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OUTDOOR LIFE 10 EL PASO HERALD SPORTS, RECREATION and BRIGGS CRAVATH MORRIS 'LITTLE AIN'T IT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELIN'? - stops IS HEAD IS NEXT BOXERS WHEN YOU ajake - AMD HEAR A --STeAUTHr amd it at rJ RUMrJirJG ABOUND The. "Back Porch where UP The STEP YoJ KWOVW The FASTENING Your house OrJ THE rflTCHEfJ VUIMDOVJ BATSMAN VICTIM TO MEET IS THE WEAKEST OF TriE WHOLE OUTFIT CF LOCKS - Gawy Has Knocked 0u Big Jess Will Take on Okla-- ! Flyweight Title To Be De-- More Home Runs Than ioma Man First It Is cided In Australia Be Any Other Major. Believed In East. tween Little Men. WALLIE PIPP IS COFFEY ALSO IN JIMMY TAYLOR IS AMERICAN CHAMP LINE FOR A BOUT PRESENT CHAMPION YORK. April 56. Since Garry YORK. April 26. When is S a rule boxers start out too NEW has showed up aa a Jess Willard going to get busy early in the professional ranks I buster of fences the tit'.e N In the rlngT and are through before their of homerun king in the major leagues Here's the Question followers of time. That has been the case in the Is a mooted question. things flstieal throughout the coun- United States and many instances have j Gawy, at his best, was a rip snor'e try are asking, yet Willard goes raer--l- y been cited to show the mistake made For three straight seasons he ham- on as a side show attraction in the by the youngsters starting too early. mered out four base wallops w th a circus league, ivid the heavyweight sit- Now comes Snowy Baker, the Aus- regularity that astounded the fans and uation continues to be as uninteresting tralian promoter, with his tournaments busted the hearts of the pitchers. In as it has been since Jess flopped Jack for all classes and as a result he has 1913 Cravath poled 19 homers out of Johnson for the count in Havana. developed youngsters to a wonderful Ai I nt a. SDDOEM YOU - - - Xatlonal league lots. Early In the year boxing fnns Oh - m h h - h Ain't it degree of proficiency in their early havimg "CLlNK-CLIMK- " In 1914 he enme Tight back with saw a ray of hope when Fred teens. It Is a question whether the 4nd HEAR. THE FAMILIAR 19 more to show that his perfor- Fnlton loomed up on the fistic promoter get- after plasterer clever Australian is not OF MILK QOTTLES mance of the previous year was not horizon. The Rochester ting these boys into the professional Cold chills - a flash In the pan. And then. In was heralded as the only available game at too tender an age. The Syd- - J - vus feelimT; heavyweight put In ring ney GLOR Ee 1015, he smashed homernn tradi- to the Bulletin says of the new condi- years by soaking horse-hi- de with WWnrd. and for a short time tions regarding these tourneys: tions of the he bathed In the spotlight. Tlirn ont of the lot 24 times. Carl 1 orris came along and spilled "The flyweight championship of Frank Baker at his best as a home-ru-n plaster all over the ring In a bont New South "Wale ban now been slugger couldn't hold a candle to with Pulton, and Frederick's star decided. The boy who took It Cravath. Though Baker led the Ameri- disappeared behind the cloud. Jack Green) ha Just turned 13 can league in home runs In 1911. 1915 Morris has long been clamoring for years of age. He comes from a and 1913. and tied with Sam Crawford a battle with Willard. He claims that fighting stock. His uncle. Teddy in 1914, the most he ever got in a sea- when he first came into public notice Green, was the bantam champion son was 15 round trip swats. as a "white hope" Willard refused to of Australia. Other members of And now, with Cravath out of he his family hnve also taken part In limelight, meet him. At that time "Willard was contests. This young champion Is home run three swa'smea also being groomed, as a contender. J now to be pitted against Jimmy are sharing the title of king of the Of late Morris is showing to better Taylor for the tustrallan fly- homerun hitters. advantage, and at the present time he weight championship. Jimmy Wallie PIpp stands alone In looks like the logical opponent for Taylor is one of the boys whom league. He topped his league "Willard. Yet a strict comparison of 'Snowy naker has unearthed In in homers last season with a to'al of 15. the two shows a heavy balance in Queensland. But two National league players have Willard'B favor. an equal claim to the title, for Da ey Frank Moran showed a flash when He proved himself to be the cham- Robertson, of the Giants, and F. Wil- he knocked out Tom. Cowler. but Ful-o- n pion of the northern state, so was liams, of the Cubs, both slugged out did that well, and even little Jack pitted against the champion of The even hits yea--. Dillon holds a knockout victory vover southern state (Victoria). Kid Ray- an dozen circuit last the Cumberland "Man Mountain." Jim mond is Victoria's flyweight chain- - Perhaps some neiv slugger of Coffey is not taken seriously outside Dion. 