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National Vaccination Campaign

BIC P12 congratulates HM the King and HRH the Crown Prince United against Houthis Abd- BMF heroes win Rabbu Mansour FIA President Special welcomes ’s new power-sharing cabinet Hadi Award TDT | Manama eni efforts to confront Houthi ed Houthi militias and achieve members of the government of 210 fils (includes VAT) militia, said Bahrain’s Foreign the aspirations of the brother- President Abd-Rabbu Mansour ormation of the new Ministry statement. ly Yemeni people for security, Hadi and STC, which has been cabinet in Yemen as per This is “an important step to peace and stability,” the state- at war against Houthis that FRiyadh Agreement will strengthen and unify Yemeni ef- ment said welcoming the cabi- controls Sanaa since 2014. “strengthen and unify” Yem- forts to confront Iran- support- net. The new cabinet will have (Continued on page 2) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 02 52 truckloads of waste removed from Wadi Al-Buhair TDT | Manama

bout 52 truckloads of sol- id wastes were removed Afrom Wadi Al-Buhair during a cleaning campaign organised by Southern District Municipality. Undersecretary for Munic- ipal Affairs at the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning, Sheikh Mu- hammad bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Director General of the Munici- pality, Asim Abdullatif Abdullah, MP Ahmed Al-Ansari, Municipal Member Abdullah Abdullatif, Clean Up Bahrain Association and Urbaser Bahrain joined hands for the campaign. Eleven large-trucks and a crane were used to clean the area that had tons of building debris, broken furniture, wood, papers, glass, metal cans, cartons and other wastes. The campaign forms part of an effort to main- In pictures, the cleaning campaign tain the place clean - a natural organised by Southern Municipality destination for migratory birds. Wadi Al Buhair is one of and pollution. Degrading wa- the rare natural habitats in the ter-quality is one of the issues Kingdom known to support a faced in the geography. high number of invertebrates “We will continue this effort and bird species, with dense- periodically to keep Wadi Al-Bu- to-open vegetations. Reports say hair clean and attractive,” said the condition of reed swamps Asim Abdullatif Abdullah. Ab- like Wadi in Bahrain have been dullah added that the collected majorly affected by groundwa- wastes were immediately re- ter exploitation, urbanisation moved to far away locations. Hadi to lead 25 member cabinet (Continued from page 1)

oreign Ministry statement also Fcommended the remarkable contribution of in The new Cabinet We affirm the ending the long-standing power an important step generous directives struggle. to strengthen and from King Salman, Prime Minister Maeen Abdul- unify Yemeni efforts Crown Prince, Deputy malik was reappointed to lead to confront Iran- Prime Minister and the new cabinet, which will have supported Houthi Minister of Defense 25-members representing all sec- militias and achieve Muhammad Bin tions of the Yemeni society except Houthis. the aspirations of Salman to continue “There will be five ministers the brotherly Yemeni all efforts to help from Yemen’s biggest political people for security, Yemen achieve blocs, including the STC and Islah peace and stability security, stability and party,” a statement from Hadi’s BAHRAIN FOREIGN MINISTRY prosperity office said. SAUDI FOREIGN MINISTER Hadi has kept his closest allies in the key ministries of defence, interior, foreign affairs and fi - holding up efforts The Special Envoy, however, nances. to negotiate a nationwide cease- said more work is needed to in- Veteran diplomat Ahmad Awad fire to pave the way for a resump- clude Yemeni women in the Cab- bin Mubarak will serve as Yemen’s tion of political negotiations, last inet and decision-making posts. new foreign minister, and Lt. Gen. held in December 2018, to end the Saudi foreign minister said the Mohammed Ali Al-Maqdashi will wider war. deal is an “important step toward be Yemen’s new defence minister. The UN Special Envoy for Yem- achieving a political solution and Al-Maqdashi was previously the en, Martin Griffiths, welcoming ending the Yemeni crisis.” chief of staff of Yemen’s armed the deal called it “an important “We affirm the generous direc- forces. step for enhanced stability, im- tives from King Salman, Crown Formation of the new govern- provement of state institutions Prince, Deputy Prime Minister HH Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports First Deputy Chairman ment followed two weeks of sepa- and increased political partner- and Minister of Defense Muham- and Bahrain Olympic Committee President, congratulated Bu Mohammed family for winning first place in the ration of forces and redeployment ship.” mad Bin Salman to continue all Q&A competition aired on Bahrain TV. Bu Mohammed family won a cash-prize worth USD100,000 from the of troops in the south. “It is also a pivotal step towards efforts to help Yemen achieve se- competition. Shaikh Khalid assured to expect more such meaningful programmes that would create “an ideal The clashes within the an - a lasting political resolution to the curity, stability and prosperity,” environment for social segments to flourish.” ti-Houthi camp were one factor conflict in Yemen,” he added. the minister said.

Northern Governorate in partnership with the Capital Governorate, Bahrain Cycling Federation, the Cycle Team, and the Bahrain Specialist Hospital organised a bicycle rally from Qal’at al-Bahrain in the Capital Governorate to the al-Jasra House in the Northern Governorate. More than 60 riders took part in the event which also had the participation of the German Embassy in the Kingdom. Northern Governor, Ali bin Al-Sheikh Abdel-Hussein Al-Asfour, Capital Governorate Deputy Governor, Hassan Abdullah Al Madani, Director-General of Northern Governorate Police, Brigadier Khalid bin Rabia Sinan Al-Dossary, Deputy Governor of the Northern Governorate and other officials were present. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 02 03

King Hamad Global Centre inaugurates declaration of Bahrain in South America TDT | Manama 52 truckloads of waste removed from Wadi Al-Buhair ed the Declaration of Bahrain in bassy in Manama to boost bilat- ending religious extremism. he King Hamad Global the year 2017. eral relations. This, he said, should be done by TDT | Manama TCenter for Peaceful Coex- The centre aims to spread the respecting religious freedoms, istence, in cooperation with the Brazil’s embassy in Manama principles of moderation and promoting peaceful coexistence bout 52 truckloads of sol- Embassy of Bahrain in Brasilia, The colours of Bahrain’s flag the spirit of brotherhood among and tolerance and adopting them id wastes were removed inaugurated the declaration of were projected over the Christ people of all faiths and beliefs, as a basic road map for a brighter Afrom Wadi Al-Buhair Bahrain in South America in the Redeemer statue in Rio de Abdullah bin Faisal bin Jabr Al and more prosperous future for during a cleaning campaign the presence of Brazilian Pres- Janeiro to mark the declaration Dossari, the Assistant Minister humankind. organised by Southern District ident, Jair Bolsonaro, yesterday. and the Anniversary of His Maj- for Foreign Affairs, said. Dr Shaikh Khalid said Bahrain Municipality. The inauguration, promoting esty the King’s accession to the Chairman of the Board of is looking forward to deepen- Undersecretary for Munic- tolerance, peaceful coexistence throne and Bahrain’s celebration Trustees of the King Hamad ing its ties with the countries ipal Affairs at the Ministry of and religious rapprochement, of its National Days. Global Center for Peaceful Co- of South America, based on the Works, Municipalities Affairs took place in a ceremony organ- In his inaugural address, the existence, Dr Shaikh Khalid values of tolerance, coexistence and Urban Planning, Sheikh Mu- ised by the Center in Brasilia. Brazilian President announced bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, said the and mutual respect between all hammad bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, His Majesty the King inaugurat- Jair Bolsonaro with other officials during the inauguration the opening of his country’s em- Declaration of Bahrain calls for peoples and regions. Director General of the Munici- pality, Asim Abdullatif Abdullah, MP Ahmed Al-Ansari, Municipal Member Abdullah Abdullatif, Clean Up Bahrain Association and Urbaser Bahrain joined eduNET wins hands for the campaign. Eleven large-trucks and a crane were used to clean the Proposal to regulate area that had tons of building top award debris, broken furniture, wood, papers, glass, metal cans, cartons and other wastes. The campaign forms part of an effort to main- In pictures, the cleaning campaign tain the place clean - a natural organised by Southern Municipality health & fitness sector destination for migratory birds. Wadi Al Buhair is one of and pollution. Degrading wa- the rare natural habitats in the ter-quality is one of the issues Kingdom known to support a faced in the geography. Shura Council will today hold its 11th session remotely high number of invertebrates “We will continue this effort and bird species, with dense- periodically to keep Wadi Al-Bu- to-open vegetations. Reports say hair clean and attractive,” said the condition of reed swamps Asim Abdullatif Abdullah. Ab- like Wadi in Bahrain have been dullah added that the collected majorly affected by groundwa- wastes were immediately re- ter exploitation, urbanisation moved to far away locations.

Khaled Hussain Al-Maskati Bassam Ismail Albinmohamed Dr Jehad Abdullah Al-Fadhel Dr Muhammad Ali Hassan Ali Sabeeka Khalifa Ahmed Hadi to lead 25 member cabinet Al-Fadhala (Continued from page 1) TDT | Manama oreign Ministry statement also TDT | proposal to regulate the commended the remarkable F activities of sports cen- contribution of Saudi Arabia in The new Cabinet We affirm the tres and academies in duNET, the educational portal of Bahrain’s Ministry of Edu- ending the long-standing power an important step generous directives A the Kingdom is up for discus- cation, has won this year’s HH Shaikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah struggle. to strengthen and from King Salman, e sion in the Shura Council today. Informatics Award. Prime Minister Maeen Abdul- unify Yemeni efforts Crown Prince, Deputy The council will review a re- Now in its 20th edition, the award honours eduNET for being malik was reappointed to lead to confront Iran- Prime Minister and port on the subject by Youth one of the best technological projects in the field of education the new cabinet, which will have supported Houthi Minister of Defense Affairs Committee prepared in 2020, best e-platform and smart application. 25-members representing all sec- militias and achieve Muhammad Bin by Sabeeka Khalifa Ahmed “The win confirms the importance of the portal in enhanc- tions of the Yemeni society except the aspirations of Salman to continue Al-Fadhala, Bassam Ismail Al- ing digital education and distance learning,” said Assistant Houthis. binmohamed, Khaled Hussain Undersecretary for Planning and Information at the Ministry “There will be five ministers the brotherly Yemeni all efforts to help people for security, Yemen achieve Al-Maskati, Dr Jehad Abdullah The Shura Council is holding its 11th session today of Education, Nawal Al-Khater. from Yemen’s biggest political Al-Fadhel, Dr Muhammad Ali Now at 25 million views and counting, the portal launched in blocs, including the STC and Islah peace and stability security, stability and Hassan Ali. such facilities and rising cases amending Article (18) of the 2015 is part of the Kingdom’s digital empowerment programme party,” a statement from Hadi’s prosperity The proposal aims at BAHRAIN FOREIGN MINISTRY The proposal aims at setting setting rules to regu- of injuries and deaths related to Civil Service Law promulgat- in education. office said. SAUDI FOREIGN MINISTER rules to regulate the functioning wrong training methods. ed by Decree Law No. 48 of 2010. The portal, Al-Khater said, has enhanced the quality of the Hadi has kept his closest allies of sports training centres and late the functioning of The committee also called Members will also vote on teaching and learning pro- in the key ministries of defence, academies, health clubs, swim- sports training centres for organising the sector by in- amending Article (327) of the cess and served as a database interior, foreign affairs and fi - holding up United Nations efforts The Special Envoy, however, ming pools, fitness and sports and academies, health troducing a licensing system Civil and Commercial Proce- for students, and all others nances. to negotiate a nationwide cease- said more work is needed to in- centres, bodybuilding centres clubs, swimming pools, under the Ministry of Youth and dures Law promulgated by De- involved. Veteran diplomat Ahmad Awad fire to pave the way for a resump- clude Yemeni women in the Cab- and other sporting and training fitness and sports cen- Sports Affairs. “It is necessary cree-Law No. (12) of 1971. A virtual platform for stu- bin Mubarak will serve as Yemen’s tion of political negotiations, last inet and decision-making posts. centres. to obtain a professional certif- Among other matters, a law dents, eduNET also supports new foreign minister, and Lt. Gen. held in December 2018, to end the Saudi foreign minister said the tres, bodybuilding cen- “Such a law would fill up the tres and other sporting icate from an accredited train- to ratify an agreement on air remote teaching and training. Mohammed Ali Al-Maqdashi will wider war. deal is an “important step toward legislative void created by the ing body to pursue professions services between Bahrain and The HH Shaikh Salem Al-Ali 25m The portal, launched in be Yemen’s new defence minister. The UN Special Envoy for Yem- achieving a political solution and absence of an authority respon- and training centres. like training,” the committee Maldives, and an agreement Al-Sabah Informatics Award Al-Maqdashi was previously the en, Martin Griffiths, welcoming ending the Yemeni crisis.” 2015, now has over 25 sible for licensing, supervision stressed. between Bahrain and the Swiss is an annual event introduced million views chief of staff of Yemen’s armed the deal called it “an important “We affirm the generous direc- and monitoring of such facili- there is an increased need to The council will also discuss Federal Union regarding the in 2001 to make the Arab forces. step for enhanced stability, im- tives from King Salman, Crown ties,” shura committee said. bring the sector under control, a report of the Legislative and elimination of double taxation world an integrated, advanced Formation of the new govern- provement of state institutions Prince, Deputy Prime Minister The committee said that citing the growing demand for Legal Affairs Committee on will be discussed. informatics community. HH Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports First Deputy Chairman ment followed two weeks of sepa- and increased political partner- and Minister of Defense Muham- and Bahrain Olympic Committee President, congratulated Bu Mohammed family for winning first place in the ration of forces and redeployment ship.” mad Bin Salman to continue all Q&A competition aired on Bahrain TV. Bu Mohammed family won a cash-prize worth USD100,000 from the of troops in the south. “It is also a pivotal step towards efforts to help Yemen achieve se- competition. Shaikh Khalid assured to expect more such meaningful programmes that would create “an ideal The clashes within the an - a lasting political resolution to the curity, stability and prosperity,” environment for social segments to flourish.” ti-Houthi camp were one factor conflict in Yemen,” he added. the minister said. Muharaaq shops warned against encroaching footpaths TDT | Manama

hopkeepers putting their Sproducts on-display outside their shops, on footpaths and the roads, are up for trouble in Muharraq. Authorities have decided to book those who encroach upon the areas outside their shops. Muharraq has initiated a campaign jointly with the In pictures, officials removing products illegally displayed outside during a campaign Department of Control and Inspection, and the Depart - ment of Follow-up of Cleaning Law and Cleanliness Law No. spectors said they detected at Officials also educated the The municipality of Muharraq prior approval and also urged Services. (10) of 2019 and related execu- least seven types of violations shopkeepers on the need to ad- also called upon the owners of shop owners to cooperate with Northern Governorate in partnership with the Capital Governorate, Bahrain Cycling Federation, the Cycle Team, and the Bahrain Specialist Hospital organised a bicycle rally from Qal’at al-Bahrain in the Capital Governorate to the al-Jasra House in Violators will face legal ac- tive regulations. and took necessary corrective here strictly to regulations to commercial shops not to display the municipality in maintaining the Northern Governorate. More than 60 riders took part in the event which also had the participation of the German Embassy in the Kingdom. Northern Governor, Ali bin Al-Sheikh Abdel-Hussein Al-Asfour, Capital Governorate Deputy Governor, tions as per Public Road Works Following a campaign, in - measures. keep the city clean. goods outside shops, without a public premises cleanliness. Hassan Abdullah Al Madani, Director-General of Northern Governorate Police, Brigadier Khalid bin Rabia Sinan Al-Dossary, Deputy Governor of the Northern Governorate and other officials were present. A FOOL THINKS HIMSELF TO QUOTE BE WISE, BUT A WISE MAN OF THE KNOWS HIMSELF TO BE A DAY FOOL. SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2020 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE

EU doomed without the SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 04 Hamiltonian moment HH Shaikh Nasser GreatA golden leaders inspirevaccine us to goodness 11 years, BD 193 million, rule and 13,659 enterprises Tamkeen’s success journey since its inception in 2006 CAPT. MAHMOOD AL MAHMOOD TDT | Manama nce again the leaders, the busi- ewness people houses can and comprehend the people of ore than 193 million Othethe generosity Kingdom or of the Bahrain level ofhave Bahraini dinars has Fcomewisdom together shown in the spiritby Bahrain’s of patriot - Mbeen spent by Tam- leadershipism and unity in implementing to raise defenses the against ad- keen to support enterprises in ministrationan unusual and of COVID unseen-19 enemyvaccines. – the the Kingdom, since its inception COVIDThere-19 has virus been pandemic. transparency in 2006. fromIn justthe 24start hours, in how these the parties, vaccine led by The support, mostly through wasthe exampletested and of HHnow Shaikh that the Nasser test bin Tamkeen’s Business Development resultsHamad have Al Khalifa, declared have its raised efficacy over BD Programme, has benefitted over and21 million safety, to the help Kingdom people and is rolling business - 13,659 enterprises during this pe- outes struckthe vaccination by the impact campaign of the as virus. a riod. healthThe funds, birthright under for the every project resident ‘Feena This came as Tamkeen outlined inKhair’ Bahrain, (There whether is Good Bahraini in Us) will or be its achievements over the past 11 expat.used for business support and medical years where its objectives centred supportAn online as well registering as humanitarian process food on meeting the market require- hasand streamlined clothing aid. the signing up and ments by supporting the private theThe vaccination Bahrain Chamber is soon of going Commerce to sector enterprises and individual be& Industryavailable also provided its spacious Bahraini employees. freeand centrally-locatedof cost old premises for Tamkeen is a public authority touse all by validthe COVID -19 task force. established in 2006 by His Maj- residents.In the midst of our peculiar con- esty the King as one of the main Comparedition of isolation, social dis- pillars of labour-market reforms. this totancing the We and cannotdespair, we must Tamkeen is keen on ensuring I am sureominous you rejoice allow in this stream the of com- that its support platforms pro- Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte calls the proposed €540 billion rescue plan a trap. talk of passionvac- most that has painful sprung from vide a sustainable impact, through will all agreecine tourism amidst us to counter the harsh continuous development and en- In pictures are some of the key moments in Tamkeen’s growth DR. JOHN C. HULSMAN cannot now be said of the Southern This means they were This means they were broadly that thisemerging has reality ofglobal the crisis. It is praise- hancement of human resources in European states ravaged by a global broadly advocates advocates of a federated (or confed- inspiredfrom our someworthy inequalities of the big businesses the country. have long suspected that the pandemic. The basic issue of fairness erated), centralized European state, business housesdeveloping to have come forward to sup- “The emphasis was also on ly, as a result of the reintroduction London’s 15pc. endless undoubtedly boring Eu- is in real question. of a federated (or without ever having the necessary countriesport -the or vision the of fear the leaders up-skilling Bahrainis and increas- of the Training and Wage Support Bahrain ranks among the top and individuals Iropean summit meetings are so Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe confederated), centralized political debate that raged in the US a new of and Bahrain of economic and keep the hu - ing their employability within programme for the private-sector 10 AME Ecosystems for Funding turgid for a reason. It is easy to get Conte rightly calls the proposed European state, without in the 1790s between the advocates to donatehighly so suspimanitarian- hardship consideration to as the private sector,” the Labour employees. The average support in 2020 and is among the world’s lost in the byzantine complexities of €540 billion ($587 billion) rescue ever having the necessary of centralism (Alexander Hamilton) generously ciousand versionthe first priority in this crisis. Fund said. 200k per enterprise for each employed top-five fastest-growing ecosys- false agreements that actually solve plan “a trap.” The accord is there to political debate that and decentralization (Thomas Jef- tap the veinof theof mediLong- be after carried the dust has set- For this, Tamkeen said, it has in- To date, Tamkeen said it individual amounted to BD 3,800. tems with fewer than 1,000 start- nothing. And that is how theEU likes only deal with the immediate impact raged in the US in the ferson). In the end, the federalist ad- cal tourismtled around over the into world, those jected nearly 830 million Bahraini provided support to more ups. it: For us to have little idea that it is a of the virus. However, over the much ministration of George Washington goodness withinindustry who that will be remembered dinars into the private sector for than 200,000 individuals Professional Certificates 1790s between the us and reach out the vaccine and more than 53,000 Business Continuity Support paper tiger, so much less than meets larger rescue efforts necessary to advocates of centralism opted for Hamilton’s centralizing will endare up leaders who led from making it the main engine of the Tamkeen said it created 48,890 the eye in terms of its geostrategic revive the Italian and other south- vision, won overwhelming re-elec- to help fellow-hurtingthe the heart. rollout. Undoubtedly, No the national economy. institutions. opportunities for Bahrainis in dif- Programme power. ern economies necessitated by the (Alexander Hamilton) and tion and a popular mandate for the peopleresponse of of Bahrain’s lead- Tamkeen has initiatives like the ferent fields since 2011. Following the Royal Directives decentralization (Thomas residents of shortcuts But crises clarify. And there is debilitating lockdown, normal con- national government to assume state Bahrain.these counership- will shed a beacon of Individual Support Programme Tamkeen said it supported of His Majesty King Hamad bin absolutely no doubt that the coro- ditionality will be imposed. Jefferson). debt, while at the same time estab- tries evenlight onand our historic no unfair response. and the Enterprise Support Pro- 24,374 to obtain professional Isa Al Khalifa to unite the national navirus has made crystal clear that This is understandably political- lishing a powerful national Treas- as it fillsInspired the by His Majesty, our grammes to achieve the goal. The certificates with internation- efforts to combat the economic the old model governing the EU has ly toxic in Italy, where it is seen as ury, brilliantly headed by Hamilton State coffersCrown practices Prince and First – Dep- Business Development as well as al accreditation, and 24,516 impact from the global spread finally, after a brilliant 70-year run, surrendering basic sovereignty to himself. and privateuty Premier that guided should the gov - the Training and Wage Support fresh graduates and job seekers of Coronavirus, Tamkeen said it entirely run out of steam. The sup- the uncertain mercies of economic union (a Valhalla that had far less Due to an overly clever function- hospital ernmentbank be in the the crucial golden early programmes also assisted in job to obtain certificates in basic has redirected its programmes to posed deal over emergency Europe- overlords the EU, the International than majority support), it was better alism, present European leaders accounts.days to approach the sensi- creation. skills. The total support for the support adversely affected small Undoubt- rule To date, Tamkeen said it has 26,146 training of individuals reached and micro-enterprises. an coronavirus funds pledged last Monetary Fund and the Europe- to discuss seemingly inoffensive coal (with the honorable exception of tive themes of quarantine and Tamkeen said it contributed week to the plague-ravaged south, an Central Bank. No Italian leader and steel union, even as the latter led President Emmanuel Macron of edly, sometreatment with compassion. supported more than 200,000 in- to raising the wages of BD 58.7 m. Accordingly, Tamkeen support- far from being a concord, has ex- could accept such colonization and to further economic union, and then France) shied away from this diffi- countries,When he returned from his dividuals and 53,000 institutions. 26,146 Bahrainis, since 2007, Tamkeen had also spent more ed more than 15,600 small and posed the EU’s haplessness for all survive. In true Kafkaesque fash- to a degree of political union. Large cult argument in the happier times insojourn the name abroad, our beloved Prime Financial support through by providing 36 m Bahraini than BD 26.6 m to support the micro enterprises, with a total to see. ion, no country in the south that political questions were to be pur- that preceded the coronavirus. But ofMinister promot immediately- galvanized the the Business Development Pro- dinars wages of 17,000-plus Bahrainis budget exceeding BD 54 m. First, if you are brave enough to truly needs the ESM can politically posefully avoided in favor of getting the failure of functionalism over the ingCabinet medical and government officials, gramme, which covers up to 50pc through a Career Progression In the second phase of the wade through the actual agreement accept it. These design flaws have to large political answers (always in past 70 years to decisively answer tourism,displaying will his admirable energy and of the total costs, since 2009, has Programme, until 2015. programme, Tamkeen said it has reached, it becomes palpably clear become so obvious that the deal has the direction of ever closer union) the question of what sort of union becrisis tempted management in managing the now crossed BD193 m. The pro- Besides, Tamkeen said it also supported for an additional six that it is full of policy holes. The unraveled almost immediately upon through the backdoor of technical, Europe was to become is now fatally tosituation. create a supply in response to gramme benefitted 13,659 enter- The average support per insti- conducted several market studies months the most affected sec- Eurogroup of finance ministers has delivery. apolitical initiatives. Over decades, handicapping basic and necessary thatI am demand, sure you through will all agreeofficial that or this prises. tution clocked BD1,400. It resulted and researches, which has result- tors including restaurants, cof- recommended using the European This amounts to more than Eu- functionalism met with the great- efforts to combat the coronavirus illicithas inspired channels. our business houses and Sectorwise, Tamkeen said, 55pc in raising the average wage of ben- ed in creating new and better job fee shops, gyms, fitness studios, Stability Mechanism (ESM), estab- rope’s glaring inability to behave as est of success, as a broadly united — the political risk event of our gen- individualsAlready big to players donate suchso generously as In- of the support went to the service eficiaries from BD668 to BD760. opportunities for Bahrainis, most- training institutes, travel agencies, lished in the wake of the 2008 Great a union when it truly counts; it also Europe emerged, all without ever eration. dia’sand tapSerum the vein Institute, of goodness the world’s within us sector, 25pc to the trade and retail On the training front, Tamkeen ly through cloud computing, ICT salons and spas. Recession, to meet the southerners’ illustrates the limits of the guiding answering the basic question of what The result is an EU built only for largestand reach manufacturer out to help fellow-residents of vaccines sector, and 20pc to the construc- said it has trained 20,481 Bahrai- accelerators, and hosting global During the two phases, the fi- needs. philosophy of the EU. The “Monnet sort of political construct was truly sunny weather, which trundles along hasof Bahrain. announced The thatdays it are expects challenging to tion sector. nis since 2016 at the total cost of events. nancial grants supported 1,925 A basic problem with this is that method” — functionalism — is a pol- being created. nicely in good times, but is fatally sellbut millionswhen we of have doses great to leaders,private we BD 21.6 m. Startup Genome has counted beauty salons with an amount the ESM was set up in the wake of icy strategy based on the advocacy of While this seemed clever and it overmatched in bad ones. A political facilities,all rise to firing the occasion the starting and gunto greater on Training and wage support With this programme, Tamkeen Bahrain among the top-ten eco- exceeding BD 10.44 m, 498 restau- an asymmetric shock — the par- small, technocratic, apolitical agree- worked for a long while, in actuality, union that no one really believes in aheights potential of goodness private market. than we ourselves Regarding training and wage created more than 44,000 train- systems for female startups, Tam- rants and cafes with an amount ticular economic follies of Greece ments being agreed to precisely be- functionalism has stored up a great and whose members are not willing thoughtNations possible. must have a clear and support, Tamkeen said it has con- ing opportunities for Bahrainis – keen pointed out. exceeding BD 1.9 m, 211 gyms and possibly other southern econ- cause they seemed secondary, or deal of trouble for Europe, which has to make the basic sacrifice of blood transparentYes indeed. system There is to good prevent in us all.. tributed to raising the wages of with each employee receiving two The report says 18pc of Bahrain with an amount exceeding 1.2 m, omies — rather than the symmetric technical, eventually amounting to come home to roost since the Great and treasure for is a union only in ‘queue-jumping’ (Captain Mahmood in the Al Mahmood vaccina is- the 26,146 Bahrainis, since 2007, by sponsored training, on average. startups are founded by women, and 139 training institutes with shock of a global pandemic. In other decisive movement toward a con- Recession of 2008. The founders of name. And, without the Hamiltoni- tion race.Editor-in-Chief Processes of The must Daily beTribune put and injecting 36 m Bahraini dinars. The assistance grew significant- beating Silicon Valley’s 16pc, and an amount exceeding BD 1.16 m. words, there can be no doubt that federated European state. the EU wanted a powerful Hamilto- an moment in these times of crisis, in placethe toPresident ensure of that the Arab-African only a legit Unity- Greece was largely to blame for its In the 1950s, rather than talking nian Brussels without ever having Europe will be increasingly unfit imate,Organisation officially for received Relief, Human vaccine Rights is and own parlous situation. The same about grand visions of European their Hamiltonian moment.. for purpose. of any use to the recipient.Counterterrorism) Vaccine passports being considered by the Indian School Isa Town campus Hon. Chairman Najeb Yacob Alhamer | Editor-in-Chief Mahmood AI Mahmood | Chairman & Managing Director P Unnikrishnan | Advertisement: UpdateWHO Media, must W.L.L only be| Tel: valid 38444692, if a jab Email: [email protected] | Newsroom: Tel: 38444680, Email: [email protected] has been administered through Subscription & circulation: Tel: 36458394 | Email:[email protected] | Website: | Printed and published theby Al health Ayam authorities Publishing in someone’s country of permanent residence. We cannot allow the most pain- ful global inequalities or the fear of economic hardship to be carried over into the vaccine rollout. No shortcuts and no unfair practices – that should be the golden rule.

