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Great Tube Sound on a Budget

Restoration of an Allee 28 7W

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El Nino washed out the vintage elec­ VTV In The News - Again! tronics flea market on Saturday, a crowd VTV Issue# 9 of almost 500 new and familiar tube As a result of our Tube Enthusiast's Table of Contents: enthusiasts showed up for our rube Weekend, mosc of the VTV editors were trade show and display show. We also interviewed by the San Francisco presented Tube School III with John Chronicle newspaper for a major article Arwood, VTV Tech Editor, as class that appeared in the February 7, 1998 Legacy of the SO Watter ...... 3 leader and Evan Aurand with Terry Business Section. VTV's Tech Editor, Buddingh handling the Amp John Arwood, was pictured on the front Transmitting Tube Test Amp •• 7 School. page of the article. Dumpster: 2CS 1 / 5670•••••••• 1 O New York Tube School: Fall 1998 Business Week Magazine also got into the ace and was interested in the "cube If we gee at lease 50 pre-registered Listening to SE 211 /84Ss .... 11 audio" phenomenon. They interviewed sign-ups (by 8/15/98), VTV will present yours truly and took a picture of me sit­ Practical Tube Audio School in the Ampeg SVT History...... 13 ting in the VTV test lab. The final arti­ New York area during September or cle was three pages in the subscriber edi­ October 1998. This is an intensive tion of che March 30 issue. The First Tube PCs ...... 18 eight hour class covering the basics of cube electronics, tube amp circuit theo­ Call for Articles Winter 1998 CES Report ..... 21 ry, tube testing and grading, repair & troubleshooting techniques, equipment VTV is always seeking quality articles Vintage Audio in Japan ...... 22 mods & upgrades and listening tests. on audio and electronics history, good Tube School is designed for attendees at so unding cube hi-fi projects, pro-audio Distortion Analyzers 11 ...... 25 the beginner to intermediate level ofskill. history and related subjects. We accept VTV will also present a fo ur hour articles only in simple text format on Altec 287W Giant Amp •.••••• 28 Guitar Amp School in che afternoon, 3-1/2 inch floppies. Any photos should again, if there are at least 30 sign-ups. be clear and sharp. Schematics should Bargain Tube Hi-Fi ...... 30 be clearly drawn with all component John Arwood, MSEE and VTV values lis ted. We do pay authors for Metallic Rectifiers ...... 32 Technical Editor, is Tube School class their work if it is published in VTV. leader. John has over 20 years experi­ Share your knowledge and pass ion about cubes with the world community Advertiser Section ...... 35 ence in vacuum· cube amp design and repair. Additional speakers will include: of cube enthusiasts-write for VTV Al Pugliesi, The Fisher Doctor; Charles Kittleson, VTV Editor and ocher nota­ VTV Subscription Price Increase Tube School Update bles in the field of cube electronics. Due to increased rents, postage and VTV has presented rwo Tube Schools printing costs, VTV is raising the sub­ The cost for Tube School is $149 pre­ scription cost and per-issue cost of che since last November. We presented paid (before August 15, 1998) and Tube School II in Tempe, Arizona with magazine. Current issue news stand and $ 179 at the door. Price includes all distributor cost is $9.00/issue, US sub­ the assistance of Antique Electronic class materials in a binder plus coffee Supply. For the first time we included a scription race is now $36/yr-four issues, and tea in the AM. To guarantee chat $43/Canada, $56/Europe and $66 Asia four hour presentation on guitar ampli­ this event will occur, please send or FAX fiers caught by Evan Aurand. In addi­ and world. This price increase is effec­ us your name, address, telephone num­ tive with VTV #9. tion, Ritchie Fleigler, VP of Marketing ber, whether yo u want the hi-fi or guitar for Fender Musical Instruments, gave a amp class and credit card information to Changes in VTV #9 talk on the state of tube guitar amps at reserve yo ur seat in class. If we do not Fender Musical Instruments. get the required number of class sign ups Due co space constraints Pare 2 of the Bruce Moore interview and the 572-3 In February, VTV sponsored the first by August 15, 1998, your payment will be refunded promptly. push-pull amplifier project will not be annual Bay Area Tube Enthusiast's in this issue. They will be in VTV #1 0. Weekend. Even though che rains of

Blllf.1'08:IlAL STA.FF Vacuum Tube Valley is published quarter­ Copyright 1998 Vacuum Tube Valley™ and Big Tone™ ly for electronic enthusiasts interested in the colorful past, present and future of vacuum Charles Kittleson - Editor and Publisher No part of this publication may be reprinted tube electronics. or otherwise reproduced without written John Atwood - Technical Editor permission of the publisher. Subscription US$36.00/year (4 issues) Eric Barbour - Stoff Editor Send circulation and editorial $43/Canada and $66/Asia, $56 Europe correspondence to: Terry Buddingh - Guitar Editor Cash, US Bank Check, or Credit Cards Vacuum Tube Valley are accepted for payment Steve Parr - Art Director 1095 E. Duane Ave., Suite 106 Julie P. Werner - Copy Editor Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA Phone - (650) 654 - 2065 e-mail [email protected] FAX - (650) 654 - 2065 Website - www.vocuumtube.com ISSN # 1095-4805


Not many other types were so widely Legacy of the 50 Watter: copied and modified. A smattering of ver­ sions include the 203H for medical diathermy, with plate and grid caps; 303A was the United Electronics version; 211 & 845 GH~1•• 43PH Taylor's T-125 was a 150w version with mu of 20 and plate and grid caps; Taylor's By Eric Barbour a 303C/HD203A had a plate cap and mu of 25; 295A was the Western Electric ver­ 4AZ © 1998 All Rights Reserved sion from 1933; T-203Z was a Taylor ver- 1------~------~ sion with mu of 85; and there were too Intro large transmitting tubes in mass produc- many other versions from other firms to tion. The plain-tungsten 203 was also list here. This helped cement the 4-pin As usual, we have a story for you that made under various proprietary numbers, jumbo base as a major industry standard doesn't unfold in a rational way. Once such as PG132 again, a tube family in common use today and HW15. sprang from a line of industrial triodes, and became audio gold by sheer accident Unlike most and random chance. other power tubes of the era, History it was equipped It begins with an experimental triode with a standard from 1917. General Electric had devel­ base for easy oped the "Type U Pliotron" for use in change-out; Navy radio transmitters; it was called CG- previous power 1144 when it was put into radios aboard triodes were seaplanes during World War I. After the usually mount­ war, the Type U became the UV-203. ed on frames Introduced in March 1921 by RCA and and attached to made by GE, for use in AM radio trans­ their circuits mitters, it had a mu of 25 and a pure with flying tungsten filament. In short, it was primi­ leads. This large tive. Yet the 203 was one of the earliest bayonet-lock base with 4

Early 845 & 211 cartons

in the very early days of radio broadcast­ stubby pins, originally ing. Note: WE's 203 series of tubes were developed by Western much smaller than industry-standard 203 Electric and often called types and not compatible. the "jumbo," became a standard for power tri­ Eventually this led to the 211. It was odes. developed by Western Electric from their experimental series G, with the first ver­ Thorium was a big sion 21 lA completed in late 1921, then improvement. The UV- copied in late 1923 by Westinghouse, and 203A, introduced in marketed by them and by RCA. With a June 1923 by RCA and mu of 12.5, it was intended for RF dielec­ Westinghouse, was one tric heating and audio modulators. A dull of the first power tubes and pedestrian tube for dull everyday to be introduced with a jobs. (If a radio engineer of the 1920s thoriated filament. Its lived to see what old 21 ls are selling for dissipation, rated at today, he would probably die laughing.) lOOW, made it popular. 211 types were widely made by other Later it was cloned by firms, as they caught on in mundane Amperex, Deforest, GE, industrial and medical applications. Sylvania and Taylor. 1921 RCA Type 203 and WE 21 lE


with a plate cap; 21 lH was Amperex ver­ sion with a plate cap; United made a 311 series (311 CH with plate cap), mainly for RF heating; RCA's 835 of 1937 was a low-capacitance version for the low end of the VHF band; and RCA's 838 was a variable-high-mu version for zero-bias Class B use. (Thar's right, it has a vari­ able-mu grid, making it high in distor­ tion in SE connection.) And all those VT-4Cs made by GE from 1938 to 1945 for aircraft transmitters, which became common and cheap surplus after the war. This led to RCA's 805 and WE's 33 lA, which had variable high-mu grids and were intended for Class B AF modulators. It also led to 810 types and to a long series of Taylor types: T-125, T-155, T- 200, 814, and 822, plus many, many variations and special-duty types . The last development was the 845, believed to have entered development by RCA in 1927 and not released until 1931 as the UV845. In an era when transmit­ ting triodes were headed toward high-mu design and grounded-grid or Class B operation, the UV845 was an aberration: Western Electric's versions started with Some other versions of the 211 include a 75-watt powe r triode with a mu of 4.8. the 211A; the 21 lB, C and D were just the Western Electric 242A, used in WE's Later it was up-rated to 100 watts. the same tube with different grades of fil­ model 80A audio amp; 242B and C were Ridiculously archaic and difficult to ament. The 21 lE was notorious for its aimed directly at audio equipment, espe­ drive, by 1945 it was obsolete except for use in the WE 43A theater amplifier. A cially the C, which found use in the D- its continued use in older RCA ETA­ pair of small nichrome-wire inductors 90684 broadcast monitor amp; the WE series transmitters as the audio modulator were installed in the filament circuit, 26 lA was used in early WE AM trans­ final amp, in a Class A push-pull pair. inside the actual tube, to help stabilize it mitters, while the WE 276A was a l00w­ Such transmitters were often pressed into at high frequencies. This makes old dissipation version; 214A, D and E were service after World War II by small local 211 Es highly collectible. 21 lAs without grids, for use as rectifiers; broadcasters, many carrying "race" music RCA's 217C from 1926 was like a 214E and programming. Millions of Americans

~ Early and later RCA 211 s RCA 845 & CETRON 845 VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 Original RCA 2 11 data sheet ca 1932 Original RCA 845 data sheet ca 1932

UV-21 1 UV-~45


GEN ERAL MODULATOR GENERAL A -F POWER AMPLIFIER-CL ASS A Main Ute--Gcncrnl Pur1)crofEl<--clrodcs...... 3 t,1,.,..in,um PlatcOi..,.;,,., tion ...... 75Watt• Filnmc,nt Vohag,,...... , .. 10 Volts Filament Voll,.gc...... ••• 10 Volts T ypic11 l 0 1,crnlion Nurmttl011t.'l"J1i ion C urrent ...... 3.25 /\mi,.,.,..,, CmT-cnl .. . •• 3.25A1111x:r"s E ~- 1000. 1::,--r,8, 1~,- 10 D.C (Motlubc ion F'at-1oro.1;) i'.:1, - IOOO. E. --14 7 and E, - IU D -C C) < Type...... T horiak-.1 T m,g,;ten 'f:n"'· · · .... T bllf"i111ctl T11,15~tcn r1,.1.,cu...-cnt .. .. 0.075 Ampcr.-.. l'c11k Gri,I S ..• in«...... 68 Voh i ,\-,erai;,: C h11rn..,tcri~tic V111ucs Calc,.lau·,J at 0 -C Piute Curren I.. 0.0'.!5 An,1>Hc~ 1•.,ak C,·«I Swi,1g ....•..•.••..•...•.••. . . 147 Volta > E,, - !000, E. --60. Er• JOD-C U: W,.(111 (_..,., I l m1 ...,, l11 11 ~-.. .. . • , •. .. 7600 Ohms Pl11tcCurrcnl ... Out1m t ((, ,'o S,,,.. · nu.! IIJ1r u,oui<-) ...... 23 \Valla > C") An,1~•~ 1 R-f POWER AMPLIFIER-CLASS B Aoi1>lifoc11tion F11ctor •.. , A .. ~rngc C hnraclcrif li,• V11lu<•" Cakulat.-..1 l!. I MODULATOR :\\:,~imum 01,crnting l). C l'l1ttc Volhgc.. . 12.'i0 Voll ~ Ec - lO00, E.--147nn<'C ,. 3-100 Ohn,~ M a~imuru 01><:rnl ing U-C l'l11h- V,,1111 1111 .• ...... 1250 Volts C") .. :'!!i3il Micromh n~ Mn~;,., ,.,., U,uno,lul1tion., ...... • 75 Wnlh Nn~i ,unm l'l,.l c Di 11s ii,,.tiun .. . WO WHtta Arnplific11tion 1•'.octnr ... . • ...•. 5 Nurm«I 01>,;rntio n, Approi,:imnte Dir1•ct l ntcrclci:trod cC11pacilic11 M ...,imom [{. F C.ri,l Current ...... , 7.6 A11,pc1·,;,s Pl 11 tc R.-sistan t"\' ...... 1800()h,ns P[nlc tu Grhl. . .. 15 mmf. F:i, - 1()1 )1). E.• •-·141! nn,I Et - 1() (Mo,!ulutiou Fndor .. o.6) C Mul unl Conduetnn<-c . . .. :'ifk.Xl t>licromh,)~ "< C.ri,l !o fl ,,,,,,r. Typi,·11l Opcr .. tivn F'c1,k Grid Swing. . , . 148 Volt~ 7111111(. [~, . .. iooo. 1::. --7/i. E, • 10 0 -C. D-C l'lnk C urren( .. •. , . . , . .. 0 .0 71 A,upterc~ s::: U,,,no,luln ! o:, I n .C l'l11!,: C: 11r,·cut, , ...... 0.1,'>I) Am1a:r.•a Osdllntor l,wut Pv"'cr 1>cr M,11 lulntor Tulw ••. 122 Wu tt• M11xi"'""' Overi.11 Dimcn~iun• l'cnlc Ou(pu! .. • • •. •• ltiO \V1.tlN OSCILLATOR a R-F POWER A M PLIFI ER- CLASS C Cnr,·i<:rOn111ut ·-•• Modul"Li(l 11 F nclor l.O ...... •... •IO \Vn tt~ A1 >pro~im,.t c O ircd l nlcrdcdrudc C upuci(ic, Plate ioCri11 ly •-1) ll1t•1• l{ ndin!run~ 11r.• rc,;,o ntrn cnd cd ,,,.., f. f,u· lhi ~ l'""l"•s.:. Grid to F il nmcnt . . • II 11 1n,f. 0 ..., OSCILLATOR & R-F POWER AMPLIFIER-CLASS C M".timtmcnl .. •• 7 1111nf. M11 ~im11u,ll1 ,cri.tin r Pint., Volt11 11c M otlnl1cn.!-~ T .l'l'i,•11 1 o ,,..,.n, ion Pcnk Gri,I S"'inc-.. . . !>2 Vol111 r•:,,., IOOO. E, •-200 (ni>prux.), E r • Hl. ()ut 11u\ ,. ..• IOOW11 t1 s l.oa.l J 111 11~·,Jnm.-..,...... • . • • • • • • • . . • • . • • • • • ••. 7tlCKl Ol11n~ Aa tulw~ l!.re u!!Ctl un,lcr "'"">' wi,ld:, tliffcrcnl <:(,nd it ion., ti,.,,,., fi 11 ur-,.• shunl,l nnl 1,., ,.,,,,.1 Outp"t (5% s~nd 11 ,. rmonir) ...... HJ \\'nu~ S,,.,lc.,t.. .•.. RC A TY1 >ef>-l l for ,lu i11 n 1''"11("'''" w;tl,.,ul ~-on fi rn,11t io11 from the m1mur1, n ur~r :I: As tul,,•~ .,_re u.,-.t ,m,l.,r num y wi,!.,Jy ,lifT,•r..:n t cumliliQU~ t he"'• fi 11 11 rt•" " lmuld llul l,c u~.:,I 11; fur ,l.,~ign 1mq,o.SL.,. ,.-i1lu,ut /_-,.,,firnu,lion from the ""'nnfoct urcr tr1 t""' - t""' V\ tr1 UV-2 11 AVERAGE PLATE CHARACTER ISTICS I "< - 0 -~- 1--1 ,-k,+ • rJ'J ,...... ~ rJ'J ~ ~ C > tr1 r >-3

. ~- ._ __ ,...,_, \0 "-··~~·· -- ..: ...... ~,~ >-3 171- V , .- .on,.,. .,.•;:,:• "~ ~ tr1 W H >1 OUTLI~~ , ... t 1000 PL .t,TCVOLTM.H: PLJITC YOLrACt." :::,:, OUTLINE April, 1932 (15) A pril, 1932 (l •ll LEGACY 0 F T H E 5 0 WATTER

use in AM broadcast Today modulators. There were other manufac­ Simply compiling a list of all the firms turer's designations that made 21 l s in the past 70 years for the 845, would be an impossible undertaking; although it did not 21 l s were astoundingly popular before enjoy nearly as much 1950, then nearly became museum popularity or vari­ pieces. In spite of the wide manufacture ability as the 203 or of SO -watter tubes in their variegated 211. Its mu was too forms, in the 21st century we are down low to make it suit­ to two manufacturers: a Chinese factory, able for RF-heating and Richardso n Electronics in Illinois. power oscillators, The Beijing "Sino" factory produces and any continued generic clones of the later GE 21 l/VT- manufacture was just 4C and the late RCA 845, both with to keep pre-1950 graphite plates and aluminum-shell bases. AM transmitters Richardson makes an 845, allegedly on retubed. the original RCA tooling, in small quan­ tities and selling for a high price under High mu was the the Cetron label. Manufacture of later overwhelming trend relatives, such as the 805 and 810, con­ after the war, and tinues in China and at Richardson. grounded-grid RF amplifiers were the Although the "true" SO-watter types last frontier for glass have been reduced to two specialty manu­ triodes--power facturers serving the high-end audio mar­ tetrodes and pen- ket, there is a similar tube from Russia: GE JAN 211 & GE Type VT-4C todes elbowed them the Ulyanov GM-70. Its basing is unique out of most other and its mu is about 7, yet in many were exposed to R&B and gospel music applications. The worm turned in the respects it is amazingly similar to the 211. via the smooth sounds of push-pull 845s, 1980s, and the last laugh is on the high­ This triode, made since the 1940s, is lit­ driven by interstage transformers, with no mu family. For although the 811A, 572B, tle-known outside of the Russian elec­ negative feedback. Altec, RCA and WE 3-SOOZ and other high-mu types contin­ tronics industry. also used the 845 in a few theater amps ue to be popular in RF applications, the during the 1930s and 1940s .. Outro large, crude 845 has become nearly a reli­ Western Electric's 284 series was very gious object to neurotic audiophiles, So, it appears that the SO-watter is similar to the 845 and enjoyed lengthy especially in Asia. showing new life and continued manufac­ ture into the 21st century. In spite of its sheer impracticality, the obsessive and demanding audiophile market continues to maintain its availability, and probably at prices that would shock our fathers. Remember, as recently as the early 1970s one could buy a WWII surplus VT-4C for as little as $4. Bibliography 1. 70 Years of Radio Tubes and Valves, John Stokes (Vestal Press, Vestal, NY, third edition, 1992), pp. 127-132. 2. Transmitting Tube Catalog and Guide, Taylor Tubes, Inc., 1937. 3. Tube Lore, Ludwell Sibley, Flemington NJ, 1997. 4. Saga of The Vacuum Tube, Gerald F. J. Tyne (Howard W. Sams Publishing Co, Indianapolis IN, 1977), p. 150, 151, 287, 288.

