National Satellite Meteorological Center NSMC (National Center for Space Weather), CMA


Satellite Operational Control Center

Editorial Committee

Editor-in-Chief Yang Jun, NSMC

Duty Editor-in-Chief Beijing Ground Station Wang Jingsong, NSMC


Zhang Jiashen, Division of Operation, Science & Technology

Qiu Yi, General Office

Yu Jianrui, Divison of Engineering Project Management

Lin Weixia, Division of Satellite Operational Control

Lu Feng, Office of System Development

Zhang Xingying, Institute of Satellite Meteorology

Fang Xiang, Division of Remote Sensing Application

Zhang Xiaoxin, Division of Space Weather Xinjiang Ground Station

Executive Editor Wu Xuebao, Division of Operation, Research Project Management 2010 EVOL.2F FENGYUN Bulletin

01 Highlights 1

02 Operation 4

Jiamusi Ground Station 03 Major Projects 5

04 Applications 7

05 Data Sharing 11

06 Research and Development 13

Guangzhou Ground Station Photographed by Wang Jing National Satellite Meteorological Center NSMC (National Center for Space Weather), CMA

Eyes on global weather: A thematic activity at MeteoWorld in the 2010 World Expo Shanghai

On 8 August 2010, the thematic activity entitled “Eyes on Global Weather” was open to public at the MeteoWorld Pavilion, which was co-hosted by the National Satellite Meteorological Center and the Meteorological Observation Centre of CMA. Dr. Yu Rucong, Deputy Administrator of the Meteorological Administration, deliv- ered a speech at the opening of the event, at which leaders from the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation were present. The activity - Eyes on Global Weather - was designed to allow general public to be aware of the achievements in meteorological observation technologies, especially the meteorological satellites and the important role of meteorological observations in weather forecasting and service 01 delivery. (Zhang Jiashen)

Highlights The 1st Asia/Oceania users’ conference

The first Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users’ Conference will take place on November 1-2, 2010, Beijing, China. It is sponsored by The China Meteorology Ad- ministration and cosponsored by the World Meteorological Organization, the inter- governmental Group on Earth Observations, Meteorological Agency and Korea Meteorological Administration. (Wu Xuebao)

Name Affiliation Title of Presentation Guoguang Zheng CMA Jianlin Cao MOST Wenjian Zhang WMO Larry Robinson NOAA Manuela Soares GEO Co-chair Philemon Mjwara GEO Co-chair Yuzo Yotsuya JMA Suh Ae Sook KMA Jun Yang National Satellite Meteorological Center, CMA Chinese Meteorological Satellite Programs  current and future plans Wenjian Zhang WMO The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS)  Building on the Past for a Better Future Jose Achache GEO GEOSS: Empowering People to Benefit from Meteorological Satellites Yuzo Yotsuya Meteorological Satellite Center JMA Meteorological Satellite Program of Japan Meteorological Agency Suh Ae Sook National Meteorological Satellite Center, KMA Current Status of satellite-related Activities and COMS in NMSC Al Powell NOAA/NESDIS 1.Future Vision for Using Satellite Data in Applications 2.The Importance of Integrated Data Sets for Understanding Climate and Ecosystem Change Mikael Rattenborg EUMETSAT 1.EUMETSAT co-operation with Asia/Pacific region - Christelle Ponsard enhancing the benefits from meteorological satellites 2.The EUMETSAT Advanced Retransmission Service (EARS)

