Semantic Web 0 (0) 1–41 1 IOS Press

Bringing Relational into the Semantic Web: A Survey

Editor(s): Jie Tang, Tsinghua University, China Solicited review(s): Zi Yang, Carnegie Mellon University, USA; Yuan An, Drexel University, USA; Ling Chen, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia; Juanzi Li, Tsinghua University, China

Dimitrios-Emmanuel Spanos a,∗, Periklis Stavrou a and Nikolas Mitrou a a National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 9, Heroon Polytechneiou str., 15773 Zografou, Athens, Greece E-mail: {dspanos,pstavrou},[email protected]

Abstract. Relational databases are considered one of the most popular storage solutions for various kinds of data and they have been recognized as a key factor in generating huge amounts of data for Semantic Web applications. Ontologies, on the other hand, are one of the key and main vehicle of knowledge in the Semantic Web research area. The problem of bridging the gap between relational databases and ontologies has attracted the interest of the Semantic Web community, even from the early years of its existence and is commonly referred to as the -to-ontology mapping problem. However, this term has been used interchangeably for referring to two distinct problems: namely, the creation of an ontology from an existing database instance and the discovery of mappings between an existing database instance and an existing ontology. In this paper, we clearly define these two problems and present the motivation, benefits, challenges and solutions for each one of them. We attempt to gather the most notable approaches proposed so far in the literature, present them concisely in tabular format and group them under a classification scheme. We finally explore the perspectives and future research steps for a seamless and meaningful integration of databases into the Semantic Web.

Keywords: Relational Database, Ontology, Mapping, OWL, Survey

1. Introduction sciences, environmental monitoring, cultural heritage, e-Government and business process management. This Over the last decade and more, the Semantic Web evident progress is the result of years-long research (SW) has grown from an abstract futuristic vision, and it comes as no surprise that, nowadays, Seman- mainly existing in the head of its inspirer, Tim Berners- tic Web is perceived as a multidisciplinary research Lee, into an ever approaching reality of a global web of field on its own, combining and gaining expertise from interlinked data with well-defined meaning. Standard other scientific fields, such as artificial intelligence, in- and technologies have been proposed and formation science, algorithm and complexity theory, are constantly evolving in order to serve as the build- database theory and computer networks, to name a few. ing blocks for this “next generation” Web, relevant The participation of databases and their role in this tools are being developed and gradually reaching ma- evolving Web setting has been investigated from the turity, while numerous real world applications already very beginning of the Semantic Web conception, not give an early taste of the benefits the Semantic Web only because it was initially compared to “a global database” [23], but also because this – new at the is about to bring in various domains, as diverse as life time – research field could take advantage of the great experience and maturity of the database field. How- *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. ever, the collaboration and exchange of ideas between

0000-0000/0-1900/$00.00 ⃝c 0 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved 2 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey these two fields was not unidirectional: the database relational database and seeks ways to extract informa- community quickly recognized the opportunities aris- tion and render it suitable for use from a Semantic Web ing from a close cooperation with the Semantic Web perspective. In this case, motivation is shifted from field [113] and how the latter could offer solutions to the efficient storage and querying of existing ontolog- long-standing issues and provide inspiration to sev- ical structures to problems, such as database integra- eral database subcommunities, interested in heteroge- tion, , mass generation of SW data, neous database integration and interoperability, dis- ontology-based data access and semantic annotation of tributed architectures, deductive databases, conceptual dynamic Web pages. These problems have been inves- modelling and so on. tigated in the relevant literature, each one touching on Attempts to combine these two different worlds a different aspect of the database to ontology mapping originally focused on the reconciliation of the discrep- problem. Unfortunately, this term has been freely used ancies among the two most representative and domi- to describe most of the aforementioned issues, creating nant technologies of each world: relational databases slight confusion regarding the goal and the challenges and ontologies. This problem is also known as the faced for each one of them. Hence, in this paper, we database to ontology mapping problem, which is sub- take a look at approaches that do one or more of the sumed by the broader object-relational impedance following: mismatch problem and is due to the structural differ- – create from scratch a new ontology based on in- ences among relational and object-oriented models. formation extracted from a relational database, Correspondences between the relational model and the – generate RDF statements that conform to one or RDF graph model, which is a key component of the Se- more predefined ontologies and reflect the con- mantic Web, were also investigated and a W3C Work- tents of a relational database, ing Group1 has been formed to examine this issue and – answer semantic queries directly against a rela- propose related standards. Nevertheless, the definition tional database, and of a theoretically sound mapping or transformation be- – discover correspondences between a relational tween the mentioned models is not an end on its own. database and a given ontology The motivation driving the consideration of mappings among relational databases and Semantic Web tech- We attempt to define and distinguish between these closely related but distinct problems, analyze meth- nologies is multifold, leading to separate problems, ods and techniques employed in order to deal with where mappings are discovered, defined and used in a them, identify features of proposed approaches, clas- different way for each problem case. sify them accordingly and present a future outlook for Originally, database systems were considered by the this much researched issue. Semantic Web community as an excellent means for The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 men- efficient ontology storage [19], because of their known tions the motivations and benefits of the database and well evidenced performance benefits. This consid- to ontology mapping problem, while Section 3 gives eration has led to the development and production of a short background and defines some terminology several database systems, especially optimized for the of database systems and Semantic Web technologies. persistent storage, maintenance and querying of SW Section 4 presents a total classification of relational data [47]. Such systems are informally known as triple database to ontology mapping approaches and lists de- stores, since they are specifically tailored for the stor- scriptive parameters used for the description of each age of RDF statements, which are also referred to as approach. The structure of the rest of paper is largely triples. This sort of collaboration between database and based on this taxonomy. Section 5 deals with the Semantic Web specifies a data and information flow problem of creating a new ontology from a relational from the latter to the former, in the form of population database and is further divided in subsections that dis- of specialized databases, that often have some prede- tinguish among the creation of a database schema on- fined structure, with SW data. tology (Section 5.1) and a domain-specific ontology A different, perhaps more interesting research line (Section 5.2) as well as among approaches that rely ex- takes as starting point an existing and fully functional tensively on the analysis of the database schema (Sec- tion 5.2.2) and approaches that do not (Section 5.2.1). 1RDB2RDF Working Group: Section 6 investigates the problem of discovering and sw/rdb2rdf/ defining mappings between a relational database and D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 3 one or more existing ontologies. Section 7 sums up the form interface request. It has been argued that, due to main points of the paper, giving emphasis on the chal- the infeasibility of manual annotation of every single lenges faced by each category of approaches, while dynamic page, a possible solution would be to “anno- Section 8 gives some insight on future directions and tate” directly the underlying database schema, insofar requirements for database to ontology mapping solu- as the owner is willing to reveal the structure tions. of his database. This “annotation” is simply a set of correspondences between the elements of the database schema and an already existing ontology that fits the 2. Motivation and Benefits domain of the dynamic page content [125]. Once such mappings are defined, it would be fairly trivial to gen- The significance of databases from a Semantic Web erate dynamic semantically annotated pages with the perspective is evident from the multiple benefits and embedded content annotations derived in an automatic use cases a database to ontology mapping can be used fashion. in. After all, the problem of mapping a database into Heterogeneous database integration. The resolution Semantic Web did not emerge as a mere exercise of of heterogeneity is one of the most popular, long- transition from one representation model to another. It standing issues in the database research field, that re- is important to identify the different motivations and mains, to a large degree, unsolved. Heterogeneity oc- problems implicating interactions between relational curs between two or more database systems when they databases and SW technologies, in order to succeed a use different software or hardware infrastructure, fol- clear separation of goals and challenges. That is not to low different syntactic conventions and representation say that methods and approaches presented here cor- models, or when they interpret differently the same respond strictly to one particular use case, as there are or similar data [114]. Resolution of the above forms quite a few versatile tools that kill two (or more) birds of heterogeneity allows multiple databases to be inte- with one stone. In the following, we present some of grated and their contents to be uniformly queried. In the benefits that can be achieved from the interconnec- typical database integration architectures, one or more tion of databases and ontologies. conceptual models are used to describe the contents Semantic annotation of dynamic web pages. An as- of every source database, queries are posed against pect of the Semantic Web vision is the transformation a global conceptual schema and, for each source of the current Web of documents to a Web of data. A database, a wrapper is responsible to reformulate the straightforward way to achieve this would be to anno- query and retrieve the appropriate data. Ontology- tate HTML pages, which specify the way their con- based integration employs ontologies in lieu of con- tent is presented and are only suitable for human con- ceptual schemas and therefore, correspondences be- sumption. HTML pages can be semantically annotated tween source databases and one or more ontologies with terms from ontologies, making their content suit- have to be defined [126]. Such correspondences con- able for processing by software agents and web ser- sist of mapping formulas that express the terms of a vices. Such annotations have been facilitated consid- source database as a conjunctive query against the on- erably since the proposal of the RDFa recommenda- tology (Local as view or LAV mapping), express on- tion2 that embeds in XHTML tags references to ontol- tology terms as a conjunctive query against the source ogy terms. However, this scenario does not work quite database (Global as view or GAV mapping), or state well for dynamic web pages that retrieve their content an equivalence of two queries against both the source directly from underlying databases: this is the case for database and the ontology (Global Local as view or content management systems (CMS), fora, wikis and GLAV mapping) [80]. The type of mappings used in other Web 2.0 sites [14]. Dynamic web pages repre- an integration architecture influences both the com- sent the biggest part of the , forming plexity of query processing and the extensibility of the the so called Deep Web [54], which is not accessible to entire system (e.g. in the case of GAV mappings, query search engines and software agents, since these pages processing is trivial, but the addition of a new source are generated in response to a web service or a web database requires redefinition of all the mappings; the inverse holds for LAV mappings). Thus, the discov- 2RDFa Primer: ery and representation of mappings between relational --primer/ database schemas and ontologies constitute an integral 4 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey part of a heterogeneous database integration scenario data on the World Wide Web, a solution for the genera- [8]. tion of a critical mass of SW data would be the, prefer- ably automatic, extraction of relational databases’ con- Ontology-based data access. Much like in a database tents in RDF. This would create a significant pool of integration architecture, ontology-based data access SW data, that would alleviate the inhibitions of soft- (OBDA) assumes that an ontology is linked to a source ware developers and tool manufacturers and, in turn, database, thus acting as an intermediate layer between an increased production of SW applications would be the user and the stored data. The objective of an OBDA anticipated. The term database to ontology mapping system is to offer high-level services to the end user has been used in the literature to describe such trans- of an information system who does not need to be formations as well. aware of the obscure storage details of the underlying data source [98]. The ontology provides an abstraction Ontology learning. The process of manually de- of the database contents, allowing users to formulate veloping from scratch an ontology is difficult, time- queries in terms of a high-level description of a domain consuming and error-prone. Several semi-automatic of interest. In some way, an OBDA engine resembles a ontology learning methods have been proposed, ex- wrapper in an information integration scenario in that tracting knowledge from free and semi-structured text it hides the data source-specific details from the up- documents, vocabularies and thesauri, domain experts per levels by transforming queries against a concep- and other sources [56]. Relational databases are struc- tual schema to queries against the local data source. tured information sources and, in case their schema This query rewriting is performed by the OBDA en- has been modelled following standard practices [51] gine, taking into account mappings between a database (i.e. based on the design of a conceptual model, such and a relevant ontology describing the domain of in- as UML or the Extended Entity Relationship Model), terest. The main advantage of an OBDA architecture is they constitute significant and reliable sources of do- the fact that semantic queries are posed directly against main knowledge. This is true especially for busi- a database, without the need to replicate its entire con- ness environments, where enterprise databases are fre- tents in RDF. quently maintained and contain timely data [129]. Apart from OBDA applications, a database to ontol- Therefore, rich ontologies can be extracted from rela- ogy mapping can be useful for semantic rewriting of tional databases by gathering information from their SQL queries, where the output is a reformulated SQL schemas, contents, queries and stored procedures, as query better capturing the intention of the user [21]. long as a domain expert supervises the learning pro- This rewriting is performed by substitution of terms cess and enriches the final outcome. Ontology learn- used in the original SQL query with synonyms and re- ing is a common motivation driving database to ontol- lated terms from the ontology. Another notable related ogy mapping when there is not an existing ontology application is the ability to query relational data using for a particular domain of interest, a situation that fre- as context external ontologies [45]. This feature has quently arose not so many years ago. Nevertheless, as been implemented in some database management sys- years pass by, ontology learning techniques are mainly tems3, allowing SQL queries to contain conditions ex- used to create a wrapping ontology for a source rela- pressed in terms of an ontology. tional database in an ontology-based data access [110] or database integration [29] context. Mass generation of Semantic Web data. It has been argued that one of the reasons delaying the Seman- Definition of the intended meaning of a relational tic Web realization is the lack of successful tools and schema. As already mentioned, standard database applications showcasing the advantages of SW tech- design practices begin with the design of a conceptual nologies [73]. The success of such tools, though, is model, which is then transformed, in a step known as directly correlated to the availability of a sufficiently logical design, to the desired relational model. How- large quantity of SW data, leading to a “chicken-and- ever, the initial conceptual model is often not kept egg problem” [62], where cause and effect form a vi- alongside the implemented relational database schema cious circle. Since relational databases are one of the and subsequent changes to the latter are not propa- most popular storage media holding the majority of gated back to the former, while most of the times these changes are not even documented at all. Usually, this 3Oracle and OpenLink Virtuoso are the most representative ex- results in databases that have lost the original intention amples. of their designer and are very hard to be extended or D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 5 re-engineered to another logical model (e.g. an object- physical database design [102]. Conceptual design oriented one). Establishing correspondences between a usually follows after a preliminary phase where data relational database and an ontology grounds the orig- and functional requirements for potential database inal meaning of the former in terms of an expres- users are analyzed. The output of the conceptual de- sive conceptual model, which is crucial not only for sign is a conceptual schema, which describes from a database maintenance but also for the integration with high-level perspective the data that will be stored in the other data sources [38], and for the discovery of map- database and the constraints holding over it. The con- pings between two or more database schemas [7,49]. ceptual schema is expressed in terms of a conceptual In the latter case, the mappings between the database model, the most widely used for this purpose being the and the ontology are used as an intermediate step and Entity-Relationship (ER) model, proposed by Peter a reference point for the construction of inter-database Chen [39]. The main features of the ER model are: schema mappings. – entity sets, which are collections of similar ob- Integration of database content with other data sources. jects, called entities. Transforming relational databases into a universal de- – attributes associated with each entity set. An scription model, as RDF aspires to be, enables seam- attribute can be either single-valued or multi- less integration of their contents with information valued. All the entities belonging to a given entity already represented in RDF. This information can set are described by the same attributes. For every originate from both structured and unstructured data entity set, a key is specified as a minimal set of sources that have exported their contents in RDF, thus attributes, the values of which uniquely identify overcoming possible syntactic disparities among them. an entity. The Linked Data paradigm [60], which encourages – relationship sets, which are sets of relationship RDF publishers to reuse popular vocabularies (i.e. on- instances, connecting n entities with each other. tologies), to define links between their dataset and n is called the degree of the relationship set. A re- other published datasets and reuse identifiers that de- lationship set can have descriptive attributes, just scribe the same real-world entity, further facilitates global data source integration, regardless of the data like an entity set. source nature. Given the uptake of the Linked Data – cardinality constraints, which specify the mini- movement during the last few years, which has re- mum and maximum number of entities from a sulted in the publication of voluminous RDF content given entity set that can participate in a relation- (in the order of billion statements) from several do- ship instance from a given relationship set. mains of interest, the anticipated benefits of the inte- – weak entity sets, which consist of weak entities, gration of this content with data currently residing in the existence of which depends on the presence relational databases as well as the number of potential of another entity, called the owner entity. The re- applications harnessing it are endless. lationship that connects a weak entity with its owner entity is called identifying relationship. Since its original definition, the ER model has been 3. Preliminaries further extended to include more characteristics that In this section, we make a short introduction on enhanced its expressiveness. The extended version some aspects of database theory and Semantic Web of the ER model is known as the Extended Entity- technologies and define concepts that will be used Relationship (EER) model, which allows the defini- throughout the paper. We first focus on conceptual tion of subclass/superclass relationships among entity and logical database design by visiting the Entity- sets and introduces, among others, the union type and Relationship and relational models and then, we briefly aggregation features. A formal definition of the ER touch upon the RDF graph model and OWL ontology model can be found in [33]. . Logical database design consists of building a log- ical schema, which conforms to a representational 3.1. Database theory fundamentals model that conceptually sits between the ER model and the physical model describing the low-level stor- The standard database design process mainly con- age details of the database. Such models include the sists of three steps: a) conceptual, b) logical and c) network, hierarchical and relational models, the most 6 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey popular one being the latter, proposed by Edgar Codd most prominent types of dependencies met in rela- [41]. The main elements of the relational model are: tional schemas are functional, inclusion, multi-valued and join dependencies. Depending on the type of de- – relations, which intuitively can be thought of as pendencies eliminated, the decomposed relations are tables. said to be in a specific normal form. Normal forms – attributes, which can be regarded as columns of a based on functional dependencies are the first, the table. Every attribute belongs to a given relation. second, the third and the Boyce-Codd normal form. A minimal set of attributes that uniquely define Fourth and fifth normal form are based on multi-valued an element of a relation (i.e. a tuple or informally, 4 a row of the table) is a candidate key for that rela- and join dependencies respectively . Without going tion. In case there exist more than one candidate into further detail, it suffices to say that normalization, keys, one of them is specified as the primary key as an additional design step, incurs further complica- of the relation and is used for the identification of tions to the database reverse engineering problem. this relation’s tuples. A foreign key for a given re- Much of the success of relational databases is due lation, called parent relation, is a set of attributes to SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language that reference a tuple in another relation, called [1] and is the standard query language for relational child relation. databases. Despite the fact that SQL does not strictly 5 – domains, which are sets of atomic constant val- follow Codd’s relational model , it is relationally com- ues. Every attribute is related to a specific domain plete, i.e. all of the relational algebra operations (e.g. and all of its values are members of this domain. selection, projection, join, union) can be expressed as an SQL query. SQL serves not only as a declarative Again, a formal definition of the relational model can query language – the subset of SQL called Data Ma- be found in [3]. A relation schema is simply the name nipulation Language (DML) – but also as a database of a relation, combined with the names and domains of schema definition language – the subset of SQL called its attributes and a set of primary key and foreign key Data Definition Language (DDL). Thus, a relational constraints. A relation instance is a set of tuples that database schema can often be expressed as an SQL have the same attributes as the corresponding relation DDL statement. schema and satisfy the relation schema constraints. A relational database schema is the set of relation 3.2. Semantic Web technologies schemas for all relations in a database, while a rela- tional database instance is a set of relation instances, Moving on to the Semantic Web field, we begin with one for every relation schema in the database schema. RDF, probably one of the most significant SW build- The transition from a conceptual schema expressed ing blocks. The RDF model is a graph-based model in terms of the EER model to a relational schema is based on the concepts of resources and triples or state- performed according to well established standard algo- ments. A resource can be anything that can be talked rithms [51], that define correspondences between con- about: a web document, a real-world entity or an ab- structs of the two models. A very rough sketch of these stract and is identified by a URI (Uniform Re- correspondences is presented in Table 1, which, al- source Identifier). RDF triples consist of three compo- though incomplete, clearly reveals that the transforma- nents: a subject, a predicate and an object. An RDF tion of the EER model to the relational one is not re- triple is an assertion stating that a relationship, de- versible. This is the source of the database reverse en- noted by the predicate, holds between the subject and gineering problem i.e. the problem of recovering the the object. An RDF graph is a set of RDF triples that initial conceptual schema from the logical one. The relational schema obtained from a direct trans- form a directed labelled graph. Subjects and objects of lation of the conceptual schema is not always opti- RDF triples are represented by nodes, while predicates mal for data storage and may cause problems during data update operations. Thus, the relational schema 4For more information on dependency types and normalization, is further refined in an additional normalization step, see standard database theory textbooks [3,51,102]. 5 which minimizes the redundancy of stored informa- The SQL standard uses the terms table, column and row, instead of the equivalent relational model terminology of relation, attribute tion. In short, the normalization process decomposes and tuple. It also allows the presence of identical rows in the same ta- relations of a relational database schema, in order to ble, a case frequently observed in derived tables that hold the results eliminate dependencies among relation attributes. The of an SQL query. D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 7

