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SEE STORY PA Mostly Cloudy Variable cloudiness this af- THEBAILY FINAL ternoon, high near 70. Clear- llrd liunk. Freehold ing and cooler tonight. Fair 'tomorrow, little temperature Hranr'h EDITION change. 42PAGES Moniiioulli County'H OulNtandintf Home Newspaper VOL, 94 NO. 221 RED BANK, N.J. THURSDAY, MAY 4,1972 TEN CENTS uiiiiniiimHitiimNiHiiiiuiiiuiiiuiiniiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiniiniuniiiii iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniwiHiiniiiBwniiiiiiiimiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiininiiiiiininniiiiii 4 little Silver Stores By DOKIS KULMAN men, on the scene within the other three stores except flames enveloped hisstore. three minutes of the 3;25 for a five-foot section in front For a few minutes, there was LITTLE SILVER - A stub- alarm, 30 minutes to locate "and that's the reason the fire a macabre stacatto of break- born, smoky fire of undeter- the blaze, Chief Apy said. got into Monmouth Meats." ing bottles as the fire and heat mined cause gutted a four- At 4 o'clock flames burst The meat store roof was the devoured his stock. store building at 665-691 through the roof of the Health only one not completely col- Food store and the adjoining No Loss Estimate Branch Ave. early today. lapsed. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Noglows, Some 150 firemen from Ked Bank Pizza, at Bill The alarm was sounded by Branch Ave. Little Silver, also were on the Little Silver, Shrewsbury and two Oceanport patrolmen, on scene. Mr. Noglows, who Red Bank fought the flames Fed by gas- from the Red their way to the neighboring owns Monmouth Meats with for two hours in a chilling Bank Pizza store- violet 7-11 Store for coffee, who his brother, Stephen, of Fair drizzle before the fire was flames, cloaked in billowing smelled smoke. Haven, said he couldn't esti- brought under control at 5:30. white smoke, rolled across the Find Smoke roof and cascaded down the mate the loss. Thick gray smoke still was Little Silver Police Lt. Da- The Noglows have two other curling from the debris after 7 rear of the building. vid Kennedy and Patrolman Flood of Water Monmouth Meats stores, in o'clock. Gregory Strand responded Red Bank and Eatontown. The fire gutted the Little Water poured on the flam- and found smoke pouring ing roof by Red Bank and The Red Bank Pizza store Silver Pizza, National Health from the air vent-at the'rear had been closed for a week. It Foods, Gioia Coiffures, Inc. Shrewsbury firemen manning of the health food store, Pa- aerial ladders and Shrews- was scheduled to reopen and Monmouth Meats stores. trolman Strand said. tonight. bury firemen stationed on the Patrolman Strand said he The five companies at the roof of the BP service station Red Bank's Navesink Hoojc had completed a routine pa- and Ladder Co. sent its aerial scene began packing up hose next door boiled over and trol of the area just five min- shortly before 8 o'clock. flooded the pavement and gu- truck, and the Liberty Fire utes earlier and hadn't seen Co. truck in, answer to Little Through Ceiling ters with ankle-deep pools of or smelled smoke, or seen Little Silver Fire Chief tepid water. Silver Fire Company's first flames then. call for help about 4 o'clock. Douglas Apy said the fire About 5:17, smoke and One of the first on (he scene apparently started in the Na- Shrewsbury Fire Co. sent Its flames burst through the roof was Mario J. Gambetta, own- aerial truck and pumper in re- tional Health Foods store at of the Monmouth Meats store er of the National Health 685. Branch Ave. and ate sponse to the second call for at 665 Branch Ave., last of the Foods store, who lives just help about 20 minutes later. through a common false ceil- four. across the street from it on ing into the other stores. Chief Apy said that the'roof •Branch Ave. Red Bank's Westside Fire The smoke was so dense of'the meat store is com- Mr. Gambetta watched in that it took Little Silver fire- Company responded to anoth- pletely separated from that of grim silence as smoke and er call for help at 5:40.

RejIiUr Stall Pltolot by Dan Lord! RAGING BLAZE — Firemen pour water Into four-store Little Silver complex which was gutted by flames early today. Flames shoot from roof In rear view of building above. Photo below shows front of- .shops with aerial ladder and hoselfne at upper left. (Another photo on page 2.) Fighting Is Off Sharply In Vietnam SAIGON (AP) - Major fighting tapered off sharply today as the' North Vietnam- ese offensive began its sixth week, but U.S. bombers kept up.heavy raids over both North and South Vietnam. Informants said U.S. fight- cr-bomber3 were averaging about 100 strikes a day,inside North Vietnam and about 600 over the South, but there were serious doubts whether the bombing was achieving its ob- jective of stopping the Com- munist drive. "This is the quietest day since the offensive started," said one officer. RiglilK Staff NM Informants said it was pos- PRESIDENTIAL PITCHERS — Four of the six spokesmen for the various Presidential aspirants dis- sible the North Vietnamese cuss procedures before appearing before the Women's Political Caucus last night at the Unitarian were resting regrouping and Church in Llncroft. From the left are Albert White, representing Rep. Shirley Chisholm; Mrs. Jackie xe supplying in preparation Yuhasz, chairman of the caucus; William F. Dowd, representing President Nixon; Walter Gehricke, for new assaults. representing Sen. Edmund S. Muskle, and Long Branch Mayor Henry Cloffi, representing Sen. Hubert "That's the pattern they've H. Humphrey. Also appearing were Malachi Kenny, representing Sen. George McGovern, and William County Mourns Death.followed all along;" said one McAullffe, representing Sen. Henry M. Jackson. source. Field reports said that air strikes were called on a con- voy of vehicles believed to be Of J. Edgar Hoover supply trucks headed toward Lincroft Women Told How the threatened imperial capi- FREEHOLD - Flags on from White Sulphur Springs, deeply saddened by his pas- tal of Hue. Nine of the ve- Monmouth County buildings Va., where he is attending a sing." hicles were reported de- are flying at half staff today governor's conference, that Mr. Keaveney, who retired stroyed. in mourning of the death of J. "America has lost a great in 1965 after 24 years with the Enemy gunners fired seven National Candidates Stand Edgar Hoover, the first and man." FBI, said "it was an honor to 122min rockets at the big U.S. By BEN VAN .VLIET At one point, there were 40 "He did a lot more than I "It is not in the laws," he only director of the Federal "He provided the leadership work for and with .him. He military complex at Phu Bai, Bureau of Investigation. that forged the FBI into an or- will be very difficult to re- people in the audience — in- thought," Mr. Dowd confided said, "and not in the rhetoric, 10 miles southeast of Hue, but LINCROFT - It would ap- cluding four men. but in the example that gov- The flags were ordered low- ganization that represented place." no casualties or damage was before the meeting. ered yesterday by Freeholder fidelity, bravery, and integri- pear that whoever becomes And perhaps that's why the Also appearing were Long ernment sets." Mr. Keaveney said he had reported. this nation's 38th president Director Joseph C. Irwin and ty into the minds of all Ameri- met the director "four or five male panelists all made a de- Branch Mayor Henry Cioffi, Mr. Dowd then cited exam- will remain lowered until af- cans," the governor said. times," and he described him will indeed be a friend of. liberate effort to cite the representing Sen. Hubert H. , pies of how President Nixon ter the funeral-. "I've worked for him for 30 as a perfect gentleman, but a Bus Service womankind. "strong" and "vigorous" Humphrey; Albert White, rep- had set examples. Meanwhile, present and for- years," said Solomon Quinn, hard taskmaster. At least that's the thought' stands their favorite candi- resenting Rep.- Shirley Chi- He said the President has mer FBI agents and law en- special agent at the FBI's "If you did your job," he To Resume that six men representing the dates have taken regarding sholm; Malachi Kenny, repre- appointed 40 women to sub- forcement officials in Mon- Red Bank office. "He has giv- said, "you had nothing to wor- current contenders for the na- women's rights. senting Sen. Georgo cabinet level posts, including mouth County expressed sym- en his life to his job and will ry about. That's the type of tion's highest office tried to One of the panelists — Wil- McGovern, and Walter II. five women generals. pathy at the death of the 77- be hard to replace." guy he was, a wonderful per- Tomorrow leave with the Women's Politi- liam McAuliffc, representing Gehricke, representing Sen. During the Johnson admin- year-old Mr. Hoover. ASBURY PARK - A "seven- cal Caucus last night. Sen. Henry M. Jackson — Edmund S. Muskic. istration, he said, only 27 John L. Keavenoy, retired son to know and to work for." went so far as to criticize the Gov. William T. Cahill, him- special agent in charge of the Red Bank Police Chief day-old strike by mechanics The men, at the invitation A seventh panelist, Daniel women were named to mean- self a former FBI agent, said at the Asbury Park-New York of the women, came to the make up of the panel for not Gaby, who is seeking the ingful federal positions, and Red Bank office, said "I am George Clayton said Mr. Hoo- including a woman. ver's record "speaks for it- Transit Corp. was settled last Unitarian Church in Lincroft Democratic nomination to op- only 18 named during the Ken- •MinNUimilllUlllliyilllllllllllllilllllllllllHdllllllillllllllllllllll llllllllllllilllllHHNil night. to relate what the major par- And, William F. Dowd, the pose Republican Sen. Clifford nedy administration. self." The firm's vice president, lone Republican in the group, He said Mr. Hoover had ac- ty candidates had to offer- P. Case, didn't show up. He said the Republican par- Louis Hollo, said in order to women. came prepared with a party Mayor Cioffi, who had re- ty has a long history of beinu complished much and for that avoid confusion, normal scr-, paper detailing all the things The Inside Story had been forced to take a lot "Mostly crumbs," said one quested to speak last, was in- a defender of women's rights. vice will not.be resumed until woman after the three-hour Pivsidenl Nixon had done fur troduced first. "The first woman elected to of criticism which usually es- tomorrow morning. women. Lakers leave KnlcKs limp Page 34 capes the man who does little. meeting. • "Equality for female citi- Congress was a Republican," Healthful and tasty home recipes ...Page 28 "He has always been my The line curries commuters zens," ho said, "is one of tie ho declared, "the Republicans Campershlp Program seeks hid Pago 20 idol," said Mlddletown Police from Monmouth County to f goals of Hubert Humphrey." hnve always been in the fore- • Cancer detection program for teen-agers Page 30 Newark and New York City. The mayor said one of the front of women's rights." Chief Joseph McCarthy. "I The bus drivers' union, Mr. Clean' Gives Classified 36-39 DAILY REGISTER have never wavered in my reasons Sen. Humphrey lost Mr. Dowd then conic in for Comics 40 Teamsters Local 7111, called tho HlliH election was because some Intensive questioning, PHONE NUMBERS opinion of him despite recent the strike to protest the firing Crossword Puzzle 40 Main Office ...... 741-0010 attempts to discredit him." he took all the blame for dis- and admitted quickly that he Editorials t of two company mechanics. Views on Pollution satisfaction with the Vietnam probably couldn't count any Classified Ads 741-6900 Chief McCarthy said Mr. The company agreed yes- Some of his friends call him "Mr. Clean." Entertainment 4| Legal Adv 741-0010 Hoover was one of those per- War. votes among the audience In Financial 12 terday to rchU'o the inochtm- Dully' Register Staffer Bette Spero in trying to find out' Opposition to Sen. Hum- his quest (•' be a congress- Display Adv 741-0010 sons who spoko his nilnil re- ics with back pay, anil the Here's to Health (3 gardless of till! consequences. why, interviewed a gentleman who WHS aware of the nation's phrey today, he said, seems to man. Circulation Dept 741-3330 strike was Immediately called pollution problems two deendos ago, long before they became Horoscope 40 s Dept 741-0017 "They just don't make men \K based on the belief that the Ho told the women that Movies 41 off, according to a union offi- "popular." former vice president repre- ren's News 741-M10 like him anymore," the chief cial. President Nixon pcRsonally Obituaries .'.4, Accounts Payable 741-0010 She writes about him and his viows in a detailed "Business sents old line politics. .felt that abortion shouldn't be said. The inci'liiinics, who aro not Outdoor World 10 Acctn. Receivable..,...,741-0010 See Funeral, Page 2 Personality" feature that l.s .scheduled for tomorrow's editions. "Hut this man," the mayor made eusy, hut that the ques- Hports. 34,35 .Mlddletown Bureau 171-1250 unionized, had authorized Lo- It will bu but one of the many stories, columns and features snld, "in his public lifo has tion should bu resolved by the Television 41 Freehold Bureau 462-2131 YurdSnlo Today thru Sut, 2.18 cal 701 to bargain with tin: that you will want to read In tomorrow's Dally Register, stood on thu issues. He is the Individual slates. Wmcn'» Newg...... 2B-31 Long Branch Bureau..,nz-0tl0 BuyAye,Jllgjilands....Jndv) company for them. Northern Monmouth County's largest newspaper and Mon- fut her of political change." He said that he nlKO foil that jiirrmiiirnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiriniii The company carries about moutli County's most Interest ing newspaper.' Next up was Mr. Dowd, who abortion laws should not bo Prime Itlb Dinner $3.95 2,000 commuters dully. told Out women that the most liberalized to allow abortion 'tntorntly bathing sultfl,'fl to Pro Tennis Clinic Full course. Tucs., Thura. oiil'si Tavern, Ued Hunk, open Wullcrs Curtains & Draperies critical ureas for women Is on demand. I, nt the Stork Sot, White St., fl WCcks $25. Clay Courts. Mon livening Petorson's Inn, Ilwy Teen Hot Lino, 671-0470. Mon., 'every evening until 1 a.m. 171) Broadway, I«ong Branch." where government cim effect On (ho question of hounlng, "unk. „ (Adv.) and LadloK, 531-0874. (Adv.) 35, Red Bunk. (adv.) l'U, Sat., K-10 p.m. (Adv!) Sun., 1 p,m. In!)p.m. (Adv.) fAdv.'V •If e Candidate*. P»g« 2 Woman's Death Bid to Rescind Its Ban "There was never a rever- KEANSBURG - A resolu- the developer to appeal?" Mr. Ruled Natural, Reaney inquired. ter clause," Councilman" Bel- tion adopted in January void- "It is my opinion the devel- le«a told the couple. "There ing all multiple dwelling per- was a penalty clause. If the mits issued after Dec, 15 oper had 45 days to appeal the permit revocation," Howard developer failed to erect a came under discussion last 1100,000 ratable he would be Husband Freed night at the Borough Council A. Roberts, borough attorney, answered. "I don't know what assessed 1125,000 for the prop- meeting. erty. This has been done." ASBURY PARK - Charges Mr. Burkhardl was accused Mayor Harry Graham start- the dates are but offhandedly of homicide were dropped Tuesday in connection with ed a brief hassle when he in- even if the date was Jan. 19 "There was a reverter yesterday against John Bur- the death of his wife, Mrs. troduced a resolution in which the appeal time period has clause," Mrs. MeDermott in- khardt, 55, of 316 Sixth Ave,, Mary Ann Burkhardl, 49, of Ms requested the date be elapsed." sisted. "But you, Mr, Bel- by Municipal Court Judge Eu- the same address. moved to Jan. 19, the date a "I will then offer a resolu- lezza, and Mr. Marlon (for- gene Capibianco. Pending toxicologies! exam- banning ordinance was tion to have Mr. Roberts re- mer borough clerk Harvey ination, Monmouth County adopted. search the law before we Marion) had the clause X'd out. And you both initialed it. Holmdel Car Medical Examiner Dr. Councilman Raymond A. adopt this resolution and Stanley Becker ruled the Reaney objected. He said a . present us the facts," Mr. Bel- "There la nothing in the Rally Is May 21 death due to pulmonary con- change in the resolution would lezza stated. • original deed that calls for a HOLMDEL - The Board of gestion and edema. be an injustice to community His resolution was adopted penalty clause or in any min- utes or, in the Ampersand Recreation will sponsor its Mr. Burkhardt was arrested fttglitw ItiH Mote residents. and Mayor Graham withdrew fourth annual car rally Sun- *>)" Asbury Park Police at 1:48 "If this resolution Is his original introduction. file," Mrs. McDermott' STORES DESTROYED — Firemen direct water on flames from front of claimed. day, May 21. Participants will. a-">. Tuesday in the Asbury four stores In Little Silver which were gutted In today's early-morning adopted tonight I am going to During the public portion of meet at 12:15 p.m. at the Main Tavern, Main St., after blaze. . . . ask the (county) prosecutor the meeting Laurence and Councilman Reaney had s Holmdel Intermediate School, h' wife was found dead by for an Investigation to deter- Isabelle McDermott of vRarl- charged earlier his colleagues Crawfords Corner Road the couple's landlord, Thomas mine if something illegal is tan Ave. opined that the de- were protecting private inter-' Awards and refreshments Donnelly, at 11:40 p.m. Mon- taking place," tie councilman veloper hid defaulted when ests and Ignoring the general will be presented upon the day in the couple's Pontiac said. he failed to erect a $100,000 ra- public in seeking to adopt the conclusion of rally at the Teen Hotel apartment. Open Classes' Merits "I always wanted the Jan. table on the site alter he pur> resolution which would have Club In the Holmdel Library', Mr. Burkhardt had been ar- IB date," Mayor Graham said. chased it from the borough given Ampersand Corp. the Holmdel Road and Spring Val- rested after neighbors report- "And I wanted the permits approximately five years ago. building green light. ley Drive. ed hearing the couple quarrel- voided back to last Novem- Registration and fee Is ncc- ing a short time before Mrs. ber," Mr. Reaney answered. ' essary by May 19. Burkhardt was found dead. Discussed in K umson "For the sake of the people By DORIS KULMAN master and where three of the "A child can learn multipli- six classrooms for five, six involved in this wbo have put Keansburg May cation tables like this," Mr. and seven-year-olds were con- a lot of money and time into RUMSON - Children Yeomans said, snapping his the highway site I think a taught in an open classroom verted to open classrooms fingers, "when he knows what four years ago. court would rule in favor of Candidates Are master academic skills equal- multiplication is and sees the the property owner and put us OwnParcelAgain ly as well as children taught The name describes the need to use it In order to do a in costly litigation," Coun- in traditional schools and sur- classroom — a large room of job right. cilman Leonard s. Bellezza KEANSBURCi - A 4'4-acre engineer Robert T. Grcenoerg pass them in problem solving, flexible space. There are "We don't get away from said, site adjacent to the urban re- are conducting a study of the GirPs Best Friend imaginative thinking, a sense "corners" for various activi- newal project off Beachway Is (Continued^ told your men you won't send classical education. We sim- Acting building inspector water system. of competence in all the com- ties, each set up with the nec- ply put it in context." owned by the borough again. "We may have to revamp Mr. Dowd said he felt the first your children to war." essary equipment and space. William Carey In a letter told municative media, and the When the classroom treats council he feels the date At least borough officials our water delivery system be- priority should be in rebuild- Mr. Gchricke, who said he '•ability to handle inter-person- There's space for children to think so. represented the "poverty can- children in their "wholeness" should be advanced to Jan. 19 cause it's 50 years old," the ing the cities rather than al relationships. work together in groups; ac- In response to a question creating ghettoes in the sub- didate," attacked the Nixon and not as intellect isolated, to allow the Ampersand Corp. manager said, "It might be knowledging that children, when it encourages indepen- from the audience during last urbs. administration and urged sup- That's what a 1967 detailed too, sometimes need privacy, of Middletown to erect a SO- an expensive proposition. We port for Sen. Muskie as a man study of. the open classroom dent thinking "we find a dif- unit garden apartment com- night's borough council meet- don't know right now." In response to a question there's space for a child to go ing Councilman Raymond A.. from the audience, Mr. Dowd of moderation and considered and integrated day has shown off alone with a book. ferent kind of student." Mr, plex off Rt. 36 on a former He said that the borough judgment. in England, where the concept Yeomans said. "We find them borough sanitary landfill site. Reaney said he has been in- may have to install a stand- Said President Nixon had The open classroonrdoesn't formed by a field representa- tried to name a woman to the "Vietnamization," he said, is 15 years in practice and em being very Imaginative. We "Didn't the time run out for pipe as well as replace anti- braces almost one-half of all have anv bells t0 te" a cnlld. find them willing to take tive of the federal Depart- quated lines. Supreme Court, but that his '.'has proven to be a flop, and he nas t0 ut asWe tne maln nomination was rejected by the Nixon administration is the primary schools, Edward- P great responsibility..." ment of Housing and Urban "If we have an antiquated Yeomans, of the National As- problem he's on the verge of The Shady Hill experience Development that because the system why are we thinking the American Bar Associ- "morally bankrupt." solving because it's time for Marlboro ation. sociation'of Independent shows that an open classroom original developer of the site of putting more houses on the Although Sen. Muskie has spelling. Except for assembly failed to develop the site com- withdrawn from Ihe various Schools, Boston, said here last works well with more stu- lines?" Edward Stark, a resi- He said there arc relatively and lunch, there's little arbi- mercially the reverter is in ef- few women lawyers, and thus primary campaigns, Mr. Geh- night. dents than usually considered PatientDeath dent asked. "Even it we get ?1 Mr. Yeomans spoke at the trary scheduling. desirable, Mr. Yeomans said. fect. million in matching funds the very few women who have ricke said the Maine Demo- Tie open classroom doesn't reached the level of ex- crat is still a viable candidate -Rumson Country Day School, The classes there started Held Suicide "But," Mr. Reaney added, borough will have to come up which will open a new open have the traditional strictures with a maximum of 21 stu- "if the borough wishes to sell with an additional Jl million. perience where they could be for the nomination. against children working and. TRENTON (AP) - An Es- considered for such an ap- area classroom wing for sec- dents "and after the first or lease the land it will have "I don't know If this is the "I feel," he said, "that Sen. talking together. sex County welfare case to get a determination from pointment. Muskie is the best possible ond and third graders this year, the teacher asked to cost," he continued. "But fall. Faculty members of sev- "Professional work is done worker who was a patient at the courts." Albert White of Freehold, man for the natjon and this have 24 to 28," he said, "be- what I am saying is that we eral county schools were in in groups, by consultation, Marlboro State Hospital com" The borough Is also seeking called for more involvement particular time." cause they found there were milted suicide yesterday, the should be looking to cut down the audience, along with par- communication, charts and opportunities to do so many HUD grants for the upgrading on expenses, not add to by women to get what they Mr. Kenny portrayed Sen. ents of Rumson Country Day graphs . .. why not start Department of Institutions went. .•• McGovern and Sen. Hum- more things, to form so many of the internal water system; them." School students. when the child is normally and Agencies here reported. grants and loans for up- Mr. White, a black, warned phrey as the only two real different kinds of groups, if After much discussion coun- communicative and encour- It was the fifth suicide at a grading housing, and aid' for that the people in power were contenders for the Democrat- Research Into the ways chil- there were more children." state Institution since March cil authorized its attorney, dren learn teaches us that age him to learn different The English system sets a reconstruction of certain telling women lies, ic Presidential nomination. ways to convey thought," Mr. 16. Howard A. Roberts, to re- touching, sensing, feeling and maximum class size of 30, he, borough streets. ""They are telling you the And, he told the women, Yeomans said. The patient was identified search the ownership of an doing are as important''— if said. "We took a tour of the same things they told Sen. McGovern represents by officials of the department unnamed street at the foot of not more important — as the Because the system doesn't Each Shady Hill open class- borough tpday with a HUD us... if they have done it to. women's only chance to see as William Steward Jr., 37, St. John's Place. cognitive mode (the in- require grouping by age, each room has a teacher and a stu- us, they will do it to you," he "large-scale modification of Shady Hill open classroom who lived Area residents have asked said. tellectual process), Mr. Yeo- dent teacher to assist. the present system." mans said, "yet in schools we •has five, six and seven-year- r Mr. White criticized the "What the country needs," The open classroom isn't for Township. the borough," Coun- John's Place as a thorough- increasingly act as if the cog- olds, but there are age-related cilman Leonard S. Bellezza women for not getting in- Mr. Kenny said, "is a bit of everyone, Mr. Yeomans cau- An autopsy was performed fare in an effort to bypass a nitive is the dominant mode tusks. said. "I hate to use the word volved at the outset of the fairness, and a bit of sanity." tioned. He said it.requires by Dr. Stanley Becker of the Rt. 36 traffic signal. They and we relegate the others to !i depressed but that's, what Viettiam War. Sen. McGovern, he said, children with a great deal of Monmouth County Medical have requested the street be the art and music teachers." Children still must learn to some areas are." "You didn't move then, represents the new politics independence and security" Center, who said Stewart suf- blocked where it terminates The typical traditional read, write and spell, and He explained that some ladies, you didn't move. It's and is the only candidate who and teachers "who feel com- fered fractures of the skull, near the borough landfill site. classroom, with the students there's that kind of teaching. areas could be eligible for out- about time you woke up and can "give us a government we fortable with it. ribs, sternum and vertebrae. It could not be determined sitting In neat rows, the teach- The open classroom changes right grants and others for can believe in for a change." "Responsible schools offer He ruled the death a suicide. whether the unnamed street is er at the front of the room "a structure, it doesn't eliminate alternatives," he said. low interest loans, Mr. McAullffc, who noted The death was revealed ear- a dedicated roadway. lesson plan firmly in her head it, Mr. Yeomans pointed out. In response to a member of "While homes are being that both Sen. Muskie and lier yesterday by department The borough will meet in Funeral Is for all 25 children and her, The open classroom teacher the audience about a school rehabilitated HUD will pick Sen. Jackson have withdrawn public information officer Al- special session Monday night marking book in her drawer"; uses the same techniques as system which had begun open up 5 per cent of the cost of from the primary contests be- bert Fulling, who said it was to adopt a resolution author- is a static place "without life her colleagues to teach read- classrooms in the fifth grade relocating families," the Set Today cause of a lack of money, was ing, but she works with a1 reported to him by Dr. Mi- izing payment of 1971 bills D or lift," Mr. Yeomans said. "and the children aren't moti- councilman continued. critical of the need to spend chael Simon, medical director submitted after Jan. l.. It also is a place where child alone or in a small group vated and the parents think it "We are not committed to For Hoover large sums of money on pri- instead of conspicuous read- of the hospital. A state statute forbids mu- mary campaigns. youthful curiosity is stifled, needs more structure," Mr. anything just asking for a nicipalities from paying bills (Continued) where the child who started ing groups. Yeomans replied: Dr. Simon said Stewart had study," Councilman Bellezza If something isn't done, he been awakened shortly before submitted tor payment with- the nation he served for 48 school eagerly plying the "I don't care what you call "It's very hard to start open added. said, the Presidential nomi- them — bluebirds, robins — 6 a.m. with the other patients out permission of the state years pays last respects today teacher with questions each classroom in the fifth grade. James T. O'Neill, borough nation will definitely be a rich those reading groups always in the cottage where he lived. Municipal Finance Commis-^' to Mr. Hoover, who built the year becomes more the stu- It's frightening to see how de- manager, said he and borough sion. man's preserve. dent who grudgingly gives re- say to the slow reader 'every He was found shortly there- FBI into a world-renowned Mr. AMcAuliffe said that pendent children can become law-enforcement agency. sponses to the questions the day at 9 o'clock, I'll be ex- by the age of 10, if they know after outside the cottage be- the women's rights movement teacher asks, where children posed as a slow reader,' and' neath an open second story President Nixon planned to has caused a major conflict in nothing but authoritative deliver the eulogy at a funer- grow increasingly dependent that's rat far from saying uWlih»d daily, Monday through rrlday. Moll lubicrlptlom pal court that his son, JumoB, represented Mr. Stafford in Allanhurit • Allanlown • Oradlay Baacrt • Katontawn \Farnv was not the operator o,f a car the throe-day trial. Assistant FBI helm and his prosent Job Ingdal. • ft. Monmouth • FrMhold (3) • Pr««hohJ Townahip 131 1W«» IMonlb IMonlhi • Monlhi I Vtor as head of the department's Howtll • Loni Branch (3) • Manalapan • Marlboro • Palawan J\PO\/ICE IS Feb. 5,1971 In connoctlon with County Prosecutor John Hie- rsw • ».« • M.JO ^ W,H t 111,00 moo civil-rights division at the low- Mountalmlda • - Ntpturw City • Ocaan Townthip • Runuon *-"" *•**•• »*» Homt Oallvary by Carrltr • M C«nti o WMk a motor vehicle charge. ciardt presented the state's Baa Brl|ht • Bhrawibury • Spring Laka Haighta • Waitflaid llngli copy ol counlir, 10 Canti. It also was charged that ho case er salary of the latter, $38,001), . 0»OUT IN«U«ANC '4 Aft Difly ACfbter, Bed BU& - MKWtetown, N J. TJmradty, Mty 4,1*71 Kolb, Five Other Wills Probated erland; clothing and p Mrs. C«rt M. Day of Mjd- her will of July IUW7. FREEHOLD-Peter l&lb MM. UHe M»»re of West effects to ber jlster.Mary I. Obituaries Sister Wilfred of Freehold Township whe dletown, who died March 22, Simmon*; various jewelry to left her estate to her daugh- Long Branch, who died April died March 10. left 1*5,000 to 14, left her estate to herher grandchildren, Ann Row- r James L. Mamilx • the First Baptist.Church of ter, Frances D. Hallas, in her land, Thomas S. Rowland, greehold in his will which was will of April 23,1968. daughter, Ruth M. Lewis, in ! FREEHOLD — James L. member of the International Succumbs at 80 Eric Rowland and Holly Row- was approved as a four-year probated by county Surrogate her will of Dec. 8,1969. fJMannix, 75, of SO Spring St. Tile Layers Union of New CHERRY HILL - Sister land, and'various furniture Mary Wilfred, 80, died yes- academic high school in 1927, S.'Thomas Gagliano. Edith T. Holmes of Manala- Mrs. Ltda I. Sutherland of idled yesterday at home after York. He was the owner of the Rumson, who died Feb. 17,and furnishings, stock and the terday morning on her way to and in 1931, she applied for, Mr. Kolb left the balance of pan, who died April 11. di- I a long illness. Monix Tile Co. here. left her real estate at 5 Oak balance of her estate to her teach a Latin class at Camden and received, accreditation of his estate to his daughter, vided her estate equally ?, He was bom in New York Surviving is his widow, Mrs. Lane, Rumson, furniture and son, Harry S. Rowland Jr. Catholic High School the Middle Atlantic States Ac- Elizabeth K. Rumsey, in his among her nephew, Walter H. I Qty and had resided here 22 Elsie C. Mannix, and a sister, furnishings, car and $2,000 to Her will, as amended, was She would have observed crediting Association. will of March 26,1970. Toole, and nieces, Nancy • years. Ha was a communicant Miss Frances Mannix of New her husband, Georgs E. Suth- dated April 15,1989. her 60th anniversary as a nun Sister Wilfred was brought Mrs. May Ahrens of Little Stroble and Gloria Hames, in 5 of St. Hose of Mma Catholic York. next year. here from Phflllpsburg by tho Silver,- who died April 5, di- ! church. Arrangements are under di- She was Red Bank Catholic late Msgr. John B, vided her stock in tho Florida Mr. Mannix was a naval rection' of the Freeman Fu- High School's first principal, Mcdoskey. Besides being Telephone Corp. between veteran of World War I. Aneral Home. arriving in Red Bank when HBCH principal and superior Alice W. Cooper and Marie W. the school opened in 1926. Pri- of St. James Convent, sho in- Hacker; left. 11,000 to Carole RADIO SHACK WEATHEI or to that, St. James High augurated and actively di- Rosecrans, and tho balance of Our "Talking Barometer" School was a two-year high rected a series of Broadway ber estate to her son, William school that offered classes in operettas in which the student C. Asmau, In ber will of Aug. Radio Shack hvemidtlu 3" FLAG POLES commercial subjects. body served as the cast 6, 1969. square cubs radiotha t tunaa Under her guidance, RBCH Sister Wilfred left Red Bank phlLY24.hourU.8.Gov't VHF woalhorcastsl PRESET HOMEOWNERS in 1933 and became directress Parley Planned for Instant, automatic Ken- I' Charles MacLaughlin of Mount St. Mary's Academy Ing. Just touch UIB play Bar SPECIAL ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS in North Piainfield. That Is On Recreation teraia.battwypoiwed, sim- HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM 1 Piece — Charles K. "Nod" MacL- where her funeral, arrange- FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - ulated rwewood. Greet fllttl aughlin, 62, borough harbor ments for which are in- The township recreation pro- master, died Tuesday in Biv- complete, is scheduled. gram will be the subject of an 22' HIGH ervicw Hospital, Red Bank.,. She left "The Mount" be- independent Civic Association 3" TAPERS TO 2" Mr. MacLaughlin, who lived cause of a desire to return to of Freehold Township meet- BALL at 81 Seventh Avc, was born teaching, and she steadfastly ing tonight at 8 p.m. in the i ALLIED RADIO SHACK) PULLEY in Roselle. He had lived hero resisted a retirement role. She West Freehold SchooL HALYARD 50 years. has been a member of the Michael Tighe, chairman of He was an exempt member classical language depart- the Recreation Commission, SNAPS ; of the Atlantic Highlands ment at Camden Catholic 18 will discuss the year-round I CHAPEL HILL SHOPPING CENTEI ALUMINUM SLEEVE Hook and Ladder Co. a mem- years. That is the high school recreation programs and HIGHWAY 35 741-6382 MIDDLETOWN PRE-CAST IN CONCRETE ber of .the Atlantic Highland*? from which she was gradu- plans to develop more than ated. 250 acres of parks. Plus Tax Lions-Club and tho Yacht Delivered Club, a life member and past Born and raised in Haddon *85°° president of the Monmoutb Heights, Sister Wilfred was County Bowling Association the only daughter of the late and a member of the Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Whelan. 4'x6'U.S.FlAG SPECIAL mouth Lodge, F&AM. Her four brothers, including WITH POLE ABOVE '9.50 Surviving are his widow, Wilfred woo was a Ben- SPRING 'Mrs. Anne MacLaughlin; two edictine Order priest, pre- sons, Charles E. MacLaughlin deceased her. Several nieces Jr. and W. Paul MacLaughlin, and nephews survive. both here; a brother, William SAVINGS; JOHN VAN KIRK & SON MacLaughlin'of Point Pleas* Emily Widerstrom., ant Beach, and a sister, Mrs. 85 COOPER RD. RED BANK Helen Chapman of Deerfleld SEA BRIGHT - Mrs. 741-0319 Beach, Fla. Emily A. Widerstrom, 87, of SALE ; 34 Beach St died Tuesday in The Posten Funeral Home the Eatontown Convalescent is in charge of arrangements. Center, Eatontown. She-was a member of tho John P. Olmstead , First United Methodist MATAWAN - John P. Church and the Daughters of Olmstead, 67, of 348 Main St., liberty, here. Sho also be- died Tuesday in Monmoutli longed to Eatontown Council Medical Center, Long Branch. 266, Order of Eastern Star. He was oorn in Mannington, Mrs. Widerstrom was born W. Va., and lived here 21' here. She was the widow of : years. He was the son of tlia Ernest Widerstrom, who died : late Charles D. and Carria in 1956. ] Mtmger Olmstead. Surviving are a son, Frank Mr. Olmstead was a retired E. Widerstrom Wilson of i chemical engineer. Bumson; three daughters, Ho is survived by Ms wid- Mrs. C. John Eanehl of Rum- ow,. Mrs. Marie Anderson son, Mrs. Thomas Hardy of Olmstead; a son, Roger P. Teaneck, and Mrs. Carl M. Olmstead of Rcseville, Mich.; Hendryx of Great Falls, two daughters, Mrs. Edith J. Mont., 11 grandchildren, 20 Mustillij, here, and Mrs. Ka- great-grandchildren, and five i ren M. Fanpel of Jamesburg; great-great-grandchildren. two sisters, Mrs. Mildred The Damiano Funeral ROOM Y, GALVANIZED GRANTS TOUGH Bines of, Albany, N. Y., and Home, Long Branch, is in Certainly Noti The County .Mi's. Raymond Smith of War- charge of arrangements. ALL STEEL STORAGE HOUSE FUSTIC HOSE 'ren, Pa.; a brother, Fayette SO'xWdla Olmstead of Tionesta, Pa., SOB 97"W * 47"U x£9"H Seat is in Freehold. and eight grandchildren. Chief Geiger SALE . The Bedle Funeral Home is long-lasting 'Perma-Plate' finish resists SALE In charge of arrangement. weathor and lust Embossed wall panels. Spikes Drug Weathertight. Double sliding, padlockahlo MINER SUPPLY CO Death Notices doors. White, green trim. Easy-assembly. SISTER MARY WILFRED — (Helen Whelan) ot Cumden, NJ. on Mqy 3, 1772. Ring Rumor Formerly member of faculty of Bed Bank UIOII SUZi (*7*W x !M»O x *'4"H)..*h*lM KG. 4117 SBSWIPriSBlrfflBaiSJftffi ' - Police Chief Isdutii of the Kriimmy Krupp Mary's Mother House, North Piainfield. Gieger yesterday dis- ebruteNiAtesoftl»Rretlwlllbd Soturdoy, 11 a.m., at the Inunocul - counted reports that a drug LQn Wgndeiftil West Front. J late Conception chapel or the Mother House. Interment Holy Redeemer's Ceme- ring has been operating freely tery. in the borough high school, INVADER 20'3V2H.P. ' "You know how rumors Nylon hosc'r oil* easily are," he said. "They start low even in coldest weather. and before you know it they ROTARY MOWER Plaxtir is Hf^twcighl but are out of hand, x still very nipped. Both fit complete with grass bag standard outlets, havo i JEWELER "What happened is this," he brass couplings. contmned. "Last week we re- «\SSEEfONT.V." ceived word that pills were xbeing passed ont in the upper grades. • '1 assigned Frank (Deteo. live Sgt. Frank Crisdllo) to lbe investigation and he had it WITH GIANTS amir BirthstoneJewehy cleaned np by Friday" the cMefsaid. "Yes, there were pills going 78 GMHTSQUAUTY tbrMothers aronnd — amphetamines, to (AND GRANDMOTHERS ALSO) bo exact. But it isn't a drug GRASS SEED ring. One boy got'Ms hands on Easy-to-handle vertical- these pills and the others ex- i%Set with her childrens birthsfones puHrecoaEtarter.Throttle perimented with them. control on folding chrome A beautiful way to honor her on "There were 17 students Mother'sDay. Each birthslono from Keyport and Union handle. Wash-out port to representsthebirth monthof a child. Beach involved," Chief Gei- clean blade area. Quick 'All can be adopted to thenumber ger related. "I had them and wheel height adjustment. of children inlhefamily. their parents in here yes- Even add more later! terday. We didn't arrest them. Each pin can bemadewhileyou We just talked it over with their parents. wait. Eachring is custom craftedand vVf.x8 H.P. 26" COT POWERFUL " "I hope I did the right thing e takes 8 days for delivery. by bringing the parents in," %$5\ BRADIORD *WIUiCAT' Remember Molheron her day. ..May 14fh. he added. "These kids didn't have any record of drug of- fenses. hei hts dju81 lma1 }M w w/8 RYE "Now that their parents are <£A ' —-» Foo*t operated • dutch,' brake", Float-" aware of this maybe we have accomplished something. I ing deck foUowa contour GRASSMIXTURE don't know. Maybe wo should . Pneumatic front have a drug abuse forum or and rear tires. committee. 4lb.bag "Anyway tho rumor mill had us locking up 125 kids and that a 16-ycar-old was the pusher. That's how theso SALE things get out of hand. •FamHyTreeof FamilyCirde Birthstonestorepra- "Yes, there were pills being UfeRn." Dura- Ring wilh child- Rn, with up to sent children's birth taken but 1 think we have cur- ble yellow gold ren's birlhstoncs. 11 stones. In 12 months. Add more bed that. I hope so," the chief In 14K whitoor tilled on streling Carat gold-filled laterif desired. concluded. diver with up to yd low gold. Complete with 11 stones. $30 diamond in 14K Parade Committee $1495 whitoor yellow gold. To Meet Tomorrow iNjorwrmuviho Price* quoted on ring* art for ent blrUuton* only. $55 KEANSBUKG - The Veter- WITHOHANT»CJIIDIT Additional blrUtitono. add W.0O fur Mow. ans of Foreign Wars Post, In coorperation with Borough.'- Op»n«Uttman«nexI-ChargeAccounl/W«accepJ most major credit cards Council, will sponsor its an- nual Memorial Day parade MwulapmMtH Monday, May 29. Open Monday thru Rt.« Freehold A meeting for organizations FiidayTliI 9:30 p.m. Mon-Sat. wishing to participate will bo SalurtayiO-6 9;30tofl;00 tomorrow at 8 p.m. In tho post MIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER auditorium, Itamiey Avc. and Frances Place. • The Dally RttUter, Red Bank - MKMletowa, N.J. Ttamtay, K*y 4, tWI M&tawan Twp. Planners Set 11-Lot Project Hearin MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - presented belore the zoners. uiiiu-inl major subdivision off After a protest by Coun- sary only because the garage on 4 acres with 34!) parking The township lost a possible They also alleged the zoners Line Road near Ivyhill Drive. cilman Hans II, Kroehlich, will be in,a commercial zone. spaces. The board also ap- ratable last year when a pro- and council arbitrarily ex- Howard Sicgcl is a principal Theodore Kndresen, board Also approved was a site proved revised plans for a posal for a medical-cTcnta! cluded pertinent evidence — in the development firm. chairman, acknowledged he plan submitted by Cim-Kran swimming pool to be built on Developers, Halu (.'ynvvyd, Ihe site. professional center at S. At- their objections — from con- Another application by the had acted "overzcaluusly" In 1 lantic Avenue and Church sideration. same applicant for a four-lot permitting objectors to the Pa,, for a three-store aridilion Two zoning ordinance Street was withdrawn. The matter was never ad- subdivision on Kern Place in project to express themselves to Slralhinore Shopping Cen- amendments were recom- ter, Rt. 34. The ^200,011(1 addi- mended foi"adoption by Town- LAWN-SEED Instead, It may gain 11 judicated because.the appli- the Stratmore area was clas- at length before the board single family dwellings and cation for the variance was sified a major subdivision. members had studied the site tion will cover 14,301) square ship Council, The planners ap their concomitant school chil- Withdrawn tjy Medistate. The development is planned plan. feet. pi'oved an amendment winch dren on the same site. "Now," said Mayor Thomas on 21/; acres annexed from Mr, Kroehlich, a board Robert I). Cronheim of makes them responsible for determining /.oning in tracts Last night the Planning J. Powers, a Planning Board Matawan Borough. Public member, stated "we had a Chatham received site phin member, "Instead of a mil- hearing will be June 7. good example of a free-for-all approval for a 174-unit garden annexed by the township. Also Board accepted and classed a approved was provision for a major subdivision an appli- lion-dollar professional build- which is unfair to (he public, apartment complex on Mata- ing they'll have a S500.000 ra- A site plan for a $2 million the applicant ami the board." wan Avc. in CliffwooU. The !)l)l)-s(|uare-f()ol minimum floor cation by Universal Care Inc. area for single family dwell- FERTILIZER tahle and a lot of kids to edu- shopping center at Lloyd He added that he had doubts complex will cost $1,4 million, o( Union City for 11 lots on ings. four acres in the TM5II zone at cate." Road and Rt. 34 offered by "as to the legality of the covering ir>!),000 sqij^e feel Church Street and S. Atlantic Public hearing of the Uni- Westw.ood Oaks Inc. of Union procedure." (Quality Products) Ave, versal Care Inc. application was referred to the site plan "I want to apologize pub- NICE ORIGINAL VICTORIAN HOMESTEAD In December of 1D70 town- was set for Wednesday, June committee for review and rec- licly to the developer," Mr. PUBLIC AUCTION ship Council, acting on recom- 7. ommendations. Approval will Endresen declared. "Mr. • scons mendation of.the Zoning Also accepted and classified be considered June 7. Kroehlich is absolutely right. 1 Mrs. Anna Hardy ft Others Board of Adjustment, granted a major subdivision last night The shopping center, called acted overzealously. The mat- 30 OLD POST RD., EDISON, N.J. (olf U.S. 1) ter is closed for the evening." SAT., MAY 6 - 8 A.M. » Data Monday Bth) a use variance permitting a was an application by Arlene Colonial Plaza, would contain Lousl/ 1800 "Edgertori" tripod, dainty 6 leg dining & early drop leal tables, • GREENFIELD medical-dental professional Homes Inc. of Montvale. The a W, T. Grant department Kdward Wilson of Central nice 1800 maple high, low post, & carved Viet, beds, bureaus, wash stand1;, complex on the site to Medis- developer plans 11 homes on store, a food supermarket, a Park Apartments, Cliffwood solas, chairs, carved china, cabinet, lull house Empire & Victorian marble tatelnc, also of Union, City. eight acres on Van Brackle drug store and some 10 other Avenue and Rt. 35, received lurnlshinns, mantel clocks, andirons, trunks, lull linens, patch quills, old • AGRICO ." A group of enraged citizens retail outlets. It would have site plan approval for a clothes, Rc.l Early paintings U.S. "Racing Yacht", primitive lady, old pnnls, Road adjoining the 3 Section cranberry hall lamp, nice cut & pressed glass, Paris Vases, Staffordshire, who alleged the complex of Strathmore. Public hearing 169,269 square feet of building single-car garage he plans to Canton, Bayreuth, Etc., 10 Oriental rugs, 60 N.J. coin spoons, Viet, plate, would depress the value of will be June 7. space and 850 parking spaces,, add to a garden apartment Cathedral wood & 2 coal stoves, 10Q's Interesting Bibelot! • AGWAY their nearby homes filed suit Final approval subject to A wooded buffer zone 20 to 30 unit. The approval was neces- LESTER & ROBERT SLATOFF in Superior Court to have the posting of proper bonds and feet wide would enclose the AUCTIONIfRt (809) 303-4S4B, Tnnlon, N.J. variance set aside as illegal, the deed for a five-foot widen- complex on three sides, with a • HOLLYTONE in that it was based on arbi- ing of Line Road was granted 'six-foot wood stockade fence trary and unreasonable find- ,A. O. Blackacre Inc., 202 Ra- on the two sides a billing the ings in light of the evidence vine Drive, Matawan, for a adjacent residential zone. • BOVUNG • ORTHO (Chemicals) Marlboro Board OKs • JVHLORGANITE

BRIDE & GROOM DIAMOND TRIO. $150 • PEAT MOSS (Premier) Lower 1st Grade Age REEDS 37th ANNUAL MARLBORO - The Board' Lunde, Douglas McClung, policy adopted. of Education last night by a 6- Robert Kramer and Dr. —This whole thing is being I • PINE BARK (Nuggets) 3 vote, approved a policy to, Charles O. Webber, president, done now for a group in the [ DIAMOND allow children who will be six Dissenting were Frank Cul- .community who cannot see) • REDBARK years old between Oct. 31 and ldns Jr., Robert Granger and past their own child's bed- SALE DecD . 31 of thithis year to entet r Mrs. Marie Muhlcr. room, He said. . first grade the following Sep- The board April 19 received Mr. Granger said he was op- j Save 20% • LIME tember if their parents specif- two petitions opposed to low- posed because if a parent of 30 DAY ically request it. ering the kindergarten an eligible child requests that MONEY This policy is in line with age—one signed by 37 teach- he be placed in first grade, no | BACK • SPREADERS & TOOLS another policy adopted April 5 ers, and one signed by 117 testing will be given td deter- GUARANTEE lowering by two months the residents. The board has also mine if the child is ready for j minimum age of children en- been subject to pressure from the first grade. • BUCKWHEAT HULLS tering kindergarten. other residents who wanted The policy adopted last the entrance age lowered. Kindergarten Signup month provides that to be en- Although he voted for the Set in Englishtown • TOP SOIL (50#) rolled in September, a child policy last night, Mr. Kramer Oval EN.GLISHTOWN - Kind- Emerald must be five years old by Dec. said he believed the move Cut Shape 31 of,the previous year. Pre- should have been made two egarten registration for Diamond Diamond viously, the cutoff date was years ago. youngsters who will .enter Ma- Solitaire Solitaire nalapan-Englishtown regional $395 Oct. 31 ol the previous year. He said the "community $295' •Diamond Voting for the policy last has. pressured the board, the Wedding HANCE& DAVIS night were Paul Alterman, teachers, and the adminis- REEDS JEWELERS Ring James F. Hourihan, Norman tration" in order to have the $70 Pine Street School. 4 WAYS.TOBUY FINE DIAMQNDSS1KCE1935 SEE OUR URGE 26 SHREWSBURY AVE. Parents are asked to bring • REIDS 12 MOUTH 608 Cookmtm Ave., Asbury Pork SUHTltm FROM the child's birth certificate BUDGET ACCOUNT 60 Bread Street, Red Bank $50 TO $3000 747-O1O3 RED BANK • CASH •LAY-MAY WIRE STOCK HOW and immunization records. To CREDIT CARDS OpenWed.&Fri.'til9 n s»u PRICES Gqrr9Ill,Quitting be eligible, a child must be Staun tjirftr la Skmt Drtnil OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY f Watchdog9 Role age five on or before Nov. 15. ' 23 LONG BRANCH - Milton on to other hands.' Garr, 298 Poole Ave., the "I have had it," Mr. Girr • city's self-styled "watchdog," said. "My doctor told mi I last night said from his hospi- can choose between a lonf sr tal bed in Monmoblh Medical life and the aggravation bf Center that he will pass his watching out for the tax- scrutiny of officialdom here payers." The frequent city critic said Man Charged he has high blood pressure and a heart condition.. In Beer Theft "Who wouldn't?" he said. MIDDLETOWN - Anthony "They get me excited every Palandrano, 55, of 359 Church time I go to a council meeting St., Belford, was arrested yes- and they refuse to answer my terday and charged with theft questions." of beer from Middlctown Mr. Garr added that he Bowling Lanes, Rt. 35. hopes someone else will be- The arrest was made at the come "a watchdog" here in Rumson Country Club. Detec- his place. "It's not easy," he tive Richard Deickman, ar- said "to find someone with Natebons. resting officer, was assisted enough nerve to ask ques- by Rumson police. tions." The suspect was released in A medical patient in the lo- $100 bail and is scheduled to cal hospital, he said he ex- appear in Municipal Court pects to be confined there May 11. about 10 days. J ABtttduyd FRIDAY ONIY NEW ZEALAND FROZEN LEG of PLAY IN THE HATH AWAY Tour Nalelsons sportswear selections; corns up with a winning color or two In this greatest of all knit golf shirts. LAMB It's mercerized cotton lisle—cool and absorbent, completely washable, drip dry. Tailored collar opens deeply lo four-button placket. We believe in It 9 colors worth; most In sizes S, M, L, XL, 15.00. C Straight leg goll slack, In traditional hopsack texture, with color co-ordinated tricolor elastic Ib. web belt, is pre-cullsd, ready to play, 15.00. London Fog goll Jacket, in denim blue, denim red, navy or natural, regular and long sizes, 19,95. Quantity6 rights9 im Not rospons/Wn tor typographic*! *npn. Natebom. WE ALWAYS LOWER Htd Bank, N.J./Broad and Front Slroolr./Opon Wodnor.dny nnd Friday ovonlnrjs. Naw Brunswick, N.J./33B Goorgo StroRt/Open Thursday Bvonings. THE PRICE, BUT Elizabeth, N.J./91 Broad Slrool/Opnn Monr|ny and Thursday ovnninris. MfVEfl THE QUALITY. Whit* Plains, N.Y./279 Main Strool/Opon Thursday evenings. Stamford. Conn./Broad and Summer SIroets/Opon Monday and Thursday evenings, ffOtmS 35s 36 k'L Fplrfltld, Conn./1583 Post Road/Opon Friday evenings. Our Intelligence Gadget By JACK ANDERSON Another laser device simply heated spot Established in 1875-Published by The Red tank Register focuses on a window pane of a Ingenious V. S. Infrared ex- American intelligence room in which people are talk- perts have fashioned giant i ARTHUR Z. KAMIN agencies are perfecting bi- WASHINGTON ing. Their conversatlot searchlights which illuminate President and Editor zarre surveillance devices SCENE causes minute vibrations of whole areas for those with which make James Bond's the pane. The pane acts as a special viewers. The Thomas j. BIy, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor gadgets look Victorian. iiuiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiMuuKumiiuu mirror, bouncing back the la- "spotlights" ca_n_be mounted Some of the equipment is al- sill, say, of a foreign embassy ser beam with an "image" of on helicopters to revtal troops ready In use by government or military conference room. the vibrations. These are in pitch darkness. Or they can Thursday, May 4,1»72 agencies engaged in snooping. A pigeon, with an adhesive-en- ••translated" into voices by a be set atop buildings to ex- IWHIUttinilHIIflllltHIIIIIIIIIIIMIllllll Illllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII The devices depend on la- cased "bug" stuck to his laser receiving set. pose the movements of rioters sers, infrared rays and micro- chest, flies to the sill. He is Still another eavesdropper in the dark. waves to eavesdrop, pierce trained to snatch off the adhe- floods* a room with micro- The Infrared devices, how- 'No Punishment in Soviet Union. the darkness and peek sive-coated microphone-trans- waves and then "reads" the ever, also "illuminate" the waves and Infrared beams through keyholes. mitter, which then drops to changes in the microwave dangers of this new family of can cause cataracts and other Have a Mental Breakdown!' The ancient art of training the sill. configuration caused by snoopers. Tests on infrared long-range injuries to people pigeons, for example, has Use of Pigeons voices in the room. The Rus- cameras showed that a they strike. been combined with'modern The "bug" records all con- sians used a similar technique 1/lOOOth flash at 20 feet Thus, electronic smog laser techniques. Keen-eyed versations in the room. When successfully agains^ our em- burned rabbits' retinas. created by the surveijlance pigeons have been trained to the intelligence agency wants bassy in Moscow for years. A former consultant to the equipment may be ruining the fly wherever they see a split- to retrieve the "bug," it Lasers have also been de- Defense Department, Dr. Mil- eyes of spies, Communist dip- second flash of red made by a flashes another laser beam. veloped to heat up a spot on ton Zaret, has confirmed that lomats and innocent citizens laser beam. The pigeon flies to the sill, an enemy tank or ship. Then, the lasers not only bounce off who Just happen to be in or The beam may be sublimi- presses his body to the adhe- heat-homing missiles are fired the glass, but penetrate the near the rooms when the haz- nally flashed on the window- sive packet and flies home. which dart accurately to the rooms. The lasers, micro- ardous rays are unleashed. Disarmament Agreements By MILTON VIORST complishment. that an International restric- But the flaw in the Test Ban tion on pollution can be President N'ixon — even THE NEW •Treaty — written during the achieved. But its dimension while denouncing the Kremlin years of apprehension over even In this respect is modest. for arming North Vietnam — POLITICS radiation and fallout — was And its effectiveness to ham- still seems ready to •sign the that it banned tests only per development of nuclear SALT agreement to limit nu- the Swedish delegation to the above the ground. weapons or even to reduce nu- clear delivery systems when Geneva disarmament confer- Though this flaw was per- clear weapon testing is evi- he travels to Moscow later ence. Recently, on the 10th ceived from the beginning, it dently nil." this month. anniversary of the opening of was gericraUy assumed that Discipline Needed Hallelujah! I think we ought the conference, she delivered underground tests would nec- As for the Non-Proliferation to be proud of a President some sobering observations essarily be so small that they Treaty, its intent — which VIORST who can distinguish between on its progress. would make no significant was to discourage the* non-nu- such long-range bopes of man- She pointed out that the two contribution to the nuclear clear countries from acquir- kind as mutual disarmament great landmarks of dis- arms race. ing nuclear weapons — has the arms race had been slow- and such short-term disputes, armament in the past decade How wrong that assumption foundered on the unwilling- ed down. But. however nasty, as the Viet- have been the Nuclear Test was. The Big-bomb commu- ness of the two superpowers "In reality, little has been nam war. Bah Treaty, negotiated during nity, with branches in both to discipline themselves in achieved," she said. "Yes, in But I am indebted to Mrs. the Kennedy administration, Russia and the United States, any way. reality, tenfold more of arma- Alva Myrdal of Sweden for re- and the Nuclear Non-Prolife- devised new testing tech- • If India, .Israel, South Af- ments have been amassed." minding us that, while the ration Treaty, negotiated un- niques with such ingenuity rica and other high-tech- President Nixon will have a world has exulted in the con- der President Johnson. that deadlier weapons are nology countries, including unique opportunity in Moscow summation of two major dis- Achievement^ But being developed at an undimi- Germany and Japan, are to to reverse the nuclear mo- armament agreements since President Kennedy, asked nished pace. resist the temptation to build mentum. The SALT signing 1962, the superpowers have once of which achievement "Hailed at the time as a nuclear weapons, then Wash- will help set a tone — but managed to manipulate them during his administration he great accomplishment," Mrs. ington and Moscow must, at starting negotiations on a so that they mean little or was most proud, pointed to Myrdal said, the Test Ban the least, set a good example. comprehensive test ban would nothing at all. the Test Ban Treaty. Presi- Treaty "has turned out to Mrs. Myrdal's grim words mean much more, Mrs. Myrdal — Wife of Gun- dent Johnson considered the function only as a public are a reminder that, in 10 It would make the trip, in nar Myrdal, the pioneering Non-Proliferation Treaty to health measure; it.should be years, the world has been de- the President's words, a real economist — is chairman of be an equally noteworthy ac- regarded as valuable proof luded twice into thinking that "journey for peace." Swift, Efficient Justice Memoir of a Man Ashamed . Law Day, now observed each May l, cannot raise bail, an unnecessary con- By JAMES J.KILPATRICK has come to be a time when citizens are finement. If he does raise bail, it lessens would not come. It is a bat-, trade. He not only squeezed tcr's slump, a bridge player's ideas into catch phrases, he asked to check up on their patriotism, and the fear of sanctions that would follow Richard J. Whalen signed CONSERVATIVE run of bad cards. He dropped also enjoyed talking about it to pay a little attention to the rights and swift justice. The public, for its part, loses on with the Nixon campaign by my place in Alexandria privately... He did the office privileges we enjoy because of the U.S. confidence in the law when it appears to in the late fall of 1067 as a VIEW onenight a year ago, as close seeker's act superbly well. Constitution. be unenforced or unenforceable. speech writer specializing in to despondency as a normally Superior Intelligence foreign affairs. He stuck with It also has become traditional in Mon- Mr. Jahos said there is a definite need happy man could get, and left "But he also did less than the team through the con- tune magazine. He is best 50 pages for me to read. They he was capable of — or so it mouth County for jurists and lawyers to to streamline the processes involved in the vention at Miami Beach in the known nationally, perhaps, were awful. seemed to me. Even those join that day in a ceremony designed to in- disposition of criminal matters. He out- summer of 1968, but five days for his biography of Joseph But logjams break at last; who despised him were forced crease respect for the law. lined several possibilities, but declined to after Nixon's nomination he Kennedy, "The Founding Fa- slumps end, and. 20-point to concede his superior in- KILPATBICK .. This year in Freehold, Evan W. Jahos endorse or urge the implementation of any •resigned in disappointment ther." For the past several hands return. Whalen threw telligence. Yet he chose riot to like worn to each* other. None and despair. years, he has been attached to of ftumson, director of the state Division of them. everything away, started be directed by his intellect had occured to me, and Now he has packed his ex- the Center for Strategic Stud- fresh and hit his stride. The of Criminal Justice, was the principal Law As have other knowlcgcable legal ex- Instead, he, put an in- apparently, the same was true periences over those nine ies at .Georgetown University. finished work is vintage wine. tellectual's mind in the ser- bpnim." Day speaker. He made an interesting ap- perts in recent years, Mr. Jahos acknowl- months into a candid and eng- He has asked me to serve as His insights may not be fair — vice of a salesman's tempera- The blowup came after peal to members of the judiciary and the edged that England has a system of jus- rossing memoir: "Catch the his literary executor, and I •my own appraisal of Nixon is ment. He did not express Miami: "I was ashamed of legal profession in asking these people tice that deliberately avoids delays, "if Falling Flag." The book will have named him mine. We far more charitable than ideas, he put them across —. what I was doing. I was ash- be published by Houghton Mifr are close friends. I mention Dick's —but they are vivid and in the process turned amed, of being in the company who are so intimately involved in our sys- England has functioned well enough since flin next week. In the growing all this as a warding of bias in tem of justice to understand and assert the 1930's without a grand jury system, and incisive. Thus Whalen re- them into something else. He of mediocre merchandisers catalogue of books about a review of his book. calls Nixon's appearance one did more than that. By reduc- behind a facade concealing a theirrolesin.it. why must we tolerate delays resulting Richard Nixon, Whelan's None Like It evening in January^ 1068, be- • ing politics to winning elec- sad mixture of cynicism, ap- He warned that the criminal justice from the presentation of matters to grand brilliant dissection of his one- In the broad field of con- fore a small group of corpo- tions, he discouraged those prehension, suspicion and fear system is rapidly approaching collapse be- juries?" he asked. time boss stands'close to the temporary political history I ration executives:- who agree with him from — especially fear." Whalen know of no book quite like it. He also said that, in some instances, head of the list. ' looking and reaching up." packed his bag and walked cause trials are delayed for so long a time A personal word: I have These are pages torn from the .after an offense has been committed. military law has procedures that speed the . "Watching him perform, I As the months went by, out of the Mission Bay Hotel known Dick Whalen since he heart. I do know something of was pleased with his effec- cause of justice, and that our courts could Whalen's disillusion deepened. where the team was staying. "If a man is sentenced a year or two broke into journalism in 1956 Whalen's ordeal in writing it. tiveness, yet uncomfortably He was close to the candidate, Bob Haldeman called down after he commits a crime," Mr. Jahos efficiently handle more cases if some of as a 21-year-old cub on the He set to work on the manu- aware that it was just a per- but. not truly close. Over one from a third-floor balcony: said, "he tends to view the sentence as them were followed in criminal justice. .Richmond News Leader. He script in 1969, as a disciplined formance, another turn on the period of three hours, ho>real- ."Hey, where are you going?'" served as my associate editor professional, and found him- endless stage at the end of an- ized, "Nixon and I had com- punishment for having lost the legal battle, There is no doubt that there are ques- there two years before he self in the lonesome agony "Don't worry, Bob," Wha- and not for having broken the law." tions in the public mind about "double other 17-hour day. FSw politi- municated like a pair of tape lenreplied. "I'll write." . moved on to Time, to the Wall known to every man who cians were as candid as Nixon recorders and had not said a Swift and efficient justice benefits the standards" of justice for the rich and poor. Street Journal, then to For- writes for a living: The work It was a wry promise. It is about the small tricks of their directly personal, unbusiness- fulfilled in a smashing book. accused and society, Mr. Jahos reasoned. If Mr. Jahos' advice is followed, that shad- Delay for a defendant may mean, if he owy image might disappear. We Need Capital Punishment Apartment 2-B sons that the crime rate is enforcing the law by the judi- Willy Brandt and World Peace Southbrook Gardens catcd efforts, Long Branch The beleaguered government of West man repuouc nas proiouna implications higher now than any previous" ciary has got to be urgently today has gone into final South St. FROM OUR period in'our history. The eli- established to combat and res- German Chancellor Willy Brandt has frus- for world peace. Soviet Party General Eatontown, N.J. 07724 phases of action to dis- , trated the attempt of a powerful con Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev has warned mination nf capital punish- ist this state of anarchy.' continue all dumping of raw To the Editor: ment, which was the only The would-be criminal who There is hardly a week pas- RKADERS sewage — six years ahead of ' servative opposition to depose it. West Germans'that approval of the positive deterent available to carries a gun, or any other most other shore municipal- Mr. Brandt has been afforded breath- treaties is "a choice between a policy of ses where a police officer, mfflWHHimnnnimmiiii lethal weapon on the street, some citizen is not insanely ...... ,. .-protect society, has by some ities. ing space, but has scant reason to feel con- peace and a policy of war." It seems o me tha the soft fluke m m Constitutio'n bcen must be considered a poten- A strong vote of thanks is and brutally murdered in our tial murdprer. It Is time that fident of victory in the parliamentary tests Rejection of the treaties by the Bonn • pedal and liberal alt.tude o jdiOtically interpreted by the most deserved by the author- which are yet to come. - Parliament would almost certainly mean resumption of the cold war and indefinite vice chairman,- John J. Mo- . An unimpressive margin of two votes tice. Court, is one of the many rea- of many citizens is the restoring of capital pun- ran; secretary, Abe Allberg; defeated a motion of non-confidence in postponement of an East-West detente. considered outrageous and ut- ishment now, more than ever treasurer, Leuin Miller; assis- Chancellor Brandt and preserved his Adversely affected would be the Four terly senseless. before in our existence. tant treasurer, Frank A. Pug- .shaky hold on the reins of government. Power Agreements on Berlin and the pro- When one considers that pe- The silent majority have lia, and counsel, Milton Stein, His narrow victory in the Bundestag posed European Security Conference destrians, young and old, are regrettably been silent much 'among others. They worked not' safe on our streets, it too long. casts a stark light on the dramatic decline aimed at balanced force reductions on while most of us slept on our would indeed be difficult to Philip McGovern environmental needs: of the political' fortunes of Willy Brandt As both sides of the Iron Curtain. really assess what useful Sincerely, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and ar- Of even greater consequence to the function our lawmakers serve Henry Scalos chitect of Ostpolitick, a bolt new ap- United States would be Soviet abandon- in representing the people. We Unsung Heroes Regional Reclamation proach to an East-West detente, his posi- ment or sabotage of the SAfcT talks. The have well known television Office of the Mayor Coordinator personalities limelighting tlon as head of the Bonn government renewal of East-West tensions would inevi- Long Branch, N.J. 07740 young gang leaders on theip To the Kditor: seemed unassailable. tably hamper President Nixon's efforts to talk programs, and the view- The struggles to resist all Charitable Work The colorful chancellor is vulnerable achieve agreement on international arms ing public including juveniles, kinds of environmental pollu- Ladies Auxiliary on several counts. reductions during his forthcoming visit to witness the spectacle of these tion which are closing in on us Keyport Lodge Mr. Brandt has presented a con- the Soviet Union. characters openly and dis- so rapidly must be a contin- B.P.O. Elks No. 2030 gustingly cxhiliitinc their dis- uing concern to everyone. troversial budget which calls for a 13 per Many West Germans understandably 249 Broadway dain fur law and order. They There are many unsung cent expansion of the chancellery staff at a fear Willy Brandt's Ostpolitick — a ruth- Ki-yport, N.J. 07735 are permitted to talk and ac- heroes in these battles. To tho Editor: time when West Germany drifts, toward lessly realistic policy which recognizes the tually boast of their vile activ- Among then) must be included The charituble activities of ^cession. After a long period of monetary partition of Germany and the redrawing of ities on these programs, in- those' splendid pioneers who tho Keyport Ladles Auxiliary stability, inflation threatens a seemingly the Polish frontier through right of Soviet cluding calling police pigs. It compose tlm membership of B.P.O.E. 2030 were greatly is quite simple to evaluate tlie tho Long Branch Sewerage impregnable economy. conquest. aided over tho past year by reason our cities have devel- Authority. the courteous cooperation , The real thrust of the Christian Demo- Chancellor Brandt, (hough, is a prag- oped into pitiful and horrible Who, with rare foresight your newspaper extended to cratlc opposition, guided by matic gradualist who does not believe in jungles of hideous crime and nnd strong determination; be- debauchery, that is Betting ui by publishing our promo- Dr. Bainer Barzel, is against the ratifica- seizing by force of arms that which can be 1 gan work six years ngo to up- tion and publicity releases. beyond police control. If this grade our scwcragB facilities tlon of the goodwill treaties with the Soviet regained through patient conciliation. nation is ever going to survlvo For this and for many other Union and Poland negotiated in 1970 by That is why the uncertain political des- •and treatment - long before, •gestures of friendship wo re- these decadent low standards, most shore community offi- ir, Brandt. tiny of V^IUy Brandt Is of vast significance. that arc destroying our young main forover grateful. cials would ovon admit thore Cordially, &. Tile most serious political crisis in the to the future of Germany and the cause of society, some moro posltlvo were any problwiw.^ - i action of strengthening and Join JorgotiBcti J^yeaf postwar history of the West (!er- world peace. As a retylf$ fljtlfttifr Outgoing President ' - r- Jim ne »«ai>auyy kteyiAtr,tteifttier, Kciteod limiuuut —- flUOOi*jMiv»it, na. IWI/MMJ, »UJ *, «r. Shrewsbury Woman Comments on Congressional Rivals 21 Beechwood Drive It didn't take long to pick up tary bates, m short, break the stallation Is not scheduled till in New Shrewsbury. cent action. Shrewsbury, NJ. 07701 the pattern. The drivers must Sacred Lives law, risk their jobs, risk their next year, consequently these Unfortunately, action (or in- 1 urge all residents tu con- To the Editor;. have been part of a group that FROM OUK The Daily Register has re- reputations. items should have been de- action) such as this fosters vey their dissatisfaction, to Your balanced and thought- was protesting something, or ceived a copy of the.following President Nixon, the mili- leted from the current budget voter apathy- "Why bother the Tinton Falls school board ful editorial entitled "And supporting something. Or per- READERS letter for publication: tary, and others Jn a position and not manipulated as a voting when mv vote has little and borough council, about Soon, November" reflected a haps, they were trying to tell 5 K. Susan St. of power arc unable to realize budget cut. if any effectiveness" is the the lack of reasonable re- fairly objective view of the m« that they are sate drivers, Hazlct, N. J. 07730 that ail-fives are sacred, both How.can the members of lament of the voter. Is Ibis sponse to Ihe mandate of the Congressman James Howard voters. upcoming; congressional cam- as some people have done In As you may know, Middle- American and Vietnamese. the board and council, there- perhaps what our elected offi- 3rd Congressional District paign which j am sure read- the past. town has had Us share of the This is a simple, almost naive fore, in all good conscience cials prefer, government by House of Representatives 11 II. J. BerRmann, ers of all political persuasions In any case, I began to wor- problem for the past years. In statement, but this is what feel that a cut in sewer budg- default, a "carte blanche in- Washington, D. C.. President appreciate, , ry, Suppose they are support- particular, our Oak, Hill neigh- people are saying today. eted expenditures is being re- vitation to control of commu- Dear Congressman Howard: During and since BUI ing a cause that I agree with, borhood suffered heavily, In 197Z, it is impossible for sponsive to the mandate of nity affairs. Our officials have I urge you to exercise the a responsibility to their con- Dowd's first campaign of 1970, or, what if they are protest- For the past two years, we anyone to maintain a World the community? This cut pro- Drug Addiction ProDiem? power of your of/ice by speak- stituents which certainly has I often heard him remark that ing a situation that I detest. have been battling It the "in- War II mentality and so I call vides no relief from the ramp- Call 988-83,'1,'t. For Help Day or ing out loudly both in Con- not been practiced in this re- although The Daily Register Perhaps I should be helping to tegrated way" as propounded upon you to continue speaking int tax rise so characteristic NielH. gress and in the Third Con- clearly preferred the reelec- support their cause. Dare I by Messrs. Melterhouse and out. But louder, clearer, both gressional District against the tion of the incumbent, it nev- take a chance? What would Shaw, and — lo and behold — in Congress and in New Jer- increased escalation of vio- .CUT OUFTHIS VALUABLE "COUPON!] ertheless has consistently dis- my neighbors think if they this year we are virtually free sey. The. time is now for all lence and destruction in S.B. played an unwavering respect saw my headlights on for of the pest! good people to do something. Asia. ,C LIMITED DISCOUNT OFFERIli for objectivity and fairness in something I have been speak- Respectfully yours, Its news columns. Nothing ing against for years. I try to It took a lot of campaigning This past Sunday in Leon- Bruce Hurlburt Ideal Ci/t For Communion, Confirmation or Any Special Occasion! published thus far in The Reg- keep up with what's going on. and arousjng, but it worked. ardo, a group of people put themselves on the line to ex- ister this year could cause How could I have missed We reali'/ilhat in the coming Viin Coupnn, Wfitn PmenttJ at StuJio, Entilltn Btartr to a ntauiifut press their feelings and call anyone to fault that assess- this? years there is still the danger That Budget Cut I attention to the madness of Perhaps the only solution is of reinfestation from sur- The Daily Register has re- || ment. this administrations policy. 8x10 OIL-COLORED for everyone to use his head- rounding areas, therefore we ceived a copy of the following-1 However, I would like to This appears to be one of lights for safety in the dark, as will remain vigilant. letter for publication: '.P' take Issue with one comment those times in history when in your recent editorial. You they were originally intended. Your excellent articles will New Shrewsbury Taxpayers I PHOTOGRAPH »195 men must be willing to take hr That would also solve another be of Immense help. We hope Association, Inc. I SUITAILE FOt FIAMINO H ""17 os" note that although Mr. Howard risks, to be vulnerable. represents normally "safe Re- problem.il have often won- you will continue to inform us P.O. Box611 ! only ^B • If As long as a President re- publican territory,'1 he has dered how to protest at night. of what is going on in our Eatontown, N: J. 07724 mains unresponsive and a "heartened Democratic col- Should I turn my headlights backyard, Ecology is right Residents of New Shrews-- • there. If we can be of any Congress vacillates, as long leagues by winning by impres- off? bury, you've been had again. help, please contact us any- as pride in country and a flex- The Tinton Falls school budg- sive margins." Geraldine Schleich Cloe.dMon. STUDIOS 75540 time. ible foreign policy are more et was defeated by a factor of., If you mean that he has important than yellow, white, 2 to 1. And what compromise 47 BROAD STREET, RED BANK. N.J. heartened local Democrats by Gypsy Moths We wish to thank you again and also the N.J. Department and black lives, as long as the has the school board and mi RBR5-4 winning, then no one can dis- 34 Heron Road : of Agriculture and the Mon- elected representatives of the borough council devised to ap- |( agree. If you mean, however, Middletown N.J. 07748 people do not use their author- tmfi*fit"* £\it»ipi'*H» utym% •fVhir ph**"- O"1* frtiwrtl *M m I mouth County Shade Tree pease the voter? As recently j) O»l* UOO <*r ANT 0iH|t •Hi, MI tUriilftf «# t»Mh|raiMia1. (Mr •*• tMptn la • HIIM. I that, compared to other To the Editor: Commission. ity to bring peace, to work for (April 13) reported in a local Democratic congressmen We would like to express Sincerely justice, to end oppression, newspaper the budget was cut from , he has done our appreciation for Mr. then men must flee to Ca- by $45,000, the entire amount well, then you are mistaken. Lonia Ef thyvoulou's extensive Harold G. Lenz Wanda M. Boyd nada, men must go to prison, coming from funds budgeted Whatever your meaning, it is and accurate reporting on the and Arthur P. Hunnemann men must'burn draft records, for sewer expenditures. How- useful to point out thai gypsy.moth problem in the men must trespass on mili- ever,,, the school sewer in- Advertise in The Register against significant odds, Bill Monmouth County area. Gypsy Moth Committee Dowd began as a complete unknown in 1970 and managed to make James Howard's vic- SUPER JUVENILE STORES tory margin the slimmest pf any New Jersey Democratic SMHG congressman. Moreover Mr. Howard was the only Jersey Democrat to lose ground from the 1968 showing, both in ac- tual numbers and in per- child world centages. Mr. Howard re- ceived about 56 per cent, Mr. Dowd over 43 per cent, and The Col; Clyde W. Hill, one per cejjt. The average vote per- centage of Jersey incumbent Horse congressmen in 1970 was 61.6; the average for the Jersey WHEREwncKc n A n\i PI IM%KIITI fr% r COSTS Y Democrat incumbents was Gym 63.5. BETTER BABY FURNITURE LESS* 1 ft is important to emphasize these revealing statistics be- cause there may still be a few Is*. voters who believe Mr. Famous Name Dowd's task to.be nearly im-" possible. Yes, it is difficult to Full Size Crib beat an incumbent congress- Bouncing Bronco spring loaded horse title. 2 air man. The statistics show, how- cool swings, chin bar, side entry platform slide ever, that iii 1970 Mr. Howard ,°.. 87 with welded safety steps on ladder. came closer to being beaten ' than his colleagues. In other words, heshoufd be the Full size crib from the famous easiest pf the, Jersey p.emiK CHILD LINE with ev'jtry safety fea- crat3 .to defeat — primarily ture. Adjustable spring. learning because pf the gains his 1972 raid. Full Panel. Sturdy construc- opponent made in 1970, even tion. Travel though the top of the GOP - ticket was losing in 1970. Stroller Now that Bill Dowd is well Companion Value! known as a knowledgeable and articulate candidate who Crib Mattress E«lra sturdy fabric. Cem- campaigns hard and well — plete with canopy end Innenpring conduction. File M O f shopping bag. Folds Hot In and now that Mr. Howard is full site crib. Waterproof. mT\ better known as a supporter a jiffy. Strong tubular con- Guarantee. ^^P - struction. Doublt braced of teachers' strikes and forced f eotrett and brakt. school busing, count me as one Republican who will be Working qven harder to help make Bill Dowd our congress- Famous Make man this fall. Indoor-Outdoor Combination Blazon 3-Play Sincerely, Shirley Minton 3-Way Climbing Tower, Gym, Slide, Gym & SLIDE SET Picnic Table Mad«byGym-Dandy Features two swings and Tiring Kunaround •Baby Carriage airglidc with coolvent teats. 166 Kings Hwy. The perfect play place for kidi. Part Complete with side entry Middletown, N.J. playhouH, pait gym, port ilide and slide. Stands on lour sturdy •Stroller 87 legs. To the Editor: part picnic table ... all fun! Builds confidence and coordination, devel- I would like to take this op- •Car Bed op! imagination and group play. 16 SAME GYM WITHOUT SLIDE — $14.87 portunity to thank both the Middletown Township Road Tandem 2- 87 Department and Sewerage 4-Passenger Department for their prompt- 29 ness in answering the third and fourth calls we made con- Stroller 19" • Tubular chrome. Jumbo tires. Convertible to baby Whirly-Bird Extra roomy full-chrom(d ilrollM. Foam carriage, full adjustable stroller or car bed. Ad- cerning the condition of the Rubber padding. Comti with tand ments. Adjustable Lift-Out tubular legi. Complite town. One only knows our Camti template with strap. wetproef matlresi. FoMi with pad. Rock taxes arc high enough lo have Carriage 19 Fully adjustable banana Hot. a road department, or what- Chmme frame, fancy fabric s«al. HI-Hli. handle- 87 ever, to take care of such lightweight carriage. Feldi (lot bars. Extra llurdy 1 SUPER JUVENILE STORES with the flick ol the wrist. Can fiamt. Fully guaran- matters. bt iterad In tar trunk. A CHILD teed. Coml.f brqlo. • Yours truly, WOIIDSHCIAU Chain guard. Kocco Mcllnn

