MINUTES ~ December 13, 2018 Executive Royal Hotel, Edmonton

PRESENT: Name: Title: COMMITTEE: Ivan Sawan Chairperson, Loon River First Nation Councilor Gilbert Okemow Vice Chairperson, Peerless-Trout First Nation Councilor Bernadette Sharpe Director, Loon River First Nation Chief Sandy Whitehead Director, Loon River First Nation Councilor Billy Joe Laboucan Director, Chief Timothy Sawan Director, Lubicon Lake Band Councilor Gladys Okemow Director, Peerless Trout First Nation Chief Corrine Alook Director, Peerless Trout First Nation Councilor Albert Thunder Director, Whitefish Lake First Nation Chief John Cardinal Director, Woodland First Nation Councilor Edna Boucher Director, Woodland Cree First Nation Councilor OTHERS Donna Barrett Consultant Tibetha Kemble Director, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of KTCEA AND KTC Daphne Mai’Stoina Superintendent STAFF: Pearl Calahasen Deputy Superintendent Yvonne Noskey Secretary Treasurer Dan Smith Senior Policy Advisor Audrey Anderson Curriculum Coordinator Sherry Cardinal Executive Assistant, KTCEA Melvina Thunder HR Assistant Al Rollins Chief Executive Officer Veronica Thunder Executive Assistant, KTC Admin. ABSENT/REGRETS Jason Laboucan Director, Lubicon Lake Band Councilor Darren Auger Director, Whitefish Lake First Nation Councilor Hughie Tallman Director, Whitefish Lake First Nation Council Isaac Laboucan-Avirom Director, Woodland Cree First Nation Chief

 Meeting Called to Order @ 8:58 a.m.

Topic Discussion OPENING PRAYER Delivered by Gilbert Okemow CHAIR Ivan Sawan

AGENDA Motion #01-12-13-2018 Moved by Sandy Whitehead to accept the agenda with the following additions: o Clarence Jaycox School o Lubicon Lake School o PTFN Schools Seconded by Chief Thunder. All In Favor. CARRIED.

MINUTES Minutes of November 08, 2018 read by Yvonne Noskey Motion #02-12-13-2018 Moved by Chief Sharpe to accept the minutes as corrected.  Page 11…..purchased a mattress should read purchased a bed Seconded by Chief Thunder. All In Favor. CARRIED

Page - 1 - of 6 KTC EDUCATION AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES-December 13, 2018 BUSINESS  Communication Plan: A communications person will be hired; this is part of the structural ARISING readiness proposal which has been approved; o Chief Sharpe asked if only one person would be hired. . Daphne said yes, they will oversee newsletters; website and we’ll go from there whether more capacity will be needed o Ivan said communication is a huge issue and communication plan will be developed and presented to the Board;  Chief Sharpe asked for an update on Sturgeon Lake and Swan River indicating interest in joining KTCEA o Daphne explained this hasn’t gone anywhere; this would require a recommendation by the Board or Executive o Ivan explained we would need a formal letter with a request if they want to join the authority  Chief Sharpe asked about an update on the hiring of school Janitors (Page 11), I do not know how many are hired, the wages, etc. o Ivan explained they are still recruiting; and Pearl indicated she will talk about ads placed to date during her presentation

Chiefs Opening Remarks Chief Okemow: Good Morning, this is my first time meeting with this Board; I am lost and do not know where everything is. As the day progresses I’m hoping to gain more knowledge; I added an agenda item for our school; nothing bad but needs to be improved

Chief Sharpe: in Loon we have been having monthly meetings trying to close the gap; we held a community meeting December 10 and one concern was the community members wanted a Parent Advisory Council (PAC); problems fall on our table you are responsible for; they feel the disconnect; it is getting better; we went to the community supper and morale has gone up; school bus routes are still an issue, they don’t wait the two minutes; also, my grandson doesn’t want to attend school-cries every morning-I need to have this looked into; communication plan is vital for KTCEA;

Sandy also said another concern he has heard is teachers having to pay for items that they are short on; Chief Sharpe said the resources from last year are gone; Chief Okemow: our school has the same issues; the school is short on pens, paper, etc. Chief Sharpe explained we should not be short supplies students need.

Chief Laboucan; no major concerns; we are still having a wage lag for janitors and quite concerned, but, I imagine that will be corrected; this matter is still on our plate. Things are going good. Parent Advisory Council would be very good; it keeps parents involved and we need parental involvement. Ekosi

Chief Thunder: Thank you and welcome! December is supposed to be the most magical time of the year. I know Christmas is coming soon and if I do not see you after this meeting Merry Christmas. KTCEA is getting momentum, growing pains are slowly going away, and I know there can be a better communication system. Org chart, governance, and community involvement is not there; we are so busy and can lose touch fast. Recommend having a shareholders meeting

Page - 2 - of 6 KTC EDUCATION AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES-December 13, 2018 and then recommendations go to the Board. Not sure if there is, an org chart we talked about a mission statement but I have not seen it, if there is one we should promote. Whitefish just went through a Strategic planning session and staff formed a mission statement. I am echoing what Chief Sharpe talked about and the importance of having a communication plan; if supplies are short then this committee should know. We need to fix our house before we accept other Nations to our Authority.