(Captain Mahmood Al Mahmood is the Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Tribune and the President of the Arab-African Unity The Indian School Bahrain(ISB) Isa Town campus students celebrated National Day online on Tuesday. The programme coordinated by the Arabic Department highlighted Organisation for Relief, Human Rights and the achievements of the Kingdom expressing its cultural diversity and religious tolerance. Principal VR Palaniswamy, ISB Chairman Prince S Natarajan, Secretary Saji Counterterrorism) Antony, EC Members, and Riffa Campus Principal Pamela Xavier extended congratulations to His Majesty King and HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister. A FOOL THINKS HIMSELF TO QUOTE BE WISE, BUT A WISE MAN OF THE KNOWS HIMSELF TO BE A DAY FOOL. SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2020 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE

EU doomed without the SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 04 05 Hamiltonian moment HH Shaikh Nasser GreatA golden leaders China issues national Singapore airport goes sub-zero for inspirevaccine us to 11 years, BD 193 million, security rules on goodness foreign investment COVID-19 vaccine transport plan rule Reuters | Singapore planes in deep freeze storage boxes. They are then unloaded s the door of the vaccine into the temperature-controlled Atransport cart opens at cool dollies and transported and 13,659 enterprises Singapore’s Changi airport, the across the tarmac to cavern - sub-zero temperatures inside ous cold rooms at the airport’s collide with the warm, tropical various storage facilities before Tamkeen’s success journey since its inception in 2006 air, creating a carpet of steam onwards distribution. CAPT. MAHMOOD AL MAHMOOD like hot breath on a winter’s day. Pfizer’s vaccine, which is cur- TDT | Manama These carts known as cool rently being administered in nce again the leaders, the busi- dollies, recently acquired by Britain and the United States, ewness people houses can and comprehend the people of ore than 193 million logistics firm dnata, are part of needs to be stored at minus 70 Othethe generosity Kingdom or of the Bahrain level ofhave Bahraini dinars has a government-led plan to lever- degrees Celsius (-94 F) or be- Fcomewisdom together shown in the spiritby Bahrain’s of patriot - Mbeen spent by Tam- age the city-state’s position as low - equivalent to an Antarctic leadershipism and unity in implementing to raise defenses the against ad- keen to support enterprises in an air cargo hub and to ensure winter. ministrationan unusual and of COVID unseen-19 enemyvaccines. – the the Kingdom, since its inception COVID-19 vaccines can be dis- Another vaccine by Moderna, COVIDThere has been transparency in 2006. China’s President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang take part in an event tributed around the region. which is nearing authorisation -19 virus pandemic. Cool air gush out of data’s “cool dolly” which can be temperature controlled for marking the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army’s The city-state of 5.7 million in the United States, can be fromIn justthe 24start hours, in how these the parties, vaccine led by The support, mostly through efficient handling of the COVID-19 vaccines at the cool chain facility in Singapore wasthe exampletested and of HHnow Shaikh that the Nasser test bin Tamkeen’s Business Development participation in the Korean War at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing has said it expects the first shots stored for up to six months at resultsHamad have Al Khalifa, declared have its raised efficacy over BD Programme, has benefitted over (file) of Pfizer-BioNTech’s corona- minus 20 degrees Celsius. and21 million safety, to the help Kingdom people and is rolling business - 13,659 enterprises during this pe- virus vaccine to arrive in the These carts known as ed. Singapore ground-handling outes struckthe vaccination by the impact campaign of the as virus. a riod. Reuters | Shanghai benefits of further opening Southeast Asian transport hub cool dollies, recently “The temperature in Singa- firm SATS said it is also investing healthThe funds, birthright under for the every project resident ‘Feena This came as Tamkeen outlined with the need to ensure na - this month after Singapore be- acquired by logistics pore could reach 30 degrees in its capacity to handle these inKhair’ Bahrain, (There whether is Good Bahraini in Us) will or be its achievements over the past 11 hina published rules yes- tional security, the NDRC said. came the first country in Asia to firm dnata, are part of a (Celsius) and above. Cool dol- vaccines including buying cool expat.used for business support and medical years where its objectives centred Cterday for reviewing for- Publishing the investment approve the vaccine. government-led plan to lies really help us to protect the dollies and expanding its dry ice supportAn online as well registering as humanitarian process food on meeting the market require- eign investment on national rules is “not protectionism But beyond its own needs, leverage the city-state’s product,” said Arman Abdul production. hasand streamlined clothing aid. the signing up and ments by supporting the private security grounds, potentially or backtracking from open- Singapore has in recent months position as an air cargo Malek, a dnata operations ex- “Singapore is well-positioned theThe vaccination Bahrain Chamber is soon of going Commerce to sector enterprises and individual broad measures that it insisted ing-up policies,” the NDRC been beefing up its so-called hub and to ensure COV- ecutive, demonstrating the carts to be a regional hub for storing be& Industryavailable also provided its spacious Bahraini employees. did not amount to protection- said, asserting that “opening “cool chain” capabilities, to en- ID-19 vaccines can be he said were purchased a few and redistributing the vaccines freeand centrally-locatedof cost old premises for Tamkeen is a public authority ism. up without protection is not sure vaccines like Pfizer’s that weeks ago. across Asia”, said Bob Chi, chief The review system an - sustainable.” need to be stored in extreme distributed around the Typically in the ‘cool chain’ operating officer, gateway ser- touse all by validthe COVID -19 task force. established in 2006 by His Maj- region. residents.In the midst of our peculiar con- esty the King as one of the main nounced by the National The new system will es - cold can be smoothly transport- process, vaccines arrive on the vices, at SATS. Comparedition of isolation, social dis- pillars of labour-market reforms. Development and Reform tablish a body dedicated to this totancing the We and cannotdespair, we must Tamkeen is keen on ensuring Commission (NDRC) covers security reviews, headed by foreign investments in mili- the NDRC and the Ministry of I am sureominous you rejoice allow in this stream the of com- that its support platforms pro- Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte calls the proposed €540 billion rescue plan a trap. talk of passionvac- most that has painful sprung from vide a sustainable impact, through tary sectors and the acquisi- Commerce. The rules, which Trump downplays will all agreecine tourism amidst us to counter the harsh continuous development and en- tion of controlling stakes in take effect in 30 days, fol - US Congress works on COVID aid as In pictures are some of the key moments in Tamkeen’s growth DR. JOHN C. HULSMAN cannot now be said of the Southern This means they were This means they were broadly that thisemerging has reality ofglobal the crisis. It is praise- hancement of human resources in such sectors as energy, natural low a foreign investment law impact of European states ravaged by a global advocates of a federated (or confed- inspiredfrom our someworthy inequalities of the big businesses the country. resources, agriculture, inter- published last year aimed at another shutdown threat looms broadly advocates net technology and financial broadening market access for massive breach have long suspected that the pandemic. The basic issue of fairness of a federated (or erated), centralized European state, business housesdeveloping to have or come the forward fear to sup- “The emphasis was also on ly, as a result of the reintroduction London’s 15pc. endless undoubtedly boring Eu- is in real question. without ever having the necessary countriesport -the vision of the leaders up-skilling Bahrainis and increas- of the Training and Wage Support Bahrain ranks among the top services. overseas investors. of government ropean summit meetings are so Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe confederated), centralized political debate that raged in the US and individualsa new of and Bahrain of economic and keep the hu - ing their employability within programme for the private-sector 10 AME Ecosystems for Funding “Only by tightening the Last year’s foreign invest- The COVID-19 I fence against security risks can ment law made it clear China turgid for a reason. It is easy to get Conte rightly calls the proposed European state, without in the 1790s between the advocates to donatehighly so suspimanitarian- consideration as the private sector,” the Labour employees. The average support in 2020 and is among the world’s pandemic• has killed computer lost in the byzantine complexities of €540 billion ($587 billion) rescue ever having the necessary of centralism (Alexander Hamilton) cious versionthe first hardship priority in this to crisis. Fund said. per enterprise for each employed top-five fastest-growing ecosys- China lay the solid foundations would set up a review mecha- generously and 200k 311,000 Americans false agreements that actually solve plan “a trap.” The accord is there to political debate that and decentralization (Thomas Jef- tap the veinof theof mediLong- be after carried the dust has set- For this, Tamkeen said, it has in- To date, Tamkeen said it individual amounted to BD 3,800. tems with fewer than 1,000 start- for a new round of opening nism for foreign investment, systems nothing. And that is how theEU likes only deal with the immediate impact raged in the US in the ferson). In the end, the federalist ad- cal tourismtled around over the into world, those jected nearly 830 million Bahraini provided support to more ups. up that is broader, wider and and foreign companies and Reuters it: For us to have little idea that it is a of the virus. However, over the much ministration of George Washington goodness withinindustry who that will be remembered dinars into the private sector for than 200,000 individuals Professional Certificates deeper,” the commission said. trade associations have been Reuters | Washington 1790s between the us and reach out the vaccine and more than 53,000 Business Continuity Support This was in line with inter- awaiting the new rules so that paper tiger, so much less than meets larger rescue efforts necessary to advocates of centralism opted for Hamilton’s centralizing will endare up leaders who led from making it the main engine of the Tamkeen said it created 48,890 the eye in terms of its geostrategic revive the Italian and other south- vision, won overwhelming re-elec- to help fellow-hurtingthe the heart. rollout. Undoubtedly, No the national economy. institutions. opportunities for Bahrainis in dif- Programme national practice and would they can make investment de- S President Donald (Alexander Hamilton) and help balance the economic cisions, the NDRC said. he US Senate held a rare Trump in his first com- power. ern economies necessitated by the tion and a popular mandate for the residentspeople of response of of Bahrain’s lead- Tamkeen has initiatives like the ferent fields since 2011. Following the Royal Directives U decentralization (Thomas shortcuts Saturday session as Dem- ments about a widespread But crises clarify. And there is debilitating lockdown, normal con- national government to assume state Bahrain.these counership- will shed a beacon of Individual Support Programme Tamkeen said it supported of His Majesty King Hamad bin T absolutely no doubt that the coro- ditionality will be imposed. Jefferson). debt, while at the same time estab- tries evenlight onand our historic no unfair response. and the Enterprise Support Pro- 24,374 to obtain professional Isa Al Khalifa to unite the national ocrats and Republicans faced data breach across the US navirus has made crystal clear that This is understandably political- lishing a powerful national Treas- as it fillsInspired the practices by His Majesty, – our grammes to achieve the goal. The certificates with internation- efforts to combat the economic a midnight Sunday deadline to Representative picture (Courtesy of Business Insider) government downplayed the old model governing the EU has ly toxic in Italy, where it is seen as ury, brilliantly headed by Hamilton State coffersCrown Prince and First Dep- Business Development as well as al accreditation, and 24,516 impact from the global spread JPMorgan ups odds of a Brexit complete a $900 billion pack- the seriousness and im - finally, after a brilliant 70-year run, surrendering basic sovereignty to himself. and privateuty Premier that guided should the gov - the Training and Wage Support fresh graduates and job seekers of Coronavirus, Tamkeen said it age of legislation to help Amer- ing five-alarm national crisis,” without further delay,” he said. pact of the cyber espionage entirely run out of steam. The sup- the uncertain mercies of economic union (a Valhalla that had far less Due to an overly clever function- hospital ernmentbank be in the the crucial golden early programmes also assisted in job to obtain certificates in basic has redirected its programmes to deal to 70pc from 60pc icans struggling after the steep Republican Senate Majority As talks continued, no campaign, and questioned posed deal over emergency Europe- overlords the EU, the International than majority support), it was better alism, present European leaders accounts.days to approach the sensi- creation. skills. The total support for the support adversely affected small health and economic costs of Leader Mitch McConnell said, vote on the package was whether Russia was to Undoubt- rule To date, Tamkeen said it has 26,146 training of individuals reached and micro-enterprises. Reuters | Lon- the week began, the coronavirus pandemic. urging lawmakers to put aside expected before Sunday blame. an coronavirus funds pledged last Monetary Fund and the Europe- to discuss seemingly inoffensive coal (with the honorable exception of tive themes of quarantine and Tamkeen said it contributed don and we now mark It would be the largest re - their differences and finish the afternoon. “The Cyber Hack is far week to the plague-ravaged south, an Central Bank. No Italian leader and steel union, even as the latter led President Emmanuel Macron of edly, sometreatment with compassion. supported more than 200,000 in- to raising the wages of BD 58.7 m. Accordingly, Tamkeen support- far from being a concord, has ex- could accept such colonization and to further economic union, and then France) shied away from this diffi- countries,When he returned from his dividuals and 53,000 institutions. 26,146 Bahrainis, since 2007, Tamkeen had also spent more ed more than 15,600 small and that up to 70-30,” lief package since spring, when bill as he opened the Senate. Both Republicans and Dem- greater in the Fake News posed the EU’s haplessness for all survive. In true Kafkaesque fash- to a degree of political union. Large cult argument in the happier times insojourn the name abroad, our beloved Prime Financial support through by providing 36 m Bahraini than BD 26.6 m to support the micro enterprises, with a total S invest - JPMorgan analyst Congress approved more than “There’s a gravitational pull ocrats say they are close to a Media than in actuality,” to see. ion, no country in the south that political questions were to be pur- that preceded the coronavirus. But ofMinister promot immediately- galvanized the the Business Development Pro- dinars wages of 17,000-plus Bahrainis budget exceeding BD 54 m. Ument bank Malcolm Barr said $4 trillion in aid. The COVID-19 here in Congress, where unless deal, but talks ran into a new Trump said on Twitter on ESM posefully avoided in favor of getting the failure of functionalism over the ingCabinet medical and government officials, gramme, which covers up to 50pc through a Career Progression In the second phase of the JPMorgan said in a note to clients. pandemic has killed 311,000 we’re careful, any major nego- stumbling block late this week Saturday. “Russia, Russia, First, if you are brave enough to truly needs the can politically A woman passes by a wade through the actual agreement accept it. These design flaws have to large political answers (always in past 70 years to decisively answer tourism,displaying will his admirable energy and of the total costs, since 2009, has Programme, until 2015. programme, Tamkeen said it has the probability “In our view, Americans, by far the most in tiation can easily slide into an when some Republicans, led by Russia is the priority chant of a Brexit trade JPMorgan Chase bank in Times solutions to all of the world, and put millions out unending catalog of disagree- Senator Pat Toomey, began a when anything happens be- reached, it becomes palpably clear become so obvious that the deal has the direction of ever closer union) the question of what sort of union becrisis tempted management in managing the now crossed BD193 m. The pro- Besides, Tamkeen said it also supported for an additional six Square in New York City, US that it is full of policy holes. The unraveled almost immediately upon through the backdoor of technical, Europe was to become is now fatally tosituation. create a supply in response to gramme benefitted 13,659 enter- The average support per insti- conducted several market studies months the most affected sec- deal had risen to the issues listed of work. Economists say growth ments. Let’s guard against that,” push to rein in Federal Reserve cause Lamestream is, for Eurogroup of finance ministers has delivery. apolitical initiatives. Over decades, handicapping basic and necessary thatI am demand, sure you through will all agreeofficial that or this prises. tution clocked BD1,400. It resulted and researches, which has result- tors including restaurants, cof- 70 per cent from 60pc. above which both sides would will likely remain sluggish until McConnell said. lending programs for midsize mostly financial reasons, recommended using the European This amounts to more than Eu- functionalism met with the great- efforts to combat the coronavirus illicithas inspired channels. our business houses and Sectorwise, Tamkeen said, 55pc in raising the average wage of ben- ed in creating new and better job fee shops, gyms, fitness studios, “Our sense is that the like- be able to live can be designed, vaccines are widely available in “We need to pass these meas- businesses and municipal bond petrified of discussing the Stability Mechanism (ESM), estab- rope’s glaring inability to behave as est of success, as a broadly united — the political risk event of our gen- individualsAlready big to players donate suchso generously as In- of the support went to the service eficiaries from BD668 to BD760. opportunities for Bahrainis, most- training institutes, travel agencies, lihood of a deal has moved even if the process of getting to mid-2021. ures with a big, bipartisan vote issuers intended to ease the possibility that it may be lished in the wake of the 2008 Great a union when it truly counts; it also Europe emerged, all without ever eration. dia’sand tapSerum the vein Institute, of goodness the world’s within us sector, 25pc to the trade and retail On the training front, Tamkeen ly through cloud computing, ICT salons and spas. up from the 60-40 we had as them is difficult.” “We’re still facing an ongo- and get them signed into law pandemic’s sting. China (it may!).” Recession, to meet the southerners’ illustrates the limits of the guiding answering the basic question of what The result is an EU built only for largestand reach manufacturer out to help fellow-residents of vaccines sector, and 20pc to the construc- said it has trained 20,481 Bahrai- accelerators, and hosting global During the two phases, the fi- needs. philosophy of the EU. The “Monnet sort of political construct was truly sunny weather, which trundles along hasof Bahrain. announced The thatdays it are expects challenging to tion sector. nis since 2016 at the total cost of events. nancial grants supported 1,925 A basic problem with this is that method” — functionalism — is a pol- being created. nicely in good times, but is fatally sellbut millionswhen we of have doses great to leaders,private we BD 21.6 m. Startup Genome has counted beauty salons with an amount the ESM was set up in the wake of icy strategy based on the advocacy of While this seemed clever and it overmatched in bad ones. A political facilities,all rise to firing the occasion the starting and gunto greater on Training and wage support With this programme, Tamkeen Bahrain among the top-ten eco- exceeding BD 10.44 m, 498 restau- an asymmetric shock — the par- small, technocratic, apolitical agree- worked for a long while, in actuality, union that no one really believes in aheights potential of goodness private market. than we ourselves Regarding training and wage created more than 44,000 train- systems for female startups, Tam- rants and cafes with an amount Apple puts supplier Wistron on notice after factory violence ticular economic follies of Greece ments being agreed to precisely be- functionalism has stored up a great and whose members are not willing thoughtNations possible. must have a clear and support, Tamkeen said it has con- ing opportunities for Bahrainis – keen pointed out. exceeding BD 1.9 m, 211 gyms and possibly other southern econ- cause they seemed secondary, or deal of trouble for Europe, which has to make the basic sacrifice of blood transparentYes indeed. system There is to good prevent in us all.. tributed to raising the wages of with each employee receiving two The report says 18pc of Bahrain with an amount exceeding 1.2 m, Reuters | New Delhi/Bengaluru omies — rather than the symmetric technical, eventually amounting to come home to roost since the Great and treasure for is a union only in ‘queue-jumping’ in the vaccina- 26,146 Bahrainis, since 2007, by sponsored training, on average. startups are founded by women, and 139 training institutes with hour management processes, “This is a new facility and we (Captain Mahmood Al Mahmood is the pple Inc has placed supplier which “led to payment delays recognise that we made mis - shock of a global pandemic. In other decisive movement toward a con- Recession of 2008. The founders of name. And, without the Hamiltoni- tion race.Editor-in-Chief Processes of The must Daily beTribune put and injecting 36 m Bahraini dinars. The assistance grew significant- beating Silicon Valley’s 16pc, and an amount exceeding BD 1.16 m. words, there can be no doubt that federated European state. the EU wanted a powerful Hamilto- an moment in these times of crisis, in placethe toPresident ensure of that the Arab-African only a legit Unity- AWistron Corp on probation, for some workers in October and takes as we expanded,” Wistron Greece was largely to blame for its In the 1950s, rather than talking nian Brussels without ever having Europe will be increasingly unfit imate,Organisation officially for received Relief, Human vaccine Rights is and saying yesterday it would not November”. said in a statement. “Some of own parlous situation. The same about grand visions of European their Hamiltonian moment.. for purpose. of any use to the recipient.Counterterrorism) Vaccine award the Taiwanese contract Wistron on Saturday admit- the processes we put in place to passports being considered by the Indian School Isa Town campus manufacturer new business un- ted some workers at the plant manage labor agencies and pay- Hon. Chairman Najeb Yacob Alhamer | Editor-in-Chief Mahmood AI Mahmood | Chairman & Managing Director P Unnikrishnan | Advertisement: UpdateWHO Media, must W.L.L only be| Tel: valid 38444692, if a jab til it addressed the way workers in Karnataka’s Narasapura had ments need to be strengthened Email: [email protected] | Newsroom: Tel: 38444680, Email: [email protected] has been administered through were treated at its southern In- not been paid properly or on and upgraded.” Subscription & circulation: Tel: 36458394 | Email:[email protected] | Website: | Printed and published theby Al health Ayam authorities Publishing in someone’s dia plant. time, and it was removing a top Wistron said it is re-structur- country of permanent residence. Early findings of an Apple au- executive overseeing its India ing its teams and setting up 24- We cannot allow the most pain- dit in the wake of violence at the business. hour hotlines for employees to ful global inequalities or the fear Wistron plant in India’s Karna- Apple said it will continue to make anonymous complaints. of economic hardship to be carried taka state showed violations of monitor Wistron’s progress on “Apple has sent a strong mes- over into the vaccine rollout. No its ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’, corrective action. sage to its suppliers, telling shortcuts and no unfair practices the Cupertino, California-based “Our main objective is to make them unequivocally that they – that should be the golden rule. tech giant said in a statement. sure all the workers are treated need to adhere to its standards,” Contract workers angry over with dignity and respect, and Neil Shah of Hong Kong-based unpaid wages destroyed prop- fully compensated promptly,” tech researcher Counterpoint (Captain Mahmood Al Mahmood is the erty, gear and iPhones on Dec. Apple said, adding that it contin- said. Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Tribune and 12, causing millions of dollars in ued to investigate issues at the “In the long-run it should the President of the Arab-African Unity losses to Wistron and forcing it plant, which is located some 50 make suppliers more cautious The Indian School Bahrain(ISB) Isa Town campus students celebrated National Day online on Tuesday. The programme coordinated by the Arabic Department highlighted to shut the plant. km outside of the southern tech and likely create fewer such Organisation for Relief, Human Rights and the achievements of the Kingdom expressing its cultural diversity and religious tolerance. Principal VR Palaniswamy, ISB Chairman Prince S Natarajan, Secretary Saji Counterterrorism) Apple said Wistron had failed Men wearing protective face masks walk past broken windows of a facility run by Wistron Corp in Narsapura near the hub of Bengaluru and assembles public-relations headaches for Antony, EC Members, and Riffa Campus Principal Pamela Xavier extended congratulations to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad southern city of Bengaluru, India Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister. to implement proper working one iPhone model. Apple.” AS LOVE WITHOUT ESTEEM IS QUOTE CAPRICIOUS AND VOLATILE; OF THE ESTEEM WITHOUT LOVE IS DAY LANGUID AND COLD SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 JONATHAN SWIFT

