- 1 - J. Damon, Germanist / 1600 Northwood Road, Austin TX 78703 Email <
[email protected] > / Tel 512 472 3959 TRANSLATION OF STUTTGART VERDICT ************************************************* {Page 1 of Original} Germar Scheerer, Doc. 1 transl. Reference Number: 17 KLs 83/94 A-#: 78660016, August 31, 2001 Public Prosecutor of Stuttgart 4 Js 34417/93 District Court of Stuttgart In the name of the people: Judgment In the Criminal Case of Germar S c h e e r e r née Rudolf, born on Oct. 29, 1964, in Limburg/Lahn, residing at 71144 Steinenbronn, Meisenweg 18 For Incitement of the People and other offenses. The 17th Superior Penal Chamber of the District Court Stuttgart, in the trial lasting from Nov. 22, 1994, to June 23, 1995, in which the following persons participated: Presiding Judge Dr. Mayer, Chairman; Judge at District Court Helwerth and Judge at District Court [DC] Heitmann, Consulting - As Assisting Judges -, {Page 1a of Original} Karin Kiefer and Dr. Volker Krimmel as lay assessors ; Public Prosecutor Arndt and Senior Public Prosecutor Christ, as officials of the Public Prosecutor’s Office; Attorneys Dr. Herzogenrath-Amelung and Thomas Mende as defense lawyers; Juridical Senior Secretary Scheerer; Juridical Secretary Zimmerer; Juridical Secretary Knittel; Translated by J. M. Damon ……………………………………………………………….. - 2 - Juridical Secretary Huber; and Juridical Secretary Späth as Certifying Officer, on 23 June 1995 has decided and decreed: The accused is sentenced for incitement of the people in conjunction with denigration of the memory of the dead, libel and incitement to racial hatred to: Fourteen (14) months imprisonment. The two seized copies of the "Expert Report on the Formation and Detectability of Cyanide Compounds in the Alleged Gas Chambers of Auschwitz”, Third Enlarged and Corrected Edition, of November 1992, published under the name of Remer, as well as the impounded personal computer including monitor, keyboard, connecting cables, mouse and printer are confiscated.