The 2021 Planetary Calendar Forecast Plus Digital Astrological Forecasts Plus Astro Health Hints & the Calendrical Healing System in a Navigable PDF Format

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The 2021 Planetary Calendar Forecast Plus Digital Astrological Forecasts Plus Astro Health Hints & the Calendrical Healing System in a Navigable PDF Format The 2021 Planetary Calendar Forecast Plus Digital Astrological Forecasts Plus Astro Health Hints & The Calendrical Healing System In a Navigable PDF Format Ralph & Lahni DeAmicis Published Since 1949 Calculated For Pacific ‘Clock’ Time Space and Time Publishing The 2021 Planetary Calendar Forecast Plus Digital Edition Contents By Ralph & Lahni DeAmicis Signs of the Zodiac 4 Introduction: Welcome to the Planetary Calendar Digital 5 Space and Time Publishing Napa, California Guide 1: Using the Monthly Information 7 Guide2: The Moon Signs & Aspects 9 Guide 3: The Planets & How They Relate 11 Dignities, Void of Course Moon, Retrogrades & Eclipses Copyright 2021 Ralph & Lahni De Amicis The Forecast Plus in a Navigable PDF Format Guide 4: Using the Ephemeris 15 No part of this calendar may be reproduced in any form without Guide 5: About the Apects 17 permission from the publisher. Guide 6: Keys to Gardening and Wine Tasting 19 The Months: Forecasts, Lunar Meditations, Essential Oils, Cover Photo; Courtesy of Pluto & NASA Feng Shui Tips, Astro Health Hints, Month & Week at a Glance The Planetary Calendar is calculated using Solar Fire (a link to January Forecasts - 20 Month - 24 Ephemeris - 100 that can found at for February Forecasts - 26 Month - 30 Ephemeris - 102 Pacific ‘Clock’ Time, so times change with the beginning and March Forecasts - 32 Month - 36 Ephemeris - 104 ending of Daylight Savings Time. Adjustments for the other North April Forecasts - 38 Month - 42 Ephemeris - 106 American time zones are found on the ‘Month at a Glance’ pages. The charts shown are calculated for Napa California, unless May Forecasts - 44 Month - 48 Ephemeris - 108 otherwise specified, because that is where the forecasts are done. June Forecasts - 50 Month - 54 Ephemeris - 110 It is, coincidentally, one the longest continuously occupied regions July Forecasts - 56 Month - 60 Ephemeris - 112 in North America, so it clearly has good Feng Shui, which should August Forecasts - 62 Month - 66 Ephemeris - 114 make for good forecasts. September Forecasts - 68 Month - 72 Ephemeris - 116 October Forecasts - 74 Month - 78 Ephemeris - 118 Disclaimer: Even though we make every effort to get the correct November Forecasts - 80 Month - 84 Ephemeris - 120 information into the correct places, there are thousands of data December Forecasts - 86 Month - 90 Ephemeris - 122 points, so errors occur. Also, we make every effort to provide Preview Forecast for 2022 - 92 trustworthy forecasts, based on generally accepted Astrological principles, but forecasting is, by its nature, subject to undetected Guide 7: Using Calendrical Healing - 93 influences that may skew the results. Therefore, we accept no January 2022 Calendar Moon Signs - 98 responsibility for any losses or inconveniences you may suffer About the Authors - 124 from using this information. Space and Time Publishing Catalog - 125 Ordering Next Year’s Planetary Calendar Day Planner- 127 Home Introduction Welcome to The Planetary Calendar This is the 72nd edition of the Planetary Calendar. The 72° Aspect, the Quintile, is the ‘Degree of the Goddess’ in Sacred Geometry because it describes the pattern of Retrogrades made by Venus. It signifies creativity, which seems appropriate since this is our most creative edition yet, with numerous improvements that include: * Improved Text Ephemeris and Lunar Aspect Notation * Ingress Charts for the Sun Entering Each Sign * N e w F e n g S h u i T i p s w i t h S p e c i fi c G o a l s * Monthly Astro Healthful Hints (Exclusive to the Planner) * Complete Planetary Ephemeris Grids * New Original Glyph Artwork * The Author’s Improved Table of Dignities * An Upgraded, Mobile Friendly Website * Preview Global CNY Forecast of 2022 * New, Improved & Expanded Instructions Astrology is a lifelong study, so the Calendar is designed to work for the beginner, the knowledgeable enthusiast and the experi- enced professional. It started as a teaching tool and as we’ve made changes, we’ve kept that mission in mind. But, it goes far beyond just delivering data because it is a forecasting Calendar, designed to be used interactively. While it delivers timely information and 4 5 advice, it also inspires your own Astrological talents and abilities, Home helping you to expand your knowledge and vision through encountering each year’s Transits and the events that follow. The Day Planner Layout The Planner starts with eight short sections from the Calendar about how to use the Astrological information, including the Lu- nation Meditations and Essential Oil Placements. Following that is the Day Planner. Each month starts with the Lunar Forecast that describes the