Table 1 EER to relational model transformation

EER model Relational model

Entity set Relation Single-valued Attribute Attribute Multi-valued Relation and foreign key Binary 1:1 or 1:N Foreign key or relation relationship set M:N Relation n-degree relationship set (n > 2) Relation and n foreign keys One relation per entity set and foreign keys Hierarchy of entity sets or one relation for all entity sets are arcs pointing from the subject to the object of the distinguish between knowledge representation, upper- triple. A special case of nodes are blank nodes, which level, domain and application ontologies [56]. Domain are not identified by a URI. An RDF graph can be se- (or domain-specific) ontologies are the most common rialized in various formats, some of which are suitable ones and provide a vocabulary for concepts of a spe- mainly for machine consumption (such as the XML- cific domain of interest and their relationships. We will based RDF/XML) and some are more easily under- see in Section 5 that there are approaches that map re- standable by humans (such as the plain text and lational databases to domain ontologies, where the do- N3 syntaxes6). main can be either the relational model itself or the Another fundamental concept not only for Seman- topic on which the contents of the database touch. tic Web, but in general, is the con- Several ontology languages have been proposed for cept of ontology. In the context of computer science, the implementation of ontologies, but RDF Schema several definitions have been given for ontology, from (RDFS) and (OWL) are the Tom Gruber’s “ontology is an explicit specification of most prominent ones, especially in the Semantic Web a conceptualization”[58] and Nicola Guarino’s “ontol- domain. RDFS is a minimal ontology language built ogy is a logical theory accounting for the intended on top of RDF that allows the definition of: meaning of a formal vocabulary”[59] to more concrete formal ones [46,69]. The abundance of ontology defi- – classes of individual resources. nitions stems from the broadness of the term, which in- – properties, connecting two resources. cludes ontologies of several logic formalisms and rep- – hierarchies of classes. resentation languages. Therefore, we slightly adapt the – hierarchies of properties. definition of Maedche and Staab [86] which is general – domain and range constraints on properties. enough to describe most ontologies. According to [86], OWL, on the other hand, provides ontology design- an ontology is a set of primitives containing: ers with much more complex constructs than RDFS – a set of concepts. does and its popularity is constantly rising. As in – a set of relationships between concepts, described RDFS, the basic elements of OWL are classes, prop- by domain and range restrictions. erties and individuals, which are members of classes. – a taxonomy of concepts with multiple inheritance. OWL properties are binary relationships and are dis- – a taxonomy of relationships with multiple inheri- tinguished in object and datatype properties. Object tance. properties relate two individuals, while datatype prop- – a set of axioms describing additional constraints erties relate an individual with a literal value. Hierar- on the ontology that allow to infer new facts from chies of classes and properties, property domain and explicitly stated ones. range restrictions, as well as value, cardinality, existen- Ontologies can be classified according to the subject tial and universal quantification restrictions on the in- of the conceptualization: hence, among others, we can dividuals of a specific class can be defined, among oth- ers. OWL is based on Description Logics (DL) [15], a

6The most popular among the two, Turtle, has been put on W3C family of languages that are subsets of first-order logic, Recommendation track (Working Draft: and offers several dialects of differing expressiveness. TR/turtle/). Following the DL paradigm, statements in OWL can 8 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey be divided in two groups: the TBox, containing inten- can not expressed in OWL. The related W3C Recom- sional knowledge (i.e. axioms about classes and prop- mendation is RIF9 which introduces three dialects that erties) and the ABox, containing extensional knowl- share a lot in common with several existing rule lan- edge (i.e. statements involving individuals). Daring an guages. The goal is to provide a uniform format for analogy with database systems, TBox could be com- exchange of rules of different kinds. Despite its Rec- pared to the database schema and ABox to the database ommendation status, RIF has not been widely adopted instance. The combination of TBox and ABox, to- yet, and instead, the Semantic Web community seems gether with a provider of reasoning services, is often to favour the de facto standard of SWRL10, which al- also called a . lows rules to be expressed as OWL axioms and thus, The first generation of the OWL language family, be distributed as part of OWL ontologies. also known as OWL 1, defined three OWL species: OWL Lite, OWL DL and OWL Full, in order of increasing expressiveness. However, these species 4. A Classification of Approaches turned out not to be very practical for real-world ap- plications. Therefore, the second generation of OWL The term database to ontology mapping has been language, OWL 2, introduced three profiles of dif- loosely used in the related literature, encompassing di- ferent expressiveness, with overlapping feature sets: verse approaches and solutions to different problems. OWL 2 EL, OWL 2 RL and OWL 2 QL, each one In this section, we give a classification which will help best suited for a different application scenario7. Fur- us categorize and analyze in an orderly manner these thermore, OWL 2 DL and Full were defined as syntac- approaches. Furthermore, we introduce the descriptive tic extensions of OWL 1 DL and Full respectively in- parameters to be used for the presentation of each ap- cluding additional features, such as punning, property proach. chains and qualified cardinality constraints. Classification schemes and descriptive parameters The expressiveness of an ontology language influ- for database to ontology mapping methods have al- ences the complexity of the reasoning algorithms that ready been proposed in related work. The distinction can be applied to an ontology. Such algorithms can, between classification criteria and merely descriptive among others, infer new implicit axioms based on measures is often not clear. Measures that can act as explicitly specified ones, check for satisfiability of classification criteria should have a finite number of classes, compute hierarchies of classes and properties values and ideally, should separate approaches in non and check consistency of the entire ontology. As there overlapping sets. Such restrictions are not necessary is a trade-off between the richness of an ontology lan- for descriptive features, which can sometimes be qual- guage and the complexity of reasoning tasks, there itative by nature instead of quantifiable measures. Ta- is also an ongoing quest for ontology languages that ble 2 summarizes classification criteria and descrip- strike a balance between these two measures. tive parameters proposed in the related literature, de- As with ontology definition languages, more than a spite the fact that some of the works mentioned have a few ontology query languages exist, but the de facto somewhat different (either narrower or broader) scope query language for RDF graphs is SPARQL. SPARQL than ours. As it can be seen from Table 2, there is a uses RDF graphs expressed in Turtle syntax as query certain level of consensus among classification efforts, patterns and can return as output variable bindings regarding the most prominent measures characterizing (SELECT queries), RDF graphs (CONSTRUCT and database to ontology mapping approaches. DESCRIBE queries) or yes/no answers (ASK queries). The taxonomy we propose and which we are go- SPARQL is constantly evolving so as to allow update ing to follow in the course of our analysis is based on operations as well8 and it has already been proved to some of the criteria mentioned in Table 2. The selec- be as expressive as relational algebra [10]. tion of these criteria is made so as to create a total clas- An alternative way of modeling knowledge are sification of all relevant solutions in mutually disjoint rules, which can sometimes express knowledge that classes. In other words, we partition the database to

7For more details on OWL 2 Profiles, see http://www.w3. 9Rule Interchange Format Overview: org/TR/owl2-profiles/. 2005/rules/wiki/Overview 8SPARQL 1.1 Update: 10Semantic Web Rule Language: sparql11-update/ Submission/SWRL/ D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 9

Table 2 Classification criteria and descriptive parameters identified in literature

Work Classification Criteria Values Descriptive Parameters

Auer et al. Automation in the creation of mapping Automatic, Semi-automatic, Manual Mapping representation a (2009) [14] Source of considered Existing domain ontologies, Database, Database and User language Access paradigm Extract-Transform-Load (ETL), SPARQL, Linked Data Domain reliance General, Dependent Barrasa Ro- Existence of ontology Yes (ontology reuse), No (created ad-hoc) driguez, Architecture Wrapper, Generic engine and declarative definition – Gomez-Perez Mapping exploitation Massive upgrade (batch), Query driven (on demand) (2006) [17]

Ghawi, Cullot Existence of ontology Yes, No Automation in the instance (2007) [55] Complexity of mapping definition Complex, Direct export process Ontology population process Massive dump, Query driven Automation in the creation of mapping Automatic, Semi-automatic, Manual

Data sourceb, Data exposi- et al. – – Hellmann tion, Data synchronization, (2011) [61] Mapping language, Vocab- ulary reuse, Mapping au- tomation, Requirement of domain ontology, Existence of GUI

Konstantinou, Existence of ontology Yes, No Ontology language, Spanos, Mitrou Automation in the creation of mapping Automatic, Semi-automatic, Manual RDBMS supported, Se- (2008) [72] Ontology development Structure driven, Semantics driven mantic query language, Database components mapped, Availability of consistency checks, User interaction Sahoo et al. Same as in Auer et al. (2009) with the addition of: (2009) [105] Query implementation SPARQL, SPARQL→SQL Mapping accessibility, Ap- Data integration Yes, No plication domain

Sequeda et al. – – Correlation of primary and c (2009) [111] foreign keys, OWL and RDFS elements mapped

Zhao, Chang Database schema analysis Yes, No Purpose, Input, Output, (2007) [129] Correlation analysis of database schema elements, Consideration of database instance, application source code and other sources aIn this work, approaches are also divided in 4 categories: a) alignment, b) database mining, c) integration approaches and d) mapping languages/servers. bApart from relational data sources, this report reviews from XML and CSV data sources as well. cThis report investigates only approaches that create a new ontology by reverse engineering the database schema. ontology mapping problem space in distinct categories The first major division of approaches is based on containing uniform approaches. The few exceptions whether an existing ontology is required for the perfor- we come across are customizable software tools that mance of a method. Therefore, the first classification incorporate multiple workflows, with each one falling criterion we employ is the existence of an ontology under a different category. as a requirement for the mapping process, distinguish- ing among methods that establish mappings between a We categorize solutions to the database to ontology given relational database and a given existing ontology mapping problem to the classes shown in Figure 1. (presented in Section 6) and methods that create a new Next to each class, we append the applicable motiva- ontology from a given relational database (presented tions and benefits, as mentioned in Section 2. Associ- in Section 5). In the former case, the ontology to be ation of a specific benefit to a given class denotes that mapped to the database should model a domain that is there is at least one work in this class mentioning this compatible with the domain of the database contents in benefit. order to be able to define meaningful mappings. This 10 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey

Relational DBs to Semantic Web

New ontology Existing ontology

√ semantic annotation of dynamic web pages √ mass generation of SW data Database schema Domain-specific √ definition of meaning of relational schema ontology ontology √ heterogeneous database integration √ ontology based data access √ semantic annotation of dynamic web pages √ integration with other data sources √ ontology based data access √ mass generation of SW data √ heterogeneous database integration

No database reverse Database reverse engineering engineering

√ ontology based data access √ heterogeneous database integration √ mass generation of SW data √ ontology learning √ heterogeneous database integration √ ontology based data access √ integration with other data sources

Fig. 1. Classification of approaches. is the reason why the ontology, in this case, is usually The last classification criterion we consider is the selected by a human user who is aware of the nature of application of database reverse engineering tech- data contained in the database. In the case of methods niques in the process of creating a new domain-specific creating a new ontology, the existence of a domain on- ontology. Approaches that apply reverse engineering tology is not a prerequisite, including use cases where try to recover the initial conceptual schema from the an ontology for the domain covered by the database is relational schema and translate it to an ontology ex- not available yet or even where the human user is not pressed in a target language (see Section 5.2.2). On familiar with the domain of the database and relies on the other hand, there are methods that, instead of re- the mapping process to discover the semantics of the verse engineering techniques, apply few basic transla- database contents. tion rules from the relational to the RDF model (de- The class of methods that create a new ontology tailed in Section 5.2.1) and/or rely on the human expert for the definition of complex mappings and the enrich- is further subdivided in two subclasses, depending ment of the generated ontology model. on the domain of the generated ontology. On the By inspection of Figure 1, we can also see that, one hand, there are approaches (presented in Section with a few exceptions, there is not significant corre- 5.1) that develop an ontology with domain the rela- lation between the taxonomy classes and the motiva- tional model. The generated ontology consists of con- tions and benefits presented in Section 2. This happens cepts and relationships that reflect the constructs of because, as we argued above, this taxonomy catego- the relational model, mirroring the structure of the in- rizes approaches based on the nature of the mapping put relational database. We will call such an ontol- and the techniques applied to establish the mapping. ogy a “database schema ontology”. Since the gen- On the contrary, most benefits state the applications erated ontology does not implicate any other knowl- of the already established mappings (e.g. database in- edge domain, these approaches are mainly automatic tegration, web page annotation), which do not de- relying on the input database schema alone. On the pend on the mapping process details. Notable excep- other hand, there are methods that generate domain- tions to the above observation are the ontology learn- specific ontologies (presented in Section 5.2), depend- ing and definition of semantics of database contents ing on the domain described by the contents of the in- motivations. The former, by definition, calls for ap- put database. proaches that produce an ontology by analyzing a re- D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 11 lational database, while the latter calls for approaches ized group of RDF statements. The is that ground the meaning of a relational database to rewritten to an SQL query, which is executed and its clearly defined concepts and relationships of an exist- results are transformed back as a response to the se- ing ontology. mantic query. This access mode is also known as query Given the taxonomy of Figure 1 and the three clas- driven or on demand and characterizes ontology-based sification criteria employed in it, we choose among the data access approaches. Finally, the Linked Data value rest of the features and criteria mentioned in Table 2 means that the result of the mapping is published ac- the most significant ones as descriptive parameters for cording to the Linked Data principles: all URIs use the the approaches reviewed in this paper. The classifica- HTTP scheme and, when dereferenced, provide useful tion criteria and descriptive parameters adopted in this information for the resource they identify11. paper are shown in Figure 2 and elaborated in the fol- The data accessibility feature is strongly related to lowing: the data synchronization measure, according to which, Level of automation. This variable denotes the ex- methods are categorized in static and dynamic ones, tent of human user involvement in the process. Pos- depending on whether the mapping is executed only sible values for it are automatic, semi-automatic and once or on every incoming user query, respectively. We manual. Automatic methods do not involve the human believe that the inclusion of data synchronization as user in the process, while semi-automatic ones require an additional descriptive feature would be redundant, some input from the user. This input may be necessary since the value of data accessibility uniquely deter- for the operation of the process, constituting an integral mines whether a method maintains static or dynamic part of the algorithm, or it may be optional feedback mappings. Hence, an ETL value signifies static map- for the validation and enrichment of the result of the pings, while SPARQL and Linked Data values denote mapping process. In manual approaches, the mapping dynamic mappings. is defined in its entirety by the human user without Mapping language. This feature refers to the lan- any feedback or suggestions from the application. In guage in which the mapping is represented. The val- some cases, automation level is a characteristic that is ues for this feature vary considerably, given that, un- common among approaches within the same taxonomy til recently, no standard representation language ex- class. For instance, methods that create a new database isted for this purpose and most approaches used propri- schema ontology are purely automatic, while the ma- etary formats. W3C recognized this gap and proposed jority of approaches that map a relational database to R2RML12 (RDB to RDF Mapping Language) as a rep- an existing ontology are manual, given the complexity resentation language for relational database to ontol- of the discovery of correspondences between the two. ogy mappings. As R2RML is currently under develop- Data accessibility. Data accessibility describes how ment, it is expected to be adopted by software tools in the mapping result is accessed. This variable is also the near future. The mapping language feature is ap- known in the literature as access paradigm, mapping plicable only to methods that need to reuse the map- implementation or data exposition. Possible values ping. A counterexample is the class of ontology learn- for this variable are ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), ing methods that create a new domain ontology. Meth- SPARQL or another ontology query language and ods of this class usually do not represent the mapping Linked Data. ETL means that the result of the map- in any form, since their intention is simply the gen- ping process, be it an entire new ontology or a group eration of a new domain ontology, having no interest of RDF statements referencing existing ontologies, is in storing correspondences with database schema ele- generated and stored as a whole in an external stor- ments. age medium (often a triple store but it can be an ex- Ontology language. This parameter states the lan- ternal file as well). In this case, the mapping result is guage on which the involved ontology is expressed. said to be materialized. Other terms used for ETL is batch transformation or massive dump. An alternative 11The use of the term Linked Data may be slightly misleading, way of accessing the result of the mapping process is as both the ETL export of RDF data dumps and the SPARQL ac- through SPARQL or some alternative semantic query cess scheme are considered alternative ways of Linked Data pub- language. In such a case, only a part (i.e. the answer lishing [60]. Nevertheless, we follow the convention of [14,61,105], where the term Linked Data denotes an RDF access scheme based to the query) of the entire mapping result is accessed on HTTP dereferenceable URIs. and no additional storage medium is required since 12R2RML Specification: the database contents are not replicated in a material- r2rml/ 12 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey

Existence of ontology Ontology domain Application of database • Yes • Relational model reverse engineering • No • Other • Yes • No

Automation level Data Accessibility Mapping Language • Automatic • ETL • SQL • Semi-automatic • SPARQL • RDF/XML • Manual • Linked Data • Custom language etc.

Ontology Language Vocabulary Reuse Software availability • RDFS • Yes • Yes • OWL dialect • No • No • Commercial

Purpose Graphical user interface • Mass generation of SW data • Yes • Ontology learning • No • Ontology based data access • Database integration etc .

Fig. 2. Classification criteria and descriptive parameters used.

Depending on the kind of approach, it may refer to the viding practical solutions to the database to ontology language of the ontology generated by the approach or mapping problem. Therefore, this feature serves (to- to the language of the existing ontology required. Since gether with the purpose feature) as an index of the the majority of methods reviewed implicate Semantic available software that should be considered from a Web ontologies, the values for this feature range from potential user seeking support for a particular problem. RDFS to all flavours of OWL. When the expressive- Commercial software, which is not offering freely its ness of the OWL language used is not clear from the full functionality to the general public, is indicated ap- description of the method, no specific profile or species propriately. is mentioned. Graphical user interface. This feature applies to Vocabulary reuse. This parameter states whether a approaches accompanied with an accessible software relational database can be mapped to more than one implementation (with the exception of unavailable re- existing ontologies or not. This is mainly true for man- search prototypes that have been stated to have a user ual approaches where the human user is usually free to interface) and shows whether the user can interact with reuse terms from existing ontologies at will. Reusing the system via a graphical user interface.This param- terms from popular vocabularies is one of the prereq- eter is significant especially for casual users or even uisites for Semantic Web success and hence, is an im- database experts who may not be familiar with Se- portant aspect for database to ontology mapping ap- mantic Web technologies but still want to bring their proaches. Of course, methods allowing for vocabulary database into Semantic Web. A graphical interface that reuse do not enforce the user to do so, thus this vari- guides the end user through the various steps of the able should not be mistaken with the existence of on- mapping process and provides suggestions is consid- tology requirement that was used as a classification cri- ered as essential for inexperienced users. terion in Figure 1. Once again, values of this param- Purpose. This is the main motivation stated by the eter may be common among all approaches within a authors of each approach. This is not to say that the certain class, e.g. methods generating a new database motivation stated is the only applicable and that the ap- schema ontology do not directly allow for vocabulary proach cannot be used in some other context. Usually, reuse, since the terms used are specified a priori by the all the benefits and motivations showcased in Figure 1 method and are not subject to change. apply to all tools and approaches of the same category. Software availability. This variable denotes whether We note once again that any of the above measures an approach is accompanied with freely accessible could have been considered as a criterion for the def- software, thus separating purely theoretical methods or inition of an alternative taxonomy. However, we ar- unreleased research prototypes from approaches pro- gue that the criteria selected lead to a partition of the D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 13 entire problem space in clusters of approaches that present increased intra-class similarity. For example, File storage Relational Mapping some works [14,17,55,105] categorize methods based database engine on the data accessibility criterion to static and dynamic 1 Persistent storage ones. This segregation is not complete though, as there Mappings SQL 2 are methods that restrict themselves in finding corre- Rules spondences between a relational database and an on- 2 3 3 tology without migrating data to the ontology nor of- fering access to the database through the ontology. This was the main reason behind the omission of this distinction in the classification of Figure 1. The values Fig. 3. Generation of ontology from a relational database. of the above descriptive parameters for all approaches mentioned in this paper are presented in Table 8. lution response or an appropriate HTTP response, de- Summing up the categories of methods recognized, pending on the occasion. we will deal with the following, in the next sections of Before we delve into the different categories of on- the paper: tology creation approaches, we describe as briefly as 1. Creation of database schema ontology (Section possible an elementary transformation method of a re- 5.1) lational database to an RDF graph proposed by Tim 2. Creation of domain-specific ontology without Berners-Lee [22] that, albeit simple, has served as a database reverse engineering (Section 5.2.1) reference point for several ontology creation meth- 3. Creation of domain-specific ontology with database ods. This method has been further extended [19] so reverse engineering (Section 5.2.2) as to produce an RDFS ontology and is also infor- 4. Definition or discovery of mappings between mally known as “table-to-class, column-to-predicate”, a relational database and an existing ontology but for brevity we are going to refer to it as the basic (Section 6) approach throughout this paper. According to the basic approach: 1. Every relation R maps to an RDFS class C(R). 5. Ontology Creation from Existing Database 2. Every tuple of a relation R maps to an RDF node of type C(R). In this section, we deal with the issue of generating 3. Every attribute att of a relation maps to an RDF a new ontology from a relational database and option- property P (att). ally populating the former with RDF data that are ex- 4. For every tuple R[t], the value of an attribute att tracted from the latter. Schematically, this process is maps to a value of the property P (att) for the roughly shown on Figure 3. The mapping engine inter- node corresponding to the tuple R[t]. faces with the database to extract the necessary infor- mation and, according to manually defined mappings As subjects and predicates of RDF statements must or internal heuristic rules, generates an ontology which be identified with a URI, it is important to come up can also be viewed as a syntactic equivalent of an RDF with a URI generation scheme that guarantees unique- graph. This RDF graph can be accessed in three ways, ness for distinct database schema elements. As ex- as described in Section 4: ETL, SPARQL or Linked pected, there is not a universal URI generation scheme, Data (lines 1, 3 and 2 in Figure 3, respectively). In but most of them follow a hierarchical pattern, much ETL, the RDF graph can be stored in a file or in a per- like the one presented in Table 3, where for conve- sistent triple store and be accessed directly from there, nience multi-column primary keys are not considered. while in SPARQL and Linked Data access modes, the An important property that the URI generation scheme RDF graph is generated on the fly from the contents must possess and is indispensable for SPARQL and residing in the database. In these modes, a SPARQL Linked Data access is reversibility, i.e. every generated query or an HTTP request respectively are transformed URI should contain enough information to recognize to an appropriate SQL query. Finally, the mapping en- the database element or value it identifies. gine retrieves the results of this SQL query (this is not The basic approach is generic enough to be applied depicted in Figure 3) and formulates a SPARQL so- to any relational database instance and to a large de- 14 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey

Table 3 Typical URI generation scheme

Database Element URI Templatea Example

Database {base_URI}/{db}/ Relation {base_URI}/{db}/{rel} Attribute {base_URI}/{db}/{rel}#{attr} Tuple {base_URI}/{db}/{rel}/{pk} = {pkval}

