Volume 1, Issue 6 FEBRUARY ISSUE , 2010

COMMUNICATION, THE THEME AT THE GOLDEN ROCK SCHOOL Field trip to the Government information Service

to their pupils so that they would get a clear understand- ing of sending and receiving correspondence through the post office. The children were welcomed by the staff of the post office and received de- tailed information how the process works. (photos of the various sights are available on page 8). The children of Cycle 1 group 1 and 2 visited the Government Information Service. They got first hand experience on the Shedding Light Radio programme at the Statia Radio Station. The chief of the G.I.S.

Inside this issue:

Fieldtrip by Golden Rock School 1,8,12

Health Care issues 2+14

The Golden Rock School held the the GIS the activities undertaken Dualism 4-7 theme communication for one by the youngsters at school. month. During this period the chil- They talked elaborately about dren went on a number of fieldtrips communication, what it means, Winair 5 to the local telephone company, how important it is and the dif- the post office and the office and ferent form of medium used to studio of the Government Informa- communicate. This discussion Dutch Inspectorate on Fact 11 tion Service. In an interview with has taken place in all the class Finding Mission in Statia the principal of the Golden Rock rooms. The children wrote letters Dutch Government donates 9 +13 school, Mrs. Deborah Clarke Brown to each other and visited the school Books to Primary schools we learned that it is customary at post office to experience the the Golden Rock School to have a process of mailing a letter. The Fotos of events 8,10, monthly theme. She explained to teachers of Cycle one sent letters 12 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 2 POSTMENOPAUSAL BLEEDING Monthly Health updates with Dr. Sharda Baboe-Kalpoe.

In our regular interview for During perimenopause, changes in menstrual bleeding are common. this newsletter, Dr. Sharda Baboe-Kalpoe acknowledged During a normal menstrual cycle, the levels of the hormones estrogen the importance of educating and progesterone increase and the community on medical decrease in a regular pattern . Ovu- lation occurs in the middle of the issues that are affecting this cycle, and menstruation occurs community. She choose fe- about 2 weeks later. During peri- menopause, hormone levels may not male health because it is an follow this regular pattern. As a important health care issue. result, you may have irregular The topic for this month is Post- bleeding or spotting. Some months, your period may be longer and menopausal Bleeding. The first heavier. Other months, it may be question that comes to mind is shorter and lighter. The number of ductive system. Bleeding from the va- days between periods may increase What is Post Menopausal Bleed- gina may occur because when estrogen or decrease. You may begin to skip secretion stops, the vagina dries out ing? Definition periods. and can diminish (atrophy). This is the most common cause of bleeding from Postmenopausal bleeding is bleed- Although these changes are normal the lower reproductive tract. ing from the reproductive system in perimenopause, abnormal bleed- ing sometimes can signal a problem that occurs six months or more after Lesions and cracks on the vulva may not related to perimenopause. A menstrual periods have stopped due also bleed. Sometimes bleeding occurs good rule to follow is to tell your after intercourse. Bleeding can occur to menopause. doctor if you notice any of the fol- with or without an associated infection. lowing changes in your monthly Description cycle: Bleeding from the upper reproductive Menopause, the end of ovulation system can be caused by: and menstrual periods, naturally • Very heavy bleeding occurs for most women at age 45–55 • hormone replacements years. The process of ending ovula- • Bleeding that lasts longer than tion and menstruation normal • endometrial cancer (perimenopause) is gradual, span- ning one to two years or more, due • Bleeding that occurs more often • endometrial polyps to shifts in hormone levels. than every 3 weeks • cervical cancer Postmenopausal bleeding is • Bleeding that occurs after sex bleeding that occurs after meno- or between periods • cervical lesions pause has been established for at least six months. It is different from Women taking estrogen (called hor- • uterine tumors infrequent, irregular periods mone replacement therapy or (oligomenorrhea) that occur around HRT) are more likely to experience • ovarian cancer the time of menopause. postmenopausal bleeding. So are obese women, because fat cells Many women experience some post- • estrogen-secreting tumors in other transform male hormones menopausal bleeding. However, parts of the body (androgens) secreted by the adrenal postmenopausal bleeding is not gland into estrogen. The most common cause of postmeno- normal. Because it can be a symp- pausal bleeding is HRT. The estrogen tom of a serious medical condition, Causes and symptoms in the replacement therapy eases the any episode of postmenopausal symptoms of menopause (like hot bleeding should be brought to the flashes), and decreases the risk of os- Postmenopausal bleeding can origi- attention of a (woman's) doctor. teoporosis. (continue on page 14) nate in different parts of the repro- VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 3

