the Story of Chloe Tenterden.' By Jeffrey Graham. 45-70. 'My Coal-Black Beard.' By Percy Fitzgerald. 71-85. 'My Uncle Ben.' 86-93. 'The Fatal Curiosity; or, A Hundred Years Hence.' By James Payn. 94-128.


'A Shocking Story.' By Wilkie Collins. 1-28. 'The Baby.' By the author of 'Phyllis' [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, nee Argles]. 29-43. 'My First and Last Stroke for Fame.' By P Daly O'Donovan. 45-53. 'The Actor's Conquest.' By Percy Fitzgerald. 54-65. 'A Mediaeval Mistake.' By James Payn. 66-74. 'The Brave Girl of Glenbarr.' By Cuthbert Bede. 77-92. 'My New-Year's Eve among the Mummies.' J Arbuthnot Wilson. 93-105. 'A Literary Siren.' By Gerald Dixon. 106-20.

81 1879

'Martha Jacobi.' By F W Robinson. 1-17. 'J. and H.; or, Rural Courtship.' By Cuthbert Bede. 18-21. 'Miss Philpotts the Beauty.' By Percy Fitzgerald. 23-50. 'A Brighton Delilah.' By Gerald Dixon. 52-70. 'A Charade and Its Consequences.' By James Payn. 71-85. 'Lucretia.' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 87-101. 'The Prima Donna's Husband.' By Dutton Cook. 105-19. 'A Broken Distaff.' By Jean Middlemass. 120-8.


'The Young Lady in Grey.' By F W Robinson. 2-16. 'Prince Saroni's Wife.' By Julian Hawthorne. 18-47. 'Max Reineke's Great Book.' By E C Grenville-Murray. 48-53. 'The Colonel.' By H W Lucy. 55-67. 'The Reduced Dinner Party.' By James Payn. 68-77. 'Is She an Heiress?' By Percy Fitzgerald. 78-89. 'The Chinese Play at the Haymarket.' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 90-100. 'So like the Prince.' By A Egmont Hake. 102-8. 'The Transactions of the Cato Club.' By Dutton Cook. 109-21. 'A Christmas Nightmare.' By T F Thiselton Dyer. 122-8.


'Your Money or Your Life: a Tale of My Landlady.' By Wilkie Collins. 1-23.

'Pausodyne: a Great Chemical Discovery.' J Arbuthnot Wilson. 24-38. 'Two Delicate Cases.' By James Payn. 39-47. 'Brought Back to the World.' By F w Robinson. 48-65. 'The Cobledick Tragedy.' By Henry W Lucy. 67-73. 'For Love's Sake.' By Henry George Murray. 74-82. 'Mrs. and Miss Bellingham.' By Dutton Cook. 84-97. 'Blades the Clown. A Circus Story.' By Percy Fitzgerald. 98-109. 'Mildred Blaquaire.' H Barton Baker. 110-28.


'The Humbling of the Memblings.' By Walter Besant. 1-29. 'Bickers the Blower. A Confession.' By F w Robinson. 30-52. 'Jebb's Mantlepiece.' By James Payn. 53-8. 'Mr. Josiah Smith's Cabman.' By Henry W Lucy. 59-66. 'Mr. Chung.' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 67-80. 'Dr. Carajo's Patient.' By Julian Hawthorne. 81-93. 'Stage Love.' By Justin H McCarthy. 94-111. 'Mrs. Starkie's Trustee.' By Dutton Cook. 112-28.

82 1883

'Why He Married Her.' By James Payn. 1-9. 'My Uncle's Will.' By J. Arbuthnot Wilson. 10-20. 'An Odd Tale.' By H Barton Baker. 21-30. 'A Musician's Story.' By Jessie Macleod. 31-41. 'Miss Caramel's Peril.' By Dutton Cook. 45-64. 'Mr. Bird's Best Umbrella.' By F W Robinson. 66-89. 'Uncle Andrew.' By J W Sherer. 91-101. ' 'Zara.' By the author of 'Phyllis' [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, nee Argles]. 102-11. 'A Transferred Identity.' By T Malcolm Watson. 113-28.