aThe name of the database is denoted db, rel refers to the name of a relation, attr is the name of an attribute and pk is the name of the primary key of a relation, while pkval is the value of the primary key for a given tuple of a relation. gree automatic, since it does not require any input from gory regarding data accessibility, while the mapping it- the human user, except from the base URI. However, it self is rarely represented in some form. This is due to accounts for a very crude export of relational databases the fact that the correspondences between the database to RDFS ontologies that does not permit more complex schema and the generated ontology are straightfor- mappings nor does it support more expressive ontol- ward, as every element of the former is usually mapped ogy languages. Moreover, the resulting ontology looks to an instance of the respective class in the latter. For a lot like a copy of the database relational schema as example, a relation and each one of its attributes in all relations are translated to RDFS classes, even the a database schema are mapped to instances of some ones which are mere artifacts of the logical database Relation and Attribute classes in the generated ontol- design (e.g. relations representing a many-to-many re- ogy respectively, with the Relation instance being con- lationship between two entities). Other notable short- nected with the Attribute instances through an appro- comings of the basic approach include its URI gen- priate hasAttribute property. The names of classes and eration mechanism, where new URIs are minted even property in the above example are of course figurative, when there are existing URIs fitting for the purpose as every approach defines its own database schema on- and the excessive use of literal values, which seriously tology. degrade the quality of the RDF graph and complicate An issue frequently arising when modeling a database the process of linking it with other RDF graphs [31]. schema ontology is the need to represent, apart from Nevertheless, as already mentioned, several methods the database schema, the schema constraints that refine and build on the basic approach, by allowing for are applied to the database contents. In the major- more complex mappings and discovering domain se- ity of cases, the motivation is the check of database mantics hidden in the database structure. Such meth- schema constraints using ontology reasoning engines. ods are presented in the next subsections. This requires not only representation of the database schema but also description of the data itself. The 5.1. Generation of a database schema ontology most straightforward and natural design pattern that achieves this represents schema-level database con- We first review the class of approaches that create a cepts as instances of the database schema ontology new database schema ontology. Database schema on- classes and data is then represented as instances of the tologies have as domain the relational model and do schema layer concepts. This design makes use of more not model the domain that is referred to by the contents advanced metamodeling ontology features. Informally, of the database. In other words, a database schema on- metamodeling allows an ontology resource to be used tology contains concepts and relationships pertaining at the same time as a class, property and individual. to the relational model, such as relation, attribute, pri- Metamodeling violates the separation restriction be- mary key and foreign key and simply mirrors the struc- tween classes, properties, individuals and data values ture of a relational database schema. that is enforced in OWL (1/2) DL, the decidable frag- The process of generating such an ontology is en- ment of the OWL language, and leads to OWL Full tirely automated, since all the information needed for ontologies, which have been shown to be undecidable the process is contained in the database schema and [89]. The introduction of the punning feature in OWL additional domain knowledge from a human user or 2 DL may allow different usages of the same term, e.g. external information sources is not needed. Both ETL both as a class and an individual, but the standard OWL and SPARQL based approaches are met in this cate- 2 DL semantics and reasoners supporting it consider D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 15 these different usages as distinct terms and thus, antic- resented according to the rules of the basic approach: ipated based on OWL (1/2) Full semantics every tuple of a relation is viewed as an instance of are missed. a schema representation class, while tuple values as Approaches that make use of metamodeling for viewed as values of properties-instances of the Column building a database schema ontology [95,121] create class. This lack of separation among classes, properties OWL Full ontologies and do not go as far as to check and individuals makes the produced ontology OWL database constraints with appropriate ontology reason- Full. Moreover, OWL classes denoting the concepts of ers. This may be due to the popular misbelief that such primary key and database schema are defined, as well a task can be carried out only by reasoners that can as OWL properties that tie together database schema compute all OWL Full entailments of an ontology. On elements (such as the hasColumn property connecting the contrary, widely available OWL 2 RL reasoners13 instances of the Table and Column classes and the ref- or first order logic theorem proving systems may suf- erences property describing foreign key links). As with fice for the task [108]. most database schema ontologies, the generation of the The vast majority of methods in this group map ontology is performed automatically, without any user a relational database schema to strictly one ontol- intervention. To overcome the lack of domain seman- ogy and do not reuse terms from external vocabu- tics in the database schema ontology, the authors also laries, since their domain of interest is the relational propose the use of Relational.OWL as an intermediate model. The obvious disadvantage of this group of ap- step for the creation of an RDF graph that reuses terms proaches is the lack of data semantics in the gener- from external ontologies [96]. The RDF graph is pro- ated database schema ontology, a fact that makes them duced as the result of SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries only marginally useful for integration with other data executed on the Relational.OWL ontology. Apart from sources. Thereby, some approaches complement the standard ETL access, the addition of the RDQuery database schema ontology with manually defined map- wrapper system [97] allows for querying a relational pings to external domain-specific ontologies. These database through SPARQL queries using terms from ontology mappings may take the form of ontology the Relational.OWL ontology. (rdfs:subClassOf and owl:equivalentClass) axioms DataMaster [93] is a tool that exports the schema [74,75], SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries that output and the contents of a relational database in an ontology a new RDF graph with terms from known ontolo- using the Relational.OWL terminology. The novelty gies [96] or SWRL rules that contain terms from the though is that it also offers two alternative modeling database schema ontology in their body and terms versions of Relational.OWL that manage to stay within from popular ontologies in their head [53]. Such ap- the syntactic bounds of OWL DL. In the first one, proaches, even indirectly, manage to capture the se- the schema representation layer of Relational.OWL mantics of database contents and thus, increase the is completely dropped and thereby, database relations semantic interoperability among independently devel- and attributes are translated to OWL classes and prop- oped relational databases. erties respectively (much like in the basic approach). In The most popular and dominant work in this cat- the second one, it is the data representation layer that egory is Relational.OWL [95], which is also reused is missing, since relations and attributes are translated in other approaches and tools (e.g. ROSEX [43] and to instances of the Table and Column Relational.OWL DataMaster [93]). Relational.OWL embraces the de- classes respectively, but the latter are not translated to sign pattern commented above and makes use of the properties as well, therefore avoiding the metamodel- ing feature used in Relational.OWL. OWL Full metamodeling features. Every relation and ROSEX [43] also uses a slightly modified version attribute in the relational model gives rise to the cre- of the Relational.OWL ontology to represent the re- ation of a corresponding instance of meta-classes Ta- lational schema of a database as an OWL ontology, ble and Column. Data contained in the database is rep- thus ignoring the data representation layer of the latter. The generated database schema ontology is mapped 13OWL 2 RL Rules ( to a domain-specific ontology that is generated auto- owl2-profiles/#Reasoning_in_OWL_2_RL_and_RDF_ matically by reverse engineering the database schema Graphs_using_Rules) offer a partial axiomatization of the OWL 2 Full semantics and thus, can be used for developing (much like approaches of Section 5.2.2 do) and this incomplete reasoning systems that extract some OWL 2 Full mapping is used for the rewriting of SPARQL queries entailments. expressed over the domain ontology to SQL queries 16 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey expressed over the relational database. Although it is SWRL rules. SPARQL queries using terms from the argued that the insertion of the database schema on- domain ontology are translated to SQL queries, taking tology as an intermediate layer between the domain into account details of the stored mapping, such as the ontology and the database can contribute in track- schema-specific URI generation mechanism. ing changes of the domain ontology as the database A similar workflow is described in the work of Dol- schema evolves, it is not clear how this is actually bear and Hart [48], which focuses on spatial databases. achieved. Their automatically generated data ontology is en- An approach similar to Relational.OWL that pro- riched with manually defined ontological expressions duces a new database schema OWL ontology is that essentially correspond to SQL queries in the RDB2ONT [121]. The classes and properties de- underlying database. These complex expressions are fined follow the same metamodeling paradigm as in then linked through ordinary rdfs:subClassOf and Relational.OWL, but the attempt to model relational owl:equivalentClass axioms with an existing domain schema constraints as OWL constraints is erroneous. ontology. Although relational schema constraints refer to the FDR2 [74] diverges considerably from the basic ap- contents of a relation, the authors translate these con- proach: every attribute of a relation is mapped to an straints by applying them on the schema-level OWL RDFS class, a relation corresponds to an RDF list classes, in an unsuccessful effort to avoid OWL Full. of these classes, while every pair of attributes of the Furthermore, it is not clear whether information from same relation is mapped to a so-called virtual prop- the ER conceptual schema of the database is used in erty. A database value is mapped as instance of its re- the design of ontology, since the exact cardinalities spective “column class” and a tuple is represented in- of relationships are assumed in this work to be given, directly, with the interlinkage of values of the same while it is known that they cannot always be deduced row via virtual properties. This design choice leads by inspection of the relational schema alone. to a certain amount of redundancy in the representa- Avoidance of metamodeling is successful in the tion of database contents, especially in the case of re- work of Kupfer and colleagues [75], where repre- lations with n attributes, where n(n − 1) virtual at- sentation of the database contents is not considered. tributes are created. Correspondences of the created The output of this approach is an OWL-Lite ontol- database schema ontology with an existing domain on- ogy reflecting the database schema, which is later tology are defined manually as rdfs::subClassOf and manually enriched with terms from a domain ontol- rdfs:subPropertyOf axioms. ogy through the use of standard rdfs:subClassOf and An interesting summary of solutions for the trans- owl:equivalentClass axioms. formation of relational tuples and hence relational Automapper [53] (now part of the commercial Asio schemas in RDFS ontologies is given in the work of SBRD tool) allows a relational database to be queried Lausen [78], with ultimate goal the identification of through SPARQL using terms from a domain ontol- the optimal scheme allowing for database constraint ogy. Despite the fact that it is mainly an ontology- checking, while staying clear of OWL Full solutions. based data access solution, we present it in this sec- In this work, four different alternatives are presented. tion, since it involves a database schema ontology as The tuple-based mapping is essentially the same as the well. Automapper creates an OWL ontology enhanced basic approach, with the only difference being the use with SWRL rules to describe the relational schema of blank nodes for each tuple, instead of a generated and express its constraints, such as the uniqueness of URI. The obvious disadvantage of this approach is the the primary key or attribute datatype restrictions. The encoding of all database values as literals, which ig- generation of the schema ontology is automatic and nores the presence of foreign keys and leads to dupli- follows the basic approach of one class per relation cation of data in the output RDF graph. This is over- and one property per attribute. Automapper is the only come in value-based mapping, where URIs are gener- tool in this category that stores explicitly the mapping ated for the values of key attributes and thus, “foreign among the database schema and the generated ontol- key” properties can directly reference these values in ogy. The mapping is expressed in terms of a mapping the output RDF graph. The URI-based mapping pro- ontology heavily influenced by D2RQ [27], which is duces a URI for every tuple of a relation, based on the described in Section 5.2. Once again, the construc- values of the primary key of the relation, pretty much tion of a database schema ontology is supplemented following the URI scheme of Table 3. Also, since pri- with connections to a domain ontology, this time via mary key values are encoded in the tuple URI, the pri- D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 17 mary key of a relation is not explicitly mapped to an straints and then, by combined use of SWRL rules with RDF property. The drawback of this type of mapping SPARQL queries for spotting violations. is the fact that foreign key constraints may also im- The complications arising when considering valida- plicitly be encoded as dependencies between URIs in tion of database schema constraints through ontology the RDF graph, in case the primary key of a relation lenses stem from two fundamental differences in the is also a foreign key to some other relation, a result semantics of relational databases and description log- that is highly undesirable. The object-based mapping ics ontologies. In database systems, both the closed sticks to the assignment of URIs to the values of key world assumption (CWA) and the unique name as- attributes (as in the case of value-based mapping), but sumption (UNA) hold, while DL ontologies follow the foreign keys are represented as properties linking the open world assumption (OWA) and do not adopt UNA. blank node identifiers of the tuples being linked via This means that, what is not stated explicitly in a rela- the foreign key relationship. Again, foreign key con- tional database instance is known to be false, while in straints are difficult to be checked in a straightforward a DL ontology, when something is not explicitly stated way, since a property path should be followed in the it is simply not known whether it holds or not. Fur- RDF graph in order to ensure for referential integrity. thermore, the lack of UNA in an ontology allows dif- Therefore, the solution adopted by Lausen is an RDFS ferent names to refer to the same individual, in con- ontology that employs the value-based mapping ap- trast with databases where every instance is identified proach and uses a custom vocabulary of classes and by a unique name. These differences in semantics be- properties for the denotation of primary and foreign tween databases and ontologies have been extensively keys. This generated database schema ontology is in investigated in the works of Motik and colleagues [90] fact used to check database constraints via execution and Sirin and Tao [115], proposing different seman- of appropriate SPARQL queries in [79]. tics for the interpretation of ontology axioms that act Levshin [81] focuses on database schema constraint as integrity constraints. In fact, in [115], it is argued checking as well. His approach constructs an OWL that validation of database integrity constraints can ontology that follows the basic approach, but he also be performed through the execution of SPARQL con- enriches it with vocabulary for database concepts and straints, therefore giving right to the efforts described constraint checking. Special care is taken for null val- in [79,81]. ues, which are explicitly marked in the generated OWL Slight variations of the tuple-based mapping are pre- ontology, contrary to common practice, which simply sented in CROSS [35] and in the work of Chatter- ignores database null values during the transformation jee and Krishna [36]. CROSS exports an OWL rep- of database contents in RDF. Not null, primary, foreign resentation of a relational database schema and acts key and anti-key14 constraints are encoded as SWRL as a wrapper for the data contained in the database, rules, which are executed as soon as the target on- i.e. it employs ETL access to the schema and query tology is generated. Then, the source of violation of based access to the data. For the data component of these constraints, if any, is retrieved through SPARQL the created ontology, CROSS adopts a variant of the queries. This approach is slightly different to the one basic approach: one class for every database relation of Lausen and colleagues [79], in which only SPARQL is constructed, tuples are translated to instances of the queries are used for the inspection of constraint vio- relation’s class, and values are translated to literals lations. Both of these works distinguish constraints to that are not directly linked to the tuple instances, but positive and negative ones, depending on whether the through an intermediate blank node instead. Database presence or the lack of some data causes the violation schema constraints are interpreted as OWL axioms of the constraint. While Lausen and colleagues pro- and thus, their validity (with the exception of foreign pose an extension to SPARQL so as to be able to check key constraints) can be checked with application of an the violation of all possible constraints, Levshin suc- OWL reasoner. Chatterjee and Krishna [36] construct ceeds in doing so by definition of two distinct prop- an RDF graph that follows the principles of tuple- erties (violates and satisfies) for the two type of con- based mapping and they enrich it with vocabulary per- taining to the relational and ER models. No hints are given though as to how this RDF representation could 14An anti-key constraint for a number of attributes in a relation is satisfied if there is at least one pair of tuples with identical values for be used for ensuring the validity of data with respect these attributes. to database schema constraints. 18 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey

OntoMat-Reverse [125] is a semantic annotation 5.2. Generation of a domain-specific ontology tool for dynamic web pages (now part of the OntoMat- Annotizer tool), supporting two different workflow Instead of creating an ontology that mirrors the scenarios: one for the annotation of the web presenta- database instance and adding at a later stage domain tion and another for direct annotation of the database semantics, it is preferable to create directly an ontol- schema. While the latter workflow is a typical example ogy that refers to the subject domain of the contents of of a mapping discovery approach between a database the database. In this section, we deal with approaches schema and an existing ontology (and is therefore de- that create domain-specific ontologies, in contrast with scribed in Section 6), the former involves the construc- the database schema ontologies considered in Section tion of a database schema ontology and is of interest 5.1. These domain-specific ontologies do not contain any concepts or relationships that are related to the re- in the current Section. The database schema ontology lational or ER models but instead, concepts and rela- constructed in this approach is a simple RDFS ontol- tionships pertaining to the domain of interest that is ogy that represents just the structure of the database. described by a relational database instance. Naturally, Terms from this ontology are used in RDFS represen- the expressiveness of the generated ontology largely tations of SQL queries that, when executed, return val- depends on the amount of domain knowledge incorpo- ues to be used in dynamically generated web pages and rated in the procedure. The two main sources of do- which are also embedded in the web presentation. The main knowledge are the human user and the relational manual annotation that is then performed through a database instance itself. This is the reason why we dis- graphical interface essentially relates an ontology term tinguish between approaches that mainly rely on re- to the column of the result set of an SQL query. In this verse engineering the relational schema of a database case, the constructed database schema ontology is used for the generation of a domain-specific ontology (but as a mere provider of column identifiers for the anno- can also accept input from a human user) and ap- tation task, thus one could question its necessity, since proaches that do not perform extensive schema analy- simpler solutions could have been equally successful sis but instead are mainly based on the basic approach for this task. and optionally, input from a human expert. 15 The relational schema ontology of Spyder is an- 5.2.1. Approaches not performing reverse other example of a database schema ontology. Spyder engineering is a tool that outputs a domain-specific ontology ac- In this section, we take a look at approaches that cording to manually specified mappings and therefore, generate a new domain-specific ontology from an ex- does not quite fit in this category. However, it is men- isting relational database without performing extensive tioned here because, as an intermediate step, it gen- database schema analysis for the extraction of domain erates an ontology that describes a database schema. semantics. Approaches of this category mainly use the This ontology provides a vocabulary for the database basic approach for exporting a relational database in- terms that are going to be referred to in the specifica- stance to an RDFS ontology and, in the majority of tion of mappings. cases, allow a human user who is familiar with the In Table 4, we summarize the design choices of meaning of the database contents to define semanti- the mentioned approaches by explicitly presenting the cally sound mappings, expressed in a custom mapping ontology constructs used for each of the relational representation language. Approaches in this category database schema elements (approach-specific ontology are usually accompanied with working software appli- vocabulary is marked with italics), including schema cations and this is one of the reasons why this category constraints for attributes, such as domain and not null of tools is by far the most popular and why several rel- 16 constraints. We also state whether approaches consider evant commercial tools also begin to emerge . the enrichment of their generated database schema on- The automation level of this category of tools varies tology with domain semantics, usually in the form of and depends on the level of involvement of the human user in the process. Most of these tools support all of correspondences with an external domain ontology. the three possible workflows: from the fully automated