Many thanks to Lauren Peckham ofthe Antique Wireless Association, Al Jones ofthe Transmitting Tube Museum, and Brother Pat Dowd far their invaluable assistance with the historical background.


The driver circuit is only meant for dri­ A Transmitting Tube ving cubes in the negative-grid region (no grid currenr). This is the most common mode for medium and low mu triode out­ Test Amp put tubes. By adding a strong cathode follower, say a triode-connected EL34 or 6550, positive grid operation (class A2) of By John Atwood © 1998 All Rights Reserved the output cube is possible, opening up the amp for use with high-mu cubes such as the 838, 81 lA, and SV572-160. Running the 6B4G filamenr on DC is essential, since AC causes intolerable hum. Testing the audio performance of power lated DC filament supply, with its voltage A simple solid-state supply with choke fil­ cubes with plate voltages higher than 500 adjusted by a desk-cop Variac. The driver tering is used. The 0.6 ohm power resistor volts becomes more complex than simply stage and bias supply were mounted on was picked co give 6.3 volts DC at the fil­ dropping the cubes into a conventional the main board. ament. The high voltage needed for the amplifier - mainly because there are few amplifiers available for these tubes. A simple driver using an old pentode Transmitting cubes also come with a vari­ and a filamentary triode without feedback ety of socket types and filament voltages. gives a good low-impedance drive with To help us evaluate transmitting cubes, a decent frequency response and distortion. single-channel (mono) test breadboard The 6]7 pentode may look unfamiliar co was built with a large degree of flexibility cube purists, but the older low-transcon­ in audio testing 211-class transmitting ductance types can sound very good. The cubes. In addition co being a good "test­ 6B4G allows a low 1OK plate resistor with bed," it turns our that with good cubes high plate voltage while producing low and transformer, it sounds quire good, distortion. To insure good voltage swing, a and could be the basis for a high-quality 600 volt power supply is used. This may single-ended power amp. seem high compared co the 325 volt maxi­ mum rating, but keep in mind that in a CA UT/ON: The amplifier described in transformer-coupled amplifier, which this this article is intended to be used only rating was meant for, the plate can have for testing components, and has deadly voltage peaks twice the B+ supply. Used as driver stage is obtained by using a stan­ high-voltage points exposed! Ifyou want a resistance-coupled amplifier, the 6B4G dard radio-type power transformer run­ to use the circuit for general purpose lis­ runs conservatively in this application. ning into a voltage doubler. The 6AX4GT tening, it needs to be packaged so that While initially designed for driving just damper tube rectifiers give a nice slow all high-voltage points are safely the 211-type tubes, the driver has enough turn-on. The 6AX4GT is abundantly enclosed! head-room so chat it can drive 845s. The available in North America as a surplus regulated bias is not enough for the low TV cube. Test Amp Design mu of 845s, but simply pulling the OD3 The high vo ltage for the output tubes is Being a "one-off" design, the 211 rest out of its socket allowed the bias co rise run through a 0-100 mA meter mounted amp was built around components on high enough for our tests. in an old sloping "meter" box. Also in the hand. Key to the amp is a good, high­ quality high voltage power supply. A Fluke 3010 precision high voltage supply had recently been picked up at a ham radio swap. Its maximum ratings are 1011 volts and 500 mA. It would have been better co go up co 1250 volts (the maximum rating of the 211 and 845), but 1000 volts was still reasonable. Since both the output cube and output transformer would have co be easily changed, a wood­ en bread-board construction was used, with high-voltages enclosed where possi­ ble. Three cube sockets were ever installed, accommodating the jumbo four-pin 211- types (203, 211, 838, 845, etc.), the regu­ lar 4-pin types (SV811, SV572), and a specially-modified 829-type socket to hold the Russian GM-70 tube. A blank space was left for the output transformer, where either clip leads or wire nuts were used co attach co the transformer under test. A separate wood breadboard held an unregu-


Table 1 - Transformer Tests Extensive metering was used to insure Transformer Pri. Res. -3db HF response accurate and repeatable operating condi­ tions. In addition to the calibrated HV Audio Note 50W/10K/211SE ...... 158Q 33.9KHz, w/peak at 72.2KHz supply and plate current meter mentioned above, VOMs and DVMs were used to Bartolucci #28 ...... 249 Q 19.3KHz, w/peak at 53.9KHz measure grid voltage, filament voltage, and AC grid drive voltage. Electra-Print KLlOKB-B ...... 122Q 28.lKHz, w/peak at 79.0KHz Testing Philosophy Tamura F-2013 ...... 297Q 23.6KHz, no peak The goal of the transformer and trans­ mitting tube testing was to run the unit Tango XE60-10 SNF ...... 322Q 92.2KHz, no peak in a similar environment to that of a real The transformers were bench tested with a sine wave oscillator driving the transform­ amp. However, due to fixed transformer ers through a 4.7K series resistors. The transformers were terminated into a non­ impedances and different characteristics inductive 8 ohm load. Primary inductance measurements were cried using the Freed between tubes, comparisons between dif­ 1011 inductance , but there was difficulty in getting the bridge nulled. Later ferently spec'd units (i.e.: 7K vs l0K or !nvestigation showed that at the highest inductance range needed to test these high­ 21 1 vs 845) are not really valid since these impedance transformers (> l00H), bad paper capacitors in the bridge prevented it have different optimum operating points. from nulling. The lower ranges used mica capacitors, which were OK. Even test However, comparisons of like units are equipment needs re-capping! (The bridge was recapped before any testing was done. Ed) valid. Also, both electrical tests and listen­ ing tests would be done. As both forms of The Japanese transformers tested well, with good-looking l0KHz square wave these tests were carried out over a period response. Both the Electra-Print and Audio Note had reasonably good HF response, of several months, preferred operating although were somewhat lumpy. T he Bartolucci had the worst HF response of the points changed, and will be noted in the transformers tested in this grouping- but interestingly so unded quite good! test results. Table 2 - Tube Tests (211 types only) Tube Technical Measurements Tube Type Condition DCVg ACVg Power THD Two different measurements were done on each tube to evaluate their inherent GE VT-4C ...... used -5 2.4V 24.?V 5.0W 1.2% distortion and power output capability...... '. ' .. ' ..... ' " 42. lV 13.5W 3% Unlike earlier tests published in VTV, a GE JAN CG-211 #1 ...... used -51.9V 24.6V 5.0W 1.05% standard harmonic distortion meter ...... " 43.2V 14.0W 3% (Sound Technology 1700B) was used, GE JAN CG-211 #2 • • ...... new -5 3.9V 25.5V 5.0W 1.3% which captures all harmonics and noise. ' ...... '.' ...... ' ...... " 43.5V 13 .5W 3% . To keep hum and noise problems down, a National 211 (China) #1 ...... new -49.4V 25 .3V 5.0W 1.2% 400 H z high-pass filter in the analyzer ...... " 41.SV 11.2W 3% was engaged. T he test signal was a 1KHz National 211 (China) #2 ...... new -50.2V 24 .9V 5.0W 1.2% sine wave. Distortion tests were run at a ...... ' ...... " 41.9V 11.2W 3% constant power output of 5 watts (6 .32 United CUE 38111 ...... used? -53 .?V 24.2V 5.0W 1.1 % Vrms across a 8 ohm load). This is higher ...... " 42 .3V 14.3W 3% than the earlier VTV tests of 1 watt, but RCA 211 (prewar) #1 ...... new -49.SV 24.0V 5.0W 1.25% the low distortion of these tubes allowed .. . . ' ...... '. " 40 .3V 13.0W 3% noise to dominate at this low power level. RCA 211 (prewar) #2 ...... new -50. 2V 23 .6V 5.0W 1.25% For power output tests, a distortion level ...... ' ...... " 40 .lV 13.0W 3% of 3% was arbitrarily picked as being well RCA VT-4C ...... used -50. 9V 24.6V 5.0W 0.95% into clipping for all the tubes. The ...... ' ...... " 42.SV 13.SW 3% Electra-Print KL 10KB 1OK output trans­ WE211D ...... used -45.0V 23 .SV 5.0W 1.35% former was used for these tests. The tubes ...... " 38 .5V 11.0W 3% were run with a 1000V plate supply Svetlana SV-811-10 ...... new -66.4V 30 .0V 5.0W 1.35% biased to 60 mA...... " 52.?V 14.5W 3% Svetlana SV-572-10 ...... new -75.0V 32.0V 5.0W 2.1% The American tubes were remarkably ...... " 44.3V 9.2W 3% consistent in biasing, gain, and distortion, Russian GM-70 ...... new -91. SV 34.0V 5.0W 0.85% with the RCA VT-4C having the lowest ...... " 70.4V 22 .0W 3% distortion at 5W The Chinese 21 ls biased-up similarly to the American ones, (845 types were not tested because the test amp driver stage was designed specifically for 21 ls.) but had significantly lower maximum power. This could be explained if their characteristic curves were non-linearities box are a bypass capacitor (to help keep ed in building high-voltage supplies is the at the extremes. Several vintage WE high-frequency audio currents local to the Radio Amateur's Handbook, published 21 lEs (which have oxide-coated cathodes) amplifier) and a neon HV indicator. Since yearly by the American Radio Relay were tested, and many had unstable bias a lab-type high voltage power supply was League (Newington, Conn., USA). currents. Even the one finally used for the used for this project, a schematic for a Editions from the 1960s and earlier are test drifred a bit over time, whereas all the stand-alone HV supply was not devel­ gold-mines of circuit and construction other thoriated-tungsten types were rock- oped. A good reference for those interest- information for the tube amp builder. VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 TRANSMITTING T U B E T E S T A MP - Atma-Sphere™ Amplifier Kits: Musically Authentic!

M-60 Mk. II Kit $2295 (Pictured) 60 Watts of Tubed, OTL Purity

~!o,,11,,_111,d iHr,.u~ fW "... Breathe in and out ~ Ulyanov GM-70, Cetron 845 &Svetlana like the music ... " SVBJ J-10 - Art Dudley solid. The SV-811-10 was a like a bit Listener, Spring '97 lower mu 211 - with slighter higher max­ imum output power. The SV-572-10 was Authentic? Now there's a word rarely associated with audio gear. By a marginal performer, apparently due to definition "authentic" means genuine, pure, real, accurate. Exactly high distortion. The GM-70 was a killer rube, with low distortion and high power. the words describing the true note-by-note musical presentation of all This is to be expected from a lower mu Atma-Sphere audio gear. Musical authenticity begins with the designer. rube, which is why the 845s were not test­ ed against the 21 ls. As with all these Ralph Karsten, our Chief Designer, could have easily built solid state tests, it should be noted that the statistical amps. Karsten, however, has the true desire to build genuinely accurate sampling of rubes is quite small, so be and purely transparent gear. Solid state cannot do it! Output careful not to draw major conclusions transformers cannot do it! So Karsten engineered and patented a totally from the data. Two old Western Elecrric new design combining, within each chassis, the musicality of two 211 D rubes from the 1920s were tested. One would draw normal plate current for singled-ended tube amps with more authoritive bass power than a about 1 minute, then would sl ump to a single push/pull amp and with no output transformer to snub the music. low value and distort heavily. Another used 211 D (listed in Table 2) worked " ... mak' zng fi'zres zn. my sou l... " -Harvey Rosenberg well, but still had a somewhat variable Positive Feedback plate current. These old WE rubes use Vol. 6, No. 6 - April '97 oxide-coated filaments, compared to the thoriated-tungsten of all the other rubes '" CALL NOW for information about our kits and full line of factory-built tested. The plate current on the thoriated­ Class A, All Triode, Zero Feedback, OTL Amps and Preamps! tungsten types was rock-solid. Summary Quietly Producing The World's Finest Audio Gear! Transmitting triode amplifiers raise the amp construction difficulty to a higher level than conventional low-impedance amps: more dangerous voltages, expensive t1TMf\ Atma-Sphere Music Systems, Inc. high-impedance output transformers, ~r HER~ The OTL Leader, featuring Balanced Differential Design TM strange rube sockets, lots of heat. However, good amps using these rubes have a dis­ 160 So. Wheeler, St. Paul, MN 55105 • Phone 612-690-2246 • Fax 612-699-11 75 tinctive "big" sound - open, spacious, and www.atma-sphere.com dynamic - that is appealing. These big tri­ odes are definitely the starting point for the "ultimate" rube amplifier. CORRECTION: VTV #8 - Page 12 This is the correct schematic for the Alan Kimmel OTL Amp. Do Not use the schematic shown in issue #8.

UPDATED FLOATING POWER SUPPLY ~ - - - -+-- -+------~ +310V

470K 1W Changed Serv,ceHoward ProBarvd,dacher CET ~• • • uDI 0 ? Connection ~~--~ +180V '1pecialist D2 13251 #D Ventura Blvd '\, + Studio City, CA 91604 25A 600 PIV 39K + 7500µ F ;;;. Bus. (818) 995-8648 Aect. Bridge 3W 200V • Fax. (818) 995-8647 ] '\, The Eclectic Audio/Video Service Center B- D1 - D4: 1N4007 (1000V, 1A) VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 VTV #9 has an error on the transmitting tube amp voltage doubler power supply schematic on page 10. The 6AX4GT is wired wrong and must not short across the power transformer. John Atwood will be posting the corrected schematic in the next issue and on http://www.vacuumtube.com very soon. DO NOT BUILD THIS CIRCUIT WITH THE SCHEMATIC ON PAGE 10. TRANSMITTING T U B E T E S T A MP

40K 0.22 F­ Tube Under Transformer BOOV l Test Under Test


35H, 15mA

0-20V SA

211 Test Amplifier by John Atwood

to 684G filamen t

appeared in the 1946-1960 period. device today may be the Fairchild 670 Occasionally used in early computers, the limiter, which can sell for up to $25,000. Uncle Eric's Dumpster premium version 5670 was once widely The 670 is unusual in that it uses two Type 2C51 / 5670 manufactured. Ir has controlled warmup gain control cells made from four 6386 and tight specifications on grid current, triodes in parallel. Since it is nor used in By Eric Barbour noise and microphony. The 5670W was any other current application, and is our © 1998 used extensively in 1950s military equip­ of production, old stock can only go up in IS ment. price. If yo u want to inves t in an NOS rube, the 6386 looks like a good bet. The much scarcer 6385 is the Bendix "Red Bank" version. Its heater draws 500 6854 is very similar to the 6385, except mA rather than 300, and it has an inter­ in an ruggedized form with hard glass and nal shield between the triodes. The 6385 extra bracing. And the 7861 is a GE is a super-premium, bur nor really a better "Five-Star" version with a 12.6 volt heater audio performer than a common 2C5 l. for mobile radio equipment.