Peter van Dongen bids farewell

focused specifically on the job ranking process. This process is ongoing for 12 years, but on November 30th 2009 the Executive Council of St. Eustatius made a decision on this process. Mr. Van Dongen was the Chair of the Ob- jection Committee. In this period De- partment Heads created a department plan. A trainings programme for 2010 has been approved of which the initial trainings are presently conducted. In Mr. Peter van Dongen came to St. cooperation with the Personnel and Eustatius in September 2009 to as- Organization Mr. van Dongen assisted sist Mr. Willem Sanderse for a half with the establishment of a Quick Scan year in several areas in the transi- for departments like Public Health and tion of Statia for 10/10/10. This sup- physical Planning and Development. VNG delegation with a few Depart- port is in the best interest of the He supported the management team ment Heads Executive Council, the Island Secre- with important topics. Presently a pro- tary and the Civil Servants. Al- ject is underway to get a person to full VNG administration paid a visit to though this was his first trip to the position of Head of Economic Af- St. Eustatius and met with a num- Statia, he is familiar with Curacao fairs. He was able to give the assign- ber of civil servants. They ex- and since he resided in ment to the committee for garbage plained about the opportunities for in the past. process to create a tangible plan. He is civil servants to do training in the happy to have been able to contribute Netherlands and for Dutch experts He worked with pleasure with the towards all these plans that will benefit to come to the islands. This pro- civil servants and accomplished set the Government of St. Eustatius. Special gramme if fully financed by the goals with the necessary humor. He thanks for everyone's cooperation. The VNG.

(Continued from page 1) Field trip to the Government Information Service

(Government Information Ser- sters brought it simple in their children while they visited the vice), Head Mrs. Malvern own words it was crystal clear different offices within the De- Dijkshoorn-Lopes was happy to that they had worked at school on partment of GIS. introduce the future leaders to this theme because they were the community through the ra- knowledge able of the subject. dio programme. The children After the radio interview they vis- talked on the radio about the ited the office and studio of GIS theme communication. Most of where they gathered additional them were familiar with the dif- information on the subject. The ferent methods used like chat- camera men, Mr. Michael Spanner ting on the computer, talking and Dwight Barran translated by phone, using the newspaper, their work on the level of the radio, television, sign language, youngsters so that they under- one on one talks while playing, stand what their job entailed. Mrs. and they went on to explain Mercedes Lopes-Spanner shared why it’s important to be able to with the children the importance have clear communication. of having good manners and be- They expressed the importance ing ambassadors for their island. of the receiver understanding She explained her field of work the message sent by the and was assisted by Ms. Nadjeska sender. Although the young- Jack who took photos of all the VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 4


the floor were: What does dualism mean for civil servants, or what effect will it have for civil servants? What does one wish to accomplish with the implementa- tion of dualism? Will the island govern- ment be able to make adjustments in areas where dualism does not benefit the island when looking at the scale and population? How was the implementation of Dualism experienced in small munici- palities in the Netherlands? Mr Schoop explained that Dualism should strengthen the position of the island council and the council should operate more as a Representative of the people. When dualism is implemented we will have three official functions: Griffier; Ombudsman and a Government audit office. To clearly understand the Dualism concept, we first need to know the cause for its introduction.

Why was Dualism introduced?

• It was introduced for the simple rea-

son of trying to get politicians and citizens closer together.

