Congressional Record—Senate S7529
December 12, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7529 Service located at 3025 Woodgate Road Service located at 530 East Main Street ate completes its business today, it ad- in Montrose, Colorado, as the ‘‘Ser- in Johnson City, Tennessee, as the journ until 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, De- geant David Kinterknecht Post Office’’ ‘‘Major Homer L. Pease Post Office’’ cember 13; further, that following the was ordered to a third reading, was was ordered to a third reading, was prayer and the pledge, the morning read the third time, and passed. read the third time, and passed. hour be deemed expired, the Journal of f f proceedings be approved to date, the time for the two leaders be reserved for DEPUTY SHERIFF DEREK GEER PLEASANTON VETERANS POST their use later in the day, and morning POST OFFICE BUILDING OFFICE business be closed; finally, that fol- The bill (H.R. 6217) to designate the The bill (H.R. 1210) to designate the lowing leader remarks, the Senate re- facility of the United States Postal facility of the United States Postal sume consideration of S.J. Res. 54 Service located at 241 N 4th Street in Service located at 122 W. Goodwin under the previous order. Grand Junction, Colorado, as the ‘‘Dep- Street, Pleasanton, Texas, as the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without uty Sheriff Derek Geer Post Office ‘‘Pleasanton Veterans Post Office’’ was objection, it is so ordered. Building’’ was ordered to a third read- ordered to a third reading, was read the f ing, was read the third time, and third time, and passed.
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