alternative but hold him in *1,500 bail tor A DVE y NEW RTISEMENTS. PACKED TO SUFFOCATION TO THE subornations of perjury. V MOTIVE OAMELLAS MAULEY is SEAY YORK. If Mr.Shoemaker stood pallid and nervous CHARGES ARE SERIOUS. and The weather today while Judge Thayor was speaking he made an in- is likely to be York when his honor finished, Smokers a Were the Rooms of the New his articulate effort to say something, /air. down Yacht Cluh. voice choked and he sat silently. tko decision ni)(m Portland. Nov. 19th, 1895. Know when they get a \ The court reserved He Arrests Innocent As tlie for a a new but that People Cigar worth smoking. w Aimed at Commander Folger of the All to Interview Him Are The Argument Mew Trial for granting Holmes trial, Attempts is un- We will bank on your \ A Committee on Investigation Appointed— the new trial will be refused SELL A judgment if you try the w Mood Strikes. Will. C. Whitney, J. Pierrepont Morgan Holmes. to Navy. Fruitless. Shoomaker procured hail and refused It—Dun- to the WE very Super- and Geo. I,. Itives Composes make any statement in rogard A_„ was it Ho would only say that it ior raven Says Ho Will Come Over affidavit. quality a most cruel and unexpected development Necessary. understood his whole pro- black HE HAS ACTED AS CON- ONE OF HIS COUNSEL UNDER A to him, and he PEOPLE JOIN INSURGENTS TO Alpaca Skirt, with T IS SAID AS REGARDS THE FEELING OF career was at stake. Now York, November la—The New fessional CAMILLE ENGINEER. CRIMINAL CHARGE. Mr. Kotan, Mr. Shoemaker’s colleague, ESCAPE HIM. flounce ruffle, SULTING York Yacht at one of the over the affair as he deep plain, Club, largest THE WEST TOWARD CANDIDATES. was groatly worried but as and most representative meetings over (eared it would reflect upon him embroidered or lace trim- in court tins morn- heldjin its club house, took action this ic was clearly shown ing that he had no hand in procuring med, at the Steel evening on the charge Dunraven made exonerated him $4.00, quite Claimed He Acted for the Harvey Shoemaker Is Said to Have Committed the affidavit, the judges Prominent Citizens Are Sent to Conttp- D’ARVILLE over his iu the London Field. He Has Had a and Gaiued signature, Delightful Trip blamo. to the from the — of the six and seven Company—Such Actiou Contrary Subornation of Perjury —*Held in Kngland Has a Subject Among Them equal Commodore~KrM. Brown presldod at the Health and Strength—Talks of the Place Laws and of the Navy—Law- Discipline The room to $1,500 Bail—Mr. Rotan Argues for FROM SATH- Keports of Another Angagemeut. dollar ones of last season. meeting. was packed of the Convention—Otherwise for His Dismissal. Holding yer Hess Calls suffocation with of wealth and Holmes—The Motion Will Doubtless be gentlemen Is Non Committal* Santiago de Cuba, November 9 via Key A is of More of less Interest From tlic genuine bargain November 18.—The Times distinction. Denied. Items CIGAR New York, West, Flia.,November 18.—Gen.Oanellas, the connection William C. J. New November 18.—The Hon. City of Ships. the black all wool skirt prints a story regarding Whitney, Pierrepont York, 18.—The chief of the military division of Guanta- the Philadelphia, Novembor argu- it. Made \ of Commander Folger, U. S. N., with Morgan, George J. Gould, C. O. Iselin, Joseph H. has beenjfshowing is at the terror of that All dealers sell Manjpy ment for a new trial in the case of the namo, present we sell at Full and w ex little he can say $1.75. in the popular shapes. the Harvoy Steel Company. ex-Commodore James M. Smith, New York reporters how distriot as he is innocent convicted murderex-, Holmes, was heard [SPECIAL TO THE PKESS.] arresting people It Hess of the counsel and scores of other in when he wants to be silent. flounced and trim- quotes Lawyer Comptroller Meyers politlos in the Criminal Court 18.—Bath has boon and casting them into jail and otherwise ample Foster & \ -this morning Bath, Novomber M. Co., for James R. Davies, who last week se- men were The all sorts of abuses. This Manufacturers, New York. 0 prominent present. Tribunejsays: bofore who tried the case, under what its citizens have committing rows Judge Arnold, suffering med with four of cured a vurdiot for nearly $10,000 against The call for the meeting was read by Joseph H. Manley of Augusta, Me., conduct is the ranks of the Wilson and Thayei', the present considered an unbearable rate of fire in- increasing Iselin the most ac- Judge the Harvey Steel Company as saying: If the secretary. A letter from Mr. who continues to be one of as a number or embroidered in W Perkins & \ of the court. surance for some time. Its fire depart- insurgents every day great braid, John Co., the of the Re- judge 0 a man in any of the civil departments of was read, in which he reviewed tive and influential members to the field to the of Can- Distributing Agents, Holmes was brought from the prison to ment has been greatly strengthened of go escape fury black and colors. Portland. \ had Dunraven in his letter to be found in the country, the publio service been guilty of the oharges made by publioan party of confinement to- ellas, until now theie is scarcely a Cuban the court The two weeks late, as well as its water supply, and conduct of M. Fol- and declares it reached this aiter an ex- Commander William to tho London Field, city yesterday has added to the commissioners in Guantanamo. A. new line of moreen in since his oonviotion morrow the flro insurance of the United States he would for such an amount tended across the continent, arrested ger Navy, practically impossible trip emaciation that was so marked when he will be down to look over All the prominent gentlemen wife from Boston skirts in at to Snd himself under indictment for of ballast to be loaded into and unloaded whioh he was by his in Guantanamo and just £1.75 bribeiy accompanied in court before. He has also last and see whether it will be a few days ago of the was the apparatus NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ind for This man should be from the as by His and and other members perjury. Defender, charged daughter the look of confidence that he wore in favor of down brought to the Morro Castle of this city, at the easy best to report cutting $3-5°. at once before a court martial without his (Iselin’s) family. Mr. Manley was seen boon sent to tho of jrraigned Lordship, his trial and he was the rate. have penal city Couta, where he during although sateen SKirts, iinea ind dismissed in from the navy. knowledge, and affirms the imputation Fifthfavenue hoteljlast evening, in Africa. disgrace his anxiety was plainly There will be a social event at CHRISTMAS case in and face composed, pleasing ! his own and the testimony and the is staying. His bronzed ruddy a absolutely false, places On account of the arrest few By testimony visible. the home of Hon. William to- days with flannel, the a war- Rogers, warm, heavy yf his he has been the hands of the club, in order that suggested the appearace of sturdy a benefit for friends, confessedly Mr. one of Holme’s counsel, morrow evening. It will be ago of a English subject, Mr. Gowery, fit to battles Shoemaker, Ethel for win- of from naval con- club may take such steps as it sees rior who had fought his country’s the Home and Miss raliroad and serviceable guilty accepting pay an affidavit from a witness Aged Couples’ manager of the Guantanamo the Defender and the honor of presented a The which in the of the vindicate under a torrid sun, or that of an admiral Hyde will sing solo. home, COMES BEFORE tractors while employ gov- east to be named Blanclxa late foundry, the English consul in this city, and her owners and the imputations up- from purporting is the old homestead of the Major ter, $2.50 $2.86. and while he was and of a fleet of war ships just returned on em- ernment, supposedly on the good faith of the club Hannigan. In the affidavit the witness Thomas W. Howard, will ha opened commissioned Mr. Robert Mason, an for the interest.” oo mi tour around the world. of the house of Brooks & Co., to go Black silk em- looking government’s try. junketing that she a store on Thanksgiving day. ploye skirts, was swore kept cigar interview G«n. Cft- Mr. declaration Com- A letter from H. Maitland Kersey The famous citizen of Maine, once to Guantanamo and THANKSGIVING Hess’s regarding Callowhill near the house where read, which stated ho had a cable from and street, WILL WITHDRAW FUNDS. nalloa in regal'd to Gowery’s arrest. When broidered, corded, mander was based on the testimo- James G. Blaine’s trusted counsellor Folger Dunraven, saying that while he thinks it Peitzel was killed, and that she knew the Mason visited the general the latter Wes now similar relation rnffled and elicited the hearing in the too late to if a desire exists friend,and holding at breakfast. As soon as Mason entered flounced, a for and ny during investigate, dead and that he told her that he ns season giving receiv- do man, Will Resist Any Tamper- of the the members of the olub to to the of the last The Creek Iudians tlie room the general began to insult him Davies suit before Justice Gaynor among Speaker Republican to commit suicide. ing presents. will oome over here and intended Messrs. to $20. so, he place Thomas B. Reed, assured a re- ing With the Tribal Alliance. anil also the’ Brooks, accusing plain, $5 Supreme Court, Brooklyn. Testimony or Congress, that Here are some ideas worth re- himself at the disposal of the olub District Attorney Graham asked them of helping the revolution with mon- that re- of the Tribune last evening that was given to the effect Foiger committee. porter and was to leave Guatan- Some handsome stylish membering : its the witness be called to the stand, ey. Mason obliged was as of the in stock of the Harvoy Steel A resoluicon offered by Mr. Ledya it was not chairman Republican iuo ablo to receive any ex- ceived $30,000 luuu/ uu UWV 18. A without being You can these now. JJir, ouuuiucmoi Denison, Toxas, November colored silk ones are here buy goods on a unanimously, that J. Pierrepont or as a friend of in to the matter that and that he was placed adopted executive committee con- planation regard can Company, know where she was. Then Mr. Graham session of the Creek Council We deliver them now or Morgan, Wm. C. Whitney, and George Marne tor special V«irn t.hnrfV salary of a as “consulting engi- Thomas B. Reod, the choice of to and a $5000 yoar L. Hives be appointed a committee with called a detective, named vened at Okamulgee. The general the 7th instant several other promi- today, $8 $13, next month. his private today On neer” to tho after he had made their desoretion to »aa to tne the Presidency, that he made journey were arrested company, power,in to the stand. The detective sentiment the members and people nent men of Guantanamo matter of Swelzler, among few novelties in contracts with the concern on behalf of number to whom the charges to the Pacific coast. “I had my family Creek and ioarce rated, End they will probably fancy have full testified that Shoemaker, some weeks is iu tavor of withdrawing $400,000 the Secretary of the Navy under which be referred. Said oommitcee said Mr. Manloy, “and made be sent to Gout a. _ with me,” silks at _- i.. vo« to the club in reference had written out the affidavit and from the United States Treasury a column of 13C0 UliU J----- exolu ago, money October stripe $10.50. power represent my trip for health and pleasure On i;0, apnmsh A Solid Oak Writ- millions the matter, and to take on behalf of one to swear of whichfbe de- Ool. left Manzanill $3.98 056, anti would probably receive to sively. given him $20 to pay some at Washington, $200,000 men under Tejerzo A “Gloria Silk” future. the club and in its name, any action with a convoy of 80 wagons good of dollars in the “How did you find the political pulse to it. Then Detective Geyer was called voted to the liquidation of the Creek of or Veguita was out on tne whioh may seem proper in the premises. have and 1000 Manser The testimony brought boating among Republicans you Swelzler had shown remainder be laden with provisions and Desk, of Commander After the of this resolution and he testified that national debt and the paid ammunition. The insurgents, skirt, any shape size, ing cross-examination iolger adoption seen sinoe you started westward?” rifles and sec- affidavit before it was A the The far from the road himself and of William Allen Smith, the club adjourned. Mr Manley shook his head as if un- him the signed. out per capita among people. who at first weie very to and there’s of the Com- succeeded in reach- costs $5 $7, retary and treasurer Harvey able to “catch on.” “Well,” pursued woman was called to the stand, who said sentiment among tho Council members, tho convoy took,only It would any the minutes DIPHTHERIA CURES near encourage boy pan y.Its truth is attested by “how did the - who with ing it on* tho sugar estate, Sofia, tho reporter, youjfind she was the Blancha Hannigan is overwhelming against treating 500 a here to or to find one of these in of the Mr. man for The Insurgents, strong, big variety girl company. juout toward Beod, your that she to such au extent Veguita. “Commander the Times says, Use of signed the affidavit. She swore the Dawes commission, the and after a their Christmas stocking, or in Folgor,” State Board of Health Encourages President?” liercelv fought Spaniards, known men in in uo was returned the in- choose from. is one of the most widely “I don't know anything about that, knew nothing about the statements in fact,that reply during short but bloody engagement its of the Anti-Toxine. the address sent the in lad- neighborhood. the naval service. Ho was chief without blinking. Her name is Hhea and she tho rooent session to surgents succeeded t»<;Kb>g wagons Mr. Manloy replied, the affidavit. dele- rifles and Knitted skirts. bureau of ordnance at until Council tho commission. The en with craokers, 185 Manser Washington “A man travellingjWith his family gets in the fourth by when ho obtained leave {.SPECIAL TO THE PEESS.J is the matron police to will be instructed of ammunition. Ool. Sanchez January 1, 1893, no ebanoe to talk politics, you know.” gation Washington 15 boxes of ill as It was at the -*of or else this left to assist of absence on account health, And the chairman of the Republican district. suggestion. to fight the allotment, anything on hearing of Veguita Augusta, November 18.—The adjourned relations rebels had Our Gar- he alleged. Previous to that time he had executive committeejbegan open- Detective' Geyer that she went with looking to a change in the tribal the convoy, but the already $1,23. Special of the State Board of national of the two at the bead of the ordnance bureau quarterly meeting to Indian with tho contents while ing letters and telegrams just handed Swelzler to Shoemaker, and impersonated in Territory. departed MOORE & CO. the of the Navy, was held here The secre- her The had 12 killed OWEN, recommended secretary Health today. him by tho hotel clerk. Other questions Blancha Hannigan. Shoemaker gave wagons Spaniards to make contracts with the 50 wounded, almost all Gen. Tracv, was very full, including the to draw out an expression of $20 and took her before a notary public, ANOTHER FIGHT- and more than Sweeper. steel ar- tary’s report designed The rebels had four pet Harvey Company for supplying swore to the statement. This with Machetes. the heating and ventilation Mr. Manley’s views regarding politics and she mor for the battleships authorized by report upon he was will- that seemed to killed and 14 wounded. case, line action. were unsuccessful, though astonishing testimony, Once More Victorious Over MANCHESTER good brush, good After he obtained his leave of various sohool houses, where advice Tlie Spanish SEW HOUSE, Congress. ing to admit that the Republicans chan- clearly point to a perjured affidavit, ho went abroad as an employe for the been asked of the Board. next were immense. the court and when Insurgents. FOR A LADY FAIR. W ith Windsor Hotel Annex, had .State ces for winning year evidently surprised for the of aiding in the tho some con- company purpose The board voted that in making recom- Regarding the place for holding Shoemaker attempted to make MAN CHESTER, N. H., 97C introduction of the Harvey steel in tho Mr. said that he Indiana in ventila- next convention, Manley fused statement, Judge Thayer suggested 18.—General Two Foolisli Young Men in Fight As a direct result of his mendations for improvements Havana, November Makes it tlie largest and best equipped hole foreign navies. had declared himself as favorable to San to him that his greatest safety lay in north of Boston. the steel armor ad- of school houses and column made an attack Novem- a Duel—One Is Fatally Stabbed. SOFA PILLOWS labors it is alleged tion and heating Francisco more than a year ago. When silenoe. Mr. Rotan. Holmes’s other at- Oliver’s him is now in many of the to tath he knew rebel bands A. M. WINCHESTER, Proprietor. vocated by other L .idings, that the secretary it was that the objection torney, stated to the court ber 11 upon the combined t» of the world in the public suggested J. WESLEY BENNEK, Manager, Covered with Japanese Crepe. important countries out of the three of the affidavit, and then ho be- 18. A should urge the adoption of a sohems San Francisco growiug nothing under tho leaders, Scrafin, San Saushas, Ind., November construction of their new naval vessels. time be ob- for a new trial. The Bloomington, ieblil TuThtfW&lp Filled with 32 inch down pillow. hoursTdifferenoe'of the might gan the argument n was on tne would include all the Basils. Guerra and others at Manadas, at Whitehall, And all this time Folger pay that sanitary the soheme of au main of the reasons for asking for duel was fought Saturday double Ruffles. the viated by arrangement points Pretty list of tho United States navy, as he i. e., plumping, etc., ses- district Remedio’s district. of this between arrangement, whieh„there should be no evening a new trial, are that the attorney .Jofoosi small hamlet west city, under one head and be designed and ex- by is of the convention if it was held intluenced the jury, in introducing The lasted six hours and the Thomas two today.”_ under the direction of the same sion fight Sam Neill and Williams, ecuted evidence that the children were were be cited there, Mr. Manley replied: showing were leaving ovor the affec- PHARAOH’S DAUGHTER’’ or Cases defence was rebels] finally dispersed, respectable men, "KING expert specialist. “Such an arrangement would amount killed by Holmes, that the highly excellent schemes had for and a number wounded. Neill where separate Who has any authority to not to proceed, and that the court sixty dead large tions of a well known young lady. $ of about bad to nothing. ready ONLY want harmony brought a late in the trial. a a in the Caused another crush at our store make it? X am well aware that erred on a number of points The artillery played very important- was injured by dirk total conditions. fatally session in San Francisco would be As Mr. Rotan proceeded it became evident part in the battle. Tho government lost The who want a The use of anti-toxlne was discussed night hands of Williams. | yesterday. people for York newspapers from the of the court that the two killed and four wounded. a bad thing questions chance to see should come and methods for a more thorough dis- the^New good a or less extent, to all the lor a new trial would be were and to greater application THROUGH TURKISH EYES- in the forenoon from 9 till 12 tribution suggested. east of tho Mississippi, refused. a full mornng papers MORE ASSURING- The secretary piesented very an Mr. Rotan lCLOCK to hut If the convention wanted to hold In concluding his argument noon. Its worth your while of the uses for the new disin There Is Soliangwto aooount session it would do so. No pow- asked the court to take particular note in The Porte Cnbles so HUMOURS Formic and it is evening come, and you’ll say too. fectant, Sol. Aldehyde, in session all of the medioal evidence A Tetter from Constantinople Says There Instantly Relieved er could stop its staying their decision Foreigners. to bo a matter of investigation by I The from the warerooms special offered at the trial which he contended for Further Alarm for STORE. piano And Cured by Robinson of the board. Is NoOccasion Speedily Prof. said that his visit to Color- was incomplete and inconclusive. of M. Steinert & Sons 517 D'mt!"Manley Is Totter- 18.—The Turk- Wore | Co., California had been of the court would Personal Safety—The Empire Washington, November £ Hundreds of Clocks. # ado and groat Judge Thayer replied used in the ex- I nt vvc.m I ntn. fol- Congresss street, to his health, and the lively way consider this phase of the case, especial- here today received the Ilian ail the other stores benefit ing Financially. ish legation $ f hibition, is one of the celebrated in whioh ho spoke and moved about con- ly, as requested by Mr. Rotan. from the Porte: P We can show f ^' favors an trial Mr. Graham was fre- lowing telegram combined. Gabler Pianos, and adds much to ;3®SB Fair, firmed h s statement. He early “During the of Zeito cam- of law re- “The Armenian insurgents a Clock and u strong aggressive restrained by points 18. —A letter received I' you any kind of the of the exhibition. Washington, November 18.—Forecast convention quently Boston, JNovomber follow- J pleasure WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS from the start. ferring to the prisoner, but in his review have plundered and burned the wish. \ for Nwe Fair; paign from a reliable correspondent in Con- yon The illusion is to be with us SOAP for Tuesday England: Mr. said that he had not seen of the ovidcnce today he was restrained Vockere, Mous- <1 A warm bath with CUTfCURA Manley the is de- ing villages: Sousikudi, week and next. colder Tuesday night. Reed since his return, and ii no such conditions, and ho fairly stantinople says political sky Clocks i allithis of CUT1CURA, westerly winds; ex-Speaekr by aud Krimli. Four bombs were found Hundreds of Alarm and a single application York. Mr. Holmes with his ar- but we no salli II nJOTBtK»lKHL Mr. Reed was in New Manloy withered schorching cidedly “squally,” anticipate all warrant- P will afford instant relief, per- about it. of his various crimes. The hands of an Armenian rioter at |l 05c so $3.00, (ointment), Local Weather Report. was sure that he know nothing raignment demonstration in this oity. As in the and and to a further Mar- • half strike