15Spyder homepage: 16A notable example is Anzo Connect: http://www. content/spyder-beta D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 19

Table 4 Overview of approaches of Section 5.1

Relational schema elements Link with Approach domain Relation Attribute Tuple Primary Key Foreign Key Attribute Constraints ontology Automapper Class Datatype prop- Instance of a re- SWRL rule – owl:allValuesFrom and Yes [53] erty lation’s class owl:cardinality = 1 ax- ioms for domain and not null constraints respec- tively CROSS Subclass of Row Datatype prop- Instance of Row Object property Object property rdfs:range restriction on No [35] class erty class the attribute’s property for domain constraints Class Datatype prop- Instance of a re- – Instance of For- – No erty lation class eignKey class DataMaster Instance of Ta- Instance of Col- – Instance of Pri- references prop- rdfs:range restriction on No [93]a ble class umn class maryKey class erty hasXSDType property for domain constraints FDR2 [74] RDF list of at- Class RDF list of val- – – – Yes tributes’ classes ues Kupfer et Instance of Re- Instance of At- – – isAssociatedWith consistsOf property for Yes al. (2006) lation class tribute class property domain constraints [75] Lausen Class Property Blank node Instance of Key Instance of – No (2007) [78] class FKey class Levshin Subclass of Tu- Datatype prop- Instance of a re- SWRL rule SWRL rules rdfs:range restriction on No (2009) [81] ple class erty lation’s class the attribute’s property for domain constraints OntoMat- Instance of Ta- Instance of Col- – Instance of Pri- – type property for domain Yes Reverse ble class umn class maryKey class constraints [125] RDB2ONT Instance of the Property and in- Instance of a re- Instance of referenced At- isNullable and type Yes [121] Relation class stance of the At- lation’s class PrimaryKeyAt- tribute property properties for not null tribute class tribute class and domain constraints respectively Relational Class and in- Datatype prop- Instance of a re- Instance of Pri- references prop- rdfs:range restriction on Yes [96] OWL [95] stance of Table erty and in- lation’s class maryKey class erty the attribute’s property meta-class stance of Col- for domain constraints umn meta-class ROSEX Instance of Ta- Instance of Col- – Instance of Pri- Instance of For- – Yes [43] ble class umn class maryKey class eignKey class Spyder Instance of Ta- Instance of Col- – Instance of Pri- Instance of For- dataType, defaultValue No [88] ble class umn class maryKey class eignKey class and nullable properties for domain, default value and not null constraints respectively

aDataMaster offers three alternative operation modes, one of them being the same as Relational.OWL and therefore not mentioned in the table. standard basic approach with or without inspection and real world use cases is needed. Typical mapping rep- fine-tuning of the final result by the human user to resentation languages are able to specify sets of data manually defined mappings. Regarding data accessi- from the database as well as transformation on these bility, all three modes are again met among reviewed sets that, eventually, define the form of the resulting approaches with a strong inclination towards SPARQL RDF graph. It comes as no surprise that, until today, based data access. with R2RML not being yet finalized, every tool used The language used for the representation of the map- to devise its own native mapping language, each with ping is particularly relevant for methods of this group. unique syntax and features. This resulted in the lock- Unlike the case of tools outputting a database schema in of mappings that were created with a specific tool ontology, where the correspondences with database el- and could not be freely exchanged between different ements are obvious, concepts and relationships of a parties and reused across different mapping engines. It domain-specific ontology may correspond to arbitrar- was this multilingualism that has propelled the devel- ily complex database expressions. To express these opment of R2RML as a common language for express- correspondences, a rich mapping representation lan- ing database to ontology mappings. Plans for adoption guage that contains the necessary features to cover of R2RML are already under way for some tools and 20 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey the number of adopters is about to increase in the near OpenLink Virtuoso Universal Server is an integra- future. tion platform that comes in commercial and open- Since the majority of the tools we deal with in this source flavours and offers an RDF view over a rela- section rely on the basic approach for the generation tional database with its RDF Views feature [28], that of an ontology, the output ontology language is usually offers similar functionality to D2RQ. That is, it sup- simple RDFS. The goal of these tools is rather to gen- ports both automatic and manual operation modes. In erate a lightweight ontology that possibly reuses terms the former, an RDFS ontology is created following from other vocabularies for increased semantic inter- the basic approach, while in the latter, a mapping ex- operability, than to create a highly expressive ontology pressed in the proprietary Virtuoso Meta-Schema lan- structure. Vocabulary reuse is possible in the case of guage is manually defined. This mapping can cover manually defined mappings, but the obvious drawback complex mapping cases as well, since Virtuoso’s map- is the fact that, in order to select the appropriate on- ping language has the same expressiveness to D2RQ’s, tology terms that better describe the semantics of the allowing to assign any subset of a relation to an RDFS database contents, the user should also be familiar with class and to define the pattern of the generated URIs. popular Semantic Web vocabularies. The main motiva- ETL, SPARQL based and Linked Data access modes tion that is driving the tools of this Section is the mass are supported. One downside of both D2RQ and Virtu- generation of RDF data from existing large quantities oso RDF Views is the fact that a user should familiarize of data residing in relational databases, that will in turn himself with these mapping languages in order to per- allow for easier integration with other heterogeneous form the desired transformation of data into RDF, un- data. less he chooses to apply the automatic basic approach. SquirrelRDF Spyder D2RQ [27] is one of the most prominent tools in In the same vein, [109] and create an RDFS view of a relational database, allow- the field of relational database to ontology mapping. ing for the execution of SPARQL queries against it. It supports both automatic and user-assisted operation Both tools support all the workflows mentioned ear- modes. In the automatic mode, an RDFS ontology is lier, that cover the entire range of automation levels. generated according to the rules of the basic approach Their automatic mode is typically based on the basic and additional rules, common among reverse engi- approach and they define their own mapping represen- neering methodologies, for the translation of foreign tation languages, although very different in their ex- keys to object properties and the identification of M:N pressiveness. SquirrelRDF’s mapping language is ex- (many-to-many) relationships. In the manual mode, tremely lightweight and lacks several essential fea- the contents of the relational database are exported to tures, as it only supports mapping relations to RDFS an RDF graph, according to mappings specified in a classes and attributes to RDF properties. On the con- custom mapping language also expressed in RDF. A trary, Spyder’s mapping language is much richer, while semi-automatic mode is also possible, in case the user the tool also supports a fair amount of R2RML fea- builds on the automatically generated mapping in order tures. The main data access scheme for both tools is to modify it at will. D2RQ’s mapping language offers SPARQL based, however SquirrelRDF does not sup- great flexibility, since it allows for mapping virtually port certain kinds of SPARQL queries that, when trans- any subset of a relation in an ontology class and several formed to SQL, prove to be very computationally ex- useful features, such as specification of the URI gen- pensive. eration mechanism for ontology individuals or defini- Tether [31] also outputs an RDF graph from a rela- tion of translation schemes for database values. D2RQ tional database. In this work, several shortcomings of supports both ETL and query based access to the data. the basic approach are identified, some of them men- Therefore, it can serve as a programming interface and tioned in the introduction of Section 5, and fixes for as a gateway that offers ontology-based data access these shortcomings are proposed. However, this work to the contents of a database through either Seman- is targeted specifically to cultural heritage databases tic Web browsers or SPARQL endpoints. and the majority of the suggestions mentioned depend that uses D2RQ mappings to translate requests from largely on the database schema under examination and external applications to SQL queries on the relational the cultural heritage domain itself. The decision as to database is called D2R Server [25]. Vocabulary reuse whether the proposed suggestions are applicable and is also supported in D2RQ through manual editing of meaningful in the database under consideration is to be the mapping representation files. made by a domain expert. D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 21

As the basic approach is an integral part of the work- shows considerably less features from other more ad- flow of most tools in this category, the RDB2RDF vanced mapping languages, it contains all the neces- Working Group, which is responsible for the R2RML sary information for propagating updates of the RDF specification, has been chartered in order to also pro- graph back to the database. OntoAccess offers data pose a basic transformation of relational databases to access only through SPARQL and is one of the few RDFS ontologies, called direct mapping [24]. The di- approaches that focus on the aspect of updating RDF rect mapping is supposed to standardize the informal views and ensuring that database contents are modi- basic approach that has been used so far with slight fied accordingly. Nevertheless, it does not allow the se- variations from various tools. Therefore, taking into lection of an arbitrary subset of database contents like account the structure of a database, the direct mapping most approaches do, but only supports trivial relation produces an RDF graph that can be later modified to to class and attribute and link relations (representing achieve more complex mappings. many-to-many relationships) to property mappings. Triplify [14] is another notable RDF extraction tool A very crude overview of some of the features sup- from relational schemas. SQL queries are used to se- ported by the mapping definition languages of the tools lect subsets of the database contents and map them to mentioned in this section is shown at Table 5. Among URIs of ontology classes and properties. The mapping the features included are: is stored in a configuration file, the modification of which can be performed manually and later enriched – Support for conditional mappings, allowing for so as to reuse terms from existing popular vocabular- the definition of complex mappings that go be- ies. The generated RDF triples can be either materi- yond the trivial “relation-to-class” case, by en- alized or published as Linked Data, thus allowing for abling the selection of a subset of the tuples of the dynamic access. Triplify also accommodates for ex- relation, according to some stated condition. ternal crawling engines, which ideally would want to – Customization of the URI generation scheme for know the update time of published RDF statements. class individuals, allowing for the definition of To achieve this, Triplify also publishes update logs in URI patterns that may potentially use values from RDF that contain all RDF resources that have been up- attributes other than the primary key (therefore, dated during a specific time period, which can be con- generalizing the basic approach URI generation figured depending on the frequency of updates. The scheme). popularity of the Triplify tool is due to the fact that – Application of transformation functions to at- it offers predefined configurations for the (rather sta- tribute values for the customization of the RDF ble) database schemas used by popular Web applica- representation. Such transformations may include tions. An additional advantage is the use of SQL query string patterns combining two or more database for the mapping representation, which does not require values or more complex SQL functions. users to learn a new custom mapping language. – Support for creation of classes from attribute val- A tool that follows a somehow different rationale ues. is METAmorphoses [118]. METAmorphoses uses a – Foreign key support, which interprets foreign key two-layer architecture for the production of a material- attribute values as properties that link two indi- ized RDF graph that can potentially reuse terms from viduals with each other, instead of simple literals. other popular ontologies. Apart from the typical map- A more in-depth comparison of mapping representa- ping layer, where a mapping is defined in a custom tion languages can be found at [64]. XML-based language, there is also a template layer, where the user can specify in terms of another XML- 5.2.2. Approaches performing reverse engineering based language the exact output of the RDF graph by The tools presented in Section 5.2.1 mainly rely on reusing definitions from the mapping layer. This ar- the human user as a source of domain knowledge and chitecture introduces unnecessary complexity for the support him on the mapping definition task, by pro- benefit of reusing mapping definitions, a feature that is viding an initial elementary transformation often based achieved much more elegantly in R2RML. on the basic approach, that can be later customized. Another approach that needs to be mentioned at On the contrary, approaches presented in this section this point is OntoAccess [63], which also introduces consider the relational database as the main source a mapping language, R3M, for the generation of an of domain knowledge, complemented with knowledge RDF graph from a relational database. Although R3M from other external sources and optionally, a human 22 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey

Table 5 Comparison of language features for tools of Section 5.2.1

Language Conditional URI genera- Transformation Attribute val- Foreign key mappings tion scheme functions ues to classes support for individu- for attribute als values √ √ √ √ √ D2RQ [27] √ √ METAmorphoses – – – [118] √ √ √ √ √ R2RML √ √ R3M [63] – – – √ √ √ √ √ Spyder SquirrelRDF [109] – – – – – √ √ √ √ √ Virtuoso Meta- Schema Language [28] expert as well. Examples of such sources are database sumptions they are based on. These assumptions re- queries, data manipulation statements, application pro- fer to the normal form of the input relational schema, grams accessing the database, thesauri, lexical reposi- the amount of information that is known with respect tories, external ontologies and so on. to the relational schema, the target model the concep- The majority of methods in this category gain in- tual schema is expressed in and the external sources spiration from traditional database reverse engineering of information used. Most methods assume that the in- work. The process of reverse engineering the logical put relational schema is on third normal form (3NF), schema of a database to acquire a conceptual one is which is the least strict normal form that allows for de- a well known problem of database systems research, composing relations into relations that preserve some having attracted the interest of many researchers since interesting properties [102]. Nevertheless, there are the early 90s. Since the nature of the problem is rather methods that are less restrictive and are able to man- broad, as it encompasses different logical and concep- age relational schemas in second normal form (2NF) tual models, the related literature is extremely rich and [103]. Moreover, some approaches do not consider as solutions proposed show considerable variance. Sev- given the candidate, primary and foreign keys of each eral methodologies for the reverse engineering of a re- relation and therefore, try to discover as well func- lational database to a conceptual schema that follows tional and inclusion dependencies by analyzing the the Entity-Relationship or other object-oriented mod- data of the database (e.g. [6,40]). The knowledge of els have been proposed and have later been adapted keys in a relational schema is a very important is- accordingly for providing solution to the relational sue, that greatly simplifies the reverse engineering pro- database to ontology mapping problem. Still though, there exists no silver bullet for the accurate retrieval cess. As such, it is indispensable for most approaches of the conceptual schema that underpins a relational (e.g. [67,87]), although exceptions do exist [101,103]. database. This is due not only to the unavoidable loss Some methodologies focus on specific aspects of the of semantics that takes place in the logical database conceptual model, such as cardinalities of participation design phase, as different constructs of the ER model constraints in relationships [6] or generalization hierar- map to elements of the same type in the relational chies [77], and attempt to identify them. Finally, meth- model, but also to the fact that database designers often ods differ with respect to the target output model con- do not use standard design practices nor do they name sidered: some extract an EER model (e.g. [40]), while relations and attributes in a way that gives insight to others target object-oriented models (e.g. [20,101]). As their meaning [101]. As a consequence, reverse engi- hinted earlier, most reverse engineering methods are neering a relational schema is more of an art and less semi-automatic, as they require validation from a hu- of a formal algorithm with guaranteed results. man expert and can use additional information sources, Traditional relational database reverse engineering such as queries that are executed against the database solutions vary significantly because of the different as- or relevant domain thesauri [70]. D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 23