• To make the local administration The Island Council which is the high- range work placement for a training more transparent. est legislative body on St. Eustatius is period; 2) send out experts to support made up of five members. These mem- departments in areas where they may When the Island Council and Executive bers are: Mr. Reginald Zaandam; Mr. not have sufficient human resources Council is separated as a result of dual- Roy Hooker, Mr. Clyde van Putten; and knowledge in a particular field;3) ism, it will lead to the following division Ms. Adelca Spanner and Mr. Julian to arrange study visits. The Dutch of responsibilities. Woodely. They were in attendance delegation comprised of: Ms. Famke along with the Act. Lt. Governor Mr. Kweekel; Mr. Nico Schoop; Ms. THE ISLAND COUNCIL Gerald Berkel and a few Department Marieke Verhoeven; and Mr. Gilbert Heads to the workshop on Dualism Isabella. Mr. Nico Schoop was respon- • Representative of the people held at the conference room at the sible for the presentation regarding Department of Education. The repre- Dualism. The participants got the • Determine the framework for policies sentatives of VNG focused a part of opportunity to introduce themselves • Control: supervise the execution of the content of their presentation par- after which each person had to indi- his decisions. tially on three components: 1) to ar- cate what they wanted to know about dualism. The questions that came to ( continue on page 7 )


Recently the Scep (Social compul- tice competency-based teaching and sory Education Programme) held a learning in cooperation with their training for teachers and students colleagues. They will experience separately. The overall goal of the firsthand that the training is built training was to equip teachers for around individual teacher’s learning competency-based teaching and needs. Through the assignment they guidance of the youngsters partici- will discover that learners can learn pating in the mandatory social edu- constructively if you give them ade- cation programme. The teachers quate opportunities combined were given the opportunity to prac- (Continue op page 5) Photo by Ms. Nadjeska Jack VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 5


With a learning to learn approach. In all the teachers to get a picture of presently contributing in a large and the training they demonstrated how what their expectation was prior to positive way in our community. The to do that and teach them the neces- the session. However, we draw the significance of being in shape as a sary skills. And last but not least the conclusion that the workshop was people was highlighted to emphasize teachers learned goals are hinged in well received and the teachers the benefits of having a good health. real life problems are much more seemed satisfied during the work- All these sections were discussed likely to motivate students than tra- shop which was filmed. Not only with the young people by persons like ditional goals from the textbook teachers were trained, but the stu- Mrs. Christina Timber-Glover; Mr. (photos of the workshop can be dents at the second chance education Granville Hassell; Mr. Luke Blair; seen on page 10). There were a were given the opportunity to partici- Mr. Rob de Waal number of teachers like Mr. Derrick pate one day in training which was Simmons; Mrs. Joyce Weijshacker; prepared to meet their needs. A num- Ms. Minerva Pantophlet, Mr. & Mrs. ber of topics were selected which the Van Engel; Ms. Versely Courtar; Ms. students can relate to, such as dress Raquel Carty; Mr. Brian Carty; Mrs. code when going to a job interview; Ruth Pandt; Ms. Shaminda Gibbs; sexual education; gender issues with Ms. Holleband and Mrs. Samuel who regards to battered and abused participated in the workshop. Al- women; individuals who were drug though we were not able to interview addicts and with rehabilitation are


