
VOL. LIX AUSTIN, , FEBRUARY, 1975 NO. 6 Scholarship Fund Raised to $175,850 Plus 2747 Schools Join TILF Grants Exceed 164 For Contestants League This Year "The Texas Interscholastic money over the years have reaped During the current year 2,747 for high school, junior high school, League Foundation now has $175,- a rich harvest in highly trained, schools joined the League. Of these, or elementary competition; usually, 850 to award in June," R. J. Kidd, talented men and women. He said 1,127 were high schools, 289 junior Oral Reading is confined to lower consultant, announced. that he knew of no way of estimat­ high schools, and 1,331 elementary. schools, but often junior (ninth This money will be given in ing the value of the thousands of Conference AAAA had 243 high grade) high school contests are scholarships to 164 students who degrees earned by students who schools, Conference AAA had 147, planned and, occasionally, fresh­ have competed in University Inter- had proved their talent and energy, Conference AA 216, Conference A men in high school compete in this scholastic League State Meet aca­ but that he knew it was a sum be­ 201, and Conference B 320. event; winners do not advance be­ demic and literary contests, or who yond any that could have been The League program has various yond the district. have been runnersup in the region­ earned in any other investment. levels of educational competition. "No two human beings are alike. al contests. Scholarships already funded in­ Music, spelling and ready writing, Our program attempts to provide Total Now $1,620,858 clude the following: are designed for grade, intermedi­ as varied a series of events as pos­ This sum will bring the total The Clark Foundation 60 awards ate or high school contestants. Pic­ sible," reported Dr. Rhea Williams, number of scholarships up to 2,164 of $750 each, payable $375 each ture Memory and Story Telling are League Director. "We are especial­ since TILF was founded in 1959. semester of the first year. AT AUSTIN A new 50-meter pool, diving pool and complete for elementary students only, while ly grateful to the coaches and con­ NEW SWIMMING FACILITY These grants will total $1,620,858 The George and Mary Josephine Slide Rule, Shorthand and Science test directors who make this pos­ swimming competition facilities are scheduled for completion at UT Austin in the Spring of 1976. There CHRISTY SMITH over the years. Hamman Foundation — (renewals are ordinarily offered only to high sible from those who read the will be facilities for up to 500 competitors and permanent armchair type seats for 2,153 spectators. An ad­ . . . Training in stenography. "We are still seeking additional only) 10 awards of $500 each. funds for scholarships," Kidd add­ school competitors. Many events, stories to the second and third ditional 500 spectators may be seated in portable folding bleachers on the pool level decks. There will be The Houston Endowment 20 ed. "We are proud of our record such as Number Sense, are de­ graders to those who coach high an electronic timing-judging-scoreboard system that will determine elapsed time, order of finish and lap awards of $1250 each, payable $750 signed of varied difficulty for high so far, but we are still short of the first year and $500 the second. school debaters or direct the one splits for each competition lane to an accuracy of I/1000th of a second. "This new facility should be a More than 2,000 of Texas' school, junior high or elementary Ray Senior funds. The Carl B. and Florence E. finest students compete at the State contestants. act play casts. This program would tremendous boost for swimming competition in Texas," said Dr. Rhea H. Williams, League director. "It will King Foundation — 10 awards of each year. We want to make Speech events may be designed not be possible without them." improve meets for the competitors and for contestants." Wins First Meet $600 each. sure that these proved students The Moody Foundation 10 have the chance to complete devel­ awards of $4,000 each, payable opment of their great talents." In Shorthand $1,000 per year. Donors Invest in Talent Participation Growing Christy Smith, a senior at W. B. The Robert A. Welch Foundation Sixth State Swim Meet Kidd said that the foundations Ray High School in Corpus Christi, 10 awards of $4,000 each, pay­ and individuals who have provided received a first place medal in able $1,000 per year. In Picture Memory March 21-22 In Austin Shorthand competition at the State Henry Beckman Number Sense Meet in Conference AAAA. Scholarship'—1 award of $1,000. Today, more than ever before, Prints Available The sixth annual State High to compete in the state meet. These Christy, daughter of Mr. and Radio Net Henry Beckman Slide Rule Pro­ art education through "picture The pictures for the 1974-75 entry forms will be available at the School Swim Meet will be held in Mrs D. L. Smith, was coached in ficiency Award—2 awards of $200 study" is expanding at the elemen­ school year are the same ones Austin at Gregory Gym on March regional meet and must be mailed each. which were used for 1973-74 since that day. shorthand by Mrs. Bonnie Haral- Will Carry tary grade level. The Picture Mem­ 21 and 22. soh. Joe B. Cook Scholarship 1 Picture Memory pictures and bul­ Regional Sites award of $1,250, payable $500 the ory Contest prints now being used First and second place winners In addition to being an all A letins are published for a two-year The following is a list of the CageTourney first year and $250 for each of the represent the best illustrative ma­ in each event of the Regional Meet Honor Roll student and elected as period. The small prints, repro­ sites, tournament directors, and next three years. terial available to acquaint stu­ will progress to the state meet. If the Outstanding Business Student The Texas High School Sports duced in full color on heavy paper, tournament directors' addresses for Alice G. K. Kleberg Trust Fund dents with old and contemporary measure 4x6 inches (the interna­ either of these two participants is of the Year 1974, Christy enjoys Network will be in operation for (renewal only) 4 awards of $300 unable to participate in the state each region: masterpieces. tional size, as compared with 3x4 making her own clothes and has the 1975 Boys' and Girls' Basket­ each. or 2 x 3 prints in the past). The meet, the third place finisher at Region I Odessa College Bill sold some of her original paintings ball Tournaments, as it has for the T. H. Shelby Schoalrship 1 cost is negligible. regional meet will be eligible to Lawrence, Athletic Department, at an art fair. She also has devoted past three years. award of $500, payable $250 a se­ The larger folio prints are on swim at state meet. Substitutions Odessa College, Odessa, TX 79760. some of her time to baby-sitting All communications for carrying mester. Debate Kits will be allowed on relay teams. Re­ unusually heavy paper stock in uni­ Region II Texas Christian Uni­ and providing the smaller children a radio broadcast of the games Keitha Morris Memorial Fund—1 Available, form 11 x 14 inch size. Each set of lay teams qualify by school. versity (Fort Worth) Rufe Brew- of her neighborhood with a carpool. should be directed to either Ken award of $300. small or folio prints contains 40 JOE SHERROD Regional Entries ton, Swim Coach, Texas Christian Christy plans to be a court sten­ Moyer or Jim Ray, AC 512-454- The J. O. Webb Scholarship reproductions. ographer after attending Mac- 2561. Radio Station KOKE in Aus­ . . . longtime competitor. Regional meet entry blanks must University, Fort Worth, TX 76129. Fund 1 award of $500, payable Mann's (School of Court Stenog­ tin will serve as the originating Stock Low Grades Four and Five be mailed at least ten days prior to $300 the first year and $200 the Region III Loos Field House raphy. station for all tournament games. "We can still fill orders for the The Picture Memory Contest is the regional meet. These blanks (Dallas) George "McMillion, Swim second. Awards 5 awards 1974-1975 debate kit," said Dr. under the direction of the League must be sent to the regional direc­ Coach, (Southern Methodist Univer­ Blinn College Rhea H. Williams, League Direc­ for grades four and five. Me Lean Ex tor. A participant can enter only sity, Dallas, TX 75222. of $100 each. tor, "however, the supply is get­ The Picture Memory Contest Tarleton State University Awards two events plus one relay. These Region IV University of Hous­ ting low. I advise any school need­ Bulletin, published by UIL, is now Dumas Grad Champ 4 awards of $100 and 6 awards students must have been certified ton C. C. McDougle, Athletic De­ ing kits to order immediately." available for distribution. The Bul­ Won First as eligible on the eligibility blanks of $50 each. partment, , The $5 kit contains the May and letin contains Official List for the sent to the state office. Texas Woman's University 3801 Cullen Boulevard, Houston, August issues of Forensic Quarter­ contest, pronunciation of artists' In Informative Speaking $250 awards for first place win­ State Meet Entries TX 77004. ly and many other books, pamph­ names, contest rules and general In Prose ners in any of the four journalism Crystal Brian, a recent graduate 1973 and using this experience cul­ lets, bibliographies and items of information about the artists and Each coach must send to the Region V Rice University contents and to first place winners Joe Sherrod, 1974 graduate of of Dumas High School, Conference minated it with the first place win in speech, one-act play, ready writ­ great value to the debaters, Wil­ paintings. McLean High School, received first state office an official entry blank (Houston) Fred Breckwoldt, Swim AAA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ing, and to winners or runnersup in liams added. Texas School Pictures, P.O. Box place in Boys Prose Reading in listing the names of those qualified Coach, Athletic Department, Rice at State Meet in 1974. Mrs. Sarah debate, and to singles or Orders should be sent to: Uni­ 2225, Austin, Texas 78767, has sets Conference A at the State Meet. University, Houston, TX 77001. Jack Brian of Channing, Texas, re­ Morrison was her speech coach. doubles winners. versity Interscholastic League, Box in both sizes in stock for filling Region VI Alamo Heights High ceived first place in Girls Informa­ Crystal also excells in drama and Joe's parents are Mr. and Mrs. University of Texas at Austin 8028, University Station, Austin, school orders. The Bulletin is ship­ Bob Sherrod of McLean. Gladys School (San Antonio) Bill Cand- tive Speaking at State Meet. Resources singing. She is a member of the Department of Drama Theatre Texas 78712 as soc-n as possible. ped with each order. Hall was his speech coach.