Clock ey’s worth money back. for battalion Repairing were made ho was drunk on the day lit does not noon ilnal arrangements taking it on account of the seriousness show that to any considerable length. estimated strength of 1,000 men Chase-Merrill Shoe Holmes administered oliloro- any event g THE ATLANTIC the removal of the It is said died or that I oannot persuade myself, exceed 000 The Porte has cancelled P In all its branches a ? Me. The ex- of the Armenian situation. he was in that condit- our lives in will to Mechanic halls, form to him while calculated to put danger order for six battalions in Macedonia oompany the has the There Will be and HEATS. is by that the report about his resignation ooour without a tor safe- Saloon lea specialty. £ IS ECONOMICAL pense of transportation paid proper provision to go to Syria, the Vali of pro- The employas with addressing Mr. our owu and other citizens of that plaoe. shop no other basis than the contusion "°Then Judge Thayer, ty being made by gov- testing that it would bo unsafe to weaken of whom except a told him he had a most un- AN ENTERTAINMENT, 200 hands, none reference to Mr. Terrell’s intention to Shoemaker, ernments. forces in Macedonia. will to Maine. to Ho in of the of the foremen, go is pleasant duty perform. said, The interior oountry, especially First Free on portion a of absence. Mr. Terrell iu th® Baptist Church, Thurs- take leave view of tho use Mr. Shoomaker hat! in tho provinces known as Armenia and Nov. 21st., at 7.46 Gardiner Water Co. to the state de- day evening, beginning To Restrain giving great satisfatcion made of the affidavit he presented it is in a state of complete in- Curtis S. Carll Dead. under the of the La- no rea- tho south, i o’clock, given aucspiees has and there is seemingly the oourt had nc 1cKENNEY, Admission for November 18.—A petition partment, court this morning, subordination and revolt. Official de- S. dies' Aid Society, aduits 25 cts. Augusta, he should desire to resign, par- Biddeford, November 19.—Curtis children 16 cts. Court son why at the Porte, indicate that the For been Med in the Supreme Judicial he would by so doing, be spatches treasurer of York The talent will include Miss Ida Tarbox solo- ticularly when is ablaze from Bitlis to Carll, four years owners of in a whole country Tlie Jeweler, Mrs. reader and Male D. Mavo and others, bis of duty grave chairmen oi ist, Mosely, Quartette, by Mary deserting po6t Aleppo. The report in regard to Zeitoun couDty, and for a long time | and others. of Cobbosseecontee emergency. that tho Armenians on the shores _ seems confirmed, property the Republican committee, died yesterdaj monument square. Water Power with arms*and cannon, uniform and flag, | Lake against the Gardiner Waterboro. a uovBdtf V SPECIAL NOTICES. Beulah Boring. in out the Turks at his home in from the conditions have suoceoded driving to restrain it raising Company from that place, and they are masters of I lake. Miss Beulah Loring, adopted daughter dam at the outlet of the tho situation there. We have been un- increas- of Mr. Seth Sterling, died very suddenly In some conditions the The allege that by able to get telegrams from Bitlis for five petitioners No, 457 Cum- water will at the homo of the latter at or six and even the minister has the of the dam, the from the use of Scott’s days, ing height about noon. gain to to tele- LACE above the high berland street yostorday, failed got responses repeated Curtains be made to rise much A sorious affair has taken their Miss was about 16 years old, a Emulsion of cod-liver oil grams. very ThanksgivinginTii and thus overflowing Loring i—ii ■■■■ii Tinted the Fashiona- and the of in .milumiwMiii Cleansed, wator mark, Jail- place in city Bitlis, resulting or former student in the High School. to Turk- ble Shades, and finished in Frames by Steam land into the oellars, etc., injuring is For this reason the death ot some 80 according has health her to leave the rapid. ish aoeount. Tho Ottoman bank and process. Plans Covers, Draperies, Shawls, their property. Notice ing compelled destroying The doc- we a 5oc. size, which Credit are both reported in Bay! Sacques, and Garments of all kinds to ap- high school several weeks ago. put- up Lyonnaiso been ordered for the respondents serious financial straits, and tho stock tor a rest for soma time, for an 26 to show recommended is a of pear at Augusta, November enough ordinary exchange in the city is in state panic, CLEANSED OR DYED oorno to take her to the should not be and an aunt had or cold or useful as e to tho failure to realize on opera- Season Turkey Dressing cause why said petition cough owing with Hay’s Fresh Herbs. AT FOSTER’S FOREST Oxford.”Saturday 'evening she appeared tions. Turkish stocks, bank shares, etc., CITY granted. for babies and children at a tremendous rate. _ seem to be falling very well, but Monday morning sho was trial Use Salad Oil from Hay’s. We cannot say what the real condition DYE HOUSE & STEAM CARPET Uuited American Mechanics. and died about 1 conditions found unoonseious, In other gair of the bank is. Its failure may contri- the Puddiug and Cakes Wc make a specially off heat- audlenoe and Flavor Last a well pleased p. m. of the left lung I bute to the downfall of the empire. with CLEANSING hot water. Mot Air or evening Congestion must be slow, sometimes Hay’s Extracts, WORKS, ins? by Hall and en- oauses. Miss Lor- also by steam. was gathored at Congress heart failure were the and Gelatine Combination, tht Use Sea Moss is Preble st, new under a circle of friends and almost The Tomb of Tippecanoe. Msc/atefy opp. Preble House Send for our illustrated joyed an entertainment given ing leaves large imperceptible,healtl from Hay’s. Jnitod America!) her in a IS.—The Telephone Connection. book osi heating. Can be had auspices of the Order of acquaintances to mourn untimely can’t be built up day North Bend, Ohio, November Pure o tomb of President William Henry Treat vour guests to one of for the asking. Mechanics. Rev. Dr. Blanonard gave death, both among her schoolmates and Emulsior historic Fine address For this Scott’s Harrison here was opened this morning I Hay’s Cigars. brief but eloquent and patriotic in the Seoond Parish. Aroh lfirwin as nourish- to reooive the remains of cream of tartar baking powder Miss Evangeline after- must be taken A on George Washington ; The funeral will occur Thursday Katon, a nephew of ex-Prosident great thar and Highest of all in leavening strength Pearson as Aunt Jerusha caused noon. food rather Beniamin Harrison great grandson ment, This makes —Latest United States Governmen. album of thirty-one of the hero of Tippocauoo. Stove by her m & Portland enthusiasm medicine, food foi four of Harrisons buried H. H. HAY SOB, Andrew Cross gav prepared generations Food lieport. living pictures; 4 Friday of this week is now set as the this notable mausoleum. Kx-Presidont was ex tired and weak Powder Co. pharmacists, Foundry several reoitation, and there for the battleship Maine to pro- digestions Bonjamiu Harrison and his two brothers Koyai Baking Co., outfit was 103 Wall St., » N. _ music Mrs. Zimmerman, ceed to Portland. Her torpedo , and a sister were present. cellont zither by Scott & Bownb, Chemists, New York. 59c- and §1.0 Middle Street. FOOT OF CHESTNUT. placed aboard on Monday- noYl8eoC interspersed wlthguitAT that phrase or the 'turn of an expression NO CONSUMPTI VE WILL DIE CONTRADICTORY. the Turks do not like. j “The friends and relatives here with HE AND 80 LONG AS CAN DIGEST t people ou the soene of action have Day ASSIMILATE FOOD. deepest sympathy. I know Mrs. Wheeier very well. She‘is a frail little woman, COMMENCING not at all fitted phsioally to hear up physicians admit this. Vet here the at AH the under the horrors now being enacted difficulty begins. How can we build up the Are the Various Reports From Harpoot. Miss Emma Barnum of consumptive’s body as fast as the disease Auburndale, who is stationed at Harpoot, ! ---AT- is a is not tears !t down? Let us consider. Sultan’s Land. connection of ours, tihe, too, a wife ot Cough mixtures must be avoided because strong woman. Mrs. Bartou, Is one of the brightest examples in Maine of what can be accomplished by Rev. James on University hey frequently contain opiate* which arrest Barton, lives Road, Brookline. Mr. Barton is now in the the digestion. Their only effect on Turkey. He and his wife have boen is the L#t them cough by stupefying nerves. THE INTERESTING AND THRILLING among the most zealous workers ever alone. located in Harpoot. Mrs. Barton is All foods that are hard to digest must be STORY OF MRS. DR. HAMLIN. anxious in the extreme.” - - voided, especially fats and oils. Only those Perseverance, and f.;tds that are easily digested and assimilat- PEERING.-” Push, Pluck, Energy ed should be eaten. ! Foods not thus accepted 8.15 TUESDAY MORNING, nature do no do harm. Not by good; they She lias Grave Fears For the Safety of v, (jj.t is merely eaten but what is digested The City Solons Transact a Batch of Minor Missionaries — Another Correspondent and assimilated Enterprise. flesh and gives strength. Business Bast Night, Is slow or Sees No Cause for Alarm for Personal Consumption starvation, rapid, We shall sell a limited number of $1.50 and $1.25 Flannelette We are not given to boasting but simply state facts and stand ready to prove as may be. The rirst symptom is, not nec- Safety—Things Are Decidedly Mixed In them. Winter is at hand and everybody is in need of certain comforts. We have essarily a cough, but a to lose The of the in and as as all that con- tendency Turkey. mooting Deering City them complete lines, for both personal home needs well flesh, to grow thin. Stop this tendency ^SovernemeBt.adjourned from last Friday for tribute to in and out door pleasures in unrestricted quantities. no tv. Boston, November 18.—Mrs. Cyrus Wrappers Time will be well iC devoted to :i visit to this store. evening was held at.the council room last spent Don’t wait for obvious lung touble. Hamlin was seen at her pleasant home evening. Alderman R. small and Mayor That’s only a later development—only a in a last evening. Lexington by reporter Mitchell were sbsent. In the absence of minor point. Mrs. Hamlin is the friend of Miss Emily the Aldermun The the and master the dis- Mayor, Berry presided. Stop wasting you C. Wheeler, Mrs. Susan A. Wheeler and a MARVELOUS VALUES FOR TUESDAY. though it may have made sonic orders for the sewer assessments against ease,—even relative of Miss Emma M. all 89 centsQ Barnum, slight inroads already. Increase the flesh the ahuttors to the new sewers locatod on of whom are among the missionaries now and the danger is past. the following streets: Glenwood avenue, s stationed at Mrs. Hamlin was values these for themselves. are What is needed is an especially prepared Harpoot. High and Chestnut, Bryant and Thomas, In the matter of prices speak They surprise as these are too to nutriment in itself and a digester herself for nineteen years a missionary ;o sat thinking) such offerings interesting miss. food,—a and Pilt, were given their second reading you of o her foods. in the interior of Turkey. Her work riucb au article, is the Shaker Digestive and final passage. Hearings ou the orders i STYLE OF Cordial, made by the ichaker community, of her for the most part in Morasb, but kept were ordered to be held Mt. Labauon, N. V. it creates a natural Friday evening, she knows Harpoot very weil. White Ground Prints, The above are the manufacturers’ appetite and insures the .'digestion of what December 27. The first reading was given i.i eaten with it. It overcomes the wasting Mrs. Hamlin has a and a wholesale daughter the orders for the sewer assessments on Ohooolate Ground Prints, prices. which is fatal In the consumptiveprocess. niece in the work of in A mau lose and not die a engaged teaching streets and Central may money Pearl and Lincoln Indigo Blue Prints, The Best in the latest bankrupt. One may have consumption and Robert College. Her daughter is the wife Print, designs, avenue. ordered to be held not die of it. This is science and sense, Hearings of the President, and her neice is married THESE Apron Check Ginghams, 'i lie success of this new remedy proves it. Deoember 37. The Best 36 inch Unbleaohed Cotton, to a professor in the same college. An- Light Outing Flannels, COAL FOR POLICE STATION. A Good 40-inch Unbleached Cotton, other of her daughters is a missionary in Dark Outing F’lannels, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Morash. Alderman Davis read a communication 36-inch Unbleached Cotton, A Good 36-inch Bleached Cotton, “Indeed, yes,’’ said Mrs. Hamliu to the from City Marshal St. John, asking that with Cardinal Outing with Black Figures, reporter, “the friends of the missionaries the police station be furnished ooal TWO Check Towels, ATLANTUS RANGES the station stationed in the districts in the interior enough to comfortably heat All Linen Bleahced Crash, White Domet Flannel, marshal addressed 9te fearful for their loved ones. during the winter. The very, very Unbleached Cotton Flannels Kem- Bleached 16 inches on to tho committee on Crash, wide, Sold Their Merits. are in a furnace of anxiety and the communication They rants, that that com- doubt, aud can only hope and pray for publio buildings, claiming U nbleachcd Crash, 16 inches wide, HOME MANUFACTURE Honeycomb Towels, I received a lteter from one mittee should furnish the fuel, taking their safety. All Linou Huck Alderman CUTS. Towels, — two the from its fund. AT — of my daughters less than weeks ago. expense t 4 I-2c -—- fund \\ hite She tried to write as oheerily as possible, Davis did not tbiDk that this should Nainsooks, be Foundry Prices. but I knew she felt there was liable to furuish the heating. Shelf Enamel, Sateens, in medium colors, 13 l-.o trouble at any time. A lrinn.nnn Dinnnn vnotl an n 1 ii O r» t K (J f Turkish “J think and feel, as does Dr. Hamlin, Towels, quality, ooipmittee on public buildings instruct that there is nothing to be feared from 5c S the Turkish government. The offioers of the marshal to contract for coal to I-2c on the the government are sufficiently sufficiently heat his building for the As we wish to distribute these as far as 36-inoh Bleached Cotton, alert; they know that their autious are possible among winter, the expense of the same to be Wavuucu uaiuiuii.T wj ivugiuuu cmv* All Linen Bleached Crash, UUllJg for in- The Horae as as the United States. charged to the appropriation Encyclopaedia. France, well by a On this point, then, the missionaries feel cidentals. Passed. our customers, we limit the sale, two to customer. 5 I-2c relieved. But there is no 30 volumes, linen bound. In a very comparatively MATTERS. what he done an ex- SIDEWALK 50 Engraved Cards and Plate knowing might by Visiting size. Price It is in the convenient cited, blood-thirsty mob. Alderman Smali for the committee on for of such a mob being started possibility streets, sidewalks and bridges, reported that terrorizes the men and women 98c $4.98 m i ssionaries. that during the past year 1,174 square “One of my daughters is engaged in yards of brick sidewalk had been laid. active work at -Morash. It is more ex- The abuttors must pay at the rate of 35 posed to danger than Harpoot. It is a REAL BARGAINS IN CAPES. and the uity tho re- discouraging thought that our loved ones cents per square yard RINES so far are entirely at dependent for mainder, except the cement bordering BROTHERS. away their at present upon Turkish are an extra safety and curbings which Black 30 inches officers. The Turks feel more to- cliurg; Astrachan 30 inches Coney Capes, long, bitterly the abuttor. Cape, long, ward the missionaries now than they felt Upon FANCY PRESENTS. *fOI3» L.OT OF assessments the abuttors —well, say twenty years ago. They called The upon I 1.98 $6.98 them then Tnen of a hook,’ and had as follows: a Wo- were apportioned What a Man Thinks of the Thing" Black French Coney Capes, 30 inches much more resptot for them because they Astrachan Cape, 30 inches long,. GRANT STREET. man Glees Him. had a book ‘similar to their Koran,’ and long, “Julius is to have a birthday next a prophet, too, corresponding in their Joseph Chute, 46,71 going $ 15.00 own than nnd I can't decide what to minds to tbeir Mahomet, they M. P. Hanson, 19.61 month, just $9.00 Volt can at home had for the Armenians, who made acts of the in the shawl buy repairs PEARL STREET. give him,” sighed girl Eleetrio Seal Fur Capes, 27 inch, fine Fur inches adoration before pictures. “Of course it must be own Monkey Capes,27 long,seal and get them quickly. 17.33 capo. my quality, “Of late this feeling has changed. They E. L Fox, handiwork; that will be its chief value to collar, have to feel bitter and bitterer to- l. L. Elder, 35 93 grown him. I thought perhaps you could help me i ward missionaries. For the last five years Nanthaniel Rand, 17.28 Dress $ 5.00 $ 19.00 17.83 out with a I remember what Retail Store at Our Works in subtile ways, the teachers and H. W. Latham, suggestion. Goods, Wood Seal with marten oollar No. 2 27 Electric Capes, 9.11 you used to make Jack.” :ancy quality, inch, Seal things Novelty preachers have been made to feel tbe dis- Mrs. J. B. Holmes, lovely “H’m! Yes; but that was before We 3apes, marten collar and edge, md edge, KENNEBEC ST., FOOT OF CHESTNUT. pleasure of the Mohammedan:. WOODFORDS STREET. “For one thing, the Sultan, as the were married, my dear. replied the young $19.50 $20.00 missionaries feel, taking his cue from the Thomas E. Thompson, 8. OS matron in the plaid waist. Fine for House Dresses or Children’s 11.W Czar, has been desirous of unifying bis H. H. Higgins, “Oh, Emily, you haven’t given it upal- Wood Seal Capes, with marten collar Portland Stove and so be to do what he 15.66 No. 3 Eleetrio Seal XXX empire, began Rudolph Richnor, dy. And i thought you were a model all wool 38 inches Cape, quali- and edgo, all 2U.J r | Dresses, wide, could toward exterminating foreign M. P. Frank, ;y,80 inches long, creeds. Of course, he has been limitod in Mrs. Hatch, 13.6. Co. I am. dear; that may have some- $25.00 Foundry ways of accomplishing his ends. He Louis K Whitney, 15 86 ||W my usual 75 this lot for i r do with it. Do to re- price cents, $21.00 didn’t dare interfere with the Greeks, be- J. H. Files, 15*86 to you hapnen Our 133.00 Electric Seal Capes cann t B. S, DAVIS & Co., local Agents. of and be 17.51 her that blotter I him * novl9eod cause he was afraid Bussia, William H. Bragdon, lovely painted be matched in value 27 inches long,heavy take chances with Franoe O. 15. <8 fori ho first we became en- No. 4, Electric Seal marten wouldn’t by Asher Hinds, birthday-after Cape, satin and a line for the 15.66 quality, lining, very making it uncomfortable Soerge H. Thompson, gaged?” lollar and edge, very fine quality, Messenger’s Notice. So he warred the 14.22 fur. A great bargain, Catholics. against F. N. Blackstone, “Why, yes, and I thought perhaps”— quality Armenians. C. A. P ummer, 14.22 married Office of tlie sheriff of Cumberland County, “Did you? Well, after wo wore $25.00 “Five on the of his 24.39 $33.00 State of Maine. Cumberland, ss. November years ago, edges Edwin Thompson, his The 17.98 I found it among things. blotting A. D. 1896. empire, he began operations It was A. F. A. Patterson, 39c 18th, of the fact Yard. was in some time before of the knew 12.33 paper untouched, spite names' uiotn In and aiso trim is to notice that on the 18th day any powers Albion K. Hawkes, capes Kersey, Boucle, Cheviot Beaver, plain, give 81.06 that he had assured me it was in constant of A. 1). 