Rosh Hashanah: September 9–10

Rosh Hashanah celebrates the beginning of creation, when G-d gave breath to human beings. On this day, G-d charged Adam with the responsibility of helping the world reach perfection. Rosh Hashanah, therefore, is a time for us to reflect on the purpose of creation and resolve to make our lives more meaningful by contributing to all of creation. The Shofar: On Rosh Hashanah we hear the sounding of the shofar, the ram’s horn. It is the oldest and most soulful of wind instruments, sounding like a primal outcry from the depth of the soul. The sounding of the shofar has many meanings. It heralds a special occasion, signifying that we proclaim G-d as King of the universe. It’s thrilling blasts awaken us to repent and return to G-d and remind us of the shofar heard at Mount Sinai when we accepted G-d’s commandments for all time. Tashlich: On the first afternoon of Rosh Hashanah it is customary to visit a natural body of water that contains fish. There we cast our sins down the river of SAMPLE time from which they will never return. Apple & Honey: Dipping a piece of apple Fast of Gedalia: Yom Kippur: September 18 Sukkot: Shemini Atzeret/ into honey at the first meal of Rosh September 12 September 23–29 Simchat Torah: Hashanah is a popular custom, Yom Kippur is a 25 hour fast beginning September 30–October 1 symbolizing the hope that our new year This fast day commemorates the tragic at sunset on September 17th, and The overarching mitzva of Sukkot is joy. will be blessed with sweetness and assassination of Gedalia, the Jewish continuing through nightfall the In the times when our Holy Temple stood On the evening of Simchat Torah and on goodness. For the same reason, it is Governor of Judea who was installed over following night. Although Yom Kippur is in Jerusalem, there was continuous Simchat Torah day (and in some customary to eat other sweet foods, like the country after Nebuchadnezzar’s a solemn day on which we fast, it is not celebration for seven days. Men and communities, on the eve of Shemini tzimmes. invasion of Israel (and the subsequent a sad day. In fact, in a subtle way, it is women, young and old would join in Atzeret as well) great celebrations take Babylonian exile). one of the happiest days of the year, for music, dancing, juggling, and other place in the synagogue focusing on the on Yom Kippur we receive one of G-d’s entertainments. Jew’s connection to the holy Torah. most precious gifts—forgiveness. àìåì úù”ò/úùøé úùò”à úù”ò/úùøé àìåì ◆ September 2010 Elul/Tishrei 5770/71 Tishrei Molad: Wednesday, September 8, 7:36pm + 1 Chelek


AUGUST OCTOBER àìåì ë”á àìåì ë”â àìåì ë”ã àìåì ë”ä S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 22 ELUL 23 ELUL 24 ELUL 25 ELUL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 1 2 3 4 Nitzavim– 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Vayelech 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

ë”å àìåì ë”å àìåì ë”æ àìåì ë”ç àìåì ë”è úùøé à’ úùøé á’ úùøé â’ 5 26 ELUL 6 27 ELUL 7 28 ELUL 8 29 ELUL 9 1 TISHREI 10 2 TISHREI 11 3 TISHREI Erev Rosh Rosh Rosh Ha’azinu Hashana Hashana I Hashana II Shabbat Shuva

ã’ úùøé ã’ úùøé ä’ úùøé å’ úùøé æ’ úùøé ç’ úùøé è’ úùøé é’ 12 4 TISHREI 13 5 TISHREI 14 6 TISHREI 15 7 TISHREI 16 8 TISHREI 17 9 TISHREI 18 10 TISHREI Fast of Erev Yom Yom Kippur Gedalia Kippur Yizkor

é”à úùøé é”à úùøé é”á úùøé é”â úùøé é”ã úùøé è”å úùøé è”æ úùøé é”æ 19 11 TISHREI 20 12 TISHREI 21 13 TISHREI 22 14 TISHREI 23 15 TISHREI 24 16 TISHREI 25 17 TISHREI Erev Sukkot Sukkot I Sukkot II Sukkot III SAMPLE (Shabbat Ch"m)

