1165 Radiation19. Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere and 19.3 Aerosols and Clouds ...... 1172 This chapter describes the fundamentals of ra- diation transport in general and in the Earth’s 19.4 Radiation and Climate ...... 1174 atmosphere. The role of atmospheric aerosol and 19.5 Applied Radiation Transport: Remote clouds are discussed and the connections between Sensing of Atmospheric Properties ...... 1176 radiation and climate are described. Finally, nat- 19.5.1 Trace Gases ...... 1176 ural optical phenomena of the atmosphere are 19.5.2 The Fundamentals of DOAS ...... 1176 discussed. 19.5.3 Variations of DOAS ...... 1178 19.5.4 Atmospheric Aerosols...... 1179 19.1 Radiation Transport 19.5.5 Determination of the Distribution in the Earth’s Atmosphere...... 1166 of Solar Photon Path Lengths...... 1181 19.1.1 Basic Quantities Related 19.6 Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere...1182 to Radiation Transport ...... 1166 19.6.1 Characteristics 19.1.2 Absorption Processes ...... 1166 of Light Scattering by Molecules 19.1.3 ...... 1166 and Particles ...... 1182 19.1.4 Raman Scattering...... 1167 19.6.2 Mirages...... 1185 19.1.5 Mie Scattering...... 1168 19.6.3 Clear : 19.2 The Radiation Transport Equation ...... 1169 Blue Color and ...... 1186 19.6.4 Rainbows 1187 19.2.1 Sink Terms (Extinction)...... 1169 ...... 19.2.2 Source Terms 19.6.5 Coronas, Iridescence and Glories ...1189 19.6.6 Halos 1191 (Scattering and Thermal Emission). 1169 ...... 19.2.3 Simplification of the Radiation 19.6.7 The Color of the Sun and Sky ...... 1193 19.6.8 Clouds and Visibility 1195 Transport Equation...... 1170 ...... 19.2.4 Light Attenuation 19.6.9 Miscellaneous ...... 1196 in the Atmosphere ...... 1171 References ...... 1197

There are a multitude of processes in which electromag- where its energy is also changed. Inelastic scat- netic radiation interacts with the atmosphere: tering by molecules is called Raman scattering, where the energy of the scattered photon can • Absorption, i. e. radiation is removed from the ra- be reduced at the expense of energy transferred diation field and converted into some other form of to the scattering molecule (Stokes scattering). energy, e.g. heat. Absorption can be due to molecules Likewise, energy can be transferred from the (ther- D Part in the atmosphere (such as , oxygen, or water mally excited) molecules to the photon (anti-Stokes vapor) or aerosols (such as soot), absorption of solar scattering).

energy in the atmosphere is an important process in • Thermal emission from air molecules and aerosol 19 the climate system of the Earth. particles. The emission at any given can- • Elastic scattering, which – seen from an individual not exceed the Planck function (or emission from photon – changes its direction of propagation, but a black body) for the temperature of the atmo- not its energy (and hence wavelength or ‘color’). sphere, thus noticeable thermal emission only takes Scattering can be due to molecules (Rayleigh scat- place at infrared longer than several tering) or aerosol particles (Mie scattering) present micrometers. Due to Kirchhoff’s law only absorb- in the air. ing gases (such as CO2,H2O, O3, but not the • Inelastic scattering where, as for elastic scatter- main components of air N2,O2, Ar), can emit ing, the direction of a photon is changed but radiation. 1166 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

• Aerosol fluorescence. Excitation of molecules (broad band) fluorescence; this process will not be within aerosol particles by radiation can result in further discussed here.

19.1 Radiation Transport in the Earth’s Atmosphere In the following we introduce the basic quantities per- 19.1.3 Rayleigh Scattering tinent to the propagation of radiation in the atmosphere and discuss the fundamental laws governing radiation Elastic scattering (i. e. scattering without change of the transport in absorbing and scattering media, i. e. the photon energy) by air molecules is called Rayleigh scat- atmosphere. tering. While this is not an absorption process, light scattered out of the probing light beam will normally 19.1.1 Basic Quantities Related not reach the detector, thus for narrow beams it is justi- to Radiation Transport fied to treat Rayleigh scattering as an absorption process. 2 The Rayleigh scattering σR(λ)(incm )is A light source will emit a certain amount W of energy given by [19.1]: in the form of radiation. π3 λ 2 − 2 Φ 24 n0( ) 1 1. The radiant flux is defined as the radiation en- σR(λ) = FK(λ) λ4 2 2 2 ergy W per unit time (regardless of the direction in Nair n0(λ) + 2 which it is emitted): 3 8π 2 ≈ n (λ)2 − 1 F (λ) , (19.5) radiated energy dW Ws λ4 2 0 K Φ = = = W 3 Nair time interval dt s (19.1) where: λ denotes the wavelength, n0(λ) is the real part of the wavelength-dependent index of refraction of air, N Φ air 2. The irradiance B is defined as the radiant flux is the number density of air (e.g. 2.4×1019 molec/cm3 received by an (‘illuminated’) area Ae: ◦ λ ≈ . at 20 C, 1 atm), FK( ) 1 061 is a correction for Φ W anisotropy (polarisability of air molecules). B = ; (19.2) 2 2 Note that n (λ) − 1 ≈ 2[n (λ) − 1]∝N ,since Ae m 0 0 air n0 ≈ 1 [in fact n0 (550 nm) = 1.000293], and 3. The radiation intensity is (Ω = solid angle): n0 − 1 ∝ Nair, thus σR(λ) is essentially independent Φ of Nair. On that basis a simplified expression for the I = [ / ]; (19.3) 2 Ω W sr Rayleigh scattering cross section (in cm )isgivenby Nicolet [19.2] 4. The radiance is (As = radiating area): . −28 Φ W σ λ ≈ 4 02 × 10 F = . (19.4) R( ) + (19.6) 2 λ4 x Ω As m sr atD Part (All areas are assumed to be oriented perpendicular with to the direction of propagation of the radiation.) x = 0.04 19.1 for λ>0.55 μm , 19.1.2 Absorption Processes x = 0.389λ + 0.09426/λ − 0.3328 Radiation is absorbed by molecules in the atmosphere for 0.2 μm <λ<0.55 μm . (such as ozone, oxygen, or water vapor), aerosol (such For these simple estimates the Rayleigh scattering as soot) or liquid and solid water particles (cloud cross section can be written as droplets (ice crystals)). Absorption of solar ultravio- − let (UV) radiation at wavelengths below about 300 nm σ (λ) ≈ σ λ 4 R R0 by atmospheric O2 and O3 is important for life on − σ ≈ . 16 2 4 . (19.7) Earth. R0 4 4×10 cm nm for air Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.1 Radiation Transport in the Earth’s Atmosphere 1167

Rayleigh phase fuction molecule) changes its state of excitation during the scat- tering process. A part of the photons energy is then 90 2.0 passed from the photon to the molecule (Stokes lines, 120 60 ΔJ =+2, S-branch) or vice versa (anti-Stokes, ΔJ = 2, 1.5 O-branch). The term rotational Raman scattering (RRS) 150 30 is used if only the rotational excitation is affected 1.0 (Δv = 0). If the vibrational state also changes, the term 0.5 (rotational-) vibrational Raman scattering (VRS) is used (Δv =±1). Only discrete amounts of energy given by 0.0 180 0 the difference between the discrete excitation states can be absorbed/emitted. For air (O2 and N2) RRS frequency 0.5 shifts of up to ±200 cm−1 occur, for VRS a vibrational shift of ±2331 cm−1 for nitrogen and ±1555 cm−1 for 1.0 210 330 oxygen has to be added. The VRS is one order of mag- 1.5 nitude weaker than the RRS, and RRS is roughly one magnitude weaker than Rayleigh scattering. 240 300 2.0 In the following we give a quantitative description of 270 rotational- and vibrational-Raman scattering by O2 and Isotropic polarizability N2 [19.4–7]. The scattered power density Iv, →v,  in Anisotropic polarizability J J [W/m2] scattered into the full solid angle 4π involving Fig. 19.1 Polar diagram of the Rayleigh scattering phase a transition (v, J → v, J) is given by [19.8]: function Φ(ϑ) for unpolarized incident light (dashed line, normalized to 2). The contribution of light polarized paral- Iv,J→v,J 2 ϑ lel to the scattering plane shows the sin dependence 1 −E(v,J )/kT = I σv, →v,  LN g (2J + 1) e , of a Hertz dipole (dotted line, normalized to 1), with 0 J J air J Z ϑ = π/2 − ϑ being the angle between dipole axis and the (19.11) Poynting vector of the incident radiation, while the con- where I is the incident power density, N is the number tribution of light polarized perpendicular to the scattering 0 air of molecules in the scattering volume, L is the length plane (drawn line, normalized to 1) is independent of ϑ. of the volume and g is the statistical weight factor (plot by F. Filsinger) J of the initial rotational state due to the nuclear spin; J and v are the rotational and vibrational quantum num- The extinction coefficient due to Rayleigh scattering bers, respectively. The factor (2J + 1) accounts for the ε (λ) is then given by R degeneracy due to the magnetic quantum numbers while [− v, / ] εR(λ) = σR(λ)Nair . (19.8) exp E( J ) kT accounts for the population of the initial state of the molecule at temperature T.Thestate The Rayleigh scattering phase function (see sum Z is given by the product of the rotational state Fig. 19.1) is given by sum Zrot and the vibrational state sum Zvib.Theabso- σv, →v,  3 lute cross section in (19.11) is given by J J ,which D Part Φ(cos ϑ) = (1 + cos2 ϑ) . (19.9) 4 can be obtained by integration of the differential cross section dσv, →v,  /dΩ over the entire solid angle Ω. Taking the anisotropy of the polarisability into account J J Note that the term differential refers to the solid angle. the above equations becomes [19.3]: 19.1 The energy of the molecule is characterized by the vi- Φ(cos ϑ) = 0.7629(0.9324 + cos2 ϑ) . (19.10) brational (v) and rotational (J) quantum numbers and given by E v, J = E v + E J 19.1.4 Raman Scattering ( ) vib( ) rot( ) 1 While Raman (and Mie) scattering can be regarded as = hcν˜ v + + hcBJ(J + 1) , (19.12) 2 elastic scattering processes, where no energy is trans- ferred between the scattering particle and the photon, assuming no coupling between rotation and vibration, inelastic scattering occurs, if the scattering particle (i. e. B is the rotational constant and ν˜ is the wave number in 1168 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

cm−1 of the ground state vibration. Allowed transitions Table 19.1 Comparison of the total cross section for the are, in that approximation, ΔJ = 0, ±2 resulting in the different scattering types for 770 nm, 273 K Δv = ± Q-, O- and S-branches and 0, 1 for vibrational Scattering type Cross section (cm2) Ratio (%) transitions. Due to the temperatures in the Earth’s at- Rayleigh 1.156 × 10−27 100 mosphere only the ground vibrational state is occupied O RRS 7.10 × 10−29 6.1 significantly, thus leading only to Stokes transitions of 2 N RRS 2.94 × 10−29 2.5 the vibrational states. 2 Air RRS 3.82 × 10−29 3.3 − Polarization Properties of Vibrational Raman VRS 0.1 Scattered Light and Line Filling in The polarization properties of isotropic and anisotropic ally much weaker wavelength dependence (see below) component of Raman scattered light are described and a strong dominance of the forward direction in the by (19.13), respectively: scattered light. The calculation of the Mie scattering cross section can be very complicated (involving sum- 2 Iparallel 6 + cos Θ (anisotropic) = , ming over slowly converging series), even for spherical Iperp 7 particles, but even more so for particles of arbitrary I shape. However, the Mie theory (for spherical particles) parallel = 2 Θ, (isotropic) cos (19.13) is well-developed and a number of numerical models Iperp exist to calculate scattering phase functions and extinc- where the terms parallel and perpendicular refer to the tion coefficients for given aerosol types and particle plane defined by the sun, the scattering point and the ob- size distributions see Figs. 19.2, 19.17 [19.11, 12]. The server. Thus only the isotropic part leads to enhanced computational effort is substantially reduced by the in- polarization of scattered light, especially at large scat- troduction of an analytical expression for the scattering tering angles (≈ solar zenith angle (SZA)). Since the phase function, which only depends on a few observable Q-branch of the vibrational band of the Raman-scattered parameters. Most common is the Henyey–Greenstein light consists of an isotropic fraction, this will lead to parameterization: an enhanced degree of polarization in the centre of 1 − g2 a Fraunhofer line. But due to the small cross section Φ(cos ϑ) = , (19.14) of vibrational Raman scattering, this enhancement is 4π(1 + g2 − 2g cos θ)3/2 very small (e.g. =∼ 0.3% for the Ca–I line at 422.7nm . which only depends on the asymmetry factor g (average and a resolution of 0 01 nm) and occurs only at large cosine of the scattering function): scattering angles. Thus the observed high degrees of polarization at small solar zenith angles cannot be at- 1 1 tributed to vibrational Raman scattering [19.9]. g =cos θ= P(cos θ)cosθ dcosθ (19.15) Due to the relative small cross section of vibrational– 2 − rotational Raman scattering the additional filling in of 1 Fraunhofer or terrestrial absorption lines is around 10% see e.g. [19.11]. For isotropic scattering [Φ(cos θ) = of the filling in due to rotational Raman scattering const] the asymmetry factor g = 0 while for a tropo- atD Part (see Table 19.1). spheric aerosol a typical value might be as large as g ≈ 10. 19.1.5 Mie Scattering Tropospheric aerosol is either emitted from the sur-

