VOL. LIX AUSTIN, TEXAS, FEBRUARY, 1975 NO. 6 Scholarship Fund Raised to $175,850 Plus 2747 Schools Join TILF Grants Exceed 164 For Contestants League This Year "The Texas Interscholastic money over the years have reaped During the current year 2,747 for high school, junior high school, League Foundation now has $175,- a rich harvest in highly trained, schools joined the League. Of these, or elementary competition; usually, 850 to award in June," R. J. Kidd, talented men and women. He said 1,127 were high schools, 289 junior Oral Reading is confined to lower consultant, announced. that he knew of no way of estimat­ high schools, and 1,331 elementary. schools, but often junior (ninth This money will be given in ing the value of the thousands of Conference AAAA had 243 high grade) high school contests are scholarships to 164 students who degrees earned by students who schools, Conference AAA had 147, planned and, occasionally, fresh­ have competed in University Inter- had proved their talent and energy, Conference AA 216, Conference A men in high school compete in this scholastic League State Meet aca­ but that he knew it was a sum be­ 201, and Conference B 320. event; winners do not advance be­ demic and literary contests, or who yond any that could have been The League program has various yond the district. have been runnersup in the region­ earned in any other investment. levels of educational competition. "No two human beings are alike. al contests. Scholarships already funded in­ Music, spelling and ready writing, Our program attempts to provide Total Now $1,620,858 clude the following: are designed for grade, intermedi­ as varied a series of events as pos­ This sum will bring the total The Clark Foundation 60 awards ate or high school contestants. Pic­ sible," reported Dr. Rhea Williams, number of scholarships up to 2,164 of $750 each, payable $375 each ture Memory and Story Telling are League Director. "We are especial­ since TILF was founded in 1959. semester of the first year. AT AUSTIN A new 50-meter swimming pool, diving pool and complete for elementary students only, while ly grateful to the coaches and con­ NEW SWIMMING FACILITY These grants will total $1,620,858 The George and Mary Josephine Slide Rule, Shorthand and Science test directors who make this pos­ swimming competition facilities are scheduled for completion at UT Austin in the Spring of 1976. There CHRISTY SMITH over the years. Hamman Foundation — (renewals are ordinarily offered only to high sible from those who read the will be facilities for up to 500 competitors and permanent armchair type seats for 2,153 spectators. An ad­ . Training in stenography. "We are still seeking additional only) 10 awards of $500 each. funds for scholarships," Kidd add­ school competitors. Many events, stories to the second and third ditional 500 spectators may be seated in portable folding bleachers on the pool level decks. There will be The Houston Endowment 20 ed. "We are proud of our record such as Number Sense, are de­ graders to those who coach high an electronic timing-judging-scoreboard system that will determine elapsed time, order of finish and lap awards of $1250 each, payable $750 signed of varied difficulty for high so far, but we are still short of the first year and $500 the second. school debaters or direct the one splits for each competition lane to an accuracy of I/1000th of a second. "This new facility should be a More than 2,000 of Texas' school, junior high or elementary Ray Senior funds. The Carl B. and Florence E. finest students compete at the State contestants. act play casts. This program would tremendous boost for swimming competition in Texas," said Dr. Rhea H. Williams, League director. "It will King Foundation — 10 awards of each year. We want to make Speech events may be designed not be possible without them." improve meets for the competitors and for contestants." Wins First Meet $600 each. sure that these proved students The Moody Foundation 10 have the chance to complete devel­ awards of $4,000 each, payable opment of their great talents." In Shorthand $1,000 per year. Donors Invest in Talent Participation Growing Christy Smith, a senior at W. B. The Robert A. Welch Foundation Sixth State Swim Meet Kidd said that the foundations Ray High School in Corpus Christi, 10 awards of $4,000 each, pay­ and individuals who have provided received a first place medal in able $1,000 per year. In Picture Memory March 21-22 In Austin Shorthand competition at the State Henry Beckman Number Sense Meet in Conference AAAA. Scholarship'—1 award of $1,000. Today, more than ever before, Prints Available The sixth annual State High to compete in the state meet. These Christy, daughter of Mr. and Radio Net Henry Beckman Slide Rule Pro­ art education through "picture The pictures for the 1974-75 entry forms will be available