1895. a Warrant in what he was about, and much oppression, D. I). Thornes, 1 with or without to THIS November, G -- ned, velvet collars. Prices from $d50 $10.50. was issued out of the Court of and worse had taken place be- use.” Insolvency slaughter STREET. Fur Boas. Fur Collars and a line of Fur in white and black Insolvency for said County of Cumberland, fore few outside the missionaries knew PEERING “And hadn’t he used it at all?” full Trimmings the estate of a were. as a Ihibet, white and black Mink and all the popular against in that bad state things W. Patrldge & Co., 20.40 “Oh, yes; the cover had served pen- Coney,white Angora, Marten, UBIAH S. of Gorham, “O the missionaries know what 20.40 urs of this season’s NASON, yes, 3. H. Thompson, wiper. But that wasn’t all! You remem- style in bands and edges. e to be an Insolvent Debtor, on peti- their is but from letters received I 20.40 adjudged danger Chapman & Wyman, ber that exquisite handkerchief case I Muffs and Children’s Fur sets in a of the new and most desirabl tion of said Debtor, which petition was filed Know there isn’t one of them who would 24. b9 large variety, L. P. Senter, last on the 18tli of A. D., 1895. to made liim year?” T. F. rurs. day November. not stand at his or her post to face what- on claims is to be “Indeed I do. I wonder if I could make which date interest computed. SPRING STREET. HOMSTED, We shall a Reefers and ever comes. Indeed it would be fatal for make Sale of Children’s and Misses’ to or said Special Gretohens, That the payment of any debts by one like it?” them, even if were so to Julius debtor, and the transfer and delivery of any they inolined, Mrs. G, F, Jeffords, 19.87 jadies’ Reefers and Coats in an extensive line of new styles of materials and out. “Of course could. I found 451 Congress St. him are forbidden law. That a try to leave the missions. There are no 19.90 you that, property by by H. A. Leighton, Ve shall make it an for in Price at this sale. ot said to but desolate after we were married. His were objeot you Tuesday meeting of the creditors debtor, regualr roads, nothing Mrs. G. F. Jeffords, 1-44 too, pipes one or more as- Clearance Sale prove their debts and choose bridle paths leading up and down over 17.88 wrapped up in it. He said it was awfully of washable Dress Fabrios, Linens and Cottons. of his estate, will be held at a Court Robert Brooks, signees tbe bills. Now, when all the country is 21. /9 useful—he wouldn’t have had that meer- Her. Tuesday every will have some Offering, at a SPECIAL of Insolvency to be holden at Probate Court John M. Adams, How Ho Deceived department Special in so great a state of confusion, it is for room, in said Portland, in said County of Cum- schaum scratched anything.” affair at the Was PRICE. For the next 30 we shall make Cut Prices on all which we that could The was and the recom- “How did your little love Why He Knew She Pretty, days, goods berland, on the 2d day of December, A. D. highly improbable they escape report acoepted There was a moment’s 6ilence In the as asked the in dark blue. ire for the of room for our Goods. 1895. at 10 o’clock in tlie forenoon. with their lives. Precarious is their mendations beaoh endf” girl The man with the V shaped nose tilted overstocked, purpose making Holiday adopted. room; then the girl in the shawl cape Given under my hand the date first above present situation, their only safety lies in “Haven’t heard?” returned the girl his to the last rem- Alderman introd uoed a petition were you plate get struggling written. C. L. BUCKNAM, it for at least are housed on Libby spoke. “After all,” she said, “they holding they In gray sorrowfully. nant of as the Court of from A. F. Bean and seven others pray- I hail of soup. Deputy Sheriff, Messenger of ground purchased and belonging to not very useful gifts. thought the in dark he Insolvency for said County of Cumberland. “Of oourse not,” replied girl “Our new lady boarder is pretty," foreign powers. ing that a hydrant be located on Congress something useful.” from novl9&26 blue. “I haven’t even heard you observed confidently. “They cannot work, tf course, but the at Stroud- “Such as a headrest or a shoebag per- street, near Bradley's Corner, sinoe know.”' man with the schools are kept open. In Morash there for the August, you “Indeed!” smirked the Notice. Referred. haps. Jack apologized appearanco X was deceived in at Messenger’s are three Christian a water. “Well, it’s all over. barbed wire schools, seminary of the headrest I had embroidered for beard, glancing pleasantly Sheriff of Cumberland County. for a and Alderman Pierce introduced an order the man.” his own reflection in the dish. Office of the young preachers, boys’ academy it had saved him from catch- gravy State of Cumberland, ss. November In these three schools him. He said we $5.00, Maine, a girls’ college. that the bond ot the; ooutraotors for the “Did—did he jilt you?” “What makes you think so, sinoe an awful cold the he used it tc 18tli, A. D. 1895. the are ing night It was not as young people protected. avenuo sewer be returned as The girl in gray hesitated. haven’t had the of seeing her that on the 16 th of Slenwood of he had broken in pleasure Fit HIS is to give notice day “It is difficult to get accurate news stop the pane glass confession to but she 1895. a warrant m had been done a pleasant make, yet?” Not much we a lot for it. 1 November. A. D., from tbe interior. Letters are opened and the work satisfactorily. liis bedroom window. Of course it wasn’t money but give was issued out of the Court of In- saw no way out of it. “Well”— insolvency read by Turkish officials, ever on the Passed. his fault that it rained that night, though tor said County of Cumberland, she said at last. “I suppose nose tucked solvency, lookout for treasonable utterances or ex- it for his “Yes,” The man with the V shaped against the estate of It was voted that tbo vote taken at the I had rather counted upon using of it.” are that is the Bngllsh his around his oollar Sometimes these letters chair after we were mar- plain napkin carefully REBECCA BERNSTEIN, of Portland, pressions. held 10th concerning the big lounging would find him that resealed and sent on to tbe given address; meeting May “I was afraid you bone. to be an Insolvent Debtor on petition from the ried.” in dark adjudged oftener they are destroyed Ail books Oak street sewer be expunged kind of a man,” said the girl —“I noticed as I came down stairs that of sa1 Debtor. which petition was “Oh, well, Julius is different. He is THIS IS THE OUTFIT. sent into the missions are examined be- blue. “He didn’t look like one who could a on the floor in filed on the 16th day of November, A. D.. 1895, record. careful about his things, and I should like heavy mat has been placed date on claims is to be fore are along. Whole pages I wouldn’t feel to which interest they passed Alderman Pierce read orders abating be trusted. very badly front of her mirror.” out of them or him to have something in iMily use which computed. ire torn sometimes, over the loss of suoh a man if I Wtire you.” At this door from the of debts to or assessment J. N. Read, remind him of me.” juncture the leading ALL WOOL Double-breasted Suit well made, well Fab That payment any by smeared over, if there chanoes to be a the sewer against would constantly man!” exclaimed the Boy’s (all sizes) lined, Debtor and the transfer and of “Loss of the girl the kitchen and before yester- said delivery any and A. (i. Schlotterbeck, $6.95, on “M’lim! That was just what Laura opened day tic Gray mixed cheviot. Extra pants and a nice Vermont Gray Ulster, cut long, her are forbidden by law. Xiiat a 53.47, in “Pooh! Who cares for him? It’s the servant property by was gray. day’s roast beef came in with storm well made and well This is what most stores sell this of the creditors of said Debtor to of mistakes made in the original said about Ralph. He careful of the arge collar, lined, meeting prove aooount the deceit that he practiced that provokes to make another Patti farewell tour. debts and one or more oareful Dutfit for their choose were their first things she gavo him—exceedingly Assessment They given me.” This the form of a stew.— ... of her estate, will be held at - He them in a trunk in the time it took Suit, $4,00 assignees indeed. kept ■ a Court of Insolvency to be liolden at PIANOS ORGANS reading. Wlien ne maue you numji no umiu New York World. Extrfc Pants, .75 Probate Court Room, in said Portland, in attic. Why, when they finally quarreled The return from Judge Hopkins of the ...... 4.00 said County of Cumberland, on the 2d and he sent them back, she said that noth- you?” Ulster, of October “No. I might forgive that. It was Hard Far Him. day ol December, A. D., 1895, at ten o'clock Municipal Court for the month but the odor of tho moth balls prevent- ing me to believe that lie was the Iron in the forenoon. .Small and when he led A laborer employed In one of $8.75 the date must We must was read by Alderman plaoed Given under my hand first above They go. worth suing for breach of promise that he mills In Alleghany, earning the munifi- written. C. L. BUCK.NAM. on file. from the full of his depravity. I cent of a for wheeling ore Deputy Sheriff, as Messenger of the Court of In- move* Createst freedom freckles, showed depth salary $1.10 day opport- to November 87 a shock to me to solvency for said County of Cumberland. The meeting adjourned tell you, Mabel, it was. In a wheelbarrow, received a telegram an- novl9&26 r all such him would unity the world has at 8 o’olock. and from disfigurements learn that a judgment'against nouncing that a relative In Ireland had and blemishes, follows the use of not be worth anything.”—Chicago Post. died and left him $60,000. He left his job. OUR PRICE ONLY $5.09- ever known. Cissy Fitzgerald. Carlsbad Salt. It went to Ireland, secured the cash and Husband. the Sprudel Not to Blame. An Experienced on of ex- started a career of luxury and high Everybody is the tip-too and freshens the skin won- upon clears Cincinnati was at the sea- Two later he in Mr. Blinks—I wish to get some hair- Having sold our lease of the largest piano anent the visit of tho fascinating A little girl living. years reappeared pectancy away that dull and the summer with her parents asked for his old and pins for my wife. warerooms in the world to the New Hotel to Portland next weok. derfully-takes shore during Pittsburg, position Cissy Fitzgerald that comes fond of on her bath- went baok to ore. One an- Great Merchant—This is a wholesale Syndicate, we the Largest Piano Mannfactu re mottled look from and was very putting wheeling day Such a treat as The Foundling with Mr. and into the water along other came announcing that a house, sir. iu the world, must remove as soon as possible, stomach derangements. Besides ing suit going telegram Charles Frohman’s superb company is oautioned about the him Mr. Blinks—Of course. You don’t and must realize on the the beach. She was relative in had died, leaving sup- largest stock, greatest a and an elimi- England not often seen in Portland and there will being purgative near the water alone, and in pose I’m fool enough to go on buying variety and grandest assortment of Pianos and danger of going $30,000. He threw up his hands despair. msh for seats. Full the is a decided often dressed in her 6uit Oi trow up hairpins at retail, do you? I want a bar- Organs the world has ever seen. be a tremendous native, Sprudel though she was “Hivins!” cried he. “Must tho sand she me another rel.—New York Weekly. particulars of the sale will be givon to- alterative or blood-purifier. It and allowed to play among job and go over ther and waste forbidden to venture in the water, year or two in thotf It’s a morrow. is the prescribed remedy, even in was spinning Commercial. to wado. One day sho was playing shame to a dacint workln be os and stubborn cases even bloody handicap Must Sold Must chronic of the man to thim “You have me the marble They They on the beach, and forgetting motherly like thot. Oi’ll sind word given heart,’ The New Girl. and such disorders. he hissed. eczema she wadod out ankle deep in Oi can’t do it.”—Buffalo Enquirer. There was a young lady of Troy injunction, The the the waves. She met her mother’s “Certainiy, she coldly rejoined. “What be Rented. Whose life was a mission of joy. blood, liver, stom- the lapping a disturbed couutenance, did you expect? Mexican onyx?” Bhe was fair as a flower. ach, the kidneys—all are put into reproof later with There was a chill glitter in the eyes of And grace was her dower, but had no exouse to oiler. November No better made. We court you a condition The complete novel in the comparison, And to was thoroughly healthy into the water?” his bride ns she reminded him a poor man court her pleasant employ. “What made you wado of the will find our prices and torms to buy organs issue of In Sight not the and “when I had told you Llppincott’s, could be fastidious.—Detroit Tribune. But now there’s a taken place. by Sprudel Spring, just asked the mother, unequalled. Look around, but be sure and change Goddess, by Harriot Riddle Davis, deals Rave not o’er l^er maidenly grace, as well here as if you were on the not to do so?” visit Piano Headquarters. with life at the The priuolpal A Good Reason. For true are the rumors “Oh, the devil made me, mamma, was Capital. bloomers, spot. tho cabinet, A. —How was it the at Al- That she has donned characters are a member of evening party on her that the the reply. Which she wears with no blush face. Remember only gen- but derman K.’scamoto so abrupt a conclu- “Yes,” pursued her mother, why his daughter, and hi* private seoretary, Tremont uine Water or ‘Get thee behind mana- sion? 200 St., Boston Alas, for this maiden of Troy, imported Sprudel didn’t you say to him, who might also be called society her chances destroy, Salt has the seal of the B. —Oh, the fact is the electric light sud- That she should city of me, satan?’ ger for the family. Tho aotlon Is oblefly and the For do suppose I and the tears denly went out, complexions of you Carlsbad, and the of “I did mamma, did,” between the two last. The tale Is writ- That a man would propose signature the ladies were not to caudle NEW ENGLAND PIANO GO. £ to in the little eyes, “and, adapted light. a ‘Eisner Co. began gather and To a girl who looks more like boy? & Mendelson and ten with abundant local knowledge —Fliegende Blatter. octleodtf A^ts., mamma, he just got behind me pushed —Troy Press. New York,” on bottle. striking ability. 316CONGRESS STREET. every me right in.”—Cincinnati Haauiico MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. j MISCELLANEOUS. THE POMONA GRANGE- A STRONG COMBINATION ABOUT EVOLUTION. __miscellaneous. MISCELLANEOUS._

The November Session Held With Graj Said to iu Have Been Formed Reed’s Congre- .. Grange on Saturday, Interesting Discussion at tlie TRUSTING WOKEN. Interest. gational Club. Co. The November session of Cumberland THEIR LEADS Clothing CONFIDENCE OFTEN Standard was county Pomona Grange held with a Further Talk of as the Convention Prof. Tyler, a Prominent Biologist, K«»d TO SUFFERING. Saturday,tho 16th. The meet Chicago Gray Grange and City—AVhat a Prominent Illinois Poli- Paper That Excited Much Interest was called to order at 10.30 by the ing An Ohio Woman's as Here master. The overseer and lecturer being tician Is Reported as Saying, Comment, Experience, Related, is Interesting to Ercry absent Past Master Shurtliff of Wes- Boston, November 18.—Tbe Journal to- Last evening the Congregational ^Olub custigo Grange filled the overseer’s chair has the from Chi- held its first and of the American Woman. day following despatch meeting banquet (f*. E. A. master f% and McCollister, of the cago: season at the Preble House. About forty ? tSPECIAL TO OUB LA.DT REAPERS-3 Gray Grange, tho lecturer’s chair. Mr. “Joseph H. Manley, chairman of the gentlemen sat down to the table. Presi- A Sure E. A. McCollister made the address oi Republican executive committee, has a Remedy dent Jenkins presided. The committee It is a very sad fact that the more welcome and was to Mr. written to to 30 rooms of > responded by Chicago engage on now members presented the name woman trusts to the skill of her physician ( in every case and every the Shurtliff. A report was then made of tho for the ‘Reed headquarters’ at the Re- the Rev. Mr. He Claybrook, pastor of the in treating her female complaints, And as Much as the or > i kind of Hemorrhoids different subordinate If this she is to suffer. Longer granges in the publican national convention. colored Congregational church, for mem- longer apt in favor of the Public Lydia E. Pinkham realized this Our MARK DOWN SALE of fine Clothing grows daily Piles is < county, after whioh remarks were made letter of Chairman Manley means any- bership, also the name of Rev. Charles E. fully $10,000 fact when she that exhaus- have idea of. iSow is the tune to select the of the a who commenced Better values are than the Public any for good order. Dinner be ing thing at all, and the writer is man Andrews of the Deering Free church was of being offered tive study that has enabled the women and announced, a recess was taken until 1.3C knows what is going on, it means that for dis- your Winter outfit of Clothing. Men’s, Boy’s Children’s. presented membership. the world to help themselves. She to the innerman. At the after- is oortain to the made to retail at $10.00, 13.00, lo.OO and 18.00, supply Chioago practically get President Jenkins appointed the follow- covered the source of female complaints, 97 fine ALL WOOL MEN’S SUITS, Salva-cea noon session and Mr. W. H. of next convention of the (trade-mark). C I Vinton Gor- party bag ing members Jto serve on the committee and produced the Vegetable Compound, offered at only $5.00 PER SUIT. ham suits> made to Grange made some very interesting baggage, 854,000 uefioit and all. for nomination of officers for the ensuing which is their absolute cure. 300 Boy’s Long Pant Suits, sizes 30 to 34, for boys 14 to 18 years, can’t be $ When as the following This statement remarks in relation to the National “It moans too,that the managers of the Rev. E. P. Wilson, William M. such testimony offered at 5.00, G.oO and MO PER SLIT. | year: is thinks should retail at $8.00, 10.00, 13.00 and 15.00, $3.75, > which he attended at Reed boom are on the inside of at W. given, the woman who to made too strong or too Grange, Worcester, things Marks, George Libby, H. H. Ricker, herself sizes 30 to for boys 14 to 19 years, made act quickly, and no longer permit 300 Boys’ Long Pant Suits, 34, Mass. Then came the ladies’ hour, the the Republican national headquarters, K. Rev. H. Bean and Rev. and 8.00 PER SUIT. Dana, Leroy to trust to incompetent doctors. The retail at 13.00 and 15.00, offered st $3,7a, 5.00, b.oO, emphatic. ^ as follows: Music and that will the re- $8.00, 10.00, | programme being by Chicago get convention, A. H. Wright. The committee will is sold all $ her to shoulder the Vegetable Compound by drug- 5 to made to retail at offered at $o,00, < It is a simple, certain, the the choir, read- whether people agree Boys’ Ulsters, ages 14, $10, orchestra, singing by at the Deoember meeting. President gists, and every woman should have it. organization or not. port Ulsters at $3.50, 3.50 and $5.00. s speedy cure for < ing by Miss Knight, reading by Carrie Tbo letter containing this important Jenkins intimated that he should not be- Boys’ now the Reefers at 3.90, 3.50, 4.00 and $5.00. Hall, Dreading by Katie Bronshon, sing- information is in bands of Wil- come the president of the club again. Boys’ $1.95, liam O’Deli. Mr. O’Dell, while usiug 3.95 and4.1o. All Cut Prices. $ Rheumatism, Eczema, ing by three little girls, reading by Julia He then introduced the guest of the Boys’ Knee Pant Suits, $1.15, 1.85, 3,15, every effort to keep socret the oonstents Ones. Chipman, reading by Will McConkey, Prof. John M. of Amherst This is the Greatest Sale that is Smashing All Previous Convulsions, Chilblains, of a purely personal letter, admitted its evening, Tyler | j singing by the choir, reading by Lena contents. Mr. O’Dell left at noon today College, professor of biology. His subject Strictly One Price. All Clothing Warranted as Represented. Celia for vihore be will meot Mr. Sore Muscles, Burns, MoConkoy, reading by Doughty, Philadelphia was “Conformity to Environment.” He inform him of the.sucooss of bis reading by Mrs. Knight, singing by the Manley, said that he should start for Cuts, in Chicago and reoeive further in- by taking Toothache, music the orohestra. Closed plans j j choir, by formation as to the management of granted the Darwin theory of evolution. CLOTHING CO., Faceache, Sprains, without form. affairs at this£endtof the line. Ho asked his hearers to become for the STANDARD | j That expecting more s ; Attorney O' evening conservative evolutionists. He 015 Boils, assuring news for Chicago from Chair- 225 Middle Street* neuralgia, of Shore Line said that the main reason for | Terminus Railroad. man Manley is evidenced in the follow- studying Ulcers. his in- Sore Throat, The Ellsworth board of trado is aftei ing remark when ho announced history was that we may forecast the j in Philadel- tention of joining Manley future. We fail to do this of ■ oorreotly, .... and cents. S the western terminus of the Shore Line ... / Two sizes, 25 50 phia Monday: J ; ; or mail. course. Our forecast must be ( At druggists, by railroad. At the last meeting the chair- “You had better wait a day or two be- general, PIANOS! but we on railroads re- fore that will have believe in their value or we would s The Brandseth Co., 274 Canal St., N.Y. / man of the committee you print story; you a deal more important not We ported what had been done and what was something great study history. after I sec him.” One of the But there is a difference between our have being done in the matter. The recent in the east of Matt meeting brief of human and the engineers of the road, Mr. Mitchell, has Quay of , Thomas Platt of study history several been seen and escorted over the route New York, John R. Tanner of Illinois, M. H. of San Francisco, and that whioh it is the desire of Ellsworth, the DeYoung the world. The forecasts from the former several is oeneveu to nave uau others, be a iuu may erroneous, but clear compre- have new roau snuuiu iuhuw. eugmeoi muoh to do with bringing about this hension of the latter must result in true “ W.LW.