19.1 face (e.g. sea salt, mineral dust, biomass burning) or Mie scattering is (after [19.10]) defined as the inter- forms in the gas phase by condensation of chemically action of light with (particulate) matter of dimensions formed hygroscopic species (primarily sulphates, ni- comparable to the wavelength of the incident radiation. trates, or oxidized organic material). The aerosol load It can be regarded as the radiation resulting from a large of the atmosphere, i. e. particle number density and size number of coherently excited elementary emitters (i. e. distribution, depends on the aerosol origin and history. molecules) in a particle. Since the linear dimension of Parameters for typical aerosol scenarios (urban, rural, the particle is comparable to the wavelength of the ra- maritime, background) can be found in the database for diation, interference effects occur. The most noticeable the radiative transfer model LOWTRAN [19.13], which difference compared to Rayleigh scattering is the usu- includes the extinction coefficients and the asymmetry Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.2 The Radiation Transport Equation 1169 factors as well as their spectral dependence. Another Polarized phase function important aspect is Mie scattering by cloud particles. 0.3 A radiative transfer model including all cloud effects 0.86 μm 0.25 known to date was, e.g., developed by Funk [19.14]. 0.67 μm μ Mie scattering is only partly an absorption process, 0.2 0.44 m 0.15 μ but by similar arguments as in the case of Rayleigh reff = 9 m scattering, for narrow beams it can be treated as an 0.1 σeff = 0.02 absorption process with an extinction coefficient of 0.05 0 −α εM(λ) = εM0λ (19.16) –0.05 –0.1 with the Angström exponent α being inversely related 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 to the mean aerosol particle radius. Typically α is found Scattering angle to be in the range 0.5–2.5 with an average value of Polarized phase function α = . 0.3 1 3 [19.15,16]. For the ideal case of an exponential μ λeff = 0.67 m σeff = 0.01 aerosol size distribution: 0.25 μ reff = 9 m σeff = 0.02 Δ 0.2 σeff = 0.05 N −(ν+1) = r . 0.15 σeff = 0.10 Δr 0.1 The Angström exponent is related to the Junge in- 0.05 ν ν = α + dex by 2 [19.17]. Thus an Angström exponent 0 of 1.3 would correspond to a Junge index of 3.3. –0.05 In summary a more comprehensive description of –0.1 atmospheric extinction (in the presence of a single trace 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 gas species and neglecting Raman scattering) can be Scattering angle expressed as: Fig. 19.2 Polarized Mie scattering phase function as λ = λ − [σ λ + ε λ + ε λ ] . a function of scattering angle for cloud droplet having I( ) I0( )exp L ( )c R( ) M( ) a lognormal particle size distribution with an effective ra- (19.17) dius reff = 9 μm. Upper panel: phase function as a function Typical extinction coefficients due to Rayleigh and of wavelength with fixed σ = 0.02 effective size vari- − − eff Mie scattering at 300 nm are 1.3×10 6 cm 1 and ance; lower panel: as a function of effective size variance − − 1–10×10 6 cm 1, respectively. (courtesy of Bréon and Goloub, 2003)

19.2 The Radiation Transport Equation In this section we present the basic equations describing ds by absorption and scattering. As before we refer to the radiation transport (RT) in absorbing and scattering the absorption (a) and scattering (s) coefficients with D Part media as described by the above elementary processes. εa = Nσa(λ)andεs = Nσs(λ), respectively, with N be- In physical notation the RT equation is a continuity ing the number of absorber or scatterers per volume and equation with corresponding source and sink terms σi (λ) being absorption or scattering cross sections. Both 19.2 (Fig. 19.3); these source and sink terms are assumed processes are commonly referred to as extinction. Ac- to be linear in the radiant flux Φ, intensity I,orradi- cordingly, we obtain the following continuity equation ance F (19.1, 19.3, 19.4). for the incoming intensity traversing the distance ds

19.2.1 Sink Terms (Extinction) dIλ =−[εa(λ) + εs(λ)]Iλ ds =−[σa(λ) + σs(λ)]nIλ ds , (19.18) First we consider the radiant flux Φ per unit space angle Ω and wavelength λ i. e., the incoming inten- where εa is the absorption coefficient, εs is the scattering sity Iλ (19.3) which is attenuated within the distance coefficient, σa(λ) is the absorption cross section of the 1170 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

which we integrate over all angles weighted with the Direction of primary beam ∗,λ θ∗,ϕ∗ incoming intensity Is ( ) I λ π 2π * ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ * * λ = ε λ λ, θ ,ϕ Iλ(θ  ) dIs ( ) s( )ds I ( ) θ* 0 0 ∗ ∗ S(θ ,ϕ ) ∗ ∗ ∗ × dϕ sin θ dθ (19.20) A 4π ds to obtain the intensity added to the outgoing inten- ∗ sity dIs . θ Thermal Emission d Finally the intensity due to thermal emission dI (λ, T ) Iλ–dleλ th 2 = d Φ5λ(θ) by the volume element (dV Ads) is added to the outgoing intensity

 +dlθλ dIth(λ, T ) = εa(λ)Ip(λ, T )ds = εa(λ)Fp(λ, T )Ads (19.21)

where, as before, Ka denotes the absorption coefficient +dlth, λ and FP(λ, T ) denotes the Planck function 2hc2 dλ dF (λ, T) = . (19.22) P λ5 ehc/λkT − 1 Combining the above source and sink terms we obtain Fig. 19.3 Schematic drawing of the continuity equation the radiation transport equation (19.23): for radiative transfer. The continuity assumes linearity λ of processes in the intensity Iλ. When passing through dI( ) a distance ds the incoming radiation Iλ is attenuated by ex- ds =−[ε λ + ε λ ] λ + ε λ λ, + ε λ tinction (absorption and scattering), Ie,λ. The source term a( ) s( ) I( ) a( )IP( T ) s( ) ∗ π π for the outgoing light is the scattered light dIs,λ from 2 ∗ ∗ θ∗ ϕ∗ I ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ S(θ ,ϕ ) ∗ ∗ ∗ the space angles and and thermal radiation d th,λ × I (λ, θ ,ϕ ) dϕ sin θ dθ (courtesy of Rödel, 1999) 4π 0 0 (19.23) absorber (molecule), σs(λ) is the scattering cross sec- tion of the absorber (molecule), and n is the number of absorbers per unit volume. 19.2.3 Simplification of the Radiation Transport Equation 19.2.2 Source Terms (Scattering and Thermal Emission) Frequently simplifications of the radiation transport atD Part equation are possible, if only partial systems are of In the gas phase there are two sources of radiation: ther- interest. mal emission and scattering, i. e. the radiation removed For instance at short wavelengths (UV, visible) the

19.2 from the primary beam due to scattering (19.18) reap- Planck term can usually be neglected: pears as a radiation source. dI(λ) =−[ε (λ) + ε (λ)]I(λ) + ε (λ) ds a s s Scattering π 2π Evidently, the outgoing light receives some intensity S(θ,ϕ) ∗ ∗ ∗ × F(λ, θ, ϕ) dϕ sin θ dθ. dI ,λ, by scattering from all space angles θ and ϕ .We π s ∗ ∗ 4 introduce a dimensionless scattering function S(θ ,ϕ ) 0 0 (19.24) 4π dσs(λ) Sλ(θ,ϕ) = (19.19) If thermal radiation (from the atmosphere) is of interest σs dΩ due to its long wavelength, Rayleigh and Mie scattering Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.2 The Radiation Transport Equation 1171

(by aerosol particles and cloud droplets) can frequently beam emitted by a searchlight-type differential optical be neglected absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) light source). λ dI( ) Wide Beams (WB) in the Atmosphere: = εa(λ)[AFP(λ, T) − I(λ)] . (19.25) ds The Two-Stream Model

With the definition of the optical density dτ = εa(λ)ds In the following we consider the transport of solar radia- and after division by A the above equation becomes tion in the atmosphere. Compared to the general form of the radiation transport equation (19.23) the problem is λ dF( ) simplified by assuming a flat, horizontally homogeneous = FP(λ, T) − F(λ) . (19.26) dτ and infinite atmosphere. Therefore only the vertical (z) This latter equation is also known as the Schwarzschild component of the radiance has to be considered. equation. When radiation enters the atmosphere from above, its vertical component is counted as ‘downwelling ra- 19.2.4 Light Attenuation diation’ F↓(λ, z); upon interaction with atmospheric in the Atmosphere constituents (gases or aerosol) this radiation is ei- ther absorbed or scattered (Fig. 19.5). These extinction When considering the question of the attenuation of ra- processes reduce the amount of downwelling radi- diation in the atmosphere, two (extreme) cases can be ation (according to (19.17) where the extension of distinguished, as illustrated in Fig. 19.4: wide beams the light path for non-vertical rays has to be taken (WB, as e.g. the illumination of the Earth’s atmosphere into account). While the absorbed radiation causes by the sun) and narrow beams (NB, as e.g. the light no further problems, the scattered radiation appears as a source term, which is split into two parts (tak- ing the phase function into account): A downwelling WB part, which adds to F↓(λ, z) and an upwelling part, which is added to a second, upwelling radiation flux F↑(λ, z). Thermal emission adds to both, F↓(λ, z)and F↑(λ, z). For practical calculation the atmosphere is di- vided into layers of thickness dz, which change the


F↑(λ, zl) atD Part Fig. 19.4 Difference between Wide Beams (WB, top)as, F (λ, z) e.g., the illumination of the Earth’s atmosphere by the sun, ↓ and Narrow Beams (NB, bottom) as, e.g., the light beam 19.2 emitted by a searchlight-type light source. In the NB case the probability of a photon being scattered back into the beam after being scattered out of the beam is generally negligible, therefore extinction can be treated like absorp- tion. In the case of a WB the lateral (i. e. perpendicular to the propagation of the incident radiation flux) radiation Fig. 19.5 The two-stream model. In a horizontally homo- flux can be neglected. Therefore the scattering has only the geneous atmosphere radiation transport can be represented effect of reflecting some of the incoming light, as can be by just two ‘streams of radiation’, the downwelling flux and calculated by, e.g., a two-stream model (see above) the upwelling flux 1172 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

radiance F traversing it by dF. The net radiance is The attenuation of a light beam by extinction due composed of both components (up- and downwelling to atmospheric constituents is in principle described radiances) by (19.17). For practical purposes of measurements in the atmosphere, however, (19.17) is oversimplified in λ, = (λ, ) − λ, . Fn( z) F↑ z F↓( z) (19.27) that it neglects the presence of other causes of light extinction, including absorption by other molecules Narrow Beams (NB) in the Atmosphere present in the atmosphere. In the case of a WB the lateral (i. e. perpendicular to the In the natural atmosphere many different molecu- propagation of the incident radiation flux) radiation flux lar species will absorb light. Equation (19.17) must can be neglected. Therefore the scattering has only the therefore be further extended to effect of reflecting some of the incoming light, as can be I(λ) calculated by e.g. a two-stream model (see above). = I (λ)exp − L{Σ[σ (λ)c ]+ε (λ) + ε (λ)} , In contrast, in the case of narrow beams the prob- 0 i i R M ability of a photon being scattered back into the beam (19.28) after being scattered out of the beam is generally negli- where σi (λ)andci denote the absorption cross gible (Fig. 19.4), therefore extinction can be treated as section and the concentration of the i-th species, absorption. respectively.

19.3 Aerosols and Clouds Aerosols are a natural constituent of the Earth’s atmo- thropogenic or natural processes (e.g. the coagulation sphere and their origin is mostly natural, although lately of smaller Aitken nuclei). Natural sources for giant par- the anthropogenic contribution is increasing. An aerosol ticles are bulk-to-particle conversion (BPC) processes is defined as a stable suspension of particles, liquid or like sea-salt aerosol production, or desert dust mobi- solid, in a carrier gas like atmospheric air. Therefore lization, while human activity contributes, for example dust, haze, smoke, smog, fog, mist, and clouds can be through emission from industries, mining, biomass and considered to be specific aerosol types. The total mass of wood burning, and agricultural dust generation. natural aerosols was found be four times larger than due In the atmosphere, typical particle number con- to human activity in 1968, and by the year 2000 the an- centration decreases with increasing particle size since thropogenic contribution is estimated to have doubled. Aitken particles are newly produced; they subsequently According to Junge and Manson [19.18], aerosols can coagulate and form fewer larger particles. Accordingly be classified by sizes: particles with diameters be- Aitken particles usually dominate the total number low 0.1 mm are named Aitken particles, while those of particles in an air sample, but their contribution with sizes between 0.1–1 mm are “large” particles, and to the total aerosol volume is small, whilst an in- those larger than 1 mm are called “giant” particles. The creasing contribution is due to the large and giant aerosols may also be classified according to their origin particles. Conversely, Aitken particles often dominate atD Part into marine, continental, rural, remote, background, and the surface available for heterogeneous reactions. For urban aerosol, where each category has different char- particles with sizes ranging from a few nanometers up acteristics like chemical composition, size distribution, to tens of micrometers typical number concentrations

19.3 shapes and so on. Aitken nuclei, i. e. the smallest atmo- can be coarsely specified. For example, typical aerosol spheric aerosol particles, are naturally produced from numbers are: 1) ≈ 1.4×104 cm−3 at the (continental) supersaturated vapors by a process called gas-to-particle ground level total concentrations, 2) ≈ 6×102 cm−3 in conversion (GPC), often in connection with photochemi- remote continental regions, 3) 105 cm−3 in large cities, cal reactions between gas-phase constituents (Fig. 19.6). 4) ≈ 3×104 cm−3 in small towns, 5) ≈ 5×102 cm−3 Anthropogenic activities such as combustion and indus- over remote oceans, 6) ≈ 50 cm−3 in the clean Arc- trial processes increasingly lead to the release of aerosol tic, and 7) even lower in the remote Antarctica. The particles, or precursor gases from which aerosol particles vertical aerosol profiles (in number of particles per cu- are formed, into the atmosphere. Large aerosol particles bic centimeter of air) frequently show an exponential can be produced by combustion processes and other an- decay for the lowest 6 km of the atmosphere. Above Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.3 Aerosols and Clouds 1173

Homogeneous nucleation Bulk-to-particle gas-to-particle conversion conversion Production

Primary aerosol Acting processes Cloud and Heterogeneous condensation fog formation Coagulation Deposition of nonvolatile compounds onto the particles Several Deposition of particle cycles onto water droplets Interconnection Repeated evaporation

