Economic Geology Report ER79-4: Porphyritic Intrusions and Related
MANITOBA CANADA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND MINES MANITOBA MINERAL RESOURCES DIVISION ECONOMIC GEOLOGY REPORT ER79-4 PORPHYRITIC INTRUSIONS AND RELATED MINERALIZATION IN THE FLIN FLON VOLCANIC BELT by D.A. BALDWIN 1980 Funding for this project was provided under the cost-shared Canada-Manitoba Non-renewable Resources Evaluation Program by the Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources and the Manitoba Department of Mines, Resources and Environmental Management. MANITOBA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND MINES HON. DONALD W. CRAIK PAUL E. JARVIS Minister Deputy Minister MINERAL RESOURCES DIVISION IAN HAUGH Executive Director ECONOMIC GEOLOGY REPORT ER79-4 PORPHYRITIC INTRUSIONS AND RELATED MINERALIZATION IN THE FLIN FLON VOLCANIC BELT by D.A. BALDWIN 1980 LEGEND I Cliff Lake Stock 5 Elbow Lake Stock 2 Whitefish Lake Porphyry 6 Fourmile Island Intrusion 3 Alberts Lake Intrusion 7 Chisel Lake Intrusion 4 Nisto Lake Intrusion 8 Wekusko Lake Intrusion ,~ -./ - -, I \." ~herridon '" , ;. <,.... ,1 if 55°00' 55°00' c, t,:) ,J -3 , I"" . c;? '" 1[' . ::t} \'''If!? ~,/J~ /j' ., ~), F lin.~ i;\))F ' I,".!0l~' ,d ' ;)/", ' ~.;'. l ;' ~" ,r~n ;t j; (I:/,1 ,r Lake ' \\ ;\~ ' ~i'/ 'lUi':;- -'i' //{ ,'/ , ,\" ,,/,1,1 pI , .h .(,1;' '\:. (IiI' ' .. '~'4_hl i / 'Y{j,'{:" 5 2.5 a 10 15 KILOMETRES J!) "'.t3 f3,F-"\ ---- :i~ f)J~c~. V 99°30' ">/)AfhapaplJskoj¥ !ZJ Porphyritic Intrusive Rocks 54°30' ! ,1 Lake .; ... 100°30' D Felsic Volcanic Rocks FIGURE 1: Distribution of porphyritic intrusive and felsic volcanic rocks in the Flin Flon volcanic belt, TABLE OF
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