summer 2010 Τ Θ







Μ Ο Ξ Ν With Your Help, We raised $1 Million over PAC’s lifetime Greeks’ Powerful Voice on Capitol Hill hen Greek women and men work togeth - • Our 19-member board will meet in July to Wer, the outcome can be substantial and update our strategic plan for the next five years. long lasting. We hosted another successful event in Washington, D.C., in April, with 300 people • Greek-affiliated members of Congress will attending from across the country alongside 28 continue to be supported in upcoming elections. members of Congress, and we look forward to a new rotation of leadership and progress. • And we plan to advocate other relevant issues such as freedom of association and As the first woman president of our political exemptions to Title IX. action committee, I’d like to note the accom - plishments of all who have raised money, put in The Fraternity and Sorority Political Action the equivalent value of their time and testimony, Committee is no longer a one-note issue organi - and continue to work on passage of the zation. As we inch closer to passage of CHIA, Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act we look forward to legislation that matters most (CHIA). to our members—both as groups and as individu - als. As one of the most influential higher-educa - As of this writing, we have 226 CHIA sponsors tion political action committees in existence, our in the House—tying our all-time high of support PAC membership is increasing and financial Larry Wiese, KA Order, passes the gavel to from December 2008. We have 31 sponsors in support is growing. Julie Burkhard, ACW , as she takes on the role of the Senate. And the work is still ongoing with president of the Fraternity and Sorority PAC. our members gaining the local support of our Unlike other membership groups across the final and critical numbers for passage. nation, we have not experienced any decline due As women and men who chose an experience for to the economy. To the contrary, we are hitting a lifetime, be prepared to carry on our call to And still we’re moving on. State by state, we’re record numbers in giving and in participation. action. targeting areas where Greek populations may be The same is true of our growth on college cam - small in number but significant in voice. puses for both sororities and fraternities. Sincerely,

With your help, we are in a good position to We hope you continue to “be present” and “be have CHIA be part of major tax legislation—as counted” as our grassroots work progresses. we’ve now reached our $1 million fundraising Write a check, make a call, send an e-mail, and Julie Cain Burkhard, ACW goal. But there is more to the work of our be open to the information we’re sharing as President, Fraternity and Sorority PAC established PAC as we look ahead. our new advocacy season begins. [email protected]

House Passes the Honorable Stephanie Tubbs Jones College Fire Prevention Act n Wednesday, May 19, the House passed the Stephanie for 10% of the available funding each year and could compete OTubbs Jones College Fire Prevention Act by a voice vote. against colleges and universities for 80% of the remaining This bill authorizes future federal spending on a Department of funding. The bill now goes to the Senate where it has four spon - Education matching grant program to install life and fire safety sors. If it passes the Senate, then we will lobby in future years equipment in college student living facilities. Under the terms for the federal government to fund this program in its annual of the bill, college fraternities and sororities would be eligible appropriations bills.

Preserving the Greek experience for future generations of student leaders the Fraternity and Sorority WAΒ Ψ ΓΔ C Ε




Σ Legislative Update






Ξ Ν Record Number of House Sponsors Associated Builders and Contractors Endorse CHIA

s of May 4, the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (CHIA) We have learned that the Associated Builders and Contractors, a powerful A[H.R.1547/S.781] has 226 sponsors in the House and 31 in the lobby that is excited about the bill’s potential to jumpstart construction Senate, which represents a record number of sponsors for the bill in the nationwide, has endorsed CHIA. House. The April Congressional visits by fraternity and sorority leaders resulted in picking up 30 new sponsors, and that number is expected to We are working closely with our leading supporters in the House and grow throughout the early summer as more than 40 former House and Senate to attach CHIA to any number of larger tax bills moving through Senate sponsors of the bill have not yet re-sponsored the 2009-10 ver - Congress this summer. sion. In fact, counting former sponsors, almost 250 current members of the House have sponsored CHIA at some point. Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act of 2009

