Risk variants disrupting enhancers of TH1 and TREG cells in type 1 diabetes

Peng Gaoa,b,c,1, Yasin Uzuna,b,c,1, Bing Hea,b,c, Sarah E. Salamatid, Julie K. M. Coffeyd, Eva Tsalikiand, and Kai Tana,b,c,e,f,g,2

aDivision of Oncology, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104; bCenter for Childhood Cancer Research, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104; cDepartment of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104; dStead Family Department of Pediatrics, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA 52242; eDepartment of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104; fDepartment of Genetics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104; and gDepartment of Cell and Developmental Biology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Edited by Wing Hung Wong, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and approved March 1, 2019 (received for review September 5, 2018)

Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have revealed 59 geno- patients, despite of the pivotal roles of TH1 and TREG cells in the mic loci associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Functional inter- pathogenesis of T1D. In this study, we conducted epigenomic pretation of the SNPs located in the noncoding region of these loci and transcriptomic profiling of TH1 and TREG cells isolated from remains challenging. We perform epigenomic profiling of two a cohort of five healthy donors and six newly diagnosed T1D enhancer marks, H3K4me1 and H3K27ac, using primary TH1 and patients. Our data (8) reveal significant alteration in the en- TREG cells isolated from healthy and T1D subjects. We uncover a hancer repertoire and transcriptional regulatory circuitry in large number of deregulated enhancers and altered transcriptional TH1 and TREG cells of T1D patients. Intersecting our epi- circuitries in both cell types of T1D patients. We identify four SNPs genomic data with a catalog of SNPs located in previously (rs10772119, rs10772120, rs3176792, rs883868) in linkage disequi- reported T1D-associated genomic loci, we identified several librium (LD) with T1D-associated GWAS lead SNPs that alter en- novel risk SNPs located in TH1 and TREG enhancers. We vali- hancer activity and expression of immune . Among them, dated the functional roles of four candidate T SNPs using a rs10772119 and rs883868 disrupt the binding of retinoic acid re- REG combination of luciferase reporter assay, genome-editing, tran- ceptor α (RARA) and Yin and Yang 1 (YY1), respectively. Loss of – scription factor chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), and

binding by YY1 also results in the loss of long-range enhancer SYSTEMS BIOLOGY promoter interaction. These findings provide insights into how conformation capture (3C) assays. noncoding variants affect the transcriptomes of two T-cell sub- Results types that play critical roles in T1D pathogenesis. Transcriptome Changes in TH1 and TREG Cells of T1D Patients. Using a panel of established cell surface markers, we purified effector enhancer | noncoding variant | diabetes | GWAS | epigenomics + + + dim/− + memory TREG cells (CD3 CD4 CD25 CD127 CD45RO ) + + + (9, 10) and effector memory TH1 cells (CD3 CD4 CXCR3 ype 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease caused by − − + CCR6 CCR7 CD45RO ) (9) from the peripheral blood of immune-mediated destruction of the insulin-producing pan- T 11 subjects, including 6 T1D patients and 5 age-matched healthy creatic beta cells. There is overwhelming evidence that imbal- controls (SI Appendix, Fig. S1 and Tables S1 and S2). ance between effector and regulatory T cells is a major cause of autoimmunity. Of all effector T cells, T-helper 1 (TH1) cells play a critical role in the pathogenesis of T1D by producing IFN-γ. Significance The pathogenic role of TH1 cells is demonstrated by the transfer of disease through transplantation of pathogenic TH1 cells (1). Functional interpretation of noncoding genetic variants identified TH1-initiated destruction of beta cells can be modulated by by genome-wide association studies is a major challenge in hu- + Foxp3 regulatory T cells (TREG), which play an important role man genetics and regulation. We generated epigenomics in the maintenance and regulation of immune tolerance and data using primary cells from type 1 diabetes patients. Using prevention of autoimmunity. They can modulate T-cell activa- these data, we identified and validated multiple novel risk vari- tion and promote immune tolerance by direct cell–cell interac- ants for this disease. In addition, our ranked list of candidate risk tions and production of immune modulatory cytokines such as SNPs represents the most comprehensive annotation based on transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) and interleukin 10 (IL- T1D-specific T-cell data. Because many autoimmune diseases share some genetic underpinnings, our dataset may be used to 10). The protective role of TREG cells is impaired in suscepti- ble population, and studies have demonstrated a deficiency in understand causal noncoding mutations in related autoimmune diseases. number and function of TREG cells in T1D (2). Despite years of study, the molecular mechanisms responsible for Author contributions: P.G. and K.T. designed research; P.G. and K.T. performed research; the loss of immune tolerance remain to be fully elucidated. Y.U., B.H., S.E.S., J.K.M.C., and E.T. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; Y.U. analyzed Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have revealed 119 lead data; and P.G., Y.U., and K.T. wrote the paper. SNPs (59 genomic loci) that are associated with T1D (Immu- The authors declare no conflict of interest. noBase; https://www.immunobase.org), but very few etiologic This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. SNPs have been demonstrated. One challenge is that many as- This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- sociated SNPs are located in noncoding regions, which represent NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND). 98.5% of the . Although several risk noncoding Data deposition: The data reported in this paper have been deposited in the Gene Ex- SNPs have been reported for the autoimmunity-associated genes pression Omnibus (GEO) database, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo (accession no. DEX1 (3), GLUT1 (4), and IL6 (5), our knowledge of risk GSE112342). noncoding SNPs for autoimmune diseases remains limited. 1P.G. and Y.U. contributed equally to this work. Although multiple studies have demonstrated enrichment of 2To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected]. T1D GWAS variants at T-cell–specific enhancers This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. in healthy donors (6, 7), to date, no study has examined the 1073/pnas.1815336116/-/DCSupplemental. enhancer repertoire in primary TH1 and TREG cells from T1D

