The Household Electrical Durables Sector
An Industrial Strategy for the Household Electrical Durables Sector Ted Baumann ARCHIV 113602 gy Project 'DRC.lJb. AN INDUSTRIAL STRATEGY FOR THE HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL DURABLES INDUSTRY Ted Baumann Industrial Strategy Project Development Policy Research Unit School of Economics University of Cape Town 1995 UCT PRESS /4f?(7 ' V YI,LoL3 - UCT Press (Pty) Ltd University of Cape Town Private Bag Rondebosch 7700 South Africa All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, withoutprior permission from the publisher. Cover illustration: taken from Gavin Young's sculpture, Hoerrikwagga, standing near Jameson Hall on the University of Cape Town campus. Typesetting: Ted Baumann CoverDesign: Karren Visser Printed and Boundby CredaPress Copyright: Industrial Strategy Project First Published 1995 ISBN: 0-7992-1578-3 EDITORIAL COMMENT This report is one of a seriesproduced by the Industrial Strategy Project. The ISP has its origins in the Economic Trends Research Group, a collective of economists and other social scientists convened by the Congress of South African Trade Unions in 1986. COSATU, under attack for its support for sanctions, initially asked these researchers to examinethe impact ofenforced isolation on the South African economy. It soon became clear that sanctions were a small aspect of the problems besetting the South African economy, and the work of the Economic Trends Research Group expanded into a full-blown analysis of SouthAfrica's economic crisis. The poor performance of South Africa's manufacturing sector loomed large in the litany of problems bedeviling the South African economy.
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