226 House of Representatives Co-Sponsors H.R.1547

Robert B. Aderholt (R-AL/KA Order) Gerald E. “Gerry” Connolly (D-VA) Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) John W. Olver (D-MA) Zach Wamp (R-TN/ ΣΝ ) W. (R-MO/ ΦΓΔ ) John Conyers Jr. (D-MI/ ΚAΨ ) Henry C. “Hank” Johnson Jr. (D-GA) Solomon P. Ortiz (D-TX) Diane E. Watson (D-CA/ AΚA ) Rodney Alexander (R-LA) Jim Cooper (D-TN/ CΨ ) Timothy V. Johnson (R-IL) Ron Paul (R-TX/ ΛCA ) Melvin L. Watt (D-NC) (D-PA) Jim Costa (D-CA/ ΣAΕ ) Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) Donald M. Payne (D-NJ) Henry A. Waxman (D-CA) Michael A. Arcuri (D-NY) Joe Courtney (D-CT) Patrick J. Kennedy (D-RI) Mike Pence (R-IN/ ΦΓΔ ) Robert Wexler (D-FL) Steve Austria (R-OH) Joseph Crowley (D-NY) Dale E. Kildee (D-MI) Thomas S.P. Perriello (D-VA) Ed Whitfield (R-KY/ ΔΤΔ ) Spencer Bachus (R-AL/ ΦΚΤ ) John A. Culberson (R-TX) Carolyn C. Kilpatrick (D-MI) Collin C. Peterson (D-MN) Charles A. Wilson (D-OH) Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD) Peter T. King (R-NY) Pedro R. Pierluisi (D-PR) Joe Wilson (R-SC/ ΣΝ ) John Barrow (D-GA) Artur Davis (D-AL) Steve King (R-IA/ AΚΛ ) Todd Russell Platts (R-PA) Robert J. Wittman (R-VA) Shelley Berkley (D-NV/ ΔΖ ) Danny K. Davis (D-IL/ AΦA ) Jack Kingston (R-GA/ ΛCA ) Earl Pomeroy (D-ND/TKE) Frank R. Wolf (R-VA/ AΣΦ) Howard L. Berman (D-CA) Geoff Davis (R-KY) Ron Klein (D-FL/ AΕΠ ) Bill Posey (R-FL) Lynn C. Woolsey (D-CA/ AΦ ) Judy Biggert (R-IL) Lincoln Davis (D-TN) Doug Lamborn (R-CO) David E. Price (D-NC) John A. Yarmuth (D-KY) Sanford D. Bishop Jr. (D-GA/ ΚAΨ ) Diana DeGette (D-CO) Rick Larsen (D-WA) Tom Price (R-GA) Doug Young (R-AK) Marsha Blackburn (R-TN/CO) Bill Delahunt (D-MA) John B. Larson (D-CT) Adam H. Putnam (R-FL/ AΓΡ ) (R-MO/KA Order) Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT) Tom Latham (R-IA/ AΓΡ ) George Radanovich (R-CA) John A. Boccieri (D-OH) Charles W. Dent (R-PA/ ΦΚΨ ) Steven C. LaTourette (R-OH) Nick J. Rahall II (D-WV) Jo Bonner (R-AL) Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) Christopher J. Lee (R-NY/ ΨΥ ) Denny Rehberg (R-MT/ ΔΥ ) Mary Bono Mack (R-CA) Norman D. Dicks (D-WA/ ΣΝ ) John Lewis (D-GA/ ΦΒΣ ) Laura Richardson (D-CA) 31 Senate John Boozman (R-AR) Michael F. Doyle (D-PA) David Loebsack (D-IA) Harold Rogers (R-KY) Dan Boren (D-OK) Keith Ellison (D-MN) Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) Mike J. Rogers (R-MI) Co-Sponsors S.781 Leonard L. Boswell (D-IA) Brad Ellsworth (D-IN/ ΣΤΓ ) Nita M. Lowey (D-NY) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) Rick Boucher (D-VA/KA Order) Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO/ ΔΓ ) Frank D. Lucas (R-OK) Peter J. Roskam (R-IL) Lamar Alexander (R-TN/ ΣC ) Charles W. Boustany Jr. (R-LA) Eliot L. Engel (D-NY/ ΠΛΦ ) (R-MO) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) Evan Bayh (D-IN/ ΦΚΨ ) Kevin Brady (R-TX/ ΛCA ) Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA) Cynthia M. Lummis (R-WY) Mike Ross (D-AR) Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Robert A. Brady (D-PA) Bob Etheridge (D-NC) Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA) Steven R. Rothman (D-NJ) Sam Brownback (R-KS/ AΓΡ ) Paul C. Broun (R-GA) Mary Fallin (R-OK/ ΚAΘ ) Connie Mack (R-FL) C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) Richard Burr (R-NC/ ΚΣ ) Corrine Brown (D-FL/ ΣΓΡ ) Bob Filner (D-CA) Daniel B. Maffei (D-NY) (R-WI/ ΔΤΔ ) Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD/ ΠΚΦ ) Dan Burton (R-IN) John Fleming (R-LA) Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) Tim Ryan (D-OH/ ΔΤΔ ) Thomas R. Carper (D-DE/ ΔΤΔ ) G. K. Butterfield (D-NC) J. Randy Forbes (R-VA) Donald A. Manzullo (R-IL) Janice D. Schakowsky (D-IL) Saxby Chambliss (R-GA/ ΣC ) Ken Calvert (R-CA) Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) Eric Massa (D-NY) Aaron Schock (R-IL) Thad Cochran (R-MS/ ΠΚA ) John Campbell (R-CA) Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH/ ΔΣΘ ) Doris O. Matsui (D-CA) David Scott (D-GA) Susan M. Collins (R-ME) Eric Cantor (R-VA/ ΦΣΚ ) John Garamendi (D-CA/ ΣC ) Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) Robert Scott (D-VA/ AΦA ) Bob Corker (R-TN/ ΣΝ ) Anh “Joseph” Cao (R-LA) (R-PA/ ΣC ) Betty McCollum (D-MN) F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-WI) John Ensign (R-NV/ ΣC ) Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV/ ΚΚΓ ) Phil Gingrey (R-GA/ ΣΝ ) Thaddeus G. McCotter (R-MI) Pete Sessions (R-TX/ ΠΚA ) Michael B. Enzi (R-WY/ ΣC ) Michael E. Capuano (D-MA) Charles A. Gonzalez (D-TX) Jim McDermott (D-WA) (D-PA) Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX/ ΠΒΦ ) Dennis A. Cardoza (D-CA/ ΘC ) Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) James P. McGovern (D-MA) John B. Shadegg (R-AZ/ ΣAΕ ) James M. Inhofe (R-OK) (D-MO) Bart Gordon (D-TN/KA Order) Mike McIntyre (D-NC) Heath Shuler (D-NC) Johnny Isakson (R-GA/ ΣAΕ ) Christopher P. Carney (D-PA) Kay Granger (R-TX) Jerry McNerney (D-CA) (R-PA/SC) Tim Johnson (D-SD/ ΔΤΔ ) Andre Carson (D-IN) (R-MO/ AΓΣ ) Kendrick B. Meek (D-FL/ WΨΦ ) Michael K. Simpson (R-ID) Jon Kyl (R-AZ/ ΠΚA ) John R. Carter (R-TX/KA Order) Alan Grayson (D-FL) Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY) Albio Sires (D-NJ) Mary L. Landrieu (D-LA/ ΔΓ ) Bill Cassidy (R-LA) Al Green (D-TX/ AΦA ) Charlie Melancon (D-LA/ ΚΣ ) (D-MO/ ΣC ) Richard G. Lugar (R-IN/ ΒΘΠ ) Kathy Castor (D-FL/ ΔΔΔ ) Raul M. Grijalva (D-AZ) John L. Mica (R-FL/ ΔC ) Zachary T. Space (D-OH/ ΒΘΠ ) Mel Martinez (R-FL/ AΤW ) Ben Chandler (D-KY) Brett Guthrie (R-KY) Brad Miller (D-NC) Cliff Stearns (R-FL) Robert Menendez (D-NJ/ ΛΘΦ ) Travis Childers (D-MS) Gregg Harper (R-MS) George Miller (D-CA) (D-OH) E. Benjamin Nelson (D-NE) Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY) Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL/ ΚAΨ ) Jeff Miller (R-FL/ AΓΡ ) Lee Terry (R-NE) James E. Risch (R-ID/ ΦΔΘ ) Wm. (D-MO/ ΚAΨ ) Wally Herger (R-CA) Walter Minnick (D-ID/ ΦΔΘ ) Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS/ ΚAΨ ) Pat Roberts (R-KS/ ΠΚA ) (D-MO/ AΦA ) Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-SD) Harry E. Mitchell (D-AZ/ AΤW ) Glenn Thompson (R-PA) (D-PA/ ΠΚΦ ) Howard Coble (R-NC/ ΠΚΦ ) Maurice D. Hinchey (D-NY) Dennis Moore (D-KS) Mike Thompson (D-CA) Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) Mike Coffman (R-CO) Rush D. Holt (D-NJ) Gwen Moore (D-WI) Mac Thornberry (R-TX) John Thune (R-SD) Steve Cohen (D-TN) Bob Inglis (R-SC/ ΔΣΦ ) Jerry Moran (R-KS) Todd Tiahrt (R-KS/ ΔΣΦ ) David Vitter (R-LA) Tom Cole (R-OK) Jesse L. Jackson Jr. (D-IL) Sue Wilkins Myrick (R-NC) Patrick J. Tiberi (R-OH) Mark R. Warner (D-VA) Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX/ AΚA ) Grace F. Napolitano (D-CA) Dina Titus (D-NV) Roger F. Wicker (R-MS/ ΣΝ ) Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) Michael R. Turner (R-OH/ ΔΣΦ ) Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) Devin Nunes (R-CA/ AΓΡ ) Timothy J. Walz (D-MN)