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1815336116 PNAS Latest Articles | 1of10 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 We profiled the transcriptome of patients and healthy donor Deregulated Enhancers in TH1 and TREG Cells of T1D Patients. Tradi- subjects using RNA-seq (SI Appendix,TableS3) and found 370 and tional ChIP followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) 250 differentially expressed transcripts between case and control protocols require millions of cells. From a typical blood draw of groups for TH1andTREG cells, respectively [false-discovery rate 50 mL, it is only possible to purify approximately half a million (FDR) < 0.1, Fig. 1A and SI Appendix,TableS4]. Consistent with TH1 cells and TREG cells, which is not sufficient for profiling the pathogenic role of TH1 in T1D, up-regulated genes are multiple histone marks and the transcriptome. We thus developed a enriched for functions such as lymphocyte activation, cell growth, low-input ChIP-seq protocol using as low as 20,000 cells. We vali- cell proliferation, and immune response, whereas down-regulated dated the protocol using the human lymphoblastoid cell line, genes are enriched for functions such as cell death and apoptosis. GM12878. Data generated using our low-input protocol have an excellent agreement with data generated with conventional pro- For TREG cells, the up-regulated genes are involved in transcrip- tion, cell cycle, and chromosome organization, whereas down- tocol using millions of cells (SI Appendix,Fig.S2). regulated genes are involved in apoptosis, modification, Using our low-input ChIP-seq protocol, we profiled two his- targeting, and transport (Fig. 1C). tone modification marks, H3K4me1 and H3K27ac, the combi- Several T1D-associated genes (obtained from ImmunoBase) nation of which marks active transcriptional enhancers (SI are differentially expressed between case and control groups, Appendix, Table S5). By using normalized ChIP-seq signals in including Rac family small GTPase 2 (RAC2) in both cell types, 1,000-bp windows genome-wide, we obtained a median genome- wide interindividual correlation ranging between 0.84 and 0.87 con- Ikaros 1 (IKZF1) and diacylglycerol kinase α (DGKA)in sidering subject groups (control, case), cells (T 1, T ), and his- T 1 cells, and tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2), IL10, and major his- H REG H tone marks (H3K4me1 and H3K27ac) (SI Appendix,Fig.S3A). tocompatibility complex, class II, DQ β1(HLA-DQB1)inT REG These correlations are higher than a similar study performed using cells (Fig. 1B). Besides those known T1D-associated genes, TREG cells from 11 healthy donors (16) (median, 0.70) (SI several genes associated with other autoimmune diseases are Appendix,Fig.S3C). also differentially expressed, including cyclin-dependent kinase We predicted active enhancers for each cell type and cohort 6(CDK6), Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), C-C motif chemokinase re- (case and control) separately using H3K4me1 and H3K27ac ceptor 4 (CCR4), and signal transducer and activator of tran- ChIP-seq data and the Chromatin Signature Identification by scription 5A/5B (STAT5A/B)inTH1, and interleukin-5 (IL5), Artificial Neural Network (CSI-ANN) algorithm (17). For IFN regulatory factor 4 (IRF4), and signal transducer and acti- TH1 cell, we predicted 13,017 and 12,145 enhancers in case vator of transcription 2 (STAT2)inT . STAT5A and STAT5B REG and control groups, respectively. For TREG cell, we predicted are reported to have a role in TH1 cell differentiation (11). 11,915 and 14,860 enhancers in case and control groups, re- SMAD3, which is down-regulated in the case group, has a critical spectively (Fig. 2A and SI Appendix, Table S6). As expected, 83% role in TH1 inhibition and immune tolerance (12, 13). Together of TH1 enhancers and 74% of TREG enhancers are shared be- with FOXP3 and other transcription factors (TFs), IRF4 can tween the two cell types, given their common origin from naive + form a transcriptional network that governs TREG cell differen- CD4 T cells (Fig. 2B). However, within each cell type, a large tiation (14). IL5 is reported to promote induction of antigen- fraction of the enhancers has altered activities between the case specific TREG cells that suppress autoimmunity and reduced and control groups (21% for TH1 and 25% for TREG) (Fig. 2 A expression of IL5 will disrupt the immune balance (15) (Fig. 1B and D). The percentages of group-specific enhancers were sig- and SI Appendix, Table S4). nificantly higher than expected (null distribution computed by

A B 10.0 10.0 250 TH1 TREG Downregulated 198 Upregulated 200 172 7.5 7.5 150

130 FDR

120 FDR IQCB1 RMI2 10 Upregulated

10 5.0 5.0 100 Downregulated

POGLUT1 −log CDK6 UBA7 Not significant −log VMP1 RAC2 T1D associated gene 50 TRIB1 THADA CARD11RAC2 2.5 SMAD3 CCR4 2.5 STAT5ASTAT5B THEMISITGAL JAK2ARID5B USF1 IL12RB2

Num. diff. expressed transcripts Num. diff. 0 CD58 TH1TREG DGKA HLA−DQB1 DNMT3A PAM PHRF1 TYK2 IL10 IL5 IRF4 0.0 IP6K1 IKZF1 NADSYN1 0.0 STAT2 −6 −3 0 3 6 −6 −3 0 3 6 C −log2 FC (Case/Control) −log2 FC (Case/Control) T 1 T H REG Fig. 1. Differentially expressed genes between case RNA processing peptidyl-tyrosine modification apoptosis protein targeting and control subjects in TH1 and TREG cells. (A) Number dephosphorylation < RNA splicing protein localization of differentially expressed transcripts. FDR 0.1, mRNA processing protein transport computed using EBSeq and corrected for multiple cell death phosphorylation chromatin modification testing using the Benjamini–Hochberg (BH) method. histone modification intracellular transport wound healing hematopoiesis Down-regulated, Expression is lower in the case blood coagulation group. Up-regulated, Expression is higher in the case cell activation cell death cell cycle apoptosis group. (B) Volcano plot showing differentially expressed leukocyte activation microtubule-based process chromatin organization transcripts. Turquoise, Down-regulated in case group; lymphocyte activation leukocyte activation magenta, up-regulated in case group. Genes associated viral reproduction Enrichment (FDR) cell activation Enrichment (FDR) protein localization < 1e-4 < 1e-4 viral reproduction with autoimmune disease are labeled. Genes associated cell growth < 1e-2 < 1e-2 immune response cell cycle with T1D are highlighted in orange. (C) Enriched GO protein transport chromosome organization terms among sets of differentially expressed genes in cell proliferation transcription, DNA-dependent virus-host interaction TH1(Left)andTREG cells (adjusted hypergeometric Down- Up- Down- Up- test, P < 0.05, corrected for multiple testing using the regulated regulated regulated regulated in case in case in case in case BH method).

2of10 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1815336116 Gao et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 A Case C (13017)17)7) Control (12145) 45 p=0.028 p=0.007 TH1 B 3,050 9,967 2,178 T TH1 REG 40

35 2,619 12,507 4,313 Control Case (14860) 30 (11915)

25 TREG 2,031 9,884 4,976 % total enhancers predicted 20 TH1TREG

D T E TH1 REG Fig. 2. Enhancer repertoires of T 1 and T cells TH1 TREG H REG control case control case are significantly altered in T1D patients. (A) Overlap 3.0 p=4.3e−31 p=5.4e−34 p=3.8e−8 p=1.9e−5 of enhancers between case and control subjects. Control 2.0 1.5 1.5 p=1.8e−45 Enhancers overlapping by >500 bp are considered to specific p=1.3e−23 1.0 be overlapped. (B) Overlap of enhancers between enhancers 1.0 1.0 T 1 and T cells. For each cell type, the total 0.0 H REG number of enhancers in case and control subjects is 3.0 0.5 0.5 used. (C) P values for observed numbers of group- Case 2.0 specific enhancers. Violin plots show the back- specific 0.0 0.0

1.0 FC (case/control) ground distribution based on permutated ChIP-seq

enhancers FC (case/control) 2 2 0.0 −0.5 −0.5 data. The brown horizontal lines show the ob- log log served percentage of group-specific enhancers. (D)

Normalized ChIP-Seq signal 3.0 −1.0 −1.0 Pile-up plots of histone mark H3K27ac signals asso- 2.0 Shared ciated with case-specific, control-specific, and shared

1.0 enhancers −1.5 −1.5 enhancers. Signals are normalized by library size and SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 0.0 Control Shared Case Control Shared Case input. (E) Enhancer activity profile is correlated with −500 0 500 −500 0 500 −500 0 500 −500 0 500 Enhancer type Enhancer type target profile (P values are calcu- Distance to enhancer center (bp) lated using two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test).

