Harold Weiss Pamphlet Collection Inventory Author Title Date Box File Anderson, Paul 200 Years As I See It 1976 11 Anderson, Paul Power by Paul n.d. 12 Anderson, Paul How it Is 1969 13 Ansore, Harold How to Bent Press Correctly n.d. 14 Apollo System of Physcial Culture Development of Muscular Power and Beauty 1923 15 Aston, Edward How to Develop Massive Arms n.d. 16 Athletes in Action Weight‐training Manual n.d. 17 Balik, John The Complete Cycle 1979 18

Bannout, Samir Fluid and Electrolyte Management for Ultimate Peaking n.d. 19 Bannout, Samir Photo Album n.d. 110

Baptiste, Walt Muscle Control The Art of Conscious n.d. 111 Barker, Anthony A Strong Shapely Neck 1921 112 Barker, Anthony Head‐Standing for Perfect Health 1922 113 Barker, Anthony Strong Arms and Broad Shoulders 1940 114 Barker, Anthony Strong Back and Spine Exercises 1924 115 Barker, Anthony Strong Eyes 1904 116 Barker, Anthony Strong Hair n.d. 117 Barker, Anthony Strong Shapely Legs will Relieve Sciatica 1922 118 Barker, Anthony The Chest 1922 119 Barker, Anthony The Perfect System of Physical Exercise n.d. 120 Barnholth, Lawrence Secrets of the Squat Snatch 1950 121 Baroga, Lazar Culturism n.d. 122 Berger, Ike Exer‐Dial n.d. 123 The First Course in Body Building and Muscle Developing Berry, Mark Exercises n.d. 124 The Second Progressive Course of Instruction in Bar Bell Berry, Mark Exercise n.d. 125 Berry, Mark 3rd course 1 26 Billiard Barbell Co. Physical Fitness for EverBODY 1977 127 Billiard Barbell Co., Inc. Barbell Training with Bruce Randall, Mr. Universe n.d. 128 Bonomo, Joe Build a Dynamic Physique thru Vibro‐power 1965 129 Bonomo, Joe Building Body Power 1953 130 Bonomo, Joe Good Housekeeping 1960 131 Bonomo, Joe 's Original Power‐plus Barbell 1965 132

Bonomo, Joe The Famous Strongman's "Power‐plus" Cable Routines 1970 133 Bonomo, Joe Training Table Talks on Building Body Power 1970 134 Bonomo, Joe Calorie Counter and Control Guide n.d. 135 Bonomo, Joe Building Body Power 1940 136 Bothner, George Scientific Wrestling 1912 137 Bothner, George The Science of Body‐Building 1928 138 Breitbart's Physical Culture Course for Health Strength Breitbart, Siegmund Muscle 1924 139 British Amateur Weightlifters' Assoc. B.A.W.L.A. handbook 1979 140 Broom, H. Physical Perfection n.d. 141

Bruce, George Curves by Bruce 1959 142 Bucci, Joe Biceps by Bucci n.d. 143

Bur Bar Bell Company, The Bur Bar Bells A Better Way to Keep Fit n.d. 144 Burke, Vincent The Masculine Physique Book One 1935 145 Cahling, Andreas Viking Power Training Secrets Course n.d. 146

Callard, Roger The Secrets to Mind‐Blowing Vascularity & Muscularity 1978 147 Callard, Roger for the Athlete 1978 148 Calvert, Alan "The Broad of the Back" 1925 149

Calvert, Alan An Article on Natural Strength versus "Made" Strength n.d. 150 Calvert, Alan Confidential Information on Lifting and Lifters n.d. 151

Calvert, Alan The Natural Strong Man 1928 152 Calvert, Alan Growing up to your Hips n.d. 153 Carquest, W.L. All About Lifting n.d. 154 Cash, James The Power Squat n.d. 155 Chinmoy, Sri Meditation the Inner Discovery 1983 156 Chung‐yuan, Wu Chen Ching‐Kai China's First World‐Record Holder 1959 157

