QUESTIONS? Wizards of the Coast, Inc. P.O. Box 707 Renton, WA 98057-0707 U.S.A. +1-800-324-6496 (within U.S.) +1-206-624-0933 (outside U.S.)
[email protected] (for assistance and rules questions) Visit your Favorite Players on the web at Premium player odds approx. 1 : 33 cards. Published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., P.O. Box 707, Renton WA 98057-0707, U.S.A. Keep this address for your records. U.S. Patent No. RE 37,957. MADE IN THE U.S.A. The Wizards of the Coast logo and Showdown are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. ©2004 Wizards. Product may not contain cards shown. Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission of Major League Baseball Properties, Inc. © MLBPA Offi cial Licensee—Major League Baseball Players Association. 300 17935 001 EN ® MLB_rulebook_final3 b-c 3/31/04, 11:50:32 AM Table of Contents AADDDD SSOMEOME MUSCLEMUSCLE WHAT’S NEW?...............................................................................................2 BASIC GAME SETUP.......................................................................................3 TTOO YOURYOUR LLINEUP!INEUP! Swing Result Chart........................................................................................5 LEARNING THE ADVANCED RULES .................................................................6 Advanced Game Rules...................................................................................6 Player Positions.............................................................................................7