News in brief Iconic Washington Monument shut after u The US Interior Rockets hit US base in Afghanistan COVID-infected Interior Secretary’s visit Department said it has temporarily closed the Washington Monument because of a Five rockets were fired at Bagram Airfield in Parwan province, no casualties reported shortage of staff due to quarantines following a recent visit by Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, who is infected with the coronavirus. “As we do in all circumstances No group has when an employee attests to having COVID-19, claimed• responsibility we work with our public health officials to ensure all guidance from the CDC is followed, such as identifying close contacts for the attack and cleaning areas as appropriate,” Interior spokesman Nicholas Goodwin said. u Slovak Prime AFP | Kabul Minister Igor Matovic Slovak PM says tests said he had tested positive for Covid-19 major US air base north positive for Covid-19, a week after he attended of Kabul was targeted in an EU summit in Brussels. The summit is believed a rocket attack yesterday to be where French President Emmanuel Macron A caught the virus, leading a host of European leaders but there were no casualties or damage to the airfield, NATO and top French officials to go into self-isolation. and “Today, I am one of you,” Matovic wrote on his Afghan officials said. Five rockets were fired at Ba- Facebook page, attaching a screenshot of a text gram Airfield at 6:00 am, said message with his test results. Parwan province spokeswoman Fire in hospital kills 8 u A fire in a private Waheeda Shahkar, adding that hospital’s COVID-19 intensive police had defused another sev- people in southeast Turkey care unit killed eight people, en rockets mounted on a vehicle the governor’s office in the southeastern Turkish province of Gaziantep said. The fire was caused by the explosion of an oxygen ventilator, the office said Members of the Czech Army use an armed vehicle to provide security while they rest at an Afghanistan National Army base in a statement, adding that 11 other patients receiving treatment in the unit were between patrols near Bagram Airfield in Parwan (file photo) transferred to nearby hospitals. used in the attack. In recent months, IS has iban for the blast. u At least 10 people were A NATO official also confirmed claimed several assaults in Kabul, Violence has surged in Afghan- killed in a town in ’s At least 10 killed in the assault. including two deadly rocket at- istan in recent months despite semi autonomous state of central Somalia bombing KNOW WHAT “Rockets were fired towards tacks that struck residential areas the government and the Taliban Galmudug when a suicide bomber detonated Bagram Airfield this morning. in the capital. launching peace talks to end the a device at a rally due to be addressed by the Initial reporting is there were no The group also claimed brutal country’s grinding war. country’s prime minister, a security official casualties and the airfield was not attacks on two separate educa- The Taliban has carried out said. Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble Violence has surged in damaged,” the official said. tional centres in Kabul that killed near-daily attacks targeting Af- was on his way to address the rally at a stadium Afghanistan in recent No group immediately claimed dozens of people, most of them ghan forces that have left hun- in Galkayo, a town in central Somalia where months despite the responsibility for the attack, and students. dreds of security personnel killed many residents and security forces had gathered government and the the Taliban denied any involve- Yesterday’s attack came a day or wounded. to welcome him before the explosion, Galmudug Taliban launching ment. after 15 children were killed when Attacks by the militants had state security ministry said in a post on its peace talks to end the The jihadist Islamic State group an explosives-laden motorbike killed nearly 500 civilians and Facebook page. previously claimed responsibility blew up near a religious gathering wounded more than 1,000 others country’s grinding for a similar rocket attack on the in eastern Ghazni province. over the past three months, the u A landslide war Landslide at Vale mine near 2019 at a mine owned base in April. Afghan officials blamed the Tal- interior ministry said yesterday. disaster site kills one in Brazil by Brazil’s Vale SA near the site of the 2019 Brumadinho dam disaster buried and killed a worker, the company told Reuters in a statement. Chilean president handed $3,500 fine for mask-less selfie with stranger on beach According to the company, the worker, who Reuters | Santiago was employed by a Vale contractor, was in a Chile has strict rules on mask had been walking alone along bulldozer when the side of a pit collapsed at the wearing in all public places and the beach near his home in the Corrego do Feijao mine. hilean President Sebastian violations are punishable with posh Chilean seaside town of CPinera was slapped with a sanctions that include fines and Cachagua when a woman recog- $3,500 fine after posing for a selfie even jail terms. nized him and asked for a photo on the beach with a bystander Pinera apologized then turned together. without wearing a mask as re - himself in shortly after the selfie The selfie shows the president COVID-19: Countries worst affected quired during the coronavirus surfaced on social media in early and the woman standing very Country Total cases Total pandemic, health authorities December. near to one another on a sunny deaths Global tally said. The selfie of Pinera that led to a fine The president explained he day, neither wearing masks. 1 USA 17,932,327 321,489 76,340,372 2 India 10,031,618 145,509 US Navy chief 3 Brazil 7,172,165 185,827 Deaths Fiji scrambles to provide aid as cyclone toll rises 4 Russia 2,819,429 50,347 charged with Reuters | Suva 5 France 2,442,990 60,229 1,687,341 trying to record econnaissance flights showed 6 Turkey 2,004,285 17,851 Rentire villages wiped out in Recovered: female staff Fiji yesterday as authorities put 7 UK 2,004,219 67,075 Navy Times | Washington the cost of devastating Cyclone 8 Italy 1,938,083 68,447 53,545,413 Yasa at hundreds of millions of US Navy chief faces dollars and the death toll rose 9 Spain 1,817,448 48,926 New cases Acriminal charges for al- to four. 10 Argentina 1,531,374 41,672 legedly attempting to record A state of natural disaster has female service members been declared for 30 days as 11 Germany 1,483,258 26,240 +347,603 earlier this year in Bahrain, emergency services scrambled to 12 Colombia 1,482,072 40,019 Navy Times reported. provide food and clothing to the New deaths Chief Boatswain’s Mate worst affected areas. 13 Mexico 1,301,546 117,249 Douglas R. Lusk, of Mari- The superstorm slammed into 14 Poland 1,194,110 25,254 +6,984 time Expeditionary Squad- Fiji’s second largest island Vanua ron 3, is accused of attempt- Levu late Thursday, leaving a trail Figures as of closing ing to record the women in of destruction. a private area without their Of the 24,000 people who evac- Middle East People remove debris due to Cyclone Yasa at Velau Drive in Fiji Country Total new Total New Total Active consent from March to June uated their homes at the height of cases cases deaths Deaths recovered cases at Naval Support Activity the storm, 16,113 are still unable tions are restored to hard-hit are- Bahrain. to return. as, the National Disaster Manage- Lusk was scheduled for A New Zealand Air Force re- ment Office said in a statement. 124,280 7,041 106,157 11,082 a special court-martial ar- connaissance flight flew over the The most devastated Communications with the Saudi 360,848 +158 6,112 +11 351,722 3,014 raignment Thursday in San area yesterday to assess the scale area is in the second eastern Lau islands group were Arabia Diego, according to the of the damage, with reports of largest island Vanua cut during the storm and the Navy Region Southwest houses, crops and entire liveli- Levu, however we extent of damage there was UAE 192,404 +1,254 634 +4 168,129 23,641 docket. hoods wiped out. haven’t received any unknown. Kuwait 147,775 +244 918 +2 143,641 3,216 His Navy defence attor- The storm also damaged National Disaster Management ney declined to comment, schools and caused widespread information from the Lau Office director Vasiti Soki said 127,019 1,483 119,009 6,527 according to Lt. Cmdr. Am- flooding and landslides. group of islands on the that while it would take days to ber Lewis, a spokeswoman More than 93,000 people were eastern side assess the full scale of the damage, 141,858 +142 243 +1 139,521 2,094 with Navy Expeditionary affected and the number of casu- MACIU NOKELVU “we are likely looking at hundreds Combat Command. alties may rise when communica- FIJI RED CROSS OPERATIONS MANAGER of millions of dollars.” TODAY 1522 1803 1917 1960 IN Suleiman the Magnificent accepts surrender French flag lowered in New Cheka formed - Soviet state The National Liberation HISTORY of the surviving Knights of Rhodes, who are al- Orleans to mark the formal trans- security force and forerunner Front, better known as the lowed to evacuate. They eventually settle in Mal- fer of the Louisiana Purchase to the KGB, under Felix Dzer- Viet Cong, is officially formed ta and become known as the Knights of Malta from France to USA for $27M zhinsky after decree by Lenin in South Vietnam

WHO investigators Rockets hit US base in Afghanistan heading to Two dead, hundreds flee TOP Five rockets were fired at Bagram Airfield in Parwan province, no casualties reported China in early 4 January to TWEETS probe virus floods in Philippine storm 01 Huge waves smashed into a coastal village on Lapu-Lapu island in the central province of Cebu