St. Eustatius— Winair is the air (Princess Juliana International Air- Other individuals with whom the transportation between the Dutch port need to pay this fee); screening GIS have talked shared the views islands in the Eastern Caribbean fee; and the introduction of a service that they believe that Winair have , St. Eustatius and St. Maarten. fee which was added on top of the bend the rules (of International Civil They also fly to other destinations in ticket. Many of these fees which are Aviation which is the European sys- the direct surroundings. Winair was included into the ticket in return tem to the American FAA system) initially established by a private have to be repaid back to the airport. over the years to meet the needs of entity before the Central Govern- Today, passengers are confronted the people of these islands. ment purchased all the shares. It is with the weighing of hand luggage, the main mean of transportation which should weigh no more than 3 Many interviewers shared different between the SSS islands (Saba, St. kg. In the past passengers were not views. An individual informed GIS Eustatius and St. Maarten). There hassled with hand luggage policy. that every company should have a has been a number of new policies Presently Winair introduced a new year plan (and Winair is no excep- set by this , like the baggage policy which according to them is tion) what the cost will be per year. policy which stated one check inn– from the FAA (Federal Aviation Ad- What ever Winair is selling suppose piece of luggage should not weigh ministration) which according to Wi- to cover the cost of their operations. more than 23 kg.; previously passen- nair confirmed that a flight may not All the extra fees should be included gers could travel with more than one carry more that 16 Persons. In the upfront in the Year Plan. It shouldn’t piece of luggage as long as it all to- past Winair use to carry 20 passen- be changed every time they see fit, taled 20 kg; the airfare increase a gers, it dropped to 19 passengers and this means that management doesn’t 2nd and third time, but Winair does now down to 16 passengers. Many have any vision what is happening in not consider it as an increase on people are angry, irritated, and upset their organization. The example was there side because the Princess that Government is not giving an shared of a couple of years ago when Juliana International Airport charge explanation with regard to all these the market price for oil increased the airline a number of fees, like for changes. Many persons in the com- t r e m e n d o u s l y , example transfer fee (all munity are questioning: What Wi- (continue on page 15) making use of the PJIA nair policies are based on. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 6


Information Center of Taxes .

Assistance in payment of your We can help you if you contact tax arrears us.

Over the last period of months The Island Government of St. many citizens of Statia have re- Eustatius, through the Planning ceived assessments regarding to INSPECTORATE OF TAXES WIND- Bureau is inviting the entire com- back/ outstanding taxes. (Income WARD ISLANDS munity to a Town Hall Meeting tax, Turnover tax, Wage tax and INFORMATION CENTER Profit tax.) ST.EUSTATIUS about the Development Plan for St. Eustatius.

In cases where it is not possible for Date: March 15th 2010 you to pay the taxes within the H.M.Queen Beatrixstreet ( former Time: at 7.30 pm stipulated period of time, we urge GEBE office ) Location: Lions Den you to get in contact with us at the Oranjestad St.Eustatius The consultant bureau RBOI will information center. Tel:3183325/26 present the Draft Strategic Devel- Fax:3183327 We will then make an appointment opment Plan. The group hopes to where we will consider, along with come to a conclusion of the options you, what is the best way to pay the email-address: outstanding taxes. [email protected] presented on December 1’09 when they presented the preliminary findings.

Thursday March 4th from 15.00-20.00 will be the grand opening of the cam- paign NOTICE NOTICE “STATIA in SHAPE” On behalf of the Sport De- The Island Government Depart- The community of St. Eustatius is partment we invite you to ment of Personnel and Organiza- encouraged to come out every this great festival at the tion acknowledges that an error Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- Community Center & has been made when identifying a day nights in the support of the Sportcomplex. member of staff in the New Years different male and female volley- Healthy food / drinks (special message as Lena Peter which ball teams. The location is at Lord reduced prices) as well as should have been Lena Courtar. Gene Sport Complex . The match entertainment (Kids Play- starts at 7.30 PM ground – Demonstrations – We apologize for this error. Music) and information will be Lets be supportive and involved in served in a nice ambiance. Mrs. Florence Marlin the local sport events. ENTRANCE FREE! Head Personnel & Organization Kerkweg St. Eustatius Government Information Service Further information and pro- 599 - 318 - 2931 Mrs. Malvern Dijkshoorn-Lopes gram will be available end of Fax 318 –3391 this week!

Best regards, Rob de Waal (Head of Sport Department) VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 • THE INFORMER PAGE 7

Continuation from page 4 Dualism workshop by Dutch Association of Municipality


• Audit Office (Rekenkamer) is a strengthening control factor of the Island Council.

An important topic was the discus- sion of the WOLBES which offers the opportunity in a specific article to make exceptions for civil servants to become Island Council Members. Statia is a supporter of this excep- tion based on the scale and the limi- tations of attracting Island Council Members. In our present structure civil servants who are island council members acquire the status of am- bulatory .