permuting the sample labels in the dataset; Fig. 2C). TH1 cells in (20). Motivated by our knowledge of transcriptional regulation, T1D patients appear to have an overall gain of active enhancers, we developed a method, target inference via physical connection whereas TREG cells in T1D patients appear to have an overall (TIPC), to infer condition-specific TRNs. TIPC computes proba- loss of active enhancers. Taken together, these data suggest a bility scores for three key components of transcriptional regu- considerable change in the transcriptional regulatory networks lation, including probability of a DNA sequence being an (TRNs) of both cell types in T1D patients. enhancer, probability of a TF binding to an enhancer given the To understand the impact of case-specific enhancers on the TF motif model and the enhancer sequence, and probability of transcriptomes, we need to know their target genes. We recently enhancer–promoter interaction. The overall score for a TF developed the Integrated Method for Predicting Enhancer Targets regulating a target gene is the product of the three component – (IM-PET) algorithm (18). It predicts enhancer promoter interac- probabilities and the expression level of the TF (see Methods for tions by integrating four statistical features derived by integrating details). We evaluated the performance of TIPC using two ap- transcriptome, epigenome, and genome sequence data. Using IM- proaches. First, using a set of gold-standard TF-target pairs in PET, on average, each gene is predicted to be targeted by 1.5 and embryonic stem cells, we found that TIPC outperforms four 1.6 enhancers in TH1andTREG cells, respectively. We compared state-of-the-art methods based on Pearson correlation (BC), our EP predictions with a recently published Capture-Hi-C data on + mutual information [context likelihood ratio (CLR) (21)], de- CD4 T cells (SI Appendix,Fig.S4A). Approximately 55% of our cision trees [gene network inference with ensemble of trees predictions are supported by Capture-Hi-C data, suggesting high (GENIE3) (22)], and regression [trustful inference of gene reg- quality of our predictions. Finally, for both cell types, there is a ulation with stability selection (TIGRESS) (23)] for predicting positive correlation between enhancer activity and gene expression TF–target interactions (Fig. 3A). level across the case and control groups (Fig. 2E), providing further We further evaluated the predicted TF–target interactions support to the accuracy of our target gene prediction. using publicly available TF ChIP-seq data (24) for T cells. We We next focused on target genes of case/control-specific en- – hancers (SI Appendix, Table S7). Many of the condition-specific found that our predicted TF target interactions have significant overlap with ChIP-seq data (SI Appendix, Fig. S4B). We pre- enhancers are linked to genes already implicated in T1D, such as – IKZF1, CCR5, CLEC16A, IL2RA, and UBASH3A for T 1 and dicted 263,836 and 298,638 TF target pairs in TH1 and TREG H cells, respectively. Thirty-six percent and 41% of the TF–target IKZF1, IKZF4, RAC2, and RASGRP1 for TREG (7, 19). analysis of the enhancer targets suggests deregulation pairs are either control- or case-specific in TH1 and TREG cells, respectively (Fig. 3B), suggesting a significant degree of rewiring of specific pathways in TH1 and TREG cells of T1D patients, such as T-cell activation, lymphocyte activation, leukocyte activation, of the TRN in both cell types of T1D patients. innate immune response, and cellular response to organic sub- Next, we developed a method to systematically identify key stances (SI Appendix, Table S8). TFs that play critical roles in the state transition of a TRN be- tween two conditions. Our method is based on the assumption Key Transcription Factors Mediating Transcriptome Changes in that a key TF can influence a larger set of differentially expressed

TH1 and TREG Cells of T1D Patients. Our knowledge about the targets compared with a nonkey TFs. To capture such signal, for TRNs in TH1 and TREG cells of T1D patients is rather limited two adjacent genes in the TRN, we convert their P values of

Gao et al. PNAS Latest Articles | 3of10 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 T 1 and T cells, or the pathogenesis of either T1D or other A B TH1 H REG 1.0 Control-specific autoimmune diseases (SI Appendix, Table S9). 38,637 interactions When ranked according to their regulatory potential (the in- 0.8 57,189 Case-specific verse of median distance of TF to differentially expressed tar- 168,010 interactions Shared gets), the top key TFs are IKZF1 and SREBF1 for TH1 and IRF4 0.6 interactions and RARA for TREG. IKZF1 plays a role in the TH1 versus ′

Sensitivity T 2 polarization (25, 26). A SNP (rs10272724) in the 3 -UTR of 0.4 TREG H Control-specific IZKF1 has been shown to be protective from T1D (27). SREBF1 TIPC (AUC=0.85) interactions 0.2 BC (AUC=0.59) 75,986 plays an important role in inducing genes that numerous CLR (AUC=0.61) GENIE3 (AUC=0.68) genes in the lipid biosynthesis pathway, which controls full acti- TIGRESS (AUC=0.54) Shared 176,080 + 0 interactions 46,572 Case-specific interactions vation, proliferation, and differentiation of CD4 T cells, in- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 cluding TREG cells (28, 29). 1- Specificity IRF4, the top key regulator in TREG, is reported to interact C D TCF12 TH1 ZNF263 with FOXP3 and promote T function (14). RARA is critical TH1 IKZF1 REG IKZF1 TCF3 for the normal differentiation and functions of both TREG and SREBF1 FLI1 STAT3 ZFX TH1 cells. All-trans retinoid acid (ATRA), an endogenous ligand NR2F2 NFKB1 FOXJ2 FOXJ2 of RARA, can prevent human natural TREG cells from con- IRF4 NR3C1 ZNF143 THPOK verting to TH1/TH17 cells and sustains their suppressive function TCF3 FOXO1 SREBF2 NR3C1 FUBP1 in inflammatory environments (30). Likewise, RARA can sustain STAT1 ZFX FLI1 NFKB1 T 1 cell lineage stability and prevents transition to a T 17 cell ESR1 RUNX3 H H NR2F2 ZNF143 program in vivo (31). Consistent with the role of RARA in STAT1 TCF12 MEF2A SREBF1 MEF2A TH1 and TREG cells, RARA level decreases in both cell types RARA SREBF2 RARA (fold changes are 0.55 and 0.08 for TH1 and TREG, respectively; FUBP1 IRF4 RUNX3 THPOK SI Appendix, Table S4) in T1D patients. ZNF263 STAT3 MZF1 Fig. 3 D and F show the case/control-specific regulatory in- FOXO1 ESR1 MZF1 0.9 0.96 1.02 1.08 1.14 teractions among the key TFs. It highlights the complex and Regulatory Potential dynamic interactions among the key TFs during T1D develop-