Those Heudlijjjlils 105 Parkview Tor. ild world Llncrolt, N.J. 0773B HAZLET PLAZA • To the Editor; Route 35, HAZIET,NJ. A* I rode around town Sat- (Acrou Tht Strut front K-Morf 1 urday, systematically din- HRS. 10 A.M.-10 P.M. penning of my inunv chores, I Un Your BtnkAmtrlaud or Matter Chtrgt noticed that I WHO pausing many cars with their head- light* turned on. htt Buk - Malaysia Tough On Mtterf™ ^

tlt 'KUALLA LUMPUR, ,Ma M«-- • onee throwing a m«w»dgB^Wt^^ftWwWi*r™» r" *"*"''Vii.'-a»«. v'- «J . Operis laysia (AP) - The American from a car the car number ing to prevent tnetjft Irom flit- visitor took a last drag at his was noted down and the own- Ing them too. Otherlfafyyaan cigarette, hastily threw it cr fined. cities - Penan*, Ipoh, %»• New Exit 127 down and reacted to shake If rubbish was found In lacca, Johore Bahru - have.5 WOODBRIDGE - The Gar- connecting construction. ' hands with a friend meeting front of a shop the shop owner, adopted the laws. .;' den State Parkway today : John P. Gallagher, chair- him at the airport. was fined. opened its permanent north- man of the New Jersey High- The Malaysian bent down bound Exit 127 just South of a way Authority, which operr hastily, picked up'lhe butt and temporary exit that had been ate's the parkway, said the then took his Mend's hands in 3350 for subsequent offense*," . p««i Exalted Ruler* used during extensive con- temporary Exit 127 will also a gesture of welcome. struction work in the area. be kept open for a while along He saved the man a possible Exit 127 leads directly into with the new permanent exit $350 fine. the magistrate'. ' Route 9 northbound and also to give motorists some, time to As they were driving Into From December 1969 to can be used by traffic headed adjust to the change. the city, through clean high- March 1972 city authorities Past Exalted _..„ „„ for old Route 440 and Route "When it appears that the ways and streets, the Malay- nabbed more than 13,1)00 ation of the tiplig friftcfc'.' 287. A ramp off it will lead to motoring public is acclimated sian explained Kuala Lum- people and collected $110,000 lodge of ElKi at a dinniMh the new Route 440 Freeway to the new exit farther south, pur's laws. in fines. the lodge hall Saturday at Tityi when the state Department uf the temporary ramp will be The streets of this capital No one was jailed as all am. ' ! ' Transportation completes closed." Mr. Gallagher said. city were dirty and people paid up. JosephP. DeUstvillbeln.' threw rubbish wherever they Besides policemen the city stalled as vice preridenw and liked. More road sweepers did authorities have their own Charles Rockbill will be th* not help. uniformed enforcement offi- unit's secretary.' Then in December 1969 city cers, empowered to arrest Frank Grazlano nas tiecn' authorities made it an offense people who litter. named treasurer. Paolb to litter the streets. Authorities are usually Paone Is chaplain and Robert If a policeman caught any- lenient with visitors and just Nolan Is sergeant-at-arms.

STUDENTS SACK FUND — College students will "picket" the Monmouth 000 County United Fund annual dinner May 16, but they will be supporting, not protesting. Volunteer officials of the Fund study some of the placards GREAT DAYTO that will Honor the 26 community service agencies in the county Ihat ben- efit from the fund. Among them are the Red Cross, Retarded Children's Association, MCOSS, Monmouth Day Care Center, United Cerebral Palsy and Youth Employment Services. The dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Gibbs Hall. ft. Monmogth, is open to the public. "Adiniring placards are J. . Peter Hoffman, left, arid Vincent T. Hirsch, members of the Fund board" SOUPS OF THE DAY . of directors and of the dinner committee. CREAM OF CHICKEN WI1H RICE MANHATTAN CLAM CHOWDER BOWL.,35 .._ CUP...25 • i ENTREES

BROILED-FRESH FILET OF LEMON SOLE. ..- lv 2.25 ; PRIME RIB OF BEEF All JUS „ ...i . 2.75 ROAST LONG ISLAND DUCK, PINEAPPLE SAUCE...... ,. i. 2.40 .ROAST LOIN OF PORK, SAUERKRAUT, BOILED POTATO ,.„.:.,..,. 2.2S ROAST SPRING LEG OF LAMB, MINT JELIY.... ,. -» » 2.25' Geraniums! ROAST SPRING CHICKEN, DRESSING, APPLESAUCE...™ „.... «—1.75. • BAKED. VIRGINIA HAM WITH PINEAPPLE SAUCE - .2.25 • Last Week these plants sold at $1.25 each. But we expect ROAST SIRLOIN OF BEEF AU JUS. '. .2.25 to tell over 30,000 at our special low price. They're vigorous, full-size Jumbo plants in 4"-4V4" pot* ... DELICIOUS PRIME YANKEE POT ROAST .r 42.25 read/ now with buds and blooms that will flower all Garden Fresh Vegetables Served with all Dinners summer long. Varieties in red, pink, salmon, white. 75 Cenfs off on oil Children's* Dinners '(Under ten years ologa)'

We ore open off PALACE DINER --doy MOTHER'S DAT 45 Monmouth St. garden 6 AM.-MIDNIGHT center SMILE, YOU'RE IN RED BANK is the new campaign of the Red Bank Serving Breakfast, RED BANK Open Sunday end every day from 9to 6- Rt.71 Monmouth Rd, Area Chamber of Commerce and the Red Bank Retail Trade Board. West Long Branch, N.J. Phone: 201/229-2587 Shown pinning "Smile Button" on Red Bank's Mayor Daniel J. O'Hern, lunch and Supper center, is the chamber's immediate past president, Robert D. Hope, man- 741-8431 ager of Steinbach, Red Bank, and chairman of the chamber's Courtesy Committee. Af'rlght is Paul S. Morton Jr., chamber executive vice presi- dent. ..

I i

'-. i

• 'J TO OUR EXCITING IMAGE WE MAKE OFFER TO AU WOMEN! Famous Make Dresses by Berkshire Knit







FREEZER _»V^fc^.- S\ ATLANTICrl I 4- /-111 I I \S SPSURKSA 300 IB. UPRIGHT <•£',



SMALL APPLIANCE DEPT CATCHER (MODEL VG9) REG. 9.! Reg. 64.97 314 HP. Briggs & Stratton en- gine with vertical pull recoil starter. 7" wheels. Fully baffled. Automatic fingertip height ad- justments. Chrome pull horn handle. Deck has aero-dynamic air tunnel to prevent grass clumping. Model VO53. 4-SEATER

This is a wood, natural grain-table. CONSOLETTE' PORTABLE LIGHTED Model 32. PROFESSIONAL HAIR DRYER MAKE-UP MIRROR Blacks, Deckei* 88 88 14 Reg. 19.97 13 Reg. 17.97

Portable and compact for easy storage. Four separate light settings to stimulate Fast comfortable drying at home or different lighting moods -day, office away. No hot hose or bonnets. Four home & evening. Regular image for temperature settings from hot to cool. general make-up application. Magni- fied imaae for up-close make-up areas.


Does the work of 12 Side handle for righl- 1Perfect7 control at any Cuts '/< " wide trench gratt (hears --faster or-left hand use. angle. Wraparound on first past. Converts and easier. No stoop- Thumb tip switch. Die- front handle; sure-grip to trimmer. Model ing, bending or kneel- cast aluminum hous- rear handle. Thumb tip ing. Model 8200. 8220. ing. Model 8100. switch. Model 8110. Westlnghouse AM-FM FAMOUS MAKE BUILT-IN BATTERY- (CAMERA SOLID STATE ELECTRIC POWER SOLID STATE DIGITAL WST'AIM AND SHOOT! AM CLOCK RADIO PORTABLE RADIO AM-FM CLOCK RADIO NEVER NEEDS flASHBULBS! KODAKINSTAMATICX15 KEYSTONE 88 COMPLETE EVERFLASH110 WITH BUHMN 88 CAMERA OUTFIT ELECTRONIC HASH 9 Reg. 13.97 Reg. 16.97 22 9^0 0t0 Rag. 29.97 2099 Wake to music. Auto- 1499 matic volume control. Leatherette Case, Telescopic Leaf-type, low profile. Flash pictures without flash Slide-rule dial. Sleep batteries! Instant load with Built-in antenna. Full antenna. Includes batteries, Cost lest than a penny a switch. AFC control. 8 126 cartridge. Instant flash feature clock face with earphone and gift box. OHM speaker. Walnut with self-powered magicube. or out- lnlt°nf load 126 cor- sweep second hand. grained plastic cabinet Complete with Camera, Film, trldgt Md|U Front mounted speaker. with silver trim. Magicube and Carry Strap, - ^ MIDDLETOWN - RT. 35 OPEN DAILY TJu Dally RtfaU-.r, Red Rank -MkhUetewn, N J. nwr»fey, Ma? 4, *•» Students Active on College Campuses Mill Ellin Rants, daugh- Phi Beta Kupp>PHa are MhrtliMartini CC,, • John McSherrvy In New York ai Emorv.matvy Universityiiniwrsttv , Atlanta, thee Kta Circle of'Omit-roof'Omicronn Beach,. Kla.. off Mr. and Mrs. CharleCharless I,. Miss Nancvy L. HendrlcHendricksok i ter otiVLr. Hpd Mm. Iluruli! Arenchlck, 508 Kourth Avc, as an off campus senior proj- DeTta Kappa, men's honorary James Lowery, son of Mr. Blair of 215 Silverside Aye., daughter of Mr, and Mr ItHKSBS Of m W.OIKtKalO AM',, 1 Bradley Bench; Daniel I . Du ect at BrewHter Academy,' Mlsi Nancy SHKK, daughter leadership fraternity at the and Mrs. Robert Lowery of 2 Little Silver, was general co- John T. llendrickson of 30 Ii l.»ni{ Branch, was deiicii core, HHlKed Oaks, Drive, F.I- Wolfcboro, N.ll. of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. College of William and Mary. Privet Lane. Katonlown. is chairman of Hie. 2fith annual ving Place, Red Bank,,.swil president ol ttto class uf 1

•••• '^jMim^ti , • ••• "'• JL^AH, ' - - • <.


• - • • • i lit ai|IIPER"M0ili'W MORE FOR YOUR MONEY '- .VffWyn


NO FROST SIDE-BY-SIDE LADIES' LUXURY LEATHER REFRIGERATOR WALLETS EUROPEAN IMPORT HAND-MADE CUT CLASS FREEZER ••» LJ|P ^ Reg. 99 DECORATING OR SERVING PIECES 2.97 - 3.97 EA. Choose from: Large 1114" scallop f^ QQ 1 edge vase. Gold decorated ^^J%W%W Mini Clutch & Cache styling. NO-FROST -1 stemmed compote. 90-oz. handled REG. 4.99-5.99 ' IN REFRIGERATOR *« French Purses & Billfolds. K rinkle jugs. Platinum decorated covered patent and smooth leathers. EA. OR «£!W candy boxes,. 288 FREEZER DEPT. J Adjustable refrigerator control. Egg bin, butter keeper, moist cold ""VO MOUTHWASH crisper. Separate freezer control. Big 32-01, bottl*. ORAL JET Choose Amber, Red, Bulk storage basket. Fast Freeze WaH< rnoUhtable. Flo-con- Blue or Green. ice cube trays. Freezer stores 248- trol knob for water pres- c Ibs. frozen foods. sure. 4 color jet tips. 37 88 SUCRETS THROAT LOZENGES Reg. 14.88 11 iSUCRETS pkg. of 24. For minor KINDNESS throat irritations. Tmerson INSTANT HAIR SETTER 44 19" BLACK & WHITE Contains: 20 asst. Johnson & Johnson heat-at-once rollers, BAND AID PORTABLE T.V. complete handy plastic PLASTIC STRIPS travel case. Bo*of 60. Assorted, 888 46 c SPORTS DEPT. j Quick-on picture and sound. Front COLUMBIA mounted speaker. Built-in monopole antenna. BOYS' 5-SPEED HI-RISE BIKE 97 Reg. 57 64.95 13CU.FT. Console stick shift. Chrome fenders & UPRIGHT rjm. Front & rear caliper brake. FOOD FREEZER ALSO AVAILABLE 3 • 5 & 10-SPEED BIKES IN 26" BOYS' GIRLS' MODELS

RID-WHITE-BLUE 88 BASKETBALL BASKETBALL 168 BACKBOARD Official size and AND GOAL weight. Nylon All-weather oil-tempered Stores 450-lbs. frozen fpods. Ad- wound. • 1/2" Masonitc complete justable freezer control. Magnetic with official goal & net, door gasket. Bulk food storage 99 88 basket. Door lock. REO. B.99 4 13 Reg, 15,99^

OPIN DAILY 9,30A.M. HI 10 P.M. SUNDAY* 10 A.M. 'IH 6 CM. MIDDLETOWN - RT. 35 Littuowioa'/t

•'W«.'»n' ••• • •••'• •''- -' T7T 11 TIMB <* .J. TitursdsjvJilsy 4, IW2 Switch, Don't Fight By ROGER E. SPEAK will begin in the fall. How- Goads'Job Outlook 4- ever, this fiOO-acre family en- tertainment center is not flUliNiliiiilillllllillllllllltlwnilllHHIBlltf lure come up with similar Q — Because I am retired, Successful By SVIVIA PORTER income is important to me. scheduled for completion until YOIIH TVIflNFYS findings. The average number 1975. Meanwhile, operations Iutn My portfolio contains 35 This month and next, about i"vrnu.i & of jOb offers being made by shares of Hershey Foods Investing have produced a substantial^ one million of our young men W/niJTII eaeh rccruitmS company is (NYSE) for which the divi- IIIIIIIIIIIIINIIUIIIrliillllWIUHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII deficit. For (he year ended"" Jan. 31*1972, sales fell 22 per and women will graduate WUKIH less than one-third the aver- dend has not been increased course is lo switch to a high- ized by the West Coast dock in four years. I have written return investment. cent year-to-year, from res- versitiesfrom thei. rTh collegee vasts anmajoritd uniy- (ifiiiiniint Mitm tiiHiHiiiHlUllltfl ago that was made in 1967, re- not exist and which will not be strike since a good portion of vcrsities. The vast majority pport s the Collegge Placement created In ththee nea nearr futurefuture.. the company twice about this Q — Would you discuss the tated fiscal 1970-71 revenues, will want to move directly — For engineers wltli B.S. Council in Bethlehem, Pa. It means that many who do Mattel's former 10 per cent + their toys arc manufactured fcut have received no reply. potential growth for Mattel, in Hong Kong, into Jobs — although signifi- degrees, though, hiring plans Openings Down get jobs during this business Should I sell these shares or Inc. (NYSE) in view of its in- share of the toy market was cant numbers will join the are up only "> per cent and Job openings for college advance will get them only by reduced to only 8 pur cent, an With a strong new product write to the company again? tention to build a circus com- this year, Mattel could readily Peace Corps or Vista, will go they are actually down 3 per graduates with bachelor's de- "bumping" others with lesser -L.U. plex near Disney World? — important factor in the $20,9 on to graduate school, will cent for graduates with mas- grees will be down 2 per cent qualifications — which will million loss reported for therecoup its share of the volatile simply take a sabbatical from ter's degrees. This is an even A — In 1966 when Hershey c.c. toy market and make up the from last year, forecasts the hardly add to the general sat- raised its dividend to thej year. On a per share basis the the world of education for a grimmer picture against (he Michigan State University isfaction of young Americans A — Construction of a $50 deficit was equal to $1.84. losses suffered on its Ho while. background of 1971 — when, with our economic society. present quarterly rate, thtf million circus complex by Company was seriously "penal- Wheels line. Placement Bureau. At the company earned $2.09 a share Ringling, a Mattel subsidiary, What are their job pros- on average, companies re- start of 1972, the unemploy- It means a shameful waste pects? cruiting on college campuses and paid out 51 per cent of ment rate for young men, age of our educated manpower at that in dividends' Since that — Still below the job projec- cut their hiring in half. 20-24 -- which includes recent a time when young people tions made in the late 1960s time earnings have dropped — Fairly sharp job increas- college graduates — waswith this level of education, so that last year shareholders MOTHER'S DAV SPECIALS for this year, but moderately es were reported for male col- nearly 10 per cent, and moreare deeply needed in all areas better than they were in ca- received 78 per cent of earn- lege graduates in the fields of than 16 per cent for non-of our effort to improve the ings as dividends. Under such tastrophic 1971, Hiring plans • accounting, sales-marketing, whites. quality of life. conditions it would not have COMPLETE DINNERS are up 11 per cent, according chemistry. But declines were What does it mean? Despite And it certainly means the been out of line if directors to the annual tally of recruit- reported for liberal arts grad- the quickening pace of the U.S. government will be los-had seen fit to reduce the divi- ing companies by.Dr. Frank uates, majors in math and economic upswing, it means ing out in the collection of dend rate. Corporate direc- S. Endicott, director of place- statistics, economics and fi- that hundreds of thousands of huge amounts of additional tors who determine the divi-1' ROAST TURKEY ment, Northwestern Univer- nance. college graduates will be taxes that these young men (lend policy must make deci- Other surveys of thc.job pic- • searching for jobs which do and women would be paying if sions on the. basis of corporate they had jobs paying them ap- rather than individual share- PRIME RIBS OF BEEF propriate salaries. < holder need. Despite the widespread be- Since you are primarily in- lief that the economic upturn terested in income, your best BAKED FLOUNDER itself wilt solve the problem — a cojjmjgnt made by many of STUFFED WITH CRAB MEAT the" employers surveyed by A COSTLY SWITCH LAE, New Guinea (AP) - REGULAR MENU AVAILABLE Dr. Endicott — this is not like- Two Good Samaritans, trying to ly unless the expansion be- get a'friend out of gaol, were comes dangerously boomy. unwittingly responsible for get- Much sounder would be a ting him a six months sentence. head-on attack on unemploy- The friends applied to bail: PETERSON'S ment in each of the areas him out, using the man's cor-1 where it is concentrated. red name, without knowing For this category of unem- that he had given police a false j RIVERSIDE INN ployed, most helpful would be name. Police then charged AMERICAN EXPRESS HWY. 35 an overhaul of the U.S. Em- their prisoner with using a false 741-7793 CARTE BLANCHE RED BANK ployment Service; an ur- name. gently needed matching of CONTAINER jobseekcrsto job vacancies; a direct increase, in the number CROWN FOR of higher level and stimu- lating public service jobs that CONTINUED ENJOYMENT so desperately need doing. 12"TO15"-15"TO 18"-18"TOV34" Positive Note OPEN HOUSE • BARBERRY EVERGREEN (MEN- Meanwhile, to end on a posi- TOR) • FIRETHORN -ORANGE tive note, here are some tips BERRIES • EUONYMUS MICRO- on how to approach a prospec- THURSDAY - FRIDAY -SATURDAY - SUNDAY PHYILA (BOXLEAF) • EU- tive employer. Do write a brief letter to the ONYMUS -GREEN AND WHITE FO- personnel office of the com- • DOOR PRIZES LIAGE • EUONYMUS -GOLD SPOT • EUONYMUS pany, telling why you are in- MAY 4-5-6-7 • REFRESHMENTS •SILVER KING • ENGLISH HOLLY -VARIEGATED terested, in working for the WHITE & GREEN • ENGLISH HOLLY -HARDIEST company. Enclose a resume TYPE • CHINESE HOLLY • COTONEASTER HORI- and a picture. Request an in- terview. ZANTALIS • JUNIPER TAMS • JAPANESE HOL- Cabinet Industries Invites You Do your homework first on LIES • BLUE FESCUE the company, so you are fa- ToS e miliar with its products and SPECIMEN - FLOWERING - SHADE ORNAMENTAL policies, its general history ' THERMADOR'S and outlook. You don't have to boast about your knowledge; MICROWAVE RANGES ALL lAUIDm EARTH - BURLAP it'll show through in your let- WRAPPED ter and during your interview. • Golden Chain Tree 6-8 FT. Do deal directly with the FREE COOKING DEMONSTRATION ft • Paul'* Scarlet Hawthorne 6-8 FT. personnel department. Dojiot SATURDAY a SUNDAY • Mt. Ash 8-1 OFT. antagonize the people who • Tre« WiiteriaPyjple or White S FT. will be deciding on your em- THE ONLY ONE 8, up. ... •$;, ployment by attempting to by- • Kwanun Flowering Cherry §\ pass them and to enlist the WITH A Grade help of an executive of the company. Similarly, do not BROWNING fool- ask your professor or dean, or FLOWERING ANNUALS SELECT VARIETIES college placement officer to ELEMENT intervene unless the company requests recommendations MARIGOLDS - PETUNIAS LANDSCAPE GARDENERS from these sources. Beautiful- Do emphasize the special ZINNIAS BALLED INEARTH qualifications you have that ADDITIONAL SELECTIONS separate you from other appli- INCLUDING YEWS -JUNIPERS cants — fluency in the lan- ALSO VEGETABLE PIANTS *«|ORVITAES guages of countries in which the company may have affil- TOMATO iates; a background of travel, PIPPER social work, civic activities; YOUR artistic talents; outstanding CHOICE abilities in sports, etc.

MIX OR MATCH 5 for $15 Banks See TRAY OF 12 IS" to 18" . 18" to 24" - 24" to 30" E«h Iroy contoint 12 grow, Depending on variety, 12 quality selec- Gains After ing planh. tions. Merger TOP QUALITY CROWING IN 5-GAL CONT. ELIZABETH - United SPECIMEN EVERGREENS Counties Trust Co., formerly VARIEGATED ACUBA - GOLD OR | the Keansburg-Middletown SILVER. EUONYMUS - GOLD OR National Bank and Union ilLVER LEAF. HARDY HOLLIES. County Trust Co., reported JUNIPER TAMS. FIRETHORN BUSH first quarter W72 income be- OR STAKED. BUCK PINE. fore securities gains of 16" te 24" - 24" to 30" - 30" to 36" $726,523, or 44 cents per share, Siui depending on variety. compared to $704,747, or 43 cents per share, during the Thermador's first quarter of 1971. GLORtON SPECTACULAR - SPRING SPECIALS! Net income after securities transactions for the first three Portable Thermatronic GLORION GLORION months of 1972 was $753,780, 'Tiieiinadors DELUXE 50% ORGANIC* or 45 cents per share, against Microwave Range WIED'NFEED* ?8l(i,64l, or f>0 cents per share, CRASSFOOD* 10-6- 4 FERTILIZER a year earlier. sow BUYABAOOFBEAilTlfUl Cr.li! son. Total deposits on March 31 In no time at all (1 /4 the usual) you can Through the magic of J.0O0 LAWN rose to $292,568,948 from SO". 95 have a complete meal on the table. microwaves it cooks Itti Kills dandelions mtJ 101 other $268,185,408 a year ago. Loans >.MO weeds. Famines at tliosamc totaled 1193,753,310 in 1972 and • The only one with a browning element. £ meals in minutes, browns SO. IT. '45 M ^i )• )mpf«vpf«v* youyurr time with an organic premium $182,767,673 In 1971. • Cooks in metal pans. to perfection, heats-up bwn mni pr*w bait* graurau.. f ilra in.i lawn food. dnl* H« lt In tailil, ttvi Keansburg-Middletown Na- ll • Genuine stainless steel interior. without drying-up and cooks lfti| l«lhf *Bi*4j»flfa |ivt yst, * 2-BAG SPECIAL tional Bank and Union County m»nlht|i«wM|p*w«r . want (urn. Trust Co. merged April 2. The • Handsome black glass doors. frozen meals in the foil trays they come in. i M.Vi«'J*J!M 7.W* 10,000 so. it. OKNT 10,000 M.rr.HO 9.15 COVBS 10,000 W.It. financial statements for the With the portable Thermatronic Micro- REO. 0,90 8,90 first quarter of 1972 reflect This means less time in the kitchen wave Range you can cook any place- — more time for leisure. AllGIORION ITEMS AVAIUBIE IN ALL TWO GUYSSTORB the combined figures of both banks, accounted for on a Indoors or outdoors. Gets you out of the QUEEN TURF pooling of interests basis. Available in combination with MERION LAWN SOD kltchefi. Put it on wheels and take It MICHIGAN PEAT Thermador's Self-Cleaning Oven or singly where the action Is. MOSS EASIER TO SERVE — both for built-in installation. PHILADELPHIA. (AP) - A It's a beauty too-come In and see It work! 504». MO "y hot lunch program developed OVER 30 YEARS OF KITCHEN DESIGN EXPERIENCE here a year ago in Catholic CANADIAN schools Is catching on In schools OPEN WEDNESDAY «FRIDAY 'Til 9 P.M. MAT MOM 3.99 that lack modern kitchens, r«- EASY FINANCING TERMS AVAIIABIE V 4cu.rr.Mi1 porti Or. John F. Murphy, pres- ident of Swift Food Service and a number of the National Advi- MIDDLETOWN, ROUTE 35 sory Council on child nutrition. OPEN DAILY The Philadelphia gygtem hat CABINET INDUSTRIES & HOME DECOR CENTER 9:30 A.M.'Til 10 P.M. hot entrees in easy-to-open am •8UNDAY 10 A.M. Til 6 p.m. III which ire heated in an oven lldlipenier operating on normal HIGHWAY V> t POOU AVE. HAZLET NJ. 739-1199 or 1188 house current, The Daily Register, fed Bank - MlddkUwa, UJ, Tlwr«tay, M«y 4, MT1 13 Live by Enriched Bread Alone that 22 per cent of American whose blood-test values can that the; amount tif Iron in en- public. (or his own health. men have iron-poor blood, a be as low as nine before they riched'' flour should' be in- Underlying the function of Fluorides haven't yet re- Can win tjve by bread HERE'S TO figure much larger than the begin to tire easily as the first creasW, jN«j> one fas yet the Food and Drug Adminis- placed the toothbrush. Vac- alone? That's the question usually accepted one. In any sign of their anemia, shown tliat adding Iron to tration is the assumption that cines haven't made personal currently being asked by the event, many doctors are not The Question flour can either prevent or legislation and regulation can cleanliness obsolete. There is Food and Drug Adminis- HEALTH satisfied with the data pro- The question arises as tocorrect Iron-deficiency Improve personal and public little chance that enriched tration at a hearing in Wash- duced by the survey. whether to define anemia by a anemia. health. There is no doubt that flour will solve nutritional ington, the question is a bit There is not even real agree- blood-test number, or to de- Nor has any one shown with broad health programs are problems for people who have more complicated than that conducted by the Deuarlment ment among doctors as to clde that a patient is anemic certainly that adding iron to helpful in solving community never learned to eat properly. though. 'What they are really of Health, Education and Wel- when to call a patient anemic. only when he shows symp flour in the amount suggested health problems. In problems of personal Dr. Folk will be happy to asking Is: Can man live by fare from 1968 to 1970, a pre- Usually a blood test value of toms of his low blood count, is not harmful. But the FDA There Is little evidence yet, health, as in other highly per- answer questions on medical bread alone or had we better liminary report of which was 12 or more grams of hemoglo- There are many other gaps seeing to be suggesting that however, that any overall sonal matters, the final deci- subjects. Letters may be ad- add iron td it? presented to Congress in-April bin per 100 mtlliliters of blood in knowledge which must be these two basic problems be health program can take the sion rests with each'person. dressed to him In care of The Adding iron to bread and 1971:, is considered normal, but filled in before the FDA can solved by an experiment in- place of the acceptance by the Man cannot live by enriched Dally Register, IDS Chestnut flour is not new. It was (trst FDA uses this report to in- there are many patients recommend with certainty volving the entire American individual of the responsibility bread alone. St., Red Bank 87741. begun in J941 when it was re- dicate that there is wide- alizMthU "ptfffliR of the nutrl- spread irori-deflclency anemia tionu value of flour was com- in the United States. So the ing «rt ty the process of mil- purpose of the current FDA ling, tip there was begun a hearing is to decide whether program of adding back to the government should in- flauj tome of the iron and 3 B- crease the requirement for vitapitai that had been re- the amount of iron in enriched Sffrbwffl moved at the mill. flour from 15 to 40 milligrams These days,' about two- per pound. "«U SAT. thirds or the flour used in the Experts Unhappy United States, has been thus Many doctors, including ex- "enrtchefl." Abdut 90 per cent perts in such fields as iron SILVER ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION <& alt-the commercially pro- deficiency, nutrition and pub- duped wheat bread in the lic health, are not happy with U.S.Ar fs therefore enriched, the new proposal. They feel gacti pound of such flour that the data from the Ten- Men's & Young Men's rtiust contain at least 15 milli-State Survey is questionable. gram* ot'tron. For example, that study Increasing Iron showed more iron deficiency 100% Nylon The current hearing is anemia in men than In women about-increasing this amount in every group studied. of iron to 40 milligrams, Ac This data is open to ques Surfer Jackets cording to the' FPA, there is...tlon because one of the gener widespread Iron deficiency ally accepted facts about iron snemiai In the country which deficiency anemia is .that it is could*'be prevented by in- less common in men than in creasing the amount of iron Women who lose some iron which is added to flour. " each month in the menstrual FDA cites as reference .the discharge, . . Ten-State Nutrition Survey The study seemed to show Wide choice of zipper jackets with contrast stitching new col- lars or hideaway hoods. Sizes S, Board to Ratify M.l.Xl. Teacher Contract Men's lort Shirt Sale ..EATONTOWN - Aft'cr it held in the now defunct Ka- weeks of negotiations, the tontown National Bank. Permanent Press Board of Education will ratify While there is "no in- : AT OUR a new two-year teacher con- dication that we will receive REG. LOW the whole amount," Mr. Roc- tract at a special meeting Dress Hares PRICE OF 3.99 Monday. co said, "the project is that BUY 2 iBoard members aid they we will receive at least 90 per could release no specific cost cent" of the district's other figures before Monday's $96,852 it had- deposited with meeting, but Robert Patter- the bank. son, chairman of the board's After a month's consid- 1 FREE negotiating committee, said eration of a,local parent's the new contract involved a request that his chiW" enter Well tailored easy-care slacks in 5.5 per cent Increase. first grade this fall rather Board Secretary Anthony than kindergarten, D>. James your choice of latest solid colors Rocco said the 5.5 figure was Soos said his committee has and new patterns. 30 to 38. a "total percentage" and did received "no information-that not apply to specific in- would alter the board's posi- crement figures. tion" on grade acceleration. L Salaries for the. district's 121 . $M, L? resident Robert teachersnow start'at a min- Snell declared, "Of-course the imum of W^pfFMM bacfo, (present} system is-archaic, elor's defiPRfi to.iJWv Few of the most recent new- A jury convicted Howard of comers had arrived in any breaking into the home of Lee great numbers, ovenbird Kansky, 2 Mill Road. Girls' Casual Wear Pajamas being an exception. Of the last The sentence was Imposed Misses' 12 species added to our list, by Superior Court Judge Wai seven were represented by tcr H. Conklin, who presided YOUR just a single sighting. over Howard's two-day trial. Ruffled CHOICE FOR LITTLE GIRLS'3-PIECE Blouses FOR If /Makes HOT PANT SETS Top with matching and con- Good Sense trasting hot pants, in cotton. Sizes 3-6X. 99 Gift-pretty sleepweor with practical ways, of Jo Buy Here/ GIRLS' Jean Tops 65% Kockri* polyester, Cotton crew necks in solid colors 35% cotton or other [•PROMPTAND DEPENDABLE SERVICE or floral prints. 3-6X and 7-14. Pretty, easy-care easy-care blends, with Whon you buy hero, you got tha jaivlce embroidery or lace. Prints you deaerv* «nd pay as Illlla as you blouses of no-iron would anywhore else. GIRLS'HOT PANTS polyester-cotton. and solids. Sizes S, M, I, White, pink, blue, 32 to 40. vxmMf Boxer back hot pants with cuffs, »llhoui«o»ll»iaurlrlj|(h» maize. 32 to 3 8. month Ol Miy, whin you in cotton prints. Sizes 7 to 14. 20% OFF prmntthlud. Authority RCA and "BAOY CREDIT TERMS" ' *' OWN DAILY 0:30 A.M. TIL 10 P.M. SUNDAY* urrLe invert 10 A.M.-TIL 8 P.M. Television & Appliance Center MIDDLETOWN-RT. 35 www 14 Tie Daily Register, Bed Bank - Middletowii, N.J, ThurstfayL May t, Wt SHOP RED BANK BOARD STORES Forrestdale Students Learn Rome Wasn't Built in a Day RUMSON - In addition to a Ihc adjoining room. monologue. Others correctly produced in miniature as well lot of other facts about an- Both are located in one of draped mannequins in the for- as city and country homes. cient Rome, the eighth gra- Forrestdale's temporary units mal and everyday togas of old There's a life-sized chariot. ders at Forrestdale School erected to ease the space Rome, Swords, Shields know it wasn't built in a day. problem. "We wish we didn't A dozen bojfe carefully di- There are handmade mod- For a full month, the stu- have the temporaries," the vided the tasks involved in els of swords and shields, pot- dents devoted all of their so- teachers say, "but in this constructing a giant replica of tery from which the meal was cial studies periods, plus case, they made possible an a battlefield, complete with served, an abaccus and typi- hours of outside time, to mak- enterprise that couldn't have warriors of Rome and Gaul, cal Jewelry. ing projects that depict the taken place under normal arranEed"to"illustrate'the The teachers say the overall life and times of the grpafem- classroom conditions." fighting style of each side. project taught more than lec- pirc. s By necessity, there was a Scvpral girls worked out tures and "book learning" The end resu,Jt is a class- lot of noise involved, ham- menus of foods that would ever could have accom- room chodt-firfTof illustrative mering, sawing, plastering have been available at the „ plished. material including a catapult and the conversation that time, and then cooked them' Each*student pursued his that jettisons bean bags 35 rises out of joint projects. and served them to a class. own special interest in his feet and a working model of "Out here, we didn't bother They included Caesar salad, own special way, providing an aqueduct with lights that anybody, and the fascinating home baked bread, grape opportunities for those not re- mark the path of the water. tilings we were doing didn't juice, and even pizza. ceptive to traditional teaching The overall project has re- distract other parts of the There are several models methods to learn by doing. quired a great deal of in- school," Mr. Langan said. made of sugar cubes, one re- The composite display is so ventiveness on the part of Ed- The students, individually quiring 20 pounds. A papier interesting and informative ward Langan and Alan Lewis, or in small groups, had to sub- mache relief map of large that Forrestdale's other the teachers who directed it, mit outlines explaining what proportions shows the topo- classes have taken turns vis- as well as from the students. they intended to do, and what graphy of Europe as it was iting it. Parts are being dis- Many Projects materials they would use. knowri to the Romans, played in the school's front There are so many projects, Oral and written reports ac- The circus maximus is re- hall. RECREATING ROMAN LIFE — A Roman home of anciet days was constructed In miniature by For- some of them as large as four companied the constructions. restdale School, Rumson, eighth graders, left 1o right, Gail Karlnja, Susan Nesbitt, Kris Hoback, Kath by eight feet, that they fill Mr. Lots of Variety AAeany and Liz Wilson. ' .Langan's classroom and his There were lots of variety. current teaching is done One girl created her own film team-style with Mr. Lewis in strip with a running recorded Canadian Stand On Takeovers Is EAST ORANGE MILL END SHOPS I ATTENTION Not Surprising NEW YORK (AP) - Ca- So eager are they to obtain nada's intentions to dis- these skills that they some- MIDDLETOWN courage foreign takeover of times offer tax Incentives to its companies unless stiff re- the big corporations of the de- quirements of Self-interest are veloped world. Often no arti- met d nothing that wasn't ex- ficial incentive is needed, and RESIDENTS pected. It was inevitable. sometinres not even an in- And lit is inevitable too that vitation. FREE RABIES CLINICS are slated for all Middle- There are thousands of; town Township dog owners during the second similar confrontations are de- veloping in other nations companies today who need week in May. The Board of Health reminds pet where industry is falling into foreign investments, if not for owners that all dogs must be on a leash and the hands of foreign com- the markets that can be de- 1972 Licenses will be oil sale. panies with foreign alle- veloped there, then for.the, giances who, it, is felt, take natural resources that can be' SCHEDULE 15 AS FOLLOWS: more ijian they contribute. extracted or cultivated and WE HAVE ENLARGED OUR READY MADE Whether they do is deba- the labor force that can be de-; veloped or exploited. MONDAY May 8 Port Monmouth First Aid 7-9pjn. table, and probably is unim- portant too. What counts is Need New Markets WEDNESDAY May 10 linaoft Fire House 7 - 9 p.m. the attitude of the country's We have in the industrial, CURTAIN and BEDSPREAD DEPARTMENTS THURSDAY May 11 Brevent Park fire House 7 - 9 p.m. citizens, and in an age of na- world today what are called; FOR 32 years we have served the residents of'New Jersey with the most complete selection of the highest quality, tionalism they often resent multinational companies. .SLIPCOVER, DRAPERY and UPHOLSTERY materials .. . CUSTOM-MADE DRAPERIES and SLIPCOVER? . , .CUS- SATURDAY May 13 Town Hall \ 9 -12 Noon what they once welcomed. They are too big for one na- TOM UPHOLSTERING . . . READY-MADE CURTAINS and BEDSPREADS .... DECORATIVE TRIMMINGS AND DRAP- The scenario is repeated tion; they consider the entire ERY HARDWARE. In appreciation of your patience during the period of remodeling, we are'offering you the most • Dogs must b» en a LEASH' * time after time in country af- world their home and their :DRAMATIC SAVINGS EVER. Come in and see the most beautiful array of Curtains, Bedspreads and Draperies EVER. market. PRESENTED! 1972 DOG IKINSB will be on self** ter country. The nation is un- derdeveloped. It lacks capital But there is a catch: No and other resources of its matter if they operate in 30 READY-MADE DEPARTMENT own, sb it invites development countries, they are based in • by skilled foreign companies. one. No matter how carefully they deal with the local citi- Decorator zenry, obey their laws, re- spect their society, encourage 99 their culture — their eventual' THROW CURTAINS 1PAIR allegiance is to another coun- 99 try. • PINCH PIEATED SHORTIES • TIERS • PILLOWS •»** Politically, that i3, the Reg. to 4.98 • world is fragmented; it may EMBROIDERED be one market, but it still isn't one world. Eventually, one could al-1 Bedspreads 798 98 most say inevitably, the con- flicts arise. The developing UNQUILTED • Prints • Solids • Twins • Fulls M • 84" & 90" Lang • SO" Wide • 12" Hems < country becomes stronger, Reg. to 17.98 " Beautiful Colors Reg. 17.98 7 prouder, more self-sufficient Remember Mother — or so it thinks until it ob- serves how dependent it is to foreigners. SEW-it-YOURSELF-and SAVE DEPT. It begins then to fear the consequences of its political and cultural identity, and soon ANTIQUE SATIN the rumblings of discontent BOLTS <,nd BOLTS The perfect drapery cloth. 14 Beautiful Deco- are enacted into restrictive rator Colorsl Reg. 2.98 legislation, and in some coun- of 48" width fabrics for tries into expropriation. The trap in the latter is that some countries are more de- SLIPCOVERS 1 50 DRAPERY DAMASK pendent than they realize. For elegant decorating In tone-on-tone or two They need foreign industry if & DRAPERIES I YARD tone. Reg. 3.49 they are to have jobs and NOT just s pattern or two, BUT « tremendous variety ol designs In homes and food. To eject the truly quality labrlcs. VAT DYED lor color fastness... all 48" wide for foreigners is to spite them- fuller draperies and economy In slipcover cutting. selves. Embossed It can be shown too that the 100%DACRdN great industrial corporations of the United States, Britain, VELVETS France, Germany, Italy, Swe- BATISTE • Beautiful Oil Velvet Look • High Pile • M" wide den — and Canada too — arc IHIW WHITE ONLY Reg. 2.29 • I seconds -II lint 15.9B Surprise her with a gift certificate for just as dependent upon less developed countries. Custom-Made from Out SEW-it-YOURSELF-and SAVE DEPT. Growth is the name of the a new pair of shoes. She can choose game the world over, and Our Custom Dept. Will Make Your eventually the local market is SLIPCOVER SPEC!AU the style and color she wants and try too small for a growing com- pany. II needs foreign sales DRAPERIES and often it needs foreign re- them on for size. It's a wonderful sources too if It is to show sus- LINED or UNLINED DRAW DRAPERIES INCLUDED SOFA & CHAIR Uiiiicil growth. surprise, and it comes gift boxed with (4 cushions) There Is enormous pressure from industry to, create one -a patent purse. We have your size, world for buKinc.su, to break barriers to world trade and world development. This, It Is 10050 claimed, is the route to eco- Re nomic prosperity and ev«n I \0 M 9- 159.50 perhaps to peace. • Heavy Duly Zippers • Ovtrtooliid Beams In pursuing this goal, great KILL END SHOPS • 200 Different Mslerlile to Choose Prom AS. Wldl 'pressure Is exerted in the United Siiiies by multination- -SHOE COMPANY-I al omipiinli'H who seek free- 137-B BROAD STREH, RED BANK Note: No anillsllou with «n/ other nlorn . oihJnrgey Shorn tvilh similar nnmti fin 18 BROAD ST. RED BANK dom of action. And, of course, sijro.yoii ar« In Iho BA8T ORANQI they actively pressure tholr OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 P.M. DIAL 741-6080 MILL INO •HOP, •IH. pro.l.«l hu n foreign iiosis for favorable Olhtr itorn: faif Orflrfge, Morr/ifovvn, fair law, Moernlown Moll treatment loo, jfat D*Uy Btgteter, Red Vuk - UJT, Ttamtoy, ftty 4,1W IS SHOP RED BANK RETAIL TRADE • WITH CONKWKl BOARD STORES

Resume Programs For Handicapped MIDDLETWN-TheRec- crafts, athletics, music and reation Commission has re- games. Also planned are Fort's ThD Dropout' sumed its Sunday aflernoon bowling, picnics and trips to program for mentally Handi- the amusement park and mat- capped youngsters 9 through inees. 20. Parents may register chil-1 Has Many Interests dren by contacting the recrea- Directed by Newell Cooper, FT. MONM0UTH - Com- though, he reports, (his was the Fort Yacht Club. local special education In- tion office. No registration fee pleting thirty years in the gov- purely for his own entertain- A student as well as a structor, the program is con- will be charged. ernment should be (Si signifi- ment during a recent Nassau teacher, Mr. Gill has stayed ducted Sundays from 2 to 4 Persons interested In assist- cant milestone in the life of a vacation. abreast of changing tech- p.m. in the Community Cen- ing with the program as vol- civil servant, although with Seek Mr. Gill out some nologies during his lengthy ter, Kings Hwy. and Rt. 35. unteers also should contact the passage of time it's be- rainy lunch hour and you'll government career by taking Activities include arts and the commission. I come routine around Ft. Mon- probably find him studying his advantage of the training giv- mouth. "Waterways Guide," planning en on-post through "ECOM . You get your pin, your cer< the cruise he'll take this sum- University," the E-Com- tificate, and your picture tak- mer in his 38-foot houseboat mand's Education Center. His Feelrich, en with the boss, and that's it. Princess HI." studies have ranged from Sometimes, however, the He's quite proud of his boat. such highly technical courses ceremony puts the spotlight "The Princess is docu- as "Telementry Techniques" warm, ^ briefly on an individual who, mented," Mr. Gill explains. to .sophisticated management in addition to being a 30-year- "That means I have all her courses like "Creative Prob- man, turns out to be quite a papers — the master carpen- lem Solving." guy, ter, the fitters - all that. Since 1950 Mr. Gill has A Dudley Wilfred Gill, for She's great to live on — air- made his home in Belmar. free instance. conditioned, carpeted, with For a time his amateur radio UpU. f.D.I.C. Mr. Gill is an electronics en- refrigeration, hot and cold stations (one at home and one gineer who lives in Belmar, water — all conveniences." in his car) were part of Bel- now assigned to the Army Mr. GUI is active in Coast mar's Civil Defense network. Electronics Command's Spe- Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 27. In February he completed his 30-YEAR CERTIFICATE - Brig. Gen. Richard W. Swenson presents Dud- cial Items Management Of- He teaches small boat han- third term as a member of ley Gill with his 30-year certificate. Mr. Gill Is an electronics engineer fice, Communications Divi- dling in the classes given Belmar's Board of Education, •with the Army Electronics Commands' Special Items Management Office. sion. He's been working for twice at year at Ft. Mon- serving at the same time on Gen. Swenson is ECOM's deputy commanding general. Signal Corps agencies under mouth and at Long Branch the Monmouth County Board their various titles since right High School. An average class of Education. after Pearl Harbor, starting at Ft. Monmouth is made up His latest community en Advertise in The Register in his home town of Phila- of 30 to 40 amateur boat en- deavor Is participation in Bel- Have extra cash in your bank delphia in 1941 and transfer- thusiasts. Sessions are going mar's "Help Communities balance when you need it. Open ring to Ft. Monmouth in 1945. on here now. Help Themselves Program" a Cash-O-Matic account with us. He got his EE degree at Mr. Gill's area includes recently funded under a mini- Howard University in 1932, his charts and compasses and oc- grant from the Department of MS at the same school a year casionally navigation. He has Health, Education and Wel- NATIONAL RANK later. He refers to himself also served as commodore of fare. Th« tank Ihit lookt out lor you today as "a PhD dropout." In addition to being a 30 year government careerist MOTHER'S DAY Gill has worn a few other hats during those three dec ades. Boatman, flier, ham ra IFirSQUAlirY YOU'Rl LOOKING FOR GIFT SALE dto operator, mountain dim ber, world traveler, photo grapher, teacher, church and community leader; parent grandparent — even the hard MANY UNADVERTISED SPECIALS hat of a deep sea diver al THROUGHOUT THE STORE PTA Holds FAMOUS NORCREST 1O%OFFONALL Installation CHINA InBelford NOVELTY GLASSWARE BttLFOAD — The Bayviev BILTMORE School PTA installed officer RESTOCK last night at the final meetinh of the school year. TABLE Installed were Mrs. Rot APPLIANCES ert Wyman, president; Mn« Fred Daniels, honorary vice president; Mrs. Richard Rak vln, social vice president Mrs. James Colleen, scholar tic vice president; Mrs. An thony Zigarelli, financial vie president; Mrs. Elwood Seeley, corresponding seen tary; Mrs. Robert Simons recording secretary, and Mr.' Bernard Buchalski, treasurer The PTA's spring bazaai OUR OWN CANTRECE U featuring homemade items- NON-RUN PANTY HOSE student handicrafts, a gener; I .store and games, is plannel for Saturday, May 13, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mrs. Zigarelli i ALL CARRY 1 YEAR chairman. GUARANTEE AND ARE The Blue Notes will furnish U.L APPROVED music at the spring dance, set R«fl. 1.99 pr. Buy 1 pair of for Saturday, May 20, from 9 our fabulous parity hose and p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Belford get a second pair for only Independent firehouse, Rt. 3' li.P,A,T,XT. Tickets may be had from members of the PTA execu live board. Plant Plans Anti-Litter Competition HOLMDEL - The Lily-Tu- lip plant here is one of 95 SLEEPWEAR WITH rn Owens-Illinois facilities in 26 ZEPPT YOUNG PERMA PRESS PERMA PRESS states participating in the sec- Neat treat. ond annual awards program PRINT IVOOAQI Reg. 1.99 ea. Baby DUSTER SPECIAL to encourage Boy Scout and Reg. 4.4S to t.49. Doll p|'s, gowns; Avril" Flower-fresh button- Heavy frames, Tuck-Tite rayon, polyester. Misses' Girl Scout initiative in anti-Ut- fronts in prints and solid ter and related environmental Your tailored Spoiler Knit by Arrow locki. 5 popular size S-M-L. colors you'll love. S-M-L. activities. Got its name because it spoils you. By the way the latest patterns and solids. It's a man-made choice! Rag, 2.99 Open to al) scouting units, it's made—cut and sewn to Arrow perfection. 2-way stretch knit, that drapes like a dream— the competition began April 3 33 and will end May 29. By the way it feels—smooth, cool, comfortable. and washes like one. Neat all around. Of course The two local winners will Because of the timely styling: fully banded, it's by Arrow, the #1 shirtmaker in America. receive $25 each and becorrie non-flop, longpoint collar; 1%" center pleat. In $12 & $12.50 HUGGABU SUPPtR eligible for the national con- test, which features more than 200 awards and $7,000 in prize money. The seven na- -Arrow* tional winners will be awurdud $250 each and the "the look of the leader" grand national winner an ad- The "Hugg»ble«"-w«th«bl« terry In ditional $250. Open Wednesday and Friday Evenings Till 9 P.M. pretty colors. Misses! 9-3W; women's Troops Inking part In the 4 to \0. «ei». 1.29 <| QQ program must submit reports of their anti-Mttcr projects by Thursday, June 15, to Roman BlcrniiWtt, Project Coordina- Lacy, tailored typos, BROAD ST. tor, Lily-Tulip, cup Corp., Rt. some flberflll styles. 3} and Laurel Ave. _J White. A32-36, B3210, RED BANK HOW TO LOSE A CAR ayton& Haoze . C34-40. fl«0. 1.67 MON.-TUES.-THURS.-SAT. DALLAS le was 82,'i Waterworks Road for $2.4 mil- school concept that was dis- nine persons were taken to and was followed by the Rum- Atlantic Highlands had re- nue A; Calvin Stcitz, 41. of 12B meet Tuesday tn discuss four against and riff) for I he bond lion and renovation of the 3ti- cussed last year and Mien .Riverview Hospital, Red son police car. The Atlantic portedly called Rumson and Wesley Ave., and George Cur- possible alternatives to a issue that uould have made year-old West Freehold School dropped because of public op- Rank, after Tuesday night's Highlands ambulance, driven Fair Haven, and requested tis Jr., 32, of 83 Avenue D. $2,694,000 school bond referen- possible the completed con- for $27S,O0O-$3O0,O()0. The same position. accident in which an Atlantic by Patrolman Henry E. Rleth, the police escort en route to Also injured were Mrs. Les- dum township voters defeated struction by September 1974 of proposal was defeated March The present enrollment of Highlands ambulance was 85 Mount Ave., Atlantic High- the hospital. ley and her passengers, Har- 21. 555 votes In 415. the township elementary wrecked, only one remained lands, allegedly struck the Police Sgt. Robert O'Neil in- riet Lesley of the ?ame ad- Asa result of the second de- school system is almost 3,300 hospitalized and he is report- Kusner vehicle, sideswiped vestigated. dress, and Marg«retta feat, the township may lose. students, and is expected to ed in good condition. the Rumson police car, which Atlantic Highlands First Aid Swoopc of 165 MonitioutH . $552,008' in state aid thai approach about 4,000 by Sep- In good condition in the hos- was driven by Patrolman Ed- Squad members treated at the Blvd., Oceanport. PUBLIC would have reduced the cost tember 1971, when the pro- pital is Edward Sims, 32, of 80 ward Fa lion, and crashed into hospital and released were Atlantic Highlands has been of the proposed construction posed new school was to have K. Washington Ave., Atlantic the Lesley vehicle: Herbert Konish, 32, of 56 W. granted temporary use of a and renovation to $2,142,0110. been ready, said Mr. Krrick- Highlands, who was a passen- Damaged most, the chief Highland Ave.; William Gles- Rumson ambulance-to replace AUCTION SALE Extension Asked son. , . ger in the ambulance. said, were the ambulance and ter, 25, of 30 Asbury Ave.; the wrecked first aid vehicle: Meeting in dosed session Next year, the staff will be The accident, which oc- Tha undersigned has been authorized and directed to Tuesday night after the refer- increased by nine profes- curred at about 11:15 p.m. sell at absolute public auction entire contents ol eight Tuesday on River Road near room model house on the premises at: endum defeat, the board de- sionals who will be distributed cided to write to the state among the six schools in the llance Ave., involved a Rum- SHOP THESE OAK HILL ROAD, MIDDLETOWN, N.J. commissioner of education system... son police car and two other vehicles. The nine injured On* halt milt due wit ol HlghwayJS asking for an extension of During the past 18 years, time on the state aid grant, this school system has built , were taken to the hospital by 10:00 A.M. -SATURDAY, WAY 6th Superintendent Marshall W. either a new school or an ad- Rumson and Fair Haven first This beautiful house was completely furnished Krrickson said yestrday. dition every two years. In the aidmen. ' with quality furniture comprising Living Room, Din- The board also decided to past five years, enrollment The Atlantic Highlands am- ing Room, Bedroom, Kitchen and Nursery Room at keep the sixth grade students has increased by about 300 bulance was wrecked while a cost of $7,300. Exquisite Twin Bedroom Sets. The in the Elton Road School next students a year, and the pat- Charles E. MacLaughlin, that appointments of the Living Room invites the most year, making full use of 26 of tern of growth seems to be borough's harbormaster, was fastidious in the decor and quality of good furniture. the 27 teaching stations there. continuing in this second fast- being taken to Riverview af- The Nursery Room would please any Mother and Some of those opposed to the est growing municipality in ter he suffered a heart attack Child. Wrought Iron Kitchen Ftirniture of exceptional present referendum have ar- Monmnuth County. in the Atlantic Highlands SPRING quality. A modern Dining Room Set that would make gued that the Elton Road borough hall. Mr. MacLaughlin the most discriminating critic gasp with delight. School, thfe township's newest was pronounced dead at the There are other splendid items seldom found in a K-6 school, opened in January Berg Appoints hospital. model house. with K-5 grade classes and Describing the accident, lo- PAINT SALE 6 FOOT-36 Line Entire contents of the house has never been used would continue without the New Salesman cal Police Chief Carl J. Jaku- and every offering is like new. They may be viewed sixth graders because of lack WANAMASSA - Robert Co- becy said all vehicles involved OUTDOOR on date of sale from 8:30 A.M. until sale time. The of funds to equip the school ren of Long Branch has been were traveling west on River SAVE 1.97 house was completely furnished under the direction for full-capacity use. appointed a sales representa- Road. , of an experiepced Decorator. At its regular meeting next tive of the Wanamassa office Harold K. Kusner, 61, of 21 ONE COAT-SIIF-PRIMING-LATEX CLOTHES DRYER Bring your station wagon, truck or what-have-ypu Tuesday, the board will dis- of the Berg real estate Charles Court had reportedly and come prepared to remove your purchases at cuss four possible alternatives agency, it was announced by pulled over to the right and conclusion of sale. The house has been sold and it to the referendum, Mr. Er- Daniel Goldman, manager. stopped. Mrs. Ruth C. Lesley, HOUSE PAINT is imperative that it be vacated. TERMS: CASH. ricksonsaid. They are: Mr. Coren is a graduate of 55, of 129 Monmouth Blvd., ADULTS ONLY. Alternatives Offered Blnomficld High School and Oceanport had stopped in the 1. A less comprehensive plan attendedthe University of St. middle of the road and was at- 8 REG. 8.9S B. G. COATS & ASSOCIATES than the one proposed by the Louis. He served four years in tempting to turn south onto REG. 14.95 Auctioneers — Appraisers referendum; the U.S. Navy. Married to the llance Road, the chief said. 45 West River Road Rumson, N.J. 2. The possibility of increasing former Patricia Pichi, the Chief Jakubecy said a Fair Mogla - Tiflon • Ironing Board (201) 842-4033 the sizes of the classes: couple have a four-year-old Haven police car passed the 3. Consideration of double ses- son, and reside in Long PAD AND O98 sions; Branch. VFW TEEN DANCE COVER SET Z ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — The Veterans |f Foreign GALLON New General Electric 20.8 cu. ft. 2-Door Wars Post will sponsor a teen dance, featuring music by the No-Frost Refrigerator-Freezer has Survivals, Saturday from 7:30 ONE GOAT rr.B E^cq^r irnlsrcolors on most surfaces to 11 p.m. in the Sea Scout SELP-^RIMING over sound, firm surfaces in good condition. 20% - Contains "LOCKS-IN" to seal off "Cedar Bleed" Staining on Building in the municipal har- 8// bor. ' Shakes & Shingles. Up to 50% longer life expectancy. A Dazzling, ton-yellowing white lhat stays whiter. , Throw Pillows LEGAL NOTICE Easy soap and water clean-up ol painting tbols. '•• ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE many colors i sizes CONDUCT OF GAMES OF CHANCE COMMONLY KNOWN AS RABFLE OR RAFFLES ON THE FIRST DAV OF THE WEEK COMMONLY KNOWN TELESCOPE Start the dinner,not the fire. AND DESIGNATED AS SUNOAY IN THE BOROUGH OF LITTLE SILVER NOtlCE CHAISE With the Electric Char-B-Oue, The Electric Char-B-Que. It . TNj Is to cerlllv thai the foregoing ordi turn a dial and lh» "fire" stalls. It's uses regular household cunontfdr nonce wos Introduced tor first reading by the Borough Council of the Borouqn of LOUNGE that simple. And because it comes use outdoors or on your apartment Little Silver, County of Monmouth, Mate with permanent briquels there's no terrace. Or inside your fireplace. of New Jersey, on 17 April 1P72 and was final I y adopted and approved by the charcoal to lug home, no ashes to Oneyearwarranty. Rust-pioof Borough council on 1 May 1972. clean. No dangerous starting fluids. aluminum housing available in CHARLES F. RELL orange, yellow, avocado and black, Mayo But the really terrific thing AT THE Attest: •bout It Is that it not only makes bar- Stephen G. Greenwood becuing easier, it makes it belter. Admlnlstrotor-Clerk Come In and we'll show you more ELECTRIC Moy * $5.5 than a lew reasons why. INVITATION FOR BIDS CHARB-QJ* AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT 1 JUP PLIES Notice Is hereby alven lhal the Board of m Trustees or Brookdole Community College will receive sealed bids for Automotive Equipment ond Supplies of the Purchasing Office ot 765 Newman Springs Rood, Lln- crott. New Jersey on Moy if, 1»72 at 3:00 Giant 243-lb. freezer P.M., prevailing time, ot which time and plnce sold bids will bt publicly opene< ond reod. section stores more Contract documents moy be examined TELESCOPE on or alter May I, 1972 ot the Purchasing Office- ol Brookdale Community College. MS Newman Springs Road. Lincrofl, New than some chest Jersey. FOLDING Bid securities in the form ol a bid bond with adequate security thereon, or certi- freezers! More usable I'ed check in an amount equal to 10% ol theamount of the bid. not to exceed CHAIR S20.000.00 will be required. Bids may not fresh food storage, too, be withdrawn within thirty days otter the .m'm't actual day of the bid opening

with 3 fun-width Ight lo reieel ony or all'bids; and to oc cept any bid which Is deemed most favor able. The owner also reserves the right to reject any bid If, In Its opinion, the bidder adjustable shelves — j not considered financially or technical y able to carry out the contract ai In tended, or tor any reason In the owner's all cantilevered! ludgmenl. It Is nnt In the best Interest oi Brookdate Community College All bidders will be required lo furnish a Meat Pan attaches to any performance bond In conformity to the re qulremenfs of NJ.S. 2A:44-I43 ef seq In an amount equal lo 100"/. ot Ihe contract cantilever shelf! Jet Freeze amount. The New Jersey Prevailing Wage Ac! ond any amendment! thereto will Be Ice Compartment freezes cubes port ol the contract documenll « 4 ,1050