é”ç úùøé é”ç úùøé é”è úùøé ë’ úùøé ë”à úùøé ë”á 26 18 TISHREI 27 19 TISHREI 28 20 TISHREI 29 21 TISHREI 30 22 TISHREI Sukkot IV Sukkot V Sukkot VI Sukkot VII Shmini (Ch"m) (Ch"m) (Ch"m) (Ch"m) Atzeret Hoshana Yizkor Raba JERUSALEM BY BEN AVRAM— AVIRAM ART GALLERY

Mitzvah Spotlight: The Mezuzah

The mezuzah, a scroll on which a portion of the Torah is written, signifies the sanctity of the Jewish home. It contains the section of the Shema that includes the basic principles of Jewish faith and practice. A mezuzah is placed on the entrances of the home to reflect the holiness of the home that one is about to enter. The decorative case makes the mezuzah more beautiful, but a case without a mezuzah is like the wrapper without the candy. A mezuzah is made in the same manner as the Torah itself: handwritten on sacred parchment in Torah script by an ordained and dedicated scribe who carefully follows the 4649 laws governing its 713 letters and 22 lines. When you purchase a mezuzah for yourself or as a gift, be sure to ascertain its validity. The mezuzah is affixed: 1. On the right door post as one enters the house. 2. In a slanted position with the top pointed toward the inside of the room. SAMPLE 3. In the upper third of the doorpost height. The mezuzah is seen as a special blessing of safety for all who dwell in this particular home, wherever they may be. Since the mezuzah is usually on the outdoor post of the home, exposed to inclement weather conditions and the heat of the sun, it is important to have it checked regularly. ùïëì úùò”à çùåï/ëñìå ◆ November 2010 Cheshvan /Kislev 5771 Kislev molad: Saturday, 6 November 2010, 9:04 PM + 3 Chalakim

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ë”ã çùåï ë”ã çùåï ë”ä çùåï ë”å çùåï ë”æ çùåï ë”ç çùåï ë”è 1 24 CHESHVAN 2 25 CHESHVAN 3 26 CHESHVAN 4 27 CHESHVAN 5 28 CHESHVAN 6 29 CHESHVAN Toldot

ì’ çùåï çùåï ì’ ëñìå à’ ëñìå á’ ëñìå â’ ëñìå ã’ ëñìå ä’ ëñìå å’ 7 30 CHESHVAN 8 9 2 KISLEV 10 3 KISLEV 11 4 KISLEV 12 5 KISLEV 13 6 KISLEV Rosh Rosh Vayetzei Chodesh Chodesh Kislev Kislev

æ’ ëñìå æ’ ëñìå ç’ ëñìå è’ ëñìå é’ ëñìå é”à ëñìå é”á ëñìå é”â 14 7 KISLEV 15 8 KISLEV 16 9 KISLEV 17 18 11 KISLEV 19 12 KISLEV 20 13 KISLEV Vayishlach

é”ã ëñìå é”ã ëñìå è”å ëñìå è”æ ëñìå é”æ ëñìå é”ç ëñìå é”è ëñìå ë’ 21 14 KISLEV 22 15 KISLEV 23 16 KISLEV 24 17 KISLEV 25 18 KISLEV 26 27 20 KISLEV SAMPLE Vayeshev

ë”à ëñìå ë”à ëñìå ë”á ëñìå ë”â OCTOBER DECEMBER 21 KISLEV 22 KISLEV 23 KISLEV S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 28 29 30 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 CHANUKAH— A SPIRITUAL BATTLE BY MICHOEL OGINCE