Other questions of concern were whether persons employed in the private sector, if these persons can also become commissioners. Com- parisons were made of the council allowance of for example Schier- monikoog and Ameland (islands that THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: There are three new functions: are a part of Holland) which is 200 euos. These islands do not have the • Governs and Manages • Griffier: something like a secre- services of an airport, harbor or hos- pital while these services are avail- • Gives accountability regarding tary: This person is on a certain able on Statia. As a result of these the execution of his policies level and will be fully responsible for setting the agenda for the factors the government is of the opin- Below in the table is a clear view of Island Council and preparing ion that the present allowance should what the new function of the Island everything with regard for the remain as is. The workshop was Council should be. This is where Island Council. overall positive and informative for they need to work to. the Island Council Members and • Ombudsman: A person who is those that were given the opportu- WHAT ARE THE NEW FUCTIONS there to manage conflict situa- nity to participate. IN THE DUALISM? tions of individuals with govern-


• The local politics must become more transparent • The administrative function will be separated from the control function so that it becomes clear who is doing what

• There needs to be more political discussion in the Is- • The council sets the outline: the execution of policy is land Council the responsibility of the Executive Council

• The Island Council needs to function more like a • The island Council needs to research what concerns representative of the people are of the local community and put it on the council agenda. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 8 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 9


results which initiated this assis- tance from the Dutch Government. The children were very exited dur- ing the presentation of these new books.

The Quarter Maker of Education Culture and Science, Ms. Fleur Lag- cher visited two elementary schools, to present them with books to im- prove the education at the respec- tive schools. She was welcomed at Golden Rock and Governor de Graaff school by the principals, Mrs. Debbie Clarke-Brown and Mr. Floyd Woodley. The commissioner of education, Mr. Roy Hooker was present at both schools and thanked Ms. Lagcher on behalf of the Island Government, School Board and the children of Statia. The idea is to improve the educational system on the island by presenting the new school books and material which form part of the School Improve- ment Plan financed by the Dutch. In an interview with the GI.S. the Quarter Maker of education, Ms. Lagcher referred back to the Dutch Inspection which evaluated the edu- cation on Bonaire Saba and Statia. We are all aware of the negative VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 10




The Government Information Ser- where International agree- vice learned in an interview with ments are made with regard to the Planning Bureau that Mr. Ton air traffic. One hundred and Franssen from the Netherlands vis- forty six (146) countries are ited the island again on January represented in the I.C.A.O . 28th 2010 to follow up on issues with regard to airport development. A very important point in the The Planning Bureau prepared a memo was the relocation of the memo for the development of the terminal building, further from airport which was discussed with the landing strip for safety the airport manager, Mr. Ellis regulation. Because a lot of Schmidt; Mr. Ton Franssen, The cost is involved a time frame Planning Bureau and the Executive could not be given. With the Council. All parties agreed with the new development in the Neth- content of the memo. The discus- erlands surrounding the fall of sions were about the I.C.A.O ( In- the Dutch government may ternational Civil Aviation Organi- have serious implications for zation ). The I.C.A.O. promotes un- this project. Many question derstanding and security coopera- whether these projects will go tive aviation regulation. This or- on the backburner even after a ganization I.C.A.O is a part of the new Government is formed in the Netherlands. From left to right; Mr. Ellis Schmidt, Mr. Mald- United Nations. It’s an organization wyn Timber and Mr. Ton Franssen DUTCH INSPECTORATE VISIT STATIA ON FACT FINDING MISSION EUTEL EVOLVING