TREG ment. For most of the key TFs, there are several case and control E F T IRF4 REG interactions. Moreover, although ∼47% of the TFs are shared RARA TCF3 ZNF148 MZF1 ZNF148 between TH1 and TREG cells, the interaction partners of many of TCF3 them are different in the two cell types, such as IKZF1, TCF3, SREBF1 MZF1 IRF4 and RARA. FOXJ2 ZNF143 IKZF1 Candidate Noncoding Risk Variants Affecting Enhancers in TH1 and RARG ESR1 THRA TREG Cells. A recent study reported that T1D-associated SNPs ZNF143 ESR1 ZEB1 RARA are enriched in enhancers active in thymus, T and B cells, and NR2F2 + FOXJ3 FOXJ3 CD34 hematopoietic cells (7). However, that study is based on log FC SREBF1 2 Regulon size: Interaction: (case/control) lymphocyte data from healthy individuals and thus may not fully IKZF1 Control-specific 1000 3000 capture the set of deregulated enhancers in T1D patients. We ZEB1 Case-Specific −4 −2 0 +2 +4 0.9 0.98 1.06 1.14 computed the overlap between sets of tissue- or cell-specific Regulatory Potential enhancers (including our TH1- and TREG-specific enhancers) Fig. 3. Transcriptional regulatory networks (TRNs) and key transcription and the set of T1D-associated SNPs, which consists of 119 lead factors. (A) Benchmarking of our method for constructing TRN. BC, Pearson GWAS SNPs (32–35) and 3,844 additional SNPs that are in the correlation between the gene pairs. Other methods are CLR, GENIE3, and same linkage disequilibrium blocks with the lead SNPs. Consis- TIGRESS (Methods). (B) Distribution of condition-specific and shared TF– tent with the previous study, we found enrichment of T1D- + + target interactions for the TRNs constructed. (C and E) Predicted key TFs associated SNPs in subsets of CD4 and CD8 T cells, espe- that play critical roles in T1D onset for TH1(C) and TREG (E). Bars show the cially memory T cells, using hypergeometric test. However, we median proximity (1/distance) of TF to differentially expressed targets. (D found T and T 1 enhancers from this study have much and F) Condition-specific interactions between the key TFs for T 1(D) and REG H H higher enrichment for T1D-associated SNPs compared with TREG (F). Control-specific interactions are denoted with turquoise, whereas + + case-specific interactions are shown with magenta. Shared interactions be- enhancers identified in all subsets of CD4 and CD8 T cells tween case and control are not shown for better readability. The arrows used here from healthy individuals (Fig. 4A, Left). Since hyper- show the direction of interaction (from TF to target). Node sizes are pro- geometric test does not take into account linkage disequilibrium, portional to size of the TF regulon. Node colors show expression change of we used an alternative approach, linkage disequilibrium score TFs between control and case. regression (36, 37), to evaluate the statistical significance. We again observed that TREG and TH1 enhancers from this study tend to have higher statistical significance of overlapping GWAS differential expression into a distance measure such that the + + SNPs than enhancers identified in all subsets of CD4 and CD8 distance between two highly differentially expressed targets is T cells from healthy individuals (Fig. 4A, Right). We found no very short. As a result, TFs that have shorter median distance to significant difference in overlapping GWAS SNPs between case the set of differentially expressed targets are ranked higher (see and control-specific enhancers. This is not unexpected since Methods for details). enhancer SNPs may exert their effect on the phenotype via both We identified 24 and 16 key TFs in TH1 and TREG cells, re- loss or gain of function. This result provides additional support spectively (Fig. 3 C and E). Thirty-seven percent of T 1 TFs and H for the direct involvement of TREG and TH1 cells in T1D path- 56% TREG TFs are shared between the two cell types. Consistent ogenesis. It also highlights the importance of using primary cells with their role as key regulators, these TFs target more other TFs from patients and control subjects for finding disease-associated than nonkey TFs (P < 0.001, t test; SI Appendix, Fig. S5). Most of genetic variants. The set of enhancers that overlap with T1D- the identified TFs have a reported role in either the biology of associated SNPs is provided in SI Appendix, Table S10.

4of10 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1815336116 Gao et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 TREG (this study) TREG (this study) A TH1 (this study) CD4+ naive CD8+ naive TH1 (this study) CD8+ memory CD8+ memory CD4+ naive CD8+ naive CD4+ memory Lung Fig. 4. T 1 enhancers validated by luciferase re- CD14+ monocytes Heart (ventricle) H Liver Heart (ventricle) porter assay. (A)TH1 and TREG enhancers have higher Skeletal muscle Enrichment Skeletal muscle (−log10 p) Enrichment Pancreas CD14+ monocytes degree of overlap with T1D-associated SNPs. (Left) p=0.05 Lung 80 Colon Overlap P values were computed using hyper- Liver Adipose tissue p=0.10 Coronary artery endothelial Coronary artery endothelial geometric test. (Right) Overlap P values were com- Colon 40 Heart (atrium) p=0.25 Brain Brain puted using linkage disequilibrium score regression. Heart (atrium) Pancreas Adipose tissue p=0.01 CD4+ memory p=1.0 (B, Top) Schematic for the protocol for differentiat- ing TH1 from Jurkat cells. (B, Bottom) Luciferase re- chr16 C porter activity of candidate enhancers. Enhancers are PMA H3K27ac (Control) B + Anti-CD3 Ab labeled by the genomic coordinate of the center of Jurkat H3K27ac (Case) 24 h the enhancer. Enhancer activity is relative to cotrans- 1.0 H3K4me1 (Control) fected Renilla control. BG, No DNA vector control; NC, negative control, genomic region without 0.8 H3K4me1 (Case) H3K4me1 and H3K27ac signals. Data shown are 0.6 GENCODE genes CLN3N LAT means ± SEM of six replicates. (C) Genome browser 0.4 RNA-Seq (Control) tracks for the enhancer located at chr16: 28543200– 0.2 RNA-Seq (Case) 28545200 (highlighted in yellow), including normal-

Luciferase acitivity Luciferase IM-PET 0.0 CD4+ HiC ized histone modification ChIP-seq signals, RNA-seq rs4788084 rs4788083 (D’: 0.99) BG NC SNPs rs231976 (D’: 0.99) signals of target genes of the enhancer, enhancer– No−Enh Protective: G Risk: C promoter interactions predicted by IM-PET algo- Log odds score change: -7.9 STAT1 -5 G T C A G C T C Motif disruption p-value < 10 A T G GT A chr11_88066200chr2_111608000chr1_198159800chr6_149532600chr16_28544200 AATT A C TT AGAGAA rithm, supporting capture-Hi-C data [Javierre et al. D E chr6 (38)] for the enhancer–promoter interaction (if any), chr1 H3K27ac (Control) and SNP locations. In addition, TF motif and bind- H3K27ac (Control) ing sites (if any) that are significantly affected by H3K27ac (Case) H3K27ac (Case) the SNP(s) are also shown. There are two SNPs, rs4788083 and rs231976, in this enhancer. rs231976 H3K4me1 (Control) H3K4me1 (Control) perturbs the binding site of STAT1 (BH-adjusted em- −5 H3K4me1 (Case) H3K4me1 (Case) pirical value of P < 10 ; Methods). D′, Measurement of SYSTEMS BIOLOGY linkage disequilibrium between an enhancer SNP and GENCODE genes DENND1B RNA-Seq (Control) GENCODE genes ZC3H12D the lead T1D GWAS SNP rs4708084 (shown in red). (D) RNA-Seq (Case) RNA-Seq (Control) Enhancer located at chr1: 198158800–198160800 target- IM-PET RNA-Seq (Case) ing the DENND1B gene. (E) Enhancer located at CD4+ Hi-C IM-PET chr6:149531600–149533600 targeting the ZC3H12D gene.

