5414 THE GAZETTE, 23 AUGUST, 1935

THE RUEAL DISTRICT COUNCIL OF BOROUGH OF TAMWORTH. BATTLE. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1932. THE PUBLIC HEALTH ACTS AMENDMENT ACT, 1907. SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE AND NORTH WORCESTER- SHIRE JOINT PLANNING SCHEME. T> Y an Order dated the 12th day of August, -*-*' 1935, the Minister of Health has declared l^TOTICE is hereby given that (1) on the that, on and after the first day of September, -^ fifteenth day of August, 1935, the 1935, the following provisions of the Public Minister of Health notified his approval of Health Acts Amendment Act, 1907, shall be in the resolution of the Tamworth Town Council force in the Rural District of Battle, dated the thirtieth day of April, 1935, decid- namely:— ing to prepare the above planning scheme with reference to an area situate wholly within the Section 27 of the Public Health Acts Borough of Tamworth; (2) the map defining Amendment Act, 1907 (which relates to Tem- the area to which the resolution applies has porary Buildings) comprised in Part II of been deposited at the Town Clerk's Office, the said Act, shall, subject to the provisions Municipal Offices, Tamworth, and will be open of Section 33 (which relates to the exemption for inspection by all persons interested without of certain buildings) be in force in the charge between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.; undermentioned contributory places within (3) any person who is, or claims to be, an the Rural District of Battle:— owner of any property in the area and any Ashburnham, Battle, Beckley, Brede, association representing owners of property , , Crowhurst, Dalling- within the Borough of Tamworth and any ton, , Ewhurst, Fairlight, local association representing business or in- , Hollington Rural, Iden, Mount- dustry may by notice in writing, specifying field, , Ore, , Penhurst, in the case of an owner the property of which , , , , he claims to be the owner, require the Tam- , Westfield and . worth Town Council to register without charge his or their name and address for the service of Provided that the said Section 27 shall have subsequent notices relating to the scheme; effect subject to the following conditions: — Under the Town and Country Planning Nothing in this section shall apply to any (General Interim Development) Order, 1933,* temporary building unless it is a public the development of land in the area during building or a building of the warehouse class the preparation of the scheme is permitted to or a building constructed or adapted for use the extent specified in the Order and in addi- either wholly or partly for human habitation tion the Tamworth Town Council are em- or a place of habitual employment for any powered to permit other development in the person in any manufacture, trade or busi- area during this period, with a view in either ness, or a building intended for use as a case to protecting the development from the pigsty, stable or cowhouse and attached to a risk of removal or alteration without compen- dwelling house. sation under the scheme when approved and in operation. A print of the Order has been The effect of this such Order will be that the deposited together with the aforesaid Map. section will then be in force in the whole of The Tamworth Town Council intend to pro- the district, being already in force in the other ceed as soon as may be with the preparation contributory places in the District. of a Draft Scheme and any suggestions as to The above provisions are declared to be in the proposals to be included in the Draft force subject to the conditions specified in the Scheme should be sent in writing to the Town Order. Clerk. Dated this twenty-first day of August, 1935. A copy of the Order may be inspected at The HENRY WOOD, Council Offices, The Watch Oak, Battle, Town Clerk. between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Address of office to which notices are to be C. T. CHEVALLIEK, sent:—Town Clerk's Office, Municipal Offices Clerk of the Council. Tamworth. The Watch Oak, Battle. * On sale—obtainable (price 2d.) from His Majesty's Stationery Office, Adastral House, 19th August, 1935. Kingsway, W.C.2, or through any bookseller. (194) (204)