FAST! New Ice 'n Easy Cube NOTICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSINO Service! Rolls out on big wheels * URBAN DEVELOPMENT Aluminum Exterior Shutter ADVERTISEMENT FOR ilDS Prolecl No. WS NJ.2T7 for easy cleaning! Equipped Matawan Township Municipal Utilities Authority to receive Automatic Icemaker Separate sealed bids tor Contract No. V for Garden State Parkway sewer Crossing will be received by Jomes M. Longford: — (optional at extra cost). Chief Engineer, ot the olflce ol 30 Noble Place, Matawan, New Jersey until l:O0 o'clock P.M, D.ST. Moy It, 1072 ond then at said office publicly opened ond read aloud. , Reg. 10.75 AND NO DEFROSTING The Information tor Bidders, Form or Bid, Form ot Contract. Plant, Speclflco- TOP TO BOTTOM! Ilom, and Formi of Bid Bond, Perform 16x39 once and Payment Bond, ond other con 7.49PR Tact documents may be examined ot the following: Reg. 11.25 Charles J. Kupper, Inc., It Stellon Road, Plscolaway, NJ Von Note-Harvey Associates, Princeton 16x43 8.49PR Research Pork, Building "N", 1101 stoli Rood, Princeton, N.J. ' Matowon Township Municipal Utilities Aulhorlly, 10 Noble Place, Malowon, New Reg. 11,75 SALE par pair 9.49 leriey New Jersey Highway Aulhorlly, Garden . Reg. 12 50 8ALE par pair 10.49 Stale Porkwoy, Woodbrldae, New Jersey Copies may be obtained at Ihe office of * Reg. 1? 50 SALE par pair 11.49 Van Note-Harvey Associates, located al Vlnceton Reiearrh Park, Building "N"p 10x89 Reg. 1< 50 8ALE par pair 11.49 1101 Stole Road, Princeton, New Jersey upon payment of 173.00 for each s«t. Any unsuccessful bidder, upon returning such •el promptly ond in good condition, will Othtr Slim v'p To 16x«0 On Silt Too be refunded lilt payment, ond any non-bid- IniltiitUon NOT Available at Sila Prlct. der upon to returning such a set will be refunded 110.00. The owner reserves Ihe right lo waive nnv Informalities or to relecl ony or oil Each bidder must deposit with his bend, •ecyrlly In Ihe amount, lorm-ond lublecl p the conditions provided In Ihe Informo- llon for Bidders. CHARGE IT! Attention gf bidden It particularly Jlled to the reoulr«mtnli ot lo condi- tions of employment lo be observed and minimum wage rotes lo be pold under the Free Delivery 741 -7BOO No bidder moy withdraw hit bid within alter the oclual doll tf mi open JAMISM, LLAAN 32 ChlChlf on *^T fl<#ST. ""»»> RED BANK 17 SHOP RED BANK RiJAll TRADE • MMCONratlKI] BOARD STORES

«•««•«. i?ra Parties Fair Haven Girl Wins Scholarship A Big Thing FAIR HAVEN - Ruth E. continuing growth of sponsor- Gibson, of 6 Dogwood Lane, is ship of Merit Scholarships by BERKELEY HEIGHTS strap strain and can even add Monmouth County's only win- colleges and universities," (AP) — Want to invite your two or three inches up front, ner of a college-sponsored Mr. Smith said. "The 1972 friends to a really different These results are accom- Merit Scholarship. kind of a party? They've pllshed without the use of Merit Scholars were chosen probably all been to home wires, pads or artlflcal aids Names of the more than 800 from among a group of 14,400 parties offering plastic prod- that shorten the life of a bra, recipients, 19 of whom are highly qualified students who uets, brushes, etc., but reduce or endanger breast Us- from New Jersey, were an- became finalists in the 1972 they've probably never been sue, she notes. "It seems to nounced today by Edward C. Merit Program." ' asked to a bra party. find breast tissue you didn't Smith, president of the Na- The amount of the scholar- tional Merit Scholarship ship stipend is determined by . The bra party business is know you had and coax it Corp., Evanston, 111. booming, and a Jersey woman back where it belongs." the sponsoring institution. The ought to know. She's Mrs/ For the woman.overly en- Miss Gibson, a senior at amount may range from- a Yvonne Ferguson, a young dowed. there is a bra that will Rumson-Fatr Haven Regional minimum of $100 to a max- mother of two and the first enhance her figure, as well as High School, Rumson, re- imum of 11,500 per year for up representative in New Jersey \a girdle that may trim a jlrl ceived the award from Buck- to four years. Individual sti- for Symbra Ette, one of sev- down two or three sizes, yet nell University, Lewisburg, pends are not made public eral bra manufacturers who keep a natural look, says Pa. She has chosen science as since they are based,in part- are going into homes to sell Yvonne, her major. on confidential financial infor- their products. This method of She has been a member of mation. sales, which worked so well Ordinary "store-bought" the National Honor Society, the girls' drill team, the Tow- School Registration forkitchenware, brushes and bras usually come in about a er Madrigals, the Tower Play- cosmetics, is apparently dozen sizes and rarely no ers, and the Mariner Girl In Eatontown Set working for brassieres. Bra more than three or four cup Scouts. EATONTOWN - Registra- parties have created a multi- sizes. The Symbra Ette bras are available in more than 140 College-sponsored Merit tion of children who will at- million, dollar business across Scholarships are. renewable, tend kindergarten in schools the nation. sizes and 15 proportioned cup four-year awards which are fi- here is scheduled May 9 and Mrs. Ferguson joined the sizes from AA to M. The smal- CHECKINOvOUT - Victor M. Dorn punches his nanced by the colleges and 10from 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 company last year when she lest size available is 28AA and final time card at Red Bank post office. He has universities which participate p.m. in the Meadowbrook lived in Portland, Ore., and the largest is 64L, but 64M retired after 35 years' service, many of which as sponsors in the merit pro- School only. she is introducing area worn- may be ordered, were as Ihe deliverer of parcel post packages. He gram. The winners are se- Parents of children with last en to this fairly new idea for In addition to bras and gird- and his wife Intend to spend the summer with lected by the sponsoring in- names beginning with A-K AP Wlrtplnlo the East Coast. les, the company offers swim- their daughter, Mrs. Richard (Betsy) Kelly In stitution and are chosen from will register May 9. Parents BttAS GO DOOR TO DOOR — The latest Item In "Any day now you may be wear that comes in Individ- Randolph, Vt. They also have a son, James Dorn, scholarship finalists who plan of children M^ith last names thee repertoire of the door to door salesman Is the invited to a bra party. No, it ually sizes tops and bottoms, who Is employed by Dorn's Engraving, Red Bank. to attend that school. beginning L-Z will register bfasslere. Mrs. Yvonne Ferguson of Berkeley won't be for burning, but for and a lingerie line. • "It is gratifying to note the May 10. Heights shows some of her wares, which are often buying them. At the party you Yvonne handles custom fit- sold at 'brq parties.' will have the opportunity to tings herself but is also inter- be custom-fitted in a uniquely ested in recruiting other wem- designed bra that will accen- en interested in business, tuate your positive and eUmi- "The challenge and opportu- nate the negative, she says. nity is fantastic." Last year, TREAT MOM TO A.... How? The exclusively de» American women bought a signed brassieres feature a billion and a quarter bras, suspension bridge construe- In 1970 there were some tion devised by Dr, Sonia Ga- 7.000 women company repre- Barcalounger recliner, rutso of Los Angeles. She is a sentatives and that number retired dentist in her 70s from has increased considerably. Russia. Yvonne's husband, Jack, is The bras, worn by Raquel a CPA for Haskins & Sells in the best in comfort and Welch and the late Marilyn New York City. "He used to Monroe, reposture a woman's be embarrassed about me OF RED BAMk figure, providing it.with an selling bras but the business is uplift. Tne bra, according to lucrative, so he doesn't mind quality at remarkable j 24 BROAD ST. Mrs. Ferguson, eliminates the anymore," says Yvonne. ify 3air DO YOU REMEMBER This most wanted style of Barcalounger I strictly personal THOSE GOOD OLD has been a value at $219.95. A value, |: •:'• for because dollar for dollar you get SALE DAYS? more quality in a Barcalounger Well they're Back at than any other recliner. the COLLEGE SHOP! Now save $6995 .,. Remember when you had to stand in line to get- Vanity Fair's beautiful 1 in because the values were absolutely unbelievable? shlrtwalster is a full Those days are back, and Better thart ever. Come length two-tone "sep- on in. We know we have something for youl 11 Special Purchase arates" shlrtwalst-robe in Tricopaque,® Tailor- ed collar and long cuf- W $ fed sleeves, Self cov- •ered button front, Dresses draVvstrlng waist ties. Reg. to $30.00 14 150 Sizes 8 to 18 In ultra violet. while stock 20. Bathing Suits Q99 flefl. to 525.00 # lasts

Pants Suits I / 3 off This elegantly proportioned man-sized Barcalounger is meticulously MMVMM MMNMMMMMMWIMV upholstered in long wearing, carefree vinyl. The exclusive Barcalounger design gives deep • comfort to the lower back, full support to the head. >5 Complete, relaxing luxury in any of the infinite sitting and reclining positions. Your Choice: Beautiful biscuit-tufted back detail, smartly smooth tapered arms, practical TOPS, SKIRTS, SHORTS, DRESSES reversible seat cushion, even casters for easy moving! Compare, luxuriate in a MMMVWWMVMWMMWM Barcalounger. Today.


Mother's Day OPEN WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY EVES. TILL 9 P.M. Is Sun., May 14 Road-Runners sleep gownol nylon tricot with antl-dlns Antron ACME FURNITURE COMPANY 111 haq brightly bor- dered yoke ang hem in contrasting colors 137 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK plus easy styling for dreamy comfort. 747-2104 8. Rendezvous • Free parking along side our store • • The Red Bank Mall BROAD at Monmwfh/Rtd Bank ~ MJMtetown, NX TfcursHy,May A, 1972 Controversy On Patient! Panel Topic FRIDAY ONLY RUMSON - The con- troversial question of per- SUPER SAVER mitting a person "to die with dignity" will be discussed by a physician, an attorney who heads the Monmouth County Cancer Society, and a rabbi at ALL PURPOSE the Oneg Shabbat after Sab- bath Eve services tomorrow at Congregation B'nai Israel, here. Panelists will be Dr. Harold COFFEE Cliafkin, Middletown, director of the department of internal, medicine at Riverview Hospi- tal, Red Bank; William 0. Barnes, West Long Branch, 11b. president of the N.J. Trial At- torneys Association, past CAN president of the N.J. Cancer Society and its representative to the American Cancer So- Quantity5 rights9 reserved. ciety board of directors, and Not responsible lor typographical errors. Rabbi Jack M. Rosoff, spiritu- al leader of the congregation. There will be a public dis- cussion period. WE ALWAYS LOWER Rtgliltr Stpfl Phols THE PRICE, BUT Sehussboomers BIRTHRIGHT OFFICE OPENS — Birthright, an organization designed to NEVER THE QUALITY. BUC-WHT- help girls and women find alternatives to abortion and to help them PATINT Set Springfest through their pregnancy, .has opened a .second Monmouth County office at 30 W. Main St., Freehold. Approving one of the organization's posters are UAC-BflGt- LONG BRANCH -The BUtSUEDE Mrs. James Gaeta, Freehold, second from left, president of the Freehold .Springfest, annual end of the Birthright chapter/ Mrs. Charles Hart, Freehold, and three of Mrs. season dance of the Gaeta's four sons, Tom, left, 13, John F., 14, and James G. Jr., 17. Advertise inTheRegistei\ Sehussboomers Ski Club, will be tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the Long Branch Elks Club, 150 Youth, 16, soft Garfield Ave. . Tickets may be purchased OPEN DAILY 8 fo 6 - fRI. to 9 - SUN, 8 to 5 from members in advance or Involved In at the door. suede Music will be by the Ascots, Auto Crash with entertainment by club members. A buffet will be FAIR.HAVEN — Charges 6 CARLOADS of against Peter Wattiker, 16, of served and door prizes 53 Navesink Ave., Rurnson, sandals awarded. have been filed with juvenile Highlight of the evening will authorities by local police. PORCH & PATIO FURNITURE IN COLOR SCHEMES be the introduction of new Chief Carl J. Jakubecy says club officers: Len Compton, the youth, an unlicensed driv- FOR THE WELL DRESSED LEG president; Otto Schoenburger, er, was involved in an acci- mmDIATE DELIVERY AT PRKESLOWERTHAN MARKET vice president; Wishvender dent at 3:20 p.m. Tuesday. Opened-up. barely-there stripling shoes" Behl, treasurer; Ann O'Leary, recording secretary; Jay Bot- The boy reportedly had with a bold heel,' In tender suede colors to tini, corresponding secretary; been attempting to pass two vehicles which were heading match your every fashion mood. $2200 Bobbi Bacigalupi, ski trip chairman, and Jack Charlton, east on Harding Road when MAKH1UG HANDBAG program chairman. his car collided with one being J 00 driven by George W. Murphy, 15 24, of 5B River Road, New Shore Area Band's Shrewsbury, who was turning YES, THEY COME IN NARROWS Concert Is Sunday north onto Harrison Ave. EATONT0WN - The Chief Jakubecy investigated Create!1 Shore Area Commu- the accident. No injuries were nity Band, under the direction reported. of Dr. Henry Melnik, will present its annual spring con- Holmdel Seeks f\RED BANK* 9 WHITE STREET cert Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Meadowbrook School, Wyck- Blood Donors 6 pc. PLANTATION PATTERN MESH • SAT. 9:30- 5:30 off Road. : HOLMDEL - The County 842-9191 by Arlington House. Comes In FRI.T1U.9 Applications for member- Blood Bank team will be at white or pompeian green. StonlnUotuaautti Coimt/" ship ia tlie,£SAC band will be the Intermediate School, 5 Priced over $200.00 if pur- accepted by Mrs. Nancy Her- Crawford's Corner Road, Sat- chased separately. Below ry, executive secretary. urday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. market price at... for Holmdel's Blood Donor 149' Day, sponsored by the First Aid Squad. Cushionaire II by Sarnsonite" Donations wil be accepted The most comfortable outdoor furniture In the world • from anyone between the ages five yr: guarantee against frame corrosion. Soft, color- of 18 and 66. Minors must fu, weather resistant vinyl. Lower than market prices. present written approval from M their parents. 10VE SEAT. 67" LOUNGE CHAIRS 45 Since its inception two SO s years ago, the Holmdel Ac- OTTOMAN....,; 22 CHAISE 10UMGE.. 76 " count has released 71 pints of ROCKER 49s0 blood to 16 patients. Ralph Nappi is the ac- count's coordinator. VANDY CRAFT 2" REDWOOD VISIT WEST POINT KEANSBURG - Cub Scout 48" dia. UMBRELLA TABLE Pack 261, under the lead- ership of Cubmaster Arthur with 3 BENCHES Kane, toured the United Vandy's recommended retail price $96.10 tl States Military Academy at Our Regular Price $85.80 West Point, N.Y. Plans are being made for trips to Ft* is back, looking Hancock and Ft. Monmouth. • LEGAL NOTICE Cushionaire n RESOLUTION NO. 141-72 RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ACTION newer OF PLANNING BOARD IN REOM- UMBRELLA SET MENDING FINAL APPROVAL OF SUB- DIVISION WHEREAS, application for final ap- proval of the lollowlny described plat has and more been submitted 1o ihe Planning Board of bySamsonite* the Township of Marlboro and approved by the sold Board as will more fully ap- In blue-green, yellow-orange or pear by Resolution dated April 6, 1972, a copy of which is made a part hereof as black-white color combinations. though annexed hereto; 5 yr. guarantee against frame colorful NAME OF APPLICANT*. Jack Von Da corrosion. °NAME OF PLAT: "Final Plat, Orchard Hill- doled 3/14/72 and revised 4/4/72. TABLE 49" WHEREAS, the premises arc located In 00 a R-20 Residential Zone according to Ihe CHAIRS ea.40 Zoning Ordinance at Ihe Township effec- B0 than ever tive June 5, 197); and UMBRELLA 73 WHEREAS, Preliminary Approval of It's the year of the Classic, and said application has heretofore been 8'/, n. by California Umbrella Co. granted by Ihe Planning Board and the Crank handle and tilt. Township Council; and at Goldin's our blazers make it WHEREAS, the Township Engineer has r examined the final plans and has sub easy to see why. Here are mltted a report and Bond Estimate to In. sure the Installation of all utilities, as sportcoats every man can more fully appears In the Engineer's Re- TELESCOPE DIRECTORS CHAIR port and Estimate, a copy ot which Is 'wear well. They're beautifully mode a part hereof as though annexed 9 Different Frames MERITIME by Meadowcraft NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AMD IT IS Round edge solid bar aluminum. cut, smartly styled and in the HEREBY RESOLVED: & 25 Different Covers 1. That the Plat entitled "Final Plot, Or- Controlled resilient vinyl strapping. latest colors. The single chard Hill, dated 3/14f7?ond revised Some Higher 4/4/77, a copy of which is made a port 00 W liereoi as though annexed hereto, be und LOVE SiAT 79. TABU 49 breasted model shown here is the same is hereby granted Final Approv- 15 al, sub|ccl to Ihe fitinu of Bond1; us re- only one of many in our great quired by the Township Engineer's Re- SPRING CHAIR 59" port, and tho payment of atl fees due and owing to the Township, anil further sub- collection. ject to oil ot the terms, conditions and re- quirements of Ihe Planning Board. 2. Nothing herein contained ts to be con- $7C00 strued In any wlie as on approval or ac- WE SELL and INSTALL FENCING ceptance of any utilities, strpets, roods, avenues, or other thoroughfares shown thereon without [urther formal action of the Township Council respecting same. HALF ROUND ^nrv I 6 FOOT •**•.« 3. That the Mayor, I nwnshlp Clerk end Complimenting Townihjp Engineer are hereby ciutnorlied ond directed to execute any and all plats end other documents necessary to effect WHITE CEDAR O" CEDAR STOCKADE 1 O50 SLACKS *25 thi purposei of thlt Resolution. Offered: McLoualilin Ayes: 5 Absent: and one poitt and one post Seconded: Kaplan Nays: 0 Joyce Hiirman, Clerk LAWRENCE GROSSMAN, CounciiSfirffildent The obove resolution was (ideated Oils 27th day of April )v/2 ENGINEER'. ESTIMATE OF IMPROVEMENTS He: PB72-? Hill Orchard Hill Quantity mm Prlci Amount 31) L,F. Curb & Gutter 3 00 > 9li, JO) S.y. Pavement 37S 7*9" . 6201..F. SwrileB i.m lilt. Use Your JML.F. Swale A 1,25 31?. 210 LF. Sidewalk 3.7S 910, Master Charge Sea Wonmunients MOD HLF, It" RCP 15 00 mo. Diners Club MEN'S SHOP 1 ea Basin 3)5 00 I2?O. Carte Blanphe I eu Yard Drain 315. BROAD & MECHANIC, RED BANK It Trecl 30.00 m. Engineering F*n* Inspection >'o«i 5% IB: ^Open Wednesday & Friday Nights CALPURNIO r. SALOMOJfi Municipal Eny ; I BROAD STREET 747-5555 SHREWSBURY May 4 •20.00 Shrewsbury Township NJ.Tlwr»«iy,M»y4,m: ;ost May Be Filled Howard's 'Superb' Effort flsHREWSBURY TOWN- befofthe Monmouth Regional pIP-CUWnceMoorelsox- Boai'(l ot Education, for the Meted to be appointed tonight seat, On Water Pollution Lauded 'M the ToWnJhlp Committee Mr, Cluny wouldn't second WASHINGTON - Chair- v Mr. Blatnik, who authored water pollution." 'i'«u.„_. ! vacanVikPanit sincnlnr'le> VerjiuVnrnnn the nominations. There being man John A. Blatnik of the the first permanent, national "The fact that Mr. Howard ;gleld resigned in January. only Iwo commiltesmen, the House Public' Works Com- water pollution control law in was selected to serve on the ^'Attempts to (ill the vacancy muttons died, mittee has commended his 1956, said the 1972 legislation Public Works Committee was |5jn the three-member com- New Jersey colleague, Rep. is "effective and workable" more than helpful to the resi- Mr, Moore, privately advo- jmiltee caused k flitter pollti- James Howard, for his "su- and would be "the beginning dents of the Third Congres- cated by Mr. Cluny, U u for- jpl fight in this tiny township. perb contributions" to the wa- of an all-out program to re- sional District of New Jer- mer member of the Tinton is Mr. Field, mayor for sev- ter pollution control bill store and permanently pre- sey," Blatnik said. Falls Regional Board of Edu- eral years, resigned at the Ja- passed by the House March serve the Integrity of our wa- "As a result of that appoint- cation end has been a govern- nuary organization meeting 29. ters." ment our committee has had ment employe nearly 30 \sVhcn Mrs. EHoud Mage) was In a. letter to the 3rd Dis- The measure now goes to a the benefit of having the dedi- years. He is expected to retire Reeled mayor via her vote trict Congressman, Blatnik conference committee for a cation and work of Jim How- from service at Kt. Monmouth ii,ii(l that of Committeeman Raid he was "especially im- resolution of differences be- ard, who is one of the strong- this summer. pressed" with the way the tween House and Senate ver- Stephen Clunyy. est fighters in the Congress complex environmental legis- sions. At the meeting, she prom- Man Fdund Innocent for effective and realistic wa- k!ii to appoint a replacement «« . . . ,, lation was supported in de- Mr. Blatnik, in a separate ter pollution control legisla- fill the unexpirod term at U1 Assaulting Cop bate on the House floor by statement, said he has been tion," Mr. Blatnik said. g p Rep. Howard and his fellow "tremendously Impressed" |"e Keb. 3 committee meet FFREEHOLR D — Thomas E. RUMSON PARTICIPANTS — Pack 11 members from Rumson awaiting The chairman of the public- big weekend are, left to right, Todd Vilardl, Brett Long, Billy Denver, Committee members. with the "sincere dedication" works committee said in this Maker of Hobart, ind,, was "I have never seen a better with which Mr. Howard has ^February and March came acquitted by a jury of resist- Spencer Cooper, Mrs. Lynn Long, den mother, Thomas Lapare and Don- bill, as passed by the House, and went, with no public an- ald Reulbach. 'coordinated, better prepared, worked for strong water pollu- the state is eligible to receive ing arrest and committing an tion control legislation since puncements on the appoint- more nonpartinan effort in my more money for water pollu- assault and battery upon being elected to the House in ifcmt, and no appointee that entire 24 years in Congress," tion control than any other Keansburg Patrolman the chairman utd. $j& agreeable to both Mayor Thomas Dalton, state with the exception of jiilgeBagel and Mr.. Cluny. nuuuAssistanut vuimiDeputyj Publimumc. bew- "I want to express my New York. :<:Ust month, the mayor first fender Joseph Meehan repre- whole-hearted thanks to you "When Jim Howard was ^ggested Jutius Frlckcl, a sented Maker. Assistant Coun- for the superb contributions first elected to Congress I can ^nt«r commlttcoman, and ty Prosecutor Michael Farren you personally made to the recall how hard he worked High Interest sn Robert Jenkins, a mem- •presented the state's case. water pollution control bill," trying to become a member of the letter said, "throughout the House Committee on Pub- the seven months of hearings, lic Works," Blatnik said. and flexibility through the arduous markup "I can recall Mr. Howard of the most complex, techni- saying' that he wanted to cally difficult bill our com- serve on our committee be- mittee b»8 ever written, your cause pollution was a critical I personal participation was in- problem in New Jersey and; valuable, and much appre- that his constituent*, In par- ciated." ticular, were concerned about WE HAVE A Zoners OK New Church SHREWSBURY "-The Churches are non-con- SELEQION OF First Assembly of God re- forming uses in all' borough ceived variance approval zones and the proposed build- FINE BOOKS from the Board of Adjustment Ing violates rear yard clear- last night: to build a new ances requiring two vari- church. The variance wai ances. KNmiMNU»1l IDEAL FOR sent on to the Borough Coun- Church officials testified mmnuu. cil for approval. that the building is too small MOWER ON ATLANTIC HIGHLAND CUBS - Scouts from Atlantic Highland's Pack 97 for the congregation which preparing for the Scout Fair are, left to right, standing, Rod Halbert, den The church plans to convert n6w numbers about 40 fami- • chief; Mrs. Chris Deveau, assistant den mother; Robert Stango; Mrs. lies. HER SPECIAL Julie Watterson, den mother; Michael Scanlon; Robert Zoeller; Mrs. Gay its present church building Budzinskl, den mother coach; Mrs. Chris Scanlon, den mother, and Rob- into a school building and con- The board denied an appli- ert Halbert. Sitting, Scott Thomson, Tom Kelso, Kevin Clinch, Michael struct a larger, 40x80-f<5ot A- cation by Friendly Ice Cream DAY. frame church adjacent to the Shop, Broad St. to add a por- Guerriero, Frederick Koeser and Louis Caruso. present building. tico and walk-up window THE RED BANK County Scouts BOOKSTORE open Fri. Til 9 Set for Fair LEES OCEANPORT - An esti- of Boy Scouts annual Scout 6 Llndtn PI. 747-1412 R.dBcnfc mated 5J00 boys will partici- Fair at Wolfhill Farms Satur- pate in the Monmouth Council day from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The show will be opened at The Place To Go -For Th9 Brands You Know 10:30 a.m. by Mayor ElWood L. Baxter. . The general theme is "Ad- JOHN DANIELS 'i vancement." Participants have created 151 exhibits which will show what they GREAT MAY SPRING SALE! must do to meet specific re- quirements, It's Great Because The Savings Are Great LOS Loysen, council field di- CARPET rector, said the cub scout sec* RED TAG SPECIALS tion will contain 62 exhibits showing the things a cub works on in his three ranks. PETROCELLI 95 In the Boy Scout ring, 89 dis- SUITS REG. 145100 plays to show the require- This hot 91 ments a scout must pass from We are overstocked on Petrocelll suits - Look for the Red Tag on tenderfoot to Eagle Scouts. this famous maKe suit - Dacron and wool worsteds - 2 button styl- Scout contests and kiddie ing - A good seleotion but not every size in every style, color or pattern. rides will also be featured. In addition to the show, a new look "camporee" has been sched- uled. DOUBLE KNIT DOUBLE KNIT About 1,500 boys Will camp SLACKS at Wolfhill Farms tomorrow SUITS and Saturday nights. in carpet Save 20.00 on Doubl» Knit Suite In RBQ. SALE There will be 1,200 adults Solids and Patterns.. working on the camporeo and 20.00 15" the show Itself this weekend, as Volunteers. 00 22.50 17" The camp will break up brings you Sale 79 96 Sunday morning. Double knits are sweeping the fash- 24.95 19 Ion world-10016 polyester-Incred-, LEGAL NOTICE Ibly comfortable - move as you lHVTrTiffi5N to BID 26.95 21" The Boord o[ Education of Ihe Borough move and snap back Into shape of Eatonlown Invites your written bid en with nary a wrinkle. Easy lilting 2 SIZES 30 to 44 ihe following: button styles -with new spring fea- Mlxand match them -Some with COLOR Ball majchlng belts. tures Including a doep ceMSr vent. Custodial Supplies lei Cream Fuel Oil Industrial Arts SUpQlIfI ,. .Bids will be accepted until 10 a.m. TbBsday, May 23. 1971 o] the Olllnnl th( ?."""" Xwminrv. Grant Avenue. Baton- Jo*"- New Jersey. They will be opened t TEXTURE DOUBLE-KNIT SPORT COATS m!t«al8lou|)at(hotllrflr. . The Board of Education reserve OO f C96 1MB LJlUe WUIVV tirjf HieiQUlGrltlVS •'• w- M dlna and to proceed In any manner consid- ered In Its besllntereit. flea 69.95 JJ Specifications end bid forms ore avail, FASHION able from the Office of Ihe Board Secre- 2 button - wide lapels Higher oenter vent All latest col- tary, Oronf Avenue, Eatonlown. during ors - and patterns - The best and biggest Selection In regular business hours. U ANTHONY ROCCO, JR. town. Board Secretary Admlnltlrotlvf Offices grant Avenue Balontown, New Jersey tvn< May i il.ut PERFORMANCE VALUE DACRON AND WOOL AN OAD *8un King Is a special construction engineered for high performance in use. Two different pi}MN'CBf6P~!to}l;, BE IT ORDAINED by Ihe Mayor and Council ol Ihe Borough of Ullle Silver TROPICAL SUITS 20% 6ff that: thicknesses of yarns are used so the carpet will keep its textured look. The face yarns are I. Article I, Free Standing Signs, of "An SALE Reg. SALE Ordinance to Amend Chapter 1 of Title 4 of the 'Reviled Ordinances ol it«' ", packed in tightly to stand up underfoot and recover their shape after heavy traffic. adopted 17 April, 197), be and the some Is 79.95 63.96 95.50 79.60 mded ana supplemented as to lowi: A, Poragraph A ol Section 2 thereof Is 89.95 71.96 145.00 116.00 —•-MoTend as follows: "'A. slpite not exceeding fifty (SO) square feet In area, not enceedlng eight (8) fell In horlfontui dlmemlon measured Irom fhelr oulerrpoil edges and which. Id. Convenient Ttirnu Can Be Arranged For Your Purchases gether with the standard, support or other structure upon which they real er by •RED TAG SPECIALS^. which (hey are supported, do not e«celo ten (10) feel In heilgnt measured from street grade lo the fop ol the ilan." B. Paragraph H 41 Section !thereof Is SPECIAL GROUP Dacron and Wool hereby amerlded and supplemented by the 95 addition thereto of Ihe following, twmely: Tropicals REG. 59.95' "NoJlaihlna slaps shall be permitted)" C. section! (hereof i amended and SPORT COATS ' 'IP Vlll»» 29 'V^II.I.111,1supplemented. b•y, ["h*e vwwlticaddlffon inetheretr o ot a Paragraph J, retMlngai follews: "J. free standing slant snail be per FURNITURE milled lor'ihe purpose OfIdentifying a use T uses actual y conducted upon the brem- Open Wednesday and Friday Till 9 P.M. flei upon which luch lions are erected I. this Ordinance Its passage end nllon according Ic COMPANY law. WEST NOTICE JOHN DANIELS di Established1869

.-- -,.« JelQ ITTMI "r^ tmiipiuTi VM •»#• WITH] tillage (ititl odorl Ion at 0 meellnu of soft F onu Coupe I ol fortugti Hall, Pros. KEYPORT, N.J. • FREE PARKING OPPOSITE STORE • 264,0181 *li''-M»ir'^,ttfJ. --- m- ii.— — 7-j-iw,lf-.B .-, _w nvQrv win 60 BROAD STREET RED BANK" rlfl Open Monday & Friday Evenings Hll 9 U Tte Daffy Hegbter, Red Bank-MM|eUiwn,N.I. Thursday, May 4, «7J Child Ntykvl In Charged In Bay shore Buby Death Center to Observe Week • I,..I,V,« MunlclnHl Court .! — A m-yontMilil local I) for prvllinlnury hour LONG BRANCH - The op- Stanley Jr., President of the dicate that for every patient whose facilities make it vir- the center's public relations nearly 100 members of the bolus hold in Oio wuKty MMC Board of Trustees, said;?admitted to a hospital bed tually a "hospital-within-a- office. staff will receive service plus nit:it:. portunity to learn more about lieu u( JIO.UW toil on di t.ipt. Samuel Ouzzl, Patrol. ' health care in general and underscores the change in the during the past year, about hospita!" for the care of the To carry the hospital mes- at a dinner in West End Man- of rhilil iiecloi-i. injured and those afflicted by sage to the public, the center man Willlum Hobinson and concept of the hospital's mod- six persons received care in a or. Heading the list will be IV- •'• about hospitals in particular I'IIIUV niunty IHMoctlvo Brita' Kern- will be available next week em-day role. hospital outpatient depart- sudden illness.. also has set up a photographic ter Grandlnetti of the House- suul llu' ttol.'iul.nil. Him an1 in I'hiirfie »f Hie in- when Monmouth Medical Cen- "The theme expresses not ment." Among (he center's plans display in the Long Branch keeping Department who. has identtlU'd iif- .l«m*"> lt,im\u'ii> ter joins with 7,000 hospitals only hospitals' traditional de- MMC Administrator Felix for observance of the week Public Library under the aus- been a member ot the staff d( (12 Ocean Htvd , is VVIHK through the nation in observ- dication to making sick people M. Pilla said that the medical are a series of tours to be con- pices of the Friends of the for 40 years. ' held in emiiu'Clton .with Hie ing National Hospital Week. healthy but also their modem center is in the forefront of ducted daily. Mr. Pilla urged Long Branch Library. The The employe awards cere- (it'iilh of his sivwwk i>Ut M'II IIKI.lCilOUS SALES Sponsored annually by the commitment to providing the the trend in this respect, cit- residents of the center's ser- display provides graphic an- mony Will follow a similar I'lti'isloplHM' Iliuuiiuir. 'liie American Hospital Associ- framework for keeping ail ing the more than 40 clinics vice area to take advantage of swers to the question: "What event to honor the center's hiiby diiMl hist riuusil.i\ , WASHINGTON, D.C (AP) the program to learn more ation, the week begins Sun- people healthy," Mr. Stanley that provide treatment of «n cliinch's headquarters says. of Health," which Robert c hi fact, national statistics in Emergency. Department tour may be made by calling Awards Program at wjjjch Alexander Pavilion May 4.


MINI-COMPACT PORTABLE HAIR DRYER HAND BUFFET-STYLE 999 MIXER FRYPAN Lightweight hair dryer quickly dries hair to a soff and lux- 7 AUTOMATIC GRIDDLE urious look. Extra long cord Has large full mix beaters Slim-line griddle has lots of gives you freedom to move. that produce better results room for grilling breakfast Small enough to fit in your in much shorter time. Conven- Leisure cooking at its finest! pancakes or warming party purse, so it's easy to take it ient thumb tip speed control High-dome vented cover for snacks. Tough No-Stick finish wherever you jo. D3 and beater ejector. HM300 roasts, fowl. Removable heat resists scratching from metal control. Frypan immersible spatulas ... cleans in a jiffy. for washing convenience. 61BMC 3543 UJESTBEND Hard Hat Clmrol HAIRDRYER SHOT-OF Professional salon-type for quick drying. Four heat STEAM IRON •settings for exact heat control. Adjustable arm; folds for \7" compact storage or porta- bility, HD24 BROILER/ROTISSER IE KINDNESS Cook-out flavor indoors! Instant extra - penetrating 88 steam when you need it to Smokeless - infra-red heat 95 HAIRSETTER & CONDITIONER waves protect element from Multi-purpose.. .automatically sets, moisturizes make stubborn wrinkles dis- grease 150 sq. inch grilling 16 and deep conditions hair. With 20 rollers. appear, Sprays on all settings. area. Adj. height. 15415 39 CORNINC^WARF Lighted mooucTs MAKE-UP MIRROR 6-Cup TEAPOT |Touch-N-Pulse BLENDER Cornllower emblem Heg. Price $7.50 H QQ Get control-cycle blending on all 88 SAVE $1.62 10 speeds-at the push of a button! SWINGETTE Five cup glass .container opens at 17 Lightweight both ends. With cook-book. Colors. Floral Bouquet • 4 separate light settings - 854 Mini-Cleaner Rag. Price $7.95 88 Day-Home-Evening-Office. SAVE 51.07 • Dual Swivel Mirror - regu- 6 lar or magnified. Buy now and save on the famous CORNING WARE 9O94 • In off-white with gold 6-cup teapot. Choose between our traditional Corn- color accent. IM-1 39 flower emblem and the lovely Floral Bouquet pattern. It's a pleasant choice to make. They both make great All the power of a full-size canister - yet it's gifts and also the best tea! ELECTRIC compact, portable for quick pick-ups. Easy-to- empty dust bag; removable storage rack. With FOOD GRINDER attachments and shoulder carry-strap. Comes with aluminum grind- DELUXE ing hopper; pusher for CUSTOM (i feeding. Two cutting discs for 3-WAY fine coarse grinding. 480-01 CONVERTIBLE TOAST-R-OVEN Famous "beats-sweeps-cleans" action can convert easily to 88 Toast • Bake - Top Brown! above-floor cleaning, Instant No need to heat up the stove. 88 nig pile adjustment. Dirt 29 The oven has controlled finder headlight. Low temperature settings, T93 silhouotte. 1076 »*^ ii- '• Incredible everyday dishes guaranteed JJduxa 4-Slici TOAST-B-OVEM (T9<) 32 88 94 for 2 years! Translucent, lightweight, with 49 the look, feel, and ring of china. Goes Remember...MOTHER'S DAY is Sunday May 14th. from refrigerator to oven. Service for four SALE PRICES EXPIRE ON WED., MAY 10 in your choice of patterns. HANDY PANS with all'round color 20-pc. SET 1995

"SPACE-AGE" PERK WESTBGND 177 2 EACH Your Choice of Colors Automatic electric 9 cup cotfoo- Use theso cute'n colorful pans every day ... their oaty-care STORE HOURS: maker molded of polypropylene. features preserve their lively looks; Bottoms and sides are Hwy. 34 North, Colts Neck OPEN SUNDAYS 0-5 Won't chip, mar, crack, or-discolor porcelainon-alumlnum. Tough No-Stick interior! make clean- ('A milt north of D«/Woui Orchards) OPEN through normal daily me. Lock-on up easy. Choose any pan - 8" or 10" skillet, 1 qt, or 2 qt. MON., WED.. THUR8., cover. Choice of colors, sauLe pan, or 8" sauto pan. 431-5858 • 747-0465 FRI,,8AT,9-6 IDAY8 STATE 200 Women atRedBank Session By The Aiwdiled Pren Cahffl Calls Bus Talk On Consumer Gripes, Recourses NEWARk - Gov, William T. Cahill hopes to get bargain, ing rolling today In the Transport of New Jersey bus strike. RED BANK - Consumers the oldest Independent state- After he was told yesterday that both side's were at an Im- In Monmouth County are con- wide consumer orwanization, passe, the governor lnivted the principals to meet with him at cerned about poor work- cautioned that skills are 2 p.m. today In the state offices in Newark. manship, poor services, the needed In resisting as well as The Invitation went out to John J. Gilhooley, TNJ presi- content of the food they buy, buying. The shopper must \K dent, and Charles Broderick, state chairman of the conference and the high price of all of conscious of the Impact of ad- board of the Amalgamated Transit Union, representing about these. vertising on the quality of life. 4,500 striking drivers and maintenance men. Yesterday, about 200 wom- She must make individual The governor decided to take a personal hand after his en bent on learning what to do judgments as to what ex- representative at the bargaining, Charles Serraino, a former about It, and how, put these pensive things may be sup- state commissioner of labor and industry, reported that some gripes at the top of their list planted with cheaper alterna- progress had been made but major issues remained unre- In a poll taken at an all-day tives, she said. Pointing out solved, including wages, pensions, cost-of-living clause, job conference on consumerism that 11 per cent of a dollar security and certain working condmtlons. held at Tower Hill Presby- spent In supermarkets is Because of the public interest at stake In the strike, the terian Church. wasted because of unintelli- governor said in Trenton he would try "to bring reason and "Don't Be a Consumer Os- gent decisions, she called for realism back to both parties." trich!"»was sponsored by alert value systems that rec- Brookdale Community Col- ognize mlsmarking of prod- lege In conjunction with the ucts, confusion in labeling, Doubt Strike Bill Action three county branches of and inability to make sound TRENTON — A controversial proposal to permit some American Association of Uni- decisions. public employes a limited right to strike may not be voted versity Women and the ADvl- "Every woman Is a lobby upon in the legislature this year, according to sources close to sor newspaper. a committee which held hearings on the bill. by herself," Mrs. Stocha] said, warning that marketing A source said the measure faces a tough hurdle getting out Surrounded by exhibits and violations arc not confined to of committee and Us prospects for winning legislative approv- demonstrations that graph- "fly-by-night" retailers. al are slim. Moreover, Gov. William T. Cahill has expressed ically depicted shopping pit- opposition to the ides. falls, the women heard Mrs. Mrs. Ballou, however, At a legislative hearing yesterday, the plan drew opposing Ricki Stochaj, president of the charged that "consumers views from public officials and school boards on one sideund Consumers' League of New ain't pure, either." After out- teacher groups and organized labor on the other. Jersey, and Mrs. Ruth Ballou, lining the multitude of law en- FOLLOW THROUGH, CONSUMERS — Mrs. Ruth Ballou, director, state Division of Consumer Affairs, The New Jersey League of Municipalities and the New director of the state Division of forcing methods offered by tells women at Brookdale Community College's Consumer Conference to put teeth In their complaints. Jersey School Boards Association, among other groups repre- Consumer Affairs present the state, she said their effec- senting public employers, said the proposed legislation could their views on buyer protec- tiveness is too often hampered Hies throughout the state matters, Mrs. Ballou said, are on product safety, Food and Weights and Measures, Sam cripple governmental operations. tion. by consumers unwilling to which come under Mrs. Bal- settled by mediation or "per- Drug Administration; Richard Sangorgia, director of con- But spokesman for organized labor and the New Jersey Following lunch, there were back their complaints with ac- lou's aegis. Locally are John suasion," but the state Dvi- Wolfe, Matawan attorney con- sumer Protection, Federal Education Association contended the bill would provide fair workshops devoted to product tion. "They don't want to get Azzaretto.ln Long Branch sion, an arm of the Depart- cerned with consumerism; Trade Commission, Frank treatment for employes and actually reduce work stoppages. safety, standards and label- involved. They will complain, (222-7000), Mrs. Phyllis Le- ment of Law and Safety, rep- Mrs. "Jean Judge, director of Tucker, vice president, Super- but not in writing," Mrs. Bal- vine in Freehold (462-4821) resents" the law enforcing ing, weights and measures consumer affairs for Grand markets General Corporation and promotional techniques, lou said. and Mrs. Rosemary Minear in body where consumer fraud is Union stores; Delmar Myers and Dr. Oscar Sussman, di- May Ask Referendum and a wrap-up session that, New in the complaint-han- RedBank (741-0194). concerned. of the state Department of rector Consumer Health Ser- TRENTON —A special legislative study commission may summarized the day suc- dling area are the Consumer The offices are an attempt In afternoon workshop ses- Agriculture's Division of Regu- propose a referendum on legalization of gambling after hold- cinctly: "Buyer Beware!" Affairs Local Assistance to bring consumer recourse sions, the women heard Sid- latory Services; S.H. Chrisie vices, New Jersey Depart- ing only one meeting. ' Mrs. Stochaj, representing- (CALA) offices in municipal- closer to the source. Most ney Ascher, special assistant Jr., of the state'Division of ment of Health. Sen..Wayne Dumont, R-Warren, who was elected chair- man of the study group at its first meeting this week, said the TymrnmmmiomiHniiiniiuiiiiiiiininiuiiuiiiiiiuiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiimiiim commission would decide next Monday on the referendum pro- posal. Dumont said the commission would not hold any public hearings before issuing its preliminary report. Sub ,J Task Force Floats 1EHBEEGISTER The commission was created by a bill sponsored by Du- mont. It is viewed by legislative observers as an attemptto Red Bank - MMuTetown, N. J. Thursday, Hay 4,1972 21 circumvent the Cahill administration's proposed tax reform "nftTHTTrlmwiiiMriM^^ program which is expected to include a call for a state Income tax. 2,500-Sandwich Fleet The 12-member commission Is considering proposing a ref- • , erendum which, if approved by the legislature and then by the By MARGOT SMITH Operation Friendship is a Proceeds from the subma- ter of Operation Friendship is voters next November, would repeal the anti-gambling suction church-oriented and spon- rine sale will entertain guests made up of families fromOKMiddletown of the State Constitution. RED BANK - What's for sored group initially formed on the exchange visits next Tower Hill Presbyterian lunch? Dumont favors a referendum on the November ballot. to develop friendship between summer. Last year the Church, the national organiza- On Saturday it was 2,500 young people of America and planned entertainment includ- tion is not necessarily Presby- submarine sandwiches for Scotland. Sweden and Ireland ed a three-day trip to Wash- terian. Other chapters are in 75-Home Plan Charge Shakedown Try people between Middletown have been added and more ington, D.C., a day in New Indiana, Massachusetts, and and Ocean Township. They in Kearny and Lawrence MIDDLETOWN - Meeting Wallace Smith of the engi- TRENTON — A state grand jury has indicted a Dover countries, hopefully, will be- York City and a week end were" all prepared'between 7 Township in New Jersey. in adjourned session last neering firm of S&M Land Township woman and her 19-year-old son on charges of trying come Interested. camping trip at Delaware Wa- and 10 in the morning, and de- Each young person (min- ter Gap. Emphasis in Operation night, the Planning Board ap-- Survey and Engineering to shake down two state troopers for $3,000 in return for drop- livered by noon. proved by a 5-2 vote the final Corp., Holmdel, engineers for ping a mistreatment complaint against other troopers.' imum age 15) who travels, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whit- Friendship is placed on family The massive production line plan for Whispering Pines, a the developer, testified that a Named as defendants in the indictment handed up yes- lives in a home with a family ing, 126 Lincoln Ave., Fair involvement, demonstrated effort was achieved by 20 major subdivision off West 13^ cubic foot-per-second in- terday wore Mrs. Romona L. Latstmw, 39, and he* son Robert. forthreesweek? and is re- Haven, were general, chair^ enthusiastically in the subma- families in support of Oper- quired to host a delegate the Front Street and Leedsville crease in run off which dovel- They were charged with obstructing justice, soliciting men of the sale and there rine sale. Dads, moms, and ation Friendship's Inter* following summer. Drive in Uncroft. opment of the 34% acres state police to commit misconduct in office and conspiracy. were special committees re- children of all ages worked national exchange visit pro- side by side to do the job, In its recommendation to would create would have "no If convicted, they face up to three years in prison and a This summer, 22 young dele- sponsible for publicity and gram for young people. gates from the Red bank sales, delivery, food and sup- working hard for the pleasure the Township Committee, the effect on the water courses in $1,000 fine on each charge. •• • , : •:•„. Operation Friendship's local of friends as yet unknown. Board specified that the de-. the area." The Latshaws had been arrested April 7 amj charged with chapter will travel in August, plies, preparation and assem- chapter, centering out of Tow* velopers of the 54^-acre tract extortion after accepting an initial payment of $500 in marked Twelve will go to Sweden, and bly, and clean-up. At noon on Saturday, they er Hill Presbyterian Church, He said that if culverts and money from state police. 10 to Scotland. Though the Red Bank chap- were all tired, but happy. must contribute $19,000 to sponsors the project annually township recreation funds, get bridges in the area were * According to the indictment, the Latshaws met several to defray expenses of enter- final approval from the coun- cleared and debris removed times between March 14 and April 7 with two state police ser- taining visitors from Scotland, ty Planning Board and the from the streams, there would geants who were investigating the complaints against the Ireland and Sweden. township Sewerage Authority, be no additional flooding in youth. The mistreatment complaint had been filed against two get a permit from the state less than critical storms. other troopers. It took 250 pounds of cheese, Division of Water Resources, Residents of Leedsville 400 pounds of meat, 300 heads In addition to offering a recant that complaint in exchange receive approval from the Drive presented testimony to of: lettuce and 1,500 tomatoes for $3,000, the Latshaws asked state police to fix charges pend- county and township engi- show that during wet condi- and a lot of cooperation and ing against Robert Latshaw which included distribution and neers for a bridge over Jum- tions the streams are causing organization to turn out the sale of narcotics, burglary and possession of a dangerous ping Brook and clean the cul- minor flooding. They blamed sandwiches. The first crew of weapon in an auto, according to the indictment. vert under the Earle Road if this condition on recent. build- workers began slicing to- the Navy doesn't and remove ing and Sewerage Authority matoes at 5:30 a.m. The oth- all debris from the stream work in the area. ers reported at 6:30 and at 7, Delays Busing Decision contiguous to the property. the assembly line began. Edward Roth, .79 Leedsville TRENTON — State Education Commissioner Carl L. Mar- The developers had already Drive, told the board that the burger decided yesterday to postpone consideration of a pro- Everyone, big and little, agreed to reconstruct and township "must take vigorous posal to achieve racial balance in Middlesex County that had his assignment. The rolls relocate a culvert in Jumping and drastic action to correct would involve busing New Brunswick High School students to were passed around the as- Brook In conformity with conditions in culverts under 15 suburban communities. sembly table; they became state regulations. Leedsville Drive and down to Marburger ordered hearings in the case delayed until submarines as three cheeses, At Monday's hearing the 75- Shadow Lake or the area will there is a resolution of a related desegregation case involving three meats, lettuce and to- home development brought face the same drainage condi- only New Brunswick, North Brunswick and Milltown. matoes were added. At the heated opposition from resi- tions as in the Bayshore." Marburer said he would be abusing his powers if he in- end of the line, they were dents of Leedsville Drive who •The board requested thejap- volved all 15 suburban communities in "a costly and lengthy bagged, tied, boxed, counted contended that previous build- plicants to relocate the subsi- proceeding" before the narrower controversy had been de- and placed in appropriate de- ing in the area had aggra- diary brook so that it Is more cided. livery areas. Delivery and vated flooding problems from in line with Jumping Brook in In the case involving the three communities, New Brunsw- clean-up were completed by Jumping Brook. order to eliminate erosion on ick has asked the state to continue a student exchange pro- noon. However, the board in its gram with Milltown and North Brunswick, predominantly a curve. decision found that the new The board held its decision while suburbs. development would not North Brunswick, in turn, proposed a county-wide busing on the application to the June Medics Set "materially Increase the flow 5 meeting. plan that would involve 34 other subururban communities in- of water into Jumping cluding Milltown. The board will advise the For Reserve Brook." zoning board that four use Rtgllltr staff Pholoi Wilford L. Wisner, who variance applications do no! Dies in Sayreville Crash PRODUCTION LINE — Submarine sandwiches were mass-produced Sat- voted against recommending violate the intent of the mas Duty at Fort urday by members of the Red Bank Chapter, Operation Friendship, to the. development, contended tcr plant. SAYREV1LLE - A Rosellc man was killed yesterday and help finance recreational activities for foreign students who will visit here that the approval was subject two other persons were injured when the car he was driving FT. MONMOUTH - About next summer. to too many other approvals Approved was the appli- went out of control and struck three other vehicles here, police 170 members of the 354th Gen- by too many other bodies. He cation of Dr. Francis J. Muolii said. eral Hospital, and Army Re- said such approvals should be 1!) Lconurdville Roud to ren Manuel Dc'Alncida, (16, was pronounced dead on arrival at serve unit based in Albany, obtained before a developer to a new tenant an apartment South Amboy Hospital. N.Y., arc due Saturday for comes before the Planning in a residence where ho has His wife, Arigelina, 00, a passenger in his car, and John R. two weeks active duty with Board. The present proce- his office. He received ap- Craig Jr., 43, of Old Bridge, the driver of the second car In- assignments in Patterson dure, he said, "is not to the proval with tho stipulation volved, were in fair condition at Perth Amboy Hospital. Army Hospital, at other post long-term good of the town- that the residence not be used Sayreville Police said the car driven fy De'AInelda was in medical activities and in tho ship." for more than a single family the northbound lane on Rt. 9 when It crossed over the grass, dental clinic. Mayor Thomas J. Lynch, dwelling and an office. divider on the highway and hit broadside the car driven by Col. James M. Bell, a psy- who voted for the approval, Craig. Dc'Alneldn's vehicle then spun into a car driven by Al- chiatrist, will command about said the township had a re- New Jersey Bell Telephone bert Plccirillo, 25, oJ Parlln, and finally a truck driven by Phil- 20 officers and 150 enlisted sponsibility to sec that the on- Co. won approval for its appli- ip Jacobson, 38, of Jersey City, before coining to a stop. Nei- personnel on their training tin; stream was cleared and cation to build a 20 by S3 foot ther Plccirillo nor Jacobson was Injured. mission at Ft. Monmouth. would make sure (hut either extension on its ccntrul office Ariother 170 reservists In the the Navy or the developers at Thompson Avenue and Ht same unit will be on active cleared It. M, with the stipulation that it Miss America 111 duty the same two weeks at' meet conditions set by the ATLANTIC CITY - Miss America, Miss Laurel I-en Ft. Dlx. The-proposal of Henry A. county Planning Board. Schaefor, was In satisfactory condition today at Atlantic City The group is the second of West and Sons to build Stone- Hospital where she was ndmittcd early yesterday suffering nine hospital outfits scheduled hengu, a 40-housc devel- Dock Edwards Jr. of (ill- with stomach cramps. for two wceko Army duty opment, also off West front Ivllle Lane recuived approval "We've got the fevor down and she's doing pretty good," u here. Street and Leedsville Drive, hospital spokesman said, describing her condition as ucute to add two bedrooms and n Leaving here this weekend received a hearing which last- bathroom to his house located gnato enteritis, an abdominal ullincnt that may bo caused by n is a reserve contingent for ed over two hours. virus. in a business zono. And John Harrisburg, Pa,, the Slflth Sta- Testimony on the prelimi- F. Rinn of 303 Church St., Bel- The 22-year-old resident of Boxloy, Ohio, who won her tion Hospital. nary plat also centered on ford won approval to add an crown hero lost September, wait brought to the hospital about Ovor a five-month period, drainage problems, the capac- extension and second floor to 1:30 n.m. by her traveling companion, Mrs. Irono Bryant, about 1,800 hospltnl reservists ity of Jumping IIrook and i> IIIH resliloiico in a busliiUNt- Miss Solmefcr had arrived horo Tuesday afternoon from uro listed to train at the post, subsidiary strcahi, in- zone. The addition will result Beaufort, S,C, where she had appeared lit a local pageant. a program which will more READY TO 00 — 2,500 submarine sandwiches, prepared In a few hours, adequacy of present qulvci ts In a 45-foot setback whoro 50 She had boon scheduled to leave horo yesterday out now IN than doublo lust summer's stand ready to deliver. All were pre-ordered for the Operation Friendship under Leedsville Drive, and Is required and a five-font IIMy to bo confined to the hospital for several days. Army Reserve activity horo. fund-raiser. Mlddletown-Llncroft Road. .sldellno whore 40 Is rp il TfceDtlly RtfLsler, Red Bink - MJdcOetowt, N.I. Thursday, Miy < i«J Academic Acumen Fueled Kissinger's tan apartment, Mrs. Luce^id Editor's Note: the path superstar. • estlng and at times witty ,,." A second Kissinger book, •I prominence for Henry Kissinger's major role in "A World Restored," dealt herded Nixon and Kininger \ But, the Crimson added, into a drawing room "literally A. Kissinger was paved the administration was illus- "Kissinger sometimes failed with the efforts of Austria's with a brilliant academic trated on the recent presiden- Prince Metternich and Brit- to shake hands," KUoingBf.re- to mesh analysis and history c*ll«. . ... -•" career. The following Is tial visit to China when he ac- and degenerated into story- ain's Lord Caitlereagd at the ; last of a four-part series on companied President Nixon telling and quote-slinging," Congress of Vienna, to reshape "Neither of us likq, «mall the life of the President's during a meeting with Chair- the balance of European pow- talk," Kissinjer »>«, M they Students praised his "grim spent a few min.ute» In "Hint national security affairs man Mao Tse-tung while Sec- description of modern policy er after the downfall of Napo- 1 assistant. ' retary of State William P. Ro- making" and one student re- leon. . appalling bante! people,, en- By GAYLORD SHAW gers was absent. marked that his discussion of - A third book, "The Necessi- gage In" at cB^niiU parties. Associated Press Writer And he Is expected to figure Vietnam "was enough to ty of Change," was published The next time they were to prominently hi Nixon's visit to scare the hell out of anyone," in I960. talk, on Nov. 28, 1W8, !h«y Henry Kissinger, as a stu- Moscow later this month. the Crimson said. Meanwhile, Kissinger was spent hours comparing views dent at Harvard, left a lasting Kissinger entered Harvard The students moaned, proceeding to pluck most of , on foreign issues |l)d found legacy for later generations of with a scholarship and the GI though, about "a monotonic the foreign policy plum* avail- they shared many common thesis writers. bill after returning from delivery and lapses in organi- able at Harvard.. He was di- thoughts. '• , His 350-page thesis entitled World War II military duty in zation" and a "savagely long rector of the International A week later, Nixon an- "The Meaning of History," Europe and breezed to his 16-page reading list." Seminar, associate director of nounced the appointment of led the government.depart- bachelor's degree in three Although some policies pur- the Center for International Henry Kissinger as. his assis- ment to impose a ISO-page years, graduating summa sued by the White House, es-. Affairs and head of the De- tant for National security af- limit on all future under- cum laude in 1950. pecially the U.S. thrust into fense Studies Program. fairs. •'..•;. graduate papers. As an undergraduate, Kissi- Cambodia in 1970. severely He also put in part-time The refugee from Hitter's It was an early sign of the nger came to the attention of strained Kissinger's academic tours as a foreign affairs con- Germany, the would-be,: ac-. verbosity of Henry Alfred Kis- William Y. Elliott, a dis- contacts, several former col- sultant to Presidents Kennedy countant, the Harvard profes- sor, was given control of the » '.It I til *«.!<)*, >'•• Win*. singer who, two decades later, tinguished but crusty profes- leagues at Harvard still speak and Johnson and developed a would be producing novel- sor of government who Is of- well of him. close association with New nation's foreign policy ma- Br ||,,U., |)«lielmmfti,|laiatopdlnlnf poops, Mrs. Trucle W. Lasch, execu- nutrition only if she has Affairs, involved 1,0110 chil- (ADD A COLORFUL UMIRELU, ONIV (II) odd ehdre, toy* setts, redwood iroups,.. much, much more. tive director of the New York child advocacy programs con- enough money, so do we mead dren a year at an annual cost City Citizens Committee lor lent themselves with asking providing more welfare of more than $4 million, she Children, main speaker at the for more of what we already funds? said, "and It wasn't conducted CAREFREE REDWOOD SALE. morning session, have and more of what "One has to question the with any control groups BO Constant Need Ihcy'vc decided children need, children's court. Does it as- we'd know what we'ro doing, You can keep California redwood out ell par. lav* Assemblywoman Milliccnt and that's probably nut good," 50" ih jourstll wear and tear, tax your poetatbook too. sume the kind of economic I've written to every depart- (Add the charm ofacoterhjlumWtlli...rtd#oi)4 W. Fenwick, It-Somerset, a she said. and social security most fami- ment In this state asking If JIMIO Trtle ctalm, lounejti, roeken, Mttttt, etc.) morning panelist, declared .Mrs. I.asch said services lies who come before It Just they have any figures to dem- 6ft JMM|Mi RifMIH that a child needs an advocate must be provided for all chil- don't have? Docs it assume a onstrate Its success and they not only when he appears in dren, not Just the poor. successful public education all say they don't know. court charged with offense "If day care is provided .system where failures arc the Can't Fund Them MAirmowimr "but he needs a lawyer In ev- only for poor children, it tends exception instead of the ma- "There arc 135,000 children KI|MNi ery (Ingle moment when he to be poor day care," she jority, as It really Is?" in New Jersey who need day THI M|0IN IMn Will have his fotc decided, said. She called for subsidized carer We can't fund them at whether It's In a custody case "You have to find out «M«N rW M YIAM 1 adoption. that level. We have to find a or any other case." wluit's happening to children Lack Only Funds practical method.with a sen- The'"lnforma!" court calen- locked awuy In your in- "Many would make good sible control program built • OH.aMHM* •>•••«cami, OMNDAILV»tP«,ln^.8uml*y.W.ri,MonmwmfU)rt,WHlL^>r*fKh,N,J, Phow;a01/M».2Mr dar for Juveniles has to go, stitutions . .. when the doors parents. Their only crime is In," MM, penwick said. "We've . are closed and no one looks in, that they don't have enough See Need, Page 23 Tike Dally Register, Red Buk - MJMtetow*. NJ. Ttauntoy, M*y 4, 1TO 13 Faces Stern Task in Getting Income Tax Action By JAMES H. RUBIN sure was placed on some leg- recommendations of his Tax has a solid working GOP ma- property fax to support local py-voiced political bow, pug- In the Senate today. man located Carey at a col- schools on grounds the cur- naciously blocked Hughes' islators, particularly former On the day when Hughes' lege basketball game in New Policy Committee which pro- jority in the Senate, But nei- _ program to the end, Sen. Hutchins Inge, a black posed an Income tax and ther major party has enough rent system is uncon- campaign finally collapsed,-he York City. Carey refused to stitutional. past, it According to some knowl- dentist who had been picked was overheard in a telephone comment on what promises he statewide property tax as part votes to form a majority in jmt, de- edgeable sources, Carey be- for Carey's ethnically bal- of a f 1.8 billion package. the Assembly, These factors are in CahiU's conversation in which he used had made to Hughes. favor. political courage Heved that the income tax anced ticket in Essex, angry epithets to describe It was generally believed But Cahill has endorsed the Moreover, Cahili is empha- U k lf Gov was lt C81 lson The ob The Hughes Administration report in principle and is cer- sizing the idea that the in- But it will still take an abun- "J?MI f . ' P°' ' P° ' ' Carey. / that Hughes, who felt he had dance of hard-nosed, determi- ,,ii .u i J , t0 con" servers say he was convinced and civil rights leaders pres- But the political boss could been double-crossed by Carey, tain to back the major recom- come tax will be replacing the vtaw the legisla ure to adopt that the poor persons who sured Inge to supply what not be found by Hughes, never used all the political mendations of the voluminous local property tax, lowering nation to convince the Legis* an income tax thte year, were supposed to be helped by could have been the deciding despite a search by state muscle at his command be- study which was released in the tax burden to property Iature to adopt the program. th opinlon of the tax were vote for the income tax in the troopers, cause he took the county lead- February* owners. Little stress has been "You know," said one ad- ^L ' f adamantly op- ministration official,' "you can some oMarvmwfeo recall the posed to it, in part because it Senate. But Carey's influence Hughes contended that er at his word. Cahlll's Strategy placed on the theme echoed tax ba^Ie of 19M, Cahill must would involve filling out forms proved stronger. Carey had given his personal Now, six years later, Cahill Unlike Hughes, Cahill plans repeatedly by Hughes that the threaten a guy as much as demonstrate that he can be that would bring them into The administration was word to back the tax. ls pursuing a significantly dif- to seek bipartisan,support for money was needed to move you want with blocking pa- hard-nosed when it comes to closer contact with govern- equally unsuccessful in seek- Several days after the har- ferent approach in hopes of the package to ease the New Jersey forward. tronage, private legislative lining up legislative votes for ment. ing the vote of Sen.7 William F. ried governor bad told a news passing an Income tax. stigma attached to tax legisla- Finally, a Superior Court bills and the like. But to a pol- tax reform. ' As'the decisio„ n day for tax„ Kelly, a Hudson County conference that he had give„ n The Bgovernor , thus far, ha-s. tion. judge has ordered the state to itician, the ultimate threat Is Aides to former Gov. Rich- program neared. intense pres- Democrat who is still serving up on the Income-tax, a news- not specifically endorsed the The Republican governor find a replacement for the not being reelected," ard J. Hughes feel certain to — • r '- ' T " this day that if Hughes had T been tougher with members of his own party, he could have succeeded in winning his campaign for a graduated THE DEMAND WAS SO GREAT, WE'RE DOING IT AGAIN! state income tax. State House observers were reminded this week of the tax fight of six years ago when legislative leaders finally set a date for action on the 1972 tax proposals. , The Legislature, in a first- round victory for Cahill, agreed to adjourn the regular session on May 18, hold public hearings on tax reform until mid-June and then begin ac- tual deliberations on the pro- posals. The target date for ad- Look at these special features. journment for the summer is THREE MAGNIFICENT SOFAS July 4. 5 • ALL SOFAS COVERED IN LUXURIOUS CRUSHED VELVET In 1066, Hughes, a Demo- t CHOOSE FROM MODERN, CONTEMPORARY AND TRADITIONAL STYLES crat, was fresh from a land- AT SAVINGS OF 100 EACH • EACH SOFA OVER 90" LONG slide reelection victory in „ , « „ . ., •* .»«,. u. ^ • NO WAITING, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY which he had carried his par* TL M u ty to a 2-1 control of both The Mart Furniture Galleries has done it again! We've purchased a car- • ANYONE OF THESE 3 SOFAS houses of the Legislature for the first time in SO years. load of luxurious Stratford Sofas at a special price. These sofas nor- Hughes Had BatUe mally sell for $399 but because of this special purchase .we can save He 4edded to fight the tax battle on grounds that New you $100.00. All these sofas are in stock and displayed on our show- Jersey needed the money to room floors. establish an identity, and meet its needs in education, trans- portation and rebuilding the Normally Sold lor $399 cities. By March of that year, Hughes had succeeded in pressing the income tax through the Assembly by the W " razor-thin majority of one vote. Many Democrats had de- fected, most notably the dele- V-* X: gation from Essex Countv. foreboding what was to come in the Senate. The reports from Essex, New Jersey's largest county, were that the legislators had : been told by the county's Democratic chairman, Dennis Carey, not to supply any votes for the tax. Corey, a short, stocky, ras- 1 :W:SS'fe5V- • «•¥ i000^k iNeedSeen For Child Advocacy i (Continued) I But State Sen. Wynona Lip- i'man, D-Essex, who has in- troduced a bill to continue day fcare programs modeled on Day Care 100 when the feder- al program ends this year, de- scribed it as "very successful ,-,. . . we'd like to retain as ; much of the flavor of it as we , can..." : Henry Boardman, of the Governor's Task Force on ^Children and Youth, called for Traditional involvement of the business TuftecTback sofa with 3 tufted cushions, over community In "a new partner- ship" with organizations such 90" in length in crushed velvet. as the Citizens Committee. Only one person in the au- Save $100 dience raised his hand when NOW Mr. Boardman asked how many- businessmen were at the conference. He was Wil- liam Bartholomew, Essex Contemporary Fells, recently retired as a Loose pillow back sofa with 3 cushions and travel agent in New York i'City. matching bolsters, over 90" in length in ' Dr. Leontlne R. Young1, ex- crushed velvet. ' ecutive director of the Child Service'Association, Newark, heads the Citizens Committee. Save $100 I! Mrs, Benjamin Ashin, Little NOW 'Silver, former president of the |N.J. Mental Health Associ- Modern/Rosewood Arm Panels ation, is associate chairman Loose pillow back sofa with 3 cushions and of its program committee. Mrs. Charles Berry, Rumson, matching bolsters over- 90" in length in crushed lis a member of its board, velvet.