Aged and mixed aerosol Removal from the Dry deposition Precipitation atmosphere

Fig. 19.6 Aerosol-related processes in the atmosphere involving particle formation, processes altering particle character- istics, and removal from the atmosphere this level, background tropospheric aerosol concentra- effects in atmospheric photochemistry are most notice- tions (in the Aitken mode) are around 200–300 particles ably in: 1) the heterogeneous processing of longer-lived 3 per cm . Above the tropopause up to around 30 km, the and ozone-friendly halogen species (ClONO2,HCl, total number concentration decreases again to a mini- BrONO2,...) into ozone-harmful halogen oxides (ClO, mum below 1–10 cm−3 particles in volcanically quiet BrO) on polar stratospheric cloud particles, which is periods and 1000 cm−3 after major volcanic eruptions. a major reason for the formation of the Antarctic At any time, about 50% of the globe is cloud ozone hole, 2) uptake of acids (e.g., H2SO4, HNO3, covered. Atmospheric clouds are volumes of water- HCl, HBr,...) and of N2O5 on the stratospheric or supersaturated air containing hydrometeors, which tropospheric aerosols and cloud particles, 3) in the het- are microscopic objects (e.g. aerosol particles, cloud erogeneous conversion of SO2 into H2SO4,orNO3 and droplets, ice and snow crystals) as well as macroscopic N2O5 into HNO3 and 4) the uptake of species such as objects (snowflakes, graupel grains, raindrops, and hail- NH3HNO3,orNH4HSO4 into atmospheric aerosols and stones). The individual cloud particles have sizes with cloud particles. Eventually when these particles grow radii ranging from 0.001 mm to several hundreds of large enough (> some μm), the respective gases at- micrometers, or even centimeters, as in the case of tached or solved inside are efficiently washed out from hailstones. the atmosphere. Atmospheric clouds can be classified into four major Aerosols and clouds also have a large effect on categories: 1) low-level cloud in the lower troposphere the radiative budget of the atmosphere, primarily by D Part (< 2.5 km), 2) middle-level clouds in the middle tro- increasing the scattering of the incoming solar and posphere (2.5–8 km), 3) higher clouds in the upper outgoing thermal radiation. Clouds affect radiation troposphere (8–15 km), and 4) middle (stratospheric) both through their three-dimensional geometry and 19.3 and upper (mesospheric) atmospheric clouds, which the amount, size and nature of the hydrometeors themselves form 11 major subgroups (1.1 cumulus, which they contain. In climate models these proper- 1.2 stratocumulus, 1.3 stratus, 2.1 altocumulus, 2.2 al- ties translate into cloud cover at different levels, cloud tostratus, 2.3 nimbostratus, 3.1 cirrus and cirrostratus, water content (for liquid water and ice) and cloud 3.2 cirrocumulus, 3.3 cumulonimbus, 4.1 polar strato- droplet (or crystal) equivalent radius. The interaction spheric clouds, and 4.2 noctilucent clouds) of some 100 of clouds and radiation also involves other parame- different cloud types in total. ters (asymmetry factor of the Mie diffusion) which Both aerosols and clouds have a considerable im- depend on cloud composition, and most notably on their pact on atmospheric photochemistry and radiation. Their phase. 1174 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

In effect, the occurrence of aerosols and clouds in- temperature. The subtle balance between cloud impact creases the planetary albedo A of the solar short-wave on the SW and terrestrial long-wave radiation altered by (SW) radiation, and thus lead to a net cooling of the a change in any of the aforementioned parameters, the Earth. Conversely clouds, and to a much lesser degree dependence of the radiation budget on altitude at which aerosols, increase the infrared albedo B of the atmo- clouds occur and the solar inclination (latitude and sea- sphere and thus increase the downwelling atmospheric son) make clouds the most sensitive factors to affect the long-wave (LW) radiation which increases the surface global climate in both directions (cooling/warming).

19.4 Radiation and Climate

2 The atmospheric radiation budget largely determines the where S0 is the solar constant (1370 W/m ), A is the Earth’s climate. Evidently the incoming solar or short- terrestrial SW albedo (0.298), the factor 4 coming from wave (SW) radiation shining on the globe has to be geometric considerations, ε is the LW emissivity (0.96), balanced by the outgoing long-wave (LW) radiation. B is the atmospheric LW albedo (0.34), σ is Boltz- −8 2 This thermal equilibrium between incoming SW and mann’s constant (5.67 × 10 W/m /K), and Ts is the outgoing LW radiation and can be simply expressed average temperature (Ts = 286 K) of the Earth’s sur- by face. It thus becomes clear that the globe’s surface temperature Ts is given by a delicate balance of the S (1 − A)/4 = ε(1 − B)σT 4 (19.29) 0 s parameters S0, A,andB. In geological and historic

Table 19.2 Compendium of change in recognized periods in climate change and changes in the solar constant S0 Time scale/period Cause Change in solar constant Observation/problem S0

4.5Ga Secular trend in solar out- Secular 25–30% increase ‘Faint Sun problem’, i. e. liquid H2O put should not have been there, but was present since 4 Ga before present 450 ka Change in orbital eccen- < 0.7W/m2 Change in ice volume, Δ18O/16Oin tricity Δε = 0.06 (Milankovitch) H2O and CaCO3 in foraminifera 100 ka Change in orbital eccen- < 0.7W/m2 Change in ice volume, Δ18O/16Oin tricity Δε = 0.06 (Milankovitch) H2O and CaCO3 in foraminifera 41 ka Change in obliquity (ax- June insulation changed Change in ice volume, Δ18O/16Oin ◦ ial tilt) due to Earth and by 25% at 80 N, no net H2O and CaCO3 in foraminifera Jupiter’s orbital plane tilt change on annual S0 (Milankovitch) 23 ka June insulation changed by Change in ice volume, Δ18O/16Oin 2 ◦ 100 W/m at 60 N, no net H2O and CaCO3 in foraminifera change on annual S0 atD Part (Milankovitch) 1.5ka Unclear whether cause is 14Cand10Be variation in oceanic solar, ‘eigenmode’ of the sediments, 14C variation in tree

19.4 climate system? rings 210a (Suess) Unclear whether cause is 14C variation in tree rings, 14Cand 148a, and 88a solar, ‘eigenmode’ of the 10Be variation ice cores, (Gleisberg) cycles climate system? 2 22a Sun spot ‘overtone’, eigen- ΔS0 ≈ 1.5W/m , Change in atmospheric circulation? mode in solar magnetic UV radiation changes by field oscillation 0.37–0.6% 11a (Schwabe 1843) Sun spot ‘overtone’, eigen- Change in atmospheric circulation? mode in solar magnetic field oscillation 4w (27d) Sun rotation period Small ? Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.4 Radiation and Climate 1175

Fig. 19.7a–c Schematic overview of the SW (left part)and LW (right part) radiative transfer in the atmosphere; upper a) λBλ(Normalized) panel: (a) incoming solar SW and outgoing LW terrestrial Black body spectrum, (b) atmospheric absorption from individual gases curves at ground level (total atmosphere) and (c) at 11 km

6000K 255K times, the solar constant is known to have varied on different timescales, mostly given by changes in the Earth’s orbital parameters, as suggested by Milankovitch in 1941 [19.19] and solar activity (Table 19.2), causing 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 15 20 30 50 100 well recognized and significant effects on the Earth’s Wavelength (μm) b) Absorption (%) climate. In this context, most notable is that the size H2O CO2 100 ΔS of any of the known processes listed in Table 19.2 H O 0 80 Ground 2 has not been sufficiently large to be held solely re- 60 level sponsible for documented ΔTs changes, which were 40 ◦ inferred to be as large as some 10 C. Therefore, it 20 HOO O3 O3 0 is well accepted that the global climate system ampli- O2 O2O2 O3 O2 O2 CO2 H2O O3 N2OH2O (rotation) O2 H2O CO2 N2O fies external disturbances (forcing) through interacting N2O CO2 CH CO CH complicated positive and negative feedback cycles (Ta- c) Absorption (%) 4 4 100 ble 19.2). 80 11 km Another factor important for Ts is of course the 60 magnitude and variability of the SW albedo A (19.35). 40 20 This is largely influenced by the amount of cloud and 0 the abundance of atmospheric aerosol; the latter is ei- 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 15 20 30 50 100 ther due to increasing directly back reflection of SW Wavelength (μm) radiation to space, or by altering the cloud particle for- mation processes, a process called the indirect aerosol 1970s [19.20]. Changing global cloud cover is also likely effect [19.20, 21]. In the recent past changes in the to have occurred in the past. In the tropics, which are global albedo due to increasing atmospheric aerosol a particularly sensitive region for the global energy bud- abundances, mostly particles containing sulphuric acid get, the cloud cover appears to be highly variable on has been well recognized and held partly responsible timescales ranging from days to decades. Accordingly, for lower global Ts between the late 1940s to late satellite-based cloud cover records that began in the late

The global mean radiative forcing of the climate system for the year 2000, relative to 1750 Radiative forcing (W/m2) 3 Warming Halocarbons Aerosols 2 N2O atD Part CH4 Tropo- Black carbon spheric 1 CO2 from fossil Mineral Aviation-induced ozone fuel burning dust Solar Contrails

Cirrus 19.4 0 Strato- Organic Land-use spheric carbon Biomass –1 Sulphate (albedo) ozone from burning Aerosol only fossil fuel indirect effect –2 burning Cooling High Medium Medium Low Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very low low low low low low low low Level of Scientific Understanding Fig. 19.8 External factors which force climate change (adopted from IPCC, 2001) 1176 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

1970s are still insufficiently long to establish unambigu- In 1896, the atmospheric greenhouse effect of CO2 ously an observation-based relation between a changing was already recognized by S. Arrhenius. Accordingly A and Ts [19.22]. it is undisputed in the scientific community that rising The atmospheric LW albedo B is responsible for atmospheric CO2 concentrations affect the atmospheric the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere. If B were LW budget and thus Ts. Radiative transfer calculations zero, then according to (19.35), Ts would be 255 K, show that the CO2 increase from preindustrial 280 ppm clearly cooler than the habitable Earth is able to provide to presently 370 ppm alone gives rise to a present ra- 2 (Ts = 287 K). The value of B is due to the combined ac- diative forcing of 1.4W/m and for all greenhouse tion of the most important atmospheric greenhouse gases gases of 2.4W/m2 ([19.20], Fig. 19.8). Naively adding H2O, CO2,CH4,O3,N2O, and many others, mostly the respective radiative forcing in (19.18) leads to man-made, trace molecules [19.20]. It appears that, even a ΔTs =+0.7 K, precisely the value that is reported though each greenhouse gas has its own specific spec- for the global average temperature rise in the past trum, they combine in a way that only a small fraction 150 y [19.20]. However, due to the complicated inter- of the outgoing LW radiation is not absorbed in the actions in the climate system, it is disputed how the atmosphere, i. e., radiation in the atmospheric window global climate system is and will react in detail to future (8–14 μm) (Fig. 19.7). man-induced LW radiative forcing.

19.5 Applied Radiation Transport: Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Properties 19.5.1 Trace Gases a series of unique advantages including high (i. e. ppt- level in many cases) sensitivity, very specific detection Measurements of trace gas concentrations (and other of a given molecule, inherent calibration, and wall-free quantities such as aerosol distribution or the intensity operation. These properties, in combination, are diffi- of the radiation field in the atmosphere) are the ex- cult to obtain in techniques based on other principles. perimental prerequisites for the understanding of the Here we describe a particular technique, differential op- physico-chemical processes in the Earth’s atmosphere. tical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), which has been At the same time the determination of trace gas con- successfully used in atmospheric measurements for sev- centrations in the atmosphere constitutes a challenge eral decades now, while new applications continue to be for the analytical techniques employed in several re- introduced. spects: It is well known (e.g. Perner et al. [19.23]) that species (such as OH radicals) present at mixing 19.5.2 The Fundamentals of DOAS rations ranging from as low as 0.1 ppt (one ppt corres- ponds to a mixing ratio of 10−12, equivalent to about The DOAS technique [19.26, 27] makes use of the 2.4×107 molecules/cm3) to several ppb (1 ppb corres- structured absorption of trace gases. Typically spectra ponds to a mixing ratio of 10−9) can have a significant are recorded which encompass several hundred spec- atD Part influence on the chemical processes in the atmosphere. tral channels. Evaluation is done by fitting the spectral Thus, detection limits from below 0.1 ppt to the ppb structure of the trace gases, thus making use of all the range are required, depending on the application. On the spectral information. DOAS has proven to be particu-

19.5 other hand, measurement techniques must be specific, larly useful for the determination of the concentration i. e. the result of the measurement of a particular species of unstable species such as free radicals or nitrous acid. should neither be positively nor negatively influenced In addition, the abundance of aromatic species can be by any other trace species simultaneously present in the determined at high sensitivity (see below). DOAS, like probed volume of air. Given the large number of differ- all spectroscopic techniques, relies on the absorption of ent molecules present at the ppt and ppb level, even in electromagnetic radiation by matter. Quantitatively the clean air, meeting this requirement is also not trivial. absorption of radiation is expressed by the Lambert– Presently many highly sophisticated techniques for Beers law: the measurement of atmospheric trace species are in use. λ = λ [− σ λ ] , Among these, spectroscopic techniques [19.24,25] offer I( ) I0( )exp L ( )c (19.30) Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere Applied Radiation Transport 1177 where I(λ) is the intensity after passing through a layer shows rapid variations with λ, for instance due to an ab- of thickness L, while I0(λ) denotes the initial inten- sorption line. The meaning of rapid and slow (or rather sity emitted by the light source. The species to be smooth and structured) variation of the absorption cross measured is present at the concentration (number den- section as a function of wavelength is, of course, a ques- sity) Nc. The quantity σ(λ) denotes the absorption cross tion of the observed wavelength interval and the width section at the wavelength λ; it is a characteristic prop- of the absorption bands to be detected. Note that extinc- erty of any species. The absorption cross section σ(λ) tion due to Rayleigh and Mie scattering can be assumed can be measured in the laboratory, while the determina- to be slowly varying with λ. Thus (19.30) becomes tion of the light path length L is trivial in the case of  I(λ) = I (λ)exp −LΣ σ (λ)N the arrangement of an artificial light source and detec- 0 i ci − {Σ[σ λ ]+ε λ + ε λ } tor (Fig. 19.9, arrangement a). Once those quantities are ×exp L i0( )ci R( ) M( ) known, the trace gas concentration c can be calculated × A(λ) , (19.32) from the measured ratio I (λ)/I(λ). In contrast to lab- 0 where the first exponential function describes the ef- oratory spectroscopy, the true intensity I (λ), as would 0 fect of the structured, differential absorption of trace be received from the light source in the absence of any species, while the second exponential constitutes the absorption, is usually difficult to determine when meas- slowly varying absorption of atmospheric trace gases as urements are made in the open atmosphere or in smog well as the influence of Mie and Rayleigh scattering de- chambers. The solution lies in measuring the so-called scribed by the extinction coefficients ε (λ)andε (λ), differential absorption. This quantity can be defined as R M respectively. The attenuation factor A(λ) describes the the part of the total absorption of any molecule rapidly (slow) wavelength-dependent transmission of the optical varying with wavelength and is readily observable, as system used. Thus we can define a quantity I  as the will be shown below. Accordingly, the absorption cross 0 intensity in the absence of differential absorption: section of a given molecule (numbered i) can be split  λ into two portions: I0( ) σ λ = σ λ + σ λ , = I (λ)×A(λ) i ( ) i0( ) i ( ) (19.31) 0 ×exp − L{Σ[σi0(λ)Nci ]+εR(λ) + εM(λ)} . where σi0(λ) varies only slowly with the wavelength λ, (19.33) for instance describing a general slope, while σi (λ)

a) c) DOAS 2 I0 I

Detector Pollution Plume b)