'Olga Davidoff's Husband.' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 1-17. 'Another Man's Wife.' By F W Robinson. 22-39. 'A Strange Love Letter.' By Annette Calthorp. 40-50. 'An Ancient Charm.' ByE G Simpson. 51-7. 'Humphrey Haliburton. Two Episodes in His Life.' By Justin Huntly McCarthy. 59-81. '"Founded on Fact".' By T Malcolm Watson. 83-92. 'My Wedding Journey.' By Catherine Childar. 93-105. 'A Quakeress.' ByE Lovett Cameron. 106-18. 'Captain Brandy's Bet.' By Frank Abell. 120-8.


'In Strict Confidence.' By Grant Allen. 1-[?15]. 'Lost!' By Jessie Macleod. 16-[?25]. 'Between the Lines.' ByE Lynn Linton. 28-[?57]. '"For Herself".' By Basil [Richard Ashe King]. 59-[?78]. 'A Strange Refusal.' By Coulson Kernahan. 79-[?86]. 'A Fine Cellar of Wine.' By Frank Abell. 87-[?94]. 'Gigson's Goose Club.' By F W Robinson. 96-[?113]. 'The Three Card Trick.' By Hugh Coleman Davidson. 114-[?22]. 'Child Ciss: a Tale of the Stage.' By Beatrice Harraden. 124-[?9].


'Penprase the Stone-Breaker.' By F W Robinson. 1-21. 'A Painter's Love.' By Beatrice Harraden. 22-35. 'The Lost Soul. Being the Narrative of the Honourable Algernon Trimbull.' By Justin Huntly McCarthy. 36-49. 'Moxon's Theatre Royal.' By Charles Hannan. 52-66. 'Monsieur le Cure.' By Robert H Sherard. 67-73. 'That Awful Cuckoo-Clock.' By Gertrude Rosaline Henderson. 75-95. 'Mad Morden.' By F L Layard. 96-112. 'Her Ladyship's Housekeeper.' By Frank Abell. 113-22. 'A Ghost Story Without anEnd.' By LeslieEthridge. 123-7.

83 1887

'The Author of "Jessica".' By M Dal Vero. l-24. 'A Psychical Experiment.' By B F Cresswell. 26-33. 'Defeated.' By Jessie Macleod. 34-54. 'A Tale of the Flying Scotchman.' By J Crawford Scott. 57-68. 'The Wretched Rector.' By Stephen Grete. 69-81. 'My Fatal Visit to an Editor.' By Beatrice Harraden. 82-91. 'A Duplicate Wooing.' By W J Lacey. 92-103. 'Dinah's Adventure.' By Nellie Hincks. 104-16. 'An "Agony Column" Mystery.' By Richard Dowling. 117-28.


'My Christmas Eve at Marzin.' By Grant Allen. l-[?10]. 'Mabella's Edith.' By William Grant. 11-[?23]. 'How Doctor McKeown Robbed the National Gallery.' By T Preston Battersby. 24-[?36]. 'Meg.' By Keith Christie. 37-[?44]. 'Old Turcan's Wife: an African Story.' By J Landers. 46-[?76]. 'One Christmas Eve.' By the author of 'Miss Molly'. 77-[?81]. 'The Ards House Mystery.' By Edward Heins. 83-[?96]. 'Too Late!' By Eva M Henry. 97-[?106]. 'Faces in Secret.' By H V Brown. 107-[?].


'Superstition.' By John Strange Winter. 1-7. 'Jealous Mrs. Benetfink.' By Florence Marryat. 8-22. 'Carhilton's Choice.' By Curtis Yorke. 23-38. 'Princess Nadine.' By Rita [Eliza Margaret Humphreys, nee Gollan]. 39-58. 'A Cruel Problem: a Story Founded on Fact.' By Mrs Edward Kennard. 59-70. 'On Information Received.' By Edith Stewart Drewry. 71-83. 'One Christmas Eve.' By Lady Duffus Hardy. 84-109. 'My Princess Naomi.' By Mrs Robert Jocelyn. 110-25. 'The Story of a Button.' By K Butt. 125-8.


'Ninety-Seven.' By �ohn Strange Winter. 1-14. 'A Lost Bride.' By Lady Duffus Hardy. 15-29. 'A Miniature Trouble.' By F Coplestone [i.e. Mrs F Copleston]. 30-42. 'Her Ladyship's Lover.' By Florence Marryat. 43-52. '"That Odd Red Mark".' By Edith Stewart Drewry. 53-71. 'Little Snowflake.' By J Sale Lloyd. 72-86. '"Having Kissed the Woman ---".' By Rita [Eliza Margaret Humphreys, nee Gollan]. 88-111.