at the School Swim Meet will be held in Mrs D. L. Smith, was coached in ficiency Award—2 awards of $200 study" is expanding at the elemen­ school year are the same ones Austin at Gregory Gym on March regional meet and must be mailed each. which were used for 1973-74 since that day. shorthand by Mrs. Bonnie Haral- Will Carry tary grade level. The Picture Mem­ 21 and 22. soh. Joe B. Cook Scholarship 1 Picture Memory pictures and bul­ Regional Sites award of $1,250, payable $500 the ory Contest prints now being used First and second place winners In addition to being an all A letins are published for a two-year The following is a list of the CageTourney first year and $250 for each of the represent the best illustrative ma­ in each event of the Regional Meet Honor Roll student and elected as period. The small prints, repro­ sites, tournament directors, and next three years. terial available to acquaint stu­ will progress to the state meet. If the Outstanding Business Student The Texas High School Sports duced in full color on heavy paper, tournament directors' addresses for Alice G. K. Kleberg Trust Fund dents with old and contemporary measure 4x6 inches (the interna­ either of these two participants is of the Year 1974, Christy enjoys Network will be in operation for (renewal only) 4 awards of $300 unable to participate in the state each region: masterpieces. tional size, as compared with 3x4 making her own clothes and has the 1975 Boys' and Girls' Basket­ each. or 2 x 3 prints in the past). The meet, the third place finisher at Region I Odessa College Bill sold some of her original paintings ball Tournaments, as it has for the T. H. Shelby Schoalrship 1 cost is negligible. regional meet will be eligible to Lawrence, Athletic Department, at an art fair. She also has devoted past three years. award of $500, payable $250 a se­ The larger folio prints are on swim at state meet. Substitutions Odessa College, Odessa, TX 79760. some of her time to baby-sitting All communications for carrying mester. Debate Kits will be allowed on relay teams. Re­ unusually heavy paper stock in uni­ Region II Texas Christian Uni­ and providing the smaller children a radio broadcast of the games Keitha Morris Memorial Fund—1 Available, form 11 x 14 inch size. Each set of lay teams qualify by school. versity (Fort Worth) Rufe Brew- of her neighborhood with a carpool. should be directed to either Ken award of $300. small or folio prints contains 40 JOE SHERROD Regional Entries ton, Swim Coach, Texas Christian Christy plans to be a court sten­ Moyer or Jim Ray, AC 512-454- The J. O. Webb Scholarship reproductions. ographer after attending Mac- 2561. Radio Station KOKE in Aus­ . longtime competitor. Regional meet entry blanks must University, Fort Worth, TX 76129. Fund 1 award of $500, payable Mann's (School of Court Stenog­ tin will serve as the originating Stock Low Grades Four and Five be mailed at least ten days prior to $300 the first year and $200 the Region III Loos Field House raphy. station for all tournament games. "We can still fill orders for the The Picture Memory Contest is the regional meet. These blanks (Dallas) George "McMillion, Swim second. Awards 5 awards 1974-1975 debate kit," said Dr. under the direction of the League must be sent to the regional direc­ Coach, (Southern Methodist Univer­ Blinn College Rhea H. Williams, League Direc­ for grades four and five. Me Lean Ex tor. A participant can enter only sity, Dallas, TX 75222. of $100 each. tor, "however, the supply is get­ The Picture Memory Contest Tarleton State University Awards two events plus one relay. These Region IV University of Hous­ ting low. I advise any school need­ Bulletin, published by UIL, is now Dumas Grad Champ 4 awards of $100 and 6 awards students must have been certified ton C. C. McDougle, Athletic De­ ing kits to order immediately." available for distribution. The Bul­ Won First as eligible on the eligibility blanks of $50 each. partment, University of Houston, The $5 kit contains the May and letin contains Official List for the sent to the state office. Texas Woman's University 3801 Cullen Boulevard, Houston, August issues of Forensic Quarter­ contest, pronunciation of artists' In Informative Speaking $250 awards for first place win­ State Meet Entries TX 77004. ly and many other books, pamph­ names, contest rules and general In Prose ners in any of the four journalism Crystal Brian, a recent graduate 1973 and using this experience cul­ lets, bibliographies and items of information about the artists and Each coach must send to the Region V Rice University contents and to first place winners Joe Sherrod, 1974 graduate of of Dumas High School, Conference minated it with the first place win in speech, one-act play, ready writ­ great value to the debaters, Wil­ paintings.
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