jEight Infants Save $100 jArc Baptized •; EAST KKANSBURG - NOW iElght infants were baptized lAprll 18 In Bay Shore Commu- 'nlty Church by the Rev. Rich- iird 11. Schwartz, pastor. s They include Christina Mary and Elizabeth Marie 'rice, twin daughters of Mr, 'and Mrs. Howard Tlco; Lisa uric IInd James Richard nrce, children of Mr. and rs. James R. Pearce; Peter awrence Bork, son of Mr. FURNITURE GALfl&RIES 'and Mrs, Robert Bork; Mich- elle Wood, daughter of Mr, ROUTE 22, UNION, N. J. MU 8-5500 *nd Mrs, Robert Wood; Una (Marie Berardlno, daughter of ROUTE 35, MIDDLETOWN, N. J. 671-0400 [Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bor- I rdlno, and David William OPEN EVERY NITE TIL 0:80 — SAT. TIL 6 plnuslcr, son of Mr, and Mrs, USE OUR CONVENIENT CHARGE PLANS (Richard J. llausler. , U The Dtfy ftcglster, Bed guk - MWdetowii, N.J. Thursday, May 4, l«f Area Muskie Testimonial Backers To Press Drive For Kiernan FREEHOLD - Although LONG BRANCH -The their candidate has-with- Men's Club, Congregation drawn from the various pri- Brothers of Israel, will offer a mary elections, Monmouth testimonial evening to County County supporters of Maine Sheriff Paul Kiernan on Sun-, Sen. Edmund S. Muskie have day at 8 p.m. Mr..Kiernan no intention of giving up. will receive'the annual friend- "We are going to forge right ship Award of the Men's Club. ahead," said-Francis X. The award is given to a de- Journick, county coordinator serving community leader in for the Committee to Elect recognition of his service to Edmund S. Muskie as Prcsi-. the total community. dent of the United States, said Samuel Jaffe, president of yesterday. the Men's Club, has an- The Muskie supporters had nounced that in .giving the filed a nine-member slate, award to Sheriff Kiernan, seeking election in the state's club members feel they will June 6 Primary Election as be honoring a man whose committed delegates to the many years of leadership in Democratic National Con- government has been ex- .yention in July at Miami. emplary. . That slate will stand for election, Mr. Journick said JOINS HOLMDEL'S FINEST —John Mocik is sworn In as Holmdel pa- Rabbi Rafael G. Grossman, yesterday, although a change trolman by Township Clerk John P. Wadington, second from left; as his rabbi of Congregation Broth- will be made. daughter, Deborah Anne Moclk, holds Bible. Looking on are Mayor David ers of Israel and President of One of the selected dele- Cohen, left, and Police Chief R. Bruce Phillips, far right. Patrolman Mo- the Rabbinical Council of New gates, Walter Rcade Jr., of cik, who becomes township's eighth policeman, served six years with Jersey, will speak. The pro- Sea Bright, has asked that his Middletown Township Police Department and then was employed by Bu- gram will be held in the La- name be withdrawn. reau of Immigration and Naturalization. gowitz Auditorium. ' R«9l»tir start Pholoi Replacing Mr. Reade on the ENGINEERING WINNERS - Steven Williams, left, and David Mauger, ballot will be Richard L. Bo- students at Rumson Fair Haven Regional High School, won first and sec- nello, Long Branch, a former Tower Puppets ond place in the 10th annual Monmouth and Ocean County drafting com- 11 County Girls Seek Beauty Title petition. David Keevil, center, of Monmouth Regional High School, New Democratic candidate for the state Senate. Due at Holmdel Shrewsbury, won third place. With them Is George W. Grossman, general ASBURY PARK --Eleven Mr. Journick said a meeting Kilcommins of Morganville; state in the Miss USA for Miss HOLMDEL - Back for an- chairman of the event. Monmouth County girls will was held of the Muskie sup- Diane Suarez and Nancy Ros- Universe contest there. other season at the Monmouth porters and it was agreed that Hank Sterling, producer of County Park System are the despite the senator's with- contestants in tha Miss New Cox and Cathaline Bright^ Tower Puppets, who will ap- Jersey Universe contest in drawal from the primary Neptune; Valene Corbm and & VM JM0 s ffl pear at Holmdel Park Satur- 1 convention hall here Saturday day Shaw Wai Township Area Students Score races, the Monmouth County view lhe even't ^ Satunl day and Sunday at 11 a.m. in slate would remain on the bal- at 8 p.m. and Leila DeSantis of Point / the story of Rumpelstiltskin. lot and will actively seek elec- Area contestants will be Jo Pleasant. He said the winner Saturday Tlie troupe, directed by Mary- tion as delegates and alter- Anne Masterson of Lincroft;; The first place winner will will win numerous awards, as anne Greco.and Jewel nates to the national con- June Fletcher and Nadeen .go to Puerto Rico the follow well as the. trip to Puerto Rico Seehaus, includes the Frog In Drafting Contest and a trophy. • vention. Higley of Elberon; Patricia ing week to represent this Quartet and Ruby Red Lips. By LONIA EFTHYVOULOU George W. Grossman, com- petition chairman, a member RUMSON — Rumson-Fair of the Rumson-Fair Haven Haven Regional High School Regional High School faculty, students walked Off with a was attended by 105 students first, second and an honorable from 14 high schools — 57 in mention in the Engineering the engineering and 48 in the Division of the 10th annual architectural divisions. Monmouth and Ocean County Winners were: Engineering Drafting Competition in Nep- - Steve Williams, first? Da tune. vjd Mauger, second, both o The three-hour event was Rumson-Fair Haven Region open to all drafting students al; David Keevil, Monmouth attending Monmouth or Ocean Regional, New Shrewsbury County high Schools. It was" third; and Ricky Coleman p sponsored by Monmouth Rumson-Fair Haven and In Chapter, Society of Manufac- gro Desvosges of Toms River turing Engineers, Monmouth North High School, honorable Cqunty Society of Architects, mention, local industry a'nd the Shore Architectural division win WITH THIS COUPON Shop Teachers'Association. nerswere: Robert Houghton, Chemicals Engineers and architects Monmouth Regional, first I Pool from the sponsoring organiza- Dennis Aycadipone, Brick Vacuum Owners filter Sand lions compiled the problems Township High, second; Ken and judged the drawings, neth Zaraza, Toms River I Vacuum Hose Anthrafih None of the participating stu- North, third; and Robert I filter Aid dents or their instructors Zadorozny, Red Bank Region fihtrs knew what the problem would al High, Antbony Aueston I Footbaths ALL POOLS SHOWN be until they sat down in the Brick Township High, and competition itself. George Melton, \Morimouth I le Chlorino COMPLETE WIIH This year's event, under Regional, honorable mention. I Skimmers Dispensers I Rafts Deluxe %.H,P. Filte 440 I Thermometers Air Mattresses | Pool Heaters •HTHjxcluded. Thru-the-wall DECK Skimmer 75 ibs Hf H In and Out Ladders ICRAMUIARCHLORIMII & Ground Shield J8I5 i99 All pools may be left up all year 'round. $855

440 440 ROUND OVAL Marathon 15' x 4' deep $305 18'x 12'x 4'. ALL ALUMINUM POOLS $ 18'x 4' '540 12rx24'ovai$810 18' x 4' deep_ 345 24' x 12' x 41 I$ 24'x4 670 15'x 30'o,a, 21' x 4' deep ?395 24'x 16'x 4'. Includes Print Liner, White 127'x 4' 785 Walls and Blue Frame. 24' x 4' deep—435 32'x 16'x 4'.

ARCHITECTURAL WINNERS - Bob Houghton of Monmouth Regional High School, New Shrews- bury, seated, receives his first place certificate from George W. Grossman; general chairman of the 10th annual Monmouth and Ocean County drafting competition. In background are second 660 and third place winners, Dennis Arcadipone of Brick Township High School, left, and Kenneth POOLS .oraza of Toms River North High School. ROUND OVAL Marathon Marathon Portoflno CAP Training Lab 15' x 4' 24' x 16' x 4' Cavalcade '230 $590 ALL ALUMINUM POOL *repares Recruits COMPLITI WITH 18' x 4' 32' x 16' x 4' 24'x 12' swim area M220 LONG BRANCH - The The final registration date '300 $ jfonmouth Community Action Is May 31. *770 31' x 16' swim area 1660 DECK & FENCING [frogram's training laboratory These colleges and univer- 21'x 4' 4' > recruiting prospective stu- sities have openings: Grambl- 40' x 16' x ^ Complete with Pack eV fencing. $ ents for business oriented ing College, Florida A&M, •335 1470 awes. Virginia Union, Tennessee •920 State, Texas Southern, More- ! Courses' offered are begin- house College and Howard ROUTE 9, SOUTH AMBOV Store Houn ning typing, refresher typing, University, 230 tariM pook business English, bookkeeping la nil* south ol Sty it Woods Stopping Ctntor 72I-55S9 All Stores: stenography, high school Applicants ohould call Ran- ROUTE 33, IHIDDLETOWN equivalency and real estate. dolph Scott, assistant training Hon. thru Frl. 15' x 4' deep *M5 director of tlie MCAP training DIJXMOND A& r Ch*P0lHill ShoppingC*nUr 10 'til 9, Depending on the number of laboratory. ttt milts north at Ntvulnk trldgs 747-4940. Sit. 10 'til 6 I«'x4'deep '245 Uidonts enrolled, courses will AH applicants for Howard ROUTE 88, LAKEWOOD if pffered during morning University should call before Sun. 10 'til 8 24'x 4'top »335

.-.. • ' J . 1 Tta DtHy EegUfter, Et* Buk - MJdtfletwwt, N J. Tkurtdty, Miy 4,1*75 15 Hint on How to Cool a Teen-Ager By HAL BOYLE says into Latin because he. of real love, and there will al- century, religious reformer does eat other insects, but it is doubted they would survive if' ways be about the same per- John Calvin wrote in his Dedi- a fly itself, not a spider, and it NEW YORK (AP)-Things printed only in English. centage of people who cation of the Christian Reli- doesn't spin webs. a columnist might never know Well, someone at last has aren't." —John Galsworthy. gion: "It is evident to all who Nailing a subject on the it he didn'l open his mail; gone to the trouble of figuring Dinner talk: Time and place can see, that the world is in- head: Actress Eloise Martin One way to cool a teen-ager what a snail's pace really is. change the menu. We speak undated with more than an says, "It's a dirty shame — when lie gets too persnickety, A snail, according to the Na- today of a full-course meal as ocean of evils; that it is over- all these1 pollution problems Is point out to him that, ac- tional Geographic Society, one ranging from soup to run with numerous destruc- we have." cording to oncii.'^al definition, roars along at a speed of nuts. In ancient Home the tive pests; that everything is anyone under 21 years of age .000033 miles an hour, On theterm was "from eggs to ap- fast verging to ruin, so that The male Tiddler crab has is an infant. return trip, if he has got what- ples." we must altogether despair of one very large claw which Communications scientists ever he wanted, he may .slow Sign in a Broadway shop: human affairs." serves a purpose that is as im- portant to him as improving estimate the average person down somewhat. No use in "This is the last going out of Worth remembering: "If 1 his self-defenses. He uses it to can make as many as 700,000 wearing out his motor young. business sale this month.' sex is supposed to be one of signal near sighted females different meaningful gestures After all, it only generates I- Direful: If you think the hu- the driving forces in the world that he is on the scene, ready through body movements and 25-millionlh of one horsepower man situation is hopeless today, how come so much or" it and available. facial gestures. Think how in energy. today, you might be consoled goes on in parked cars?" eloquent he would be if he had Some animals do have ex- to know that someone always As a child, did you evrtr It was Kin Hubbard who ob- that many words in Ms vocab- traordinary appetites, don't has considered mankind to be watch a Daddy Longlegs served, "The worst jolt most ulary. they'.' A thirsty camel, for ex- in this plight In every age and maty; a web? You did? No, of us ever get is when we fall Speaking of languages, ample, can gulp down 25 gal- period of history. In the 16th you didn't. A Daddy Longlegs back on our own resources." Francis Bacon, Elizabethan lons of water in a few min- public official and essayist utes. And a killer whale may who is persistently believed swallow as many as 24 whole by some to be the real author seals, still struggling, in a of Shakespeare's play, didn't single meal. DOWN-SEA SWIM CLUB have much belief in the du- Quotable notables: "There rability of his native tongue. will always be about the same OLYMPIC SIZE POOL He translated some of his es- percentage of people capable OCEAN AVE. SEA BRIGHT 0*1 south of HtaHtnda •risjga-on th« Shrewsbury Dlvar) 201-2375-842-9807 FEATURING Chelsea • Olympic SIM pool • kkMI* pool • •n«ek bar • moul • cocktail loung* • boat slipt morning • Mindock* • parking for 200 cart... .,_._• Register Stoil Phots • FAMILY YOUTH LEADERS — Herbert Buehler, left, pdvtser to the Ocean Town- unisei x OF FOUR ship Youth Council, reviews plans.for. future proiects with newly-elected council members from the high and elementary schools. They are, stand- haircutting FAMILY Ing, Frank Coakley and Sheldon Sussman, chairman, and, seated, Scott. wan! to be able lo wash and7 towe whitl drey St.you,r rehaidr anband havk e It OF THREE Johnson and Glen Schacht. Purposes of three-year-old council are to get' fall inlo alfl££. Ihen tills Is (he place tor you, open daily till young people familiar with governmental functions and active In pro- 6:30, thurs. ev«. (ill 8. lot app. call FAMILY * grams for improvement of social relations, recreational facilities and job 842-9037 opportunities in the community. OF TWO

10A.M.-1OP.M. New State Youth Division Evaning Swimming HJead Grew Up in Ghetto EAST BRUNSWICK - A 43- establish meaningful prior- considered opinion the divi- year-old bachelor who grew ities." sion should be headed up by a I up in a public housing project Mr. Schenck, who gradu- businessman or' manager | in the Trenton ghetto heads ated from Rider College, rather than a social worker, the new state Division of Trenton, with a B.S. in busi- . because there would be | Youth and Family Services. ness administration in 1958, plenty of input from the pro- His first job in his new post, was director of the Division of fessionals but there's a lot of I Frederick A. Schenck said Administration, Department money to be managed and of Community affairs, for five there's some question if that mvm yesterday, will be to take a hard look at the programs the years until his appointment to money is being spent on the division will encompass "and the new post on Monday. He proper subjects now ... If our | also worked with the state Of- speculations are right there fice of Economic Opportunity, should be money saved." All Purpose Rental the stale Labor and Industry Mr. Schenck, who said his I Department, and the state Re- still undecided salary will be habilitation Commission. "in the neighborhood of | a Chain Saw a Pleasure. Walter R. Davis Jr., execu- $29,000," is a photography buff tive assistant to state Com- — children are. favorite sub- missioner of Institutions and jects for his camera — and Agencies Robert Clifford, said also enjoys "rap sessions with the commissioner named Mr. teenagers." Schenck because "it was his He lives in Trenton. Rule Flea Market OPEN PLAY GYM with BECAUSE: Must Get Variance 4 PASSENGER LAWN GLIDER DELUXE 8 LEG GYM with 1. All chain »aw> ar« damon- • Rugged 214" tubing, 7*10" Ovtroll DELUXE PLAY GYM •Iraled In action to our cut- HAZLET - A charge that Zoning Board of Adjustment • 4 passenger lawn glider ohd tandem sky-skooter Mam up with LAWN GLIDER and SLIDE toman. is necessary. 2 non-tilt swings Swap V Shop, a flea market • Feathercool plastic seats with LAWN SWING 2. Chains ar» iharpaned altar being run on weekends in the No decision on the matter • 5-min, frame cons'r sets up faster • Super strong) 15' overotl top bar •vary rantal. parking lot of the Rt. 35was rendered during the pub- Play King R*B« Low Diiceunt _^-_ _ Dig 2%" Top Bar ond L«g» * • Includes: 4 passenger lawn swing, 2 swings, trapeexe, sky* Prlct ,,*•..•,,«• $48.88 ^ I "205360 skooler and 8 foot ploflorm tilde ~ ~ 3. Written Intlructlont, axlra gai lic meeting of the Township • 10*2" Overall. Drive-In parking lot, is violat- SAVE $7.00 • Feathercool plastic seats and extra all accompany the 41 • Includes: 2 swings, air glider, 4-possenger lawn Committee, but a caucus after • A reel btouty, loaded with ploy action *aw, ing zoning ordinances resulted • Kool vtnt seat* the meeting resulted in a SAME AS ABOVE with • 5-min. frame cons't sell up faster in the Township Committee's Ploy King Ra . Law Diiceunt Play King Rag.Low Discount unanimous decision to permit Pi! ..... J44.8B Olht Gatdm'mg Naarfj: granting theater operators 60 8' PLATFORM SLIDE Price...... J64.W continued operation while a Thatchers • Power Rakes days in which to obtain a vari- Play King Rag, Low Discount SAVE $3.00 SAVE $4.00 99 ance. variance is sought. Price 554.77 lawn Vacuums • Muldiers l •3J00 c Mayor Stephen J. Filardi SAVE $7.00 mm »2052053(13 1 58 •217438 During a citizen's hearing 41 Chippers • Sliters at the Township Committee said the flea market is "basi- Ivtryth'mg you need/ meeting, Donald Barr of 41 cally not that bad." He added Stanford^ Drive complained to "It has been a clean operation ' OR GIRLS' BOYS' OR GIRLS' HI-RISE BIKE All PURPOSE officials of the flea market op- to this point." • Safely tested coaster brake' eration. It has been held for He said only the first three 10 SPEED 26" BICYCLE s> Bonona contoured soddle RENTAL • Hi-Rlse handlebar the past two weekends. rows of the parking lot have • Front ond re or handbrakes' • Matching colored fenden • Chrome plated rims CENTER Francis X. .lournick, town- been used thus far. This area, • Dual while I ins tir«s Play King Rtg,i.ow Olicount • Racing saddle Prlc *,,.. $69.97 Play Kins Reg. Low Discount ship attorney, said such an op- he said, is far pway from the • Shimano Eagle derallleur Prke...... J42.M housing development adjacent Racing handl e baann with tape ond plugs eration is a prohibited use in a -SAVE $6,00 ironiiMir 741-0040 B3 business zone and in order lo the theater parking lot. Steel rat trap pedaldl s lAttlKMMTAL oraur »»*»••« 97 to run it, a variance from the Commilteemen William Y. SAVE $10.00 -Bourbeau and Francis J. 59 88 O'Brien have inspected the 36 area, Mayor Filardi said. BOYS' 10 SPEED GIRLS' fllB 27" BICYCLE BOYS' 3 SPEED STICK-SHIFT Boy Scouts Not Illustroled • Same os abovft wllb: HI-RISE BICYCLE Plan Hazlet • Center pull hondbrnkes • Front ond rsar callper handbrakes • Gum side wall tires • Chrome fencers, rims anrj choinguard • 23" (tame a While ildewoll tirss Paper Drive • Redactors • Kickstond ' FRIDAY ONLY Play King Reg. Low Discount • Hltl se handlebar ond saddle HAZLET - Boy Scouts will Prlc {79.88 Play Kins Reg. Lew Discount conduct their next monthly Price. $44.77 paper drive May II!. SAVE Si.00 ' In the three months Ihe 77 project has been under way, members of troops 13!i, Mli, SAVE $10.00 38 e62M 1117 and 4M have recycled over DO Ions of paper. In addi- SWING0MATIC GERRY SEAT CUT GREEN tion, they continue lo accept glass and aluminum cans for AUTOMATIC ORIGINAL recycling. SWING The Boy Scouts are working Baby swing* solely, mlo* BABY CARRIER mctically • Bnby soltty strop in cooperation with' the Citi- „ lubulnr criromn lags • Lightweight, oluminum Irams BEANS zens for Knvironmentiil I'ro- [• Motclling sent «"i canopy PETER PAN MULTI-COIL • Far bablas 4 mo. to 3 ysors. lection and the Conservation Play Kino Rerj. Low Discount Play King Reg. Law Discount Pile...... Commission. Price ...... $12.88 INNER SPRING CRIB MATTRESS The area of pick-up includes SAVE $3.00 • High density celulose SAVE $1,09 a Fibre pad, double wall all of Ihe township between Washable, non-toxic Union Avenue and Ihu 1'nrk- Ploy King Reg. Low Discount 99 wny. Prlc J9.97 SAVE $3.98 Hesldents are being asked 9 #1214 5 8 to place securely tied bundles Quantity rights mt>otvca. ill their driveways before Id Nol responsible lor tyix/Oityhtcal a.m. for a pick-up between MON,, TUES., Hep. lO.OO A.M. U»IM P.M. that hour and I p.m. THURJ. 1 PRI. TOiOO A.M. I* *i30 P.M. PIAYK1IG SATURDAY MO A.M. TO.iOO P.M. Scouts request that Ihe bun- SUNDAY 11,00 A.M. I* SiQO P.M. dles be of miinageablc size. DISCOUNT SUPERtVlART Residents of oilier areas of the township, us well us sur- rounding towns, may drop off ROUTE 35, OPPOSITE MIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER papers ami miigu^incR lo a truck that will he purked be- tween II) a.m. and 1 p.m. In MIDDLETOWN 671-9880 Ilin .I.M. Fields parking lot, Mat responsible far ly»earophl«el erran. All Itama said an a lira! eawi llrst atwasl eaels. HI. 3!i

Murder Suspect's Sister Key State Witness ;• ,"» . <• I FREEHOLD - The sistot JUrs. Lillian Hamel, now of degree murder conviction "When Fox spoke to you, yesterday, when she told First Miss Marcla Bloom, a 19- and a faded red sweatshirt tified that Detective Seufert" of a murder suspect was a Fourth Ave., Asbury Park, against Adams, who is not did you notice whether he had Assistant Prosecutor Malcolm year-old college student of 528 with a hood, run to the corner had asked him to analyze 13 key state witness yesterday testified that Adjtms, whom charged with firing the fatal been taking any drugs?" V. Carton. Shrewsbury Ave., testified and go west on Cherry St. She items, including articles of against Ruben L. Adams, 26,' she called "Fox," came to her shot, but is accused of felony asked defense attorney Henry Mr. Carton succeeded In in- that the liquor store's alarm said she didn't hear a shot, clothing and hair samples of 19-A Pearl St., New Shrews- home'at 4;s Cherry SI., New murder. Under the law, any- J. Byrne. troducing into evidence a goes off in her home. She said Her mother called the polite, from Johnson's h,ead. bury, charged with the mur- Shrewsbury, after 8:30 p.m. one participating in a crime' "1 don't think so. He ap- statement Adams gave, police, when it went off that night she she said, His testimony was to cin- der of a New Shrewsbury li- the night of Jan. 4 and told during which a murder is peared to-know what he was but County Court Judge Pat- ran to the window %nd saw — "Nicholas G, Curtis, a tinuc this morning to. conclude quor store owner Jan. 4. her "he was up tn the whiskey committed is guilty of mur- saying," the witness replied. rick J. McGann Jr. told the one person emerge from the chemist with the Stale Police the state's case. The trial be- Adams is accused of being a store but he didn't go inside, der. The holdup took place short- jury it will have to decide store, dressed in dark pants Forensic Science Bureau, tes- gan Tuesday. "co-conspirator and partici- the other boy went inside. . . The slate is trying to show ly after 6 p.m. whether Adams understood pant" in the armed robbery of Otis." that Adams conspired with Under cross examination by what he was doing and volun- Silver Liquors, 530 Shrews- Indicted for murder with the other two defendants, that Mr. Byrne, Mrs. Hamel testi- tarily waived his rights before bury Ave., New Shrewsbury. Adams, but to be tried sepa- Adams and Johnson went to- fied that she didn't tell police it can look at and consider the The store's owner-operator, rately; an.' Otis William John- '.he store and that Adams about Adams' statement to statement. •Harold A. Silver, 51, was sev- son, 25, of 1005 Springwood waited outside while Johnson her at first because nobody The defense contends that erely wounded by a shotgun Ave., Asbury Park, and Mrs. went in. asked her and she didn't know the statement should not be blast during the holdup and Ilamel's brother, James J. Mrs. Hamel said Adarn^ Mr. Silver had been shot. She considered because Adams died Feb. 2 at Riverview Hos- Fentress, 34, who lived with told her that night "a big said she wasn't sure when she did not understand what he pital, Red Bank. , her and her children at the boom went off inside (the had first told the authorities was doing. Police said the robbery net- Cherry St. address. store) and ho got scared and about it, but it could have Mr. Byrne closely ques- I about $400. The state is seeking a first ran." been as late as dav before tioned County Investigator Charles K. O'Connor, who* took the signed statement from Adams, aboijt his client's condition. Open Late Mon., Wed., Fri. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Tues., Thurs., Sat. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Asked if Adams appeared to be dazed or under the In- KILLS PENNYWORT ... KILLS SHEEP SORREL... KILLS WILD GARLIC... fluence of a narcotic drug, Mr. O'Connor replied that "at the time he was quiet and cog- nizant of what was going on." Mr. O'Connor testified that GRAND he had advised Adams of his constitutional rights and ob- tained his signature on a wai- ver of his rights before taking his statement at New Shrews- bury police headquarters. OPENING Judge McGann permitted the statement to be marked into evidence, but he wouldn't SHOP of Our New let its contents be aired in open court. "At the end of the case, one NOW of the decisions you will have Perfect for to make is whether or not you $ O Mother's Day AND find that, based on the back- o DINETTE ground of the giving of the gifting statement, that it is an .ac- SAVE 7 z SAVE ceptable and reliable state- 5 ment," Judge McGann told the jury. z Department "Before you can consider asgrow HtaHEr the substance of what's in it," he continued, "you will have 7b celebrate This Great Event, We are Offering to make the initial decision as to whether you are satisfied it $ was properly taken, and if you PREMIUM WEEDKILLER are satisfied it was not prop- 20°° *OFF EVERY COMPLETE erly taken, you will not be considering the statement." AND LAWN FOOD The judge said if the jury z heard the statement first, "it A number one value that can't be beat Asgrow might make it almost impos- Weed-Nix contains two powerful weed killing sible for you to make that in-' chemicals, 2,4-D and banvel-D, the most pow- DINETTE IN OUR NEW itial decision." erful safe weed killing combination for lawn use, He promised to instruct the (Do not apply under trees or shrubs.) Asgrow panel in detail about it. vt In other testimony: Weed-Nix greens up and thickens your lawn too — Monmouth County Medic- with Its longlastlng 17-4-4 fertilizer. X DINETTE SECTION al Examiner Stanley M. Beck- er said that Mr. Silver unques- J Simply Bring. tionably died of complications 5 of gunshot wounds of the ab- REG. 13.50 \# 10,000 SQ.FT. \ j This Coupon || domen and lower chest: no- J toGelco 11 tably, infection, hemorrhage, KILLS DANDELIONS... KILLS CHICKWEED... KILLS CLOVER.... KILLS HENBIT... '. J ? kidney failure and shock. He furl and Save I] said Mr. Silver almost died on the operating table when his I Won I heart stopped and had to be SAVE $$ ON TRU-TEST PAINT J Each Complete I j massaged. Dr. Becker said 60 per cent of Mr. Silver's stom- S Dinette j ach and part of his large in- testine had to be removed as ONE J Purchased! !| a result of his injuries and his liver, which had been "great- COAT ly damaged," had to be sewn together. He said he removed Choose from a 5 lead pellets from Mr. Sil- COVERS ver's abdominal cavity and an great selection x-ray showed "more than 100 ALL! of styles, In- ^pellets." — New Shrewsbury. Detec- cluding mod- tive William Seufert identified two sawed-off double-barreled GUARANTEED ern, contempo- shotguns and shotgun shells J Introduced into evidence as rary and tradi- those found at Fentress' home If ml fully Miilim ittir ipply- the night of Jan. 4. He also Inf Kcoralni to label Inilmc- tional . . . tlont, inouilt paint will bi identified eight lead pellets fumlilxd tolnun uliificlny cownge, of Ihi putthrn price wrought iron, ' found behind the counter at will tn rilunm Silver Liquors the night of the chrome or .robbery. — Sgt. Joseph B. Kowalik of steel... for- the State Police Firearms Identification Laboratory, mica tops, ,,West Trenton, testified that seats in nau- pellets supplied to him for ex- msmk amination, after the autopsy gahyde, leath-1 were "No. 4 birdshot pellets," Exterior Latex Interior Latsx - Odorless the same size as pellets used er or vinyl, In- in one of the shotguns. But he testified that it is not possible teresting pat- to tell if a pellet has been HOUSE PAINT SAT-N-HUE fired from a particular shot- terns In- An outstanding Professional " Bun- paint that makes m t\mm results wity ^ cluding the each painting job a fast and easy new popular| Eatontown one. Easy to $ apply, it goes on "wet look", Man Found smoothly with MJIi awr $ either brush or Hour. Easy wash your choice of I Not Guilty roller. U up£S£! £ I tables with pe-1 FREEHOLD - Charles REG. $8.98 GAL. REG. $7.98 GAL. , destal styles. Thorpe Jr. of 87 Lewis St., Eatontown, was acquitted by County Court Judge Alton V. SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU WED. 5/10 While You're Looking At Our Dinettes, Ask for Your Kvans on a charge of posses- sion of a narcotic, drug be- "helping people with lawn problems for over 70 years" FREE Folding Yardstick! cause he had a prescription for the drug, methylampheta- mine pentaxocino. Sale Ends Wed., May 10 Because of this ruling, Judge Kvans dismissed'a 'unllnlaliod dinettes charge against Thorpe of con- 11 M tributing to the delinquency of "'" 1121 HIGHWAY35 a 16-year-old boy by allegedly allowing the youth to be in company of a narcotics user v*n ASBURY PARK Aug. l( In Entontown. J. William Boyle of Free- (1 mile north of Asbury Circle) hold represented Thorpe. As- sistant County Prosecutor Jo- STORB HOURS: Tel. 774-3456 seph Regan 3rd presented the Hwy. 34 North, Cohf Neck OftHSUHDMi-S slate's case, • OPEN Plenty of FREE PARKING (Vt mfft north 9f DtlUkm Onhni$) MON.,WBlDLTHum Turtles have moveable oye- FRI., BAT. 9-6 lidi which are closed when they 431-5858*747-0465 arettlcep. CLOSED TUESDAYS , EwlBiBk - .J.Tfcarvliy, Miy <, U7I 27 Aide Reflects on What Went Wrong With Campaign ByiOHfTMCTTOGHLIN goonAitdJ ILIHIthing. i»fo_r ithi e countri y _ _> •••!•.• i . • man i .._ _,. 41.1 —.-. I.. ciplenlniAfdl standntnnflos onn ththae issue1ecunso Leon1 annae ' addeda/trla/f , ""FI hopVIAHeA tha(lintt tel'• tolyv emptyomntu . HHde iIRs aA cornf'Uffl-* parallel that has been drawn "As the campaign goes on, McGovern have nothing In 1 that he's doing go well." between McGovern and Wall- it will become clear to every- common," Leone said, and those stands are opposed people come to realize , that plainer basically. He offers no TRENTON (AP) - Richard Leone said he- rejects the ace.. •.— one that Wallace and "McGovern has strdng, prin- to what Wallace is all about." the Wallace thing is ultima- .solution and no hope." C. Leone, campaign coordina- tor in Pennsylvania (or Sen. Edmund S. Muskle, was back Everything's nome in Lawrence Township ifter the defeat in Pennysl- vania that knocked the Maine Democrat out of the primary Selections Service races. Reflecting on recent events, Leone said, "Ed Muskle didn't deserve this kind of treatment. It Isn't as though you could Savings put him "up there with the oth- er candidates and say he doesn't belong in their class, "There isn't anything in the man's character or his stand You Do Everything Better! on the issues to justify this ••I -Kd/L!* I rA^ happening to him. He is a great and decent man and he would make a terrific Presi- dent." Leone, who has taught at Princeton University and quit as director of the Center for Analysis of Public Issues to join Muskle's staff, refused to •ill j concede that the race for the nomination was over. 'ill "I'm not writing it off. The \i Ut next batch of primaries may be inconclusive. This is an un- predictable kind of year," he^ SAVE 25% SAVE ON SAVE 50* said. "If we had another* DUTCH MASTERS Galvanized Steel Du Pont $100,000 or so, I would have Penetrating RALLY CAR WAX been in favor of going into REDWOOD STAIN CHAIN LINK ONE Ohio." and SEALER new WALK GATES PER _ _ -HJ, Leone, one of the leaders in COUPON m M mt' the'Muskie command, con- 99 36"x36" : 36"x48" The '/i-hojr cor wox thot clsons, woxes, ond H \ ceded that major mistakes GAl. protects. lO-oi. con. A-96344 Reg. 1.49 79 GOOO1H9U MAY IQih Primes, seals, finishes2. .. renews and protects oil 49 were made — like campaign- woods! Way be rubbed, buffed, loncfed or var- 14 i 17 ing in Florida and con- nished. P-12283 Reg. 3.98I Reg. 15 99 5-3310 (tea. 18.99 S-33U VALUABLE COUPON centrating too much on big- name endorsements and not enough on grassroots organi- zation. But, he said, "the real prob- lem is that Muskie wasn't im- Translucent "sun root" panels lei the sunshine in. Desert Ton with Birch White trim, decor- portant to people in terms of ator accents. Wood-textured doors, embossed wall panels, perimeter shell with tool dips. how they were voting. They Ride-in ramp. Appro*, sites. Floor optional, weren't trying to pick the guy with the best chance to beat SAVE 20.00 Nixon in November. Explains Voting Arrow Buckingham "Over and over, we ran into people who thought that Mus- STEEL STORAGE, HOUSES kie would make the best With New "Sun Roof" M Oc Democratic candidate but they said they weren't 'voting 8FT.X7FT. 10 FT. x 7 FT. 10 FT. x 10 FT. for him. They wanted to send a message. 99 "Muskie just isn't an in- 109"! 129"! 149 strument of protest the way S. 129.99 G-5910 Reg. 149.99 G-5912 Rej. 169.99 0-59 U McGovern or Wallace is. He represents the political estab- ] Exclusive "Permo-Pble" Finish For All-Seoion Protection. Mcmive, fully Galvanized. Heavy Duly Sieel Foundotton Frame wild Built-in Lower Door Guide ond Anchoring PoinU. High Gobi* Roof for lishment and people are re- Extra Headroom. Ribbed. Overtopping Panel* On New Double Ridge Beams. Double Reinlorced Slid- jecting the establishment." ing Doori with Padlockoble Handles. Lepne contended that Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, clearly I an established figure was j . doing well because he was i "picking Up old debts." Jacobsen "He carried some black For ioler, wards in Philadelphia by 15 or | 18 INCH smoother 20 to 1. But he's worke'd 20 culling I »MC« years for that — the same 4-BLADE goes for his labor support," ."•OTHM: Leone said. As for Gov. George C. Wall- MOWER ace of Alabama, Leone said 25% OFF "It just isn't possible to over- OUR EVERYDAY REGULAR PRICES SAVE 3.00 - SAVE ON estimate the damage that j |95 EVEREADY • 6 VOLT QN Yellow • Heavy Duty Wallace did to Ed Muskie. LANTERN PRE-FABBED •SATIN BLACK "He destroyed the center I EXTENSION CORD WROUGHT IRON RAILING 100 FOOT and polarized everything — Powerful 3 H.P., 4-Cycle Briggs 8. Sirnt- BATTERIES AvailoblB in 4 ond - • . Compile Selection of #509 SPRING both ends." . ton Engine wilh 4 Double Edge Reversi- 6 Fl. Seclions ol . J ' Columns, Posls, Acceiso^ TERMINAL TYPE Illultroled "A' • Ties ond Aluminum Railings. Leone contended that Mus- ble Blades. Vacuum Action "Lifts" Grass 16/3 From ff«p rails «» room divldtrg, pallet to porchai, fh*M vtr* Up lor Smooth-, Level Cut. Automatic 88 kie was hurt by "his thought- FIAT *«,. 109 •olll* roiling,! Inilall Mill*. Add dlillnrtlvt btauty and a lire Chock for Effortless, First Time Starling. lihlng touch imld* or outtldt any hom«t fulness and his in- '«' I Y-978 Fold Down Handle. Wosh-Out Port. Feature: Slurdy rivet design and special lilting ollow rcilingj to odjuit tellectualism" which has | #731 HEAVY DUTY , quickly, easily, lo any pilch slain. No welds, weak ipoji or bolll , Complete with Grass Bag. G-2130 Ideal for indoor or ouldoor use. Use with earned him respect in the Sen- power tools, hedge trimmers, electric bar- SCREW TYPE , snowing. Moulded handrails. ' ate. beques or outdoor lighting. Molded on u brecAoble connector* Y-1560 Reg. B 8.8 Division Preferred ** O19 "He thinks things out. He. 2.88 M. Y.980 won't take cheap shots and he won't oversimplify. He tried to bring people togeth- er," Leone added, "and the | comew people don't want that. They I want to be divided." As for Muskie's statement on the night of the Pennsylva- nia primary that he was . unram , "turning the corner," Leone MACK CHAIR claimed the candidate was misled by Gov. Milton Shupp of Pennsylvania who told Save up to 2.00 CAMP UMllllli luULi^ Muskie he was leading in the Save 1.21 DOG TIE-OUT delegate contests. COT m •» I DOG or CAT CHAIN "I guess Shapp's peqple FLEA COLLAR Dul were afraid to tell him how UlFl. mi.He<«Y Y badly it was going," Lepne 199 BSS35 said. ».« Ill Leone said Muskie decided not to drop out of the race af- ter Wisconsin because "he said he had to do what he fell in his guts was right. If he was going down, he wanted to go down fighting." SAVE 5.00 SAVE 4.00 SAVE Up To 4.00 Lepne, who has worked for Men's 10-Speed "Huffy" the late Sen. Robert F. Ken- DELUXE 36 POSITION HIBACHI nedy in the 1MB campaign and "MARK 10" for Sen. George S. McGovern LIGHTWEIGHT BIKE MAGIC LOUNGE BARBEQUE in I960, said: Savn up »t) 1.60 "There isn't any envy or WEIGHTED GRILLS hostility among tho Muskle Save 72" PET DISH io*xro" IO"x2O" 1O"«57" • people toward George DOG TIE-OUT SINGLE SIZC DOUBLE SIZE TRIPLE SUE STAKE& CHAIN McGovern. I always respect- .99 99! ed the things McGovern Smnrlly itylrcl, c|uc>lity 10S|jfW[l Dnrolllour. Slmn innunled Many, i^nny usdt' Slfirl flame, snap on remoi/nble end cops 69 : iltill Iffven. widn polio goorint) 37 In 96. dual cnlipor liand- . , . end pillow, folds lor ensy entry or MDiagft Choice ol stands (or and I still do. It is a «»>••• brolej. "Mr,es flond' handlebari. Racinolypo inddls heaulilul decnrnloi colorsl G-2659-67 Rej, 13.99 7 F-90450 Re0, 75,90 Rctj 409 0 2362 I «=Q. 8.V9 G-2364 ; Rag. 12.99 G 2367


To Meet May 11 W» «!««• Tn« Mp/i( To limit Quanmiti. All Him Al Pid-Vp Pricsl. 0 Coi>yri0/il IP72 HicM OICI. Inc. D»iWy Urvlca Avalloblt. Not Kxprmibk for rvnooropWcri/ frron. fncei (lltclivt Ow Weik Only. • MIDDLETOWN -The newly organized Foster Chil- dren's Association will meet at B p.m. ThurBtlay, May 11, In tho Prudential Insurance Co. of Amoricu building, 270 Rt. 35. ROUTE 36 EATONTOWN Mrs. Kliiinc Hoffman of OPEN *SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. JU8T OFF EATONTOWN CIRCLE • NEXT TO PATHMARK Leonardo, vlco president of OPEN DAILY and SATURDAY 0 A.M. lo 10 P.M. (^ , u OTHER RICKEL HOME CENTERS i ho asHoclutlon, urges all in- • TO SUL ITEMS ALLOWED BY LAW Unit* fMMW, Mtn/t Hrt, Iwciiwim, W«j™ Momm Hn. IIMMWI, fjil Irumwto* Hitf Dhmv I crested in tho foster parent program to attend. I A Tiw Daily Register, Red tuik - MttdfeUma, NJ. Ttairtty, Miy 4, Wt

By MARG0T SMITH Combine vegetable oil, honey and molasses and beat in eggs, one at a time. •' FAIR HAVEN — The coAltie plate is not a no-no in Kitty and, Tom Shafer's home at W Gillespie Ave. It's full of wheat Add milk, then flour. Mix until well combined. germ, whole wheat flour, honey, nuts and fruit, all neatly Add oatmeal, raisins, coconut, sunflower and sesame packaged in nutritious nuggets especially designed for the en- seeds. Mix well. . joyment of Clark, 4>/j and young Tom, 6>£. Let stand 15 minutes to allow oatmeal to^soften. Preheat Says Mrs. Shafer, "Qme does not have to be a health fad- oven to 350 degrees (325 degrees if Teflon pans-are used). dist to experiment with 'such foods as brown rice, pinto and Drop mix onto cookie sheets, by tablespoonsful. Press out with soy beans, natural flours and freshly baked bread." For her, fingers to form flat'round cookies. Bake about 15 minutes, un- it's more a matter of flooding the family good and nourishing til light brown. Cookies freeze well. foods while adding variety to the weekly menu. Along with a whole new generation of cautious cooks, Mrs. PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES Shafer realizes that convenience foods, contrived with arti- 1 tablespoons vegetable oil * ficial preservatives^, flavor agents, color additives and such % cup honey are a short-cut to nothing but malnutrition. 2 eggs '/j cup wheat germ Mrs. Shafer'Js introduction to "natural foods" came 1 cup whole wheat flour through the EarUfi Bazaar, a shop on River Road in her neigh- Vi cup powdered milk borhood, where she has been able to purchase natural grains, 2 teaspoons vanilla . fruits, cheeses and cereals in liulk, with no containers to worry 3 tablespoons evaporated milk about. She's also aware of container pollution, and takes her Vt cup nonhydrogenated peanut butter own to the stoije, where her needs, and no more, are measured % teaspoon sea salt - out- / - 2 teaspoons double acting baking powder This kind of buying allows Mrs. Shafer to do a lot of ex- Combine and mix well, oil, honey, eggs, wheat germ, va- pcrimentiny. Adelle Davis's "Let's Cook It Right" and Carson nilla, evaporated milk and peanut butter. Add flour, salt, pow- Wade's "Health Food Recipes for Gourmet Cooking" are two dered milk, baking powder and mix well. Place by tea- books thatshe finds full of tempting suggestions. "When trying spoonsful on cookie sheet. Press with fork and sprinkle with a new recipe," she says, "I don't necessarily want to buy a sesame seeds. Bake in 350 degree oven (325 degrees if Teflon pound or a quart of some ingredients when I don't know pan is used) for eight minutes. Cool on rack. Cookies freeze whetherit will work out with the family. Bulk buying leaves welL no useless leftovers, and helps me keep things fresh, which is ur JlaHPhot» important, too." COCONUT CHEWS HELP YOURSELF — Clark Shafer, 4Vs, gets Mom's nod any time of day when healthful cookies q{e The above cookbooks supplied the following successes for % cup sweetened condensed milk his snack. They're ifiade with wholesome Ingredients to satisfy his fondness (or nibbles, and hers/fojj the Shafer family. They serve oatmeal cookies for breakfast, 2 teaspoons vanilla nutrition. lunch and snacks and find them great for trips or hikes. >i teaspoon sea salt "They're full of energy, and also filling. Too many, however, % cup powdered milk ~ Auxiliary Slates • /will make you gain wiight," Mrs. Shafer says. Vt cup wheat germ (raw) o4t$y 1& cups unsweetened coconut Diqner Party The Coconut Chews are very sweet and taste like maca- Combine condensed milk, vanilla, salt, powdered milk, LEONARDO - The Ladies Wine Press "1 f roons. wheat germ. Add coconut and mix well. Auxiliary of the Leonardo Two hints from Mrs. Shafer: In recipes that call for oil Preheat oven to 325 degrees (300 degrees if Teflon pan is First Aid Squad is sponsoring and honey, measure the oil first, then the honey in the same used). Place teaspoonstol of dough on cookie sheet. Cook 12-15 a bus trip May 20 to the-Latin / cup. The honey, won't stick so much. When a recipe calls for minutes* * Casino, Cherry Hill, where This Week's Wine / wheat germ, use the raw product when it's going to be cooked. Ella Fitzgerald will be per- f Wheat germ is less expensive in this form. PINTO-BURGERS ' forming. One of the surprising things Mrs. Shafer has learned Is' 1 cup dry pinto beans Reservations for the event, 70Muscadet that you don't have to serve meat every evening in order to !£ cup millet which will include a prime rib dinner, may be made with have a healthy family. The Pinto-Burgers below are an ex- Tamari (soy sauce) From Brittany in Francos' Mrs. Charles Elser or Mrs. ample of a meatless protein that even Dad accepts with plea- 1 egg, beaten Andrew Muller. comes this tight and fresh sure, "And he's a meat-and-potatoes man," says Ms wife. pepper to taste flour . Buses will leave from the white wine. Best enjoyc# Cooking has been a pleasure for Mrs. Shafer since she pure vegetable oil (cold pressed preferred, or one First Aid Building at 3:45 p.m. in its youth, it is a perfen* , married, and going at it healthfully has added a new dimen- without preservatives) and also pick up passengers accompaniment to stin sion. Always experimenting, she also bakes bread and has be- sliced carrots, onions, peppers, celery at the A & P parking lot, New- food and the lighteTwai'iii come proficient at fancy hot liors d'oeuvre. Sometimes she Soak beans overnight. Cook for two hours in fresh water to man Springs Road, Red Bank. makes them in large lots for friends who are entertaining. weather meals. Not. to be cover, until soft. To prevent burning, check to make sure wa- RUMMAGE SALE "Who! knows," says this enthusiastic cook, "some day I may' ter doesn't evaporate. confused with Muscatel, if,. RUMSON —• Rumson Senior go into the business!" Saute millet in one tablespoon oil until golden (about 15 is modestly priced at $2.99 Citizens will have a rummage minutes). Add 1% cups water and salt to taste. Bring to boil, and possesses a marvelous sale Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 lower heat, cover and cook for 30 minutes. r GRANNY'S OATMEAL BREAKFAST COOKIES p.m. and Saturday from 10 thirst quenching quality.' Combine mashed beans, millet, beaten egg and shape into % cup vegetable oil a.m. to 1 p.m. in Bingham patties. Chopped onion and garlic may be added, if desired, % cup honey . . • > i Hall. tors. William Shires and Saute patties in a small amount of oil, until brown. 3 tablespoons molasses * . Mrs;'flobart Leonard are ,. 3eggs Saute chopped vegetables in oil. Cook until done, not sog- chairmen. 1 teaspoon vanilla ; gy, but crisp. Remove from pan. Add % tablespoon flour and 3 tablespoons evaporated milk. ' cook for one minute, scraping any particles off bottom of pan: 2 cups whole wheat flour . < .-. - . .,,,,, , AW wateraMIamari and pepper to taste. Stir in vegetables. SPECIALISTS IN r y Cook for one minute more. 2% cups oatmeal , ...... ,__ : :•••, ««!U«r StOM PhotO 1 cup seedless raisins ~ "Transfer "jpffilo burgers to platter. Pass vegetable-Tamari SPIRITED PLANS — Whipping up some spirited LEATHER AND SUEDE COATS & JACKETS ' 1 cup unsweetened coconut sauce and spoon over burgers. Serve with fresh green salad plans for the Northern Monrnpiith CSunty Branch and crunchy bread. Mixture for burgers may be made ahead. • ft cop sunflower seeds of the American Association oi. University Womr • ••I' V. % cup sesame seeds ; . ; . Canned beans may be substituted.' Use about 2 cups;' en's wine tasting party, are, tejt to* right, A/Irs. Paul Tremoulet, Little Silver, cb-chalrman; Mrs. Brian Conway, Monmouth Beach, reservations t0 M and Mrs. Richard Rathmacher, Atlantic High- COAT SECONDBIGMEK! lands, co-chairman. The event, set for Sunday 5H0PPE from 4 to 6 p.m. In the Shrewsbury River Yacht VINCENT'S Club, Fair Haven, will benefit the Audrle La- 134 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK 741-7518 DEBRA DECORATORS' Towsky Scholarship Fund. SEMI-ANNUAL AAUW Spectacular!!)^ Party Mother's Day Ready to cover Pofyurertiane for Do«ft-Yourser¥ Decorators Slated 20% OFF FAIR HAVEN - The Our Regular Low Prtet Boatmen — Campers Audrie LaTowsky Scholarship Custom Fund will be the recipient of proceeds from a wine tasting Upholstery party Sunday from 4 to S p.m. in the Shrewsbury River Let us re-upholster your fur- Yacht Club, River Road, giv- niture in the most econom- en by the Northern Monmoulh ical and professional way County Branch of the Ameri- possible. can Association of University Select fabric from large stock Women for its membership. for GREAT SAVINGS. Chairmen of the benefit All work done on premises. event arc Mrs. Paul Tremou- National let, Little Silver, and Mrs. Selling Richard Ralhmacher, Atlan- u tic Highlands. In charge of re- Ott Price on Selected Groups BOLSTERS UpVbtiry servations is Mrs. Brian Con- DANISH CHAIRS Fd&Cw.rVl way, Monmouth Beach. FIRST TIME EVER! Kinkel's has made a spoclacular pur-> DANISH chase on eelecleU groups ol Fresh Spring n' Summet SOI I r.g. SAU rig. SALC A full scholarship for a Fashions and Klnkel's passes the savings on 1o you (up lo r 4«ta;j«37 - 4.S5 3.(S 3.00 2.40 5094). REMEMBER . .. When you shop al Klnkel s It CHAIR CUSHIONS Brookdale Community^ Col- means more lo Mom... always when evoiy dollar counts, Ii»x12x37 4.9S J.H 3.65 2.H Ntwf pjmt« ttfih • Zlpp*rt lege woman in her sophomore KinkeVs Is the store to shop. Mother's Day is Sunday, May • ; MS 2.70 2M4«4 4.IS 3.15 year will be awarded the 14, so hurry while the quantities lastl $5 Cnoo«» From our Stlicltd Group at... MATTRESSES AAUW branch's scholarship CUSHIONS named for Mrs. LaTowsky be- SIZI rig. SAU cause of her role in the crea- Daytime Dresses sot , n,. SALI 30x74x4 _.. 16.95 13.55 tion and organization of 1fc24x4 3.90 3.1S Mx75x4 30.90 24.90 18i3«x4 5.95 4.7S S4x75xl 8.20 4.40 Brookdale College. She Better Dresses 23x22x4 4.45 J3.7S chaired a county college study 24x24x4 (.30 4.15 100% 1HH.YKHTER THROW PILLOWS group after the Now Jersey 24x3fx4 7.70 t.25 SIZE ,.g. Legislature passed the enabl- 24x41x4 10.25 8.25 UPHOLSTERY Pants and Skirts 12" iquor* or round 1.79 ing legislation for the college. JACOUARD AND SOUD • JUNIOR I MISSY « HMf SUES 18x18x3 3.25 1.80 14" iquor* or round 1.89 22x22x3 3.35 2.78 SUPPLIES Under her leadership the 16" iquar* or round 1,99 YYL - 54"W study group examined the his- OTHIR SIZES end SHAPES CUT TO ORDER AT COMPARABLE PRICES. tory and operation of commu- Fashion Tops nity colleges and its ion- SHIRTS •BlOUStS.* SWEATERS $ SAVE $ ON REUPHOLSTERY CUSTOM MADE elusions led the AAUW to sup- Vo'uil To IK P

Dear Ann Landers: I was quarters for snacks from the shocked to read in the To- cafeteria. She says, "I'll pay. ronto Star that you disgraced you tomorrow" — or, "Next yourself in front of 8,632 Ann Landers time it will be on me." To- people. It seems you were the morrow.Jlever comes, and 2 to 1- favorite and finished "next time" she's nowhere to third. School consultants say the have attended the weddings of be seen. By this lime you have de- best thing to do is turn the couples who lived together be- cided I am nuts, but let me victim upside down and pound cause their parents were When an office collection is explain. Ann Landers is the on his back. If the meat friends of mine. The lifestyle taken she asks me to put the name of a three-year-old filly doesn't become dislodged of the bride and groom is none money in for her — then she who made her debut recently promptly and the person be- of my business. I hope you gets her name on the card and at Greenwood Raceway. Ev- gins to turn blue, a tracheot- will reconsider and not bite forgets to reimburse me. eryone was excited about her omy should be performed at off your nose to spite your This girl is nice in every but she was nosed out of sec- once. face. other way but I am sick of her ond place by Sailing Chance. Dear Ann Landers: Our Dear Ann Landers: I had to cheaping out. I hate to say Victoria Lomac came in first. family has been invited to a laugh when 1 read the beef "no" when she asks me to The jockey, George Zirnis, large formal wedding. The from the Wife to the Other bring her a ten-cent cup of claims Ann had a bad posi- bride and groom have been Woman who wrote, "I spend coffee from the cafeteria. Am tion. He says she's sure to be openly living together for over household money on the ob- I being petty? Should I over- a great racehorse when she a year. stetrician while you vacation look it? If not, what does one' gets a .few breaks. George 1 have expressed my objec- in Acapulco..." The reason I say? — La Salle Street Small purchased Ann after she re- tions to this way of life many laughed is because I am the Loan Committee times and now I feel I would Other Woman who just re- •.'.;', . ' ••- • U««UHr JlotfPl»l» covered from a cough and Dear Sal: One,says, "No virus. be condoning it if I attended turned from Acapulco where I MAIL TIME — Members of Ihe Campership Committee of Community Services Council corViplete the the wedding. What should I charge for the delivery ser- mailing of appeal letters for the Campership Program which sends AAonmouth County underprivileged His mother-in-law, Mrs. also spent money on an ob- say in my note declining the stetrician. The abortion cost vice, but the coffee costs a youth to camp each summer. Left to right, Mrs. Bryant Hanley, Holmdel, chairman; Mrs. Kevin Ryan, Claire Robertson, named the invitation? Should 1 send a dime." As for those small Little Silver, Treasurer; Mrs. Edgar Zimmerman, Rumson, chairman of mailing, and Mrs. John Spar- filly Ann Landers because she ME $500 plus plane fare from "loans" — you should have kling, Rumson. wedding gift? The parents of Des Moincs. I wish I had nev- loves your column, I hope both the bride and groom are kept the dates and amounts you're not insulted. You have er met the rat.—Too Late fine people and long-time Smart on a slip of paper. Now you a great many fans in Canada, friends.—California Conflict can only work from memory and we wouldn't want to be Dear Ann Landers: A cer- and say, "Sorry, I can't ad- disrespectful. Sincerely Dear Con: I do not sanction pre-marital shacking up and tain young lady who works vance you any more money' Bummer Camp Program yours—Winner's Circle. here owes me money — not until you pay me what you have said so in print and from Dear Winner: Insulted? Not the speaker's platform. But I large amounts, just dimes and owe me." ' on your maple-leaf, Honey. I'm honored. Incidentally, I For Needy Youngsters you'll be glad to know I've , stopped coughing and they say I have a bright future. , RUMSON — The sixth annual fund drive sponsored by the chairman, explained, "The only requirement is need." Campership Committee of Community Services Council which Among those contributing many hours to Campership this Dear Ann Landers: May I sends Monmouth County undeiprivileged youth to camp each year, in addition to the members of the Campership Com- pass on some information that summer is under way. Robert K. Bruce of Robert K. Bruce mittee are Mrs. S.'M. Hoffman, executive director of Commu- might save a life? Public Relations, has contributed the composing of the appeal nity Services Council; Mrs. G. Bjuce Hollar, coordinator of I was having dinner at a COME SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL WINDOWS letters that have been mailed to individuals and business firms the Campership Program; John A^Borton, Freehold YMCA; restaurant and I swallowed a throughout thecounty. William Johnson, Monmouth County Welfare Board; David large slice of ham. I was (Each year the Campership Committee sets no definite Lewis and Hosie Scott, Community YMCA, Red Bank; Robert' unable to breathe and couldn't say a word. I began to panic, ioal; the more contributions received the greater number of Thullesen, Shore Area YMCA; Miss Ruth Haas, Bureau of full of Mother's Day gifts needy youngsters are abje to attend summer camp. All contri- Children's Services (WIN Program); Mrs. Susan Fisher, Bu- scared out of my wits. My din- reau of Children's Services and Larry Fry, Camp Shiloh. ner companion shouted, and while you're in the store, lake butions received from the community go directly into the "Stand up real tall! Reach for Campership Fund. Administrative expenses are absorbed by Donors may make checks payable to Community Services the ceiling! Try to take a deep .a look at everything else, tool the Community Services Council. Council Campership Fund, 16 Spring St., Red Bank, N.J. 07701. breath, then bend over and . 33S Sent Last Year , Contributions' are tax deductible. * touch the floor." Sure enough,, ' Last year 336 Monmouth children were able to enjoy sum- the chunk of ham fell mer through Campership Program which was initiated in 1967 out—and so did my dentures. fcy the Youth Committee of Community Services Council. The program does not duplicate any other county camp effort. NurserySchools Embarrassed? Not a bit. I Since its inception more than 1,000 children have been sent to was glad to be alive,—Mrs. T. summer camp. Children are referred by school nurses, school -A. G. of L.A. Dear Mrs. T.A.G.: Hun- principals and social workers to the Campership Committee of gifts 3M Norwood Ave. Community Services Council. Mrs. Bryant Hanley, Holmdel, Feature Author dreds of people die every year because they don't know what RED BANK - Eda J. LcS- Do Your Children Grow," will to do when, a large piece of lamps DEAL dally 10 to 5:10 nan, author of "The Con- be guest speaker May 11 at „ meat becomes lodged in the Wed. eve. 7 to 9 . • Clubwomen To Install spiracy Against' Childhood" 8:15"p.m. in the First Presby throat. My Harvard Medical home accessories \ MATAWAN - In the Don thony Marhan, first vice and moderatorof the Channel terian Church, 255 Harding 1 Quixote Inn here May 16 at' chairman; Mrs. Henry Datal, 13 television program "How Road. 7:30 p.m. officers of the Eve- second vice chairman; Mrs. ning Membership Department Harry B. Whitney, recording The public is invited to at- i of the Colts. Neck Woman's .secretary,; Mrs. J6hn Legg, tend the free program during I Club wilfbVm'sfaiied. . v 'corresponding secretary, and which Miss Le Shan will dis- Miss Sharon Lowing,, financial cuss "The Young Child And They include Mrs: John His Environment." Nagle, chairman; Mrs. An-' secretary. VlllVKSINGERn m m Miss Lc Shan, in addition to her writing and television en- deavors, has been a family counselor, nursery school teacher and director, thera- pist in a child guidance clinic, ngsale! and a social welfare worker. ir Thk flower price tags tell it all! %f Come in and see Sponsoring her talk here are tags tell it all! %f Come in and see eight area nursery schools, "your budget perk up with thesefamous Singer values! oayreuiood The New School, Colts Neck Nursery School, Matawan It's the Golden Touch &Sew* sewing machine, our very Nursery School, Tennent Co- best, in the Bakersfield cabinet that converts to a desk! This operative Nursery, Monmouth machine gives you Singer stretch stitches for all your springy knits. Touch the dial to switch from straight Day Care Center, Red Bank save Singer stretch Methodist Cooperative, Red stitches to zig-zag to decorative stitches. At a touch, fi Oak Cooperative and Tower REG the built-in buttonholer starts a ^* * Hill Nursery School. - round-end buttonhole of any size. And PRICE just touch the on the Golden exclusive Singer*' Push-Button Touch&Sew' Bobbin—watch MOTHER'S DAY sewing machine it wind itself, right inside the is intheBakersfield machine. Sew desk! up Spring, and SUNDAY, MAY 14th save now!