Coe, Boyer "Rapping" 1973 158

Coe, Boyer Arm Perfection Biceps, Triceps, and Forearms Development 1979 159 Coe, Boyer Back Training 1979 160 Coe, Boyer Complete Chest Development 1979 161 Coe, Boyer Intesified Waist Training 1979 162 Legs My System for Developing Massive, Ripped Thighs and Coe, Boyer Powerful Calves 1979 163 Coe, Boyer Power Posing 1979 164 Shoulders Building Mountainous Traps and Dynamic Coe, Boyer Deltoids 1979 165

Columbu, Anita Injuries 1978 166 Columbu, Franco "How to Develop Massive Shoulders" 1973 167 Columbu, Franco How to Become More Powerful 1973 168 Columbu, Franco How to Build a Wide, Thick, Muscular Back 1973 169

Columbu, Franco How to Build Mr. Universe Legs and Calves plus abdominals 1973 170 Columbu, Franco How to Develop a Mr. Universe Chest 1973 171 Columbu, Franco How to Develop Mr. Universe Arms 1973 172 Columbu, Franco How to Get the Most Muscularity and Definition n.d. 173 Columbu, Franco Nutrition Secrets from Sardinia 1973 174 Columbu, Franco Photo Album 1973 175 Confessore, Chris Building the Biggest Bench Press n.d. 176 Corney, Ed Maximum Cuts With Super Size 1979 177 Corney, Ed Mind Control The Area of the Possible 1978 178 Corney, Ed The Art of Posing How to Win Contests 1978 179 Coulter, Ottley Secrets of Strong Man Feats 1945 180 Crain, Rickey Crain's Muscle World ‐ Fall 1988 Catalog 1988 181 Cross, John The Fight's Not Over 1945 182 Cull, George Cigar Advertising Price Guide n.d. 183 Cultraro, Ben How to Build Your Own Modern Barbell Gym 1961 184 Darden, Ellington Muscular Contraction 1974 185 Darden, Ellington Stretching & Pre‐stretching 1974 186

Davis, Steve Body‐Building for Women n.d. 187

Davis, Steve Foundations of Training n.d. 188

Davis, Steve The Magic of Symmetry n.d. 189

Denie The Battle of the Bench Physical & Psychological Tactics n.d. 190 Desbonnet, E. Apollon n.d. 191

Di Pasquale, Mauro G. Beyond Anabolic Steroids 1 92 Dick & Fitzgerald Dick's Dumb‐bell and Indian‐Club Exercises 1887 193 Dickerson, Chris Ideal Abdominal Development 1981 194 Dickerson, Chris Ideal Arm Development 1981 195 Dickerson, Chris Ideal Back Development 1981 196 Dickerson, Chris Ideal Calf Development 1981 197 Dickerson, Chris Ideal Chest Development 1981 198 Dickerson, Chris Ideal Deltoid Development 1981 299 Dickerson, Chris Ideal Thigh Development 1981 2 100 Draper, Dave Dave Draper's Lose Weight Program n.d. 2 101 Durbin‐Durco, Inc. Durbin's All Americanways to Health n.d. 2 102 Dworkin, Martin Body Building n.d. 2 103 Eiferman, George Strength, Athletics and Health 1952 2 104 Evans, Jim The Weight Lifter ‐ Bargain Counter No. 7 n.d. 2 105

Evans, Jim The Weight Lifter ‐ Bargain Counter No. 8 n.d. 2 106 Evans, Jim The Weight Lifter ‐ Final Edition ‐ Vol. 1 No. 9 n.d. 2 107 Evans, Patrick John Black Presents Powerbuild n.d. 2 108 Feingold, Mitchell The Flexibility Factor 1985 2 109 Feit, Carol Healthwise 1978 2 110 Ferrigno, Lou Contest Training 1980 2 111 Ferrigno, Lou Getting Started n.d. 2 112 Ferrigno, Lou Intermediate and Advanced Principles 1980 2 113 Ferrigno, Lou Photo Album n.d. 2 114 Ferrigno, Lou Weight Training Equipment n.d. 2 115 Fox, Brutal Brutal Fox's Training the Arms and Shoulders 1984 2 116

