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[email protected] SAMRU hosts town hall to discuss issues The event focused on sexual violence, cannabis and academics on campus Nathan Woolridge News Editor On Jan. 23, the Students Association (SAMRU) at Mount Royal University (MRU) hosted a town hall. The event was held in Wykham House around noon and saw four individuals on stage answering questions: David Docherty (MRU President), Andrew Nguyen (SAMRU REC President), Paul Rossman (VP University Advancement MRU) and Shayla Breen (SAMRU VP Student Affairs). The group discussed three main topics — cannabis on campus, the old library space and sexual violence education and prevention on campus. Cannabis In October, Canada officially legalized cannabis for recreational use. The SAMRU is hosting a series of town hall events in the Fall semester. In January, they held their first one which university was crafting a discussed cannabis, the old library and sexual violence. Photo by Ricardo-Andres Garcia policy on cannabis, but was not able to follow through would work to facilitate that that they continue to ask the on education about consent, touched on the training that because of the announcement change,” explained Docherty. government for funding to racism, transphobia and other residence services staff goes of the city’s bylaws for public get started on updating the important areas.