Despite the variance of the above methodologies, stitutes an odd minority, compared to the large number they can all prove quite useful and relevant when con- of approaches that directly create a domain ontology. sidering the generation of a domain ontology from Approaches of this category are mainly automatic, relational databases, since Description Logics – on since they rely, to a large extent, on a set of general which OWL is based – bear some similarities with rules that are applied on every possible input relational object-oriented models. The approaches mentioned in schema. Of course, the result of this procedure cannot this category accept as input a relational schema, usu- be always correct and represent faithfully the mean- ally in the form of SQL Data Definition Language ing of the relational schema and thereby, a human ex- (DDL) statements, which contain information about pert is often involved in the process to validate the re- primary and foreign keys as well as domain constraints sulting ontology and, optionally, enrich it with links for relational attributes, and generate a domain ontol- to other domain ontologies either manually or semi- ogy by mining information not only from the database automatically by following suggestions produced by instance, but also from other sources of domain knowl- some algorithm [82]. In some cases, the discovery of edge. The generation of the ontology is based on a set correspondences between the generated ontology and of heuristic rules, that essentially try to implement the other domain ontologies or lexical databases, such as inverse transform of the logical database design pro- WordNet, is performed automatically (e.g. in [16] and cess, sketched in Table 1. The variety of assumptions [68] respectively). An ER model can also be taken of traditional reverse engineering approaches that was into account for the validation of the resulting ontol- mentioned before is less evident here, as the vast ma- ogy [4]. However, in contrast with early reverse en- jority of methodologies imply the existence of a 3NF gineering methods, no approach utilizes queries and relational schema with full knowledge of keys and do- SQL DML statements in order to extract more accu- rate domain ontologies. A summary of the information main constraints, while the output is an ontology usu- sources considered by approaches of this category for ally expressed in OWL or another DL language, in the the generation of a domain ontology is depicted in Ta- general case. ble 6. Apart from this typical line of work, there are also Regarding data accessibility, all approaches output a couple of other relevant groups of methods. The first a materialized ontology. This is due to the fact that one considers an ER model as the input to the ontol- the main motivation of this group of approaches is the ogy creation process, while the second one uses inter- learning of a new ontology that can be later used to mediate models for the transition from the relational to other applications and thus, needs to be materialized. the ontology model. In the first case, the input for the This is also reflected in the absence of mapping rep- process is often not available, as conceptual schemas resentation for the majority of these approaches, since usually get lost after the logical design phase or sim- the relational database is used as a knowledge source ply exist in the minds of database designers. There- in this context and the storage of mappings is of little fore, the practical utility of these tools is arguable, al- interest as they will not be reused. As far as the ontol- though they tend to generate more expressive ontolo- ogy language of the resulting ontology, there seems to gies, compared to approaches that work on a relational be consensus about the use of OWL, with very few ex- schema. This is natural, since an ER model is a con- ceptions [11,84,117]. Vocabulary reuse is not possible ceptual model and most, if not all, of its features can in this category of approaches, although some of them, be represented in an OWL ontology. Approaches, such as mentioned before, try to establish links with existing as ER2WO [127], ERONTO [122], ER2OWL [52] and domain ontologies, in order to better ground the terms the work of Myroshnichenko and Murphy [92] gen- of the newly generated ontology. A shortcoming that is erate ontologies that cover the entire range of OWL common among all approaches that apply reverse en- species – from OWL Lite to OWL Full – by applying gineering techniques is the structural similarity of the a set of rules that translate constructs of the ER model generated ontology with the database schema. to OWL axioms. Thus, these tools do not need to ap- In contrast with the tools of Section 5.2.1, which ply reverse engineering in the relational schema and export the database contents as RDF graphs and, in are restricted to a simple model translation. The sec- fact, create instances of RDFS classes, approaches ond group of approaches that deserves a mention uses that perform reverse engineering do not always popu- an intermediate model for the generation of an OWL late the generated ontology classes with data from the ontology from a relational database [13,65] and con- database, thus restricting themselves in the generation 24 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey

Table 6 [120], in which a set of Horn rules that covers all pos- List of input information sources for approaches of Section 5.2.2 sible relation cases is proposed. Input sources Approach As the sets of rules are, to a large extent, repeated Schema Data Other User across different approaches, we refrain from present- Sources √ √ √ ing separately each approach and instead present in- Astrova (2004) formally the gist of the most significant categories of [11] √ rules proposed: Astrova (2009) [12] √ √ 1. Default rules. These are the rules describing and Buccella et al. extending the basic approach for the case of the (2004) [29] √ OWL model, i.e. a relation maps to an OWL DB2OWL [55] √ class, non-foreign key attributes are mapped to DM-2-OWL [5] √ OWL datatype properties and foreign key at- Juric,´ Banek, WordNet tributes are mapped to OWL object properties Skocirˇ [68] √ √ with domain and range the OWL classes corre- Lubyte, Tessaris (2009) [84] sponding to the parent and child relations respec- √ R2O [116] ER model for tively. Moreover, a relation tuple maps to an in- validation dividual of the respective OWL class. √ √ √ RDBToOnto [34] 2. Hierarchy rules. Such rules identify hierarchies √ ROSEX [43] of classes in the relational schema. According √ Shen et al. (2006) to them, when two relations have their primary [112] √ √ keys linked with a foreign key constraint, they SOAM [82] Lexical are mapped to two OWL classes, the one being repositories √ √ √ a superclass of the other. More specifically, the SQL2OWL [4] ER model for class that corresponds to the parent relation is su- validation √ √ perclass of the class that corresponds to the child L. Stojanovic, N. Stojanovic, Volz relation. This kind of rules often conflicts with (2002) [117] fragmentation rules. √ Tirmizi, Sequeda, 3. Binary relationships rules. These rules identify Miranker (2008) a relation that can be mapped to an OWL object [120] property. The primary key of such a relation is composed of foreign keys to two other relations of an ontology TBox. Approaches that do populate the that are mapped to OWL classes, while the re- generated ontology with instances tend to materialize lation itself has no additional attributes. One of them, with the exception of DB2OWL [55] and Ultra- these OWL classes constitutes the domain and wrap [110] tools that offer dynamic SPARQL based the other one the range of the generated object access. property, with the choice being left to the hu- The heuristic rules on which the ontology genera- man user who may supervise the procedure. In tion are often based on the separation of relations, ac- order to overcome this obstacle, automatic meth- cording to the number of attributes that constitute the ods often create two inverse object properties. In primary key, the number of foreign keys and the inter- case a relation has additional attributes, it cor- section of primary and foreign keys of a relation. In responds to a binary relationship with descrip- most cases, these rules are described informally [29, tive attributes. Nevertheless, as this feature is not 55,82,112,116,117] and sometimes, only through con- directly supported in OWL, it is mapped to an venient examples that cannot be generalized [11,12]. OWL class with appropriate datatype properties, Moreover, few methods yield semantically sound re- much like in the default rules case. sults, as they often contain faulty rules that misin- 4. Weak entity rules. These rules identify weak en- terpret the semantics of the relational schema, while tities and their corresponding owner entities. A in other cases, OWL constraints are misused. Two weak entity is usually represented with a relation of the most complete and formalized approaches are that has a composite primary key that contains a SQL2OWL [4] and the work of Tirmizi and colleagues foreign key to another relation, which represents D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 25

the owner entity. Such relations are still mapped and XML Schema Types, which are typically to OWL classes, however the semantics of the used as datatypes in RDF and OWL, on the other. identifying relationship that connects a weak en- Such correspondences are defined in detail in the tity with its owner is difficult to be specified. SQL standard [2]. Some rules, in fact, choose to interpret the re- The rule categories used by every method perform- lationship between the two relational as a pair ing reverse engineering for the generation of a domain- of inverse hasPart and isPartOf object proper- specific ontology are shown in Table 7, together with a ties. This kind of rules also conflicts with multi- valued property rules. note on whether the created ontology is populated with 5. n-ary relationships rules. These rules identify instances from the database. It should be noted that n-ary relationships, usually in cases where the this categorization of rules is somewhat rough, thus primary key of a relation is composed of foreign slight differences between approaches (e.g. how ap- keys to more than two other relations that are proaches handle specific constraints, such as primary mapped to OWL classes. Essentially, such rules key, uniqueness, not null constraints etc.) cannot be re- are not different from default rules, given that n- vealed in Table 7. A similar, more analytic overview ary relationships cannot be directly expressed in of a limited number of approaches, as well as a rather OWL, hence they are mapped to an OWL class. technical table that gathers the precise RDFS and OWL 6. Fragmentation rules. These rules identify rela- elements used by each approach can be found at [111]. tions that have been vertically partitioned and, Approaches that include conflicting rule categories, as in fact, describe the same entity. Relations iden- the ones pinpointed earlier, often rely on the decision tified are mapped to the same OWL class. The of the human user or introduce further premises in or- identification relies on the presence of the same der to differentiate between them. However, the va- primary key in all implicated relations, much like lidity of these proposals is arguable, since relational in the rules that discover hierarchies of classes. schemas that serve as counterexamples can be easily 7. Multi-valued property rules. These rules try thought of. to identify relations that act as multi-valued at- It can be easily seen that the rules mentioned be- tributes. As there are quite a few ways to encode fore only investigate the relational database schema a multi-valued attribute in a relational schema, and do not consider database contents, as some re- it is difficult to recognize such an attribute. This verse engineering approaches do by exploiting data kind of rules often assume that a relation that has correlations in the database instance and employing a composite primary key containing a foreign key data mining techniques. Until now, very few meth- referencing a parent relation can be translated to ods belonging to this category have incorporated some a datatype property with domain the class that form of data analysis. Astrova [11] examines correla- corresponds to the parent relation. As mentioned tion among key, non-key attributes and data in key at- before, these rules are based on the same assump- tributes between two relations, in order to extract var- tions with weak entity rules. ious types of class hierarchies (e.g. both single and 8. Constraint rules. These rules exploit additional multiple inheritance hierarchies). However, this work schema constraints, which are present in SQL is structured around informal convenient examples and DDL statements. Such schema constraints in- its results cannot be generalized. clude restrictions on non-nullable and unique at- A much more interesting effort is RDBToOnto [34], tributes, as well as domain constraints regard- which is the only tool of this category that proposes a ing an attribute’s datatype. These are usually formal algorithm for exploiting data from the database mapped to appropriate OWL cardinality axioms in order to extract class hierarchies. The main intuition on datatype properties, inverse functional prop- behind RDBToOnto is the discovery of attributes that erties and either global (rdfs:range axioms) or present the lowest variance of containing values. The local universal quantification axioms (e.g. an assumption is that these attributes are probably cate- owl:allValuesFrom axiom applied to a specific gorical attributes that can split horizontally a relation OWL class) respectively. R initially mapped to a class C(R), separating its tu- 9. Datatype translation rules. These rules are es- ples in disjoint sets, which in turn can be mapped to sentially translation tables defining correspon- disjoint subclasses of the initial C(R) class. This data dences between SQL datatypes on the one hand analysis step is applied to attributes that contain some 26 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey

Table 7 Rules applied to each approach of Section 5.2.2

Rule categories Approach Instance population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Astrova (2004) [11] – – Yes √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Astrova (2009) [12] –– Yes √ √ √ √ √ √ Buccella et al. (2004) [29] – –– No √ √ √ √ √ DB2OWL [55] –––– Yes √ √ √ √ √ DM-2-OWL [5] –––– No √ √ √ √ Juric,´ Banek, Skocirˇ [68] – –––– No √ √ √ √ Lubyte, Tessaris (2009) [84] – – –– – No √ √ √ √ √ √ √ R2O [116] – – No √ √ √ RDBToOnto [34] –––––– Yes √ √ √ ROSEX [43] – ––––– No √ √ √ √ √ √ Shen et al. (2006) [112] –– – Yes √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ SOAM [82] – Yes √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ SQL2OWL [4] – Optional √ √ √ √ √ √ L. Stojanovic, N. Stojanovic, Volz (2002) [117] – – – Yes √ √ √ √ √ √ Tirmizi, Sequeda, Miranker (2008) [120] – –– Yes lexical clues in their name, which potentially can clas- ers. Despite the fact that state of the art reasoners, such sify them as categorical attributes. RDBToOnto com- as Pellet, support inverse functional datatype proper- bines this data analysis step with some of the most ties, some methods, in order to avoid OWL Full, model common heuristic rules already mentioned and gener- the primary key of a relation as a separate class and ates an OWL ontology. translate the primary key constraint to an inverse func- As most of the approaches that belong to this group tional object property. It is also quite surprising that are based on heuristics, their efficiency and ability the OWL 2 hasKey property is not considered by any to interpret correctly the full meaning of a relational approach for the modeling of primary key attributes, schema is doubtful, since they cannot capture all possi- ble database design practices and guess the original in- although this may be due to the fact that most methods tention of the designer. The most significant problems of this group were proposed before the introduction of with this kind of approaches are: OWL 2. The owl:hasKey property also provides a nat- Identification of class hierarchies. Typically, hier- ural solution for composite primary keys, the transfor- archies in relational databases are modeled by the pres- mation of which has not been mentioned in any of the ence of a primary key that is also a foreign key refer- methods reviewed. ring to the primary key of another relation. We have al- Elicitation of highly expressive ontology axioms. ready pointed out the fact that this design can also im- So far, no method exists that is able to map success- ply that a relation has been vertically partitioned and fully expressive OWL features, such as symmetric and information on the same instance has been split across transitive properties or even more advanced OWL 2 several relations. However, this is only one of the pos- constructs like property chains, since these features sible alternative patterns that can be used for express- cannot be elicited by inspection of the database schema ing generalization hierarchies in the relational model alone. Furthermore, among the approaches reviewed, [77]. As we have seen, identification of categorical at- there are divergent opinions on the expression of do- tributes and analysis of data may provide hints for min- ing subclasses. main constraints for attributes. Some approaches sug- Interpretation of primary keys. Primary keys and gest translating these constraints to rdfs:range axioms generally, attributes with unique values are usually on the corresponding OWL datatype property, while transformed to inverse functional datatype properties. others suggest the use of universal quantification ax- The introduction of such axioms leads to OWL Full ioms for a specific class with the owl:allValuesFrom ontologies, which seem to intimidate ontology design- construct. D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 27