- ler, Athletic Director, San Antonio Crystal won first place in District National Honor Society, was DAR Awards 12 awards of $500 each. Joe became Involved in UIL con­ College, 1300 San Pedro, San An­ and second place in Regional in Girl of the Year, and salutatorian Five for best actors; five for best tests while in elementary school by Debate Topic tonio, TX 78284 . of her class. actresses, and two for best crew winning in Story Telling, Picture State Meet Schedule She lives on a farm and has been members or technicians at State Memory and Oral Reading. He has For 75-76 Poetry Contestants president of her local 4-H Club. Meet One-Act Play contest. since won honors in Poetry Inter­ State Swim Meet preliminaries Crystal attends Baylor Univer­ Department of Chemical Engi­ pretation, Prose Reading and One- The high schools of the nation and semi-finals in diving will be at sity and is particularly interested neering, UT Austin 4 awards of Act Play. have selected Problem III concern­ 2 p.m., Friday, March 21. Prelimi­ Need Three Selections in law or drama. $500 each. Joe excells in athletics, having ing development and allocation of naries in swimming will follow at Each contestant in the Poetry In­ Note again, that one selection 7 p.m. received letters in football and bas­ scarce world resources as the area terpretation contest must prepare must be from each category A, B All finals will be held Saturday, ketball. He had special honors con­ for debate for the 1975-76 school one selection from each of the and C, and can not be taken from ferred on him as FHA Beau, Most starting at 2 p.m. Estimated time three categories: A, B and C. the first A, the alternate category Courteous, Most Spirited and was year. for each session is two hours. Accuracy, Speed Vital AI or from the remaining alternate Category A consists of Modern a member of the Student Council Two other topic possibilities in­ Awards For Winners American poets with alternate cat­ categories A. and the Future Business Leaders volved distribution of U.S. agricul­ Plaques will be presented to firt egories of Australian/Canadian, The additional alternate cate­ of America. His hobbies are read­ In Slide Rule Contest tural products in the world market place teams. Individual medals wi- Commonwealth and British poets. gories are provided for the schools ing, playing the guitar and tennis. This gives the contestant 50 poets and the foreign economic policy be presented to winners of the fir:- By PROF. JACK LENHART 246 62 in the smaller communities, where Just last year Joe was the Amer­ from which category A selections of the U,S. three places in each event. The State Slide Rule Director 244 61 it is sometime difficult to find some ican brother to a Brazilian foreign 221 55 may be made. will receive gold, silver and bronz. of the poets listed in the first cate­ exchange student, Carlos. Voting in Texas (in which the We all know that both speed and 205 63 Likewise, the "B" selection may medals, respectively. gory. Joe attends West Texas .State lowest total on the preferential accuracy are required to make good AA 324 69 be taken from a poet in the first B Six places will be scored in all Dr. Rex Wier, the League's University, majoring in speech and ballot wins) was 281 for U.S. pol­ scores in the slide rule contests. 310 73 Category, Modern American Poets individual and relay events. The re­ speech consultant comments, "I hearing therapy. icy for distribution of its agricul­ Those preparing for this competi­ 307 75 VI, or alternate categories B, Mod­ lays will count 14-10-8-6-4 and 2. hope that many of our contestants tion are often uncertain as to the 304 70 ern American Poets III, IV, V and tural products, 258 for U.S. foreign The individual events will count find a selection which appeals to best balance between these two 303 67 I. The C category selection may be economic policy and 257 for the de­ 7_5^_3_2 and 1. factors. them and which will effectively dis­ velopment and allocation of scarce CRYSTAL BRIAN 295 69 made from the first list or the re­ The list below may help to make New Course world resources. Admission Tickets . . . First In State. 274 73 maining alternate categories. play their speaking abilities. practice more efficient for it shows The debate propositions in the de­ Each contestant and coach must 253 67 what contestants did at the 1974 AAA 359 75 velopment and allocation of scarce have his or her contestant pass to For Media State Meet. 320 75 world resources area, which will be gain admission to the pool area. No. of submitted to member schools with These tickets may be picked up 307 70 Tourney Ticket Prices Score Prob. 249 65 Consumers the April referendum for preferen­ Friday morning after 9 a.m. at the Five Classes Conference B 317 73 241 63 Media Manipulation Analysis, or tial ballot, are: Athletic Ticket Office in Belmont Hall, located on the ground floor 353 57 233 59 Set For You and Today's News, is the sub­ Resolved: That the develop­ In Girls of the stadium. 233 65 ,228 67 ject of a new approach to journal­ ment and allocation of scarce Student Tournament Ticket .. 4.50 208 53 217 55 There will be three state tourna­ ism open to juniors and seniors at world resources should be con­ Tickets will be provided for one Adult Session Ticket ...... 2.00 coach and each participant from This Year 187 50 AAAA 331 73 ments in basketball this year. Tour­ Lanier High School in Austin. trolled by an international or­ nament tickets will be available as Student Session Ticket ...... 1.00 each school. Other team members 183 54 326 74 ganization. There will be five conferences in well as session tickets. Reduced Priced Ticket ...... 6.00 The course is designed to intro­ or coaches attending must purchase 167 47 323 75 One reduced priced ticket will be duce students to how news gets to Resolved: That the develop­ tickets. Coaches who do not have girls' golf this year. Spring Meet 135 31 287 73 Girls' Tournament available for each school during the them the news consumers. ment and allocation of world contestants qualified must purchase districts having more than two A 303 67 271 66 food resources should be con­ Adult Tournament Ticket .$11.00 state basketball tournaments. The The goal is for students to es­ tickets. girls' golf teams entered or two or 276 72 271 67 Student Tournament Ticket ... 5.50 trolled by an international or­ 264 63 240 65 price of the reduced priced tickets tablish their own guidelines to be­ Tickets will be sold for each ses­ more individual entries must have Adult Session Ticket ...... 2.00 are $7 for the girls' tournament coming knowledgeable news con­ ganization. 255 72 226 63 sion. The fee for admittance will be a district meet. Each district will Student Session Ticket ...... 1.00 and $6 for the boys' tournaments. sumers. Students have direct con­ Resolved: That the develop­ $2 for adults and $1 for students. Reduced Price Ticket ...... 7.00 Only one reduced priced ticket tact with newscasters, newswriters ment and allocation of world be allowed to certify two girls' golf A, AA, and AAA Boys' and newsmakers. They attend energy resources should be con­ Heating and Laning teams and/or two singles to the per school will be available for the "" Tournament two boys' tournaments. This means news-making events and compare trolled by an international or­ Times from regional meets will regional meet. Adult Tournament Ticket ...... 9.00 that if a coach or superintendent the media's handling of the event ganization. be used in heating and laning the The girls' regional golf meets to what they observed. Student Tournament Ticket 4.50 uses the school option for the first Administrators and debate spon­ contestants. This information will will be held on April 18 and 19. Adult Session Ticket ...... 2.00 tournament on March 7 and 8, Through consistent news con­ sors will want to consider these be included in the information The regional sites will be an­ Student Session Ticket ...... 1.00 there would not be another re­ sumption students begin to evalu­ topics and decide which is, in their packet along with the contestant Reduced Priced Ticket ...... 6.00 duced priced ticket available at the ate performances of newscasters, estimation, most "debatable" and tickets. Heat and lane assignments nounced at a later date. The Girls B and AAAA Boys' Tournament AAAA and B tournament on newswriters and even 'newsmak- informative and, hence, should be will be made as prescribed in the State Golf Tournament will be held Adult Tournament Ticket ...... 9.00 March 14 and 15. ers. chosen on the April ballot. National Federation rulebook. on May 1, 2, and 3 in Austin. Page 2 INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUER FEBRUARY, 1975

UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT—SEPT. 1, 1973-AUG. 31, 1974 Scholastic Press BALANCES: Re-appropriated balances brought forward: 1. A planned educational program in sportsmanship for the entire otice6 General Fee Account ....—...... $185,088.60 Convention Time school. In order to be effective this must be a continual program through Football Account ———.....——. (237.18) out the school year. Special emphasis at specific times will do only a Press Conference Account ——. 5,419.70 Total ...... $190,271.12 piece-meal job. March 21-22 WEINERT OFFICIAL UIL CALENDAR Total Balances ...... $190,271.12 2. A planned educational program in sportsmanship for the whole The State Executive Committee has Feb. 1 is the last date for organizing RECEIPTS: By DR. MAX R. HADDICK placed the Weinert High School on proba­ Spring Meet Districts. community. The program, in order to be effective, must reach all strata tion for the 1975 football season for a vio­ Membership Fees .—..——...... 81,835.00 lation of the Athletic Code. State Journalism Director of society. GIRLS' TRACK AND FIELD Material Sales & Drama Fines 43,947.27 Gate Receipts, Broadcasting The rating issues of newspapers and the individual achieve­ 3. A planned educational program in sportsmanship for the press anc HUDSON {LUFKIN) In girls' track and field the triple jump The State Executive Committee ruled event shall be conducted according to tn Rights ...... 164,668.02 ment awards entries are pouring in. My desk has been piled radio personnel in your community. These media of information have a that Hudson (Lufkin) High School shoul' rules i n the National Federation Boys be disqualified for district honors in base­ Track and Field Rule Book. (Football, , Base­ so deep for so long I have forgotten what color it is. Mrs. great responsibility in seeing that scholastic contests are carried on in ball for 1975 for violation of Article VIII, ball, Spring Meet, Boys' & sections 3 and 16 and Rule 10 of the Base­ Alicia McKinney, Mrs. Jan Kennemer, Sedalta Verble and I the best educational fashion. ball Plan. Hudson (Lufkin) High School LORAINE Girls' Basketball.) was disqualified as Regional champions in are struggling to keep up with the flood, and losing for now. 4. See that adequate numbers of officers of the law are present at all The Executive Committee of District 10] Miscellaneous Sales —...... —..... 80,661.26 for 1974 and Alief-Hastings High has placed Loraine High School on proba­ However, in the fullness of time we shall overcome this athletic contests. School has been named Regional cham­ tion in basketball for the 1974-75 schoo I.L.P.C. Criticism & Member­ pions. year for violation of the Basketball Code. ship Fees ...... 35,001.85 deluge and get all ratings, criticism, programs and et cetera 5. See that drinking, gambling and cursing are not allowed at any BUFFALO CONSTITUTION CORRECTION Total Receipts ...... $406,113.40 done. Then we shall see the greatest time of all—the 48th scholastic contest. The State Executive Committee 1 Total to be accounted for ...... placed the Buffalo High School on proba­ In the CONSTITUTION AND CON $596,384.52 annual ILPC Convention. 6. See that the athletic field is fenced in so that it is impossible for fans tion for the remainder of the 1974 football TEST RULES Spring Meet Plan 13, Sched DISB URSEMENTS: season and for the 1975 football season for ule of Points, Girls' golf, tennis, track ani We mailed packets of materials, including IAA entry forms, to walk out on the playing field. a violation of the Athletic Code. field points shall count toward the all Maintenance, Supplies & round championship in district meets. Sen Equipment ...... $ 65,593.37 convention data, and other goodies to all members. Now it is 7. See that your coaches and players conduct themselves in such a ior girls' volleyball does not count as it goes NIXON to a separate State Meet and is not a par" Rebate & Travel paid to up to you to get your entries in, make your reservations, pack fashion as not to incite the crowd. The State Executive Committee has of the Spring Meet Flan. placed the Nixon High School on probation member schools —...... ——... 71,449.12 up your toothbrushes and come to Austin. It will be the finest 8. See that officials for all games are mutually agreed upon and that for the 1975 football season for a violation Services not appropriated ...... 162,928.32 of the Athletic Code. HILLSBORO ever—and so good to have the opportunity to see all my good their services are secured early in the season. Printing ...... 39,067.27 Hillsboro High School Choir is disqualified friends again. 9. See that the announcers at athletic contests are efficient and cap­ GILMER HIGH for the 1973-74 and 1974-75 school years for Postage ...... 