Chanukah: December 2–9

Chanukah celebrates the miraculous victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian- Greek armies. When the Jewish nation recaptured the Beit Hamikdash, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, they found a little jug with just enough oil to light the menorah for one day. Miraculously, the oil burned for eight days until more arrived. To commemorate this miracle, we light the menorah (preferably with olive oil) for the eight days of Chanukah, and we savor traditional foods, such as potato latkes, fried in oil. The Menorah: The lit menorah dramatizes and publicizes the Chanukah miracle. Therefore, we light the menorah at night when it shines brightest (except on Friday, when it is lit before sunset) and we put it in a doorway or window so passersby can share the light of the menorah. All family members should participate in this beautiful ceremony of light. We involve the children by customarily distributing Chanukah gelt. On the eve of the first day of Chanukah we light one candle on the menorah, adding one more candle each The Greeks fought to make Judaism a culture and void of G-dliness. night until eight are lit on the night of SAMPLELighting the menorah is our battle emblem—the victory of light over darkness. December 8th. The candles are placed from right to left and are lit from left to right, beginning with the newest candle. Olive oil The Dreidel: The custom of dreidel (tops) The Chanukah Party: Although festive meals to be arranged during the days of for our ancestors, in those days, at this or paraffin candles provide the light of the playing dates back to the time when the meals are not prescribed for the days of Chanukah. Friends who quarreled during time.” By reflecting upon the significance menorah. There must be enough oil or Chanukah miracle occurred. At that time Chanukah, many follow the custom of the year become reconciled at these meals. of the Chanukah miracles, we can see, with candle length to burn until 1/2 hour after Jews were forbidden to study the Torah. investing the Chanukah meals with a ever-increasing clarity, the miraculous Miracles: In a very real sense, nightfall. A shamash is used to light the But this did not stop them from teaching special atmosphere of rejoicing by dimension of events in our own time. the Chanukah miracles of old are re- candles and is then placed in its designated their children the sacred teachings. When discussing Jewish themes and recounting enacted in our observance today. That is holder on the menorah. After the candles inspectors arrived to make sure the law the miracles performed for Israel so as to one reason why we say, in the second are lit, the Haneiros Halalu prayer is recited was being upheld, the children would make the meals into festive meals. It is blessing recited over the Chanukah lights, and the family often gathers together to eat quickly hide their books and begin playing customary among the Sephardic “Blessed are You... who wrought miracles latkes and play dreidel. with their tops. communities in Jerusalem for communal ëñìå/èáú úùò”à ëñìå/èáú ◆ December 2010 Kislev/Tevet 5771 Tevet molad: Monday, 6 December 2010, 09:48 AM + 4 Chalakim


NOVEMBER JANUARY ëñìå ë”ã ëñìå ë”ä ëñìå ë”å ëñìå ë”æ S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 24 KISLEV 25 KISLEV 26 KISLEV 27 KISLEV 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 3 4 Chanukah I Chanukah II Chanukah III 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mikeitz 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Light 3rd Chanukah 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Candle before Light 1st Chanukah Light 2nd Chanukah Shabbat Candles Light 4th Chanukah 30 31 Candle at night Candle at night Candle after Shabbat

ë”ç ëñìå ë”ç ëñìå ë”è ëñìå ì’ èáú à’ èáú á’ èáú â’ èáú ã’ 5 28 KISLEV 6 29 KISLEV 7 30 KISLEV 8 1 TEVET 9 2 TEVET 10 3 TEVET 11 4 TEVET Chanukah IV Chanukah V Chanukah VI Chanukah VII Chanukah VIII Vayigash Rosh Chodesh Tevet Rosh Chodesh Tevet

Light 5th Chanukah Light 6th Chanukah Light 7th Chanukah Light 8th Chanukah Candle at night Candle at night Candle at night Candle at night

ä’ èáú ä’ èáú å’ èáú æ’ èáú ç’ èáú è’ èáú é’ èáú é”à 12 5 TEVET 13 6 TEVET 14 7 TEVET 15 8 TEVET 16 9 TEVET 17 10 TEVET 18 11 TEVET Vayechi

é”á èáú é”á èáú é”â èáú é”ã èáú è”å èáú è”æ èáú é”æ èáú é”ç 19 12 TEVET 20 13 TEVET 21 14 TEVET 22 15 TEVET 23 16 TEVET 24 17 TEVET 25 18 TEVET SAMPLE Shemot