YACHTING SHOES A SPECIAL Stylist zig-zag Fashion Mate* zig-zag portable GIFT IDEA An old favorite of portable sewing machine sewing machine FOR MOTHER sailors! Cool, breathable, hand- crafted elk tanned A mother's ring bsautllully fashioned In elegant style with textured Florentine finish that has synthetic cowhide, dries soft, only blrthstones, delicately set on a circlet of while or Easy on, oasy off! $ yellow 14K gold - one for each child. It's an Moccasin com- exceptional gilt Idea for Mother's Day. fort, barefoot 69 flexibility. WITH CARRYING CASE from $30. Reg. $149.95 SAVE $40.00/ This ring must be ordered Imagine getting'a Singer quality zig-zag by Monday, May 8th Hurry In for this great buy now! machine at this low price! Mend, dam, Has built-in bllndstltch and exclusive sow on buttons, make buttonholes and SJnge/drop-ln bobbin! do every sewing job the easy Singer Available In way and save! WOMEN'S & MEN'S SIZES Call or visit your Singer Sewing Center for expert service on any sewing machine. The Singer lloJi* Credit Plan LITTU SILVER SHOPPING CENTER helps you have these value* now- wllhln y,our budg«t. 1 »A TfUdimirk ol THE SINOIN COMPANY J i- JttMtetMW, tiJ, Tlwrttoy.Miy 4, ttn

FREBHOLD-Mr/and. Mn. John8ak«rSr.,of E.Frw- hold Road wd Rt. NT, were honored here Sunday an the oca. ston of tfc# 45th wedding anniversary with • wrwlie party, and dinner in the American Hotel. Mora than ITS relattvw Md clowfriendiattoBded. J . ^ The event,was arranged by the Sakera' two MM and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Saker, here, and Mr. and Mri. John E. Saker, Rumson. Prior to the dinner, a Nuptial Blesaii it beitowed on the couple by Chor-Blshop Mansour SI at Ou&Lady of Lebanon Church, Brooklyn, assisted by ',J.E, Chahine and the Rev. Frank Janos, pastor of *t, Mr.'and Mrs. William E. Rhoadw, 12 Berldey Place, tore, who were Mr. and Mrs. Saker'a bejfcnwjrawl maif of honor, performed the same functions on till* Q$jnb# y : . Kewii%tJ#iep^J|§ . Mr. Saker spent molt of his life in Freehold, where he at- tended grammar and high school He waa a grocery itor* op- erator and Is the founder of the Foodarama Shop-Rite Super- market chain. He is a communicant of St Rose of Lima Catho- lic Church and a member of the local Elks Lodge, Mrs, Saker, a former resident of Dover, came to Freehold as a bride. She was instrumental in assisting Mr, Saker in the establishment of the food chain. She also is a communicant of St. Rose Church and a member of the Catholic Daughters of KHUIlr SMft HMl* America, Court St. Rose. SORORITY WOMEN — Girl of the Year awards of Beta Sigma Phi, the international women's sorority celebrating its 41st anniversary this year, went locally to, from left! Miss Bonnie Hetler, Ocean Town- -, The couple were married.April 26, 1927, by the Rev. ship, Gamma Omicron; Mrs. Lew Williams, Freehold, Gamma Psi; Mrs. Ernest Schaflin, Llncroft, XI Francis Waken of St. Joseph's Church'of New York at St. Rose Beta Alpha; Mrs. Edward Meehan, Red Bank/ XI Alpha Kappa; Mrs. Frederick McDonough, Oakhurst, of Lima Church, here. They have 12 grandchildren. Delta Alpha, and Mrs. Fred Leonardls, Monmouth Beach, Xi Alpha Sigma. Not pictured are Mrs. Rob- Enhancing Sunday's festivities was the presentation of a ert Kuhn, Red Bank, Gamma Tau, and Miss Linda Steele, Point Pleasant, and Terry Nlmmo, Toms three-tier wedding cake. River, Gamma Kappa. The awards were made at an anniversary dinner In Peterson's, Lakewood. Music was provided by the Ruby Melnick Orchestra.

Cancer Detection Program Mr. and Mrs. John Saker Sr, Club Installs 8 Children's Art Display Set NEW SHREWSBURY - Of- surer, and Mrs. Frank L. Initiated for Teen-agers ficers in the Woman's Club of Schmid. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS tary; Mrs. Vincent Shea, cor: New Shrewsbury were in- Mrs. John H. Kappmeier Jr. —' Art work by children in St, responding secretary, and •ALLENIIURST - More F \ film titled "It's important Littman. Little Silver; and High School, Matawan Re- stalled at a candlelight ser- was the installing officer. Agnes School will be dis-Mrs. Louis Figliola, treasurer. than 5,000 Monmouth and to Your Life," designed for Dr. John R. Ayers Jr., Dr.gional High School, Mon- vice in the Sycamore School. played Wednesday at an 8 Mrs. Theodore Klein and f p.m. PTA meeting in theMrs. Edward Mangan retire Ocean County girls are learn- teen-age audiences is also Samuel Stevens, Dr. Lynn A. mouth Regional High School, They include Mrs. Van B. being presented. At each GOOD SCOUTS school cafeteria. . from the board this year. . ing this year how to delect Parry, Dr. ^Stanley Edeiken, • Shore Regional High School, Fox, president; Mrs. Paul B. breast cancer by self-exam- showing a doctor is present to HIGHLANDS - Members Following May Crowning and Dr. Joseph R. Ackerman, Manalapan High School, Nep- Glenn, first vice president; ination. The program, answer questions and partici- Asbury Park. of Junior Girl Scout Troop ceremonies, PTA officers will PLANTSALE tune High School, Ocean Mrs. George E. Levesque, presently primarily to junior pate in a discussion period. Township High School, Red .240, Cadette Troop 5 and Boy be installed. They include MIDDLETOWN -*- Garden Also Mrs. Sophie Dubrovsky second vice president; Mrs. and senior high school girls is The girls also receive educa- Bank Regional High School, Scout Troop 5 assisted Martin Mrs. Nicholas Mika, who as- Club R.F.D. will have its an- of Howell Township, Mrs. Lou John M. Brady, recording sec- a project of the volunteer tional booklets to take home. Wall Township High School, Bender, borough code en-' sumes a second term as presi- nual plant sale Saturday from!' Kramer, Toms River, mem- retary; Mrs. Harvey G. Mill- Public Education committee Locally, a pilot program and forcement officers and hisdent; Mrs. Edward Mattan, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Little! bers of the Unit's Public Edu- er, corresponding secretary; of,, the American Cancer So- was given last year in Rum- . staff at a community cleanup vice president; Mrs. William Red Schoolhouse, Mlddletownjj cation committee spoke at ciety's Monmouth County son-Fair Haven Regional High Mrs. Richard W. Wallin, trea- day. Dickinson, recording secre- Lincroft Road. Unit, here, and some liTcoun- School. two schools. 1 ty doctors. This year doctors volun- The Public Education com Since the leading cause of teering their services include mittee is headed by Mrs. Alan cancer incidence and deatli in Dr. Allen*. Kendall, Dr. Avchen, Rumson. women today is breast can- George Massell and Dr. Thomas Schools participating in this MIDDLETOWN cer, the American Academy J. Giunour Jr., Red Bank; Dr. year's program include Marl- of Family Physicians has Richard Small, Middletown; boro High School, Henry Hud- joined with the Cancer So- Dr. Douglas Payne, Neptune; son Regional School, Mon- SHOPPING CENTER ciety to teach young women Dr. Robert Rossano, Mata- mouth College, Raritan High the live-saving health habit of wan; Dr. Alexander C. Baret, School, Manasquan High HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN monthly breast self-exam- Long Branch; Dr. Bruce Gor- School, Howell Township High ination. don. Oakhurst; Dr. Donald School, Middletown Township

Auxilians Elect 6 ft ROOTS FREEHOLD - Mrs. George Siver was elected president of the Freehold Borough and Township Hospi- tal Auxiliary. : Mother Other officers are Mrs. Wil- liam Hakim, first vice presi- dent; Mrs. Anthony B. Smith, The Whisper-Light second vice president; Mrs: Jack Pretty, recording secre- tary; Mrs. Kenneth Light, Crisper •. , treasurer, and Mrs. Gerri SWIRLS OF SEERSUCKER Davis, corresponding secre- S in black and ivltite plaid tary. Installation will be TAFFETTE* cotton and polyester. Also tonight at 7 p.m. here in the in red and white. 28. American Hotel. A buffet sup- by per will be served. Cotton skinny knit top Mrs. Anne Howe will be VANITY FAIR chairman of the annual dinner with chain stitch accent. at the Monmouth County Fair Red, black, white, June 28 through July 2 at the With the permanent Freehold Raceway. off-white, navy. 20. Installation of officers for White leather belt the Freehold Association of anti-ding of Antron® DI Hospital Auxiliaries will be in from our collection the hospital cafeteria May 18. Always the great under-knit fit of accessories Mrs. Harold Uoldberger an- nounced that more than $1,100 maker, in un-clingy, un-see through, by Elegant. 9. has been collected through do- un-mussable. Taffette. Slip, 32-40 nor cards this year. Short, 32-42 Average, $7; Mrs. Herman Bernstein and Pettiskirt, S-M-L, $5. Juliet® bra, Mrs. James Carrol will spon- 32-36 ABC, $6, D. $7. White, Black, sor a duplicate bridge and and Navy. . : buffet supper May 20 for the benefit of the auxiliary. The affair, open to the public, will be in the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post, Waterworks Road. Mrs. Key Mandell is retiring president. Mrs. William Ambrose was hostess. Mrs. Sivcr, whose husband is chairman of this year's Charity Ball June 17, con- ducted a workshop to make flowers for decorations. Church Plans Annual Sale CLIKFWOOD. BKACII - CUP and SAVE GUB Cording, 18 Middlesex Blvd., is accepting space re' servutions for the annual Flea Market that will take place Adam's Rib . . . tin extraordinary shop with extraordinary June 17 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. FREE GIFT CERTIFICATE thing:; for Mothers. Why not. wish your Mom . on the grounds of Bayvlew Presbyterian Church, W. Con- 00 Towardstoe purchase of 7.00 or a I loppy Mother's Diiy with a gift oj sportswear or accessories course and Greenwood Avc., THIS GIFT CERTIFICATE from our Adam's Rib Shop? here. Rain date Is June 24. more on any purchase throughout Snack bar and other fiicll-' the store. Itles arc available. Partici- pants arn asked to bring their summit red bank own tables for displaying bric- suh * hto , wii(liw«1.iv ft lrld.iv 'III O-. a-brac and craft items. , monthly * i I -f f Tke Dally Register, Red Bank - BUddtttewn, N.J. Thrirtday.May 4,1171 ah Installation Se RUMSON - Mrs. Reuben Spector, New Shrewsbury, has been named tolUllation chairman for the Red Bank Chapter of Hadaissah Installation of officers Tuesday at 8 p.m. here in Congregation B'nai Israel, llancc and Kidge Roads. Mrs. Sidney SchulliE, Lincroft, was named ins) ajllnc offi- cer. Incomingofficers are Mrs. Leonard Meiselman, New Shrewsbury, president; Mrs. Howard Bodner, Lincroft; Mrs. PiU.'Flelsher, little Silver,; Mrs. Gabriel Speetor, New Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Daniel Levlne, Ultle Sifveivvicc presi- dents;, Mrs. Jerome Fleishman, Eatontown, treasurer; Mrs • Edward Straus, kittle Silver, assistant treasurer; Mrs. Harry.,. Sprung? Red Bank, financial secretary; Mrs. Martin Barger," recording'^ecretary, and Mrs. Howard Data, New Shrews- bury, corresponding secretary, .,-..; Mrs. Lewis Korb, Colts Neck, will "give the invpeation. * Mrs. Bernard Post, New Shrewsbury, is in charge of refresh- ments. Miss Zlva Crane, a performer of international songs, will present a jftjuslcal program. The artist has appeared on the • Mike Douglas Show and other guest appearances. Mrs, Leonard Meiselman Mrs. Reuben Speetor Auxiliary Club Elects Mrs. Brown MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. The club has arranged a Names Paul Richardson, Devon May 10 trip to Longwood Car- Road, was hostess at her dens in Delaware, for which Delegates home for a meeting of the Mrs. Paul D. Ilansen, 8 Salem Middletown Village Garden Drive, Colts Neck, is accept- ATLANTIC CITY - Mon- Club, at which new officers ing reservations. mouth County delegates to the were elected. A $25 donation was sent to 1 45th annual meeting here of They include Mrs. Loftus ' V fvllMMtf Msff Phots the Woman's Auxiliary to the Brown, president; Mrs. Paul support the work of ECO-Ccn- PERFECT SET-UP - The first spring dance to be held In the Holy Cross SchoordOdltorlum, Rumson, Medical Society of New Jer- Sebastian, vice president; ter, Asbury Park, and a tree In more than 10 years Is set for May 12 at 9 p.m:, with music by Al Fazzone and Tils orchestra. Com- sey, will include Mrs. Anthony Mrs. Thomas O'Brien, secre- was donated for planting at petlng plan? for the 'Perfect Set-Up' are chairmen, left to rlaht, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. McCabe, Garroto, Locust, president of tary; Mrs. W. J. Cornetta, the Navesink School. Mrs._George A. Sheehan and Dr Sheehan. In charge of reservations are Mr. and Mrs. patrlifk Ed- the Monmouth auxiliary, and corresponding secretary, and monds and Mr. and Mrs: Richard Lawrence. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith," Mr. and Mrs. Santo Spring floral arrangements' Mrs. Ralph Berman, Rumson, Mrs. John Bohinc, treasurer. made at the meeting were Pezzuttl and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ryan, Invitations and decor; Mr. and Mrs. Georfle Miles, Mr. and president-elect. Mrs. Robert Gearty and Mr. and Mrs. W. David Ryan, set-ups, all of Rumson. , Co-hostess at the meeting given to Walslon Hospital, Ft. Other local delegates at the was Mrs. Howard Ziemann. Dix. May ft-9conventio n in Haddon Hall will be Mrs. Michael Doyle and Mrs.JRobert, Maggs, Deal; Mrs. Louis Al- Lodge Installs 'Survival at Edge of Sea' bright," Mrs.'William D'Elia and Mrs. Frederick Steiler, RED BANK - Officers in Layton, chaplain; Mrs. Flor- the Navesink Rebekah Lodge, ence Kennedy, right support Spring Lake; -Mrs. Gerald Mrs. Loftus Brown Cureton, New Shrewsbury; here, were installed by Mrs. to noble grand; Mrs. Alice .Mrs. Aldo Baldi, Locust, and Ethel Gaunt, district deputy MacAdam, right supporter to Is New Museum Exhibition president. Mrs. Louis Salmon, Rumson. vice grand; Mrs. Jean Clark, "ftED BANK - The Mon- and Mrs. J. Putnam Brodsky. The museum exhibit will be "Survival at the Edge of the The women are all members They include Mrs. Margaret left supporter to vice grand; i louth Museum's new exhibit,, The exhibit will,show how open to the public from May 7 Sea," which was conceived Brandeis of the Woman's Auxiliary to Kiger, noble grand; Mrs. Hel- William Tallman, outside ' Survival at the Edge of the Monmouth County's "coastal through June 13, but it is nearly three years ago and re- guardian, and Mrs. Doris 1 the Monmouth County Medic- en Chadwick, vice grand; Da," will be previewed Sun- zone ' from the continental planned to continue the how- ceived its impetus last Ja- al Society. Miss Pauline.Beck, recording Lucas, inside guardian. ay at a family style opening shelf to the shore and on to long walks throughout the nuary with a grant from the Installs Mrs. G. Prentiss Lee of secretary; Mrs. Ruth Tal- Mrs. Kiger is a past presi- ; rom 2 to 5 p.m. the marshes and wetlands are summer. Vital to the success State Council on the Arts and Portland, Ore,, president of lman, financial secretary; dent of the Rebekah State As- The party, at which there but a part of a much larger of this program are volunteer the help of many area organi- the Woman's Auxiliary to the Mrs. Jayne Van Lenten, trea- sembly of New Jersey. 'ill be soda and cookies for system involving the Jersey guides. Persons able to donate • zations including the Eco Cen- Slate American- Medical Associ- surer; Mrs. Antoinette Rose, hildren and champagne Shore and in turn the entire ter, .the Littoral Society, the EATONTOWN - At the an- Mrs. Rhoda Heid, past as- time between mid-May and ation, will install state offi- Eastern Seaboard. Among the Middletown Conservation nual spring luncheon of Mon- warden; Mrs. Roscella Her- sembly president, attended ] unch and tea sandwiches for September, any daty' of the cers at the general session on subjects to be explored are Commission, the Poricy Park mouth County Chapter of bert, conductor; Mrs. Ruth • the installation. dults, is being handled by the -week on a regular or occa- May 8 and will be the princi- the value and necessity of this 'Citizens Committee, the Rum- Brandeis University National nuseum's Special Projects sional basis are invited to call' pal speaker; at the president's life, supporting zone., the- son Garden Club, CAWP Women's Committee here in ! 'ommitlee, of which Mrs. the Mon mouth Museum, 21 luncheon that day. redricN. Rosiak, Monmouth threats to this important area, White St., between 9 a.m. and (Committee Against Water the Old Orchard Inn, Mrs. [ills, is chairman. the consequences of mis- 5 p.m.,, Tuesday through Sat* Pollution),/the Middletown Maurice S. Blum of Oakhurst LOSE 20 POUNDS Assisting Mrs. Rosiak with management and abuse, and urday. Schools, and the Marine Labs. was installed president. -• arrangements are Mrs. Rich- the efforts under way and Other officers for the new IN TWO WEEKS! those anticipated for the fu- season include Mrs. Martin rd Sheppard, Mrs. I. Brown Famous U.S. Women Ski Team Diet mall 3rd, Mrs. Seth Bartlett ture to diminish these threats. Schultz, Mrs. Samuel Jaffe r., Mrs. James Boyd, Mrs. ' Technical Adviser >lt'$ a Date and Mrs. Louis Blank, vice During the non-snow off season the U.S. Women's Alpine 'hilip Auerbauh, Mrs. R. V. Dr. Lionel Walford, super- presidents; Mrs. Emanucl Ski Team members go on' the "Ski Team" diet to lose 20 /hisnand, Mrs. Robert.Pea- visory fishery biologist, is Kaplan, financial secretary; pounds in two weeks. That's right - 20 pounds in 14 days! uuk, Mrs. Elaon Guiterman serving as the technical advi- SECONDHAND SALE RUMMAGE SALE Mrs. Selma Rosenthal, The basis of the diet is chemical food action and was devised recording secretary; Mrs. i\, Mrs. Roger Singer, Mrs. ser for this exhibit and Mrs. MIDDLETUWN - A sec- HIGHLANDS - Wives of by a famous Colorado physician especially for the U.S. Ski Carl Schultz and Mrs. Charles Spenoer Morgan, Mrs. Nor* Howard Aronson is chairman. ondhand sale, a project of the Highlands Lions Club mem- Team. Normal energy is maintained (very important!) while Perkins, Mrs. Lester ''Survival at the Edge of the Westminster Presbyterian, bers will have a- rummage Gogel, corresponding secre- sale tomorrow and Saturday taries, and Mrs. Abram Le- reducing. You keep "full" - no starvation - because the diet j imon, Mrs. Allen B. Kendall Sea," a joint exhibit qf Mon- Church, is taking place today. is designed that way. It's a diet that is easy to follow whether mouth Museum, Monmouth from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m, and to- from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily in vington,treasurer. you work, travel or stay at home. ^ ° Eco-Center and the American morrow from. 9. a.m. to noon. the store at 188 Bay Ave. Mrs. Mrs. Benjamin Hochberg, Littoral" Society will- be ac- The sale does not include John. Hansen is chairman, as- past president, was the in- This is honestly a fantastically successful diet. If it companied by guided tours clothing. sisted .by Mrs. David Stark. stalling officer. weren't, the U.S. Women's Ski Team wouldn't be permitted NURSING HOME Proceeds will be used for to use it! Right? So, give yourself the same break the US. • 34-Hour Car* along the Swimming River—a • RN on duty oil llrrm valuable area rich in, plant CAKE SALE charily. Ski Team gets. Lose weight the scientific, proven way/-Even • Medicare Approved Neighborhood and animal life and one of KEANSBURG —The Fed- BARN DANCE if you've tried all the other diets, you owe it to yourself to erated Woman's Club of NAVESINK HOUSE those selected by the New ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Slates Events try the U.S. Women's Ski Team Diet. That is, if you really do Keansburg will have a cake i» 40 Riverside Ave,, Rod Bank i Jersey Department of Envi- — An old-fashioned barn HIGHLANDS - The'annual sale tomorrow starting at 10 want to lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Order today. Tear this 842-3400 ronmental Protection for dance sponsored by the Atlan- dinner of Highlands Girl Scout a.m. in front of the Keans- out as a reminder. mapping and protective legis- tic Highlands Public School! Neighborhood will be May 19 burg-Middietown Bank, Carr Mrs. Maurice S. Blum Send only $2.00 ($2.25 for Rush Service)-Cash is lation. PTA will take place tomorrow in the Sir Francis Restaurant, Ave. and Church St. O.K.-to: Ski Team Diet, P.O. Box 15493, San Diego, at 8:30 p.m. in the school audi- here. INITIATED California 92115. Don't order unless you expect to lose 20 TEL torium. Hart Webber will call. "Spirit of 1972" is the theme SPAGHETTI SUPPER of the group's May 21 art pounds in two weeks! Because that's what the Ski Team Diet 349-9000 RUMMAGE SALE RUMSON - Miss Pamela HAZLET — Tomorrow from. show. will do! RED BANK - The Senior Gail Sheehan, daughter of Mr. 5 to 8 p.m., Band Parents of ( Delegates to the May 11 Choir of Calvary Baptist and Mrs. James C. Sheehan, 3 will be meeting in the Battleground Church will have a rummage Water Way, has been initiated serving a spaghetti, supper in Country Club of the Mon- sale Saturday from 10 a.m. to into the Delta Gamma sorori- "A VISIT IS AN INSPIRATION" the school cafeteria. Anthony mouth Council of Girl Scouts 4 p.m. at the church, corner ol ty at Ohio Weslayan Univer- SHOWING THE ULTIMATE IN BATHROOM DECOR Ncri, drill team director, is will be Mrs. Loretta I.arsen, assisting with the cooking. Bridge Ave. and River St. sity, Delaware, Ohio. Miss VANITIES • SCULPTURED MAMIE TOPS Mrs. Stephen II. Faller, Mrs. Start A Tradition Proceeds will be used for new Mrs. Mary Davis is chairman. Sheehan is a sophomore ma- JEWELED DECORATIVE FAUCETS «nd ACCESSORIES joring in education. Herbert Hartsgrove and Mrs. band uniforms. There is a re- SQUARE DANCE David Patterson.' In Pine TOMS RIVER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., INC. duced price for children under MARLBORO - Glenn Cook 320 W. WATER ST. 100 YDS. EAST Of PARKWAY EXIT 81 nine. will call at a square dance . MON. rrtri/ m. IJOSJO Mr. wa- UK Saturday sponsored by the SPRING DANCE Marlboro Chapter of Women's FREEHOLD-The annual American ORT (Organization the marvelous ways spring dance of the Monmouth for Rehabilitation through County Widow and Widowers Training)." Mrs. Perry Club will be tomorrow at 9. Schwartz is chairman of re- J ^ of spring •.. > p:m. in the Knights of Colum- servations for the e,vent that J bus Hall, E. Main St., here." will be in Temple Shaari, as interpreted in ,) Refreshments will be served. Englishtown. ] > ) 3 casual separates J ) protect your wild game and his ] by these famous makers **• Hulch (Drop Lit!) ) 48' Di». Round Table > "clean air" storage (Eitinilt to ) furs can get is in our vaults. Each one is CPIIE a HIIUIC runni. You can nliirt u tradition in pine nuw > ) specially air treated, hung In a controlled and mill l» il a* you d" nlnnn. You'll »|i|irc own bonded messenger at no charge. His ) PROGRESS ) coat will also be giveh full 'restorized' > cleaning treatment for only 3.50 and stored absolutely free. There is no better MOTHER'S DAYISSUISDAY, MAY It way tp care for your special pets. E

GIFT CERTIFICATES, of course • ( • c t ' ( ' ( Custom Collected Early • ( < c American Furniture i Corntllui Cabb > Open , • t [ phone for. rrieartngw service toll free:, B.ttUmonl I'ri. KvrniiiK* • ( Rnut« 14 Will WUi\2n c Mbury pirk: 774-4747 •llz«b»th: 961-4747 or COLT'S MUCK c Mil Kick, r«d bank; 949-4747 plalnfltld: 757.4747 O|i|>iiail< Delltlmii On/mr;« IMOOt/ffl. and MONT ST. #47-0101 HtPIANK f ft Ttar**y1Kiy4,lJ 7J >cean Tables 'etition On Moratorium OCEAN TOWNSHIP • A 70-name petition calling for a moratorium on building on the "Colt Field" tract, Et. 35. has been tabled for study by Township Council. The petition was presented, to thd governing body by TRUCK LOA Stanley L. Benn, S3 Dwlght Drive, West Deal, a Perth Amboy attorney. He said the petition was signed by resi- dents of the Dwlght Drive, Deal Road and Logan Road MOWER SAL area. Mr. Benn called for a halt to development of the com- mercial zone which is bound- ed by Rt. 35, Logan Road, Deal Road and Harv&J's Brook. He said present zoning would allow a developer to purchase the tract "and we would have another super- market." He suggested rezoning the commercial area to residen- tial, except for a 300-foot depth iron) Rt. 35. 3 DAYS ONLY The present commercial zoning extends 1,100 feet from the highway. The request was shelved af- ter Mayor Joseph A. Palaia told Mr. Benn his suggestion WHEN YOU THINK LAWN MOWERS.... .would be considered during THINK CHANNEL!!! current zoning revision stud- ies. The most? We have the most in lawn mowers. Check any CHANNEL HOME CENTER for the widest lelaction around. We have gas mowers, electric mowers, push mowers, and self-propelled mowers. There's no other Ocean Drug place where you'll find a greater selection or lower prices than at CHANNEL! Make us prove it to you!! U Council Gets . SAVE « 7 Members 00 DON'T SSiiSimr OCEAN TOWNSHIP- BLACK & DECKER TORO WHIRLWIND V 1O \\! OURBRANDNEW48/K Gffft/C* Of Mayor Joseph A. Palaia has IS" Single Blade 25" Rider Recoil 5 H. P. UNADVERTfSLD BARGAINS- HOW ft appointed seven persons to Electric Mower No.8000 No. 56500 TOraO^CHANNEl HOE the proposed 15-membcr local Narcotics Council. 49" 299« Named to the panel were Robert CavaJlo, 63 Wick- apecko Drive; Carmine Mag- BLACK& DECKER , TORO WHIRLWIND 18" Deluxe Single Blade notta, 2825 Asbury Ave.; 25" Rider Electric Start CHANNEL 20" MOWER 3% hp. Electric Mower No. 8010 No. 56550 Cooey Chuag, 6 Clicwood Court; Edward Schwartz, 113 Blmbler Blvd.; James Mor- 59" 349« ford, Opdyke Ave., and Mrs. Evelyn Severs of Pal Drive. BLACK & DECKER The mayor named Dr. TORO GUARDIAN 18" Twin Blade Stand. 21" Self Propelled Thomas Bellisslmo. a Town- Electric Mower No. 8015 mod«UJXJI. ship Councilman, liaison rep- 314H.P. No.20571 resentative of the governing REG. body to the new panel. 69" 179" Mayor'Palaia announced 69" that the final eight members SUNBEAM MOWER of the unit will be named at BLACK & DECKER the May IS council session. 18" Twin Blade Deluxe 18" TwTn Blade Electric Mower No. 8O2I Electric No. HEI9IT Norbert Better of Wayside BANKAMEAIft CHANNEL 22" MOWER $/z |ip. and John Huss of West Al- lenhurst were named alter- 89» 69" nate members of the Planning Board by Ronald Frano, town- Ship manager. BLACK & DECKER SUNBEAM MOWER • Five Ford Pintos were pur- 22" Twin Blade Deluxe 18" Twin Blade chased from Kroll Motors, Electric Mower No.S04O Electric Deluxe Long Branch, for township No.REI99T model A2X2V, employe use at a total cost of REG. 19,700. 99" 89" Joseph Bonavita was named 79" to the local Recreation Com- mission. TORO GUARDIAN. SUNBEAM MOWER 20" Single Blade "***- No. ,8070 Electric No. EL20SP CHANNEL 22"DELUXE MOWER $/z hp. Pickle Jars !I9W 59" Win Bottle TORO GUARDIAN SUNBEAM MOWER 2I"3'/4H.P- „ 18" Single Blade Show Award No. 19271 EATONTOWN - Cathedral Deluxe Electric No. ELI89 pickle Jars exhibited by Jo- mod«|A2X30 seph Zarro of Toms River 139« 94" won "best in show" at the sec- REG. ond show and sale sponsored TORO GUARDIAN by the Bottle Key Electric Self-propelled AMF PUSH MOWER 89«* Club. 3% H.P. 21" No. 1257 3HH.P. No. 21172 More than SOD attended the program on Sunday at the CHANNEL 22" MOWER Civic Auditorium of Mon- 214* SELF-PROPELLED 3% hp. mouth Shopping Center. Mrs. Mary Blaney of Jackson Township won the "people's TORO WHIRLWIND AMF SELF-PROPELLED choice" vote for her stone- I9"3H.P, No. 16017 MOWER 21" 3%H.P. SAVE wear and received a $25 prize. Np. 1257 Her exhibit also won first place in Its category. 89" 159" Winners in other categories were Catherine Saxion of Sea REG. Girt, food and household; Mr. TORO WHIRLWIND SCOn PUSH REEL 99" and Mrs. Donald Sherman of 21" Self Propelled 19" MOWER No. I0M9 Manasquan, general; Thomas No. 16233 Blaney of Jackson Township and Daniel Johnson of Little 5995 Silver, a tie for color; Police Li. and Mrs. David Kennedy of Little Silver, medicinal; Gerald Beer of Shrewsbury, CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL CHANNEL' r- l historical; Mrs. Dorothy Bid 73'DELUXE " well of Jackson Township, 2 GALLON THIS COUPON 10-PAK. •THIS COUPON THIS COUPON IB" x 10' • •THIS COUPON TEXTURED WORTH N beverages, and Mr. Zarro, • WORTH I WORTH HOSE NOZZIE j~ specialty. SPRINKLING LEAF BAGS RE'WEB KIT FOLDING * Mr. Zarro is president of the club, which has a membership i30« I TOWARD THE TOWARD THE TOWARD THE ol 70. Meetings arc conducted I TOWARD THE ^9SV ITOWARDTHE L^^^l^l ,PURCHASE OF I PURCHASE OF PURCHASE OF |PURCHASE OF &\ 8 p.m. the second Wednes- No. 73T ^^ ^^ SPURCHASEOF ifaVl day of each month at the First Reg. 1.29 aa United Methodist Church, I NO.BIOC *°" \ wAinn'«#^^X[ Broad St., Itcd Bank. I n«j,i.jo* I FlU'<-\lwH>niM.ivti ,Umil7 1tctl**thrumv6 No.217/12 limn iz [trtctmtiauniiyo i. " •

/}UR RAIN CHECK PpUjCY: If vw an temporarily 'told out' of in DOORS!!! ' advertised ltam, ploftu nk tht ttprt manager for a'Rain Check.' Tniiwill entitle you to purchaie that iterq at the advertiiad price when our ttoek Dr. William J. O'Elia hai been replenished. Dr.D'Elia GOOD FENCES MAKE __ GOOD NEIGHBORS Will Head State MD's ATLANTIC CITY — Dr. William John D'Klia of Spring Lake will b» inducted as the WOth president of the Medical Society of New Jersey at the 206th annual meeting in Had- dun Hall. Saturday through Tuesday, Dr. U'Klia has had offices in Monmouth County since 1946. He was graduated from Vil- DON'T MIS! lanny University and re- DOWELED END reiven his MD degree from llahnpinann Medical College. POST & RAIL FENCING OUR BRAND NBN48PS. CATALOG OF Dr. D'Klia Is director of the 8 ft. section UNADVEMTSED BARGAINS- NOW AT department of Orthopedics (2 RAILS & I POST) R«g. 3.99 and Fractures at Jersey Shore YOORCLOSESTCHANNEL HOME Medical Center, Neptune. PICKED UP At the.meeting. Dr. Arthur CENTER ITMUUMOTBEMAIUDI Strauss of 130 Pavilion Ave,. Long Branch, will receive a Golden Merit Award for 50 years of aeivica. CHAIN LINK FENCING Concert By Security, paact of mind, and the know- v Itdga that you havt a fanee that'll last *~ <^-' POULTRY NETTING just about forever is youra when you biiy and Piani$t Set Strong, sturdy poultry netting goes , and install this handiome, useful fencing. ; Galvanized—13 gauge~36" high. great around gardens. . .at a price For May 16 that's "bloomin" good. SO'Rolls. WEST LONG BRANCH - A "•• 2.W* program ol music by concert WHDID WIRE 2 x4 so' ,o'/ pianist Anthony Lucia, of the OMIT » 3.99 Juilliard School of Music, New York City, will bs presented •"'.;;. 50'ROLLS '•4.99 when the Monmouth County Full 0ne «f Galvaniied It Vinyl CCJIed Retired Kducatora Associ- Chain Link Fencing available at Channtl'i 2"x3" 50' roll ation his its annual luncheon Low Price!. 24" h:gh4.88 36" high 6,88 48" high 9.88 meeting tt noon Tuesday. May 18, in Squire's Pub, here. Miss Miriam B. Reichley. J THIS COUPON president of tht N.J. Retired I WORTH CHARCOAL I Cook outdoors on o moment'* notice. 2"x8"xl 6" BLOCKS Educators Association, and I Nrver again cm you run Build a beautiful patio. . .All by Morton Relnhart, associate di- out nl charrnal. . .\u\t(* rector of the insurance and I 1o w«r*U for Itm coals to yourself with easy-to-work-with I TOWARD THE retirement division of the N.J. L,et hot. . .worry ;U)0Ul patio blocks. Available in 6 colors. Ftfiicgtlnn Association, will jPURCHA66OF Muiinn yuu( W"ll unlil it > COOl. WlH'tJlfT VOU ONLY attend. , w Hit a •pnrnirtnfiritly in- >l J Effective thru May 6 Re9-' Mrs. J. w. Goodin. Sea Limit I sUHod, or t'.'U!|)ordry, Bright, is luncheon committee outdour K['"i Ct'iHtiiuH IIHS llicni. Ihr, biinmifir chairman. Mrs. Walter Sager •THIS COUPON 10-PAK.. f (> lk with [j.r'.. f'ujfjy Reg. 39c «joth and Miss Grant Orchard are I WORTH V ur tjtirtjcciifvi inou; in charge of arrangements ttnn'ovur bolon-. . .AND Miss Fanny Zuvkernian is LEAF BAGS SAVt! program chairman. " Model No. 26 |41C Save 40C on 75 |b. big of Reservations can be made by contacting Mrs. Goodin, I TOWARD THE available will"' rotisscrit? "PURCHASE OF . 88* and shpll ^s options. RFfll I REDI-MIXED CEMENT The county association has Reg. 1.29 No.189 llawl** I Gravel mix. Sand mix. Mortar mix. received 25 tickets for a May I Effective thru May 6 Limit 2 SAVE Sal* price 28 free concert at the Garden YOUR State Art Center for dis- r— CHANNEL 39 tribution to its members. 73' DELUXE 10.00 CHOICE Members desiring tickets I THIS COUPON rig. priet $1.79 | WORTH TEXTURED 1 should send their request and R«9- pri«o 79.99 a stamped, self-addressed en- RE-WEB KIT velope to the president, Miss Elisabeth A. Kelley. 98 TOWARD THE DANDELIONS Throckmorton Ave., Red PURCHASE OF Reg. 1.49 .. .THEY'RE Bank 07701. No. 73T I Effectiver thru May 6 11 mi I 4 COMING Holmdel Students r— _CHANNEr L | THIS COUPON 2 GALLON Study Ecology | WORTH H0I.MDEI. - Students SPRINKLING fruni the Heyward Hills sec- CAN tion. Nancy Mall, Roseanne •30$ 1 micro. Michael llager, Vin- ! TOWARD THE cent Caprlo, Ray Bralnard I PURCHASE OF But you can ZAP them before they iind John l.onibiirdi. are start- can ruin your lawn. Kill off Plan- ing an ecology project to re- I EffectiveEffective thru May 6 No.217/12 tain, Chickwe^d and many other ceive credit in their high nuisance wepds, too. At the same school biology class. They CHANNEL time, you 'can treat your lawn to have almost attained their | THIS COUPON a full meal and turn it into a lush goal of collecting 1,000 pounds ! WORTH HOSE NOZZLE green carpet. Some job, huh? of KIUKS and paper and jo Nope. Just a single feeding ol pounds nl aluminum. 40* Turf Builder+2! The students' parent.' I TOWARD THE 59' TURF BUILDER PLUS 2 helped them to pick up the SAVE materials and deliver them t» |PURCHASE OF R»g..It No. 510C tlure different recycling ecu I PIS. •I EitirMV thn Limit 1 Etltctlv thru Miy B •••••• J 20.00 Squart F«tt CHANNEL RB Area Woman I THIS COUPON lOMOlwiraFMl I >m J WORTH FOLDING Modal No. 24P QUICK COVER Gets Fellowship FENCE I'orlrible g^s unll oporales on 11' gas and can bo GRASS SEED PHILADELPHIA - Mrs • I S(M up anywhere. 40$ voila! Instant lawn! It's yours to Susan Sensemann Robins • TOWARD THE (INCLUDES GAS GRILL, love; to frolic on; to look at and daughter of Mr; and Mrv | PURCHASE OF PORTABLE STAND, 30 IB. to admire! Hubert Sensemann', W Wind WA IBM 119 ing Way, Little Silver, N..1 . PROPANE TANK.) Rtg. prict 139.99 5,000 tquora fail, Ellicllv thru Mty 6 Limit 2 Rag. l.3» has been granted a Templi' University Fellowship at T> ler School of Art for l»7.'-".'l PAINT A PANIL Mrs, Robins Is working lo- QCHANNEL Home Centers wnrd a Masters of Hnc ,\rl> w degree. COSTLY DAMAGE OPEN SUNDAY HOUSTON (AP) - Low! 9 AM to til (ram vimiaUim and bufflariu OUTE 35 ft HARMONY ROAD at Houston ichoola cenUnut to 10 PM Incrua* and ara appnacnlni 1 6 PM ;| .in*.''* -'"•••!;• I, (OPPOSITE SEARS) 1 Uouynght hm GHANNl.t CAMPANIir, INC. mim*mr. School dlatrictoffleialihm propoMd night patratt tn* * • WlllHr»lth« rl|M to Illrtt quinllllli. Not ill Mf«ll»l»mirehinril(ii»illiWiil ill Horn, Dill»«ry iiraln a»ailihl« unlau mud. Not retpoiulbla for typographical irroli. Ptlmi ilfiotlvi thru MAY a MMral alarm m ewnmuai- eatlflni ntttrarb. U Tfot p«ay Register, Red Bank - MfcMetmra, N.I. Tfeunfey, May 4,1IR 's Knack NEW YORK (AP) - "I re- and we re winning something Il's got this letter- cant to him. Came No. 4 In the besl-of- Russchere w>6 started despite ceived all sorts of stuff to help Because his shooting has ing around the sides that I "But it's so much better be- seven set will be played to- a pulled muscle In his right me out," said Jerry West last been off, he's gotten all soils don't understand.", Do these cause I reached the mark morrow night at Madison side above the hip, suffered in night after surpassing 4,ooi) of suggestions — and more — offerings work? when we won." Square Garden, SUnday^econd game, played points for his National Basket- from Laker fans. "They help if I make the In the first two games of West, named to play in the 20.minutes in the first halfbut ball Association playoff fa- "like before the game." he baskets," West said. this series, West averaged NBA's All-Star game-In each generally was ineffective. fcle ^ Tcer. said, 'reaching behind him to Something helped him in the only 13.5 points, hitting a poor of his 12 seasons in the league, missed all six of his ftelcf goal West, who tallied 21 points pull a telegram oul of a stack fourth quarter. The Kinicks, nine for ;i(i from the field, In and the Most Valuable Player attempts but grabbed nine •for Los Angeles in the Lakers' of letters. trailing by as many as 22 game No. If he improved in this year's midseason clas- rebounds, high, for New York. , 187-96 triumph'over the New The message, from a Co- points in the third period, had .somewhat, connecting on 10 of sic, scored 21 points against However, DeBusschere did York Knicks, now has scored rona, Calif., fan, said in part: clashed the margin in half. 28 but still below par, the Knicks. His last two not play in the .second half, 4,001 points in 133 playoff "When setting up to shoot, Then West hit a short jum- Earlier in the season, West points, on a jump shot from when the Lakers broke open games. you are over-vpntrolling the per and, about two minutes also reached a milestone the right side with just over the game with a 20-5 spurt in "That signifies two or three ball too long with both hands. later, slammpd in a 22-footor when he accounted for the three minutes remaining, the first six minutes. things," the star guard ob- Maintain" current shouting that enabled the Lakers to 5,O00th Ks.sist of his career. gave him 4,001 points in 133 The burst pulled the Lakers served after the Lakers took a rhythm but remove left hand pull away by 13 points. Only four other NBA players playoff games. to a 72-52 lead and the Knicks 2-1 lead in the best-of-seven from ball slightly sooner to "In that third quarter I have recorded more assists — Towering Wilt Chamberlain, never came closer than seven series. "... That I've been in provide belter timing with missed five shots in a row and Oscar Robertson, Dob Cousy, the 7-foot-lty, 275-pound cen- points — late in the fourth a lot of playoffs, that this is a right hand..." three of them were really tiu.v Rodgers and Lenny YYil- ter, led the Lakers with 2(1 quarter. good team to get'me in them Dirt he take the advice? easy ones," he recalled, "But kens. points, one more than Gail The Knicks, with Lucas and — and that 1 shoot a lot. "'Well ...," he said with a when,,! hit that long one in the During the regular season, Goodrich. Frazier each hitting 10 points, .,. "It's ironic,that I've shot so smile and a shrug. fourth 1 felt like I had the West averaged 25,8 points per Walt Frazier topped the led throughout the first period Vweli at times in the past and "I've also gotten some pret- touch back." game and is fourth among all- Kiticks with 25 points, while and were ahead at the end of we still ended up losing. This ty wild things. Like somebody West said that scoring more time NBA scorers with more Jerry Lucas added 23. the quarter 28-23. time my shooting's way off sent me a voo-doo rattle or than 4,000 points was signifi- than 21,000 points. Knicks, forward Dave De- The biggest advantage was 26-18, after they outscored Los Angeles 9-1 during a 2:15 stretch with the help of a three-point play by Frazier." 'New York maintained its Rangers Warm to Home Ice margin through most of the NEW YORK (AP) - Hop- Game 3 tonight and Game 4 began that we'd have to win s-i victory in Game 2 Tuesday Marco and Phil Goyette," the second period, before a jum- ing that a change in location Sunday afternoon. all our games at home and night. . Ranger boss said. "I don't per by West with 3:03 remain- will bring with it a change in "There's something to the one up there," Francis contin' "I can't complain about the know who will sit it out yet." ing put the Lakers ahead for. results, the New York home ice advan- ued. "We're still in that situ- way we've played," said Neither Goyetle, a veteran the first time 43-42. .Rangers were back home tage-definitely," said Emile ation." Francis. "We could have won center lured out of retirement After a layup by New today preparing for Gams 3 of Francis, general man- Both of the first two games both games up there and the two months ago, nor De- York's Dean Meminger, an- their National Hockey League ager—coach of the Rangers. have been decided by a single worst we should have come Marco, a rookie defenseman, other jumper by West and ai Stanley Cup showdown with "But in a seventh game situ- goal, in each case scored in out with was a split." played in either game in Bos- layup by the Knicks' Bill-- the Boston Bruins. ation, I wouldn't be concerned the latter stages of the third Nevertheless, Francis is not ton. Most likely, Goyette will Bradley; Los Angeles' Happy The Bruins took the first about it." period. Ace Bailey got the standing still. He has decided be used in place of rookie Hairston sank a short left- two games in the besl-of-sev- That's because the seventh winner with 2:16 to go in Bos- on several changes for Steve Andrascik, who was handed hook shot, giving the en series, in Boston and now game, if this series goes that ton's 6-5 opening game victory Thursday's third game. dressed Tuesday after Ron Lakers the lead for good 47-46. and Ken Hodge's goal with Ul Angeles (107) New York <»S) the Rangers get the home ice far, would be in Boston. • "1 can tell you for sure that Stewart's jaw was broken in G f Tl G F edge-if there is any-for 8:07 left gave the Bruins their I'll be dressing both Ab De- .the opener. DeMarco will like- McMllln S * 16 IDBKhre OO- - O "We knew before this series Halrstn Bradley ly replace.Gary Doak, whose Chmbln 111 LUCCK nn west II I 23 inopportune penalties cost the 10 1 21 Frailer » 7 25 AP Wlrepholo Goodrch 7 25 MMonroe 2 0 4 •Rangers in the first two Rllev 1 g 1 Memger 2 2 6 OUTNUMBERED KNICK - New York Knick Ellis 0 0 oj Jackson 4 0 1! games. I flornett 6 I 13 Walt Frazier finds the going tough in pursuit of IRortl OOO IMosI the ball during second period action in last night's Pirates' Top-Flight Image Restores Rookie 0 0 0 third NBA championship playoff game against the Francis also said he would Totals ' -40 21107J Totals ' 4114 W LosAngeles 23 2? 21 37 -107 Los Angeles Lakers at Madison Square Garden. restore rookie Gene Carr to a New York 28 I? II 31 -96 Fouled out—None. Frazier was fair game for the..sandwich applied regular spot on a line with Technical fouls-New York, DeBuss- chere. by Lakers Leroy Ellis (14) and Wilt Chamberlain Walt Tkaczuk and Bill Fair- Total fouls—Los Angeles 20, New York (13). LA'5 victory put the New Yorkers at a 2-1 bairn and that center Jean Coming Back Into Focus A-19.5S8. •deficit. ' • Ratelle, returning from a bro- ing to the Mets. Tommie Agee Any resemblance between following Richie Hebncr's Rader and Tommy Helms to ken ankle, would be used •4he Pittsburgh Pirates of 1972 single and another walk to led the New York attack with more often than he had been end the game. two doubles and a run-scoring .and the world champions of Cash. ''PcouTd hear "the crowd in the first two games. 1971 has been purely coinci- Ellis, meanwhile, looked single while Jim Fregosi and Francis said he felt that an- starting to rumble in the ninth Ted Martinez each tripled. dental! . .until last night. sharp in his first appearance inning and the adrenalin start- cient Boston Garden had'a Freehold Strike After their pitching staff since he injured his heel April ed to flow," Kison said. Rookie Jon Matlock won his built-in advantage for the bur- third game in a row but was was battered in six straight 20 and kept the Astros score- "There's a lot of grat- ly Bruins. games, all losses, the Pirates less until the sixth, when Met- kayoed in a three-run eighth, " "How many people did they ification in pitching well, es- featuring Dave Kingman's snapped out of their doldrums zger doubled and Lee May pecially after we had the los- have there last night?" he with a 3-2 victory over the singled. two-run triple. asked. When he was told the Clouds Sports ing streak. But we all knew it Houston Astros on the six-hit Kison, a world Series hero, had to stop sooner or later The Cubs clobbered Atlanta arena held 14,994, he smiled. hurling of Dock Ellis and •was touched for a run in the 12-1 for the secod straight "Then they had 14,994 refer- with the kind of club we By CHUCK TRIBLEHORN jiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bruce .Kison and Rennie Sten- seventh on John Edwards' have." game as Jose Cardena! drove ees. And the Bruins took some schoolboys, unfair as it may nett's two-run triple. single, a wild pitch and Norm in five runs with a triple, pretty good dives out there. Register Sports Editor be, Freehold, Marlboro anil The Giants concluded one of double and two singles, Billy "Just because you win one Mile's pinch double, but the the worst home stands in San Why, they could've won an The Chuck llowcll all have rcspectiblc game doesn't take any heat youngster slammed the door Williams cracked a three-run Academy Award." Saturday is the cutoff for winning records, making Francisco's major league his- homer and Jim Hickman de- qualification for the annual off," said freshman manager after that; striking out Doug tory with a 2-11 record by los- Asked how the fans in New Wagon them state tourney material. Bill Virdon, "but it's always livered a solo shot. York might affect the offici- N..J. State Interscholastic Ath- All aro at or nciu* the top nf nice to break the ice." Kergie Jenkins hurled a six- ating, Francis smiled again. letic Assocation Baseball their .(divi- Elsewhere in the National hitter to even his record at 2-2 "Oh, we've got some pretty Tournament. for the competition, a' team sions. Manalapan, has split League, the New York Mets but complained that the Cubs' good referees in our building On Monday the committee must have won more than 50 the only tour games it has whipped San Francisco 8-5, new uniforms cramped his too," he said. * will meet to lay the ground per cent of its games played played. .. • the Chicago Cubs trounced At- How They Stand style. rujes for the ninth annual through this Saturday, '•' , The N.ISIAA's ruling won't Monmouth College In- lanta 12-1, Philadelphia cut NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE "I was missing a lot of .There's no argument there, reflect in the Shore Confer- Eost Divlllon East Divlllon vitational Baseball Tourna- down Los Angeles 5-1, St. W L Pel. OB G, pitchei s I don't usually miss," \V p'l»p but the question arises as to ence pennant races, however. New York .583 — il fourth inning as Philadelphia °" championships. curve ball into what ordina- 1 Pittsburgh nicked Houston Minnesota at Milwaukee (N) And The N.ISIAA has made a didn't say what would happen Philadelphia 5, Los Angeles 1 Clevelondot Texos IN) rily is a routine set of events starter Jerry Reuss for an Today'i Gomit topped Los Angeles. Ed Walsh, The Dally ruling to cover thc case. As,. if the games were not played, Today i Saints on the Shore high school unearned run in the first in- Cincinnati McGlotrtlln 0-2 ol St. Louis Carlton struck out nine Dod-' Register's hockey writer, will explained via a telephone call but unfortunately forfeitun Chicago ot Baltimore — Wood 3-1 vs. be on thc scene t0 brin u scene. The strike, of course, ning when Dave Cash walked, SplnH 1.1 Palmer 1-2 gers enroute to his fourth vie- B 5"> to the association's headquar- would seem to be the only al- Allonlo Kelley 1-1 ot Chlcogo Poppas 1-2 Only gome scheduled hls has kept the districts four stole second, went to third on Only nomei scheduled tory in five decisions this exclusive game report In ters in Hobbinsvillc yes- ternative. \ tomorrow's sports section schools — Freehold, Marl- shortstop Roger Metzger's er-' lllllllllllllllliiillllllliilllllllltlliilllNlllllliiiiillllllllillilillllillli lllltllllllllllllliilliiiini vdr boro, Manalapan and llowcll terday, games against Free- Finally, the Munmoulli Col- ror and scored on Manny — inactive in all sports for al- hold schools not played or lege Invitational Touniamen Sanguillen's sacrifice fly. most two weeks. made up by Saturday's cutoff, committee has some iwi Stennett, normally an in- Torrid Nets may be recorded as forfeits to weeks before deciding on 1 he fielder but stationed in left Schedule Problems the opponents and counted on eight teams .selected for the field for ailing slugger Willie Do or Die Understandably, this in- the won-lost log as victories. post-season competition. Tin- Stargell, tripled in the second activity has played havoc The state didn't say .that it cutoff date for games consid- with the schedule-makers who will regard the "forfeits" as New York (I) Son Francliu (!) Tonight ered should fall .somewheri ab r HI ab r h have enough trouble already Horelsn ss 4 2 OlSpelerss losses on thc records of Free- around May 20, but won-lns Garretl 2b 1 0 lFtoJllFuentoJbb 5 NORFOLK, Va. $M') - in the merry month of May. hold schools, but it is natural- records never has been tlv Morllm pr 2 l|Maysct 3 The Virginia Squires and the It's enough to make Hal Ageecl 4 2 31 Bonds rf 4 ly assumed that there must be' sole criteria for detcrminin SIOUD rf 4 a 11 K Iranian lb 5 1 hot-shooting New York Nets Schanck, athletic director of; Jones If 5 0 I Hndersn If 4 o a winner and a loser in a for- the field. Its job is to selei Fregosi 3b 5 I 3! Oaloghr Jb 2 O meet here tonight in the show- all tour schools, consider Kronpollb 5 t II Hwly c 3 0 feited game. If. so, the teach- what it considers to be Hi Grate c 3 0 11 Rater c I 0 down game of the American more seriously that retire- Motlack p 3 O 1St1! Stonn e p 0 O ers' strike could have a best schoolboy teams in Moi Taylor p 0 0 0 Bryanlp 1 0 Basketball Association's East- ment that many people have McGraw p 0 0 OlWIIIomspri 0 I serious effect on the Freehold mouth and Ocean Counties. , | McMohoMcMoh n p D 0 ern Division playoffs. been muttering about. !Maddoxph 1 0 I Morris p 0 0 0 The Nets, hitting SO per cent For the sake of clarity and ! Johnson p 0 0 0 of their shots, squared the brevity, let's center the dis- ! Howarlh ph 1 1 I best-of-seven series at three cussion on the baseball situ- Total) 31 I UlTotots 351 ~9 New York ?oi IOO 040 -i games apiece on their home ation, although similar diffi- Son Fronclsco 000 0!0 031 —5 court Monday night with a STOCK CARS E — Fuenfes. OP — Son Francisco I. culties exist In the other LOB — New York I, Son Francisco 9. 146-1.16 victory that left the IB - W. Correlt, Agee 2, Slaub, Speler, spring sports, tennis, golf and Krantpool, Howorth. 3B - Fregosi. T. Squires convinced of one track and field. Morlinez, Klngmon. SB — Klngrron. s SEASON'S OPENER - Motlotk. SF - Bonds. thing-defense is the key lo As usual, the ground rules their championship chances. for qualification for participa- SATURDAY NIGHT 7:30 P.M. Phllodtiptiio ay Los AngeltUI) ? "We played very poor bas- ob hi on r h tion in the state baseball tour- flowa&t o li porker lb 4 0 ketball, defensively, Monday nament are .simple. To qualify Corv»r,<; t! Mola If 4 0 I 4,9 1| Dovls cf 0 night," said the Squires' Doug liROblnsnrr 3 O * MODIFIED-SPORTSMAN U Hirltootb 3 1 2|Le!ebvre2b 0 Moc. "They got a lot of easy MbrwySb 4 0 1! Garvey 3b I shots. We have to leap out af- Frwtfrf 4 0 11 Dletl c 3 0 * LIMITED SPORTSMAN £ Anderson rl 0 o O Ruslell ss 3 O ter them." DeyitA 4 0 11 Singer p 2 0 Hill Named » MINI STOCKS jj Cortlonp 4 0 11 Wllnelm p 0 0 Tonight's winner goes into j Lopes ph 1 0 the ABA championship finals «1 To| Totals V1 "i against the Indiana Pacers, i: 3 fEATURE EVENTS ' * iltptllo. I. OOO KB 030 -S rV>l*< 00° 010 000 -I surp.si.se winners of the West- TOMS JtlVKH — Chris Illll, , FfMd. DP-Los Angeles I. a two-time Daily Register All- [odfflphlo 7. Lol Angeles 5. ern Division playoffs over (he Indian Chief 5 . Son DOII Sliws, Efl Ui >, CMIo Kromnr. .It. Gil :. Mum/. Gorvey, Corllrjn Utah Stars. Monmoulh County Basketball ( a selection at Christian Broth- StVf^S- If™ * ers, Academy, Lincroft, has r been named head varsity bas- ij YOUNG MEN ketball coach lit Toms Hlvcr • Interested In living and working where South High -School, 1 tourists only visit? Enlist In today's Mod- Hill, a senior cuge tri-enp- UtXCITINGRACtt I jl ern Volunteer Army (or such far away tain at places as Europe, Hawaii, Panama, (his season, replaces Itay Wll- .son, who the ijourd of Kducii- I < K6rt« pt Alaska. For additional Informa- tlon chose not to retain. . ,,tlon on tha Overseas Enlistment Option, Hill will (each mathematics vl$lt your U.S. Army representative 'at the lilf,'h school, while Wil- MAKE WAY — New York Mets Tommy Agee is forced out ai fhlrd base son, who tins coached the In- Robert Armelllno and Alan Gallagher makes a quick step to get out ot his way In the first dians lor three years, Is ex- lank,< inning yesterday at San Francisco. Waiting to make the ball Is umpire Ed pected In continue «» a pltynl- j ,uuwuuenmMsJSwBB ,Vargo. The Mets beat the Giants, 8-5. ciil education Instructor. n* Dtily fetgbter, Red task - KiMtetowa, NX Tkunttay, Mijr 4, tW » Sportsmen Show Opens LINCROFT - A full weekend of outdoor exhibits, and demonstrations are in store lor those who visit the Bro.oKdale Sportsmen's Show on the campus, cf Brookdale Community College. An archery demonstration kicks off the weekend's activi- ties at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow, followed by 11 spin-casting demon- stration at 9:15 p.m. The show will run Saturday (11:30 a.m.- 8:30 p.m.) and Sunday (1-6 p.m.).