5,253.12 The Executive Committee of District violation of Article V, page 128, Section 14 Encumbrances carried able. 7AAA has placed Gilmer High School on paragraph b, of the Constitution and Con Convention Registration give some youth in politics ses­ probation in football for the 1975 football test Rules, by action of the Region VIII forward ...... 1,522.78 The registration fee is again $2 sions. Mrs. Lilliam Hefner, director 10. School administrators should be alert and on the job at all athletic season for violation of the Athletic Code. Executive Committee. Total Disbursements ...... $345,813,98 per person for the convention. Thi of Texas High School Press Asso­ contests. BALANCES RE-APPROPRIATED: OAP AREA MEETS NOLAN JUNIOR (KILLEEN) is the only charge. It is requirec ciation, will add her expertise to 1 1 . See that peace officers meet the game officials on the field after AREA OAP MEETS — Area One-Act General Fee Account ——...... 245,050.96 Play contests (between district and region) Nolan Junior High School Choir (Killeen) of all students, advisers, friends, sessions for teachers. each game and escort them to the dressing rooms. will be required in all conferences and is disqualified for the 1973-74 and 1974-7 Press Conference Account ...... 5,519.58 250,570.54 regions, except in AAA. AAA area meets school years for violation of Article V, Page acquaintances, strangers, moms, Jan Wiseman, president of the 1 2. Provide equal competition in order to avoid one-sided contests. will be required only in Region II. Because 129, Section 16, paragraph c, of the Consti $596,384.52 dads, kid sisters, tagalong broth­ Journalism Education Association, of increased enrollment area meets will tution and Contest Rules, by action of the 8TH ANNUAL GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL now be required in all Conference B re­ Region VIII Executive Committee. ers, hangerson and all others who and his lovely wife, will be here gions. All schools have been notified of STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT wish to attend convention sessions. for both teacher and student ses­ area sites, dates and contest managers. RECEIPTS: MUSIC RULES CHANGES Sorry, but I can't keep this thing sions. Lincoln King, adviser of the Ticket Sales —...... $3,764.00 SPELLING LIST ERRORS Following music rules in the current Con­ going without collecting the fare Gary super literary magazine, will In the 1974-75 high school spelling list, stitution and Contest Rules are changed: Program Sales —....——.——...... „...... 157.00 on page 16, column 4, the, first word in Article IX, paragraph a, should be de­ from all concerned. give a special magazine session. the fourth group should be "bespangle." leted. Total Receipts ...... $3,921.00 On page 17, in column 5 the ninth word Article IX, paragraph e, should read: A DISBURSEMENTS: Convention Speakers Teacher of Teachers in the fourth group should be "bullwhack- special award plaque will be presented to Mrs. Martha Andersen, now with er," and in column 8 the eighth word in any band which achieves a Division I rating Services (all types) ...... —...... $ 850.48 We have corralled the greatest Busy school administrators may not take time to read a very important the fourth group should be "clarion." in both concert and sight reading. This the Valley Regional Resources cen­ award may not be presented to bands which Programs ....!.—...... 386.20 covey of convention speakers ever section of the Constitution and Contest Rules, which sets forth spe­ qualify for the sweepstakes trophy. ter, has some super sessions for us. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Article IX, paragraph f, should read Tickets - ...... J...... 59.07 assembled. This will be the most cifically the responsibilities of the superintendent, as related to adminis­ (FORT WORTH) "Sweepstakes trophy will be presented to Volleyballs —...——..——.———...... ———.—..... 49.50 Carrie Heim, Westlake High year­ any choir or orchestra which earns a Di­ educational convention we have book adviser, has another great tering League affairs within his school system. The Executive Committee of District vision I rating in concert and sight reading Officials -..-——...... 155.00 ever put on. There is something for 10AAAA has placed Arlington Heights Article IX, paragraph g, should read: session. Miss Martha Hankins, who Frequently the League office receives long distance calls from high High School (Fort Worth) on probation "Sweepstakes trophy will be presented to Trophies and Medals —..———..——————. 999.55 everyone. There will be sessions in in boys' basketball for the 1974-75 school any band which earns a Division I rating in Utilities ...... 200.00 almost single-handedly got year­ school students or local townspeople requesting information about the year for violation of Article VIII, Sec­ marching, concert and sight reading. newspaper, yearbook, radio, tele­ books into ILPC, will have a year­ tion 3. Total Disbursements ———....——...... $2,699.80 eligibility of certain students. Such requests are referred to the local su­ vision, public relations, advertising, book session. BASEBALL ADDS PRESCRIBED MUSIC LIST BALANCE DUE THE 20 PARTICIPATING TEAMS ... $1,221.20 literary magazine, and many spe­ perintendent of schools. Mrs. Bette Titlow, adviser of Add Burnet High School and Marble Page 44—(303—Trombone Solos)—Add $3,921.00 cial sessions for teachers. Falls High School to the 1975 Official that bass trombone may play a suitable se­ that super paper at Brenham High, Since many ask "Who is responsible for League rules and regulations Baseball List, Conference AA, Region VII, (Amount due each team $61.06) Every session is valuable. Edu­ lection from the Class I Tuba list (page has much to offer in her session. at the local level?" or, "What is the local representative of the Inter- District 23. 48), This applies to the school years 1973- 24TH ANNUAL GIRLS' BASKETBALL cation for success in journalism is 74 and 1974-75 only. Randy Stano of Austin McCallum STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT scholastic League?" it appears that this section needs more publicity. SANFORD-FR1TCH AEGEAN FESTIVAL by Maris-Bader, the keynote in our sessions. Attend will discuss magazine format. The Executive Committee of District 1A published by Galaxy Music Corporation, RECEIPTS: every session you can possibly The League's local representative is the superintendent. has removed Sanford-Fritch High School Grade V, Conference AAAA, inadvertently Mother-Daughter Team from probation in football for the 1975 omitted in final printing of 911 Band Pre­ Ticket Sales ...... ——————..—...... $21,145.50 manage. Article IV, Section 5 of the Constitution and Contest Rules as cor­ football season. scribed Music List, 1971 through 1974. Program Sales ...... ———...:...... 746.00 Mrs. Betty Stanley of Lubbock Conference B, Region II Page 26—(207—B-flat Clarinet Solos) — TAJD Meetings Monterey will team up with daugh­ rected by Official Notices reads: Change: Area 2 (Districts 14-18. 22, 23) Lancelot Classens—LA CLARINETTE Broadcasting Rights ———...——————...———.. 250.00 at Tarleton State University, Stephenville CLASSIQUE (Vol. D) (play No. 6 or No. TAJD will have business and ter Kim for a session. David "The final responsibility for League membership, for the control and 76401 from April 12 to April 11. Contest 10 only). TOTAL RECEIPTS $22,141.50 discussion sessions. All Texas As­ Manager Mary Jane Mingus, Theatre Di­ Page 144, Mixed Chorus, Grade V, add to DISBURSEMENTS: Yates, -advisor to that wonderful management of all athletic contests, for enforcement of all eligibility rector (817, 968-2611). Mechem—(a) WINDS OF MAY (Fire sociation of Journalism Directors songs (sing one) published by 18. C. Services (All types) —...... —...... $ 2,804.12 New Braunfels High newspaper, rules, and recommendations of employment of athletic coaches rest with Schirmer. members, and every other journal­ will have a session. AUSTIN (AUSTIN) Page 136—(Second Choral Groups) Utilities ...... 1,765.21 the superintendent of schools. Under the provisions of this section, the The Executive Committee of District should read: Class AAA—perform one ism teacher and publications ad­ Mrs. Susan Komandosky, adviser 26AAAA has placed Austin High School number from the prescribed list as Grade Programs ...... 842.10 viser is invited to attend the ses­ superintendent may delegate to school officials such matters as he deems (Austin) on probation in boys' track and III. Perform a second number from the pre­ Mileage Rebate --..-—.——....——.___——.. 900.24 of the Austin High Maroon, will field for the 1974-75 school year for vio­ scribed lists designated as Grades IV, III or sions. Hope you will all join us in advisable. Lodging Rebate ...... —...... ———.....——...... 2,016.00 speak. Mrs. Judie Gustafson, a lation of Article VIII, Section 3. II plus a third number from any source. At our work to make journalism edu­ super adviser of yearbook and "The superintendent shall be responsible for enrolling for League least one number must be performed A Officials ...--——.———...... ——..———_—. 750.00 SANDERSON: TERRELL Capella. cation better for all. newspaper at Austin Anderson, has membership each school unit in the school system under his direction Tickets ------....————....—..—...... 287.90 COUNTY SPELLING LIST ERROR Trophies, Plaques & Medals —...... 784.25 Cast of Speakers a session. and administration. As the administrator responsible for these units, all Terrell County Hitch School (Sanderson) Mike Warms, who is doing such SPELLING LIST ERROR — Column 23, TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $10,149.82 We are inviting a great number las been placed on probation in boys' basket­ a great job at Van, is on our pro­ League ballots and amendments shall be mailed directly to the super- ball for the 1974-75 season; further, the page 14, second word in the third group BALANCE DUE THE 16 PARTICIPATING TEAMS.... $11,991.68 of outstanding speakers. Naturally, school has been placed on probation ni track in the Spelling Word List for Grades VII gram. Mrs. Mary Dvoracek, whose intendents's office. All ballots must be signed by the superintendent to and field for the 1975 season. Penalty was and VIII should be "vacillate." (Amount due each team $749.48) heading the list is DeWitt C. Red- assessed by the State Executive Committee Column 26, page 15, 5th word in the West Trojan Tattler is a leader in be valid. for violation of Article VIII, Section 13, The second group in the Spelling Word List 54TH ANNUAL BOYS' BASKETBALL dick, our founder. Also we will Residence Rule; of Article VII, Section 19, for Grades VII and VIII should be "zwie­ lave his son, Dr. Bryan Reddick, humorous writing as well as an all "Coaches, sponsors and directors of any League contest who wish The Recruiting Rule; of Rule 19 of the back." STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT RECEIPTS: who will speak on short stories. He around great newspaper, will be a any changes in League policies or rules shall make their wishes and sug­ Football Plan and Rule 18 of the Boys' speaker. Basketball Plan; aso, of the Track and Fied ROOSEVELT HIGH (DALLAS) Ticket Sales -.-—.-...——...... '...... $46,019.50 is a former ILPC participant, now gestions known through the superintendents of their respective schools. Plan. Mrs. Amy Turner, adviser at At­ Program Sales --—.——.....—_...... 1,269.50 professor of English at American Roosevelt High School of Dallas band lanta High, will be a featured "State-wide teachers' associations, coaches' associations, principals' BALL (SALVESTON) and choir have been placed on suspension Broadcasting Rights ..————..—...... „_...—. 500.00 University in Washington, D.C. for the 1974-75 school year by the Region speaker. Mrs. Evelyn Stroder of associations, administrators' associations and similar organizations may Ball High School of Galveston has been III Music Executive Committee for viola­ TOTAL RECEIPTS Mrs. Alicia McKinney (Nee Alicia placed on probation in boys' basketball for tion of Article VI, 25d, of the 1973-74 $47,789.00 Crane High will give a session. the 1974-75 season for violation of Article DISBURSEMENTS: Reddick) is our overall program recommend rule changes directly to the Legislative Council of the Uni­ Music Plan. Tom Webber of Austin Johnston VIII, Section 8. the Amateur Rule. Services (all types) ...... ——...... 