A History of Buddhist Philosophy
A HISTORY OF B U D D H IS T P H ILO S O P H Y Continuities and Discontinuities * DAVID J. KALUPAHANA A HISTORY OF BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY Continuities and Discontinuities David J. Kalupahana MOTILAL BANARSIDASS PUBLISHERS PRIVATE LIMITED • DELHI Reprint: Delhi, 2006 First Indian Edition: Delhi, 1994 © 1992 University of Hawaii Press First Published by the University of Hawaii Press, 1992 ISBN: 81-208-1191-7 MOTILAL BANARSIDASS 41 U A Bungalow Road, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi 110 007 8 Mahalaxmi Chamber, 22 Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai 400 026 236, 9th Main III Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore 560 011 203 Royapettah High Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004 Sanas Plaza, 1302 Baji Rao Road, Pune 411 002 8 Camac Street, Kolkata 700 017 Ashok Rajpath, Patna 800 004 Chowk, Varanasi 221 001 For sale in India only Printed in India BY JAINENDRA PRAKASH JAIN AT SHR1JAINENDRA PRESS, A-45 NARAINA, PHASER, NEW DELHI 110 028 AND PUBLISHED BYNARENDRA PRAKASH JAIN FOR MOTILAL BANARSIDASS PUBLISHERS PRIVATE LIMITED, BUNGALOW ROAD, DELHI -110 007 This work, completed three days before an accident that left our youngest son, Milinda, paralyzed, is dedicated to our friends and well-wishers, at home and abroad, especially my colleagues Eliot Deutsch and Larry Laudan, whose gracious support lessened the trauma for both Milinda and the family. CONTENTS Introduction ix Abbreviations xv Part One: Early Buddhism I Indian Philosophy and the Search for Ultimate Objectivity 3 II Life of the Buddha 22 III Knowledge and Understanding 30 IV Experience and Theory (Paficcasamuppana and Pa(iccasamuppclda)
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