The Inspector General of the Dutch through various departments like : The local telephone company Eutel is VROM Ministry, also chairman of Mr. Esmond Hook of Drob, Mrs. presently under going some positive the umbrella organization of In- Carol Jack-Roosberg of Public changes. The company hired IMC to spectors General of the various Health; Mr. Cedric Lijfrock of Do- do research and marketing communi- ministries, Mr. Harry Paul ,visited main, Mrs. Nicole Esteban of cation project for the company. The St. Eustatius on February 10th Stenapa, Ms. Brenda van Putten of company responsible for marketing, 2010 accompanied by colleague Mr. the Department of Education and held it’s first session with the press Stef Strik and Mr. Manfred Beck- Siem Dijkshoorn of the Planning on January 29th 2010 at the library. man. They participated in a work- Bureau. The civil servants got the The company is presently in the proc- shop concerning Inspectorates in opportunity to indicate two areas of ess of distributing a questionnaire so the broadest sense of the word. The priorities on Statia so that the In- that members of the community can purpose of the workshop was to spectors can investigate how these complete this form as honest as possi- look and see how many Inspector- inspectorate can be implemented ble, in this way the IMC can get a ates are needed on St. Eustatius efficiently and effectively. The pri- clear picture of what you want to see and how they can be combined. The orities noted in range of importance change and or improve at Eutel. In Netherlands has many Inspector- from top to bottom were: 1) the process this company IMC will ates for almost every field or area, Education, 2) Environment,3) Social enter your living rooms in different they have approximately 40 In- Issues such as teenage pregnancy forms, like by t.v.’ telephone, flyers or spectorates. Looking at the scale of and school drop outs, 4) Spatial De- through a representative to get an the island and population the In- velopment. Besides the discussions idea how you think the new emblem spector talked with the local group of the priority areas they also of the company should look. The idea about finding workable solutions talked about the gradual introduc- is to create a new image for the com- for Inspectors on Statia. The island tion of Inspectors to the island. pany by the people of Statia. We en- Government was represented courage you to participate in the proces VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 12


VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 14 Continued from page 2 Postmenopausal Bleeding

Sometimes this supplemental es- ing has occurred. A woman can assist definitive test for diagnosing uter- trogen stimulates the uterine lining the doctor by keeping a record of the ine cancer. (endometrium) to grow. When the time, frequency, length, and quantity lining is shed, postmenopausal of bleeding. She should also tell the bleeding occurs. Most women on doctor about any medications she is Treatment HRT usually take the hormone pro- taking, especially any estrogens or It is common for women just begin- gesterone with the estrogen, and steroids. ning HRT to experience some may have monthly withdrawal bleeding. Most women who are on bleeding. This is a normal side ef- After taking the woman's history, the HRT also take progesterone with fect. doctor does a pelvic examination and PAP test. The doctor will examine the the estrogen and may have monthly About 5–10% of postmenopausal vulva and vagina for any signs of atro- withdrawal bleeding. Again, this is bleeding is due to endometrial can- phy, and will feel for any sign of uter- a normal side effect that usually cer or its precursors. Uterine hyper- ine polyps. Depending on the results of does not require treatment. this examination, the doctor may want plasia, the abnormal growth of uter- Postmenopausal bleeding due to ine cells, can be a precursor to can- to do more extensive testing. bleeding of the vagina or vulva can cer. Invasive diagnostic procedures be treated with local application of Endometrial Hyperplasia estrogen or HRT. Endometrial biopsy allows the doctor In this condition, the lining of the When diagnosis indicates cancer, to sample small areas of the uterine uterus thickens. Endometrial hy- some form of surgery is required. lining, while cervical biopsy allows perplasia can cause irregular or The uterus, cervix, ovaries, and the cervix to be sampled. Tissues are heavy bleeding. In some cases of fallopian tubes may all be removed then examined for any abnormalities. endometrial hyperplasia, the cells of depending on the type and location of the cancer. If the problem is es- the lining become abnormal. This Dilatation and curettage (D & C) is trogen- or androgen-producing tu- condition, called atypical hyperpla- often necessary for definitive diagnosis. mors elsewhere in the body, these sia, can lead to cancer of the uterus. This is done under either general or must also be surgically removed. local anesthesia. After examining the Endometrial hyperplasia most often Postmenopausal bleeding that is tissues collected by an endometrial bi- is caused by excess estrogen with- not due to cancer and cannot be opsy or D & C, the doctor may order out enough progesterone. Diagnosis controlled by any other treatment additional tests to determine if an es- and treatment of endometrial hy- usually requires a hysterectomy. trogensecreting tumor is present on the perplasia allows for prevention of ovaries or in another part of the body. the most common form of endo- Prognosis metrial cancer. Non-invasive diagnostic proce- Response to treatment for post- Polyps dures menopausal bleeding is highly indi- vidual and is not easy to predict. Polyps usually are noncancerous Vaginal ultrasound measures the The out-come depends largely on growths that develop from tissue thickness of the endometrium. When the reason for the bleeding. Many similar to the endometrium, the the endometrial stripe is less than 0.2 women are successfully treated tissue that lines the inside of the in (5 mm) thick, the chance of cancer is with hormones. As a last resort, uterus. They either attach to the less than 1%. The disadvantage of vagi- hysterectomy removes the source of uterine wall or develop on the endo- nal ultrasound is that it often does not the problem by removing the metrial surface. They may cause show polyps and fibroids in the uterus. uterus. The prognosis for women irregular or heavy bleeding. A refinement of vaginal probe ultra- who have various kinds of repro- sound is saline infusion sonography Polyps also can grow on the cervix ductive cancer varies with the type (SIS). A salt water (saline) solution is or inside the cervical canal. These of cancer and the stage at which injected into the uterus with a small polyps may cause bleeding after sex. the cancer is diagnosed. tube (catheter) before the vaginal probe Diagnosis is inserted. The presence of liquid in The G.I.S. is encouraging the the uterus helps make any structural community to participate in Diagnosis of postmenopausal bleed- abnormalities more distinct. These two the shedding light radio pro- ing begins with the patient. The non-invasive procedures cause less dis- gramme on March 3rd 2010. The doctor will ask for a detailed history comfort than endometrial biopsies and discussion is about Winair policies of how long postmenopausal bleed- D & Cs, but D & C still remains the and the effects it has on Statia! VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 15