Introduced in 1946 by Western 6386 is a variable-mu version common­ This is a good time to use this family in Electric, this miniature dual triode is ly used as a gain-controlled cascode RF audio, as 1980s military-surplus 5670s of allegedly an RF only device. Yer our dis­ amplifier. Although not really suited for good quality are readily available from tortion and listening tests seem to indicate hi-fi use, it has a special audio application. dealers, at absurdly low cost. So don't high linearity at typical levels in an audio The most valuable vintage electronic ignore it. line stage. Later versions were introduced as type 2C5 l by Sylvania and Tung-Sol. WE's in-house number for the 2C5 l was 396A. The 407A is similar to the 396A, bur has a 20/40V filament and was used extensively in Bell System carrier repeaters. If grid-plate capacitance worries you, the 2C5 l is safer than common miniature triodes, as it is usable up to 800 MHz. Since it was popular in VHF applica­ tions, many variations of the 2C5 l GE5 Star Sylvania Tung-Sol WE396A Sylvania 1980s 6386 2C51 2C51 5670 VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 211/845 S E LISTENING T E S T S

845 gave much better integration to the VTV Listening Tests: sound and was very musical. Then we lis­ tened to a United Electronics 38111 (mil­ itary number) set at 980 volts and 60 ma. This tube sounded clear and integrated, 21 l/845s and IOK with a less aggressive presence than the GE VT-4s. The sound was well balanced with deep bass and excellent dynamics. SE Transformers With this transformer and setup, rhe United 38111 was the best overall sound­ ing 211. By Charlie Kittleson © 1998 All Rights Reserved We obtained an early 1930's Western i------;------...) Electric 21 lD and noted rhe sound to be Over the last several months, rhe VJV impact on sound quality and perfor­ similar to the RCA 845, except rhe overall staff and a number of local audio enthusi­ mance. For the driver stage in Atwood's soundsrage was a little smaller and rhe asts have been conducting listening and test amp, we noted the 6B4 triode brand tube made less power. The old WE 211 evaluation tests of both new production could change the overall sound quality. had better balance than many of the ocher and NOS 211 and 845 tubes . The larger For example, the 1940s Sylvania 6B4 had 211 's and had good dimension and derail. 50-wart triode SE amplifiers have more a slightly congested midrange when com­ The early 21 ls should be run conserva­ power and realism than the majority of pared ro rhe Tung-Sol 6B4s; these were tively (under 800 volts and 60 ma) to 300B amplifiers, based upon opinions cleaner and more derailed in the mids. In avoid any problems. expressed during listening tests at V1V addition, the metal RCA 6J7s were nor as The last tube we tried with the For the audio enthusiast who simply must open sounding as rhe glass-type Sylvania AudioNore l0K was the Ulyanov GM-70 have the most compelling sound, 211/845 6J7GTs, which were lighter and had more with its huge carbon anode. Ir was sec at amps are the way to go. Manufacturers "air. " 980 voles and 100 ma. This tube (mu 7) including AudioNote UK, Cary Audio, has a big, authoritative sound, bur still Bel Canto, Wavac and many ochers are demonstrates intimate delicacy. The bass offering 211/845 SE amplifiers, but the is big, but is nor as integrated as so me of price typically starts at $3500 and up. the 211 s and 845s in this rest. With an The series of transmitting rube related optimized driver circuit, the GM-70 articles in this issue will give rhe reader & would make the ultimate heavy metal sin­ home constructor derailed information, gle-ended amplifier. electrical test results and listening tests of new and vintage 211 /845 types. The tube listening test was done in conjunction with our listening evaluations of new pro­ duction l0K output transformers using John Atwood's rest amp, described on page 7 of this issue. Additional equip­ ment used in the test included an Elite Electronics CD player or the new Dynaco AudioNote UK #205 lOK CDV-Pro tube CD player and either B&W DM-110 or Klipsch Chorus I eight The AudioNore 205 transformer is a ohm loudspeakers. Program material con­ beefy unit char is non-potted and uses the sisted of well-recorded female vocals, con­ standard copper windings. Other, higher temporary jazz and classical music includ­ priced 1OK units are available from them ing Beethoven's Symphony #5. using superior materials, including silver wire. The transformers were first tested Tubes were typically run at anywhere with a GE VT-4 (211 ) sec at 980 volts from 760 to 1000 volts with plate current running 60 ma. With this combination, Bartolucci we noted very good bass response and a from 60-l00ma. In addition, we also The Italians are at it again with three auditioned the Ulyanov GM-70, a huge, smooth upper treble range. Next, we 1OK transformers from Bartolucci. These tried the AudioNote with a 1943 date low-mu thoriated tungsten transmitting handsome, potted units are all very musi­ code RCA 211 , with the same voltage set­ tube from Russia. Note that this test does cal and will work very well with horn-type tings as above. This combination resulted not include all possible combinations of speaker systems. We listened to rhe in a similar sound to rhe VT-4, bur with a tubes and transformers. This is because Model #29 l0K unit with a 32 watt rar­ little better midrange. we began to notice characteristics in tubes ing using the GE VT-4C rube. The bass char made us gravitate towards the better Next we cried a 1940s RCA 845 set at was big, solid and well controlled. Mid sounding ones lacer in rhe tests. There are frequencies were smooch, lush and rich ocher l0K SE transformers available on 760 volts and 60 ma plate current. This combination resulted in a clean, detailed sounding, extremely musical. Next we the market, but these were nor made cried rh e Barrolucci #58 l0K SE unit with available to us for this test. sound with incredible depth. The lower · plate voltage was needed to keep the tube rhe United Electronics 38111. This com­ In our listening rests at VTV, we have within biasing range. In addition, the bination gave a deep, convincing bass char noted that several factors can have an mid-bass had much better presence. The was almost romantic sounding. The highs VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 211/845 S E LISTENING T E S T S and che mids with chis combination were ma. This combination with che Electra­ very engaging and rich sounding. The Prine was excellent, very musical, bur did­ highs were not as extended as the ocher n't have as much deep bass the RCA 845. transformers in chis rest, bur chis could be Note that the GM-70 is extremely difficult a plus for chose with sensitive horn speak­ to get and is not available from any Russian ers who don't wane harsh highs. Overall, tube vendors at the current time. che Barcoluccis were very easy co listen co, bur are nor for the extreme high frequen­ cy derail freak. For chose who wane a romantic, "European" sound, go with che Barcolucci lOK units.

made and has excellent characteristics. With the GE VT-4C, the sound was refined and police, almost courteous. Even though che unit was sweet and dynamic, the soundscage seemed smaller than many of che ocher transformers in chis rest. The Tango had excellent high frequency measurements. Sound improved with better bass, derail and bal­ Tamura ance using the 38 111 , RCA 211 , RCA We sampled the beautiful and huge 845 and Cecron 845s. Tamura F-2013 lOK SE unit. Using the Conclusions GE VT-4C, chis transformer had the deepest bass, clean and accurate mid-fre­ After listening co all che 50 watter fami­ Electra-Print quencies and super-extended highs. ly transmitting cubes in chis cesc, we came However, the pace and timing were a bit co some enlightened conclusions. The For chis rest, Jacksenc us two versions slower than the AudioNoce or the Electra GE-VT-4 is che most common NOS type of his KLl 0KB, 1OK SE output trans­ Prine units. Next was the 1943 RCA 211 and works very well. Improvements are former. This hunk of iron is huge and chat gave a crisper, fuller and more three­ made by using the RCA type 211 and appears co be extremely well-made. The dimensional sound than the GE VT-4. 845, however, these cube are now very second version has more extended high Then we plugged in an RCA 845 sec at rare and NOS examples can cost over frequency response than the first proto­ 950 voles with 65ma place current. This $300+ each! The United Electronics type we reviewed. Again, settings on out­ combination was detailed with very clear 38111 is an excellent 211 type, bur is put cubes were 980 voles and 60-ma place sounding instruments and voice repro­ even harder co find in any quantity than current, unless otherwise noted. The first duction. The bass response was extremely che RCA types. The glass tipped WE cube we cried with che Electra-Prine was convincing and optimum. The next cube types as well as che 242 and 284 types are the GE VT-4 char exhibited a big sound, we cried was the SV572-10 which was extremely rare collector's items and can but was somewhat forward when com­ powerful, clean sounding and had an low cost over $500+ each in NOS condition. pared co the lower mu 845s. This cube noise floor. The 572 did nor have che Sveclana SV5 72 and SV8 l l types are has good attack, with super-extended power or bass response of che larger cubes. unique cubes char we know so und good in mids. Next came a 1974 vintage, Then came the United Electronics 38111. circuits optimized for them. American-made Cecron 845 chat turned This combination was accurate, involving out co an excellent sounding cube (close and balanced sounding. The response The best buys are the Chinese-made co the RCA 845), very musical with a was smooch and very derailed with great 21 ls and 845s which can be purchased sparkly sound. The SV8 l l-l 0 worked cop end. Overall, a "real" sounding cube for under $50 each. The Chinese 211s well with the Electra-Prine, giving clean, and transformer combination. Lascly, we had good mids, bur che bass was softer balanced sound. The SV572-10 was sim­ used che Cecron 845 char gave a super and highs thinner than the ochers in this ilar in sound, but did nor put our as balanced sound with clean powerful rest. However, these cubes have an much power in chis setup. Then we cried punch. The Cetron with the Tamura is expected service life chat is significantly the United Electronics 38111 with the very accurate and musical. The Tamura less than any of che American types. The Electra-Prine; chat resulted in a bigger has more of a hi-fi rile, but in some best new production 845 is che bottom-end and a wider bandwidth. This speaker systems with sensitive horns, chis Richardson-Cetron 845 that is currently "American" combination was a liccle for­ characteristic might sound a liccle sizzly. being made at their facility in La Fox, ward sounding, but not harsh in any way. Overall, the Tamura appeared co be the Illinois. According co Richardson offi­ Then came the RCA 211 which proved co best made and had the deepest low bass. cials, they have che original RCA cooling be musical and involving. This combina­ and equipment for che 211 and 845 tion had good timing and sweet, seamless Tango types. If you wane a new, reliable 845, the Cetron is the way co go. These cubes will detail. Next, we plugged the RCA 845 Many Japanese OEMs used Tango iron last much longer than the Chinese types, into the socket and noted a similar per­ in their cube electronics produces. We are easier co source and come with a formance co the RCA 211, but with deep­ sampled che Tango XE-60-10, l0K SE factory warranty. er bass. Then came the Ulyanov GM-70 unit. This transformer is beautiful, well char we ran full-rile at 1000 voles and 120 VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 T H E A M PE G S V T

The B-15 Portaflex The Ampeg SVT: The move to Linden in February 1962 marked the beginning of the modern era-an era of change- for Ampeg. Their History and Variations need for growth was propelled by the suc­ cess of their first true classic--the Jess Oliver designed B-15 Portaflex (imr_o­ duced in 1960). It incorporated an mnov­ By Terry Buddingh © 1998 All Rig hts Reserved ative "flip-top" configuration which con­ cealed the amplifier's chassis inside the closed-back speaker cabinet for safe trans­ portation. This would eventually lea~ to rhe amazing Oliver amps with motorized Ampeg History audio electronics. (Many of his books electronics that would dramatically elevate were published by the notorious Hugo from their cabinets. (Truly a sight to In the late 1940s jazz bassist Everett Gernsback.) Eventually there were four Hull had a singular vision- to provide behold!) Over the years the B-15 wo uld versions of the Ampeg Bassamp ranging go through many stages of design evolu­ bass players with a quality means of _ from the 15 " Jensen speaker equipped, amplification. He mounted a small micro­ tion. The earliest versions were cathode­ single-channel model 835, to the mon­ biased and used point-to-point wiring on phone (made by Clevite) to th~ retractable strous 950C with three channels and two end-pin of his bass and called 1t an eyelet boards similar to Fender's (but nar­ 15 " speakers. In 1953 bassisc/d~si~ner Jess rower). These first versions were excep­ "Ampeg" (short for amplified-peg). Hull Oliver (a.k.a. Oliver Jespersen) Jomed the teamed with Stanley Michaels to design tionally sweet sounding, bur not _very Ampeg team and was instrumental in its loud. Later versions used fixed-bias and an accompanying bass amplifier, and growth from the small two-room factory together they formed rhe short-lived PC boards. My favorite is the B-15-N. in Brooklyn to the 40,000-square-foot which employs rhree 6SL7s (I love chm Michaels-Hull Company. In 1949 Hull modern facility in Linden, New Jersey. It and Michaels dissolved their partnership fat richness), a pair of 6L6s, and a 5AR1 was during this period chat Ampeg began rectifier. Other versions use 5U4s or solid­ and the Ampeg Company was officially to develop a reputation for quality by born. state rectifiers, 12AX7s, 7199s, and enlisting endorsements from esteern_ed 7027s. For historical perspective it's important players like jazz virtuoso Oscar Pemford. to know that 's brilliant innovator The B-15 would become the industry To fully understand Ampeg it's neces­ standard for recording in the '60s. The Lloyd Loar experimented with electrified sary to understand Everett Hui! and Jess bass in the late '20s. Rickenbacher and role of che electric bass was redefined by Oliver. They were both profess10nal the great James Jamerson, who played his Vega were selling electric upright basses bassists that regularly performed the stan­ and amps by the '30s and Leo Fender '62 Fender Precision bass through a B-15 dard and jazz tunes of their day. They on many gigs and some recordings. To introduced his first Precision bass in '51 spent decades meticulously refin~ng the and his first Bassman amp in '52. clear-up a common misconception, how­ nuances of their craft. They felt 1c was ever, it should be noted that on most of The first amplifiers produced by the their responsibility to protect and defend the Motown hits recorded at the famous new Ampeg Company were designed with the music they loved from the "crude, "Hitsville USA" studio in Detroit, the the assistance of the great Norman loud, and vulgar" rock music that was, to bass and were recorded direct Crowhurst, who would become one of the their dismay, becoming increasingly popu­ through a one-of-a-kind six-channel pre­ most prodigious authors in the field of lar. amp made especially for Motown. Jamerson's contemporary at the Stax . label- Donald "Duck" Dunn- amplified his '58 Precision bass with a B-15 as well. The deep blossoming bloom of the B-15's liquidly round and warm bottom, an~ exquisitely detailed, sweet and expressive midrange defined the very essence of great bass cone. The B-15 so unded great in the record­ ing studio, bur as the '60s progressed­ and the volume levels increased-it • became apparent chat a pair of 6L6s was not sufficient to keep pace with the 100 watt guitar amps chat were gaining in popularity with the rock players o~ the day. If Ampeg was co keep p~ce with the times, a higher powered vers10n of the B- 15 would soon be necessary. The UNI Music Period Hull and Oliver would stubbornly resist the need to acknowledge the changing 1969-70 SVT chassis showing preamp


1969-70 Ampeg SVT 1974 Ampeg SVT

1977 Ampeg SVT times until 1967, when a group known as tical to a B-15 preamp, with a few ated-tungsten-filainent power triodes run­ UNI Music began to purchase Arnpeg changes in component values, and a few ning at 1250 volts! (It evolved from a stock. By 1968 UNI Music had acquired minor embellishments. The B-15 and record cutting amp that Bill built prior to sole ownership of Arnpeg. Fender and SVT (as well as many other Arnpegs) used the SVT's development.) It was decided Gibson were dominating the marketplace the same tone control filter network that this was perhaps a little too danger­ with products that appealed to the rapidly which incorporated a primitive integrated ous for a consumer product and an alter­ growing number of rock players. Arnpeg circuit comprised of two resistors and native, lower vo ltage output tube would had an image problem-they were still four capacitors. Channel 1 can be be used in the production models. building amps with accordion inputs! It thought of as an extremely embellished 6146B/8298A beam power tubes had was finally time for Arnpeg to assert itself (or hot-rodded) B-15 preamp. The Ultra proven their ruggedness in taxicab two­ as an industry leader by producing a truly Low circuit is further embellished to pro­ way radio service. What environment earth-shaking product-the biggest, bad­ vide a Bass Cut feature, and is driven by a could be more harsh than a New York dest, most impressive bass amp ever seen. cathode follower (the "12AU7" portion of City taxi? the 12DW7/7247 which is a dissimilar The Ampeg SVT dual triode tube equivalent to 1/2 of a Bill Hughes would accompany Arnpeg's 12AU7 and 1/2 of a 12AX7). The most newest endorsers- The Rolling Stones­ In the late '60s the Acoustic 360 had on their 1969 "Gimme Shelter" tour. established itself as the bass amp of choice unique feature of Channel 1 is its midrange control-it uses a tapped Crude, loud, and vulgar, The Stones epit­ for the discriminating player seeking the omized everything Everett Hull hated ultimate bass tone (and volume) . It toroidal inductor to select the midrange center frequency. The choices are 220Hz, about rock music; his teeth are probably became an obvious target for the Arnpeg still grinding! The band torture-tested design team. Their mission was clear­ 800Hz, and 3,000Hz. It also uses t\vo additional "12AX7" stages and one more the new obscenely heavy, 82 pound, 300+ beat the 360 in every way possible. The watt SVT (and its alias the V-9). Keith 360 sounded dry and one-dimensional "12AU7" stage derived from 12DW7s. The two channels sum into a 6C4 (simi­ Richards and Mick Taylor plugged them due to its all-transistor design, and its into 4xl2 guitar cabs, while Bill Wyman folded-horn speaker cabinet design lar to 1/2 of a 12AU7) used as a cathode follower. It's obvious Bill was fond of the used the new Sxl O bass cabs. Their live sounded good in a big room, but sounded album "Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!" was record­ less than impressive up-close. low impedance drive characteristics of a 12AU7 (or equivalent) used as a cathode ed d~ring this tour on November 27th & Arnpeg's Chief Engineer Bill Hughes follower! 28th at Madison Square Garden in New was responsible for the design of the SVT York City. Their rather clean guitar and circuitry. The SVT's preamp was derived The prototype SVT (short for "Super bass tones were obtained at what were from the B-15. Channel 2 is nearly iden- Valve Technology") used four 81 lA thori- most assuredly excruciatingly loud volume