1 2010 EVOL.2F FENGYUN Bulletin

Name Affiliation Title of Presentation Serge Uspensky Scientific Research Center of Space Hydrometeorology First Results of Meteor-M N1 Mission Jianqiang Liu National Satellite Ocean Application Service Ocean Satellite Status and Development in China Barbara Ryan WMO Developing a Space-based Architecture for Climate Monitoring Licheng Zhao National Meteorological Information CenterCMA CMACast- a new bridge of data to users Anlai Sun National Satellite Meteorological Center, CMA Data Service in NSMC/CMA Jae-Dong Jang National Meteorological Satellite CenterKMA Current Status of COMS In Orbit Test and Data Service Plan Allen Huang CIMSS/SSEC/UW-Madison Recent Advancement in Meteorological Satellite Direct Broadcast Data Access, Processing and Applications Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting Use of FY-2 Images in the operational Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting of Vietnam Yuki Kosaka Meteorological Satellite Center JMA JMA’s GSICS activities Jim Purdom CIRA Hyperspectral Infrared Sounding From Geostationary Satellites Jianmin Xu National Satellite Meteorological Center, CMA Characteristics of Severe Rainfall Events at the Duplicate Display of Satellite Images and Winds Maqrun Fadzli Mohd Fahmi Division of Satellite Meteorology Utilizing Satellite and Radar Images Using Remote Sensing and GIS for Weather Malaysian Meteorological Department Forecasting Xiying Zhang Meteorological Observatory of Heilongjiang Province An Analysis on MCC Satellite Image Feature in High-latitudes Feng Lu National Satellite Meteorological Center, CMA FY2/4 Satellite System and its Applications Fuzhong Weng NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Recent Advances in Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) for NWP and Remote Sensing Applications Min-Jeong Kim (CIRA) Colorado State University Assimilating Satellite Observations of Clouds and Precipitations in the NOAA NCEP NWP Models Tong Zhu NOAA Direct Radiance Assimilation of Geostationary IR Imager Observations with GSI Yong Chen CIRA and Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation Assessment of Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) for Satellite Data Assimilation Xiaolei Zou Florida State University 1.Comparison of O-B between FY-3A and NOAA-18 for Microwave Humidity Sounding Data 2.Improving the Coastal QPF at Gulf of Mexico through Assimilation of GOES 11/12 Imager Data Lars Peter Riishojgaard Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation The Use of Satellite Data in the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation Zhiquan Liu National Center for Atmospheric Research Variational Assimilation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth over East Asia Region C.K. So Hong Kong Observatory Impact of MODIS data on the analysis and prediction of tropical cyclones using the Non- Hydrostatic Model (NHM) Qifeng Lu National Satellite Meteorological Center, CMA Operationally Monitoring FY-3A in ECMWF IFS and Characterizing the FY-3A Microwave Temperature Sounder Using the ECMWF Model Jae-Myun Shim National Meteorological Satellite CenterKMA Future plan on COMS Meteorological data application in KMA Kasemsan Manomaiphiboon Joint Graduate School of Energy and EnvironmentKing Numerical Modeling and Satellite Observation of Offshore Wind Resource over Thail Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi and at a Fair Spatial Resolution Yunpeng Li The Centre of Ecology and Agrimeteorology of Inner Mongolia Analysis of Inner Mongolia Grassland Desertification by Remote Sensing Monitoring Hong Qiu National Satellite Meteorological Center, CMA Earth Radiation Budget Measurement From FY-3A Satellite and Its application Pucai Wang Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Monitoring of the Air Pollution over Northern China from Satellite Observation Siquan Yang National Disaster Reduction Center, MCA Application of Space Technology in Disaster Management Huiqin Mao Environmental Satellite Center, Ministry of Environmental the Application of Satellite Remote Sensing in Environmental Monitoring and Protection of the People’s Republic of China Assessment Paul Menzel CIMSS/SSEC/UW-Madison Inferring Global Cloud Cover Properties and trends From HIRS Data Elisabeth Weisz CIMSS/SSEC/UW-Madison Hyperspectral Infrared Sounding Algorithm Development and Product Evaluation Hong Zhang CIMSS/SSEC/UW-Madison GRAFIIR -An Efficient End-to-End Semi Automated GOES-R ABI Algorithm Performance Analysis and Implementation Verification System Weihe Wang National Satellite Meteorological Center,CMA Analysis for Retrieval and Validation Results of FY-3 Total Ozone Unit(TOU) Chengcai Li Department of Atmospheric Sciences School of Physics, The retrieval of atmospheric aerosol optical depth from MTSAT Peking University Seong Bong Choi Korea Aerospace Research Institute COMS(Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite) Development in KOREA Zhenglong Li CIMSS/SSEC/UW-Madison An objective methodology for infrared land surface emissivity evaluation Yuanjian Yang Anhui Institute of Meteorological Sciences Impact of Land-use Change on Regional Air Temperature in Hefei City Based on Remote Sensing Honggang Yin National Satellite Meteorological Center, CMA The Wind Radar on FengYun-3E Meteorological Satellite Chit Kyaw Dept. of Meteorology and HydrologyMyanmar Application of Satellite Data to Weather Analysis and Forecasting Tillmann Mohr WMO Becky Lei Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau

2 National Satellite Meteorological Center NSMC (National Center for Space Weather), CMA

International visits

Mary Kicza visits NSMC In order to strengthen the cooperation in the field of satellite meteorology between China and 01 U.S, and to facilitate the implementation of the cooperative activities of the Satellite Meteorol- ogy Working Group included in the Summary Report of the 16th Session of the Joint Working Highlights Group under the Protocol on Sino-US Cooperation in the Field of Atmospheric Science and Technology, Ms. Mary Ellen Kicza, Director of the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service(NESDIS), Mr. George Jungbluth, senior specialist of NESDIS Interna- tional and Interagency Affairs Office, and two officers from the U.S Embassy Environmental Protection, Health, Science and Technology Office in China visited the China Meteorological Admin- istration (CMA) on 10 September 2010, and dis- cussed with Mr. Yang Jun, General-Director of the National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC) and other relevant CMA representatives about new areas of future bilateral cooperation and cooperative activities and those within the framework of the international organizations concerned. The two sides reviewed the progresses and accom- plishments of the bilateral cooperation in satellite meteorology since the signature of the Protocol on Sino-US Cooperation in the Field of Atmospheric Science and Technology. Both sides presented respective activities and plans for satellite operations, and further explored in depth the cooperative contents and plans in the future interested by both sides. Ms. Kicza said that satellite meteorology in China has made remarkable achievements after 40-year development. In the future, the two sides will further enhance international cooperation and technical exchanges. After the meeting, Mary Ellen Kicza and others visited the facilities at NSMC.