St. Eustatius– The Director of Tour- est identifying all the areas where ism Ms Alida Francis has taken a she contributed her effort and time one year leave of Absence to take on towards the betterment of young peo- the new challenge at the Regional ple growing up in Statia. She taught Service Center as Communication children on the secondary level how Advisor. We congratulate her on to speak in public, how to dress when this new opportunity that she going on the job training and much has undertaken. The key persons more. She has focused many years on (Department heads) in Government preparing young Statians to Repre- who worked near Lady Francis sent Statia in the Miss Teenage, knows that she has a dynamic per- Miss Toursim Nectar, the local Car- sonality. Her over all contribution to nival Queen show and the list goes general discussions at meetings or on. Lady Alida Francis is truly a workshop will surely be missed. skillful person. She grabs each oppor- She is a no nonsense person who at tunity to upgrade in areas where she all times try to give an objective see possibilities of improving a par- view of what ever she undertakes. ticular standard on the island. For She never allows friendship with example event management. We all anyone influence her decisions or recall the annual G.E.BE new years Lady Alida Francis opinion and or advise on a particu- party, especially the last one which lar matter. Although she issued a was according to the feedback of the press release informing the public of community one of her best work. Al- mitment continues to the youth of her departure and noted a number though she enjoy doing all these dif- Statia and she will remain involved of accomplishments in the commu- ferent activities, she assured the in education. nity, we noticed that she was mod- community of Statia that her com-