'Snowy" Baker was arranging the demon type will spring up this of a few faithful followers In New for Jimmy Wilde, champion flyweight yenr. Who knows? And then York, who refuse to admit that he or England, to come over to Australia "H u i nnu.n. - j r --t i again. It is more thnn likely that has so championship class. to meet Kid Raymond, but alas, Jimmy I the homerun swntters srho hare Bob Devere looks like a battler Taylor packed up his "duds In Bris j . wm m m m n k I stood out in front for the past few bane, caught the Sydney express, then i pi ill seasons will continue to hold their who Is rugged enough to battle Mel- - with any heavyweight of hi the Melbourne express, landed in i places. weight and inches, but Ilob in bourne (Victoria's capital) unpacked J En FTH RNFYh fill n A glance through National lsnt 'duds, his boxinc ; T ard TViUard'a class when it comes to his took therefrom Hero w,-- ,s American league records shows Raymond In ring. I mi1 i that gloves, met Kid I ,iW"uw--I" the (JUL. i governor Mse. The rest of the wonldbe ; IUUIIIILIU the sluggers in Tener s ci floored him with a K. O. in d heavyweight champions are going and there were either luckier. fa-e- weaker some If they hold a state cham- the sixth round. pitching or were heavier sluggers than pionship for six months, so the ''Jimmy Is now champion, 'lint WINSflTHLETIGS those in the American. field Is far from a brilliant one. how longf' asks Jack Green. Ffll for IFI 37 I Wlllard's longiperiod of idleness and on Mr. and h Green railed linker FJSgaa1 3 home runs each, head the list in the old Mi . his apparent inclination to keep out up Kill Houston asked to be nut acalnst 0 2 2 league. Cravath comes next, with 11 of the ring as long as possible, sug- Raymond. ow he de- ft Shreveport ' that has gest that he does not Intend to fight feated nil comers in New South Batteries: Houston, Criss and Xoyes: Thatcher Students Defeat Arianging One Day Tour- : Shreveport. Gteason and Smith. ?:J?nYSSrSEg again for anything but circus box of- Wales, and now that Raymond has ' Stengel registered eight, and Carey. fice receipts. In one way. Willard can. been defeated by Taylor, Jack "Women At San Antonio R. H. E. "Phnpniv anri "Rflnsnn An"!? ?.nd not be blamed, con- meet Jimmy Taylor naments Among San Antonio S 3 SSaler and Merkle were credited w'th. for the class of Green wants to seven tenders who have been clamoring for to prote who should hold the Aus- Texas League. Waco - 6 0 for First Honors. all around. a chance at his sky piece is from tralian flyweight championship For Championships. Batteries: San Antonio. Harper and should far New York, April 26. Ten one day If today. Rellly, Cook; Waco, Teague, Perrltt and Tucson. Ariz., Apr. 16. Gila academy what it be. title.' tr 1 P. t VJn. Lose. have arranged by .11, .T- -- Vann. of place In HOMER BAKER tournaments been Houston . i .T7I .737 Galveston R. H. E. Thatcher has taken first Women's Metropolitan asso- Waco .19 S .S7 .526 At the of uni- the Golf ;; . Galveston I 3 interschnlastic athletics IS A RECRUIT Dallas ..it s:t 10 S 0 up 3S ciation for what Is known as its San Antonio . .11 19 .."24 .545 .599 Fort Worth versity week by piling points, New Turk, April 56. Prepared o Young Stars Work Too Hard spring season. Meetings of the kind in Beaumont .19 19 .199 .524 .476 Batteries: Galveston. Jacobus. Bar-foo- t. compared with 54 for Phoenix and 53 offar every facility for training a ' Shreveport . , . a 19 .474 .509 .tM Whittaker and Smith; Fort Auto-A- ej -- ! -- question from May 1 Benson, Winslow was given 10, dozen or more aviators, the !' 1- will be frequent Ft. Worth .. .. T .! .3(1 Mi Worth. Applegate and Gray. for - li' It $, Wlll-co- x Motor Corporation has commission i to the end of June.