84 1891

'Pages of the Past.' By Annie Thomas. l-30. ""Tis Woman's Whole Existence".• By Mrs Alexander Fraser. 31-45. 'A Twin-Identity.' By Edith Stewart Drewry. 46-56. 'Miss May's Guest.• By Nora Vynne. 57-82. 'The Schoolmistress of Morton Mills.• By Iza Duffus Hardy. 83-112.


'The Haunted Station.• By Hume Nisbet. 1-20. 'My Christmas Dinner.• By Mrs Edward Kennard. 21-8. 'The Black Pointer.• By Edith Stewart Drewry. 29-49. 'Mrs. Ponsonby's Poodle.• By Lucie H Armstrong. 50-61. 'The Old Man's Garden.' By Kathleen Watson. 62-71. 'Caulfield's Crime.• By A Perrin. 72-84. '"Though One Rose from the Dead".' By Rita [Eliza Margaret Humphreys, n�e Gollan]. 85-102. 'A Story of Engagements.• By Quinton Gordon. 103-12.


'Rose of the World.' By John Strange Winter. l-8. 'By Act of Parliament.• By Helen Heppner Coode. 9-51. 'A Substitute.' By Lucie H Armstrong. 52-8. • "Once Too Often".• By Edith Stewart Drewry. 59-77. '"Richardson".' By Rita [Eliza Margaret Humphreys, nee Gollan]. 77-88.

'Vanished.' By Penfound Crawford. 89-98. 'A Terrible Love.• By Charlotte E Morland. 98-112.


'Two Men and a Woman's Heart.• By the author of 'Miss Molly'. l-33. '"Butcher'd to Make a Holiday".' By Florence Marryat. 34-42. 'The End of an Idyll.' By Gertrude Warden. 42-58. 'Ricochet.• By Edith Stewart Drewry. 59-74. 'The Grave on the Hillside. A Tale of Old Sussex.' By Birch Vye. 75-90.

'Annie.• By Hume Nisbet. 91-8. 'Black and White.' By Ella MacMahon. 99-106. 'Fulfilled. A Story of Fate.• By Maude Field. 107-12.


'The Keystone of the Household.' By John Strange Winter. l-13. 'Noor Mahomed's Bungalow. A Story of Anglo-Persian Life.• By M Pechell. 14-22.

'Fred Alford's Partner.• By Edith Stewart Drewry. 22-7.

85 'Bunchie: a Boy's Love.' By Winston Kendrick. 28-57. 'Bessie Thorne's Revenge. A Story.' By Annie Thomas. 58-71. 'The Lifted Veil.' By Bevis Cane. 72-84. 'A Hereditary Curse.' By Penfound Crawford. 85-97. 'Orazio Calvo.' By M P Shiel. 97-112.


'A Dear Little Woman.' By John Strange Winter. 1-9. 'In This World, or the Next.' by Florence Marryat. 10-18. 'The Way of Transgressors.' By Derek Vane. 21-34. 'Mrs. Fernie's Temptation.' By Cecil Leigh. 35-46. 'A Little Cockney's Romance.' By AM Prothero. 47-69. 'The Hall i'the Wood.' By May Crommelin. 70-84. 'The Nine Days' Queen.' By Nora Hopper. 85-95. 'That Delightful Stranger.' By Lucy Hardy. 95-112.


Be1qravia Annua1 (1897) is incorporated in the January 1898 issue of Be1qravia (v 95, Jan-Apr 1898). 'Belgravia Annual' is printed on the cover of the January issue, but not on the title-page to volume 95. The January issue runs to 192 pages. No separation is made between January items and Annua1 items, either in the contents list to volume 95 or in the contents list to January issue.

This incorpartation is advertised in volume 95 (November 1897) on page 7 of the advertising pages.

No further Annua1s appear to have been issued.


Indexed from copies in the Bodleian Library.

Ho1iday Numbers for 1876-8, 1880-1, 1885, 1889 not sighted, but indexed from contents lists for volumes 30, 33, 36, 42, 45, 57, and 69 respectively.