DOAS 1 D Part 19.5 Detector Retro- reflector arrays

Fig. 19.9a–c The active DOAS principle can be applied in several light-path arrangements and observation modes using artificial light sources such as arc lamps or incandescent lamps in a searchlight-type arrangement, or lasers. The light- path-averaged trace gas concentration is determined in the ‘traditional’ setup (a). In situ concentrations are measured with multiple reflection cells (b). The new ‘tomographic’ arrangement (c) employing many DOAS light paths allows mapping of (two- or three-dimensional) trace gas distributions 1178 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

Fortunately the effect of slowly varying absorbers, i. e. systems can be used to fold the light path into a small vol- the exponential in (19.33), can be removed by high-pass ume [19.28]. An example of detection limits attainable filtering the spectral data, thus only the first exponen- with multi-reflection systems is given in Table 19.3. tial function in (19.32) remains, which is essentially Lambert–Beers law [(19.30) for more than one ab- 19.5.3 Variations of DOAS sorber]. It should be noted that the length of the light path is more difficult to determine – or might actually The DOAS technique can be adapted to a large variety not have a precise meaning – in applications where di- of measurement tasks; as a consequence there are many rect or scattered is used (arrangements d, e, and variants of the DOAS technique in use. These can be f and Fig. 19.11), in this case the column density S of grouped into active techniques, which employ their own the trace gas light sources (e.g. Xe-arc lamps or incandescent lamps), ∞ and passive techniques, which rely natural light sources (e.g. sunlight, moonshine or starlight). S = N (l)dl (19.34) c The most common active DOAS light-path arrange- 0 ments include (Fig. 19.9): can still be determined. In the case of a constant trace = gas concentration Nc0 (l) c0 along a path length L the a) The traditional active long-path systems (usually = column density simply becomes S Nc0 L. folded once); In order to obtain sufficient sensitivity, light-path b) Active systems using multi-reflection cells (e.g. lengths L of the order of several 100 m to several 1000 m white cells); are usually required. For measurements in the free at- c) Recently the first tomographic systems allowed the mosphere, assuming the arrangement a in Fig. 19.9, the determination of 3-D trace gas distributions by trace gas concentration is averaged over the whole length multiple-beam active DOAS. of the light path, which makes the measurement less susceptible to local emissions. On the other hand meas- The most common passive DOAS light path arrange- urements must frequently be made in a small volume ments include (Fig. 19.10): (e.g. in photo-reactors); in these cases multi-reflection d) Zenith scattered light (ZSL)-DOAS is well-suited to study stratospheric trace gases. For instance a global d) f) network of ZSL-DOAS instruments continuously watches the distribution of stratospheric species (e.g. O3,NO2,BrO,OClO). e) Multi-AXis (MAX)-DOAS allows determination of trace gases and their vertical distribution in e.g. Detector the atmospheric boundary layer or the detection of plumes from cities, stacks, or volcanoes. In addi- e) tion Airborne Multi-AXis (AMAX)-DOAS is a new technique for application from aircraft.

atD Part f) Direct sunlight observation of trace gases from bal- loon platforms allows the determination of trace gas Detector profiles. 19.5 An extremely important, new application is satellite- Fig. 19.10d–f The passive DOAS technique can be applied in sev- borne DOAS, pioneered by the GOME and SCIA- eral light path arrangements and observation modes using natural MACHY instruments [19.29,30] that allow observation light sources such as sunlight or moonlight. The zenith scattered of global stratospheric and tropospheric trace gas distri- light (ZSL-DOAS) set-up (d) is most suited for the determination butions (Fig. 19.11): of stratospheric species, while the Multi-AXis (MAX-DOAS) ar- rangement (e) provides highly sensitive trace gas measurements in g) The most basic observation geometry is the nadir the atmospheric boundary layer. Direct sunlight observation of trace view. Here, sunlight backscattered from the Earth gases from balloon platforms (f) allows the determination of trace and its atmosphere is analyzed by DOAS to yield gas profiles in the atmosphere trace gas slant column densities. Ideally all light Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere Applied Radiation Transport 1179

recorded by the satellite spectrometer traversed the atmosphere twice. g) h) h) Satellites also allow the observation of scattered sunlight in a limb-viewing geometry. This allows the determination of trace gas profiles (although generally only for the stratosphere). i) Occultation (, sunrise or starlight) measure- ments from satellites are an attractive possibility.

In addition it is now possible to determine the photon i) path-length distribution in clouds by ground-based ob- servation of O2 and O4 bands. Here effectively DOAS is Sciamachy reversed: instead of the usual configuration where an un- known concentration is measured while the length of the light path is (at least approximately) known, the photon Fig. 19.11g–i Satellite-based DOAS has become an important tech- path-lengths are determined by observing the absorption nique for probing the atmospheric composition on a global scale. due to an absorber with known concentration, such as The most basic observation geometry is the nadir view (g),here oxygen (O2) or oxygen dimers (O4). sunlight backscattered from the Earth and its atmosphere is ana- lyzed by DOAS to yield trace gas slant-column densities. Ideally all 19.5.4 Atmospheric Aerosols light recorded by the satellite spectrometer traversed the atmosphere twice. Satellites also allow the observation of scattered sunlight in a The atmospheric aerosol concentration is frequently limb-viewing geometry (h). This allows the determination of trace monitored by light detection and ranging (LIDAR) gas profiles (although generally only for the stratosphere). Occulta- instruments operated from the ground, aircrafts, or satel- tion (sunset, sunrise or starlight) measurements (i) from satellite lites [19.32]. In their most basic configuration they are another attractive possibility to determine trace gas vertical measure the ratio of total extinction due to Mie and profiles

Table 19.3 Selection of species of atmospheric relevance measurable by DOAS and detection limits. Differential absorp- tion cross-sections and corresponding detection limits (assuming 32 passes in a multi-reflection cell with a 8 m base path) for a series of species to be investigated by DOAS in the Valenciasmog chamber. A dielectric mirror coating or DOAS mea- surements in the open atmosphere would allow longer light paths, resulting in correspondingly improved detection limits Species Wavelength Differential abs. cross Detection limit σ  = − = of prominent section ( i ) L (40 8) × 8 m 256 m band (nm) (10−20 cm2/molec.) (ppt) ClO 280 350 200 BrO 328 1040 80

IO 427 1700 50 D Part

SO2 300 68 1000

NO2 430 17 2700

HONO 352 41 2000 19.5

O3 282 10 8000 Glyoxalb ca. 470 ≈ 10 ≈ 8000 Benzene 253 200a 400 Toluene 267 200a 400 Phenol 275 3700a 20 Xylenes 260–272 ≈ 100a ≈ 800 Benzaldehyde 285 500a 160 a data from Trost et al. 1997, R. Volkamer, personal communication 2000 b from [19.31] 1180 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

Fig. 19.12 Schematic setup of the DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen aircraft-borne LIDAR system (OLEX). APD: avalanche Aircraft window photo diode; PM: photomultiplier (courtesy G. Ehret/DLR Oberpfaffenhofen)

The Ozone Lidar EXperiment (OLEX) LIDAR is used as an aerosol and ozone LIDAR (Fig. 19.12). The 1064 nm system consists of two laser transmitters: 1) a Nd:YAG Telescope 308 nm + 532 nm +354 nm laser operating at a repetition rate of 10 Hz in the fun- damental, second harmonic, and third harmonic with output energies of 200 mJ at 1064 nm, 120 mJ at 532 nm, and 180 mJ at 355 nm, and 2) a XeCl laser operating at 10 Hz, emitting 200 mJ at 308 nm. The receiver system Nd:YAG is based on a 35 cm Cassegrain telescope with a field F 354 nm laser Aperture of view (FOV) of 1 mrad and a focal length of 500 cm. The system uses five detection channels: one channel for 1064 nm, two channels for 532 nm in two polariza- PM CeCl F 1064 nm laser tion planes, one channel for 355 nm, and one for 308 nm. Aperture The 308 and 355 nm channels are specifically dedicated F 308 nm Aperture APD to ozone profiling in the stratosphere, while the other wavelengths are used for aerosol and cloud monitoring. PM The acquisition electronics can acquire each single sig- nature, with the lasers firing at a 50 Hz repetition rate, Polarizing PM beamsplitter and the aerosol distributions measured by the system F 532 nm are available in real time. The total weight of the sys- Aperture Aperture tem is about 270 kg and the total power consumption F 532 nm above 1.6kW. PM In the present example, the OLEX LIDAR was assembled on board the DLR-Falcon aircraft in a down- looking mode that enabled aerosol backscattering Rayleigh scattering versus the calculated expectation measurements below the aircraft cruise altitude. On of pure Rayleigh scattering for a set of absorbing and 24 September 1999, a flight was undertaken leading from non-absorbing wavelengths. Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich to the Adriatic Sea. The

Altitude (km) 400 300 200 100 0 km (m/s) European alps Po basin Elevated layer 18.2 5 18.7 atD Part 13.2 4 11.5 6.4 3 3.7 19.5 0.8 2 2.4 1.6 1 2.3 0.5 0 47 46 45 44 nr. Innsbruck nr. Venice/Coastline Northern adriatic sea Fig. 19.13 Tropospheric aerosol distribution recorded by OLEX at λ = 1024 nm during a flight of the Falcon aircraft from Oberpfaffenhofen to the Adriatic Sea on 24 September 1999. The color codes qualitatively indicates the aerosol concentration with the large aerosol concentrations given in yellow and the small in blue color Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere Applied Radiation Transport 1181 main scientific objective was to investigate the spatial Transmission distribution of made-made aerosols emitted from traffic, 1.0 industry and house burning into the lower troposphere. The major detected features were inhomogeneously RR 9.9 RQ 5.6 RR 5.5 PQ 3.4 PP 29.29 PP PQ 17.18 RQ 9.10 0.8 27.27 PP PQ 28.27 PQ 28.28

aerosol-loaded air masses located in the alpine mountain PR 211.11 RQ 15.16 valleys and the fairly uniform planetary bound- Si I Mg I ary layer (PBL) stretching over the whole alpine 0.6 PQ 33.32 33.33 PP ridge (Fig. 19.13). Both aerosol layers nicely mark PQ 31.30 31.31 PP the vertical layering of a vertically layered lower PQ 29.28 29.29 PP 0.4 troposphere typical for a high-pressure system at mid- K I latitudes in fall. Another interesting feature was the PQ 27.26 27.27 PP 0.2 Measurement structure of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) located PQ 25.24 25.25 PP Simulation over the Adriatic Sea (≈ 2000 m above sea level), which 768.0 768.5 769.0 769.5 770.0 770.5 overlaid a very thin marine boundary layer (250–300 m Wavelength (nm) above sea level). This feature resulted from an advection Resisual (OD) of polluted PBL air masses originating from the North 0.008 Italian Apennines and the Po Basin by synoptic westerly 0.004 winds [19.33]. 0.000 19.5.5 Determination of the Distribution –0.004 of Solar Photon Path Lengths –0.008 768.0 768.5 769.0 769.5 770.0 770.5 Wavelength (nm) A novel application of differential optical absorption PDF 1.0 spectroscopy (DOAS) is the measurements of path- Model Γ length distributions of solar photons (photon PDF) = 2.84 × VOD 2 0.5 0.5 × transmitted to the ground [19.34–38]. The knowledge = 8.28 VOD 0.5 of a photon PDFs is of primary interest in the cloudy atmospheric radiative transfer, atmospheric absorption of solar radiation energy and thus for climate. The 0.0 method relies on the analysis of highly resolved oxy- 0246810 gen A-band (762–775 nm) spectra (Fig. 19.14) observed Path length (VOD) ◦ with a telescope with a small field of view (1 )in Fig. 19.14 Measured and modeled oxygen A-band spectrum (up- zenith-scattered sky light. It uses the fact that solar pho- per panel), inferred residual spectrum (middle panel) and inferred tons are randomly scattered by molecules, aerosols and photon PDF for the observation between 12:32 and 12:33 UT over cloud droplet during their atmospheric transport. Since Cabauw/NL on 23 September 2001. The black vertical line indi- a fraction of the solar photons become absorbed in the at- cates the optical path for the direct sunlight. Photon path lengths are mosphere, largely depending on the atmospheric opacity given in units of vertical atmosphere (VOD) or air mass (AM) for a given wavelength, for each wavelength solar pho- tons travel on different average, long distances in the storm Cb (cumulus nimbus) clouds, average photon path D Part atmosphere. Spectral intervals with a largely changing lengths of up to 100 km have been observed, while for atmospheric opacity but known absorber concentration Sc (stratus clouds) typically photon paths are 50–100% and spectroscopic constants, such as that given by the larger than for the direct and slant path of the sun’s 19.5 oxygen A-band, thus contain information on the pho- rays. Moreover, it appears that even though the spa- ton PDFs. Recent studies have been showing that the tial distribution of cloud droplets is inhomogeneous atmospheric photon PDFs are highly correlating with with the moments of the density behaving like multi- the total amount of liquid water in the atmosphere, the fractals, photon PDFs tend to be mono-fractals, mostly spatial arrangement of clouds, cloud inhomogeneity and due to the so-called radiative smoothing of optically solar illumination [19.34–38]. For example, for thunder- thick clouds [19.39]. 1182 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