Two elderly women who ne of the Trump • OAdministration’s were killed in a landslide great achievements into General view outside WHO in Mahaplag town the future will be the headquarters authorization and start Reuters | Zurich AFP | Manila up of the SPACE FORCE. 75 years since Air Force. Congratulations to all! orld Health Organ- t least two people were killed and @realDonaldTrump Wization (WHO) offi- hundreds forced to flee their inun- cials said an international Adated homes in the Philippines as team led by the UN agency torrential rain triggered flooding and land- would be going to China in slides in the storm-battered archipelago, Members of the Czech Army use an armed vehicle to provide security while they rest at an Afghanistan National Army base the first week of January to officials said yesterday. between patrols near Bagram Airfield in Parwan (file photo) investigate the origins of Huge waves smashed into a coastal vil- 02 iban for the blast. the coronavirus pandemic. lage on Lapu-Lapu island in the central Violence has surged in Afghan- Mike Ryan, WHO’s top province of Cebu on Friday night, wiping istan in recent months despite emergency expert, said in- out dozens of houses and leaving around the government and the Taliban ternational experts would 290 people homeless, Mayor Junard Chan launching peace talks to end the go to the central Chinese People push a half-submerged tricycle through a flooded street in Agusan del Sur province in Mindanao country’s grinding war. city of Wuhan, where the said on Facebook. their homes on the major southern island The Taliban has carried out first cases of COVID-19 were Photos posted online by the mayor of Mindanao as floodwaters engulfed 13 vil- early 3M students near-daily attacks targeting Af- detected last December. showed piles of wood and bamboo near the lages, the National Disaster Risk Reduction Nnationwide don’t ghan forces that have left hun- “We still don’t have a few houses still standing after the region and Management Council said. have access to the internet dreds of security personnel killed take-off date because we was drenched by heavy rain. The Philippines is hit by an average of at home—leaving many or wounded. are working on the logistics KNOW WHAT Rescuers retrieved the bodies of two 20 storms and typhoons every year, which school districts this year Attacks by the militants had around visas and flights. We elderly women who were killed when a typically wipe out harvests, homes and in- scrambling to find ways to killed nearly 500 civilians and do expect the team to be go- landslide hit an area of Mahaplag town be- frastructure in already impoverished areas. reach students. Pandemic wounded more than 1,000 others ing there in the first week of About 1,500 people were forced fore dawn in the nearby province of Leyte, The latest storm comes after a succession or not, @JoeBiden and I over the past three months, the January. There will be quar- to leave their homes on the ma- police officer Racquel Hernandez said. of typhoons in recent months pummelled are committed to expand- interior ministry said yesterday. antine arrangements,” Ryan jor southern island of Mindanao A boy was also pulled from the rubble the country, taking the lives 148 people, de- ing broadband access to told a news conference. of his home and treated for his injuries, stroying hundreds of thousands of houses, every American. “The team will visit Wu- as floodwaters engulfed 13 Hernandez said. wrecking cash crops and leaving swathes @KamalaHarris han, that’s the purpose of villages About 1,500 people were forced to leave of the country without power. the mission. The point of the mission is to go to the 03 original point at which hu- man cases were detected. They’ll fully expect to do French President Macron’s condition is ‘stable’, presidency says that,” he added. Reuters | Paris brief statement, signed by his The French authorities are WHO officials also said doctor. But they were not pre- concerned that the holiday pe- that three-quarters of cas- rench President Emmanuel venting him from carrying out riod could see a new spike in es were occurring in the FMacron, who has tested his duties. infections. Americas, and thanked positive for the coronavirus, is On Friday, Macron had prom- On Friday, a total 15,674 new lways good to speak Canada for committing to in stable condition, and exam- ised to provide a daily update cases were reported in the past Awith Philippine Sec- donate vaccine doses to oth- inations had given reassuring and, for the time, posted on so- 24 hours in France, down from retary of Foreign Affairs er countries. results, a statement from his cial media a short video message 18,254 the previous day. @teddyboylocsin about Maria Van Kerkhove, office said yesterday. filmed on his own phone. And the so-called positivi- our shared interests in WHO technical lead on COV- Macron, who is working in Speaking of the general situa- ty rate -- which measures the the South China Sea. The ID-19, said the agency was in self-isolation from an official tion in France, where the num- number of confirmed contam- U.S.-Philippine Alliance Fiji scrambles to provide aid as cyclone toll rises touch with South African residence outside Paris, “is still ber of deaths passed 60,000 on inations as a proportion of the is vital to a free and open researchers who identified presenting the same symptoms Friday, he warned: “We have to number of tests carried out -- Indo-Pacific. #Friend- a new variant of the SARS- of the Covid-19 illness (fatigue, be vigilant as the virus is gaining slipped slightly to 5.9 percent sPartnersAllies CoV2 virus. coughing, stiffness)”, said the Emmanuel Macron in strength again.” from 6.1 percent on Thursday. @SecPompeo 04 Massive iceberg pivots, breaks near south Atlantic penguin colony island Reuters | London ly carry it away from the shelf edge before sweeping it back trong currents have taken around toward the island’s east- Shold of a massive Antarctic ern shelf area. iceberg that is on a collision That means the berg could he Christmas tree course towards South Georgia 4200 still cause an environmental dis- Tand the Nativity Island, causing it to shift direc- square-kilometres is the aster for local wildlife, but along scene are signs of hope, tion and lose a major chunk of last measured size of the the island’s eastern coast rather especially in this difficult mass, a scientist tracking its massive iceberg that is on than the southwest. time. Let us be sure we journey said. a collision course towards “All of those things can still do not stop at the sign, As the iceberg, dubbed A68a, South Georgia Island happen, nothing has changed in but get to the meaning, tions are restored to hard-hit are- approached the western shelf that regard,” Tarling said. that is, to Jesus, to the as, the National Disaster Manage- edge of the south Atlantic island The new smaller berg, A68d, love of God that He re- ment Office said in a statement. this week, it encountered strong life-rich island, it could grind is moving further away from the vealed to us, the infinite Communications with the currents, causing it to pivot into the seabed, disrupting original berg. Scientists don’t goodness that he made eastern Lau islands group were nearly 180 degrees, according underwater ecosystems. They yet know if it will follow the shine on the world. cut during the storm and the to Geraint Tarling, a biological View of the A-68A iceberg from a Royal Air Force reconnaissance plane near were also worried that the berg same path, or become lodged @Pontifex extent of damage there was oceanographer with the British South George island might block penguins making somewhere else on the shelf. An unknown. Antarctic Survey. their way into the sea for food. estimate of A68d’s size was not National Disaster Management “You can almost imagine it as and caused a large piece to break iceberg, last measured at As of Friday, the original A68a yet available. Office director Vasiti Soki said a handbrake turn for the iceberg apart. That new piece is an ice- 4,200-square-kilometres, as iceberg was about 50 kilometres Scientists had predicted some Disclaimer: (Views expressed that while it would take days to because the currents were so berg in its own right and already it rode a fast-track current to- (31 miles) from the island’s west chunks could break away from by columnists are personal and assess the full scale of the damage, strong,” Tarling said. has a name - A68d. wards the island. coast. It appeared, however, to A68a as it approached the is - need not necessarily reflect our “we are likely looking at hundreds That’s when the berg ap - Scientists have been watch- Researchers feared that, as be heading southeast towards land, and more breakage is pos- editorial stances) of millions of dollars.” peared to clip the shelf edge, ing for weeks the massive the berg closed in on the wild- another current that would like- sible. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 0806 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 Classifieds  ‚           ‚ ‚     Ž €          FOURor    ‘­“š“ŽŽ  [email protected] WALLS INTERNATIONAL [email protected]’  Ž‚ TRANSPORTING ‚ ‚  has  applicantsSecure Me can W contact.L.L has 17630580 a vacancy or ALPHA.a vacancy PHARMACY for the W.L.Loccupation has ZAKIYAsuitably ‡  BAKERY qualified   has  applicants  a vacancy   can VACANCIES   ˆ‚  Š ˆ          „ ‰    ‰              CO.ULO ƒ œ“š—†Š  ƒŠ MATERIALS.P.C. STORAGE OWNER S.P.C aAbdulaa vacancyl Cleaning   for  & theMaintenance occupation  „ ‰ Company of  [email protected] the occupation of SECURITY aof vacancy WORKER for ,the suitably occupation qualified of forcontact the occupation17713866 of or WORKER febin@ AVAILABLE W.L.L has a vacancy for the occupation               ‘ ‘——’€š       ABDULMAJEEDhas   a vacancy   for KHALID the    occupation AWAD DRIVER  , suitably  qualified  applicants  GUARD , suitably qualified ACCOUNTANTapplicants can ,contact suitably 37314750 qualified , suitably qualified applicants can of WORKER , suitably qualified  šŽ ­  ‡  †‡‚ ‚ ŒƒŠ ‘“—€€‘’­  Š‚ Œ‰† ‚ƒŠ ƒ‡ ‰ †    ŒƒŠ GulfGULF ­€­  ‚ ƒ„ ‚†‡ˆ ˆ ‰ƒŠ Baz BAZ Logistics TRADING CO. W. L.LW.L.L. has ALLAMof ˆ  Š › —’Ž­       DRIVER has a , suitablyvacancy qualifiedfor the can ‘’Ž­  £ƒ†˜™ƒ™ contact 33138667 HAMOORABIapplicants can contactBLACKSMITH 17749697 or applicantsor SACONSTRUCTIONSPC@ can contact 39885906 or contactAWAL 677575A.C & REFRIGERATIONor OM-JABAR@ applicants can contact 17404101 or [email protected] a vacancy  for  the  occupation    of occupationapplicants  ofcan ‡ Š  CASHIERcontact   33720981, suitably  ˆ€  ‡  €‰ ‚  “ &  WELDING ‡  WORKSHOP ‚ € has [email protected]‡­  Ž‰    HOTMAIL.COMWORKSHOP    has   a vacancy   for has a vacancy for the occupation of [email protected] Secure Me W.L.L has a vacancy MARDAN CARGO HANDLING the occupation of MACHINE STOREKEEPERSALESMAN  , ‡‡‡ ,suitably suitably ‹ ŒŠˆ qualified qualifiedor  ISLAMENTERPRISES@ applicants   š’€€“‘ can contact  Danway  ‡Electrical  ‡ & €‰Mechanical   a     €‚ ­€ vacancy for the occupation  of M   ‰     K M H Decoration Bahraini GMAIL.COM Turk Excavation Company B.S.C for the occupation of SECURITY W.L.L has a vacancy for the OPERATOR‚     , suitably    qualified  applicantsŠ     can contact  6999003235940089   or 17215550  ••ƒ Š ‚­’†Š  ƒŠ or [email protected] Engineering   L.L.C  has a  vacancy „ ˆ LABOURER    ,  suitably  qualified „ ‰  partnership    ‘“ —‘š­  company has a CENTURY FIVE TRADING EST. [email protected] Danial Construction has a CLOSED ‡ˆ ˆ‡ has   a vacancy   for the GUARD , suitably qualified occupation of HEAVY DRIVER applicants„ ‰   can  contact 17293388  [email protected] ŽŽ‘Ž’’ ’  for the occupation of ELECTRICIAN applicants  can contact  17668579   or vacancy‡‚ ‰¡ “†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ for the occupation of has a vacancy for the occupation of GULF BAZ TRADING W.L.L has a 8vacancy stars   Contractingfor the ‚ ‚ occupation Co. W.L.L of  occupation  ‘š“‘‘š‘  of LABOURER , suitably applicants can contact 17749697 or , suitably qualified applicants or [email protected] ‘š“­ €   €€†Š  ƒŠ ,qualified suitably qualified applicants applicants can contact can [email protected]‘“Ž­­‘š‘  ˆ†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ WORKER  ‚  ‚  €  , suitably qualified WORKER(SALES) , suitably qualified vacancy for the occupation of hasWORKER a vacancy  ,  suitablyfor the  occupation qualified  contact  †¤Œ ‡‡¢ ‡ƒŠ 17297600 or danbahrain@ [email protected] can contact 35100286 or AHMED  – „ €€†Š  ƒŠ OMAR TRADING & A   -       KARIM ALJAHROMI  ˆ ‡ Š‚    17700165 or [email protected] SABR   ‰ AYOOB ‡ RESTAURANT  € AND €‚ GRILLS   [email protected]   can contact   36758776  or  applicantsCONTRACTING can contact EST 33206972 .W L orL SALESMAN , suitably qualified ofapplicants WORKER can ,contact suitably 35681056 qualified AYUB QURESHI CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING ŠŠ ˆ‚  COMPANY   WLL  or     —’‘Ž€  [email protected] YOUNGˆ€ ‡  €‰ ‚ JIN ENTERPRISE COMPANY ¢ ‚ LIMITED has a  vacancy   for the  occupation ‡ ‡Š   [email protected]  ˆ  ˆ‚     CARGO HANDLING [email protected] † †  €  a vacancy for the    occupation applicants can contact 35940089 or applicants can contact 77059992 or has a vacancy for the occupation of COM       [email protected] a vacancy   for the occupation   SAMEER ‡Š ¡ † ‚ƒŠ KHAN DOCUMENTS has   ŠŒ       a vacancy for the occupation of WORKER   , suitably  qualified  W.L.L has  a  vacancy  š‘——šš for the  of SAFETY OFFICER , [email protected] CAFEof LABOURER BAZZA  W.L.L „ ˆ , suitably has ‡ˆ ˆ‡ a qualifiedvacancy  SUPERVISORapplicants‘“Ž“ ­­  ‡‰‚  †Š  ƒŠ can contact , suitably 17682434 qualified or MUNICHoccupation†¥˜ƒ™ SALON of WORKER has a vacancy , suitably for suitably    ‘‘‘šš ’  qualified applicants can ofGLOBAL €“€€  †ƒ” LABOURER RESOURCES , suitably W.L.L qualified has CLEARANCE’ ‚ “ COMPANY S.P.C has a vacancy for the occupation of forapplicants the  occupation can contact  of 17700711 WAITER   or, [email protected] can contact 39823801 or thequalified occupation applicants of BARBER can , suitably contact ALcontact Š‚† ‚ƒŠ JASRA 17258545 BIKES RE has or a admin@vacancy applicantsa       vacancy can for contact the occupation 17831000    orof Basmalah €    Second   Hand  Goods  suitably qualified applicants can   ‚  €       ˆ  ‚       MARKETING EXECUTIVE , suitably SUPERVISOR , suitably qualified [email protected]‘š“‘‘š‘   †¤Œ ‡‡¢ ‡ƒŠ [email protected] RESTAURANT has a vacancy qualified35100286 or applicants MURDANCARGO@ can contact forAHMEDOMER.COM  ‚‚‡‚ ƒ    the occupation of WORKER [email protected]    ‡ ˆ    has„  a vacancy    for the  occupation  contactBAHRAIN 37322408SERVICES &or MAINTENANCE A.SAKR@   ŠŒˆ Œ  ŠŠ  37392919   or SWDALSHMRY594@   ‹ ›Œ ˆ , suitably qualified applicants can qualified applicants can contact applicants can contact 37256252    ‰ ‡    for the occupation of WORKER GMAIL.COM ARAB           SHIPBUILDING & REPAIR      of ‘­Ž’’‘­­  †£™ƒ™ƒ˜ WORKER , suitably qualified LEROYALGROUP.COMCOMPANY B.S.C. (CLOSED) has a vacancy Idroos  Tissues  S.P.C owne  d ‡‚‹       39475821 or [email protected] or SAMEERSUBHA6@GMAIL.      ‚ ‹  ‹  , suitably qualified applicants can GMAIL.COMABU NASSAR CARGO contactYARD CO.17713637  )ASRY  or has mohammed@ a  vacancy  Areena ““ŽŽŽŽ  Contractor Group Co. S.P.C applicants can contact 39854843 or for the occupation of WORKER by €€šš€“   ƒ‡ˆ†Š  ƒŠ Saleha Habeeb Idroos has  ’­’­’­  BAHRAIN SERVICES & MAINTENANCE COM               contact 17695569 or RAIDAN. HANDLING COMPANY W.L.L tarradah.comfor‘‘“ —‘—  ˜ƒŸ†˜™ƒ™ the occupation of STEEL has‡ • †‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ƒŠ a vacancy for the occupation [email protected] SAKAN, suitably RIFFA qualified INTERIOR applicants DESIGN can [email protected]Ž ‚ ‚ ‚ €  ¤‚ † ¤‡ˆ ‡ƒŠ COMPANY B.S.C. (CLOSED) has Mahmood   kids  tailoring ‡ ˆ   W.L.L  ‘­Ž€“—€€  •‚ ­€Ž€†Š  ƒŠ a vacancy for the occupation GLORYhas a vacancy COnTRACTING for the occupation has a FABRICATOR , suitably qualified of        WORKER , suitably   qualified has a vacancy   for the occupation   DECORATIONcontact 17727676 S.P.C or has BASMAHO@ a vacancy ofM  I CONTRACTING WORKER    , suitably has  a qualifiedvacancy  ‹  vacancyof ˆ  ‚     WORKER for the , suitablyoccupation   qualified of FRUITAGEapplicants­  ‚ ‚ canGULF contact has     a17674319 vacancy a vacancy for the occupation AL SALTANAH DOCUMENT applicantsof  WORKER  can contact ,  suitably ‡ ˆ 17245222 qualified   or  of ““ŽŽŽŽ  TAILOR , suitably qualified forBATELCO.COM.BH   the occupation  ‰ ‡of WORKER  applicantsfor the occupation  can contact  of 35123005LABOURER   or SUPERVISORapplicants    ‡ˆ ‚ŒŒ   can , contact suitably 33866849 qualified foror   „ ‰    [email protected] occupation of WORKER [email protected]  can contact  17727676   or CLEARINGapplicants ‡ • †‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ƒŠ can has contact a vacancy 33898119 for the or ,A Š   suitably- KARIM Ž€—­ qualifiedALJAHROMI     applicantsCONTRACTING   can [email protected], —— ——  ‡ƒ‡„ Œ †‰Š‚ ƒŠ suitably qualified applicants can applicantsor    ’­’­’­  RAHMANADRALI1@GMAIL. can contact 17550203 or ,SIYANA suitably INDUSTRIAL  qualified  ‘­Ž€“—Ž€ applicants SERVICES  can [email protected] of WORKER , suitably contactCOMPANY 39862086WL  L ‡ Š  has a  or  vacancy BIJUT@  for contact 17009161 or M.I.75@ COM & SIAM SCAFFOLDS has a [email protected] ““ŽŽŽŽ      ƒ      ‚   ‚ ‚   [email protected] ¤‚ † ¤‡ˆ ‡ƒŠ contact‡Œ Š ‡ šŽ†Š  ƒŠ 17277227 or SALEH. URBASERDREAM‡ • †‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ƒŠ PROPERTY BAHRAIN DEVELOPMENT CO W.L.L qualifiedMelenzane applicantsCompany canS.P.C. contact BATELCO.COM.BHthe occupation   of LABOURER  —­€“€­  , ALMADANIHOTMAIL.COM   HYDRAULIC     REPAIR  ABU NASSAR CARGO [email protected] for the occupation of     „ ‰   suitably qualified applicants can “   € ƒ      ƒ  ‚  Š  ‚     hasCO. aS.P.C. vacancy has fora vacancythe occupation for the 36333817Owned by or WAQASNAWABKHAN@ Seazen Hospitality  Š ­š€€†Š  ƒŠ WLLSeven hasEnergy  a W.L.L  vacancy has  a forvacancy  the ALEEMHANDLING MOHAMMED COMPANY FOR W.L.L REPAIR has WORKER , suitably qualified            ‘‘“€“­€  contact 17831000 or AKJCONT@ for the occupation of PIPEFITTER a   ˆ     vacancy for the occupation of applicants  can  contact  17552722  ofoccupation WORKER of , suitablyMAINTENANCE qualified GMAIL.COMManagement and Catering Co. 668  cafe ‚  has a   vacancy € Ÿ for the  occupation‘“š“€€‘‘ of MECHANIC , suitably OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 911 MARKET has a vacancy for the   Œ –ˆ‡   ˆ  has œ ‡Š—€—† ‚ƒŠ a vacancy for the occupation BATELCO.COM.BH , suitably qualified applicants can HEAVY DRIVER   , suitably ‘“Ž“““ qualified  or‰       [email protected] applicantsCLERK ,  suitably can contact  qualified 17131018  applicants  or occupationŠ‚ Š  ‚Š Š‚ Š Š    of WAITER (GENERAL) qualified  ‚‡ Š ‡ †Š  ƒŠ applicants can contact S.P.C†ƒ™ Owned has a vacancy for the occupation of SALESMAN , suitably can contact 17700211 or AHMED@ LEISUREof ” COOK(ASSISTANT)   INTERNATIONAL   , suitably   Dar alzahoor beauty has a vacancy for the contact 17500791 or hr@seven- applicants can contact 33866849 JAFFAR  ŽŽŽŽŽŽ  £† ALHAJ KHALIL has [email protected] ——‘‘‘  †˜ƒ™ ,       ˆ    suitably qualified applicants can 38792207     or ALMADANIHUSSEIN@  ‚ ‚  ‚ occupation of WORKER , suitably qualified applicants can contact DREAMGROUP.BH TRADINGqualified   S.P.Capplicants  has  a can vacancy Š ‡ contact  occupation of BEAUTICIAN , suitably or‚  ƒ      RAHMANADRALI1@GMAIL.   a  ‡‘vacancy for the     occupation contactqualified 33113352  applicants  or 668.BHR@  can  contact YAHOO.COM       ‚ ‹ qualified applicants can contact 36499997 or NAD.CCGROUP@ Apex Steel Construction      Company ­€‚ W.L.L. 39803797     GMAIL.COM Seven Energy W.L.L has a vacancy COM    „ ‰   of   „ ‰    WORKER , suitably qualified MOHAMMAD ABDULLA for the occupation of SALESMAN 17263066 Ž —Ž­­  ™˜­Ž†˜™ƒ™ or SAYEDWOOD@ for‹‚   ‹     the occupation of WORKER 35116399UNIQUE CREATIONS or ANAYA.BH21@ SALON GMAIL.COMapplicants can contact 39466060 has       „ ‰  a vacancy for the occupation AZGAD‘‘‘’Žš—­ ELECTRICAL SM PINOY SUPER MARKET WLL     ‘Ž“‘     ‘—’“  ALAReedh CO.W.L.L has a vacancy ,CONTRACTING suitably qualified has applicantsa vacancy can ROSEGMAIL.COM PETALS BOUTIQUE W.L.L , suitably  qualified  —“’““ applicants  can GMAIL.COMhas a vacancy for the occupation or [email protected] of WORKER  , suitably  qualified   ‚Š ‡‰†Š  ƒŠ   ‚    € Ÿ  has a vacancy for the occupation  ‡‡ ˆ†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ NATIONAL “š“š†Š  ƒŠ CONCRETE COMAPNY forapplicants the occupation can contact of 17375909 DRIVER/ or contactfor the 17388888occupation orof THOMAS@WORKER hasBHXŠ‚ Š  ‚Š Š‚ Š Š    aFacilities vacancy Support for the Services occupation has contact†˜™ƒ™ 17500791 or hr@seven- of BARBER , suitably qualified BAHRAIN ALUMINIUM ‘“­š­€  ‚ ‹Ž†Š  ƒŠ of WORKER , suitably qualified AL’‡ MAKEENA €   AUTO   SERVICES   W.L.L’ ‚ has ‚  a  vacancy  for   the OPERATOR(CRANE)[email protected] , suitably LEISUREQATAR.COM,   ƒ‚   € suitably qualified „  applicants ofa vacancyDESIGNER(FASHION)   for  the occupation    , suitably of applicants can contact 39046997 EXTRUSION CO. (BALEXCO)           ‡ ‚ „• ‚ • ‡‚‡‚    LABOURER , suitably qualified applicants ‚ ‚   ‚ ‚ can contact 17736030    or & SPARE  PARTS   ‰ Company    W.L.L occupation   of SEAMAN  „ ‰ ,  suitably  qualifiedSeven Energy W.L.Lapplicants has a vacancy can contactfor can contact 39158777 or qualified  applicants   can  contact MASTER   PLUS FACILTY     SUPPORT   or MUNEERAHMED1864@ B.S.C. CLOSED has a vacancy   ‡    TH    Œˆ‡ˆ   E NEW IDEAL WELDING AND applicants can contact 36634333 or [email protected] OWNED BY CATHERINE has a vacancy   for the  š­€€ occupation  qualified    ‘‘Ž— š—‘  applicants can contact 38811122the occupation or [email protected] of WORKER , suitably [email protected] 33443892 Ž —Ž­­  ™˜­Ž†˜™ƒ™ or VINEETHKTR@     ‘“Ž— —  GMAIL.COM for the occupation of MECHANIC qualified  applicants  ‘‘“ ­Ž­€ can contact  FABRICATIONKepro    ‘‘Ž ŽŽŽ“  Restaurant W.L.L has has a a vacancyvacancy [email protected] TOLENTINO has a vacancy for the ofN‰– ‚‰‡†– ‚ƒŠƒ ‚ Z MECHANICAND M A W.L.L , suitably has a vacancy qualified 17786665,‡‡—­“­““—†Š  ƒŠ suitably qualified or sayed.saeed@ applicants can YAHOO.COM ƒ‚      ‚  –  ‚†Š  ƒŠ Bilal17500791Š  † ‚ ˆ Œƒ jamil orkhan [email protected] for Other business for‡‚‡‚ ‡ ‚† ‚ƒŠ thethe occupationoccupation ofof WORKER STEEL WAEL PHARMACY CO. W.L.L has a vacancy TEAoccupation TIMEof OFFICE ASSISTANTPLEASURE applicantsfor’‡ the  occupation can € contact  of  37745987  WORKER   or , nccbahrain.comcontact‘ 17730073    or   JOANN@   for the occupation   Š  of MEDICAL   RESTAURANT,‚ ‡‡  suitably qualified W.L.L     has applicants a vacancy can supportSPECTACOƒ„   service OPTICS   activities  CO. W.L.L   C FABRICATOR,   ƒ‚   € suitably qualified , suitably applicants „  qualified can Krishna for Construction of [email protected]  qualified ˆ    applicants  can BALEXCO.COM.BH  „ ‰    DELEGATE     š ­ ’  , suitably qualified forcontact     ‡‡‡ˆ ˆ   the 36729696occupation orof YASHTECH. WORKER contact 33878746 or NZ.MA.BH@ BAHRAIN SERVICES & has a vacancy  „ ‰ for the   occupation  applicantscontact‡ ‚ „• ‚ • ‡‚‡‚    36909003 can contact or AL9A8RI-90@ 17702950 or Floating Structures W.L.L. has     š­€€  FRESH BITES  has  a vacancy ‘‘Ž­““­“ for the  of SALESMAN WORKER , , suitably qualified [email protected] applicants ‹ † ˆ ƒŠƒ ‚ can contact 17377000 or ,[email protected]      Ž‘  suitably qualified applicants can KINDOMGMAIL.COM OF FLOWERS NURSERY occupationMAINTENANCEŠ‡ Š­†Š  ƒŠ of WORKER COMPANY , suitably    ‘­š­ ­€­      „ ‰   [email protected] vacancy for the occupation of ‰– ‚‰‡†– ‚ƒŠƒ ‚ applicants cancan contact contact 36848778 17003511 or GULF STEAM MAGIC GENERAL ŽŽ  †‚‘      contactMASTER ˆŠ ƒ  †Š  ƒŠ 39867872PLUS FACILTY or SUPPORTHASH2H2@ S.P.C hasTHE a vacancyBRITISH for SCHOOLthe occupation OF qualifiedB.S.C. (CLOSED) applicants has acan vacancy contact ‡Š ƒ­­­†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ     ‘‘Ž ŽŽŽ“  SALESMANAl fateh cleaning and , Maintenance suitably qualifiedCompany           ‚ ‚     [email protected] SPECTACOOPTICS@GMAIL. TRADING Co. W.L.L has a     ‡‚ŒŠ ‡ˆ   GMAIL.COMOWNED BY CATHERINE TOLENTINO has ofBAHRAIN/ DRIVER has , suitablya vacancy qualified for 39861914for the occupation or [email protected] of WORKER , Flash‡‚‡‚ ‡ ‚† ‚ƒŠ Star Car Services Co. W.l.l applicantsw.l.l has a vacancycan contact for the39804140 occupation or   ‚       ‡ ˆ      „ ‰    COM †        vacancy for the occupation of      ‘€šŽ  a vacancy for the occupation of applicantsthe occupation can contact of 39909933MANAGER or suitably qualified applicants can has a vacancy for the occupation BALAJIKRISHNACONSTRUCTION.of WORKER , suitably qualified OFFICE  HELPER   , suitably  ‡ ‡Š  qualified  (OPERATIONS)   , suitably  qualified  contact 17727676   or BASMAHO@ ‘‘­—‘‘—  SevenAaloo EnergyGate  ‡Œ ˆˆ W.L.LShabir has aCafeteria vacancy ›‡Œ‹ƒ SALES „  AGENT   , suitably    qualified  Š‰ ‰‡„† ‰ Œƒˆ Tricon lenses company S.P.C [email protected] WADI DELMON FOR SALE AND  ˆ  œŒƒŠ  ˆ  ž ofapplicants  WORKER can  ,contact ˆ suitably 17682348 qualified   ‰  [email protected] can contact 17830078 or applicants  can contact  36729696   or applicants ““ŽŽŽŽ can contact 17610920 BATELCO.COM.BH££˜Ž’†ƒ™ forhas the a vacancyoccupation for ofthe WELDERoccupation , has — š€€  ‡‚ †‡‰ˆ ‚ƒŠ a vacancy for the occupation TRADE OF CLOTHING has a of ˆˆ WORKER    ,  suitably  qualified  applicantsor SAYEDALBADAWI@YAHOO.  can contact  39335858   or [email protected]   ‚ ‚  ‚  ‚ [email protected] WORKER , suitably qualified or‡ • †‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ƒŠ [email protected] ALHAER  €ƒ ELECTRICAL ‚‰   has a  suitably qualified applicants can AlALUSERV Diyafah MIDDLE Marine EAST hasService a vacancy WLL ALRASHIDIYA GARDEN has a vacancy for the occupation of applicants can  €‘ contact 39245209  [email protected]‘­‘€‘€“€  ‚Š““’ŽŽ†Š  ƒŠ        ‚ ‹ Usama’’   ‚ Ilyas Interior Decor    S.P.C Owned BAHRAIN  ‚ SOCIETY ‚  FOR  vacancy   for  the occupation   ˆ  of  contact 17500791 or hr@seven- hasfor thea vacancyoccupation for ofthe DIRECTORoccupation applicants can contact 38847202 or vacancy for the occupation of HORSE SALESMAN , suitably qualified or ‡Šƒ ‰‰ „†‡Š‡ƒŠ [email protected] NICE BAGS W.L.L has a vacancy  ‹      by Usama  Bin  Ilyas ‡ ‡Š  has a vacancy   CHILDREN   WITH  BEH.  &  ˆ  COMM. ELECTRICIAN   , suitably  qualified Nour „ Al  Dana   Garage  has  a  vacancy  of, suitably WORKER qualified , suitably applicants qualified can [email protected] BREEDER , suitably qualified applicants can contact 39784878 or ALnsaj UPHOLSTERY EST has for the occupation of SALESMAN   š“ ’“  ‡¢‚† ‹ƒŠ for    ‘’­ ‘“Ž  the occupation of WORKER DIFFICULTIESˆ‚       has a vacancy for applicants‘‘­—‘‘—  –– Ž’† ‚ƒŠ can contact 39454277    € † ‚ for   „ ‰    the occupation of MECHANIC , applicantscontact 17830002 can contact or 39545365 mjaleel@ or , suitably qualified applicants applicantsthe occupation can contact of 17212200ASSISTANT or [email protected] Trading W.L.L. has a a vacancy for the occupation of , suitably qualified applicants   Ž     ‚ ‚   Š‚ ŠŠ¡ Š ‚†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ   —‘‘‘  ƒ†˜™ƒ™ Sadman   construction    co  ‡ˆ wll suitably qualified   applicants ‘­‘€‘€“€  can [email protected] Swiftcan contact and 37159069Smooth Logisticsor USA. [email protected] , suitably qualified vacancy  ‚   ‰for the occupation     of LABOURER , suitably qualified can contact 39275044 or      „ ‰  Services Co. W.L.L has a vacancy has  ˆ      a vacancy for the occupation [email protected] ‚Š““’ŽŽ†Š  ƒŠ 38268660 or HUSAIN. SOLID WOOD CARPENTRY has a [email protected]    ‚‚    applicants  ‚ can ‚contact 17730960   ALMAYOUNSALESMAN  Š   , AUTO suitably   SERVICES qualified  applicants ‘‘‘‘š“Ž  †˜™ƒ™ can contact 33036813      for the occupation of WORKER HASAN MOHAMED SAEED ALI “ has a vacancy for the occupation of MASON , suitably qualified [email protected]   CONSULTANCY ‰ ‡  CO Nationalvacancy for Palacethe occupation Building of Arifco   Contracting  ‰ˆ‚ Co. Bahraini „ ‰  or     Œ ˆ › ˆ [email protected] applicants  can  contact ‘‘­­­­—š 17224145  or [email protected] ‘ŽŽ ŽŽ€Ž  Š Š ‚ †Š  ƒŠ , suitably qualified applicants ALNWARS ALDAHOOK 1/ 7996 of MECHANIC , suitably qualified applicantsIMPACT‡†  canGRAND contact      CONSULTING 37728500 or W.L.L Š   has Ž€—­ a   vacancy   for  the  ConstructionLABOURER W.L.L , suitably has a qualifiedvacancy partnership  company  has a  vacancy  HASANŒ ˆ      ALI HUSSAIN EBRAHIM or–‚ –­—š†Š  ƒŠ [email protected] can contact 33109342 or “ has a vacancy for the occupation applicants can contact 39617647 or [email protected] . has  „ ‰ a vacancy   for  the RUBEENAoccupation  of ‡ Š  OFFICECONTRACTING   ASSISTANT  forapplicants€‚ ‡  the occupation can contact     of17820028 OFFICE or for‘“—€­—’ the occupation of ELECTRICIAN ALMEHRI  —‘‘‘  ƒ†˜™ƒ™ / FAREED 8133 has LALAH ROSE BOUTIQUE has [email protected] ™        occupation  of  SALESMAN ‘“—­­’­  , ESTABLISHMENT, suitably  qualified  has  —­€“€­ a vacancyapplicants  [email protected] HELPER  ‡  ‡ˆ , suitably qualified   ,Œ ‹ƒ ‚Š† ‚ƒŠ suitably qualified applicants can ofa vacancy SEAMAN for , suitablythe occupation qualified [email protected] vacancy for the occupation ORIENT IRONWORKS W.L.L has a applicants  ‰  ‰‚‰Š‡ ‚ can contact 39719795  or   „ ‰    TURATHsuitably Š ‚†Š  ƒŠ MANDALI qualified RESTAURANT applicants forcan  Š ­š€€†Š  ƒŠ the contactoccupation 34625777 of SUPERVISOR or applicants     Ž ‘­‘  can contact 38278298 or contact—   €  33223574      or ARIFCO. of SEAMAN    , suitably   ˆ  qualified  of WORKER , suitably qualified vacancy for the occupation of [email protected] Jewellery Design Co. [email protected] WADI    —“—ŽŽ—  ALSAIL GATE FORcan GRILLScontact AND 17813156 IRANIAN FOOD or ,[email protected] suitably qualified applicants can [email protected] ‡† ˆ ƒŠƒ ‚   ŠŒ  Œ ˆ applicants  can contact  39846654   or applicants can contact 17730390 ‚           “ ‡     ‚   FABRICATOR(FIBERGLASS S.P.CVamos ownedTrading by CompanyQamar UrW.L.L Rehman has HASAN.ALMEHRI@CUSTOMS. CONSTRUCTIONor   ‚ †Š  ƒŠ [email protected] has a vacancy hasIMPACTMARKETING.ADV@ a vacancy for the occupation contactRAYNAZ 39609881RESTAURANT or CO RMNY. W.L.L ‡ ˆ      ‘‘’’ š““  ‰Š‡‰†ŠƒŠ   ‰     has     Œˆ‡ˆ  a vacancy for the occupation PRODUCTS)   Ž ,  suitably   qualified   hasa vacancya vacancy for for thethe occupation SECURIGOV.BH CORE S.P.C OWNED forOSAKAƒ ƒ the ‚  occupation ‚ ‚TAILORING  of ƒ   WORKERhas € a ofGMAIL.COM WORKER , suitably qualified [email protected] DOWN   Œˆ    TOWN CONSTRUCTION   ’€—€­€  SSP    ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘  Bahrain WLL has a of COOK(GENERAL)    , suitably  applicants can contact 17596001 or of SALES WORKER MANAGER , suitably , qualifiedsuitably BYUNITED ŽRASHEED   GULF  AL-FAWAZCONTRACTING    has  ,vacancyŸ  Š  ‡™ Š    suitably for qualified the occupation applicants of can applicants can contact 39468278 or COMPANY  W.L.L.  has a ‘‘‘‘€€š— vacancy for  ƒ†˜™ƒ™ [email protected] ‚Š‡ ’ †Š  ƒŠ for the occupation of qualifiedŽŽŽŽ  ‰ˆŠ † ‡‚ ƒŠƒ ‚ applicants can contact [email protected] applicantsqualified can applicants contact 33579743 can contact or a& ASPHALTvacancy  „ ‰ forCO. thehas   aoccupation vacancy  contactSALESMAN   33367000 ,  suitably Š‚  or A_1999_A@ qualified ˆˆ  Water Color Interiors (Middle theHAJAR „ ‡Š Œ†Š  ƒŠ occupation CONSTRUCTION of STEEL FOR ELECTRICALCHIPPER COOK(GENERAL) ˆ ‚  ‚ ‚ , suitably €‰ 34625777     or RAYNAZWLL@  •   – [email protected] ˆ€  or JAWAD_DAWOD@  ‚‚   offor theSECURITY occupation   GUARD of ‘‘—€€— WORKER , suitably  , HOTMAIL.COMapplicants  can  contact  39455118  East) W.L.L. has a vacancy for ,& suitablyMAINTENANCE qualified has a applicantsvacancy for can HOTMAIL.COM     ‘’€€ ­­  AMMARqualified Ÿ ABDULLAapplicants    canHASAN  contact  GMAIL.COM       ’       qualifiedsuitablyŠ ‡ ƒ †‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ qualified applicants applicants can contact can or [email protected] the occupation of MASON , contactthe occupation 17404866 of or DOWNTOWN@SHEETMETAL SNAS„ ‰    Land property  management   W.L.L contact 17700116 or VIJESH. AL-NAMAL ‡ ˆ ‡ Š—€€€† ‚ƒŠ CONTRACTING QATTAN17210389  /(  NOOR  or ALI/7862hrassistant@  Š ‡ )  MK‡  ‡ˆ Food Delivery   Company  W.L.L  has a  „ ‰      DTS W.L.L has a vacancy for the 17822228 or HRGUARDS@ UNIVERSAL FOUNDATIONS has suitably qualified applicants can BATELCO.COM.BHINSTALLER , suitably qualified has a vacancy   for the occupation ‘““‘““ ’ of  [email protected] ƒ   ƒ     & TRADING CO. W.L.L has a a vacancy   for the occupation   vacancy  for the occupation  €€ššš of SALES    €€š­‘š  occupation of WORKER , suitably SECURICORE.BH     a ‘ vacancy   for the † occupation  ¢ ˜ of SSP Bahrain WLL has a vacancy contactEXECUTIVE 13699000 REPRESENTATIVE or INFO@ applicants can contact 77444454 or qualifiedSALES‡ Š Š ­†Š  ƒŠ AGENT applicants , suitably can qualified contact HAJAR CONSTRUCTION FOR vacancy   for   the occupation    of AIR-  of‘‘€€€­š   ¡—€€’—€†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ SEAMAN , suitably qualified  ‡‡ † ˆ ƒŠƒ ‚ [email protected]‚ƒ ‚Š† ‚ƒŠ TOWN CONSTRUCTION    ‹ ˆ    HEAVY DRIVER , suitably qualified for the occupation of SUPERVISOR WATERCOLORME.COM, suitably qualified applicants can 17319999applicants‰  €‚ canor [email protected] contact     77399937 or SECURIELECTRICAL CORE & MAINTENANCES.P.C OWNED applicantsCONDITIONINGŠ   ˆ  ˆ can contact TECHNICIAN 17620673  ˆ‡ or,  applicants†Š ‹Œ can contact 39819232 or Ž ‡‚        COMPANYMOHAMMED  NOORW.L.L. BUKHARI has  RESTUARANTa €  ‚ vacancy [email protected] has a vacancy   for the ‘“’‘­­“š occupation  suitably qualified applicants can , suitably qualified applicants can contact 38382111 or WWW.    ˆ‚  ŠŒˆ   BY RASHEED AL-FAWAZ has [email protected]     [email protected]       „ ‰    ‡ ˆ  ‡  forhas‡ ‚ thea vacancyoccupation for  ofthe   PLUMBERoccupation   BLACK STAR SPORT EST has a of‡ ––  „ š‘ŽŽ†Š  ƒŠ SHEETMETAL INSTALLER , contact 17251444 or NAMALCO@ contact 17210389 or hrassistant@ [email protected] Cleaning Services Adaa Building   Solutions  W.L.L  . a vacancy for the occupation ‘Ž’š’€€  ‚  Š † ˆ„‰‡ ƒŠ      CALI CAFE  W.L.L has  a vacancy  for  the ,of  suitably WAITER  qualified ŠŠ , suitably applicants   Š  qualified  can vacancy for the occupation of suitably qualified applicants can BATELCO.COM.BH Bahraini Partnership Company has ­‘—€€  ƒ†ƒ™ a vacancy for the occupation of  SECURITY    GUARD ‚ ‚ , suitably UNIVERSAL FOUNDATIONS has MOHAMED‘Ž’­šš   – ˆˆ†Š  ƒŠ ABDULNABI ALI occupation ­“——‘‘   †‰‚  ˆƒŠ of WAITER , suitably contactapplicants 17404866  can contact  or DOWNTOWN@ 36061136   or SALESMAN , suitably qualified contact ‚  ‚ 77444454  or  A.A.QARATA.    GRAND  † CHOICE  BOUTIQUE     SSP Bahrain WLL has a vacancy has a vacancy for the occupation of CONSTRUCTION WORKER qualified applicants can contact a vacancy for the occupation of (RIHANNAfor the occupation ALRASUL of WAITER/ 12140) , qualified applicants can contact [email protected] š‘—š‘—   ˆ‚ †Š  ƒŠ applicants    ‚ can ‚  contact  34047725    or [email protected]  „ ‰    has a vacancy    for the  occupation „ ‰  ‚„       of  WORKER   ‚   ,  ‚  ‚ suitably qualified   FAKHRAWI DOCUMENT CLEARANCE ,[email protected] suitably qualified applicants can 17822228 or HRGUARDS@ SHOVEL  OPERATOR  ,  suitably  hassuitably a vacancy qualified for the applicants occupation can 33050131 or HA-HASHIM@     ‚ ‚        ˆˆ    HAJAR  CONSTRUCTION  ‘Ž‘Ž€€€‘ FOR  of SALESMAN , suitably qualified        applicants      ˆ    can contact 66999599 or has a vacancy for the occupation contactTHE BUTCHER 17210147 KNIFE or RESTURANT ADAA. SECURICORE.BHELECTRICAL & MAINTENANCE qualifiedapplicants‘‘š’ “““  ‡‚ ‰Š †Š  ƒŠ canapplicants contact 34089625can contact ofcontact SEAMAN 17210389 , suitably or hrassistant@ qualified HOTMAIL.COM ABNA ZUHAIR  „ ‰   TRANSPORT      ‘šš   ‚ ŽŽ†Š  ƒŠ ‡ ˆ ˆ     [email protected]     of WORKER , suitably qualified [email protected]Œ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ a vacancy for the occupation has a vacancy for the occupation 17620673or [email protected] or SKDGRPCO@ TILT MARINE CO. W.L.L has CO. W.L.L  has  a vacancy  ‘šš for the  ‡‚    ‚    ‚ ­  ˜ššš  €     applicants  can contact ‘—€—Ž —— 39466236 or  a‘š‘‘š“—­  ƒ†˜™ƒ™ vacancy for the occupation of applicants can contact 39688875 or of COOK(GENERAL) , suitably REDXof INSULATOR INDUSTRIES , suitably CO. qualifiedW.L.L. BATELCO.COM.BHPONG THAI RESTRANT has SSP™†ƒ™ Bahrain WLL has a vacancy occupationŒ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ of HEAVY DRIVER ,     ‚ ‚      ‰ ‚   € „  ˆ ‡       „ ‰  [email protected] NASSERSHIPS “  MASTER ‚ ‚SAEED , suitably Š ‚ AL-HAJRI qualified   [email protected] GREENqualified SKENAR applicants ELECTRIC can contact hasapplicants a vacancy can for contact the occupation 77444454 of a vacancy for the occupation for the occupation of CHEF , suitably qualified applicants can   Š ‡     ‡                Ž‚ ‡  ‚‡‡     applicants   can  contact   17786818  or  MOHAMMED ‡ ‚‰   AHMADI CO    W.L.L has WORKSHOP39001001 or ABDULLALUTFALLA@SPC OWNED BY STEELor [email protected] CHIPPER , suitably qualified of WORKER , suitably qualified suitably qualified applicants can CORPORATION W.L.L has a contact 17591881 or AMZUHAIR@     ‘šš   Š ‰ˆ ¤ˆ‹    ABJAD‘‘’—“  Š —€­†Š  ƒŠ ELECTRONICS has a A BDULAHUSAIN   ‡Œ ‹‡ KHUDHUR ‡ ‡  [email protected]‡Œ ‹‡      a vacancy   for   the occupation   SARBJEETHOTMAIL.COM SING has a vacancy for applicantsHAJAR CONSTRUCTIONcan contact 77454545 FOR or applicants can contact 39655559 contact 17210389 or hrassistant@ vacancy for the occupation of HOTMAIL.COM Œ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ     ŽŽ€‘—Ž  vacancy‚   ‚ ‚ for the occupation    of  &  AND YOUSIF  SNOS   OF MASTAN  —­’’’ ALI INTERNATIONAL  of     —­€ ­  WORKER , suitably qualified theTHE occupation BUTCHER of WORKERKNIFE RESTURANT , suitably [email protected] & MAINTENANCE or [email protected] PIPE-FITTER , suitably qualified ƒ†™ƒ™ SALESMAN    , suitably  „ ‰ qualified  ALIUNIQUE‘‘—€ “’­  ƒ „ “€†Š  ƒŠ AHMED CASTLEhas a vacancy SERVICE for the TECHNOLOGY Š † ˆ ƒŠƒ ‚ SERVICES W.L.L has applicants†ƒ can contact 17268111 or qualifiedhas    ‚a vacancy ‚  applicants for the   occupationcan  contact  has a vacancy for the occupation of Sunset Laundry has a vacancy applicants can contact 17312220 or [email protected] TOWN CONSTRUCTION applicantsfor the  occupation can contact  of 17332078 WORKER   or occupationCENTER hasof CLEANERa vacancy , suitablyfor the a vacancy for the occupation of 33161222of CHEF  or Š ‡ , SARBJEET2003@ suitably   qualified  AlSCAFFOLDER ‰  Rayah ‚ For   Safety ,  suitably   Items qualified  WLL    ‡ ‚      [email protected]  ’ ‚ ƒ   COMPANYSECURI     CORE W.L.L. ‚S.P.C  ‚ ‚OWNED has a vacancyBY RASHEED  for  applicants  can contact  39001001  ‘šš or  applicants can contact 77444454 [email protected],‘“€’’—’’  • ŠŠ ‚—‘†Š  ƒŠ suitably qualified applicants qualifiedoccupation applicantsof LABOURER can contact , LABOURER , suitably qualified YAHOO.COM has a vacancy  ‰ ‡‡‡ˆ ˆ for the occupation    ‚ ‚  ¢ ‚     applicants       „ ‰  can contact 33303946 or theAL-FAWAZ occupation  has   ofa STEELvacancy  Š‚  CHIPPER for the [email protected]Œ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ or [email protected] can contact 17233306 or 36636622suitably qualified or ERAPROJECTS@ applicants can Sansaf Trading Co.W.L.L has , ‚ Œ suitably   qualified  applicants   can of    €— €‘  SECURITY GUARD , suitably [email protected] ena  ‚‚ Contractor Group   Co.  