Camara visits NSMC In the morning on 9 September 2010, Dr Camara, Director of the Brazilian Space Research Institute, and Ms. Luciana, Officer of the Brazilian Embassy to China visited the National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC). The main purpose of this visit was to make detailed deployments and specific arrange- ments for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by NSMC/CMA and the National Space Research Institute of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil. Mr. Yang Jun, General-Director of NSMC, and Dr Camara further exchanged views on relevant cooperative activities of the China-Brazil cooperation, and made specific proposals for the implementation of the memorandum. Referring to the joining the Committee on Earth Observation Satel- lites (CEOS), Mr. Yang said that NSMC would like to become a member of the committee as soon as possible, and actively participate in various programs and activities under CEOS.(Zhang Shizhong).

3 2010 EVOL.2F FENGYUN Bulletin

Major events in FY satellite operations

1. FY-2C satellite Date Event 29 July Orbital control in 07:0008:00UTC 20 September Orbital control in 08:3009:30UTC

2. FY-2D satellite Date Event 20 July Orbital control in 07:0008:00 (UTC) 29 July Radiative low-temperature control at 02:02 (UTC), switching from 100k to 93k 20 August End of intensified observations in the flood-prone season at 02 00:30 (UTC) and resuming routine observations 2027 August Protection from direct solar radiation Operation 28 August Beginning to respond to the Earth shadow (eclipse) in the autumn 05 September Orbital control in 01:0002:00 (UTC) 19 September Beginning of the 2nd intensive observations with dual-satellite configuration at 03:00 (UTC)

3. FY-2E satellite Date Event 19 July Orbital control in 08:3009:30 (UTC) 20 August End of intensified observations in the flood-prone season at 00:00 (UTC), and resuming routine observations 26 August Orbital control in 08:3009:30 (UTC), no imagery 2 September Beginning to respond to the Earth shadow (eclipse) in the autumn 19 September Beginning of the 2nd intensive observations with dual-satellite con figuration at 03:00 (UTC)

Statistics of FY satellite operational status

Table 2.1 Acquisition of cloud image

Raw cloud gìäó ^ìÖìëí pÉéíÉãÄÉê imagery Planned Actual Success Planned Actual Success Planned Actual Success VISSR reception reception rate reception reception rate reception reception rate

FY-2E 1486 1484 99.87% 1247 1242 99.60% 548 548 100.00%

FY-2D 1486 1475 99.26% 1242 1241 99.92% 551 551 100.00%

kçíÉW=?=éä~ååÉÇ=ÅäçìÇ=áã~ÖÉêó=êÉÅÉéíáçå?=êÉÑÉêë=íç=íÜÉ=íçí~ä=åìãÄÉê=çÑ=ÅäçìÇ=áã~ÖÉë=íÜ~í=~êÉ=éä~ååÉÇ=íç=êÉÅÉáîÉ=ãçåíÜäó=ëìÄíê~Åíë=íÜçëÉ=ÅäçìÇ=áã~ÖÉë=íÜ~í=ÅçìäÇåí=ÄÉ=êÉÅÉáîÉÇ=ÇìÉ=íç ë~íÉääáíÉ=çéÉê~íáçå~ä=áåíÉêêìéíáçå=EÉKÖK=ÉÅäáéëÉI=çêÄáí=ÅçåíêçäI=ÉíÅK=F

4 National Satellite Meteorological Center NSMC (National Center for Space Weather), CMA



92.00% 02 88.00% 84.00%

Operation 80.00% July August September FY-2D PLANFY-2D REAL FY-2E PLAN FY-2E REAL

Figure 2.1 The success rate of receiving FY-2 satellite image

Major meteorological service

From 1 July to 20 September 2010, the FY-2 satellites witnessed 15 emergency responses in support of major meteorological services, including 7 category-four, 8 category-three and 2 category-two emergency responses. These responses included , torrential rain and mud- and rock-flows (land slides) targeted to the Province. In supporting major meteorological services, more frequent cloud imageries were made available with a dual-satellite configuration at a 15- minute interval through intensified observations, which were used to produce in a timely manner various satellite cloud images and numerical products, playing an important role in meteorological service. (Han Qi)