RDF Graph Mappings the general case, they are expressed as complex ex- pressions and formulas. Thus, in any case, tools should be able to discover and express complex mappings, 1 2 with the first task being particularly challenging and very hard to be automated. As a consequence, the Mapping Schema Mapping vast majority of approaches in this category are ei- 1 Mappings execution matching engine module algorithm ther manual or semi-automatic. In the latter case, some user input is required by the matching algorithm, usu- ally in the form of initial simple correspondences be- tween elements of the database schema and the on- tology. A purely automated procedure would need to make oversimplifying assumptions on the lexical prox- imity of corresponding element names in the database Relational Domain schema and the ontology that are not always true. database ontology Such assumptions tend to overestimate the overall effi- Fig. 4. Mapping an existing ontology to a relational database. ciency of mapping discovery methods, as for example in MARSON [66] and OntoMat-Reverse [125]. 6. Mapping a Database to an Existing Ontology As far as data accessibility is concerned, unlike all categories of tools encountered so far, it is not appli- So far, we have come across tools and methods that cable to approaches that simply output a set of map- do not require a priori knowledge on existing ontolo- ping expressions (line 2 in Figure 4), an observation gies. In this section, we examine approaches that take that prevented us from including data accessibility as a as granted the existence of one or more ontologies and classification criterion in Figure 1. For such tools, the either try to establish mappings between a relational main aim is the generation of mappings and thereby, database and these ontologies or exploit manually de- they do not offer RDF dumps of database contents or fined mappings for generating an RDF graph that uses semantic query based access. These tools left aside, terms from these ontologies. These two alternatives are this category supports all three data access scenarios. depicted in Figure 4 (lines 2 and 1 respectively). The Regarding the mapping language parameter, al- underlying assumption adopted by all approaches is though reusability of mappings is important for this that the selected ontologies model the same domain category of approaches, the same comment can be as the one modeled by the relational database schema. made as in Section 5.2.1, i.e. every tool uses its own Therefore, on the one hand, there are approaches that proprietary mapping language. Again, expectations are apply schema matching algorithms or augment reverse that the level of adoption of R2RML will increase in engineering techniques as the ones discussed in Sec- the near future. All approaches support OWL ontolo- tion 5.2.2 with linguistic similarity measures, in or- gies, while vocabulary reuse is not possible for some der to discover mappings between a relational database tools that require strictly one ontology to carry out and an appropriately selected ontology. These map- the mapping process. That being said, the vocabulary pings can then be exploited in various contexts and ap- reuse parameter is also not applicable to approaches plications, such as heterogeneous database integration that merely discover mappings between a relational or even database schema matching [7,49]. On the other database and an ontology, for the same reason as in hand, there are tools that share quite a lot with tools data accessibility. Another distinguishing feature of of Section 5.2.1, receiving user-defined mappings be- tools in this category is the presence of a graphical tween the database schema and one or more existing user interface in the majority of cases. Usually, the in- ontologies and generating an RDF graph that essen- terface allows the user to either graphically define the tially populates ontologies with instance data from the mappings between the database and the ontology, sup- database. ported by the visualization of their structure or validate Given that the database schema and the ontology are automatically discovered mappings. developed independently, they are expected to differ Starting off with approaches where mappings are significantly and often, the domains modeled by the manually defined, we mention R2O [18], a declarative two are not identical, but overlapping. Hence, map- mapping language that allows a domain expert to de- pings are usually not trivial or straightforward and, in fine complex mappings between a relational database 28 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey instance and one or more existing ontologies. R2O is one or more existing ontologies. RB2OWL stores the an XML-based language that permits the mapping of mappings in an external database schema, especially an arbitrary set of data from the database – as it con- tailored for the purpose. This database schema is, in tains features that can approximate an SQL query – to fact, a mapping meta-schema and contains relations an ontology class. R2O’s expressiveness is comparable and attributes that store the description of the database to the most advanced mapping languages discussed in schema and ontologies to be mapped as well as the Section 5.2.1, supporting features such as conditional mappings themselves. RDB2OWL allows, similarly to mappings or specification of URI generation schemes. previously mentioned tools, for the selection of a data The ODEMapster engine [17] exploits mappings ex- subset from the database, thus simulating a basic SQL pressed in R2O in order to create ontology individuals query. Such SQL queries are in fact produced by SQL from the contents of the database allowing for either meta-level queries and executed for the population of materialized or query-driven access. the OWL ontologies considered. Manual mappings between a database schema and Moving on to approaches that discover mappings in a given ontology are defined in DartGrid [38] and a semi-automatic or even automatic way, we first men- its successor Linked Data Mapper [130]. DartGrid tion the MAPONTO tool [8]. MAPONTO is a semi- defines a typical database integration architecture, automatic tool that receives as input from a human ex- a critical component of which is the definition of pert initial correspondences between relation attributes mappings between each local database and a global and properties. The goal of MAPONTO is the extrac- RDFS ontology. Correspondences between compo- tion of LAV mappings of the form R(X¯): −Φ(X,¯ Y¯ ), nents of the two models are defined via a graphi- where R(X¯) is some relation and Φ(X,¯ Y¯ ) is a con- cal user interface and Local as View (LAV) map- junctive formula over ontology concepts with X¯,Y¯ pings (database relations expressed as a conjunctive being sets of variables or constants. Such mappings query against the ontology) are generated in the back- define the meaning of database relations in terms of ground and stored in an RDF/XML format. DartGrid an ontology and can be harnessed in a database in- also allows ontology-based data access, by perform- tegration context. In short, MAPONTO views the re- ing translation of SPARQL queries to SQL, by ex- lational schema as a graph (where foreign key links ploiting the mappings defined. Linked Data Mapper are the connecting edges) and for each relation in it, integrates DartGrid’s interface with Virtuoso Univer- tries to build a tree that defines the semantics of the sal Server, therefore taking advantage of the capabili- relation. Foreign key links are traversed, adding vis- ties and rich features of the latter and enabling, among ited relations to the tree, while the algorithm is aware others, ontology-based data access to the contents of a of the various relation structures that may represent relational database. binary, n-ary relationships or weak entities (follow- Graphical user interfaces for the manual definition ing the typical reverse engineering rules mentioned of mappings are also included in the VisAVis [71] and in Section 5.2.2). By taking into account information RDOTE [123] tools. In both approaches, SQL is used initially provided by the user on the correspondences as the means for the specification of the data subset that between relation attributes and ontology properties, will be mapped to instances of an ontology class. In MAPONTO is able to encode, in a straightforward the case of VisAVis, an SQL query is stored as a literal manner, the generated tree in the relational graph in value of a special purpose datatype property for the a conjunctive formula that uses ontology terms. With corresponding ontology class, while in RDOTE the ap- slight modifications, the same algorithm can be used propriate SQL query is stored in a configuration file to- for investigating the opposite direction, i.e. the discov- gether with possible transformation functions applied ery of Global as view (GAV) mappings that express to elements of the database. VisAVis allows for query concepts of the ontology as conjunctive queries over based access, while RDOTE outputs an RDF graph the database. Such GAV mappings can then be directly dump that uses classes and properties from the exist- exploited for the population of an existing ontology ing ontology. The results of SQL queries are also used with database instances. for the population of a template of an RDF/XML file Another interesting approach in this group is the in the RDB2Onto tool [76]. one used in MARSON [66]. At first, relations are cat- The RDB2OWL framework [30] adopts a slightly egorized on groups, according to whether they rep- more complex road for the storage and execution of resent entities or relationships, following the reverse complex mappings between a relational database and engineering process of Chiang and colleagues [40]. D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 29

Vectors of coefficients, called virtual documents, are work. To this end, OntoMat-Reverse discovers map- then constructed for every relation and attribute of the pings between the database schema and an existing database schema. The description of a relation takes ontology by complementing the reverse engineering into account the description of relations connected to rules of Stojanovic and colleagues [117] with a lex- it via foreign keys, while the description of attributes ical similarity metric. In essence, it recognizes spe- incorporates the description of its parent relation and cial structures in the database schema (in much the other relations connected to the latter as well as the at- same way as the methods in Section 5.2.2) and tries to tribute’s domain. Likewise, virtual documents for ev- match them lexically with the classes and properties of ery class and property of the ontology are constructed the existing ontology. The discovery of mappings then and similarity between the elements of the database trigger the population of the existing ontology with in- schema and the ontology is computed with pairwise stances from the database. The efficiency of this tool is calculation of their identifying vectors’ cosine dis- bounded by both the inherent inability of reverse engi- tance. Essentially, the intuition is that the relational neering methods to interpret correctly all database de- schema is interpreted as a graph and some form of sign choices and the reliance on lexical methods to find elementary graph matching is performed. MARSON the best match. Naturally, validation from an expert is adopts the simplest case, in which an element is de- required in the end of the process. scribed only by its name, an obvious shortcoming that Other tools that rely on lexical similarity mea- eliminates the possibility of matching e.g. a relation sures between database and ontology elements are named academic_staff with a faculty class. As a next RONTO [94], D2OMapper [128] and AuReLi [100]. step, MARSON uses these simple correspondences be- In RONTO, linguistic similarity measures are com- tween relations and OWL classes in order to test the puted between corresponding structural elements of consistency of the attribute-to-property mappings dis- a database and an ontology. Therefore, relation, non covered, while it exploits database data and ontology foreign key and foreign key attribute names in the individuals to discover more complex mappings, e.g. database are compared to class, datatype and object finding the most appropriate categorical attribute of a property names in the ontology, respectively, to find relation that splits it into subsets, which in turn cor- the closest lexical matches, which are then validated by respond to disjoint OWL subclasses of a superclass. the user. A similar matching approach is followed by The discovery of the categorical attribute in a relation D2OMapper, which uses the ER2WO [127] translation is accomplished by computing the information gain (a rules from an ER model to an OWL ontology. How- measure known from the information theory field) for ever, as these rules present some peculiarities, such as every attribute in a relation, a procedure that raises the mapping of binary relationships to OWL classes, questions regarding the computational efficiency of the it is arguable whether D2OMapper is able to discover approach, as the number of string similarity checks mappings between a relational database and an ontol- needed for the computation of the information gain ogy that has not been produced by the ER2WO tool. is directly related to the data volume of the database. AuReLi, on the other hand, uses several string similar- Nevertheless, MARSON is the only effort made so far ity measures to compare relation attributes with prop- to completely automatize the process of discovering erties of several specified a priori ontologies. Further- mappings between a relational database and a given more, AuReLi tries to link database values with on- ontology. As such, it relies on the assumption of lexical tology individuals by issuing queries to the DBPedia proximity between names of elements in the database dataset17. The results of the algorithm are then pre- and the ontology during the calculation of similarity sented to the human user for validation. AuReLi is coefficients and the assumption of existence of a suf- implemented as a D2R Server [25] extension offering ficient number of individuals in the ontology, required Linked Data and SPARQL data access. for the computation of information gain. In contrast with the string-based techniques de- OntoMat-Reverse [125] is part of the OntoMat- scribed in the previous paragraph, StdTrip [106] pro- Annotizer semantic annotation framework, already poses a structure-based framework that incorporates mentioned in Section 5.1, where scenario of the in- existing tools, in order to find on- direct annotation of web presentation was described. The direct annotation of the database schema, from tology mappings between a rudimentary ontology that which the data of a dynamic web page is retrieved, is the second possible workflow scenario of this frame- 17DBPedia homepage: 30 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey is generated from a relational database following the mal observation with respect to the correlation of the basic approach and a set of given ontologies. As in Au- level of automation of approaches with their seman- ReLi, the results of the ontology alignment algorithm tic awareness, i.e. the amount of data semantics they are presented as suggestions to the human user, who elicit correctly. This happens mainly because a human selects the most suitable ontology mapping. expert is the most reliable source of semantics of a We close this section by mentioning MASTRO database schema. Hence, purely manual tools, where [32], a framework that enables the definition of map- mappings are given by the human user, capture by defi- pings between a relational database and an ontology nition the true meaning of the logical schema, whereas and the issue of conjunctive queries expressed in EQL, purely automatic tools can rarely achieve such levels of an SQL-like language. The MASTRO framework is successful interpretation. Semi-automatic tools, which an ontology-based data access tool suite that reformu- interact with the human user, fall somewhere in be- lates a conjunctive query expressed over a DL-LiteA tween, thus we could say that there is some trade-off ontology18 to an SQL query that is evaluated by the between the level of automation of an approach and the relational database. DL-LiteA has been proved to al- level of semantic awareness it achieves. low for tractable reasoning, while an algorithm has Going into further detail with respect to challenges been proposed for the reformulation of a conjunctive and efficiency of each category of approaches, we query to SQL [98]. This algorithm differs consider- could observe that the generation of a database ably from typical SPARQL to SQL rewriting methods schema ontology (Section 5.1) is rarely a goal per [37,44,50,83] that are employed by other tools offering se, and the majority of methods reviewed corrobo- dynamic data access. MASTRO is also complemented rate this statement. This happens because a database with the OBDA plugin for the popular ontology edi- schema ontology is a faithful representation of the re- tor Protégé [99] that allows for the definition of GAV lational schema (and in some cases, of the contents as mappings between a database and an ontology via a well) of a database. As such, it does not contain any graphical interface. other domain semantics that are usually of interest to a human user or an external application, which would rather abstract the low-level organization details of a 7. Discussion database and interact with it in terms of higher-level concepts. That is why most approaches complement Having gone through all different categories of ap- the generated ontology with additional axioms that proaches that pertain to the database to ontology map- link its terms with concepts from a domain-specific ping issue, we attempt to summarize and stress some ontology and offer access to the database contents by of the main points addressed throughout the paper re- allowing an external human or software agent to issue garding the main challenges faced by each group of ap- queries expressed over this domain-specific ontology. proaches. We also argue on why a common evaluation The transformation of the issued semantic queries to methodology for all proposed solutions is very diffi- SQL queries over the database is performed by tak- cult, if not impossible, to be developed, as some cate- ing into account the defined correspondences between gories of approaches can only be evaluated in a quali- the terms of the database schema ontology and the tative basis, rather than in terms of an impartial quanti- domain-specific one. However, the benefits of adopt- fied metric. Table 8 lists all database to ontology map- ing a database schema ontology as an in-between layer ping tools and approaches mentioned throughout the instead of selecting a direct mapping definition among paper, together with values for each of the descriptive a database and an ontology have not yet been shown in parameters identified in Section 4. practice for the task of query rewriting. Except for the points already discussed in Sections On the contrary, reasoning mechanisms are used in 5 and 6, we point out the limited software availabil- cases where an ontological representation of a rela- ity, as less than half of the approaches are accompa- tional database is employed to check the validity of nied by publicly available software and even fewer database schema constraints. The challenge with this among them are actively maintained and have reached kind of methods (e.g. [79,81]) is, on the one hand, to a certain level of maturity. We can also make an infor- bridge the gap between the closed world semantics of database systems with the open world assumption of