Chief Sharpe: when talking about PAC committees some people did not agree but we need to address; some felt it could be political.

John: Good morning, Chief Laboucan-Avirom will not be here today; one of the areas of concern is transportation and bussing. Cadotte and Lubicon have been transporting students between the two communities, this is costly and a safety concern for students, why are we transporting them back and forth?

Gilbert: Going back to ordering supplies, is this not the job of the Principal; the Principal should know when to order supplies; but not sure if they have the authority; they are the head of the school. At this time we do not know where our Principal is but these are the things teachers are looking at, they are also wondering and this needs to be addressed. We are in a crunch for hiring but there needs to be something done. o Pearl explained the Peerless School Principal is ill and there are two acting principals; Louise and Rose and they take turns to make sure continuity occurs and staff need to go to these ladies with concerns

Daphne: Thank you Chiefs for your comments. Concerning Principals, they were provided a budget at the beginning of the school year for supplies and events. They were also issued each a Visa to purchase supplies and accounts have been opened in Peace River and so there should be no shortage; I have not received any information of any shortages. As for bussing, a second route will be added for Cadotte effective next Monday. HR issues and wages will be discussed during Pearl’s presentation.

ECS Research Presentation - Tibetha Kemble, Director, Indigenous Health Division of Community Engagement, University of Alberta  Tibetha thanked the Board for the time given to present;  Discussion held on various issues concerning student success, effective age to begin ECS, program and funding delivery; issues with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and providing education to help young people realize implications  Tibetha is proposing is to look at what is being delivered; she is doing research under the University of AB  Al explained this is impressive that you are discussing this; it has been a silo approach in which Health Canada looks after Aboriginal Headstart on Reserve (AHSOR); Service Canada administers Daycare; and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) manages K4. Services are funded from 3-4 agencies and these silo approaches have not tracked anything; we do not know if services delivered are appropriate; to study and look at this and business of the strength of working together you can work on the barriers; I recommend we look at it.

Page - 3 - of 6 KTC EDUCATION AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES-December 13, 2018  Break at 10:29 a.m.  Reconvene at 10:45 a.m. ECS Research Presentation - Continued Al explained a few things about Tibetha’s presentation. Tibetha is on a path to become a Doctor and in order to become a Doctor a thesis has to be written. If there were mutual consent, she would like to dedicate her thesis to kindergarten education for KTC. Her thesis is reviewed at the U of A. At no cost to KTCEA, we become beneficiaries, she needs acknowledgement and support of this body and behind this is the understanding that she would have access to staff at some points. We have a very fragmented system because of pieces with Health Canada, Service Canada and Indigenous Service Canada and she will need access to be able to do her work. A motion is needed from this body to approve and welcome Tibetha in this work.

Motion #03-12-13-2018 Moved by Chief Thunder to formalize that KTCEA approves and welcomes the work of Tibetha Kemble in research of Early Childhood Development needs of the KTC Nations. Seconded by Chief Sharpe. All In Favor. CARRIED.

Ivan thanked Tibetha for her presentation and that you have access to our communities for your research.

Daphne Mai’Stoina, Superintendent Report  Daphne said she will be calling on some of her staff to help with her report; the envisio reporting hasn’t been up to par and they had a change in employees and we are beginning the reporting structure from scratch  Donna gave an update on High School Redesign, We are working on virtual learning; this is to allow access to the best teachers; this is in part of the difficulty in finding High School specialized teachers; this will take a while to develop; we are selecting one core course to pilot. Paul Neethling is offering a robotics course; we tested technology yesterday. We are spreading the wealth of the teachers hired across the KTCEA schools.  Parent Engagement Sessions: the parents involved said they wanted to continue parent engagements sessions on a regular basis. The results from the survey at the sessions were not necessarily to form PAC’s. o Ivan said not all parents want to attend Parent engagement sessions and this is one area in improving communication; as a leader I reiterate that Parent Engagement sessions are very important and solutions parents have to alleviate miscommunication in the school; we have to help as leadership to make sure parents attend; we need to keep pushing this. o Chief Sharpe: PAC’s would be continual while Parent Engagement Sessions are sporadic o Daphne: PAC’s would be okay; when surveys are compiled, we will make recommendations. PAC’s will be managed by Principals; at the school level o Edna: people in community want to see KTCEA present; the KTCEA can start this process and then possibly have Principals take over  Chief Okemow asked is there a website available. o Daphne said yes, there is its