Emergency Response Targets Level of emergency Starting time (Local Time) response

Category-3 ER to major meteorological disasters - torrential rain Level 3 At 10:30 on 8 July Category-4 ER to major meteorological disasters - Level 4 At 14:20 on 14 July Category-3 ER to major meteorological disasters - typhoon Level 3 At 18:00 on 15 July Category-4 ER to major meteorological disasters - typhoon Level 4 At 10:20 on 20 July Category-4 ER to major meteorological disasters - typhoon Level 3 At 18:00 on 21 July Category-3 ER to major meteorological disasters - torrential rain Level 3 At 12:00 on 4 August Category-2 ER to major meteorological disasters - mud- and rock Level 2 At 17:30 on 8 August flows in Gansu Province Category-3 ER to major meteorological disasters - torrential rain Level 3 At 9:00 on 12 August Category-4 ER to major meteorological disasters - torrential rain Level 4 At 11:00 on 18 August Category-3 ER to major meteorological disasters - torrential rain Level 3 At 18:00 on 20 August Category-4 ER to major meteorological disasters - torrential rain Level 4 At 9:00 on 22 August Category-4 ER to major meteorological disasters - typhoon Level 4 At 11:00 on 23 August Category-4 ER to major meteorological disasters - typhoon Level 4 29 August Category-3 ER to major meteorological disasters - typhoon Level 3 At 14:00 on 31 August Category-4 ER to major meteorological disasters - typhoon Level 4 At 8:30 on 8 Sept. Category-3 ER to major meteorological disasters - typhoon Level 3 At 8:00 on 18 Sept. Category-2 ER to major meteorological disasters - typhoon Level 2 At 16:00 on 19 Sept.

5 2010 EVOL.2F FENGYUN Bulletin 03 Major Projects

Progress in development of FY-3B ground application system

FY-3B which is scheduled to launch by Total Ozone Unit, Solar Backscatter Ul- support. So far, the following tasks the end of 2010, will be the second experi- traviolet Sounder and Space Environment have been completed: software & mental satellite of China’s second gen- Monitor. With these instruments, FY-3B hardware upgrading, optimization eration polar-orbiting meteorological sat- will be able to provide global, all-whether, and adaptive modification of ma- ellite series on orbit. Compared with the multi-spectral, 3-dimensional and quanti- jor functions and supporting FY-3A, it has no significant changes in tative observations. systems; improvement and modi- platform, payloads and major performance fication of the existing infrastruc- indicators, and it carries 11 instruments, i. FY-3B ground application system con- tures at ground stations nationwide. e. MEdium Resolution Spectral Imager, sists of 10 technical subsystems: data orbit scheduling, data receiving, Visible and InfraRed Radiometer, receiving, operation control, data pre- processing and archival for the MicroWave Radiation Imager, processing, product generation, monitor- ground application system will be MicroWave Temperature Sounder, ing/analysis/service delivery, data ar- done in line with the operational MicroWave Humidity Sounder, InfraRed chives and service, product quality con- requirements for a FY-3 A/B dual- Atmospheric Sounder, Earth Radiation trol application demonstration, computer satellite configuration.(Guan Min, Measurement, Solar Irradiation Monitor, & network, and simulation & technical Yang Lei)

Meteorological mornitoring and forecasting project

1. Progress in installation of instruments for ionospheric measurement:  The optimization and feasibility assessments for establishing ionosounder stations for measuring the ionosphere were accomplished in Shaanxi and Qinghai provinces. The preferred sites are Chang'an meteorological observatory station in Xi'an City in Shaanxi Province and Dulan meteorological observatory station in Geermu City in Qinghai Province. The two sites have been approved by the Department of Integrated Observations of the China Meteorological Administration, and construction of local infrastructures was started. The ionosounder station was installed in the at Kezhou, Xinjiang AR, which underwent tests and adjustments in early July, functioning well on a trial basis. It is now ready for final on-site verification and acceptance.

 Ionospheric scintillometers were installed at Guangzhou and Maoming in Guangzhou province, and they were tested and adjusted in mid-July. During the installation, it was found that a nearby mobile phone base station affected the reception of GPS signal by the instruments. After taking some measures, normal observations could be made during the trial operation, and data is being analyzed by manufacturers. It is planned to take further measures to minimize the effects of the mobile phone base station on observations.

6 National Satellite Meteorological Center NSMC (National Center for Space Weather), CMA 03 Major Projects

 Riometer for measuring obsorption of cosmic rays of the ionospheric D-region passed the factory tests and observation experiments were made at several potential sites including Pinggu and Lingshan in Beijing, Mohe, Jiamusi and Beijicun in Heilongjiang. During the experiments, it was found that they were subject to some radio interference at these sites. Further station optimizing is required, and the performance of equipments needs further improvements.