S.P.C        ‡Œ ‹‡ ž [email protected]     occupation of SECURITY GUARD TIPMALABAR TOP FOODSALOON CITY S RESTAURANTP C has NASS MECHANICAL BATELCO.COM.BHcontact 37799574 or A7MDY19@ a vacancy for the occupation contact 17404866 ‘‘‘Ž €€€ or DOWNTOWN@      ‚ ‚       qualified   ˆ  †ˆ ‰ƒŠ applicants can contact hasMIDDDLEEAST    ‡‚    a vacancy for theALUMINUM occupation GMAIL.COM  Š     MASTAN ’———€  –¡šš†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ ALI INTERNATIONAL , suitably qualified applicants can ahas vacancy a vacancy  „ ‰ for for the the   occupation  17712700CONTRACTING or RASHEED@COMPANY    ‘—‘—— ’š  of WORKER , suitably qualified BATELCO.COM.BHcontact ¡“““¡ †‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ 17822228 or HRGUARDS@ †  ‚      ofhas WORKERa vacancy   ,for suitably the  Ž—‘Ž—­ occupation qualified  Bright planet Cargo handling TECHNOLOGY    SERVICES ‚ ‚ W.L.L  has  of SALESMAN BARBER   , , suitably suitably  ‘šš qualified  SECURICORE.BHW.L.L. has a vacancy for the Prestigeƒ™™™†”ƒ™ Class Office for moving applicants can contact 33921167 or SECURICORE.BH     „ ‰ applicantsofŠ‰‚–†‹ ˆ Œˆ ƒŠ ALUMINIUM can contact TECHNICIAN17245222 or Company SPC has a vacancy a vacancy  for  the  occupation     €     ‰    applicantsŒ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ can contact 3988829334306903 or occupation ‡ˆ ˆ     of WELDER , suitably [email protected] MAGICAreena SHINEContractor CLEANING Group Co.CO. SPCS.P.C [email protected] [email protected](GENERAL) , suitably qualified homefor‘ the  andoccupation   office of furniture WORKER   has of  ˆ ‡ ELECTRICAL Š‚  SUPERVISOR    “‡         [email protected] MODERNqualified  applicants  KNOWLEDGE ‘Ž“­“€ can contact     Š       has a vacancy for the occupation ADDRESS    ‚ SALOON ‚   S.P.C   Owned   by 17725522 or [email protected] applicants can contact 17555666 or a,   ™    suitablyvacancy qualifiedfor the occupation applicants ,     —’‘Ž€  suitably qualified applicants ‡ ˆ      SCHOOLS‡™˜ƒ†™ƒ™ has a vacancy for the   „ ‰ ‡ ‡   GULF ASIA CONTRACTING of WORKER , suitably qualified Recai Karadeniz  ˆˆ has   a vacancy  NEAMA RESTAURANT has a [email protected] Rayah  For  Safety  Items ‘“ ŽŽ WLL  ofcan  DRIVER(HEAVYcontact   33147872 „ ‰ VEHICLE)   or can ‡Š ¡ † ‚ƒŠ contact 33303946 or     š————š  ISTAR Bahraini partnership occupation of ADMINISTRATOR [email protected] WLL has a vacancy for applicants can contact 1734505117245222 or for the occupation   of  ‘šš BARBER  , vacancy     for the occupation    of hasMOHAMMED ‚‘‘Ž“‘Ž€“†Š  ƒŠ a vacancy forISA the occupationAHMED ,BRIGHTFUTURECONT@GMAIL.    ‘“‘‘­Ž€  suitably qualified applicants ‚  ‡†‡  ƒ ‚ company has a vacancy for the ,   „ ‰    suitably qualified applicants can ALQASSAB has a vacancy for the COM theAdaa ‚  ‚ ‚ occupation Building ofSolutions SAFETY W.L.L   OFFICER. has [email protected]@AREENAGROUP.COM suitablyŒ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ qualified applicants can BAKER(GENERAL) , suitably of SECURITY GUARD , suitably can Š‡‚ œ†Š  ƒŠ contact 39787837 or DREAM ‰‰  PROPERTY ‚‚‰  DEVELOPMENT    occupation of WORKER , suitably contact 17727712   or  —Ž­­­­ MKSA51@  occupation€   ‰ ‚ of WORKER † , suitably   SHAHI General Trading CO ,a suitablyvacancy   qualifiedfor  the „ ‰ occupation applicants   of can contact   39797954 ˜  or MUBARAK.   qualifiedƒ™†¢ƒ™ applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact [email protected] CO.   „ ‰    S.P.C. has a vacancy for the [email protected] applicants can contact BATELCO.COM.BH39889445 or [email protected] qualified   applicants     can contact  W.L.L  ’has a €  vacancyŸ  for   the contactCARPENTER     €€€’“€  17312220 , suitably or pradeep@ qualified VISSION CONSTRUCTION has      „ ‰  17712700 or RASHEED@ –Š        applicants†˜™ƒ™ can contact 17210147 or occupation  of  MAINTENANCE  ——ŽŽ  36171122Bab Alamal or ROUSHUTHAHA222@ General Trading Charcoal     Gourmet Burger    Snack 17684316  or  HANI85558@   occupation of WORKER , suitably a vacancy for the occupation         „ ‰    SECURICORE.BHHOTMAIL.COM ALKHABBAZqualified„ ‰   applicants COLLECTION   can OFcontact  [email protected] ofCLERK™†˜™ƒ™ WORKER , suitably , qualified suitably applicants qualified GMAIL.COMCo. Bahraini partnership company ALMATALAhas a vacancy forCONTRACTING the occupation ‘š—Ž Ž“  Ÿ†˜™ƒ™ Ž  ‰­ ‚‚  can contact 17700211 or AHMED@ ‘“ŽŽŽŽ  ‚ •  †Š  ƒŠ ESTABLISHMENT   has  —Ž­­­­ a vacancy  RAFIE GOLDSMITHS W.L.L. [email protected] OIL ‘‘ Ž“š“ has a vacancy for the  PoweredMY WAY REALAccess ESTATE Platforms CO. applicants€    can  ‚ ‚ contact 39300177 €‰ or has a vacancy for the occupation of FOOD SERVICE WORKER      ‚  €‰        DREAMGROUP.BH Majorcaof WORKER Cafe has , suitably a vacancy qualified for forƒ™†¢ƒ™ the occupation of HEAVY STYLOhas a vacancyPHONE forhas the aoccupation vacancy occupationGREENƒŒ š—† ‚ƒŠ STAR of WORKER SENTRAL , suitably AIR BahrainS.P.C OWNED W.L.L by Elsayedhas elsayeda [email protected]        ‘       , ‡ suitably   qualified    applicants   ‡Œ ‹‡ ˆ  „ ‰‡   CPIC Abahsain Fiberglass W.L.L. theapplicants occupation can ofcontact LABOURER 17741636 , DRIVERcan contact , suitably36020031 qualified or forof the  occupationWORKER(JEWELLERY    of  SALESMAN   & qualifiedCONDITIONING applicants W.L.L canhas contacta vacancymahmoud bafor hasthe a vacancyoccupation for theof  Š   ˆ  „ ‰‡       „ ‰   PRECIOUS METAL) , suitably €‚  € Ÿ       š€‘’  has a vacancy for the occupation suitablyor [email protected] qualified applicants can [email protected]  can ‚ contact   39458212  ,„ ‰ suitably   qualified  applicants   can 39299322vacancy foror ABOSAJAD234567@the occupation of TECHNICIAN(MAINTENANCE)occupation of CAR DRIVER (TRADING , ABRAJ     š—ŽŽŽ€  ALKHAMIS TRADING S.P.C      — Ž€€  qualified applicants can contact Š‚ ŠŠ  œ    ESTABLISHMENTS) ƒ ‚Š† ˆ  ˆ ƒ  , suitably qualified of WORKER , suitably qualified contactS & 33363151A CONSTRUCTION or MOHAMMED. OF orPromag ABDULAZIZJABER4455@  Technical  ‘ ‘——’€š Services  contact Ž‘ŽŽŽŽ€—  šŽ™†˜™ƒ™ 39150389 or Mahammad. TECHNICIAN   ,  suitably   qualified   suitably qualified applicants can hasŒ ‚† ˆ ƒŠƒ ‚ a vacancy for the occupation ‡ „ ƒ ‚†Š  ƒŠ ƒ‡ ‰ †    ŒƒŠ 39622422 or RAFIEJ@BATELCO. ICLOUD.COMapplicants can contact 33138877 applicants can contact 33252511 or applicants can contact 17468532 or [email protected] STRUCTURES HOTMAIL.COMW.L.L. has a vacancy for the [email protected] contact 17840787 [email protected] WORKER , suitably qualified S.P.C OWNED BY SOHAIL has occupation of SUPERVISOR , 0906 SUNDAY,FRIDAY, SEPTEMBERDECEMBER 20, 11, 2020 Classifieds  ‚           ‚ ‚     Ž € VACANCIES    AVAILABLE      FOURapplicants    ‘­“š“ŽŽ  WALLS can contactINTERNATIONAL 17725075 ONENESSoccupation’  Ž‚ ofTRANSPORTING PAINTER ‚ ‚ , suitably  has  applicantssuitably qualifiedcan contact applicants17630580 or can ALPHA.Studio 9PHARMACY Cafe W.L.L W.L.L has has a ZAKIYAof ‡ WORKER  BAKERY  ,  suitably has   a qualifiedvacancy   CONTINUEDVACANCIES   ˆ‚  Š ˆ          „ ‰    ‰              CO.or ƒ œ“š—†Š  ƒŠ [email protected] S.P.C. OWNER aqualified vacancy   forapplicants  the occupation  can „ ‰ contactof  [email protected] 17874492 or acityglass@ avacancy vacancy for for thethe occupationoccupation of forapplicants the occupation can contact of 17300011WORKER AVAILABLE                    ‘ ‘——’€š  UMM ALSUBBAN   MECHANICAL   ABDULMAJEEDALMOAYYED     SECURITYKHALID     AWAD has DRIVER17830801 , suitably or [email protected]. qualified applicants ACCOUNTANTSTOREKEEPER , , suitablysuitably qualified qualified ,or suitably JAFFAR.SABBA@HOTMAIL. qualified applicants can  ­€­  ‚ ƒ„ ‚†‡ˆ ˆ ‰ƒŠ  ‘’Ž­  £ƒ†˜™ƒ™  šŽ ­  ‡  †‡‚ ‚ ŒƒŠ ‘“—€€‘’­  Š‚ Œ‰† ‚ƒŠ ƒ‡ ‰ †    ŒƒŠ GulfCONTRACTS Baz Logistics has CO.a vacancy W.L.L. ALLAMa ˆ  Š › —’Ž­       vacancy has fora vacancythe occupation for the canBH contact 33138667 HAMOORABIMove well physiotherapyBLACKSMITH has applicants can can contact contact 39885906 33683737 or contactCOM 677575 or OM-JABAR@ hforas thea vacancy occupation  for the  of  occupation FITTER   of , occupationof SECURITY  of ‡ Š  CASHIER   GUARD , suitably  , RAMSISˆ€  ENGINEERING ‡  €‰ CO. ‚  W.L.L “ &a  vacancyWELDING ‡ for  WORKSHOP the occupation ‚ € has [email protected]‡­  Ž‰ [email protected]    HOTMAIL.COMAL  Alukah    Publicity  and   ‡  ‡ €‰   STOREKEEPERsuitably qualified  ‡‡‡ , suitably applicants ‹ ŒŠˆ qualified can qualifiedsuitably qualified  applicants  applicants  š’€€“‘ can contact  can Danwayhas a vacancy Electrical for the & occupation Mechanical of aof     €‚ ­€ vacancy DRIVER for , the suitably occupation qualified  of MDADABHAI   ‰     K M H DecorationCONSTRUCTION Bahraini advertising‚     W  L  L  has  a Engineering   L.L.C  has a  vacancy „ ˆ       „ ‰      ‘“ —‘š­  applicantscontactŠ   17703404   can contact  or69990032  USMC@  or 17215550contact  ••ƒ Š ‚­’†Š  ƒŠ 17400407or [email protected] or ameer@ MECHANICAL HELPER , suitably LABOURERapplicants can , contact suitably 33993322 qualified partnershiphas a vacancy company for the occupation has ofa CENTURYvacancy„ ‰   forFIVE the  TRADINGoccupation  EST.  of for ‡ˆ ˆ‡ the occupation   of  ELECTRICIAN  applicants  can contact  17668579   or vacancy‡‚ ‰¡ “†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ for the occupation of has a vacancy for the occupation of [email protected] ŽŽ‘Ž’’ ’    ‚ ‚   qualified applicants can contact or AHMED.ALMANNAI@ SCAFFOLDER , suitably qualified INSTALLER(NOTICE BOARD) 8 stars Contracting Co. W.L.L ,   ‘š“‘‘š‘  suitably qualified applicants can [email protected]‘“Ž­­‘š‘  ˆ†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ WORKER , suitably qualified WORKER(SALES) ‘š“­ € , suitably qualified  ASIA €€†Š  ƒŠ MARINE CONSULTANTS NASS   MECHANICAL   17830801 or [email protected]. HOTMAIL.COM applicants  ‚  ‚  €  can contact 17255209 or , suitably qualified applicants has a vacancy for the occupation contact  †¤Œ ‡‡¢ ‡ƒŠ 17297600 or danbahrain@ applicants can contact 36758776 or applicants  – „ €€†Š  ƒŠ can contact 33206972 or Ahas   a -vacancy       KARIM for the occupationALJAHROMI of CONTRACTING  ˆ ‡ Š‚  COMPANY   BH YAFA   ‰ ELECTRONICS ‡  €€‚ has  a  [email protected]       can contact 17720146 or of WORKER , suitably qualified AYUB QURESHI CONSTRUCTION [email protected] CENTURYFIVETRADING@GMAIL. † †  €     CONTRACTINGTECHNICIAN ŠŠ ˆ‚  , suitablyCOMPANY   qualified WLL  W.L.L     —’‘Ž€  . has a vacancy for the REDˆ€ ‡  €‰ ‚ VELVET MADEENA BAKERY ¢ ‚ vacancy   for  the occupation  ‡ ‡Š  of  DADABHAI  ˆ  ˆ‚     CONSTRUCTION [email protected] applicants can contact 77059992 or    ŠŒ       has a vacancy for the occupation of COM       hasapplicants a vacancy  can  forcontact the occupation17310810   occupation ‡Š ¡ † ‚ƒŠ of WELDER , suitably has a vacancy for the occupation SALESMAN  ,  suitably  qualified  has a vacancy   for the  š‘——šš occupation  Premiere Hotel W.L.L. has a [email protected] CAFE BAZZA  W.L.L „ ˆ has ‡ˆ ˆ‡ a vacancy  SUPERVISOR‘“Ž“ ­­  ‡‰‚  †Š  ƒŠ , suitably qualified MUNICHof†¥˜ƒ™ MASON SALON , suitablyhas a vacancy qualified for vacancy    ‘‘‘šš ’  for the occupation of ofor €“€€  †ƒ” [email protected] LABOURER , suitably qualified qualified’ ‚ “ applicants can contact forof SALESMANthe occupation , suitablyof WAITER qualified , applicants can contact 39877847      applicants can contact 39823801 or theapplicants occupation can of contact BARBER 17255209 , suitably ALCASHIER Š‚† ‚ƒŠ JASRA BIKES , suitably RE has a qualifiedvacancy applicantsNATIONAL       canPROPERTY contact INVESTMENTS 17831000    or Basmalah17725522 €    orSecond [email protected]   Hand  Goods  suitablyapplicants qualified can contact applicants35303839 or can [email protected]  ‚  M_ALNAJDAWE88@ €       ˆ  ‚       ‘š“‘‘š‘   †¤Œ ‡‡¢ ‡ƒŠ qualifiedor [email protected] applicants can contact forapplicants  ‚‚‡‚ ƒ    the occupation can contact of 17712303WORKER [email protected].  S.P.C  has a  vacancy ‡ ˆ for   the  hasNASS„  a vacancy    for MECHANICALthe  occupation  [email protected] 37322408 or A.SAKR@ HOTMAIL.COM  ŠŒˆ Œ  ŠŠ  37392919   or SWDALSHMRY594@   ‹ ›Œ ˆ , suitably qualified applicants can    ‰ ‡    NOOR AL EYMAN MARBLES or           [email protected] occupation  of WORKER   , suitably  ofCONTRACTING ‘­Ž’’‘­­  †£™ƒ™ƒ˜ WORKER , suitablyCOMPANY qualified LEROYALGROUP.COMI konic international trading IdroosVICTORIA  Tissues TOUCH  CONTRACTINGS.P.C owne  d ‡‚‹            ‚ ‹  ‹  GMAIL.COM contactAlfakhara 17713637  restaurant  or mohammed@  has  a Areenaqualified ““ŽŽŽŽ  Contractor applicants Group Co.can S.P.C contact applicantsW.L.L. has can acontact vacancy 39854843 for the or has a vacancy for the occupation byhas €€šš€“   ƒ‡ˆ†Š  ƒŠ Salehaa vacancy Habeeb for the Idroosoccupation has TRADING has ’­’­’­ a vacancy for the                tarradah.comvacancy‘‘“ —‘—  ˜ƒŸ†˜™ƒ™ for the occupation of has17299511‡ • †‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ƒŠ a vacancy or for ahmed@�a�ayani. the occupation [email protected] of TOOL GRINDER, SAKANof RIFFASALES INTERIOR EXECUTIVE DESIGN aofŽ  ‚ ‚ ‚ € vacancy WORKER for , suitablythe occupation qualified  GLORYoccupation ¤‚ † ¤‡ˆ ‡ƒŠ COnTRACTING of WORKER , suitablyhas a     ‡ ˆ    ‘­Ž€“—€€  •‚ ­€Ž€†Š  ƒŠ qualified applicants can contact CLEANER , suitably qualified ofcom        WORKER , suitably   qualified MACHINE  TOOLS  ,  suitably  DECORATIONREPRESENTATIVE S.P.C has, a vacancysuitably ofapplicants  WORKER  can  contact  , suitably 77089192  qualified  ‹  vacancy ˆ  ‚     for the occupation   of FRUITAGE­  ‚ ‚ GULF has     a vacancy AL SALTANAH DOCUMENT applicants can contact 34109037 applicantsEXTRA   canCARPANTRY contact  ‡ ˆ 17245222 WORK   or  qualified ““ŽŽŽŽ  applicants can contact forqualified   the occupation applicants ‰ ‡of WORKERcan  contact applicantsVICTOR [email protected]  can contact  35123005   or SUPERVISOR33196600    ‡ˆ ‚ŒŒ   or EYMANDUCTACC@ , suitably qualified for   „ ‰    the occupation of WORKER CLEARING has a vacancy for the or [email protected] [email protected]  has a  vacancy  for  the 17725522 ‡ • †‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ƒŠ or [email protected] ,17701006 Š   suitably Ž€—­ qualifiedor [email protected]     applicants   can [email protected] —— ——  ‡ƒ‡„ Œ †‰Š‚ ƒŠ ALBARWANI applicantsGMAIL.COM    ’­’­’­  can contact 17550203 or ,Empire suitably Reliance  qualified  Photographic ‘­Ž€“—Ž€ applicants  can occupation of WORKER , suitably contact 39862086  ‡ Š   or  BIJUT@  UNIVERSAL FOUNDATIONS occupation ““ŽŽŽŽ  of CARPENTER NASS    ƒ  MECHANICAL    AL-AHLIA CONTRACTING CO. PETROLEUM ‚   ‚ ‚ SERVICES CO.   has [email protected] ¤‚ † ¤‡ˆ ‡ƒŠ contactcanter‡Œ Š ‡ šŽ†Š  ƒŠ 17277227has a vacancy or SALEH.for the URBASER,‡ • †‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ƒŠ suitably BAHRAIN qualified CO applicants W.L.L qualifiedCONTRACTING applicants COMPANY can contact BATELCO.COM.BH    —­€“€­  ALMADANIa vacancy   forHYDRAULIC  the occupation    REPAIR of  has a vacancy for the occupation [email protected] of WORKER ,     „ ‰   S.P.C. has a vacancy for the “   € ƒ      ƒ  ‚  Š  ‚     hascan a contactvacancy for17246667 the occupation or 36333817 or WAQASNAWABKHAN@  Š ­š€€†Š  ƒŠ WLL has  a  vacancy  for  the ALEEMof LABOURER MOHAMMED , suitably FOR qualifiedREPAIR suitably qualified applicants can        W.L.L    ‘‘“€“­€  . has a vacancy for the occupation of OFFICE ASSISTANT MANAGER (PROJECT) , suitably    ˆ          GMAIL.COM 668 cafe has a vacancy for the occupation‘“š“€€‘‘ of MECHANIC , suitably OFapplicants MACHINERY can contact AND EQUIPMENT 17620673 911contact MARKET 17342401 has a vacancyor YASEEN. for the ofALQATTANSERVICE@GMAIL. WORKER  Œ –ˆ‡ , suitably   ˆ qualified  occupation œ ‡Š—€—† ‚ƒŠ of SUPERVISOR ,   suitably ‚  qualified   € applicants Ÿ  can qualified applicants can contact    ‘“Ž“““  ‰       applicantsCOM  can contact  17131018   or (SITE) , suitably qualified occupationŠ‚ Š  ‚Š Š‚ Š Š    of WAITER (GENERAL) qualified17564715  ‚‡ Š ‡ †Š  ƒŠ applicants or ali.hussain@ can contact S.P.Cor [email protected] Owned has a vacancy for the [email protected] of SALESMAN , suitably LEISURE ”   INTERNATIONAL     contact 17737000 or h.s.m1111@ †ƒ™   ŽŽŽŽŽŽ  £† [email protected] ——‘‘‘  †˜ƒ™ TRADING has a applicants can contact 17725522 ,       ˆ    suitably qualified applicants can     or ALMADANIHUSSEIN@  ‚ ‚  ‚ occupationUNIVERSAL of WORKERFOUNDATIONS , suitably qualified245COLDSTORE applicants has a canvacancy contact TRADING   S.P.C  has  a vacancy Š ‡  contact 33113352 or 668.BHR@ ‚  ƒ        for  ‡‘the occupation of     WORKER vacancy for the occupation of or [email protected] AL-AHLIA  CONTRACTING    CO. YAHOO.COMSABT   SERVICES    EST  has ‚ ‹ a qualifiedhas a vacancy applicants for the occupation can contact 36499997 or NAD.CCGROUP@        ­€‚      GMAIL.COM     „ ‰   ,   „ ‰    suitably qualified applicants MOHAMMADSALESMAN , suitablyABDULLA qualified forTATA the CONSULTANCY occupation of SALESMANSERVICES S.P.C. Ž —Ž­­  ™˜­Ž†˜™ƒ™ has a vacancy for the vacancy‹‚   ‹     for the occupation of 35116399of LABOURER or , suitablyANAYA.BH21@ qualified GMAIL.COM applicants       „ ‰  can contact 66946060 ‘‘‘’Žš—­  SM PINOY SUPER MARKET WLL     ‘Ž“‘  can contact   36887772 ‘—’“ or  ALAReedh CO.W.L.L has a vacancy ,LTD suitably BAHRAIN qualified has applicantsa vacancy can ROSEoccupation PETALS of WORKER BOUTIQUE , suitably W.L.L WORKER  , suitably  —“’““ qualified  GMAIL.COMapplicants can contact 17620673 or AFIDAHASSAN052@GMAIL.      ‚Š ‡‰†Š  ƒŠ   ‚    € Ÿ  has a vacancy for the occupation  ‡‡ ˆ†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ [email protected] “š“š†Š  ƒŠ CONCRETE COMAPNY for the occupation of DRIVER/ contactfor the 17388888occupation or of THOMAS@ SENIOR hasqualifiedŠ‚ Š  ‚Š Š‚ Š Š    a vacancy applicants for the occupationcan contact applicants†˜™ƒ™ can contact 13691113 or SKDGRPCO@BATELCO. COM‘“­š­€  ‚ ‹Ž†Š  ƒŠ of WORKER , suitably qualified AL’‡ MAKEENA €   AUTO   SERVICES   W.L.LBALLOONS’ ‚ has ‚  aCORNER  vacancy  TRADING for   the OPERATOR(CRANE) , suitably LEISUREQATAR.COMPROGRAMMER   ƒ‚   € , „  suitably of17737000 DESIGNER(FASHION)   or  [email protected]    , suitably  or [email protected] COM.BH LAYLA  ISA   AHMED    ISA  has  ‡ ‚ „• ‚ • ‡‚‡‚    applicants ‚ ‚   ‚ ‚ can contact 17736030    or & SPARE  PARTS   ‰ Company    W.L.L occupationhas  a vacancy  of SEAMANfor  the „ ‰ occupation ,  suitably  qualified applicants can contact qualified applicants can contact qualifiedAl fateh cleaning  applicants  and Maintenance  can  contact TECHNO   INDUSTRIAL     SUPPORT   Saleh Al Abdullah Al Muhanna & of WORKER , suitably qualified a vacancy  ‡ for the   occupation  TH    Œˆ‡ˆ   E NEW IDEAL WELDING AND [email protected] has a vacancy   for the  š­€€ occupation  qualified    ‘‘Ž— š—‘  applicants can contact 38811122 or [email protected] 17536222 or firo�[email protected] 33443892Company Ž —Ž­­  ™˜­Ž†˜™ƒ™ w.l.lor hasVINEETHKTR@ a vacancy CENTER    ‘“Ž— —  W.L.L has a vacancy for Partners Trading & Contracting applicants can contact 33593752 of TAILOR  , suitably ‘‘“ ­Ž­€ qualified  FABRICATION    ‘‘Ž ŽŽŽ“  W.L.L has a vacancy ofCo‰– ‚‰‡†– ‚ƒŠƒ ‚ MECHANIChas a vacancy , suitably for qualified the 17786665‡‡—­“­““—†Š  ƒŠ or sayed.saeed@ Bahrain Guarding Solutions SPC YAHOO.COMfor the occupation ƒ‚   of  WORKER   the‚  –  ‚†Š  ƒŠ occupation of SUPERVISOR or MRS_IMTIAZ08@HOTMAIL. BilalapplicantsŠ  † ‚ ˆ Œƒ jamil khan can forcontact Other 39809256 business for‡‚‡‚ ‡ ‚† ‚ƒŠ the occupation of STEEL TEA TIME PLEASURE applicantsoccupation’‡  can € of contact  LABOURER  37745987    or, nccbahrain.comCOM‘        owned by Mohamed Alrayes has a ,  suitably  qualified  Š  applicants   can RESTAURANT,‚ ‡‡  suitably qualified W.L.L     hasapplicants a vacancy can [email protected] supportƒ„   service   activities    C FABRICATOR   ƒ‚   € , suitably „  qualified Krishna for Construction of suitably qualified ˆ    applicants  can AL SALTANAH  „ ‰   DOCUMENT  or [email protected] vacancy for the occupation of SECURITY contact     š ­ ’  17830078 or kanakaraj. forcontact     ‡‡‡ˆ ˆ   the occupation17272975 of or WORKER TISC@ has a vacancy  „ ‰ for the   occupation  applicants‡ ‚ „• ‚ • ‡‚‡‚    can contact 17702950 or Floating Structures W.L.L. has     š­€€  FRESHCLEARING BITES  has has  aa vacancy vacancy ‘‘Ž­““­“ for thefor  AL SAWARI CAFETERIA has �UARD , suitably qualified applicants can p�@hori� ‹ † ˆ ƒŠƒ ‚ ,BATELCO.COM.BH      Ž‘  suitably qualified applicants can KINDOMcontact 77090866OF FLOWERS or NURSERY INFO@ occupation of WORKER , suitably of WORKER   , suitably ‘­š­ ­€­ qualified  [email protected]    „ ‰   a vacancy for the occupation of SMCOCONTRACTING.COM‰– ‚‰‡†– ‚ƒŠƒ ‚ theŠ‡ Š­†Š  ƒŠ occupation of ACCOUNTANT applicantsa vacancy can forcontact the 36848778occupation or contact 17595971 or MALYAQOOB@ HAMEEDAŽŽ  †‚‘   MOHAMMED    has contactHOUSTON ˆŠ ƒ  †Š  ƒŠ 39867872 CLEAN or HASH2H2@Co. W.L.L. has a vacancy for the occupation qualified, suitably applicants qualified can applicants contact ‡Š ƒ­­­†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ     ‘‘Ž ŽŽŽ“  SALESMAN , suitably qualified Saleh       Al Abdullah Al Muhanna    &  ‚ ‚     [email protected] WORKER , suitably qualified GULFCOMMERCIALSOLUTIONS. a    ‡‚ŒŠ ‡ˆ   vacancy for the occupation GMAIL.COMhas a vacancy for the occupation of DRIVER , suitably qualified 39861914can contact or [email protected] 36333817 or Flash‡‚‡‚ ‡ ‚† ‚ƒŠ Star Car Services Co. W.l.l applicants can contact 39804140 or   ‚   Partners   Trading  ‡ ˆ & Contracting      „ ‰    applicants †  can  contact    39651540   COM of     ‘€šŽ  WORKER , suitably qualified of WORKER , suitably qualified applicants can contact 39909933 or WAQASNAWABKHAN@GMAIL.   ‡Œ ˆˆ ›‡Œ‹ƒ has „ a  vacancy   for the   occupation   BALAJIKRISHNACONSTRUCTION.      ‡ ‡Š   Co has  a  vacancy  for  the    ‘‘­—‘‘—  Sevenor EnergyMUSTAFA.ALSAEED12@ W.L.L has a vacancy Bahrain Guarding Solutions applicantsŠ‰ ‰‡„† ‰ Œƒˆ can contact 36456969 or Triconapplicants lenses can contactcompany 17231818 S.P.C [email protected] WADICOM DELMON FOR SALE AND  ˆ  œŒƒŠ  ˆ  ž of  WORKER  , ˆ suitably qualified   ‰  [email protected]      occupation ““ŽŽŽŽ of CARPENTER  , ££˜Ž’†ƒ™ forGMAIL.COM the occupation of WELDER , SPC owned by Mohamed Alrayes [email protected] hasor — š€€  ‡‚ †‡‰ˆ ‚ƒŠ [email protected] vacancy for the occupation TRADEStiller OFAgency CLOTHING for has thea ˆˆ       applicants  can contact  39335858   or    ‚ ‚  ‚  ‚ suitably‡ • †‡ ˆ‡ ˆ‡ƒŠ qualified applicants can  €ƒ ‚‰     suitably qualified applicants can has a vacancy for the occupation AlYASER Diyafah MAKKI Marine TRADING Service WLLEST ofSILVER WORKER CONSTRUCTIONS , suitably qualified has ALRASHIDIYA GARDEN has a vacancySupply Workersfor the occupationw. l. l hasof KOOKITO  €‘ CLEANING  [email protected]‘­‘€‘€“€  ‚Š““’ŽŽ†Š  ƒŠ        ‚ ‹ ’’   ‚    contact  ‚ 77090866 ‚ or INFO@         ˆ   contact 17500791 or hr@seven- of SECURITY GUARD , suitably has a vacancy for thethe occupationoccupation applicantsa vacancy can for contact the occupation 38847202 orof vacancy for the occupation of HORSE SALESMANa vacancy for , suitablythe occupation qualified CONTRACTING ‡Šƒ ‰‰ „†‡Š‡ƒŠ W.L.L has a  ‹         ‡ ‡Š    SMCOCONTRACTING.COM      ˆ     Nourqualified „ Al  Dana  applicants Garage  has  acan  vacancy contact  of WORKERWORKER(SALES) , suitably , qualifiedsuitably [email protected] COORDINATOR , BREEDER , suitably qualified applicantsof WAITER can contact (RESTURANTS) 39784878 or vacancy for the occupation of   š“ ’“  ‡¢‚† ‹ƒŠ     ‘’­ ‘“Ž  MASYˆ‚       INTERNATIONAL W.L.L ‘‘­—‘‘—  –– Ž’† ‚ƒŠ    € † ‚ for17595971   „ ‰    the occupation or of MALYAQOOB@ MECHANIC , applicantsqualified can applicants contact 39545365 can contact or suitably qualified applicants can applicants can contact 17212200 or [email protected], suitably qualified applicants   Ž     ‚ ‚   Š‚ ŠŠ¡ Š ‚†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ   —‘‘‘  ƒ†˜™ƒ™ SadmanCLEANER   construction  ,  suitably  qualifiedco  ‡ˆ wll suitablyGULFCOMMERCIALSOLUTIONS. qualified   applicants ‘­‘€‘€“€  can [email protected] or MAKI_TRADEST@ Swiftcontact and17722333 Smooth or BADER@Logistics [email protected] a vacancy for the occupation can  ‚ contact  ‰ 17717730     or hasapplicants  ˆ      a vacancy can forcontact the occupation66311010 contactCOM ‚Š““’ŽŽ†Š  ƒŠ 38268660 or HUSAIN. HOTMAIL.COM     „ ‰  ServicesALGHANAH.COM    ‚‚ Co. W.L.L has    a vacancy of  SALESMAN ‚ ‚, suitably qualified   ALMAYOUNALAZZAMGROUP@YAHOO.  Š   AUTO   SERVICES   ‘‘‘‘š“Ž  †˜™ƒ™      for the occupation of WORKER HASAN MOHAMED SAEED ALI “ has a vacancy for the occupation ofor [email protected] MASON , suitably qualified [email protected]   Guarding ‰ ‡ Solutions  NationalMODERN PalaceMECHANICAL Building Havelock   One  Interiors ‰ˆ‚ „ ‰ WLL  applicants     Œ ˆ › ˆ can contact 17789424 COM   ‘‘­­­­—š  ‘ŽŽ ŽŽ€Ž  Š Š ‚ †Š  ƒŠ , suitably qualified applicants ALNWARS ALDAHOOK 1/ 7996 of MECHANIC , suitably qualified applicantsFLORA‡†  can contactCONTRACTING     37728500 or SPC Š   owned Ž€—­ by   Mohamed   Alrayes   ConstructionELECTRICAL W.L.L & hasTRANSPORT a vacancy has a vacancy   for the occupation   orŒ ˆ      [email protected] –‚ –­—š†Š  ƒŠ can contact 33109342 or “ has a vacancy for the occupation applicantsMARINA can contact 39617647TOWERS or [email protected]  „ ‰    RUBEENAhas a vacancy  ‡ Š  for CONTRACTINGthe   occupation  forCO.€‚ ‡  theW.L.L occupation has a vacancy     of OFFICEfor the of‘“—€­—’ WORKER , suitably qualified MASY  —‘‘‘  ƒ†˜™ƒ™ INTERNATIONAL W.L.L MAINTENCE SERVICES has a [email protected] of SEAMAN , suitably qualified [email protected]™      has   a    ‘“—­­’­  ESTABLISHMENTof SECURITY   GUARD has  —­€“€­ a , vacancysuitably  WORKER HELPER  ‡  ‡ˆ , suitably qualified   applicantsŒ ‹ƒ ‚Š† ‚ƒŠ can contact 17832030 has a vacancy for the occupation vacancy for the occupation of occupation of HEAVY DRIVER applicants  ‰  ‰‚‰Š‡ ‚ can contact 39719795  or vacancy  for „ ‰ the  occupation   of TURATH Š ‚†Š  ƒŠ MANDALI RESTAURANT for  Š ­š€€†Š  ƒŠ the occupation of SUPERVISOR applicants     Ž ‘­‘  can contact 38278298 or —   €      of OFFICE ASSISTANT , suitably WORK SUPERVISOR , suitably qualified applicants can contact , suitably qualified applicants Farheeor hamida.alhubail@haveloc�one. Jewellery Design Co.       ˆ       —“—ŽŽ—  FOR GRILLS AND IRANIAN FOOD , suitably qualified applicants can [email protected] ‡† ˆ ƒŠƒ ‚   ŠŒ  Œ ˆ [email protected] applicants can contact WADIWORKER(SALES) ALSAIL , suitablyGATE ‚         17595971   “ ‡ or     MALYAQOOB@ ‚   can contact 17708888 or� owned by Qamar Ur Rehman        ‚ †Š  ƒŠ hasqualified a vacancy applicants for the occupation can contact contact 39609881 or RMNY. ‡ ˆ      17789424 or santhoshnv@ CONSTRUCTIONqualified applicants has a canvacancy contact   ‰     G     Œˆ‡ˆ  ULFCOMMERCIALSOLUTIONS.COM [email protected]   Ž      hasWe Topa vacancy Mart hasfor thea vacancy occupation for ‘‘’’ š““  ‰Š‡‰†ŠƒŠ of17623882 WORKER or accounts@�orabh. , suitably qualified DOWN TOWN CONSTRUCTION   ’€—€­€ CORE S.P.C OWNED for33146111ƒ ƒ the ‚  occupation ‚ ‚or SAJJADBUTT125@  of ƒ   WORKER €      ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘  [email protected] Bahrain   WLL  has  a MODERN   Œˆ    MECHANICAL the occupation of SALESMAN  Ž        Ÿ  Š  ‡™ Š    applicantscom can contact 39468278 or ofƒ†˜™ƒ™ WORKER , suitably qualified BY RASHEED AL-FAWAZ has , suitably qualified applicants can ‚Š‡ ’ †Š  ƒŠ vacancyŽŽŽŽ  ‰ˆŠ † ‡‚ ƒŠƒ ‚ for the occupation of COMPANYELECTRICAL  W.L.L.  & has TRANSPORT a ‘‘‘‘€€š— vacancy for  , suitably qualified applicants UM JASSIM  „ ‰ COLDSTORE    has YAHOO.COM    Š‚  ˆˆ  [email protected] MECHANICAL the occupation of STEEL CHIPPER applicants can contact 33579743 or a vacancy for the occupation contact 33367000 or A_1999_A@ WaterCOOK(GENERAL) Color Interiors , suitably(Middle CO. „ ‡Š Œ†Š  ƒŠ W.L.L has a vacancy for the [email protected] contact ˆ€  37720166  ‚‚  or  ofa vacancySECURITY  for  GUARD the ‘‘—€€— occupation , suitably  HOTMAIL.COMBurj nazool   construction.s.p.c   ELECTRICAL ˆ ‚  ‚ ‚& TRANSPORT €‰ East)  W.L.L.     has a vacancy  •   – for , suitably qualified applicants can of WORKER , suitably qualified AMMAR Ÿ ABDULLA    HASAN   qualified   applicants    can contact  occupation’       of RIGGER , suitably [email protected]     qualifiedŠ ‡ ƒ †‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ applicants can contact has‘’€€ ­­  a vacancy for the occupation CO. W.L.L has a vacancy for the the occupation of MASON , contact 17404866 or DOWNTOWN@ „ ‰       applicants can contact 39254455 ‡ ˆ ‡ Š—€€€† ‚ƒŠ QATTAN  /(  NOOR  ALI/7862  Š ‡ )  17210389‡  ‡ˆ   or  hrassistant@  qualified „ ‰      applicants can contact DTSALSALWA W.L.L MEAThas a vacancyFACTORY for hasthe 17822228 or HRGUARDS@ UNIVERSALof MARKETING FOUNDATIONS EXECUTIVE has occupation of HEAVY DRIVER suitably qualified applicants can BATELCO.COM.BH    ‘““‘““ ’  or ƒ ALGAZEL.1954@GMAIL.  ƒ     has a vacancy   for the occupation   €€ššš  17708888  €€š­‘š or bahrain91992@  occupationa vacancy offor WORKERthe occupation , suitably of SECURICORE.BH     a, ‘ vacancy suitably   for qualified the † occupation  applicants¢ ˜ of , suitably qualified applicants contactSSP Bahrain 13699000 WLL hasor a vacancyINFO@ LABOURER‡ Š Š ­†Š  ƒŠ , suitably qualified COM         of‘‘€€€­š   ¡—€€’—€†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ SEAMAN , suitably qualified  ‡‡ † ˆ ƒŠƒ ‚‚ƒ ‚Š† ‚ƒŠ TOWN CONSTRUCTION qualified applicants can contact    ‹ ˆ    HEAVYcan contact DRIVER 17660141 , suitably qualified or can contact 17708888 or WATERCOLORME.COMfor the occupation of WAITER , RASIS FRUIT AND VEGETABLES 17319999applicants‰  €‚ orcan [email protected] contact     17596656 SECURIASRAAR ALDANACORE CONSTURCTIONS.P.C OWNED applicantsŠ   ˆ  ˆ can contact 17620673  ˆ‡ or  applicants†Š ‹Œ can contact 39819232 or Ž ‡‚        COMPANY  W.L.L. has  a €  ‚ vacancy    ‘“’‘­­“š  BNCONSTRUCTION.BH@GMAIL. [email protected] suitably qualified applicants can or   ˆ‚  ŠŒˆ   [email protected] BYhas aRASHEED vacancy forAL-FAWAZ the occupation has [email protected]     [email protected]       „ ‰    ‡ ˆ  ‡  forhas‡ ‚ thea vacancyoccupation for  ofthe   occupationPLUMBER   ‡ ––  „ š‘ŽŽ†Š  ƒŠ COM Havelock One Interiors WLL European Cleaning Services Adaa Building   Solutions  W.L.L  . aof vacancy WORKER for , suitablythe occupation qualified ‘Ž’š’€€  ‚  Š † ˆ„‰‡ ƒŠ      contact 17210389 or hrassistant@ ,of  suitably WORKER  qualified ŠŠ , suitably applicants   Š  qualified  can PARSONS GLOBAL SERVICES has a vacancy for the occupation Bahraini  Partnership   Company  has ­‘—€€  ƒ†ƒ™ a vacancy for the occupation ofapplicants  SECURITY can    contactGUARD ‚ ‚ 39676747, suitably ECO SHINE SERVICES has MOHAMED‘Ž’­šš   – ˆˆ†Š  ƒŠ ABDULNABI ALI ­“——‘‘   †‰‚  ˆƒŠ contactapplicants 17404866  can contact  or DOWNTOWN@ 39690977   or L T D has a vacancy for the UNIVERSAL  † FOUNDATIONS    has  has a vacancy for the occupation of CONSTRUCTION WORKER qualifiedor ‚  ‚ [email protected] applicants    can  contact  a vacancy for the occupation (RIHANNAof DATA ENTRYALRASUL OPERATOR / 12140) , SSP Bahrain WLL has a vacancy [email protected] š‘—š‘—   ˆ‚ †Š  ƒŠ occupation    ‚ ‚  of SUPERVISOR     ,   „ ‰    a vacancy   for  the occupation  „ ‰ of  suitably‚„  qualified  applicants     can offor  the WORKER   ‚   occupation ,  ‚  ‚ suitably of CLEANER qualified   ,suitably suitably qualified qualified applicantsapplicants can 17822228LEENA CARPENTRY or HRGUARDS@ FACTORY SHOVELof WORKER  OPERATOR  , suitably ,  qualifiedsuitably  has a vacancy for the occupation ALFARES    ‚ ‚ FOR    CUSTOM     ˆˆ       ‘Ž‘Ž€€€‘  contact  17832030     or  hamida.  applicants,      ˆ    suitably can qualified contact 66999599applicants or can contact 1754100117210147 oror HUSSAM. ADAA. SECURICORE.BHhas a vacancy for the occupation qualifiedapplicants‘‘š’ “““  ‡‚ ‰Š †Š  ƒŠ canapplicants contact 36729696can contact of SEAMAN , suitably qualified ABNACLEARING ZUHAIR  „ ‰ FORWARDING   TRANSPORT  &     ‘šš   ‚ ŽŽ†Š  ƒŠ alhubail@haveloc��‡ ˆ ˆ     [email protected]     [email protected]Œ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ of CARPENTER , suitably 17620673or [email protected] or SKDGRPCO@ contact 17210389 or hrassistant@ CO.STEVEDORING W.L.L  has  a ANDvacancy  ‘šš PACKAG for the  I [email protected] ‡‚    ‚    ‚ ­  ˜ššš  €     applicantsHESTON  can contactINTERNATIONAL ‘—€—Ž —— 39466236 or  ‘š‘‘š“—­  ƒ†˜™ƒ™ REDXqualified INDUSTRIES applicants CO. can W.L.L contact. BATELCO.COM.BHThe meatball kitchen ™†ƒ™ occupationhasŒ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ a vacancy of forHEAVY the occupationDRIVER , MOHAMMED    ‚ ‚ NOOR    BUKHARI   ‰ ‚   € „  ˆ ‡       „ ‰  [email protected] NASSER “  ‚ ‚SAEED Š ‚ AL-HAJRI   GREEN SKENAR ELECTRIC has1787731� a vacancy orfor the falconpla�a@ occupation of COMPNAY W.L.L has a vacancy Seven Energy W.L.L has a suitablyof MECHANIC qualified , suitably applicants qualified can RESTUARANT  Š ‡ has   a vacancy   ‡         RESTAURANTS   has   a   Ž‚ ‡  ‚‡‡             ‡ ‚‰      WORKSHOP SPC OWNED BY STEEL CHIPPER , suitably qualified for the occupation of MANAGER CORPORATIONvacancy for the W.L.Loccupation has ofa contactapplicants 17591881 can contact or AMZUHAIR@17292372 or for the occupation   of  ‘šš WAITER Š ‰ˆ ¤ˆ‹    ABJADvacancy‘‘’—“  Š —€­†Š  ƒŠ ELECTRONICSfor the occupation has ofa A BDULAHUSAIN   ‡Œ ‹‡ KHUDHUR ‡ ‡  ‡Œ ‹‡             SARBJEET SING has a vacancy for applicants can contact 77454545 or (DATA PROCESSING) , suitably vacancyPIPEFITTER for ,the suitably occupation qualified of [email protected] ,Œ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ suitably qualified applicants FILS REFRI   GERATION  ŽŽ€‘—Ž AND  vacancyCOOK(ASSISTANT)‚   ‚ ‚ for the occupation  , suitably  of  &AHMED  AND YOUSIF  SNOS   OF   —­’’’       —­€ ­  the occupation of WORKER , suitably [email protected] qualified applicants can contact PIPE-FITTERapplicants can , contact suitably 17500791 qualified MAHMOOD ALNOOH can contact 36061136 or A/Cƒ†™ƒ™ REPAIRS WORKSHOP has SALESMAN    , suitably  „ ‰ qualified  ALI‘‘—€ “’­  ƒ „ “€†Š  ƒŠ AHMED has a vacancy for the  Š † ˆ ƒŠƒ ‚ †ƒ qualified    ‚ ‚  applicants   can  contact  qualified applicants can contact 17537743 or applicantsor [email protected] can contact 17312220 or DOWNCONTRACTING TOWN CONSTRUCTIONW.L.L. has�habba�[email protected] a vacancy for the occupation applicants can contact 17332078 or occupation of CLEANER , suitably 33161222  or Š ‡ SARBJEET2003@    Al ‰  Rayah ‚ For   Safety   Items  WLL  66666538  or  a.e.alloughani@  ‡ ‚      [email protected]  ’ ‚ ƒ   Energy W.L.L has a COMPANYa   vacancy    W.L.L. ‚for  ‚ ‚ hasthe a vacancyoccupation  for  DHAWI  CAFETERIA   ‘šš has  a of A/C MECHANIC , suitably [email protected]‘“€’’—’’  • ŠŠ ‚—‘†Š  ƒŠ qualified applicants can contact YAHOO.COM has a vacancy  ‰ ‡‡‡ˆ ˆ for the occupation   GULF  ‚ ‚  CITY CLEANING ¢ ‚     W.L.L vacancy       „ ‰  for the occupation of theof occupation MASON    of , suitablySTEEL  Š‚  CHIPPER qualified vacancyŒ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ for the occupation qualified applicants can contact 36636622 or ERAPROJECTS@ Sansaf Trading Co.W.L.L has , ‚ Œ suitably   qualified  applicants   can of    €— €‘  SECURITY GUARD , suitably AreSSP ena Bahrain  ‚‚ Contractor WLL Group has  a  Co.  vacancy S.P.C  has      ‡Œ ‹‡ ž a vacancy for the occupation WORKER  ,  suitably  qualified  applicants can contact 17795104 TIPof TOP SALOONWORKER(JUICE S P C has& 9220849 or FILSAUTO@ BATELCO.COM.BH a vacancy for the occupation contact 17404866 ‘‘‘Ž €€€ or DOWNTOWN@      ‚ ‚       qualified   ˆ  †ˆ ‰ƒŠ applicants can contact hasfor    ‡‚    thea vacancyoccupation for ofthe CLEANER occupation , of LABOURER  Š  , suitably   qualified  applicants ’———€  –¡šš†‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ can contact 17500791 or [email protected] aSANDWICHES) vacancy  „ ‰ for , suitablythe   occupation qualified  17712700HOTMAIL.COM or RASHEED@    ‘—‘—— ’š  of WORKER , suitably qualified BATELCO.COM.BH ¡“““¡ †‚ˆŠ  ƒŠ †  ‚      of WORKER   , suitably  Ž—‘Ž—­ qualified  applicants can contact 17725075 or [email protected]    ‚ ‚   MAHMOOD ALNOOH ofapplicants BARBER  can  , contact suitably  ‘šš 33009600 qualified  SECURICORE.BHJOUBAR MACHINERY HIRING suitably qualified applicants can Prestigeƒ™™™†”ƒ™ Class Office for moving applicants can contact 33921167 or     „ ‰ applicantsŠ‰‚–†‹ ˆ Œˆ ƒŠ can contact 17245222 or or [email protected]         €     ‰    applicantsorŒ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ [email protected] can contact 39888293 or AND CARGO has a vacancy for contact 17210389 or hrassistant@ [email protected] HUSSAIN EBRAHIM MAGICCONTRACTING SHINE CLEANING W.L.L. CO.has SPC a ‡ˆ ˆ     [email protected] homeGULF‘  andCITY   officeCLEANING furniture   W.L.L has  ˆ ‡ Š‚     “‡         CAFE DELLE PALME AL the occupation   of ‘Ž“­“€ WORKER  ,   Š       ALMEHRI / SHADI ALKHALEEG hasvacancy a vacancy for thefor occupationthe occupation of [email protected]    ‚ ‚       MODERN KNOWLEDGE ahas   ™    vacancy a vacancy for for thethe occupationoccupation      —’‘Ž€  ‡ ˆ      AREESHA S.P.C has a vacancy SCHOOLSsuitably‡™˜ƒ†™ƒ™ qualified has a vacancy applicants for the can Seven Days  Contracting „ ‰ ‡ ‡ Co.   SPC GULFhas a vacancyASIA for CONTRACTINGthe occupation ofELECTRICAL WORKER ASSISTANT , suitably , qualifiedsuitably   ˆˆ    Al Rayah  For  Safety  Items ‘“ ŽŽ WLL  of LABOURER  DRIVER(HEAVY  ,  suitably „ ‰ VEHICLE) qualified    ‡Š ¡ † ‚ƒŠ     š————š  ISTARfor the occupationBahraini of partnershipWORKER occupationcontact 39555002 of ADMINISTRATOR or JOUBAR. COMPANYof FISHERMAN WLL ,has suitably a vacancy qualified for applicantsqualified can applicants contact 17345051 can contact or     ‘šš          hasowned ‚‘‘Ž“‘Ž€“†Š  ƒŠ a vacancy by Mohaamad for the A�htar occupation Mian ,applicants    ‘“‘‘­Ž€  suitably can qualified contact 17725075 applicants ‚  ‡†‡  ƒ ‚ company, suitably has qualified a vacancy applicants for the can ,[email protected]   „ ‰    suitably qualified applicants can theapplicants ‚  ‚ ‚ occupation can of contactSAFETY    17263234 OFFICER [email protected] or [email protected] Œ  ƒ‰  † ŒŒ ƒŠ ofhas aSECURITY vacancy for GUARD the occupation , suitably of canor Š‡‚ œ†Š  ƒŠ [email protected] 39787837 or  ‰‰  ‚‚‰     occupationcontact 17211��2 of WORKER or almahmod@ , suitably contactJOUBAR 17727712   orMACHINERY  —Ž­­­­ MKSA51@  €   ‰ ‚  †   ,or suitably [email protected]   qualified  „ ‰ applicants   can ƒ™†¢ƒ™ qualifiedELECTRICIAN applicants , suitably can qualified contact [email protected] CITY CLEANING W.L.L    „ ‰      applicants ˜  can  contact  BATELCO.COM.BHHIRING AND CARGO has a           ’ €  Ÿ    contactMOHAMMED     €€€’“€  17312220 SHABIB or pradeep@ ISA VISSIONMAHMOOD CONSTRUCTIONALNOOH CONTRACTING has      „ ‰  17712700applicants can or contact RASHEED@ 39454342 has –Š a  vacancy   for  the  occupation   ARRAR†˜™ƒ™ ALNOAIMI(ALRAMZAN W.L.L. has  a  vacancy  ——ŽŽ for the  36171122AMEERI or ROUSHUTHAHA222@INDUSTRIES vacancy     for the occupation    of    a vacancy for the occupation         „ ‰    SECURICORE.BHor [email protected] ALKHABBAZof„ ‰ LABOURER   COLLECTION  , suitably  qualified OF  has a vacancy for the occupation ofoccupation™†˜™ƒ™ WORKER of , ELECTRICIAN suitably qualified , GMAIL.COM(AMETECH) has a vacancy for ALMATALAOPERATOR(MOBILE-CRANE) CONTRACTING , ‘š—Ž Ž“  Ÿ†˜™ƒ™ Ž  ‰­ ‚‚  ‘“ŽŽŽŽ  ‚ •  †Š  ƒŠ ESTABLISHMENT   has  —Ž­­­­ a vacancy  Gulf Alley Contracting Co. W.L.L COOKINGapplicants OILcan ‘‘ Ž“š“ has contact a vacancy 17725075 for the  Poweredof SEAMAN Access , suitably Platforms qualified applicantssuitably€    qualifiedcan  ‚ ‚ contact 39300177applicants €‰ or can the occupation of PRODUCTION suitably qualified applicants can      ‚  €‰        Majorca Cafe has a vacancy for forƒ™†¢ƒ™ the occupation of HEAVY STYLOhas a vacancyPHONE for has the aoccupation vacancy occupationorƒŒ š—† ‚ƒŠ [email protected] of WORKER , suitably Bahrainapplicants canW.L.L contact has39961181 a [email protected]  17795104     or  info@  COORDINATION‘     ENGINEER   contact ‡  39555002    or  JOUBAR.   ‡Œ ‹‡ ˆ  „ ‰‡   the occupation of LABOURER , DRIVER , suitably qualified for the  occupation    of  SALESMAN   qualifiedGULF CITY applicants CLEANING can W.L.L contact vacancyor [email protected] for the occupation of  Š   ˆ  „ ‰‡   , suitably   qualified  „ ‰ applicants   [email protected] of WORKER , suitably qualified €‚  € Ÿ       š€‘’  suitably qualified applicants can applicants  can ‚ contact   39458212  ,„ ‰ suitably   qualified  applicants   can 39299322has a vacancy or ABOSAJAD234567@ for the occupation TECHNICIAN(MAINTENANCE) , ABRAJ     š—ŽŽŽ€  ALKHAMIS TRADING S.P.C can     — Ž€€  contact 17166111 or AVENUES CONSTRACTION applicants can contact 33260454 Š‚ ŠŠ  œ    RAMSIS ƒ ‚Š† ˆ  ˆ ƒ  ENGINEERING CO. CITY GLASSES has a vacancy for contact 33363151 or MOHAMMED. or ABDULAZIZJABER4455@   ‘ ‘——’€š  contact Ž‘ŽŽŽŽ€—  šŽ™†˜™ƒ™ 39150389 or Mahammad. of LABOURER , suitably qualified suitably qualified applicants can hasŒ ‚† ˆ ƒŠƒ ‚ a vacancy for the occupation [email protected]‡ „ ƒ ‚†Š  ƒŠ has a vacancy for the occupation or �a�ir3�[email protected] ICLOUD.COM        W.L.L has a vacancy for the the occupation of TECHNICIAN , [email protected] HOTMAIL.COM ƒ‡ ‰ †    ŒƒŠ contact 17840787 of WORKER , suitably qualified [email protected] 10 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020