As the first step to identify noncoding risk SNPs that alter Mice in which tyrosine 136 of LAT is constitutively mutated + enhancer activity, we compared the normalized H3K4me1 and accumulate CD4 T cells that trigger autoimmunity and inflam- H3K27ac signals of each enhancer between case and control mation (44). This enhancer harbors two T1D-associated SNPs, groups. We identified enhancers with significantly altered his- rs4788083 and rs231976. Using randomly selected SNPs from 1000 tone mark signals between case and control in TH1 and TREG Genomes Project as the background null distribution, we found that − cells, respectively (P < 0.1, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, two-sided, SI rs231976 perturbs the binding site of STAT1 [empirical P < 10 5, Appendix, Table S11). From this set of enhancers, using a com- corrected for multiple testing with Benjamini–Hochberg (BH) bination of multiple orthogonal supporting evidence, including method], a key TF involved in the IL-27–mediated early com- overlapping with super enhancers, expression quantitative trait mitment to the TH1 lineage (45). loci (eQTL) and perturbation of TF binding sites (SI Appendix, The second validated enhancer (chr1:198158800–198160800) Figs. S7 and S8 and Table S12), we selected five enhancers for is predicted to target the gene DENN domain containing 1B each cell type to test their activity using luciferase reporter assay. (DENND1B) (Fig. 4D). The enhancer–promoter interaction is + We differentiated a Jurkat cell line as the model for TH1 cells also supported by Capture-Hi-C data in CD4 T cells (38). The (39) and a Foxp3-expressing Jurkat cell line as the model for H3K4me1 signal at the enhancer is significantly reduced in T1D + TREG cells (40–42), hereby termed Foxp3 -Jurkat cells (Meth- patients compared with healthy individuals (P < 0.01, Wilcoxon ods). Both cell models were further validated by checking the rank-sum test, two-sided). Polymorphisms in DENND1B are expression pattern of known signature genes for each cell type associated with asthma and other immune disorders (46, 47). (SI Appendix, Fig. S9). The third validated enhancer (chr6: 149531600–149533600) Of the five candidate TH1 enhancers, three of them showed targets the gene CCCH-type containing 12D (ZC3H12D), significant activity compared with the negative controls (Fig. 4B, and there is significant reduction in H3K4me1 level in T1D patients P < 0.01, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, one-sided). The first enhancer compared with healthy individuals (P < 0.01; Fig. 4E). ZC3H12D is − − (chr16: 28543200–28545200) has a significant reduction in an RNase that destabilizes a set of mRNAs. ZC3H12D / mice H3K4me1 signal (P < 0.01, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, two-sided; exhibit multiorgan inflammation (48) and autoimmune disease Fig. 4C) in T1D patients compared with healthy individuals. The (49). A set of genes, including IL6, IL12, REL, TNFRSF4, and predicted target genes of the enhancer are ceroid-lipofuscinosis, IL2, which are important for the activation of TH1 cells, are neuronal 3 (CLN3), and linker for activation of T cells (LAT). targets of ZC3H12D (49). Both predictions are supported by published Capture-Hi-C data For TREG cells, all five enhancers show significant activity com- + in CD4 T cells (38). CLN3 is important for the normal function pared with the negative controls (Fig. 5A; P < 0.01, Wilcoxon rank- of lysosomes. Impaired lysosome function caused by mitochon- sum test). The first enhancer (chr12: 9908600–9911600) targets drial respiration deficiency subverts T-cell differentiation toward CD69, CLEC2B, KLRB1, and EIF2S3L, and harbors three SNPs proinflammatory subsets and exacerbates the in vivo inflamma- (rs10772119, rs10772120, and rs3176792), which are in strong tory response (43). LAT is required for T-cell -mediated linkage disequilibrium with the T1D-associated GWAS lead SNP signaling both in mature T cells and during T-cell development. rs4763879 from ImmunoBase (D′ = 0.99, 0.99, and 0.96,

Gao et al. PNAS Latest Articles | 5of10 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 A 6 Of the five target genes by the first two enhancers, CD69 and Anti-CD3 Ab 5 UBASH3A are known T1D-associated genes (19), and CD69 is Anti-CD28 Ab well studied for its role in T1D and TREG cells. CD69 is required Beads 4 for the repressive function of TREG cells (51). Diminished CD69 3 expression is associated with compromised function of TREG Foxp3+- Jurkat 24 h 2 cells in systemic sclerosis (52). UBASH3A is primarily expressed

Luciferase acitivity Luciferase 1 in T cells and can negatively regulate T-cell signaling (53). Knockout of UBASH3A up-regulates inflammatory cytokine 0 production and increase susceptibility to autoimmunity in a BG NC mouse model of multiple sclerosis (54). Roles of the other three No−Enh genes in T1D and/or TREG have not yet been investigated.