Hewn c IM TLJI- •«••»• .. _ RigUlir Jljfl PMoi by D»n Lordl DEVILS IN THE RAIN — Shore R.eglonol'5 track clinched a tie for first In the 880-yard run with a look of relief. Ralph Yamello, center, puts i.iLcJ"iOwn*inihe ?hore Conference "C" Division by defeating Central Re- everything into his heave of the shot put, and Danny Craig, right, gional yesterday In a rain-splattered meet. Tim Beaty, left, takes the wire struggles through the mile In 'wet togs. Craig won the event. FAMOUS BRAND Devils Clinch Tie for V Track Title Defending champion Shore closed the gap on Neptune in Pete Manning ran through Short Rig. (IS) Central Reg. («> MlddlHown (9JV.) Tonu River Norm The Blue Devils were - Geo7ge Smith D - dash. 3 J Discus - Fred Fischer (U) O -134-7 clinch the championship. 100 and 220 dashes and tbe r „ . teammate Joe Wright copped j. . i,5rou,t_KUr.tor..n(c,D-ii.o Jovelln - Bob Kovocti (M) D -1«-» 111 T) Brick Twr>. (43'4) Sanchez (one-mile) were oth- able at the Lincroft Little 220- Gerl Guoall (TRS), T - :W.O 50 — Joanne Carver (L), T — :6.tt Softball League I • alignment AJ Rich Grote's 41. 440 - Karen VanHcest (TRS). T -1:07 100- Mary Padbcrj (L). T — : 12.4 er Long Branch winners. ;League Field House on New- 880 - Terrl Pearce (TRS), T — 2:44 2J0 - Phyllis Smith (U, T — :30.0 The Wave is 8-6, while the mile -"Cindy Harter (TRS), T-S:!J • 440— Kim Woolwich (Ll.T— :67.1 Sunday's Results man Springs Road between 120 hurdles - Michelle Willis (TRS), T ISO - Sue Pierce (L). T - 2:49.4 Towns Chevrolet 8. Corrlaan's 6 Ocean Township lost its Fliers are 7-4. Joey Miles 16, Country Tavern 13 •6:30 and 9:30 p.m. weekdays; 2 Famous - :IB.2 mile —Nancy Skove (L), T — 6:31 first meet in five outings. Moat Long Branch (1) Neptune (1) 440 relay — Red Bank (Lewis. Brown, 120 hurdles — Joanne Mohan (L), T — Ook 4, United County Trust 3 and between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 2" brand Rich Gtofe (LB), 41, d. Jell Hnrron, 4S, Thompson, Yorborouoh), T — :S4.1 :l«.l Shore Florist 1. Russell Olds 5 American Arnold Bakery 1, Bova Really 3 3& 2. 880 relay — Toms River (Applegote, 440 relay — Long Branch* T :56.2 on Saturday. shocks cars Joe LaGrollerlo (LB). 45, d. John Ken- Ault, G. VanHeesl. K. VanHeesI), T — 880 reloy - Lona Branch. T - 1: S«.8 Trezio's Liquors 7, Crown Tire 6 The Los Angeles Dodgers, ny 44, 2 up. 2:01.5 Shot puf - Candy White . 0 - 25-11 stratton construction 16, Circus Liquors The circus will perform one INSTALLED Howord Townstnd (LB), 4], d. Bob Shol put - Debbie Mclse (RB), D - Discus— RcneeWilliams (L),O— 79-3 10 1/2 games back of San Fran- Oanilger. 44,1 up. 397" JovclIn — Diane Moslollo (L), D — 8M Fitch's Sub Shop 19, Commgnlly Fire cisco last May 31, lost the Na- y ^ Tom Fllipolrlck (N), 48, d. Martin DISCUS - Mclse {RB), D — lOH" Long lump — Borbond Fitzgerald (B), Co.3 FRONT END PARTS EXTRA IF NEMO. Wtlnsleln, 50, 2 & 1. Javelin — canceled D — 15-5'/j • Standings tional League West division to The league is raising funds Ed Zulch IN), 49, d. John Welsh, 56, 1 Long lump — canceled High lump — Lcnorrj Brown (L), H — 4- American League up In II. High lump —canceled w the Giants by one game. for its equipment fund. Joey Miles Ook 2 Towne Chevrolet 2 Corrloan's 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiitiimiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiu FACTORY TRAINED •ShoreFtorlst i 1 Counlry Tavern 0 Russell Olds 0 MECHANICS United County Trust 0 National League Arnold Bakery -Trena's Liquors Bova Realty Crown Tire Freehold Today Briefly Flsch's Sub Shop Strotlon Construction Clrcui Liquors Community Fire CQ. Entries another lit —pace im. Moo 1th-paulm. 4000 Speaking Chmden Palortin (Ublcll) 52 Camdcn Doctor jRathbone)...; 5*2 TrustworthPIck (Flllon) 3-1 Clare Brigade (Pecchla) 3-1 Yesterday's Dotllos Flash (Frost) 61 Snoeslrlng (Mororio) 4*1 By Order (Gujtlnall 6-1 Horolooy (Gaollardl) 5-1 Globes Jewel INo Orlvcr) 61 Weary Don (Rothbone) 6-t GREAT Results ' Slubborn Sue (Martens) 12-1 Good Time Gene (Suva) 6-1 Llquorl Paige I C Paul (Obrlcn) 121 •ZorroWilson (Quorllcrl... 12-1 1st-PACE IM UMT.IMO.I Sequins Heel (Wollcndcn) 15-1 tth - poci lm. 1700 M»rcuryBob(Ja17.0O 7.M Slcocly Donul (Rode) 20-1 Mountain Duke (Mortens) B-5 Second Flddlfr (Inokof). 4,40 3.2D 2nd — pace Im. 1400 Mr Chicken (Flllon) S-2 Liquori vs. Time Satch ^Sentenced* Alton Hondo (Gogllordl) 4,00 Roy lO'Brlcnl 8-5 Bolorbo IRode).. 4-1 VALUE Tarian Pick (O'Brien) 5-1 lnd- PACE 1 M UOOT-MI.J J M Jan (Wollendenl 52 P111LADKI.P1IIA (AP) - Ailing.Marty Li OSKALOOSA, Kan. (AP) - Satchel Ethyl Brook (No Driver) 41 Colonel Ern (Wolfcnden) 6-1 the Legendary Negro baseball pitcher, nearly/ Poplor Dlplomol (Glly).. 18.60 7.10 3.11) Avon Chrlslle (Rode) S-l El Coollan (No Driver) 6-1 quori admits he may be running out of time. Alton ApoCtlO IFIIIOtl) 4.60 J.4O Harry H S lUblels) 61 Coretrec Garsoon (Frosl)..... 12-1 America's premier miler still has pain in 8»l writer's cramp working off a "sentence" Johnny Reno (Luchento) 3.20 Eu Will (No Driver) 8-1 Avon Charlie lUblels) 12-1 here. Dolly Double (7-5) Ut.m GroteluAdlos (Ounlnclll 12-1 Ka&hmalden (Guzilnall) 15-1 his damaged left heel. Ird-PACE 1 M 110OM:l].I AAlss Ecllpso (Frosll 121 101b — pact Im. 1700 On a recent trip to nearby Perry Grrol society (Looncy)... e, 10 3.40 j.00 Pleasant Ann (Marlcns) 151 Ranlom Missy (Flllon) .2-1 I "There is no change," Liquori said yes- Sondlo (Gogllordl) '. 1.30 3.!0 . Super Eagle (Flllon) 201 Klpple Boy (Ublelsl ..31 I CHAMPION™ Lake—one of Satch's favorite fishiiiR Watiom Froit IHuttuch) 8.20 3rd - poce Irn. 1100 Prldei Pomp (Martens) ..5-1 I terday when asked about his condition. "I'm Bonnie Doncer (Ubtels) ....?•) Ncncy Whiskey (Guzilnall) .61 I holes—tho Hall of Kamer got a traffic ticket EKacIa (1-3) 15 40 El Capital! (No Driver) ..6-1 A full 4-ply nylon cord tire I still, hoping they'll find something that will tth - PACE I M MM T-J:0t,4 Pammy Butler [Guzzlnatl] 7-2 Janice Marlcne (O'Brien) 4 1 Plnehdvcn Doc (O'Brien) ..8-1 for improper parking. Cllcntlon Sue f Kcitvl 3.B0 ?.ea 2.10 Algee Oregon INo Driver) B-l clear it up. J RsSuroli (Butler) 9.60 4 00 Karen* Suprlse (Wolfcnden) 5-1 Paige, who lives in Kansas City, called up Widow Toi|)l(l (Flllon) 5-1 die Snro Sara (Frosl) B Donno IFIIIon) 3.00 r I.' Liquori hasn't run (his year because of tho Cozy Clnrn O rnsl) 10-1 Horolds Princess (Woltcnden) .15-1 I EKacIa OS) S0.I9 Mountain Pot (Rode) 10.1 Victory Knluhles5 (Rode) !lh — PACE I M J00O T-J: 10.4 Ailrobolla (Morlens) jo-l lllh — pace 1 m. 1100 season at Villanovii. £2 Rowlilctts H«el [Btlrl 11.40 MO J.3O 4th — trot Im. 1I0O Monnor! Arthur (Puma) Sel (Kavolcll) 7.40 4.40 TrndnrGent (Plllon) 5-2 Buzzlno Time (Gogllordl) :i! LOW HI I e.0O-l3BI«ckwnll "I'm hiking some pills that may clear it up Hut Wilson wouldn't let him off thai rasy. Armtiro Imnflc (Kelly) 4.BO AlmoK IGunlntiM) ;-2 Ll os VtctorVit v IPocio(P) 5-11 Lord Paul (Mocouchi 6-1 [ In the next five days, or the next injection The judge suspended Paige's fiiu; and sen- EXOClO (II) IOS.IO Meudow Truly lUblelM 4-t AS 111 t»Kos and tiro Donllni Beauty (O'Drlen) 5-t Apoclie Ate (Gray) 8 1 tenced him to slun autographs at DIG.county tlh — PACE 1 M 1MO T);0i.< Rutkcye Torn (Cumpbclt).. 10 I off your car. • might knock 11 out," he said hopefully. Rlcclaml f lame (Gglrrll,, /.?()• 4 40 3 40 Bernard C (Rode) ...J- Kail M IFroil) 10 UoimK Johnston liVornnn) 10-1 courthouse instead. Rocko (l-lllon) 4,00 3.00 LcuslrliMUcticnlo) 12 1 Sompion Alibo (llonacorsd) ...3.40 Cec DeeCyn (Wollonden) 10- WHITE WALLS ADD $4 "lie wasn't here 10 minutes before every First Frelalil (Murlonsl IJ- Teachers by Two Epocta |M)34U) 5lli _ pace lm. lioo SimllH IQW PRICES in othinlw. kill In town knew 11," said Wilson. 7lh - PACE 1 M 1100 T-lfOM Mr Wlb (Flllonl ;...S t HEl) HANK - lied Bank Keglonal's se- Thu added Inconvenience of .(he personal AdlolCol? nnn (Mrnol,/,.3.40 J.OO 3.!0 Miss Deldrlno (O'Brien) 1-1 Mlclltich Edict IPocia),....„.., 6.80 7.30 Valley Vvlo (Martens) S niors received a lesson in basketball yes- appearanc.. e warranted the dismissal of the KlnoBrol (Campbell) 7.40 Palomlla Stardust (Rode). t Selections 3 WAYS TO CHARGE Drive in for a FREE Exacla 111) 40,(9 Mllo Wynwooi) IFrost) n tcrday. The faculty, playing without standouts 'fine, Wilson said. Mr K Hcmiltio ICiUl/lnull) ft. ilh - PACE 1 U 3000 T-J:0M 1 — Cnmdin PalomOi Dotllfli Flash, By tire air pressure checkk , Bob Otrupehnk and Tom Uobsock, defeated n/f/,rtf^», Enjlon Krall (Smith Jrl.2S.iO 7 4(1 7.00 Ohio Dnn (Wollendenl Ill- Mlohly Trim (Uhlel*) IS- . Order Pflrl Getnhti (Hlllnn).., 4.00 3.01) : Mio students, 118-1)0, In overtime in the annual MJUi,uii> . ilh - poca Im. 1100 1 - Roy. Avon Christie, Harry H S by tha people tire pooplar 4 Royal Wot Al (Uhnioycrfc 5.00 J M Knnle HJlilelil 5 1 3 — Curt Mlraclt. Janlci Marline • ' Senior-Faculty game. LOUISVIU.E, Ky. (AP) - "I can toll you E«ocl(i II)) 111.10 Sir Ardrl IWollunden) 3-3 Pamrtiy Bullor A — Trader Gent Almax. Donllni Baou- The faculty five, with only six players \m t|1|n(,> |[ ino Kentucky Derby was a beimty »lll-l'Ace IMUO0T.J:0t Crnln will (or (Irosl) ^. ( Mil Sono lOolrcll 14 80 7.70 « JO Calo Hciyule (O'llrlen) J. ty "available for duty, built up a 32-piiint hulfllme cutest, Bold Music would win It liund.s down," Mr Uo Clilel (fiavoil Jr) ,..».8O 3.40 Coll Me Lucky IMorlenM 4-1 J - Mils Delarlna, Mr Wlb, Mllo Wyn- Legal Clilel lUucncnlo) 4.00 Aiinmbei A (Rode) • wood i load. The seniors, however,-rallied and look tt t|iu colt's femalo Jockoy, Mliry Bacon, .said I-JM enoli, coll Royale, Sir Ardrl MAPLE AVE at WHITE ST. 6XOCIO (17) 111.40 Pronto Pltk (Cunlnall) 15 Marlrra tmtwrlno (I Mian) 15.1 7 — fiaittr Adlos sayri. Tru* Bdin, ' flO-BH advantage on a basket by lion Carter, yesterday. lOlh —TROT )M)»MT.):IO Ktllyluck Direct • . D1IHI1VIC IMycrh « 10 ).M 4.00 7th - po» lm. 1100 Shier Dollatit (AbMlellol ; I I — Good Tim* Otna, Horolay, Wiary Who teamed with Charles Jefferson and Alan Tht!22 .year-old blonde rttvorceo Is sot to bo My Good Boy (Flllonl 1.60 2.40 Don Myown Ktry IPollieno) 4,JO Kellvtutk Olrett (Onntor Jr) S J Red Bank 747-5700 ;ss to pncc the 13-niember S<|UII<1. tho second femulu rider to start In tho Derby l-ml«r Adlns SoyIP (FIIlun> ;-2 t — Tarian Pick, Co loin I Ern, Mr A field H'ii'1 .'>y ('m'y VraacL-, who com- ' Iracla (! 71 H.ID Squire Ruti (niiuiildlrv) 4-1 Chicken nliirdny when she climbs nbuarcl tho sirap- llttl-PACK IM MOOMMO.l Tiuo Elltn IMoruno) B I 10 — Klpplt Doy. Plmhavtn Doc. Ran* Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8 A.M. to bined with John Ilird to lusti the faculty, sent Porlict Knlolll II |llnn)....7,10 J.«0 3.(0 II J Adloi IMcGovertl) 12-1 lorn Mlny omcd with John iiirtno lima u.u mum.,, »im , ^ , DUB1 commander. Dluno Crump Sontorl (Plllon),., a.60 2.30 I niilhrrstr|> (Wulhoii Jr) 15-1 II — Mannorl Arthur, Lolai victory, ho (jurno Into ovcrliino, mid tho tcucheis went • », d mh tW0J/car8 ag0abonn l Fmhom- Bobby AAlkv (Splna) .,.,4.60 Hal I'lck (Sllva) .-Ill Bulling.Tlma J 6 But bil - J M Eogli tth Fri. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sat. 8 A.M. to 5 P. mtorulo. • BKOCIO (41) 17.60 May Diamond ISabollnl) 20-1 Altindonci — 4,141 Hrnidli — 411,111 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ••I U TM D»fly Better, R«d Bank - MtttleUnra, N.J. Thur«l*y, May 4, 1.WJ i 2J12i V.$i* The Daily Register Classified Ads rmmmm $$$ Dial 741-6900 and it'sas good as$OlDJ nrninitniiiiiii Autos For Sale Autoi For Sol* ANNOUNCEMENTS Public Notices Autos (or Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sal* Autos for Sale 1W9 AMtASSAOOR — All automatic, air Lost ami Founa TOCK GROU|t•.--We're available:lot excellent condition. 1968 WAGON ^tenooe partlesr dances, wcddlngsv &ar 1968 FIREBIRD WANTED Car 'iVJtzvahsV You hoven'r heard anything urv. Porfv who needs 100'i financing on a 1941 Looking lor an iconomlcot six- AAULLER i! vou'Y»"ri«ird us.'We'll ntlp makt you* FORD CONVERTIBLE, VB, power tlier- PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON — IHI CONVERTIBLE AAULLER Spoils Suburban. Eight cylinder, automat- cylinder but loWprlce slatlor, LOST event a succen. Call 7474062 after A p.r lr>D, olr conditioning. 51395. For more In and oik lor Blair. ..'• : formation, call OASIS MOTORS, at 721 1970 IMPALA — Cuitom two-door hard ic transmission. High mileage but good wogon? ThU Rebel wogon Is ev- I ml Coll 5M-I0M, MK lor toll. ©•Id tt» section of lodv's ring, 1- long, eryihlng you cculd want. Set It With rolled center and black lint destondeson. Springtime Is Tun time ond this is 7100. top. V-fl aulomotlc, power »l«rtng, power condition. »700. Ask for Oavi or John. "" ODGE 'DART CONVERII1UE IH« - ShoppShoppini g areea of BroaBrdd St,St . Red BankBak, MOTHERS! — Of bebies and toddlers - Ihe perfect car to en|oy It. A brakes, tinted Qlois, air 00 vinyl roof, A-f condition. 7S7-2I91 alter S r male and female, wearing Identical red SWEDISH MASSAGE — Your residence air-conditioned new cars In stock. p.m. PONTIAC Gfd — Convertible. 3S9 • PONTIAC :>celient condition. 1500 or belt olfir. collars. Locust. »l-14)9. ___ Helps relax, tones skin, circulation ot RASSAS McGLOIN BUICK-OPEL INC., Shrews- cu, In. 4-speed. Excellent condition. $750. »5 Brood St. 741-5110 Red Bank WI.MW. ilood. Mark Hoffmen. 747-0209. J42-6017. bury Avji,. New Shrewsbury. 741-tTOO. CHEVROLET IMPALA 1«9 — Four-door Call 7«1-«S1 oiler s p.m. Eves, until 9 PONTIAC sedan. No reasonable, offer refused. New Wl MINI DUNE BUGGY - Encellerlf tOST — Smoll brown dog, female. An- DANCE? lARMiY'Z'VAH? PARTY? 395 Broad 51. 741-5180 Red Bank WllDLDSMOBILES "Ca7oe selection, tires, new brakes, air. 7B7-O603. 1?M GRAND PRIX condition. Asking USD. swers to "Snapper.*1 Mon., April %A, vicl Eves, until 9 Immedlote delivery. STEVEN OLDSMO- Good condition. 1250 9iS BUICK LE SABRE — New Irons WEDDING? — Quallly music tor ony oc- uvipiTTH«IK 471-O375 or 4H-0I19 mission, power steering ond power . «4-}4t4 * ftlty Elizabeth St., Keyporf. Needs medi casion. Coll OTl-llOS. BILE, 110 Moln St., AAotawon. 5M-3&00. I»M PONTIAC - Convertltlle. Tronv cation. Coll 739-1363. 2000 miles. Call otter 5. rakes. Asking MOO. Coll 74M16I after i "DATSUN 1970 DATSUN - Excellent condition nlsslon needs work, motor luneun. Asklnq 1952 CADILLAC — Original condition. 291-1706 14.000 mllei. ll«3 AUTOMOTIVE Make olfer ot 251 BroadwoY. Long WASHINGTON'S AUTO SERVICE 964 CHEVROLET — Sedan, two-door 73.W-3M7 'LOST — tody's Ian lealhtr mirst, ot Stop Branch. McFADDIN CADILLAC OLDS. 370 Broaa St. 264-1323 Keyport I94t CHEVROLET COUPE — Mew tire! Phone 7390367 ond Ship, Hailet, May 1. Reward. Coll and battery. S50 or best olfer. Call 564641. 1275. 970 PLYMOUTH 0.1^ , -.444400 cut«,.lr. InT JJ2-I234. H49 FORD STATION WAGON 717-3263 or leave at Stop and Shop office Autos For Sale ~~ "JHUWSTTUTRFMOTORS ~"afte~r 6 p in, ^ Phone 264-6W4 Aulomotlc tronsmlsslon. iGood condition. SI67S '14-8915 J »»i~FOR D*F ALC ON~ Shrewsbury Ave. Shrewsbury I "4!"P LYMcTD "fB ~VALIANT~^"A ufomaT Call alter latur« Collie, mole. Answers NEED A CAR? Best olfer. Call evenings, 74I-8SOO Ic, two-door. Less than 19,000 miles. S500. unnlng condition. New mufller, good rub- 1944 FORD — Folrlone wagon. V-l, auto- to "Lassie." Rust color with white. Re financing, new and used ib'-J'O? We Buy Used Volkswagens £0ll J4I-7446 VOLVC^]t69 — Two^door sedan. One own" ber, mw tuel pump. ISO or best otler. 291 matic tronsmlislon, power iMrlng. »JM. word. 78MM5 or 787-4464. MR. WATTY, K*-!030, Ext. 34. er. Original 31,000 miles. Mint condition. 30*5. Call beloretp.ni. fMlTflCUW WAGON -"New lVcS JEEP SALES AND SERVICE l9srGTAND"pRTx - All oowerTolr. vi- Rodlol ply llres. 741-7051 alter i. , Need* ball joints add valve work 13 Twin Boro Motors, Inc. nyl top. gold. Low mileage. Call after B I97O"MERCURY — Anor"nuls Brougham 1919 OLDSM06ILE - Cutlosi wogon. Inspection. Best offer. 84?-?604 196! VOLKSWAGEN BUS — With shag Autos For Sale Autos For Sale ,131 E. Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank i. 462-2415. luxury hardtop. Air, vinyl roof, powei Air, 26,000 original miles. Excellent condi- CALL NOW 747-0040 rua, bed, curtains. Rebuild tnglnt an< windows, brokes, seat. Rodlo, deluxe Inte tion. 11950. 142-9534 . SEE A "UUSSELL MAN AUSTIN AMERICAN — 1970. Four-speed, clulcti. ••"" "• "— car- buys. R JSSELL Old ASBURY AMERICAN AUTOS good condition. Low mileage. S900. lor. Very low mileage. Must be seen 1 IJ390. 946-8339, • ,941 CHEVROLET - Two-door tiordloo. Co,, 100 Newman Srlno >.t Sunset Ave. Asbury Pork Coll 142-9520 I96B CADILLAC - coupe De ville. Air six-cylinder outomatlc. Good condition. Telephone 775-2141 condlflonlng. Full power. S3?«. BAILL.Y CADILLAC — Sedan deVllle, 1965. Powe ,150.7I7-5HJ. . . • TOP TRADE ALLOWANCE - Superb BROS., INC.,19 E. Ntwnion Springs Rd. steering and brakes. Air conditioning. WALL LINCOLN-MERCURY ciwTpEr Service. DOWNES PONTIAC, 42 Lower red Bonk. 747-0596. New tires, 55,009 original miles. Good 1964 MUSTANG - VI, 4-speed. J550, Col' Shrewsbury Ave. ot Sycamore Asbury Park, N.J Main St.. Motawon. 566-2299. TR [UMP"H — 1966 TR4A wFhTnSependen condition. Coll 229-5585. after 5 p,m. weekdays or oil day Sat. ono ' Shrewsbury, N.J. 774-O500 Sun.,.739-O386. 747-5400 BUICKTJKYLARK"— 197t". Two-door rear suspension, wire wheels, Mlcrtellrtv 196i fAUSTANG — Twodoor. outomollc CIRCLE CHEVROLET hardtop. Power steering, air candltloned. Excellent condition. 671-4192. rodlo, heater. In excellent condition. M7J THUNDERBIRD LANDAU 1966 — Bur- RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS 325 Maple Ave. Red Bank Callofter6p.m., 739-0268. or bell offer. Coll oiler 4 p.m. 566-1951. gundy, while top. 54,000 miles. Good con 741-3130 1967 CHEVELLE - Convertible. 127 VS. Newman springs Rd. 1964 BUICK LE SABRE — V!, power four-speed posi ond extras. 1969 GTO — Power steering, factory air, dltlon. 462-6546. TWIN BORO Red Bank, S.J. Phone 5663454 M15sa6 AUTO CREDIT PROBLEMS steering, power brakes. Excellent condl gauges, toch. automatic, AM/FM. stereo 1969 TOYOf A~C0R6CLA - In excellerii OR NOCREDITAT ALL? lion. Asking ISSO. 564-2634. 1967 PONTIAC TEMPEST - Conntrtlqle. ope, alarm. Showroom condition. Getting F & H Molors Inc. Coll 529-4/90 Blue with black ton. VB, power steering. married. Call 762-5034. Autrioriied Deulers, Dodge ond Dodge 1958 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE — With BUHLER & BITTER notching parts car. Restoration started, ]-speed standard. Mi. 5631093. :|REBIRD 400— 1961. AM-FM radio, ex trucks PLYMOUTH-CHRYSLER RAMBLER REBEL 1?4» — Four-speec engine redone. Must sell for best otler. 1946 oCDSMf/BTLE — foronadi, outo client condition. 51 WO. hurst stiltt. Chrome wheels, oood condl Mwy. 3S Eotontown, N.J 329DHwy35 Harlet 264-O19E Weekends or after 10 p.m., 229-B79B. 741-7999 S4MIII matlc, all power. Air conditioning, runs tlon SHOO. Alter 6p.m. 2M0731. 1970~BUiCK TKYLARKCUS7bMCfon twn iliful, (it;. 972.1986. tii PrtNTlAt F'tRgBIRD - Four-speed, lWOCAbiLLAC - Coupe De vine. Leoth-' verllble. Air conditioning, power brakes 1964 MUSTANG '- 2-door hardtop. V-8, convertible. Good condition. 1961 MGB-GT - "B.R.G.," wire wheels, ir Full Dnwer, stereo, AM-FM radio. power steering. Excellent condition autoirtatlc, power steering, deluxe Interior AUSTIN AMERICAN 1970 — Automatl 747-9073 AM/FM and other extras. Excellent con- rulse control. Low. mileage. One owner; S2200. Coll before 5 p.m.. 741-1500. or 842 with console. Black with white vinyl roof. shltt. Good condition. 30 mpg. $1250. dition. S1495. Coll 172-1350 otter 5:10 p.m. MOTORS Very good condition. 1875. 583-1093. Phone after 4:30, sn-1056. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN — S695. Good condl |U600. 244-53M. 9189 alter 6 p.m. lion, good tires. 1956 CHEVROLET - Four-door. Engine 1971 CHEVROLET VEGA - Six month Call 747-9405 ond 747-9419. 215. Good working condition. Ideal tor re Autos for Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sole ' I. SJOOg. Call builder. Must sell. Best oner. 291-9195. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S OLDEST 787-0116 TOY ULUSWOBILE «8 - Two-door. Air Many extras. Vinyl top. Beautiful condl MGB 1969 - Convertible. Wire wheels, 4- lALL 1972 MG's IN STOCK — And more tlon. Full power. One owner. S2000. Cat speed stick shift. Mony extras. Immacu- 1 cum Ing I Bu/ now at wlnter*prlces. A.R. 946-8410. | late. Must sell. 477-1120 after 4. AND MOST RELIABLE DEALER IPyle, Mgr. A & G MOTORS, 82 S. Main I St., Asbury Park, 7753493 1969 VOLKSWAGEN CAMPERBUSl 1961 CORVETTE - Convertible, green, Good condition. two tops, [vinyl). 127-350 h.p. 4-ipeed, KITSON CHEVROLET CO. Phone B4?-7141 Stereo tape (Panasonic) AM-FM rodlo, |Hwy36 Eatontown luggage rack ond trailer hitch, Besl offer " 542-1000 DATSUN — 1966. Radio, heater, lour AMERICAN MOTORS DEALER speed. Best offer. KROLL MOTORS, INC. .J41-I345; 1971 FIAT-124 Sports Coupe. I 279 Broadway Long Branch Like new. " 222-3600 1967 CHEVROLET IMPALA*— Two-door iiardtop. Turquoise with matching Inter! 47\-19»5 11966 MUStAHG — Six-cylinder standard, or. V-6, automatic transmission, powei 1971 MUSTANG — Sport Model, like new. I deluxe Interior. Good condition. 1350. Call steering and brakes. Excellent running power steering, sport exterior. Low, low 9ACRES OF CARS I after 6 p.m. 142-3549 or 942-1156. condition and tires, ill JO. Coll 741-3227 of mileage. Reasonable. 264-5410 otter 7. GIGANTIC I 1970 VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK - All ter 5:30 p.m. I conditioned, outomotlc, AM/FM radio 1966 RAMBLER — Three new tires, sount More Classified 1 Many other extras. S180Q or best otter body. Standard shift. Used for taxi. S17! 842-9069 otter 6 p.m. or best offer. 741-8239 on Next Page 3 DAY SALE Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 120 CARS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SCHWARTZ SPECIAL CHRYSUR •PLYMOUTH • INTERNATIONAL 1972 GREMLIN Straub says: DOUBLEPLAYU! • AM/FM RADIO* VINYL ROOF "SALE OF SALES" • WHITEWALL TIRES With the purchase of your New 1972 OPEL "1900" SPORT COUPE Our most deluxe model OO for the low Sfraub price of 2550 CHRYSLER NEWPORT ROYAL 4-door sedan, blue vinyl bench seat, power steering, air conditioning, OR FREE • AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION • ROOF RACK tinted glass, radio, automatic transmission, 2 bbl, V8 engine, H78x15 Factory air conditioned, healer, tires, whitewail. St. #9526 defroster, padded dash and vis-, $1999 WHITEWALL TIRES With the purchase of your New 1972 ore. back up lights, under coating. 4-way flashers, many, many other DELIVERED LIST'4887.90 nOtp NOW standard items. OPEL "1900" STATION WAGON PR 0NLY Our great economy wagon $ 00 1972 HORNET 1972 HORNET for the low Straub price of 2690 Air conditioned, two-door sedan Sportabout Wagon, factory air padded dash and visor, heater conditioned, padded dash and TAX defroster, back up lights, undei visors, heater, defroster, back' 4187 coating, 4-way flasheis, many up lights, under coating, 4-way PLUSH 200 Gal. of Gas.'/ many other standard items. flashers, many many other stan- dard items. $91QQ DELIVERED $ DELIVERED PLYMOUTH FURY I + FR / 2505 You're at bat, so swing into one 4-door sedan, black vinyl bench seat, power disc brakes, power steer- ing, automatic transmission, V8, tinted glass, radio and air condi- • ••••WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD#••• of these spring season trades. tioning. G78x15 whitewail tires, Honeydew. St #9541 CHECK OUR DEALS BEFORE YOU BUY 71 Plymouth$2995 '70 Boick...... $3295 '69Chrysler..$1795 Rivierav r 0, powe5r esteeringr , brakes, Rood Runner 2-door hardtop. Pow- ?' J$ . ' P°^ l A i"9' brakes,, .."300"300.., 22-door.doo, , hardtophardtop,, newepowerr '2450 steering, power brakes, av\o- windows, and seotsi Radio,! steering, power brakes, air condi- 1970 AMBASSADOR maifc, V-8, air cordliionlng, radio, white walls, air conditioning, tioned, automatic, VB, radio, while- Brougham, 4-door sedan, air, factory equipped. Automatic, vinyl top, whitcwalls, tinted gloss, tinted glass ond vinyl top. woll tires. . radio, heater, whitewalls. Must be seen. Like new 1TnB.. S00(ra '69 Plymouth'! 995 '69 Ford '1895 elfe V-passenger*wdgon.Pow^. T.D.2door hardtop . PoweP r IV BUICK *329S TStellrre V.^engcrwCPower steeringWLPt'^T.l'X'ilVi-., power brakes, cuto'™X- $ 1970 DODGE.. '1895 stecrfna. Automatic transmission Electro 225, 4-dr. hardtop, power Ajr conditioned, radio, tilled glass, malic trans., radio, whltewalij, Swinger, 2^door hardtop, automatic, radio, heater, power steering. ' brakes, power steering, automatic, white wolIs. tinted gloss, air conditioning. air conditioned, radio, whitewail tires, tin red glass, vinyl lop. 70 Volks M395 '68 Olds *..,...«! 395 3389 1971 DUSTER »2595 .1 *2-door beetle, radio, and 4-speed Delta '88' Custom 2-door hordtop, • 2-door hardtop, factory air, automatic, radio, heater, VB, many extras. V transmission. power steering, power brakes, VB '69 Chmotet'2095 automatic, whitewoll Mres, rodlo. 1970 HORNET .'1575 power steering, power brokes, air '69 Boick. '2195 condlNoned, radio, outomntic, tin- Skylark 2-door tiard'op, VH, '69 Plymouth'1895 idoor sedan, radio, heater. • ted glass, whitewail fires, vinyl top. automqfic, power slccring, vinyl top, tinted glass, air condi- Fury ill, 4-door hordtop, power lionincj, radio. steering- power brakes, olr condi- 1970 VOLKSWAGEN '1650 1 tioned, automatic, VB, radio. FastbacK, radio, heater '68 Chevrolet ! 495 Irnpcila, V-8, automatic, power steering, radio, whitcwalls, vi- LeSobre, 4-door, V8, outomotlc 70 Buick '2695 nyl root, tinted gloss, oir condi- power steering. Unfed glo«, w/w Gran Sport -155 Stage I. Power 1970 RENAULT '1295 tioning. tires, radio. altering, power brakes, power windows, automatic Irons- PLYMOUTH SCAMP R-10,4-door automatic, radio, healer, mission, air conditioning, rodlo, 71 Gremlin '1695 '6699 Buick '2492495 tinted glass, vinyl roof. 2-door hardtop, vinyl roof, 225 CID 6 cylinder, automatic trans- # I VlCmilll*. 1073 Electro Custom, pov/epower steeringsteerlno, 1969 REBEL '1395 Automatic transmission, radio, power brakes, power windows, air mission, power disc brakes, power steering, air conditioning, radio, 4-door sedan, automatic, radio, heater, tan. * trim ond accessorial. conditioned, radio, white walls, vi- 70 Volvo M795 l t 14JS. 4-speed, rodlo, bucket seats. tinted glass, vinyl interior D78x14 whitewail tires. White. 1969 CJ-5 '1895 LIST $3690.00 4-wheoi dfivo Universal NOW 1969 CHEVELLE '1475 45-Car Showroom - 9 Acres of Cars 0NLY 2-door sedan, a jlomatic, radio, healer, 1969 VOLKSWAGEN '1650 Hundreds of Cars in stock to choose f roi 00 2-door coupe, automatic, air conditioned. 1968 PONTIAC '1495 * + TAX .jjjoonsedan, automatic, radio, heater, power steering 3079 1968 DODGE.. '1295 Dart, 2-door hardtop, automatic, radio, heater, power sleoring. PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1968 FIAT '650 2-door hardtop, vinyl interior, light package. Interior decor group, auto- 4-door, radio, Healer. * matic transmission, 225 cid, 6 cylinder engine, tinted glass. Remote 1968 PONTIAC '1575 BUICK OPEL control mirror,-air conditioning, radio, power steering, vinyl roof rallye QTO, automatic, radio, Imnlor, power stosrinc), vinyl tup. road wheels. D78x14 whitewail tires. Centrally Located 1967 OLDSM OBI LE '1150 LIST '3440.00 ,p NOW • F-85, conyertiblo, automatic, radio, hoator. HWY35 1 1967 MERCURY - ..'1095 Monle'OV, 2-door hardtop, aulunmllc, radio, IIUHIOI, riowur bloomiy. KEYPORT t §••••••••••••••••••••••«•£• SALES & SERVICE 264-4000 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK Open Daily until 9 p.m. n fri. & Sot, until 6 p.m. NEW HOURS FOR Mon. thru Thurs. 8AM - 9PM 747-0040 SHOWROOM Fri.'til 6; Sat.'til 4 The D»Uy Eegitier, Red Bank - Middlettwn, U.I. ThurwUy, MUty 4,1*72 37 Auto Parti—R«r>alr Butl net* N of leu 1966 CUTLASS i7r»fJT-eVCTffBp"?S'SS*g KGIH" E" - THATCH an* VAtbuM KrYrtTfirtjMie., jj'rt'nofw otow priceeconomic- 196S, SM. Two chevreiel bucket noli, |lm»/ Med/ U w, ft, AIMWMMV tswn, rolltd and pleated, ctiromt trim, U0.717- --'nteneneer;47-HS4. K — Clean. On brekel. IISOO, Col irsmmr Interlor-Extcrldr—ismm. Insured Auto Rentals 747-1202 or 142-3670 MOTHERJ'OAV -MayUlh! Treat Autos For Sola TOM'S FORP yourtertelf !o aa complimentary Mary Kay :oimellllc facialfaci ) Try before you buy with RASSAS RENT A CAR "O obi looot Ion I DDon't you deierve the •if Cofl I7J-1S76I7J1S76. RED BANK «S Brood SI. LOOSE SHINGLES - WVII do r«polr Evti, until 9 work or new roof, Stilnolti or hot root. BOATS AND Paul McOlnnli, w-231]. Frit tillmnHi. VOLVO 941 PONTIAC CATALINA - Good mi ACCESSORIES tor. Reliable notion cor. iioo. Coil — Alterotlont call for |4W ALL YOUR SPRING ~ specioliied service. i __'?' • ' FITTING OUT NEEPS After 3 p.m., 3*4-1947 _ VEFSALEI 5RE MLTN - l9f lTs7o"ndo7dTroVs- HOUSEPAINTIN6 — Exterior ond Interi- mlislon, rodio, h.ol.r, jooo RI||M. H4)S. or. Free estimates. Reasonable. Coll any 1970 VOLKSWAGEN 142-601 The Boatrnan'$ Shop 2< Wharf Ave.. 741-57SO 'Red fan* time, mtin rUrrfiann Shla coupe. t»6l CH~RY5LeR -"Nlw»Vo7kii77lou"r'. Open weekdoyt,' a.m.-4 p.m. ATTTCSTGARAGES. BASEMENTS - 11895 loor sedan. Power brokel and steering, lundoyl 1 Holldayt,*a.m.-t p.m. •CHoned, *10. Light hgultno. 110. S'^ 01H hto1"1' Oo«d condition, iu/ft 1969 VOLKSWAGEN Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Trucks for Sole AAONAAOUTH 2-door sunroof bug )9ol.CHEVROLET - TmpSla cuiiomTXTf NlOUE — Lot« 1969 MG (C) convert » T1ON — "I' bod»Th»vrol«t plcSuf "Wl'lontlf. Bjwlr steering, automatic, 1th rnttol tool bo«. l»»l 1-ton 91 rack EMPLOYMENT $1395 42,000 ml lei. tISM >I7.»W or 717.1913. WANTED »le. Excellent condition. Four-speed, ilx- BOAT CITY forty who Meat IOOK financing on a 1949 :yllnder, 149h.p, Only 17,000 miles. 41 "Ith tool box. 4U-MIS oiler t p.rn. Flberglol boon. 27 modeli. Help Wanted 1968 VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE 1«5~ DODGE CHARGER. 11995. For mart In- AAULLER 'AtrM radio, overdrive, wire wheels, 0 FORD >A PICK UP — 11,000 miles ,101' Hwy 35 t71 411> ._ Mlddlilown Io50. formation, coll OA9I6 MOTORS gl 731- ither exlroi. Juit Inipecled. 67l-<620 evti. M0 h.p, engine. 4-wheel drive, 125 ft. oi 7 THOMPSON Wlh h lTp.fevlnrude, Male anti Femole , Equareback wjgoii Call 221-2005 7100. IV67 6EL AIR - Four-doer loepn, whltt, 17' THOMPSON - WlTh h lTp."fevlnrude, _ VI, automotlc, rodlo, blue Interior. SIMS. SI CHEVROLET — Four-door, standard able, with PTO, Hydraulic electric plow, tunecf'up ond ready to oooo . Trailer IncludInclud- $1395 Coll tu-noo. mk lor Scott. ic Second owner. Running condition. 154). Vi It. Locking rear. 4-tpeed transmission, ed, UM. uimi. _Auto* For Sale ~Auto$"For SaUT 3 Neptune PI., Eoit Keontburg, between tidlo. 35 of booster coble with lervlc: OTfOMOBILE" 19M MO — MMTCon b« seen offer 6 p m t p.m. lorl. Plow lights. Heavy duly leof springs 16' JULIAN SKIFF — Molded plywood, tl 1967 VOLKSWAGEN •VMfltVMAMMMMM dally or (at. a.m. 41 Bgmm Hollow Rd. wd shocks. Coll 142-9111. berglos coaled hull. Asking 112!. Coll <47 6quarabacK wagon WIMMMVW Middlelown. 19« MERCURY COMET »14f. SALESMAN Good running condition. W 966 FORD — Heavy duty Econollne Von 1964 FALCON — Good running condition 29f-49l5 icon condition. «M 1940 OWENS — If Express Cruiser. We're looking lor a person with EX- 11964 VOLKSWAGEN Six cylinder stick. »!0O. Coll alter t p.m. Coll 475-1051 Sleeps four, fully canvassed. 11600. Must PERIENCE In auto sain with a proven H-9I74. I9o2 OLDSUOBILE — fwodoor Hardtop* record ol success. We olfer an txcallent 2jo«b \utonnotlc, power steering, brakes one IS JEEP — i-cyllndir, (our wheel drlvei opportunity to earn on above avtrage In- TRIUMPH - 1961 Spitfire Gree rlndowi. tm. WOW ,000 original mll«l. HOLLO TRUCK' 20'CHRIS-CRAFT SKIFF ml NEWS ITEM: top. Low mileage. Excellent Co Coll ome, whlcti will be matched by your de- llVM. 364-0558 alter So.m. 42 VOLKSWAGEN - Sunroof, new bat 142-2915 Ire and enthusiasm. 1868 VOLVO 1 ery, good tlret and snows. Beit oiler it CHEVROLET PICKUP — V,-lon RAMBLER - l»5». Automatic, Run h«m2t4.19!4 lavy duty, 35,000 mllet. Ltlwtmke It' THOMPSON — Lapstroke, 30 h.p. We ortrr liberal company benefits, In- 144 S, 4-door good. S100 ucklng Co. Phone J64-I333 Johnson engine, with trailer, Ready for elding a pension plan, excellent working Ford Motor Company & General Motors an- 291-0395 oiler 6 p.m. 1966 CHRYSLER 300 use, 1400. Call. 7173754. condlllons, a good »hop, and on etrectlve $1295 S2S0 H63FORD 6CONOLINE TWO LEATHER SEATS - For deck advertising campaign to bring customers nounce record profits for 1st Quarter 1972. 1970 VOLKSWAGEN — Automatic trans- - Phone 264-6694 Good condition. S35O ICoptoln's and Mote's). Original cost >95 In and keep them coming back, 1968 VOLVO mission, Clean, II4O0. I91-2MS Phone 291-1634, ODGE CORONET 500 - 1966, Oeluxe each. Good condition. 1SS for pair. 787- Iwo-door hordtop. Top mechonlcal shape EVROLET ONE-TON - I«S°, with 300 Apply In person at 1963 VOLKSWAGEN VAN - Rebuilt mo and appearance. Bucket won, vi engine, ip Lincoln welder. At Is. I12O0. "Ssr tor, carpeting, radio, healer, ntw seatco itlck shift automatic, brand new battery, It H.P. SCOTT ATWATER MOTOR RUSSELL Coll 717-4911 vers. MM or test efltr. SJM444, new tlret plus two extra wheels. Asking 15' boot. sso. OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC CO. 1966 VOLVO RESULT: U50. Call alter 6 p.m. or weekends, 741- Call 29I-U3I 100 Newman Springis Rd., Red Bank " 122S,4-dobr" DE SO.TO - IMS two-door hardtop. Goo< Motorcycles Ask for Mr. Nell Savory running condition. Hemlenalne. Radlr nji. ii' TERRY SKIFF -With 35 h.p. Johnson $795 heater. «5.787-oil4 after » p.m. 71 NORTON COMMANDO - Roadster, r,iotor. Best offer. General Motors announces increased divi-' •OLKSWAGSN — 1966. Radio, goo Coll 495-1161 ELECTRICIAN 1966 VOLVO 196SCHRVSLER NEWPORT - Four res, clean. Low mileage. Looks andrun 0 cc, otmoit new, 300 miles. Plione 264 ke ntw. 17/5.741-2322. 544,4-speed dends to stockholders. door, automatic/ power steering and al 21' CENTURY — Mahogany hull. In good nduitriat and commercial AC-DC ex- Good looking and aood running. SA75.67 1957 BEL AIR — Four-door hardtop. Call HONDA — 1971 3S0 Scmmbltr. condition, will accept reasonable offer. lerlence. Able to work any thlff. If Inter- 4795 W04 SoSOflrm. Call 741'2312. ested, apply Penonnil Offlc*. Mon. thru 741-1345 ——SPECIAL—— FORD announces an -across the board price 1965 CHEVROLET - Super Sport..4-ipMd »l-1074 BOAT INSURANCE Frl., ? a.m.-12 noon. trantm tslon. Nftcdt Maine. 9250 at I 1971 MG MIDGET 71 SUZUKI-90cc, woods or road. Reasonable Raits cut. 7J7-1J50. MUST SELL ig 1350, Excellent condlllon. GROSSINGER «. HELLER AGENCY 1970 MONTE CARLO Coll 493-2S9I Brood «. Mechanic sis. 741-2100 Red-Book LILY-TULIP 966 RAMBLER - (345, Standard Iw 7I7-5IM DIVISION OF OWENS-ILLINOIILLINOIS 2-door hardtop, door Amerlcon, Good condition. Going 1965 CHEVROLET VAN _ Six cylinder, !«' THOMPSON - 40 h.p. Evlnrude, elec- Hwy33! HolmdelHolmdel, N.J. lull power, factory air. the ormy, Foit tale. 946 »IO5. Handord, with wlndowi all arouna. Ask tric start and trailer, accessories Ild An ecual opporlunlty employeple r S2S95 VOLKSWAGEN — I9M Foitbock. Black Ing 1595. Call between 3-9 p.m. 566-1110. KAWASAKI >d. Coll 741-5019 Take advantage. 1970 BUG, white, Good condition. Rcaitn BEAT THE SPRING RUSH able, Iti-isoi. WANTED We feel too many motorcycle ihopl and Asbury Marine complete in- MECHANICS VOLKSWAGEN — 1M2. Good condition. 'arty who needs 100% financing on a 196* ustomers over em ph at I it extremely low board/outboard repair. 775-4232. RED BANK NEW rubber. Juit pautil Inipection. Reo CHEVROLET BI5CAYNE, Vi, powei rlct% end sptclal dealt. sonobte. Call (424523. steering, air conditioning. 11395. For mor MADE TO OR6ER nformotion, coll OASIS AAOTORS at 72 W« here at Monmouth Kawasaki have Convos covers ond all types of boot custv HELPERS VOLVO IH1 VOLKSWAGEN "100. )und that tlw bltttrrtesi ot poor itrvlce Mature all around mechanics. DOREMUS FORD (100 Chrysler products experience prt- 4<>fM» 1964 CARAVELLE - 4-cyllnder, one han Phone 291-1497 Coll 611-6746. Hwv_3» Belford NawmanSprtngt Rd. ' Red Bonk one convertible roof, tape dick, real' if ycu or* looking for a quality product good condition, 1355. 291-WS. 1967 VOLKSWAGEN - Only 23,000 mill I o fair price trom o deoler who tok« 17' SEA SCAMP — 1943. Lapstrake runa- DRIVERS, CAR DETAILERS — Full or Red Bank Excellent condition. Available May i ht-Ume to help you pick the right bfk* 1964 BUICK - Convertible. Rum well bout with accessories. S200. port-time. Apply Country Sudter Cor 741-6000 11000 (km. 542-2390. md then stand* behind that product long Call 741-Uel wosh, Mlddletown. New clutch, brokei and exhaust lyitem ifter It leaves the show room, comt and 741-5886 LYMOUTH CUDA — 1970. 440-6 pock 5225. Call 747-1005. ee us. TACHOMETERS — compasses, oottery LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Headers, tape player, etc. 12000 or best of — Full time. For progresses offlc Two PONTIAC 1970 — LeMani. White convei ter.CollS72-18l6. boxes, snops, etc. tor sal« cheop. Ible. Automatic*.^ Full line, 75 c.c. lo 750 c.c. J29-J922 days floor time per week guaranteed. Call 5 p.m. >AUL P. BOVA, Brokgr-Reallar, Middle- .S, Now Isn't this the type of motorcycle BOAT TRAILER WANTED, WILL BUY town, 471-2544. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN — Red Beelle. Lik Trucks for Sale iop you want? AS IS. 14-22- TANDEM WHEELS, ETC. PAY CASH.7l7.iltO. omotlve and torch experience, qualified \AONMOUTH MOWER MUST SELL-SACRIFICE — II' Pleasure lo install. Excellent future plus benefits: FORD FALCON WAGON - 1969, llx cyl Cruiser, permanent shelter cabin, large Aiply In person only, MIDAS MUFFLER, Inder. automatic, power iteerlng, radii 671-1073 cockpit, fisherman style, 60 h.p. outboard SHOP, 450 Hwy «, Mlddletown. • DEMONSTRATORS Best otfir. 717-1334. MULLER motor, complete with oil accessories, H70 CHEVROLET - Pickup, halt ton, i56Hwy35 Mlddletown S500. Excellent. 6712490. SCHOOL BUStlRlWrS- No ex->, VOLKSWAGEN CONVERTIBLE - 1966, 3O7-V-I, standard shift, radio. Mlleogi perlence necessary. Starling salary S2.50 1972 Mercedes-Benz Excellent condition. 26,519. Remainder of 5 year, 50,000 tnl MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE 22' ALL FIBERGLAS 1970 T-CRAFT - y.r hour. Apply In person to Mr. Mlchoii; Coll 747-2*45 alter * p.m. warranty available. 12495. Coll 566-800: Reosonobl* Rotet Fly bridge, excellent fishing family boot. Gcrmley, Admlnlslrallve Assistant, Mai-i osk for Scott. / GROSSINGER & HELLER AGENCY No upkeep. Very economical. A-l condi- let Township Board ef Education. 17I9A road & Mechanic Sts. 741-2100 Red Bant tion. Many extras. 747-0SI4. 280S.E.4.5 Wanted Automotive 1966 CHEVROLET PICKUP - SIX cyll Union Ave., Hoilet, NJ. _ . . Equipped with power steering, automat- der, radio, heater, aood tlret, good condi 97T YAMAHA — 200'c.c. Street. 310C 23' CABIN CRUISER — 12S h.p. Chrysler HELP WANTED - Fromers and ttieo- Hon. Must sell. S995T7I7.-1693. lies. USD or best offer. W4-64S0 after 3 marine engine. Good fishing boat. Brand ic transmission, power brakes, tinted Itiers. Contact Tower Construction Co. new airtrlrjers— . Sleeps two' . Need"—'"s """littl"e Phone Jvl-4906 glass, air conditioning, electric windows, 1967 DOOGE WINDOW VAN - Automal I or best olfer. S42-40IO atler Ic, good condition. Asking 11000. 167 HONDA 1(0 — Street Scrambler. work.sto and AM-FM radio. Finished in grean,. Coll 747-3(82 :lectrlc start. Excellent condlllon. 1250. 6:30 p.m. NURSE'S^AIDES"- Day IhM. Call'HUP WE NEED USID CARS all 2<4-(S09. 20 H.P. JOHNSON 1966 . And controls ti-p Nurslno Hom^for a^polntintnl. : 1962 CHEVROLET - Large step-in vai Will demonstrate. Coll WE WILL PAY partially converted Into camper. Run 1972 KAWASAKI 500 _ Mach III. Hardly 291-1029 well. All good tlret, WOO. 842-OWO. jsed (Only 70 miles) "•-"— ; CARPENTERS, WOODWORKERS, l-l- TOP PRICES Phone 671-1775 ALUMINUM ROWBOAT — Excellent OERGLAS MOLDERS — Generous com- 1962 FORD FALCON - Good runnln condition. Oars. $60. jpony benefits, steody employment. JEN- condition. Best olfer, Tlnton Falls Schoo KAWASAKI — 1970 100 cc TrollDOH. Phone t42-2!M otter s p.m. SEN MARINE, Boundary Road, Marl- TOM'S FORD 542-0117. J3S0 or best offer boro, 431-0101). <71-0189, ask lor Dave 17' PICNIC SLOOP - Fiberglos Day Soil- er. Enclosed cabin with mahogany hatch, IREAL ESTATEJSALES — Commerclol, Autos For Sale Autos For Sale 971 YAMAHA - 350 street bike. Ex trailer and S h.p. Seagull motor. Goodlindustrlal. and fund only. Local eslob- illent condition, »*S0 firm. condlllon. Eveningmings 542-5552. lushed firm opening new olflct tor Inn TT, purpose. Must have ll«ns» ond «om« «• r196r¥EVEL iBIN CRUISER - '71 HONDA - CL350. Low mlleoje. Like 155 wrience. Send resumt to fU» K-25, TM new. Asking 5725. Call after 6:30. 673-9343. 11 FRONT END — Alignment special! «7Vc"—iTt-^-i 1 ' 0LDT0WN - mi. SO h.p. Johnson. Good Mlary ond tentfltsjor.ltit.rlahtjjerIMfltS (( . BIKE - 175 cc, runs ijoo. Needs work. Coll alter 6p.m. 7J7- IWH TIRE, Hwy Extra 12025. soo.AAppli y In person>n,. CRO Theit a* traded bargains Phone 264- •erf Monmoulh. LARSON — Rberglos. 100 h.p. John demand a lew minutes ol » months!"' ,. HORT ORDER COOK - Pleas, apply In :.ndltlon. »"•„'• Q. 27V-O46V. erson, no phoiw calls, HOWARD JDHN- your time If you are Inter- ON RESTAURANT, Rte 35, MUMIetawn. • YOU'LL ONLYi Special ested In real value. See CHR RA T Cjbln cruiser. Twin i AWAHA — 1970 350 c.c. street bike. 15501"' . l5.S E r,, fftWCall 761-0172 af- CAREER OPPORTUNITY them now! Irm. Excellent condlllon. Military obilga- motors. 1650 or best oil EXPANDING MONMOUTH COUNTY GET THIS I lion requires sol«. 67I-0J44 atler 5 p.m. er 5 i>.m. REAL ESTATE FIRM - Seeks full time MOTORCYCLE - Amerlcon Eagle 1970, »' CORRECT CRAFT - Mahogany hull, real estate lain people for our new of- Specials!!! 175 cc, good condition. Asking Woo. Call nnyl Interior. First SIM takes It. Call 142- rices. Licensed or unlicensed. It unll- OPPORTUNITY ««• censed, we will train ond prepare Ihrouah u r l f l h < ol n ml 1971 HONDA 350 SCRAMBLER - Only oi H.p. MERCURY - Lono shall, electric S, . . lR, 5j5 nJ5 , J i H il .!!?.Ii?i. ™' ONCE MORE THIS YEAR.. .BUY NOW & SAVE!!! 2500 miles. Great condition. S600. start, CompLeteljT rebuilt. New controls. ««.«J«»fAV'ftu'rV'faf™ 'ayoljoble. S30O firm. 142-6476. bgement In near future. Draw available. '69 ALFA ROMERO '1710 f 671-9261 Call Palace Really Associates, 'lt-4400 oi HONDA 450 — 1970. High handle bars, M-16 SAILBOAT - Flberglas, minimum SM-5300. .Ask for Mr. Steam. • • Convertible " megaphone exhaust, extras. SBOO. weight. Like new condition. All racing equipment, trailer. Best olfer. 741-4041. SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEES - 229-0469 Earn 112,000 per year If qualified. Call '63 LINCOLN... '490 • MINI-BIKE — Runs very well. 19' CABIN SLOOP — Sleeps two, Head. Miss Strand. 244-9137. 190 Includes.mooring, outboard motor. Call Continental 4-door. Great car for the $ $. Air conditioned. 1120920 291-99J5 after 7 p.m. CARPET7AECHANICS — Or helpers. Mult IKJVI Mpnltm.. uiij car, Call SH- MURPHY & DAVISON® #' 70 VOLKSWAGEN *1370f OW. Mobile Homes A . -< sunroofI. Neat as a pin BUSINESS NOTICES , REGISTERED NURSES-And LPN's for HWY9 462-5300 FREEHOLD TRAVEL TRAILER - Brand new. Go nursing home. Full and part-time. Good Tag-A-Lona, Completely self contained. pay. Holmdelorto. Evenings 531-3125 7\T '70 PLYMOUTH *1270§ Heod, sink, furnace. Stov* has oven ond power air vent. Sleeps 4, easily converted fAiTgSTAfE SALES-Licensed pro- Duster. Automatic transmission o 6. Selling due to Illness. 12200 or best LIN-MAR ferr.d, Aggresslvt growing oltlct re- otfer. Call 291-1724. quires a large staff duo to .xpanslon pro- BUILDERS "nlyinte—-J In salespeople, Jde- - '68 MERCURY '890 10x50 TWO-BEDROOM " »' • Monterey. 2-door hardtop, automatic transmission, power steering. Air conditioned. Must be moved B72-179I al referral service. Member of two ML51. bathrooms ond~i7ART-TIME COUNTER HELP - For dry 'hone 93a-S731 alter 6 p.m. cleaning store. Experience preferred. Phone PROWN'S Call 264-1000 12 Broad St., Red Bank 741-7500 LUXURY 27' MOTOR HOME — For rent, WEEKEND HELP WANTED - Outside to, responslbjresponsible ppartyt . $350 per week plus soles. 1100 a day can be made) Paid some illeage. Coll 542' LAWN doyl Musi be over 21. Call 542-5546. 7-10 p.m. only or weekends. 1969 ELCONA — 12x52, two bedrooms MAINTENANCE . n large kitchen, living room. Completely Lawns cut ond trimmed by the monlh. WANTED - Outside maintenance worker Call 747-1681 , nn'maJl.tiorseJorm.^Apaly small horse form. Ap ^ THIS WEEK'S furnished. Must be moved. 717.9446. OMBS ANIMAL HOSPI W.OBILE HOME — 12x50, plus 10*30 tomi- MOVING AND HAULING, PIANO MOV- ury Ave., Shrewsbury. ly room. Central air conditioning. Two ING. REFRIGERATORS, WASHERS, WALL DRYERS, MOVED AND DELIVERED. ^LES CLERKS - Needed In deluxe Red bedrooms. Three years old. 264.7311. -SZiOALL TREES AND SHRUS, CUT DOWN AND ank store. Port lime and full time. Apply 1970 MOBILE HOME — Two bedrooms. REMOVES; CLEANTOP WRK'AND inrrertreneei'to-BorKHOTTWrDKItV- SHRIWSBORY,NJ. Furnished, on lot with carport and shed. WINDOW WASHING. FREE ESTI- eglster. Red Bank. • Sacrifice. S6S00. 542-2233. MATES. INSURED. 1967 CADILLAC COUPE V REPAIRMAN — Experienced. Full A beautiful "Showroom New" car One 747-5400 Shrewsbury Ave., 739-0648 me employment. Benefits. Apply In per- on. Norwood Television Co., 295 Brood- owner, equipped with all the extras. Facto- Wanted—Automotive AEMODELING - Painting, paneling} roy. Long Branch^ iheelrock and taping, concrete block ond ry air conditioning, speed and cruise con- i:!e work. Free estimates. 7I7-3721. n trol, tilt wheel vinyl roof, leather Interior, JUNK CARS More Classified . PICKED IIP LAWN MAINTENANCE power win.dows, seat, steering, brakes, an- Fertlll:lng, raking, sod. Free estimates on Next Page tenna, etc. AM-FM stereo radio, tinted Twmbrook Auto "" ine«42-il93. glass, whltewalls, discs, etc. — Immaculate WE COULD CARE LESS ... Wrecking LIGHT HAULING - CLEAN CELLARS Business Notice* white, black roof and interior, must seo lor YARDS, GARAGES - Free estimates. BUT WE DON'T Eatont'own 542-2235 Call after 3 p.m. 741-2149. yourselfl Wo could be interested only in selling cars , . . but where WANTED - Choice used cars, wllh "cer!k fled mileage. Contact Ed Slgler. DISAPPEARING ATTIC STAIRS — Fur- $ would that got us? We know we must have satisfied cus- nished ond Installed for only S64.95. To or AMERICAN der, coll 349-0163. 2195 tomers to jet their repeat business ... so we go alt out to AA. SCHWARTZ CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH sell you a good car. give you export a(tpr-lhe-sale service 141 W. Front St., Red Bank 747-071? Fairway Landscaping ;md win a Iriend. Come to Shrewsbury Motors... the c,v- Professional Manogement-Turt-Shruos ASPHALT GET CASH FOR YOUR FOREIGN - Trees. Free estimates. /41-725S or 531 inq c.ir dealership AND SPORTS CARS AT MONMOUTH 71OTORS, INC., Hwy 35, Eatontown, 542- 9216. free Estimates 2414. QUALITY MASON WORK — All phaies.1 PRICES SLASHED ON 71's 1969 VOLKSWAGEN «1495 llreplaces, polios, brick, etc. Guaranteed Sedan, white, radio, heater. Highest prices paid for all used cars Call 331-5711 SatlslactoiyWork 1971 MAUBU Sporl Coupe, air, vinyl roof, full power, radio, whltewalls $3295 OVER WHOLESALE I Buyer on premises 1970 VOLKSWAGEN '1595 ot all limes. O^RINU CLEAN UP~Yards£*nl£S. «T! at Reasonable) Coet TOWN (, COUNTRY DODGE lors. Odd |obs, light haullna.^Seasonoblv i Sedan, yellow, radio, healer. 566-6100 rates. Call 291-05)3 or 2yl-l«60*Or|«r S. osk 1971 MAUBU 4-door isdan, V-S, automatic, power, radio, heater, whllewalls $2995 'or Jim. . ' ;•<•' ; v. - For Any Information 1966 PLYMOUTH '995 CARS WANTED - WE PAV TOP DOL CARPENTER-BUILDER -Complete Call 1971 VEGA Wagon, automatic, radlo,,v»hltewalli, low miles $2295 Balvodore. 2-door hardtop, radio, hoator, automatic, 6 cylinder LAR FOR CLEAN USED CARS, CALL MR, JOSEPH 5425500 home remodeling. Roam additions and oa power staering. rage. KARL SCHLOEDER. 671-5)14, 1970 CHRYSLER Sporl sedan, air, vinyl roof,AM-FM, full power, whllewBlls $3195 WANTED — Exhaust manifold for (lot 6 cylinder engine. Ford, 1952. HOUSEPAINTING - interior. Exterior. 291-0362 1967 CHEVROLET .'1495 Coll 747-1681 after 6p.m. Reasonable rales. Free estimates. Call 1970 MONTE CARLO Coupo, air, vinyl rool, powor, stereo tape, whltowalls $2795 Cilmnro convertible, radio, hoalor, automatic, V-B, powor stooring, air 9 a.m. lo 8 p.m. 1970 PONTIAC Sport coupe, air, vinyl rof, lull power, whllswalli $2595 conditioning. 1967 FORD '1395 1970 IMPAIA Sport Sadan, V-8, vinyl toof, power, radio, hoator, whlto walls $2395 Gulaxie 2-door hardlop, radio, lioator, aulomutlc, V-8, power CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY steering, air conditioning, 1970 MAUBU Sport coupe, V-B, buckets, powor, vinyl roof $2295 1968 PLYMOUTH '1 !&5 A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR 1970 MAUBU Sporl coupe, V-8, automatic, power, radio, heater, whltowalls $2195 Bmracuda, 2-door hardtop, radio, hoater, automatic, V-8, power stoaring. MANY NEEDS! 1970 MGB Convertible 4-spe»d, radio, mans, low miles $1995 1968 FIAT '1395 Roadster, radio, hoator, 4-spood Adding Machines Garage Doors 1970 IMPAIA Sport coupe, sir, automatic, power, radio, healor, discs $1895 Typewriters Pearl and 1969 PONTIAC ....'1995 Electric Operators, Rodlo Controls. Bead Restrlnglng Flberqloss Doors, Sales and Service. 1970 PLYMOUTH Duster coupe, 8,3-on-lloor, air conditioned, etc $1695 G. r.O. 2-door hardtop, rndio, hoator, automatic, V-fl, powor stooring ADDING MACHINES - T»pe*rllers Expertly on braided nylon II.50 a strand Oft l t l r O Conoco SI£KELS, INC. M2-4112 llerllna clasps from 73c. RIUSSILLEV M 1 969 BUICK Electro 4-door, Air, vinyl roof, lull power, whlfownlls $2695 1969 FORD '1995 J 'i rjj ff rV 5l ' "" " General Contractors Broad St., Red Bonk. LID, i.'-iioor Maidlii|>, niilin, Imiilor, aulomnlic, V-B, powor sloorlng Buljder CARPENTRY — Remodellna. paneling, 1969 CHRYSLER Slmca Compact waaon, 4-tpeed, radio, healer $895 powor windows, air conditioning. closets, doors. Odd obs. Reasonable RALPH A 'COLE,"Builder"- New homes! tales. 142 41IS Roofing, iddllloni, alterations ond roofs. 1970 OPEL .' «2195 Call 741)505 CARPENTER-iiiiLDER " GT coupo, radio, lio,ilor,