themes for both the New and Full Moons. Next are Guide One: Using the Monthly Information the twelve pairs of Sun Sign Forecasts, one for each Lunation, to help you personalize the information . Following that is ‘A Month at a Glance’, which includes a simplified ephemeris showing the Each month starts with the Charts for the New and Full Moon, month’s Planetary positions and motions. which is exclusive to the Day Planner. On the facing page, above the title, are the Glyphs for the Sign starting the month and its Finally, the ‘Week at a Glance’ note pages include the Day Boxes Ruling Planet. Next is an ‘action’ description of the Sign. Next from the Calendar, that show the daily Aspects. In the bottom comes the Month’s Forecast, which is connected to the Day Blocks right-hand block are the ‘Days to Watch’ forecast, which gives you in ‘The Month at a Glance’, and ‘The Week at a Glance’ pages with a heads up about what is going on celestially. footnotes, denoted by capital letters inside parentheses (A). The Forecast segments are repeated on ‘The Week at a Glance’ pages. You will also find video forecasts at, plus The Forecast provides insights about the Planetary Transits and additional guides for using the Calendar and TV episodes from our Direction changes (Retrograde or Direct) and how they’ll manifest. shows ‘Planetary Calendar’, where we combine forecasts with in- We expand on that in our website videos. Next comes the Lunar teresting subjects, and ‘Astrologers Chatting’, where we talk about Meditations, with their Essential Oil and Feng Shui Tips. Below all kinds of fun and interesting Astrological subjects. these is the Ingress Chart when the Sun enters the next Sign. On the following page is the Monthly Astro Healthful Hint. We hope you will join us there. After seven decades of Plane- tary Calendars, this is the first year that it is coming out as a Day On the next two pages are ‘The Month at a Glance Calendar. At the Planner, so please forgive any less than efficient features; the great left column is the Glyph to English Key for the Signs, Planets and thing about calendars is that you have next year to make more Aspects, with key words for the Planets and Aspects, supported improvements. by descriptions in the instructions. In the upper right corner is the Monthly Text Ephemeris that shows the Planetary Positions by Sign and Degree on the first day of the month, plus subsequent Wishing You *Good Stars* in the Year Ahead Ingresses and direction changes (Retrograde or Direct). There is Ralph & Lahni DeAmicis a complete Planetary Ephemeris at the back. At the top margin Authors of the Planetary Calendar of the Calendar are calculations for four continental USA Time Zones. The Calendar is calculated for Pacific ‘Clock’ Time so there is no need to change your calculation for Daylight Time. Note: The word ‘Planets’ refers to the Sun, Moon and Planets. 6 7 What the Day Blocks Signify Home Let’s use the DAY NUMBER in the center as the reference. 1) To the left are the symbols for the Moon and its current Sign. 2) Below them is the time when the Moon enters that Sign. 3) Above them are the Forecast footnoted letters (A). Above and below the Date are the Planets making Aspects to the Moon. 4) Above are the supportive Aspects (Conjunction, Sextile, Trine). 5) Below are the challenging Aspects (Square, Opposi- tion). The Aspects run in time sequence from early to late, moving from left to right. 6) At the lower edge of the Box are times of the Moon’s Void of Course (VOC pg.14), which can span multiple days. Guide Two: The Moons Signs & Aspects 7) At the top edge of each box are the Planetary Ingresses, Luna- tions, Meteors and Holidays. 8) To the right of the Date are the Working with the R Moon Aspects, shown above and below the Planetary Aspects with Supportive Aspects above the line and Date, is like working with the lady of the house. If you want to get Challenging Aspects below, running in time sequence from the much done, you need her permission and cooperation. The Planets dotted line up or down. The only Lunar Aspects shown on the line above the Date, indicating that they are making Supportive are to the Sun. Planetary Direction changes are also shown there, Aspects to the Moon, will have easier opportunities for expression. ‘D’ for Direct above the line and ‘Rx’ for Retrograde below. The Planets located below, forming Challenging Lunar Aspects, The Date Box will encounter a more rigorous environment. Rigorous is not bad, just harder. Many great things are accomplished during demand- ing times. The Trines and Sextiles above the Date go with the flow, while the Squares and Oppositions below make things happen. If you are an Astrological beginner, start by determining your Ruling Planet from the table on the inner front cover. For exam- ple, if your Sun is in Gemini, then your Ruling Planet is Mercury, which probably gifted you with skills in communication, engage- ment and manual dexterity.
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