chr10_6095500chr12_9910100 Nevertheless, KLRB1 could be of potential interest because it chr21_43844200chr1_200831000chr14_68759000 B chr12 defines a subset of TREG cells capable of producing proin- flammatory cytokines (55). H3K27ac (Control) The third enhancer (chr10: 6094400–6096600) harbors the H3K27ac (Case) SNP rs10795763 and targets the gene IL2RA, which is associated with T1D, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis (19). H3K4me1 (Control) Polymorphisms in IL2RA has been reported to negatively regu- late the function of TREG cells (56). The SNP affects the binding H3K4me1 (Case) of MBD2-interacting zinc finger protein (MIZF) (SI Appendix, Fig. S10). Methyl CpG binding protein 2 (MBD2) promotes GENCODE genes KLRB1 CD69 CLEC2B demethylation of FOXP3 promoter and T function (57). The RNA-Seq (Control) REG fourth enhancer (chr14: 68757800–68760200) harbors the SNP RNA-Seq (Case) rs35763290 and targets the gene Actinin Alpha 1 (ACTN1). IM-PET ACTN1 is an actin-binding protein and involved in the formation SNPs rs10772119 (D’ : 0.99) of immunological synapse, which is critical for T-cell activation, rs47638799 rs10772120 (D’ : 0.99) rs3176792 (D’ : 0.96) migration, and effector function at the interface between a T cell Protective: C Risk: T T C C A TT and its cognate antigen-presenting cell or target cell (58). The RARA A C T Binding score: change: -9.7 G A G A C T T T A CCT C T C A CT C C GGG A CA C G A CA C G CTC G G Motif disruption p-value < 1e-5 SNP affects the binding of nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF1). C The fifth enhancer (chr1: 200830000–200832000) targets the chr21 PHLDA3 gene but does not harbor any SNP that disrupts any H3K27ac (Control) known TF binding motif. PHLDA3 is a -regulated repressor of Akt signaling, inhibition of which can suppress the activation H3K27ac (Case) and proliferation of TREG and results in a significant reduction of TREG cells in mouse (59). H3K4me1 (Control) Two Enhancer SNPs Affecting RARA and YY1 Binding at T Enhancers H3K4me1 (Case) REG Regulating Immune Response Genes. There are 25 SNPs in the five UBASH3A GENCODE genes validated TREG enhancers described in the previous section. They RNA-Seq (Control) are either a GWAS lead SNPs documented in the ImmunoBase or RNA-Seq (Case) SNPs that are in linkage disequilibrium with a GWAS lead SNPs. We genotyped all 25 SNPs in the 11 study subjects using Sanger IM-PET Hi-C sequencing (SI Appendix,TableS13). Of these 25 SNPs, 9 have YY1-ChIP SNPs rs11203203 rs883868 (D’: 0.85) case-specific genotypes (the genotypes that are exclusively observed Protective: T Risk: C in T1D patients but not in healthy control), suggesting they are YY1 C Binding score change: -6.7 A G G T A G G TCG C A T G C T G T T TA G A C G TT A AA Motif disruption p-value = 0.02 potential candidate risk SNPs. Among them, four SNPs (rs10772119, rs10772120, rs3176792, and rs883868), which are lo- Fig. 5. TREG enhancers validated by reporter assay. (A, Left) Schematic for the + cated in two enhancers, are associated with significant changes in protocol for differentiating TREG from Foxp3 -Jurkat cells. (A, Right)Luciferase histone modification and expression of the target genes of the host reporter activity of candidate enhancers. Enhancers are labeled by the genomic enhancer (Wilcoxon rank-sum test, P < 0.1; SI Appendix,Fig.S11). coordinate of the center of the enhancer. Enhancer activity is relative to cotrans- We therefore focused on these two enhancers and the four SNPs fected Renilla control. BG, No DNA vector control; NC, negative control, genomic region without H3K4me1 and H3K27ac signals. Data shown are means ± SEM of to further investigate their role in transcriptional regulation in six replicates. (B) Genome browser tracks for the enhancer located at chr12: TREG cells. 9908600–9911600 (highlighted with yellow). The SNP rs10772119 affects the To test whether the SNPs can alter enhancer activity, we first binding site of RARA (BH-adjusted empirical value of P < 10−5). D′, Measurement mutated all four SNPs by site-directed mutagenesis and per- + of linkage disequilibrium between an enhancer SNP and the lead T1D GWAS SNP formed luciferase reporter assay in Foxp3 -Jurkat cells. We rs4763879 (shown in red). (C) Enhancer located at chr21: 43843200–43845200. The found that all four mutations cause significant change in the SNP rs883868 affects the binding site of YY1 (BH-adjusted empirical P value, 1.8 × enhancer activity (P < 0.01, two-sided Student’s t test; Fig. 6A). −2 ′ 10 ). D , Measurement of linkage disequilibrium between the enhancer SNP To investigate the role of the risk SNPs in target gene ex- rs883868 and the lead T1D GWAS SNP rs11203203 (shown in red). pression, we used CRISPR-Cas9–based genome editing to en- + gineer Foxp3 -Jurkat cell lines with homozygous alleles at the SNPs (Fig. 6B). Using these cell lines, we found that cells with a respectively). The lead SNP is located in the CD69 gene body – homozygous T allele (risk allele) at rs10772119 have significantly (50) (Fig. 5B). The second enhancer (chr21: 43843200 43845200) reduced expression levels of CD69 and CLEC2B. Likewise, cells targets UBASH3A and harbors the SNP rs883868, which is in strong with a homozygous allele C (risk allele) at rs883868 have signifi- linkage disequilibrium with the T1D-associated GWAS lead cantly reduced UBASH3A expression (Fig. 6C). Taken together, SNP rs11203203. The lead SNP is located in the UBASHA gene these results are consistent with the association between the body (50) (Fig. 5C). genotype and gene expressions we found in our cohort.

6of10 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1815336116 Gao et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 p= 1.2e-4 p= 5.6e−8 p= 6.8e-3 p= 3.4e−03 A 1.6 1.00 1.00 1.80 Protective Allele Risk Allele 1.4 0.85 0.95 1.48

1.2 0.70 0.90 1.15 Fig. 6. Four risk SNPs affect enhancer activity and target gene expression. (A) Luciferase reporter ac- 1.0 0.55 0.85 0.82 tivity for enhancers containing risk SNPs with pro-

Luciferase acitivity Luciferase tective or risk allele. The green dots are replicates of 0.8 0.40 0.80 0.50 protective genotype. The red dots represent risk CT CG AT TC genotype. Data shown are means ± SEM of six rep- rs10772119 rs10772120 rs3176792 rs883868 licates. P values are computed using Wilcoxon rank- B C sum test, two-sided. (B) Sanger sequencing confir- CD69 CLEC2B UBASH3A mation of genome-edited cells. (C) Effect of geno- 3 p=8.9e−5 0.10 p=3.2e−3 0.4 p=4.8e−3 types on the expression of target genes in TREG cells measured by RT-qPCR. CRISPR-mediated mutations rs10772119 0.08 Protective 0.3 of three SNPs in TREG cells affect the expression of 2 Risk 0.06 target genes. The turquoise bars represent protective 0.2 genotypes, and the magenta bars represent risk 1 0.04 genotypes. mRNA level of each gene was normalized 0.1 rs883868 0.02 to ACTB gene, and relative levels were calculated using the ΔΔCt method. Data shown are means ± 0 0 0 Normalized mRNA level (x100) Normalized mRNA level CT CT TC SEM of two biological replicates. P values are com- rs10772119 rs10772119 rs883868 puted using Wilcoxon rank-sum test, two-sided.

To further establish the enhancer–target gene relationship, rs883868) that are in linkage disequilibrium with known T1D we tested the predicted enhancer–promoter interactions in GWAS SNPs and alter enhancer activity and expression of im- + Foxp3 -Jurkat cells using 3C coupled with quantitative PCR mune response genes (Figs. 4–7). Among them, rs10772119 and (3C-qPCR). As a negative control for the enhancer–promoter rs883868 disrupt the binding of RARA and YY1, respectively.