Gallasch, Wayne Muscle Building Hormones for Bodybuilders and Athletes 1972 2 117 Garber, Thomas Physical Training n.d. 2 118 Health and Strength for all at Home by the Gasnier System Gasnier, Pierre of Hygiene and Physical Culture 1908 2 119 The Regeneration of the Human Race by the Gasnier Gasnier, Pierre System of Hygiene and Physical Culture 1908 2 120 Gironda, Vince 10‐8‐6‐15 Routine n.d. 2 121 Gironda, Vince How I Train the Movie Stars n.d. 2 122 Gironda, Vince The File n.d. 2 123 Gold's Gym Welcome Packet n.d. 2 124 Good, Harry Back Developing Course 1945 2 125

Good, Harry Good Barbell System of Training Courses One and Two 1937 2 126

Good, Harry Good Barbell System of Training Courses Three and Four 1937 2 127 Gotch, Frank Wrestling 1913 2 128 Grabitz, James Studies in Form n.d. 2 129 Grant, Bill Abdominal Development Those Ol' Washboard Abs 1979 2 130 Grant, Paul My Way to the World's Most Muscular Physique 1972 2 131 Gravity Guiding System Nautilus flyer n.d. 2 132 Grymkowski, Pete Arms n.d. 2 133 Grymkowski, Pete Chest & Back n.d. 2 134 Grymkowski, Pete Legs n.d. 2 135 Grymkowski, Pete Shoulders n.d. 2 136 Haney, Lee Totally Awesome 1984 2 137 Hatfield, Frederick and Nutrition 1990 2 138

Hatfield, Frederick Mental Stress, Mental Concentration & Nutrition 1990 2 139 Hatfield, Frederick Strength and Nutrition 1990 2 140 Hendry, John M. Develop Your Physique n.d. 2 141 Hepburn, Doug How to Develop Strength and Bulk n.d. 2 142 Hernic, John M. Heath‐Strength & Youth at Fifty 1936 2 143

Hise, Bob Bob Hise Presents Lookout The Finest Equipment Made n.d. 2 144 Hise, Bob Body Building Expert Training Manual n.d. 2 145 Hoffman, Bob Barbell Parts and Equipment n.d. 2 146 Hoffman, Bob Bob Hoffman's Daily Dozen n.d. 2 147 Hoffman, Bob Bob Hoffman's Simplified System of Barbell Training 1941 2 148

Hoffman, Bob Bob Hoffman's Simplified System of Dumbell Training 1942 2 149

Hoffman, Bob Bob Hoffman's Simplified System of Swing Bar Training 1943 2 150 Hoffman, Bob Functional Isometric Contraction Advance Course 1962 2 151 Hoffman, Bob Guide to Weight Lifting Competition 1959 2 152 Hoffman, Bob How good is the American Diet? 1965 2 153 Hoffman, Bob Old Age is a Slow Starvation 1960 2 154 Hoffman, Bob Protein Building Blocks of Life 1962 2 155 Hoffman, Bob The Protein Story 1960 2 156 Hoffman, Bob The Road to Super‐Strength n.d. 2 157 Hoffman, Bob The Road to Super‐Strength 1935 2 158 Hoffman, Bob York Abdominal Course n.d. 2 159 Hoffman, Bob York Advanced Methods of Weight Training 1951 2 160 Hoffman, Bob York Barbell and Dumbell System Course No. 1 and 2 1946 2 161 Hoffman, Bob York Barbell and Dumbell System Course No. 3 and 4 1946 2 162 Hoffman, Bob York Cable Course n.d. 2 163 Hoffman, Bob York Dumbell Course n.d. 2 164 Hoffman, Bob York Leg Developing Course n.d. 2 165 Hoffman, Bob High Protein Recipe Book n.d. 2 166 Horvath, Barton R. "Arm Development" 1943 2 167 Horvath, Barton R. Abdominal Power n.d. 2 168 Horvath, Barton R. Muscular Highlights and Shadows 1947 2 169 Inch Institute of Physical Directos Be a Physical Culture Expert n.d. 2 170 Inch, Thomas "Tips" for the Advanced Student n.d. 2 171 Inch, Thomas A Quick Route to Strength n.d. 2 172 Inch, Thomas Cult of the Physique 1914 2 173 Inch, Thomas Diet for Health and Fitness n.d. 2 174 Inch, Thomas How to Become Fit and Well : also Hints on Diet n.d. 2 175 Inch, on Neurasthenia n.d. 2 176 Inch, Thomas Inch's Wrestling Course 2 177