1969-70 SVT with 6146s 1980 SVT with 6550As Uapan)

levels. While the 6146B/8298As held up thunderous! OK, so the cymbals were control's primitive integrated circuit. to the mechanically abusive environment practically non-existent, and the other Ampeg was sold to Music Technology Inc. of taxi cabs, they were shown to be less instruments were more than a bit over­ in 1980. The electronics were assembled tolerant of the abuse provided by the shadowed, but from a bass player's point­ in Japan and the cabinets with spring­ Rolling Stones-they would self-destruct of-view, this was hi-fi heaven. The SVT's loaded handles and cut-away tops were when pushed into clipping for extended monstrous dynamic range was apparent made in the US. The most obvious elec­ periods. Which, of course, the Stones did on Ahmad Jamal's "The Essence, Parr l ". trical differences are in the foreign looking continuously. The SVT would soon be Ahmad's playing displays masterful transformers. They also reduced the B+ redesigned for six 6550 beam power dynamics, with gentle caresses swelling to voltages by about 5%. Perhaps not quite tubes. out-right assaults, and the SVTs conveyed as beefy sounding as the Magnavox era every ounce of his powerfully dynamic amps, they're still capable of producing a Roger Cox designed the 150 pound performance. The piano sounded as big as sweet and pleasant tone, favored by some 8xl O speaker cabinet. It was intended that a house! Don't get me wrong, I'm not for that reason. The reduced voltages also each SVT head drive two cabinets for a advocating SVTs as hi-fi amps; they really increase reliability slightly. In 1986 total of 16 speakers! In contrast to the don't have anywhere near the kind of clar­ Ampeg was purchased by St. Louis Music. Acoustic 360's long~distance focusing ity, resolution, detail, or extended fre­ They revived the SVT's waning prestige folded horn, the SVT cab was designed to quency response that you would expect by reissuing a limited-edition run of 500 pressurize your head at point-blank range. from even an average hi-fi amp, but if SVTs using the same parts vendors as the It was designed to blow away the Acoustic you're a hard-core bass fiend, it's a sound Magnavox-made Ampegs. Due to limited 360 where it mattered most-the music you'll never forget. availability of 12DW7s and 12BH7s, the store! It used eight 32 ohm speakers wired current SVTs have been redesigned to use in parallel for a total load of 4 ohms per Estimating Year Of Manufacture the more readily available 12AX7s and cabinet. Each horizontal pair of speakers The 6146B/8298A version would last 12AU7s. The preamp has been signifi­ resided in its own sealed enclosure. until late 1970, when the output tubes cantly simplified, but the power amp is Essentially, four 2xl0s were stacked on very similar to the original. The output top of each other. A totally revolutionary would be replaced by 6550s. The earliest amps can be easily identified by their transformers are still manufactured by and unprecedented approach to bass ETC of Paramus, New Jersey. The power speaker design! In head-to-head shootouts short black plastic toggle switches and blue lettering on the front-panel. The transformers are provided by an off-shore the SVT would annihilate the Acoustic source. 360. Bill Hughes and Roger Cox had back panel reads: The Ampeg Co. Inc. accomplished their mission-to build the Linden, N .J .. Rock bassists who prefer to The new Fender Rumble-Bass amp has meanest and most impressive bass amp on use guitar picks rather than bare fingers a preamp chat's even less similar to an the planet. It's still the standard by which find the 6146B/8298A amps have a par­ SVT, but the power amp design is almost all contenders must be judged. ticularly aggressive midrange grind that is identical. Bill Hughes now works for especially enhanced by their pick attack. Fender and apparently he knows that the SVT As A Hi-Fi Amp? In 1971 Ampeg was sold to Magnavox SVT power amp is a classic that can't be and the manufacturing was moved to the topped. Just for kicks I set-up a pair of SVTs in Magnavox factory in Greenville, my hi-fi room and accessed the power Tennessee. The early Magnavox amps can Care And Feeding Of An SVT amp sections through their line-in jacks. be easily identified by their metal toggle It became quickly apparent that the gigan­ switches and the lettering "Division Of Most SVTs were shipped with Mullard tic-ness of the SVT's sound comes from, The Magnavox Company" on the back made 12DW7s. These were extremely at least in part, the power amp. From a panel. Later '70s Magnavox amps can be well-made and great sounding tubes. If hi-fi perspective, the top is extremely identified by the plastic rocker power you find an SVT with the original rolled-off, but the bottom is huge! And switch and rectangular pilot light. The Mullards, chances are they have many over 300 watts per channel of tube power Magnavox era amps are generally favored hours of service-life left. They have a provides an incredible dynamic range. for their huge and deep bulldozing bot­ strong, muscular sounding midrange drive Victor Wooten's bass on Bela Fleck's tom end. More accurate estimating of the that makes them the perfect choice for the "Flight Of The Cosmic Hippo" sounded date of manufacture can always be accom­ world's meanest bass amp. A Telefunken like he was thumpin' away right in front plished by observing the date codes on 12DW7 in the first stage of channel 1 can of me! The notes on his low B string were potentiometers, filter caps, and the tone add a hint of subtlety and refinement, if VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 T H E A M PE G S V T

v, . 120W, 12 7 I W7



NOlllllAL J•

MODEL NOTES -ALL IIUISTOU IM Ot1IG ft1 1O~ Ulft..EU 01HUtW1$l SrtCIFl[O. SVT PREAMP -All (,IJt,O.(ITOIU IN w,o l •oov " " " - DC VOLTAGE !tlA~GS wm1 ,,,C, SIGNAL ... ,,,_1~ usr ... , U.S. PATENT PDWING _!j:°R: 1~.,~,llf:~~wc~~~[A to AM l'lG\ ,.o, ttQ.


CAltSRATIOH PFOCE!l.R; I - Cc,tfll(f A " - ~ .u .. ,oa JO._ I& 4 J•· 1.-r.' ,ill$ l&J OI CC:.tllCJO. I') (11 . f .) l - Cll1il'\,IY i"'"- hl.5 c--..t AOMftC.1111'. A-A0.11,llf ""',011+.012\ICIU'SQl • • nrU. .. - -• 1-UJ\ll.f 'flt - UM :!:.Oo WOl.fl MT~ •1 ...... 1 - """" _.ru -.-1 u.no1. ,t,0,411f1CMT . 11-111,1,,.,.,. 111,toalOII llltU •JIIIIO: 10 J~ICIUS 11.-.s. M '1 .OIIIZ ... '--Cl _--tIIW110H ~- ...... ,Olff.,u TO L.0M 8UISTOI, ....,_, na ,_ l•YOU CHI ..n.::o ="°"""'' OU:,,Uf' .u - sru ...... c--.u o.c. "tQ.l' ..-r,11 •1•u• ,um•• ~B -. , ea • .t.WW,f ,11, '" !,ca v.. v" v.. • re u.o .... ,o. u..•,o,ui • .._.-u • -.-u , .. ,a.1. l'OWIII Of JIii A•l'U'IU, N HO WAJfJ .... " Eil•EiB/8298.A. / .,. ,...-­ ~-AU. ...,o. t•. IOM IIIUU C'l'/1(11119,l v,ci,u. -.IU. ,~ion Ill WD. ,l UCTION CHANILS. VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 T H E A M PE G S V T that's what you're seeking. I've tried the Speaking of bias, the originally specified should be cleaned regularly as well. Early well-known 12AX7 conversion and found idle current of 24 ma per rube could be SVTs had the speaker cable permanently it changes the sound; I prefer the sound of considered a bit conservative. If you attached to the amplifier; this cable has 12DW7s. I find the General Electric believe you have a sturdy set of output seen lots of abuse by now and should be 12BH7s to provide the fattest drive for tubes (Chinese 6550s need not apply), replaced with a speaker jack, since an the output stage. Try to find a matched you might be tempted to try a bit hotter intermittent load on an SVT can be quite pair-triode 1 should match triode 1 of bias. My richest, best balanced, and most spectacular! It's best to think of an SVT as the other tube in transconductance and refined sounding SVT has six Genelex a high performance = high maintenance cathode current. Triode 2s should also KT88s idling at about 33 ma each. Some machine, akin to the muscle cars spawned match. SVTs were shipped with Tung Sol in the same era. 6550s-these have an incredibly detailed You should try to match everything in midrange and lacy top better suited for True rube amp connoisseurs will have the push/pull output stage: control grid guitar amps and hi-fis than bass amps. no problem identifying with the sound of resistors, screen grid resistors, and plate Players seeking obscenely deep, ground­ a properly set-up SVT: The unmistakably resistors. Previous tube failures can have pounding bottom will be happiest with round and liquid warmth, the sense of a dramatic effect on the values of these the GE 6550s. The sweet and clean multi-dimensional air and space, the pow­ resistors and the tone of the amp. I've seen sounding Svetlana 6550C compliments erful sense of breadth and depth, and the 10 ohm plate resistors that measured over the sound of the Japanese built MTI amps taut transient wallop that can be claimed 4K ohms! Also check the hum balance pot especially well, just don't push the bias only by the king of all bass amps-the and bias pots and resistors. On some amps excessively hard-watch for hot-spots. I've Ampeg SVT. the output transformer taps were incor­ found the Teslovak KT88's bias to be rectly wired to the switch on the extension prone to instability and the rubes can arc speaker jack. When the extension jack is unexpectedly. The GE 6146B/8298A Terry Buddingh is a performing bassist and not in use the normal output jack should (with the flat sides on the end of the a guitar amplifier expert. He is a frequent be wired for 4 ohms. Check the color plates) are the most trouble-free, but I contributor and guitar amp reviewer for code on the schematic. The truly obsessive wouldn't stray too far from the recom­ Guitar Player Magazine and related publi­ will probably want to replace the 15 K bias mended 24 ma per rube idle current. cations. and drive balance pots with 10 turn Heli­ Then again, sometimes biasing is a test of pots for less sensitive and more stable and your bravery and faith .... precise bias and balance adjustments-the originals are quite touchy. Other mods The preamp's rocker switches can get have been implemented to reduce bias-pot dirty and intermittent and cause noise sensitivity. and volume loss; they should be checked and cleaned frequently. Pots and sockets

Tube Lore fl~LECTRA-PRINT A REFERENCE FOR USERS AND COLLECTORS For serious users, a new look into tubes from 1920 to the present: history of design trends, "where us­ AUDIO ed" information, tech data, equivalencies, "user's guide," even auction prices. See review by Eric QUALITY HANDWOUND S.E. OUTPUT TRANSFORMERS Barbour in the Winter 1997 VIV. Contains 186 pag­ • Primaries from 1 .8K to 1OK es, 8-½" x 11" softbound. Orderable from: • Exclusive wideband design • Antique Electronic Supply, (602) 820-5411 • 16, 8, 4, or 2 ohm secondary 6221 S. Maple, Tempe, AZ 85283 • Gold plating • Antique Radio Classified, (508) 371-0512 CUSTOM-BUILT POWER TRANSFORMERS/CHOKES PO Box 2, Carlisle, MA 01741 • Wound to your requirements • Museum of Radio & Technology Bookstore • Heavy-duty design for Class A use 4204 Thorn Apple Ln., Charleston, WV 25313 • DC filament supply windings • W7FG Vintage Manuals, (800) 807-6146 • HV chokes to 15H, 300ma 3300 Wayside Dr., Bartlesville, OK 74006 • Low voltage, high current filament chokes Or order directly from the author: Component pricing and specifications catalog available Ludwell Sibley 44-V E. Main St. ELECTRA-PRINT AUDIO Flemington, NJ 08822 4117 Roxanne Drive Las Vegas, NV 89108 Price if ordered direct, postpaid: $19.95 in US or Canada, 702-396-4909 FAX 702-396-4910 $24.95 ppd. elsewhere. Discounts available to groups on orders on quantity purchases.


around 1954, had similar problems. Computing With Tubes: The first programmable computers to use transistors were experimental units, hybrid in construction: RAND The Savage Art Corporation's JOHNNIAC in 1954 and Lincoln Labs' TX-0 in 1955. The first all­ transistor calculating machine to be 3. The First PCs Were Not Made In 1975 demonstrated, a multiplier built by Bell Labs in 1951, used point-contact devices By Eric Barbour © 1998 All Rights Reserved and was unreliable. Further, the first pro- r------,------~ grammable all-transistor computer, Bell Labs' Leprechaun of 1956, was an experi- The so-called "digital revolution" contin­ sounds, the "personal computer" predates mental prototype only and was not manu­ ues to steamroller on. Driven by hype and even the use of transistors! For by 1955, factured due to reliability iss ues. Until the avarice, this movement is facilitated by numerous small computers were in daily supply of junction devices was steady and the public maunderings of a gang of use in scientific and business data process­ consistent in quality, they had to be indi­ remarkably ignorant journalises and self­ ing. All were intended for use by a single vidually selected for computer use. Special appointed visionaries. An excellent recent person, and most were no larger than a computing rubes were far more consistent example was a special section in the San typical office desk. These machines tend­ and more reliable. Jose Mercury News of March 2, 1997. In ed to have a typewriter for input-output, this supplement, called "Behind The usually the popular (and slow) Friden So: up to 1958, building a computer Wave," various MERC scribblers were Flexowriter with paper-tape reader/punch. meant using rubes. Luckily, the availabili­ given plenty of space to blather about And nothing else. Some of the larger ty of decent germanium diodes made the how the Internet has become essential to machines could support a pen plotter, a logic circuits of computers smaller and human existence, such that even looking line printer, perhaps a magnetic tape drive simpler. Even so, switching and buffering for a job requires e-mail and the World or a simple CRT for primitive vector­ were done with tubes. Despite misconcep­ Wide Web. Overall, it looks like a busi­ based graphics. Yee these are all basically tions about tubes constantly "burning ness-friendly puff piece, of the sore com­ "personal." And most scandalous of all, out," some machines ran for months at a monly seen in daily newspapers around not only did these machines contain no time without failures. Nearly all the the United States and intended to make integrated circuits, they did not even use things we take for granted today in com­ local advertisers feel warm and happy transistors! puters were developed with rube technol­ inside. Yet this particular item simply ogy. If more proof is required, following regurgitated the long-held homilies about Why? Well, the semiconductor devices are descriptions of the world's first per­ the development of computing--many of of the early 1950s were very primitive. So sonal computers. You won't find a single which are distorted, if not outrageously little was known about this technology transistor in any of them. false. that early point-contact devices, commer­ cially available Ask any Silicon Valley engineer: what (and expensive was the first personal computer? Since for many years), Bendix G-15 there is no hard-and-fast definition of a were in fact bare­ (Courtesy ofthe PC, you will encounter as many answers ly adequate for Computer Museum) as there are engineers in Silicon Valley. If use in pocket the person being asked is knowledgeable, AM radios. The the most likely response will be the MITS Mercury News LI Altair of 1975. This was the first PC to be people claim that "widely" available to hobbyists, at a "low the invention of cost" --whatever chat means. (These folks the transistor in usually fail to mention even earlier 1947 changed machines: IBM 5100, Scelbi SH, Miera!.) computing, yet Yet one could make an excellent claim for they seem not to the idea that "personal computer" is a know that tran­ fairly broad category, which immediately sistors were awful eclipses even the 5100, Scelbi or French­ until circa 1958. made Miera!. At first they were pomt-concact, If we want co define a "personal com­ had low gain and puter" as physically small, generalized in very high noise design for a variety of scientific and com­ figures, varied mercial uses and intended for use by a enormously from single operator, then these early micro­ sample to sam­ computers are left in the dust. If you're ple, and were picky, then the Digital Equipment anything bur Corporation PDP-8 was a personal com­ rugged. Junction puter. devices, which starred to appear Yet as horrible and heretical as chis in quantity VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 T H E F I R S T PERSONAL COMPUTERS

