Newfoundland. ' · Columbo• Hall, St
·lr j :. ~ I J THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERL~ - BOWRING BROTHERS, Ltd ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND - Established 1811 - GENERAL MERCHANTS and STEAMSHIP OWN.ERS vVholesale and Retail D ealers in Dry ,Goods, Hardware, Groceries and Ships' Stores. • h ;•, • ' ' • _I' Exporters of \ , CodfiSh, Codoil, Cod Liver Oil, Seal Oil and Seal Skins · ·1 t~ \. ~ } Agents for '~ Lloyd's" and Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company Iron or Wooden .Sealing Ships suitable for Arctic or Antartic exploration available for Charter Sportsmen \d1o intend visiting Newfoundland will find no difficulty in selecting Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle and Food Supplies from this firm. Address all C() mmunicalions To ~ BOWRING BROTHERS, Ltd., St. J~~:;~undland. No Possible Contamination Can get through this last defence of Purity-The final ~tep in the safeguarding of City Dairy Pasteurized Milk ~- Delivered at your door before breakfast. 'PHONE 1700-3300 Newfoundland Butter Company, Limited, ~ CITY DAIRY. .:1- When writi n ~ to Advertisers kin d! ~ mer.tion "Tne' THE NEWFO.UNDLAND QUARTERLY.- 1. FURNESS LINE. Operating the Fast and Up-to-date Steamers "Newfoundland" and "Nova Scotia." A regular service is maintained between St. John's, Halifax, Boston and Liverpool, and vice versa, and sailing dates are always arranged well in advance. If you contemplate making a trip we shall be pleased to furnish you with full information, and arrange your booking on either of these most popular steamers. Furness, Withy &. Co., Ltd., Sf. John's, Nfld., Halifax, N. S., Can., New York, N.Y., U.S. A., Boston, Mass., U.S.
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