Inch, Thomas Instructions RE Advanced Exercises n.d. 2 178 Inch, Thomas Life's Greatest Handicap ‐ Weak Nerves n.d. 2 179 Inch, Thomas Mind & Body n.d. 2 180 Physical Culture Up to Date : Inch's Full Contraction Inch, Thomas Method n.d. 3 181 Inch, Thomas Self Analysis n.d. 3 182

Inch, Thomas Souvenir Programme ‐ Physical Culture Demonstration 1949 3 183 Inch, Thomas Strength Secrets n.d. 3 184 Inch, Thomas The Art of Expander Pulling n.d. 3 185 Inch, Thomas The Battle of Life 1953? 3 186 Inch, Thomas The Cycle as a Curative Agent n.d. 3 187 Inch, Thomas The Truth About Lifting n.d. 3 188 Inch, Thomas Training for Billiards and Snooker n.d. 3 189 Inder Levantamiento de Peso 1962 3 190

Jacobson, Edmund You Must Relax n.d. 3 191 Jantzen, Severin "Gene" "The River Hills" 1984 3 192 Jones, Arthur A Word to the Wise n.d. 3 193 Jones, Arthur Strength Training : The Present State of the Art 1974 3 194 Jowett, George How to Achieve Nerves of Steel Muscles like Iron n.d. 3 195 Jowett, George How to Knock 'em Cold 1943 3 196 Jowett, George How to Mold a Mighty Arm 1938 3 197 Jowett, George How to Mold a Mighty Back 1938 3 198 Jowett, George How to Mold a Mighty Chest 1938 3 199 Jowett, George How to Mold a Mighty Grip 1938 3 200 Jowett, George How to Mold Mighty Legs 1938 3 201 Jowett, George Strong Man Stunts Made Easy! 1938 3 202

Jowett, George The Body Builder 1928 3 203

Jowett, George The Body Builder n.d. 3 204 Jowett, George The Science of Exercise Specialization 1938 3 205 Jubinville Exercising The Finest Made Equipment from Jubinville Exercising Equipment Equipment n.d. 3 206 Jubinville, Ed Weight Exercising Equipment n.d. 3 207 Kazmaier, Bill Kaz Quest #1 : Bill Kazmaier & The Bench Press 1981 3 208 Kazmaier, Bill Kaz Quest #2: Bill Kazmaier & Squat & Deadlift 1981 3 209

Kazmaier, Bill Kaz Quest #3: Bill Kazmaier & Gaining Muscular Size & Bulk 1981 3 210

Keith, Harvey The Harvey Keith Master Posing and Pre‐Competition Guide n.d. 3 211 Kellog, John Harvey Health by Training 1930 3 212 King, Jeff Legs: Training Manual 1984 3 213

Klein, Siegmund Classical Weight‐Lifting n.d. 3 214 Klein, Siegmund How to Bent Press n.d. 3 215

Klein, Siegmund Posing for Muscular Display n.d. 3 216 Klein, Siegmund 's Diary of Physical Culture n.d. 3 217 Klein, Siegmund Super Physique n.d. 3 218

Klein, Siegmund Super Physique (Formerly called "Strength Victorious") n.d. 3 219

Klein, Siegmund Super Physique Body‐building Bar‐bell Course n.d. 3 220 Knipp, Russ Olympic Weightlifting n.d. 3 221

Kohn, Paul Sport in Israel 1960 3 222 Kolbel, Gert Bullworker 2 n.d. 3 223 Kono & Webster Training Log Book n.d. 3 224 Kubik, Brooks Big Arms 1993 3 225 Kubik, Brooks Big Bench 1993 3 226 Kuc, John John Kuc Speaks on Powerlifting 1982 3 227 La Lanne, Jack Help for your Waist, Hips & Thighs 1969 3 228 La Lanne, Jack Your Favorite Exercises for Each Area of the Body 1980 3 229 Lajovic, Dusan Olimpijski 1958 3 230 Langsepp, O. Georg Hackenschmidt 1968 3 231 Langsepp, O. Georg Hackenschmidt 1971 3 232 Liederman, Earle E. Ideal Measurements and How to Display Them 1927 3 233 Liederman, Earle E. Interited and Acquired Strength 1928 3 234