18 ontologies and, on the other hand, to achieve an onto- DL-LiteA belongs to the DL-Lite family of languages, on which the OWL 2 QL profile is based and is a proper subset of OWL DL. logical representation that does not increase the D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 31 Ontology-based data access Ontology-based data access Database integration Ontology learning Database integration Main Purpose Ontology learning Database integration Semantic annotation of web pages Ontology-based data access Database integration Generation ofdata SW Database integration Ontology learning Spatial database inte- gration Database interoper- ability Database integration Database integration Constraint validation Continued on next page Yes No No Yes Graphical User Interface No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes Software Availability No Commercial Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Vocabulary Reuse No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No OWL OWL OWL Full OWL Ontologyguage Lan- F-Logic /DL OWL OWL+SWRL OWL DL OWL DL RDFS OWL DL OWL DL/Full OWL DL OWL Full OWL DL RDFS OWL-Lite RDFS OWL+SWRL O (custom text- 2 D2RQlanguage mapping (custom RDF-based) – – VirtuosoSchema Language Meta- guage – custom represen- tation (XML file) D2RQlanguage mapping (custom RDF-based) custom represen- tation (RDF/XML file) – R based) – – – – – – – custombased) (RDF- Table 8: Descriptive parameters of approaches reviewed. Data protocol ETL SPARQL Data Accessibility Mapping Lan- ETL/SPARQLLinked / Data SPARQL ETL ETL/SPARQL ETL ETL ETL ETL Semi-automatic SPARQL / Linked Semi-automaticSemi-automatic ETL custom access Semi-automaticSemi-automatic SPARQL Semi-automatic ETL Automatic ETL Manual Level of Automa- tion Automatic / Man- ual Manual Automatic Automatic Semi-automatic / Automatic Semi-automatic SPARQL ] Semi-Automatic – ] Automatic ] Automatic ] Automatic 128 5 ] 93 ] ] 55 ] et al. ] ] / D2R et al. ] ] ] 38 ] 12 ] ] , 100 35 53 ] 27 29 48 75 68 25 74 11 130 ˇ ´ cir [ c, Banek, ] ] 78 81 Automapper (Asio SBRD) [ Buccella (2004) [ D2OMapper [ Lausen[ (2007) Server [ Sko Approach Astrova2009) [ (2004, AuReLi [ CROSS [ D2RQ [ DartGrid [ DataMaster [ DB2OWL [ DM-2-OWL [ Dolbear,(2008) [ Hart FDR2 [ Kupfer (2006) [ Juri Levshin[ (2009) Linked Data Map- per [ 32 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey Database interoper- ability Ontology-based data access Generation ofdata SW Generation ofdata SW Database integration Ontology-based data access Main Purpose Ontology-based data access Meaning definition of database Ontology-based data update Semantic annotation of web pages Data integration Ontology-based data access Database integration Generation ofdata SW Ontology learning inP2P network a Generation ofdata SW Ontology-based data access Ontology learning Ontology learning Ontology-based data access Continued on next page No Yes Yes Yes No No Graphical User Interface No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Software Availability No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No Vocabulary Reuse No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No No No Yes / OWL A OWL DL DL-Lite 2 QL RDF OWL OWL DL RDFS Ontologyguage Lan- DLR-DB OWL DL RDFS F-Logic OWL DL OWL OWL Full OWL OWL OWL Full RDFS/OWL OWL DL OWL DL RDFS O (custom text- 2 custom represen- tation (XML file) custom represen- tation custombased) (XML- SQL custom ontology– OWL DL custombased) (RDF- guage – custom represen- tation (XML file) based) F-Logic – R based) – SQL – custom represen- tation – – custombased) / R2RML (RDF- – – SPARQL ETL ETL SPARQL ETL SPARQL Data Accessibility Mapping Lan- SPARQL Update custom (RDF- ETL /query custom (ODEMQL) language ETL ETL ETL/SPARQL ETL/SPARQL Semi-automatic SPARQL Manual Manual Semi-Automatic ETL/F-Logic Semi-automatic ETL Manual Semi-automaticAutomatic – Automatic Semi-Automatic ETL Automatic / Man- ual Level of Automa- tion Manual Automatic Automatic / Man- ual ] Automatic ] Semi-automatic ETL ] Manual ] Manual ]/ ] Semi-Automatic – ] Automatic ] Semi-Automatic ETL 34 8 63 30 ] 4 121 32 ] 66 ] (2006) ] ] ] ] 94 123 43 99 82 84 ] 116 et al. 17 ] ] (OntoMat- ] ] ] /] RDQuery O / ODEMap- 2 118 125 95 97 112 109 MASTRO [ METAmorphoses [ OntoAccess [ Relational.OWL [ SOAM [ OBDA plugin for Protégé [ Annotizer) Approach Lubyte, Tessaris (2009) [ MAPONTO [ MARSON [ OntoMat-Reverse [ R2O [ R ster [ RDB2ONT [ RDB2OWL [ RDBToOnto [ RDOTE [ [ RONTO [ ROSEX [ Shen SQL2OWL [ Spyder SquirrelRDF [ [ D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 33 Generation ofdata SW Meaning definition of database Main Purpose Generation ofdata SW Generation ofdata SW Generation ofdata SW Ontology-based data access Ontology-based data access Semantic annotation of web pages No Yes Graphical User Interface Yes No No No Yes No No No Software Availability No No Yes No Yes No No No Vocabulary Reuse Yes Yes Yes No Yes OWL DL OWL DL Ontologyguage Lan- OWL F-Logic / RDFS No RDFS RDFS OWL DL RDFS – SQL guage custom represen- tation / SQL – – – VirtuosoSchema Language Meta- ETL RDQL Data Accessibility Mapping Lan- ETL / Linked Data SQL SPARQL ETL/SPARQLLinked / Data Semi-automatic ETL Semi-Automatic ETL Automatic Manual Level of Automa- tion Semi-automatic ETL Manual Automatic / Man- ual ] Automatic ] ] ] ] 110 ] ] 71 14 106 117 31 28 ] 120 Triplify [ Approach StdTrip [ L. Stojanovic, N. Stojanovic, Volz (2002) [ Tirmizi, Sequeda, Miranker (2008) [ Ultrawrap [ VirtuosoViews [ RDF [ VisAVis Tether [ 34 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey complexity of reasoning tasks beyond acceptable lev- tion of SPARQL queries to equivalent SQL ones (e.g. els. Methods dealing with this problem use a variety [37,50]) has led to the consideration of such database of technologies, including rules, SPARQL queries as to ontology mapping tools as an alternative to triple well as the metamodeling and the inverse functional stores, at least in the case of data that resides in re- datatype property features of OWL. However, there are lational databases and is not native RDF. Since rela- strong doubts regarding the practical value of such so- tional database management systems, due to their ro- lutions, given that validation of database schema con- bust optimization strategies, outperform triple stores in straints is already performed efficiently by database the query answering task by factors up to one hundred management systems, does not constitute an impor- [26], it is not surprising that, as long as SPARQL to tant database performance factor and it is highly un- SQL rewriting algorithms do not introduce a large de- likely that solutions involving ontology reasoning en- lay, the combination of a relational database with a dy- gines will prove more efficient. In fact, none of these namic access database to ontology mapping tool and works offers a practical evaluation of their proposals, will still outperform triple stores. This is true for at which seem more like theoretical exercises examin- least two such tools, namely D2R Server [25] and the ing the interactions of the relational model with OWL RDF Views feature of Virtuoso Universal Server [28], ontologies. A suitable evaluation methodology would which have been found to perform better than conven- probably need to assess the efficiency of each approach tional triple stores [26] for large datasets. with respect to the number of relations and constraints Although the efficiency of database to ontology in a database schema as well as the size of the data in mapping systems that offer SPARQL data access can the database. For each test case, it could then calcu- be quantified by calculating the response time to a late the total time needed for constraint validation and query, it is not a trivial task to come up with an ob- compare it with the time needed by a database man- jective benchmark procedure for the fair and thor- agement system. ough comparison of the performance of such systems. Moving on to approaches that create a new domain Indeed, some of the evaluation methodologies that ontology (Section 5), the main challenges faced by have been proposed present contradictory results re- tools of this category include the definition of feature- garding the performance of mapping tools and native rich mapping languages that allow for a fully cus- triple stores with respect to SPARQL query answer- tomizable export of database contents to RDFS on- ing [26,57]. A proper benchmarking methodology for tologies and for the storage of information required this category of tools usually involves the construc- by query rewriting algorithms, the search for efficient tion of data generators outputting datasets of various query rewriting algorithms, the extraction of domain sizes with desired properties and the proposal of se- knowledge from the database schema and the, as au- quences of queries of different complexity that are is- tomated as possible, enrichment of the generated on- sued against these datasets. The efficiency of a sys- tology with knowledge from other relevant domain tem is then evaluated in terms of the response time for sources. However, these high-level goals depend on the a sequence of these queries or equivalently, in terms motivation considered by each approach and usually, of the number of queries that can be executed by the cannot be all sought after together. The first two of system in a given time period. A procedure like the them are normally faced by tools of Section 5.2.1, the above is implemented in the Berlin SPARQL Bench- majority of which support dynamic query-based data mark [26], which is one of the most acclaimed bench- access, while the third one is the subject of approaches marks for storage systems that expose SPARQL end- presented in Section 5.2.2. points and, as such, it also includes D2R Server and The definition of new expressive and user-friendly Virtuoso RDF Views in its tests. Another similar no- database to ontology mapping languages has been a table benchmark is the SP2Bench SPARQL perfor- goal for researchers in the past, but the standardiza- mance benchmark [107], which can be applied to both tion process of R2RML that is currently under way has triple stores and SPARQL to SQL rewriting systems, already moved the focus away from research on new although none of the latter have been included in its languages. On the contrary, research on efficient query tests. rewriting algorithms still remains a challenge for tools Another measure that is more relevant to approaches aiming at ontology-based data access and consti- that materialize the generated RDF graph is the time tutes an important success factor for them. In fact, the needed for the production of an RDF statement. Two emergence of efficient strategies for the transforma- of the factors that influence this measure is the to- D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 35 tal size and the complexity of the RDF graph gener- rate more complex real world schemas and ontologies ated [119]. Therefore, a suitable evaluation strategy from a variety of subject domains. would, once again, involve the considerations of RDF As the goal of mapping discovery tools is to au- graphs of different sizes and complexities. However, tomatize as much as possible the mapping discovery this measure is usually of little interest, especially to process, a true challenge for them is to rely less on approaches that are driven by the motivation of learn- lexical similarity techniques that pose restrictions on ing a domain ontology from a relational database and their effectiveness and try to solve the synonym and reusing it in some other application. In such cases, the homonym problems with the aid of appropriate lexi- production time of the ontology is not the key factor cal reference sources and techniques that compare the for success, since this procedure will usually be per- structure of the two models. As far as approaches that formed only once. What is more interesting for the support the manual definition of mappings between a end user and, in the same time, challenging for the database and an existing ontology, also presented in tool is the elicitation of domain knowledge from the Section 6, the challenges are more or less the same relational database instance as well as knowledge ex- as the ones previously mentioned for the tools of Sec- traction from additional information sources in case tion 5.2.1, i.e. the search for an expressive mapping the relational database proves insufficient for the pur- language and the efficient query rewriting for the case pose. As far as the above goals are considered, the effi- of tools that support dynamic data access. In addition ciency of tools that learn an ontology from a relational to these high-level goals, tools of this kind also face database is very hard to be quantified and measured the challenge of presenting to the end user an intu- objectively. Some systems measure the efficiency of itive graphical interface that will allow him to define their approach by comparing the generated ontology complex mappings, without requiring him to be famil- with an a priori known ER model corresponding to the iar with the underlying mapping representation lan- input relational database. The above rationale could guage. This is a very important prerequisite for the be somehow quantified, if pairs of relational database widespread use of such tools, that unfortunately is usu- schemas and “gold standard” ontologies were speci- ally not given enough attention, in favour of other more fied, with the latter capturing the intended domain se- tangible indicators of performance. mantics contained in the database. Ideally, these test From the above, it becomes evident that a non- pairs will need to include relational schemas following superficial and thorough analysis of the efficiency of non-standard design practices often met in real world reviewed approaches needs special care and cannot be applications. The efficiency of an approach would then performed in the context of the current paper. An ad- be dependent on the amount of ontology constructs ditional practical difficulty to the ones already men- identified as expected and on the total number of test tioned is the lack of a common standard application in- cases handled correctly. terface for software implementations, with the excep- Such a collection of test cases could also be em- tion of tools that expose a SPARQL endpoint, which ployed for the evaluation of the performance of tools are easily pluggable to an external benchmark applica- that discover mappings between a relational database tion, regardless of the implementation’s programming and an ontology, presented in Section 6. In fact, a short language. This is not true for other categories of tools, collection of pairs of database schemas and ontolo- which express their output in various forms, i.e. differ- gies has been created for the purpose of the evalua- ent ontology languages and/or different mapping rep- tion of the MAPONTO tool [8] and has also been ap- resentation formats, making their comparison cumber- plied in the evaluation of MARSON [66]. This collec- some. As already stated, the only relevant compara- tion of schemas and ontologies together with the re- tive evaluation available is the Berlin SPARQL Bench- lated collection gathered in the relational-to-RDF ver- mark and we encourage the interested reader to con- sion of THALIA testbed19 could serve as the basis for sult [26] for the detailed performance analysis of D2R the development of a full benchmark that will incorpo- Server and Virtuoso RDF Views. As far as evaluation of other tool categories is concerned, we gathered at one place20 all experimental datasets mentioned in the 19Relational-to-RDF version of THALIA bench- mark: CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData/ 20Test datasets for relational to ontology mapping: http:// THALIATestbed 36 D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey literature and used in the evaluation of individual ap- vious one, since modifications in either partic- proaches, hoping that they come of use for the evalua- ipating model do not simply incur adaptations tion of new relevant methods. to the mapping but also cause some necessary changes to the other model as well. So far, only few solutions have been proposed for the case 8. Future Directions of the unidirectional propagation of database schema changes to a generated ontology [42] In this paper, we tried to present the wealth of re- and the consequent adaptation of the mapping search work marrying the worlds of relational databases [9]. The inverse direction, i.e. modification of and Semantic Web. We illustrated the variety of dif- the database as a result of changes in the on- ferent approaches and identified the main challenges tology has not been investigated thoroughly yet. that researchers of this field face as well as proposed On a practical note, both database trigger func- solutions. We close this paper by mentioning some tions and mechanisms like the Link Maintenance problems that have only been lightly touched upon Protocol (WOD-LMP) from the Silk framework by database to ontology mapping solutions as well as [124] could prove useful for solutions to this is- some aspects that need to be considered by future ap- sue. proaches. 3. Generation of Linked Data. A fair number of approaches support vocabulary reuse, a factor 1. Ontology-based data update. A lot of ap- that has always been important for the progress proaches mentioned offer SPARQL based ac- of the Semantic Web, while a few other ap- cess to the contents of the database. However, proaches try to discover automatically the most this access is unidirectional. Since the emer- suitable classes or properties from popular vo- gence of SPARQL Update that allows update cabularies that can be mapped to a given database operations on an RDF graph, the idea of issu- schema. Nonetheless, these efforts are still not ing SPARQL Update requests that will be trans- adequate for the generation of RDF graphs that formed to appropriate SQL statements and exe- can be smoothly integrated in the Linking Open cuted on the underlying relational database has Data (LOD) Cloud22. For the generation of true become more and more popular. Some early Linked Data, the real world entities that database work has already appeared in the OntoAccess values represent should be identified and links prototype [63] and the extensions on the D2RQ between them should be established, in con- tool, D2RQ/Update21 and D2RQ++ [104]. How- trast with the majority of current methods, which ever, as SPARQL Update is still under devel- translate database values to RDF literals. Lately, opment and its semantics is not yet well de- a few interesting tools that handle the transfor- fined, there is some ambiguity regarding the mation of spreadsheets to Linked RDF data by transformation of some SPARQL Update state- analyzing the content of spreadsheet tables have ments. Moreover, only basic (relation-to-class been presented, with the most notable examples and attribute-to-property) mappings have been being the RDF extension for Google Refine [85] investigated so far. The issue of updating rela- and T2LD [91]. Techniques as the ones applied tional data through SPARQL Update is similar to in these tools can certainly be adapted to the re- the classic database view update problem, there- lational database paradigm. fore porting already proposed solutions would contribute significantly in dealing with this issue. These aspects, together with the challenges enumer- 2. Mapping update. Database schemas and ontolo- ated in Section 7, mark the next steps for database gies constantly evolve to suit the changing ap- to ontology mapping approaches. Although a lot of plication and user needs. Therefore, established ground has been covered during the last decade, it mappings between the two should also evolve, looks like there is definitely some interesting road instead of being redefined or rediscovered from ahead in order to seamlessly integrate relational databases scratch. This issue is closely related to the pre- with the Semantic Web, turning it into reality at last.

21D2RQ/Update and D2R/Update Server homepage: http:// 22LOD Cloud diagram: 2007/10/lod/ D.E. Spanos et al. / Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey 37

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