19.6 Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere Phenomena based on atmospheric optics can be ob- served nearly every day and everywhere. Examples are Absorption water droplets ice crystals rainbows, halos, mirages, coronas, glories, the colors of Scattering of light from dendrites the sky, and phenomena, green flashes, Reflection sun, moon dust particles noctilucent clouds, polar lights, and many more. All Refraction by / from Diffraction electrons these different phenomena are due to interaction of light atoms with matter present in the atmosphere (Fig. 19.15). Emission of light from molecules In the following, a brief survey of light scattering by ions molecules and particles with regard to optical phenom- ena in the atmosphere will be given. More details on Fig. 19.15 Possible interaction processes of light with con- light scattering by particles can be found in a number of stituents of air monographs [19.40–43]. Several books have focussed on one or more optical phenomena (e.g. [19.44–54]). 19.6.1 Characteristics of Light Scattering Some older original publications are available as a col- by Molecules and Particles lection of articles [19.55] and the proceedings of the regular conferences on atmospheric optics have been Nearly all optical phenomena in the atmosphere are published in special issues of the journals of the Optical due to light scattering – mostly sunlight and some- Society of America [19.56–63], most of them recently times moonlight – with the constituents of air. In the put together on a CD-ROM [19.64]. Several videos and following, a brief general survey of light scattering pro- movies deal with selected phenomena [19.65–69], some cesses in the atmosphere will be given. Consequences articles focus on connections to the fine arts [19.70–73], for various optical phenomena of the atmosphere will be a number of books focus on simple experiments as well systematically discussed in the respective sections ac- as observations [19.74,75] and a number of internet sites cording to the constituents of the air that are responsible with a lot of material are also available, Table 19.4. (Table 19.5).

Table 19.4 List of internet sites on atmospheric optics 1. http:// www.polarimage.fi (Images of many phenomena) 2. http:// www.atoptics.co.uk (Images and simulations) 3. http:// www.engl.paraselene.de (Images) 4. http:// www.philiplaven.com (Images and simulations) 5. http:// www.funet.fi/pub/astro/html/eng/obs/meteoptic/links.html (Finnish amateur observer site) 6. http:// www.ursa.fi/english.html (Finnish astronomical association) 7. http:// www.meteoros.de (German halo observer network) 8. http:// mintaka.sdsu.edu/GF/ (Green flashes) 9. http:// thunder.msfc.nasa.gov (Nasa lightning page) atD Part 10. http:// www.fma-research.com/ (Lightning, in particular sprites) 11. http:// www.sel.noaa.gov/ (Space weather)

19.6 12. http:// www.spaceweather.com/ (Space weather) 13. http:// sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/ (Nasa Sun Earth connection, outreach) 14. http:// www.mreclipse.com/ (Eclipses) 15. http:// www.geo.mtu.edu/weather/aurora/ (Auroras) 16. http:// www.exploratorium.edu/auroras/index.html (Auroras) 17. http:// www.amsmeteors.org/ (American meteor society) 18. http:// www.imo.net/ (International meteor organization) 19. http:// liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/academy/space/solarsystem/meteors/Showers.html (Meteor showers, Nasa) Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.6 Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere 1183

Table 19.5 Classification of optical phenomena of the atmosphere. Depending on the homogeneity of the air, different light interaction processes correspond to various phenomena, which are indicated by examples

1. Pure homogeneous air • refraction ⇒ mirages, shape changes of sun/moon at horizon Sect. 19.6.2 • scattering ⇒ blue sky Sect. 19.6.3 2. Inhomogenous atmosphere: Air plus water droplets • refraction and reflection ⇒ rainbows Sect. 19.6.4 • forward scattering/diffraction ⇒ coronas Sect. 19.6.5 • backward scattering/diffraction ⇒ glories Sect. 19.6.5 3. Inhomogenous atmosphere: Air plus ice crystals • refraction and reflection ⇒ halos Sect. 19.6.6 • forward scattering/diffraction ⇒ coronas Sect. 19.6.5 4. Inhomogenous atmosphere: Air plus aerosols • absorption, scattering ⇒ sky colors Sect. 19.6.7 • absorption, scattering ⇒ visibility Sect. 19.6.8 • forward scattering/diffraction ⇒ coronas Sect. 19.6.5 5. Ionized air • ionization/excitation by solar wind, emission ⇒ auroras Sect. 19.6.9 • ionization/excitation by discharges, emission ⇒ lightning Sect. 19.6.9

Molecular Scattering anthropogenic droplets/particles with an enormous va- For pure air, scatterers are mostly N2 and O2 molecules, riety in composition. Typical aerosol particles have size the greenhouse gases CO2 and H2Oaswellassome distributions in the range 0.1–10μm with an average traces of other gases such as Ar [19.76]. These scatter- around 1 μm (e.g. [19.83]). The vertical distribution of ers are all much smaller than the wavelength of visible the particle components of air may also be described by light and one speaks of a molecular atmosphere [19.77]. some kind of exponential formula [19.77], however, the The vertical distribution of the gaseous components of scaling height of 1–2 km is much smaller than that for air follows the barometric formula with a scaling height molecules. of about 8 km. The scattering of sunlight from the bound The scattering of light from particles in these size electrons of atoms/molecules is usually called Rayleigh ranges differs dramatically from molecular scattering, scattering [19.1, 78, 79]. (For historical notes on the since the particle size is comparable to or larger than the problem of the blue sky, see [19.80].) wavelength of the light. Since atoms/molecules within particles are very close to each other, they are excited D Part Scattering from Particles coherently, i. e. the total scattering from all molecules Normal air usually also contains a variety of different within a particle is quite different from the sum of the particles, the most predominant being water droplets, scattering of all individual molecules within the particle. 19.6 ice crystals and snow flakes (dendrites). The size of the In 1908, G. Mie gave the solution of classical electro- water droplets ranges from several micrometers (cloud dynamics for the simplest case, referring to spherical droplets) to well above 1 mm (raindrops); ice crystals shapes of the particles [19.10]. Henceforth, this type of are very often of hexagonal symmetry with sizes on the light scattering from particles is mostly known as Mie order of 10–100 μm. scattering. This name is sometimes also used for exten- In addition, the atmosphere also contains other liquid sions to nonspherical particle shapes. For nonabsorbing and solid particles called aerosols [19.20, 76, 81, 82]. particles, which are small compared to the wavelength, These include many types of particles from dust, oil the Mie scattering gives the same results as Rayleigh droplets from forest fires, volcanic ashes as well as scattering. In the general case, however, it shows pro- 1184 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

nounced differences regarding wavelength dependence, length, scattering from water droplets is essentially angular dependence, degree of polarization of the scat- independent of wavelength. tered radiation as well as scattering cross section per molecule [19.40–42, 77]. Angular Dependence. Figure 19.17 gives a schematic overview of how the angular dependence of scattering Comparison of Rayleigh and Mie Scattering changes with particle size. Molecules scatter unpo- Wavelength Dependence. Figure 19.16 gives a sche- larized light nearly isotropically (see also Fig. 19.1) matic example of the scattering of light by water whereas large particles scatter rather asymmetrically molecules as well as water droplets of, say, 10 μm. in the forward direction. For a given particle size, the Whereas molecules or very small particles scatter light scattering also depends on wavelength. mostly according to the inverse fourth power of wave- Degree of Polarization. For Rayleigh scattering, and as- Relative scattering signal suming perfectly spherical air molecules, light scattered at an angle of 90◦ would be perfectly polarized [19.84]. 1 However, air molecules already show an anisotropy, re- Water droplets ducing the polarization to only about 94% [19.77, 79]. For larger particles, the degree of polarization varies considerably as a function of scattering angle for Water molecules fixed size. These patterns, however, strongly depend on size [19.40, 41, 77]. In addition, the degree of po- 0 larization at a fixed angle varies as a function of 400 500 600 700 800 wavelength. Wavelength (nm) Fig. 19.16 Schematic wavelength dependence for light Scattering Cross Section per Molecule:. The enormous scattering from water molecules and water droplets of, e.g., differences between incoherent and coherent scattering μ 10 msize become apparent when comparing light scattering from isolated molecules to those of the same molecules within a particle, e.g. water molecules within a water droplet Rayleigh scattering or a raindrop [19.77]. For example, the scattering per molecule that belongs to a cloud droplet of 1 μmis about 109 times larger than scattering by an isolated water molecule and still a factor of about 100 larger than a molecules in a 1 mm raindrop.

Single and Multiple Scattering, Optical Mean Φ Յ λ/50 Free Path and Air Mass Light from the sun (or moon) has to traverse the at- mosphere before reaching the eye of an earthbound atD Part observer. It is attenuated by scattering and absorption, Φ λ/4 depending on the number of scatterers present in the line of sight. If absorption can be neglected, one may use the

19.6 scattering coefficient Φ 5λ βS = Nσ, (19.35) where N is the number of scatterers per unit volume and σ is the extinction cross section, 1/βS defines the scat- tering mean free path, i. e. the average distance a photon Mie scattering has to travel before being scattered. (If absorption is Fig. 19.17 Schematic overview of the angular dependence included, an additional absorption coefficient βA is in- of light scattering from molecules and very small particles troduced and βS will be replaced by β = βS +βA.) Using (Rayleigh scattering) to larger particles (Mie scattering) βS, one may define the optical thickness τ between two Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.6 Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere 1185 points A and B of the atmosphere as Normal optical thickness 0.4 B Molecular atmosphere τ = β (x)dx . (19.36) S 0.3 A The optical thickness is a measure of the physical thick- 0.2 ness in units of the scattering mean free path. For light along a radial path, i. e. coming from the zenith, the 0.1 amount of air to be traversed is least and one refers to the normal optical thickness, which is also called the 0.0 optical depth. For a pure molecular atmosphere, this is 400 500 600 700 800 depicted in Fig. 19.18. In the visible spectral range, its Wavelength in nm values are small compared with unity, hence, a photon Fig. 19.18 Normal optical thickness of a purely molecular is unlikely to be scattered more than once, i. e. single atmosphere (data from [19.3]) scattering predominates. The amount of air to be traversed by light, the so discussed. Scattering effects by particles are neglected called air mass, depends on the sun’s elevation. Air mass here. (AM) is defined to be unity for the light source in the In homogeneous media, the forward propagation of zenith. It increases for smaller sun elevation angles. As light is expressed in terms of the refractive index n a matter of fact, it is the optical thickness, relative to (for tables of n [19.3]). n depends on temperature T its zenith value. The exact value depends on the surface (in K), pressure p (in mbar) and humidity. Equa- pressure. At 5◦ elevation (85◦ zenith angle) its value is tion (19.37) [19.87] gives an approximation for n of about 10 and it ultimately reaches a value of about 40 dry air at grazing incidence [19.51, 77, 85, 86], i. e. for the case 77.6p − of sunrise or sunset. In this case, the light must pass n = 1 + ×10 6 . (19.37) about 40 times the amount of air compared to the case T of the zenith. For example, T = 300 K and p = 1030 mbar yields Combining the air mass with the normal optical n ≈ 1.000266. Increasing the air temperature by 40 K thickness gives the optical thickness for arbitrary sun (e.g., air directly above the ground which is heated elevation. Since AM reaches large values, optical thick- by the sun) gives n ≈ 1.000235 (for humid air, the nesses may become large compared with unity, i. e. numbers only change slightly). These small changes of multiple scattering events become likely for low sun Δn ≈ 3×10−5 are responsible for all kinds of mirages. elevations. The most simple mirage effect is known from as- tronomy: if an observer looks at an object in the sky 19.6.2 Mirages at a certain altitude, the actual position of the object is lower in the sky. This is due to the refraction of light Mirages are due to the propagation of light waves in air upon propagation in the atmosphere with a gradient in n that has gradients in the index of refraction [19.44–48, giving rise to curved light paths. D Part 51]. In general, light which is propagating in clear air At the zenith, the deviation is zero, at 45◦ zenith (no particles) is partly scattered according to Rayleigh distance it amounts to 1 (1 minute of an arc) increasing  ◦ scattering, while the rest propagates undisturbed in the to more than 38 at an angle of 90 . This has to be 19.6 forward direction. The scattered light consists of side- compared with the angular size of the sun or moon, ways scattering and forward scattering, the latter being which is about 30, i. e. half a degree. Since the refraction in phase with the incident light. As a consequence, light is only about 28 at a zenith distance of 89.5◦,thesun in clear air is slightly weakened by sideways scattering, or the moon in an otherwise undisturbed atmosphere the forward-propagating light being the superposition (no inversion layers) will thus be flattened [19.47], see of the incident light and the forward-scattered light. also [19.88–92]. The weakening due to sideways scattering will be Mirages are images of objects which may be seen discussed below (blue sky). Here, the phenomena as- in addition to the real objects. They can be seen when- sociated with the forward-propagating light will be ever there are temperature differences in the atmosphere, 1186 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

telephoto lenses are used. The mirages are often dis- torted and flicker due to local density fluctuations in the air. Theoretical progress in understanding mirages came with the computer. The propagation of light rays in a given atmosphere, defined by the vertically varying index of refraction n(z), is computed theoretically using ray-tracing methods. The various methods [19.93–96] differ by their choice of geometry and n(z). Such simu- lations prove very helpful in understanding the general characteristics of mirages, like e.g. so-called mock mi- rages [19.97, 98]. Recent research has explained many unusual mirage phenomena quantitatively, including long-range mirages like the Novaya–Zemlya effect from atmospheric duct- ing [19.99–102] and small-scale movements seen within superior mirages when atmospheric gravity (buoyancy) waves are present [19.103, 104]. Superior mirages seen over large distances (70–100 km) can result from fairly complex atmo- spheric temperature profiles [19.95]. Also, the origin of double inferior mirages as well as unusual horizontal Fig. 19.19 Inferior mirage: a palm tree scatters sunlight in stripes in inferior mirages has been analyzed theoret- all directions. The atmosphere is heated close to the ground. ically [19.96]. Very recently, focus had been on very Therefore the index of refraction is smaller there, giving rise precise measurements and comparison to modeled astro- to curved light paths. Direct and refracted light can enter nomical refraction of the setting sun [19.105, 106] and the eye of an observer, which is interpreted as an object on the occurrence of very bright superior mirages [19.107]. top of an inverted image (after [19.48]) In addition to analysis of observations and theo- retical models, inferior mirages and superior mirages which give rise to unusual gradients in the index of re- with multiple images may also be studied quan- fraction. Similarly to astronomical refraction, gradients titatively or as demonstration experiments in the in n give rise to curved light paths. If warm air is above laboratory [19.65, 108–112]. the ground, n is smaller close to the ground than above it. This leads to inferior mirages like the well-known 19.6.3 Clear Sky: wet streets on hot summer days. The formation of in- Blue Color and Polarization ferior mirages is illustrated in Fig. 19.19. A prominent feature of a mirage is the so-called vanishing line of the Light scattering in pure gases is due to the electrons object [19.48]. Light below certain object points has no in atoms and molecules. As a result, the scattered light atD Part chance whatsoever to reach the eye of the observer, i. e. intensity varies approximately as 1/λ4 (Fig. 19.16), i. e., parts of the object cannot be seen, irrespective of the red light is scattered much less than blue light [19.1,78, direction into which the light is scattered. 79]. When looking at the daylight sky illuminated by the