é”è èáú é”è èáú ë’ èáú ë”à èáú ë”á èáú ë”â èáú ë”ã 26 19 TEVET 27 20 TEVET 28 21 TEVET 29 22 TEVET 30 23 TEVET 31 24 TEVET ISRAEL’S BLESSED FRUITS BY MICHOEL MUCHNIK

Tu B’Shvat: January 20

Jewish tradition regards the 15th day of Shvat as the New Year of the Trees, the season when trees begin to bud in the Holy Land of Israel. Just as Rosh Hashanah, the New Year for Creation, is viewed as the day on which man is judged, Tu B’Shvat’s a day of judgment for earth’s vegetation. To commemorate this special day, Jews throughout the world eat foods that are distinctive to and characteristic of the Holy Land, including the seven types of fruits and grain mentioned in the Torah: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates. A new seasonal fruit is customarily eaten on this day for the first time. The blessings Shecheyanu and Ha’eitz are said over the fruit. The Torah states: “For man is the tree of the field.” There are many lessons to be learned from this metaphor. One lesson, particularly relevant on Tu B’Shvat when we celebrate through eating fruits is: Just as a healthy tree bears fruits, so should one strive to produce fruits in his life. These “fruits” are the good deeds and mitzvot SAMPLE that we do to bring spiritual nourishment to those around us. Furthermore, not every tree bears the same fruit. In addition to our common mitzvot and responsibilities, we each have a special role to play in making the world a beautiful garden. á/á úùò”à èáú/ùáè ◆ January 2011 Tevet/Shvat 5771 Shevat molad: Tuesday, 4 January 2011, 10:32 PM + 5 Chalakim


DECEMBER FEBRUARY èáú ë”ä S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 25 TEVET 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 Va’eira 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 28

ë”å èáú ë”å èáú ë”æ èáú ë”ç èáú ë”è ùáè à’ ùáè á’ ùáè â’ 2 26 TEVET 3 27 TEVET 4 28 TEVET 5 29 TEVET 6 1 SHVAT 7 2 SHVAT 8 3 SHVAT Rosh Bo Chodesh Shvat

ã’ ùáè ã’ ùáè ä’ ùáè å’ ùáè æ’ ùáè ç’ ùáè è’ ùáè é’ 9 4 SHVAT 10 5 SHVAT 11 6 SHVAT 12 7 SHVAT 13 8 SHVAT 14 9 SHVAT 15 10 SHVAT Beshalach

é”à ùáè é”à ùáè é”á ùáè é”â ùáè é”ã ùáè è”å ùáè è”æ ùáè é”æ 16 11 SHVAT 17 12 SHVAT 18 13 SHVAT 19 14 SHVAT 20 15 SHVAT 21 16 SHVAT 22 17 SHVAT SAMPLE Tu B’Shvat Yitro

é”ç ùáè é”ç ùáè é”è ùáè ë’ ùáè ë”à ùáè ë”á ùáè ë”â ùáè ë”ã 23 18 SHVAT 24 19 SHVAT 25 20 SHVAT 26 21 SHVAT 27 22 SHVAT 28 23 SHVAT 29 24 SHVAT Mishpatim ë”ä ùáè ë”ä ùáè ë”å 30 25 SHVAT 31 26 SHVAT MEGILLAT ESTHER BY YITZHAK CHAZIN

Purim Eve: March 19

Purim, a very exciting holiday, celebrates the liberation of the Jewish people from an annihilation plot instigated by the evil Haman, a descendant of the Jew-hating tribe of Amalek, and an advisor to the Persian King achashverosh. We begin the festivities of Purim after Shabbat by listening to the reading of the megillah. When Haman’s name is mentioned, we twirl the gragger- noisemakers and stamp our feet to drown out his evil name.