Burroughs EJOJ mem with their massive ugliness. By com­ (Courtesy ofthe Computer Museum) parison, the Librascope computer had loads of STYLE. And it cost a mere $39,600, a pittance at a time when typical mainframes were $200,000 and required a staff of 3 co 10 people co keep them run­ ning. The LGP-30 was remarkably advanced, in spire of the lack of transistors. Its inge­ nious design, by Dr. Stanley Frankel of Cal Tech, used a minimum of electronics and was totally serial-synchronous. Operating registers could be displayed on a small CRT. Main memory was 4096 words on a magnetic drum, and given rhat a word was 30 bits long, the LGP-30 had far more memory capacity than the early Alrairs--in fact, about as much as the original Apple II. Only 11 2 tubes and 1500 germanium diodes were enough_co do everything required. Sixteen machine instructions, and why have any more? Input and output was by Flexowriter, and Bendix G-15 length encoded each digit. A word was 12 adding peripherals was difficult at best. digits wide plus a sign bit, and 220 words Imagine a big art-deco-like refrigerator Add rime was 8.75 milliseconds, very fast were scored on its magnetic drum. Adding compared co similar machines like the from the 1940s, and yo u'd have the G-15, cook 50 milliseconds due co the time-divi­ one of the most popular computers of the Burroughs El 01. This slick little gadget sion scheme of its logic, and due co the weighed 800 pounds, used 1500 watts 50s. It was simple and small enough co slowness of the drum memory. use in a typical office. Memory was a and required only a small window-type air magnetic drum, as usual for .this period, It and the similar El02 had a plug­ conditioner in warm weather. holding 2160 words of29 bits each. board panel, removable co allow exchange. Since the drum held data with the Registers were on a special _fast-acces~ i:iart Parts of program flow could be set up on power off, there was little need co re-enter of the drum. Adding two single-prec1S1on a panel, so the program would refer co the operating software when power was numbers cook a blinding 540 microsec­ panel settings. This was thought co make switched back on. And a good thing coo, onds--slowed by the need co access the the programs shorter and simpler. The since it had co be re-entered from a drum, typical for all drum-memory . keyboard and primer were _a Burroug~s punched rape at 5 characters per second'. machines of the day. Even so, at the time "Sensimatic" console, modified from ns which cook more than an hour. The basic this was a fairly fast computer. normal business-accounting uses. system had a simple console monico~ and Programs were read from a paper tape Unlike the LGP-30 below and some subroutines for computation. Rel1ab1hty operating at 2 characters per second. The was apparently excellent, with no service others, the G-15 could accept various El0l consumed 3000 peripherals. Magnetic tape drives, paper watts and weighed tape and card punches, and even a plotter Librascope LGP-30 and guest 1800 pounds. It should sy Lockheed-Martin Libra were available. A basic G-15 used 400 be easy co see why the tubes, mostly 5967s, and 3000 diodes. El0l was quickly Addition of peripherals required an exter­ eclipsed by faster nal interface cabinet. Operating uptime machines with more was reported co be 90-98% for typical memory capacity. users, many of which were defense con­ tractors or state highway departments. It Librascope LGP-30 is reported that the Nebraska Highway Department was using a G-15 until 1982. This was unquestion­ Considering that more than 200 G- l 5s ably the coolest, were sold between 195 5 and 1960, it's hippest computer of surprising that so few have survived. the 1950s era. It was styled by professional Burroughs ElOl and E102 industrial designers, and wrapped in a slick One of the first desk-sized computers, metal case with a the El0l was wildly popular with defense chrome accent strip. contractors and military agencies, as well Other small computers as banks and other kinds of companies. usually were sold in More than 80 had been sold in the first 4 ugly grey or dark-green years after the 1953 introduction. It used boxes, intended co "pulse-coded decimal," meaning it was impress the manage- nor capable of static operation--pulse VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 T H E F I R S T PERSONAL COMPUTERS

technician being needed on the company be ignored and belittled. So it is with that staff. Tube failures occurred only at inter­ Mercury News piece, a litany of self-ser­ vals of weeks, comparable to that of many vice filled with corporate propaganda. transistorized mainframe systems of the One cannot rake seriously a piece of 1960s. "j ournalism" which claims that the only important thing to happen in computing The LGP-30 sold until more powerful between 1947 and 1957 was the birth of small computers, such as the IBM 1620 Bill Gates; which does not mention any (which was apparently introduced specifi­ of the important pre-ENIAC machines or cally to compete with the Librascope) , any software developments of the 1950s, appeared in 1959-1960. A few LGP-30s, Their Readix machine was aimed at such as the first operating systems and donated by the engineering firms char defense customers for engineering work, FORTRAN; and which fails to cover originally bought them, were being used though it was also claimed to be suitable milestone systems of the 1960s such as to reach programming in California for business dara processing. It had 260 the IBM System/360 and the PDP-8. schools well into the 1970s. Librascope tubes and 3000 diodes in a large cabinet Still, all this is typical of today's computer also sold these machines to companies with impressive-looking glass doors show­ journalism. such as Control Data and the Royal ing off all the circuit modules. Readix was Precision marketing firm, who then stuck expandable, with optional point plotter, One final note: some VTV readers may their own logos on it for sale. So, the magnetic tape drive, and an interim regis­ have heard that early microcomputers like LGP-30 was apparently the first "generic" ter for attaching IBM punch-card units. the Scelbi are so rare that they sell for PC. Royal ran ads for the LGP-30 in a A word was 10 BCD digits, add time was $8000 and up--yet the Scelbi is relatively variety of magazines. 17 milliseconds including drum access, common, compared even to popular tube and the drum held 4000 words. A feature computers like the LGP-30 or the G-15. The LGP-30 even got its own high­ not often seen on these smaller comput­ Interesting, that computer collectors level language compiler in late 1959, ers, bur standard with large mainframes haven't discovered these machines yet. called ACT-1. Unfortunately its transis­ of the era, was an oscilloscope for trou­ And this article does not even cover very torized replacement, the RPC-4000, was bleshooting. Free, at no extra charge. specialized machines, like the Litton announced at about the same time. This, 20/40 differential analyzer or the Baird the 1620, and ocher frantically intro­ Underwood Elecom SO Atomic 580 autocorrelator. duced transistor computers of the period sent the LGP-30 into the dustbin of his­ All the business-machine manufacturers Hopefully, this information about the tory by 1960. Librascope later became a tried to jump into the computer world earliest "personal computers" will help to builder of computer systems for defense during the 1950s. Underwood, a venera­ dissipate the historic information void in work, and is currently a division of ble typewriter manufacturer, was no which American computing currently Lockheed Martin. exception. Their Elecom 50 was first wallows. And it should correct some false delivered in 1955, and it followed their verities, repeated ad nauseaum by people Monrobot III successful Elecom 100 of 1952. Elecom who should know better and are paid to 50 roughly corresponded to the Monroe, a reputable maker of mechani­ know better. Librascope machine, with 160 tubes and cal calculators, entered the electronics 2000 diodes. Words were 10 decimal dig­ Bibliography business with the Monrobot series. The its, and the drum memory held 100 loca­ smallest was the III, yet another desk full 1. Logical Design of a Simple General­ tions plus the 3 working registers. of tubes with a Flexowriter on top. The Purpose Computer, IRE Transactions on Apparently the I/O console was numeric first sample was sold to the US Air Force Electronic Computers, Stanley Frankel, only, while an alphanumeric printer was Cambridge Computing Center in 1955. volume EC-6, number l, March 1957. an extra option. With 800 tubes crammed inside, it had a not-so-good uptime record of 80%, and 2. A Second Survey of Domestic The Elecom 50 used 2000 watts, Electronic Digital Computing Systems, outside of hard failures, Monroe required weighed 750 pounds, and cost a mere Martin H. Weik, Department of the one hour of regular maintenance every $22,500--a real bargain. More than 50 Army Ballistic Research Laboratories, day. Its drum held 100 numbers and 100 had been sold by 1957, and the delivery Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, program instructions, in separate areas. time was 12 months. In spire of its tiny Report 1010, June 1957. Addition of two 20-digit decimal num­ memory and limited console, the low bers required 0.12 seconds, including price found it many applications. One 3. IBM'S Early Computers, Charles J. drum access. Just reading a location took ominous note: average running time Bashe, Lyle R. Johnson, John H . Palmer, 15 milliseconds, and the system ran on a between calculation errors was quoted at Emerson W Pugh; The MIT Press, 10-kHz clock. And it used 2500 watts 6 hours. Like all these machines, the Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986. and weighed 1000 pounds. Even the larg­ Elecom 50 had no error-checking sys­ er Monrobot V was just as slow and tems. Calculations had to be re-run or 4. Military Systems Design magazine, primitive. Interesting, that early comput­ checked by other means to ensure correct November-December 1959, p. 311 and ers made in-house by big business­ results, primarily due to bits being read 318. machine companies tended to be poorly incorrectly from the drum occasionally. designed. Many thanks to Richard Kennerknecht of Exit Lockheed Martin Librascope and Dr. Readix So long as instant experts continue to Leonard Shustek of The Computer Museum J. B. Rea Company was a "s tart-up" spread misinformation unchecked, the for their invaluable assistance in research­ firm that did not survive the early days. true nature and origin of computing will ing the facts in this article. VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 WINTER 1 9 9 8 C E S REPORT

audiophile "screechies", while still deliver­ Winter 1998 ing a credible 3-D image. Great for hours SOUND of casual listening. Very close second was CES Report the Thor Audio sys tem, with rweaks cour­ PRACTICES tesy of Mike Vans Evers. By Eric Barbour © 1998 MAGAZINE Now for the part yo u're all waiting for, It seems to get bigger each year. And the WEIRDNESS: every year, there are more and more vacu­ a) Ralph Karsten of Atma-Sphere was Cool DIY Projects um-tube products. Not only was the showing off his newest invention: a 300B Winter CES high-end exhibit at the OTL amp. That's what I said, a 300B History and Classics Alexis Park Hotel in Las Vegas the biggest OTL. Only four 300Bs are suitable to yet, the "alternative" International High­ drive a 16-ohm load to 20 watts. I heard Future Perspectives End Show was expanded to rwo hotels-­ it and can attest to its excellence. the Debbie Reynolds and the Howard Johnson on Tropicana. And even though b) Unfortunately, Moth Audio's huge International News many listed exhibitors didn't make it, 304TL SE amps weren't ready yet, and there were easily 60+ companies showing WAVAC Audio Labs did not have an Wild Entertainment tube electronics, almost a 2-to-1 ratio exhibit of their giant 833A amps. Even so, '??.· over solid-state manufacturers. there were plenty of companies that were Refuge-for Audio r-1

in order to buil d up trust. The Internet • will certainly change the way vintage Vintage Audio 1n audio gear is sold worldwide. There are already dozens of audio classified sites, auction si tes and newsgroups that cater to Japan collectors and cube enthusiasts. This article and others char follow will review classic equipment and related com­ 1. Amplifiers and Preamplifiers ponents that are in demand in Japan and ocher places. What most people would By Charles Kittleson © 1998 All Rights Reserved throw our as junk co uld be worth the price of a new car and more. The prices listed on pp. 23-23 are from Japanese Ever wonder why you can't find any of buyers. Equipment must be in excellent retail audio shops advertisements found in the good old audio gear anymore? Back original condition with no upgrades or John Atwood's 15-year collection of the in the early 1970's a few audio exporters, modifications. It is best to not recap or top Japanese audio magazine, MJ Audio way ahead of the masses, were quietly rebuild vintage cube equipment that will Technology. Prices are quoted in Yen and buying up classic cube audio equipment be sold to collectors, as this can reduce you must convert to US dollars. Current and shipping it to eager buyers in Japan. the value by over 50% in some cases. (April 1998) value of the Yen is about Meanwhile, American consumers were They are very sensitive to this condition 130 Yen per US dollar. The wide varia­ getting misled into believing chat Pioneer, due to past experiences of friends who tion in prices is due to equipment condi­ Sansui and Sony audio gear with all the purchased WE gear through the mail that tion and to individual shops that price fancy features and switches was better turned out to be junk. Speakers must items more expensively. In the high­ than the old scuff. Sometimes I chink have the original cones, and vacuum cubes priced shops, buyers in Japan can negoti­ most people were so out of it back then should be new in their original boxes, for ate 10 to 30% off asking prices. that they didn't realize solid state gear best prices. really so unded like crap. Even though I Remember that you will not be able to am writing this article now, it should have The vintage audio market in places such fetch these prices in the US. What yo u been published 20 years ago. as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, can expect is anywhere from 25 to 40% etc. has recently been strong as well. of the prices quoted here when dealing Back in the 1970s, dealer/exporters However, these Asian buyers are often less with reputable dealers. Also remember were running want ads that would offer particular about condition and also more that demand and prices for any of chis to buy your old McIntosh or Marantz open to other brands such as Fisher, equipment are extremely unstable and tube gear for $1 00 or less so you would Scott, Dynaco, EICO , Acroso und, etc. subject to wild fluctuations, either up or be able to buy the shiny, new black and The prices they pay, naturally, are some­ down. What is hot today may be a boat silver plastic Asian audio boxes. The deal­ what lower. This phenomenon has anchor tomorrow. Ir is not easy finding ers would then double to quadruple their brought even more "dealer/exporters" into buyers that will pay yo u top dollar, so yo u money by selling the tube gear to whole­ the fray, many of whom are after any type may have to setcle for what is offered if salers and exporters or directly to retail of tube audio gear and tend to work on yo u are in a hurry to unload the gear. shops in Akihabara, the electronics dis­ much lower mark ups. trict of Tokyo. By the rime gear was The Asian economy is in turmoil right placed on the retail shelf, the price went Today, there are dozens of would-be now, due to the economic bubble which up between five and ten times the original dealer/exporters advertising in the back of burst a few months ago, so demand on price. Many of these dealers unobtrusive­ audio publications with a typical ad read­ many items may be soft. In addition, ly made high six figure incomes by mg: "Wanted: Marantz, McIntosh, younger engineering-oriented Japanese exporting our old audio "j unk." Western Electric, Tannoy... .. Cash Paid. " audiophiles are not as eager to collect WE Many of these fellows are purchasing the and other vintage gear as the older 45 + Japanese audiophiles were and are very good scuff from junk collectors, garage year old crowd. However, well-to-do picky about what they will spend big sale pickers and unsuspecting older people Koreans and Taiwanese have become bucks for. They prefer Western Electric who do not have a clue as to the value of more active in collecting vintage audio cubes, amps and speakers, McIntosh cube this equipment. Unfortunately, most of now so the demand is still there. audio, Marantz cube audio, Tannoy loud­ the classic audio gear has already been speakers, Altec Lansing tube equipment exported. NOTE: Only selected vintage gear is list­ and speakers, JBL loudspeakers and RCA ed on pp. 23-24 due to rime and space vacuum cubes. The Japanese are particu­ If yo u have any of this gear and are considerations. A more detailed Vintage larly obsessed with Western Electric. thinking of selling it, shop around to get Hi Fi Price Guide ($30) is available from Capacitors, wire, resistors or anything yo ur best price. Some dealer/exporters VTV, and is advertised elsewhere in this marked WE demands premium prices. have a direct connection to either a shop publication. or distributor in H ong Kong or Tokyo This is due, in some part, to reviewers in This article is Part 1 ofa three-part series Japanese audio magazines writing exagger­ and may be able to pay more. Other related to collecting and pricing vintage ated words of praise about the virtues of dealers may have to go through _two to WE equipment. On the other hand, there three "middlemen" or wholesalers. Of audio equipment and related accessories. is little or no demand for many other vin­ course, each middleman has to take his tage audio brands, such as Scott or Fisher. "cut." Some individual sellers have been A special thanks to Hisashi Ohtsuka, Senior successful dealing directly wi th buyers Editor, MJ Magazine, for his assistance Condition is everything to Japanese from retail stores, but this can take rime with this article. VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 VINTAGE A U D I 0 I N J A PA N

Amplifiers and Preamplifiers Low Value High Value

Altec 126A (push-pull 6L6 amp) ¥250,000 ¥350,000 pair 128B (push-pull EL34 amp) ¥200,000 ¥250,000 pair 256C (push-pull 807 amp) ¥250,000 ¥350,000 pair 1520A (push-pull 6L6 amp) ¥250,000 ¥300,000 pair 1530A (push-pull 6146B amp) ¥275,000 ¥350,000 pair 1567 (tube preamp) ¥250,000 ¥350,000 pair 1568A (push-pull 6CA7 amp) ¥140,000 ¥190,000 pair 1569A (PPP 6CA7 amp) ¥160,000 ¥225,000 pair 1570B (push-pull 81 lA amp) ¥280,000 ¥350,000 pair 287 (push-pull 845 amp) ¥440,000 ¥1,000,000 pair 287W (push-pull 805 amp) ¥450,000 ¥1,500,000 pair Ampex 807 push-pull theater amp ¥150,000 ¥200 ,000 pair 6550 push-pull theater amp ¥200,000 ¥250,000 pair Altec 256C Amplifier Altec 1570B Audio Research SP-3 (rube preamplifier) ¥150,000 ...... ¥200,000 Brook 12A3 (push-pull 2A3 amp) ¥250,000 ...... ¥400,000 pair Model 10 series (PP 2A3 amp) ¥300,000 ...... ¥600,000 pair DYNACO MK III (push-pull KT88 amp) ¥90,000 ...... ¥130,000 pair MKIV (push-pull EL34 amp) ¥100,000 ...... ¥140,000 pair HK Citation II Amp PAS-3 (tube preamplifier) ¥50,000 ...... ¥75,000 SCA35 (EL84 integrated amp) ¥50,000 ...... ¥110,000 ST70 (tube stereo amp) ¥75,000 ...... ¥130,000 Fisher SA300 (stereo EL34 amp) ¥80,000 ...... ¥100,000 400CX (tube stereo preamp) ¥120,000 ...... ¥150,000 SOC (mono tube preamp) ¥100,000 ...... ¥120,000 Harman-Kardon Marantz Model 9 Citation I (tube stereo preamp) ¥135,000 ...... ¥160,000 Citation II (6550 push-pull amp) ¥160,000 ...... ¥250,000 International Projector Corporation (IPC) 1001 (push-pull 6L6 amp) ¥175,000 ...... ¥350,000 pair 1011 (push-pull 6L6 amp) ¥200,000 ...... ¥250,000 pair 1026 (push-pull 807 amp) ¥225,000 ...... ¥300,000 pair 1027 (push-pull 6L6 amp) ¥250,000 ...... ¥300,000 pair 1029 (SE 6L6 amp) ¥150,000 ...... ¥235,000 pair -----=, "•=-r;- Langevin ....~ - ,. _ SL Pi 101D (6L6 push-pull amp) ¥250,000 ...... ¥380,000 pair 138 (6V6 push-pull amp) ¥140,000 ...... ¥200,000 pair Marantz Marantz 1 OB FM Tuner Model 1 Consolette (mono preamplifier) ¥300,000 ...... ¥500,000 pair Model 2 (push-pull EL34 amp) ¥440,000 ...... ¥750,000 pair Model 3 (crossover) ¥300,000 ...... ¥350,000 pair Model 5 (push-pull EL34 amp) ¥380,000 ...... ¥600,000 pair Model 6 (stereo adapter) ¥150,000 ...... ¥180,000 Model 7C (stereo preamplifier) ¥350,000 ...... ¥600,000 Model 8B (stereo push-pull 6CA7 amp) ¥280,000 ...... ¥400,000 Model 9 (PPP EL34 amp) ¥1,200,000 ...... ¥1,800,000 pair Model lOB (FM tuner) ¥280,000 ...... ¥650,000


