13.0 LITERATURE CITED AND PREPARATION STAFF ...... 13-1 13.1 PREPARATION STAFF ...... 13-1 13.1.1 Solano County Water Agency ...... 13-1 13.1.2 Plan Participants ...... 13-1 13.1.3 LSA Associates, Inc...... 13-1 13.2 LITERATURE CITED ...... 13-2


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13.1 PREPARATION STAFF 13.1.1 Solano County Water Agency General Manager: David Okita Supervising Environmental Scientist: Chris Lee


13.1.2 Plan Participants • City of Dixon: ○ David Dowswell, ○ Justin Hardy ○ Rebecca Van Burren • City of Fairfield: Erin Beavers • City of Rio Vista: Tom Bland • City of Suisun City:

○ Gary Cullen TAFF ○ Jake Raper • City of Vacaville:

○ Fred Buderi ○ Scott Sexton • City of Vallejo: Brian Dolan • Dixon Resource Conservation District (Dixon RCD): John Currey • Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District (FSSD): Larry Bahr • Maine Prairie Water District (MPWD): Don Holdener • Reclamation District 2068 (RD 2068): Mike Hardesty • Solano Irrigation District (SID): Susan Butterfield • Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District (VSFCD): Jack Betroune

13.1.3 LSA Associates, Inc. • Project Manager/Plan Preparation: Steve Foreman, Principal/Wildlife Biologist • Assistant Project Manager/Plan Preparation: Rebecca Doubledee, Senior Biologist • Plan Preparation: Clint Kellner, Associate/Botanist ○ Impact Analysis ■ Tim Lacy, Associate/Wildlife Biologist ■ Matt Ricketts, Senior Biologist/Ornithologist ■ Dan Sidle, Senior Biologist ○ Species Descriptions: ■ Eva Buxton, Senior Botanist ■ Michele Lee, Senior Botanist ■ Eric Lichtwardt, Associate/Herpetologist ■ David Muth, Senior Herpetologist ■ Jessica Sisco, Senior Biologist ■ Megan Heileman, Assistant Planner

13-1 Oct 2012

■ Sophie Gilbert, Assistant Planner/Biologist ■ Jennifer Roth, Wildlife Biologist ○ Monitoring: ■ Tim Lacy, Associate/Wildlife Biologist ■ George Molnar, Associate/Biologist ○ Water Quality Conservation: ■ Elise Foster, Hydrologist ○ Editing: ■ Kristin Granback, Senior Planner ■ Shanna Guiler, Senior Planner ■ Chris Divittorio, Assistant Biologist ■ Erin Berg, Assistant Planner

ED A ND PREPARATION STAFF • Geographic Information System (GIS): ○ Lori Welch, Biologist/GIS Specialist ○ Pam van der Leeden, Senior GIS Specialist ○ Greg Gallaugher, Associate/GIS Specialist ○ Chris Terry, GIS Specialist • Document Preparation: ○ Kimberley Cover, Assistant Planner – Editing ○ Beverly Inloes, Editing and Word Processing ○ Norma Molina, Word Processing ○ Crystal Slusher, Document Production 13.0 LITERATURE CIT

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