&CQ. I gave the oommittee every encouragement. result. The doctors had told me that unless been “shows said a forecasts of the as a matter of an Its H e said the route between Ellsworth and “It conclusively,” promi- future, I went to the and had opera- and hospital nent party leader, “that Tanner evolution. I could not live. I had Franklin was »most feasible one, there logical tion performed slightly of Illinois, Platt of New York, of Campbell He said that the earliest am e itor of man falling, enlargement, and ulceration used being no outs or fills for the entire Quay of Pennsylvania, DeYoung of Cal | a similar the womb. friends distanoe. are now over ifornia and.others have jonodiforces ;witli must have been creature very Surveyors going I was constant all the which of Maine to make the light to to the fresh water of which in misery time; the lina Manley hydra today, It laud the nomination for Reed. While my back ached; I was always tired. we as is a ‘creature that represents the lowest This route is praotically the same Platt is with Morton first, It is claimed was impossible for me to walk far or form of animal a one- are always the original Shore Line survey made that he stands ready to assist the combi- life, having simply stand long at a time. I was surely a nation.” cell and that a that I would I struoture, being simply wreck. I decided some twenty years ago, when the route give your offering a for a trial. extended Ellsworth stomach. It has little arrangement Compound and Sanative Wash Thanksgiving to contemplated through WEDDINGS. it and lives for “I took three bottles of Lydia L. at and across Hancock county to Buoksport, producing spores only cling Pinkham's Compound, and the east shore of the digestion and reproduction. Vegetable reasonable and thence along Samson—McDonald. of Sanative and call the used two packages Wash, Penobscot to But that was be- Our next ancestor, we may Bangor. a I am now almost well. I am stouter and hand. Oisr because Tliere was quiet home wedding yes- but prices. is near at leal estate which worm, which certainly has muscles, in fore Bar Harbor’s boom, at the residence of Rev. healthier than I have ever been my terday morning more than in its rain the Maine Central doesn’t live for much digestion life. friends and and the Squares brought Thomas S. Samson, on Pine stroot when My neighbors Store is tlie Head- branch. and reproduction. doctors are at my rapid im- and B. L. and Bar Harbor Sam- surprised their daughter, Miss Mary Brown them all what of trade the In our next ancestor we take a long I have told The board supplemented mar- provement. U for Grant were — all tlie son and Mr. McDonald whioh has I have been Mbs. Annetta prights. quarters work of its oommittee by the following leap upward to the fish, taking.” ried. The rooms were handsomely deoor- Belmont O. muscles for a special purpose and its Bickmeieb, Bellaire, Co., Tobacco resolutions: them a Delicacies. atod with flowers, among being than Seasonable The western terminus of the stomach Is for Its musoles, rather Whereas, floral tribute from the Free street Baptist Maine Shore Line railroad may be located the reverse. GRESSEY JONES & ALLEN’S therefore Sunday school. The family and a few the best near this city, Prof. Tyler next dwelt upon the That the Ellsworth board of friends were The two from HOUSE. gives Reolved, present. only In man which to those of unselfishness and righteous- MUSIC of its supremacy of intellect by oct29eodtf trade wishes to add to the work Miss K. M. Harwood out of town being ness, is more akin to the committee on railroads, its earnest desire he, with his inferior body, is able to sur- certainly for said of Newton and Dr. John McDonald Mo- and than to the satisfaction. L that the contractors building pass the physical superiorities of the spiritual mental, physcial find it to the mutual advantage Pherson York. After the oere- AND TILING. road may of,Now Man’s in Aught we not to speak of this environ- WOOD MANTELS make this animals. supremacy develop- of all concerned to city thp Mr. Samson, a wed- said. mony performed by ment is not also ment as “Him,” not as “it,” he I western terminus of the road. purely mental, physical; breakrasfc was of. Mr.'and this as a and finest stock. Low- has the m ding partaken over his But, he continued, he made Largest It man’s moral supremacy body est Prices. Mrs. McDonald left on tbo noon train suggestion simply. He recognized the MUNICIPAL COURT. and mind is his unique glory. THE and will sail for Europe next Wednesday fact that there is one fool Each of the above ancestral groups may only bigger W. A. flavor \ on tbo steamer St. Louis upon an ex- than he who denies the existence of God, ALLEN, finest be characterized, it is seen, by its special Foot of Preble Street. tended wedding journey. They will re- and that one is he who tries to it. BEFORE JUDGE ROBINSON. funotion. This is no ohauco succession prove oct5 d;f turn about Christmas time. Rev. M. Pratt was the next Dolan and John J. in this sequence of funotion. Digestion Dwight and is made Monday—Thomas • t' after Prof. and took some Lantern. Vagabonds; sentenced to sixty Rumery—Thayer. and reproduction must come first because speaker Tyler, to the Darwin theory as ex- davs In jail each. Miss Nellie C. Rumery, daughter of C. they are most essential to existence. As exceptions Rider. Intoxication; sentenced the of the ORCHESTRA. Timothy G. who is as clerk at to the worm and mammal pounded by speaker evening. GRIMMER’S and fined and Rumery, employed wo go upward from the to thirty days in jail $5 He said that he understood that there J. R. Libby’s dry good store in Portland we see these first funotions beoome sub- j costs. _ now a on the of dates for the next mouths Daniel D. Collins and George E. King. was married Saturday afternoon in Bid- servient to muscle and nerve and brain. was tendency part Haying many open stones at Michael scienoe from Darwin’s theory. can be engaged for any occasion for which Throwing Flaherty; deford, at the residence of Rev. G. N. Prof. Tyler declared that the real away choicest leaf— each fined $5 and costs. was called to his good music is required. Apply to CHARLES of the Jefferson street of the vertibrate animal is BJProf. Tyler upon give Marcus O’Bare. Common drunkard; Musgrave, pastor characteristic 180 Middle street, or members of as attitude toward GRIMMER, Free to F. in the views to the modern sentenced to sixty days in jail. Baptist ohuorh, Stephen the crowding of the brain material Grimmer’s Orchestra. novlSdlm evolution. He said that the diversion that’s Patrick Honan, James J. O’Connor, Thayer of Westbrook. The cereraony^was hiad. The brain thus takes cognizanoe william Martin, John Connors, John a scientists was in to why. in the presence of few rela- of its from those purely among today regard James MoCue, Michael H. performed surroundings, Hickey, intimate friends of the contract- natural seleotion as the oause of evolu- FEARFUL MASSACRE. Kennedy and John Mulkern. Eaoh fined tives and physical to those suggesting unselfishness tion. He believed that in regard to $3 and costs for intoxication. ing parties and at its conclusion Mr. and and uprightness. Johnson. Intoxication; sentenced the train for West- evolution itself, the belief was growing Mary Mrs. Thayer took The length of the reign of these The Most Awful Event of Modern Times— to thirty days in jail. stronger. EVELYN DAY brook. characteristic functions has up- The Porte MRS. WHITE, Lawrence Materson. Search and seiz- __ depended Powerless. There was further disoussion, in which ure. Found guilty. Sentenced to pay INSOLVENCY COURT. on its capacity for improvement and Teacher of and costs. Dr. Penn took a prominent part. Singing, a fine of $100 Appealed. developement. London, November 18.—The Anglo- on 120 Winter St. BEFORE JUDGE PEABODY. You can’t improve much the PROFITS MISSING. American Association has reoeived the nov5d2w* stomach of a worm. It has almost as from Real Estate Transfers. Monday—Albion Senter, Westbrook, » following telegram Constantinople: good a stomaoh as we have. But we have Bangor Lumber Merchants Complaining “Massacres are proceeding almost The following transfers of real estate 1st meeting. H. J. Conley appointed as- \ enormously improved upon the brain of Considerably. everywhere in Asia Minor. Over 10,000 in this county have been recorded in signee. the worm, and now the brain fonotlon of are dying from starvation in the Registry ol Deeds: Benj. C. Gay, North Windham, 1st persons man is supreme In the animal kingdom, Bangor, November 18.—It is nearly Armenia. For God’s urge the Freeport—Addie S. Dunning to Joseph meeting. Albert K. Neal assignee. not reaohed the limit of Its time to shat down business on the to a to the most C. Clark; 200. P. S. Dyer, South Portland, yet having government put stop Ada Mitchell et als to C. Clark. Quincy for for the next cold will of modern times. The Joseph Sam’i L. Bates capacity development. Penobscot, snap awful event Glasier to Frank N. 1st meeting. assignee. Falmouth—Daniel The above sequence of funotions is not make lots of ice in the Porte is as the telegraph lines Zacobeus O. Lambert Jr., Portland, undoubtedly powerless, Douglass. animals have tried to there will be Wilson reversible. Some river, and after that, very are controlled by the palace officials who 1st meeting. Scott assignoe. viAj.1- i_i_i_ji..i mi___ .„iiin io so and have beoome extinct. llUViVI 1U1UUD1 UUUUlUUl -»- kixil have incited these massacres. Cnas. L. Andrews, Westbrook, 1st they ranurtj IU ua&o vuo upnatu dvd^i iu iiuia have already begun to shut down and TnKHtIUgi. is result to result in extinc- in about two weeks the chorus of whistles 1st Ievelopment I red Ellsworth Roberts, Portland, Harrison Never in Kaffirs and doctor may be a of man if he shall refuse to that have echoed noon and Speculated Edw. H. Wilson tion. What morning, good old man, but meeting. assigneo. Is Not a THB take the step of evolution? Shall the river will bo silent, to Millionaire, your family when even ao, medical ex- Willard I. T worn by, South Portland, upward night along life is insured for death that a rest until next & November 18.—A your aminations and the C. J. Nichols he also suffer the penalty get May. Hodgkins New York, morning Aina substantia! amount “ 1st meeting. assigneo* that ex-President Harrison is sure to follow? Hall have shut also 0. paper says with the local-application (J. Rater, 1st meet- science teaches already down, treatment are abhor- Edward Portland, laughed last evening when shown a All this progress from digestion to Sargent’s Sons. H. Hodskins & Co. rent to every modest ing, Edw. H. Wilson assignee. dispatch from St. Louis which stated has come about a will run a week the C. G. Sterns millionaire N woman. They are H. 2nd righteousness by longer, that ho had become a through John Flannigan, ^Portland, two weeks and P. W. Bl|l©fif at each of those best con- Company Ayer, a fortunate speculation in South African FtitllJ -—^embarrassing—often meeting. Oath administered. selection, stage, useless. should who has a of on mining stock. They B 2nd formed to their environment. Now there large quantity logs liana, gold not be submitted to H. Fuller, 'Portland, meeting. As the story goes, Mr. Harrison and It will running as long as until Oath administered. can be but one environment for all. keep possible. G. of the Chase National everything This has not been a for John Wright, prosperous year were is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s for Infants else has been the same for the hydra and for man. Bank, New York, among others, Castoria prescription Life tossir&igcg Will is the tidewater mills—quito the opposite. Try Again, to invest in the tried. In nine cases at the time when The too induced two years ago nor form and color existed price of logs has been altogether the •nd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine out of ten, there is Novembor stock of a South African gold mine, Bangor, 18—Lawyer Bertram of animal high or the price of lumber altogether too no reason for them. the worm stage development that H. S. Sherard, a Mon- It is a harmless substitute L. Smith of Patten is again a candidate as Narrow spruce report going other Narcotic substance. the worm took no low—just you prefer. had tho In nine cases out of for tho Republican nomination tor county was supreme, though random is in Now York today at tana mining expert, given the doctor in selling that the was immensely for Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil, ten, attorney, for which he mado a good race of them. There Is, of oonrse, $11.50 to $13.25 thousand feet, and tho opinion property Paregoric, isn’t cognizance per valuable. Tho property thereupon was general practice two years ago. It is understood that that man logs are worth $3.60 to $18 at the boom. is Pleasant. Its is use treat much now in environment sold to Sir Riohard Brown of Nngland It guarantee thirty years’ by forikiji P\klm competent to Charles A. Bailey, tbe present incumbent, Ten-inch is selling at $11.50 to $16, female diseases. no of. In the worm spruce for This was said to have Worms and who has held tbe office for several terms, takes cognizanoe but that is stuff to saw and re- $3,750,000. Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys allays As an make a branch as a expensive made General Harrison a millionaire. They will not again be a candidate, and in tfage, environment appears power quires A well-informed lumber- of medicine big logs. “That I am a millionaire,” said Mr. feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, by that case, Mr. Snath's friends, the and man that no has been made AID TO THE PROSPERITY oiaim, only for digestion reproduc- says money to mo. To themselves. They is entitled Acting Harrison, “is a surprise my Patten lawyer to the place. J. it for three or fur years past in sawing long cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves OF MAINE are distinct from tion. From the worm upward appears I have never invested in any Willis Crosby of Dezter and H. H. lumber on this and he declares that knowledge, of brute rivor, African stook and don’t other ailments. of is a for development has been South mining cures and flatulency. so Patten, formerly Bangor, are also power some of the this year teething troubles, constipation no one factor is important can be sawing know that I was ever interested in any They prop- man it Is a power for the done as the investments made by this candidates. strength. In at a loss. of the Chase the stomach erly understood and mills has enterprise with Mr. Wright Castoria assimilates the food, regulates of unsellisbness and Tho output of the tidewater I did treated only by one at the General iovelopmont National Bank. Some years ago Genuine Home Company. Dying Hospital. been less than usual this year for there and natural sleep. Cas« who has had years buy some mining stocks in Montana, but and bowels, giving healthy righteousness. was a shut down of a month for some From first to last, of actual that it has never dividends, and of practice Bangor, November 18.—Harry Landers, from the above, and in and paid any the Panacea—the Mother’s Friend. its insurance contracts occasion Prof. Tyler argued six weeks for others July This is the toria is Children’s and experience in this line. a well-known local is at late I have lost track of it. particular character, dying that surrounds the August, while the mills got a late start This is true of Dr. X. V. Pierce, chief con- the General A fow weoks this environment only mining stock that 1 know of. I THANKFULNESS Hospital. ago and that, and some of them are closing a week or of the Invalid’s Hotel was thrown out of a barber and man, and everything should not object to making sulting physician he shop on worm two earlier. The of running will certainly uastona. AND PROFIT. and Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. street existed as a power period some monoy out of South African , Castoria. Surgical Washington by Dominick Giblin, the ages, has about 108 There is ouly a Pierce’s Favorite for through average days. but I never did so. What Doctor Prescription, to whom be had been and in strik- chil- so well to children that THE END of the policy is saucy, for animal characteristics small stock of to carry over at the properties, Castoria is an excellent medicine for Castoria la adapted all derangements of the reproductive or- the sidewalk Ins developing logs I have made has been acquired by ing upon hip was and next money have told me of its I it as to any has been use for of and reproduction tidewater mills this season, dren. Mothers repeatedly recommend superior prescription anHM Just as gans of women, in actual broken, and he sustained other from those digestion hard work and not by speculation.” Satisfactory injuries. there will be no hurry about start- effect their children.” known to me.” more than It wa9 was spring good upon thirty years. originally Giblin held in $500. If Landers dies, H. A. Archer, M. D., oachshv As the an absolute that it ing. Dr. G. C. Osgood, Beginning. sold with guarantee it will bo more the result of a life of This winter there will bo a cut of ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. would cure every case, or that the money than big Roosted on tho Cross Bar. Lowell, Mass. dissipation anything else—suoh is in with last UNION MUTUAL POLICIES are •• for it would be refunded. Its success logs—that is, big comparison the opinion, although it might go Leonard who lives in Bux- Our in the children's depart- that this is general winter’s cut. But, although the operators Mr. Berry, Castoria is the best remedy for children of physicians Saidas been so universal guarantee hard with Giblin. of their Never a Pre- Free Pills* seem to be full of confidence, there are and who drives to town early with I the is not ment bave spoken highly experi- Worrying Expense, no longer necessary. The Favorite ton, which I am acquainted. hope day H. H. Bucklen & few manufacturers who foel over ence in their outside with Castoria, relies now upon the thousands Sena vour address to hopeful tor the market. Yesterday morn- far distant when mothers will consider the real practice a scription Fast Trans-Atlantic Service. box for his goods Always Comforting Investment. from and and a freo sampie the prospect of an improved market in- and although we only have among our of testimonials grateful happy Co., Chicago, get ho took an early start and arrived in interest of their children, aftid use Castoria whose Life Pills- A-trial the not in 1896. One manufacturer ing is known as in all parts of tlie land, London, November 18.