2 Preserving the Greek experience for Political Action Committee WAΒ Ψ ΓΔ C Ε











Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV/ ΔΖ ), Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA/ ΣAΕ ) House Majority Leader Congressman center, lead sponsor of H.R.1547, with Lory with Katie Barlow, ΔΖ , president of University of Steny Hoyer (D-MD/ ΣC ) addresses Fraraccio-Kenney, AΦ , and Aliza Fishbein, AΦ . Georgia Student Government Association. the PAC dinner in April. PAC Dinner Brought Together 300 Greek Men and Women to Capitol Hill • Fundraising Success and Lobbying Efforts Celebrated • New Incoming President Announced

elebratory was the mood as 300 Greek men and women gathered for Congress and that they also depended upon their fraternity brothers and sisters Cthe Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee dinner on during the course of a campaign. We were all delighted by the many personal Tuesday evening, April 20, in Washington, D.C. Many had spent the day stories that were shared. lobbying Congress, while some had come from the area to celebrate the results. All were there to support the joint efforts of the PAC. The dinner Larry Wiese, KA Order, was thanked for his service as outgoing PAC president, was held at the Art and Soul Restaurant in the Liaison Hotel, catered by and Julie Cain Burkhard, ACW , was welcomed as the incoming president. renowned chef Art Smith. The true highlight of the evening was an announcement by Larry that the PAC had met its goal of $1 million prior to its sixth year of existence! A big The evening was fantastic, as we entertained a large bipartisan group of thank-you to all who attended the dinner and helped achieve this goal. Greek members of Congress. Twenty-eight members of Congress (14 Democrats and 14 Republicans) spoke about their personal Greek experi - Make plans to attend the PAC dinner next April. You won’t want to miss it! ences and brought home to those in attendance the importance of our own involvement within our individual groups. Many members of Congress noted Vicki Vannoy Nixon, ΔΓ that being presidents of their collegiate chapters started them on their way to Dinner Chairman

Former ΣAΕ National President Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX, ΠΚA ) Congressman Ike Skelton (D-MO/ ΣC ) and Jack Richard Hopple greets Congressman with his Pi Kappa Alpha brothers Kingston (R-GA/ ΛCA ) present U.S. flags to the Jim Clyburn (D-SC/ WΨΦ ). from across the country. PAC’s incoming and outgoing presidents.

3 future generations of student leaders the Fraternity and Sorority WAΒ Ψ ΓΔ C Ε










Μ Ο Ξ Ν Student Lobbyists Experience Firsthand What It Takes to Pass Legislation on the Hill

“Working in D.C. with fellow Greeks, both “I support the PAC because our message is “The experience I had lobbying for CHIA is students and seasoned Hill veterans, made important and simple—provide safe, afford - one of the best of my college career. I had so me realize what an extraordinary group able housing for thousands of undergrads much fun seeing the behind-the- scenes Greeks are. Greek life provides students with while stimulating the economy.” work that goes into making a bill become a a unique and meaningful collegiate experi - law and understanding the challenges of ence, which develops leaders and community- Jake Howse, KA Order doing so. I hope more students can have the involved citizens. Combining our voices Former Chapter President, opportunity I had to help change the inter - makes that realization clear, not only to me Future KA Order fraternity world.” but to the members of Congress we visited, as Staff Member well. The PAC is an important step in Florida State University Charles F. “Ches” protecting that experience. Whether it be McDowell IV, today’s focus of securing fairness in the law KA Order or facing tomorrow’s unforeseen challenges, Chapter President, the existence of a strong Fraternity and NC State University Sorority PAC helps ensure students reap the “Attending the 2010 NIC/NPC Congressional College Republicans, Executive Director benefits of Greek life for Hill visits was an opportunity of a lifetime! North Carolina State University years to come.” Not only did I advocate for historic public policy changes, but I witnessed how May Davis, ACW strong the Greek voice can be when we all Student Body Vice President join together toward a common goal. “The 2010 Congressional visit was an amaz ing University of Kansas Therefore, I choose to support the PAC in experience. It showed me the real impact appreciation of the Greeks of today and Greeks have, not just as leaders in our nation’s tomorrow who will be empowered to be the universities but as leaders in our nation’s change-makers of their communities and government. It is important that Greeks continue the legacy of our fraternities and have a voice in Washington in order to protect, “During my visit to Washington, I learned sororities. Carpe Diem!” preserve, and improve Greek life. By joining that the Greek ‘glory days’ aren’t just a the PAC, students can be more thing of the past; we are every bit as strong Amy Puerto, ΦΜ politically active in supporting and as influential as we ever were. Our Student Government the Greek community.” nation’s leaders used to be in our shoes, and President soon we’ll be in theirs. I believe it’s impor - Bellarmine University Dawn Winston, ΦΜ tant that we maintain ties with our brothers University of Houston and sisters in Congress to perpetuate the shared commitment to fraternity that we’ve spent so many generations cultivating. When our predecessors are ready to pass “Experiencing firsthand what the Fraternity and Sorority PAC does for Greeks was one of the the torch, they will know we are waiting to best parts of my CHIA lobbying week. It was truly amazing to listen to senators and congressmen receive it. The PAC is playing a huge role in talk about the influence their Greek organization still has on them today. Stories like these of facilitating the development of our future how Greek organizations create leaders and instill qualities of loyalty, integrity, and trustwor - leaders. I support the PAC because the PAC thiness help erase the negative stereotypes that so many people have of Greeks. The PAC is so supports me, both as a important to the future of getting more Greek initiatives through Congress, and Greek leader and as an I know they will be successful doing so.” individual.” Katie Arnold, ACW Mark Mixon, ΣΝ Student Government, Penn State University Director of Legislative Relations Auburn University