Purim: March 20

We listen to the megillah reading again during the day because salvation came as a result of the unified effort of the entire Jewish nation, and during the day Jews perform mitzvot that help the needy and foster relationships between friends. We therefore send a gift of at least two different kinds of food to a friend and give charity to at least two people. As on all festivals, we celebrate Purim with a special meal during the daytime as family and day. Queen Esther was in the right place at Shushan Purim: March 21 Esther and the Modern emphatic message for every Jewish woman friends gather to rejoice in Purim spirit. the right time. Upon the advice of her uncle Jewish Woman: Shining about her unique role in Jewish life. To be Masks and Costumes: The miracle of Purim Mordechai, a Jewish leader, she agreedSAMPLE to a In cities that are surrounded by a wall Examples for All sure, no one can compare to the stature of is unique since it occurred through natural daring strategy — approaching the king dating back to the days of Joshua (13th (From a letter of the ) Queen Esther, but it does emphasize the causes. The sea didn’t split. The earth didn’t without being summoned. While all the century BCE) — a prominent example is extraordinary potential of every loyal shatter. There were no plagues. Everything Jews gathered together to fast and pray for the city of Jerusalem — Purim is observed …It is noteworthy and significant that Jewish daughter to shape the future of her happened as a result of certain people three days, Esther and her maidens did the on the 15th of Adar (instead of the 14th), although — as the megillah tells us — family, with far-reaching consequences for being in the right place at the right time. same. As Esther approached the king’s in commemoration of the first Purim ever, both Mordechai and Esther were the environment and even for the entire The hand of G-d was “masked” beneath the throne in trepidation, Achashverosh was which was celebrated in the walled city of instrumental in bringing about the miracle Jewish people. “costume” of natural events. Had it not been overwhelmed by her loveliness. He called to Shushan on this day. of Purim and saving our people, the for the last-minute intervention of her and bade her ask for whatever she megillah is not named after both of them Achashverosh’s Jewish queen, Esther, wanted. Her request put an end to both jointly, nor after Esther and Mordechai in Haman’s plot would have wiped out the Haman and his plot. Once again the Jewish that order, but solely after Esther entire Jewish population of Persia in one nation was saved from annihilation. (“Megillat Esther”). Here is a pointedly àãø à’/àãø á’ úùò”à á’ à’/àãø àãø ◆ March 2011 Adar I/Adar II 5771 Adar 2 molad: Saturday, 5 March 2011, 12:00 AM + 7 Chalakim

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ë”ä àãø à’ àãø ë”ä à’ àãø ë”å à’ àãø ë”æ à’ àãø ë”ç à’ àãø ë”è 1 25 ADAR I 2 26 ADAR I 3 27 ADAR I 4 28 ADAR I 5 29 ADAR I Pekudei Shekalim

ì’ àãø à’ àãø ì’ á’ àãø à’ á’ àãø á’ á’ àãø â’ á’ àãø ã’ á’ àãø ä’ á’ àãø å’ 6 30 ADAR I 7 1 ADAR II 8 2 ADAR II 9 3 ADAR II 10 4 ADAR II 11 5 ADAR II 12 6 ADAR II Rosh Rosh Vayikra Chodesh Chodesh Adar II Adar II

æ’ àãø á’ á’ àãø æ’ á’ àãø ç’ á’ àãø è’ á’ àãø é’ á’ àãø é”à á’ àãø é”á á’ àãø é”â 13 7 ADAR II 14 8 ADAR II 15 9 ADAR II 16 10 ADAR II 17 11 ADAR II 18 12 ADAR II 19 13 ADAR II Fast of Tzav Esther Zachor

é”ã àãø á’ àãø é”ã á’ àãø è”å á’ àãø è”æ á’ àãø é”æ á’ àãø é”ç á’ àãø é”è á’ àãø ë’ 20 14 ADAR II 21 15 ADAR II 22 16 ADAR II 23 17 ADAR II 24 18 ADAR II 25 19 ADAR II 26 20 ADAR II Purim Shushan Shemini SAMPLEPurim Parah

ë”à àãø á’ àãø ë”à á’ àãø ë”á á’ àãø ë”â á’ àãø ë”ã á’ àãø ë”ä FEBRUARY APRIL 21 ADAR II 22 ADAR II 23 ADAR II 24 ADAR II 25 ADAR II S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30