— It is if Dr King’s Kew prod which are medical supplies what regular women, reported These as tho electric went stead of the various quack nostrums WHEN SHALL OUR AGENT CALL? worth its of their merits. says that while the lumber trado was bad the city just lights confess that the lives have bee* made living by and generally credited in official circles will convince you their loved forcing products, yet we are free to is sold and are particu- to start with, the new tariff made to tho United States destroying ones, by cpium, use. “Favorite Prescription” by that tbe imperial;government has dooided Bills are easy fn action enough out. Ho drove merits of Castoria has won us to iook with ot All the syrup and other hurtful to Canada in the larly effective In the cure Constipation things much worse. mills, big his horse and went in morphine, soothing druggists. join establishment of a and Hotel, blanketed favor upon it.” fast Headache. For Malaria and small, in New Brunswick and Nova agents down their throats, thereby sending and trans-Atlantic service. And7 Sic* the stores were open. When United Hospital and Complete information regarding it, have been provedin- Sootia, have been pouring spruco into to wait until them to Dispensary, who have used Liver troubles they premature graves.” testimonials from hundreds are to be New York and Boston, and between this out some one on the sidewalk Da. J. F. Boston, Mass. ADAMS & 00 the Ball valuablo They guaranteed he came Kincheloe, li[RSCN, in Dr. Pierce’s Common Starting Boiling;, sub from various ■ it are embodied from deleterious outside at the cross Ark. Allen C. Smith, Pres., perfectly free every supply, competition was looking intently bars Conway, Adviser, a standard medical W. H. They other and a slack market to Fire S»nse Medical McLaughlin of Hcarboro will dance and to bo purely vegetable. sources begin wondered wliac tho Insurance Agency 100S illustrated, action but by insurance, under his wagon. JHo New York wofk of pages, profusely •doliver an address to farmers and wealth lo not weaken by their with, the freight, commission, Tke Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, City* free on of 21 New examination St which will be sect receipt tone to stomach and bowels great- ninety days interest, and York in- matter was, and making Exchange Street, on the crisis in Hying i oue-cent to cover cost of mailing producers present public the Regular size which is nothing less than HOEACE AN’DEiiSOX. stamps ly inivgorate system. spection, himself found four well developed hens, This work Is a complete family doc- affairs on November irold Geo. M. \oung. all of these, tho Maine onlv. Thursday evening, 25c per box. by robbery,—between there who had.ridden in and should be read by both young street H. a slim if ho quietly roosting Thos. J. Little. Portland, Me, tor book 21, at Reform Club, small hall, entrance Druggist, 489 Congress G, manufacturer gets profit gets ctia eoilyr and old- Address, Wored’s Pispensarv Westbrook. at all. from Buxton without awakening. on at 7.3Ct Starr. anything MedjC&I) AsSOC«.-TJQ5, Bufelo, }i, Temple street, FINANCIAL, FINANCIAL. | FINANCIAL. AMUSEMENTS. in PORTLAXD DAILY PRESS malned a mere statement, found only nut iC is my —AND— President Monroe’s message, belief that the next Congress, both House of the STATE PRESS. statement condition Consolidated .MAINE and Senate, will, by fprmal resolution, Mortgage of the Subscription Kates. declare it to be an integral part OF THE main- Theater. for six to bo Portland Daily (in advance) $G per year; $3 polioy of the United States, tained at all hazards. American opinion G. E. Prop. months- VI.50 a quarter; 50 cents a month. Lotiirop. is unanimous as to the abso- is delivered every morning by practically Five Per Cent Year Gold Bonds The lute of the doctrine Fifty and Saturday within the limits and at necessity upholding PORTLAND TRUST Thursday, Friday carrier anytthtre city for the welfare of the country. Moreover, COMPANY, ?iov. 22 aud 28. extra 21, Wbodfords v’ithout charge. I believe that our atti- Europe recognizes” PORTLAND, NOVEMBER —!- OF THE t in advances invariably at the 13, 1895. Daily' (No tude as reasonable and proper. —= THE rate of $7 a ye. V. G. Maine Stai "e Press, (Weekly) published REVENUE LEGISLATION. WILLIAM DAVIS, President, $2 per year; $1 for six months; and every Thursday The gold reservo is dwindling again 25 cents for trial subscrip- JAMES P. BAXTER, Vice President, DO cents a quart er; issue for $25,- there are rumors of a bond of week, lion of six 01 Central Railway Company The or 000,000 soon to come. obligations HARRY BUTLER, Persons wishing’ to leave town for long Secretary. are at an have the addresses of their the Bolmont-Morgan syndicate Secured to Mercantile Trust ot New York. short periods may Trustees—Wiiliam G. Davis, James P. Bax- by Mortgage Company so no can be from that papers changed as often as desired. end, help expected ter, Geo. S. Hurt, Mark P. Emery, Chas. F. INTEREST DUE MAY AND NOVEMBER. means of Libby. Wm. W. David W. Kates. quarter, and uthe only Browu, Snow, Augus- Adver Using tus K. Wright, Sidney W. Thaxter. Franklin It. first the treasury is another AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD In Daily Press $1.5b per square, sustaining Barrett, PI] i lip G. Brown. Wm. N, Davis. Fred- PRINCIPAL COMPANY. Three inser- Doubtless the erick Robie, Samuel A. Holbrook, William BURLESQUE v.eek, 75 cents per w «ek after. issue of bonds. other off un- Sweat. 1st Edition. tions or less, $1.00 pe T squaie. Every President will seek to stave it Organized March 31, 1883. TOTAL ISSUE OF BONDS, $16,500,000. or te third less than these rate the day advertisements, til Congress meets, but at the COLLEGE DAYS, if rates. reserve is now declining it looks as By G. Clark Bazillion. week LIABILITIES. Half square advertls intents $1.00 per would be for the issue, $16,500,000 at 96 1-2 and ac- that amount of delay impossi- Subscriptions 2d Edition. half price ea til succeeding week. Capital stock.SlOO,000.00 first week; ble. At the foundation of all the govern- the NEW YORK GUARANTY of the width of a col- Surplus. 40.000.00 crued will be received by "A Square” is a space interest, The Phenomenal Contralto ment’s financial difficulties is deficiency Undivided profits. 7,078.43 MERCANTILE umn and one inch long. Demand deposits. 366.399.95 & INDEMNITY COMPANY and the TRUST ItiAKBE ROGERS one-thud ad- of and the cause of that is the Special notices, on fir li page, revenue, Time deposits. 53,167.34 TUESDAY, NOV. 19, From the Alhambra, London. inadequacy of the Gorman-Wilson tariff Deposits lor coupons. 3,525.00 COMPANY UP TO AND.INCLUDING 1895, ditional. Trust funds. 47,373.30 California’s Musical Comedians. Sales. $2.00 per law. The cure is the raising of Amusements and Juetipn only Sinking funds for corporations. 214,711.46 AT 3 O’CLOCK P. M. BENTLEY Tbrt b insertions or less, ACAlflERON, square each week. more revenue, bond issues are palliative of the In “Willie Wants to Smoke.” $833,265.47 Forms of be obtained from either undersigned. It devolve the application may $1.50 per square. merely. will upon Repub- I 1 on allotment. in mnpariel type and RESOURCES. Five cent, to the balance to be paid A good pair Heading notices lican House of early in per accompany bid, 15 cents per Representatives, and will be Jas -Lowry &, classed with other paid eatices, Some Powders are so Bonds will be for about Nov. 30. temporary receipts llornly—Nellie the session, to devise ways and means for Washing strong and Loans secured by names.$ 84,776.29 ready delivery Farce comedy Duo. line each insertion. Loans on collateral. ... —. 270.752.73 issued of Bonds. the needed revenue. oaunot bonds. pending completion notices in reading matter type, raising They full of that Stocks and 169,926.25 the New The Little Ginger Girls? Pure Pleading dangerous impurities they injure and Investments. 47,207.07 be made at an date to list these Bonds upon tion. allow the state of things to con- Trust Application will early Allie-AYillard & JR row as-Norm a in cents per line each inser present account. 437.73 Expense York In the Dance. For Sale and similar adver- tinue without themselves to (he on 34,611.40 Stock Exchange. Tnlby H ants. To Pet, exposing the clothes, crack the hands and poison Cash deposit. for yellow on hand. 13,360.19 holder. 25 cents per we ek in advance, of refusing to provide Cash Bonds may be registered at option of the tisements, charge willfully j Sinking fund Investments. 212,183.81 JoIm-TflE VIDOCQS—Edna no adver- have been under 40 words or le3s, display! Displayed for the necessities of the government. the skir. The absolute purity and harmlessness The forms of the consolidated bonds and mortgage prepared under these headlines, andalladver- $833,265.47 Stone & Auerbach, Tne Original tisements For many reasons the time is not oppor- the supervision o£ Messrs. Alexander & Green, Messrs. Davies, lln advance, iwill be WATSON SISTERS, isemeuts not paid! but the exist- of IVORINE WASHING POWDER is F. E. TIMBERLAKE, tune for revising the tariff, guar- and Mr. Henry Crawford. Lady Gymnasts In tlieir electrical sensa- at regular rates. Bank Examiner. barged situation either a re- bonds can be had at tion Tringul-Glratorio, assisted by per square ing compels partial name of a Copies of the Mortgage securing these upon application Ill Maine State Press—$1.00 anteed by the and reputation firm which 03 for vision or the of additional in- for first insertion, and fifty cents per square imposition the offices of the undersigned. JUAN DeZAiHOKA, must a ueet ui iiiub insertion. ternal revenue duties. More revenue for half a has been known all over TRASK & We are authorized by the officers or the Companies wnicn own Mexican Gymnast each subsequent century the SPENCER CO., Boston and Company to make the following statements: ships plying between New \ork, all communications relating to sub be had or the government must continue Address The sale of the Railroad and other Philadelphia and Savannah, and own in tha 3d Edition. to Portland The constitution of BANKERS, acres of the most scriptions and advertisements to plunge into debt. world for the purity and excellence its products. properties formerly belonging to the latter city over 300 terminal commanding Publishing Co., 97 Exchange Street, that all revenue measures shall 87 & 29 PINE STREET. Central Railroad & Banking Company of valuable property, THE COUNT NO ACCOUNT. provides Georgia has been confirmed by the United 1 1-4 miles of river front, with extensive Portland, Me. in the House of I have used a number of different kinds of washing powders, but Ivorine excels them YORK. cotton com- originate Representatives NEW States Courts. docks, warehouses, sheds, 50c. Seats are on sale all. It is the only washing powder I have ever used that does not make my hands rough dock ut Prices, 25, 35, new house it to the and for because it The title thereto has been conveyed to presses and valuable property and it will be the duty of the I prefer soap for laundry washing dishes, is cheaper and so & James Sts., Albany, ■GZi at the box office. easily dissolved. I cannot keep house without it. I have recommended it to my friends, State! the “Central Georgia Railroad. Company,” Hoboken, New Jersey. to originate the measure or measures and all who it like it very much. Mrs. E. F. which from -No- THE PBEBo. try Tower, Passaic, N. J. bus operated the system It will also be a lien upon divers stocks I like Ivorine better than any powder I have ever as it vember 1. 1895. it to the additional reve- washing used, does not — and bonds described therein, whereby necessary provide make hands Mrs. A. F. — DEALERS IN my rough. Clough, Lowell, Mass. The bonds run for 50 and are ex- controls as proprietary roads the Atlantic nue. It was doubtless the intention of years, I have used many washing powders, but think Ivorine is the best, as it never hurts my and West Point, Western of Alabama, NOVEMBER 19. Mrs. empt from either St Ate or Federal Taxes TUESDAY, the founders of the government thac the bands in any way, as all others do. Chas. H. Chase, Newport, R. I. and Upson County, Wriehtsville and Tennile, Railroad, on the Railroad Prin- I use Ivorine in preference to all other washing powders. Have not been troubled with Municipal, imposed Company. Louisville and Wad ley, Sylvnnia and PARK House of should have “chapped hands” since I began using it. Mrs. T. H. Eldredge, Norwich, Conn. 309 miles. THEATER, Cannon is to be a candi- Representatives cipal aud interest are payable in gold coin Talbotton Railroads, aggregating ^Congressman revenue I like vour Ivorine far better than the-which I used to use, as it does not make The other liens of the Cor. and Pearl Sts. more influence in fashioning of the Unted States of the present standard upon portions Congress the to succeed Gen. my hands rough. Miss A. Brown, Gloucester, Mass. Other Investment covered the consolidated mort- date for (Senate property by ; J. McCONK Ti e as measures than any other branch of the of weight and fineness. Interest Is payable C. F. STUBBS Mgr. C. who retires at the end of his gage are as follows: Palmer, 11-2 lb. package, 12c. Cake of Fine Toilet Soap in every package. n New and November. Week Mon. Nov. 18. goveruent, for the reason probably that Securities- York City in May On Main Line, 5 per cent First Commencing —— — term. The J. B. williams co., Glastonbury, Conn. The total issue of the consolidated bonds 7,000,000 they are nearer the people, more fre- Mortgage, KEATING AND HARRIS, Makers of Williams’ Famous Shaving SoapB is restricted by the mortgage to 16,500,000, On Moniie and Girard Division, 5 succeed Gor- and are therefore ! more AND A BIG COMPAN Y Georgia elects a senator to quently elected, which can be increased to not exceeding per cent First Mortgage, 1,000,000 18.500.00U, by issuue of not more than 5500,- On Macon and Northern Division, 5 dan next and perhaps that is the likely to know and respect the wishes of -OF- year, and Regular 000 in any on® liscal year, exclusively for per cent Blrat Mortgage, 840,000 has taken other branch of the Offerings Submitted, reason why ex-Speaker Crisp the nation than any betterments and purchase of equipment for On Steamship and Railroad stocks, 4,880,00(1 j Specialty Artists, railroad covered by the mortgage. • to renew his allegiance to the government. It would be putting it too The consolidated bonds will be the only EVERY EVENING AT SI occasion Circular Mailed to any address upon The property covered by the Consolidated free silver cause. strongly to say that the Senate and Presi- Mortgage embraces not only all the rail- fixed charge obligation covering the whole ; Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3.30. lease- dent are always bound to accept such a roads, equipment, appurtenances, system and properties, and will he an abso- EVENING PRICES—10, 15 to the holders, interests in other railroads and A Washington dispatch Pittsfield luteflrst lien upon 579miles of railroad and and els. Matinees cts. revenue measure as the House of Repre- application. steamers, stocks and bonds now owned, but j 25 10 Call the general feeling at such ex- its the leases of the South to all of the house. (Mass.) says sentatives may frame, but it is not too novlO_eodtt also all railroads, equuipment. equipment, parts to and other as may be CHILDHKN 5 CENTS. novlrttt the is that Mr. Reed’s chances for tensions properties Western and Augusta& Savanah Roads,and capital much to that under condi- at time say existing hereafter any acquired. the stock of the New have been much improved will be a lien England Steamship the nomination tions if the House of Representatives ME., Tbe Consolidated Mortgage Indeed a Custom AUBURN, upon all the following railroads, title to Company. by the recent elections. good furnish should frame a bill that would Clothing. w hich is to be vested in the new company, THE ANNUAL SALK OF there his nomination The Central R. R. and Banking many people regard the additional revenue needed the Presi- viz.: Company of was, for many years, the most certain. on Savannah Georgia ns practically not be in it A First Mortgage and reliable dividend of FANCY ARTICLES dent would justified vetoing Works Co. and Western System, 481 miles prosperous payer Water Southern railroads. Its in*olvency resulted because it was not in acoord with Gentlemen will find in our A First on Montgomery At CONGRESS the Cuban revolutionary merely Mortgage from of extension at SQUARE CHURCH, Wednes- The story that FIRST MORTGAGE and 80 miles acquirement heavy and afternoon aud his as to the way in which reve- a choice Eufaula, bxed charges. Where the roads so added day Thursday evenings. to sell out the rebel theory Tailoring Department A First Mortgage on Savannah will be served on both leaders are ready have been retained in th® system, their Supper nights consisting nue should be If the House of from the £ 18 miles of cold beans ana hot rolls for a consideration provided. assortment Woolens, andJAtJantic, ownership has been principally recognized meats, oysters, for cause to the Spaniards A Second Mortgage on Main Line, 25 cents a make for the Gold Fund 4’s. by issue of income bonds ranking after the plate. without should provision govern- best American, English, Scotch, Sinking Savannah to Mill- ought not to be accepted strong Atlanta^and consolidated issue. A Kate Greenaway entertainment will be ment in a constitutional manner ana the 1 edgeville Branch, 314 miles by the oil even- but it is to be feared that German and French manufac. DDE IIILY 1, 1905. During the receivership its physical con- given young people Thursday corroboration, Second on Mobile and Tickets 25 President should it beoause it was A Mortgage ditions had been vastly improved and its ing, cents. novl8d3t are not men whose charac- reject turers. 1-4 miles these leaders Girard, equipment increased and renewed. The not in accordance with his revenue is NET about A -second Mortgage on Macon and the Cook over our line and see if This Company earning new Company has no car trust or floating ters would conclusively negative Northern, 106 miles theories the responsibility for running three times its interest charges. debt. story. you can’t find just the style you the of the the Into debt would be entirely The bond is virtually promise Total. I*133 milea The fixed charges of interest and rentals country the been reduced about 33 1-3 PADEREWSKI like for a as it is have per cent, the two most con- City of Auburn signed by also be a lien upon leasehold Peffer and Allen, upon him and his party. The House is ot It will and will hereafter he $1,804,090 per annum. Water Commissioners and the City one hundred and one (1U1) years their estate lor The 8Utplus earnings ot the system, as re- spicuous Populist senators, say not bound to consult his wishes, but the Auburn owns tho Witter Works plant. in the by the receivers, have been for years not assist either of the old WINTER SUIT AND OVERCOAT, miles ported party will wishes of the people who elected it. South Western Railroad, 835 ending June 3flth, 1895. $2,122,885,559, ex- THURSDAY EVENING, NOV. 21st, Savannah Railroad, on parties to organize the Senate, but will Augusta and 53^miles ; elusive of expeditures equipment and fit and Guar- rails. FRIDAY NOV. 22d. In the that the PUBLICATIONS. Workmanship MATINEii, act independently hope NEW Total, 385 The operations of the past year were con- WOODBlim & MOULTON, mil?8 Two Grand Recitals by the World** silver senators will flock to their stand- anteed. It will also be a lien upon the ownership I ducted under traffic conditions of extreme of tbe entire capital stock of depression, and largely increased earnings Greatest Pianist. ard and try to organize the Senate on of Various W. D. and equity Stops Quills. By a=tj9LX(. 