19.6 In the case of an inversion layer in the atmosphere, sun one mostly sees scattered light and, hence, a blue the air at a given height is warmer than below, which sky (In Sect. 19.6, the qualitative term intensity which is may give rise to superior mirages. Similarly to infe- often not properly defined (see [19.113]), does usually rior mirages, the propagation of light with curved paths mean either radiance, given in W/m2 sr, or spectrally in this case can give rise to multiple images on top of resolved radiance in W/m2 sr nm). the object. In nature, combinations of inferior and supe- The scattered light is strongly polarized at a scat- rior mirages may occur. Also, heated vertical walls may tering angle of 90◦ [19.84]. Concerning the whole result in lateral mirages. sky, the polarization varies and also has neutral points, The angular size of mirages is usually about named after Arago and Babinet [19.44, 46, 51]. In real- ◦ 0.5–1.0 . For observations, binoculars and cameras with ity, even if very clean air is used, the maximum degree Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.6 Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere 1187 of polarization is about 94%, see Sect. 19.6.1. The atmo- 8–12 sphere usually also contains an appreciable number of 7 6 particles, which show Mie scattering with different an- 5 δ gular polarization dependencies. In addition, there may 4 be contributions of multiply scattered light as well as b 3 backscattering from the surface of the Earth. Overall, the 2 degree of polarization typically reaches values around 1 80%. Obviously, this depends on the concentration of particles and is thus related to the transmission of the 2* atmosphere [19.114]. More details on scattering effects and recent research will be given in Sect. 19.6.7. 3* 19.6.4 Rainbows 4* 11* 8* 12* 10* 9* Rainbows are due to scattering of sunlight from rain- 5* drops in the atmosphere [19.43–48,51]. The drops are in 6* 7* Scattering angle δ the size range between 10 μm (white fogbow/cloud bow) 180 and several millimeters. One usually assumes spherical Minimum: 137.48° (n = 1.33) droplets, however, drop shapes may vary depending on 170 at b/R = 0.86 size [19.115, 116] or they may even oscillate [19.117]. 160 Drop formation and size distributions have been exten- sively studied [19.118]. The effect of nonsphericity on 150 rainbow phenomena is discussed, e.g., in [19.119, 120]. 140 The observed bows are mostly due to single scat- tering events. Hence, the complex problem of light 130 scattering from millions of raindrops in a rain shower 120 can be reduced to the scattering of sunlight from a single 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 raindrop. Since raindrops are large compared to the Normalized impact parameter b/R wavelength of light, geometrical optics already gives Fig. 19.20 Simple explanation of a rainbow from a single raindrop a rough description. Figure 19.20 depicts a single rain- in terms of geometrical optics. Parallel light rays, characterized by drop and parallel light rays from the sun. the impact parameter b, are scattered due to refraction, internal The rays are characterized by their impact param- reflection and refraction (for clarity other light paths are omitted). eter b. Each ray is reflected and refracted upon hitting The scattering angle δ as a function of b exhibits a shallow minimum, an interface between air and water. For clarity, only i. e. many incoming light rays with different values of b will be the light paths that give rise to the primary rainbow scattered in the same direction are sketched. They are defined by refraction into the droplet, internal reflection and refraction back into the rection. As a consequence, an observer who is looking air. Similarly higher-order rainbows may be constructed at a cloud of raindrops that is illuminated from the back by allowing for multiple internal reflections. The cen- by sunlight, will observe a bow of angular size 42◦ D Part tral ray (1) is not deflected by the refractions and exits (Fig. 19.21). at a scattering angle of 180◦ with respect to the inci- The rainbow angle, i. e. the minimum of δ in the plot dent ray. Ray number (2) suffers a scattering angle of of Fig. 19.20, can be easily calculated (e.g. [19.47,121]) 19.6 about 170◦ and so on. For increasing impact param- with geometrical optics by finding the minimum of the eter the scattering angle δ decreases until a minimum is scattering angle δ(αinc) with respect to the angle of inci- reached at an impact parameter of about 0.86 R (ray 7). dence αinc of the light rays onto the droplet. Assuming The flatness of this shallow minimum (Fig. 19.20) at nair ≈ 1 one finds for the primary bow an angle of about 138◦ is responsible for the fact that δ(α ) = 2α − 4α + π, with much more light is scattered into this direction – geo- inc 2 inc refr metrically along the surface of a cone – than in others, n2 − 1 since many incoming light rays of slightly differing cos αinc = . (19.38) impact parameters will emerge in the same output di- 3 1188 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

From sun

From sun 42° 138°


Antisolar point

Fig. 19.21 Observation of a rainbow. Each raindrop scatters light preferably in a cone of the rainbow angle. Hence, an observer will see more light when looking in the direction of the surface of a cone that is centered in a droplet. The whole rainbow is due to millions of drops, the effect of which is an observable bright feature, geometrically on the surface of another cone centered in the eye of the observer and making an angle of 42◦ with regard to the antisolar point (after [19.48]). Its surface touches the surfaces of the scattered light cones of each individual droplet

Here αrefr denotes the angle of the refracted ray Mie theory [19.10, 40, 41], however, its numerical so- within the raindrop and n is the index of refraction lutions in terms of scattering efficiencies as a function of water. For n = 1.33, Snell’s law gives a scat- of angle for size distributions of the droplets and fi- ◦ tering angle of δ(αinc) = 137.5 . Due to dispersion nite angular size of the solar disk had to wait for the (n650 nm = 1.331, n400 nm = 1.343) the rainbow angles development of computers. Similarly, Debye developed depend on wavelength. Taking into account the finite size of the sun of about 0.5◦ one finds an angular width of about 2.2◦ for the primary bow. The analy- Intensity of scattered light sis is easily extended to higher-order rainbows [19.47], most of which may, however, only be observed in the laboratory [19.110, 122–125]. atD Part Several rainbow features can only be explained by wave optics. Light from the rainbow is apprecia- Geometrical optics bly polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence,

19.6 since the angle of incidence for the internal reflection is close to the Brewster angle [19.126]. Also, careful Wave optics measurements showed that the light intensity shows an interference pattern, named after Airy [19.50,127,128], which differs markedly from the prediction of geomet- rical optics (Fig. 19.22). Until the beginning of the 20th century, wave op- tics features were computed using Airy’s theory, which Rainbow angle Scattering angle gives reasonable results for droplet sizes down to 10 μm; Fig. 19.22 Differences between the theories of Descartes for smaller sizes, it fails. Improvements came with and Airy for the scattered light intensity of raindrops Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.6 Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere 1189 a tool of how to decompose the partial wave ampli- Intensity (logarithmic scale!) tudes for scattering of a plane wave into individual +2 Forward scattering: contributions of certain types. This later led to the com- +1 plex angular-momentum theory [19.129]. Application Coronas Ϯ of the mathematics of catastrophe theory to light scat- 0 Rainbows Back tering showed that the rainbow is a manifestation of the +1 with Airy scattering: rings Glories so-called fold caustic [19.130]. +2 Here, results of the full electrodynamic treatment, Ð3 i. e. Mie theory, are presented [19.40,41,131–133]. Fig- Radius: ure 19.23 depicts results for monochromatic blue light Ð4 2 μm of λ = 450 nm, scattered by a lognormal distribution of Ð5 8 μm μ water droplets with mean radii ranging from 2 mto Ð6 40 μm 200 μm. The full width at half maximum of the size 200 μm distribution is 10% of the mean radius. Ð7 Obviously, large droplets show Airy rings at the rain- Ð8 0° 21° 48° 72° 86° 120° 144° 168° bow angles. For other wavelengths, these curves would 12° 36° 60° 84° 108° 132° 156° 180° be slightly shifted due to dispersion. The overlapping Scattering angle δ of the interference rings for all wavelengths leads to Fig. 19.23 Angular distribution of blue light scattered by water so-called supernumerary arcs (e.g. [19.134, 135]). De- droplets with mean radii ranging from 2 μmand8μm (fog and cloud creasing the droplet size leads to a broadening of the droplets) to 200 μm (small raindrops) (computation by E. Tränkle) rainbows due to diffraction. In this case, the overlapping of all wavelengths leads to a white rainbow, also called light [19.138, 139]. Even infrared rainbows have been a fog bow. If the size becomes too small, no rainbows detected [19.140]. are observable. The other features in Fig. 19.23 will be In addition to analysis of observations and theoret- discussed in Sect. 19.6.5. ical models, rainbow phenomena may also be studied There are many other interesting features of rain- in the laboratory either for quantitative comparison to bows. For example the first-order rainbow often visually theory or just as demonstration experiments using either appears brighter at the base of the bow than at the top of single droplets or cylinders of water or other mater- the bow. This is due to the fact that, in a rain shower, rain- ials [19.109,110,122–124,136,141,142]. drops are distorted in shape to oblate spheroids. Light Present investigations of rainbow phenomena deal, reaching an observer from the base of a rainbow tra- e.g., with experiments on higher-order rainbows verses a water droplet in the horizontal plane where the from acoustically levitated water drops [19.143] or droplet cross section is circular. In contrast, light from cylinders [19.144,145] and total internal reflection rain- the top of the rainbow traverses the water droplet in bows [19.146] as well as new simulations of rainbows the vertical plane where the droplet cross section is el- and fogbows [19.147, 148]. liptical. Since the scattered light intensity due to the internal reflection is less in the elliptical cross section 19.6.5 Coronas, Iridescence and Glories than that in the circular cross section the base of the rainbow is brighter than the top of the bow (the longer The forward and backward scattering of small water D Part optical path from the top may also lead to increased droplets can also give rise to very distinct fea- extinction). tures [19.43, 44, 47, 48, 51]. First, colored concentric

Similar explanations [19.136] are possible for other rings, called coronas, around the sun or the moon with 19.6 features such as, e.g., that the supernumeraries of the angular distances up to, e.g., 15◦ may be observed, when first-order rainbow often appear most vividly at the top looking through thin clouds. The middle whitish part of the bow or that supernumeraries of the second-order around the light source is often called an aureole. If, rainbow are almost never seen. Also, the effects of the second, colorful clouds are observed at larger distances electric fields [19.137] and acoustic forces accompany- from the sun (up to 45◦), one usually speaks of cloud ing thunderstorms can have observable consequences iridescence. Third, backscattering that leads to colorful on rainbows [19.117]. Visibility and general brightness concentric rings at angles close to 180◦ with respect to of rainbows depend on multiply scattered and absorbed the light source are called glories. Figure 19.24 gives an 1190 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

ored rings of computer simulations to those of photos of Fogbow/Rainbow natural observations [19.150]. Sun An aureole may be produced by relatively large light particles that tightly compress the rings, or by the pres- ence of a broad particle size distribution that causes the Glory colored rings to overlap. Simple diffraction theory has problems for drops Corona Water with sizes only slightly greater than the incident wave- droplet length. In this case, Mie theory must be applied, since the amplitudes of the diffracted and transmitted light are comparable in the forward-scattering direction, leading to interference between the two components that can significantly alter the scattering pattern. Forward scattering Back scattering The nature of the cloud particles that cause coro- Fig. 19.24 Overview of geometries of light-scattering phe- nas has been the subject of controversy [19.152, 153]. nomena from a water droplet Observations of some coronas due to very high clouds suggested that not only supercooled spherical cloud overview of the light-scattering geometries of rainbows, droplets, but also ice crystals may be responsible for coronas and glories due to water droplets. coronas. However, ice crystals can assume a vari- ety of shapes and orientations that should not give Coronas very pure coronal colors. The issue was settled by In its most spectacular form, coronas can be observed experiments which simultaneously used polarization as a concentric series of three or four brilliantly colored LIDAR data as well as photographic evidence of rings around the sun or moon. In its simplest form, the coronas to demonstrate that cirrus clouds composed corona is just represented by the aureole, which is a white of hexagonal ice crystals with particle sizes rang- disk near the sun or moon bordered by a bluish ring and ing from 12 to 30 μm (which is unusually small for terminated by a reddish-brown band. most cirrus clouds) can generate multiple-ringed col- Coronas are easily explained using Mie the- ored coronas [19.152]. Later the study also included ory [19.149, 150]. Coronas occur as strong forward- aircraft probes of the particles [19.153]. In one case scattering phenomena (Fig. 19.23) for very small nearly a weak corona and a halo display (see below) of monodisperse sizes of typically about 10 μm. More sim- the hexagonal crystals were observed simultaneously ply, coronas are treated as diffraction phenomena by within the same cloud. This is possible, since labora- water droplets. The first minimum for light of wave- tory experiments indicate a lower limit of about 20 μm length λ diffracted by a circular aperture of diameter for the sizes of ice crystals that can produce halo 2R = D is given by effects. Some while ago, it was also noted that coronas need D sin φ = 1.22λ. (19.39) not be spherical. Elliptical coronas have been reported For droplets of nearly uniform size, the diffraction an- at special times in early summer. They were explained atD Part gles φ obviously depend on wavelength, giving rise as diffraction phenomena from nonspherical birch and to rather pure perceived colors of the coronas. In this pine pollen grains [19.154–156]. Also, split coronas due case, the average droplet size may be estimated from the to local variations of droplet size or changes between