Amplifiers and Preamplifiers Low Value High Value

McIntosh Al 16 (push-pull 6BG6 amp) ¥190,000 ...... ¥250,000 pair Cll (tube preamp) ¥150,000 ...... ¥300,000 C20 (tube preamp) ¥150,000 ...... ¥325,000 C22 (tube preamp) ¥250,000 ...... ¥560,000 MA230 (tube integrated amp) ¥150,000 ...... ¥180,000 MC30 (push-pull 6L6 amp) ¥180,000 ...... ¥275 ,000 pair MC40 (push-pull 6L6 amp) ¥250,000 ...... ¥280,000 pair MC60 (push-pull 6550 amp) ¥250,000 ...... ¥350,000 pair MC75 (push-pull KT88 amp) ¥255,000 ...... ¥410,000 pair WE Type 124 Amplifier MC225 (stereo push-pull 7591A amp) ¥180,000 ...... ¥250,000 MC240 (stereo push-pull 6L6 amp) ¥225,000 ...... ¥375 ,000 MC275 (stereo push-pull KT88 amp) ¥400,000 ...... ¥800,000 Ml200 (push-pull 8005) ¥1 ,200,000 ...... ¥2,500,000 pair Ml350 (350 watt sweep tube amp) ¥1 ,500,000 and up per pair MR65B (FM tuner) ¥80,000 ...... ¥135,000 MR66 (AM/FM tuner) ¥140,000 ...... ¥180,000 MR67 (FM MPX tuner) ¥130,000 ...... ¥175,000 MR71 (FM tuner) ¥150,000 ...... ¥200,000 MXl 10 (tuner-preamp) ¥180,000 ...... ¥275 ,000 QUAD 22 preamp, II power amp ¥300,000 ...... ¥400,000 pair WE Type 57A Amplifier WE Type 87B Amplifier HH Scott 250 (push-pull EL34 amp) ¥110 ,000 ...... ¥130,000 pair 130 (tube preamp) ¥110,000 ...... ¥120,000 Western Electric Amplifiers 41 and 42 (rack mounted amp) ¥2,000,000 ...... ¥3,000,000 pair 43A (push-pull 21 1 amp) ¥700,000 ...... ¥1,500 ,000 pair 46 (push-pull 205D amp) ¥800,000 ...... ¥1 ,800,000 pair 57-A (push-pull 252A amp) ¥900,000 ...... ¥1,500,000 pair 86, 86-A (push-pull 300B amp) ¥1,500,000 ...... ¥2,500,000 pair 86B (push-pull 300B amp) ¥2,000,000 ...... ¥3 ,000,000 pair 87B (p ush-pull 845 or 284-C amp) ¥1,500,000 ...... ¥2 ,500,000 pair TA 1086 (push-pull 300B) ¥1 ,500,000 ...... ¥2,500,000 pair 9 IA (single-ended 300B) ¥1,600,000 ...... ¥2,000,000 pair SODA (91, power supply and speaker) ¥2,000,000 ...... ¥2,500,000 pair 92A, B (push-pull 300B) ¥1,500,000 ...... ¥2,000,000 pair 94A (push-pull 6V6/WE349 amp) ¥750,000 ...... ¥900,000 pair 109B (push-pull 6L6 amp) ¥800,000 ...... ¥900,000 pair WE Type 86B A mplifier 118A (PPP 6L6 amp) ¥500,000 ...... ¥750 ,000 pair 124A-D (push-pull 350B amp) ¥1 ,000,000 ...... ¥1 ,450,000 pair 142A (PP 350B amp) ¥700,000 ...... ¥1,000,000 pair 143A (PPP 6L6 amp) ¥550,000 ...... ¥680,000 pair Western Electric Preamplifiers 105A (high-gain program amplifier) ¥1,300,000 ...... ¥1 ,700,000 pair 106A (line amplifier) ¥1,200,000 ...... ¥1 ,500,000 pair 120B (low-level pre-mixing amplifier) ¥900,000 ...... ¥1,250,000 pair 121A (fixed-gain amplifier) ¥1,000,000 ...... ¥1,650,000 pair WE Type 5} lA Amplifier WE Type 143 A mplifier 129B (mic preamp) ¥1 ,000,000 ...... ¥2,000,000 pair VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 DISTORTION ANALYZERS P A RT 2

meter reading in the top 2/3rds of the meter scale. This number, multiplied by The Audio Test Bench: che level switch setting, is the IM distor­ non. Distortion Analyzers A very helpful modification to the Heathkit IM analyzers is to add an output jack after the demodulator stage, before Part 2 The Audio Test Bench the amplitude detector. Connecting this signal to an oscilloscope shows the distor­ tion waveform. This is not the same as © 1998 All Rights Reserved by the residual distortion waveform from a ~=~==~~~ John Atwood harmonic distortion analyzer, but is very handy in seeing what part of the 60Hz waveform is distorting, catching overloads i------.------1 and clipping, and in seeing high frequen- In part one of this series (VTV #8, page this generally worked well in showing cy parasitic oscillations. 30) the general concept of distortion cube power amplifier distortions. analysis was presented, a short history of Excessive hum in the equipment under A Brief Hewlett-Packard Affair analysis was given, and the philosophy of test co uld give erroneo us readings, distortion analysis was discussed. In chis though. The fact chat the analyzer was Mose published distortion measure­ article several actual distortion analyzers completely self-contained was convenient. ments are for THD (Total Harmonic will be discussed in detail. In the next and Distortion). H aving only an IM analyzer last article the interpretation of che mea- On graduating, moving to California, kept me from comparing my measure­ sured resulcs will be covered. and making good money as an engineer, I ments to the rest of the world. At a ham could finally buy a distortion analyzer of radio swap meet, I picked up a Hewlett­ To give a good idea of the methods of my own - chis time the newer Heathkit Packard 330B harmonic distortion analyz­ use and capabilities of distortion analyz­ IM-5248 intermodulation analyzer. This er. After getting a copy of the manual, I ers, a detailed description of several dis­ was solid-state, and had lower residual discovered I had only half an analyzer - it tortion analyzers that I have had experi­ distortion - but was the same concept as needed an external low-distortion sine­ ence with will be given. This will be given the older tube-type IM-48. T his analyzer wave oscillator! Some scrounging brought in chronological order, based on my expe­ gave very good results during my early a solid-state Krohn-Hire oscillator with rience. The personal history serves to put tube amp experiments, and is still on the good specs. The lowest distortion reading the use of these analyzers in perspective, shelf as a back-up analyzer. Fig. 1 shows on the 330B was 1 % full-scale, but the and shows che growth in sophistication of the signal flow in the Heathkit IM analyz­ resi dual distortion inherent in the analyz­ audio measurements, both due to experi­ ers. er was about 0.4%. After lots of tweaking ence and more capable technology. (upgrading capacitors, selecting tubes, To use che analyzer in testing a power adjusting pentode screen voltages, etc.) I The Heathkit Years amplifier, the two-tone output is connect­ could only gee che residual distortion ed to the amp input, a suitable dummy down to about 0.15% - not very good, W hile an undergraduate, I worked as a load (typically an 8 ohm power resistor) is even for testing tube amps. Another technician for the Columbia-Princeton connected to the amp, and the analyzer annoyance was an odd band of distortion Electronic Music Center in New York. input is connected across the dummy at low levels - almost che opposite of The first audio analyzer I was exposed to load. After making sure that the low fre­ cross-over distortion - in the distortion was an old Heathkit IM-48 intermodula­ quency signal (60Hz) is exactly four times output waveform. This is caused by H -P's tion distortion analyzer. Many amplifiers, che amplitude of the high frequency sig­ us e of an AC meter circuit chat places the line amps, and tape recorders were tested nal (7KHz), the two-tone output is meter rectifiers inside the overall feedback on chis unit. We were never really sure brought up until the desired power out­ loop. This gives a nice linear meter scale, chat the numerical readings correlated to put is reached. The analyzer is then but che signal output is not linear at low the res t of the world, but the unit was sta­ switched to the "Level Set" mode, and the levels. ble and we could trust it for repeatable input level of the analyzer is adjusted for readings on our own equipment. This a full-scale reading on the merer. The ana­ To use chis type ofTHD analyzer, the type of analyzer was limited to the lyzer is then switched to che "IM" mode, sine-wave oscillator is connected to the 60Hz/7KHz SMPTE test, which primari­ and the input level switch is set to give a amp input, and the analyzer is connected ly exercised the equipment at 60Hz - but across the dummy load connected to the amp output. The oscillator level is adjust­ ed to give the desired output from the HF AC Meter amp. As with the IM analyzer, the input level is adjusted to give a full-scale reading ?KHz in the "Set Level" mode. A this point, the Osc. analyzer is switched to "Distortion," and the frequency dial is tuned to give a mini­ 60Hz mum meter reading. Adjust rhe Balance Osc. control for minimum reading. Repeat both adjustments for the best null. The Fig. 1 - Heathkit IM Analyzer reading remaining on che merer is the THD. VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 DISTORTION ANALYZERS P A RT 2

the generator and analyzer ganged togeth­ er. The oscillator output is automatically Fig. 2 - Sound Technology leveled, so yo u don't get errors when run­ 17008 THD Analyzer ning frequency response plots. The THD tester has good auto-nulling, and has a This switch closed in Ratio mode. very handy auto-level circuit chat elimi­ Input nates the need to do the "Sec Level" adjustment each time. My particular model even had the meter calibrated to directly read power into an 8-ohm load! Low-Distortion Sine Wave I Oscillator I The operation of the Sound Technology 1700B is the simplest so far: set the out­ : ____ Oscillator and notch filter frequencies track _ ____ 1 put for the desired power level, set the input level switch for a reading in the upper 2/3rds of the meter scale, then Given the size, limited performance, Technology was the analyzer to have. I switch to distortion, and read our the and tedious adjustments of the 330B, I had been keeping my eye out for a used THD. IM measurements use a similar considered getting the newer H-P 331A one, bur as with any desirable piece of process. As with most newer analyzers, the or 334A. The 331A/332A is functionally equipment, the used price was high - sev­ 1700B has a switchable 80KHz low-pass similar to the 330B, but has much lower eral thousand dollars. I finally found one filter and 400Hz high pass filter. The first residual distortion. The 333A/334A adds for $1200--a lot, but justifiable for my is handy in removing high-frequency an auto-nulling feature, greatly reducing audio consulting work. "junk" from the signal - which can often the tedium. The even newer 339A finally occur at the output of CD players or PC adds a built-in oscillator! However, even My new acquisition basically worked, sound cards. The 400Hz filter is good in on the used market these analyzers were bur was not working to spec, and was removing hum and its harmonics when quite expensive. I decided to stick with somewhat erratic. It apparently had been running THD tests above 500Hz. the Heath IM analyzer. used on the test bench at Pacific Stereo - and had seen a lot of hard use. Although considered obsolete for pro­ The Jump to Sound Technology Fortunately, Sound Technology still exists, duction testing, che Sound Technology although at a smaller size, in Campbell, analyzers are still close to the state of the By the early 1990s, I had started doing California. I brought my unit over, and arc in performance, and are very good for some serious audio consulting work on submitted it to their standard $750 over­ R&D and service work. Sonny at Sound the side, and realized I needed a better haul. Judging from the number of compo­ Technology told me chat they still make a analyzer than the Heathkit. I had noticed nents replaced, it was more like a $3000 few 1700s for the U.S. Navy, where the chat many audio professionals had a beige overhaul, but they still only charged the lack of digital circuits makes chem suit­ and brown box on their benches - an ana­ basic rate. I finally had a high-perfor­ able for use in ultra low-noise environ­ lyzer by Sound Technology. A Silicon mance analyzer! ments. Valley company started by ex-Hewlett­ Packard engineers, their first product was The Sound Technology 1700B is a very Audio Meets the Computer Age a FM stereo multiplex generator. When finely-tuned, all-analog design. It is basi­ their state-of-the-art distortion analyzer, cally a THD analyzer, but my model also While the Sound Technology unit has the 1700, came out in the mid-1970s, had the IM analyzer option. The residual che precision, doing frequency response their timing was perfect: the ultra-low dis­ distortion is less than 0.002%. The fre­ curves was tedious, and I realized chat tortion wars were underway. From the late quencies are push-button selectable, with there was more to audio measurement 1970s to the lace 1980s, Sound than just IM, THD, noise, and frequency response. In the search for understanding sound and and how electronics affects so und, it became clear chat more different ways of looking at sound were needed. Spectrum analysis gives a whole different view of a signal, and is especially good for looking at the harmonic structure generat­ ed by amplifiers. It is now increasingly necessary to deal with audio in a digital form . In shore, I was looking for the next level of performance in audio analysis. The first exposure to the next level in state of the art audio testing came about six years ago when Mike Hogue, the local Audio Precision rep, gave a presentation -j ~ to the Bay Area Tube Enthusiasts on their Sys tem One analyzer. This is an analog analyzer chat is fully computer controlled. By using a DOS-based program running on a PC-compatible computer, the con­ Hewlett Packard Type 333A Distortion Analyzer trol interface and computational features VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 DISTORTION ANALYZERS P A RT 2

Fig. 3 - Audio Precision System Two (not including Digital Interface Test circuits) A Input

Bandpass/ Bandreject Filter

Analyzer DSP Generator DSP

could be updated without changing che My interest in Audio Precision was Several different high-performance AID basic analyzer hardware. There were even whetted by my consulting work for converters are available, connected to a options for adding a DSP (Digital Signal Summit Audio, where a System One, and DSP that can perform standard analog Processor) which could do FFT spectrum later a System Two was regularly used for tests (IM, THD, noise, cross-talk, phase, analysis, multi-tone testing, and other production testing and repair of their etc.), FFT spectrum analysis, and MLS sophisticated tests. The only problem was pro-audio products. The ease of doing analysis, the latter useful for speaker test­ chat a fully loaded system cost as much a automated tests, as well as the availability ing. In addition, the actual SPDIF or good car. of spectrum analysis, multi-tone analysis, AES /EBU digital signal itself can be per­ and digital interface analysis, were really turbed and analyzed! During the late 1970s and early 1980s, attractive. After saving up some money, Tektronix made a line of high-quality and with an assist from the booming The System Two is run from a audio test gear - most designed to fit in stock market, I decided to cake the big Windows-based program, APWIN, which its DM500-series modular test equipment plunge, and get an Audio Precision gives the user separate windows for con­ racks. However, as part of an MBA­ System Two, complete with dual domain trolling each subsys tem and function. inspired "refocusing," Tektronix dropped (analog and digital) analysis. At the time The most common method of using the their audio line. The key engineers this was written, I've had the analyzer for System Two is by running "sweeps," involved then started their own company, two weeks and am just getting familiar which generate graphs or tables of one Audio Precision, Inc. in 1986 to continue with all its power. Its capabilities are so parameter versus another. It can also do their audio work. A trend in instrumenta­ extensive, that I can only cover the basic single-point measurements displayed on a tion design at that time was the incorpo­ analysis functions here. In the last article, bar graph or numerical readout on the ration of microprocessors to automate some of the more advanced features will screen. Set-ups and captured data can be and calculate. However, equipment with be explained. saved to disc. All settings and commands "embedded" processors could easily available to the user are also available in a become obsolete as newer processors and The System Two has basically the same language called APWIN BASIC, which is better software techniques were devel­ signal path as a regular harmonic distor­ based on Microsoft's Visual Basic for oped. Audio Precision decided to use the tion analyzer, but with all switching and Applications (VBA). This is a fully-capa­ ever-cheaper IBM-PC as their control level setting under computer control. It ble programming language which allows processor. The result was a box that just has an extremely low distortion analog sophisticated automated tests to be run. had connectors. All switching and adjust­ oscillator (typically 0.00003% or less at ments were done through the interface 1KHz) and an analog analysis section If chis sounds like an enthusiastic mar­ program. By using the computational with state variable filter and notch filter keting testimonial, it is just because I am power of the PC and its storage and with matching specs. For those who put an excited new owner! I'm sure chat some printing capabilities, sweeps, graphs, and down audio transformers in a signal path, bugs and flaws will become apparent. automated test procedures could now be it is interesting to see chat Audio However, I look forward to probing the done. It should be noted that the GPIB Precision uses transformers in their ana­ outer limits of sound design! bus (IEEE-488), originally developed by log output stage. To provide "Dual In the next and last article on distortion Hewlett-Packard in the 1970s, allowed Domain" capability, a DSP can also pro­ similar computer control and computa­ vide DIA-generated analog signals as well analyzers, some typical results will be given tion, but tended to be expensive, and lit­ as SPDIF (consumer), and AES/EBU from various distortion tests. Some insights tle high-performance audio-specific hard­ (pro) digital outputs of all the signals on the interpretation ofthe results will also ware was available for the GPIB. available from the analog section, as well be discussed. · as some arbitrary and special waveforms.