'Brighton out of the Season.' By G[eorge] A[ugustus] Sala. 1-[?14] 'The Severed Hand.' By F[rederick] Talbot. 15-[?39]. 'Sebastian.' By ME Braddon. 40-[?59]. 'Known at Last.' By Phillip B Marston. 61-[?5]. 'By a Leap.' By Mary Cecil Hay. 66-[?75]. 'Giulia Varani; or, St. Peter's Day at Belluno.' By T A Trollope. 77-[?87]. 'The Rector's Second Daughter.' 88-[?103]. 'Little Miss Brown.' 104-[?].

86 1877

'The Mystery of St.Remi.' By Henry Kingsley. 1-[?21). 'Winifred's Lovers.' 22-[?46). 'The Scarlet Cloak.' 48-[?56). 'A Bold Stroke.' 57-[?77). 'Anglo-Indian Photographs.' 79-[?94). 'A Chronological Error.' By James Payn. 97-[103). 'A Pair of French Beauties.' 105-[?121). 'A Night of Terror.' 123-[?).


'Story of the Three Captains: a Memory of the Messageries Maritimes.' By George Augustus Sala. 1-[?21]. 'The Dilemma.' By the author of 'Phyllis' [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, n'e Argles ) . 24�[?39). 'An Easter Holiday.' By James Payn. 40-[?50). 'The Toll of Charon.' ByRichard Dowling. 52-[?73]. "'That Other Fellow!".' By Gerald Dixon. 75-[?89]. 'Snatched from Niagara.' By W C Bennett. 90- [?7]. 'Dream Music.' By Frederick Boyle. 99-[?111]. 'By Cable.' By Albany de Fonblanque. 113-[?].


'All a Green Willow.' By Charles Gibbon. 1-21. 'A Modern Delilah.' By James Payn. 23-31. 'The Marquis Pellegrini.' By Dutton Cook. 32-46. 'Pietro and Giannetta.' By G HR. 48-65. 'How I Caught My First Thames Trout.' By John H Keene. 66-74. 'That Pretty American.' By Gerald Dixon. 77-89. 'A War Story.' By the author of 'Miss Molly'. 90-7. 'The Last Day of Carnival.' by Mrs Comyns Carr. 99-110. "'What a Mad World It Is, My Masters!".' By the author of 'Phyllis' [Mrs Margaret Hungerford, n�e Argles ) . 111-24.


'TheRideouts.' By Percy Fitzgerald. 1-[?15]. 'My Circular Tour.' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 16-[?29]. 'BeyondRecall.' By M Hepworth Dixon. 30-[?47). 'Dr. Gates and the Senoritas.' By F Boyle. 48-[?61]. 'An Overrated Prescription.' By James Payn. 63-[?70). 'The Case of Hugh Maynard.' By Dutton Cook. 71-[?85]. 'Major Mulliner.' By J w Sherer. 86-[?95). 'A Game of Hazard.' By Sydney Wilson. 97-[?107]. 'Divided.' by Louisa E Ward. 108-[?27). 'My Lady.' By Violet Hunt. 128-[?].

87 1881

'Miss Anderson's Colours.' By F W Robinson. 1-[?22]. 'The Understudier.' By Henry W Lucy. 24-[?37]. 'The Duke and the Duchess.' By Dutton Cook. 38-[?55]. 'Jack - a Mendicant.' By Catherine L Pirkis. 56-[?64]. 'The Farmer's Wife at St. Fiacre.' By Katharine S Macquoid. 65-[?84]. 'The Senior Proctor's Wooing.' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 85-[?102]. 'An Enigma.' By [Albany] de Fonblanque. 103-[?].


'"I Cannot Marry You, My Pretty Maid!".' By Percy Fitzgerald. 1-10. 'In Trust for Sandy.' By F W Robinson. 11-31. 'A Club Benefactor.' By James Payn. 32-8. 'Passages in the Life of Colonel Cusack.' By Dutton Cook. 39-58. 'An Episode in High Life.' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 59-76. 'Sal, a Riverside Romance.' By Thomas Shairp. 77-105. 'The Bishop and Mr. Latazzi.' By David Christie Murray. 106-28.


