Non-exhaustive overview of European government measures impacting undocumented migrants taken in the context of COVID-19 March-August 2020 This document provides an overview of measures adopted by EU member states and some countries outside the EU in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and foreseen economic downturn, about which PICUM has been informed by its members or has learned of through regular media monitoring.1 Additional information and analysis are provided on regularisation measures taken in Italy and Portugal. Given the limitations of time and capacity, our intention is not to provide an exhaustive presentation, but rather to give a useful summary of measures broadly helpful to people who are undocumented, or who are documented but with insecure status, whatever may have been the authorities’ motivations for their implementation. Please contact
[email protected] if you have additional information about any of these measures, or wish to propose a correction. 1 We are grateful to all PICUM members who commented on earlier drafts of this document, and to PICUM trainees Raquel Gomez Lopez and Thomas MacPherson who were instrumental in gathering relevant information and preparing this summary. 1 Contents FOR UNDOCUMENTED MIGRANTS . .3 1. Regularisation �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 1.1. Italy . .3 1.2. Portugal . .6 1.3. Other regularisation measures �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7