Page - 4 - of 6 KTC EDUCATION AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES-December 13, 2018  Dan Smith gave a brief update about the REA; helping to advance agreements and the work for KTCEA and Maskwacis;  Al Rollins explained in March, 2018 the KTC Board of Directors held a strategic planning session and we had three goals: o First: to get funding in place to facilitate the PTFN and LLB schools; we have startup bumps; continuing to work on this o Second: organize an REA meeting and this is what Dan is speaking about. The intent of the REA agreement is to improve resources for KTCEA education delivery; NSD receives 21K per student and we are trying to catch up to Provincial level and we are hoping to settle at 22-23K. Target #2 has deliverables and text required and then will be brought back to the Board; we are ramping up the pressure for Canada to complete by mid-February; cannot have a break in service. We have the support of Jim Sisson and Blair Cairns at ISC; we need a plan and this is what Dan is presenting. o Third: have a successor agreement for KTC Administration and not have a break in service. Glenda and I have been working on. o Thankfully, Dan is here to help us with goal two. We are setting up the fiscal pattern for ten years; if it’s done right then it’s clear sailing for 10 years;  Chief Laboucan asked what Maskwacis is getting. o Dan: they are getting 21K/student; o Daphne: we are identifying more funding is needed for KTCEA because of the northern rate; we want to make sure it’s done properly  Dan explained at the next Board meeting; we would like the two Boards to come together; to identify strengths and weaknesses;  Daphne explained she attended a conference where David Dodge of Green Energy presented on sustainable energy; would like to invite him to a future meeting;  Discussion held on the issues regarding marks not entered for Clarence Jaycox School students. AB Education has arranged that students can take the next course and will receive credits for both courses. A forensic audit is taking place on the computer. A complaint has been lodged and the former Principal will be investigated. This is a very unfortunate incident and there was no indication until students returned in September. o Ivan: have corrective measures been put in place so students do not have this fall out again. o Donna explained we are working to have the kids receive what they rightly deserve; and teachers will be flagged. With the mark situation, the flag will show on the AB Ed system. o Al said that behavior by a professional is very unacceptable; other point is the inclination to get the evidence and this leaves a parent in a state of not knowing, parents should be told what is taking place and encourage to contact ASAP . Pearl: we needed names and we have this now so we will be notifying them  Edna: similar situation at the Cadotte School and Principal should be responsible if it is with the teacher; our Principal needs more authority if teachers have not done what is required then should fall on Principal rather than Daphne or myself. We have a couple students looking for credits and parents need to be made aware their children need certain number of hours to receive credit.

Page - 5 - of 6 KTC EDUCATION AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES-December 13, 2018  Edna said they are paid until August 31 all paperwork should be done before that. Past few years when a staff member knows they are leaving they quit putting in the work required.  Al said this can possibly tie into their summer pay;

Motion #04-12-13-2018 Moved by Chief Okemow to accept Daphne’s presentation. Seconded by Chief Sharpe. All in Favor. Carried.

Deputy Superintendent Report – Pearl Calahasen  Pearl said we are almost at capacity with present teacher needs; evaluations are taking place; some people are leaving at Christmas; not performed at degree needed; we want to make sure students are well learned  I sent an email to all Principals asking for list of resources available and what is required. We need to make sure that this does not happen next year in December, by May 2019 Principals should know what is required for September 2019.  Daphne: when we give Principal’s their budget it is based on number of students; this is a formula we follow; they have a budget for school events, we have also purchased other resources for Literacy, Language and Culture and Math  Salary schedule provided for Janitorial staff, discussion took place regarding workload, and salary may be too low. The rates are based on NSD rates. We need to look at what can be managed financially and at the whole picture.  Dan explained we submitted a structural readiness proposal which we were successful in receiving funding and also recently submitted another proposal for more funding; o The new positions we received funding for are district wide and not per school  Discussion held on “Training Our Own” local staff and various methods of achieving this

Motion #05-12-13-2018 Moved by Chief Sharpe to accept Pearl’s report as presented. Seconded by Chief Laboucan. All In Favor. CARRIED.

Secretary Treasurer Report – Yvonne Noskey  Report presented on 3 months of school cost incurred  Daphne explained this is all allocated by code

Motion #06-12-13-2018 Moved by Tim Sawan to accept Yvonne’s report as presented. Seconded by Corrine Alook. All in Favor. CARRIED.  January 10, 2018 – KTCEA Regular Board Meeting NEXT MEETING DATE  January 11, 2018 – Joint Meeting with KTCEA and MESC ADJOURNMENT Motion #05 -12-13-2018 Moved by Chief Okemow to adjourn the meeting at 12:25 p.m. Seconded by Chief Thunder. All in Favor. CARRIED. CLOSING PRAYER Provided by Gilbert Okemow