'A Dangerous Virtue.' By James Payn. 1-5. 'The Little Russian Servant.' By Henri Gr�ville (translated by L Corkran). 6-20. 'An Episode in an Evening.' By Byrne Darcy. 21-34. 'Lover and Friend.' By Henry George Murray. 36-48. 'Isaline and I.' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 49-63. 'The Mill by the Molignee.' By Katharine s Macquoid. 64-81. 'The Shriek.' By W C Bennett. 82-8. 'Dick Watson's Daughter.' By F W Robinson. 90-111. 'My Lord Belvidere.' By Dutton Cook. 112-28.


'The Luck of Luke Shands.' By F w Robinson. 2-18. 'Hugh Portledown's Return from Normandy.' By J Arbuthnot Wilson. 19-31. 'A Coward.' By the author of 'Miss Molly'. 32-41. 'A Powerful Ally.' By T Malcolm Watson. 43-56. 'Who Cut the Wires?' By H F Lester. 57-65. 'Professor Petrus.• By Justin Huntly McCarthy. 67-84. 'A Scratcher.' By F Boyle. 85-94. 'A Survivor of the Terror.' By P Grey Parke. 96-117. 'Tim of Royston Village.' By Charles Kruger. 118-28.

88 1885

'The Fourth Son of the Earl of Moo.' By F w Robinson. 1-[?21]. 'Ginger.' By T Malcolm Watson. 22-[?38]. 'My Host.' By H F Lester. 39-[?47]. 'My Only Elopement.' By M H Spielmann. 48-[?61]. 'Scratch the Russian--.' By Percy Fitzgerald. 62-[?75]. 'A Night at the "Hotel des Morts".' By Percy W Thomas. 76-[?87]. 'Jack Harris's Mummy.' By Justin Huntly McCarthy. 88-[?100]. 'A Sunstroke.' 101-[?114]. 'The Mysteries of Mulberry House.' By Angelo J Lewis. 115-[?].


'The Story of the Stone Bouquet.' By F W Robinson. 1-21. 'Joan Carteret.' By Ida Ashworth Taylor. 23-37. 'Scylla and Charybdis.' By J E Macmanus. 38-53. 'Storm-Tost.' By Frances E Hughes. 55-71. 'Our Vagabond Friend.' By Rachel Carew. 72-80. 'The Groaning Ghost.' By Arthur Ready. 81-9. 'Mrs. Robson.' By Mary Lovett Cameron. 90-9. 'An Indian Storm.' By Charles Hine. 100-10. 'A Combeshire Heroine.' By Robert Ferguson. 111-28.


'"Minions of the Moon".' By F W Robinson. 1-20. 'The Captain's Cigarette Case. A Story of Portland Prison.' By Archie Fairbairn. 21-32. 'Madeleine, the Fisher Girl.' By Irene Trevena Coulton. 33-44. 'Twice Tried.' By Helen Wallace. 45-61. 'An Alpine Tragedy.' By AS Marshall Hall. 63-78. 'The Daimio.' By Justin Huntly McCarthy. 79-90. 'That Mysterious "Milord".' By H F Wood. 91-103. 'My Terrible Night in Malta.' By E A Henty. 105-16. 'Alone on the Goodwins.' By Jeanie Gwynne Bettany. 118-28.


'"Brother Augustine's Love Story".' By Katharine Macwhirter. 1-13. 'A Simple Maiden.' By T W Speight. 14-33. 'Our Water Picnic.' By Frank Rede Fowke. 34-41. '"When Doctors Differ ---".' By Saumarez de Havilland. 43-60. 'Payment for a Life.' By Richard Marsh. 61-9. 'In the Nick of Time.' By Archie Fairbairn. 70-81. 'Where Breakers Foam.' By Helen Wallace. 83-99. 'A Blue Serge Suit.' By Robert Shindler. 100-12. 'Her Sister Ebba.' By Mary Macfarlane. 113-28.