33L3ESXTS. the Ocean and New England Steamship are expected.” eurrenoy lines. Butler pf Howells. Illustrated by Howard Pyle. Cor. Middle and Exchange Sts. Evening tickets, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. thinks the silver men could organize the volume is a beautiful holi- 1 25 Mr. Howell’s octll Matinee 1.00. and 1.50. Now on sale at Senate if they would stand together and book soft of satin & (or mailed) Stockbridge’s day Thick, paper Yew York Guaranty Indemnity Co., Music Store. But he is (n hopes that they will. all|the lustre, decorated with very unique and Half fare to all holding “Paderewskt” tickets these men Neither the of HASKELL SJONES on M. (3. R. R., G. T. R. R. to both concerts. arejvain. in illustration hopes^of suggestive drawings P. & R. R. R. to Matinee. Special rates to such will CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. Populists nor silver Caen as the various themes, various, yet with a Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers INVESTMENTS. 65 Matinee B. & M. R. R., both Divisions. control. likeness running through them all, inas- and Cadies’ Cloaks. Town of Dexter, Maine, 6's. Mercantile Trust Co., much as sound the note of this day How much truth there may he in the they We haven’t here the Monument Town of Pittsflohl, Maine, 4’s. BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Mr. has and century. early Square. 120 report that Manley engaged uovl 4 ((c poet at all, but a mature soul that cries of Zanesville, Ohio, 41-2's. rooms in Chicago on the assumption that City New Not. 14, 1895. d3t out injustice and inequality—the York, the national Republican convention Jis to against City of Springfield, Ohio, 5’s. frivolous and the self-absorbed. Mr. be held there it is difficult to say, but of Ashland. Wisconsin, 6's. Howells has grown iDto altruism very City there is no doubt that for a good many thoroughly and he also shows in these Borough of Braddook, Psim, 41-2's and 5's. COURSE. reasons Chicago is the best place in the McCormick a towards and conven- poems leaning mysticism Water 4’s and 5's. Price, country for the meeting of such PorUand Company, 12 ENTERTAINMENTS. such a as is rife in the tions. It is central, und therefore accom- fatalism, spirit & Stock, material of Omar Portland Ogdsnsburg Railway Course tickets, S3, S4. S3, including a whole better less portions Knayyain, &CO., modates tho country as Maine Central Railroad. Reserved Seats. for example. Dividends guaranteed by than any other oity. It has ample hotel 72 Broadway, us SALE BY ‘•Paderewski,’’ “Ondrieck” Co., is a To poems that” employ “wash-tub,” MOST EEEGANT -FOR accommodations also which great THE New Watkins Mills “a West End Car,” “a bad cough” and York*. Co., point in its favor. San Francisco is al- CONSOL. 4’s, “Kellar,’’ Coutlioui Co., “Boston Common” are not poems at all. together too far west and Pittsburg is M. PAYSON & The 'l’avary Grand Opera Co., But it’s we lack the power of H. CO, too far east. possible BAiaSSLEH-S; anti six other Superb Entertainments. idealizing the real. Some of these, songs dtf tlylT 1912. Tickets now on sale at StocKbridge’s Music in TIE _ DUE accident at Cleveland Cotton. The frightful and soliloquies are strong in epigram DE JOINVILLE Store. were which a carload of passengers are beautiful, all are and some peculiar Members New York Cotton drowned liko rats in a trap was one of thought-oorapelling. As particularly l’OIi 50 CENTS. WATCH FOR kk the most inexcusable on record. lino, we would mention “In The Hark,” Exchange. CISSY The conductor hslf looked and signalled “If,” “The Burden,” “Calvary.” “So- Investments. CEO. E. the Maine AND HER th motormau to ahead, and latter “Good York: DUNCAN, go ciety,” and Society.’ (New SOMETHING NEW. jggfi_ to appears to have entirely neglected use Harper & Brothers; Portland: Loring, Stocks. ” his own as tho car hurried along to Price $3. CISSY IS COMING eyes, Short & Harmon. SO.) one of our Dunlap Hats and get the linest in tho until it was too late Buy ll street. Members Stock yawning abyss, the world. Exckaue New York “MflNj/ to avert tho It is an- oct!9_dtt catastrophe. only An Old Convent School in Paris and and Aroostook Rail- Exchange. WITH HER ” llm, other illustration of the fact that famil- Other Papers, by Susan Coolidge, author Bangor TH2J breeds carelessness. i .... iarity with danger o£ “Verses,” “More Verses,” eto., is an The worst accidents as a rule to ACUTION ALES happen arrangement of literary and biographical We make over at very short notice. See our Capes the old and road Company. experienced employes, simply material, not easily procured in the origi- before buy. We can save you money. Casco National Bank Grain. of this fact. you because and in this case made very nal, certainly -OF- Members New York Produce readable and entertaining by the author First 5 cent Gold Bonds Senator Lo\ge has been widely advert Mortgage per and Chicago Board F, O. BAILEY & of the book. The subjects are besides the ^Exchange CO., tised at a “jingo” because of certain DUE JAN.l, 1943. PORTLAND, MAINE, initial “The Countess Potooki,” of Trade. statements he recently made to a London number, Interest January and July Auctioneers and Commission Merchants Interviewer, relative to the Monroe a sequel to “An Old Convent School;”the Hatter aid Furrier, payable to $16,000 per mile single track “Girlhood of an Autocrat,” namely, MERRY, Limited 195 MIMli St P. a Boi 1108. Invited, doctrine. The full text of that interview call attention to thesi Correspondence 237-239 Middle Street. I would special nov!2 dTu,Thuis,Sat,3mo Salesroom 4 t> Exchange Street. now been and shows that Catherine II. of Russia; “Miss Eden,” a has received, nov9 eodlf bonds as a safe investment, being lega elder sister of Baron Auk- Senator Lodge’s statement was a conser- George Eden, investment for Maine savings banks. 1824. F. O. BIALEJ. C. VV. ALLEN land and General of and information as Incorporated ar!4 dtf vative utterance without any sensational Governor India; I am prepared to give CAPITAL AND SURPLUS “The Duo de Saint-Simon,” the literary to of the road for the past yeai or jingoish features. What he said was earnings CHICAGO Rubens of the commencement of the and of its present outlook. Correspon this i invited. eighteenth century. Persons inolined to denee and personal interview in America ever — "Nobody pretended condemn the society morals of the day — FOR SALE BY Monroe doctrine is a that the proposition will And the glaring faults of our luxuri- DRAINAGE, It u declarator HUTSON B. SAUNDERS, ONE MILLION of international law. is ous civilization all present in the distin- BUY PURITY MflLTINE BREAD. and one which in Investment Securities, of policy people guished folk in the Princess de - ii: figuring 1-3 Exchange Street Portland, M America have always sustained, and, Signe’s biography. 51 Iww* ■M always will sustain. fed28 my opinion, The book is oxcellently printed and of Finest Materials. Sweetest and Best in 5 Per Cent. Bonds, • • • . “As to the Venezuela each New Process. B FOR dispute, an elegant simplicity, agreeable after too DOLLARS. || to its to Loaf. country is entitled what predecessoi frequent flourishes and decorations. all the Land. Label attached every Presenta- no ft held and r.o more, for new rights have on favorable (Bostoni Roberts Brothers; Portland; our office entitles the Carront Accounts received B-CRWSi been in the interval by eithei tion of 40 of said Labels at bearer Due 1901. acquired Boring, Short & Harmon. Price $1.50) terms. July 1, A who does kgj The question is: What was thf FREE. person some- to a of one Bread Knife, Interest allowed on Time Deposits* true between tho Dutch anc prize Cristy thing radioally different boundary Individu- jggj car Correspondence solicited [from and from is ‘Spanish nossessions? That quest ion tho Interest Payable Jauuary hi3 fellow-men The cattle commissioners of State o others de- be settled by arbitration. recent als, Corporations, Banks, and July I. dubbed a “crank.” probably Your Maine, having found from experienci usually Liver as from “To refuse arbitration and to seize anc t< to as well C3rOTJ]D^Sr that it has become absolutely necessary siring open accounts, People who want their Is out of or- busi- hold by force disputed territory, woulc our former notice of quarantfn. those to transaet Banking & IVSilk supplement wishing Dis- printing different ffom the if such der if Comer Pearl Streets, January 1st, 1892. so that it shall ,n this Bank. These bonds are issued by the Sanitary opeu doors, England pursued you issued ness of any description through the Massachusetts, but all olhei trict of a corporation reg- ordinary every-day a court ', to any other European powet have PURITY BRAND MALTINE BREAD. elude not onlv Chicago, municipal iVig bitter SOLE MANUFACTURERS no cattle for dairy oi under a act of the that dosirad to acquire any additional states, order Chat ularly organized general £§']} kind we are certain to jjfe* sep7 __ _e°dtf shall be brought int< of the of Illinois, in pursuance taste, offen- breeding purposes legislature State Whether are territory in Central or South America. railroad oi electors within Its please. you this slate Cither by road, water, STEPHEN R. SMALL. Presldait. of a popular vote of the “The Monroe it should be re- sive anc the entire a “crank” or us. doctripe, breath, other conveyance until further notice; limits, which include practically jjfe not, try is distinct from and our state, without GODINS. Gash'ai of trie Safe s»»3 membered, quite any aiok headache, COTTON ROOT all such cattle entering MARSHALL H City of Chicago, and the greater part for some member of oul land of Cicero and Lyons. of injuries re signed by _ towns question reparation PIGEON a permit adjoining populous — slight fever, at th, Ceived by the subjects of foreign power* hoard will be subject to quarantine I n I or full- and the attention of ol. FOR SALE BY- at the hands of the governments or the weight nwRpr'w ©Yn»*nso, v ,s.S5»s: nSBYROYW. TOLLS to chapters 17? and ,U- ‘WONDERS 0E THflROPICS.” of Central or South America! ness in the 3" persons *8 footed the people llllB a positive preventive. Can be reliable and safe. LADIFS! laws of Maine, widen will Try the WEST IN DIES and stop at M T^^ton g| tffjj gBSS^nlways of ‘he With such questions we have " ** alwaysask for Dr-Ruet's » Cotton public JJepublics. stomach, carried in vest pocket, all com- B Soot and hereafter he rigidly enforced, MiLfUM-Q but we cannot un heartburn, or nausea. Hood’s Pills rouse President. iioTBIj, nothing to do, permit, In one email Mailed to address M herealteijiw r^ w •>DEKRING> the cure restore plete package. any fad'an'^noTer Mailed toany BARBADOS. cover of a demand for reparation, 01 liver, biliousness, proper *• )njiire° jl I?nu" F. O. BEAL. Treasurer. & flsr dress on SWAN on receipt of $1 by _ receipt of® $1.00 by Boi BARRETT, new to be accumulated The Pile GEO. H. BAILEY. L. V. S-, For Circulars address Geo. S. Pomeroy, Jn any other way, territory digestion, expel impurities, Japanese Cure Company, St. Paul Minn. of 1. cure 25 cents. Veterinary Snrueon. 2384, New York, or G. B. Coring, Boring BA3VTKB33.S, by any European power. constipation. Prepared only state dtf acquired Landers & 17 Monument Portland, Me. ootO Now 12th, ’95. novl6dlwteoddy Short & Hannah, Portland. novfteodlm* 0Ctl4 "Th us far the Monroe doctrine has re by C. L Hood & Co., Boweil, Mass, For sale bv Labbige, Square, tu.tU&Slna Leering, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HE SOLD RUBBERS- | MUSIC AND DRAMA. The Park Theatre. ! HARBOR SEWS. on Su» There was a large audienoe at the Part He Was Neatly Caught and Held and the new wert Given’s Violin Concert, last evening people picion of JLarceny. and Harris R. LIBBY.: welcomed. J. The second annual recital by the pupil warmly Keating on to favor at once. The} Tim Hay0S- of Mr. Given waB given at City Hall las caught publio Yesterday a man named reo are excellent and they introduced nr in the s evening before a good sized audience A Woman Walks Deliberately Into who has formerly worked instrument cal Hill, was Fill A of the Pen Mr. Given and his Mr extremely funny they railway stables on Munjoy Our Homes, Our Stores, Slip Advertising Besides pupils, or the Gum-bass. Miss Josie Emory in so arrested larceny. Given’s orchesttal clue appeared, am [ Deep Water, on'suspicion of rio comic Hogan and Baoon in soveral rubbers Max O. Kunze of the Boston Symphon; songs, days he has been selling AN INEXCUSABLE carelessness iu on the b> Our Our Schools. proof reading part their Irish songs and danoes, Miss Fan on Fore street and has been watched Shops, ochostra, Mr. C. Frank Porter of Bostoi , of the made us the Sullivan anc at the writer, say Saturday evening and this Mr. R. B. Hall as and Mr nio Davis, danseuse, Officer Frank. He sold rubbers AND morning and soloists, SUICIDE BY and John F'. wore en BUT WAS SAVED FROM a Offi00r lit of French Silk Plush.” James A. Bain as Phipps, Fenton, shop of man named Taylor. “Four-thousand-piece accompanist. a cored. The new company can be seen Frank had a talk and laid The concert was very long,but the audi A SOLDIER. with Taylor What we intended to say was “Four-thousand-yard lot.” week. The entertain each night this plan to catch the fellow. in all in nor ence evidently thoroughly enjoyed ever; They Meet Us Every where see our Wo don’t claim perfection storekeeping, infallibility in advertising—as yet. We are and If it in ad. will thank ments wind with a roaring farco. he you every day, and sincerely any critic who will us minute. The pupils all appeared to ex up Yestarday came to Taylor learning something friendly show a said that better method oi storekeeping, or publishing store news. oellent advantage. Little Clona Tatro Notes, wanted to sell a hatchet. Taylor Walks of Life. Act ef a Portland ho didn’t wish to but would like IT’S SO. only eight years of age, played the “Oli 1 Portland Amateurs will assist at a per- Extraordinary Soutli. buy it, Water Cure’' ai News Items Gathered to another of rubbers. The IN are Oaken Bucket” and variations in a man formance of “Shakspere Woman—Ollier get pair those PLUSHES QUESTION French Silk Plushes, close Augusta for the benefit of the Children’s man went out and went down Fore street ner that quite surprised her listeners In a Journey Along Shore. every best color. Christmas Club of that city. shop pile, perfect finish, num toward the Custom THE and she received at the close of her and Au Houso, Taylor’s New This A large delegation of Lewiston The most extraordinary item o£ nows Order of Produces Retailer’s Dollar is ir being between Union and .Cross streets. Things The Boston quality 4.9 C£S- ber a largo floral testimonial. Miss Car burn people are to hear Paderewski front on the usually quiot water yester- his concerts at Portland this week. He soon returned with a of rubbers. Tlie a is rie B.Mnnchester of Portland, gave “Thi > pair question The dollar and quarter quality 99 cfs> day. was the attempted suioide of aSouth Result. Grac< Taylor said that he hadn’t the change Blue Bells of Scotland,” and Miss THE TELEPHONE WIRES- At about three o’clook Portland woman. to for Davis of Island the “Swane pay them and must go out and get Pond, one of the fort soldiers was p. m., as it. He went to the off heavier tone and much execu Now Putting out and ran straight River”„with good Where and How They Are Front street, at a point a walking atong station and and tion. Tho former also was remembem police Offloers Fiokett Them Under Ground. little easl of the breakwater, he heard a Women and DINING TABLE! Frank came down in the Mean- Can Keep Strong her a handsom wagon.. by friends, receiving scream and and saw a woman struggling while Louis a Underclothing Is it in form? Miss Kathleen Robinson o Bornsteln, who has shop good The bouquet. intc in the water at a short distance from the Well by Taking The work ot larger cables close to and was a deal of fluisl t putting Taylor’s, who knew what Auburn displayed good shore. He rushed to her assistance aud is Room is the the telephone conduits underground, going on ran over and notiflod Officer pertinent tOUItDining key- and in hor of He technique playing and Mid- soon succeeded in her ashore. She is now on Exchange getting who oame and are is too Beriot's first while Mr. Ralpl ( progressing Greeley, arrested Hayes. What you wearing note of the concerto, for about was a woman, of whole die streets and will oontinuo middle-aged slight The latter declared that the rubbers had housekeeping. of with Mr. Bain a Hovey Portland, the transfers ot and evidently in poor health. She light weight. three weeks before all person, been to him another man whom a fantasia from “Willian given by and If that is pianist, gave to the conduits are to be a Mrs. Dr Norris of Boston, Dr. Greene’s Nervura Blood Yot to clean, wholesome, wires from the poles proved he met on Commercial street. ought change. “up Tell” and Miss Westward o exceutly, formerly Miss Lizzie May Doughty, stocks duet with Mr completed. We have two splendid to date” the entire Portland pleased in her in of of South Portland. Nerve house is fit for They began last Tues lay and put daughter William, People’s Church, South Portland. Remedy. Given in her rendering of the wait: of underwear; one men’s cable from the telephone head- She is 43 years of age. She had been ill ” a 130-pair The Woman’s Home Missionary Sooiety anybody’s inspection. Meudelssohnia. of Milk and Ex- in her father’s house for the last four or and the other, women’s at the corner of the Portland District meet at the Youths’, Tho orchestra was worthy of tho high quarters streets, to the big pole at the Eye five months and children’s. est Their two numbers, the over change People’s Church on Wednesday, INov. Here’s how we will you fur- praise. afternoon she left the house The advent of woman into new occu- help and Ear Infirmary. Yesterday 20th. Sessions at 10 a. m. and 2 m. ture to “Raymond,” and tho selectlor p. All kinds of underwear for ma of 13 which done for a era into her life > > A cable is dc up pairs alone, she hasn’t long pations a new nish r_... 