Space Technology Mission Directorate
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Sp a c e Te c h nolo g y Game Changing Development Highlights July-August 2014 NASA Langley Technology Day Draws Huge Crowd 3D Printer Ready for Launch Student Interns Join Space Tech for the Summer 1 Going Up! Advanced Manufacturing’s “Machine Shop in Space” Set for Launch —Denise M. Stefula The SpaceX-4 launch scheduled for September 20, 2014, We checked in with Niki Werkheiser, 3D print project will carry the first 3D printer to the International Space manager, for an in-depth look into the team’s preparation Station (ISS). The “3D Printing in Zero Gravity Technology for launching a technology demonstration that will inform Demonstration” test will serve as proof-of-concept for 3D what could become the very first “machine shop in space.” printing in microgravity. Q: What is the importance of this endeavor? NASA’s Game Changing Development Program team, A: The capability of manufacturing needed parts on- which includes industry partner Made In Space, Inc., demand during a mission, without having to rely on in support of the Advanced Manufacturing Technologies resupply from Earth, is critical to a sustainable existence project, is at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) off Earth. In situ fabrication and repair technologies ready ing for launch. Researchers are performing materials provide risk mitigation for missions, as they provide characterization and testing on parts identical to those crucial parts on demand. that will be printed in space to ensure that the design parameters and materials are well understood when it Q: Tell us about characterizing the ground samples comes time to compare the ground and space samples.
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