Liederman, Earle E. The Earle E. Liederman Plate Bar Bell Course of Instruction 1925 3 235 Louis, Joe How to box 1948 3 236

Luckman, Richard Champion by Choice n.d. 3 237 Lurie, Dan Muscle Shapers Catalog 1978 3 238

Lurie, Dan The Science of Progressive Barbell and Dumbbell Exercise n.d. 3 239 Lisa Lyon First World Women's Bodybuilding Champion Lyon, Lisa 1979 1979 3 240 MacMahon, Charles Tumbling and Hand Balancing n.d. 3 241 Makkawy, Mohamed Mohamed's VAT System Course 1 n.d. 3 242 Marshall Stillman Association, The 5 "Short‐Cut" Lessons to Good Boxing ‐ Book One 1922 3 243 Marshall Stillman Association, The Daily Exercises and Home Development ‐ Book Five 1922 3 244 Marshall Stillman Great Fights and Boxers ‐ Psychology of the Ring ‐ Book Association, The Three 1923 3 245 Marshall Stillman Association, The Jiu Jitsu Wrestling ‐ Book 6 1922 3 246 Marshall Stillman Association, The Scientific Blows and Guards ‐ Book Two 1922 3 247 Marshall Stillman Association, The Shadow Boxing ‐ How to Train ‐ Book Four 1922 3 248 Mentzer, Mike Heavy Duty n.d. 3 249 Mentzer, Mike Heavy Duty Arms n.d. 3 250 Mentzer, Mike Heavy Duty Chest & Back n.d. 3 251 Mentzer, Mike Heavy Duty Legs n.d. 3 252 Mentzer, Mike Heavy Duty Shoulders n.d. 3 253 Miller, Carl How to Use Weight Training for Your Specific Sport n.d. 3 254 Miller, Carl Olympic Lifting Training Manual n.d. 3 255

Milo Bar Bell Company, The Health, Strength and Development How to Obtain Them n.d. 4 256 Instructions in The "Milo" System of Progressive Weight Milo Bar Bell Company, The Lifting n.d. 4 257

Milo Bar Bell Company, The Just What do you Want? n.d. 4 258 Milo Bar Bell Company, The Milo Pupils n.d. 4 259

Milo Bar Bell Company, The Muscular Proportions n.d. 4 260

Milo Bar Bell Company, The The Royal Road to Strength n.d. 4 261

Milo Bar Bell Company, The The Second Progressive Course of Instructions n.d. 4 262 Milo Institute for Physical Perfection Success comes to the strong and healthy n.d. 4 263 Mitchell, B. Superstrength n.d. 4 264 moosehead‐whitely, inc. Your Know‐How to Super‐Strength n.d. 4 265 Morris, Geoff 6 ins Nail & Iron Bar Breaking Made Easy n.d. 4 266

Moser, Jim The Razor's Edge The Complete Book of Bench Pressing n.d. 4 267 Moss, Staff‐Sergt Scientific posing n.d. 4 268 Moss, Staff‐Sergt Simple Dumb‐bell Exercises n.d. 4 269 Moss, Staff‐Sergt Simple Indian Club Exercises n.d. 4 270 Mozee, Gene Steroids! n.d. 4 271 Mozee, Gene You Can Build 20" Arms n.d. 4 272

Murrary, Jim Weight Training in a nut‐shell n.d. 4 273 Murray, Al. Weight training for users of spur barbells n.d. 4 274

MuscleMag International Course 15 Up and Down The Rack Routine n.d. 4 275

MuscleMag International Course 16 Mon Wed Fri Split Routine n.d. 4 276

MuscleMag International Course 17 Every Other Day Split Routine n.d. 4 277

MuscleMag International Course 18 Four Day Cycle Training n.d. 4 278

MuscleMag International Course 20 The Triple Drop Method of Bodybuilding n.d. 4 279

MuscleMag International Course 21 Advanced Dumbell Course n.d. 4 280

MuscleMag International Course 23 Light & Heavy n.d. 4 281

MuscleMag International Course 8 Pyramid Training Routine n.d. 4 282

MuscleMag International Course 9 Tendon Course n.d. 4 283 Musiek, Frank E. Mechanisms of Strength n.d. 4 284