8,320.42 director. Now if we can just get versity Interscholastic League." will conduct sessions. KIMBALL (DALLAS) WILMER-HUTCHINS Utilities ...... ——...... _...I...... 2,447.06 Marjorie (Mrs. DeWitt C. Red­ UT Austin Consultants The Executive Committee of District (HUTCHINS) ...... ——...... 155.40 dick) on the program we will have 12AAAA has placed Kimball High School Pictures ...... ——...... 258.95 the whole family on our side. It's impossible to list all the UT (Dallas) on probation in all sports for the Wilmer-Hutchins High School of Hutch- 1974-1975 school year for violation of the ins band has been placed on suspension for Programs ...... :...... 1,333.85 Miss Patricia Clark, Griffith, Austin professors and others who Athletic Code. the 1974-75 school year by the Region III will help, but here is a go at those Music Executive Committee for violation Mileage Rebate ...... —...... —...... 1,034.16 [ndiana, teacher and super year- C^noument Ljoa SCURRY-ROSSER of Article VI, 26d, of the 1973-74 Music Lodging Rebate .....——...... 1,920.00 Dook specialist, will be here. So we are asking to assist us—Dean Plan. * will the incomparable Col. Charles Wayne Danielson, Dr. Norris Da- The State Executive Committee has Officials ..---.....———.———....———,.:.——. 1,925.00 placed Scurry-Rosser High School on sus­ SWIMMING Tickets ....-.—...... 524.16 Savedge, headmaster of Augusta vis, Richard Van Steenkiste, Joe pension in One-Act Play for 1974-75 school Taylor, Jim Colson, Dick Elam, Dr. As League members start the new school year and all the many ac­ year for failure to participate in district Swimming Acceptance .Cards must be Trophies-Plaques-Medals ——...——_...... —— 1,451.60 Military Academy, author, and competition after filing acceptance and title submitted to the League Office by Nov. 15. widely known yearbook critic, C. Richard King, Griff Singer, tivities that go with it, the sponsors, coaches, school administrators and entry cards. g TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $19,370.60 SCIENCE GRADING RULE — Delete 6. BALANCE DUE THE 20 PARTICIPATING TEAMS $28,418.40 judge and lecturer has promised Roger Bennett, Gene Burd, Dr. fans must remember that interschool games are played for enjoyment b. (8) Page 92 of the current Constitution Alan Scott, Red Gibson, Jerry WHEATLEY (SAN ANTONIO) and Contest Rules. (Amount due each team $1,420.92) $47,789.00 ;o come. and fun. Sometimes the League organization becomes a means of pa­ Michael, Dick Elam, The Wheatley High School (San An- STATE BASEBALL TOURNAMENT Prof. Mario Garcia, of Miami- Conn, Marian rental and community competition. xmio) Choir has been placed on suspension LIST OF MUSIC JUDGES Dade Community College, will be Dr. Bill Mindak, et al. 'or the 1974-75 school year by the Region RECEIPTS: Sometimes fans and students forget that the school contests are edu­ XII Music Executive Committee for vio­ The following names should be added to Gate Receipts ...... ———.——....——...... $ 6,388.00 >ack, in response to great demand. Also the High Noon Public Rela­ lation of Article VI, Section 26d of the the current Recommended List of Judges tions Agency, the Radio/Television cational competitions, organized and controlled in such a way as to pro­ Music Plan. for League Music Competition: Program Sales ...... ——J...... 260.00 James F. Paschal, director of Okla- Cranford, Richard—San Antonio (Ala­ loma Interscholastic Press Confer- department, and many others will vide inspiration for the most talented pupils in the school. The League mo Heights); Lewis, James—Houston Broadcasting Rights .——...—.....——.——.. 250.00 PICTURE MEMORY (South Houston); Low, Lynn—Cisco; Lo- mce and charter member of the e here to make your convention as believes that these competitions, properly supervised, serve as one of zano, Victor—Laredo; TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 6,898.00 The correct name of Monet's second pic­ Martino, Kelly—Freeport (Brazoswood) ; DISBURSEMENTS: Mickey Mouse Club, will attend. :ood as possible. the best means of preparing the pupils for citizenship in the school, ture is "Palazzo da Mula, Venice." It ap­ Skelton, W. B.—San Antonio (Churchill) ; I know I have missed someone, pears incorrectly in the Picture Memory Smith, Moddie—Karnes .City; Wassell, Joe Programs and Tickets ...... -...... $ 426.50 More Speakers the state, and the nation. Bulletin. —Victoria. Trophies, Medals & Plaques ...——..——.— 447.30 Dut that's life. I could never man­ Prof. Bill Seymour, photojour­ Individual member schools, whose administrators sign the athletic, Rental of Nelson Field ...... i...... 172.00 age without help from many. Officials ----...... ——————.———.—————.——. 491.00 nalism instructor at the University Thanks to everyone. drama or the music acceptance cards and who enter other plans of com­ of Kansas, will handle special ses­ Miscellaneous Services ...... ——...... 954.00 You will receive more mailings, petition, commit themselves to carry out the codes of conduct which are sions for shutterbugs. Dr. Bill '75 Silver Anniversary Mileage Rebate . —..——..—...... —...... 417.60 3Ut rush all your end of the work part of each competitive plan. ...... —...... _.——..—...—. 58.00 VlcReynolds of the University of in. It is a hard pull and your Colorado has some special sessions prompt submission of data, forms, TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ 2,966.40 ;o offer. intries does help a lot. Of Girls' Cage Tourney BALANCE DUE THE 8 PARTICIPATING SCHOOLS $ 3,931.60 Jay Banks, political consultant See you in Austin on March BALANCE DUE EACH TEAM: $491.45 and former ILPC president, will 21-22. The 1975 UIL Girls' State Bas- shall. "Not only does it have an University Interscholastic League jetball Tournament, to be held in outstanding 25-year history, but it Directory regory Gym on Feb. 27-28 and is a demonstration of the great March 1, will be the Silver Anni­ athletic skills and teamwork that Firms List Helmets State Executive Committee: Dean Wm. Barren, chairman; A. R. Schrank, Dr. Lynn versary of this state competition. girls' teams can generate." Wade McCraw, Dr. Emmette Redford, Dr. J. J. Villarreal, Dr. Jerre Williams, Dr. In 1951 Comanche defeated Mc- Dr. Rhea H. Williams, League Rhea H. Williams, Lynn F. Anderson, Bailey M. Marshall. Lean, 50-49, to win the first girls' director, said, "Our state girls' Legislative Council: Drew Reese, Chairman; Ed. Irons, Vice Chairman; James Martin, Meeting NOCSAE Test Joe Sturdivant, George Thigpen, Neal B. Dillman, Glenn Reeves, Mance Park, state AA-A basketball champion­ basketball tournament is a high­ Harold Reynolds, A. C. Newsome, Charles Evans, Kenneth Flory, J. N. "Pete" Wil­ ship. Claude won the Conference B light of the League's schedule of The following listed football hel­ N12-,S-(A), NHCS-(A), LNHC-S- son, James Clark, Horace Francis, Eugene Stoever, James McLeroy, Earl R. Tate, ;itle by defeating Denton Valley athletic competition. We are de­ mets passed the NOCSAE test (A), LNKC-S-(A), NPJH-(A), James Barnett, Dean Hopf. of Clyde, 42-40. lighted with the excellent play and standards as indicated. (A) indi­ NKHC-S-(A), NK12-S-(A). Director ...... _._...... _...... ——.—..—-—...—-———--..-—_..-. Dr. Rhea H. Williams 'This tournament is a source of sportsmanship shown by the teams, cates the 1975 model passed the Protective Products-Division of Director of Athletics ...._...... -..-.--.....-.—-._..----—.-Dr. Bailey M. Marshall test. (B) indicates the 1974 model Becton, Dickinson and Company: Director of Music ...... _...... :...-.....---.-.-- -.——.--— Dr. Nelson G. Patrick great pride for the League," said but we are even more impressed Director of Journalism ...... -..-^--^...------Dr. Max R. Haddick Athletic Director Bailey M. Mar- with the great educational values passed the test. (C) indicates that A747-(A), P38-(A), P5-(A). Director of Drama, ...... _...... _...--—------.-.—----—-.---—- iynn Murray of team sports for girls." model manufactured since June 1, Rawlings Sporting Goods Com­ BOOKS & MAGAZINES The tournament started with just .974, passed the test. pany: HND-9-(B), HND-9-(A), Athletic Repair and Manufactur- CSH-(B), CSH-(A), HC-(A), HC- )OACHING TRACK AND FIELD by Wil­ two divisions, AA-A and B, but has liam J. Bowerman, Houghton Mifflin grown to include AAA, AA, A ng Company models as follows: 20-(A), HC-30-(A), CHND-9-(A), Company, 6626 Oakbrook Boulevard, INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUER Dallas, Texas 75235, 1974. and B. VHP3-(A), VH12-(A), VHP12- CHC-(A), CHC-20-(A), HBZ-l-(A), A good book for the high school, junior Silver Anniversary honor teams A). HBZC-l-(A), JRC-(A), NBCZ-1- Published eight times a year, each month from September through April, by the Bureau ligh, or elementary track coach and es­ of Public School Service, Division of Extension, The University of Texas, Box 8028, pecially for the coach with little experience will be the 1966 champions; Tulia Gladiator Athletics, Inc. models (A). Austin 78712. n coaching an event or all events. This book covers and explains techniques in AAA, Spearman in AA, Jour- as follows: GHH-(B), G88-(B), Riddell, Inc.: PAC-3-(B), TAK- and suggests a workout program for the danton in A and Round Top-Car­ THH-(B), G12-(B), G44-(B), G77- 29-(B), TK-2-(C), HA-92-(A), Ram­ Rhea H. Williams------.------?ear for every track event. mine (Carmine) in B. B), T44-(B). rod 1-(A), Ramrod ll-(A). 'RODUCING THE SCHOOL NEWSPA­ Max R. Haddick ...... -...... -...... -----..Managing Editor PER — ORGANIZING, DESIGNING, "We are publishing a special Kendall Company: BIKE 5-(A). Southern Athletic Company: RD1- AWARD WINNER Lynn Murray, State Drama Director, presents EDITING, by George P. Evans. Olean souvenir program in honor of the MacGregor-Division of Bruns­ (A), RD2-(A), RDP-(A). Marie Chambers of Kerrville Tivy High the Samuel French Award for Second class postage paid at Austin, Texas. Subscription: $1 per year plus 5 cents tax. News Press, 1225 West State St., Olean, Wilson Sporting Goods Company: N.Y. 14760. 25 years of girls' basketball com­ wick Corporation: 100MH-(B), 100 her outstanding performance in THE ROPE DANCERS. The play was This 64-page book contains brief, but petition at the state level," Wil­ MH-(A), 120MH-(A), 130MH-(A). F2034-(B), F2034-(A), F2043-(B), well-written sections on organization, the alternate winner in Conference AAA State One-Act Play Contest :opyediting, proofreading, cropping and liams added. "This program will Marietta Manufacturing Com­ F2043-(A), F2000-(A), F2002-(A), >roportioning art, outlines, newspaper de- ;ign, and a discussion on the making of contain a complete history of this pany, Inc.: K21-(B), K112-(A). F2004-(A), F2005-(A), F2032-(A), in 1974. Old timers at the State Meet said that Miss Chambers was one VOL. LIX FEBRUARY, 1975 No. 6 an editor. It would be good to have in the -c lassroom and the library.