Present: Parish Councillors: Sandra Nunn (chairperson), Lindsey Squire, John Acklaw District CouncillorS: Sue White, John Archer Parish Clerk: Christine Wakeling 5 members of the public

75. Apologies for absence: Cllr Ray Perrins

76. Declarations of Interest: None

77. Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on Monday 11th August and planning committee meeting on 15th September approved and signed.

78. Talk Time: No speaker at this meeting

79. Following the resignation of Cllr Nicola Moss, the vacant position has been advertised as legally required for 14 working days. As MDC have not received any requests for an election, the Parish Council is free to co-opt a new Councillor.

80. Clerk's Report:  The annual return has been passed by the external auditor  MDC have donated a litter picker to the village for litter collection  The dead cherry tree at the Jubilee Garden has been removed by MDC free of charge  The request for yellow lines to be painted in the turning bay in Rectory Road has been assessed by ECC. It did not meet their safety and congestion policy criteria but has been passed to South Parking Partnership for investigation.  The Standards Committee has appointed Cllr Lawrence Cooper from as the new representative following recent elections.

81. In accordance with Standing Order 13d, the meeting was adjourned for 15 minutes to receive questions or statements from the public. No questions or statements received

82. Village Matters / Information

82.i District Councillor’s Report: Cllr Sue White reported that a number of planning appeals in North Fambridge have been approved by the Inspectorate even though MDC had recommended refusal. The situation is hampered because there is still no 5 year land supply programme. The next stage in the LDP process will be a public enquiry in January/February 2015. MDC are taking legal advice regarding the sewerage infrastructure and planning in North Fambridge; they will pass this information on to the parish once a formal response has been received.

Cllr John Archer confirmed that R.J. Roe will be moving his waste disposal business out of North Fambridge to a site in the Station Road Industrial Area in Maldon in about 3-4 months time. This will stop the problems caused by his heavy lorries moving through the village.

82.ii County Councillor’s Report: No report

82.iii Highways MDC work in partnership with ECC to provide the Highway Rangers Service aimed at small highway maintenance and repair work within the . They have requested a list of areas in the Parishes where overgrowth of vegetation is causing a safety issue for road users. Hirtes Corner will be reported for North Fambridge.

82.iv Recreation Ground/Jubilee Garden Cllr Nunn asked that the quote for the minor repairs to the play equipment at the recreation ground is chased, with specific mention of the hinges on the hammock which appear to be rusting.

82.v Doctor’s Surgery A nurse practitioner is now running the Surgery on Thursday mornings from 9.30- 10.30am. She is now opening at the same time on a Monday morning. The village hall management committee is to consider purchasing a fridge for School House as the storage of flu vaccines has proved to be a problem.

82.vi First Responders Scheme Regrettably no further volunteers have come forward. A further request will be placed in In Touch.

82.vii Emergency Planning Files A start has been made on updating the village emergency planning files.

82.viii Station Planters John and Win Wait have kindly maintained the planters at the station for many years. This summer they replenished the soil with waste soil from the railway workings. This soil turned out to be of poor quality and the plants were not growing. This has been upsetting giving all the work Mr & Mrs Wait have put in. The planters now need to be emptied, the soil disposed of and replaced. MDC will be asked if they could do this work, as will some local residents.

82.ix Coastal Trail MDC are promoting a permanent coastal trail for the Maldon District. The issue in North Fambridge is that it is one of only a few points around the Maldon coast where there are short sections that do not have a public right of way following the seawall and you have to travel inland a short distance and re-join the seawall further along when the public right of way takes you back to the coast. These areas remain on private land with no public access so making one continuous path that follows the whole coast more difficult to achieve. Cllrs requested further information on the particular sections involved and for proposals to encourage access.

82.x Sewerage Problems The sewerage problems have started again in Franklin Road following recent heavy rainfall. All villagers must continue to report any issue. The Parish Council keeps a record of any incidents that are notified of.

83. Planning Matters

83.i New Applications: FUL/MAL/14/00835. Application for 2 dwellings @ land adjacent 2 Hall Cottages, Church Road. Objections were raised on several grounds relating to this application.

LBC/MAL/14/00839. Install one set of double doors to barn @ North Fambridge Hall, Church Road. Councillors had no objection to this application.

Appeal re OUT/MAL/13/00473. Outline application for up to 30 dwellings @ Manor Farm, The Avenue. Although the original objections submitted by the Parish Council to this application will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate, further comments may be sent directly to him. Further concerns regarding the sewerage problems will be prepared and posted to him by the due date of 17th October.

83.ii Decisions made by MDC: FUL/MAL/14/00796. Erection of 2 storey house on land adjacent The Beeches, Ferry Road. This application has been withdrawn.

COUPA/MAL/14/00841. Prior notification of a proposed change of use of 3 agricultural barns to 3 dwelling houses @ land east of Ruxley Cottage, Rectory Road. MDC refused planning permission.

83.iii Maldon District LDP Examination. This item was covered by the report from District Cllr S. White. Both she and a Parish Councillor have put their names down to speak to the Inspector at the public hearing in January. Cllr Squire suggested that it might be useful to have a further meeting with MP John Whittingdale to highlight concerns. The clerk will find out his surgery dates and make an appointment.

84. Financial Matters

84.i Bank Balances Community Account as @ 2/10/14 £ 7567.76 Bus Res Account as @ 30/9/14 £ 4898.35 Total £12,466.11

84.ii Payments to be made and agreed by Councillors: £120 to PKF Littlejohn for the external audit

84.iii Payments received: None

85. Council Matters None

86. Councillor's Question Time None

87. Village Hall Management Committee Report The fencing and groundwork around the village hall has now been agreed and hopefully will take place in the not too distant future. The total cost including VAT will be £2160. Ken Nunn has painted the front and back doors of School House. The trickle of hot water from the old water heater in School House has now reduced to a very small level. Phillpots, who installed the heater and pipes to the ground floor toilet, have been asked for a quote to run pipes to the kitchen area. It is expected to be in the region of £220.

88. Media Contact In Touch will contain items as mentioned in these minutes, especially notices for new volunteers to join both the Speedwatch team and the First Responders.

89. Next Meeting The next Parish Council meeting will be on Monday 10th November at 7.30 pm in the village hall.

90. Clerk's salary and expenses approved £382.07.