LCS Meeting Thursday 3rd November

The speaker for this month was Ray East, former Essex spin bowler, and what a speaker. Ray, known for being a joker, had the crowd in fits of laughter, not only for the stories he told but also for the various impersonations and actions, that came with his very engaging style. We had one of the largest audiences, seen so far, at our meetings, on the night. Over 160 people came along to be so royally entertained by Mr. East. In fact so many turned up we ran out of chairs. Apologies to anyone who didn’t get a seat.

Our membership figures went up again Thursday night, we now have 195 fully paid up members, of these 35 are new members to the society, keep spreading the word, the magic 200 is in sight.

Howard showing Ray East the rest of this winters speaker list

LCS members were again given the opportunity, to put their names on the list for our Headingley trip, 40 people have paid their deposit to this point. So, from the next meeting, on the 1st December, non-members will be asked if they want to join us, but be quick, there are only 17 seats left!

It was announced Thursday night that, Paul Nixon, has been voted as recipient for this year’s LCS Tankard, for his stunning catch in the T20 Final versus Somerset at Edgbaston. Taking the of Kieron Pollard at full stretch to his right.

George Knights who gave the vote of thanks at the end of a very successful evening.

Nice to see! LCS members getting their seats staked out early.

Ray’s opening remark to the members was: like you I can’t wait to listen to the speaker, there’s a lot of you turned up so it must be somebody good! needless to say that had the crowd on his side straight away. He praised the fact that our society has such a large membership and that so many people want to come along and listen to OLD PEOPLE LIKE ME! Ray’s words not mine. He thanked those who had taken the time to have a few words before the start of the meeting, saying how they remembered him playing, Ray said, that this was obviously a knowledgeable audience, and we thought his WICKET KEEPING was GREAT. Ray said he always gets asked did you play for , his answer NO, but I did get a hat trick, in a Test Trial at Hove, playing against the England touring team that had just come back from India. His one and only hat trick, the , Graham Roope, Pat Pocock and Bob Cottam.

Ray in full swing.

Mr. East was talking about , and gave us a tale of the Essex lads. 1979, playing Hampshire at Bournemouth, he said all the Essex team were on the balcony, watching Malcolm Marshall, mark out his run up, Marshall went back and back and back and BACK, Ray told us, in fact, one of the team, Stuart Turner, said, he had never been that far on his holidays!

Some of the 160 plus members and guests at Grace Rd for what turned into a very memorable night.

These members had to sit behind the barrier, but we still managed to sell them some raffle tickets! Ray asked the audience, who had heard the BLOWERS story about the bike. He said, Henry Blofeld got it wrong, it was NOT Ray East, if this comes up in a quiz, so you’ll know the truth. He told the story. A freezing cold day at Burton-on-Trent, 5 men and a dog watching the game. Brian TONKER Taylor is the Essex captain. Taylor, is sending a young fielder, doing the junior pro’s job, from long leg / third man to long leg / third man at the end of each over, this went on for about hour and a half. Then around the boundary comes someone on a bike, all the Essex team are laughing, except Taylor, the captain, who is going mad, shouting, WHAT IS HE DOING! the young fielders name, Keith Pont,

Oh ARR! (doesn’t he look like Terry Scott?) Ray slipping into his Suffolk accent, telling us about his start from village cricket. to first team for Essex

At the half way point came the raffle, and this time you outdid yourselves, the raffle took £154. Many thanks to you all.

Thanks so much to everyone who contributes to the raffle, not only do people bring along great items for me to use, they then give me their money to win them back again. Thank you all so much for your continued great generosity and support.

A few more of the crowd listening intently to Ray

As normal after the break Mr. East did the Q&A session, the first question asked from the audience was, what was Ray’s opinion on the betting scandal, now the Pakistani’s have been sentenced to jail. His answer was that on the judgement, he had nothing to say. However, the ICC needs to do something about the situation, if it is within the remit of the ICC; these people need a ban for life. Ray said, he felt sorry for the young lad involved, but they all knew what they were doing, there is NO PLACE in this great game for corruption.

This is Mr. Mike Williams, Chairman of the Midland Cricket Society, based at Edgbaston. Asking Ray about a Cricket match played at Stamford Bridge Football ground. The game took place on Sunday 24th August 1980 between West Indies 257 for 9 in 40 overs (Bacchus 87*, King 56, Richards 53, Lever 4-41) v Essex 192 for 1 in 28 overs (Gooch 111*, McEwan 67*) - no result. Rain

Everyone listening to Ray’s answers.

Our next meeting of this winter is on Thursday 1st December, when Charlie French, Bat Maker, and brother of Bruce French, will be our speaker.

Phil Veasey

On behalf of the LCS Committee

It wouldn’t be the same without a photo of the front row four.

That’s John Tillotson making the rabbit ears