Jennifer Eva Mendes is feeling ‘mom pandemic Lopez to star in guilt’ while entertaining kids

film adaptation of ‘The Fox | Los Angeles ing something similar. “I once painted over Cipher’ ike many parents, Eva My little girl wanted to cut out a rare Mexican band’s LMendes is struggling album cover (that was IANS | Los Angeles case, , reports amid the ongoing corona- Maria Callas’ face from the autographed) with The film will stream on Netflix. virus pandemic. record cover. I quietly died a magenta nail polish,” inger-actress Jennifer Lopez Meanwhile, Lopez has a packed On Thursday, the little inside but I quickly said they said. “Bless all the Swill star in a film adaptation of lineup. She will star in Marry 46-year-old star took to yes. Mom pandemic guilt in full moms that keep their the bestselling book, The Cipher. Me, which is the tale of a pop Instagram to show off effect cool. Bless em all.” Lopez will produce and star in star who spontaneously get how she entertained EVA MENDES While she’s clearly the film based on the book married to a fan during an are- one of her kiddos and willing to go to great written by Isabella Maldona- na performance. Also com- hinted that she’s hav- Fans were quick to offer encourage- lengths for her little ones do. ing up is The Godmother, ing a hard time. ment. now, Mendes said earlier The actress will be seen which takes a look at the In the post, the “You have to do it! She’ll appreciate it this year that she didn’t in the role of an FBI agent rise and fall of the late “Hitch” star shared a later in life when she has her own kids. want kids until she met named Nina Guerrera, drug lord Griselda Blan- black-and-white image You’re such a good mom,” wrote a fan. the 40-year-old Gosling. who finds herself drawn co. from director Reed of Maria Callas’ “Pure “Your makeup collection will from now “I never wanted babies into a serial killer’s case Morano and Then there Maria Callas” album on be ruined and used by them..:but still.. before until I fell in love after he posts codes and is Shotgun Wedding, cover, but with the face you’re an amazing mom!” with Ryan, and it kind riddles online. The about a couple whose cut out and her own face Mendes noticed the sweet message and of worked out to where codes are connected destination wedding in the hole. left an appreciative reply. I was 40 and having my to the recent mur- is ‘highjacked’ by “My little girl wanted to “Thank you Lady M! You’re an amaz- first baby,” Mendes re- ders, which make criminals. The cut out Maria Callas’ face from ing mother,” the star said. “I hope you’re called in an interview her take up the film co-stars the record cover,” she wrote in constantly reminded ! Love you!” with Nova 96.9’s Fitzy mission of Armie the caption. “I quietly died a little “Totally understandable, we are all & Wippa. “I think I was cracking Ham- inside but I quickly said yes. Mom trying our best to keep them healthy and 42 for the second one, the mer. pandemic guilt in full effect.” happy,” another commented. “It’s hard!!” so it worked out in that Mendes shares two daughters -- Es- A third added: “Mom guilt flows way that I had a career meralda, 6, and Amanda, 4 -- with her through my veins every day.” and then I change my longtime partner, Ryan Gosling. Another follower confessed to once do- focus to my family.” Jennifer Lopez Eva Mendes