—MRH. tournament." Nocona Athletic Goods Company: F2040-(A), F2054-(A). of the finest young actresses seen there in many years. FEBRUARY, 1975 NTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUER Page 3 Music Matters 1974 First Division Winners Educational Theatre Adjudication List In Marching Band Title Entry Cards Based On Workshops Due For Eligibility REGION I: AAAA -' Amarillo, Ron AA DeKalb, Don Foster; Hooks, Dean Crockett (Odessa), Rick Miller; Hood (San Antonio), Henry Vande Putte; Ken­ Wells ; Hereford, Randy Vaughn; Pampa, Ste_wart; Linden-Kildare, Leonard Walker; (Odessa), Van Ragsdale; Nimitz (Odessa), nedy (San Antonio), Carlos Resales ; La- G. PATRICK Jeff Doughton. Quitman, Larry Coggins. Ed Handley. nier (San Antonio), John Rodriguez; Lee By LYNN MURRAY By NELSON AAA Canyon, J. W. King, Jr. A Garrison, Randy Dawson; Overton, C Crockett (Pecos), Darle Rountree; (San Antonio), Melvin Meads; MacArthur AA Dalhart, David Robertson ; Pan­ Scott Rhame; Sabine (Gladewater), Rick Fort Stockton, Randy Storie; Monahans, (San Antonio), Bill Lebegern; Marshall Of Snips and Snails handle, Gerald Smith; Tulia, Larry Towler; Spring Hill (Longview), James Ronnie Vaughn. (San Antonio), Bob Lewis; McCollum State Drama Director Prather. Fort; Timpson, Denny Whitley; Winona, REGION VII: AAA Lampasas, Mike (San Antonio), Wayne Maxwell; South A Gruver, Damon Ladd; Memphis, Earnest Stapleton. Olson. San Antonio, Cecil Morris. This issue of the Leaguer is always confusing to me; I nev­ Carol Blain; Sanford-Fritch, Tim Youree; CCC Greenville, Jay Phillips; Forest AA Brady, James Mallow; Brecken- AAA East Central (San Antonio), Bob­ Stratford, Gary Larramore. Park (Longview), Pat Carmack; Foster ridge, Albert Lykins; Winters, Kirke Mc- by Kunz; Pleasanton, Doug Williamson. The GAP TITLE ENTRY CARD was mailed to each school er remember whether the thing is published in January or CCC Pampa, Joe Di Cosimo. (Longview), Jimmy Yancey. Kenzie. AA Karnes City, Dan Frels; Randolph, REGION II: AAAA Abilene, Bill Spen­ CC Judson (Longview), Charles Par­ A Eldorado, Wayne -McDonald; Menard, John Bridges. enrolled. If you have not received it, contact the State Office February, and if it is February whether it is the last or the cer; Cooper (Abilene), Warren Thaxton; sons. Forrester Halamicek. A Poth, Robert Green. Mineral Wells, Norman Deisher. C Jacksonville, Joe Teague. REGION VIII: AAAA Cleburne, Rich­ REGION XIII: AAAA Calhoun (Port at once! This card must be returned before March 4 to pro­ first of the month. It does make a difference. For example: AAA Snyder, Don Eiring. REGION V: AAAA Bell (Hurst), R ard Heimcamp; Killeen, David Penning- Lavaca), Edward Zamora ; El Campo, Bill AA Seymour, Barbara Sperberg Pren­ Winslow & L. Allsbrooks; Eastern Hills ton. Sprott; Victoria, J. Wassel & F. Junkin vide information for mailing Official Eligibility Notice. Do I write about the TMEA convention in the present, future tice; Stamford, Randy Hamilton. (Fort Worth), Charles Watts; Grand AAA Bel ton, Richard Grain; Copperas AAA Columbia, D. Shepherd & H. A Holliday, Wesley Hays; Robert Lee, Prairie, Robert Cans; Lamar (Arlington) Cove, William Marocco; Mexia, Steve Raeke ; Edna, Mike Fassino. All GAP Eligibility Notices will be mailed before March 7. or past tense? George Strickland. B. Copeland & M. Burt; Lewisville, R Fleming; Midway (Waco), Don Filgo. AA Industrial (Vanderbilt) , Joe Castel- REGION III: AAA Highland Park White & C. Alien; Southwest (Fort AA Hearne, Berriman Taylor; Hills- lano. Receipt of Title Entry will not be acknowledged unless you I am assuming that this issue will be published prior to the (Dallas), Bob Jordan; Irving, Lee South; Worth), Milton Fox; Trinity (Euless), T. boro, Barry Johnson; Robinson (Waco), A East Bernard, Jeff Stone. Lake Highlands (Richardson), Bob Bran- Neugent & L. Harville. Jimmie Russell; Rosebud-Lott, Carl Coop­ REGION XIV: AAAA Alice, Bryce provide a stamped, self-addressed post card. Congrats to Mrs. convention. Anything herein, therefore, must be considered denberger; MacArthur (Irving), Larry AAA Burleson, Robert Grace ; Weather- er; West, Bob Nelson; Yoe (Cameron), Taylor; Carroll (Corpus Christi), Ferris Colvin; Mesquite, Alton Polk; Nimitz ford, Henry Schraub. Jerry Bartley. Arnold; King (Corpus Christi), Alfred Jerry Wilhelm, Drama Director at Bastrop. Her Title Card by you as being before the convention, Feb. 12-14. (Irving), Earl Haberkamp; North Mes­ AA Bowie, Dee Tucker; Bridgeport, Wil­ C Mexia, Jerry Thomas. Sosa; King (Kingsville), T. W. Anderson; quite, W. A. "Tony" Anderson; Richard­ liam Brady; Whitesboro, Charles Brown. REGION IX: AAAA Klein (Spring), Martin (Laredo), Roberta Botello; Miller was returned to this office less than 24 hours after it was Adjudication Workshops or special recordings may be pre­ son, Howard Dunn; South Garland, Daniel REGION VI: AAAA Big Spring, Bill Bob Blanton; Smiley (Houston), Johnny (Corpus Christi), Raymond Sanchez ; Nix­ Bitza. Bradley; Lee (Midland), James Nail; Bankston; Spring Woods (Houston), Bob­ on (Laredo), Gilbert Gamboa; Ray (Cor­ mailed. pared to illustrate the points to be Midland, Clyde Wilson; Odessa, Bill Dean; by Wren ; Stratford (Houston), Doug Syl- pus Christi), Carl Lobitz ; Robstown, Two adjudication workshops are AAA Berkner (Richardson), Bob Floyd ; The Eligibility Notice certifies emphasized. Ennis, John Blassingame. Permian (Odessa), Charles Nail. va; Westehester (Houston), Burley Bow­ Charles Arsuaga. planned for the convention in Dal­ AA Van, Ross Hay. AAA Andrews, Jim Harvey; Fort man. AAA Calallen (Corpus Christi), Duane play and student eligibility (see Another good workshop plan is REGION IV: AAAA Greenville, Bob Stockton, Don Hanna; Monahans, Dan AAA Huntsville, Richard Wuensche; Bowen; Falfurrias, Solomon Banda; Flour Eligibility For Winners las: band and choral. The band Cartwright; Longview, John Kunkel; Luf- Gibbs, Pecos, Bill Carrico. Spring, Jerry Sedatole. Bluff (Corpus Christi), G. V. Garcia- CONSTITUTION AND CONTEST to use a panel of three or four ex­ AA Alpine, David Talmage; Crane, AA Bellville, Doyle McElroy; Katy, workshop will be held on Friday, kin, Waymon Bullock; Texas (Texarkana), Gregory-Portland, Jim Vanlandingham ; RULES, Article III), describes re­ If you win any OAP Contest, the perienced judges and to let each Bob Ingram; Tyler, James Williams. Lon Briley; Van Horn, Ralph Zamarippa. Fred Fassino. Taft, Hunter Cunningham; Tuloso-Midway Feb. 14, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, AAA Atlanta, Charles Herring; Dain- A Rankin, Gordon Shultz; Wink, John­ A Royal (Brookshire), Tom Burns. (Corpus Christi), Robert Svetlik. quired properties, provides pro­ Contest Manager will give you a tell how and why he rates the per­ gerfield, Bill Goodson; Gilmer, Bill Tay- ny Whiteaker. REGION X: AAAA Beaumont, Charles AA George West, Dennis Smith ; Heb- Dallas Convention Center, Room lor; Hallsville, Bobby Goff; Jacksonville, B Bordon County (Gail), Jim Parker; Lisman; Forest Park (Beaumont), Robert bronville, Humberto Gonzalez; Ingleside, gram copy and length of perform­ winner's envelope. If he does not, formances as he does. To carry the Forsan, Mike Neel. Janacek; French (Beaumont), Artis E406-7. Music selections to be re­ Val Rose; Pine Tree (Longview), Jack Ron Welborn ; Odem, Scott Randolph; ance. ask for it. Complete the Eligibility process a step further, several England. CCC Bonham (Odessa), Jack Nail; Slaughter-; Jefferson (Port Arthur), Herb Premont, Joe Cadena; Refugia, Darrell viewed include: Overture in Bb, by Germer; Nederland, Blanton McDonald; Burditt; United (Laredo), Ray Bostick. Submit your Eligibility Notice to Notice and send to the appropriate members of the audience might Port Neches, Albert Long. A Banquete, David Smith; Pettus, Cyn­ Giovannini-Robinson; Irish Tune AAA Bridge City, Charles Roberts; thia Lochte. the District Director General for person. Only Regional OAP win­ compare their evaluations with Cleveland, Jim Blacksher; Silsbee, B. W. from County Derry, by Grainger; REGION XV: AAAA Edinburg, D. P. zone and district. If you have not ners should send all copies to the those of the "experts." Ross; South Park (Beaumont), Joe Hen­ McNallen; Hanna (Brownsville), Arcadio and Overture to Candide, by Bern- Music Theory Notes derson; Stark (Orange), Don Miller; Guajardo ; MeAllen, Gary Zook; Pharr- received it by March 14, notify the State Office. Mail delay could Whenever possible, it is well to Woodville, Jerry Brown. San Juan- Alamo, Pete Cisneros; Weslaco, stein-Beeler. AA Buna, A. J. Michalsky; Hemphill, Larry Jones. State Office! Eligibility Notices cause disqualification for failure to announce in advance the names of Mark Brackin; Kirbyville, Karl Waden- Choral Adjudication AAA Rio Grande City, Nicolas Gon­ for contests scheduled prior to meet the entry deadline. the selections to be reviewed in pful. zalez. The choral adjudication work­ CCC Central (Nederland), Leroy Os- AA Lyford, W. R. Snavely. March 31 will be mailed early, pro­ Read instructions on the Eligibil­ order for the participants to study mon; Wilson (Nederland), Mike Smith. CC Mary Hoge (Weslaco), Albert Re- shop will be held Saturday, Feb. If World Is Crazy, CC Vidor, Garvis White. posh. vided Title Entry Cards are re­ ity Notice carefully. Copy one goes the scores. Musical style and inter­ 15, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Adol- C Bridge City, Frank Wilson. REGION XVI: AAAA Coronado (Lub­ ceived early. DO NOT submit any to the Contest Manager at all lev­ pretation probably are the two REGION XI: AAA Crystal City, Raul bock), Phil Anthony; Lubbock, Jerry phus Hotel, Renaissance Room. Gonzalez; Fredericksburg, James Van- Starks; Monterey (Lubbock), Doyle Gam- play title listed in the Dramatist els. Copy two goes to the District most important items to be evalu­ Sanity Is No Fun Zandt & W. Meier; Tivy (Kerrville), Avie mill; Plainview, O. T. Ryan; Plainview The selections to be reviewed Teltschik; Uvalde, Richard Gibby. (Second Group), Roger Edwards. Play Service Catalogue Director General for all zone and ated. How can a judge do this un­ are: Mixed Choir: Never Tell Thy AA Devine, E. W. Hallford; Hondo, AAA Seminole, Mickey Owens. district contests, and to the Re­ less he knows the score? Billy Harrell. AA Abernathy, George Kiddell; Dim- Love, Bright; and / Will Not Leave By JERRY DEAN sections, D.C., D.S., and al fine. B Charlotte, Gerald Bronstad; Nueces mitt, Ralph Smith; Frenship (Wolfforth), A Look At Cuttings gional Director General for area Performance Standards Canyon (Barksdale), Mike Robinson. C. A. Bundrant; Slaton, Bill Townsend. You Comfortless, Titcomb; Treble Music Theory Contest (4) The terms for the various REGION XII: AAAA Alamo Heights A Petersburg, Leslie Ross; Rails, Bill Consideration should be given to and regional meets. Copy three Several years ago I appointed a parts of musical symbols: grand, (San Antonio), Richard Cranford; Church­ Nelson ; Seagraves, Bill Woods; Shallowa- must be sent to the State Drama Choir: Tu Exsurgens, Lasso; The When the everyday cares of the ill (San Antonio), Tony Esquivel; Harlan- ter, Gary Sherman; Springlake-Earth, Bill long play cuttings from the "List" Bridegroom, from "Four Songs," committee on Contest Adjudication or "great" staff, clef, barline, note dale (San Antonio), Adan Salazar; Holmes Surface. Director for all levels. Regional music world gets you down, just (San Antonio), Charles Vanderhider; Jay B Ropes (Ropesville), Danny Norris; or approved by the Play Appraisal Brahms; Fall Leaves, Fall from and Performance Standards to remember this: head, stem, flag, and beam. (San Antonio), Dan Schreiber; Jefferson Sundown, Truitt Mitchell. Committee. Some publishers will winners will send all copies to me. study ways and means to insure a on the C Estacado (Plainview), Larry Burks; confused. "Triology," Bright: Boys' Choir: Take people you've got your ur­ (5) When note heads are Seminole, W. K. Wood not allow major editing, and a few Don't get The Pasture, Thompson; Poor, fair and equitable list of judges. middle line or above, stems go REGION XVII: AAAA Angleton, Don The time between zone, district, bane ones, Questions and Hood; Dickinson, Don Owens; Lamar Con­ will not allow any. Payment of Lonesome Cowboy, Luboff (Arr.); In preparing the first lists, I and Your big and small, fancy and down, but stems go up when note- solidated (RosenburgJ, S. L. Albritton; royalty does not necessarily give a area, regional and state meet is the office staff have worked long heads are below the middle line. LaMarque, Tom Bennett; Pearland, Jack limited. OAP winners' Eligibility and O Lord, In Thee Is All My plain ones. Answers Fariss; Texas City, Robert Renfroe. director permission to edit. Each Trust, Tallis. hours to have a list that is free or Ms., (6) Notes in a measure should AAA Rice Consolidated (Altair), Floyd Notices must be mailed the day or Be it Mr. Q. May a boy accept a $20 award from the