2. Progress in installation of a solar radio telescope:  The infrastructure in Shidao, Weihai City, Shandong province is being constructed smoothly. As requested by the manufacturer, a radio telescope antenna base has been built with cement, embedded parts installed and a machine room constructed. The instrument development and design by the manufacturer are being implemented as planned. Most components have been developed and assembled. The software is being developed according to the plan. But the acceptance of the receiver has been rescheduled from the original late August to September.

3. Progress in MF radar and FPI:  The bidding document for purchase of a Middle Frequency (MF) radar system was revised and approved in July, which was made public via the government procurement website on 29 July. The bid was opened at CNTC on 18 August. The Wuhan University was the first successful candidate, and negotiation is going on before a procurement contract is signed.

 Fobry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) key component manufacturers have completed their procurements and development. The software is being developed as planned. Kelan city in Shanxi province has completed the infrastructure for FPI. (Dun Jinping)

Meridian project

The meridian civil forecast service platform is just under way smoothly, with the hardware having been pur- chased and installed and the software being integrated and debugged. (Zong Weiguo)

7 2010 EVOL.2F FENGYUN Bulletin

Typhoon "Fanapi" hit the South China coastal areas 04

So far in 2010, being the strongest typhoon this year which Applications developed over the Northwest Pacific and the South China Sea, and eventually landed on mainland China. the tropical cyclone "Fanapi" (No. 11) was featured by rapid development, high intensity, strong wind and heavy rain, among others.

"Fanapi" was generated over the Northwest Pacific at 20:00 (Beijing time) on 15 September, which reached a high inten- sity at a quick pace, and made ‘tropical storm-severe tropical storm-typhoon-strong typhoon-super typhoon hops’ just in 67 hours (Figure 4.1). At 16:00 on 18 September, it became a super typhoon in intensity. As ATOVS-based temperature Figure 4.1 FY-3A satellite image of "Fanapi" at 09: anomaly profile at the centre of "Fanapi" showed, a clear 50 (Beijing time) on 18 September 2010 and symmetrical warm-core structure existed at about 200hPa Intensity: strong typhoon above the centre, demonstrating its strong developmental in intensity (Figure 4.2).

On the early morning of 19, "Fanapi" with a strong typhoon intensity made its first landfall on Hualien, Province, then it landed once again on the coastal area of the Zhangpu County, Province on the morning of 20 September with the intensity of typhoon (Figure 4.3), and it quickly en- tered the Province, bringing about heavy pre- Figure 4.2 ATOVS-based temperature anomaly cipitation as it moved from the east to west. The heavy rain profile at 02:13 (Beijing time) on 19 Sept. 2010 up to torrential rain occurred in some cities and counties in the northern part of the province, and most of other cities and counties in the province met torrential rain up to exces- sively heavy rain, with some localities witnessing excessively heavy rain that may occur once in 200 years, causing floods, and mud- rock flows, etc. (Li Yun)

Figure 4.3 satellite image of "Fanapi" landing on Fujian at 06: 51 (Beijing time) on 20 Sept 2010

8 National Satellite Meteorological Center NSMC (National Center for Space Weather), CMA

Exceptionally Severe Mud- and Rock-flows in , Gansu Province

On 7 August, under the impacts of heavy precipitation, exceptionally severe mud- and rock-flows occurred in Zhouqu County of Gansu Province, killing at least 1400 people, with hundreds missing. On 9 August, the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) activated the mechanism under the 04 International Charter on Space and Major Disasters", and the National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC) received the satellite data from Japan, Canada among others, including RADAR satellite data and ALOS Applications high resolution Landsat data, which were processed in a timely manner.

Using AVNIR data (10m resolution) from Japan’s ALOS satellite on 10 August 2010 (Figure 4.4a) and 10 March 2010 (Figure 4.4b), NSMC produced images to monitor the land surface of the Zhouqu County. A comparative analysis on these satellite images showed that after the disaster, the landslides were evident at Sanyanyu and Luojiayu to the north of the Zhouqu County (arrows in Figure 4.4a). The landslide in Sanyanyu was particularly severe, where the mud- rock flow buried all vegetations and structures, with debris extending far into the Bailongjiang (White Dragon) River. Falling first into the Bailongjiang River that runs through the Zhouqu County downtown, and significantly widening the river, the debris then overflew the lower urban areas along the river banks, which eventually blocked the Bailongjiang River at its outlet forming a barrier lake. The continuously rising water caused secondary serious flooding in the urban areas of the county. According to estimation, the Sanyanyu landslide mass was about 2km long, 150m wide and about 0.24km2. The landslide area in Luojiayu wa 0.07km2.