After the amp was up and running and a two-day burn-in complete, it was time The Gentle Giant: to reap my rewards. With close to 300 watts of thundering audio at my discre­ tion, I soon discovered these amps are Allee 287W their happiest fully loaded. They were originally auditioned on a pair of Theil CS 3.6 speakers. These were way too effi­ By Natalie J. Stone © 1 998 All Rights Reserved cient for an application such as this. I strapped the transformer for 5 ohms and t------r------, connected a pair of old Cerwin-Vega 15 inch and 12 inch home speaker cabinets It was just over a year ago that I has a nice wide range and doesn't tax the along with my own home-brew 12 inch acquired the pair of Altec 287W ampli­ driver amp. Next all the high voltage Focal cabinets. Then I set the volume up fiers. I had been reading about large tri­ wiring was replaced with high-grade igni­ ever so slightly as I walked down the ode amps for quite some rime and having tion wire. Then the bias circuit was street to ensure my neighbors could enjoy played out several scenarios on a pair of reworked: the selenium rectifier was the music as much as I did. 1570Bs, was ready to move on. I had been talking to Sonny Goldson about Needless to say, these amps aren't for older theater equipment when he said he everyone: they like inefficient drivers and had something I might be interested in. I lots of load! They have a class B rating was, and when they arrived I thought I and they have a plate voltage of around may have gotten in over my head. They 1500 volts. BAD STUFF, MAN! were pretty raw so I set out on the job to restore them. After a week or so I pow­ Just to see what the plate transformer ered up one and had just finished the sec­ was capable of, I used a neon lamp as an ond when it was discovered that the out­ igniter and was able to develop a ten inch put transformer was shorted. I called arc which extinguished only after I killed Sonny back to ask if he had any ideas. the mains. It never blew the 2 Amp fuse! Out of pure luck he had a source who If I were to equate this amp to a car it had a set of transformers to a 287W I would be a '57 Chevy. Bodacious looks, obtained the spare set and was back in j lots of power, and inefficient. But what a business. It didn't take long to realize that ride! They don't have the high headroom these giants had a wealth of unadulterated or presence I've heard from amps like triode power. Their circuit design was as Futterman OTLs or a Mac MI-200, but simple, if not more so, than a single­ they definitely have redneck appeal. ended amp. Two things were immediately One can also see the early influence visible here. There is no feedback and RCA Type 805 Transmitting Triode there are no coupling capacitors. This that Western Electric had on Altec. Four leaves the input transformer - T5 - as the tubes mounted benchmark style on the most critical component. replaced with a 5A bridge and a 25 Watt- same plane, a plate current merer, and the 50 ohm pot replaced RS, allowing on-line unique starter switch that rotates. Just T5 has two jobs: first as an impedance tuning. Next, Cl was taken out and an look at the WE. 43A (VTV issue #2). matcher, and second as a phase inverter. RC decoupler was added, giving a more Sadly, looking ahead was the coming of I've been unable to track down an origi­ stable output and reducing hum. The last the amps like the A!tec 260A. An era was nal Altec T5 part number TL 216, so I two mods were the addition of high/low tried a dozen or so transformers until I switches on the plate and filament trans­ found a Triad HSM-94. This transformer former primaries. I've seen my home line voltage swing twenty volts and didn't want to power down every time I needed to change taps. After some power up readings were taken, I started trying different driver amps. If you are unable to track down the OEM Alrec A-127 amp, a Macintosh 50W2 or All6 make good candidates. I'm currently working on building a SE/91. Electra Print would be my first choice for an output transformer with a high impedance on the secondary to drive the input of the 287W directly, doing away with the T5 transformer. An addi­ coming to a close. Gone were the days of tional secondary with common imped­ the "Gentle Giants" and their simplistic ances (4, 8, 16 ohms) would allow the ways. In their place was a contorted maze user to drive speakers as well as the of RC networks, caps and coils, and 287W enough feedback to kill a concerto. The VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 T H E G E N T L E G I A N T A LT E C 2 8 7 W

T 5 •- 0 S19NAL lflltUT T!ttMUtALS 105°!~ It. 50-tO,v OUTPUT TUIIIINALS Tl PRIMARY a- HOW.A.TIOOO,. T001l topOOn PEit VOLT IIE:TU UHD SECOWDl-'IY OUTPUT LOAD STlt.lP SOURC[ c5cl:.. ~~. IMP!D. IIIP(D. CONNlCTIONS lift>!OANC JONI • " 2011 tOS\ ii I f~ cl ~ ! N . 8 • S\ IA ~].r. j ~~~ !i" ~· ~ . • 1101\ OA on TO · l, ~ UOA ·1 t: E: . I IAMPLIFIUI SHIPl"t!D WITH Tl d I ITRA,,lD AS I _HOWN} . l .15.n. l.H.ll IO cl ; I ~-• ... . . ~ N .~ u ~~ :

,.,.TO NA ·~

I t 10

OPERATING OATA GAIN : ALTEC LANSING POWER OJTPUT: 2'0 WATTS AT 51. 46.2 D9 A 287W AMPLIFIER TOTAL HARMCNCS """5' 08M FRECUENC Y RESPCJ,/SE % I 08 100-10..000~ HUM LEVEL : -21.s ce -20 DBM. 10381-18 REFER(NC( : 0 08 • .00& WAffl O 09M•.OOI wms

the old ways of Western Electric but can't find or afford one, yo u're better off any­ way! And for whoever isn't afraid of super lethal power, the ALTEC 287W makes an excellent project.

only real carryover was the use of a cen­ but even the old 83 has a smoother tex­ ter-tapped input transformer. Engineering ture than the 5U4/5R4, etc. Decide for was going in a new direction now. But yourself. At any rate the 866As weren't was it better? going anywhere. At night you can turn Natalie Stone is a vacuum tube audio the lights down with only the 287W's enthusiast who works as an electrical tech­ Many have asked why I kept the two glow for illumination, put on Pink nician in a power generation plant. She is 866A mercury-vapor rectifiers instead of Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, and expe­ using solid state. Yes, these can be very rience a visual and aural spectacle that also into motorcycles, steam locomotives and problematic, but once you get a pair that would cause even the great "Harvey lately, the restoration ofan original are fairly balanced, you can get several Gizmo" to make water! Linotype machine. thousand hours out of them, and besides You can reach Natalie by email: they sound better to me. A lot of people They create an atmosphere that's hard [email protected] argue against mercury vapor rectification, to describe, bur for anyone who enjoys VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 B E S T VINTAGE H I - F I B U Y s

friend's. Tubes most likely to be weak are The Best Sounds in output and tuner cubes, bur check them all anyway. Tube pins and sockets can be dirry and have caked-on dirt or scale, Vintage Hi-Fi Under especially the smaller seven and nine pin miniature rypes. Use a reliable and envi­ ronmentally safe contact cleaner to spray $350 into che sockets and replace and remove the cube from the socket five times, chen spray some more cleaner in the socket By Charles Kittleson © 1998 All Rights Reserved before you replace the cube. T his breaks up the dire and makes a better electrical 1------,------"" contact. Slide switches, tone and volume You don't have to spend a king's ran­ for some people, so we don't recommend controls, rotary function switches and som to get a great sounding tube hi-fi chis e_xercise for audio snobs or arrogant input jacks benefit from contact cleaner system. There are thousands of 1960's yuppies. spray as well. I have had excellent results vintage tube stereo components available with Caig D-5 spray cleaner and preserv­ for a song, which may only need minor Most of che gear mentioned in che arti­ ative. servicing and upgrades. The equipment cle has excellent transformers, point to mentioned in this article is not for audio­ point wiring and classic, good sounding Avoid plugging your equipment in philes who must have at least 200 watts circuits. There are other good-sounding without first bringing it up slowly on a per channel and concert-like realism. bargains out there you may know about, variable AC transformer (VARL4C). If Obviously, those requirements will cost but the equipment listed in this article is yo u hear 120 cycle hum, it is most likely the audio perfectionist ten thousand dol­ common and comparatively inexpensive. a high-voltage filter capacitor, which lars or more. Components mentioned in The funny thing is, though, chat when muse be replaced before you can safely this article will make good music, even you scare looking at a lot of che new cube operate the unit. Any older capacitor in with moderately efficient speakers, and hi-fi equipment, much of it is copied the signal path can potentially effect the will be easy to listen to for long periods from designs from the 1950s and 60s. sound qualiry of che unit. Mose restorers of time without listener fatigue. Plus, With all the audio equipment buy-sell replace chem all with newer film rypes. In they won't break che bank, by costing publications plus rec.audio.marketplace many cases, che bias rectifier in older rypically less than $350US per unit (1998 and ebay.com on che Internet, it won't be equipment was a selenium rype chat goes bad with age and develops excessive resis­ prices). They are an excellent comple­ difficult to locate any one of these popu­ tance. This reduces bias voltage to the ment to CD players that nearly always lar components. output cubes, causing the places to glow sound too "digital" and cry for cubes in Repair and Upgrades che signal path to smooth the irritating orange and go bad. The selenium unit must be replaced with newer silicon solid-state edge. Unless you have high Restoration can be che fun part of chis diodes or a diode bridge. In addition, che frequency hearing loss and can't cell the exercise. Actually bringing a vintage electrolytic capacitors used to filter the difference, you need cubes when playing piece back to life with your own hands! bias voltage must be replaced for best reli­ CDs. It is always a good idea to obtain a abiliry. schematic diagram of yo ur equipment Mose audio stores will downplay the before you begin che job. Be sure to check Dynaco Stereo 70 Amplifier value and practicaliry of vintage compo­ all wiring and solder joints. Many of these nents because many of chem have never units were kits and the builder may not There are more Dynaco Stereo 70s on owned any, bur mainly because they wane have had soldering skills. the planet than any ocher cube hi fi amp to sell you a new system. New cube hi-fi · ever made. The reason is simple; they are can sound good, but the price may be A lot of vintage equipment is dusry uncomplicated, easy to repair or mod and staggering. Buying vintage components from storage and may have caked on dire. sound very musical. The ST70 was a rec­ can be a fun and rewarding experience, Use a soft, new paintbrush to dust the ommended component in many audio plus you won't suffer massive depreciation equipment. Dire and smudges can be magazines from its introduction in 1959 as you would when buying new equip­ removed carefully with water, mild soap through che mid-1960s. With 35 watts ment. Buying anything used is a problem and a soft cloth. Ruse and corrosion can per channel, yo u can drive most speakers be a problem, especially if found in most small to mid-sized rooms very on chrome surfaces. Some restor­ easily. The amp is nickel placed and has ers use Simichrome paste polish an attractive cage to enclose the amp and with either a soft cloth or 0000 make it safe for households with children steel wool (super fine) on chrome or pees. The output transformers are the to remove rust haze. Be extremely famous D ynaco A-470 Ulcralinear units. careful with cleaning the dial glass For many audiophiles, the Stereo 70 was on tuners to ensure yo u don't wash their first serious audio amp. le is esti­ the letters off. mated that there are more than 300,000 Stereo 70s in existence, so finding one You will need to check all che should be very easy. For more informa­ cubes to determine if they are tion on the ST70 and other Dynaco cube strong and have no defects. Either gear, see VTVIssue # 1. buy a late model mutual conduc- tance tube tester or borrow a Tube complement: two 7199s, four Dynaco Stereo 70 VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 B E S T VINTAGE H I - F I B u Y s

EL34s and one 5AR4. Sound quality: sweet extended highs, due to excellent very musical midrange, bass response can transformer quality. Typical repairs: be soft and highs are not extremely replace all paper coupling and bypass detailed in stock, unrestored form. Good capacitors, replace selenium bias rectifier modifications and upgrades can improve with a silicon diode, form and/or replace the sound quality significantly. Typical all electrolytic capacitors, and replace all repairs: replace selenium bias rectifier plate and cathode resistors in the front­ with silicon diodes, replace quad filter end of the amp which reduces back­ capacitor, replace coupling and bypass ground hiss. Modifications include: tri­ capacitors on circuit board with modern very excellent Z565 Dynaco Ulrralinear ode connecting the EF86 (results in lower film types. Most mods involve replacing units that have a super-wide bandwidth. sensitivity, but cleaner sound) or replace the driver stage circuit board with a cus­ All tubes and most components are EF86 with a nine-pin dual-triode, tom unit and replacing the 7199s with mounted on circuit boards that can be increase power supply capacitance, etc. more available types including 6DJ8s, kind of brittle if the unit was left on for 6GH8s or 12AX7s. Other mods improve long periods of time. the power supply with more capacitance and regulation. There were dozens of Tube complement: four 7189/6BQ5s, mods for the ST70 published in Audio two 7199s and two 12AX7s with solid­ Amateur, Glass Audio, etc. state rectifier. Sound quality: musical, bal­ anced and very pleasing to listen to, even when compared with higher priced com­ ponent systems. Typical repairs: in most cases, the EL84 output tubes should be replaced as well as the 7199s. Coupling capacitors in this unit were very poor Fisher KX-100 quality and should be replaced with newer film types. Filter capacitors should be Fisher X-101 and X-202 Amplifiers upgraded to new units. Be very careful Another popular 1960s integrated when working on the circuit boards to stereo amplifier series, the Fisher products avoid breakage and other damage! A were available in assembled and as kits. Dynaco PAS-3 common mod for SCA-35s is to convert Several variations were made including: the driver stage to accept easy-to-find Dynaco PAS-2 and PAS-3 Preamps X-100, X-101, X-l0lB, X-l0lC, X-202, 6U8/6GH8 tubes instead of7199s. X-202B, X-202C, KX-100, KX-200, etc. A very popular and good sounding Most driver tubes were 12AX7s and out­ stereo preamp, the Dynaco PAS is an put tubes were either 7189, 7868 or excellent choice for somebody who wants 7591. These amplifiers are full-featured, to get into a tube preamp without buying good sounding and fairly common. the farm. There are dozens of mods and upgrades published for this preamp because it is easy to work on. Most parts are mounted on circuit boards, so be care­ ful when replacing caps, etc. The early -~ -=- Mylar and paper capacitors in the signal ~ . I - path should be replaced with newer film caps for the best sound. ~ - .f} ~ I •'i""i • ~~ ~ Tube complement: four 12AX7s and one 12X4. Sound quality: a very musical pre­ EICO HF 22 and HF 35 amp that can sound much better than EICO power amps are real sleepers and Fisher 400 and S00C Receivers units costing thousands. Circuit design worth checking out. They are not espe­ Undoubtedly the most popular tube hi­ features tone controls at the end of the cially attractive, but usually have excellent fi components in the world, the Fisher audio stage. Typical repairs: replace the circuit design and use high quality output 400 and 500C receivers are excellent selenium filament supply rectifier stack transformers from Chicago, Acrosound, sounding units. Although the output with two silicon diodes and replace the etc. Although many collectors go after tubes are the hard to get 7868 for the 400 two filament stage caps with newer elec­ the higher powered HF 50 and HF 60, and 7591 for the 500C, these receivers are trolytics, plus replace old signal path the lower powered units are excellent worth the effort. Output stage can be capacitors with newer film types. Mods when properly restored. modified to accept either EL34s or include bypassing the tone controls and 6L6GCs. These receivers are still plenti­ beefing up the power supply. Tube complement: HF 22 and HF 35 ful and easy to find. Transformer quality are Ulrralinear type power amps with a Dynaco SCA-35 Integrated Amplifier on the Fisher stereo receivers is excellent. Mullard-Type front-end using an EF86, This iron is very musical and really makes The SCA-35 integrated amp is an excel­ 6SN7 and PP 6L6GC for the HF 22 or the unit sound great. lent sounding device. Using push-pull EL34 for the HF 35. The rectifier tubes EL84s in Ulrralinear mode, the SCA-35 is are either 5U4GB for the HF 22 or 5AR4 one of the most compact tube stereo amps for the HF 35. Sound quality: balanced, available. Output transformers are the with good bass, musical midrange and VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 B E S T VINTAGE H I - F I B u Y s

