The BG News September 25, 2003
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-25-2003 The BG News September 25, 2003 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 25, 2003" (2003). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7162. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. - "Vi- I |pk M m Bowling Green State University THURSDAY 1 September 25, 2003 El VI w\\R PARTLY CLOUDY soccer team this Sunday m | / I ■ HIGH62U.OW42 as they play Toledo al II A 1 I Jl lV / VOLUME 98 ISSUE 24 Tejano Oktoberfest tonight By Kendra ludemann Germany. This year, BGSU's influenced the latinos, espe- the years to become the largest his accordion. 1 le will be play- president l.ibby lleineman REPORTER (■erman Glub and Latino cially in their music. festival in the world. ing polka music. said. Where can you find over six Student Union are cosponsor- "It will be interesting to see The grounds, known as the Along with authentic music, Guests are encouraged, but million visitors, five million ing "Tejano Oktoberfest." This [at Tejano Oktoberfest] how the Theresienweise or "Theresa's guests can enjoy snacks, not required, to come dressed liters of beer and hundreds of is the first year that the clubs two cultures mix together and fields," have carousels, roller games, contests and dancing. in Mexican or German cos- thousands of pork sausages? have joined together to spon- how everyone reacts to the coasters and other events Members of the sponsoring tume. The male and female These sights and smells can be sor this event. mixing," I Ieinsen said. found at typical fairs. clubs will be giving dance with the best costume will be found at the annual Some may think it's a far The German celebration Spectators can view the demonstrations. Guests can named King and Queer Tejano Oktoberfest in Munich, stretch to find a connection dates back to Oct. 12, 1H10. Grand Entiy of the Oktoberfest also purchase raffle tickets (Hctoberfest Germany. between these two cultures. when Crown Prince l.udwig Landlords and Breweries, during the event. Prizes for the Tejano Oktoberfest is free this year marks the 170th However, there is a connection. (later known as King Ludwig 1) Costume and Riflemen's raffle include restaurant gill and open to the public. It will Oktoberfest in the city. The fes- "We found that there's a sim- married Princess Thcrese of Procession and a concert rep- certificates and a German be held this evening from 8-11 tival runs from Sept. 20 ilarity between the two cul- Saxony. To celebrate their mar- resenting all the brass bands stein. p.m. in room 201 of Bowen- through Oct. 5. tures of music," German Club riage, the family invited the cit- on the grounds. "1 missed the Oktoberfest Thompson Student Union. A smaller version of president Emily Tleinsen said. izens of Munich to a festival. At this year's Tejano last year, so I'm excited to Unlike the original Oktoberfest can be found with- A majority of German immi- The event started out some- Oktoberfest, lesse Ponce will hopefully see everyone Oktoberfest, Tejano out making the voyage to grants settled in Texas and what small and has grown over be entertaining the crowd with dance," German club vice Oktoberfest is alcohol free. Nissan president talks of company's issues OareSchwarlAP Photo EMBRACE: Rocori High School students embrace in the school parking lot, yesterday, after a shooting at the school. One dead at school shooting lulu DiftaocoBG News By Craig Gustafson window where we could see DISCUSSION: Mitsuhiko Yamashita. president of the Nissan Technical Center of North America speaks about Nissan's journey from finan- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS cops everywhere. I was just cial crisis in the late 1990s to improved sales rates today. The address, held last night in the Union theater, was sponsored by the Asian COLD SPRING, Minn. — A thinking about, it could've been Studies Program. freshman opened fire at a high me." school yesterday, killing one stu- Jones said that it appeared a By Kara Hull Ohio and southern Michigan "We had to initiate a lot of mark. dent and critically wounding a well-respected, veteran teacher EDITOR-IN-CHIEF before the speech. changes very quickly," he said. One of the initial problems, second, authorities said. and coach talked the boy into Fighting an outdated image According to Yamashita, the "Changes began immediately Yamashita said, was too much The suspect, identified only as handing over a small-caliber and plummeting sales in the late company is using the desire of and results came quickly." emphasis on advertising and not a freshman, was taken into cus- gun. When police arrived, the 1990s, the road to rcvitalization preservation to inspire new But there were those who were enough on the company's prod- tody after the late-morning boy was in the custody of the has been long for Nissan manu- designs and boost sales. skeptical diat Nissan could pull it ucts, shooting at the 829-student school's staff in an administra- facturers. And according to "The Nissan brand has a long off and survive as a competitor in "The nature and tone of adver- Rocori High School in Cold tive office, he said. Mitsuhiko Yamashita, president history," he said. "We have to look the auto Industry tising must mirror die nature and Spring, a small town about 60 Mike Austreng, editor of the of the Nissan Technical Center of at those values mid how we can "Because of our history ... tone of the company itself," he miles northwest of the Twin weekly Cold Spring Record, said North America, the journey is far make a revival of those values of there were only a few people who said. "We are confident that [the Cities. he saw one wounded student from over. the Nissan brand." thought we would be able to do 180 plan] is working, but we can Police Chief Phil lones said taken from the school by heli- "V\fe are out of die emergency Suffering a $5.6 billion loss in what we planned," he said. "But not become complacent. We "there was chaos" as police copter. room, but we want to get out of 1999, die company was able to the results speak for themselves, must keep the entire organiza- arrived at the school. One of the "We can see groups of stu- the hospital," he said. "There's still eliminate their debt by March of lust one year into the three-year tion energized, and to make our alotofworktodo." 2002. This turnaround, according students was shot while in the dents being taken out of the 180 plan we accomplished two of company successful, we must building," Austreng said from Yamashita addressed students, to Yamashita, occurred as a result school's weight room and the the three 180 goals." keep our customers energized other shooting occurred in the the scene after the shooting. faculty and community mem- of a diree-step plan proposed by gym. "Most of them are running with bers last night as part of a lecture Nissan officials. According to Yamashita, the too." Aaron Rollins, a senior, died at their hands up in the air, or walk- series sponsored by the Asian The plan, dubbed die 180 plan, company is still working to add l-ujiya Kawashima, director of a hospital. The other wounded ing with their hands up in the Studies Program. He shared the also involved increasing world- one million vehicles to their over- the Asian Studies Program, was student, Seth Bartell, a fresh- air." ups and downs of the company's wide unit sales by one million all Bales by 2005. Unveiling the pleased with die turnout and the man, was in critical condition. The school district's name, history and their vision for the vehicles and establishing an 8 350 Z sports car, Titan full-size technical questions that were Officials evacuated the school Rocori, comes from the first two future in America and abroad. percent industry margin. A three- pickup truck. Quest mini-van asked of Yamashita at the close of and sent aH students home. letters of the communities it Yamashita also met with mem- year time period was given as the and Pathfinder Armada SUV this the lecture. "There was kids crying," lamie serves: Rockville, Cold Spring bers of Nakama, the organization goal, which required the compa- year, company officials hope "I was quite impressed by Toddingham, a junior, told and Richmond. of American and Japanese busi- ny to move quickly if it wanted to these new products will push some of the questions people KSTP-TV "V\fe were silting at a ness leaders from northwest survive. them toward the one million asked." he said. FOUR-DAY FORECAST FRIDAY MONDAY The four-day forecast is taken Partly High: 65' Hew High: 56' J^r*^. Scatter High: 55' from M Cloudy Low: 50' Showers Low: 42' Showers Low: 41' I fiiLjjve':*; FOR All THE NEWS VISIT WWW.BGNEWS.COM ■ ' 2 Thursday. September 25.2003 WWW.BGNEWS.COM Judge rules against do-not-call list By Jennifer L Brown lie did not immediately issue an telephone solicitations.