Figure 4.4 Comparative images of Zhouqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous State in Gansu province. Source: Japan ALOS satellite AVNIR (a: 10 August; b: 10 March 2010).

9 2010 EVOL.2F FENGYUN Bulletin

FY-3A Satellite-based Monitoring of Floods in Pakistan

From late July, Pakistan met historically rare floods that affected about one fifth of its total territory. By 28 August, the floods in the northern Pakistan began to retreat, but the floods in southern parts of the country were somewhat aggravating. The comparative analysis based on FY-3A/VIRR (1km resolution) measurements on 19 July (Figure 4.5a), 10 Au- gust (Figure 4.5b) and 29 August (Figure 4.5c) clearly showed that, at the initial stage of flooding, the mid-north Indus River running through Pakistan became significantly broadened, with multiple river sections being enlarged by 15 to 20 km in width. Estimation suggested that relative to situation before the flood in late July, by the end of the first 10-day of August, the Indus River water body was enlarged up to about 10,000 km2. By the end of the last 10- day of August, the Indus River width in southern Pakistan was significantly widened compared with that either before or in the early flooding stage, although the mid-north section of the river saw a slight shrinkage.

Figure 4.5 FY-3A/VIRR flood image in Pakistan (a: 19 July b:10 August, c:29 August)

Figure 4.6a, 4.6b, 4.6c show the flood images in Sukkur from FY3A/MERSI data (250m) on 19 July, 10 August and 29 August. In early stage of flood (Figure 4.6b), the Indus River water body at its upstream section appeared signifi- cantly widened in Sukkur region. By the end of August (Figure 4.6c) the water body in Sukkur section along the lower reaches of the Indus River became much wider, meanwhile newly emerged large water bodies were observed in western Sukkur. (Zhang Yeping)

Figure 4.6 FY-3A/MERSI-based flood images in Sukkur, Pakistan (a: 19 July; b: 10 August; c:29 August)

10 National Satellite Meteorological Center NSMC (National Center for Space Weather), CMA

How to order customized FY-3A data with the web-based GIS tool

Introduction In order to help data users, FENGYUN satellite Data Center (http://satellite. offers data users a grand new web-based GIS tool to customize FY-3A data. This tool can fulfill the users various demands, such as data browsing, query, channel recombination, output format customizing, space information and spectral matching, etc.

This article will tell you the procedure for customizing FY-3A data with this web-based GIS tool.

Step 1: Explore the FY-3A GIS earth 05 Open the main-page of the website and click the Maps button under the title banner. Then you can see the newest FY-3A global image on this page. You can zoom in, zoom out, go to the special location, add GIS layers, contrast FY-3A Data Sharing image with basic geographic information, and export the image file.

Step 2: Search data You can select the satellite and data-type on the left side of this page. Then click the search button and you can see the data calendar which shows the data availability. Yellow blocks on this calendar means that the data is available. You can click any day and view the FY-3A image of that day.

Figure 1 Data calendar Figure 2 Spatial selector Figure 3 Date selector Figure 4 Channel and output format selector

11 2010 EVOL.2F FENGYUN Bulletin

Step 3: Order data When you confirm the data and date that you need, click the Order button to start the order procedure. First, set the special information on the left side of the page or with the red box on the image. Then click Next button. Second, select the start-date and the end-date that you need, and click Next button. Third, select channels of this data and set the output data format (BSQ, HDF 5.0 , and RAW).

Step 4: Confirm the order Click the Preview button, and you can see the data detail which you have selected. It includes the data information, data file name, and total data size. When you confirm this order, click the Add to cart button to add this data to your order cart. Then, it’s time to check your order cart , confirm and submit your order.

Figure 5 Cart information page

12 National Satellite Meteorological Center NSMC (National Center for Space Weather), CMA

2010 field campaign of radiometric calibration for FY sensors at CRCS site

Under the coordination of administration office of Chinese Radiometric Cali- bration Sites (CRCS), National Satellite Meteorological Center(NSMC), joined with National Satellite Ocean Application Service, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences and other three organizations 06 have conducted a joint radiometric calibration experiment (CRCS 2010) at Dunhuang site from 10 August to 10 September, 2010 . Beyond to the traditional Research and CRCS vicarious calibration, four new measurements have been conducted in this experiment: (1) Airborne observation using small delta-winged aircraft for Development irradiance-based calibration method with higher accuracy; (2) it is the first time to use the aerosol extinction profiles measurement by lidar observation at Dunhuang to improve the calibration accuracy; (3)In order to ensure the reduction of uncertainties and increase of efficiency of surface reflectance measurement, we designed a new cyclic sampling technique on the basis of the triditional S route method; (4) using the absolute radiometer to make continuous measurements of spectral radiance of ground surface in a whole day. This is a pre-experiment of completely automatic measurement of radiometric calibration using field measurement.