4 Preserving the Greek experience for Political Action Committee WAΒ Ψ ΓΔ C Ε







Fundraising Λ Π Μ Ο Ξ

Rankings for Finance Ν Committee Members PAC Donor Honor Roll As of May 19, 2010 2009-10 Cycle Contributors as of May 19, 2010 Thanks to the following donors, we have raised $364,686 this cycle ! Jim Estes/Larry Wiese , KA Order $41,651 Honorary PAC Chairman Marsha Grady , ACW Honorary Officers Patrick Alderdice , ΔC $38,750 ($20,000) Betty Hamilton ($500 to $999) Cindy Stellhorn/Laurie Connor , ΚAΘ $24,550 Ned Kirklin , ΚΣ and Kent Hance , ΔΤΔ Lorraine Alderman-Testa , AΔΠ Jenny Kirklin , ACW Doug H. Harlan , ΦΚΨ Douglas Allen , ΘC Julie Burkhard , ACW $22,137 Cindy Stellhorn , ΚAΘ and James Harman , ΣΝ Allison Allgier , AΟΠ Jeff Stellhorn , ΣΦΕ Greg Hauser , ΔC Kris Baack , ΓΦΒ Kevin O’Neill $21,625 , ΛCA Charles Hostetler , ΣAΕ Brad Beacham , ΣΝ James Owens , ΣΝ $18,800 Honorary Board of Directors Renee Iacona , AΔΠ Robert Biggs , ΦΔΘ ($10,000 to $19,999) Peggy Bort Jones , AΔΠ Diane Blackwelder , ACW Vicki Nixon , ΔΓ $16,440 William E. Dreyer, KA Order Richard Jungman , ΦΣΚ Alan G. Brackett , ΔΤΔ Priscilla M. Gerde , ΚΚΓ Marc Katz , AΕΠ Justin Buck , ΠΚA Doug Carlson $16,400 , ΣC Dana Katz , AΕΦ William Carlstedt , ΣΝ Marc and Dana Katz , AΕΠ /AΕΦ $13,147 Founders Society Darren Kay, KA Order Richard S. Carpenter , AΓΡ ($5,000 to $9,999 ) Keeping African American PAC Carmela Car , ΓΦΒ Pris Gerde , ΚΚΓ $12,485 Rock Houstoun, KA Order Martha Kendrick Jack B. Carter Jr., KA Order Cole McDowell Erin K. Klein , ΚΚΓ Anne Charnock , AΔΠ Ken File $12,224 , ΔΤΔ Kevin M. O’Neill , ΛCA and William LaForge , ΠΚA Jackye Clark , ΔΔΔ Sarah Lindsay/Michelle Shimberg , ΔΔΔ $11,155 Patty O’Neill , AΔΠ Elizabeth Langford , ΚΔ Laurie Connor , ΚAΘ Howard C. Pickett , ΣΝ L. Gene Lemon , AΓΡ Cari Cook , ΔΔΔ Betty Quick , ΓΦΒ $10,910 Todd Reaves, KA Order Sarah C. Lindsay , ΔΔΔ Daniel Corah , ΠΚA Charles Mancuso , ΔC Kimberly Cornetet , CW Bill LaForge/Clint Bartman $9,975 , ΠΚA Charter Members Robert Marchesani , ΦΚΨ Mark Cowan, ΦΣΚ Kathryn Goddard , AΔΠ $9,885 ($2,500 to $4,999) William Martin III , ΦΓΔ Patricia Disque , CW Patrick Alderdice , ΔC Laura Mauro, ZTA Michael Dunn , ΣC Melanie Shain/Kelly Bingel , CW $8,920 Kelley Bergstrom , ΠΚΦ Kevin Mayeux, TKE Richard C. Ernest, TKE Robert A. Chereck , ΔΤΔ and Murray K. McComas , ΣC Deborah Etheridge , ΔΓ Clark Robertson $7,875 , ΦΓΔ Donna A. Chereck , ACW Richard McCormick , ΦΓΔ Debbie Evans , ΔΓ Wade Garard , ΦΚΨ $7,600 Ted Grossnickle , ΛCA Carolina Mederos , AΟΠ Ken File , ΔΤΔ Julie Pawelczyk , ΓΦΒ Jerry Nelson , ΦΚΨ Michael Fishel , AΕΠ and Allen Woody , ΠΚΦ $5,875 Edward Pease , ΠΚA Edward Newberry Bonnie Fishel Eilzabeth Quick , ΓΦΒ Vicki Nixon , ΔΓ Joseph T. Fleming , ΦΓΔ Dian Volkmer $5,500 , AΟΠ Jeanne Reese , ΔΔΔ Frankie Nordlund , AΟΠ Marilyn M. Fordham , ΔΓ Steven Priepke , ΣAΕ $5,250 Sheri O’Connell , AΞΔ Matthew Frazier Legacy Members Rosario Palmieri , ΔΤΔ Letitia Fulkerson , CW Kris Bridges , ΦΜ $5,075 ($1,000 to $2,499) Stephanie Peters , ΖΦΒ Raymond Galbreth , ΔC Gary W. Anderson , AΕΠ Steven Priepke , ΣAΕ Wade Garard , ΦΚΨ Brenda Butler $4,780 , ΠΒΦ Rick Barnes, FarmHouse Eve Woods Riley , ΔΔΔ Ben Ginsberg Corey Mathews , ΤΚΕ $4,200 Joseph Baxter , ΣΝ Mark C. Romig, TKE John Gleeson, ΣΝ Kelly Bingel , CW Dennis Santoli , ΣC Margo Grace , ΦΜ Deb Ensor/Shannon Finley/ Thomas Boggs William Sapoch , ΣC Mary Gregory , ACW Andrew Borans , AΕΠ Benjamin W. Satcher Jr., KA Order Claire Brown Gwaltney , AΔΠ Amanda Exner $4,075 , ΖΤA Ann Bordelon , ΔΓ Peter Schellenbach Craig Haesemeyer , ΣΝ Dan Backer , ΖΨ $3,735 Kristin Bridges , ΦΜ Charles Schmidt Jr., KA Order David Hagan, KA Order Kathleen E. Brown , ACW J.W. Shulz, KA Order Larry Harris Wynn Smiley/Walter Hughes , AΤW $3,275 Julie C. Burkhard , ACW Melanie M. Shain , CW Bradley Hastings , ΣΝ Sean Callan , ACA Wynn R. Smiley , AΤW Anne Marie Hoehner , AΓΔ Julie Johnson $2,225 , ΚΔ David Carico, KA Order Peter Smithhisler , ΛCA John Jonas Liana Wallace , AΓΔ $2,000 Doug Carlson , ΣC Donna Stallard , ΦΜ Carole Jones , AΟΠ Joseph Caruso , ΠΚA Norval Stephens Jr. , ΔΤΔ Eugene M. Julian, KA Order Bernie Schulz , AΣΦ $1,840 Bruce Casner , ΣC Jolene Stiver , ΓΦΒ Shawn Kearns John E. Christopher , ΦΚΤ Jackie Stutts , AΓΔ on behalf of Ryan Kearns, ΣΦΕ Ryan Brennan/Craig Casselberry/ Sandra M. Connor , CW Ken Tracey , ΣAΕ Kevin L. Kerley, ΦΣΣ Craig Templeton , ΣΦΕ $1,740 Elizabeth Corridan , ΚAΘ Idris Rhea Traylor Jr., KA Order Edward M. King , ΣC Cheri DeJong , ΣΚ Frank Turner , ΔΤΔ Michael A. King , ΣC Sheri O’Connell , AΞΔ $1,525 Jack Deschauer Carol I. Warren , ΠΒΦ John Klinedinst J. Michael Duesing , ΦΓΔ Charles Watson , ΦΓΔ Mary Ann Lachenmaier , ΔΓ Chris Johnston $1,350 , ΦΔΘ Margaret Deborah Ensor, ZTA Robert S. White , ΣC Valarie Lawlor , AΦ Justin Kirk , ΔΥ $825 Don Fites , ΦΚΨ Larry Stanton Wiese, KA Order Caroline Lazzara , AΟΠ Gayle Fitzpatrick , AΟΠ Martin Wiglesworth, Ph , ΣAΕ Rae Maier , ΠΒΦ Scott Wiley , ΔΣΦ $750 Carl Frampton , ΣΦΕ Allen Woody , ΠΚΦ Linda Malony , ΓΦΒ Elisse Freeman , AΔΠ Bonnie R. Wunsch , AΕΦ Frank W. Maresh, KA Order Amy Krouse $696 , ΣΔΤ Joe Gilman , ΣΝ Gene Yarbrough III , ΣΝ (Continued on page 6) Jereme Grinslade, ΘC $620 Aaron Girson, ΣAΜ Kathryn Goddard , AΔΠ Cindy Menges , ΔΖ $100 Helen Gordon , ΔΓ