44T TTTOPa fllll 111 t/llin 130-pair Interesting speakers will be present. brings your Dining Room. encounter can of wires wound together and the wholo time, and wont down to the shore aud will Heretofore she had only to all kinks of people—we admirable in oolor and capitally shaded. Airs. Helen Beedy, of Farmington with a of an inch walked out into the ioy cold the strain of household duties. Broader of the orchestra: covered quarter offload. deliberately spoak in the afternoon. All who are in- suit you. This was the personnel burdens. surely It makes a big lead pipe two and one- water till it was about up to her neck fields bring to her increased V First Violins—Mr. Fred A. Given, Mr. terested in humanitarian work are in- half inohes in diameter. and then threw herself down, with the Her naturally sensitive organism is sub- Louis Eaton. vited to attend. TABLE SETS, Ger- BLANKETS. Second Violins—Mr. Frank Buxton, Yesterday they were removing a 30- intention of drowning herself. When she ject to a new nervous tension. How does For Women Jurors Drawn. Mr. Edward Flannagan. r.n;« nnivln in rwr}rt-.n r»nfc ii 1r nn-lilp went under the shooK undoubtedly caused it affect her? It Drings exhaustion to her man weave and German CALIFORNIA Violas—Mr. Frank P. Manley, Mr. C. DINING in its This 30-pair cable ran from her to struggle and give utterance to At a special meeting of the Aldermen nervous energies. It brings weakness ell G. Richards. place. our assortment far exceeds that bleach, Giant Pansies SOUTHERNBlankets, made of the fine, streets the scream which was heard the Jacob S. Winslow and loss of It adds new dangers Lello—Mr. 0. Frank Porter. the oorner of Milk and Exchange by yesterday morning vitality. Pan- do to fu- of any year. We in- over the table cover. Smaller wool that can Basses—Mr. W. P. Harrington, Mr. to Monument square. They pulled it soldier, and which thus saved her life. and Wm. Kilby were drawn as grand to her condition. What dees it previous long, staple Max O. Kunze. of the Double out at the man-holes in sections, the Domestic troubles and a natural jurors for the U. S. District Court, and ture generations? It robs them tend to nave every bind any- sies on the 22 inch Napkins. grow nowhere else but in California. Flute—Mr. W. 1). Booth. man- toward mental weakness are AJivn Jordan and Wm. H. t'ratea robust and nervous force they Clarinets—Mr. W. E. Chandler, Mr. P. length of the distance between the tendency petit vitality can want. If we Satin Damask, $10.00 Pink and old borders, $9 aet Her them in life body gold E. Robinson. holes, which are locatted at each cross said to be the cause of her rash jurors. ought to have. It starts B. Mr. C.M. sum- the haven’t we’ll thank you to tell Another Californian, $7 Cornets—Mr. R. Hall, street on Middle street. The largest husband was in South Portland last the weaker physically and mentally, coven Miuson lectures. Grecian patterns 2 1-2 Brooks. yard Blue, pink, red and borders. section is from Middle to Milk street on mer, i but hasn’t been there since. Her result of this condition of her nervous us so. ybllow Horns—Mr. Willard Mayberry, Mr. The ladies of the First Parish $7.50 been unbalanced young weakened and as Frank Moore. Exohange street, a distance of 397 feet. father has mentally system, over-wrought EARER HOME LOOMS will an new entertain- values all the time in present entirely a vital Good Trombone—Mr. F. O. Wellcome. The cable was pulled Out by a for many years. it is. It then becomes subject 30-pair the “Gibson at the sale $5.75 Snare Drum—Mr. Daniel Skiillings. ment, Pictures” the women—one to underwear because we make Hemstitched Set, elegance, make these all wool of hcrses and the big 120-pair cables Various Stray Items. of the welfare of splendid Bass Drum—Mr. W. H. Given. pair of the First Parish on the Unity evening the are blankets at are by the same method. This Allan line, the which thoughtful already our .underwear a $6.50, 5.50, 5, Mr. Kunze showed what could be done pulled The Numldian of the of November 30. Those have been buying study, Snow piotures one of serious moment Fern, Oak-leaf, drop pat last is accomplished by first pushing for this this season, giving attention, 3.50. with the double bass in his playing oi first steamer port given with great success in other cities buy good underwear only, buy 4, tc to all. fine German Linen Sets, through the conduit from man-hole arrived at Halifax Sunday and sailed terns, very “The Carnival of Venice.” Some of hie and will he found all who a woman owes to her- at rod made delightful by It is duy each low, and sell the smallest COTTON and man-hole a long, jointed up from there for Portland at 7 a. m. yester- to $5.00 wool effeots were as graceful and delicate as il will attend. There will also he musio by self and her children. Given only of sections about 4 or 5 feet long. Bj Sho wlil arrive hero some household duties that burden, see to it possible profit. exeouted on the violin. Mr. Porter’e day. probably well-known artists. In the afternoon the blankets. The of are LARGE strength reason of this a wire is pulled through Dr. son of that your over-worked nerves righted all $4.50 cello solo—the andante from Goterman’s time this morning. Libby, usual sale will bo held, to continue Bargains, too, frequently, 5 designs, choice, cotton the a ana tc and your exahusted strength regained. tough warp, and by means of that big rope, Mr. ,T. I. the wholesale fruit first ooncerto.snd the Tarantee by Poppei Libby, during the evening. The fish pond will Don’t delay a single hour. If you are in some line or other. that is fastened the big lead-covered warmth of wool size, —showed the fine artist that he is, while dealer, is one of the fifteen passengers. he found especially attractive for the a woman wage-earnor in any occupation filling, large whioh is thus through intc •and are over-worked in the duties which Mr. Hall’s cornet solo was cable, pulled She brings 1,100 tons of cargo. children. handsome borders, $2 “Souvenir,” soe to it that you keep place. Officer said that it weigh upon you, These bargains BLEACH Damask so well received that Mr. Hall respondec Sylvester yesterday nervous force to its stand- today: that is to run your up proper Five-pounds-to-the-pair, $1.19 The 120-pair cable up a that since a First Free Baptist Church. with “The Lost Chord.” Of course Mr was remarkable fact, ard, that you renew' your strength and Sets, very soft finish, satiny to Monument Square, will lose 30 of its Officer SILVER Others at, $1 Given’s Paganini number, executed oi weak ago Sunday ho and | Skillings There will be an entertainment given At branch off at Free a trifle short of full pairs of wires, which had made but one arrest on the water at the Free church on gloss, just All the above blankets are the G string, was a remarkable exhi Baptist Congress white, street. It will lose another 30 pairs at cts. Ladies’ Jer s e y bition of execution. front. Thoy are the day officers, of street, opposite the Public Library, 75 bleach, cover 3 yards long, fringed, 60 Oak street and the remaining pail has been so when Miss Tarbox Ribbed wool vests— FOR COLORED Blank- The class number 22 accom coures. It romarkably quiet Thursday evening, $4.00 by pupils, Pine street cable will go up Congress to and drunk busi- will one of the new eolians orchestra and was wel in,the drinking getting sing, will self ets. Californians, clean, sil- panied by piano, t fronts—fancy neck—good Other $2.25. NOW to Clark street. and thence that is at a loss to account be Mrs. Frank Mosely will read sets, $3.25, $2.98, rendered. This is the class: Missel ness, Sylvester played, ver other After this cable is in JJO- buttons. All full bleached. gray,we know,that Florence M. Westward Henrietta Robert! place,another for jt- and there will be other attractions. pearl cable will be laid up Exchange to to match dealers sell tie same at $5. Carrie B. Manchester Portland; Grace pair The Portland Company started the Also pants Congress, and thence to Washington of the St. Croix for the Our Davis, Island Pond; Lilly P. Alden, great engines MARRIAGES. price, $4 street. first time they ran perfect- Farmington; Kathleen ^Robinson, Mrs. yosterday ,and At BLEACHED sets, all Another 123-cable will be laid up Ex- in These slope blank- Hattie A. Bean, Mr. Henry E. Goss, ly and satisfactorily every way. In 14th Horace and Miss down Auburn, Buckley change street to Federal; another horse A Beede. cts. Children’s natural German linen, cover Auburn; Messrs, bred Tyler Westbrook engines can developo 3,000 power. Jessie 50 HALFpure ets. Silver gray. For street to to Frank- In East Hiram, 8th inst, Everett A. Crosby of Atlantic H. L. Merrill Pine C. C. Hawei Exchange Commercial, Sunday the flag was at half mast on color ribbed 2 1-2 Point; Hiram and Miss Eliza B. Wilder of East Jersey yards long, fringed. or blank- lin, and a 60-pair cable down funeral robes, wrappers just Portland; Masters E. Exchange the bark Antioch because of the Hiram. Ralph Hovey In 10th inst. John Poland and Miss vests and value and up Fore to York, to Maple. of vessel’s Mr. Andrew Newry, pants—excellent ets. color is in the Charles Lauton'George H. Meserve Port of one the owners, Eva both of Rumford. Good size $1.98 Every border, Mason, at Napkins.. Albert Silman Westbrook; G. Whidden of Boston, who was the In China, 13th inst, Fred A. Stimpson and popular price. $3.25 and $2.39 a land; Harvej Miss Sabia E. Rowe. pair. FROM COREA. of the Boston Marine and f>. Robie Lewiston ; Messrs. Louis M surveyor In Brewer, 13th inst. Barzilla Pinkham and YARD. (jKAx- tjraauateu Peck Lewiston; Lockart F. W Atlantic Insurance Company. Captain Mrs. Ora A. Wentworth. Infants’ BY THE Pingree Woman to Friends Xn 7th C. and Wrappers Letter From a Portland attended the funeral. Newport, inst. George Corey Weeks, F. W. Bukcley, Albert Turner, Hemingway Miss Lura J. Curtis of Plymouth. —Merino at 25c. borders in blue and red color- Home, and SiJjVJiit llarry Wood, Portland. Alex. Pardellion, ohecker, Ralph In Bangor, 13th inst. J. H. Sharrott and Miss for the Allan line, have Margaret C. Coteman. —Silk and Wool at $1.00. satin damask, $2 Mr. J. A. Bain performed the arduoui Murdock, cooper, In Pittsfield, Nov. 11, Wm. L. Pushor and ing, a of the and 69 cts. Miss Jacobson, graduate arrived from Montreal. Miss Blanche L. Connor. MBS. F. COHEN. —A.ll silk at $ 1.25 and $ 1.50. patterns, per yard, Others at $1.25 In Gardiner, 13th inst. John McNarama and Doubleexquisite Nurses’ school of the Maine General S. O. The schooner Ropes brought 1,800 Miss Nellie MeDonald. One who is in a to know rably. to work. It means $2.00 position The Famous Watson Sisters. Hospital, has'written from Seoul, Corea, tons of coal from Baltimore for the Grand In Dennysville, Emery O. Reynolds and Miss keep up your power Ida F. Bennett. health and to you; health for we sold more blankets last she has as a to happiness to says where gone missionary, Trunk yesterday. In work and to Two Hosiery Napkins match, per dnz., The Watson Sisters Co. Lubec, 6th inst, Austin Greeu and Miss you to do your happiness Burlesque a than all the other Portland Miss Anna Soule of this city as follows: Fish Waiden Barbour made seizure of Laura Joy.; make life worth living. Attend to it at $3.00 month which is o*f well known In Mt Desert. 9th inst. James W. Leslie snd composed per on Portland Pier once. “It is dieadful here, and has beens so for short lobsters yesterday. Miss Anuie Reed. retailers combined- will commence an to use the nature formers, engagemeni Sarah and Ellen and South You have only help Bargains the past two weeks. We feel safe on the The schooner Ip Berwick,!13th inst, Benjamin Rogers restorer at Portland Theatre of York and Miss Parsons. has in that wonderful We are to beat even that Thursday evening. Balch and Aggie provided trying streets in the day time, but do not go out Charles E. brought 1,000 1,500 of health and strength, that powerful in- There will be the great electrio sensation Dr. in November. The was taken the tons of ooal from New York and Phila- vigorator of brain, nerve and body, on record entitled thi ! nights. palace by DEATHS. sale El-Triangue-Giratorio, to Randall & Mc- Greene’s Nervura blood and nerve Japanest“\nd the king is a prisoner in delphia respectively Vidocqs, comedy sketch artists, Lowr; remedy. Read what it did for Mrs. P. Flannel, often called his own house. His father is the one who Allister yesterday. Pacific Newark, N. J. and Henley, farce comedy Willard anc In tnis city, 18th inst, Bulah M., daughter of Cohen, of 153 St., has made the trouble. The was The schooner Sarah and Ellen outsailed the late Richmond A. and Minerva and “I had been sick for three years,” Flannelette. Three the little Mis: queen Loring, Tuesday morning. OUTING grades. Brown, ginger girls, niece of Seth Steriing, aged 16 years 15 Mrs. nervous and rolled in a mat and burned. a fleet of over 100 vessels that started days. writes Cohen, “weak, Marie the London contralto killed, up of funeral liereaiter.l whether I 75 all choice and new, 10c Rogers, at [Notice run-down until I didn’t care styles, The will not tell It, but it Is eastward from anchorage Vineyard In this city. 18th inst. Edward, infant son of and Cameron, music J Japanese lived or died. A friend of mine advised Ladies’ Black Cash- Eider down effects, very fluffy. Bentley makers, with the south- James H. and Mary McMahon, aged 7 months. true. They killed fonr of tho Haven Sunday strong me to try Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood *ygy" Vincent the Watsoi higher Funeral this Tuesday morning at 9.30 o’eloek mere al- Bryce, comedian, and it has made a Hose—quality in short women there, sure that the west wind. from parents’ residence, High Street Court. In- and nerve remedy, QUALITY Ssiters, famous London gymnasts tojbe they got I had the terment at Brunswick. new women of me today. at half a dollar queen. From ten to thirteen of the way sold not all the newest Two burlesques will be given will OBITUARY. In Thorndike, 11th Inst, Hannah Hubbard, rheumatism in one of my legs, and I SIMILARlengths, are killed. The 74 handsome officials king does not aged years. could not rest at night until I tried Dr. 3 Prs 888 it stage mountings, “’College In 11th inst, H. Austin Carter, aged CtS. but most of them, dare to eat but what is Belfast, Greene’s Nervura, and I oan txuly say I styles, and “Count du ”A hos anything brought 07 years. Days” Change. am cured. I feel twice as young 0^ in a locked box from the The In Frankfort, 8th Desire N. Thompson, entirely 7 cts. of will lend life and color t< foreigners. Albert F. Drinkwater. inst, I xlon’t look like pretty girls 20 years. and all my friends say lives with one of the missinon- aged another at 5 the stage spectacles. prince In Franklin, 10th inst, Mrs. Fannie G. Jelli- the same person. Nervura has certainly in our Still cts. The death of Mr. Drinkwater occurred 18 of Paderewski. aries, Mr. Underwood. I dined with son, aged years. done me a wonderful sight good. Children’s Black In Amherst. 11th Mrs. Joanna S. Orcutt, him the other at Hyde Park, Mass., Nov. 10th, his age inst, It is not a patent medicine, but the day. They are hoping to 80 There are still good seats left for Pad 3 10 aged years. prescription of the most successful living Cashmere R i b b e d him off to America. His being 70 years, months, days. He was In Deer Isle, 8th inst, Mrs. Ariadna Webb, g»j J. R. LIBBY. who will the get grandfather in nervous and chronic erewskl, open Btockbridgi at Cumberland Center and lived aged 60 years. specialist ouring the 50c is trying to kill him, but does not dare to born Dr. Greene, of 34 Temple Place, Stockings—also P- S. course next Thursday but i: In Winteiport. Mrs. Lyman Littlefield, aged diseasos, evening, there until 1890, when he took his res- has the enter the American houses, We are wait- up 86 years. Boston, Mass. He largest prac- kind, not secured at onoe they will be gone, Park. In Livermore. 7th Inst. PanI Stewart, sou of tice in the and this medical NEW of Ladies’ ing, expecting any time to be called into idence in Hyde Although he lost world, grand IT’S Buyer comes fresh from bis Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fuller, aged 0 years. is the result of his vast The great pianist use of bis in an accident discovery experi- the American Legation for the legs when In Dexter. Jeremiah Page, aged 81 years. Musiin Underwear in New York and protection. ence. The great reputation of Dr. Greene OUR going Philadelphia triumphs Mr. Drinkwater carried the mail In Clinton, 9th inst, Jeremiah Dixon, aged We fear Russia will step in and take the young. is a guarantee that his medicine will CtS. 3 Pr- the stock The New York Sun “It woulc 75 years. _ brought says: for muoh of the time on and the fact that he can be con- through whole country and if so it will go hard eight years, fn Albion. Mrs. Nancy Rideont. aged 95 years cure, si. seem as the resources o Mrs. Holman sulted at free of |SO. an lot of A?, really though for us.” horseback, and had charge of the first In Canaan. 10th inst, Sophia by any one, any time, out odd high grade night or abso- our language had been long since ex Norton, aged 82 years. oharge, personally by letter, gives mail thai came through on the Maine 11th Mrs. Caroline The The In Stockton Springs, inst. lute assurance of the beneficial aotion of robes. King,home-made goods, hausted in up for Paderwski Supreme Court of Maine. piling praise Central road. He leaves a widow, five R. Hicliborn. this wonderful medicine. should desire t( In Honlton. 13th inst. Mrs. Annie Purington. decorated with St. Gall and the reviewer who “The Green Bag,” the Boston and three elegantly lawyers sons daughters, the eldest son In Limestone, 10th inst, John Russell, agea be in about the acoom for in original tolling magazine, has tho second ... November, Y. G. the for 82 years. ,, workmanship, being Drinkwater, pitcher 14 embroidery, perfect of this wonderful man of the able Ill Phillips. 8th inst, Agues Noble, aged ->*---— Eastman Bros. & Ban croft plishments ap part and very interesting ar- the Bangor and Brockton Now England in years. _ charming style- the subject with a full and de ticle onjj“The of Martha F. proaches Supreme;Court Miane,” League base ball club of the past season. In Hobinston. 10th, Goulding, aged Office of the Sherilf of Cumberland County 80 CHOICE are consciousness of his utter inabil by Gen. Charles Hamlin of It is years. T, IT State of Maine. Cumberland ss. November tha and spairing Bangor. In Penobscot. 8th ln9t, Mrs. Emma i. Han- FAULT, only one,the new. When a critic, devoted to Chief 18th. A. D. 1895. ity to say anything Justice Ether Shepley, Club son. aged 43 f>l and 50c Logomacliian Pcbate. years._ is to give notice,that on the 18th day of SPECIAL quality. sleeves [stopped growing a of an ha: in reviewing the work artist, Chief Justice John Searie Chief a warrant in Insol- ONE Tenney, THISNovember. A. D. 1895, Tne Club will hold a of The dollar is in six too soon. The sleeves gotten so far as to name it perfection, Justice John Appleton and Chief Justice Logomachian vency was issued out of the Court Insolvency quality year for said of Cumberland, against the es- for him thereafter but anti John Andrew meeting at the office of President Wilson County new 5!) inches wide. what is left Peters. The article is a tate of designs, are full but not enormous, so the wli ich thi on the corner pf Exchange and Notice. climax? The marvellous hold graceful and thoroughly roadabie history Middle JOSHUA L. WHITEHOUSE, of Falmouth, Messenger’s The from $3, 2-25 and 2 Polish has on his audiences i: of the Maine streets tomorrow evening. subject an Insolvent Debtor, on petition to $2 price drops pianist Supreme Court, and an elo- adjudged to be Office of the Sheriff of Cumberland Napkins match, per doz., of said which was filed on the County, cts. manifested his ability not onl; quent tribute to the for discussion will be: debtor, petition State of Cumberland Nov. down to 69 cts- and 89 •imply by high qualities and 18th of November, A. D-. 1895, to which Maine, ss., J8tb, That the Federal government day A. 1). 1895. to them interested during a recita deep learning of the Resolved, date interest on claims is to be computed. Fine damasks at keep judges who have control the is to give notice tliaton the 18th day of beauty pattern should own and railroads, DYSPEPSIA CURE That the of any debts to or by said NIGHT of over two hours’ duration, but to worl brought so much honor to tho payment THISNovember A. D. 1895, a warrant in In- 50c state and telegraphs and telephones of this coun- Debtor, and the transfer and delivery ot any t( to law. solvency was issued out of the Court of Insol- a small size them his electric performance themselves, by their ser- him are forbidden by GOWNS, lot, 1, up by distinguished try. property by vency lor said County of Cumberland, against CHILDREN’S That a of the creditors of said debtor, a of unrestrained enthusiasm ant vice on the bench. The article will be by Is guaranteed to ouro all forms of in- meeting the estate of pitch is illus- The affirmative supported to their debts and choose one or more as- all German 2 for 25 cts. and stomach such as prove Dazzling bleach, pure send them home in a glow of pleasurabh trated by excellent portraits of tho C. Wlielden and Samuel L. Bates digestion troubles, signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of oliief Wilbur of distress after THEODORE W. A. BOYNTON, of Portland, 50 named. Barton rising food, eating, Insolvency to be holden at Probate Court room linen. Sizes 3, 4, 5, cts. excitement.” justices by Llewellyn shortness of breath and all affections andjtbe negative of in said Portland, in said county of Cumberland well made. e l to be an Best cotton, prettily trimmed, and Scott Wilson. After being rpei the heart caused by indigestion, wind on the 2d day of December, A. D., 1895, at adjudged Insolvent Debtor, on to match, $1.25 of said whicli was Napkins on each side colic, bad offensive loss of ten o’clock in the forenoon. petition Debtor, petition “Pure and Sure.” the disputants taste, breath, filed on the IStli day of A. by regular headache from Given under my hand the date first above November, D„ Will be in order for discus- appeift indigestion, 1895, to which date interest on claims is to be the question over in or written. indulgence eating drinking, or C. L. BUCK NAM. computed. sion all where the of the stomach has been the of or by present_ lining Deputy Sheriff, as Messenger of the Court of That payment any debts to by said impaired by physio or injurious medi- Insolvency for said County of Cumberland. Debtor, and the transfer and delivery of any bv him are forbidden Mrs. A. M. Goodrich, proprietress of oines. novl9&2G property by law. That 'a meeting of the creditors of said R. Lf3BY. 38 and 38 Preble Munyons Homoeopathio Remedy Co. put J. the Troy Laundry, Debtor, to prove their debts and choose one or a cure for disease. Sold established herself in up nearly every more assignees of liis estate, will be held at street, lias already cents by all druggists, mostly for 25 a s. Court of Insolvency to be holden at l’robate tho most excellent work public favor by vial. Gibson Pictures. Court Room, in said Portland, i*i said County of the 2d of and prompt service her laundry is giving Those who are in doubt as to the Cumberland, on day December, A. naturo of their disease shoul 1 address D., 1895. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. to the Tho care and attention band tile date first PROVE FOUL BAR- Baking Powder. public. Professor 1505 Aroh' Given under my above “A FAIR FACE MAY A done there is such Munyon, street, C. L. to the work as full of written. BUCKNAM, given Philadelphia, giving symptoms annual sale of useful and fanev articles as Messenger of the Court a Deputy Sheriff, of can he only from their disease. Professor will THEof tlie First Parish will occur on GAIN.” MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES the best and most expected well-posted Munyon Unity, Insolvency tor said County of Cumberland. “Absolutely the oase and the afternoou and evening of Wednesday. Nov- 110V19&26 woman, whose knowledge in suoh carefully diagnose give you the benefit of his advice absolutely free ember 20, in the Parish House. matters is naturally superior to that of a An consisting of the Gibson desirable of all charge. The remedies will bo entertainment baking powder manufactured.” will not be Pictures, and music will be presented in the man. Portland backward sent to address of retail ” any on receipt evening. Gen. S. H. Hurst, late Ohio Food Commissioner. in appreciating such a fact. jjricfr Admission 25 cts. novl9(12t SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—SITUATION*. TO LET. FOR anil a branch is j MISCELLANEOUS. TOWNS. railway beingjeonstructed under this head _ MAINE from same. Tho under this head Forty words inserted the depot to oonneot the Forty words inserted Forty words inserted under this head advance. in one week lor 25 cents, cash in lumber is on the ground and a large one week for 35 cents, cash advance. one week lor 25 cents cash in advance. 5 ileum of Interest Gathered by Corres- force of workmen will bo the employed it don't cure you, cash the If check fence on or the Press. coming week. TO LET—A corner room, steam SALE—50 feet ornamental Iron Colds pondents jjjpjt WANTED—As fireman. Have L. A. H. Andrews & Sons are receiving IJOOMSI* heat, cabinet bed, bath room floor; also IjiORthe premises at 103 Spring street, IX nad five experience, can furnish first 1°-1 each week one or more car loads of work SITUATIONyears a small room, gentleman preferred. 307 CUM- M. class references from past employers, not SWEAT,_ New Gloucestor. and saddle horses from Iowa. have B Kit LAND STREET, cor. Elm street. 19-1 Coughs They afraid of hard work. Address BOX 89, Au- SALE—Between Congress and Cumber- fall sold over 300 the Lincoln Upper Gloucester, Nov. 18—The during past year. gusta. LET—A few pleasant furnished and un- FORland streets, a short distance from Me.______1°-1 heat at a house of 13 rooms, contain- in this district, Unlike cook in Or TO furnished rooms, steam and gas. Park, first class town school Otter hotel Catarrh term of the Gray. I WANTED—As No. 2 nov Remedies,! street. 19-4 ing modern in excellent Gray m or restaurant, understands improvements, repair. Ella McCann, of Bald Goff dl SITUATIONhoarding house Good lot of Price A. C. LIBBY, Are ills which all flesh fs heir. taught by Miss Dry Mills, November 17.—Eugene and deserts. land. $3,800. To break up all kinds of meat cooking, pastry mo LET—A furnished house near Lin- 42 1-2 19-1 after a very suo- and wife of Cumberland wero in S3 41 Chestnut nicely Exchange mid speedily cure r.ot only these but also head- Hill, closed last Friday, Mills, S;ii! p Call afternoons or evenings at 8t., JL coin Park. JOHN F. PROCTOR, Centen- street._ town , fts: ache, earache, toothache, neckache, sldeaclie, cs«?ful term of ten weeks. The pupils Sunday. rear door, MBS. I,. W. _1J~1 nial Block. 19-1 SALE—On Winter street near Spring, a News was received hero last weok of fi Fssas&XBZtiSsrmillMrBsaaMSaam IjiORnice comfortable house containing 8 rooms backache, stomachache, cuts, bruises, strains, the last afternoon a young lady gave an entertainment the oeath of Mr. Alvah Morse of about it. You com- WANTED—By LET—Desirable lower tenement in wes- In good Has cemented cellar, gas, Se- Emporis, No doubt, chance, or work may as repair. sprains, stirf joints, sore muscles, chills, &ji risk, guess 0 who has had several years experience 110 tern part of the city, with all modern im- bago and fair sized lot of land For consistin'? of recitations and dialogues Kansas. Mr. Morse was born in this it will make .i«» SITUATION a furnace; meace it with that you well. and cashier, would like position ex- cramps, hacking, hoarseness,whooping cough, November lived here taking every assurance bookkeeper provements, good bath, steam heat, sunny further particulars inquire of A. C. LIBBY, rendered; and in place 17, 1817, and to bottle a of references. Address B. r., < la sore which were all well We that it every bank check at same. Best posure. For further particulars, call on 'OE, 42 1-2 street.19-1 tousilitis, grippe, influenza, diphtheria, until he was about 10 old. His two guarantee will by attaching ?$ li)-1 Exchange a yea’s all have this THE HATTER, 3 97 Middle street. 19-2 sore croup, the Miss McCann gave party •i3 for If are not cured, you to do is office,_ throat, pneumonia, lungs, colic, evening softs survive of good purchase price. you p a bird you him, Howard, Emporia, we or as- you nqed cage # chronic the cheek. We it. Could do that unless we as bookkeepor cholera-morbus, teething, diarrhoea, for her scholars at her boarding place, with whom he has spent his declining m to cash trust you with jgv f|10 LET—Rent 142 Cumberland street, six BIRDCAGES—Ifwill find just w» at you want among our claim ? man of 24. Good JL and gout, were and John in New a that would as we It is a valuable Sfe: WANTED—Positionsistant by young rooms; bath room. Inquire of W. new line. All in brass and painted at mumps, deafness, dyspeptic pains, Mr. Brown’s. Ice cream and cake years, Avah, who lives had remedy do exactly to start. A. W. styles reference. Low salary H. SARGENT, corner of Cumberland and lowest Remember we are neuralgia, sciatica,rheumatism, pimples, bites, York city. He has several relatives in others, more curative value p., prices. headquarters served for the little folks and somo '‘big- medical preparation uulike all possessing Box 147«Bockiand. Me. Washington streets. 1(3-1 for bird also tiower pots, bulbs, sore this 0 supplies; burns, scalds, stings, lips, chapped hands, vicinity. '••fi than any other medicine on the market. earth, etc. W. C. SAWYER & CO., ones.” The was apparently Mr. of brackets, corns, bunions, chilblains, every ache, pain, ger party P. S. McDonald finished a term rilO LET—At 35 Pearl of No. 7 and 9 Preble street.19-1 We street, rent five lameness, swelling, irritation end inflammation much enjoyed by tLe children. hope 12 weeks’ school at White Rook, Gorham, MISCELLANEOUS._. JL rooms, sunny exposure*, can have gas SALE—Don’t you want the Book in the head, limbs, lungs, bowels or kidneys, Miss McCann be called upon to teach last Friday. Ho will return after a two if required. At 1j5 Washington street, a may new called “Forest and or “Old Joe weeks’ vacation and commence the win- prices: 7 lbs. raisins, rent of four rooms. At 8-York street, cheap FOR shore,” Use the great vital and muscle nervine as she is one the ar« the term of school Swan’s 11 rolled oats, 25; 3 cans best rents of three and four rooms. 1. Wyor. Indian Scout.”" The»e stories coming lbs. DUMPHY, ter term. IDr. NerveJ NOTICE—These25; the 26 ; fine coftee, about Indian wars around Portland, ORIGINATED of our most successful teachers, and Mr. McDonald is corn, 25; 3 lbs. country pork, 8 York street. 16-1 Joseph haviDg quite mix 25c lb.; Falmouth and North Yarmouth ov«i a hun- the Java and Mocha, 25c lb.; good tea, ieio. seems to be the person in a severe attack of rheumatism. Deans, 4oc dred yeais ago. This is just the book for a really right Curtis Bros, peas, 9c can; best pea PI10 LET—A pleasant furnished room, P. Morrill is as boy Christmas present. Price 75 cents. Hugh gotting along Blood peck; best yellow eyed beans, 50c peck: pota- _I_ heated, lighted, S8t bowl with hot and Iamd the enriches and Ex- right place. the and tones blood,TonicI invig- best CuLESWORTHY’S BOOK STORE, 02 well as oould be expeoted. 5?*.: Quickens laggard pulse, cleanses toes. 48c bushel; Piilsbury’s hour, 84.25; cold water, use of bath room. Call at 17 Mr. B. B. of Strong, is et the the nerves, and and strength to the entire system. change street. 16-1 Segai*s, V:o*: orates gives buoyancy *j;-: St. Louis, $4; sauerkraut. 7c lb. WHITNEY, Dow street. So. right band bell. lti-1 for and tor all ills of the stomach, weUNIMENT time at work tor James Stevons, •?:-V It is a sovereign remedy heart diseases, 291 Congress street. 19-1 present STATE TOPICS OF .INTEREST. nerves it is a Testimonials are FOR It quickly relieves, soothes, heals and cures. •*> blood, and sure curative agent. being daily >£/ furnished SaLE—At the office of the some on his its over There is no doubt of its power to AND BOARD—Nicely Portland Gas 9 the treatment cf making necessary repairs *r;. received of great power disease. 124 COKE Light Company, No. Its special province being a trial, and that all cashing a sunny rooms with board at Winter 'I o' cure vou. It remains for you to it trial, remember, $•••' persons against ROOMS ernple street, and at the Gas No. 40 internal or external. buildings. only give Bank 16-1 Works, inflammation, whether risk. You back if you are not cured. Obtainable at check drawn on Casco National by street. West Commercial street. Safer than coal Mr. Fred S. Martin, who has purchased Mr. J. J. Lane of Boston was in Rich- is at our get your money CAUTION—To for is an unsound condition of any F. E. Doukerty, payable to John Wiggin for rooms. No advance Inflammation the farm of Mr. F. F. near this all druggists. ;.«% sleeping in price. Spring mond Saturday, making surveys along $21.82; also one onlSwan & Barrett by Chester RENT—44 Winter street, detached two 16-1 pari of body, manifested outward?/bj'red- moved his railroad for village, has recently family the line of the Maine Central Soatcs Modioal Co., Westbrook, Met 0 F. Burnell to Marcia Murch for $23; said FORstory brick house. 9 rooms and good gar- uce -./clling attended with heatand pain, a ^ into the house. He has been building use in a suit to recover damages for the checks were stolen from us Nov. I4th. FITCH den lot in rear; repairs in above have just if : i nwa of the blood is SALE—A very handsome blaoK jnai: rdly by congestion shed on to th^ side of his barn. death of tho late Jeremiah R. True, who BROS., E. Sebago.19-1 been completed and the drainage good. of the blood cur- street. FORHambletonian Mare, weighs 1060 pounds, vessels with obstructions Mr. James been laid up killed carelessness BENJIMAN SHAW. 51 1-2 Exchange Segars who^has was through alleged watch needs cleaning every 12 or 18 15-1 six years old, and a very prompt driver, rent and of unsound tissue, causing weeks has growth with rheumatism for some past cf the company at the South street cross- months. The oil will not last lunger. New perfectly sound, not afraid of steam or diseases. In 1810 Dr. YOUR j>aiu and inflammatory got so that ho is out of doors again, g ing in 1887. Col. J. W. Spaulding of main spring, 75c. Cleaning ordinary waiches, tenement in house No. 17 electric cars, price no objection if sold this i*rented this week as owner is awav for the A. Johnson, Family Physician, Mr. Otis C. Nelson,of the Bald Hill dis- Boston, formerly of Richmond, is coun- $1. Cleaning fine watches and true and poise ToLET-UpperSmith street. Inquire of L. D. AUSTIN going winter. It has for more than 80 to the balance, CLARENCE H. BROWN, Call at No. 247 Commercial street. ltt-1 marvelous remedy. trict in this town, has been confined sel for the administrator of Mr. Truo’s of a SI.50. 182 Middle Is the making pie. The 272 Middle street.19-1 street.___14*1 satisfied generation after generation. the house for a week or so, caused by a estate. watchmaker, years of a crust de- mo LET—At 813 Congress street, upstairs SALE—One of the most thorough used surgeons and every- severe burn received a kero- crisp mort- \tis by physicians by dropping making to loan on first and second I rent of seven rooms, modern conven- FORbuilt and best located houses on Winter It is the Universal Household sene the real estate, life insurance policies, irbere; Remedy. lamp. of will largely upon shorten- MONEYgages iences, price $20 per month, possession street close to PiDe street, nine rooms and have had were The Maine Board Agriculture pends and collateral securi- A. Dropped on sugar suffering children love it. The recent rains that we personal property good given end of November, inquire of C. bath, hot and cold water, with set tubs, a hold a State dairymen’s moeting in the Use COTTOLENE, the notes discounted on favorable terms. W. 7-2 electric everlastingly eradicates very welcome, as almost everybody was ing. ties; LiBBY, 42 1-2 Exchange street. very desirable neighborhood. Price 4000: Jts energy Thurs- room second floor. 185 Middle St. of a of water. Tha rain of opera house, Norway, Wednesday, new in- P. CARR, 6, easy terms. W. K. WALDRON & CO., 130 inflammation, without irritation. It is unlike short supply vegetable shortening, novl5 4 and and the day, Friday Deo. 4, 5 and 0. LET—In western of city, near Cum- Middle street. 16-i other. It is to other. Nothing last Thursday night Friday of and part *ny superior any stead lard, sogginess will a and sunny room one of will be very likely TO berland, very pleasant on earth will cure a severe cold as quickly. Sunday night H. E. 431 Con- of the wells at an unknown element in to loan on furniture, organs, piauos- with steam heat. Address F., SALE—Three story brick houes, 11 to affect the most any At a meeting of the direotors of the be your 13-1 MONEYmachinerv, hordes, diamonds, watches, gress street. rooms and built In for a nasal wash been for _ rIOR bath, thoroughly We use Liniment rate. Manyg of them have dry Meohanic Falls Manufacturing company Cottolene should al- first and second Johnson’s it. We had pastry. life insurance policies, mort, perfect repair: hot air heat, set tubs, hot for catarrh. We are delighted with a time. sunny house at 11 long Friday night Fred L. Merrill, president, gages, real estate; also notes discounted. Bus- RENT—A very and cold water, good lDcation, three tried almost everything recommended for who has been sick ways be economically used— Woodfards; 10 rooms and Mr. Charles Atwood, was chosen to meet the shoe manufactur- iness confidential. PORTLAND COLLATERr FORPleasant street, minutes from City hall: price 3200: $2^00 oan catarrh, but find Anodyne Liniment furnace a fine stable on the pre- Johnson’s for a week or so with a severe cold, we of Marl- two-thirds as much Cottolene as AL LOAN CO., room 6, 185 Middle street, 2nd bath; heat; remain on at 5 cent if desired. to I use it as you direct. ing firm of Chase, Merritt & Co., or without mortgage per far superior any. novl5-4 mises ; house will be rented with Vt. are to say is out again and is attend- anil close a contract with floor. W. H. WALDRON & CO., 180 Middle street. J. L. Whipple, South Windham, glad boro, Mass., would use of furniture. BENJAMIN F. HARRIS, Cham- to bus iness in the store. you ordinarily 16-1 ing his them, leasing the shop to them for the bers. corner and Middle streets. and directions on every bottle. or TO LOAN on real estate, first and Exchange ^ The Doctor’s signature term of ten lard butter, being Sebago. years. ample MONEYsecond mortgages, commercial paper, SALE—First class two story house, to the most desirable bonds, or any good FORmodern design, only 11 years old, has 10 SEBAGO. produce stocks, personal property LET—First class tenement, seven rooms. BURGLARS AT EAST collateral at lowest market rates. rooms and baih, hot air heat, four bay win- The in a security TO steam bath room, cement cellar: 249 The river is rising in re- results. saving year For of A. rC. LIBBY', 42 3 -2 heat, dows, are of the best locations in western 18—The store of Fitch Androscoggin particulars inquire Also flat of 4 rooms, suitable Sebago, Nov. and several 14-1 Spring street. one minute from Congress s‘reel. ---1 sponse to tho rains Sunday a considerable item. Exoliange street. no chil- part, Bros, was broken open on the night of represents for light housekeeping; up one flight; Price $3700: cost 5000. W. H. WALDRON & inohes of water was going over the dams, "Middle street. M. G. Nov. 14tb and broken iuto and There are many imitations of COT- iiva thousand dren; over 230 180 Middle street.16-1 tlic^sufe enough in faot to make quite a torreuc Twenty CD., in cash and checks taken. dollars to loan on firm PALMER.13-1 about 8125 od a narrow of careful to the “THANKSGIVING the falls. Only strip dry TOLENE ; you should therefore be get genuine. and second motgages. Real estate bought SALE—Double tenement house ic is a chest in the bot- There burlgar proof land remains botwoen the water and the and steer’s head rent FOR rents for 28 month: tried to break Sold everywhere in tins, with trade-marks—"Cottolene in cotton-plant and sold, property cared for, _LJ_L.Ztk.Xt JLJS=*. perfeci repair, per tom of the safe which they taxes & location on Chestnut street: nrice retaining wall on tho Lewiston shore, wreath—on tin. Made only by collected, paid, etc. A. R. E. A. Diamond good but did not succeed in getting into every 11-2 A fine line of Ladies’ and Gents’ Rings W. li. WALDRON & CO.. 180 Middle open and there seems to be good promise of a DOTEN, 23-93 Exchange ht. in tne latest styles of settings. prices are 33000. TABLE some soda COMPANY. CHICAGO, 224 State Street, BOSTON, PORTLAND, ME. My 10-1 it. They also took clothing, rise at head water which will assure N. K. FAIR8ANK reasonable and every stone of the best quality, street. crackers, canned meats, etc. SAMUEL LEVY is now prepared to £10.00 to $300o McKENNEY, the Jeweler, Monu- manufacturers of power during tho win- a lot of MR. ca*st off of all descriptions for ment Square. jnnlldtf SALE—Received Andreasburg ter. buy clothing Foil also African and double New Gloucester. cash prices. Address letters or postal canaries, gray highest bead Mexican German canaries WARE,” to 100 MIDDLE STREET. sep4-tf LET—One of the moat desirable homes at yellow parrots, Sabbathdav November IS.—Mr. nine con- and bird caees ot all also clear a for immediate Lake, TO Deering Highlands, rooms, stable kinds, Canary, is question on Walter Braokett is putting a piazza A resident of Bath cherishes a valuable nected ; Sebago water, and ali modern Improve- Rape, Hemp and Sunflower seeds. Sundries That even on band. Sold for moderate consideration. _ his house and making other improve- relic, a pocket book that was once the tVl OR E G LOC KS ments. On line ot Electric road. Rental $25 steady prices. month. F. H. HARFORD, 311-2 Ex- FRED BROMBY, 450 Congress street. 14-2 is about a week dis ments about his buildings. property of Wiliam White, a Pilgrim ! per 6 for C Clocks only AL other dealers combined. with the than all the cliange street. 13-1 Merrill is very sick father and also father of Peregrine White, a block of four taut. new Augustus every House, Office, Store or Hall. Alarm Clocks XT'OR SALE—For investment, Silver, shining is him. of Best Lowest Prices a a situa- grippe. Dr. Sturgis attending the first child born English parents on 95c ud. Largest Stock, Clocks, ROOMS to let; also board tenements, renting for $492 year; Carloads and at Retail. ElevatoYs B.