Hungary at Crossroads: War, Peace, and Occupation Politics (1918-1946)
HUNGARY AT CROSSROADS: WAR, PEACE, AND OCCUPATION POLITICS (1918-1946) The Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences of İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University by IŞIL TİPİOĞLU In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS İHSAN DOĞRAMACI BİLKENT UNIVERSITY ANKARA July 2019 ABSTRACT HUNGARY AT CROSSROADS: WAR, PEACE, AND OCCUPATION POLITICS (1918-1946) Tipioğlu, Işıl M.A., Department of International Relations Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Kırımlı July, 2019 This thesis traces the steps of the Hungarian foreign policy from 1918 to 1946, and analyzes the impact of revisionism after the Treaty of Trianon on Hungarian foreign policy decisions and calculations after the First World War. Placing the Hungarian revisionism at its center, this thesis shows the different situation Hungary had as a South European power as an ally of Germany throughout the Second World War and subsequently under the Soviet occupation. It also argues that it was the interlinked Hungarian foreign policy steps well before 1941, the official Hungarian participation in the war, which made Hungary a belligerent country. Also, based largely on the American archival documents, this study places Hungary into a retrospective framework of the immediate post-war era in Europe, where the strong adherence to Nazi Germany and the Hungarian revisionism shaped the future of the country. Key Words: European Politics, Hungary, Revisionism, the Second World War, Twentieth Century iii ÖZET YOL AYRIMINDA MACARİSTAN: SAVAŞ, BARIŞ VE İŞGAL POLİTİKALARI (1918-1946) Tipioğlu, Işıl Yüksek Lisans, Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Tez Danışmanı: Doç. Dr. Hakan Kırımlı Temmuz, 2019 Bu tez, 1918’den 1946’ya kadar olan Macar dış politikası adımlarını takip ederek Trianon Antlaşması’ndan sonra ortaya çıkan Macar revizyonizminin, Macar dış politika kararlarında ve hesaplamalarındaki etkisini analiz etmektedir.
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