Hilp Wanlid Help Wonted Help Wonted Kit Malt or F»male Molt or Femalt Male and Female INSTRUCTION ELECTRONIC , MIVATE PIANO LltSONS - And mull NOTICE cal thtory olven In Holm del, For appoint ASSEMBLERS FAST WE WILL TRAIN :LA«INET LKSSONS ^ By college Uu. WANTED READERS HmUl MIRKAR"- for.obl. tl.cfrlc VITHA C K A CTION STOCK CLERK Itnt malerlna In muilc. Coll htattr, lompi, plctu'ti. birJipr«o«i, cur. LO^!C O S T AND ADVERTISERS Mini, knlck kiwcKi. I'OHII. DAILY REGISTER IOOK5MELF UNITS - With droweri ond MATERIAL MERCHANDISE abin.u 111 wolnul. Jut* booohl. Call 774 In compliance with the New Jersey Law Against DIs 715eveningi. FAMILY AD crimination, all Help Wanted Advertising now appears un- „ HANDLERS For Salt der the combined "Help Wanted Male or Female" column 3 LINES-5 DAYS .Reference to age, sex or marital status may not be ex- PORTERS BASKETBALL -,«t the bdlketbali tivert It's nealthyl pressed, unless a bona fide occupation requirement exists. Light office and factory cleaning lackbMrd, ring and net. •!• 10 comiilete. t. .RAILBB - Never med. Oo- ag-A-Long. Complttely letf contalnto TU° T $2.00 PERMANENT POSITIONS teel polu, brocket, etc In stock S LIBERAL BENEFIT PROGRAM Head, sink, furnace. Stove hal oven one vallable for Merchandise For Sole only Information regarding positions with possible bona fide oc- DAY SHIFT ONLY. RED BANK LUMBER power air venl Sleepi 4, emlly tonvirled krtlcle must orlglnnit from 0 nouienoid cupational requirements or clarification of the New Jersey 0 t Selllna due fo Illneti. S3IO0 or btif ind moy not exceed a lole price ol tSC.OO Wall Street Red Bonk 741-UM pll.r Coll ftlUil _^ ENTRON INC. • EHIND THE TIMES ANTIQUES •"rlc« MUST be odverllied. Each onditlan- Law Against Discrimination may be obtained by calling the t. /? Morgnnvlllf, N,J 77 Shrewsbury Avenue ATGE~5OFABED — «eil t, Hawaii mov- I lire »l 00 No copv chonges may Oe An Equal Opportunity Employer New Jersey Division on Civil Rights, (201) 648-2700, or b) »«• Honk I**?1. 1 camera. Many olhir household llemt ode ond na discounts or returns will be writing to 1)00 Raymond Blvd., Newark, N.J. 07102. :all I4M0H. ode Mad II canceled befort expiration, LITTLE SILVER REPAIR CENTER Salet 4 Service JICfCLE -^SchwFnn, fllrl'i, SI4. Sean To Place Your Dolly Register "~ "SALESAAAN New & Used Tractors. Mowers. Bicycles 0" rotary mower, no. Sprinkler holt, «3. FAMILY AD, CALU.. Help Wanted Help Wanted 747 0573 741-JI41- U Jed leaf for little one, S3. Barbecue with MEN'S CLOTHING & FURNISHINGS blower, IIS. All In good condition. 94ft Male and Female Male and Pemale_ FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES tIM. Established men's specially store has Irtv Welfare ond'people with credit problems. ; 741 -t mediate openings for experienced pros In nstant credit. Immediate delivery. Coll CHWINN 20" BIKE — Boy' l Jr " CONTROLLER""' Mr. Orond,37JM11. jllngroy, «!0. Olrl'i Stingray, »1S. Train- PRODUCTION our Red Bank store. Liberal company 1 24-Hour Service benefits. Apply In person, Mr. Slier, ng wheelt, 11.50. Child ! formica table WHY WAIT New Jersey subsidiary of Long Island DESKS, FILES, tables, chairs, adding mo ctioln, >18.14MM1. Growth central N. J. firm seeks person; based building company seeks strong con- hint*e», typewriterstype , oft ice equlpm ieks ond we.ks for Window 9ho»«- with Inspection, production or warehous troller with experience In lorge single and NATELSONS orgaln prices. New or used. AAC,BTLCO CELLAR DOORS - ! yeorfcld, Wit orders reody In less than ont hour Irto, experience. Permonent posilion with multi-family construction pro|ecti. This DESK °OUTCEf ,)709 Rt. 35, Oakhunt • lie C. Original price >7I. Asking I5D. Cal ug« itlKflon »1.4» and up. Up lo 72 In good poy. Fringe benefits and advance full charge position will include cost con 531-3990. 7I7-7355. ' ment opportunity. Position* available o trol, cash flow, accounts payable ond re- Broad & Front Sts. Island 2nd shifts. ceivable, will report directly to President. 5TABCRAFT CAMPERS ' " COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR - Wlh "*" PROWN'S Tii7 Equal Opportunity Employer Box 149, Hwy 33, Formmadale, N.J. 07727 clude educational opportunity with tuition WAACKAACK ARMS p.m., 291-1701. 7". extrabrushes, »75.717-2105. _ _ 938-5067 reimbursement, vacation benefits, paid In- porting aoods, tithing tockle, gum. .11 BOGEN P.A. SYSTEM - With Alias col VArNUT'BEDROOM SET -•"Doubie'bed. surance and nine holidays annually. Sala- rlaln St., Keansburg, 717 6333. Open tvi umns and reverb. Many extros. t2O0. Coll Iresser. chest, night table, vanity with Help Wanted r SALES CAREER ry commensurate with experience. Con- Help Wanted tings Mon. Sat. until 10 p.m. (7-<472. tench. Excellent. 842-1414. tact Personnel Department, Rlvervlew For the right Individual, we otler a moi LIQUOR CLERK and Female Male and Female AMUSEMENT GAMES-HERE'S HOSPITAL BED LAM RAKES (3t - Made by Porter vetous challenge. No ceiling on evcntuf hospital. Red Bank. 741-2700, Ext. 235. An We are looking tor an ambitious tndivlH tquai opportunity employer M/F, SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR THE Good condition. 1M. me hard bottom, one soft bottom. 125 Income. Excellent start,na salary, ptu: MEN'S CLOTHING ALTERATIONS 1 unl to work os o clerk in our liquor onr FAMILY THAT MAS •'EVERYTHING. 7171147 ach. Coll 364-6414 after 6 p.av .commlisloni. while completing our 3-yeai gourmet shop. i-OREMAN NEW OR USED PIN-BALL GAMES soles training program, Liberal frtno« ARTHUR"MURRAY" Established clothing store seeks part-time JUKE BOXES, POOL TABLES, AND •"SEARS REEL-TYPE MOWER — SelT HITE - toicherTeabTneC Formica top. benefits and future management opportu- The right Individual must be personabi Arthur Murray school of dancing has tailor to assist In olterinq men's suits, OTHER NOVELTY GAMES OF THE iropelled. Two years old. 150. -shaped den set wllh table, converts In nity.LET 1972 be your yeor of opportu- Growth forpor-alicn located in Middlesex sport coats ond slocks. Apply In person lo leep two. Toble lamp, wrought lrerienM in manufacturing operation. VERTED FOR HOME USE. ALSO FOR household Items, games, toys, 305 Mam pany benefits. Coll Mr. McGohey, 747 MO p.m., 12 Broad St., Red Bonk, 741- Backgroind In pressroom, maintenance, NATELSONS YOUR POOL TABLE, A COMPLETE St., Port Monmoulh, IDS, Man-Sun,, 717- fOTPOlNf^TAIr conditioner, 150. GE HELP NEEDED 3334. Davidson's Liquors, 26 Broad St. *.858._ ^_ weldlna. paint spray or assembly Is oppti- LINE OF ACCESSORIES, REPAIR AND rVoshlng machine, HOD. Dehumldltler, S50. Red Bank, Brood and Front Sts, Red Bank Earn vacation money. Work convenleni cable. We offer advancement opportunity, IECOVERING, SERVICING IN YOUR GE Frlgldolre, 3-door, 36", 1350. All al- daytime hours delivering 20 envelopes a REAL ESTATE CAREER good salary, liberal benefit progrom. OWN HOME. HOME RECREATION SECTIONAL COUCH — Two-piece, gooc most new, perfect condition. 847-0076. dqy to businesses in local area. CAR AUTd"CAR" P "OLiSH E R Expanding company needs bolh sates and WOODWORKERS CENTER, «i MUNROE AVE., ASBURY condition. Mattress, spring, very goo NECESSARY. Cal! 542-7791 between 10 EXPERIENCED management help. Experienced or not, we CALL434-24B4 A rapidly growing company has openings 'ARK. 774-1410. condition. Antique sewing machine an GIRL'S 3-SPEED BICYCLE ond 2 p.m. Mon. thru Frl. only. will train and license, No overcrowded of OR APPLY IN PERSON 8 A.M.-2 P.M. for experienced woodworkers. Trainee? cabinet. In working condition. Couch, fall Excellent condition. 140. This Is a permanent position. AM fring condition. Call 7470151: Call 142-4641 benefits. Apply in person, Red Bank Vot (ices. Highest commission in the Industry. NO PLACEMENT FEES also needed. Must be dependable. Ex IN5URANCE SALESMAN — Full or poi Draw available. Call Academy Agency cellent company benefits and working GERANIUMS tlm«. Life and Casualty experience. Un vo. 119 E. Newman Springs Rd., Re SWIMMING POOLS — FAMILY SIZED. CAP FOR PICKUP TRUCK - •'• factor'/ Mr. LHghtan, 739-3222 conditions. Apply EBSCO BUILDING, for SI. Flower and vegetable plants usual possibilities for earnings. Call 447 Bank. vholesole and reloll. MIKE'S GREEN- ABOVE GROUND ALUMINUM AND 3ke, one year old, 1250. 4014 for appointment. OLSTEN'5 Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury. 741-4389. NOUSES, 301 Shore Blvd., Keomburg REDWOOD POOLS. MUST DISPOSE OF 747-9540 655 Ambov Ave. Woodbrldae. N.J. W-UU. Hours 9 o.m.-e p.m. ENTIRE STOCK IMMEDIATELY. PICK SERVICE~STATION MECHANIC~^"FU CARPENTER OFFSET STRIPPER COOK THEM UP FOR ABOUT 1500. CALL BIL- iNESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR •- time days, six day week. Uniforms sup- Fine trim work, paneling, layout. Cotl 741 An Equal Opportunity Employsr LY, COLLECT. (201)-73»-7O0O, 145. Elecdryer, 135. Bar, J30. 1971 1144 after 7 p.m. Experienced in Italian cooking. Plymouth trailer hitch, 15. Call 671-0^85. lied, salary negotiable. Dependable, te- Men ond Women Larg)e trees moved and tree workl; LUDWIG — 9-plece drum lef.~i"ncludes rloble. Only apply If first class work I TEACHER — 5 to 7 years experience. Un- OFFSET PRESSMAN RING THE BELLS! OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR what you put out. In person. LINCROF" Call 872-1322 ; chrome snare and Zlldllan cymbals,'drum usual opportunity for qualified candidate, All benefits, oaod salary. 741-9300. NOW ISTHE SEASON! throne and sticks. Champagne Sparkle. And accessories, 150. ESSOr Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft, "or interview, colt 222-8704. HAIRDRESSERS WANTED — Full or part-time. Established salon. Excellent HAMMOND ORGAN Excellent condition. (275. 671-5023, Phone 591-1391 PARTS DEPARTMENT — Co'unter On, TELEPHONE SOLICITORS — MoWe , SECRETARY clientele. Phone 946-BZOO for appointment, SOFA AND CHAIR GOOD HUMOR TOWN & COUNTRY BEAUTY SHOP, BOUNTY HUNTER — Metal detectors delivery man. Apply In person. people. Earn 115 to $20 o week. MUS GAL/GUY FRIDAY ~lnd coins, rings, antique boltles and CALL No experience necessary Holmdel. DOWNESPONTIAC HAVE 747, 741 or 842 exchange. 842-5749. Jiorthand and typing, must be tops. New, iDf Aibury Pork nare. S49.9S lo 1)64 95. For Information, 566-7260 growing company in convenient area. Call No expense or cost to you 62 E. Main St., Matowan Enjoy high Income SINGLE NEEDLE OPERATORS — On Brand new croon with Rhythm :oll 172-0890 Tues. and Thurs. after 5 p.m 'WOMAN — LIVE-IN-HOUSEWORKTSAC EXECUTIVE SECRETARY — With legal Ul-Utl EXECUTIVE DESK - Good condition Immediate employment only coats. Lining makers to work at home. Ight drawers. ARY S95 PER WPEK PLUS FREE background, to work for top executive In Immedlole delivery. Bench, tnuilc an< TRUCK CAMPER - Sink, stove, Ice box Labor Relations and Plants Management. Bring vwr N.J. Driver's License Union shop. Apply Wall St. Fashions, 37 Coll 222-7794 ROOM AND BOARD. WILL BOARD DENTAL ASSISTANT 585 Shrewsbury Ave. Shrewsbury won St., Red Bank, loni Included. 'leeps four. 1750. HUSBAND FREE. NO EXPERIENCE Top secretarial skills required. Excellent Call 29l-»52». , vlUST SELL - G.E. retrlgeralor-freeier, NECESSARY. SERVICE COUPLES AC- employe benefits. Salary commensurate CARPENTER'S HELPER — NO ex- >135, Norge washing machine and gas wlih experience. Send resume to Box H RECEPTIONIST MCDONALDS DRIVE-IN 775-9300 WEDDING GOWN — Size 12, nylon dottec CEPTABLE. CALL 531-9067 AFTER 5:30 Experienced preferred. Top salary. 5M- 725 HWY, 35 MtOOLETOWN perl«nct necessary- Call after i p.m. Iryer, 175. Rotlsslere broiler, 110. Four 52, The Dally Register, Red Bank. 3pen dally 'III 9 Sat. 'til 5swiss, matching floor length veil, 1100 P.M. /McDonalds needs menn and women. Mon. 4H4114 2144037. hairs, 12 each. Cosh and carry. Call after CARPENTERS — And carpenter's help- tthrh ru SSun . coverin__;erlni ag tht-h -e followinflli g, -..shiftshif.t : :30 p.m. 741-7638. WIDOWER WHO RESIDES IN LIN- . _ EN ERAL OFFICE -Capable, In- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING machines. All MAMIYA CAMERA — 35mm, «5, wit FULL TIME BABYSITTER —"Live-in ers, experienced only. Call between 7 ond 1111a . to 2 pp.m.m , 111 aa.mm . t o 4 pp.m.m , 11 a.mm .felllg«nt, motureperson wonted (or Insur- CROFT — Requires intftlllgent and refined | e pers n woned fo Insur makes new or used. Guaranteed Low asflash, I!. Argus slide protector, 40x40,120. ARCHITECT'S OREAM — One pair used preferred. Htnlet area. After 5 p.m., 8 p.m. 7B7-3125. iY^Vf"i niinoonn toto 8 « p.m. pmTVp.m, 4 p,m,. toto 1 2 area. Insurance ex- housekeeper. Could be on either full or •nee office. Mattqwo! n 135. Serplca's, 101 Monmouth St. Next f screen S2.5O. Brownie Bullsrye, wltr ornamental wrought Iron gates. 42"x43" Coll 739-2835 . . m|ar,ioM, 5 p.m. to 12 rnlUnlgM. 6 p.m. to illi t ti WAITRESS — Experienced, Days. Towi part-time basis It transportation Is not a „ „„, perience preferreerred or willing to train Hitoter. 747-0485. flash, SS. Pentax 7x50 tinted binoculars each. Beautiful design. Must be seen to be lllSnloM. Apply In person or call 671- right person. This full-time position offers COFFEE SHOP WAITRESS- Ex- & Surl Diner, Rt. 35, AAlddletown. problem. For Information, call 747-24(40 0925 S25. AM/FM portable radio, SIS. pocks appreciated. Reasonable. Coll B47-0258. perienced, Days. 7 to 4. Apply in perso challenge and Is diversified. Excellent sal COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY - Soil A71-13U during business hours. Outside of business vinyl siding doesn't dent like obsolet ado, S3. Working condlllon. !?l 03«. ' BIANCHI EMPIRE — Wedding gown. Shore Point lnn> 3360 Hwy 35, Hazlef. hours, call 741-0803. ary under modern and pleasant working POLISHER — Experienced only. Top sal conditions. Call Mrs. Richmond for ap-metal siding. Call for free estimate, D.W. Blushinihlng pink silk organia with matchlnq Barr Home Improvements. 842-3053. THAYER CARBEO *lcT— CoscoTuST SALES HELP WANTED - To sell Horn* ary, all year employment. Apply Beckei CARPET MECHANICS - Or helpers, TELEPHONE pointment, 503-13W. cricTlr. 1)0. Room divider, S4. All In ex I silk Illusion veil, slie 10, S75. 741- Improvements, roofing and aluminum 3id- Plating Inc., 121 Hwy 35, Neptune. must have experience ond car. Call 2B3- cellent condition. 7I7-I370. SOLICITING SERVICE 5TATION ATTENDANT - Ful Ing. Call 544-1717. Earn vacation money by worklno, parl- IBM TYPEWRITERS -EARS — Model 70 automatic woshtr. CASHIER m rom our time, SVi days. Must be neat. 264-7726 MEN'S SUITS — And Blue span locket SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT -Ex Apply In person, CBS Supermarket. CREDIT INTERVIEWERS —-Notiona,noU*'1 * * Oceonport office, tele- Keyport Mobil, Rf. 36 and Broad St., Key.Factory renewed. Rent, option to buy, 11;Hlckey-Freeman, 44 reg., SIS each. Ex Used two years. Infinite water level. Five perlenced. Eves. 5-10 p.m. Suns. 11 to \ 36 Main St., Keansburg. ewelry chain looking for ambitious per phonhonee solicitingg businesses only In theport. mo. All machines guaranteed. Portabli cellent condlllon. Maple desk, 112. Pore wash/rinse combination. Spin cycle needs repairs. 1724137. 34-hour service. p.m. Apply In person HOLMDEL VIL- son, no previous credit experience rere-.—- 'lonmout:•••;,-• h Count*-,-,•>'«-«-y are«a foL"r* charitabl ;; e or-~ glider, S10. 142-1446. 842-1576. adlustment. 170. 842-5115. - J LAGE ESSO, Main St. JEWELRY SALESMAN - Experienced. qid l tti k I Et PRODUCTION FOREMAN - ElecTrtT Excellent opportunity for advancement. quired, lor part-time work In our Eoton- panizotion. Coll 541-7791 belween 10 ond 2, WE BUY AND SECCANYTHINS — USri- toroge. From 1300 each, call before noon — Good running condition, 335. 23" con-FENDER TELECASTED GUITAR - ployer. ir afler » p.m. |»1)-43I-1371. _ •accounts poyabte, receivable and cost irtunlty employer M/F CAR PORTER — Full time.'Must have FOOD HANDLERS WANTED — Part sole TV, SS, Holbort oil burner S2S. 74r With two humbucklrig pickups and case. control. Annual volume approximately 0312. SI SO. 739-2860 OIL BURNER MECHANIC — BOAT MATE — 471 CHRIS CRAFT, MON- N.J. driver's license and excellent driving time now thru June. 30-40 hour week July GOLF BALLS U5GA — Close out, SO' five million dolors. Construction or re record. Uniforms supplied. All company PERIENCED. FRED D. WIKOFF C MOUTH BEACH AREA. MUST BE EX- and August. Apply Nlckerson's, Board- itf, U.t9 doien. 19 Church St., Little SI -LECTRIC GUITAR — And amplllier _AS DRYER - RCA Whirlpool, lated experience necessary. Company ben- Maple Ave,, Red Bank. benefits. Call Russell Oldsmobtle-Codlllac walk, Keansburg. 1 p.m: to S p.m Tues er. H2-M16. efit*. Salary open. Coll 938-5067. PERIENCED IN MAINTENANCE AND Three months -old. ISO. Call day or night. perature. Never used. 1135. Co., 741-9010. Ask for Dallas Ebel. thru Sot., all day Sunday. No phone calls. 329-3655 BOOKKEEPERS ASSISTANT — Mature. OPERATION OF POWER BOAT, FREE USED GRAND PIANO — Schubert. Gaol 543-5424 SCHOOL BUS DRIVER — Immediate Typing essential. Automotive firm. Con- O STAY ABOARD WEEKENDS AND vWAITRESSES - Experience preferable. HOUSEKEEPER - Excellent position for ploying condition, 1475. Lots of trade-In: EARLY AMERICAN SOFA - »800 new, opening. Part-time or full time. Atlantic leniai atmosphere. Permanent full-time. WEEK SUMMER TRIP. CALL o/e-0777 Muit be over 21. Apply in person, 11 a.m.-a reliable serious person wishing steatty rom s/5. Used organs from $195.Unllmlt CAMPER - will sacrifice, 1300. Just recovered In blue Highlands area. Reply Box G-86, Th* OR 373-4544. 2 p.m. and from 5-8 p.m. HOWARD employment, Top salary to right person 4ours 9 to I and 3-7:30 p.m. Send resume td rentals from S7.50 per month, wor For pickup truck. Sleeps 4. 244-7511 and green check Scofchguard. 264-3285. Daily Register, Red Bonk. to Mr. Long, c/o General Delivery, MaJa- JOHNSON RESTAURANT, Rt. 35. Mid Adults only. Must hove references. Col louse lor Klmball-Conn-Chlckerlng-Wur PERSON — To work in Shipping and Re- SUPER GARAGE SALE — Furniture 842-1930. Illier-Yomoha. Over 150 units In stock MOTHER'S HELPER — Summer. Ma ceiving Deportment, full-time. Medical able sow, books, cabinets, appliances AZALEAS - $1.35 FREEHOLD MUSIC CENTER, 12 Tlirock ture, with references. Four children. Live COUPLES — Part-time. Ambitious peopk and retirement benefits. Apply NOR- EXPERIENCED SALES HELP -.To SHIRESPONSIBLE PERSON — To work In iot., Moy 4, 10 to 4, Sun. 1 lo 5. 14 Mill' lOrton St., Freehold. 462-4730. 50 Hosford Ave., Leonardo In. S3S weekly. Little Silver. Write to f ~ needed for business expansion. Income WOOD DISTRIBUTORS INC., 671 Brood- ham* Imnrnvrmenfs. Salary plus commis- local sfoble mornings cleaning stalls. Ave., Port Monmouth toff Main St. nea sion. Phone 544-1717 ALUMINUM COMBO STORM^INDOWJ. G-84, The Dally Register, Red Bonk. $1000 per month. 542-1307 between 5-7 p.m woy,Ltmq Branch. See .Frank. Write Box G-91, The Dolly Register. Red Murphy Rd.) Bank, stating experience! age and phone BOOKS — OLD AND NEW - (4) While- 5'x30", S5 each. Two 750x16 SUMMER POSITION — Sports instructor SECRETARIES NEEDED - For corpo RH'S AND tPN'& - Full or part-time, DRAFTSMAN-CIVIL"- Established firm number. ANTIQUES, PRINTS, HUGE SELEC WICKER COUCH - $15. Wicker lamp, SS truck tires and tubes, tike new, one tpii* nrt Instructor, ond swimming Instructor rate headquarters located in Holmdel, pleasant working conditions. Benefits in- has excellent opportunity for Individual TION "hlrta closet. 115. Small desk, S3. Sma rim, 16", for Ford truck, never used, S70 Reply Box 0-85, The Daily Register* Red 4.J. Basic secretarial skills including lyp cluded. Call Eotontown Convalescent Cen- experienced In municipal and/or highway. EXPERIENCED — Garbage truck drlv ALSO BOOKS BOUGHT Iresier, $20. Sewing chest, 17. Stcrog complete. One heavy duty cast Iron patio Bonk. ing and shorthand. Excellent working con- ter, 542-4/00. ' i Full ronge assignments and responsibility. ers ond helpers. Drivers references re- WHITE'S GALLERIES Jresser, SS. Colliers Encyclopedia, $80 umbrella holder, $12.50. Dinette set, oil ditions and liberal fringe benefits program Interesting, PERMANENT. Excellent pay quired. Phone 5M-4O9!. 007 Lake Ave., Asbury Park 531-4535 Call 2VI-2571. Formica, $60. Gas heater, radiator type, RETIRED — Experienced in soiling provided. Salary commensurate with ex- RELIABLE PERSON FOR STEADY and benefits for right person. Immediate $10, electric heater, radiator type, Sf 5. Part-time, days, to work In sail shop WORK — Full or port-tli Apply In per- >erlence. Equal opportunity employer opening. Call 922-9229. MATRON - For night club. Take core of DIG YOUR OWN — Scotch ond White BARN SALE — Sat., Moy 6 only', 10 to 3, Two windows, horliontal bar, 30"x50", SS CHARLES ULMER, 101 M on mould St. son, Bonaonone Nursery, Way" ;side Rd., rest rooms and cleaning. In Keansburg. Pine trees. 3' to 10' toll. 75c per II. 10 to Blkei, oames, books, china, paintings, fur- Red Bank, 842-5691. TRIANGLE INDUSTRIES INC. Coniac New Shrewsbury. each. 10 pairs sairi, 6 over A, 18x47, 13 Mrs. Evelyn Swenson, 12OU-54S-69O0 fo LIFEGUARD — For garden apartment Call 1-4 p.m. 787-9720. p.m. dally.Located directly behind Ihe niture. Lubkeft's Born, Crawford* Corner pair. Six pairs tosh, 6 over 6. 2'x4', S? pro|ects In Keyport ami Jackson Town- HAIR STYLISTS — Excellent opportunity interview. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK - HELPER WANTED wicker Basket, Rt. 34, Colts Neck. Rd., Holmdel. >olr. Two wood deck lounge chaise, $2 : ship. Must have Senior Life Saving Certifl- for experienced operator. Red Bank area. ull time, permanent position. Apply Mrs. Anderson Linoleum, 505 Broad SI. ANTIQUE WAGON WHEELS - Tobies, each. Indoor planter. Sat., Sun., 10-4 p.m. Port-time. 544-1464 otter 6. AAAIOS — Futl time positions available a Hey, Molly Pllcher Inn, Red Bonk. 747-cote. Cal) 775-4131 or write L & W Con. 49 Short Drive, Highlands. the 8 a.m. to 3:30 shift. Six-day-week structlon, SSO Cookman Aye., Asbury "hrewsbury. 741-5152. SAMSON choirs, go cart, mini biKe, mfrrori, brlc-a LAWN CARE - Mlddlffown tifcii, 5 hour Good salary* pleaicnt working condition! DOMESTIC CLEANING — with ex- Is a rugged While Aluminum Cumblnalloi brat. May 6, 1, ?S Coyugu Ave., Ocean- .MOVING TO FLORIDA - twin hrerich per week. Must hove own transportation and full fringe benefits. Apply In person SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT perience. One day a week. References, Window. 4 for !7« Instolled. Shop ai port. 9-5 p.m. Provincial lamp tables, 70" antique gold Personnel Office, Rivervlew Hospital, Pori-tlme weekends. Experienced only. INVENTORY CLERK — Experience in Coll 671-5274.. ___. own transportation. 671-0692. .compare. Best value anywhere! GARAGE SALE - Big Beech Lane, o credenza, king size custom made bed- Red Bonk, between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. An equal Apply Tony's Mobil Service Center, Broad maintaining warehouse and spare ports spreod and drapes, pots, pans, glassware, Laird Rd., Colts Neck, follow signs. May WAITRESSES — Experienced only. Alsc opportunity employer M/F. *M, ond Maple Ave., Red Bank. inventory, ordering and expediting. Good JANITORIAL WORK — Part-time Mon- PROWN'S lady's dresses and panlsuits, sizes 7-1 one Cashier. References required. Apety In starting satory. Calt John Soiwtore, 946-day through Thursday evenings, e hours GENERAL LANDSCAPE WORK 32 Broad SI. Rid Bonk 741-75 9-10, men's suits, size 42L. No reasonable person, Martini's Diner. Rt36, Keors- MACHINISTS-FIRST CLASS — For steel ?700. Saturday. Coll 291-0127. .-ARAGE AND YARD SALE - Moy 4, 5, tubing plant. Steady work. Top rales,- oil ApphV In person for Interview, Pleatant offer refused. Seavlew House. 390 Ocean •bu/g. ______f>. 10 lo 4. Madrigal organ, 1150. End ta fringe benefits. Apply BERGER IN- Voile-y Nursery, Hwy 34, Colls Neck toe- Ave., Long Branch,North Bldg., Apt. 4G. HOUSEKEEPER — Hours 9 lo 5. Trans bles, lamps, vases, dishes, knick-knacks COUNTER HELP — Good pay and work DUSTRIES, INC., U.S. Hwy 1, Edison li portalion necessary. Start 12.15 per hour Situations Wanted Coll 741-4532 oiler • p.m. 229-6U). Ing. conditions. Ai ly TOWAINQ'S, dustrlal Center, Meluchen, N.J. 549-2400. ptus liberal benefits. Apply In person be loy box, record players. Come In on onk, 842-9541. HOUSEKEEPER ~ Freeroomand 5BAND PIANO — Used condition. 1300browse. tOc and up. 410 Nulswamp Rd GARAGE SALE - Sat. and Sun., 10-to 4. MonmouihSt., R< ? Iween 8 and 4, Holmdel Convalescent Cen Female Rdd nylon carpeting, twin headboard;, RN - 3-M shift, tull or part-time. 534 t board, plus $10 weekly spending.money. ter, Hwy 34, Holmdel, 'irm. RED BANK MUSIC, 11 Shrewsbury Middletown. GUITARIST — Or pianist wanted fo start. Call for appointment, Green Grovi Reply Box P-54, The Daily Register, Red EXPERIENCED MOTHER — Will baby Ave. 747-4315. stereo tet. Lots of ladies' clothing size I GARAGE SALE — Miscellaneous house blue*-rock bond. Call Bill, evenings be Convalescent Center, Rt. 66 and Gree Bank. FIR5T AND SECOND COOKS - Ex sit pre-school children In my home. Hozle to 10. Miscellaneous. All very reasonable. tween 7-9 p.m. 591-9156. "rove Rd., Neptune. orea. 739-1252. TRAILERS — One 17', one 24'. Immedlot! hold Hems, power and hand mower, bab^ I? Griffin St., Monmouth Beach. perlenced only. 40-hour week. Holidays Items. May 5, 6, 9-S p.m., 16 Brothertor LAWN MOWER MECHANIC — Apply in and benefits. Apply Fort Monmouth Offi- possession. Call 747-0644,'before S p.-n BARMAID WANTED — Part-time. Appl GENERAL OFFICE WORJCER — Know person,.LIttle Silver Repair Center, 26 ask tor Mr. Somers. Ave., Naveslnk. (One block in on Swan GARAGE SALE — Living room, nursery In person between 10 a.m.-2 p.m.. Won cers' Open Mess or call 532-4481. Equo COLLEGE I _ and redwood furniture, household Hem*., edge, of cars would help. Apply MARL- Ayres Lane, Little Silver. portatlon, desires summer job as moth- off Monmouth) 1 mouth Lounge, 32 Brood St., Keyport. opportunity employer. 1 BORO AUTO WRECKERS, Temwrit Rd er ! helper. Likes swimming, tennis aha CASH A"NO~CA~RR~Y~-^Severo! sturdy bicycles, mink stole. Frl., } to 6, Sat. on-- AAorgonvllle, 222-9090. WAITRESS WANTED — Must be ex-GENERAL CLEANING — Man or wom-tots. Call 841-5408 between 2-£p.i workbenches..-,^ J(, ,stor e .,„.«fixtures. , mirrorsw.-,, ol «.d« JARAGE SALE — Some antiques, somi Sun.,'ill to 4. 28 Pork Lane, Fair Haven. BARMAID OR BARTENDER - Fiv perienced. Apply in penon. Rex Diner, (Off Fair Haven Rd ). . nights per week. For Interview call be m, must be over 21. Hours I a,m.-3 p.m steamer trunks. Miscellaneous second- Bdllna old. Don't miss this one. 37 Crow FACTORY HELP — FulfYlme days. Pal 117 w. Front St., Red Bank. hand furniture. 741-0993 10-4 p.m. lord Rd., Mlddletown, Sal., May 6, Sun. ; tween 1-3 p.m. 787-9827. Monday-Friday. Shannon's Inn, Shrews- PRACTICAL NURSE - Desires prlval DTN mG^6~61vr~"Pecai i"woDd .Touhr! holidays and other company benefits. Ap duly, Sat. and Sun. 8 to 12 hours. Red May 7, t to 5. ply in person, Ralph Friediand Bros., Lo MEN AND WOMEN — Opportunity. J150 bur"i y Ave. 842-4337. HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER table Including pad with four chairs. ?l" CHU CHU ICE CREAM — Is now hlrini a week plus bonuses. For this opportunity " Bank area. 741-3740. ANTIQUES —"bo'iTifdll rockr~s«"5TlriinV cust St., Keyport, OPERATING ROOM INSTRUCTOR — — Good, large upright. S50. black and white TV. Excellent condlllon. drivers for well established route. B< call 741-1968. Equal opporlunity employef. S30, copper boiler \6. Bureau S20, louvres For School of Nursing. Experienced with CHILD CARE — Will give loving care tt 741-5472 Call after 2 p.m. B42-0B87. __ your own boss. Must be ot least 19 ond de- COUNTER HELP — Experienced, full your child in my home. Hazlet, otf Laurel ug and crock. 672-1754. pendable. Coll 495-0151 weekdays aller BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR B5 degree. Apply Personnel Deportment, BLONDE HAIRPIECE - Long fall. Nev- time. Betty Brite Cleaners, 475 Hwy 35 Jersey Shore Medlcol Center, Corlles Ave. 717-145). p.m. ond all day Sot., Sun, until 10 p.m. Public school accountitingn , permanent posi- er worn. 100% human hair. S45. ONY — 3-head reel-lo-reel steTeo tapi Mlddletown. 842-5252. Ave., Neptune, between 9 and 2. An Equal deck and tapes, SI SO. Coll Machinery for_Soje COUPLE, AMBITIOUS — Who wugar BILLPOSTER - Trainee or experienced. weekends. 7I7-3W3. JOLF EQUIPMENT -leTr4"ch7bs; bag earnings for both. Work together part P.O. Box 133, Marlboro.. , N.J. 07746. worn once, 135, Includes black wlaiet, Phone 842-1484. part or full time. Call 222-8704. .. Tell Good working conditions. United Adver- Bag Boy cart. Good condition. S7S. Ca lime or foil time. Call 741-1297. phone 944-8900. COMPANION — Mature widow. Lfghii ntver worn. 7J7-5029. tising Corp, 142 Belmont Ave., Long housekeeping.onig onde cooking. FfVeday S42-424A netween 4 and & p.m. SECOND INCOME SEAFOOD CHEF ~ Five-day week. DorH CTENTRAL OFFICE "ASSISTANT - some Branch. See Mr. Lockwood, 9-10 a.m., 4-5 weekly. Reply'P.O. lox 145, Red Bonk. CH ERR YTrCTTO"P"TA¥LE~O¥LE13^- 1300 ~ (If you have the desire and the Initiative, & Ed's Seafood Restaurant Highlands, Triple maple dresser. (30(30 . EnglisElih car- GARAGE SALE - May 6, 7, 10-4 p.m. II Merchandise Wanted typing. Telephone receptionist, Alert. Ex- Circle Dr., Rumson. Furniture, antiques have the opportunity to give you on ext< 872-1565. __ perience helptul but fior necessary. Please BABYSITTING — Evenings, In my home riage. 130. Maple cradle, 115. 671.3061. CASH FOR OLD TOYTRAINS — An $1000 ptus a month income. Noli GENERAL OFFICE WORK — Local com- fine chlno, glass, household, clothing. write, stating qualifications* references, or yours. Red Bank-Rurmon area, tall FLAG POTE ~-~StVefpTpe; if', accu- moke or condition or will trade HO, 027, vestment. Call 842-6350. HELP — Mature |>erson, 2:30 to 7:3 pany needs someone with background In wide gauge. 774-3710. Tuesdays and Wenesdayst . Own trans and salary expected, to Box K-32. TheAccounts Receivable, typing etc. Must 74.-692a clter 6 p.m. sorles, Including mounted on lowering pi* GARAGE SALE "-"SoT. Sun.TMoyV77 NURSE - LPN by exarrilnotrori fb pnR^tRdBk have good telephone voice. Cat! 741-02M, BABYSITTING - A lovlng~mother with vot anchors. MS. 7S7-0S]e afler 6 p.m. 12 la 5 p.m. 21 Willow Rd., r^RIVATE COLLECTOR — Will payTo. Charge Nurse position. Medicare wingIng.. III ' Rerservoir.542-lB83m 8-4:30 p.m. -—.,,-_— Nettf Shrewsbury. pVitlCirJor Lionel Trains "O" gaiifl*. An... . Man MAINTENANCE WORKER - School earprBmiSrgMff-cmipBmergMffcmeod r FH GARAGESArrhi;rr!rFrl:,5ot:rMoy 7 shifthill.. Apply In person, 1-2 p.m.. . building. Permanent position. Good salary part-lime. Please call 495-1541. age, any condition. 347-1445. thru Frl,, Holmdel Convalescent Centei EXPERIENCED PAINTE R WANTED MAINTENANCE HELP -"Wanted for 4, 5, 6. 10-4 p.m. 44 Sycamore Ave., Llllle BACKYARD SALE - For St. Jude Mis and fringe benefits, pleasant working con- slon. MaMay 5, 6, Frl. 9.5. Sot. 912 noon. 10: Hwy 34, Holmdel. Car necessary. \ iarden apartment in Keyport, Must be RESPONSIBLE SUPERVISION — Pleas Sliver. Brlc-o-brac, lull size bed, house- BOOKS - PREFERABLY NON-FICTIOt Coll 842-2959 after 6 p.m. J ditions. Write or phone for application, hold. SloteslSltl r PPIlaceI , Mlddlelown. John A. Dugon, P.O. Box 133, Marlboro, .ANfRV MAN Sllverstdp Avt,, Little Silver. hardware. Call 671-39&9 after 7 p.m. Mole or Female dividual to handle employe benefits'ina - NAnTToHNSON " cluding pension plan. Blue Cross and Blue perience necessary, will train. Apply Per NEEDED. Colt RESPONSIBLE ~ .7-year-old girl wishes GARAGf SALE - May 4717677afn o BUYS AND BUYS Shield, temporary disabilities and gam en I, Hailet Plaza. summer babysitting job, nome or beach, JRET5CH"OR U M ~S E f"-"wTfii VtondT Excellenl condition. 1175. shine. 10 a.m. lo 4 p.m. 7 Zerman Drl rom an entire household to a sing' unemployment insurance, etc. Some ex U N 0 L e u ATANO'T I LE'HETPE K. 11.25 hr. Have references. CalLotter 6 New Monmaulh. CUSTOMER SERVICE CASHIERS — Full .and pan-time, fcx- Item. Antique furniture, jewelry, alive perience necessary. Typing essenliol. Sub Calf evenings. p.m. 741-5827. perience preferred. Company benefits. 97 CLERK sive person __ __7l?Ljf tor child in my home, Red Bank-Fair school d«nch. sea chest, three Victorian I Used Oriental Rugs ployer. GARDENER — One day a week, to work tobies, folding screens, three chandeliers, ng 12300. Coll 264-314* after 6 p.m. n RECEPTIONIST'-"Full time, fa? Free- Haven orea. Call afler 4, 842-9354. v Chinese ond Persian with person- on established grounds in Colls Neck, hold clrniol office. Write Box C-129, The lamps, chlno, silver, old paintings, jARAC.F~SArE~— "SS","Mny"~"«777 "[ . FASfiTO M~DEPARfMEN T*MA NAG ER AISD Wall Tapestries ality to handle for prominent ladles' and children* store. Daily Register, Red Bank. SDIMMER EMPTCTYMEN T — ~CoTleae Iromes, Tues., Wed., Thurs., 142-3540, P-5ware Ave., Hilton Park, Atlantic High Junior, special education major, seeks D,m. londs. Call 172-0851. FRJKOMANJJALLERIES 774-31 customers on Excellent salary, attractive company ben- F AC:f OR Y~ HEILP ~— 1st 'ontTif^'iniuT. WAITERSAND WAITRESSES— EK efits with paid vacation. Retail apparel *?.5O 12.60 starting rote. Motawan area. any job working with children. Call 291 phone. Able pirienced help In French service needed. ELECTRIC WALLTHEATERS —TiTTeT AUT"u'MN~d~AF~-^DInin"o"ioiing"e" one ANTIQUE JEWELRY - top cash poi background preferred but not required. Cnll 546-5514 for appointment. Call S47-7575 toble, 30"xS4", like new. Call aller S p.m 1ES DEUX «. DON PONS, 799 River Re Apply Lerner Shops, 81 Brood SI., Red ko. Including thermostats, assorted wol to type or- tone, I20.VOI1, 125 each, or SI75 for entire 7411595. _ folr Hoven. TUES.-SAT. 11-5 741-4337 1 Bank. An Equal Opportunity Employe ASSI5TANT MANAGER LEGAL SECRETARY '^~R^oTEs7ol"tTx ders, follow nquire In person, Meko Shoes, 299a Hwy lof. Coll 747-9142. M/F. y perience preferred. Situations Wanted BEDROOM SET — io-oieceV'twIn bed up shipments, IS, Haijet. Coll 787-1587 G"A"RAG"E"SALT - May~4ili andTifiTro box springs, In good condition, 1250. Als FILLbTRTWANTEb""" j Ii.~Fu7f Hrne"~7"to~57 LP NMMlmY 7 I a.m., 22 Third Ave., Atlonllc Highlands. ' Call 791-0&66. Mlddlelown area. and cope with PART-TIME W.ORK — in Rumion. Ex- Mote 3, Excellent benefits. New, modern nurs- Rain dote May llth and 12th. Pot belly CaMJIW-2MS del area. Small office. >erlenceerler d secretory, good skills, short U.J. LICENSED"MASTER PLUMBER" AfR'coTi'dTfiONERS"— "CoTrTirrflJ* pressure in ino home. Apply/in person 10 a.m. to : Phone 944-858o for appointment. J stove, windows, imhes, lurnlture, elc. p.m. Arnold-waiter Nurilng Home, il'. Sond," guy/gal Friday. Salary open. 142-With N.J. Certified First Grndt Plumbing and I9.00D BTU. S75-SI5O, USED" FUR mTURE"WANTEJ) -Roc small busy of- Ing chairs, lamps, old looh, clock South Laurel Ave., Hoilet. FACf'ORy^W'ORKER WANfEb~— "Apply Inspectors License, fully insured and "SWORD"- JAPANESE " Coll 842-4314 bonded, 3? years experience, deslrei rep' SIGNED 91 ADE. VERY OLD. books. Contents of attics and basemen fice. Apply in person, SUBURBAN ALUMINUM OPPORTUNITY - tlSO per week, plus ~S"HA'LL"OW*WELL PUMP MANUFACTURING, 93 Leonordville Rd., resentatlve position In private business 0 CALL (BI30S0 boughj ujM-ree appraisals. 49SI076. bonuses. For this opportunity coll 741 ai inspector wllh municipality. Full 0 Two years old. $55. Help Wanted. Leonardo. FRENCH PROVINCIAL -Dining"rWrri Hwy 35 264-8000 Keyporl I960. Equal opportunity employer. part-time, Write Bo- x K-33- " ,-i Thet ballDory Reg" - Coll 671-0336 'ART-TIME — Are you willing'fo work set, complete. Good condition. Phone 946 Male or Female IA VON WANT S YOU~— II you wa'nt" to littr, Red Bonk. 4643, after & p.m. MINI BIKE — TucumseM engine, e PETS or on extra tflOQ o mnnth In n manage make extra money, tf you like people. If cellent condition, S70, Unlcvcle, Columbia Ttenl capacity for our expanded com you con spare some of vour free hours COCStTf V'""— i?'' ,2 ''1 v ear 5"oTdTve7y excellent condlllon, SIO. 142-2183 al AND LIVESTOCK >any? No time lost IVom present lob. We selling our fomout product*. It's ea\y. FINANCIAL good condlllon, S|}0. 12 cu, ft. Admiral p.m, STANDARD POODLE PUPS - AK ram. Call 7475OV2. . and fun! Coll Mrs, Ward, 741-1343, 4H frlgerafor, like new, S°0. 40S-2»J. 22" TEAR S SE LT •'PR6PELLED~~C7O? V 'champion bloodlines, male and female, PRODUCTION EMPLOYEES WANTED — Housekeeper, Iwo rloyi ,.. 3377 or 7/4 1220- weeks, block ond silver, SIM 7179563 1 Business Opportunities NEVER USED — SIM piece while wrought olary tnoweer. Two years olrf. Be We need people lo work rotating shifts. week. Red Bonk. Three children ond GO-GO GIRLS WANTED - For appoint Iron polio set. Call 7IM9W aller 7:30 p.m. lausecleoning. Reference* required, B43 men! and information, call ot Fort Mor Call B4?.ft?65 P"O"NY Fb"R"TACE"-"-"WniriadSe onT'a We otfer: mmilh Olfken1 Open Men. S42 7J32. Ar NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE - MERCHANTS GOl.b ORAPE5 - Triple width. Green S, 6, 10 * p.m, 17 Michigan Avff., Horlet cessorles. Seven yeors old. Very gor • St«ody employment clott to homf iECRET ARY-PAYROt-L CLKRK Musi •jfjual opporlunilv employer. wllh children, 542-5057. • Excellent wages Including ihllt differential payments CONCESSIONEERS lenther couch and rhalr. Electric lawn Pain dates May 17, 13. (Olf Middle Rd > lave basibi c secretarial ikllli including typ TRANSIT MAN - Experienced'," prefera- mower. Large pillows for fireplace. 847 . Hospltollzotlon ng. Should hove ability lo operote* «,1an - Colnnlnl crnttand mi . _ _ . . WANT TO - Bul I huve lo sc bly ahle to drow. 14 per hr. Calf day or STORE-KEEPERS my Suielte Q, she Is 14 hands, a Cheitnl • Life Insurance dard office machines. Must br ex evening. 222 0303, celloneous tiouieholhl d ItemsIt , Frl.F ,S Sol. nn^ • Disability ond sick benetlls erfenced wiKi payroll work. Excellent SLIDING GL ASS DOO R --Used, Mor>., May 5, 6, 8, 10 lo 5. 34 Hendrlckso and 9 yrf. old, has tile best disposition 1 . Retirement plan (orklnn conditions ond liberal fringe brn CLEANING HfcLP - Hvt days, l;]0 to NEW "AUCTION" 8 10 Kll'10", 1100. Call ofter 6 p.m. PI,, Fnlr Haven. Ihe world. She has won me lols of rlhbor efits. Salary cormnemurote wllh e* ?46 9710 „_„_„ ,, .,- - ""<* win for you loo. I will only sell her . Opportunity for advancement 1 ;30. Immediate, Coll VC r ll l u ed ood perience. Contact Board Secretory, Ea n\ I PA .? r.^'S. . . ». ^ ° ' home. Cnll me al 046-8994. Susi Apply ot tontown Board of Education. 543 1055. MARKET 8 CAMPER — i»/o Del ReyT'Llkt new OE deep freeie, 20 cu. fl. Sacrifice. A (Ing Irogden. iHWAMIT RS ~ Pot .... fully cnnlolned, flti holl-ton pickup. MusIranslerreIransl d| . QalGall 842-44211414421. me apply in person, Mirmald Diner, OPENING NEAR FUTURE sell. 11500 or best oiler. 717.4106. AKC PEKINESE"- Three months, Mn MANAGER T R A I NEE ~ So I es ex- N. MONMOUTH CO. YARD SALE perience desired Excellent t(acting tola y 36, Leonardo Terms, Coll oiler 5;30 p.m. except Mr SALES BOOTH-TABLES rRAVEL TRAILER - 73' 19/0 Sunllne Frl., l?-5. Sal., 9-5 p.m. Moy 5, 6. 67 Clln- day, anytime Sal. and Sun.. )39-4??6. y plus commlnlon. Many benefits. Op FINISHERS WANTED MODERN B1.OG., AIR CONDITIONED Oeltjxe. Sell conlolned. Very good cdndl Place, New Shrewsbury. «< Tt RIM; (O«PIIRATH)S portunlly for advancement with growing OE'RMAN "SHEPHERO PUPS — AK' llort. Sleeps elghl. Includes hitch. S390O 01 MAMIL f O NO AS DR Y EK I'A( KAI.IM. PROUKTS DIVISION :holn of fine lewelry stores. Apply In pjr- '"COII'MAOS? *' rwurne poyments. /4I-I0B8. 39 Arthur Or., Shots and wormed. Mules t71. femol- on. LITTMAN JEWELERS, Monmoutl: CALL NOW BEFORE IIS 1OO LATEI 125. • cert and Francli Sts. Klyporl Riverside Heights (off Maveilnk River 165. An equal opportunity employer Shopping Center, Eatontown. FCttEN lit LPEfl WAN TtD — Two :1 by Badman Pork). Cnll 717 1895 filings week ly. 739-2400 671359! DAY~MAINTENANCfc Coll A/I 47i6 between 9 1 p.m. GARAGE 'A t T I C SAL E '--" W oni'i 11' ,ASS GUITAR -- Wllh rnse.' Excilienl clothes, l'6 II.. AntiquesAntiques,, dishesdishes,, knlckmck AKC POODLEi Company benefits. LOCAL BUSINESS MANN --Sukl• Seeklnnq u <.ondlllon, 110. Coll Call /]? 2B0O PERSON - To do laundry ond duties knacks. Frl. Sal.' , 9J 5- . ••16-9 Klnrjs Hwy, Small miniature and mini toys. I partnership 0r the ptirr.llfi»* of n ft/ 6AJ7 Mlddlelawh. 493J7/I. Flwe dny\. Year round position. Excellent - . ... buslnm. Hove capllal. Writ, BOL TELETYPE OPERATOR - Copahle or „„,and benefit*. Apnty In p«r*on. Brook G-IO, The Dolly Register, Red Brink , ; OlAin. — Slo. Dressing table, SI! THREE OARAGE SAI.liS — On one block WEIMARAtiER PUPPIES - AKC roo'i reading Sieve) tape. Typing speed 60 Hnl• Nurilng Home, Hwy IS, Horlel. Infant ,cnt, t). Clothing, 2k fa 12 Men's Mom. Will he required fo work Sot, In New Mnnmoulh. 1 Kevan PI., 7 ond IS l«r>.d. Champion sired, E»r.«llenl hlon MANAGEMENT TRIANGLE PUBLICATIONS, INC, 10 :" BARTENDER BEAUTY SALON - K»cellenl locotlon. ski haols, <; 140 Chrlirmos Iret, 120. 747Woods End Rd. (Across Hie streell, Fur- lines, Show mill pet slock avnllable. »« 5751. Lake Drive, Hlglttitown, 44I-91O0. An Thrte nfghis a wick, parking, College nrerj. Grnwlng Utfitn niture, rtpplloiues, brlc a brae, elc, Sdlur- 7370. OPPORTUNITIES " it opportunity employer. 717. SNA area of West Cnri, ont block from bench. dny, Moy A, 9 n.rn. lo 4 p.m Evenlngt, 219.4911 LIVING ROOM SE T - Couch, two chairs FREE KITTENS - .Four lovely klltt .___.^.^^ M ^R - WAITRESSES'- All thlltt.* PlcdVe apply Iwo (iinrhle toriles, lamp toble, lomp. Rio GARAGE SALE - Sal., Mny 6, 9 n.iiv 16 need a unorJ linme MANAGEMENT TRAINEE n person, Mermold Diner, Highway 36 BE YOUR OWN BOSS - Ai n d«il»r-ln sonijlile. Call 142,3155 F.llnor St., New Mmimoulli. 787 7944. Cnll lit, rm jfOwlnp toy retail chain seeks managomenl por- Vitury open, Contact Lee Schulil, CHILDLeonardo. sluller of "Underaround Sprinkler Sys- GOOD BUYSI Can» early. Free collrt tems." Exciptlonarprofiti worklno full or WORl.D, Ha del Plata, Maffet. CON TfrMPORABY BEDROOM SET - YARD SALE — And' handmnde woorlcrwll IRISH SET TEH PUPS - AKCKC . ChampiCham . $Onri«f fit ilfWels (or Northern Now Jersey Outlets. Plcaso LICENSED -• Life Imurunr* ifilfininnV'A port.time, free irnln IKI Hy world's Inrg Complete wllh mattrvti, lomps, and stork. Priner 1 whole new war Id owuitt you. We hnvi thi Menu, 10-4, Sat. onrl Sun., May 6, 7, 7o ^ 'I'M! ' ! JuilaatJl l for sin HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR est manufacturer ol ,I/,M iprlnklwrs. For hair. Excellent condition, Beit offer. Call quiillly. lltOlo M40IM send resume to Experience necessary. morkeli am) Ihi leads. If you IKJV« tin II Information toll l';0 A41 5000 tiutlncn 3 11 WolllngAve., Belford. Coll .tf.-SItt <•.ertie, unflmlfefj Income can be your* hours, TOY POODIE liurnplon stock, whl lIL ! ' FOUR FAMILY GAHAOt SALF. •- Frl.,male. AKC iinpei Call _d Flnlay at 873-0100. Mtiy 5, 9 J p.'n, IS Devumhlre Court, AAld BOX P-52 KTiVA INCOME — Own this ipariTllmf WHOLESALE COOKII: FRAMCHISt"-- KUSTOM BASS AMPLIFIER - 100 watt. till I1431 or '4M341 builn«i and reMr# In. five years wltii lift- MANAGEMENT TRAINEE " Roult ond (ruck for snle. Wrltt BOM O-tOMui, t sell. Beit cfler. excellent condition. rlletown, Mlscfllaneous, hnny ifints, desk, clothing, tables; splicer, toys, yard Herns, I me Income. NO INVE Aggrtnlvs person needed In comumtr fl The Dolly Register, Red Hank, 7I7«47}, MORSE --Sound, reliable 1 THE DAILY REGISTER VWUff tnmi nonce field. Opportunity to advance In ra- motorlflc set, mirror. , ' oon co R JojAReiSOR*-"'«5n frnlierT"Paint lormollon. Weekdnyi cnll otlltr! p,m, MEOICAL 56CRTTARY >5SiSf kUi~ pidly f xpondlng company. Mutt have DEFUrlE FASHION? - Heeds Ilirte spray oulflt, Good runninrunning condlllon, 1400. REpBANK Red flonk or«a. Write to Box P 53 GARAOF tALl! - Friday, Miiy I. mi 164.4317 nulo. Cirpcrlenci priftrrtd. bul nof re- tyllils In this oreo, t.nrn bla money, tall alter 5 pp.mm , 171IJ1171IJ13.3 , Htlgtifi terrnct, Mlridlerowit, Rtvel if* Thi Dolly Rlgllltr, Red Bonk OjUlrtrt. Many company bineMU. Apply fn NoAa«ncl«iPltai« iuallflcatloos: lavs clolhei, drive rar, - L,Igliily-woVjnTcj't a npmenl Iwhlnd Two Ouys, 10 «,m, 4 p.m. person, LocaLorall financHnance* Co., I MofMolnl StSt. «AVl'CA(5'F:N f" '-"SomiViipir itiiri" onrf Iwo evening! Iree a week. Nn roller. — 7^_ More Classified drl-flnit. Wrlft BOM G-l/, Th« Dnllv kffye , nr roll Frnnk B. Clotiey, 7e4 Una nr delivering. Coll mun, 719 ]«43, Innl.crsll -NCO»»B, TPNOR'TPNOR SAf4JlANJOp -" "linco'n"Uncon,, In bYriiirilubinullliil tractioThe Neorlnar tllhly Net worlg Shopl , 33 Prlncelnn Ave,, RlOlsltr, Rid Bank. ' 4100. oriJI.IOW. The Nealy New Sho rondillon. Pearl Inlaid neck >cote Inclurl on Next Poge (Irlrklown, II) 1750, ed, 1100, Call aller J p.m. 14] 0301. end Llviitock Apartmenti Houwt for R»nt Tke Dtliy Eegteter, B*d Sftik - MMdkfowii, N.J. Thursday, M.y 4, 1W2 31 *'8 '^'rtflirtinii/ HOUMS for tale Loll and Acreage for tJowiy r.t»pfe>r fr.u.i, H1W/-H. OLDE, ... ilOAy^OIJCJI 1 LE9ALN0TICE LEGAL NOTICE .Mt*O«1/tiUifi UiH ~~'M i/ifli- "• • «0Tiri" ouilorii, In « !i,i-l'jfr4 of triorelwsl (,.«- ilned. («IW*. rnorief Cardtns C*rr.*l«ry Asswtoflon Cape Cod home. Excelltnt THE BOROUGH OF I:N p.m.I, m rfce Mwilcipol Juil?ln£ rtl neretolore schedules tor lolurdoy. May 6, W6:ROOM*&FICTEMC* APARTMlHT condition Inside and out. ' AMD TO AMEND! 1973, at 2 p.rn., has been rescheau ed lor lenrnouth ioulevard, oceonporl, M ' ~ TITLE I, ~ ' " - Furnished. Inquire al HI Maple Ave.,j Living room, lorae family,, irsey, for nw purpou ot f - ' 14, nit. ot 1J noon at the kitchen, full basequnt, motif* iMlvlslMi for JOHph R. C Vi''ROOU' — Rear" dupltiT I, Let I, also known at 111 , lo dote. All lepr duplen oporlmml, we NEED — Five_ or ilx, 2-3 bedroom TOFORE AMENDED AND SUPPLE May 4 Mltl elrli:l Unusual summer riouse ln[ ceonpoff, for wMlvltlon of Mid lof into •1NTED. J^fjnFnh female star leu. »«_•«», i o'nd ffl' Sa tt'Pt?l ffomii, urirnlinen a or unlurnlihKl !»r lots, at MJ forth on plan of mo|or ifl o; d tietii. l?50 mofith-»cA•om US ttoo »JftliaM M peIr monln tor .Incomin. g rear. Call now. . . $31,500. __ T ORDAINED BV TH6 Mayor ond NOTICI 'CB¥E — fwoTieauiifully marked hitlers Oiid month's tecurlly ond reference, H\ ubdlvlslon f«TJoseph Cordaro, Moln NOTICE Is hereby given lhat a regular. fefJJ,"Jtl. THE WHO AGENCY, FIRST TIME OFFERED trtil ond wnllenoll circle, Oceonport, Council of Ihe Borough ot Llllle Sliver g need apoK Homes. Seven weeks cm, tiller rt Monwouih Rd., Port Monmouth, :Y. RI. J« meeting of the Board of Ad|ustmen| ment ooff the ja LITTLE SILVER ^ew Jersey, which mop ond the applf- 1.'Title 1, Chapter J, Sections I ond 2 ol Borovgii of Rumson held on ApAprir l IfIf ,197 19777 . uol"''Ji lL^—.~- (ccntii.o — Furnished three rooms. Mflon It on flit in the Borough Clerk's Of- ril If, 1 fny"Ts*OOl5CE — Black, female, rmonthi rrtlOrtuble. Lonu/shorl term. In boro. $40,900 . the "Revised Ordinances ot 19&4" as here- ththe BoardBd pff AdlustmenAdltt t offf tthh e BBorough Terences. Cull 4i!M2J1. lecluded area, for combo, References :e, ond available tor PUDIIC inspection. tofore amended art) supplemented lo of Rumson granted a variance to Bernard 'J(* AKC. All shots, qrpomed. Paper Lovely lot with trees andCOLTS NtCK — One pcre corner lot. E» HAftRVVAH NOTE trained ISO. CalfM4-Ml» otter t p.m. _ 'all after Jp.m,,4H.47H Splwak for premises located at Avenue ol. cellent resldenllol ucflon. Coll owner af- Boord Secretori To'Include: Special Police Officers-ol Two Rivers and Bay Street for permission EO BANK — Unfurnished Greentreo brook. Most desirable estab- >oy 4 u.n poODLfi^Biffl" »tondaroTAK£ regif itirtments. S3! Sprln'j St. Two-bedroom ,COUf UE -wilh*Mrchlid7o«ilr« imoli Ished neighborhood. Young ter ( p.m. u weekends, >4t-4>n. H 00 per hour 10 divide his properly. tered. Lj««* • djnojfllwi, paper trained. ti one bedroom sludlo apt. dvulloble Im-home or opartment with two bfdroomi, PyiLIC NOTICK AND This ordinance sholl take effect upon Its The said Resolution granting the vari- Jour ,nontlij_olfl\_flS;9((M. ledlatcly. Call lor appointment 74IW1. Rtaionable rent. Hove e«c«llenl ret«r- •anch with center hall entry. ADVirrTtlMIMT "OK (IDPINO passage and publication according to law. ance Is on file with Ihe Clerk of me Board •ncei. Coll U1-9SIS cetor» 1] noon or of- Cemetery Lots lew Garage-Building, Slloom Rood, Free- and is available for Inspection. FREE To"epob"t{6wifr OUNG MAN -"-To share apartment wMh ler o p.m. Living room with log burn-TWO CHOICE l»LOTi - ihonlond Me ~ime. Iriqulre 12 Wairen St., Keyporl of- aid Township, New Jersey, I The forepolna ordinance was Introduced ARTHUR KERB, Clerk of Ihe KITTENS Ing fireplace; formal dining ^llOfdi- ' Separate sealed bids for the new con- and passed on first reading ot a meeting Board of Adlurtment Call after 5 p.m. r 7 pm. Weekends ufler 12 noon. ARAGE NEEDED — one or,two-cor, room, spacious kitchen over- ruction will be received In Ihe Commls- of the Mayor and Council of the Borougn May * 13.75 rnbt ~-~Four fernato kittens, six weeks ^r car and itorage. Hazlet area pre- of LIItle Sliver held on 1 May 1971 and will EANSBTURG—OntiiriiiVlieUnfurnished four largefaro*]ferred. K95JO74. SIX-ORAVB PLOT - Pair View Ceme- Ion Office, Wayside Rood, New Shrews sn toed (lucKv). ODMhomeionlv. looking tree shaded paflo. •e>t. References. Writ* to Box H-S3, The Contract 3~Electrical Work desiring„ to be.. hear. d thereon will be oiven sey until 2:00 p.m. on May 32. 1972 for fur- I73482 Dally Regliter, Red Bank. moble mortgage or terms Contract Document!, including Inttruc- lul' "l" opportunity. unity. nishing: MVNAVTIJTRT) — 8 months old, wlttWage LIGHT INDUSTRIAL- improved FINE ARTS SUPPLIES H72.197I ind ilond. MO. Coin>jlwwr«4p.m, RANSBURG"--"fwo brand new three-1 arranged. Call now. on* to Bidden ond Bid Fermi may be --.*STEPHE" N O. GREENWOOD COUPLE — Deilret unfurnished J-3-bed Block 13 Lot 1 with Irv Ids not submitted on the standard pro- of the County of MonmouMi, Holl ol Reo STOPS" ond ARTICLE It, "LOADING ROOm WITH BEAUTIFUL VIEW - O., josol form or enclosed In other them a ords, Moln Street, Freehold, New Jersey ZONES", OF THE ORDI NANCE Approximately 530 sq. ft. Centrally air river and ocean. Privileges, References. sufficient area and rood frofttape. Apartments :ondllloned. Contact: Mr. Link, phone741- special addressed evenlope, will be un- and copies may be received by prospec- KNOWN BY ITS SHORT FORM TITLE Mature gentleman preferred. 872-1310. RIVER RIGHTS The resolution of denial of the recom Idered Informol ond will be rejected. tlve bidders, upon oppllcotlon, during '37, •nendatlon is on file with trie lownshk AS, "REVISED ORDINANCES OF ft£DBA(4K ' LUXURY H(-RISEJ LARGE ROOM — With bath ond private' IN RIVER OAKS faerstond maybe viewed by the public," The successful bidden will be requlrec business hours Kit", ADOPTED JUNE S. 1961. RIVERVIEW TOWERS ELFORD — Store or office space avoll- entrance, Suitable lor adults. 747-1041 be- ew England Colonial. Five bedrooms., Iq fyrnljmil h a surety.bond In Ihe lull omount Ids must be made on standard propos BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and 28 Riverside Avi, lable. Main SI. 25 X 30. Call after 6 p.m., lore 4 p.m. 946-8441, 4-B p.m. '/i baths, formal dining room, family al forme lInthi e manner deslanoted ana re Council of the Borough of Red Bank, that com, fireplace, paneled game room, CARLA.DAHLs*OM New Jersey quired bfiyy ihe specificatlonsT must be en- {Overlooking the beautiful Naveslnk River, IN PRIVATE HOME —Free parking, prl- Chapter 30 of the above entitled Ordinance Sicclous 1-2-3 bedroom apartments. Cen- icreened porch. Beautiful grounds. Many Zoning Board of Adi!»lmti> and acceptable to the Monmouth County closed In sealed envelopes bearing the be omencted and supplemented as follows: FFICE SPACE AVAILABLE —At I ,ate bath, Gentlemon preferred. jColl be* ixtros. Coll for oppolnlmenT\>5»,S00. Mosquito Extermination Commission, In name ond address ot the bidder, designa- SECTION 1. ChocSer JO, "Traffic Act"/ trally air conditioned, 24 hr. doorman, In- ore 1:30 p.m. 747-3724. door parking, swim pool, marina, T .eonordvllle Rd., Mew Monmouth, 6x10 the farm and svblect to the conditions pro- ting the name ol the bid, on the outside, Article I, "Prohibited Parking", Is M) per month. 671-3131. video" In Ihe Contract Documents. addressed to the Department of Purchos- amended as follows: security, terraces. WATERBURY AH ORDINANCE AMENDING CHA 200 so; FT. — White SI., Red BonK. REAL ESTATE The owner reserves the right to wolve Ing of the Counly of Monmoulh, Hall a Section 102. On the west side of Grant Eltlciencles and professional suite avoll-J VOrehouse storage with loading dock. TER 14,1'LICeNSfij,^ ARTICLE any Informalities, In, or to relict ony one Records, Moln Street, Freehold, New Jer Square from Its Intersection with FOR SALE AGENCY all bids, and to award the contracts ln| sey O772J and must be accompanied by the Monmouth street and extending 126 i"1"" Contact: Mr. Link (201) 741-1732 lealtor — 47 Years of Service — Insuror, Iport or whole if deemed to Ihe best Inter-I following: feet northerly therefrom. Houses for Sale Maple Ave. 7470500 Red Bonk| ORDIN HH BY ITS 6HOR esls ol the Monmoulh County Mosaultd ", A Cert If Icole (consent of surety) from a SECTION J.Chopter JO,'^Tralllc Ad" ORM TITLE AS "REVISED ORD [extermination Commission. 1 reputable Insurance Compony certifying KIANSBURG COTTAGE^- one'or twT Houses for Rent .UMSON RANCH — Large wooded plot.] Article 3, "Thirty (301 Minute Parkins adults preferred. Two rooms, $105 month, ANCES OF IW1," ADOPTED JUN No bidder may withdraw Ills bid wllhlrj to the fact that It the bidder Is success- Zones", Is amom iended as follows; HOE SELECTION OF RENTALS —Fur- YOUR CHOICE hreer bedrooms, two bolris, llvlno room, M days otter the actual dale) ol the open' ful o surety bond will be filed for the plus 1^ months security. One block froi lining room, game room, hot water " * Section I. Is rescinded. oogrdwolk. W\-i3ttttj}otter6p.m. Ished and unfurnished. Immediate occu- $89,900 performance of the contract. SECTION 3. Chapter 20, Trafllc Act", lancy. SAMUEL TEICHER AGENCY,; vo-cor oarage. Great oreol J46.9O0. 1 . A Certified Check drawn to Ihe order ol Dtiunun j. inapiar iv, ituiiii m-i , COLTS NECK — Four-bedroom Lakeside 4^s&sssivejfssej ' ' ROBERT OSTERGAARD, , Article 4, "One (1) Hour Parking Zonef, RUMSON — 3-room furnished, sultobl. iceanport Ave.^Occanporl. 542-3500. Superintendent the Monmouth County Treasurer In an -pnch with tremendous view from living LIST LISTED - LI Ills Sliver ranch] Chopter Mot the oboye OTlltled Ordlnon amount not less than ten percent (10%)Is amended ond supplemented by adding: Jor couple. Heat, water. No pets. S20I 8125 to $350 Per Month 'oom, screened porch, brick patio and and supplemented as follows May 4,5 _ _. S1J.00 monthly security, year lease, S4M7&5. fired bedrooms, living room with fire. "SSCTIOM l'.'Chdli{ir"ii,""ile«nsei of the amount bid but not to exceed Section 25. On the north side of Mori' THE BERG AGENCY 10x40 In-ground pool. Beautiful ihade lace, dining room, kitchen, enclose* mouth Street beginning ot a point 25 f. 35 Mlddletownjl.Tees between house and waler. Over two leet east of the easterly curbllne of LONG BRANCH — Summer rentol to La- ireb. attached garage. 100x230 treed lot. and suppl«m«meled oyoddlnBy oddlrgj Section 27 AM ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUP-] and be delivered at the place and on the bor Day. Furnished four rooms ond bath. 671-1000 acres, non-development. One of a kind at 0,000. • PLEMENTINS CHAPTER 10. "TRAF- L Burroughs Place and extend I no 72 feat 589,900. follows; eur above named. easterly ineretrom. Ocean Front. Private beach. Call eve- ENNSYLVANIA - Pocono Lake. New. Section 37. Tht name, trad* nsmi FIC ACT" ARTICLE I, "PROHIBITED The right Is reserved to relect any or all nlpgs. 229-1553. :ED BANK TOWN HOUSE - Three bed- PARKING": ARTICLE 1, "THIRTY Section n. On the east side of Grant :halet In beautiful wooded area. Sleeps! COLTS NECK - Hugs six-bedroom, 10- pr corbqrgf* name of trie own 1 bids If deemed to the Interest of the Coun- Square beginning 73 feet from Its In- 1. Olshwasher, fireplace, TV. Near Lake, «nn, living room, dining room, kitchen. and operator ol all taxlcabs'l (M) MINUTE PARKING '; ARTICLE ty of Monmouth to do so. TWO ROOMS - And bath, lurnlshed. year-old ColDnlal in excellent condition. 4,''ONE HOUR PARKING''; ARTICLE tersection with the northeast corner of It, and tennis. »175 week. 671-3071. iVa both3. Convenient to ftverytttlns. censed within the Borough sht By order of the Board of Chosen Free- MonmoutrT Street and Grant Square Single person. Utilities Included, 14x27 living room with fireplace, formal be prominently displayed on c . IDS"; ARTICLE*, "Bus " Call 741-8BBI. dining room, den. Bedroom dimensions holders) of the County ol Monmouth. and runnlrtg^rtorttierly for a dli'ance OUR-BEDROOM — Two-bath large ._,laxrcob» so licensed at all times. IRTICLE II, "LOADING JOSEPH C. IRWIN, Director of 27 feet therefrom. KEYPORT — Six room apartment, L summer cottage. On water, near track. 16x24, 13X13,14X10, 13x24, 13x14 and 11X20. SCHANCK AGENCY . SECTION I. Chapter 14, "Licenses/ ZONES", OP THE ORDINANCE .Four beautiful acres. First time ottered at EDWARD A. MORGAN, Secretary Section 27. On the south side of Canal duplex. Utilities not furnished. 12/5 pei May 30-Sept. 5. S3O00. 229-3599, Article s, "Miscellaneous Licenses," sec KNOWN BY ITS SHORT FORM TITLE Department of Purchasing Street beginning 35 feet east of the ironth. 739-1039. |*e?,900. REALTOR Red BontJtlon 1, l> hereby amended and suppl AS, "REVISEDORDINANCESOF May 4 SI5.0IJ . Linden PI. 1961", ADOPTED JUNE 5, 1941. easterly curbllne or Brood Street ond ORT MONMOUTH - Three-bedroom F47-O397 Eves. Sun. 747-408* merited as follows: running to the point 80 feet easterly ome, large eat-In kitchen with dlsh- ILLMENSE6 AGENCY, Realtor Section 1. II (hall be) unlawful BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor ond therefrom. Apartments asher, 22xlB living room, wall-lo-walt Hwy. 34 Colts Neck 462-3172 any person, firm, corporation. . Council of the Borough of Red Bonk, that 3rpetlng, fireplace, bar, air conditioned, .hooter 20 of Ihe above entitled Ordinance THE BOARD OP EDUCATION Section 2B. On the south side of Carol [RUMSON DEAL soclollort and principal or agei OF THE BOROUGH OF KEANSBURO Street beginning at a point 17S feet wo patios, two-car garage, large yard, thereof to engage In any buslnei be emended ond supplemented as follows: II private. S275 plus one month's secu- ,-urnpluout estate tltualed on full acre, SECTION I. Chapter M, "Traffic Act", IN THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH* east of the easterly curb line of Broad In Hie Borougn OF Red Bonk or i NEW JERSEY Street and running 61 feet easterly 'ty. Coll alter 3 p.m. 29H602, RESTORED nvlth tennis courts. Mansion Includes large perform any act Included with Article 1, "Prohlbllitd Parking", I Ivlng room, formal overilzed dining amended as follows: NOTICE OF MIS.MO BOND SALE therefrom. -EANSBiJRG — Available May 15, Two the DTPVIIIMH pMhjVArtlcle W SEALED PROPOSALS will be received, CARRIAGE HOUSE oom, paneled family room, ultra-modern out first obtaining a license Section 102. On Ihe welt side of Grant1 SECTION 4. Chapter 20, "Traffic Ad", GREEN GROVE sedroorns, kitchen, bath, living room. 3240 by the Board of Education of the Borough Article 8, "Taxi stands" is amended ond [lichen wllii fireplace. Four corner bed- herein provided ond the paying Square from Its Intersection with! lonthly. Gas heat. G42-4435. ' ooms, two with celling ID floor trench of Keonsburg, in the County of Monmouth,I juppjernented bj The ultimate In charm and warm living. the license tee prescribed ther Monmouth Street and extending 1261New Jersey, ot the Keonsbyrg Board of AIR HAVEN — Two-btdroom cottage, Unusually large lamHy room, exposed vlndowt, 4V> baths. Being offered FULLY for, when such license fee Is fi 'Iy therefrom. Section 7. On ihe east side of Shrews- WRNISHED at J145,0O0. "u rul-'- 1 Education, 140 Port Monmouth Road, bury Avenue, beginning at a paint 158 jestrable location, near river. $250 per beamed cathedral type celling. Large quired. SE- .. Chopler M, "Trafllc Act' Kconsburg, New Jersey, on May IB, 1972, brick fireplace, four bedrooms. 2V2 baths* Artlcl 'Thirty (30) Mlnulo Parking! feet south of Its Intersection with Riv- APARTMENTS monm. 741-9488. STEPHENS AGENCY, Realtor (a) "The term 'business' (as used until 8:00 o'clock P.M. ol which time they er Street and running 24 feet northerly new kitchen. More! Hurry! 559,500. Izones". Is amended as follows: both singular and plural sensed will be publicly opened ond announced, therefrom. Joseph G. meant to Include all kinds of'. Section 1. Is rescinded. ' (or the purchaie of the following Issue or Wanted to Rent ED BANKRUM5ON AND MILES SECTION 3. Chapter 20, "Traffic Act", • purchaii Secilon 8, On the eait side of Grant cations, occupations, professlOL Issues of sold School DFstrlct due ROUND — Multiple Listings. Send for, enterprises, establishments ai. Article 4. "One 111 Hour Parking Zones", ot Bonds Square beginning 35 teet from Its in- Efficiency ee catolog of modest homes, farms, pa- (without option of prior redemption) on tersectlon with the northeast corner of McCUE all other kinds af activities am '' *« ; -— —- One-bedroom iatial Rumson estates, waterfronts, acre- matters together with all : : May 1 os follows: Monmouth Street and Grant Square 10 Ridge Rd. age, lots, business opportunities. vices, machines, vehicles ond . mouth Street beginning ot a point 35 1415,000 School Olstrlct Bonds (Addi- and running northerly for a distance two-bedroom purtenances used therein, any feet tost of the easterly curbllne ol tional state School Building Aid, P.L. of 41 (eet therefrom. PROFESSIONAL RAY STILLMAN which are conducted for prlvc Burroughs Place ond extending 72 feet 197) C. 101, maturing fn the principal Section 9. On the north side of Union RUAASON RIVERFRONT profit, or benefit, either dlrecl cotter)/ therefrom, ^ amount of 135,000 In each of the years Street beginning 386 feet east of Its In- Realtor or Indirectly, on any.premises 1973 to 1977, both Inclusive, $30,000 In tersection with Wharf Avenue and ALMOST 3 ACRES Section 26. On the east side of Grant eoch of the years 1971 to 1980, both In- running 48 feet easterly therefrom. • 9? Greengrove Ave., Key- COUPLE "Our 54th Year" the Borough ol Red Bonk, os Square beginning 73 feet from It* in* Charming older home with fantastic watei Mi Hwy 35 ShrewstHjry 741-UOM forth In Section 40:52-1 ot the clusive, 535,000 In each of the years SECTION 5. Chopter 20, "Traffic Act"* _port. Monagers Office. view. Five bedrooms and two baths on tersectlon with tnenortheoit corner of 1981 and 1982, S40,00O In each of the Article 9, "Bus Slops" is amended and vised Slottltes of the State of U- Monmouth Street pnd Grant Square second lloor, three bedrooms and bath on Jersey and the Acts amendatory years 1983 to 1985, both Inclusive, and supplemented as follows: Apartment 34. Call 264- third. Huge living room with fireplace, 23' LITTLE SILVER and running northerly for a distance 410,000 In 1986. 1 Section 3 and 5 are rescinded. Desires private, un-. thereol ond supplemental there- of 27 feet therefrom. 1846. dining room, porches, basement. Three- The Bonds will be dated May 1, 1977,, usual 2-bedroom car carriage house with six-room apart- $33,900 Section 27. On the south side of Conal Section 3, On the north side of Mon- Street beginning 35 feet east af the! and will bear Interest at the rate per an-: mouth Street beginning 97 feet easter- ment. Includes boat house. Beaut It ul frees . ired of looking at houm lhat you hovel (b) "No license shall be Issued or re- num specified by the successful bidder dwelling in Red Bank-. on high ground. Asking $110,000. hd put money Into? Mint condition, three! easier I y curbllne of Broad Street «ntf ly of Its Intersection with the north- fwo blocks east Rt. 361 newed unless the applicant there-, running to ths point 60 feet easterly theretor In accordance herewith, payable east corner ot Bur rough's Place and edroomi. wall-to-wall corpeilng, new for shall designate In writing an on the first days of May and November In /and Middle Rd. Rumson vicinity; Year- lichen* fenced backyard. Located on qul-, therefrom. running 78 feet easterly therefrom. TED HALL. AGENCY Individual os agent of the 'busl- Section 21. On the south side of eoch year until maturity. SECTION 6. Chapter 20, "Truffle Act", t street. Call 747-239O or 775-O4W for cp- ness' residing or maintaining of- All the Bonds will be of the denomlna- round rental Prefer B42-4300. nl 1 ?« IetaH "" *ne DOIKJS Will V9 OI HI Article II, "Loading Zones" , Is amended lolntment. Principals only. fices within the Borough, or re-, land supplemented cy adding; wooded area. siding within the State of New JUST REDUCED Jersey, upon whom service of Section 17. Beginning at a point on Ihe AAIDDLETOWN south side of Canal Street 1)5 feet e<»t PotholderPmr Extraordinary value-in this custom bull ( process against the business may ranch in mint condition. Three bedrooms, ieautiful young bl-level, «n /i acre, wltr be served." ol the easterly curb line of Broad two baths. Lovely knotty pine kitchen, replace* central air conditioning, wall Street and running oO feel easterly o-woll carpeting, two-car garage, and (c) "If ot any time thereafter, therefrom. paneled den, raised hearth fireplace, fur supplemented by adding: Call 870-1264 attic and basements $49jl)QQ. ' many conveniences. $47,900. . address of the office sh_.. o single coupon attached for each In , SECTION 7. This Ordinance shall take change; or If the agent Is Section 7. On th* eoit«sidetffShrewi ,Jtollment of Interest thereon, will be reo-! ;iJ bury Avenue, beginning ot a point! 5H effect upon Its publication and passage ac- after 5:30 p,rr>::^ . BOB GRIMM AGENCY changed, dies, resigns or ceases "steroble as to principal only or as to both cording to law. M Hwy 35 Motawan to act, then the applicant shall feet south of Its intersection with Rivi Inclpal ond Interest reconvert)ble at the forthwith file In the office of the er Street ond running U feet northerly] PUBLIC NOTICE VANTIORN the holder Into coupon bonds. The foregoing Ordinance was In- 566-B40O Borough Clerk a notice setting therefromcVfYiM'si". n« ih. ...» .14. < r .tl(>n' a wtu De payable as to both principal AGENCY-REALTORS • forth the name of the applicant, Sti I K VM troduced ond passed first reading at a 890 Open 7 days. Call 24 hours a day. RUMSON COLONIAL the old address ond the new od- regular meeting of Ihe Mayor and Council dress, of the principal office, the tersectlon with the northeast c of Ihe Borough ot Red Bank held on Mon- wo bay windows, fireplace, large pan- tersectlont.th tRe northeast corner A^oxf &*$^^S%g$!f,UUi d t Tr u Cmpany, ffS day, May 1st, 1972 and will come up for II-. Look Lighter! 747-4100 ted den, 24' living room, formardlnlng! home of the agent being suc- Monmouth Street, and Grant Square!' ceeded, ond the name of the sue- BOIrough of Keansburg, New Jersey, not consideration and passage at a regular 804 River Rd. Fair Have: oom, three bedrooms, l'/j baths, base- and running northerly for a dill meeting of saidcovr ' ----^- ^- s._.j ment and garage. Owner transferred. of 48 feet therefrom.- Elacacn proposal must specify In a mumull- ivtrnlng body to b« hetd HOLMDEL ll r I ,.lle of '/*'/ oor 1/21/20 oof 11% aa singlsingle ratrate oof InIn- on Monday, May Wh151.., . 1972..._,. a _t 9:30 P.M., Printed Pattern 'Only J39.SM. SECTIt5N 3°. Cn opter iil "Licenses," Is! Section 9. On the north side of terest which the Bonds ore to bear, and no) hereby amended and supplemented by ad-; Street beginning 3B6 feet east of Its InJ at Hie Council Chambers, tn the Municipal UNDER $54,000 proposal will be considered which speci- Building, 31 Mumituulli Mice!, Red Bunk, TED HALL AGENCY ding Section t (f)as follows: f#r&ectlrii-. with Wharf Avenue and fied a rate higher than the lowest rate TOP NEIGHBORHOOD Section t (f). Distributors of clr- running. 48 feet easterly therefrom. I New Jersey, at which time and place all 842-4200 stated In any legal•11! / occeptablJie proposal, persons desiring to be heard thereon shall 10YRS. YO.UNG OAK HILL — Five-bedroom, 3Vi-bath Co- ' culars for commercial advertis- SECTION 5. Chapter 20, "Traffic AcfJ , rtlcle 9, "Bus Sfops" Is amended andEach proposal mmsi t state the amoun< t bid be given full opportunity. lonial in excellent condition. Set among ing, samples and any olher slm for the Bonds, which shall be not less than RANCH 1 supplemented as follows: lafed: M,0/1sti , 1972 "Callus, you'll like It." ttately trees. Paneled den, slate foyer, 25 liar writings as follows: 1415,000 or more than SlsOOO In excess of JOHN BRYAN, !ormal living room with fireplace, A p SI5.00 for distribution over a peri- Section 3 and 5 ore rescinded. Section 3. On Ihe north side of Mon. said amount. Borough Clirk Marshall P. Whitfleld llglous home — offered at 176,900. od not lo exceed three days. As between legally acceptable proposols 27 Realtors ' Member ML: S25.0O for distribution over a perl mouth Street beginning 97 feet easter-l May A * * -V° Walker & Walker, Realtors Iy of its Intersection with the north!specifying the same rale ot Interest, the .'Holrndel Rd., Ho I rude I 9*6-441 od not to exceed ten days.' east corner of Burrough's Place and Bonds will be sold to the bidder com* OROINANCC Hwy. 35 741-5212 Shrewsbury 1100.00 for onnuol distribution II running 78 feet easterly therefrom. Iplylng with Ihe terms ot sale ond offerint AN ORDINANCE TO AM EN IV1 AN OR MIODLETOWN — Custom built four-bed cense, to accept for the amount bid the lea si SECTION 6. Chapter »' "Traffic Act DINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LARGE COLONIAL room ranch. Large living roam, country Distribution In cars,, moving oii amount of Bonds, the Bonds so accepted PURCHASE OF A NEW FIRE INOINE lichen with dining area, full basement.' standingid Ing, ,< on private property or InArticle if, "Codding Zones" , Is amended lo be In any multiple of $1,000 and to be and supplemented by adding: 1 FOR THE BOROUGH OF LITTLE SIL- AAIDDLETOWN ireezeway. Attached two-car garage. publi41cc streetsir. s or parktng areas 1: those first maturing, and If two or more VER, APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF .'rofesslonalty landscaped lot. oft Oak Section 17. BeoInnlna al a point on Ihef such bidders offer to accept the same south side of Canal Street 115 feet east] $65,000.00 THEREFOR AND AUTHOR- Elegant five-bedroom home, on 2Vi acrei Hill Rd. Owner asking sio.SOO. 842-9534. Advertising material shall not bel least amount, then to the one of such bid- IZING THE ISSUANCE OF $40,000.00 distributed on any street or other of the easterly curb line of Brood ders offering to pay therefor the highest leoturing three full baths plus two powdei Street and running 60 feet eaiterlyf BONDS OF THE BOROUGH FOR Fl* rooms, family room with fireplace. larg< OLDER COLONIAL — Two large bed- price or, It two or more such bidders offer NANCINO SUCH APPROPRIATION." rooms, Vh baths, sun porch, dining roomi SECTPON S.PThCis' ordinance shall toh therefrom. ' ' lo pay the same highest price, then to one ADOPTED THE 3RD DAY OF APRIL, country kitchen, separate library, 34x3 fireplace In living room. Completely re- opav tlvlrg room, full basement. All brand new effect upon Its passage ond publication ac SECTION 7. Thli Ordinance shall take ' id bidders selected by the under- 1972. $97,S0Q. Contact builder direct. 67t-59r decorated. Full cellar. Low taxes. S2WO0. «fdlngtolaw effect upon Its publication and passage ac- Jt SOI1L rlnclools only. 719-2051. cording to law. signed b1y lot from among all said bidders, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and days or 842-1059 everllngs. |iucNoTicI 1 jrchater must also pay an amount Council or the Borough of Little Silver In The foregoing Ordinance wos In PUBLIC NOTICE The pun BY OWNER — In Fair Haven. Immediate equa,. l ttco the Interest on the Bonds accrued the County of Monmouth and Stale of New occupancy. Three-bedrcom, two-bath, plus troduced and passed first reading at r , The foregoing Ordinance was In-to the date of payment of the purchase Jersey (not less than Vi ot all ths mem- EATONTOWN den, older home. Two-cor garage. On al-regular meeting of the Mayor and Councl troduced and passed first reading at oj rlce. The right Is reserved to relect all bers' thereof offlrmotivety concurring) most one acre. Recently renovated. Prin- oflhe Borough of Red Bank held on Mon regular meeting of the Mayor and Council Ids ond ony bid not complying with the that: Colonial two-story. Four bedrooms, tw< day. May 1st, 1972, and will come up foi of me Borough of Red Bank held on Mon-E cipals only. UB.S00. 741-US7. terms of this notice will be rejected. 1. Section 1 of an ordinance entitled "An battis, one bath with suanci, living roon Each bidder Is required to deposit a cer with fireplace, den, formal dining room MATAWAN BORO — 3-bedroom, 20 yr. Ordinance Providing for the Purchase ot arge garage. Located on professional!- titled or cashier's or treasurer's check a New Fire Engine for the Borough of' old Colonial, fully carpeted. Lovely resi- on Mo ay7 Ma l972.isl 1:31 payable to the order of The Board of Edu- Little Silver, Appropriating the Sum ot, landscaped lot. Superb condition. AsKltv dential area. Principals only. S32,9OO. 566- uncil C on Monday, Moy isth, 1972, at 8:30 P.M. W.at the rs,Jn the Mu- cation of the Borough of Keansburg, In .so5,'D00.«J Yherefof'and Airthoriilm'lhe \l | $46,500. M?2. nicipal BulldTng,"32 Monmouth Street, R otthe Council Chambers, in the Munlclpa the County ot Monmouth, New Jersey, for Building, 32 Monmouth Street, Red Bank 'suance of 160,000.00 Bonds of the Borough UODLETOWN — Colonial features three Bank. New jersey, ot which time am S8,30O drawn upon a bank or trust com- for Financing Such Appropriation," Modern raised ranch. "Mother and dough lace'all persons desiring to be heor New Jersey, al which time ond place ol pany, and such check should be enclosed tcr" home. Located on large lot. Two-cc master site bedrooms, formal dlnln persons desiring to be heard thereon shal adopted the Third day of April, 1972, be iereon shall be given full opportunity. with the proposal. When the successor and Ihe same Is hereby amended fa read attached garage. Asking 545,500. Coll / ''aornVwt-rn*kltcHeK'deri,'r/j'baths, fufl "" be given full opportunity. bidder has been ascertained, all such de Koiicky Real Estate, Broker, 542-22! basement, hot water heat, detached ga Dated: Moy lif, 1972. Doted: May lst 1972 as follows: JOHN BRYAN, r posits will be promptly returned to the Evenings end holidays, coll Carl Petr rooe. Only S32.S00. MELMED REALTY, JOHN BRYAN, , persons making Ihe same, except the1 "Section 1. The Improvement described Ison, 542-2827. Broker, 671-5650. Borough Clerk In Section 3 ot this ordinance Is hereby au- ay 4 . 130.00 Borouah Clertd check of the successful bidder which will INCOME PROPERTY - FHA approvedl May 4 be applied In part payment for the Bonds, thorized as • general Improvement fa be or to secure the School Olstrlct from onymode by the borough of Little Silver, New -FAIR HAVEN- 'or S.13.Q0O. Three-bedroom, two-bath Jersey. For the said Improvement stoted mme in Leonardo; wnn rented cottage.! LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTfCE loss resulting from the (allure ot the bld-| Almost new Colonial with three large bed d s t esulting fromith th the (allurt e oft thhie bi bldd In Section 3, ihere is hereby appropriated rooms, l'/j baths, spacious living room 946-S2I0. SUMMARY O_. F NEWSPAPE„. _.R . .PUBLICATIO N jdeder to comply with the terms of his bid.the sum of S70.000.00 sold sum being In- formal dining room, large deluxe Kitchen SUPER COLONIAL — Custom built sev- MODIFICATION TO SICTION 5 OF THE EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT ACT OHAwarAward of the BBondd s to tthhe successfufll bibidd -clusive of oil appropriations heretofore All appliances Included. Excellent an en-room center hall Colonial In "tip top" —197 1 ider, or rejection of all bids. Is expected to mode therefor and Including the sum ol Larno yard, partially fenced. Priced condition. This four-year-old home In- On July 12, 1971, The Emergency Employment Act was signed Into law with thel be made promptly after opening ol Ihe 15,500.00 ai the down payment for said Im- sell at SG9.500. cludes formal llvlno room, paneled family .toted purpose: bids, but ihe successful bidder mayy non tprovement required by law and now avail- room with fireplace,- deluxe kitchen, 2V2 a. Under the Act the Secretary of Labor provides financial assistance to public em-] withdraw his proposal until afteifter 11li:30: | able therefor by virtue of provision In a baths, central olr conditioning, -This ele- Jiayees to be used to provide unemployed and underemployed persons wl|htronjltlonol| o'clock P.M. of the da/ of such bid-open- budget or budgets of the Borough pre- RUSSELL AA. BORUS viously adopted." REALTORS gant home Is offered at S55.500. E.A., jmpToyment in jobs providing needed public services during times of high unemploy Ing and then only If such award has not 600 River Rd., Fair Haven ARMSTRONG AGENCY. Realtors, 555 merit, and, where appropriate, training and manpower services related to such employ^ been mode prior to the withdrawal. The 2. That Section 1 of laid ordinance be 747-4533 Prospect Ave., Little Sliver. 741-4500. nent which are otherwise unavailable ond which will enable such persons to move Intd Bonds will be delivered and shall be paid and the same Is hereby amended to read AHOMETO BE PROUD OFI irnployment or training not supported under the Act. # for on or about July 1, 1972 at such place Boiler than new Colonial In prime Middle HANDYMAN SPECIAL — Lots ot work, The County of Monmouth has been designated as the Program Agent and is ell ol bid In New York City, and on such business l'^ecffoh 2. For the financing of taia All the girls love vivid vesls town ore a has four master sized bei' but when you're done. . . a charming Fair for funds under this Act based on the following: 1day and at such hour, as the undersigned improvement and to meet the port of told — crochet both quickly! rooms, IV] baths, large living room, foi Haven two-story Victorian near the Na- 19/0 Census May 1971 Report Unemployment iholl fix on five business days' notice to ..'0,000.00 appropriation not met by said mat dining room, family sized kltcher veslnk PLUS a small Income producing Population Work Force Unemployed Role the successful bidder, or at such other down payment, negotiable bonds of the Perfect to wear! Inslan and fireplace In family room. Wall-to-wc cottage. J42.SOO. ELLEN S, HAZELTON, 461,419 153,700 11,100 7.2% .,place and time os may be agreed upon Borough, each to be known as "Fire Ap- carpeting and central air conditioning ai Real For, 13 W. River Rd.. Rumson. 142 with the successful bidder. paratus Bond," are hereby author lied to The total program funding for the fiscal year 1972 Is $1,563,755.00 of whlcH' Eoch proposal must be enclosed In ol crochet potlioltler vests — list lust a (ewot the many txtras In th 3200, Member Inter-City Relocation Ser- 11,394,400.00 Is the Federal allocation and $166,355.00 Is the local share. The Local oil oposa be Issued In the principal amount of [home. Asking SS8.S00. vice'. Non-Federal Share, may be provided In cash or In hind. Including but not limited tarMoled envelop'dope and should be marked on $64,500.00 pursuant to the Local Bond Ray knitting worsted scraps Walker & Walker, Realtors WILTED WALLET? - Call to see this Im slantlant, equlpmenequipmenl or services. Ihe outside "Proposal for Bonds" and, IILaw, constituting Sections 4QA: J-l to Imoculale four-bedroom Cape Cod with On September 1, 1971, the distribution of funds' under the Act wasbegun, rna'led, addressed to or In care of the un-40A:2-64 of t»e Revised Statutes of New for centers. Pattern «!)(): chil Iwy, 33 671-3311 Mlddletow derjigned ot HO Port Monmouth Rood, Jersey. In anticipation of the Issuance of dlne-ln kitchen, cheerful living room, full municipalitie, s In Monmouth County, are rparticipatin_, , g„ ond a total .of. J0..9. Job opportu- y. In a basement. Wide, deep rear yard. Ideal for iltlenities wwere establishedestablished . OccupationaOccur"11""1l summarie'"s" were prepreparep d by each of the partlcl- Keonsburg, New Jersey, 07734. (Ircn's sizes 4-10; teens 120,500 ,_.. 1...... — .(.. .__ .,i, .. .-- —-^och of theposlllom. The successful bidder may at his option such bonds and to temporarily finance PRECIOUS & FEW children. Offered at S331,500M . E.AE . ARM sating municipal!timoi n listing the |ob titles and wage rates foi r moy sold improvement, negotiable notes ot tho Theposl refute to accept the Bomdi s If prior to their, misses 12-14 included. GOOD STARTER HOME STRONO AGENCY, Reealtorsa , 555 Pros- positions os originally described were tor the twelve month period September iJ 'Borough In a principal amount not ex- Tills ronch hai mailer slie bedroom peel Ave., Little Silver. 741-4500. trough AUDIusl 31,1973. delivery any Income tax law ol the United ceeding $64,500.00 are hereby authorlied Scnil 75 cents for each pat large living room, country kitchen, tilei I wire flTfefiifed by the municipalities at varying dotes subsequent to September 1, Stales of America shall provide that the to be issued pursuant to and within the bdtn, full basemen! and man/ exlras. NEWLY DECORATED — Five rooms, tn 11971. As a result ol this"grattw'rjiirlng'ol porficlponts Into the program a considerable! 'nterest thereon Is taxable, or shall be limitations prescribed by said Law. The tern - add 25 cents for eacli VA NO DOWN closed porch, basement. Large stand-upnmount of unused money IKM accumulated._ _, .. , | • oxable at a future date, for federal In- maximum rale of Interest which any of FHA MINIMUM DOWN attic, l!.\wrc. 737-8936. Principals only. ThepurposVof thfs medTHcotTon tothe Grant Is to provide additional |obs to those]come tax purposes, and In such case the said obligations shall boar Is ilx per cen- pattern for first-class mailing THE BERG AGENCY (A Division ins which hove accumulated unused Federal Fundi oi a result ol gradual hiringhirii . deposit made by him will be relumed and tum (6%f per annum." LINCR'6Ff™Spirrievei7Three-bed he will be relieved of his contractual obli- Uorg Enterprises. Inc.) Rt. 35 and Sunn The additional lobs created as a result ot (Ms modification are not the resullUlt o*,f. addcmul ,, 3. That Section 3, Paragraphs ReolonoReglo l Manpowe.,r Administratio..- n,. o_t. th...e. Department__r_ .,,. _^. Labo_„*...r unti- l Augusw¥^.t, 31,„,,]Bonds are valid and legally binding obll ment lsS64.S00.00, Dept., Box 161, Old Chelsea uottnn-Diicron combination. transportation ond schools, this gorgeous J972. Funding for these additional I obi beyond August 31,1972 has not yet been deter- ally bl "(c). The Mllmoled maximum amount home features three huge bedrooms, olt gatlons of sold School tfI strict ond, unless PAUL n STRYKEH. Realtor. Farms mined. iitrlcl of money to be raised from all sources for Station, New York, N.Y Hufflcitup If you like. with large clonti, modern eat-In kitchen. Joseph C. Irwln, Director of the Board of Chosen Freeholders, of Ihe County of Mon paid from other sources, are payable said improvement Is $70,000.00 the excel* dining area, formal living room and IVVmouth announced that establishment of 73 additional ]ob opportunities would be os fol< from ad valorem taxes levied upon all the Prlnled l'atimi OI2il: NHW unti (anp estates, state Highway U, thereof aver Ihe said estimated maximum 10011, Print PATTERN NUM car garage. Anume 4VJ% APR VA mart' lows: taxable properly therein without llmlta ot bonds or notes lo be Issued therefor Mon as to rote or amount, and (b) contain' Half Sizes.HI'/;, I2',i, \\% gage. 117* per month pays all Including Program Unit of Area •Number.of Total Funds for as to rote or amount, and (b) contain' being the amount ot the sold S3,300.00 BKR, NAMK, ADDKKSS Hclmdcl. Phono 946-4144. (axes. Coll for appointment. THE KIR. Government Served jobs odtied added lobs. ,Ing ia ftfurtheh r statementtt t to tthhe effecfftt ththatt down payment for said Improvement," sizi; bust WAN CO., Realtors. Campbell't Junction, burJ^r City Corporate Limits li.UO.CrOfsaid law firm has considered Illlgatlon re- 4. Thai Section 4, Paragraph (c) of salt! ZIP. Ki'/ii IH'/J, ISOVis- W/t ( Delford, 787-5500. ....^ uJccnlly Instituted In certain stales Including CUSTOM BUILT — 12-room homo lor'« Belmor Borough Corporate Limits A ordinance be and the same It hereby 37) takes 1 yards llO-ineli. MIDOLETOWN — Come and see this un Gat on town Borough Corporate Limits 3 7,375 Oojthe State of New Jersey, such as Serrano -mended to read as follow*: NEW 1972 Needlccraft Cain ccutlve. Almost Iwo acres, beautiful Freehold Township Corporate Limits 3 v. Priest pending In California, challeng landscaped with flowerlna shrubs ar usual Split Level house on a well land' B.JOO.OOl "(cl. The supplemental debt statement log clammed with the inns' SEVENTY-KIVK CENTS leaped corner lot. Three huge bedrooms. Hailet Township Corporate Limits 2 .Ing the constitutionality of present ays required by said LavOas been filed in the Iroes. 5eporalo guest apartment. Prior Howill Township Corporate Limits A 13.MO.0ol'term of livvlno taxes and applying fund) owner, 741-0041. .Ivlna room, dining room, modern kitch- Office ot the Director of the Division ot fabulous fashions, ncces for each pattern — «dd 25 en, v/i baths, loroe polio and grill. Many Key port Borough Corporate Limits 3 10,550. CdIf or public school purposci'and that, Local Government in the Oeparlment of 1...... 1.1... .».^.. pr|ncfp0|s only. Little Silver Borough Corporate Limits I 7^675 OOJ'helr opinion, such litigation will not modihe Treasurer of the Stale uf New Jirtiy cents (or each pattern for Air , T R AN si E R R¥DT 6 R~jlj S T O U extras. Asking U9,OD0. Long Branch Corporate Limits 41,500 OOH'V the rights of the holders of the Oondj sorlcs, gifts. Knit, crochet IGROWINO YOUR HOME? -Call t 74I-95JI. City U and such statement shows thot the gron Mail unil Special Handling. wrltt tor voitr compllmtntary copy of Al Manajquon Borough Corporate Limits 2 5,a54.0O|to ultimate recourse lo unlimited od wulo debt ot the Borough as defined In laid embroider. Kree patterns p'ellrook i monthly Homes for Livlr MTbirCETOWtr^-~Five-bedroom spilt Borough Corporate Limits A 12,500.061rem taxes upon all the taxable property Law is Increased by tnis band ordinance Send to Marian Martin, 420 mauailne. Offers nlcluret, prices, fli ,lwn baths, recreation room, living room Township Corporate timid 9 19,*50.00i within the said School District tor Ihe pay- by S baths, gameroom, ,2 under ta deliver or accept the Bonds pur ordinance eshal shall tukl tuke e effect R IVEHTAHE A iifrnch honn twenty (ID) dadays s altelte r tthh efl flrsl l puDllcotlcDll n New York, N.Y. 10011.1'rlnt 6Mt. flnllliRd utirooe. Thret bedroom1 dining room, extra large kitchen, gairoger , suant hereto shall bo conditioned on the, terns teach today's way. $1.00 all appliances. Near everything. De availability to the successful lilddor and! thereof ntlcr final postage, as provided by All ilnrms, hidden slalri. KOdOO, Prlval letter Thne 73 additional [obs plus Ihe Wprovided for initially bringrr! the total number of the Local Bond Low. NAA1K, ADDHKSS with /IP, "4,500. MlS Milan new. So many extras. 137,500. Owner. labs lo 312, delivery ot the time ot delivery or thai Complete Instant (lift Book M-W0. Bond! of the said approving opinion find I hereby approve of the poising of (hit -more than 100 gifts. $1.00 •SIZM AND Sl'Yl.K NUM- hl!l.LiNO??~'A»K o'biiui 6 jARANTEPb The funding application daierl April II, 1972 will be delivered by William M. Lynch.. of certificates In form ond tenor iollsfac refinance, f.AICI f-LAN lo itll your homt. SWAN- NEWBTLEVEL-IIMOO _ New brick 'roflram Coordinator, lo the Regional Manpower Administrator, U.S. Department of lory to laid law firm evidencing the prop CHARLBSP. RED I1KI1. KLY HCAUORS, MjiiSO. ronf til-level presently under conslruc- atwr, U1J Broadway, New York Clly, New York for appro vol. 'er execution and delivery ol the Bondi Moyrjr Complete Afghan Book — lon, Yeu con select your own color The oppllcatlon moy be examined at the Perionnel Diflce of Ihe Count/ of Mon very ol t and receipt of paym itUPMENG;OKB6NWp6l> $1.00' VHKV. FASHION OrKKK! scheme for Ihe four bedrooms, huge go- mould, local id on Ihe first floor In the Mall of Records, Main Strut, Freehold, NBW [ft ther iff AdmlnUlratorw, lust woltlng to meet Us new hoi been finally adopteted and IIhhe 330-do0 y Book of 12 I'rlze Afghans >wner. Financing available lo qualified Program Apent or dlnctly to the ftiglonal Manpower Aomlnrnrator. To be glvin con- of the signer or sinners thereof) threat- ptrlod ot limitation wlfniq whicrj a IU f, FOR REAL SERVICE ildfrallon, these com menu muit be received wlmln IS days of thlipubikation. ened reiattnrelattnga to tn« Bond) except the lfIhln wh buyeruyer, Can't loslostt, coll now. THE KIRWAN octlon or proceeding qwullonlt r . .,., .„. 50c Catalog. Send liOr for Ciitnln^. IN REAL ESTATE CO.J , Re- o>• lore , Almorl Plaia, Hwy 36, JOSEPH C. IRWIN, pending litigation htrelnabove referred lo and thai the sola School District li not odlty of such ordinance con b* commenced, Quill Book 1 - lit piitteniH, INSTANT SEWINIi HOOK Hat the mutiy ex- Secretory STfePHBNO.OflBINWOpO Book 3, "(julltN Kor Today' mL tras. C/fMiiSA AOBNCY, Realtor, 4 .ivlng". 15 imttcniH. 5k facts, $1, Parker Ave., Little jTlvir, 74143)1. May 4 41 The DalJy Better, Red Rani - MWdlclowu, N.J. Thursday, May 4, 1*72 Crossword Puzzle 1} Stint-: ACROSS 29 Lump 62 Blotchti Snuffy Smith frtpehelty 1 Scr»wr>y 30 Protector's 54T«k«i ililtl 12 Distribute onu project LET'S HEAR VE PLAV 16 Foot Itvtr FER BALLS OFIRE.DOC!! >v 7 Placed 32 Storage 55 Timple LIVER, COME BflCK 17 Direct i WHAT? I FEEL FIT AS 13H«rd«m«n's placet gates YOU.SNUFFV, TO ME" 34 Blunder 58 Novel Insults A FIDDLE hut 20 Supplieition I'D STAV AWflV 14 Pain reliever 35 Indian character FROM TH' enclave 5B Woolen 23 Encloturei 15 Garden plant 24 AssociiUd ' CORN 35 - Coast o( cloths 16 Ideal stales 27 Rottralns Africa 60 Tennis SQUEEZE'S 18 Run away 1 FER A 19 Riga coin 40 Aid player 28 Lemon— 21 Wheat 44 Collection 61 Forever: 31 Ceylon variety 45 Floodgates poet. export 22Muskieand . 47 Exclamation 62 Uses 33 Knock McGovern 48 Beaters- 63 Adjusts 36 - B« 23 - servants 50 - with anew 37 Poetic foot 25 Celebes ox (favored) 38 Workman 26 Blackbird 61 Russian DOWN 39 Destroyers 27 Beguiled river 1 Type of 40Stalf Solution to Y«n•rday'i Puult triangle 41 In use 2 Of an 42 Gulches • MUCH BETTER. HE USED NOW HE'S element 43 Massenet TO MISS OUR OLD TRUCK" MISSIN6 aaaa ••QBS auaai 3 Coarse files opera HowfeybUR A LOT THE NEW ••QBPDaa aomnaa 4 Everyone: 45 Crete's PARTNER FEELINS TRUCK/ ama oana^ I Ger. mountain THESE DAYS 2 \ 5 -whiz " 49 Shopping \aaaa nnnna aanra 6 Conform place to fashion 51 - Dame' aama anan 7 Acting 53 Hindustan nnnnrannnran ranrannirranrannirinn sulkily dietv nnnn nnnnn naam\ 8 Skillful 55 Very: Fr. ftuSURE HAD Rinnn nmnnra nnnra 57 Clear gain nnnn nnnnn nnntn] 9 Rivers: Sp. WHO'S THE UTTLE KIO tAVlN' ON VOU ** 10 Greek letter 59 Consumed Children's Letter 5/H/72 —— 10 11 12 |U