Winair rightfully introduced a fuel departure time, is simply to give the minutes before they are really escorted charge on top of their price. The fuel dispatcher time to formulate the to the aircraft. This is not experience price should be seen as an exception weight and balance of the cargo for as customer friendly, people complain simply because this was unforeseen the pilot. Often times persons may but no change is seen in attitude of circumstances. In the mean time the come to the check inn late and get this airline. oil market has stabilize, yet the fuel upset when a reaction is given from charges remain. The interviewer Winair personnel the “the flight is What is really effecting the community was of the opinion that government close” although the aircraft may of Statia as a result of the high cost should not be in the airline business not yet arrived. Many people are involved for tickets. The island will because you get a lot of these unfair slowly understanding that time is become more isolated, while we are charges that are blatantly passed on significant. However, Winair has a promoting this island as a tourism to the consumer. The second part is time problem. Let us take St. destination. People travel from the that the airlines are protected from Maarten as the island of departure., Netherlands on KLM with many bags competition. The consumer has no where passengers are advised to and are confronted with the high cost where to turn because there is no check in 1—2 hours before depar- at the counter of Winair. Families alternative in the form of a second ture time and are advised to be at would not be able to travel with their airline. He went on to highlight an the gate 30 minutes before time of entire family for a long weekend to St. example of another government departure. Then you reach to the Maarten as a result of the high cost; owned company. G.E.B.E has a fuel hall to realize that the aircraft al- People may end up seeking an alterna- charge in their billing system that ready departed. Conclusion Winair tive like boat transportation which is when the price of fuel fluctuate it is leaves earlier than the schedule less expensive but a longer travel. Peo- automatically passed on to the con- time. Although many may agree ple in Holland have an options to sumer. Many see this as an unfair that the last months Winair has travel by bus, train, plain car to go to charge to the customer because been very much on time but the ex- another destination. It is relatively when the oil prices are high, GEBE perience that Statians and other cheaper to travel to the Netherlands, tends to make a tremendous profit. Caribbean passengers have to en- than in the Caribbean. Some people An objective Statian indicated that dure when the flight is called, pas- talk about a strike on Winair while the rules that apply at Winair to sengers have to stand or sit on a others were not willing to organize a check inn at least one hour prior to step for sometimes up to 10—15 boat charter to St. Maarten. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 16 JOB OPPORTUNITIES

Job opportunity continue on page 17 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 6 THE INFORMER PAGE 17

Job opportunity continue from page 16 The Informer, is the St. Eustatius Gov- ernment Information Bulletin

It is a monthly publication of the Island Territory of St. Eustatius. The objective is to inform residents of St. Eustatius about the developments that are taking place within Government and social matters on the island.

Published by M.A. Lopes Chief Public Relations for the Island Territory of St. Eustatius Kennep Rd. z/n, Princes Gar- den, St. Eustatius, Neth. Ant.


Fax: 599-318-2084

Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

Layout by D. Simmons

Queries should be directed to the Office of the Lt. Governor, Mr. Gerald Berkel, THE GREATEST GIFT WE CAN GIVE TO OTHERS under which he has the responsibility IS A GOOD EXAMPLE! of Bureau Kabinet, St. Eustatius. Tel: 318 –2552 Fax: 318-2324

SHEDDING LIGHT Honour where Weekly Press Conferences Honour is due

Join us weekly on Wednes- We encourage Statians and The Government informa- day morning, at 9 Am sharp, residents alike to submit tion Service is hosting on the Government radio names of persons in the com- weekly press conferences at programme Shedding munity that do exceptional or the V.A. Lopes legislative Light, for a day of self dis- outstanding services in the Hall. These sessions will be covery, sharing information, community. If you want to held every Tuesday from reviewing developments in nominate someone for a Royal 9.30– 10.00 am .We encour- our community, questioning Decoration it is advisable to age all the media to partici- our elected officials about contact the Decoration Com- pate in these session. important issues. If you mittee for relevant island terri- have ideas, suggestions con- tory or the cabinet of the Lieu- GOODNESS IS THE ONLY tact the host, Malvern on tenant Governor. They will in- INVESTMENT THAT NEVER 318 - 2745 or email form you whether the services FAILS!!! [email protected] rendered by the nominee are We apologize that we were exceptional or outstanding not able to host our weekly Please put your suggestions enough to warrant a Royal press conferences for the or opinions in the GIS idea Decoration. They will explain last few weeks due to the box at our office at Princess. you exactly what you need to absence of our local repre- do, once you have collected the sentatives. Thanks for pa- n e c e s s a r y i n f o r m a t i o n . tience. 318-2552Fax.318 2324