Restoration of a Fisher is not for a 48 and LK-48B; both units are very simi­ beginner. These units are fairly compli­ lar in styling and circuitry. The LK-48 cated, but if you have a schematic and was available with a black and champagne the right parts and test equipment, it will faceplate. be a rewarding project. Tube Complement: four EL84s, four Tube Complement: 7591A output 12AX7s, two 6BL8s (6U8s or 7199s are tubes, l 2AX7 s and a variety of 7 and 9 used in later models) and one 5AR4. pin tuner tubes such as 6AU6, 6HA5, Sound quality: this is a very sweet and 6CW4, etc. The 400 uses 7868 Novar detailed sounding amplifier. It is not for H H Scott LT-1 10 base output tubes. Basic repair and ser­ a bass freak or a high-power nut. 222s and LT- 1 l0B. All of these units have a vice involves replacing the selenium bias make an excellent office, den or second built-in multiplex decoder and can rectifier with a newer silicon bridge, plus system for playing CDs or listening to receive stereo signals. The chassis is alu­ replacing bias electrolytics. Be sure to FM. Typical repairs: replace selenium minum and wiring is point-to-point. check all tubes and replace bad ones with bias bridge with a newer silicon type. Later tuners used solid-state rectification. NOS units. If you do not have skills in Replace signal capacitors and electrolytics The Scott tuners are plentiful and cheap, FM tuner alignment, it is best to find a that test bad with newer units. Mods for so finding one shouldn't be a problem. ski lled technician in you area. For more the 222 include substituting the detailed information on Fisher receivers 6U8/6BL8 driver tube to a type 7687 for Tube Complement: typical tuner tubes see VTV #6 pages 3-10. better bass and more punch. including 6AU6s, 6BQ7, 6U8s, 12AT7, Fisher FM 50 and FM 100 Tuners 12AU7, etc. Sound quality: these tuners, if properly restored and aligned, Fisher tuners are the best so unding, can sound great. They are less prone to most realistic FM tuners in their price drift than many other tuners of their era. class . Fisher really "hot-rodded" their Aligning the multiplex section can be tuners with extra IF stages and super-sen­ tricky and should be done by an experi­ sitive front-ends. You don't have to buy enced professional. Typical repairs: check the FM200B or the FMl000 to get a and replace all bad tubes, replace film musical and sensitive tuner. Both the and electrolytic capacitors, replace seleni­ FM50B and the FMl00B are excellent um bridge rectifier and internal signal cables with shielded silver coaxial. If the performing units. In fact, the FM 100B H. H. Scott 299C, D & LK-72 Amps was voted "best buy" in the VTV Tuner unit yo u have was a kit, be sure to check shoot-out in Issue #5. The early 299 Scotts used 7189 output soldering joints and IF cans for damage. tubes, but in 1961 the 299C was intro­ Mods for tube tuners should not be Heathkit W-4M and W-5M duced with the 7591 output tube for attempted by amateurs. Amplifiers much higher output power. One of my Sherwood S-5000 & S-5500 Among of the most successful versions favorite vintage hi fi pieces, the Scott of the Williamson amplifier ever sold, the 299C has decent power, great sonics and Heathkit W-4M and the later W-5M are lots of flexibility. Scott wound some of excellent tube audio bargains. They are their transformers in-house and quality of very easy to work on and both have tube the iron is excellent. The 299C output rectifiers. transformers are massive and are about 50% larger than the Dynaco ST70 iron. Tube Complement: W-4M - two The LK-72 and LK-72B were kit versions 5881/6L6GCs, two 6SN7s and one with a few different features, but the 5V4G. W-5M - two KT66, two same basic circuit. 12AU7s, and one 5R4GY. Sound quality: A Sherwood S-5500Il both amps have a classic hi-fi sound, but Tube Complement: four 7591As, two 6U8 or 6GH8s, four 12AX7s and one the W-5M is more high-end tilted. The Sherwood integrated amplifiers are W-4M is a little more romantic so und­ 5AR4. Sound quality: these amps have attractive, common and can sound good ing. Typical repairs: replace signal and more punch than the smaller 222s. They with the servicing and the right upgrades. electrolytic capacitors with newer units. tend to run a little warm and so und There are several versions of the S-5000 Mods include beefing up the power sup­ warm and rich. Typical repairs: replace and S-5500 that can use: 7189s, 7591s or ply with more capacitance and substitut­ the selenium bridge with a newer silicon 7868 output tubes. All of the stereo inte­ ing EL34s for the 6L6/KT66s. type. Replacing signal and electrolytic grated amps have solid-state rectification. capacitors wi th newer units always Sherwoods have lots of controls for H. H. Scott 222 Integrated Amplifier improves performance and reliability. I phonograph fanatics including a presence usually don't recommend modding these control on some models. Variations include the original 222 that amps because there isn't a lot of extra came out in 1959. This was followed by room under the chassis. The next article in this series will cover the 222B which was introduced in 1960 mid-priced vintage tube hi-fi gear. and featured larger transformers. Then H. H. Scott 350 Tuners came the 222C which featured huge Another extremely popular FM tuner transformers and a higher power rating. with dozens of variants avail able. The Last of the series was the 222D with a sil­ most common versions are the Scott 350, ver faceplate and different knobs. The 350B, 350C and the kit versions LT-110 Scott Kit version of this unit was the LK- VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 METALLIC RECTIFIERS

....&... eventually becomes high enough to affect the circuitry. Lifetimes are highly depen­ Cathode Bias Metallic dent on the quality of manufacturing, but --- for a high-quality selenium rectifier, rated by lifetimes range from 1600 hours at 130°C Rectifiers to over 60,000 hours at 40°C. Clearly, John Atwood heat accelerates the breakdown process. 1 © 1998 All Rights Reserved Another peculiarity of selenium recti­ fiers is, like electrolytic capacitors, their Long before modern single-crystal semi­ 1920s and 1930s as car and radio lead­ reverse leakage current goes up while sit­ conductors became part of the electronic acid battery chargers. The low voltage per ting idle. By slowly re-applying a reverse designer's repertoire, "metallic" rectifiers cell and large sizes needed to handle any voltage, the rectifiers can be re-formed. I were available as an alternate to vacuum appreciable current led to them being have experimented with old selenium rec­ or gas rectifiers. The most common metal­ phased-out by the 1940s. However, the tifiers, and found that the degree of leak­ lic rectifier is the selenium type, but other high stability of aged copper oxide recti­ age is not nearly as bad as for electrolytic materials were also used. While not prone fiers kept a niche open for them as instru­ capacitors sitting idle for the same time, to catastrophic failures as tubes are, seleni­ mentation and meter rectifiers (s uch as so it is unlikely that reforming would be um rectifiers slowly age and wear out, used in some AC meters and VU meters) needed prior to the first power-up. leading to problems in older equipment up to the present. However, if the rectifiers were planned to where they are used. We will look at sev­ be kept in service in top condition, it eral of the different kinds of metallic rec­ Selenium would be helpful to slowly apply a reverse tifiers and recommended ways of replac­ voltage up to the maximum PIV (Peak The rectifying properties of selenium Inverse Voltage) raring of the rectifier. ing them. were discovered by Werner Siemens in Copper Oxide 1877, but the first commercial selenium The most insidious problem with seleni­ rectifiers did not appear until 1928 in um rectifiers is their potential for emitting The earliest commercial metallic rectifi­ Germany. Selenium rectifiers started to be poisonous gases . If a short-circuit causes a er was the copper oxide type. Rectification used in the United States shortly before selenium rectifier to overhear, it will cre­ takes place at the boundary of Cuprous and during World War II, and after the ate selenium vapor, which is poisonous. If Oxide (CuO2) and metallic copper. The war essentially replaced copper oxide recti­ this ever happens to you - you can tell by maximum allowable reverse voltage per fiers in all but instrumentation uses. the characteristic pungent smell--clear copper-cuprous oxide junction is typically Selenium was popular because the break­ everyone our of the room and open the 6 volts. To achieve a higher voltage rating, down voltage per "cell" (plate) is typically windows to clear the air. This aspect of the copper plates that make up each one 25 volts or more. This made rectifier selenium rectifiers is rarely told in manu­ of these "cells" are stacked in series. In "stacks" much smaller and more efficient facturers' literature, but was well known higher-power rectifiers, the plates are than copper oxide types. in the radio-TV service community. arranged as fins to permit air cooling. For the first year or so of use, the forward The dark side of selenium rectifiers is Other Metallic Rectifiers voltage drop increases as the copper oxide their instability over time and their ten­ dency to wear-out with age and high tem­ Magnesium-copper sulphide rectifiers rectifiers age, but once aged, they are very were seen as a possible alternative to sele­ stable. peratures. For general-purpose bulk recti­ fication, things like unstable reverse cur­ nium rectifiers. Several problems have Along with Tungar gas rectifiers, copper rents are not a problem. However, the for­ kept this type from gaining popularity: a oxide rectifiers were heavily used in the ward voltage drop increases over time, and significant hysteresis in the forward volt­ age and current with applied AC voltage, high reverse current, maximum reverse Typical Selenium Rectifiers vo ltage of about 5 volts per cell, and a much shorter life-time than selenium. Titanium dioxide rectifiers, made by applying bismuth to a layer of titanium dioxide built up on metallic titanium, were developed by Battelle Memorial Institute in an effort to create very high temperature rectifiers. They could func­ tion at well over 300°C, and up to a point, their characteristics get better with higher temperature. They have fairly high leakage current, and a maximum reverse voltage of from 5 to 15 volts per cell.

6V6 Shootout, Tube Headphone Preamp project, and More. VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 METALLIC RECTIFIERS

Although not considered in the same for selenium. In cases where the DC volt­ There has been some concern about family as selenium rectifiers today, germa­ age is regulated or can be adjusted, such as whether the original selenium rectifier can nium and silicon rectifiers were grouped with the bias rectifier in Dynaco power be kept in the circuit. If you simply wire with metallic rectifiers in the 1950s. amps, there is no problem, and no other silicon rectifiers across the terminals of a Germanium alloy-junction rectifiers were precautions are needed. In cases where selenium rectifier, virtually all the forward the first commercial power rectifiers built there is no regulation and che DC voltage current will flow through the silicon, using che single-crystal technology devel­ is critical, such as in DC filament sup­ bypassing the selenium. This bypassing oped for transistors, and were first avail­ plies, series resistance should be added to technique is convenient, since the old rec­ able about 1950. Germanium rectifiers bring the DC voltage to the correct value. tifier aces as a terminal strip for the silicon have a very low forward voltage drop - This value should be determined from the rectifiers. However, there have been about .2 to .4 volts, high breakdown volt­ manufacturer's documentation, since the reports of seleniums burning-out due to age (up to 300 volts), and reasonably low value measured with the existing selenium reverse current, so for safety, the selenium reverse leakage current. Their main limita­ rectifier is likely to be low. If there is no should not be connected to the circuit. tions are: limited high temperature opera­ documentation, an estimate can be made tion of 85°C maximum, and the need for based on che circuit usage. For example, Using the techniques described above, strict hermetic sealing. Germanium power tube filament supplies are generally multi­ you can maintain equipment using metal­ rectifiers were used by industry and the ples of 6.3 voles. Many pre-amps chat use lic rectifiers indefinitely. military, but were too expensive for con­ low plate-current tubes, such as 12AX7s, Bibliography sumer use. will run che filaments at lower voltages (from 5.0 to 6.0 voles) to reduce noise and 1. Metallic Rectifier and Crystal The first silicon power rectifiers were increase life. Diodes, T. Conti, John F. Rider, New alloy-junction types, similar in construc­ York, 1958. tion to germanium rectifiers, and were The best way to pick a series dropping commercially available in the early 1950s. resistor is by cut-and-try, since there is no 2. Selection and Application of Metallic They improved upon germanium rectifiers easy analytical way to characterize che cur­ Rectifiers, S. P. Jackson, McGraw Hill, by having extremely low leakage, high rent pulses in a capacitor-input rectifier New York, 1957. maximum operating temperature (l 50°C) circuit. Either have a handful of low­ 3. Power Rectifiers with Notes on and breakdown voltages up to 1000 volts, ohmage power resistors or have a power Converting Machinery, J. Rosslyn, although they have slightly higher forward rheostat, and substitute resistors until che George Newnes Ltd, London, 1941. voltage drop (approximately.. 7V). In DC voltage is correct. Make sure che AC 1956, commercial diffused-junction sili­ power line voltage is at a known nominal 4. Testing and Replacing Selenium con rectifiers became available, bringing value (generally 120 volts in North Rectifiers, D. Schoo, Antique Radio better control of characteristics and much America) when doing chis. Pick a power Classified, Sepe. 1997, pp. 18-23. better electrical ruggedness. Later, silicon­ rating so that che resistor does not run too dioxide passivation was added to allow hot. As an example, when the selenium packaging in non-hermetic packages. This bridge rectifier in a Fisher 500C receiver is basically the same construction as the was replaced, it was ------'------~ ubiquitous 1N4000-series of rectifiers so found that a 4.7Q 5 watt common today. resistor was needed co bring the voltage within Dealing with Selenium Rectifiers spec. In electronic equipment chat uses metal­ The voltage rating of a lic rectifiers, selenium is by far the most replacement rectifier can common, so from this point on, the dis­ be determined either by cussion will focus on selenium. When counting the plates in the refurbishing a piece of vintage equipment selenium rectifier, or by that uses selenium rectifiers, a decision the AC voltage used in needs to be made on whether to stay with the circuit. Using the selenium, or to replace with silicon types. plate method, allocate 25 If historical accuracy is desired and the volts per plate (between equipment is not heavily used, then stay­ terminals), and multiply ing with selenium makes sense. If the by 2 as a safety factor. original rectifiers are weak, as determined Using che AC voltage by low DC output voltage, then they can method, take the AC be replaced by either a selenium rectifier voltage presented to the removed from other equipment or by an rectifier, and multiply by unused N.O.S. replacement. On the other 2.83 for half-wave and hand, if just functionality and reliability center-tapped full-wave are desired, then the seleniums should be circuits or by 1.41 for replaced by silicon rectifiers. However, sili­ full-wave bridge circuits. con types cannot just be substituted with­ Then take this resulting out some thought on their usage in the peak voltage, and multi- Introducing circuit. ply it by 1.5 to 2 to give a The Ultimate Dynamic safety factor. Remember, Headphone Amplifier. Because of the lower voltage drop of sil­ f icon rectifiers, the rectified DC output you can always use a Hi-Fi Show 98 Westin Hotel suite 976 voltage will rise when silicon is substituted higher-than-necessary (213) 467-4300 voltage rating. VACUUM TUBE -VALLEY ISSUE 9 It's Like Music to Your Ears ... Amperex Bugle Boy audio tubes are back and they're better than ever!

When it comes to selecting premium audio tubes for your amplifier, accept no less than the best, Amperex Bugle Boy! Amperex Bugle Boy tubes are burned in under full load with all voltages applied for 24 hours before being tested for noise 8- microphonics. The aging racks used are from the original Amperex production line built in Holland decades ago.

Complete test results are supplied with each tube, including plate current, I screen current, filament current, and total harmonic distortion (THO). The THO measurement is performed using one of the finest spectrum analyzers available - the Hewlett Packard 3561 A. Matching in pairs, quartets 8- octets is available for all tube types.

Special test requirements? Not a problem. For a slight additional charge we will test and match to your specified operating conditions.

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musical evenNhrough the window of the Alix-Anne II. There is a seamless in-tegration of the voice of the speaker which leaves the impression of a single pe1fect driver - no part of the spectrum is favored over anothet: It has the agility to accurately recreate the transient nature of a piano, a plucked string or a struck instrument. At the same time, it lacks any sign of stored energy of its own so that the natural modulated decay of an instrument sinks into silent blackness in proper time. Another important characteristic is that the speaker neither diminishes nor exaggerates the scale and size of a musical 96 dB SPL 2.83v/ 1 meter sensitivity in a true high fidelity instrument or voice. This is a rare transducer utilizing a patented, pure first order, compli­ accomplishment in a speaker mentary symmetry crossover. Suitable for solid state amps to 300WPC: or experi ence the magic of uncompromised system. The Ali -An:ne II brings performance with the SE 300B. T he stable resistive load the pe1formance to the listener and that the Alix-Anne II presents to a single ended amplifier results in a near perfect match. connection of listener to Designed for operation on or in the the wall pressure zone, performing arftst is direct. this wa ll-mounted speaker uses zero fl oor space. Dimensions: 37" x 14.25" x 3.875" Constructed of beautiful, solid, non-endangered hard woods.

Manufactured exclusively by AMERICAN APPLIED ACOUSTICS under license from American Power and Light, Inc. Dealer Inquiries invited Phone: 91 6.666. l 873 Suggested Retail Price $3,995.00 per pair Fax: 91 6 .666.6272 ALEGEND REBORN! The legendary British made Enlarged, heavy gauge figured glass KT66 is one of the most bottle handles higher temperatures, famous tubes of all time. In improving performance at higher the 60's it powered other power levels. British legends like Quad Hi Extra thick premium quality star mica Fi amps and the first Marshall spacers (top and Bottom) improves guitar amps. This tube was performance stability and reduces the sound of Eric Clapton on adverse microphonics. the classic John Mayall Bluesbreakers album. Precisely tensioned filaments for better mechanical stability and reduced adverse microphonics. If you can even find an orig­ inal KT66 today, they' ll set Deep swaged heavy grid rods you back up to $300 made from pure copper provide improved mechanical support for apiece. grid windings. Groove Tubes has given Brite nickel beam focusing elec­ new life to this legend, trode concentrates the electron creating our own tooling to flow precisely on the plate for improved power output. manufacture it again. We were able to keep the Heavy duty plates made from a sound and improve on the special alloy are stiffened with tube in satisfying ways. ridges and coated for strength and durability. With our precision tooling Enlarged phenolic base provides and modern manufacturing excellent contact with glass envelope processes, we consistentl y hold and insulation, preventing shorting tolerances the 60's original could between critical components. never attain. Insights from our research allows us to control All specifications equal or musical parameters no other exceed the original Genelex Gold tube maker even knows about. Lion KT66 standards. Groove Tubes is offering Performance Matched Duets of the GT-KT66R @ $120 (U.S. retai I price). THE GT-KT&& Groove Tubes ... The American Tube Company, since 1979. 12866 Foothill Blvd., Sylmar California 91342 USA Tel: (818) 361-4500 • Fax: (818) 365-9884 • www.groovetubes.com -

e are a proud dealer of Wes,.ern £/tctric Audio Products. WThe current production 3008 is now in stock. Electron Valve stocks a wide array of NOS Vintage Audio Tubes like Mullard EL34, RCA 2A3, and Mullard 5AR4. We also have a good stock of Old Production Western Electric tubes such as 2058/D, 252A, 2748, 3008 and many others. Electron Valve carries Precision Tested Ram Labs Reference Tubes. These tubes are computer tested, graded and matched to ultra high specifications predetermined by Roger A. Modjeski. We also carry the Music Reference m=t RM-10 (Push-Pull 68Q5, 35W/Side) Stereo Amplifier and the Music Reference RM-200 (Push-Pull 6550, I00W/Side) Stereo Amplifier.

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