Spenrath; Sante Fe (Alta Loma), Steve director must have approval for The format for both discussions from "politics" and pressures. The nicest thing is: be horizontally spaced so that each school for lettering in football and then Richardson. scenes or cuttings before Title En­ night they are received. Neither professional, college, nor one takes only its rightful percent­ receive a trophy from an outside organiza­ CCC Blocker (Texas City), Connally must insist will be slightly changed from those Musicians have more fun than Cunningham. try is submitted. Contest Managers of the past. This summer a new public school musicians can have sane ones! age of the measure; i.e., in 4/4, a tion for beine the best blocker, sportsman, C Sante Fe (Alta Loma), James Sha­ Van Nostrand, President of that District Directors General no­ their names included on the merits dotted half occupies three-fourths etc. ? ver. State Office of Zone OAP plan was tried at TODA and, with Well, you may as well admit it, A. In my opinion, under the Award Rule, REGION XVIII: AAAA Anderson French, has notified me that PYG­ tify the of their position. Many people have of the measure. (Austin), V. Herrington & D. Haynes ; contests. The proper blank must be a few minor revisions, it appears it's nice not to have to act sane Article XVI, it is a violation for a boy to Austin, LaFalco Robinson; Bryan, Pete MALION is not available for ama- to be an improvement over previ­ taken me to task to "put my name" when several students interrupt -a (7) In a score of two or more receive any amount in excess of $20 for let­ Rodriguez; Crockett (Austin), Paula tteur production this year because checked on the District materials tering in football. Football is not a tourna­ Crider; Lanier (Austin), J. Ivy & B. Sher­ ous workshops. on the list; they give me a long busy day with questions like, "Will parts, notes in different parts oc­ man; LBJ (Austin), Glenn Richter; Mc- of the forthcoming revival on request in order to receive Zone list of their credits, etc., but if curring at the same time should be ment activity, and therefore, is not included Callum (Austin), T. Shine & M. Thomas; operation materials & winner's Criteria for Adjudication List that wierdo Dean expect us to in the same category as basketball tourna­ New Braunfels, Joe Rogers; San Marcos, Broadway. they are not being asked to judge, know seventh chords on the theory lined up vertically. ments. By accepting any amount more than Allan Brumley; Seguin, Gary Wylie ; Eligibility Notices. Attending the workshop does not Travis (Austin), Thomas Waggoner. their names are not included. Sev­ (8) When a chord has two chro­ $20*, a boy violates the Award Rule and for­ necessarily insure that a partici­ exam?" AAA Canyon (New Braunfels), Michael Time Limit Strict eral people have told me that they If you don't have time to do a matically altered notes placed so feits his eligibility. Any school or school of­ Pickett; Georgetown, Rodney Klett; Gon- Use Critic Judge pant's name will be on the next ficial who assists directly or indirectly in zales, Herb Karnau; Round Rock, Gerald All Contest Managers have been are not being asked to judge be­ closely together that there is not Babbitt. list. In addition to attending an lot of individual tutoring before the violation of the Award Rule places the instructed to enforce the 40 min­ The State Office continues to cause: "teachers are afraid; my room for the accidentals to be lined AA Bastrop, Jack Weidemann; Colum­ adjudication workshop once each June, you might consider letting school in violation of this rule. These awards bus, Don Spitzenbearger ; LaGrange, Joe ute GAP time limit. Make sure urge use of a single Critic Judge standards are too high." That is up vertically before the notes, the may not be presented at school-sponsored Lambert; Marble Falls, Tome Walters; three years, a person must have students tutor students. Every Westlake (Austin), Lee Boyd Montgomery. you have a margin of safety. A for OAP. Each Planning Meeting always a good one! High stand­ accidental governing the upper functions, as then the school is indirectly judged in two or more regions, in teacher knows that an effective CCC Austin (Bryan), Linda Adams. play over 35 minutes risks disqual­ Director and Contest Manager has ards, position, degree whatever, a note is put closer to the note assisting in evading the Award Rule. REGION XIX: AAAA Clear Creek two or more contests, in three way to learn something is to have It is suggested that in all cases where (League City), Paul Gilmore ; Clear Lake ification A late entrance, long received a Critic Judge list with person must have been requested head, while that affecting the lower (League City), Richard Bass; Conroe, years. to try to teach it to someone else. outside organizations desire to present tro­ Ralph Rowe; Deer Park, John Bennett; scene change or slow scene, and their materials. If you can't find a to judge, and judged, in two or note is placed slightly to the left. phies or plaques, these be given to the If a person's name is not already Both the tutor and the tutoree can Dobie (Pasadena), B. D. Brawn; Lee your play is disqualified. It's no fun judge, let me know. I will be happy more regions two of three years (9) In instrumental music, stems school, with the boy's name engraved on (Baytown), Charles Forque; MaeArthur on the list, he must be invited to gain from this. If you're teaching (Houston), Ralph Kamirez ; Pasadena, Bill for the Contest Manager. to help you find a competent critic. and attend an adjudication work­ are beamed together whenever pos­ the trophy, and then placed permanently in Gottschalk; Sterling (Baytown), Elmer judge, and judge in two or more a theory course for credit, using the school trophy case. Possession must re­ Hargis. Districts affected by area meets The League has sponsored 10 shop one each three years to have sible, but remember that the beam­ regions within each three-year pe­ grades for a learning incentive, main with the school. The school cannot hold AAA Channelview, Adan Pantoja; (All districts except those in Re­ Critic Judging Workshops this his name added to the Adjudication ing should reflect the metric struc­ the trophy until the boy has graduated and Crosby, Raymond Thomas ; Eisenhower riod. As soon as a person has met it's easy: (Houston), Charles Delaney; Humble, Jim gions I, III, IV in Conference year. Judges are available in all List. ture. That is, in general, it is best then present it to him without violating the Hagcod; King (Houston), Steve Heuber- these requirements, his name will (1) Divide the material to be AAA) must make sure zone and areas of the state. The persons Safeguards Are Essential not to beam across the beat or Award Rule. ger. be automatically added the next covered into three or four units; Experience has shown that it is much AA Anahuac, Ron Wright. district contests are scheduled on the ACCREDITED CRITIC I think the safeguards listed across the barline. In vocal music CCC North Shore (Galena Park), time the list is published. (2) For Unit I, have half the better to have the trophy presented to the James Chauvin. prior to April 7-12. Districts that JUDGE LIST are professionals above are essential. There are also each syllable of text has its own school with the boy's name on it so that it CC San Jacinto (Pasadena), Derk Workshops Not Limited class teach it to the other half; advance to area may not hold OAP who have indicated they are inter­ weaknesses in them, but we can flagged note. can be seen for many years. If the trophy Harmsen. to Conventions (3) at the end of the time al­ C Thompson (Pasadena), Jimmy Fos­ April 7-12. Look at the calendar! ested in judging as a single critic correct them as they occur. Anoth­ is given to the boy, often it soon rests in ter. Adjudication workshops are not lotted for Unit I, test the tutorees, And then I said the attic and gathers dust. judge. There were only four (11- er safeguard that we might well and assign the resulting grade to I'll close by repeating the impor­ Most organizations will readily agree to 4A, 21-4A, 1-AAA, & 20-AA) pan­ limited to the state convention or consider is an organization of ad­ presenting outstanding awards in this way. the tutors (making allowances here tant information which I placed at els last year. The State Office en­ to UIL leadership. Each region judicators who can police them­ This presentation does not violate the Award and there, if necessary); and the end of my last column. The dorses and urges use of a Critic may hold its own workshop, or re­ selves and accept the responsibility Rule, and at the same time it gives the boy (4) begin the next unit, with tu­ composition project of the 1975 educational recognition for his ability. Judge, although panel usage is gional colleges may hold one. The to insure a continuum of qualified tors and tutorees switching roles. TSSEC Theory Exam will be Q. Can a girl play on a "B" team and then still legal. outlines are available for anyone's judges. If you're not teaching a credit changed (from the 1974 exam) so play on an "A" team the same night, with­ The ,State Office sent each critic use. of the above out the six-hour rest between games pre­ With the fulfillment course, the same thing could be that students may use either 20th- judge copies of their 1974 ques­ Know the Rules processes, we have initiated some­ scribed under the Girls' Basketball Plan, done on an informal basis. century or more traditional com­ tionnaires with sources deleted. It is essential that the leader be thing big and innovative in the ad­ Rule 11 1 Notation Elucidation positional techniques. The melody A. No. A girl may not play in more than This heavily endorsed action is be­ well grounded in rules and regula­ for judication system. It provides In the December Music Theory to be used as the basis of the com­ one game during a period of six hours, re­ ing continued. tion, and know the musical exam­ the possibilities of almost unlim­ gardless of whether it is on the "A" or "B" Notes I mentioned that the "un- position will be notated without a A Critic Judge must be used to ples that are presented. Examples ited musical growth which is the team. aural" portion of the TSSEC The­ key signature, but it will be pos­ fulfill the educational potential of may be selected from regional per­ essence of educational contests. Q. Does participation by a "B" squad in a ory Exam will contain some ques­ sible to fit it into a diatonic con­ the One-Act Play Contest. Without formances, college performances, "See you in Big D." basketball tournament count as one of the tions related to notational practices. text if desired. The melody will be three tournaments a high school team is al­ the critique of the critic judge, one Here are some facts students fairly active rhythmically, so it lowed to enter? great educational benefit of OAP A. Thia interpretation involves Rule 11 should know: will not be very appropriate for a of the Basketball Plan, and the team-rule has been deleted. (1) If there is a key signature Bach homophonic chorale-style set­ definition, Article VII, Section 21. Schools Drama Directors should request 27 Critic Judges and a meter signature, the former ting. It is hoped that contestants may enter an "A" Squad which is compet­ a group meeting with the critic should be placed before the latter. will be able to use more contra­ ing for League honors and a "B" squad judge before the beginning of the which is not competing for League honors. (2) A double bar should be puntal textures. Each sauad may enter three tournaments, contest to discuss selection of the placed at the end of an exercise Remember that you can obtain but they must be kept separate and distinct all-star cast, critique method and Added To 75 List or a composition. copies of the 1974 exam by writing from each other, and no boy may play in other details about judging and By LYNN MURRAY Dorothy Dodd, University of Texas at (3) Students should know how to to Jerry Dean, TSSEC 1975 Music more than three tournaments a season. Any contest. Start on a