Our team was divided into four sub-teams, including Atmosphere, Surface, Infrared, and airborne measurement. We have finished the several vicarious calibration measurements at three phases (12-14, 18-20, and 24-25 August) sucessfully. The surface sub-team used two spectroradiometers to conduct synchronous observation at Dunhuang site. A new vicarious site was found at the north side of Gobi site with 10 km far from it, which is a dry lake bed named Xiyangshui. The IR sub-team has performed the continuous measurements of infrared and microwave radiance of surface in Dunhuang for 24 hours. Airborne sub-team collected five group site observation data with high-accuracy. In addition, Dr. Li Yuan took part in a Joint

KK KK Calibration and inter-Comparison Experiment organized by CEOS at TuzGolu salt lake bed in Turkey. This is the first time for us to join this kind of international cooperation experiment, which is able to provide another calibration based on new international reference sites for FY sensors as well as Dunhuang site.

We like to thank the great support from NSMC and excellent coopera- tion from other joint organizations. We also thank the brave, indomitable, and rigorous science spirit of all the staffs. They ensured the availability and integrality of experiment data. (Hu Xiuqing)

13 2010 EVOL.2F FENGYUN Bulletin

A FY-3 satellite-based demonstration system for space weather applications

It is designed to enhance and promote the generates equivalent database for space for the high-energy proton and elec- applications of FY-3 meteorological satel- weather factors, assimilates NRLMSIS-00 tron data from FY-3A established lite monitoring data, and to further develop atmospheric mode, presents global distri- through data integration. Combining space weather forecasting and relevant ser- bution pattern of upper atmospheric density, geomagnetic field model with ex- vices based on FY-3A operational products. and improves the accuracy of predicting trapolation algorithm, the energetic The system consists of two subsystems: upper atmospheric density. particle distribution at the altitude computing upper atmospheric density; and varying from 400 km to 1200 km can a 3-D display and application of high-en- Using the high-energy particle monitoring be derived, which covers almost all ergy particles in the radiation belt. data from FY-3A, the subsystem for 3-D the LEO orbits. High-energy particle display and applications extrapolates high- radiation environment calculated by Based on FY-3A orbital data, the subsystem energy particles radiation environment at this subsystem is more accurate than for computing upper atmospheric density 400~1200 km altitude and displays it in 3-D that from the traditional AP8 model. derives upper atmospheric density variation, graphics. A dynamic database was created (Xue Bingsen)

Inversion of forest canopy height by integrating GLAS and FY3A/MERSI data in Changbai mountain

Space-borne Lidar has the direct measurement capability with high precision on the vertical structure of forest, and optical remote sensing is effective way to obtain bio-physiological parameters of regional scale forest. So, the highest regional inversion of Forest Canopy Height by integrating the high precision sample data of Lidar and other grid remote sensing data will greatly enhance the measurement accuracy of forestry. Fig1 FY3A/MERSI and Fig2 Distribution of 250m GLAS data and field sample plot leaf area index (MERSI-LAI) This is significance in practical works. Supported by the climate change project "Remote sensing assessment of affect that cli- mate change on forest carbon sinks in southern and Southeast Asia (CCSF-09-09)", the processing of waveform data of Large footprint Lidar GLAS and Algorithm of Forest Canopy Height in different terrain condition have been implemented. The Fig3 Results of forest canopy height Fig4 Map of canopy height by GLAS + MERSI joint inversion model of Forest Canopy Height in GLAS footprint spots GLAS+MERSI joint model of a regional scale in different forest types have been established. And the map of canopy height of Changbai mountain forest has been produced. Overall, the results of canopy height estimated by GLAS has very high accuracy and the GLAS + MERSI joint inversion model of needle-leaf forest has highest accuracy (R2=0.653), that of broadleaf forest has higher accuracy (R2=0.5202). By analysis, we can find that the GLAS + MERSI joint inversion model which considering of optical remote sensing of biophysical parameters have higher accuracy, and the result are consistent with land cover data in the spatial distribution. The results of the study are important for basic research of the global or regional ecology, climate models and carbon cycle. (Dong Lixin)

14 National Satellite Meteorological Center NSMC (National Center for Space Weather), CMA

Ku/Ka dual-frequency precipitation radar airborne calibration experiment carried out in Dongtai, Jiangsu