Miley Cyrus ‘going home’ to Nashville for Christmas Renee Zellweger says ‘Bridget Bang Showbiz | Los Angeles upside down studded cross- back right before the holidays. Jones’ helped her make friends es. Very gothic medieval kinda Was feeling like s**t cause iley Cyrus is “going vibes.” I couldn’t be with the one I IANS | Los Angeles so much to me’. What a gift,” moments Mhome” to Nashville for And Miley also teased some loved. Even with a house full Zellweger said, reports fema- when I Christmas. details of her annual Christmas of family and friends I still felt ctress Renee Zellweger feel like The ‘Midnight Sky’ hitmaker dinner. alone ... Asays playing Bridget Jones The actress said she can still I’m sit- revealed, in a sneak peek of her Speaking about her “In ways that still helped her make new friends see a lot of herself in Bridget. ting be - NFL Artist Takeover, that she festive favourites, she feels relevant and because people wanted to speak Talking about the upcom - side myself will spend the festive season shared: “We’re a big fan someone reading to her about the loved char - ing TV special “Being Bridget watching my with her parents - Billy Ray of mashed potato volcano this right now acter. Jones”, Zellweger said: “All the Bridget al- Cyrus and Tish Cyrus - in Ten- in this house, which is could possibly “I make friends every day things that you would most like ter ego just nessee. where you basically make relate! If you feel because of Bridget. Someone not to have in common with spiralling, And Miley’s Christmas Days’ the butter explode out the lonely this sea- comes up and says, ‘I learned Bridget are the things that I find circling the usually involve “apology texts” top and come down like son just know this from Bridget’ or ‘She means I relate to most closely. I’ve had drain.” and conspiracy theories. lava and it’s just the YOU ARE COM- Renee Zellweger Asked what her family best thing ever. PLETELY MADE Christmas is usually like, she Big, big fans of OF MAGIC! quipped: “Fist fights, and usual- butter in this You are as ly with each one of us removing house.” special as Natalie Portman was bullied for being a child actor ourselves and slamming the I n a snow- IANS | Los Angeles time in school be - The Drew Barrymore Show, door in some way and a lot of 2019, flake , cause you would go reports apology texts … I mean, we’re Miley beau- atalie Portman opened out to movies and She added: “I mean I think all kind of conspiracy theorists shared tifully Nup how she was bullied then come back and people get bullied for all and I remember one year we a track, unique in school for being a child just have an awk- sorts of reasons and that’s a got onto the topic of aliens and ‘My Sad and I actress, while she spoke ward time with the lucky reason to be bullied for it ended with my brothers not Christmas hope to actress Drew Bar - other kids at school... I because you are doing some- talking for a week and my mom Song’, to sup- inside your rymore. The two haven’t really read thing that you love, I mean if crying.” port those who soul feels light, actresses were dis- that from a lot of you are doing something that The 28-year-old star was are feeling alone. hope , peace ... cussing their ex- people and that you love. I do think that that sort planning to create a “goth Sharing the track and joy know - periences as child was totally my of creates your empathy Christmas” vibe this year. on Twitter at the ing how singu- stars. experience, I like being on that side of She said: “I want an all-black time, she cap - larly amazing “I read this really related to the teasing certainly makes tree this year, I wanna do like tioned it: “A sad YOU are! Love thing about that,” Portman you never want to make an - goth Christmas. I think instead Christmas song I always wins! how you didn’t said, while yone feel like that ever of a garland do like rosaries like wrote a few years (sic)” have an easy speaking on again.” Miley Cyrus Natalie Portman

SUDOKU CROSSWORD Across 1- Goes out with; 5- Charge per unit; 9- Swift; 13- Wrinkly fruit; 14- Made a mistake; Yesterday’s solution 16- Christiania, today; 17- Money-related: Abbr.; 18- “South Pacific” hero; 19- Chamber; Yesterday’s solution 20- Writer Dinesen; 21- Dot follower; 22- Break from work; 24- 1922 Physics Nobelist; 26- Household; 27- Singer Bryson; 29- Capital of Finland; 33- Low cards; 34- ___ sapiens; 35- Stadium section; 36- Feel unwell; 37- Kitchen gadget; 38- Skater Babilonia; 39- “Peter Pan” pirate; 41- Tatum’s dad; 42- Components; 44- Sing for; 46- Company emblems; 47- Bridle strap; 48- Director Ephron; 49- Duplicator; 52- The Company; 53- Wise men; 57- Writer Wiesel; 58- Atoll unit; 60- Goddess and sister of Ares in Greek mythology; 61- Untruths, tells falsehoods; 62- Methuselah’s father; 63- Exam used to measure aptitude or intelligence; 64- Trent of the Senate; 65- Gothic-type arch; 66- This, in Tijuana; Down 1- Mystical Muslim; 2- Sponsorship; 3- Designer Schiaparelli; 4- Ship hospital; 5- Sound again, again; 6- Knight wear; 7- Barbershop request; 8- It’s a moray; 9- Penalty; 10- Beginning; 11- Blackthorn fruit; 12- Voluminous volume; 15- Bleach; 23- Mantric syllables; 25- Delivery room docs; 26- Macho guys; 27- Of first importance; 28- Conger catcher; 29- Dike, Eunomia and Irene; 30- Part of TNT; 31- “Hyperion” poet; 32- Coloured part of the How to play eye; 33- Soviet news service; 34- “Surprise Symphony” composer; 37- Tract of grassland; Place a number in the empty boxes in such 40- Most strange; 42- ___ favor; 43- Asexual reproductive cell; 45- Born, in France; 46- Feel a way that each row across, each column intense aversion; 48- One who cries “uncle”?; 49- Honeycomb unit; 50- Potpourri; 51- down and each 9-box square contains all Painter Mondrian; 52- Thick-soled shoe; 54- Son of Zeus in Greek mythology; 55- Essence; of the numbers from one to nine. 56- Ratio words; 59- ___-Cone; SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 10 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 11