interaction, we used the human embryonic kidney 293FT (HEK Moreover, allelic-specific binding by YY1 results in the allelic- SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 293FT) cell line. Compared with TREG cells, 293FT has very low specific long-range enhancer–promoter interaction involving expression of CD69 and UBASH3A genes, but the mRNA levels UBASH3A (Fig. 7). of CLEC2B in both cell types are comparable. Compared with negative control regions, the enhancer at CD69 locus signifi- Discussion cantly interacts with the promoters of CD69 and CLEC2B (P < GWASs have revealed 59 high-confidence genomic loci associ- 0.01, one-sided t test). The enhancer at UBASH3A locus inter- ated with T1D, which harbor 119 lead SNPs and 3,844 additional acts with the promoter of UBASH3A (Fig. 7A). Consistent with SNPs that are in the same linkage disequilibrium blocks with the mRNA expression, we only found significant but weaker inter- lead SNPs. Among those SNPs, functional interpretation of action between the enhancer with the CLEC2B promoter in noncoding SNPs remains particularly challenging. Toward this HEK 293FT cells. goal, we conducted an epigenomics-based fine map to identify To identify TFs whose binding is affected by the two risk candidate risk noncoding SNPs. We mapped the genome-wide SNPs, we performed TF motif analysis using a collection of distribution of two enhancer-associated histone modifications 1,772 motifs from the CIS-BP database (60). We found that (H3K4me1 and H3K27ac) in TH1 and TREG cells from five rs10772119 exhibits allelic-specific binding by RARA (Fig. 5B) healthy and six T1D patient subjects using a low-input ChIP- and rs883868 exhibits allelic-specific binding by YY1 (Fig. 5C). seq protocol. For both TFs, we performed ChIP-qPCR to confirm the bind- We identified four new risk SNPs for T1D and two of them ing of the TF to the predicted binding sites (Fig. 7B). Fur- exhibit allele-specific binding by two TFs, RARA and YY1. thermore, ChIP-qPCR using cells with homozygous alleles at ATRA induces the normal development of pancreas and affects the SNP showed that the sites bearing the risk alleles has sig- the function of beta cells. RA signaling has a strong association nificantly lower binding affinity, confirming the result of our with the onset of T1D (62). T1D patients (63, 64) are known to computational analysis. have vitamin A deficiency. Dietary RA reduces diabetes in To further test the role of the RARA binding site at diabetic-prone BB/Wor rats (65, 66). ATRA treatment signifi- + rs10772119 in target gene expression, we treated Foxp3 -Jurkat cantly reduces diabetes incidence and delays the onset of di- cells with ATRA and measured the expression of the target abetes transferred from NOD mice to NOD/SCID recipient genes using RT-qPCR. We found that only in cells with homo- mice. In summary, these findings suggest a protective role of zygous C alleles, the target genes are significantly induced by ATRA against T1D. This protective role is due to induced TREG + ATRA treatment (Fig. 7C), providing additional support to the cell-dependent immune tolerance by suppressing both CD4 and + role of rs10772119 in RARA binding and target gene expression. CD8 T effector cells, while promoting TREG cell expansion YY1 has been reported to mediate enhancer–promoter in- (67). Supporting this mechanism, ATRA cannot exert the pro- teractions in a number of mammalian cell types (61). We hy- tective role in mice with abrogated TREG cells (68). pothesized that reduced YY1 binding to the enhancer harboring Here, we found that rs10772119 can disrupt the binding of rs883868 can result in reduced enhancer–promoter interaction. RARA to the enhancer located at chr12: 9908600–9911600. + We therefore performed 3C-qPCR using Fox3 -Jurkat cells Subjects with this risk SNP have lower expression of several engineered to have homozygous T and C alleles at the SNP. target genes, including CD69, CELE2B, KLRB1, and EIF2S3L. Consistent with our hypothesis, we found significantly reduced CD69 is an early marker of T-cell activation. ATRA can increase enhancer–promoter interaction in cells with homozygous C allele the expression of CD69 in a dose-dependent fashion (69), and at the SNP rs883868 (Fig. 7A). this effect is aborted if RARA was knockout (70). Consistent In summary, the series of experiments above uncovered four with this finding, we found that RA can induce the expression of candidate risk SNPs (rs10772119, rs10772120, rs3176792, and CD69 and CLEC2B in TREG cell lines engineered to have a C

Gao et al. PNAS Latest Articles | 7of10 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 A 6,731bp 1,132bp 37,545 bp p=1.1e−2 p=4.1e−2 p=9.4e−3 1.0 1.0 0.8 TREG−T 0.8 TREG−C CD69 0.8 CLEC2B UBASH3A 293FT 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 Interaction frequency Interaction NL1 NL2 NR1 NR2 NL1 NL2 NR1 NR2 NL1 NL2 NR1 NR2 rs10772119 rs10772119 rs10772120 rs10772120 rs883868 rs3176792 rs3176792 B 50 50

40 40

30 RARA 30 YY1 negative control

% Input 20 20 candidate bindiing site

10 10

0 0 CT TC rs10772119 rs883868 C p=1.7x10−2 p=1.8x10−2 p=7.7x10−3 p=7.5x10−3 0.8 2.5 5.0 w/o ATRA 6.0 with ATRA 4.0 0.6 2.0 CD69 CLEC2B EIF2S3L KLRB1 4.0 1.5 3.0 0.4 −2 1.0 2.0 p=8.8x10 −1 2.0 p=4.1x10 −1 0.2 p=2.2x10 0.5 1.0

Normalized mRNA level (x100) Normalized mRNA level p=7.9x10−1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CT CT CT CT

Fig. 7. Two risk SNPs disrupt the binding of RARA and YY1 to TREG enhancers. (A) Chromatin interaction between SNP-bearing enhancers and promoters of predicted target genes. 3C-qPCR experiment was performed for each enhancer–promoter pair in Foxp3+-Jurkat cells. 293FT cells were used as negative control. For each pair of enhancer and promoter, six primers were designed, including two primers for the promoter and enhancer and four primers sur- rounding the enhancer (NL1, NL2, NR1, and NR2). Each consecutive primer pairs have roughly equal distance between them. Data shown are means ± SEM of two biological replicates. For enhancer bearing the YY1 binding site and the SNP rs883868, 3C-qPCR was performed using genome-edited cells having ho-

mozygous “T” (TREG-T) or “C” (TREG-C) allele at rs883868 to examine the effect of the SNP on enhancer–promoter interaction. Data shown are means ± SEM of two replicates. All P values are calculated with one-sided t test. (B) Change in TF binding at SNPs with homozygous alleles created by CRISPR-based genome editing of Foxp3+-Jurkat cells. Shown are normalized ChIP-qPCR value expressed as percent of input. Negative control site, Genomic region without any histone modification signal. Data shown are means ± SEM of four replicates. (C) Target genes of RARA enhancer are responsive to treatment of ATRA in + Foxp3 -Jurkat cells. Genome-edited cells bearing homozygous alleles at rs10772119 were treated with ATRA and target gene expression was measured using RT-qPCR. Data shown are means ± SEM of two replicates. All P values are calculated with one-sided t test.

allele at rs10772119 (Fig. 7C). Taken together, our finding pro- expression. Additional studies are needed to uncover the mecha- vides a mechanistic explanation for which rs10772119 promotes nism by which the two SNPs affect gene expression in TREG cells. the onset of T1D via ATRA signaling in TREG. YY1 is a zinc finger protein that functions either as a tran- Methods scriptional activator or repressor. Research in rats shows that Study Subjects. Eleven subjects were recruited at The University of Iowa YY1 may be associated with decreased incidence of T1D (71, 72). Children’s Hospital. Recent-onset T1D subjects (within 1 y from the first day We found that the risk SNP rs883868 can disrupt the binding of of diagnosis; n = 6) were recruited through the Division of Pediatric Endo- ’ YY1 in T cells, which leads to lower expression of the target crinology and Diabetes at The University of Iowa Children s Hospital. Di- REG abetes was defined according to World Health Organization criteria and gene UBASH3A. In support of the regulation of UBASH3A by included blood glucose levels of 200 mg/dL with symptoms confirmed by a YY1, YY1 knockout in pro-B cells can decrease the expression of physician. Healthy subjects (n = 5) were recruited by posting flyers at The UBASH3A (73). YY1 is one of a few that has a reported University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. The control criteria comprised fasting role in mediating long-range chromatin interactions. Consistent blood glucose of 100 mg/dL, no familial history of any autoimmune disorder, with its role in chromatin looping, here we showed that a single and lack of islet autoantibodies. All study subjects were free of known in- SNP can disrupt YY1 binding and consequently leads to the loss of fection at the time of sample collection. For T1D subjects, no use of corti- enhancer–promoter looping mediated by YY1. Our finding adds to costeroids or glucocorticoids within the prior 6 mo was required. For healthy increasing reports of genetic variants that can disrupt three- control subjects, no medications (especially steroids) and nonrelatives of T1D dimensional genome organization and gene expression (74–76). patients were required. At the time of each visit, the following clinical None of the four risk SNPs identified in this study are lead measurements were taken: HbA1c, autoantibodies, weight, and body mass index (subject information is shown in SI Appendix, Tables S1 and S2). The GWAS SNPs. Instead, they are in linkage disequilibrium with research protocol was approved by the IRB of the University of Iowa, and lead SNPs. This result highlights the challenge of finding risk participants and/or their parents (guardians) provided written informed variants in the presence of linkage disequilibrium. Two of the consent. four enhancer SNPs, rs10772120 and rs3176792, do not appear