5 future generations of student leaders the Fraternity and Sorority WAΒ Ψ ΓΔ C Ε






Ρ PAC Donor Honor Roll Λ



Ο Ξ Ν (Continued from page 5)

Mary Barlow , ΔΓ Stefanie Chautin , ΣΔΤ Robin Fanning , ΦΜ Anne Helliwell , ACW Susan Mathews , AΔΠ Christine Barnicki , CW Lynn Chipperfield , ΛCA Suzette Farrar , ΠΒΦ Gordy Heminger Philip McLeod Clint Bartman , ΠΚA Mary Clancy , ΣΚ Caroline Feldhausen Stephanie Hemmann , ΣΔΤ Arthur Metcalf , ΣC Juliann Bauer Erwin Clark , AΓΡ Ellen Ferringer , ΠΒΦ Amanda W. Hene , ACW E. Duane Meyer , ΔC Jo Anne Baughman , ΔΔΔ Robert Mel Clark , AΤW Lindsay Fetter , ΔΓ Danielle Henry , AΔΠ Larry Meyers, KA Order Ray Baumgarten Carrie Clayton, ZTA Ben C. Fisher , ΣC Jordan Herbert , ΣΝ W.R. Miller , ΦΓΔ Mary Jane Beach , ΚAΘ Jana Clayton , AΔΠ Mary Ellen Fitzsimonds , ΚAΘ Grant Herrin , ΔC Spencer Moore , ΣΦΕ Danielle Bechta Kenneth L. Clinton , ΔΤΔ Daniel Florencio , ΖΨ James Hickey , ΦΓΔ Gary Mootz , ΖΨ Sanford Belden , AΓΡ Michael Codina, M.D. , ΣC Michael Flynn , ΖΨ June Hilton , ΔΔΔ Jean M. Mrasek , CW Scott Bell , ΠΚA Cathy Coers Frank , CW Christi Flynn , ΔΔΔ Lynnda Hoefler , ΔΖ Nicholas Murphy , ΣΝ Dewey Bellows , ΣAΕ Julie Coffman , ΔΓ John Flynn , ΖΨ Ernest Holladay , ΔΓ William V. Muse, TKE Blake Benney, KA Order Philip Cohen , AΕΠ Marjorie Fogarty , ΔΓ Maureen Hollmeyer , ΔΓ Darryl D. Nirenberg , ΦΔΘ Harold B. Berman Scott Cohon , AΕΠ Mark Fontana , ΦΓΔ Amy Holt , ΠΒΦ Josh Orendi , AΣΦ Diane Bielman Tamira Cole , CW Aaron Forehand , ΔΤΔ Hunter Hopkins, KA Order James A. Owens , ΣΝ Jeffrey Bird, ΣC Ryan Collett , ΠΚA Joshua Foster , ΠΚA Jaime Hornbaker , AΓΔ Amy Peterson , ΓΦΒ Jeffrey Bizinkauskas, ΨΥ Shawn Collinsworth , ΦΚΨ Alexandra Fox , ΔΔΔ Tom Horowitz , ΔC Stephen Ratterman , ΣΝ James Black , AΤW Crystal Combs , AΟΠ Joe B. Francis Jake Howse, KA Order David Ross , ΣAΜ Cheryl Blankenship , ΔΓ Elizabeth Conatser , AΟΠ In honor of Eric Hren , ΠΚA Jennifer Richter Edward Blessing , ΣC Jerry Cooper , ΔΤΔ Howard Pickett , ΣΝ William Hubbard , ΔΤΔ Keeley McDonald Riddle, ZTA Samuel J. Blustein , AΕΠ Sarah Corliss Emily Freed , ΣΔΤ Walter Hughes , AΤW LuAnn Riegl , ΔΔΔ Kendra Bocher , ΓΦΒ Jody Corry Julia Friedman , ΚAΘ J. Brent Hurd , AΓΡ Michael Riley , ΠΚA Benjamin D. Boden Peter Cosier , ΖΨ Deborah R. Friedman , AΕΦ Barbara Hurt-Simmons , ΓΦΒ Clark Robertson , ΦΓΔ William T Boehm , AΓΡ Eugene Cote , ΦΓΔ Allison Mazzei , ΓΦΒ Andrew Huston , ΣAΜ Loretta Petrucce Roselle , ΔΓ Barbara Boersma , ΔΓ Karen Couch Neil N. Fruechte , AΓΡ Stuart V. Immer , AΓΡ James B. Russell , ΔΤΔ Steven Bossart , ΔC Christina Covington, AΣΤ Mary Ann Fruge , CW Jacqueline Isaacson , ΦΜ Michael Scarborough , ΣAΕ Sarah Bosse , AΦ W. Doug Cowan , ΠΚA Michael Geary , ΔC Sydnee Jack , AΔΠ Judy Schmuck , ACW Mary D. Bowen , ΔΓ Robert Cox , ΠΚA Chasity Gerhardt , ACW Doyle W. Jacklin , AΓΡ Bernard Schulz , AΣΦ Blake Bowerman , ΚΣ Bill Crane , ΦΚΤ Christopher Gerritz , ΦΚΨ Abby Jacobs Michelle Shimberg , ΔΔΔ D. Stuart Bowers , ΖΨ Patricia M. Crowley , ΓΦΒ Mindy Gerstenhaber , ΣΔΤ Anila Jain, M.D. , ΚΔ Bill Skipper, KA Order Patricia Bradley , ΔΓ Kristin Hellquist , ΚAΘ Scott Gesell , ΒΣΨ Pamela Fellows Jamieson , ΔΓ Tony Smercina , ΔΣΦ Maura I. Brady , ΔΓ Molly Cunningham , ΔΔΔ Matthew Getz , ΛCA Cynthia B. Jarboe , ΚΚΓ Aggie Steiner , ACW Jack Brady , ΖΨ Katherine W. Curtin James A. Gibbs , ΦΔΘ Thomas Jelke , ΣΦΕ Perry Swanson , ΔΤΔ Ann Braly , ΣΔΤ Kendall Cusick-Rindone , ΚAΘ Charles Gilber , ΣC Allan Johnson , AΓΡ Suzanne M. Symcox , ACW Jonathan Brant , ΒΘΠ Ratheen Damle , ΔC Karen B. Gilmore , ACW Julie L. Johnson , ΚΔ Martha Thornton , ΔΔΔ Lindsay Braverman , ΣΔΤ Joseph Damore , ΘC Julie