89 1889

'The Curse of the Vasartas.' By Eva M Henry.' 1-[?13]. 'The Curate's Mistake.' By Robert Shindler. 14-[?25]. 'The Black Ghost.' By Cyril Bennett. 26-[?40]. 'My Luncheon Party.' By saumarez de Havilland. 41-[?64]. 'A Balloon Story.' By A Harcourt Roe. 65-[?9]. 'A Bed for the Night.' By Richard Marsh. 70-[?80]. 'Three Old Maids.' By Darley Dale. 81-[?8]. 'A Year and a Day: a Canadian Story.' By J M Jackson. 89-[?97]. '"Stop Thief!".' By J Lawson. 98-[?109]. 'Paid up to Date.' By Lynne C D'Oyle. 110-[?20]. 'Chivalry's Pearl: a Sketch.' By Gertrude R Henderson. 121-[?].


'Good-Bye.' By Florence Marryat. 1-8. 'The Brahmin's Gift.' By T w Speight. 9-26. 'An Insoluble Mystery.' By Alice O'Hanlon. 27-47. 'Dr. Kenrick's Great Secret.' By Iza Duffus Hardy. 48-70. 'The Mystery of King's Bench Walk.' By Britiffe Skottowe. 71-86. 'The Warneford Abbey Ghost.' By Mrs Robert Jocelyn. 87-93. 'A Summer Idyll.' By Mrs Alexander Fraser. 94-101. 'A Disgrace to Her Family.' By Sybil Maxwell. 102-12.


'Beatrice Latrobe.' By Lady Duffus Hardy. 1-29. 'My Aunt's Legacy. A Story.' By Annie Thomas [Mrs Pender Cudlip]. 30-7.

'In Daffodil Time.' By Mrs Cecil Raleigh. 38-61. 'Almost!' By Curtis Yorke. 62-79. 'A Tale from St. Maryville.' By J Sale Lloyd. 80-96. 'Unknown.' By Josephine Errol. 97-112.


'The Mistakes of Marriage.' By Florence Marryat. 1-9. 'Linked! Not United. A Story.• By Annie Thomas [Mrs Pender Cudlip]. 10-16.

'Written in Golden Sand. A Seaside Phantasy.' By Mrs J Sale Lloyd. 17-32.

'Honour Among Thieves. A Victorian Episode.' By Somerville Gibney. 33-42.

'The Two Eistedfodds.' By E M Tudor Fitzjohn. 43-66. '"That Heliograph!".' By Saumarez de Havilland. 67-93. 'Sown on Sand.' By Charlotte E Morland. 94-112.

90 1893

'A Little Out of the Way.' By Annie Thomas [Mrs Pender Cudlip]. 1-6. 'To the Unknown God.' 7-12. 'In the Next Room.' By A Perrin. 13-22. "'Fiddle Mad".' By C Craigie Halkett. 24-54. 'The Strange Office of a Pin.' ByEdith Stewart Drewry. 55-89. 'Life's Episodes.' By R M Burnand. 90-7. 'The New Resident at Slocombe.' By Charlotte A Price. 98-111.


'Only a Face.' By John Strange Winter. 1-11. 'Remember!' By Henry Charles Moore. 12-51. 'Through the Multitude of Business.' By Winifred Graham. 52-74. 'A Crime or anError?' By Ina Leon Cassilis. 84-94. 'A Makeshift Atonement.' By G G Chatterton. 95-103.


'A Marriage Dis-arranged.' By Rita [Eliza Margaret Humphreys, nee Gollan]. 1-5. 'A Last Surrender.' By HonMrs Nathaniel Fiennes. 6-54. 'Arabia Petraea.' By the author of 'Miss Molly', etc. 55-72. 'The Wishing Pool.' By Ina Leon Cassilis. 73-89. 'A Terrible Impasse.' By W J Jamieson. 90-102. 'The Last Boat in the Lock.' By Edith Stewart Drewry. 103-12.


'By Rule of Thumb.' ByMrs Edith E Cuthell. 6-57. 'Juggins: a Memory of a Long Vacation.' By F W A. 58-73. 'The Thousandth Man.' By M L Pechell. 80-7. 'A Piece of Bric-a-Brac.' By Christian Lys. 88-112.


'A Mystery of the West Coast of Africa.' By Capt Henry Louis Fleet, RH. 1-16. 'A Man Fights Best in His own Township.' By Robert Barr. 17-37. 'Fernandey's Feud.' By G Firth Scott. 38-96. 'At the Dawning.' By FA Howden. 97-104. 'Into the Unknown.' By Lieut Stuart Gordon, RH. 105-24. 'Widow's Weeds.' By A w Ready. 125-8.