to overlap with any known TF binding motif, although mutating Purification of TREG and TH1 Cells from Peripheral Blood. Fifty milliliters of the SNPs showed an effect on enhancer activity and target gene peripheral blood were collected from each subject and processed within 0.5 h

8of10 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1815336116 Gao et al. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 of collection. Blood was diluted with 1× DPBS (Gibco) and subjected to Ficoll- Illumina HiSeq 2500 sequencer in single-end mode with a read length Hypaque centrifugation at 700 × g at 20 °C for 20 min in a swinging-bucket of 50 nt. rotor without brake. The PBMC layer was transferred to a new 50-mL conical tube and cells were washed twice with 1× staining buffer 1 (1× DPBS plus CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Genome Editing. Single-guide RNAs targeting the SNPs 1% FBS). Cells were resuspended with 1× staining buffer 1 to 1 × 107 cells per (rs10772119 and rs883868) were designed using CRISPOR (crispor.tefor.net) + 50 μL. After adding 5 μL of CD4 T cell biotin–antibody mixture per 107 cells, and cloned into the CRISPR vector pX459 (Addgene plasmid no. 448139). The cells were mixed and incubated for 5 min at 4 °C. Thirty-five microliters of 1× 91-nt single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide (ssODN) repair templates were + staining buffer per 107 cells and 10 μL of CD4 T Cell MicroBead mixture per designed with homology arms centered around the SNPs (SI Appendix, Table + 107 cells were added and mixed. After incubation for 10 min at 4 °C, cells S15). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing of Foxp3 -Jurkat cells was were diluted to 4 mL and applied to autoMACS Separator for negative se- performed as described (77) with some modifications. Briefly, plasmids and + + lection of CD4 cells using the “Deplete” program. In total, 0.2 × 106 cells ssODN templates were cotransfected to Foxp3 -Jurkat cells using TransIT-LT1 were taken out as unstained cells, and the remaining cells were pelleted by (Mirus Bio). Twenty-four hours posttransfection, cells were selected by pu- centrifugation at 300 × g, 20 °C for 7 min. Supernatant was discarded and romycin for 72 h. Dead cells were removed by centrifugation at 300 × g,at cells were resuspended in 1× staining buffer 1 to 2 × 107 cells per mL. Cells room temperature for 5 min and discarding supernatant. Cell concentration were incubated with an antibody mixture (anti-CD3, anti-CD4, anti-CD25, and viability were measured using Countess II (Life Technologies). Live cells anti-CD45RO, anti-CD127, anti-CCR6, anti-CCR7, anti-CXCR3) [1:400 were resuspended at a concentration of five cells per mL. One hundred (vol/vol)] (see list of antibodies in SI Appendix,TableS14) at 20 °C in the dark for microliters of cell suspension was transferred to a 96-well plate and cultured 30 min and washed with 1× staining buffer twice. Cells were resuspended in for 2–3 wk for clonal cell line isolation. Genomic DNA was isolated using 1× staining buffer 1 to a final concentration of 1 × 107 cells per mL and Quick-DNA 96 kit (ZYMO) and used for screening for desired mutations us- sorted on an Aria flow cytometer (BD Biosciences) to obtain two cell pop- ing allele-specific PCR and fluorescence melting curves as described (78). + + + dim/− + ulations: effector memory TREG cells (CD3 CD4 CD25 CD127 CD45RO ) Genomic DNA of positive clones were further confirmed by Sanger + + + − − + and effector memory TH1 cells (CD3 CD4 CXCR3 CCR6 CCR7 CD45RO ). sequencing. Cells were collected in 0.5 mL of 1× staining buffer 2 [1× DPBS plus 1% human AB serum (Sigma)] within 1.5-mL siliconized low-retention micro- Single-Nucleotide Variants Associated with T1D. The list of T1D-associated centrifuge tubes (Fisher) coated with human AB serum before use. The pu- SNPs was obtained from the ImmunoBase. The database reports 59 geno- rities of sorted cells were over 99% (SI Appendix, Fig. S1). Sorted cells were mic loci containing 119 lead SNPs that are associated with T1D from GWAS used for ChIP-seq and RNA-seq. studies. We identified linkage disequilibrium blocks using the Haploview software (79) and the genotyping data from 1000 Genomes project (80). We Low-Input ChIP-Seq. Purified cells were crosslinked with 1% formaldehyde used the default parameter setting except for blockout, which was set to (Thermo Scientific) in 1× fixing buffer for 5 min at room temperature “ALL.” All SNPs that fall within the same linkage disequilibrium block as the according to the vendor’s manual (Covaris). Cross-linked cells were then T1D-associated GWAS lead SNP were also considered as candidate risk SNPs. resuspended in 1× shearing buffer and sonicated using Covaris E220 for SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 780 s using the following settings: duty factor, 5%; peak incident power, Code Availability. All published software used for data processing are open 105; cycles per burst, 200. Five percent of sheared chromatin was used as the source. Additional custom Perl, Python, R, and Unix shell scripts are developed input, and the remaining chromatin was used for immunoprecipitation (IP). for data processing and analysis. All custom scripts are available upon request. IP was performed using the ChIP-IT high-sensitivity kit (Active Motif). IP and input samples were treated with RNase A followed by proteinase K treat- Data Availability. The data reported in this article have been deposited in the ment. Cross-linking was reversed by incubation overnight at 65 °C. Reverse Gene Expression Omnibus database (accession no. GSE112342). cross-linked DNA was purified using a MinElute PCR purification kit (Qiagen). All ChIPed DNA and 1 ng of input DNA were used for sequencing library ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank the Research Information Services at the preparation using the ThruPLEX-FD Prep Kit (Rubicon Genomics). Ten to 12 Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for providing computing support. This PCR cycles were used for IP DNA and 9 PCR cycles were used for input DNA at work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants GM104369, step 5 of the library preparation protocol. Libraries were sequenced on an GM108716, HG006130, and AA024486 (to K.T.).

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