Gilpin , ΚAΘ Linda D. Johnson , ΓΦΒ Mark Timmes , ΠΚΦ Rob Brockhaus , ΠΚA Susan Danko , AΟΠ Robert A. Gingras , ΣΝ Christopher L. Johnston , ΦΔΘ L. Wayne Tucker , ΣC Ira Brody , AΕΠ Kaitlin Dastugueq Nicholas Giorgianni , ΔΥ Anita Jones , ΔΓ Jeff Turner Leslie Brown , ΣΔΤ S. May Davis, ACW Matthew Givner , ΨΥ Annabel Jones , ΓΦΒ Jidge Verity , ΔΤΔ Joseph Brown , ΠΚA Tom Davis , AΓΡ Jennifer Godar , CW Philip Josephson , AΓΡ Stacey Voigt, ZTA Martha C. Brown , ΔΓ May Davis , ACW Julie Goddard , ΔΔΔ Jeannette Kaelin , ΓΦΒ J. Jeffrey Wahlen , ΠΚΦ Marquez Brown , ΔC Kyungae Davis John Goddard Amy Kanning , ΚAΘ Bonnie Warren , ΚΔ Marquez Brown , ΔC Bill Dean , ΦΔΘ Anne Goldstein , ΣΔΤ Kelly Jo Karnes , ΣΣΣ Theodore L. Weise, KA Order Thomas Brown , AΣΦ David DeCecco , ΣΦΕ JB Goll , ΦΓΔ Robin K. Kassman , ΚΔ Scott Wiley , ΔΣΦ Sarah Brunelle , ΣΔΤ Tricia Dege , AΔΠ Joshua Goodman , ΔΤΔ Amy Kates , ΚAΘ Jamie Wolff , ΠΚA Gregory J. Buehner , ΠΚΦ Jennifer Deiderich , ACW Jennifer Goodman Emilee Katzer , CW Stephen D. Bunten , ΦΓΔ Adria DeLaune , ΚAΘ Christi Goodnuff , ACW Ryan S. Kearns , ΣΦΕ Donors Sandra Burba , ΓΦΒ Donald K. Densborn , ΣΝ Wendy Goshert , ΚAΘ Adam Kearns, TKE (Up to $499) Amanda Bureau, ZTA and Robert Derdiger , AΕΠ Marissa Gottfried , ΣΔΤ Steven Kelch , ΖΨ Leah Aaronson , ΣΔΤ Dan Bureau Jennifer Diederich , ACW Robert W. Graham , ΣΝ John Bickham Kelly , ΦΚΤ Linda Ablard , AΔΠ Timothy Burke Anna Diemoz , ΔΓ R. Tyler Gray , ΣΦΕ Melanie Kelsey , ΓΦΒ Shukri Abughazaleh Elizabeth Burkhard , ACW Shelly Brown Dobek , ΔΖ Alison Griffin , ΔΔΔ Paula Kendrick , AΔΠ Tami Ackerman , ΣΔΤ Rick Burt , ΠΚA Barry Donnell, KA Order Gary Griffith , ΣΦΕ Kristen Kenyon , ΠΒΦ Cindy Addenbrook Anna K. Busby , ΚAΘ Jill Dowell , CW Beth Gruber , ΣΔΤ Chris Kolodgie Kern , ΔΖ Kent Agness , ΦΚΨ Rick Buss , AΣΦ Jeff Downey , ΦΓΔ J. Diane Haag , ΔΓ Katherine Kies , ΦΒΟ Amanda Akard , ACW Brenda Butler , ΠΒΦ Donna Duncan , ΔΔΔ Holly Hammerschmidt , AΔΠ Laurie Kight , ΔΓ Robert Albin , ΦΓΔ Jason Butler , ΔC Michael Duncan, KA Order Virginia Hammond , ΓΦΒ Matt Killingsworth , ΔC W.W. Alexander , ΔΤΔ Virginia H. Cain , ΔΔΔ Victoria Dunn , ΓΦΒ Kyle Handegard , ΚAΘ Natasha King , ACW Debbie Allen , ΚAΘ Harry E. Caldwell Jr. , ΠΚΦ Robert Dunham , ΣΝ Robert Hankins , ΣΦΕ Dell Kingan , ΔΓ David Almacy , ΦΔΘ Mari Ann Callais , ΘΦA Brett Dyess , ΔΤΔ Marie Hannon , ΚAΘ Cathryn Kingsbury , ΔΔΔ Libby Anderson , AΕΠ Jo Ellen Karr Campbell John Edwards, KA Order Kelley Snow Harmon, ZTA John H. Kingston George P. Apperson, KA Order Evonne Carawan , AΞΔ Daryl Egbert Susan Harmon , AΔΠ Susan E. Kinney , ΔΓ Mildred McCoy Armstrong , ΔΓ James Carey , ΖΨ Diane Eggert , ΦΜ Angela Harris , ACW Justin Kirk , ΔΥ Elaine Arnovitz , ΣΔΤ Michelle Carlson , ΣΔΤ Daniel Ehlers , ΖΨ Lyn Harris , CW Karen Kline , ΓΦΒ Kathryn Autry , ΠΒΦ Jay Carmichael , ΠΚA Matthew Eisen , ΣΦΕ E. Aynsley Harrison , ΚΚΓ Mary Knaup , ΓΦΒ Dan Backer , ΖΨ Ronald Carpinella , ΣC Ann Emereth , CW Daniel Harrop , ΣC Robert E. Kraft , ΔΤΔ Elizabeth Bailey , ΚΚΓ Michael Carroll , ΔC Anne M. Emmerth , CW Cindy Hart , ΔΓ Carly Kramer , ΣΔΤ Stephanie Bailey , AΓΔ Lindy Cash , AΔΠ Mark English , ΔΤΔ Leah Hartman , ΚAΘ Amy M. Krouse , ΣΔΤ LeFiore Barbour , CW Caroline E. Cassidy , ΚΚΓ Zita Enloe , ΚAΘ Susan Harwood , ΓΦΒ Marlene Kruelle , ACW Rod Barleen , ΔΥ Vicki Chapman W.C. Estes Patrick Haynes , ΠΚA Mardi S. Kunik , ΣΔΤ Robert Charles , ΔΤΔ Amanda Exner, ZTA Dinah Hays , ΔΓ Donna Lacy , ΔΓ Robert F. Charles Jr. , ΔΤΔ Vanessa Facio-Lince , ΣΔΤ Jessica Hays Burkholder , ΔΓ Brittany Ladd, ZTA Sari Factor , ΣΔΤ John Hearn , ΣΝ D. Michelle Lamarche , AΔΠ Charles Heflin , ΛCA Susie B. Lamy , ΔΓ