Theoretical and Methodological Basis of Training Planning Nadori, Laszlo with Special Considerations within a Microcycle 1989 4 285

National Health Products The Choice is Yours n.d. 4 286 Nautilus Sports "Time Machines" by Nautilus n.d. 4 287 Neppolan, Bernard Building a Better India n.d. 4 288 Nisivoccia, Gerard Sandow: The Might Monarch of Muscle 1947 4 289 Noe, Roy Noe's Olympic Xercisor for Men, Women and Children Complet 4 290 Olivia, Sergio Arms Routine n.d. 4 291 Olivia, Sergio Back Routine n.d. 4 292 Olivia, Sergio Chest Routine n.d. 4 293 Olivia, Sergio Legs Routine n.d. 4 294 Olivia, Sergio Shoulders Routine n.d. 4 295 Double Value Twin course ‐ weight training ‐ non Olympic Musclebuilders appararatus ‐ lesson 1 1972 4 296 Olympic Musclebuilders Questions and Answers 1972 4 297

Olympus Industries, Inc. Olympus: the ultimate in nutritional supplements n.d. 4 298 Pacifico Enterprises Order Form n.d. 4 299 Pacifico, Larry Bench Press System n.d. 4 300 Pacifico, Larry Body Building System for Power Lifters n.d. 4 301 Pacifico, Larry Dead Lift System n.d. 4 302 Pacifico, Larry Squat System n.d. 4 303

Padilla, Dan Plan to Win "My System for Successful Body Building" n.d. 4 304 Park, Jim The Art of Physique Display 1955 4 305 Park, Reg A Big Chest for You n.d. 4 306 Park, Reg Big Arms for You n.d. 4 307 Park, Reg The "Mr. Universe" Course 1953 4 308 The Reg Park "Mr. Universe" Course (Mr. Universe Training Park, Reg Methods Revealed) 1953 4 309 Paschall, Harry B. Bosco's Strength Note book Number 3 n.d. 4 310 Paschall, Harry B. Bosco's Strength Note book Vol. 1 No. 1 1951 4 311 Paschall, Harry B. Bosco's Strength Note book Vol. 1 No. 2 n.d. 4 312 Paschall, Harry B. Muscular Arms and Shoulders n.d. 4 313 Paschall, Harry B. The Bosco System of Progressive Physical Training n.d. 4 314 Pearl, Bill Build Big Arms n.d. 4 315 Pearl, Bill Building Bulk & Power 1964 4 316 Pearl, Bill Complete Chest Development 1965 4 317 Pearl, Bill Fabulous Forearms 1963 4 318 Pearl, Bill Your Key to Broad Shoulders 1965 4 319 Pentland, William Basic Weight Training for Athletes & Bodybuilders 1963 4 320 Peoples, Bob Developing Physical Strength n.d. 4 321 Platz, Tom Leg Training Manual n.d. 4 322 Platz, Tom Upper Body Muscle Mass and Power n.d. 4 323 President's Council on Youth Fitness Youth Physical Fitness: Parts One and Two 1961 4 324 Rader, Peary Iron Man Dumbell Course No. 1 n.d. 4 325 Rader, Peary Power Simplified n.d. 4 326 Rader, Peary Super‐Physique August 1 4 327 Supplement No. 1 of the Rader Master Bodybuilding and Rader, Peary Weight Gaining System 1949 4 328 The Rader Isometric Power and Muscles Development Rader, Peary Course: Power Simplified No. 2 n.d. 4 329

Rader, Peary The Rader Master Bodybuilding and Weight Gaining System 1946 4 330 Rebhuhn, Ben I'll Build You into a … He Man n.d. 4 331 Reeves, Steve Photo Special n.d. 4 332 Reeves, Steve Steve Reeves Photo Spectacular n.d. 4 333 Renaud, Andre Culture physique 1962 4 334 Richards, Bob Fitness is for Jaycess Too! n.d. 4 335 Richford, Carl Lower Body Training & Posing Tips 1968 4 336 Richford, Carl Modern Nutrition for Bodybuilders 1965 4 337 Richford, Carl Principles of Succesful Bodybuilding 1966 4 338 Richford, Carl Upper Body Training 1968 4 339 Robinson, Robby Arms n.d. 4 340 Robinson, Robby Chest & Back n.d. 4 341 Robinson, Robby Shoulders n.d. 4 342 Rocky Mountain Gym Equipment Company Catalog # 200 and Price List 1967 4 343 Ronner, Edward R. Gaining Weight and Muscular Bulk n.d. 4 344 Ross, Don Secrets of Muscle Building n.d. 4 345 Ross, Don Secrets of Super‐Fitness 1979 4 346 Rosslyn News Strength & Beauty Number 3 n.d. 4 347 Sammartino, Bruno The Bruno Course of Bodybuilding n.d. 4 348