The spaceborne precipitation radar is an important instru- precipitation with ground-based multi-channel ment of the FY3-02 satellite constellation. The two pro- microwave radiometer. totype devices (Ku-band and Ka-band radars) already 4) Carry out synchronized measurement on ship to have been developed under the support of Eleventh Five- obtain wind and temperature data of sea surface. Year research project of National Defense Science and Industry Bureau. National Satellite Meteorological Centre, Through this outfield experiment, validate the following the Ninth Institute of Aerospace Technology Group, contents: University, Jiangsu Meteorological Bureau and 1) Validate the software and hardware design accuracy other groups carry out the airborne calibration experi- of radars and the active radar calibrator (ARC) and the ment of Ku/Ka band precipitation radar from September coordination of spaceborne precipitation radar workflow. 7th to October 7th, 2010 in Dongtai, Jiangsu province. 2) Validate the correctness of internal and external cali bration scheme under airborne conditions, and This experiment include two parts: the external calibra- evaluate calibration precision. tion experiment and signal sidelobe performance verifi- 3) Obtain the radar echo of calm sea at perpendicular cation experiment, and the land/sea clutter measurement, incident angle to evaluate radar waveform sidelobe carried out in the following four aspects: performance. 1) Obtain the echo power under the clear sky or precipi 4) Obtain the backscattering coefficient of the land/sea tation conditions on land or sea through 7-11 sorties clutter after calibration to evaluate the measurement land and sea flight experiment. precision of radar target scattering coefficient. 2) Carry out synchronized observations of cloud and 5) Obtain observed data of precipitation for comparation precipitation with ground-based Doppler weather between spaceborne radar and ground-based observa radar, radiosonde and vehicle-based X-band radar. tions at Ku and Ka band, implement attenuation cor- 3) Carry out synchronized observations of cloud and rection and precipitation profile retrieval. (Yang Hu,Guo Yang)

2009/2010 El Ninoú event monitoring using FY3A ERBM earth’s radiation products

The Earth’s Radiation Budget Measurement (ERBM) was the first space-borne earth’s radiation budget instrument of China, it was a broadband radiometer onboard FY3A satellite that was launched in May, 2008. The ERBM consists of two instruments: Solar Irradiation Monitor (SIM) and Earth Radiation Measurement (ERM). The main scientific objective of ERBM is to monitor the spatial and temporal variation of radiative energy in the earth-atmosphere system.

An El Ninoú event was identified in 2009~2010 by the Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies (SSTA) over the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean where the surface water became unusual warm at the beginning of May 2009 and lasted 12

15 2010 EVOL.2F FENGYUN Bulletin

months. The faded El Ninoú event was observed by satellite images in May 2010 and a La Ninaú episode possibly began.

The 2009/2010 El Ninoú event was detected by FY3A/ERBM, the monthly radiation products (Figure 6.1) of FY3A/ERBM was in good agreement with Terra/CERES (Cloud and Earth Radiation Energy System) measurements (Figure 6.2). It was observed by FY3A/ ERBM that the Shortwave Radiation fluxes (SW) increased and outgoing longwave fluxes (LW) decreased over eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean during winter of 2010, the spatial distribution charac- Figure 6.1 ERM derived ENSO radiative teristic of radiation observed by FY3A/ERMB was consistent with anomalies the El Ninoú event. The anomalies of earth radiation budget were also observed by FY3A/ERBM over western Pacific Ocean area, and Indonesia, , southeastern Asian, as well as South Sea, where the sea water was cold and the convection was restrained. The main cloud zones was observed over the equatorial Pacific Ocean by FY3A/ERBM, the monthly cloud radiation forcing products showed cloud feedback effects on the earth’s radiation balance.

FY3A ERBM shows markedly valuable in understanding climate and climate change. It can provide global observation of cloud and radiation, and also reveal the spatial and temporal variation of cloud, Figure 6.2 CERES derived ENSO radiative large-scale convection and radiation. (Zhang Yan) anomalies

Publications  Huang C and Liu D D, A Way To Predict The Solar Wind Velocoty Base On SVR Method, The Proceedings of 2010 International Conference On Application of Mathematics and Physics, Vol.1, 2010

 Huang C, Liu D D and Wang J S, Derivation of Thermosphere Density Variation Responses to Space Weather Events During Apr. 2002 to Jul. 2007 Using FY1D Satellite Track Data, Advance in Geosciences, The 5th AOGS International Proceeding, Vol. 21: Solar & Terrestrial Science (2008), 2010.

 Le G M, Tang Y H and Zheng L et al., An analysis of interplanetary sources of geomagnetic storm during November 7-8, 1998. Chinese Sci Bull, 2010, 55:851-856, doi: 10.1007/s11434-009-0228-x.

 Yu X X, Lu H, Le G M and Shi F, Influence of Magnetic Clouds on Variations of Cosmic Rays in November 2004, Solar Physics Volume 263, Numbers 1-2, 223-237, DOI: 10.1007/s11207-010-9522-7.