6 Preserving the Greek experience for Political Action Committee WAΒ Ψ ΓΔ C Ε





Taylor Lansdale, KA Order Steven Mulherin , ΣΦΕ Noell Sauer , ΚΚΓ Alexander Tenenbaum , ΣC Ι Κ Ρ


Donald LaPlante , ΔC Sarah “Sis” Mullis , ΠΒΦ Beth Saul , AΕΦ Drew M. Thawley , AΣΦ Π

Μ Ο Ξ Jonathan Lapps , ΒΘΠ Melissa Munoz , ΚΚΓ William B. Sayre , AΓΡ Ron Thomas , ΦΓΔ Ν Jennifer LaPresta , ΔΓ Meg Murer Tortorello , ΔΔΔ Michael Scarlatelli , ΦΔΘ Sally Thomas , AΔΠ Janice Rae Lawson , ΚAΘ Lauren Mushrush , AΞΔ Erin Schandelmeier , AΞΔ Jake Thomason , ΦΚΨ Sam Leake, KA Order James Nelson , AΤW A. Edward Scherer , AΕΠ Richard Thompson , ΣC Bob Wilbanks , ΔΓ Beverly LeBoeuf , ΔΓ Katherine Nevill , ΠΒΦ Terry Schmoyer , ΔΥ Ryan Thompson Craig Wild , ΖΒΤ Alicia Lee , ΚAΘ Leonard B. Newman , ΣΦΕ Kurt Schoeffler , ΠΚA Stan Thurston , AΣΦ Katie Wilkerson , ΚAΘ Lawrence Lieb , ΣAΜ Lisa Niedenthal Mark Schramka , ΔC John Tilden , AΣΦ Friends of Joe Wilkinson, ΛCA Kenna Lewis Carol Nunnally , ΔΓ Alex Schriver , ΔΤΔ Meredith Tiras , ΣΔΤ Juli Willeman , ΠΒΦ Heidi Lewis , ΔΔΔ Andrew O’Brien , ΖΨ Chesen Schwelthem , ΣΔΤ Dolores Toby E. Wayne Williams , ΣΦΕ Abigail Lewis Linda G. O’Bryant , ΔΔΔ Carrie Scoby , ΠΒΦ Amanda Tomack , AΕΦ Janice Williams William Lewis , ΦΔΘ Robert O’Donnell , ΖΨ Elizabeth Bell Searcy , ΔΓ Kathleen Tonkel , ΚAΘ Kathy J. Williams , ΦΜ Faron Lewitt , ΖΒΤ Nancy Oldfather , ΔΓ Ariana Seidel , ΓΦΒ Jamison Tucker, AKL Mark Williams , ΨΥ Lindsay Lieberman , ΣΔΤ Katherine Oldham , ΚAΘ Malaea Nelms Seleski, ZTA John Tunila , ΔC Tracey Williams , ΔΓ Rachel Lipsey , ΚΔ Matthew O’Neal, KA Order Lindsay Sell , ΚAΘ Terry D. Turman , AΤW Rosalyn Doze Williams , AΔΠ Vaneesa Little , ΠΒΦ Raymond L. Orians , ΠΚA James Selzer , ΔΤΔ Trent Unterbrink , ΔC Shad Williams , ΠΚA Livi Bianca , ΣΔΤ Aaron Otto , ΔC Andrew Serrao , ΖΨ Peter Urbanowicz , ΔΤΔ Carter Wilmot , ΔΤΔ James Ljunglin , ΖΨ Michael Oxman , AΕΠ Beth Sesler , ΣΔΤ Alison Vavra Michael Wilson, KA Order R. Heidi Locker-Scheer , ΚAΘ Diana Pankevich , ΣΔΤ Ashley Settle , ΚΚΓ Cecilia Velazquez , CW Carol Jane Wilson , ΦΜ Carol “Chickie” Loewenstein, ΣΔΤ Nicole Pannier , ΚAΘ Ralph Shanks , ΦΓΔ Cody Velkovich , ΘC William P. Wilson , ΦΓΔ Robert London, ΛCA William Paris , ΚΔΡ Daniel Shaver , ΣC Kaitlin Venables Mary Winkler , ACW Kim Looney , ΚAΘ J.R. Parsons , ΠΚA William Shaw , ΖΨ Dawn Victor-Herring , AΔΠ Dawn Winston , ΦΜ Jeffrey Love, KA Order Charles Paulk , AΤW Paula Shepherd , ΠΒΦ Cynthia Visot , AΟΠ Ian Wittkopp Karen Love , ΣΔΤ Scott Pedersen , ΖΨ Thomas F. Shields, M.D. , ΔΤΔ Geff Vitale , ΖΨ Janice N. Wittschiebe , AΞΔ Leisa Ebeling Lowrey , ΠΒΦ Saranne Penberthy , CW Erik Showalter, KA Order Amy Vojta , AΓΔ Chad Wolett , ΔC William Lusk , ΣΠ Lee Perrett , ΣΝ Christopher J. Shrader , ΦΔΘ Patti Volker Arlen L. Wonderlich , AΓΡ Jesse Lyons, KA Order Randy Peterson , ΔΣΦ Keith R. Shriver , ΔC Patricia Dian Volkmer , AΟΠ Chris Woods, KA Order Brenda Madrid Montes Chad Pfister , ΒΣΨ Susan Shue , ΔΓ Matthew Vollenweider , ΣC Dudley Woody , ΠΚΦ Kristine Maedel , ΔΓ Amanda C. Phillips , ΣΚ Janet Siegel , AΟΠ April Mathis Voris , ΔΔΔ Michael Woolbright , ΔC Peggy Malone , ΠΒΦ Ann Phy , ΠΒΦ Randi Siegel Cari Vukelich Laura A. Worley , ΠΒΦ Sharon Malone , ΔΓ Tammie Pinkston , AΔΠ Maria Sikking , ACW Thomas Wade , ΠΚA April Wright , ΣΔΤ Leland Manders , ΣAΜ Kevin Pitchford , ΔC Amanda Silverman Sarah J. Wagaman , AΟΠ Elizabeth Wright , AΔΠ Kim Manin , ΣΔΤ Patrick Pizzichetta, TKE Caren Silverman , ΣΔΤ Juliana Wales , ΚΚΓ Marla Wulf , ΠΒΦ Kimberly M. Martin Lori Plazinski , AΞΔ Denis Simon , ΣC Linda Walker Albert Wurster , ΣΝ Toni Martinovich Angie Plunkett , ACW Robert Simonds , AΤW Howe Q. Wallace , AΤW Jay Yarbro Robert Marwill , ΔΤΔ Anne Pogson , AΔΠ Robby Sisco DeWitt Waltmon , ΦΓΔ Tina M. Yate Martin Massengale , AΓΡ Sharon Popp , CW Cheryl L. Sizer , ΚΔ Katherine Walton, ZTA Shaun Young , ΔΓ Corey Mathews, TKE Shelley Potter , CW Kristin Slawter , ΚΚΓ Yun Wang , ΨΥ Sandra Young , ΔΔΔ Alice Mathews, ZTA Jim Powell , ΘC Jeremy Slivinski, AKL Larry Warren , AΓΡ Mark Zamora , ΣΝ Molly Maurer , ΔΓ Stephanie Powell, ZTA Peter Slomianyj , ΖΨ Andrew Warren , ΦΣΚ Marni Zarin , ACW Russell Mawby , AΓΡ Charles Pressner III , ΣC Bryan Slone , AΤW David Warren, KA Order Meredith Lynn Zaritheny , ΚAΘ Michael Mayer , ΘC Barbara Probst , ΔΓ Justin Smit , ΔΤΔ Ashley Warrington , AΔΠ Alison Zeigler Ann McCarty , ΔΓ Amy Puerto , ΦΜ Torrey Smith , AΔΠ Miles Washburn , ΔC John Ziegelmeyer Jr. , ΦΚΨ Joyzelle H. McCreary , ΔΓ Jessica Pung , ACW Tyler Smith, DKE Dawn Watkins John Ziegler , ΔC Richard P. McCully , ΣAΕ Anthony Quandt , ΔΤΔ Michelle Smith , ΔΖ Aliyah Watman , ΣΔΤ Tiffani Ziemann , ΣΔΤ Charles McDowell IV, KA Order Adam Quigley , ΔC Christa Dell Sobon , ΚAΘ Margaret Watson , ΚΔ Chris Ziembko , ΦΔΘ Geoff McElroy , ΖΨ Darlene Reyes , ΦΜ Lee Solomon , AΕΠ Charles Webb, KA Order Pamela L. Zimmerman , AΔΠ Michael McGill , ΚΣ Reid Ricciardi , ΔΥ John D. Sours , ΣΝ Ryan Weber , ΔΤΔ Anthony Zimmerman , ΦΓΔ Charles McGowan, Triangle Allison Rickels , AΦ Francis N. Spears , ΣΝ Katherine S. Weeks Sam Zitin , AΕΠ Rebecca McKenzie , ΦΜ John Rigby , ΦΚΨ Jane Spikes , ΔΔΔ Elizabeth Weiner , ΔΓ Ryan Zumwalt E. Bruce McKinney , ΔΥ Lisa Ripley, ΠΒΦ Bobby Ann Stanton , AΟΠ Virginia P. Welch , ΔΓ Suzanne G. McLemore , ΚAΘ Justin Ripley , ΖΨ Lauren Steier , ΔΖ Lisa Welchman , ΚΚΓ Morgan McPhearson , ΔΓ Richard Ritter , AΣΦ Nathaniel Steinhoff , ΠΚA Carolyn Whittier , AΟΠ Jake Medlan , AΣΦ W.L. Rivers James Stellar , ΦΓΔ Taylor Melton , ΔΖ Larry Robb, KA Order Kent Stepanishen , ΦΓΔ If you have any corrections to your listing , please send Nicki Meneley, ACW John Robertson , AΤW Joanne Stephens , CW an e-mail to [email protected]. Marybeth Mermis Edward Rodriguez , ΔΣΦ Sally Stephens , CW Thomas Merrihew , ΛCA Steven Rogers , ΖΨ William R. Stephens , AΓΡ Megan Meyers , ACW Shelby Rogers, ZTA Carol Stevenson , AΟΠ M. Scott Mietchen , ΦΔΘ Jane Rogers , CW Michael Stewart , ΦΓΔ Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to col - Susan S. Miller , ΔΔΔ Emily M. Rollins , ΔΓ Helen King Stockstill , ΔΔΔ lect and report the name, address, occupation and George Miller , ΠΚA Joanne Roman , ΓΦΒ William Stoffer , ΣΝ name of employer of each individual whose contribu - Robert Miller , ΦΓΔ Jasmin Rosa Kelsey Stolba , ΠΒΦ tions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Robert Miller , ΦΔΘ Aleesa M. Ross , ΔΓ Lynn Storlien-McGraw , ΦΜ Mary Lee Miller David Ruegg , ΣΝ Nancy Strine , ΠΒΦ Mindy Milman , ΔΓ Denise Rugani , ΚΚΓ Helen Katherine Stuart , ΔΓ Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income Andrea Mindell , AΕΦ Brad Rukes , ΣΦΕ Joellyn Sullivan , CW tax purposes. The maximum an individual may con - Bradley M. Minkow , AΕΠ Dave Russell , ΖΨ Nathan Sultze , ΖΨ tribute is $5,000 per calendar year. Corporations and Christopher Mishoe, KA Order Kimberly Ryan , ΚΔ Cara Sutcliffe , ΠΒΦ foreign nationals without green cards are prohibited Frances Mitchelson Deborah C. Ryan Cindy Svec , ΦΜ , ACW , ΠΒΦ from contributing. Mark Mixon , ΣΝ John F. Sacha Laura Sweet , ΣΣΣ Jeff Moad, KA Order Charles Safris , ΔΤΔ Jonathan Talbot , AΓΡ Taylor Moser , ΚΚΓ Gary Sanders, ΠΛΦ Bill Tallman , ΔC James R. Mountain , ΣAΕ Connie Sandler , AΕΦ Mary Tatum , ΠΒΦ Karla Mugler , ΔΓ Timothy Sansone, KA Order Summer Taylor Helen Mule Elana Satisky , ΣΔΤ