Samson, Bob "Quick Gain Weight Gaining and Muscle Building System" 1973 4 349

Sandow Appliance Co. Be Strong! Quit Yourselves Like Men! n.d. 4 350 How I Conduct Curative Physical Culture by Sandow, Eugen Correspondence n.d. 4 351 Sandow, Eugen How to Preserve Health and Attain Strength n.d. 4 352 Sandow's Physical Culture Appliances: Chest Expander Sandow, Eugen Bookley n.d. 4 353 Sandow, Eugen Sandows way to Health and Strength n.d. 4 354 Sansone, Anthony Modern Classics n.d. 5 355 Sansone, Tony Appolo, Adonis and You 1939 5 356

Saxone, Herman Muscle Activity The Key to Strength Vitality and Health n.d. 5 357 Schmidt, Adrian Peter Condensing Exercises 1906 5 358 Schwarzenegger, Arnold Basic Guide to Muscle Building & Physical Fitness n.d. 5 359 Scott, Larry Building a Mr. America Chest n.d. 5 360 Scott, Larry Developing that V‐Man Taper n.d. 5 361 Scott, Larry Herculean Thighs the Mr. Universe Way n.d. 5 362 Scott, Larry How I Built my 20‐inch Arms n.d. 5 363 Scott, Larry How I Built My Connon Ball Deltoids n.d. 5 364 How to "Slice Up" Your Physique for Prize‐Winning Scott, Larry Definition n.d. 5 365 Scott, Larry Instinctive Training n.d. 5 366 Scott, Larry Molding the Mr. America Body n.d. 5 367 Scott, Larry My Photo Album n.d. 5 368

Scott, Larry Secrets of Bulking Up and Adding Impressive Muscle Size n.d. 5 369 Scott, Larry The Art of Posing n.d. 5 370

Search Grand Concetrates Body Builder n.d. 5 371 Snodgrass, Rue Building our Muscles n.d. 5 372 Soviet News Sport in the Soviet Union 1946 5 373 Steiner, Bradley Auto‐Suggestion ‐ No. 3 n.d. 5 374 Steiner, Bradley Concentrate ‐ No. 2 n.d. 5 375 Steiner, Bradley Hard Work ‐ No. 6 n.d. 5 376 Steiner, Bradley Routines ‐ No. 5 n.d. 5 377 Steiner, Bradley Sticking Points ‐ No. 4 n.d. 5 378 Steiner, Bradley Training Methods ‐ No. 7 n.d. 5 379

Stephens, Hal Physique Photography for Beginners and Professionals 1950 5 380

Stern, Leo Pysical Perfection n.d. 5 381

Steve Davis Fitness Center Best of the New Breed Vol. 1 n.d. 5 382 Strength and Health Publishing Co. Developing a Powerful Grip and Big Forearm n.d. 5 383 Studd, Big John Big John Studd Training Guide n.d. 5 384 Super Strength Systems Feats of Strength 1979 5 385 Svetov, Alexander No Limits to Strength and Skill n.d. 5 386 The Art of Getting Strong by the use of the Szalay Home Szalay, Joseph Trainer n.d. 5 387 Sensational Development Through Weightlifting Tanny, Mandy Movements 1979 5 388 Tanny, Mandy The Feminine Body Building Primer 1979 5 389 Tilney, Frederick Building Virile Power n.d. 5 390 Tinerino, Dennis Muscular Bulk and Power n.d. 5 391 Tinerino, Dennis Natural Champion Training Philosophy n.d. 5 392 Tinerino, Dennis The Natural Champion Arm and Chest Course n.d. 5 393 Tinerino, Dennis The Natural Champion Leg Training Course n.d. 5 394 Tinerino, Dennis The Natural Champion Shoulder and back course n.d. 5 395 Tinerino, Dennis The Natural Champion Waist course n.d. 5 396 Titus, Henry W. Resistance n.d. 5 397 Track and Field News Track & Field Market Place 1964 5 398 Treloar, Al The Treloar Strength Book 1931 5 399