pleasant note. Austin, Austin 78712 IV Theory, UT Station Box 7398, Aus­ team which uses a boy who has played in State Drama Director Karl M. Ebert, Southwest Texas State use repeat signs: for repetition of violated We need the names of OAP Con­ University, San Marcos 78666 IV more than three tournaments has Twenty-seven Accredited Critic tC. K. Esten, 1200 Dominik Drive, Col­ one measure, two measures, large tin, Tx. 78712. the tournament rule. test Managers from District Di­ lege Station 77840 III rectors General as soon as possible. Judges were added to the 1974-75 William Dell George, Jr., Tarleton State List by attending a Critic Judging University, Stephenville 76401 II OAP materials are sent to Contest C. Pat Hambrick, Southwest Texas State Workshop during the Texas Educa­ University, San Marcos 78666 IV Managers unless otherwise speci­ Sheila Hargett, Southwest Texas State fied. tional Theatre Association conven­ University, San Marcos 78666 IV Theatre Course At SHSU tion Jan. 23, at San Antonio Col­ Thomas K. Heino, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches 75961 III Approved Unit Sets lege. James Henderson, McLennan College, Waco 76708 II In addition to new judges, 17 fJennie Louise Hindman, Midwestern The League-Approved Unit Set current judges have been recerti­ University, Wichita Falls 76308 II Designed For Beginners L. Louise Holladay, Richland College, is desirable and recommended, but fied for the Accredited Critic Judge Dallas 75231 II Susan L. Kershner, Southwest Texas By DR. CHARLES A. SCHMIDT One problem has not been ob­ It will be strictly practical. We not required at zone, district or re­ List for 1975-1980. State University, San Marcos 78666 IV The State Office would like to Susan Dianne King, South Plains Col­ literated altogether, however: there plan to have high school students gional contetst sites. Contest mana- lege, Levelland 79336 I Sam Houston State University are still teachers who are handed from the area to be laboratory ma­ 1 gers may allow directors to bring pay special tribute to the parti­ tRuth Lemming, 6023 Dashwood, #16, cipating drama teachers and their Houston 77036 III the responsibility of directing a terial for the workshop directors to I Unit Set elements to the site and tLinda Lilley, Tarleton State University, will students. We are indebted to Stephenville 76401 II There is nothing worse than to contest play without being pre­ work with on stage. The goal ! declare them a part of the basic tRon Lucke, San Antonio College, San be in the position of having to pared to do so (or who may be be to cover as many problems as ! set. These elements must be avail­ Round Rock's Doris Pyle and Ford Antonio 78284 IV Shirley Jeanno McConal, Texas A&M, do something and knowing only only partially prepared). This is we can all bring up from the con­ able for rehearsal and performance Ainsworth and John Jay's Charles College Station 77801 III Jeffries for providing plays for the fCarl J. Marder, North Texas State vaguely or not at all how to do not their fault, necessarily, and tests we have seen, and to demon­ of all entries. No more than one University 76201 II it. This is as true when applied to often enough they may "tremble strate not just discuss how all of complete Unit Set may be used by workshop. Mary Jane Mingus, Tarleton State Uni­ versity, Stephenville 76401 II play directing as to anything else in their boots" at the thought of the potential of a script can be each entry. The complete League- This addition to the 1974-75 Ac­ Juanice Myers, 2516 36th Street, Lub- credited Judge List is published bock 79413 I in the world. The director doesn't the assignment. Whatever their realized. It is not a course for the Approved Unit Set will be avail­ Roland W. Myers, 2516 36th Street, want the average audience member feeling, usually they cannot evade able at State Meet. for benefit of contest personnel Lubbock 79413 I teacher who already has a B.F.A. tJerry S. Phillips, Sul Ross State Uni­ to watch and marvel at how he, the the assignment, and in some cases A high school for the performing who have not yet selected critic versity, Alpine 79830 I from one of the good drama pro­ judges. fCurtis L. Pope, East Texas State Uni- director, must have labored to get they know that there is no one and visual arts is under considera­ University, Denton 76201 II this epic on the stage, but it is around who can do the job any grams in Texas. It is for the per­ tion for the Austin I.S.D. Congrat­ Rex Alien, 1951 Colorado, Dallas 75208 tAlex Reeve, 1201 Cottage Street, II*I* Brownwood 76801 II quite true that the good director better than they can. son who has never acquired this ulations to the administration of fKichard G. Ayers, Southern Methodist David K. Rod, Texas Lutheran College, will have done a great many things So what to do about such a prob­ background and who wants to be­ this district for their advanced vi­ University, Dallas 75275 II Seguin 78155 IV Walter Bell, Southwest Texas State Uni­ tVirginia W. Russell, Eastland Civic that the average viewer doesn't lem ? After long conversations with sion. Art, dance, drama and music Theatre, Eastland 76448 II gin to remedy it in a situation that versity, San Marcos 78666 IV even realize not even if he tries high school teachers at last fall's are gradually being recognized and Georgia Ann Bomar, East Texas State Sherri Anne Ryan, Southwest Texas will not be embarrassing. University, Commerce 75428 II State University, San Marcos 78666 IV his own hand at staging something. UIL Activities Day Conference on administered as Fine Arts in Texas tVera Campbell, Lamar University, Thomas F. Scare, Sam Houston State If you desire further information Beaumont 77710 III University, Huntsville 77340 III Fortunately, the last 20 years our campus, we decided to offer a school systems, although TEA rec­ James Lynn Cobh, Southwest Texas Sharon Brown Spalding, North Texas about this directing workshop, con­ State University, San Marcos 78666 IV State University, Denton 76203 II have seen a definite upsurge in the directing workshop this coming ognition goes back to about 1966. W. Stephen Coleman, University of Tex­ Debra L. Tate, Southwest Texas State quality of directing in plays being summer (three credit hours), and tact Dr. Charles A. Schmidt (who BOSWELL'S ANTIGONE Boswell High School of Saginaw made its Many directors are experiencing as at Austin, Austin 78712 IV University, San Marcos 78666 IV Jayne Lansford Cooper, Texas A&M, Dennis W. Thumann, Southwest Texas presented over Texas in the UIL tailor it specifically to the needs of will teach it), Chairman, Depart­ second appearance at the State One-Act Play Contest in 1974 with the excitement and frustration of College Station 77801 III State University, San Marcos 78666 IV One-Act Play Contest; more and the teacher who has to direct, but participation. Don't lose site tJ. Peter Coulson, Southwest Texas Marsha Touchstone, 112 Jamaica Street, ment of Drama, Sam Houston scenes from ANTISONE. Tina Jordan (standing) was named to the Ail- OAP State University, San Marcos 78666 IV Houston 77012 III more qualified teachers of drama doesn't know enough about it. It of the aims of the OAP Contest tRalph B. Culp, North Texas State Uni­ Charles E. Wright, San Antonio Col­ State University, Huntsville, Texas Star Cast. Seated (front to back) are Barbara Terrell, Allison Payne, and versity, Denton 76203 II lege, San Antonio 78284 IV have entered the high schools, and will run three weeks, 16 June-3 and remember the services of this Kimberly R. Curry, Southwest Texas *Denotes Approximate Region July, afternoons. Kirk Watson. Director of the play was Pam McDaniel. State University, San Marcos 78666 IV tDenotes Recertified this has helped immensely. 77340. officer are always available. Page 4 INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUER FEBRUARY, 1975 Nine Cage Teams To Be Honored At Tourneys Champions Of Past To Return To Gym Nine state champion basketball Ohlen, Wilson Little, Kenneth teams from the past will be hon­ Cochran, Stanley Pulley, Bill Thur- ored guests at the 1975 state bas­ man, George Scaling, Cecil Morgan, ketball tournaments in Austin. Tommy McAllister, Johnny Payne, The girls' tournament will be and Charlie Turner, Coach. Feb. 27, 28, and March 1. The boys' Texas City A, AA, AAA games will be en Texas City won over Waco, 38- March 7-8. The boys' B, AAAA 31, in the first round and beat Pert games will be held at Gregory Gym Arthur, 49-31, in the second round March 14 and 15. game. Texas City won the 1949 Girls' 1966 Champions Conference AA Title by defeating Girls' tournament honor teams Brownwood, 30-28. will be the 1966 champions. Tulia Texas City team members were: 1966 CONFERENCE AA CHAMPIONS Members of the Spearman High School state championship bas­ won the AAA title; Spearman took John Paul Smyrl, Jack Mosher, the AA title; Jourdanton won the L. ketball team are FRONT ROW Judy Jones, Kay Schroder, Cathie Mackie, Cecilia Wilson, Robbie Own- G. Dupre, Max Montegut, John A crown; Round Top-Carmine Welch, Sheldon Simon, Mgr.; bey, Cindy Cochran, Jeanette McAdams; BACK ROW Injured Player Bethany Donnell; Managers Phyllis (Carmine) took honors in Confer­ Coach Dick Edwards, Bobby Ran- 1966 CONFERENCE A CHAMPIONS Members of the champion Jourdanton High School state basket­ Davis and Susan Holt; Marcia Shieldknight, Susan Hutchinson, Nancy McCullough, Barbara Wilde, Cath­ ence B. kin, Bill Chuoke, Richard Garner, ball team are: FRONT ROW Nora Cisneros, Wanda Meador, Helen Amador, Frances Najvar, Carla erine Lyons, Linn Ann Robinson; injured player Kathi Pattison and Coach Dean Weese. 1949 UIL Champions Jack Hill, John Acree. Paschal (Fort Worth), Texas Memphis Rogers, Sharon Matocha, Jane Steinle: BACK ROW Frances Oden, Marjon Hayden, Sue Myers, Paulette City, Memphis, and Martin's Mill Memphis won the Conference A McDonald, Virginia Miller, Margie Prda, Carolyn Dornak, Jo Nell Collier and Coach Wanda Bender. won the City Conference, AA, A, Postscripts On Athletics and B conference titles in Austin Championship by defeating French in the 1949 UIL playoffs. (Beaumont), 27-25. In first round Paschal (Fort Worth), Texas play Memphis won over Coleman, Change Slight Through Years City, Wheatley (Houston), and 25-23, and beat Gaston, 29-27, in Martin's Mill will be honored the second round. guests at the B, AAAA tourna­ Memphis team members were: Bobby In UIL Athletic Philosophies ment. Memphis will be honored at Crooks, Billy West, Andy the A, AA, AAA games. Gardenhire, Leroy Green, Don Tulia's Victories Corley, Thomas Messer, Coach By BAILEY MARSHALL L. Tulia defeated Raymondville, 65- E. McColloch, Manager Ray­ State Athletic Director the spring training period to Sept. mond Clark, Charles Morrison, 1; effective at once. 49, in the first round of play and The following is a reprint of portions of an article pub­ took the championship by winning Sammy Rasco, Don Ray Rasco, Ballot No. 3 No school may en­ over Victoria, 76-75. Scotty Grunday, and Manager R. A. lished in the 1939 Leaguer. This article pointed out that cur­ gage in any post-season Wells. (i.e., after Spearman Wins rent problems and concerns of the League program are Dec. 1) game other than in regular Spearman won over Rivercrest Martin's Mill inter-district playoffs scheduled by similar to concerns and problems of the past. (Talco-Bogata), 56-44, to win the Martin's Mill beat Marfa, the League; effective 1939 season. 