LOOK I SHOULD AWO I THINK. WE HAD ^' CLIO I TTER 0150155 THIS 1••i9~]2 fn I•pIT TELLVOU.GLENNA,'' pin *~ri BUSHED, TOO M«> IMPRESSED, MR. THAT MR.HUME AND ' 50,IFV0aWANT AFTER THE. HUME! NOT THAT LISTENING I ARE GOINGTO B E 22" TO5VMPH0NVI5MVTHING! TO EXCUSE. V0UR5ELF, PLANE RIDE f\ MARRIED THIS WE'LL UNDER5TANDJ 50 29~ I'M 0NW REALLY TURNED FAIL! 26" ON BV A ROCK. BEAT.'-BUT. < 1 ^^^ 1 i 33 — d 30~ : • i 36 : 41 1 1 47" 14" Fn 1 | is" 51 z 52~ The Wizard of Id F6! |57 HS8 59 l l" 11 1 Your Horoscope, Birthday THURSDAY, MAY 4 - it; you could be angered or to yourself. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- . Born today, you are an ex- frustrated to the point of giv- CANCER (June 22-July 23) Dec. 22) - Avoid anything ceedingly critical person - ing in to it. — Creative work should take that smacks of a business but you are not one to criti- You have a large number of your mind off your problems trip. This is an excellent time cize another without cause or real talents but will have to this morning. There are many to see how far you can go it without suggestions as to how learn to curtail your activities ways of persuading yourself alone on the new project. • he can better his product or if you are to gain any real to accept disappointment; try CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jfen. its value. Progressive and one. 20) — Danger to anothcr FOR A A60UT A NICKEL success. Attempting to bring highly inventive, you are at LEO (July 24-Aug. 23) - brings out the best in you. NICKEL I'LL TELL WOUK ! too many talents to the peak your best and happiest when of perfection could result in Focus your attention on mat- Take care, however, that your you are involved in some proj- your being able to bring none ters that could very well generosity of spirit docsji't ect whose nature is basically of them to real working pitch. change things on the home make you go overboard ma e- speculative. You enjoy the You would be wise to select front. Afternoon hours see you rially, risk inherent in an investment early in your life those abili- vulnerable where criticism is AQUARIUS (Jar. 2I-F7 GOODBYE H, THIS MORNING persuasion fail you will not GEMINI (May 22-June 21) SCORPIO (Oct; 24-Nov. 22) ARIES (March 22-Aprll give in to the temptation to — Another's attempt to de- — A pleasure trip late in the — Where accidents are COJT use physical force to bring ceive you may succeed if you day is indicated. Don't be eeined, take no chances. Tljis others into your camp. For are careless enough to allow alarmed should you have to i"s ~no "tim e 't o try to. prov" e you""r' you have a temper and have your fondest wishes to be change your plans where oth- invulnerability; you're hit- not entirely learned to control known. Be wise; keep things er people are involved. man. Sheinwold's Bridge Advice By ALFRED SIIEINWOLD Naturally, you raff with a my's queen later. Either way bring the partnership total (ip high trump. West discards the South makes the contract. to the 26 points usually needkl Andy Capp The average bridge player deuce of clubs. Now you draw Could East get out of this by for game. thinks of the squeeze as a dra- three rounds of trumps. saving all of his spades? Not THAT'S WHAT I CALL matic and difficult play that Poor East can afford to really. If East discards ,two SWINDLER! AW3TE0FTIME happens late in a hand. This is throw one diamond without a diamonds, South will take the South dealer 1 -TRYIN TO INSULT often true, but sometimes the pang. But then what? A club ace of diamonds and then North-South vulnerable A REFEREE squeeze is very simple and oc- discard looks dangerous (and duck a low diamond to East's NORTH curs during the first few won't help him anyway), so king. This sets up dummy's 4 Q642 tricks. And, far from being East throws'the seven of queen of diamonds as the (5 Q1074 dramatic, it may be so quiet spades. tenth trick. The fancy end- 0 Q43 that you won't even know it Don't look now, but East play is then not needed. 4> 83 happened unless you're has been squeezed. DAILY QUESTION WEST EAST watching the hand like a Declarer cashes the top With the opponents passing 4.105 4 AKI87 hawk. clubs and ruffs a club in dum- throughout, you open with one West opens the ten of 0 1097 0 KJ86 my. The last spade is led from heart and partner raises to * 109642 4 QJ7 spades, and you cover with dummy, East covers with the two hearts. You hold: S-9 3 dummy's queen. You don't eight of spades — and South H-A K J 9 3 D-A 5 2 C-A K SOUTH want West to win the first discards a diamond. 5. What do you say? 4 93 (rick because he might shift Answer: Bid four hearts. 9 AKJ93 Pogo East is stuck with the lead, 0 A 52 ; to a diamond. with just three diamonds in You have 19 points in high A AK5 East wins the first trick his hand. If East leads a low cards, 1 point for the double- IN PACT, I HAVE POM'T South' West North Kill IT'S RlCTieULOUS TO IM *MNOOM£SUCH lURMO TO TEtL LAUP AW VMO SAIP ANYTHING with the king of spades, con- diamond, dummy wins with ton and 1 point for the fifth SUGGEST THAT SOM66OP/ PERSOlJ WHO SW£0 1 C? Pass 2 V TiM6 6H£'P OP WOWOR A A0OUT A PUPli-t THIS tinues with the jack of spades, the queen; and if East leads heart after partner's raise. WOUID STIUL 06 IM TH6 OH UNTIL SH6 WAS B6£N AH. 6£T FOR PUPlU WHAT WAS AAV TEACHeB Redouble Pass Pass 2 4 R6TIR6P MTri HONOKS, ece CLOS& . *MSS SATCHfcWA and then leads the ace of his king of diamonds, South The total is 21 points, and UO/EOFALL AND 4

The I'liautoni



PAfflMt MOVIES OIRONHMJC) •IMar Itartrt om«*r ton »el*ni arlmaover On apparent a34lUe_Uia thett ot more WASHINGTON - Richard noiac surrender. Director Living Off Residuals Chamberlain turni Shakes- Miller, who away from the SRSMlSg By CVNTHIA LOWRY In a hotel. I went to Esaleti in ^Tht Can o( the Captaln'a Ootru." A Mm cm- peare'i wlihy-washy king Into theater ii a doctor of neurop- Big Sur for a weekend, and memoratlnf the meut of a mfi §tm from «nm- a stiff-backed fluttercr in the sychology, seeks no subtle in- that was the 1(00 Inr. l« the clu. is a murder. NEW YORK - "The Flying beginning." , ..„ Ounalar" B THI DEAN MARTIN SHOW (C) "Richard II" which opened • terpretation from either Nun," a bit of comedy fluff Shc•• continued to attend 0 SET SMART (C) flueit: Jonathan Winter. (our week run last night at the Chamberlain or the rest of the BOBO NEWS ((CC) T thatsoared-often a bit on the Esalen workshops, studying ^Andlahv Makw eW (Part III lhe 0) eiUIGAN'S ISLAND (C) OOWINB OIN tMARSHALL (C) Kennedy Center for the Per- cast. wobbly side-through four humanist psycholgy move- •Uf«ry itauttnf John hospitals and schools. Mean- < , adolcacent (Init abuae In auburben commtmlUea A(tr, Maria KIIRIIIII. A cowboy, in pureult of Ma was seen at its final preview. Methodist minister's grand- while, those "Flying Nun" re- / O THE HOLLYWOOD SQUARES (C) twin hroth.r'a Mller, maata a half-breed jtrt and a An audience of con- Jack Ryland, Chamberlain's daughter who played a dry, give her that rare COlONIAl 0 HOSAN'S HEROES; (t) gunman who guide him Into outlaw country. ventioneers certainly, and fa- KCANSBUMG /H/-O1O0 „ D THIS IS YOUR LIFE IliM O THE CIS LATE MOVIE (C) rival for the mantle of majes- permissive mother superior in for a performer: to Oueatl Eirl Wllaon (R) "Mill Order Bride" (1MI) etarrlng Buddy Ebten, vorably, tested the troupe's tic, is a rather prosaic figure. the series, will be opening only In roles that chal- (O I DREAM OF JEANNIE (C> Lola Mettleton. A weetern drama of the attempta jaunt through the royal ran- Sorrell Booke, as the Duke of next week in Joseph Papp's "I'll Never Fornt What'i Her Name" to harnen the unbridUd aplrlta of a handaoma and interest her. She O THE FRENCH CHJF young many by getting him married. cors of six centuries ago. York who defends then off-Broadway production, "AH DOUBURATURE "Caka with a Halo" 6 THE TONIGHT SHOW (C) deserts Richard, unfortuna- "Older People." But her tele- O THE HIP WILSON SHOW (C) Oueati Ruwina Pleanett* Chamberlain began transfer HU. SAT. SUN. Cuteti: Petula Clerk, Roy ClarK, Reid Tax (It) 0 THE DAVID FROST SHOW (C) to classic drama from the tely suggests a pudgy grocer. 0 TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES aalea ntlatanc* and pereuxlti her to In Uu PrancUcua. ' lean, lantern-jawed actor lauded for stBtkly defying tra- year," said Miss Sherwood. i MUSIC hoeUM at a. dinner party, CALL TO PRAYER MAKERS O THE MERV MUFFIN SHOW (C) THE JOE FRANXUN SHOW (C) must inexplicably vacillate dition. "When I was working on the 0 ORASNEr (C) NEWS AND WEATHER show, I was putting most of .THEATRES •Durjlary: The Bon" _ SERMONETTE (C) O NET PLAYHOUSE: HOSRAPHIES 0 EVENING PRAYER my money into building i-M O THE LATE UTE SHOW (C) MONDAY IS DATE NIGHT MO O CBS THURSDAY NISHT MOVIE Mental mountains and on a lake Ccrlnne Calvct. A renegade plain to hold up a ilage, Maureen VHam, Ale* Nloo!. Groucho's Show PUZAHiiItt rob It and kill all the puiengare. Cilt O «VE US THIS DAY (Ot about 40 miles north of Mon- treal. Now I hope to build a IU.lt IT HUM II, 2«< »J» inwMiintHiM theater in human relations JAMES COBURN Set to Open At there and make it the nucleus JENNIFER O'NEILL of a workshop." "THi CAREY IKATMBiT" At the Movies "People kept telling me that Carnegie Hall a television series for an actor CINEMA 34 MaUNin RED BANK MALL 2- EAST BRUNSWICK was like an annuity, but I nev- nHs«MM CARITON- TMCowbov»7:IOi»:30 ' TURNPIKE- NEW YORK (AP) - naur er quite believed it. By the ' Hear of lhe Night 7:30; Bllndmon 9:30 OCEAN TOWNSHIP IND0OR- Groucho Marx, 81, wise- From New York, Marx goes second year of the ceries-I ..CINEMA III- CIRCLE- JOHN WAYNE **'Mary, Queenoof ScScolo ! 7:00; 1:00; Thiv The Franclt Connection 3:00; 7:)0; Bllenl Running !:05; 10:O9 cracked back to the press at a to France where he will ac- was in Hollywooy d eighg t , . Might be Clont111:0l 11:00 O:^D OUTDOOR- news conference yesterday. cept an award from the "WIUIE WONKA "THE COWBOYS" EATONTOWN ASBURY PAHK Cowboyt 8:15; 13: IS; Omega Men months of the year working-I 10:35 He is in New York for a one- French government to the And Tht LYRIC- was beginning to feel stir- fcOMMUNlTY- PERTH AMBOY • ~Tha Lost Plelura Show 2:00; i:\s-, Minnle ond MoikeMltl 7:S0; 9:55 man show at Carnegie Hall on Marx Brothers, May 14, at nr just working and living CHOCOLATE FACTORY" 9:30 • AMBOYS DR1VE1N- CTa MAYFAIR- straw DOBS !:15; 12:21; They Shoot Saturday, his first New York the Cannes Film Festival. DRIVE-IN- 1 8 1 100 5 Horses Don't They* 10:» stage appearance since he Chico and Ha'rpo Marx are Cowboya 1:20; 13:25; Voldet \\ Com- SlSjffltTlVs" "" " " ''^' -' ^MMtifitadt Ing 10:V; ST. JAMES- starred on Broadway in 1928 dead and Zeppo and Gummo, , FREEHOLD Is There Sen Alter Dtclh? 7:00; 10:10; Seventeen 8:40 in "Animal Crackers." who was the manager, are re- Theatre MALL 1- Ballet School "What the blank would I be tired and live in Palm 5llent Running 7:25; »:25 NEPTUNE CITY NEPTUNE CITY- doing here if I felt like 81?" Springs. Groucho has lived Guntihoe 7:00; »:Mi Welcome Id Ida Has Exams largely in retirement in Be- lua l:jO he answered one predictable MAKE YOUR LONG BRANCH - The re- question. verly Hills since the end of the LAKEWOOD sults of the Royal Academy of RESERVATIONS COUNTBY- "No, I don't plan to retire. TV game show he hosted until Dancing Children's Syllabus NOW FOR TtieCowboyi 7:10; 9:30 Not while there is money in 1962. n TOWN- Examinations at the Mon- it," he answered another one. He put together the current mouth School of Ballet, 179 Mary, Queen ot Scott liHl »:40 "What will I do with the one man show he said, be- Broadway, are: RINGO STARR MOTHER'S DAY money? Spend it on my secre- cause he had gotten bored BRICK TOWN Primary grade, Suzanne BRICK PLAZA- tary, which is a euphemism doing nothing. "BUND MAN" DINNER ,. Puppet on o Chain 7:15; 9:30 Gray, passed.- for this girl over here." he Wearing blue Jeans, a blue MALL CINEMA 1- Grade one, Patricia Koman, -AUO- The French Connection 7:15; «US said, indicating red-haired turtleneck shirt, red vest, blue Karen Aiigello, Margaret Tox, Erin Fleming, who had jacket and blue beret, Marx MALL CINEMA 2- and Eric Wall, passed. Kim- "IN THE HEAT UNION HOUSE The Carey Traotmenl 7:20; 9:30 walked with him into the explained the beret. "It is the be rly Carthy and Evelyn ifHABAVt, RED BANK TOMS RIVER room and rearranged micro- most comfortable hat to wear. OF THE NIGHT" Wall, passed plus. * »4>-75» COMMUNITY- phones atop the grand piano And women are crazy about SlrowOog>7:10; 9:20 Grade two, Duang Ware, where Marx sat to talk. berets. There is a connotation DOVER— passed. June Whipple and Silent Runnlnp 1:1X1) 7:35; 9:30 Mark performed his one- of sex involved there. Which Shonda Thompson, passed •••••••••• man show of jokes and songs isn't really true. But they MONMOUTH NORTH OF RED BANK plus. Tara Watkins, passed Town West like "Lydia the Tattooed think it is." HlaHwov 15 tt »*mer aye. PLAYERS commended. 1 BRUCMKMIelewneJllE DERNW ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Lady" last Saturday night at Were the newsmen looking present ATLANTIC CINEMA- Grade three, Karen Tetsch- Iowa State University, which at the new Groucho? "No, "SILENT The Hot Rock 7:00; 10:20; Low Man ner, passed. Catherine Wai- you're looking at the ancient RUNNING" 2:00; B:40 he kept calling Ohio, where it saclf, passed plus, Anne Ful- was taped by a recording Groucho." "DON'T DRINK chcr and Mary Beth Hughes, Academy Award Winner Qlenda MIDDLETOWN company. He refused to per- passed commended. Marian Jackson as Queen Elizabeth I THE WATER" TOWN WEST- form any of it for newsmen, IT_—*>_ /"» j Gizzi passed with honors. portrays the monarch as an Im- Town East Sllent Running 7:35; 9:35 saying, "For that, you have to O-OJT 8 ijOuieay perious regent who Is warm- TOWN EAST- Grade four, Rita Cocco, hearted and loving In her boudoir MAY Cowbovs 7:10; Law Man 9:45 pay $30. Go to Carnegie Hall." Seeks CoStblff passed commended. Audrey JVVK1S In the Hal Wallls universal pro- srwtf I Told it was sold out, he re- casting , 5,6,12,13,20 HAZLET Penney, Shelley Harris and duction, "Mary, Queen of lented and sang a bit of "I SPRING LAKE - The Pine PLAZA- Kay Williams, passed highly Scots," photographed in Tech- Eatontown Must Be Going." Tree Players of Spring Lake nicolor end Panavislon. NOW atonto The Corey Treatment 7:15; 9:50 commended. Andrea Sgro and J <2OO Novesink 8:30 Asked what he had noticed JH hold open ca6ting for PLAYING AT CINEMA III RT. 35 DRIVE-IN- Kathleen Crahay, passed with W JOHN WAYNE . Cowboys 9:15; There Wat A Crooked different about New York, their summer theater produc- Library p.m. Man 10:30 honors. Marx said, "It's dirtier. The tion of Moss Hart's comedy, MATAWAN Pupils were prepared for "THE COWBOYS" CINEMA 34- the examination by Miss Sally streets need fixing. And the "Light Up the Sky," Wednes- Mm. Res. Th« Cowboys 7:10; 9:25 school I went to is torn down, day from 8 to 10 p.m. at the PlUSATDRIVl-IH KEYPORT Ferrara and Miss -Doris Ja- lASTIMSlODAY Al"s hlha tribut"'"et t"""o me." Spring Lake Community ASBURY "VALDEZ IS COMING" $2.25 747-2853 STRAND- coby. pg y PARK The Loves ol Thrae Women 7:15; Young people today like the House, Mattlion off Main "SEXUAL FREEDOM 9:35; Sexual Liberty NowB:15; 10:35 The examiner was Miss Third and Madison 988-3533 1 Marx Brothers movies, one Avcs. IN MARRIAGE" June Christian from Oxford, reporter commented, and England. asked why. "Because the The show will be directed Community movies, which we were una- by Billy Joe Fansler of Mid- STARTS TOMORROW! lalentwn S4MNI * Kcansburg Art Fair ware of at the time, were vir- dletown and produced by Mrs. "THE LAST Is at High School tually an attack on the estab- Jackie Platt of Manasquan. SEAFOOD It will be presented in the KEANSBURG - An art fair lishment — the current one I PICTURE SHOW" mean. The kids have found Community House July 6, 7 BUFFET will be at the high school to- and 8 and 13,14 and 15. morrow and Saturday from 10 this out. W g0 t a Iot of f n mail a.m. to 7 p.m. to benefit the' " ?,, , ,J , , i Persons interested In back- 25 now. We didn't got it 27 years stage work are alsfJ we|come Circle school Art Scholarship Fund. fti aa el Atftury f\ Ctrtte It was Incorrectly reported ago. I didn't care anything toattend the casting session, Ocean te»»tl»p»IMio AdultB about It then. Now I do." t | y 5 ACADEMY AWAHDSI 4 In yesterday's Daily Register Fur ner nformatlon ma J be CMIdnn Under 10 - 1.75 But he won't be making any that it would be in the obta|ned by wrltl b p 0 Box l»BIDAY6:0O to9iOOP.NI. Frances Street School. more movies. Why? "Why did 567 Sprlrig'Lake. "THE FRENCH Babe Ruth quit playing base- CONNEGION" Two Organists longogr Perform May 14 Lyric Itatkn-AjMricon Restaurant FREEHOLD - The Free- ij-y fulfil IOM TheFkaMarket hold Music Center, 12 Throck- 1074 OctariAve. SEA BRIGHT morton St., 1ms scheduled con- "MINNIE & certs for May 14 at 2 and 7 MOSKOWITZ SEAFOOD BUFFET SwapwShop p.m. AssoilodSnlada The first will feature Larry Lobslor Bisque Soup Sloumors Roou, staff organist for the' Oysters on Vi Slioll Shrimp Cocktail ROUTE 36 DRIVE-IN Qlnnt Donelor.r, Stulfocl Flali (Bnkocl) Conn Organ Corporation. His Mayfair — THEATIE, HttM, IM— presentation will Include pop Lln'julnl Whllo Clam 6nuco (2mi.iouthJctftli35i3S) Mama Longo's Sholl Finn Combination l-'rn Dluvolo tunes, concort standards and Broiled Bonoluns Whlto flsti Pomocloro also ijtli. NEWARK DRIVE IN THEATRE, Piluki Skyway, N.I. old favorites, played on scv-. "MARY, QUEEN? (Sautood In Wlno Suuco) oral new organs. Clams Arrogenatu Glaamod Crab THE GREATEST FLU MARKETS IN NEW JERSEYI OF SCOTS" Shrimp FrunchoiM fitullarl Oyolor Krlad'Bnljy Wilting Shrimp' Pizza EVERY MT. & 8UN. 8 AM to 4 PM Following the conceit will Scunnglll • Cnlomnrl • Bnmnln Mnrlnnra be an Informal recoption to STARTS MAY 17th ' v Shrimp Frn DIBVOIO BUYER $1. p«rcirlo«d.8ELLER*2. per»p«c« meet and visit wllh the artist. TOWHWEST-MAVMt , Fried Cod & Sludad Mueaola . 50c WALK-IN Admission Muanelu In Mnrlnnra Bnuuo Tho second event will be an Paptsr (PIBII) Knbob aln Riihu 8UHR8 FOrMNTOHMVriON CAUl organ concert by Paul Quar- IMKN'««fettM'iy Ammtmtmnm Hla JJ Dilvaln (101) M4.K01 SUZANNf PAIMEB • STEPHENS FOX • PATRICIA HAftT • TERRY SULLIVAN ' ''. Scallop Parmlglnna Ntvwk Dflvaln (301) 3M-1«M Ino. , '. > Momemado Cakos ( Oiminria ANATHEMA FILMS PRODUCTION • IN iAITMANCOUM Ladles'Navel & PBCHIIIVU SHACK BAR-PLAY AREA He will interpret different A SHERPIX RELEASE KCQMMfNDED FOR HBAITHYADUITS ONLY * ' Ladius' Flngars & Oovii's ii types of music, from the clas- Colloo, Tea, loo Toa sics to modern ]azz« using 1842-88571 plpo and electronic organs. - PERSONS UNDER 21 NOT ADMITTED OWN SUNDAYS 9AJW.TIL6P.M. SAIE STARTS TODAY DECORATING thru SATURDAY CENTERS 9:30 A.M. TJU 10 P.M.

. -«; • * *

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I 14 ' wvto til kv/lffl f)f Qtm) Mil Valu* 12' HAZLETi RT. 35 & POOLE AVE. whit* Atf/uhft It) U'ti «J 4 d-wf TILE tmiai\y at window tvining Oo- 49 sum IN OPEN SATURDAY AT 8:30 A.M. ttb>* vmyi mamwi titnsit. 5 CMlON'JOM'fl