Truth's Investigator The Sandow Curative Treatment 1907 5 400

Unger, Max How to Punch the Ball n.d. 5 401 United States Weightlifing Federation Weightlifting the Ultimate Olympic Power Sport n.d. 5 402 Universal Bodybuilding, Inc Lessons 1 thru 12 n.d. 5 403

Vasilef, Val Scientific Methods in Body Guilding and Good Health n.d. 5 404

Walter, Dan Bodybuilding for Serious Beginners n.d. 5 405

Weaver, George Russell Developing a Mighty Chest 1944 5 406 Weaver, George Russell Eating for Super‐vitality 1945 5 407 Weaver, George Russell The Secret of Gaining Weight 1944 5 408 Webster, D.P. The International Research Training Plan n.d. 5 409 Webster, Dave The Development of the Clean & Jerk n.d. 5 410 Webster, Dave The Two Hands Snatch 1967 5 411 Webster, David Lifting n.d. 5 412 Webster, David Physique in focues: A tribute to Arax n.d. 5 413 Webster, David Strength Lore & Strands 1978 5 414 Weider, Joe 15 Exciting Coursees to a He‐Man Body 1960 5 415 Weider, Joe 5 Exciting Courses to a He‐Man Body 1958 5 416 Weider, Joe A Massive Chest for You 1957 5 417

Weider, Joe Enter the Wonderful World of 's Muscle Builders n.d. 5 418 How to build a Strong Muscular Body with Weider as your Weider, Joe Leader 1958 5 419 Weider, Joe Massive Arms for You 1956 5 420 Weider, Joe Muscular Miracles n.d. 5 421 Weider, Joe The Weider Olympic Course n.d. 5 422 The Weider System: The Muscle Building Courses of the Weider, Joe Champions n.d. 5 423 Weider, Joe Weider Master Championship Course 1950 5 424

Weider, Joe Weider's " Triple Progressive" Muscle Building Courses 1965 5 425 Weil, Rick Bench Press the Weil Way n.d. 5 426 Weis, Dennis The Best Form of Bodybuilding n.d. 5 427 Weis, Dennis Training Information for the Powerlifter n.d. 5 428 Willoughby, David P. Arm Development 1932 5 429

Willoughby, David P. Powerful Arms for You 1945 5 430

Willoughby, David P. The Complete Guide to Muscular Measurements 1947 5 431

Willoughby, David P. The Kings of Arm Strength n.d. 5 432 Willoughby, David P. The Willoughby Method of Home Physical Training 1934 5 433 World Bodybuilding Association The Super Routine n.d. 5 434 Wright & Ditson Pocket Manual on Home Exercise 1886? 5 435 Zane, Frank Build championship legs this sure easy way n.d. 5 436 Zane, Frank Creating the quality physique n.d. 5 437 Zane, Frank Developing a classic muscular upper body n.d. 5 438 Zane, Frank How I won the Mr. America Mr. Universe Mr. World titles n.d. 5 439 Zane, Frank Total training for the total body n.d. 5 440 Zbyszko, Stanislaus Lifelong Health and Strength 1925 5 441

‐‐ A korszeru sulyemeloedzes sakmai es modszertani alapelvei n.d. 5 442 ‐‐ Der Gewichtheber n.d. 5 443

‐‐ Get Away to the Ultimate Fitness Experience n.d. 5 444 ‐‐ Grecian Guild Pictorial 1955 5 445 ‐‐ Male Form Body Builders Guide No. 9 n.d. 5 446 ‐‐ Male Power n.d. 5 447 ‐‐ Mexico 1968 1968 5 448 ‐‐ Parts Pups Joke Book 1962 5 449 ‐‐ Physique Pictorial 1952 5 450

‐‐ Recuento de la U'73 1973 5 451 ‐‐ Sistema n.d. 5 452 ‐‐ Strenth and Beauty n.d. 5 453

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