19.6 angular size of the rings from (19.39). To obtain the ap- water and ice have been observed [19.157]. Recently, proximate angle for the red band of the solar corona, new simulations have been reported [19.158]. Special it is customary to use λ = 570 nm in (19.39) since the coronas, called Bishop’s rings, can be produced by vol- positions of the red bands are believed to correspond canic ashes, as has been reported after the explosion of to the minima for green light [19.151]. (Alternatively to Krakatau in 1883. 570 nm, 490 nm has been proposed [19.152].) For exam- ple, 2R = 10 μmgivesφ ≈ 4◦. (Note that there will be Iridescence deviations between the correct Mie theory and diffrac- Cloud iridescence is a brilliant display, which occurs tion theory for droplets with sizes of 10 μm and below.) quite often when appropriate thin clouds are close to A much better way to judge droplet sizes is to fit the col- the sun or moon or if edges of thick clouds happen to Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.6 Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere 1191 have rather monodisperse droplets. Iridescence is also Glories are present in Fig. 19.23 as oscillatory structures observed, though more rarely, at much larger angular in the angular range from about 160 to 180◦ for droplets separation from the sun of up to 45◦ and it may be of 4 and 16 μm size. The more uniform the droplet size, easily observed and analyzed within contrails [19.151]. the more rings may be observed. If interpreted using diffraction, like coronas, the drop Knowing from coronas that colorful rings may also sizes 2R are in the range 2–4 μm. These sizes are indeed be produced by fairly monodisperse assemblies of ice quite rare, though possible near the edges of growing or crystals and even tree pollen, one may ask whether the evaporating clouds. glories that are often observed from airplane windows Whereas, coronas are generally observed at smaller may also be due to ice crystals in high-altitude cirrus angles for mostly monodisperse droplet populations clouds. with sizes of about 10 μm, iridescence usually occurs From the above interpretation of Mie theory, the at larger angles and requires cloud droplet sizes on the glory is due to circumferential, i. e., surface-wave ray order of a few microns in diameter with broad size paths which are unique to spheres. Glories are, hence, distributions. These conditions are often found in the produced by spherical scatterers. Based on photographic vicinity of the visible cloud margin where there is also evidence, it was therefore investigated [19.164] whether a sharp gradient of the drop sizes. Thus, coronas and glories may be also due to spherical or near-spherical iridescence appear to require quite different cloud mi- ice crystals? In conclusion it was found that ice grows in crophysical conditions to be present, and should also amorphous and presumably spherical shapes only at un- be most frequently observed in different angular re- likely frigid temperatures. Recent studies have, however, gions [19.151]. Recent studies deal with coronas and suggested that small near-spherical ice particles (diam- iridescence in mountain wave clouds [19.157] as well as eters ranging from 9 to 15 μm) can sometimes, though rare iridescence cases in cirrus clouds [19.159, 160]. very rarely, occur near the tops or along the margins of some ice clouds, and these may give rise to observable Glories glories. Very recently, new simulations for glories were The colored rings of glories, sometimes also called spec- reported [19.147, 165, 166]. tre of the Brocken are observed in a backscattering geometry, if sunlight illuminates fog or clouds with very 19.6.6 Halos small water droplets. Nowadays, observations can be performed easily when flying in airplanes and observing Halos are caused by the refraction and/or reflection of the shadow of the plane on nearby clouds. sunlight by ice crystals in the atmosphere [19.43–48,51, Early interpretations could not use Mie theory (since 52, 66, 167]. They can already be understood in terms computers were not available), but tried to understand of geometrical optics. Ice crystals that cause good halo the phenomenon in simpler terms. The assumption of displays are usually hexagonal plate or column crystals diffraction of reflected light by the droplets (diffraction with sizes in the range of 20–100 μm [19.168]. Such from circular apertures) did not work, since intensities crystals form very often, depending on the temperature and angular distances of the pattern are different. How- and the amount of water vapor in the air [19.169]. Good ever, diffraction from circular rings could explain the documentation with micrographs can be found in the phenomenon [19.40, 161]. For this to happen, glories literature [19.52,170]. must be due to light entering the raindrops at grazing in- A great number of different halos may be observed D Part cidence (this interpretation was later supported by Mie in nature and in the laboratory since there is an enor- theory [19.162]). Then, the scattered light is more or mous variety of possible types of ray paths through the less exiting at the opposite side of a droplet, i. e. at scat- crystals and crystals may have different orientations in 19.6 tering angles of 180◦. In terms of geometrical optics, the air. this is not possible, however, wave theory allows for The most simple halos are parhelia, also called surface waves at the boundary. In the backward direc- sun dogs, which are often observed in cirrus clouds tion, all contributions interfere constructively to produce (and sometimes in contrails [19.171]). They are due to the glory. These model assumptions were supported by oriented plate crystals, i. e. crystals falling with their experiments with microscopic water droplets supported principal axes vertical. This orientation mode is often by submicroscopic spider webs [19.163]. Later on, this possible and is, e.g., similar to movements of leaves (or model was further developed very successfully [19.129]. sky divers), which maximize their air resistance as they Nowadays, glories are explained by using Mie theory. fall [19.118]. If light rays from the sun enter a prism face 1192 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

a circular halo, centered at the light source, for oriented Scattering angle δ(°) 90 crystals, light will be deflected to both sides of the light source, giving rise to parhelia. The color of the parhelia, reddish towards the sun and bluish tails at the outside, δ is due to dispersion, i. e. different minimum deviation Ice crystal angles for the various wavelengths. 60 ° ° n = 1.31 δmin(90 -prism) = 46 Similarly, other halos, often referred to as arcs, are due to other ray paths. A very brief survey of some common halos (today, more than 40 different types are known) is shown in Fig. 19.26. The circumzenith arc 30 (No. 7 in Fig. 19.26) is due to rays which enter the top δ (60°-prism) = 22° min basal face and exit a prism face of crystals with vertical symmetry axis. For random orientation, ray paths which refer to such a 90◦ prism lead to circular halos of 46◦ (No. 3 in Fig. 19.26). Pure reflection halos – not colored, 0 0 306090since refraction does not contribute – are e.g. sun pil- Angle of incidence (°) lars (No. 4 in Fig. 19.26). They arise when sunlight is Fig. 19.25 Ray paths within hexagonal ice crystals (n = 1.31) show reflected at grazing incidence from the horizontal faces an angle of minimum deviation of 22◦. For clarity, other light paths of plate crystals oriented with their axes vertical. Simi- are omitted larly oriented crystals also give rise to the parhelic circle (No. 5 in Fig. 19.26), which is due to reflected sunlight of a crystal and exit an alternate prism face, the situation from crystal faces lying in the vertical plane. corresponds to refraction from a 60◦ prism. The scat- Singly oriented column crystals – column crystals tering angle as a function of angle of incidence shows with axes horizontal but otherwise unconstrained – give a flat minimum (Fig. 19.25) that is at a scattering angle rise to the upper and lower tangent arcs. Much more of 22◦ for ice crystals with n = 1.31. Similarly to the ex- rarely, column crystals orient with two prism faces hori- planation of the rainbow, more light is deflected in this zontal. Crystals having these Parry orientations give rise direction. Therefore an observer looking at the sun or to Parry arcs. Still other crystal orientation modes are the moon through a thin cirrus cloud will see more light possible. Furthermore, crystals occasionally have pyra- at an angular distance of 22◦ from the light source. For midal faces that produce halos at other angular distances, randomly oriented crystals, the resulting display will be referred to as odd-radius halos. The modern theory of halos started in the 17th cen- tury [19.44,172]. In recent decades, enormous progress has been made. This is due to computer techniques, the 7 application of more traditional, conceptual mathemat- ics [19.173], experiments which collected atmospheric ice crystals during observation of halo displays in cold climates, and to dedicated observers who have docu- atD Part 3 6 mented many new halos. 5 1 2 4 Sun Probably the biggest step was made by the in- troduction of computer simulations which allow the

19.6 computation of complex halos from many different types of crystal shapes, sizes and orientation. They gave a lot of new information, especially regarding intensity vari- ations within a given halo [19.48,174,175]. Various arcs Observer could be directly related to the crystals and the ray paths that were producing them. The theoretical displays could Fig. 19.26 A schematic survey of some halos which may be be easily compared with photographs or drawings of real observed (1: 22◦ halo, 2: parhelia, 3: 46◦ halo, 4: sun pillar, halo displays. 5: parhelic circle, 6: circumscribed halo, 7: circumzenithal Many excellent displays were documented by arc). These displays all depend on sun elevation Finnish or German observer networks ([19.176], see Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.6 Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere 1193 also Table 19.4) and scientists in Antarctica [19.52]. to [19.86,114] Computer simulations were also used to explain old ϕ, T(ϕ, h) = T(0, h)AM( h) (19.40) documented displays dating back to the 18th cen- tury [19.177]. Analysis of halos also include polarization Results for the transmission of red (λ = 630 nm), effects, started by systematic studies in the seven- green (λ = 530 nm) and blue (λ = 430 nm) light for ties [19.53,178]. Halo polarimetric studies should allow a molecular atmosphere and AM = 1, (ϕ = 0◦, zenith), the detection and identification of birefringent crystals AM = 10 (ϕ ≈ 85◦)andAM= 38 (ϕ = 90◦, horizon) in extraterrestrial atmospheres [19.179–181]. Very re- are given in Table 19.6. cently, the focus had been on comparison of observations Whereas the zenith sun is still regarded as white, the with the simulation of halo polarization profiles, the size sun’s spectrum near the horizon is drastically changed in and shape of the crystals in the model being based on favor of red and green light. Above the horizon, yellow sampled ice crystals [19.182]. colors may be observed and close to the horizon, red Halo phenomena have also been studied in the lab- dominates. Since, simultaneously, the radiance of the oratory for quantitative comparison to theory and as sun decreases drastically, the brightness also decreases demonstration experiments using prisms or hexagons with ϕ. Naked-eye observations are, however, still not made of glass, lucite or other materials [19.43, 66, 109, possible in very clear air even if h = 0 (sea level). In 110, 112]. general, however, haze due to water vapor and aerosols leads to additional weakening. 19.6.7 The Color of the Sun and Sky Aerosols are very important for optical variations within the atmosphere [19.15,16]. The difference of ob- The Color of the Sun servations and theoretical spectra, including selective Light scattering in the atmosphere is responsible for the absorption of molecules within the air, is attributed to color of the sun or moon, as perceived by earthbound aerosols [19.114]. observers. Outside the atmosphere, solar irradiation has Extraordinary color changes of the sun can some- a very broad spectrum, ranging from UV to the deep times occur, if clouds of nearly uniformly sized particles infrared [19.183]. Neglecting processes in the sun’s at- are present in the line of sight. For example, the forest mosphere, it more or less resembles the emission of fires in Canada in 1950 ejected large numbers of oil a black body of about 5900 K. This radiation is inter- droplets in the air. These were transported over long preted as white by human eyes (the exact color may be distances and led to blue sun observations even in Edin- computed from spectra according to color metric for- burgh [19.74,184]. Similar events may be due to volcanic mulae, see e.g. [19.76]). In the Earth’s atmosphere, the eruptions. radiation is absorbed and scattered. Compared to the outside spectrum, the irradiation curve is lowered and Sky Colors shows characteristic absorption features, mostly from Obviously, sky colors are due to many factors [19.43– H2O, CO2 and oxygen (see Fig. 19.7). 49, 51]. A simple qualitative explanation of typical sky Color changes occur depending on air mass, i. e. colors at sunset can be given according to Fig. 19.27. sun elevation. Starting with a purely nonabsorbing mo- lecular atmosphere, atmospheric transmission has been computed for air mass AM = 1 [19.3]. Therefrom the D Part transmission at arbitrary zenith angles ϕ and starting at height h of an observer may be computed according Line of sight 19.6

Table 19.6 Transmission of a molecular atmosphere Horizon (h = 0) for sun in zenith (AM = 1: ϕ = 0◦)orclose to the horizon (AM = 10: ϕ = 85◦,AM= 38: ϕ = 90◦), Observer T(ϕ = 0◦) after [19.3] λ(nm) T(AM = 1) T(AM = 10) T(AM = 38) 630 0.945 0.625 0.117 530 0.892 0.320 0.013 Fig. 19.27 Geometry for qualitative explanation of sky col- 430 0.764 0.068 0.000036 ors after sunset (see text for details) 1194 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