Roman Bogatov takes on Nurzan celebs Akishev at BRAVE CF 46 BRAVE CF announces KO of the Year award winner Eva Mendes is feeling ‘mom pandemic Jennifer Rahmatullah Yousufzai wins BRAVE CF Year of the Change Award in the “Knockout Lopez to star in guilt’ while entertaining kids of the Year” category film adaptation of ‘The Fox | Los Angeles ing something similar. “I once painted over • Yousufzai’s 42-second Cipher’ ike many parents, Eva My little girl wanted to cut out a rare Mexican band’s KO over Abdulmanap LMendes is struggling Maria Callas’ face from the album cover (that was Magomedov at IANS | Los Angeles case, , reports amid the ongoing corona- autographed) with BRAVE CF 41 earned The film will stream on Netflix. virus pandemic. record cover. I quietly died a magenta nail polish,” KNOW WHAT inger-actress Jennifer Lopez Meanwhile, Lopez has a packed On Thursday, the little inside but I quickly said they said. “Bless all the him the award Swill star in a film adaptation of lineup. She will star in Marry 46-year-old star took to yes. Mom pandemic guilt in full moms that keep their the bestselling book, The Cipher. Me, which is the tale of a pop Instagram to show off effect cool. Bless em all.” TDT | Manama a Catchweight bout against TDT | Manama With an undefeated Lopez will produce and star in star who spontaneously get how she entertained While she’s clearly EVA MENDES Akishev. professional record the film based on the book married to a fan during an are- one of her kiddos and willing to go to great nother huge fight has been Kazakhstan’s own ‘’Bizon’’ fghanistan’s new ris- written by Isabella Maldona- na performance. Also com- hinted that she’s hav- Fans were quick to offer encourage- lengths for her little ones of 4 wins and no Aadded to BRAVE Combat will be another BRAVE CF debu- ing star Rahmatullah losses, Rahmatullah do. ing up is The Godmother, ing a hard time. ment. now, Mendes said earlier Federation’s debut card in Rus- tant, and will look to improve Yousufzai just got his The actress will be seen which takes a look at the In the post, the “You have to do it! She’ll appreciate it this year that she didn’t A Yousufzai made his sia. Roman Bogatov will look on his current win-streak by first international award. The in the role of an FBI agent rise and fall of the late “Hitch” star shared a later in life when she has her own kids. want kids until she met to recover from his first career earning his fifth straight vic- Afghani prospect was the win- international debut named Nina Guerrera, drug lord Griselda Blan- black-and-white image You’re such a good mom,” wrote a fan. the 40-year-old Gosling. loss as he makes his much-an- tory against Bogatov. Akishev ner of the BRAVE CF Year of the at BRAVE CF 41 after who finds herself drawn co. from director Reed of Maria Callas’ “Pure “Your makeup collection will from now “I never wanted babies ticipated promotional debut at is 11-1 as a professional, with Change Award in the “Knockout dominating the Af- into a serial killer’s case Morano and Then there Maria Callas” album on be ruined and used by them..:but still.. before until I fell in love BRAVE CF 46, set for Sochi, on eight of those wins coming via of the Year” category. ghani national scene after he posts codes and is Shotgun Wedding, cover, but with the face you’re an amazing mom!” with Ryan, and it kind January 16th. He will take on submission. The result that earned riddles online. The about a couple whose cut out and her own face Mendes noticed the sweet message and of worked out to where Nurzan Akishev in a Catch- BRAVE CF 46 will take place Yousufzai the award was the a trophy he said. codes are connected destination wedding in the hole. left an appreciative reply. I was 40 and having my weight bout of 67 kg. in Sochi, in association with 42-second KO over Abdulmanap “That’s my award for knock- to the recent mur- is ‘highjacked’ by “My little girl wanted to “Thank you Lady M! You’re an amaz- first baby,” Mendes re- Bogatov has an immense re- Krepost Selection. It will be Magomedov at BRAVE CF 41. The out of the year. Alhamdulillah! ders, which make criminals. The cut out Maria Callas’ face from ing mother,” the star said. “I hope you’re called in an interview cord, mounting three wins in headlined by Eldar Eldarov, bout was his first one under the I’m really happy with this one, her take up the film co-stars the record cover,” she wrote in constantly reminded ! Love you!” with Nova 96.9’s Fitzy three amateur fights before who makes the first defense of BRAVE CF banner and he indeed it’s a great way to start, eh? Next mission of Armie the caption. “I quietly died a little “Totally understandable, we are all & Wippa. “I think I was turning pro - where he won his his Super Lightweight world arrived with a splash. time, maybe after a couple more cracking Ham- inside but I quickly said yes. Mom trying our best to keep them healthy and 42 for the second one, first 10 fights in a row, before title against Leonardo Mafra. Facing a heavily-favored Mag- fights, I’ll be getting my belt the mer. pandemic guilt in full effect.” happy,” another commented. “It’s hard!!” so it worked out in that being beaten by grappler Leo Also set for fight night are omedov, who came into the cage too”. Mendes shares two daughters -- Es- A third added: “Mom guilt flows way that I had a career Santos in his last outing. the returns of Murtaza Talha, boasting an amateur record of 15 With an undefeated profes- meralda, 6, and Amanda, 4 -- with her through my veins every day.” and then I change my Now looking to make a Rustam Chsiev, and former wins and only three losses, Rah- sional record of 4 wins and no longtime partner, Ryan Gosling. Another follower confessed to once do- focus to my family.” Jennifer Lopez splash at BRAVE CF’s ev- Lightweight world champion matullah Yousufzai shocked the losses, Rahmatullah Yousufzai Eva Mendes er-growing Featherweight di- Luan Santiago, as well as de- world and got the finish within made his international debut at vision, he has fixed a date for buts for Ali Bagautinov and the very first minute. his social media receiving the award in his gym. Asked by his BRAVE CF 41 after dominating his return to competition in Konstantin Erokhin. Yousufzai posted a video in “BRAVE CF Year of Change” teammates why he was getting the Afghani national scene. Miley Cyrus ‘going home’ to Nashville for Christmas Renee Zellweger says ‘Bridget Bang Showbiz | Los Angeles upside down studded cross- back right before the holidays. Jones’ helped her make friends es. Very gothic medieval kinda Was feeling like s**t cause Capture your Love for Bahrain through your Camera iley Cyrus is “going vibes.” I couldn’t be with the one I IANS | Los Angeles so much to me’. What a gift,” moments Only ‘best’ athletes will represent Mhome” to Nashville for And Miley also teased some loved. Even with a house full Zellweger said, reports fema- when I and sign up to this contest until December 26th Christmas. details of her annual Christmas of family and friends I still felt ctress Renee Zellweger feel like TDT | Manama The ‘Midnight Sky’ hitmaker dinner. alone ... Asays playing Bridget Jones The actress said she can still I’m sit- Philippines in Tokyo Olympics revealed, in a sneak peek of her Speaking about her “In ways that still helped her make new friends see a lot of herself in Bridget. ting be - TDT | Manila HK Heroes, in association NFL Artist Takeover, that she festive favourites, she feels relevant and because people wanted to speak Talking about the upcom - side myself Kwith IOC Bahrain & Bah- will spend the festive season shared: “We’re a big fan someone reading to her about the loved char - ing TV special “Being Bridget watching my he Philippines is sending rain Tourism & Exhibition Au- with her parents - Billy Ray of mashed potato volcano this right now acter. Jones”, Zellweger said: “All the Bridget al- Tonly the best athletes and thority (BTEA), has extended Cyrus and Tish Cyrus - in Ten- in this house, which is could possibly “I make friends every day things that you would most like ter ego just those with realistic chances of their photography competition nessee. where you basically make relate! If you feel because of Bridget. Someone not to have in common with spiralling, winning a medal, particular- celebrating the 49th Bahrain And Miley’s Christmas Days’ the butter explode out the lonely this sea- comes up and says, ‘I learned Bridget are the things that I find circling the ly gold, in next year’s Tokyo National Day. usually involve “apology texts” top and come down like son just know this from Bridget’ or ‘She means I relate to most closely. I’ve had drain.” Olympics. With the desire to elongate and conspiracy theories. lava and it’s just the YOU ARE COM- Renee Zellweger This was emphasised by the the celebration of appreciation Asked what her family best thing ever. PLETELY MADE Philippine Sports Commission and promotion of Bahrain’s Big, big fans of OF MAGIC Christmas is usually like, she ! (PSC) as the country’s Olym- beauty, the competition re - quipped: “Fist fights, and usual- butter in this You are as Natalie Portman was bullied for being a child actor pics hopefuls make a big push mains open to all nationalities ly with each one of us removing house.” special as to qualify for the quadrennial and age groups who would love ourselves and slamming the I n a snow- IANS | Los Angeles time in school be - The Drew Barrymore Show, meet, which has been resched- to take part in celebrating the door in some way and a lot of 2019, flake , cause you would go reports uled to start on July 23, 2021. rich, vibrant, and welcoming apology texts … I mean, we’re Miley beau- atalie Portman opened out to movies and She added: “I mean I think Last week, Malacañang an- culture of the country. Amateur all kind of conspiracy theorists shared tifully Nup how she was bullied then come back and people get bullied for all nounced that it has given the and professional photographers and I remember one year we a track, unique in school for being a child just have an awk- sorts of reasons and that’s a green light for the Filipino across the Kingdom have an got onto the topic of aliens and ‘My Sad and I actress, while she spoke ward time with the lucky reason to be bullied for Olympic hopefuls to resume extra five days to submit their it ended with my brothers not Christmas hope to actress Drew Bar - other kids at school... I because you are doing some- training amid the coronavirus entries which best capture talking for a week and my mom Song’, to sup- inside your rymore. The two haven’t really read thing that you love, I mean if pandemic. the tradition, values, culture, crying.” port those who soul feels light, actresses were dis- that from a lot of you are doing something that Immediately, PSC chairman places, nature, and food of The 28-year-old star was are feeling alone. hope , peace ... cussing their ex- people and that you love. I do think that that sort William “Butch” Ramirez said Karatedo athlete Jamie Lim is one of the brightest hopes of the Philippines Bahrain. planning to create a “goth Sharing the track and joy know - periences as child was totally my of creates your empathy that elite athletes from three Each individual is permitted Christmas” vibe this year. on Twitter at the ing how singu- stars. experience, I like being on that side of combat sports — boxing, karate they will stay there for 90 days. 3 entries of the most captivat- She said: “I want an all-black time, she cap - larly amazing “I read this really related to the teasing certainly makes and taekwondo — will get the They don’t have to worry be- ing images captured which can of media company Jaan Click the platform to showcase their tree this year, I wanna do like tioned it: “A sad YOU are! Love thing about that,” Portman you never want to make an - first taste of the training bubble cause we will cover everything. be sent through WhatsApp on Media), who will be narrow- talents and points of view re- goth Christmas. I think instead Christmas song I always wins! how you didn’t said, while yone feel like that ever that will be held at the Inspire All they have to do is to train 66334422 or via email to ioce- ing down the submissions to 10 garding our amazing country. of a garland do like rosaries like wrote a few years (sic)” have an easy speaking on again.” We’re all set for the Sports Academy in Calamba, bubble training. It and prepare for the Olympics.” [email protected]. Name, candidates. It is a great opportunity for Miley Cyrus Natalie Portman Laguna. starts in January and So far, there are four athletes CPR number and mobile num- Convener Tawfiq, and Joint all to show the world what a PSC, however, stressed that who have already qualified in ber shall be included in the mail. Convener Vishal expressed beautiful place our country is the bubble protocols will be our athletes don’t have the Olympics. Entries taken from all devices their sincere thanks to the dis- through the eyes of the people to worry because we SUDOKU CROSSWORD stricter than that of the pro - Vaulter EJ Obiena is in Italy, are welcomed as long as they tinguished and prominent Bah- of Bahrain.” fessional leagues that resumed will cover everything. but might relocate to Finland are relevant to the judging cri- rain photographers for judging IOC Bahrain president Mo- Across 1- Goes out with; 5- Charge per unit; 9- Swift; 13- Wrinkly fruit; 14- Made a mistake; tournaments this year. All they have to do is to due to the surge of coronavirus teria - capturing the subject in this competition and to the en- hammed Mansoor, vice-pres- Yesterday’s solution 16- Christiania, today; 17- Money-related: Abbr.; 18- “South Pacific” hero; 19- Chamber; Yesterday’s solution Boxing will be sending 16 ath- train and prepare for cases, while gymnast Carlos the best way possible and with tire team/community for sup- ident of KHK Heroes, urges 20- Writer Dinesen; 21- Dot follower; 22- Break from work; 24- 1922 Physics Nobelist; letes while karate will have six the Olympics Yulo is in Japan and boxer Eu- proper composition. porting this event in expressing every photography-lover to 26- Household; 27- Singer Bryson; 29- Capital of Finland; 33- Low cards; 34- ___ sapiens; 35- and taekwondo five. mir Marcial is in the United The judges panel will consist determination to make Bahrain embrace the theme of the con- Stadium section; 36- Feel unwell; 37- Kitchen gadget; 38- Skater Babilonia; 39- “Peter Pan” PSC CHAIRMAN WILLIAM “BUTCH” RAMIREZ pirate; 41- Tatum’s dad; 42- Components; 44- Sing for; 46- Company emblems; 47- Bridle Expected to enter the bubble States, where he will be fight- of world-renowned judges: Ali stand out in the globe for its test and enter to showcase the strap; 48- Director Ephron; 49- Duplicator; 52- The Company; 53- Wise men; 57- Writer MTV Wiesel; 58- Atoll unit; 60- Goddess and sister of Ares in Greek mythology; 61- Untruths, tells are Olympian Irish Magno as ing as a professional boxer for Al Rifai (editor-in-chief of tolerance. beauty of Bahrain falsehoods; 62- Methuselah’s father; 63- Exam used to measure aptitude or intelligence; well as Southeast Asian Games lodging of the athletes during the first time. , LBCI Lebanon, and Al KHK Heroes president Mo- “Let us all go out there and 64- Trent of the Senate; 65- Gothic-type arch; 66- This, in Tijuana; gold medalists Carlo Paalam, their 90-day training that starts Ramirez said the PSC would Jadeed), Premjith Narayanan hammed Shahid salutes this capture images of inclusive- Down Rogen Ladon, James Palicte in January. still continue bankrolling their (award-winning photographer initiative which encourages ness in the Kingdom of Bahrain, 1- Mystical Muslim; 2- Sponsorship; 3- Designer Schiaparelli; 4- Ship hospital; 5- Sound again, again; 6- Knight wear; 7- Barbershop request; 8- It’s a moray; 9- Penalty; 10- and Nesthy Petecio of boxing “We’re all set for the bubble training program as well as with 30 years experience, who documenting the Kingdom’s images that portray the lovely Beginning; 11- Blackthorn fruit; 12- Voluminous volume; 15- Bleach; 23- Mantric syllables; as well as Samuel Morrison of training,” said Ramirez. those who have yet to qualify has been published by the likes value in art form, and providing freedom we enjoy to express 25- Delivery room docs; 26- Macho guys; 27- Of first importance; 28- Conger catcher; 29- Dike, Eunomia and Irene; 30- Part of TNT; 31- “Hyperion” poet; 32- Coloured part of the taekwondo and Jamie Lim and “Athletes from combat sports but have bright chances of mak- of BBC, Canon PhotoPlus UK an opportunity for everyone to ourselves. It’s time to capture How to play eye; 33- Soviet news service; 34- “Surprise Symphony” composer; 37- Tract of grassland; Junna Tsukii of karate. like boxing, taekwondo and ka- ing it like Hidilyn Diaz, Eric and many other popular out- showcase their skills and tal- our loyalty to the spirit of the Place a number in the empty boxes in such 40- Most strange; 42- ___ favor; 43- Asexual reproductive cell; 45- Born, in France; 46- Feel Ramirez said the PSC would rate will be the first to enter the Cray, Kristina Knott, James lets), Jaana Al Balushi (Bahraini ents to a wider audience. Island of Pearls with our pho- a way that each row across, each column intense aversion; 48- One who cries “uncle”?; 49- Honeycomb unit; 50- Potpourri; 51- down and each 9-box square contains all Painter Mondrian; 52- Thick-soled shoe; 54- Son of Zeus in Greek mythology; 55- Essence; cover the food and board and bubble. It starts in January and Deiparine and Luke Gebbie. photographer and artist, owner “We want to give everyone tographs.” of the numbers from one to nine. 56- Ratio words; 59- ___-Cone; SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 12 BMF heroes win FIA President Special Award The special award was in recognition of the BMF team’s prompt response to the crash involving Grosjean during Bahrain GP

BIC congratulates HM the• King and HRH the Crown Prince on the occasion This prestigious award is testament to all the hard The award was also work and preparation presented• to FIA Medical our marshals undertake Rescue Coordinator Dr throughout the year, both for our annual Grand Prix Ian Roberts and FIA and other track activities F1 Medical Car Driver Alan van der Merwe SHAIKH SALMAN BIN ISA AL KHALIFA BIC CHIEF EXECUTIVE

TDT | Manama 32 seconds of the incident and the FIA BIC Chief Executive Shaikh Salman bin Isa Al doctors on hand. Khalifa ahrain Motor Federation (BMF) “We are proud of our team and proud team was awarded the prestig- Grosjean. Al Thawadi said, “It is a very of our safety coordination and response, Bious FIA President Special Award proud moment for us here in Bahrain, led by FIA President Jean Todt. It is a during the International Automobile especially for the marshals and those proud moment for every marshal here. Federation’s (FIA) annual FIA Prize responding to the incident. We thank the FIA President for this A screengrab during the virtual award ceremony shows the winners along with Romain Grosjean Giving Ceremony, which took place “It was a dramatic moment for every- prestigious award recognizing every virtually in the presence of FIA Presi- Al Khalifa, President of the BMF, on FIA Formula 1 Medical Car Driver Alan one involved but our well-trained team single marshal in Bahrain.” dent Jean Todt. receiving this hugely prestigious award. van der Merwe., each receiving a medal. made a success of their response. The FIA ceremony is one of the year’s Bahrain International Circuit (BIC), “We take great pride in Bahraini mar- Al Thawadi spoke during the virtual “We all felt relief to see Grosjean most anticipated events with every “The Home of Motorsport in the Mid- shals being recognised in this way, too ceremony, which was also attended by recovered by the fire marshals within branch of motorsport honoured. dle East”, extends its sincerest congrat- often the unsung heroes of our sport. ulations to His Majesty King Hamad “This prestigious award is testament bin Isa Al Khalifa and His Royal High- to all the hard work and preparation ness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khal- our marshals undertake throughout the Hamilton wins big at virtual FIA prizegiving ifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, year, both for our annual Grand Prix Reuters | London on the occasion of the victory. and other track activities. three circuits. The special award was in recognition “This is a proud moment for Bah - even times world champion Lewis Hamilton took his career tally to a of the BMF team’s prompt response to rain’s motorsport family. Our sincer- SHamilton was the big winner as record 95 wins that, combined with the dramatic crash involving Romain est congratulations go out to the BMF, Formula One’s governing body con- his record-equalling seven titles, made Grosjean during the Formula 1 Gulf Air the Motorsport Marshals Club, and all ducted its annual awards ceremony him the most successful F1 driver of Bahrain Grand Prix 2020 on November those involved in the running of our by video conferencing on Friday night all time. 29th. motor racing events, you are rightly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Japan’s Yuki Tsunoda, who is gradu- BIC Chief Executive Shaikh Salman being honoured with this special ac- The Mercedes driver was voted Per- ating to Formula One with AlphaTauri bin Isa Al Khalifa said that the award colade.” sonality of the Year by permanently next year, was named Rookie of the contributes to the sense of joy across On behalf of the BMF team, BMF Gen- accredited media and also received a Year while fans voted Alfa Romeo’s the Kingdom as it celebrates Bahrain’s eral Manager Abdulaziz Al Thawadi joint FIA President Award with Ferrari Kimi Raikkonen winner of the Action National Day and His Majesty the accepted the award during the virtu- great Michael Schumacher, the only of the Year. King’s accession to the throne. al ceremony alongside the Bahraini other seven times champion. “2020 has been an unprecedented Shaikh Salman also highlighted that marshals being honoured, including In addition, Hamilton received the year and it’s remarkable to be here and this global achievement reflects the Abdulla Qamber, Mehab Medhat Fawzi, Automobile Club d’Italia (ACI) Trophy to be able to honour our champions,” support received by the Kingdom’s Osama Mohamed Alsherooqi, Ahmed as highest points scorer from an un- commented FIA President Jean Todt. motorsport family from His Majesty Abdulla Mohammed, Dr Yasir Yar Mu- precedented three Formula One races “The most important thing is that, the King and His Royal Highness the hammad, Ahmed Saeed, Arif Turkey, held in Italy. through creativity and resourceful- Crown Prince and Prime Minister. Joby Mathew and Thaer Ali Taher. The 35-year-old Briton won at Imola ness, we have been able to organize Shaikh Salman added, “On behalf of Also presented with the FIA Presi- and Mugello and placed seventh at Lewis Hamilton of Mercedes GP celebrates championships – and we have cham- the Board of directors and team at BIC, dent Special Award were FIA Medical Monza, setting the fastest laps at all after winning the Bahrain GP pions to celebrate.” I congratulate Shaikh Abdulla bin Isa Rescue Coordinator Dr Ian Roberts and Messi equals Pele’s record ‘Ruthless’ Liverpool set record by hitting Crystal Palace for seven of goals for a single club AFP | London Reuters | Barcelona iverpool ended a three- Lmonth wait for an away win ionel Messi equalled Pele’s in the Premier League in record Lhaul of 643 goals for San- fashion with a 7-0 thrashing of tos after scoring for Barcelona Crystal Palace on Saturday to against Valencia in La Liga on move six points clear at the top Saturday, matching the Brazil- of the table. ian great’s scoring record for a The English champions’ first single club. ever away win in the top-flight The Argentine, 33, hit the by seven goals laid down a milestone goal with a diving marker for the challengers hop- header just before halftime im- ing to dethrone Jurgen Klopp’s mediately after his penalty was men. saved by Valencia keeper Jaume Liverpool built on the mo- Domenech. mentum of a last-minute win- The goal made it 1-1 in Barca’s ner that beat second-placed La Liga game and cancelled out Tottenham in midweek as Rob- Liverpool’s Brazilian midfielder Roberto Firmino scores his team’s fifth goal erto Firmino and Mohamed psat Crystal Palace’s Spanish goalkeeper Vicente Guaita Barcelona’s Argentinian forward Lionel Messi (L) scores a goal Salah scored twice at Selhurst mas,” said Klopp. “The season chance to cover for Virgil Van Mouctar Diakhaby’s opener. six Brazilian league titles Park, while Takumi Minamino, is not finished unfortunately, Dijk’s long-term absence by Pele scored 643 goals in 665 plus two Copa Libertado - Sadio Mane and Hen- there are a few more games to buying a centre-back in Jan- competitive games for Santos, res crowns, South America’s derson also netted. come.” uary. 643 while Messi needed 748 match- equivalent of the Champions Victory ensured Liverpool Due to the late start to the Klopp has repeatedly be - goals have been scored es to reach the tally, although he League. will lead the league at Christ- campaign, there are still near- moaned having to play Satur- by Messi for Barcelona did it in 17 seasons compared to Messi, who made his first ap- mas for a third successive sea- ly two-thirds of the season to day lunchtime kick-offs after to equal Pele’s record the 19 Pele needed. pearance for Barcelona aged son and, on this evidence, will go, but Liverpool have so far Wednesday night games, but for Brazilian side Santos Pele, now 80, made his 17 in 2004, has won 10 La Liga take some catching in the new survived an injury crisis and his side suffered no hangover Santos debut aged 15 in 1956 titles with the club plus four year. should only get stronger with from their exertions against and left in 1974 after winning Champions Leagues. “We will have a good Christ- more players returning and the Spurs.

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