38-24, Most of the rules discussed in the article are still in the first round and in the champion­ in the first round and defeated rulebook. Some have been revised, some deleted, and others Ballot No. 4 Spring football ship game defeated Little Cypress Waelder, 40-38, in the second expanded. The philosophies of the athletic program have not practice shall be limited to one cal­ (Orange), 50-46. round. In the championship game endar month, and no training shall Jourdanton Champions Martin's Mill defeated Big Sandy, changed. The school administrators, coaches, teachers, and be permitted nor equipment issued League administrators who In the first round game Jourdan­ 39-33. have helped to maintain the edu­ except during this period; effective ton won over Cross Plains, 73-42, Team members of the 1949 con­ cational athletic program in Texas are to be commended. spring of 1940. and in the title game beat Spring- ference B champions were: Leon Those of us currently working with the schools and our ath­ The results of the above ballot lake (Earth), 79-74. Black, James Pennington, Kellis letic programs must strive to preserve our educational ath­ were as follows: Round Top-Carmine (Carmine) Gene White, E. R. Sides, Nolen letic program. (1) The first question 528 yes, 23 Round Top-Carmine won the Black, Coach A. S. Slaughter, The Texas University Interscho- enrolling the preceding year 500 no; Conference B Championship by de­ Oneal Weaver, Orsborn Williams, lastic League in 1939 announced or more was a Conference AA (2) The second question 415 yes; feating Deport, 57-32. In first Charles West, Manager, Richard 1966 CONFERENCE AAA CHAMPIONS Members of the Tulia High School state championship basket­ the results of a referendum vote school. Schools with an enrollment 141 no; round play Round Top-Carbine won Daniel, J. P. Williams. (3) The third question 356 yes, over High Island, 54-51, and the 1950 Prairie View Champion ball team are: FRONT ROW Mary Williams, Karen Thomas, Loretta Bonds, Freida Rosseau, Nancy Bonds, on vital issues affecting interscho- of 450-499 could be admitted to a lastic athletic competition. Critics Conference AA district by a favor­ 192 no; and semi-final game score was Round Wheatley (Houston) won the Susie Barbour; BACK ROW Manager Donna Jackson, Kathy Baldwin, Jackie Fowler, Ester Williams, Cheryl Top-Carmine 67, Brock (Weather- of the high school athletic program able vote of three-fourths of the (4) The fourth question 425 yes, Conference AA championship in Johnson, Shirley Turtle, PatThurman, Mary Jane Mote. Not pictured is Coach Leroy (Bud) Roberts. have said that, in their opinion, members of the district. 132 no. ford) 47. 1950. Paschal (Fort Worth) Members of the 1950 Prairie the interscholastic athletic program Conference A A high school en­ By the affirmative vote on the Paschal won the first City Con­ View Conference AA Champion­ was wagging the educational activ­ rolling the preceding year less than above issues, the school administra­ ference Championship by defeating ship Team from Wheatley High ities of the school. 500 and more than 200 was a Con­ tion of Texas had gone a long way Milby (Houston), 41-40. In first School were Raymond Anderson, ference A school. in maintaining the amateur status Football Equality Schools with an round play Paschal won over Sun­ Pete Harrison, Johnny Glover, enrollment of 150-199 could be ad­ of high school football. The com­ Results of the referendum indi­ set (Dallas), 53-45, and defeated James McLemore, Billy Jackson, mitted to a Conference A district mercial interests were looking with cated that the school administra­ San Jacinto (Houston), 56-38, in Leon Brazil, Peter Wallace, Floyd by a favorable vote of three-fourths a "longing eye" on the financial at­ tors of Texas recognized football the second round game. Brazil, John Codwell, Jr., George of the members of that district. tractiveness of the high school as a regular part of the athletic sports program. Texas high school The Paschal team roster listed Carson, Charles Harrison, Charles Conference B A high school en­ program and that it should not re­ football had just completed a sea­ the following players: Roy Kelley, Jones, Charles Carr, and Coach rolling the preceding quire any more time or emphasis year less than son that set a new record in at­ Bill Sanders, Bob McDonald, Henry Collier Briggs. 200 was a Conference than is permitted other sports. B school. tendance and gate receipts. This is Schools with "*" Outstanding physical educators an enrollment of 75- another reason why school admin­ 100 could be reccmmended that some adjust­ admitted to a Confer­ istrators should be constantly vigi­ ments be made in the high school ence B district by a favorable vote lant as to the control and adminis­ of three-fourths Basketball Tourneys interscholastic athletic program if of the members of tration of high school athletics. that district. we were to keep athletics as an ed­ The interscholastic program is a ucational and social force in the Six-Man Football high school affair and must be ad­ Game, Workout Listed school and community. For schools with an enrollment ministered by school men. Once it Girls' Tournament ...... February 27, Changes Proposed 28, March 1 of less than 75 in high school com­ falls itno the hands of outside pro­ Boys' A, AA, and AAA Tournament ...... March 7 & 8 The following changes have been petition in six-man football was moters (who sometimes masquer­ Boys' AAAA and B Tournament ...... - ...... -...... March 14 & 15 proposed by various leaders from provided. The overwhelming vote ade under the title of "Athletic time to time: favoring the above classification in­ Council") primarily interested in Girls' Tournament (1) Athletic competition in foot­ dicated the school men generally champions, gate receipts, and pro­ Workout Thursday 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. ball between schools must be equal­ believed that high school enroll­ motional schemes, our fine high Semifinals A Friday 8:30 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. ized; that is, athletic squads must ment is one of the best criteria for school sports program will go as Semifinals AA Friday 1.00 p.m. & 2:30 p.m. be similar in size and number; setting up athletic conferences. amateur sports have in all ages Semifinals AAA Friday . 7:00 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. (2) the amount of time devoted They believed also it is one of the and all countries when other mo­ Semifinals B Saturday 8:30 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. to spring training- in football must best ways to equalize competition tives dominated the fine activity. Finals A Saturday 1:30 p.m. Finals AA be reduced to a reasonable period; between schools. When outside promoters dominate Saturday 3:00 p.m. Finals AAA Saturday 7:00 p.m. (3) post-season football games Beginning with the school term the high school athletic program, 1966 CONFERENCE B CHAMPIONS Members of the Round Top-Carmine High School (Carmine) state Finals B Saturday 8:30 p.m. must be eliminated; of 1940-41 the League lowered the we see more and more of startling championship basketball team are, FRONT ROW Doris Ascenbeck, Frances Ullrich, Verna Hinze, An­ (4) the date for beginning fall age limit from 19 to 18 years. This football costumes, championships, Boys' A, AA and AAA Tournament nette Tiemann, Shirley Goehring, Betty Havemann; BACK ROW Manager Dianna Albers, Karen Behnke, football practice should be specified made the age rule coincide with and prizes offered for winning Workout Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to prevent long training seasons; the scholastic rule of the State teams. With the public in mind, Semifinals AA Friday 2:30 p.m. & 4:00 p.m. Kathy Steinbach, Glenda Goebel, Marilyn Aschenbeck, Candy Doerr, Delores Weyand, Coach Reuben De­ and partment of Education. rather than the contestant, the em­ Semifinals AAA Friday 7:00 p.m. & 8:30 p.m. Semifinals A Saturday Wunderlich. (5) the age limit should be low­ During the spring of 1938 the phasis shifts to colorful occasions, 8:30 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Finals AAA ered to an age that is the equiva­ Texas High School Football Coach­ gate receipts, disregard of school Saturday 2:05 p.m. time Finals AA Saturday lent to the average high school es Association presented to its in travel and the emphasis on 7:00 p.m. winning. The athletic affairs of Finals A Saturday graduate and the age at which the membership the following ques­ a 8:30 p.m. school must be controlled by school state ceases to provide scholastic tion: "Do you favor iSept. 1 date Boys' B and AAAA Tournament administrators who are familiar apportionment to the high school to open fall practice?" Two hun­ Workout AAAA Friday 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. with the entire school curriculum. pupil. dred and three voted "yes," and Workout B Friday 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Proper Controls ninety-four voted "no." By a vote The high school sports program Semifinals AAAA Friday 4:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. The University Interscholastic of two to one the coaches ex­ should represent the best achieve­ Semifinals B Saturday 8:30 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. League had long recognized that pressed themselves as in favor of ments in the recreational and play Finals AAAA Saturday 2:05 p.m. competition organized in a sensible such a rule. In the recent referen­ program. Finals B Saturday 8:00 p.m. way and surrounded with proper dum this matter was put to a vote controls furnished an inspiration of the school executives. to outstanding pupils to excel in At the May, 1938, Extra Curri- the activity that they like to do cular Conference at Austin, the most and that its continuance was superintendents and principals by absolutely conditioned by these an overwhelming majority voted in considerations. favor of abolishing spring training. The purpose of this presentation The other issues presented on the was to acquaint the readers with a ballot had been agitated and dis­ few of the changes made in the cussed for several years. Texas University Interscholastic The following ballet was pre­ League football plan and eligibility sented to the 700 football schools rules. on Jan. 2, 1939. Each school was Enrollment Classification allowed to vote: BRAZOSWOOD CAPTURES AAAA STATE TITLE Defeating Mesquite 22-12, Freeport's Brazoswood The League incorporated into its Ballot No. 1 The State Execu­ 1939 Constitution team includes, front row, I to r, Coach Tommy Cuba, Shawn Cope, Rickey Simpson, Paul Taylor, Tommy BIG SANDY TIES FOR CONFERENCE B TITLE Holding co-champs Celina to a 0-0 tie in the final play- and Rules a plan tive Committee may, upon unani­ whereby schools were classified for mous recommendation of the com­ Wiggins, Mike Blevins, Tim Spoonemore, Curtis Ross.Fred Barton and Raymond Vera, Manager. Second offs, the Big Sandy varsity includes, front row, I to r, Jessie Martin, Larry Cuba, Joe Bouldin, Frank Davis, football competition on the basis mittee of any football district, row, Richard Patton, Richard Mays, Curtis Falkner, Gerald Roznovsky, Rodney Lewis, Andy McWilliams, Gary Dial, Walter Tarter and Head Coach Jim Norman. Second row, Coach Joe Mayfield, Alan Wood, of high school enrollment. The new admit a school from a lower con­ Chris Marshall, David Bass, Bobby Skinner, Clay Young, student trainer, and Coach Johnny Mathews. Third classification plan voted by the ference to the said district, such row, Head Coach L. Z. Bryan, Mark Mardis, Russell Wise, Ronnie Collins, Jody Fourrier, Alan Williams, James Barrow, Joey Barber, Robert Chalk, Tony Newman, David Overstreet, Larry Cuba and Coach Jess schools participating in football transfers, if any, to be made on a Craig Smith, Martey Ainsworth, Gary Keathley, Kurt Zeitler, Chris Rasco, Joe Ripple, student trainer, and Richardson. Third row, Jim Norman, Mike Gibson, Tim Overstreet, Mike Barnes, Rickey Davis, Lovie Smith provided for four conferences in yearly basis; effective at once. football which were to be as fol­ Randy Day, trainer. Fourth row, Kenneth Kirk, Duerk Reimer, John Salisbury, James Martin, Mark Wessels, and Gary Chalk. (The Big Sandy and Brazoswood photos were switched in the January issue of the Interscho- Ballot No. 2 There shall be no lows: football practice and no football David Jouett, Scott Jones, Mike Baringer, Steve Smith, Gary Bryant, Gary Benson, Glen White, David lastic Leaguer.) Conference AA A high school equipment issued from the close of Browning, David Jones, Roger Drake, David Hodge, Homer Vera, manager, and Coach Phil Koonce.