The sun has just set, i. e. it is below the horizon. Sun- cumulations, carried by the wind, thus undergoing light still illuminates portions of the atmosphere. The constant qualitative changes, including condensation color that an observer perceives in a given direction is processes [19.114]. As a consequence, the extinction co- due to contributions of scattered and attenuated light efficient for various atmospheric compositions, e.g., for along a line of sight in the respective direction. In sim- different types of clouds, and low- or high-altitude haze ple terms, the amount of radiation entering the observers varies considerably [19.76]. For simplicity, let us now eye depends on, first, the light path through the at- assume just a single aerosol layer. Its influence on sky mosphere before scattering, second, the height of the colors is simply to intensify the red and yellow colors scattering event, which determines the density of scat- in the forward direction. This is due to the fact that the terers, third, the scattering angle, and fourth, the optical scattering angles are rather small and that aerosol par- thickness along the line of sight, i. e. the attenuation due ticles show very strong forward scattering, compared to to scattering and/or absorption. The subtle interplay of Rayleigh scattering (Fig. 19.17). these four parameters determines the spectrum of light Similar qualitative arguments may also be applied to reaching the eye of an observer and hence the perceived the phenomenon of the so-called blue mountains. Dur- color. ing the day, the sky is illuminated by the sun. If the Different locations along the line of sight will con- line of sight to a distant mountain is close to the hori- tribute to the scattered light with varying intensity as zon, the radiation entering the eye of an observer is well as spectral composition. The light beam most dis- due to two contributions. First, it consists of the light tant from the Earth will reach the line of sight, nearly originally scattered by the mountain towards the ob- unattenuated, and a broad spectrum is available for scat- server. This light is attenuated due to scattering along tering. Due to the large height, only a small amount the line of sight. Second, the observer will see sunlight of radiation is scattered towards the observer, with blue that is scattered by the air along the line of sight. This dominating. This light is further attenuated before reach- air light will be blue in a Rayleigh atmosphere. Observ- ing the observer. The final spectral composition of the ing a scenery with mountains at various distances will light depends on the optical thickness that must be tra- change the amount of the two contributions: the more versed. However, blue is most strongly attenuated, i. e. distant, the smaller the first will be and the more im- overall this light will not contribute much and will not portant the second contribution (see the discussion on dominate the color. The closer the light passes to the visibility in Sect. 19.6.8). As a consequence, distant ob- ground, the more its spectrum is shifted towards the red. jects will appear to have a faint blue color [19.45, 51]. Although less light will intersect the line of sight com- This scheme can be used to get a measure for the pared to the large height rays, it will contribute more, thickness of the atmosphere [19.186]. since it interacts at lower heights, i. e. with a much Very often, one observes that sky light close to the larger density of scatterers. Taking into account the fur- horizon is whitish. This can be understood in a similar ther shift of the scattered light spectrum towards the way. Since no objects except the sky are observed, the red due to scattering along the line of sight shows that first contribution from the above argument vanishes and the sky color will be dominated by yellowish and red only air light has to be considered. Sunlight which is colors. scattered in a length interval close to the observer con- The brightness and color of the clear sky has also tributes a large amount of blue light due to Rayleigh atD Part been investigated for various zenith angles ϕ [19.185]. scattering at low heights above the ground. Light which For high sun elevations, the zenith sky of a pure Rayleigh is scattered at larger distances from the observer is scat- atmosphere is blue (as observed for clear air), however, tered at larger heights, i. e. contributes smaller amounts

19.6 it would turn yellowish after sunset. This is in contrast of predominantly blue light. In addition this light is at- to the observed blue color. The solution of this puz- tenuated and spectrally modified by additional scattering zle are the Chappuis absorption bands of ozone in the along the line of sight. As a result, light which originates wavelength range between 500 and 700 nm. For high far from the observer contributes small amounts of mul- sun elevations, the ozone absorption contribution to sky tiply scattered mostly red light. All contributions along light is small compared to Rayleigh scattering whereas the line of sight add up to give an overall white color. it dominates for very low sun elevations. Since light from distant portions will cease to contribute Aerosols within the atmosphere are usually not if scattered out of the line of sight, the overall brightness distributed homogeneously, but in the form of ac- has a limit [19.45, 51, 77]. Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere 19.6 Optical Phenomena in the Atmosphere 1195

Observations from Mauna Loa of the polarization 19.6.8 Clouds and Visibility and color ratio during twilight often show deviations from the clear-sky average. These were attributed to Clouds cloud or haze shadow effects and the importance of Clouds are visible aggregates of water droplets or ice stratospheric dust layers was emphasized [19.187]. crystals, suspended in the air and grown around con- Stratospheric dust clouds from volcanic eruptions do densation nuclei [19.118]. Fog or clouds have droplet strongly affect the degree of polarization of sky light sizes around or above 10 μm, with densities ranging and also shift the positions of neutral points by more from 10 to 1000 droplets/cm3. On average we will as- than 15◦ [19.188]. Such investigations strongly profit sume 300 droplets/cm3 [19.203]. Droplets of 5–10 μm from the development of LIDAR systems and the radius will then correspond to volume fractions f of respective theories of backscattering from small par- about 10−7 –10−6. ticles [19.189–192]. Clouds exhibit several optical phenomena, the most Modern experiments simultaneously measure the obvious being their white color, but certain types of sky light radiance distribution at three wavelengths, clouds show particular phenomena. Cirrus and cirru- the degree of polarization, and the plane of polariza- stratus clouds may give rise to coronas, iridescence tion [19.193]. Recently, the color coordinates of sky and halos, contrails of aircraft engines are cirrus-like light have been investigated, showing that sky light trails of condensed vapor with characteristics similar colors have a wide range of chromaticity curves, de- to cirrus clouds, and cumulonimbus clouds relate to pending strongly on location. Sometimes difficulties thunderstorms, i. e. lightning. Here, the color of clouds, arise in separating luminance changes from chromatic- their absorption and extinction will be briefly discussed. ity changes [19.194]. Astonishingly, clear daytime The effect of photon path length distributions within show a local maximum of radiance near the astronomical clouds is discussed in the contribution of U. Platt and horizon. Its angular width and elevation vary with the K. Pfeilsticker (Sect. 19.5.5). solar elevation, azimuth relative to the sun, and aerosol If illuminated by white light, clouds appear white optical depth. This is understood in terms of second- (lower brightness is often interpreted as grey or dark). order scattering processes [19.195]. Since water droplets are mostly nonabsorbing in the When the sun is seen through thin clouds, it usually visible, the color must be due to scattering. Scattering of has a sharp edge, but occasionally is fuzzy. This is due to light from monodisperse water droplets of about 10 μm certain clouds with ranges of cloud optical thicknesses shows Ripple structures (Fig. 19.16) [19.40,41], for size depending on the cloud particle sizes [19.196]. distributions this is washed out and scattering is mostly Present investigations of sky light deal, e.g., with independent of wavelength in the visible spectral range. digital imaging of clear-sky polarization [19.197], twi- Although this is a sufficient condition for clouds to be light modeling [19.198] as well as color and luminance white, it is not necessary [19.204]. As a matter of fact, asymmetries in clear [19.199] and overcast [19.200] a suspension of Rayleigh scatterers (such as fat droplets skies. Sky light measurements have also been reported in milk), i. e. selective scatterers, also give a white color for Mars, based on data from the Viking and Pathfinder due to multiple scattering. missions. The Martian atmosphere has a high dust- The criterion for multiple scattering to take place is particle content resulting in very high sky brightness and that the optical thickness τ is large compared to unity. the sky colors vary strongly with the angular position of A molecular atmosphere had τ<1, therefore the ex- D Part the sun [19.201]. planation of the blue sky needs only single scattering Theoretical modeling of atmospheric extinction events. For clouds, τ for a distance x can be esti- greatly profited from computer technology. Nowadays, mated by the following argument: within clouds, the 19.6 the transmission of the atmosphere is modeled by ex- extinction coefficient is more or less constant, hence tensive databases. The most prominent of these are the τ = βx. The extinction coefficient β can be estimated HITRAN and LOWTRAN databases [19.76, 202]. In from Mie theory calculations. Droplets of about 10 μm particular, the LOWTRAN program calculates the trans- in diameter have extinction cross sections of about mission spectrum for molecular absorption, Rayleigh twice the geometrical cross section (this is the extinc- scattering and aerosol extinction at a moderate resolution tion paradox, [19.41]), i. e. of the order of 10−6 cm2. of 20 cm−1. For concentrations of 300/cm3, this leads to extinction 1196 Part D Selected Applications and Special Fields

coefficients β of the order of 0.05 m−1.Averysim- and absorption of the components of the air (vertically, ple estimate [19.77] can also be made by starting from the atmosphere is optically much thinner, hence we may β = Nσ and substituting the number density N by the see the stars at night). In meteorology, visibility refers to volume fraction f ≈ N∅3 and the cross section by ap- the observation of distant dark objects against a bright proximately the geometrical cross section σ ≈ ∅2 to background, usually the sky. The basis for a theoretical find derivation [19.77,205–209] is the contrast ratio C,giving the normalized difference between the background in- β ≈ f/∅ (19.41) tensity of the object and the intensity of the air light from for f = 10−6 and 10-μm particles, this also gives the the line of sight. One finds for the resulting maximum order of 0.1/m. distance D Hence, a cloud of several meters thickness corres- D =−ln(C)/β , (19.42) ponds to the optical thickness of the whole normal −β atmosphere. The transmission is given by T = e x where β is the scattering coefficient. The sensitivity of − and for β = 0.05 m 1 a distance of 20 m leads to τ = 1 the human eye has a maximum at λ = 555 nm, therefore − (T = 1/e), x = 100 m to τ = 5(T ≈ 7×10 3), and one usually evaluates (19.42) for green light. D then − x = 200 m to τ = 10 (T ≈ 5×10 5), which is sufficient just depends on the threshold contrast C,i.e.thelowest to obscure the disk of the sun [19.77]. Low transmis- visual brightness contrast, a person can see. It is common sion automatically leads to high reflection, i. e. thick to assume C = 0.02 although it varies from individual clouds have a high albedo which explains the bright to individual. This gives D = 3.912/β.ValuesofD for white color observed from airplanes above clouds. In various β are shown in Table 19.7. Obviously, there is conclusion, multiple scattering dominates for any cloud an enormous range of distances from several meters in that is optically thick and composed of nearly nonab- dense fog to several hundred kilometers in very clear air. sorbing particles; upon illumination by white light it Hence, the visibility is an indicator of the aerosol and/or will look white. The color of clouds may change during water droplet content. sunrise and sunset if spectrally filtered light illuminates the clouds, giving rise to spectacular sceneries. 19.6.9 Miscellaneous The very small transmission of sunlight through thick clouds also accounts for the fact that the bases There is a great number of other optical phenomena of such clouds are usually very dark. If droplets near the associated with the atmosphere. In the following, these base grow to form raindrops, the extinction coefficient will be very briefly described and references will be changes. The volume fraction stays about the same, but given. raindrops have a size of, say, 1 mm, hence β in a rain Green flashes or green suns are phenomena when shower is about a factor 100 smaller than within the either the last rays at sunset or the first rays at sunrise clouds. This explains, why it is easily possible to look look green or when, at low sun elevations, the upper rim through very heavy rainfalls. of the sun looks green. In the first case, just a very small portion of the sun is above the horizon, in the second Visibility case, the sun’s disk is usually highly distorted due to Visibility is a measure of how far one can see through the mirage effects. The explanations of these phenomena atD Part air. Even in the clearest air – assuming that no aerosol require refraction and the scattering of the sunlight as particles are present and that one is not restricted by the well as mirage effects [19.103, 210, 211]. Earth’s curvature – the horizontal visibility is limited to Noctilucent clouds are blue, white or silvery looking

19.6 a few hundred kilometers. This is due to the scattering clouds within the stratosphere at heights of about 80 km

Table 19.7 Typical values for visibility in molecular atmosphere and examples if aerosols (natural/anthropogenic) and water droplets are present β D Molecular atmosphere 0.013 km−1 300 km Extremely excellent visibility Some particles 0.050 km−1 80 km Excellent visibility Many particles 0.500 km−1 8km Poor visibility Thick fog 0.050 m−1 80 m Extremely poor visibility Radiation and Optics in the Atmosphere References 1197 which can still be illuminated by sunlight 1–2 h after with electrons from the solar wind [19.51, 226, 227]. sunset [19.212–214]. They often show wavelike features At times of increased solar activity, they may also with wavelengths in the range from 1–100 km. be observed at low latitudes. These events are accu- Interesting colorful phenomena may be observed rately predictable, since the solar wind needs time to during eclipses. For example, the colors and brightness reach the Earth (see the websites on space weather of lunar eclipses are directly related to the scatter- in Table 19.4). ing of sunlight within the Earth’s atmosphere [19.215, Lightning, one of the most common and spectacular 216]. Other examples include polarization of sky natural phenomena, is due to electric charging effects in light [19.217,218], twilight phenomena [19.219], and il- thunderstorm clouds. The exact microphysical processes luminance measurements [19.220] during solar eclipses. that are responsible for the charging are still under dis- Shadows are regions in space that are shielded pute [19.228–230]. Recent research has revealed a whole from light. They give rise to very prominent daily-life new class of phenomena: lightning-related transient lu- phenomena in atmospheric optics such as the crepus- minous events (TLE), including sprites, blue jets, elves, cular rays, sometimes called sun beams or shadow trolls etc. [19.231]. These TLE extend from the top beams [19.45,48,51,221] or the fact that mountain shad- of thunderclouds at heights of up to 100 km and raise ows are always triangular, irrespective of the contour of serious questions about possible hazards for aerospace the mountain [19.222,223]. operations. In addition, promising efforts are under way A very personal experience, based on our visual sys- concerning lightning protection by initiation of the dis- tem, is the so-called moon illusion, i. e. the fact that charge using intense femtosecond lasers [19.232]. the sun or the moon looks much bigger near the hori- Meteors are sometimes faint, sometimes brilliant zon than when it is higher in the sky [19.224,225]. This streaks of light with luminous trails in the night sky. phenomenon is not reproduced on photos. Meteor incorporates all phenomena when a cosmic par- In addition to phenomena with external light sources ticle enters the atmosphere. Outside the atmosphere, they such as the sun, moon or stars, a number of opti- are called meteoroids and, if they reach ground, mete- cal phenomena in the atmosphere produce light. The orites. The visual effects are due to heating of particles most well known are auroras, multicolored, diffuse and in the atmosphere due to frictional forces. Small par- slowly moving lights, usually seen only in high altitudes ticles heat up until they evaporate. Thereby, they collide against the clear dark night sky. They are due to air with air molecules and ionize a channel of air. Light is molecules and atoms, which are excited by collisions then emitted upon recombination [19.233, 234].


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