7 future generations of student leaders 2010 PAC Board WAΒ of Directors Ψ ΓΔ C Ε


Υ Η THe FrATerniTy AnD SOrOriTy Τ




Julie Burkhard, ACW Ρ POLiTiCAL ACTiOn COMMiTTee Λ


PRESIDENT-ELECT Ν Patrick Alderdice, ΔC P.O. Box 3435 VICE PRESIDENT Alexandria, VA 22302 Cindy Stellhorn, ΚAΘ Address Service Requested TREASURER Ken File, ΔΤΔ

SECRETARY Sarah Lindsay, ΔΔΔ

DINNER CHAIRMEN Vicki Nixon, ΔΓ James Owens, ΣΝ


PAST PRESIDENT Larry Wiese, KA Order


DIRECTORS Doug Carlson, ΣC Paid for by Fraternity & Sorority PAC, P.O. Box 3435, Alexandria VA 22302, Doug Cowan, ΠΚA and not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Cheri DeJong, ΣΚ Jim Estes, KA Order Kathryn Goddard, AΔΠ Pris Gerde, ΚΚΓ Be sure to visit our Web site at Steve Priepke, ΣAΕ www.fratpac.org Betty Quick, ΓΦΒ to contribute and learn more about the PAC. Melanie Shain, CW Only $37,000 * Needed to Reach 2009-10 Election Cycle Fundraising Goal Your Help Is Needed!

he PAC’s fundraising goal for the 2009-10 Telection cycle is $400,000. We raised $188,000 in 2009, $148,000 in 2010, and we have $27,000 in outstanding pledges. That means we need your help to raise an additional $37,000 between now and December 31.

If you have already given this year, you can help by making another gift. If you haven’t made a contribution this year, your help is needed now.

Use the enclosed pledge card and envelope to Member of the PAC Board of Directors the the PAC Dinner: Betty Quick, ΓΦΒ, Ken File, ΔΤΔ , send in your contribution today, or make a gift Patrick Alderdice, ΔC , Vicki Nixon, ΔΓ , James Owens, ΣΝ, Sarah Lindsay, ΔΔΔ , via the PAC Web site, www.fratpac.org. Kevin O’Neill, ΛCA , Larry Wiese, KA Order, Julie Burkhard, ACW , Cindy Stellhorn, ΚAΘ , Jim Estes, KA Order, Pris Gerde, ΚΚΓ, and Kathryn Goddard, AΔΠ. *As of June 2, 2010